OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 03, 1896, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1896-11-03/ed-1/seq-7/

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, rr-mir* BnwH the r.ew comie oaaretta
r^rT\-'\'?? .....; B*altb whleh waa brongrhl oui
HeraM s.,..ji-. T-- :?? v h Invlte dleeueala
,h? l.e:""* ? '1'--- - - . .
'J* "? ;, i omliutlly kteotlna th.
Tt1',...' Mei':. K.'i- :????. bava "anrvered naanknd,
J "' |M ,0 j. .,- ,,;?-? revtewer for tha
f a? ;.", .. . ,. . , ,\>. them
"***'" i mi- r ay on '' ?'?' ene-wfkra be would ie
'"'. '.' . thi Lrt f ml4na.il hour which lhe o -
? p'rt.
(i, |R? ,;,;, 1- wiii- li ni.r i altantlan m \ . >?
*?",u ,..,i ? ..,, i ar ilme. J ?l aar there k. :."'
JJortunity io Ho more than ta paj a deaeryi I
1,,,,. ol idmlr-tlon io lhe ezternal dr aa of lha
|"Jj ,..,.;......:, ? at and the i..o arttattc fentnrea
r, ine orga lantleai I al aa undertaken to ex
__K tbe'future works of tha well-roated oollab
J*" ,..' Mandurln ? loi ? ?? d I i brlll ai i
' , , yiu . of it raual have been atore than a
[.,', ? puxzlc ti the tom-il. who eal wlth Im
Jv^|( ;-. , ; ,,.. j., one ot tbe boxee, and u wm
__a_aps lueaj for him thel lie oould nol follow
!_tlNa) with full ur.derttandtn*. for It i ? doubtful
i|_aaapprec atloa ot tl < in -o igri Ity of w rythin i
" ot havi lefi hlan a ehance ?>> ba amua d al M .
gjrfthV pk?i ';':'- l,:,<5 ,tafl anouah la It for a
-seil-Jt v l ;.- l i-..rii"d). Inhappily, Mr. Boilth'a
?viil aaema io hara been uaed up In wiitlng l a
Sry aad proridlag tha Bpoaohea and byrtca. In
,he caaalroctlon of tba play ba is inefftcteni
Thcie is no eovelepacent to a dinia\ and Blace tlie
-.'l-j. ahw Beaai aleaag la a leguiar chnnnel wlth
out a roc-k or fall to ehanga or quleken its cur
r,--, an-: the Ibree plcturea, wltb all thetr brill
... ? ,,;. very mueh tha aaaaa In thelr aeetbette ?
____ _ feeiinff of naonotony wu- develope l ia t
BbM Whl"h prevcnt.-d "Tha Mamlnriir from kotng |
Bi areaaanaced a aaeccss ?s the opening promised.
The atory haa been told in ihN journal. It ls
?mple enough and i-lever . nodgh fot oper-tta jnn
a__aa and M hai hai a dockod ant wltb many
prrtiy aVwaih, bocbIc, dl.matte and BJ i-i.-il. Tha
people whom Maaan., Da Kovra and Brnltk liave
.-oureji rr- alfo fully equ-1 to the work axacted
3 them Kap.-.-:..Mv ls this true Ol Miss y.,1
tL__rwboaang laal nlght ro ddight lhe heari ol
_v_y*ia4klooa muelc lover. as she dld to charaa
.ZFaMOt even-body. lt ls seldom under any rlr
umMances tha; ii la given io .. muaic-lover to
___? aarh a aupcrb attack. auch Juat Intonatlon .
?_?.__ tones .<> Mlaa Waltilnger placed to her i
eredtt last nlghi. Miss Adele filtchle too
l-losed real talent. hlatrlonlc and mualcal. it aaeined ?
!i Va for the flrst rim.-. and alwava ahe la a M.-ioi.
nf lovellneas. Pr.'.?. Indeed, oughl lo ko io all ol
?he e'nipany ar..-. a heaped-up measure tp fllgnoi
i?? \ove_la who gets ,n ama-ing lot ?1 reflned
work outef th- cnonia and orcheatra
_Baa ