OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 03, 1896, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1896-11-03/ed-1/seq-6/

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ACAPEMY oi" MCBIP S li Trovatore.
BUOi: THEATRE- 2:1."> * -" My 1-li-n.l fr-m Inflla.
4'ASINO 2?8:l&?J&ek ami the lrean Btalk.
T>ALYH THEATRE 2 8:15 Oetaha
EDEN Ml'SEK * Waawoiks aml Conieii.
jr>iTlRE THEATRE - S- ?>-'?? 'to*em?n.
FHTTB AVENLE TKKATP.E - ? :? '*'?'' r '' ""
OARDJCN THEATna?Z 8:30 -Tbe Mumnn.
OARRICK THKATRK- 2 o 15 ? cral Hei i.
ORAND OI'EKA 1K?1 SI-. I' S The \\ Idow Jolies
HAM-TOUhTKIVK OLYMl'lA- J 8:13 >*n'? Ma. a
HARLBM OPERA HOCSE '-' S:15 Bhore **?_?_
JtaRAlaD SgCAKK THKATRK -' * rhe .Yi-ti*. a.
HOYT*ITHKATHK 2 ?:*? -A FlorUta llnhartme,...
1RVLNC PLACE THEATRE 2-s Uer i-..n.i*?n"i,
XMCVERIK x'KKIt TIIEATRE - * !?'>" ?' K"*
KOSTFK A BJALr' 2 s-Vaudevllle.
LYCE'M THEATRE- ?:1'< An Kr.er.n' to tlie KliB
MVRRAY H1LI, THEATKK 2 S T?o Mu.h Johnaon.
l'ALMKl"-. 'i III' \ I 'RK 2 -* lleinnaiin.
14TB| frnutB-r THRATRK - - Tlie 4%erry IVkera.
TOMT PABTOR'a 18:38 -? " '? ?' \aaOoville.
Un&c* to -\iiiJcrtioemfitt?.
P_4M.tX4. I''l'r"l
Aac. Seles P_M_Mt_111 8 Meka ? . . * ?
Amuaemenu . a H II ?.?:.- J -
Annouiicanients .12 ."? Horaaa and <a..,**." 4 4
Au'.umn R"r..u- ...11 " liistnsctlon . " -
Art Schonla "? - ???<;?" Notkrea ...... B ?'
Buaineaa Notice, . ? i i.-im'" a MeMinaa ? ?
Kankei-a an.l Hrokerall '-> U airfcaB.fi aud 1" ?? iba . "
Roard aad Booma... 4 ? Mla.-llaneoui 4 4
liualne*. Chencei .. I r. . h-ean SUameni a
coptrt'shlp N.iti. ?a 11 ? llanoe aad Organ 4 4
JHvldend Nollc-a .11 'i I'.hli. V.n.es 8 4
l>nm. Sl's Wanted . i ''? T Rallmeda . ? - ??
J.anclne S.-I.i..i- . 1 -? 11---1 Ksui- . s- ?
DraaamafclnB . * " ^-f""1 *B*n,:|r" . -
E?cut*tnr>i - ' Bpei-lal Notlcea . 1 ';
i:umi>ean Advts ....'. li Teaehera. * -
rinam-lal El-rtliwi*. 'I '? !''' D_rf . ? ??
rinan.-ul .11 3 8 W rk WaBUd . 4 .. tl
r t 8_i4 . 4 4 _
Cnsinces Xoticrs.
Roll Top Daaka and Offlce Furniture.
i<r_at Vart?T of S'.yla and Trlc*.
No. 111 Fiilton-at.
Iiaily. $Hi a vear; ?1 par ni..n:t:.
llal'r, nithou; g-atOay, 8? * yeafi 80 een-a p'r month.
8und?j TrBaane, gfa rear. rTaafcty, Bt. semi Weeuty. 12.
FOSTAf',!'. Kx:,-u ia.?i.-,^.- is ehBtaai t-> fvraliti oun'rle:.
except Mexieo and Can:i la, and aa tlie d?"y In Xewr
Yerk C.t.-..
REMiTTAN.'K.5 if am- 'n eaah, aaragiaterad, wlll ta a:
tha aanarr'i raa.
latAIN UPTTJWB nVH.'K I 24C Hioadwar. Downtoarn
Offlce, 154 Na?<jii-st.
AMERICANS ABBjOAB whl frd The Trlb-me at:
Lonflon?Offlee of The Trihun*. 75 I-'leet Bt.. E. C.
llor'on. R..se g (*., , Baftl taBMB Houaa, E. C
Brown, Gi^glJ & i.'o.. .'.4 X-w- (Jx.'ord 3:.
Thomaa CV.1? tt S.Tia. l.ielgate .,'lrou*.
Parls?.1. Mumoe B CO., 7 Ru* Sorlbe.
IIottin-411-i- lt CO., BJ l'.ue De Pruvnue.
Morgnn. II .rlea A- .... BJ Houlevanl Ha:i*n>.,n.
Oedit Ly .nrals. lin:..r. Baa Firsr.Kers.
Thomas r?.n A Ban, 1 P!?>e de l'Opara.
Oaneva? I-oTnharil. Odl-r A Co. an.l Calea iiank.
Florenee?tVhirhv A Co.
Vienna?Angli-Au't^ian Barik.
Bt. Pffrahurg---Ci-e.llr I.> ??? . -
The Len'l.,n ofll e of Tlie TrltwnM t? a coaverileat p!a *
lo Itave advertlaemanis BMd mi! ser:p::ena.
t^opi^s of The Trlhune m.v Ba b.'ieht In Lin-lin fr.im
tlecara. Swan 4V Lea.-h. Nor:h\imber"..in<l-ave , dlre<-t:y on
poalte '.ht Qrand ll, ??'
3b^-Jltnrk Smli_ Sri buM
FOIUCION.?Horrlble atrocltlea are reportrd
to have been perpetr.iteii 1x>th by the insurgents
and the Spanish troopa in the Philippines. -s__
The trial of the Caatkaa, aecused of ahopllftlng
ln Lor.don. wa.s fixetl to liegin on Friday. - ^
Heneral Kitchener, commaniler of the Kgyptlan
forcea, starti-.l for London, t.i confer wlth the
Rrltish Kiuvign OfBca in regard to an advam-e
innn lnuigola to Khartuuni. ?-? "_0 I.llienad."
,.f Madrid.. prlnt* an alleged iniei\jew with
Cmaul-ri'-neral Lea, in whleh he is rapraeeated
Aa aaying that tlie Cubaii insurre.-tion wlll BOOfl
i>e auppressed.
DOMKSTIC?Major M.Kinley expiess^s n,i
doubt of the reault of tonlay'a alactkaa; the urn
paign in Canton cloaad with a blg torrhlight
parade. _ Mr. Bryan woun.I up his < ani
laign with a tour throuah Xe..raska arul a cloalng
speech at Lin< oln. = Two men were kllled
ar.d one was fatally in.iuie.l 1>> a fall of l <>a< ln
a mine at Cirardvill. . IVnn. = Th- Traaaury
atatement Bhowa B aet in? iva*e in the publle
deht of mor^ than |T.OW,fJ00 in October.
CfTY? Chicf Conlin announet-.l elnbornte ?>r
ilira t.) the pollce r.-ganlins theii dutie* on Kle.
tion Day._A .ieinunsuation f.ir nound
money was made in the Stock Kx. hange al the
rlos?? of businesK for lha day. * Many per
aona attended th" i.-eepiion at the Museum uf
Art. aac The annual meeiing ?f ih>- C..un< il of
New-York I'liiv.-rsity was h-lu Btocka
were BtroOJ an>l higle :
THK WEATHKR.-F.ii-.iisi for |..-da\ : Fair
and warmer. Taaapcratura yenlerdny: Hlaheat
ils degrees; lowesi, 38; avam#e, fltMa
'I'lje aigiuiieiit is .losfd: 11 a?- batlle Jo.ne.l. ln
a Tt-iy few liour> the BBBpaaaa will be over and
lha r.-siiit known. Ortf ;in.l orar agahi tho
iitMvupapors and tbe eaaiBalga aratari >?" twt_
sidps liavo Iwon faljlag IBf tlkfta iii.niv araaaka
tliar tho contfsi fniliiij? to-day is the mosi ii.i
iHiiian: lu its t.oiisei|uen.es an.l far-taacklag IB
its rr?ult? thal ti'is .oiinuy luis ev.-r se.-p. Mr
Bryan and Iii-* BBBBBartera have 0JOMtit4 and ra
iteratiMl tbat tbe issuen Invulved in tuis ele.-tion
are raatly mori. iniportaui than any tbat were
under dobate during tbe War of tbe Hebelllmi,
nex-Mse the qi'tstion now in whether ibe lnbor
ing ma?*eB sliall continue to l?e enslareil by tbe
.'apltaliatic r__wkBJ8, Tho oiiponeiitn of Mr. Bry?
an. on Uw otber liand. bave with no 1es.? ardor
lnslsted tbat the diiiiRermi!* doctrlnes proelaimed
in tba Chicaao jdaifonn and tba revolutlonary
appealn of Mr. Bryan liinnwlf to < lasn hatred
pri*8ente<l an Issiie of mieh tremerulou.? lmport
not only fo tb. rrvdit and Integrlty of tbe
Salion, bm to tba luaintenanee of law. the
preaervatlon of order and the pernianrwp of free
InatJtutiona. that all other oueatloni whifh hav*
aaltated the louuiry pale into comparative in
Blgnlflcauce lieRide lt. So by agreentent of both
partles the Natlott ronfronts to-day ibe niout
moniratoiiB lswue in lis whole blstory.
Bofoi-p the next lssue of Tlie Trlbuue lhe de
cialon will have been inad<\ tbe uneitioii uet
tled, and the verdl.t ncordeil. And here at tbe
edge of it Tha Trlhune, with le** lu>altatloii than
lt haa ever bnd over any elevtion ontlook, wiih
hardly the ahadow of a doubt a* to tbe reault.
congrattilatea lis renders. congratulateH the
whole country, eongratnlatea all lovers of law
aud order, coiigratuhuea all boneat men every
where, upon the i-erialmy of the triutnph not
naarelj of the Republlcan princlples of Protw
llon and Sound Money. bui of Coiumon Honealy
aad of Law. Tbe great inass of roters who will
aettle thls matter today are anlmated by an
Intelllgent coneeptlon i>f all iliere Is at stake.
Thay do not want 4_tboaeaty !u tbe setllement
of debu to be ?atal>lisbed as the rule, and they
4lo not want to have lhe reign of law and malu
taaanee of public order Htopped Bf suspended
aaaoa any specious pretcnce that in thls free coun
tj[y tlie masaes are opprea-sed by the rule of lnw
aad tbe payment of honeal itebta ln honest
. Wa aettle to-day ihr qiioatiou whether thla
People is honest aud latv-abiding. And lt wlll
he aettled rlght lieyoud any ahadow of doubt.
_U_ere have beea intervala of sliakiness and ajaaa
itoalng. They were only iranaitory aivl nio
BietJtary. They were born of an overwbelmlng
aenso of the aoagnirude of the tssuc, and not of
aay real doubt Tr>day the intelllgence and cou
acience of tba Natlon wlll make thetta*iTea felt.
Aad tw^orrtyar thla WWBot -aatt aVaar a leaaj
hreath o/ rellef from Ha) aar>tbaa aaaftaat ot
three montliB and aay, wlth deront earnertnes*,
"Thank Ood!"
There gre taa aaaail aaaarr candldate*; run*
n'uiK for niaaJTiBB iu tli?? mctroiiolilan dlatrlct.
Bighl of ili.-ia ita Ib-publicanaaud '?'?> !*??*?
lin llaiiUtt an.l Timothy .1. rampbell-ar?
li.'iiHMiats. but litMu.M'i-ais who h;ivo ivfused
io accepi Ihe jMill.y nutlined bf the Paajioeratk
t'onvcniioii al Chi.iiK". Hoth liuvi- beeii la
ilggaed hy ibe Kepublican oggBalBitkMia. Tlieii
oppoaieata ate BBwaurtaj nf ?'?nsi"!erniion; they
are Brraaltea.
Tbe otbei elghi wadldatee are loyai mem
Uts ..r ili." Kepublican party John Murray
.Mii.'!.i'll made n ajaltaal tijzlH for lin Mtir la
ilic \ II lt h Dlatrlct, aad an o?|piallv gaUaal
NtniKeil'' for re-election. He shoiihl win l?y n
large niajurltjr. rinivn.*.- W. MeadVb efapo
iii'lit in IbC Xth Distii.1 is a defendd' <.f
anarchy aad repadJatloa; between the laru
in.-ii repotable rotera shouid not beattate for
aa iiistant. FegtUaaad Kidiuann hu* aerrcd
the party faitbfallr, aad ileaerraa well at tbe
li.'unis uf his ronattrneata Watte there are
Boiue IhlBga lo !"? Mtld airainsi Ibe way Iu
which Mr. lless's ii.iiuiiiation was Btwagaa
ahi.ui in Ui.- Xlltb Dtadrlct. slill he is u be
lii'v.'i- ln protvcUoa, aoaad money gad tbe *u
preniaey of laar, aml is Ibe i?-<ular Kepublican
eaadidate, Vhlle his eeppoaeat, though hearing
au Imiiored n.inie. is inerely Ibe iiiouihplece of
Tniiiniany Hall. AU theae coiisidernUons ahoulu^
lie made siip.'iior In peisoual feeliUK and resent
lii.-ni. and shouid laaure for Mr. Hea* the united
support of all Kepublicaus. Mr. Slunnoii's re
eleetloa in tbe XHIth Dbtrict la gtaared. Tbe
Bame i< true <?f Mr. taraf !? the XVtb, and Mr.
Ward in Ibe XVIfb cau rraaeaablw eaaai ea ele>
Mr. Qulgg baa a hard titclil on hls hands ln
iho XlVtb Diatrtct, bnt Mr. Qalgg is Beed to
liai'il liejhtinj;. He has done hls share ol' it as
a i-andidat.* aad as a BMSBbef of <'onfcre*s. Ile
is oae of Ua" beal Kepresentative* Iho clty has
sent to Washlngtou lu years. Iu 18W he was
ra-eiecled bjr 0,000 aaajoaitr: h-t it he a land
slid.' in his case this Ulu*.
Aiiiouj? ihe Coucress diatrlcts lu this Kiate
wblcb shouid recedre csjieclul atteutlou froui
all loyal Repuhlicans to-day ls tho XVIth, com
prlalag the Twenty-third and Twentyfourth
aanla of thla ?Ity. aud all of Westch^sxer
I'ouiity. Ai ihe last electlon It waa carried
f..r the Kepublican caudidate by a hand*-ome
iiiiijuiiiy. There would bg no doulu about lts
ilms being carrled to-day were H uoi tli.ir a
u.'pubii. an agalaai wboae caadldacy the cavrta
hare declded is i mininir as an Indepcndent
agalaai tbe regular souud-uioney RefwibllcaB
eaadidate. There la uo pretaaca thai ihis -ln
dcpcnili'in" < andi.late expeeta lo be elected. Ile
has Iweu put up solely for the puipose of de>
featlag, if possiiiie. ibe BapabUcaa eaadblatc;
whii li would inean. of course. the ebHtloa ?ir ?
Brraalte free-sllver I>emo<i'at.
The irlck ls a deteslable one. aud shouid be
rebabed ln ihe atnaageai inanuer by all hrjral
Kepublicans. an.l. indeed. by ihose honest
liiinii-y Ihniocrats who have Ihe siiccess of Ihe
huiu'st-iiioney caaae in Ciaagreea ataeerel* at
h.-ait. Thi' only caiMll.lates in lhat district
who liave Ibe sli^lnesi chaine of electioii are
WUlbUB l.. Ward, Ibe regabir Hepublhan
nominee. a Bterltag soiiud-niouey man. and Eu
?rene K. Travis. u PopoCTBl aud free-sllrer
man. BrefJ Bepabllcaa who allowa himself to
be wheedled or bullled into voting for the
' lndoi?eudi'iit" candldate will be caatlng half
a vote for ihe ropoeratii' candidate, and to
that exieut lesaeniiig the proapert of au "Ooii
eat-aiaBej nmjoriiy in Cohgresa. Such actlon,
in existiug circiimalaneeB. would be a rrime.
not only apiinst the Republlean party. bnt
ngainst ihe Hepulilie Haelf.
Vote ihe stralghr Hepublioan tlcket: Tay no
atteniion io inai'iilots nnd bolters. Vote for
Wllllam I.. Ward for I'ongress in the XVIth
Aiimisi iblrtaea aMllloa sovereigns will raal
Ihelr hallois to-day. thereby deciding the con
dud of ihe 1'niied States liovernineut for ihe
Toiir years to eeflBC1. A few of ihem are Igajo
laut. imapalile of fi'eedoin iheniselves be.ause
in.aimble -if reapetthag Ihe fici'doiu of otaefa,
as the rlots and fiulbreaks of violence cansed hy
Bryan gJCfl ai Repubtk-afl meidlngs have
prored. Otbera will rote in sImtIsIi ?dberaaca
to a party name. with ntter dlgpegard of the
olijiHi or princinlcs of ibal party. Tbe iibldliig
bope of all Meada of free awrerraaieBl tbrwagb
oui the world is that ihe great niajoiity will
be found boaeat, loyal and sultlcieiitly Intelll
ueni io deride for publlc preapetitr, Natlonal
boaor and supremacy of h w. Iu Jadgblg how
the greal vote wili be eam laere is hrst ta be
considci-cd tbe eaonaoua cbaage of rotea r<?
ihe Ki|uil?lican side in the CoiigreaHiounl elec
tioiis iwo yi'iirs ago, lor the overiKtwering
dealre of Ibaae rotera wan ihen to ret4iore pros
pcrity by briaglBg back a Republican tarlff,
and there la every lvnson io ballere that the
uaniber of rotera so dctennined ia not faarer
but coiisiderably pi**ater than it waa ln 1802.
The coirtinu.'d prosiration of busitiess for
IWO years has more de.ply liupressed upon tbe
iiiiiids of men lhat no tho.-ough und aaatlag
cliHiii'e eau be reaihed aitboal reversiiij' the
evil change made by Heinoeratie aaeeeaa and
Iiemoirntlc legislation.
r.ireful acralla* of the rof-s by siates afiaiwa
lhat about So\Saxi voters who bad formorly
acted with llie Deaaocratk party voled in 1804
lor Kepublican Congreasiuen. Kor Ibe preaeut
purpot-e it is not needfiil to glve detallB nor to
ageaaae lhat Ibe ealeulatlon la pnvlselv ae
ciiratc Kul if la casily demonstrabb- that
noi far froui 4(>0,(a.Ni kuoIi votera chunged at
Ihe Kaat, iiicludlng Mnrylaiid. Delnware and
West Viiglulu; about tl6jB08 at fho Weat, and
over l.to.iaio at the South, inainly ln the border
Statea which are now conteated. The loaa
by tiie ordinary fallure of Republlcana to vote
ai elei'tions of stibordinafe Importancc niaaked
;i:irr of this gain, but there are lo be added by
ihe aatBTBl iBttt-eaae of the Republlean atrength
in four years ala>ut 480,000 new rotera. ao that
the Hcpubli.an strensih. includlng the Deruo
crats who vot.sl for Kepublican ('ougre-samen
on taa larlff hhiae, ahould Ih? about rU70,000,
la?sldes all lhat have been turned alnce 1804.
About ."Uhmxiu rataa araa i?e tbnuava away, aa
usual. on Prohibitloii and l.alx.r ticketa, and
au unknown nuuiber on Populiat tlcketa for
Bryan aud Watson. where fuelmi haa faile.l
ot lias disgusted Popullats.
The Deinoeratic strength, reokoniug thal
cast for Cleveland leaa the 800.000 tnm*>d orer
in 1804 and Increaaed by the nortnal gain ln
four yeara. would have been abont ">.O70,0<ai.
All the rotliig this year aud the oanraBBPH iu
vaiiouB Btatea made by Repnblienns and Na?
tlonal Democrats go lo ahow that at lea?t as
niuoh aa a qnarter of the Democrgtle force will
refuse to support Bryan. As thia loaa Is greater
than tbe entlre Populiat vote, lf the urttute ?f
it could be concentrated upon hlm, there ia
reason to expect that hla atrength wlll fall
more tban a mllllon behlad that of McK'nl'-y,
besldea tbe portton of Sound Money Demo
erata who wlll vote dlrectly for the Republlean
candldate in many Statea iu order to put the
result Ireyond doubt. If half of tlu-in shouid
so rote McKlnley would recelve from ?:,7<kMK)0
rotea upward. wlth a plurallty over Bryan of
more than 1.500,000. For, whlle the Republl
eans have loat votea In amall allver States,
Uiu*e flve BlBtif attbough tbey hare ten Rena
tora. eaat ia laaa eaa> 147,700 KepaMlean votes
la all agalnat 2.2*1,00" ln flve 8tntea eaat of
the MissiHKlppi. All the canvaw ba* lended to j
prove thnt the Bepublkan losa, ..utside the *il
ver States, not reoovered duriiiat tho .?ainpniirn
af edinalion on ibe silv.-r ipu'stioii will be
imiiparatively |Ba_gaHtTar*
There reinniiis lhe probleui bow many work
ingineu. es|wiiully iii cttleg w here 00-94 labor
organizutions are in ilaugeroii*. hand\ have
beea diverted by tb.- dialojral upp-al* bjbmIb by
Bryun to Soi'liilist aml Anan-hist i.-mlemi.s.
aml by tba iuliueii'-e of leail'is. Tba evideme
does iwif stipport the cfaalm tbat guch loss baa
beea large. Agalaal ii is to !*? put the atrong
probabllily thui mueh more lhan balf tlie
De__o?rata arba refaae io vote fec Bryan will :
take <are to inak-- I.i- defeat overwhrliiiiug bjf
garapartiac MrKinley dirvriiy. Tbat tltelreoni- j
llioli-seusi' learhes llli'lli. is tbe Btrai ill J'li'l
sure way io put down silv.-r ivpudiatioii. dla- |
loyalty aml Anarvhy. ao thal the country ahall j
have BB eii.l of lliem.
Now rote! I'l::i! ls t(?-day*s iluiy. Vate! That
la if y.iu ar.- regrlatered aml thaa eatltlcd to
vote. lf you are not reglatered, you are for thla
year a I'itlainl'T. an alien, wltb BO lot in Hie
ComaMWarealth. Thai is a moat depiorable
plighi for an Aunri.an cltlrefl to be in: pltlable
lf unavoidable, < oniemptii.le lf ilellberale Bai
if you are registere.l, bow rote! I**! BOthiag
prereal you. Tbere nerer was an ekactioa ln
whl.h there was im.re urL'.-n; nee.l af your v.ite.
of every voie.
Vole earlyl Voii are sure of tbe preseii; n.o
menf. You do not know what may happeii BB
hour beace. Votaaow! Let other dullee, dntlea
io self, to famlly, io buaineaa, wait BBtll y.u
have d_Bcaaraad iiiis eae goprenie dutj to tke
Kailierland. Olta it the Bwfereaca ov.-r i-very
Ihing else. Other iliinits ran B-ford 10 waii untll
erenlag, uutil to-inorroar. Votlng muat be doue
now or never. Vole at onee!
Vote parefolljf! Tbe law is itrlcl and exact
bkff, nnd any iiifra.-iion, throiiitii eitlie:- intemion
or inadverrein e. will make y..iif ballot vml.
The melbod of pivpuriug tlie ballot is aiBiph)
enough. lo every one who will read ibe illfl ?'
tloiis aml folloW iliein. Kvery man aajgbt to be
able to do tliaf who has InteMlgenee P3O0g!l lo
vole at all. Voie .-aivfully, BO that your ballot
wlll be eoiinted lust ;is you -:ist il an.l B1 yoli
want li to l>e eoiiiited.
Voie for tbe M. Kinley aml Hobart electOTB.
That ls ihe ..nly efTe.iive way of BUtklBf your
vote i-oiinf atralnst repudtatlon aml anar.-liy. Vor
Ing for any otli t souul money caadldataa woald
Ih> a uegative viruie. a aiere refiahUag from <*v!l
doing. It would not la the iea*r rfc?eree awell the
popular roajorltj for boneaty and order. M )
would not la tbe leaal degree Uelp td d.-f.ai Bry i
nn and tbe wlfked eouspira. y of B b >a Im s : ic ,
head. Already tbe tbreat la inade by t:ie repudl
Btloaiata lha; if Bryaa ;* defeated ibia rw l! '
freecohiage a.^iiH.!..:' wlll bo k<:?i np and h
will iry .iaMi:i iii 1000*. Da you a iat roch p* I I
io befaC tbe ironatry? i>o you ar.iui tlie battle \
for haaieaty and boaor to be fougbl ot er ag > ???
wirh all tlie dnunrhance of bajlne*g and all tbe
niixi-iy tbat iinpliesV OrdVayou ^ .mt tbe WBoat
business rlnally gad declalrely Bettled, now and
forerer? If tbe lan.-r. ihw only way to do lt is
to make M.-Kinii-y- popubu m.ij..r ;y abaolutely
overwhelniiiiK- Don'l tbrow voiir rote away ?.n
aa Inapoanlble caadldate. Vole *<> ibat your rote
will eonat an.i will b.'i|> to magnlfy a m.:-' parij
vi.'toiy into the Miajeatic proportiona of a Xa
tlonal inan.late. Vote f..r M.K:nl.->:
Voie: Voteatooce! V*4>te carefully! Vote for
McKinley and Hol-ar. for Bl.i'k aml W'oodruff,
for Repabllcan t'oagreaamra, f-.r aouad Btoaey
and honest goveinuifiil. for Ibe Bupremaey <>f
law 8U.J the purlty of tbe .'ouiis, for Vatlonal
piuapciitj an.l Natlona] bonor, for equal btwi
and peace and bratbarhood among BB8B, f.<r tl"'
Consiituiion and tbe Phkf! Vole!
Mr. Henry Oeorge iias cloaed tiie eauipa'.gu
with a. final n-view of the real i-sii..." la wlieii
he taOa us that gold arul allref ar.dy aymhola
Of the eonfiiei. and thal b.-neatli tln.se BymlwiB
are gathered lhe oppoaing forrea maklng f"r
freedom or siaveiy. He Bppeala lo bla Blngle
t?ix friemls to Btaad with li.in iii tapDOrt of Bry?
an and in appoaltioo to "a Barrow UrterpretatUM
of tbe .-..iniiiami. 'ihoii ihall nol ateal.' " whhrh
ln- ?avs will be tbe rellaace of il"' "arlatocrat*"
in eaae of McKlaiVy'a .?I.-.-iion.
Tbat is rlgbl lo tbe polnt. li atatea ibe laaue.
??A oarrow Interpretatloa of the couitnand, Tbon
shalt not ateal,' " la jn^t arbat tne Repnblk*ana
are Hghfteg far. I\*e will poncede to tbe Popo
erata all tbe rredll aml all ibe glory thal roniea
from rhamplonlng a ?i.i<.a.l" lnti>rpretatlon of
the i-oiiiiiiiiiiil. ln tlie matl.'i' of .?.iiiiiii:iihI:ii. n:
lliell llfive beel" BtrUggllng tbttHtgb tbe a-.'-'s !'..;
"free.loin." lfodern natlona bare knowa ihM
aame proteal agalnai "nBtrowneaw." Tbere are
e.immiiniti?s ?'here ao broad^ailnileil gcnilvniaa
iblnka of Inqulrlng i".< .l..-.l,v Into the pHtol
practkre ?f bis aetiualntaneea, or of Uaabttlng on
to.. bbitow au Interpretatlon of tbe eommand,
"Tboa ahall .1" no naurder." W"e bare bo doubi
that the Popocrata who bave forajed docuiuenta
aml iiiis<|iioied gpeecheg of Kepubllcan leadara
iiiiriiiaf the canpeign wmii.i roaskler it nawar
r.iiitably BBrrow af aa io loterprel Ihe coiinaaml.
"Tbon ahall n<>! be.ii falae wltaeaa Bgalaai tby
neijrhlinr." as f4WbtddlBg their B<*tlTltk?8.
Mr. Qrorge gjoea rlgbl to tbe polat of ihe >iis
cuanlon. All tbe fihuida of broad laterpreiatlon
Of tbe Coniman.lineiHs ahOOld rally to bis xiij.
port. There a;e very few men who lake wliat
.loes m.1 helonj; to them w Iho ilo n.ii arciie llial
il is n mii;hty BBROU blteipretatkMI of tbe law
whlcb catta thelr trtlaa tuaallaf, Honoret, Ibey
are very likely to say, as Mr. lleorge saya, Ibai
that narrow interpreiatioii la Mbaaed m.t npoa
Ood's law, but upon man's law." The ir.iuij.
gjguea tbat tbe fruits of tba eartfa grow f<>r all.
and when be ejeea into a faratar/a erchard aml
rakaa his ahare be thlaka it narrow of the faraaar
to objeet. Tbe Peelaratloa of Itadepeodeuce
standa for a man's rlght to llfe. libt-rty and tbe
pursult of bapjilne.-s. 1'U-nty of meu in Bbaj
Slng are eouvimed that it was a Barrow interpre
tatlou of that iiistrutneiit by the eourl wblcb
dejirived them of liberty. Tbe Aiian-hisl 4 of
Chleago were Intent on lhe piusulr af bapjiiness
when they s.-i nfl' tbe Unyinarkef bomb, aml
c.overnor Altgeld Bgiaaa thal tha people of U
lluois look rery narrow rlewa ot thelr caae, lu
fatt, everybody who limls law UtttnTfeCUftg wlib
his desiri'S is lnclimil lo denoiince tlie nanow
?aai of the lawmakers. No man is s,( atreOBOUa
In his deiuamt for liberty as the man who wants
liberty to do v.ronj.'. The fellow who wanis to
pay oii eeiits for a dollar is always broad in li!s
moral phllosopliy. Mr. Bryan bas no BM for old
foglea nho have narrow views ()f hiw, order aml
honesty. He ls rlgbl abotir that They doo'l br
loiiat In his party. They have read to BOBM nur
poae the Bcriptnrea, whlcb be La ao fond of <r it
Inp. and know that "bro.i.I is rhe rray tUm lead
eth to (lesti'tic-tiou," and thal "atrati la lha R?ite
"and Barrow is tbe way arbk'h leadeth imio
Althoilifh bnrely two molitiis li.iv.- la.isei]
alnee the outbreak of tU?* iBBBiTaclkai ln the
Phllipplne IsLnnds. it already iaaj|_uB)al ln
grarity au.l majtnitude the revolt in t'ti'ia. aatfl
tbere *eenis to be but a very falnt prospect of
spaiu's belng able to retain her paaaaaaiaaa lu
the Far Orient. In each af lier two great de
pendencies almost lhe entire Indigeiious popu
lation is arrayi'd agaiust the Covernment. But
whereax that of Cuba barely amoti.itB to
1,300,000, that of the Phllipplne Islamls numbera
aome 7,000.000 or 8,0U0,0(K), romposed la tba
naain of Cblaaroen and of Malays, ihe bilter
a race renowned throughotit the Eaat for Ita
nerceness and for Ita warlike ...siiu'.s. Tta.
l0Oi ('i,ptain-.;-.."r;.l Wcyler has been able 0
Ulapoae of BB army af nearly 201*000 ludfJ. Bl
w#dl as of Ibe beet tullitnry and naval rwwurcea j
?,- ??. ???..,.. eouniiy. only a feur daya dietaat
froui .'.?>'<? ??-* '"" '?"',tli';' ?** ,';l'-;,!"
,.,.,?.,,,, iiiaace baa aader bla ordera hai 2.000 |
Kpealab-bora ireope, tbe major portbiB ?f IJ*
njitlve army barlag uiatluled. kllbal ??>? ir <*a>
,.,.,., and rone orer ta tbe laaiirgeBta. riK?e
. troopa are wnrentreted la HaaKa Itaoef,
,i.-..-.,lv tbroateaed by ibe rebela, whoae gfarra.
tkaia ln ibe rcmalnder of im- ?rcblpeJago Becie
garlly remala BBcbecbed uatll Ibe btaaas ge??
rrnmenl flnda II poaalbfc io send rrtaforc-joieate.
The lattee eanaet arrire upon ibe aceno ror
KAine limc. Ibe djitaace between tbe letiuda aud
Spaln belng nearly half ibe ctrcnmfwBca i?f
Ihe globe, an.l eotaUiBg i aea royage of ?'??????>?
iwo uiolttii.s.
Ulhoagh disaffei-liou baa for aoaie ilaae paai
I.n rlfe in the iMiibppiue [ilahaU, yeara mlgbi
have I'lapscd before any oiitbreak BTOOld liav.oc
Ptirred bad U aot beea for tbe uouduei of ibe
aiithoriiies al Madrld. True. tbe popnbltkiU hld
lutu-fa io eomplaln of. raore eren tbaa Ibe Cu>
bans, alace Ibey are raacb B?ore beav iy laxed
and are <oiniu'll.'d u? anbnil te ;? ela?? of -?''
Uoiflla wlio. iu raaal caiea, bare laeorred such
dUgraee in Spaln ibal Ibej are rowWIered lea
bad even for cmploymciit in tbe AmilW. SIIII.
matiei's luigbl hare rabbed laoag bad aol tbe
Capuln-Geoeral, who li ? wortbj ohl aobller
of tbe Martlaei iVunpea type, aadatealy recelred
telegraphlc ardera la lac-reaee tajr alaaoBl SO
per ceal Ibe exlatlag land and agtiealtaral
taxea, whi.-h ire borae eatlreJy bjr tbe aatln
populailou: ibe clergy aud tbe rellglotM ordera,
who own all tbe liucst lan.ls throagheul tha
archlpeiage, belag exeatpl freai ererjr hnpoal
of ihis kin.l. Tbe avowed ot.je. i of ibM b>
rreaae of taxatloa was lo proeMe reaotrreea for
ibe cnotlnuatlon of Ibe war la Citba.
Thla led le ibe nral eatbreab of Ibe rerolt. iu
the abaue ef tbe wltbdraaral of rba head awn
bf tbe i.jwus an.l rllhagea rtapaaalbk for tbe
collectloB of tbe taxee io tbe ntooatalaa. Wbea
tiatlve troopa, eommanded by spaniards. r/ere
Beut asjaJaai theaa, tha bmbb kili.*d thebr oaacera
and JoiiMil tbe laaorgeBia N?? aooaef bad newa
to ihis eir.-. t lva.lnd Madrld thau |**reui|iU.iv
ordera a-ere aeal by Prtan* Mlabiter Caaoni for
Ibe whoi.s.iie arreal ef forebja ea well as aatlre
membera af tbe Miaonlc ledgei an.l etber Beerel
socleties, whleh ibeaad la tbe PliQlpplnea, and
are regarded by ibe authorltlea at Madrld ai
cearrea of dbaaaTeetioa a- well as for tha apread
of rerelatioaary kleaa. Over 4fa) dtiaroa arere
tboa throwa lato Jall ar Manlla alone oa Aegmi
i _?:?.. in tbe Phlllpplaea nearly erery one betoaga
to aome aecrel enft. Racb ' daad, eacb loarn,
[eacb rlllage, baa ita kalgea, Tbere ire Cblneee
[lodgea, aml Mal.iy lodgea, ailxed-br.I lodgea
.in.l Spanlah re-pnMh-ai lodgea, arhlle eacb
[forelga aatloaallty ivpreeeated in ibe irehl
pelago baa Ita lodgea, Thla la rbleOy due lo ibe
[facl thal tbe lodgea bare beea natll now ibe
only placea wbere ciUaena could ateei together
and dis.n-s rbelr wronga wltaotil any loter
i'.t. :i.c oa ibe pan <>f tbe pollce. CoahieqaeBtly.
tbe actlon of ibe Oovernor-fleaeral iu aireatlng
all w.llkii..wii an.l foaapw?BOtta kaembera,
vli :i. by-tbe-bjr, be dld nader atrong proteat,
haa bad ll.tect of addlag atlll furtber fnel to
the revolt, auiee tbere ia bardly a aiugle famlly
of any weahb or proanlaeaii-**, eltbet aatlre ..r
forelga, thal haa nol I.a aaTected by tbe
ii//i / //' i/./. MBAX8.
.\|. u .i.i ii .i reallse erea aoa arbai la ibe real
lui-anlng of ibe ftgbt for alrrer. Tbaaka t.? the
ircmendoua poaref af tbe Kepuhti.au party and
Ibedeieted patfothBu aboara by Sound Money
DfMjBocrata, it never will be forced apoa tbeta
by stTii exaerteaee la kaaar tbe frighiful ca
lamlty arbkeb the rote la-njorroaf will avert.
There nre bualaaaa men who have been s.?
deeply iiniir-'sa^il with a s.-nsi- ef the eaawrgeBcy
thal ibey ere paylag Bl tbe raie ef 10 per real
j year for i goaraatee agaUBd tbe poaalblllty
lhat srold may BJO out ef use before .launaiy l.
ll ls eatlmated thal la 0?* way or another pro
lecttoa 1ms r ti ii? beea aeenred for ohiiuations
exceedlni 1100,000,000 la auiotint. and ihis
i aei aiona drala oa Ibe avaUablfl reeoarcea of
tbe couatrj baa ralaed ratea for aiooey all over
Ihe coiiiiiicr.lal world. more than l'N> per cenl
having I.n paid oii .-all h.-re. It is CBrleBB to
boc aoa tbe felly of allver faaatlca has anabled
Ibe uolil moiio|.olists lo v|H>i! ilie Kjrypiian*. but
? mii tbey, a/blle baeaaed a/lth preOta, do not
oniinelii'iid, nor do ihe buslncsa men who Imy
Inatiraaee froai tbeia, Ibeexteal ?>f tbe rabiailty
agalnBl whlch Ibey provlde
Thoae who do kaoa bare nol dared le ntabe
ii?. matter i-lenr natll tbe last rhaace ef
Hryan'a eleciloa was retaoved. Mcre ?Hnpre
heualon ?>f ili<" faoMlble calamity mlgbl have
,.iii-..| a greal naah*. Tbe poaalblllty lias
|,.i--.-.l if itiyan's electhai aere poaalble, tbe
many wbo dread Ibal ereet, nnd have paid
.mi uillllona to instire il'cm-.'lves auniust thl
bare poaalblllty of it. are bal few compared
wlth Miosi- whO would rush al OOCa tO protecl
iiii'inseivcs if ibal event aboeld oecar.
Tbere are aonae mllHoaa af theaa. Mercbaata,
tngnafactnrera, mnaleipalltiea aml great*cor
poratlona barlag debta to pay gbroad in gold.
ownera af real eatate. all the way from sky
acrapiug bulldlnga lo aaiall fartaa or BMideat
hotaea, lodlrldnala barlag gahj aotea oatataJBdV
Ing; all bare aa baad or in baak aome green
hacks BT < an ifMiiinand some fpiickly. The niim
in that posltlon who would not defend himself
as fgr as lie could by tiiininjr hls greenbacks
Into gold w.nii.i i>e regarded by friends ns in
need of n faardhiB. BbI araan only i (ow of
tbcai begia t<? draw gold, what would foilow-v
The baaka would know that they mi.st face
banki'upii y or get gald for tha flaOgOOQiOOO af
legal leadera nnd foM eertlfleatei they now
hold. Tbe Treasury has about S11'0,ibb>.?mh> gold
on baad It is only coiuuion sense to expect
that tbe last dollai of lt, lu case of Hryan'B
flection, would bedraara out. noi after hls bv
angnritloB, bel arltbln i week.
rould Prealdeal Clwresaad h.'.'p good the
Treasury r.serve bv BeBaBg boiidsV If Bryan
were elected he -.voiild know It would be a
waste of limc lo Uy Ile has uo power to sell
any Imuds except ihose puyable, prlncipal nnd
interest, in "coin." whicli Kryau declnrea the
(ioveinmcnt aajgbl to pay. prindpnl aml Inter?
est. in attrer. Bvea tboae caaaat ba aoM at
less lhan par iu gold. N'ol one Md would be
recelred for beada under gaeb circuniHtanceB.
Wltboal gold lo meet gold obligatiouB. without
power to lairrow gold, the lioveinineiit would
ba baabrnpt, not nexl year. bal thia week.
Win's would bring under tbe *ca ordera
to sell any part af American BHOlltkl for
11,000,000,000 now beld lu Barope. Amerienua
eoald noi bny tbemaad pay gold without heavy
toea, becauae of tbe eertalaty thal gjold would
comnuind a hi^'h prenilBBl. Wlnit would Btocka
oferen tbe la-st rBdlroada ha wertb beblnd obii
nalioiis io pay gold 8111011111111? to mlllions
rearly, with recelpta for frelght aad faivs in
paper of rwlftly ahrlaknig ralaal
I.ct everey man tbiak over for hlinaelf the lm
medlate rcsulls. On<> of Ihem would be the utter
dlsappearanee of all baaka for allver colnage,
1 booause the ailrer holder would know tbat he
coold only j?et at the most $1 iSP-i ln paper for
his biillion, aud would not have the slljjhtest
Idea what that paper would be worth from
hour to hour. while the Hilver llself would
slitlnk iu fciich a world-wldc panic, and free
coinagc would give to holdera nothlng but
rolna whleh nobody would take. The entlre
force of eheap-money advocatea wonld begln
at once to aeek for Immedlate rellef. The mlnta
can coin only $5,000,000 of allver per month,
and not untll next May or later. Paper can be
iaaued by the tod In a week, and many tone
each week at once. lf (Jougreaa coukl be
brought to aocept the enry Ba-called rellef thea
poKKlble for multiturtes on the verge of bank
ruptcy. ln philn wonls. liehlnd the silver maak
there is the liendish faca of flat money.
The liist .lutv of every < Itizen this morning
is to cast his rote for MeKlnley and Hobart, and
Whlte you niv alxiut it vote the entire Repub
llran llckl t. _
Vot.,: VotoWty! Vote a mral.-'it tleket!
VOte against the eonstitutlonal amendment!
William U Ward id not only the regular Re
publtca i eandldnte for Congress ln the XVIth or
West, hester Dhrtrlct. He ia an unswerving and
Ini orruptible aound-money man and a worthy
iepi. sentatlve of hla distriet ln all reapecta. He
-hoiild have the aupport. of even* Republlcan
and every honest-money Demoeat fn the dla
tiiet. _
No bolthBgl No scratLhing! Vote lhe atralgiit
R.'pulilioan tk-ket!
Tba weather of Kle.-tlon Day oids falr to eiiual
that of Klag Day. Let the rallying of hon?st
money roterp not only e>iual but aurpass lt.
):? member, remember
The Thlrd of Novernber,
Anarchy, Btaallng, and plot!
There ls no good leauon
H'hy Popocrat treauon
Bver should be forgol!
A prompl v ite, a Btralgbt rote. and a vote
all together.
a Bound-money Hipui.ii.an Baajorlty ln Can*
graoa is no leaa Important than a sound-money
Hf-publi.-an Pr.-siiient iu ihe Whit?< House. Don't
Impertl it h> votlng for any iBatepettdant candl
data or any diagruntled bolter. Vota the full
atralghl tleket.
(in arrlvlng at the polla this morning you wttl
probably t.n.l a long line of cittaena awaliing
tli.-lr turn to ?.-t into the bootba. -OUT natural
dlBpoaltlon wlll ba io go away and return when
lhe . r i.v.i has ttaktaad out a llttle. Don't do li.
Take your pla - at the ntd of the lloa an.i pa
tlently wall yeur tura, even if vm are detalaad
two Iidiiis. Tlie laaueg Involve.l in ibls electlon
?t>? BUCb ihat yOU <an w.-ll affonl to Bpend two
boura, or two daya or two araaka if i>M."ssary,
;. record your \?>te against.lhe pollc) of^Na
tlonal illahanor
? ?
ll.iv.- is Uaa (le, lion goinK" Read rhe anawer
in th- skv t-i-night.
The votea of New-Tork Btate has alwaya '.een
ii.st..'.'.i to v.itn ivspict, and, Ji-spiu- whai THI
nati an.l Altgeld have sal.1 10 th?- > mtiaiv. it
v iii long contlau' t.? i?. heard wlth Bttentlon,
Loi ih*. Baaplre s.j'f apaah out to-day in tonea
whlcb ceaaet iie mtstaken, The '.igg.-r the
majorlty for MeKlnley th- lottdor and s-ierner
wlll I.- lha rebuke of Anarchy an.l Repudlatloa.
All honeal-mona) Democrata ahould bear this
in miti.i when they \..:- t.>-.la;.. if tha} would
keep thelr partj wlthln the atralghl aml narrow
patli Of politieal re.titu.lt- in ihe fiiuire they
should make to-ila>'s inajorit., for M<-Kinley
memorabie. Thea in thi future ihey may polnt
to ii as a warnlng to Repudlationlats.
- ?
Natute aanlted benlanently on the grt-at s.oind
money parado, nnd aha bul. fair t.? i?e equaiiy
gra< i'.us on the day when tha wamd-tnou4rjf hosts
_i" to ovettarow tha borde( as Robert Coiiyer
calta it. ihat stan.ls for dishonor. dishonesty, re
pudlntlnn nnd Anarchy
The R-publi. ans of the State wlll "eome down
to the Harlem" wlth a BUDOrb majorlty. The
Republlcana of Ureater New-York will meet
them there wiih another. Let the meeting
ground. the XVIth Congress Distriet. furntsh
atlll another, for MeKlnley for Preaidemt and for
William Ia. Ward for Congress.
The arfcta thint: t?-day Is to rote ihe ntralght
K.-inil.liean ti< !t^t. Thi- man who does thtt wlll
be lieyomt th" poaaihllity of maklng a mtstake.
Courage does not conslst In doing thinga by
aalvaa Patrlotlam !a not a naatter of make
shffts. The .jueatlon at fssue to-day among hon?
est Dentocrata is the aupport of country or of
party. if they would have thelr votea eouat ln
the cauaa of National bonaaty, ihey should vote
for HcKlnlay. A vote cast for any other candl?
date is atther a. half way ar an entire Indoree
ment of Repudiatlon.
rVhila votlng the blg ballot do not forget the
little one. Make an X mark nppoalte the word
"N?>." and thus help to kill the eonstitutlonal
anaandment and to aave the State forests from
There is a < ..nspiracy agalnat Hepublicanlsm
an.i s.iiiiui money in ftTaatcheater County as
vlctoua in its way as that of the Popocrata in
the Chleago COBVentkMB. lt should be as eruah
ingiy rahakad by the honest rotera o* ihe XVIth
ekragrraaa Diatrlct as the other wlll be by the
whole Natlon. V..t.> for William I.. Ward.
Let ua all Join handa to make the majorlty
against Hryanlsm. Populiam, Repudlatlon and
Anarehlsm absolutely overwhelmlng.
>. ... ?
Wh.ii you get your ballot at the polls to-day lt
will be folded ln the proper shape, and before
lt ls handed t? the electlon inspeetor it must he
folded In the aame lines agaln. Thh; ls slmple.
enough for any one to understand it; and the
marklng of the ballot. esperially If a stralght
ticket ia voted, ls no more dlfflcult.
-_?._ _
Tho eyes of the world are upon the I'nlted
State* to-day, and every friend of Republlcan
Instttutiona and of law and order and honesty.
the whole world over, hopes that MeKlnley wlll
Think of Buffalo turning out a aound-money
parade. of neariy .'lo.OOO men on Saturday! And
they are all golng to vote aa they marched. too.
Mr. Bryan haa been appealing to the people. and
the people are golng to anawer that appeal by
burying Its r.utlior under auch a mountaln-load
of ballota that he wlll never be able to emerge.
-,.+ .?
Both tha State and the elty of New-Tork ara
golng to "do themBelvea proud" to-day. The
largeat majorlty ever glven for the head of a
tleket In lhe State waa that eaat for Orover
Cleveland for Oovernor ln 1H8'_; lt waa 102,854.
ln a total vote of 91.V>39. Thla year thnt record
ls golng to he broken. unless all algnB fall. and
few pereone wlll be aurprlaed lf th? Republlcan
candldatea are awept Into offlce hy majorltlea of
SSaXOOO or 3D0.0(X).
?ave the North Wooda! Save the Hudson
Rlver! Vote against the constltutlonal amend?
Tt |g said that the Republlcan mathlne In Al
liany inb-nds ta show reaentinent toward Justlce
Vann. be.ause as a member of the Court of Ap
j eala he v ited to deelare the Rarne.a Pollce blll
un. onstitutional. We can ^carcely credlt thla
repoit. Justlce Vann dld hla duty with a full
knowledge of what the dolng of lt lnvolved. Hla
actlon waa courageous and atampa hlm aa tho
rlght man for the poaltlon to which he haa been
nomlnated. Let the good people of Albany
County ahaw a practlcal appreclatlon of his good
work at the polla to-day. .
The laat Popocratlc ahriek in that Mark Hanna
wlll brlha hundreds of thouaanda of Bryan votpra
to atay away from tho polla! Nothlng so funny
has happened alnce the atatesman whose party
had Just been defeated remarked: ''Well, b'goah,
they have bought ua agaln!"
The aaloon and the theatre wlll aot waolty ma
nooollEa tha buaineaa of dlaplaylag alaetlaa ra*
terae thla eveaing. In Buffalo th* Toung Men'a
Chrtatiaa Aaaoclatlon wlll dlaplay the returna,
aad ta Recheater a church wio do the aarne thlng
Thia la but one of many indleatlene af the over.
whelmlng inlerent felt ln the eleotloa.
Blahop Thobuin. who haa rharge of the M.iho*.
I*t mlantona in Indla, but Is now In thl* country
d?nles a recei t report that he Is for free allver'
He is ln favor of the gold standard, gecaoee h*
baa seen the ivll effecta of a allver atandara |n
Indla. "A curloux fact." he saya. "le tliat araa II
ahella called cowrifs are uaed for eurrpnoy in
In.lla. an.l alnce the depreciatton of allver thev
alao have depr-ciated In value. iirru* at preaent lt
takea luo of them to equal one ceat. Be lt aeem,.
the depn-clation of silver affeeta the eheaper cur
reney In a ratio <-orr<'?pondi!*i6- te ita ean falllna
A recent number of the "Flguro," of Pari*. r-oa
talna the followlng: "Mlaa Wiison, one ef the aee*
returtea of that vaat woman'a Inurnatlenal a*ae>
clatioa whoae headquarterx ure fr Chleago. has
just arrlved ln I'arl*. She coir.es to get acqualntcd
wlth all the women'a clube of France, and to pro
posi- to them that thev iinlte In a great f< deratlon
to be known aa tiie Woman'* Faderatlon of Two
Worlda. She wlll Invlt.- them io taka part la tha
greal eoaajreaa of the FVdeiatloa to V* heia tn
I.ondon in l#*s. und wlll alao propose that they or
ganize nn Intornutlonal congreBBj whlch *hall be
Eeld ln IMris In UBB."
Apropo* of tha eentroveray over U.e BBi.moIr* af
Oeneral Trochu, Dr. Thomaa W. Bvans m.ikei
amne Important statementa In ".'lie Amerlcan Ror
later." II- declarea that General Trechu a momory
was noi too triistworthy. The Kripum mked him,
Dr. B*raaa aay**: ''Waat am i o dor the Tu:i?ii??
shouid he tavaded?" He replled: 'Voat poattJajBa
it cannot he. ll la lmt>osslbl<- thal lley fhould ap
preaeb you or reueh you. ior 'n-r.>re that they wlll
have to pass over niy body. I proiilae to defend
and prolect >ou." Inatead of adh-rli'g to thla
promlse, I>r. fevana aaya that befo-r? the clo?e of
the day Trochu waa a matnoer of dtetber liovern
nient ar.d nevag trouble.i nboul whal lad become of
the E-nipre**. who eetaplalned rathrl aaroa*tlcally
to the ABBerlcaa phyalclan ?f taa iBaacrara con
Fran Anialla Frhu'il h M.i.erna |Bfl bought aa
estaie nt Qrata, la Aaatrla, wbere 'he iniend* te
Jarne* J. S:.irrow. t!i<- wvli-known Oteat lawyer,
Of Hoaton, Is la Waahlagtori givi-ig o ? '. \>net
u.ian Ceaflaahaalea the benefli of hi at of taa
Vennzunia boundary une.-ulon. Hi- I pr. ring aa
elabarate i>r:.-r for the OomuiaaaBea.
BBehep CTelghtaaj of Petei wroii .h, w. . iaa Juat
beea apaeiated Bdahag ot Im kaa, * * ir n- ,t mark.
ln IBM ha beegBM I'loi'i-ssor ..; e lea t a\ '?'i.<tory
,n CanBhrlajgii in aal iu ara* praal i tha aafj
diuilversary coiebrBtmB of tl... ' 4 aad recelved
from it the degrea of I.I.. ah H< i* he . Jthor of
?everal blatarlcal work*. ind la ire .' Uu hardeae,
woiklna Blsnops on the h.-ucii. H( w I pn-bahly 1*
an Archbtebop tNrfere long. for :i' -l.-ceet af Lon
(lon la likelv to b- road.- an grchV ii? . pal *???-; and.
d-itli- from 't:ia*. h. w.ll almosf re lai Iy l?e the suc
ce*?or of Dr. 'i'-mple in the Prlaaaei He la flfty.
one ...?* old. _
A aaeeilna at puhllehcra ?aa held m Boaton tha
other dgy ll proteal agalnal thi Ineeuality of tha
preeerd peatal lawa relutlng io aecesd aml founn
claaa aaatter. The publlaher of "Doaobee'tdjtaga
Btne" aald ih.it lt ceet tv.o centa to amd his m*ga
BBaa lo aay pelnt In Beeton ani onk* half a cent
to aaad U to 81 i Prancl ??.. ,\ book publMi.r ?ald
thal hla ilrm aent ?? tny booka by eapreaa beeaaaa
lt was eheaper. lenator Lodge ma<l* an a-Lir.*-.
ln whlch hf sald that the preaaBU kw ls grossly
unjust to lha publlahera of low-prked or lltrht
v.eijfht paeiadleala.
Vlttage Barber no hla aaab?t?*fM wh? la goiag to
pnit a naan'e tooth)?You must be ver> aleaaant to
in.it tf.'tnlem.in-h^ has a whole mounful of teeth
li fr (Pttegende Bl.tr.
h b) a fact not gineraiiy knowu th?t tha pubila
ezai utioners of Burope. even wiiere the offlce doea
not pa.-? from fath.-r to son. have ?n etlquette of
their own. intcrmarry nnd are qulle aa excluslva
ln their limltcd earctse as are tles rulwa of thelr
leapactlre lajuptitaa Mme. Delbler, who dled the
oiher d.iy lu 1'iiri.-. l>i-sldc? belnf the wlfe of
''MeeuBeur de Paris." Ihe publlc ?x*cutioner of
France. was the duught.-r of bt Raicnoeud. the
executlonerof Algeria. who. although wventy-elght
yeara of age. still exercises the funclona of hia
offlloe. M. and Mme. Delbler had llvcd alnce the
exetutlon of \ atllatit and Henry In a ittle cottage
In Anteull. Rue de Blllancourt. f?>r they wera
obltged to glve up thelr houae :n Rie Vtcq d'Aalr
owlng to threata of tha Anarchlstl' Bhe waa a
aroall. pretty woman. timld and relrlng. and en
tcrtalni'd only ihe offl. ial gueata ol her hu?ban4
or his fa*W paeaaaal frlends. Tho hraneb papera
have sald that ahe waa a granddaitrhter of Sam
ron. th?? executloner who gulllotlnal Loula XVI.
Thla la a mlstake. Charles Honn.* Sayiaon had onlf
one grandchild. Henry. born In 1*9, and made
"Monaleur de Parla" In 181!?. II" vas dlsmtssed
from offlce ln 1849. ohitrged, !*. i* aald with having
accepted bribea. He dled in 1?4. !le wrote the
famoua "M#molrea iaa Samson " wSlch would be
of lnflnlte hlatorlcal value had theg- autrnir not
been bUsaed alth au Inapproprlite Iriaginatlon.
The chil.l waa plavlng wlth trr sclisor*. and hla
kln.llv old gnindmothcr chMedMaa. "Vou m?jain t
i.lav wlth the aelaaora, aear. I knew a Uttl* boy
just llko vou. who waa playiig wlth a palr ot
aelaaora Juat ifhf that palr. ani he put them la
hla ?ve and he put hl* age out. ind he could never
??? anvthlng eveT afle7" Th^ chlM llstened m>
ttenUy and aald. when ?he ga ilirouwh: Uh?t
wj* the matter with the othtr eye.' -(Chtcage
Henry M. Stanley ha" writtenlo Major Thyj, the
dlrector of the Congo Btate tailway fompany,
dwelling on the Immense Imponimv of the line be
twaea Mataah aad ?taaltjr Fooi from the point of
vl.-w of Helglan Intetvat.H and .frban civilixallon.
The Belgtans." he aaya, "appeir to me llke a chlla'
who refusea to awallow a do?c of physlc without
the addltlon of a spoonful of Jai. Thia formldable
Congo, wlth Ita vaat area. la torrld heat. ans
lts fever, mak"8 th?m pull a ^ng face; but gt*8
them an aagf aea paaaage. a atamcr aa far aa Ma
ta.ll. a pleaaant rallway excurasti to the Fool. an4
a comfortable cabln to the Hlla, and then the
Congo wlll become a magnlflcnt colony ln thelr
eyrft. I do not blame the Belgl.rs for having beea
alow to appreclate Ihe great w>rk of thelr aever
elgn. It waa Inevitable. beca:ae lt la human te
doubt; but the day wlll come wnen they will laugh
at thelr terrors, and then the: wul undertaka Bl
good comradeehtp the developnent of thelr great
troplcal Btate."
Chapter I.
?Spoke a b!t.
Made a hlt;
Chapter II.
Bpoke agali;
Great elaflon;
Took a train,
Croaaed Cie natlon.
Chapter III.
Speeohea ghw;
Great ado;
All the whia
Much horlbulatton.
Headgear aiyle
Of convergitlon.
Silver ahrlela
Wlth varktlen;
Rouaed thefreak'a
Country aoe;
Wanta no Bore
Chapter HI.
Tueaday ni|ht,
Out of afght
Concernlng the Jarrah tree >f Auatraha. whlchM
larg-ly aaad for a'.rcet pavlngin London and uOBBT
Europcan citlea. Slr John F.irea, of Auatralla. ?P*i*"
thua: "The demand for our Jarah and karri MBBP
ln London and other large BttU ior paving abowa
that probablv ln a ahorl tlme tita BBn be one oi ?w
greateat itema of export. All aloig the 8dUth1m2*?^I
Rallway. the railwav to Donnyh^ok, the raBWW^
the Collie eaaliaail, and the rallvay to Brt^*^l
iplendld Jarrah country aalata. Wth theae -??^T"
rallway facllltlee I look forward to +**rSmM
creaae In thla valuable export. I hope aa^iwa*p
leave It to the dtlxena of I^ndon. ahkajgeaa ^
placea to uae thla wood for pavaag but '"!|oou?.
own citlea and towna we may aee tla mU"?^IUhj*
?fl. taklng advaniage af thia woaderfuHy au
prodUCt" , eorter. tha
Old Gentleman (to rallway P*?2J"-|j ever aay
rala aa diipaiag u? from the UmfboJe ?? ^^
tTarter" (? aaaaairlBglal Me, alr: g

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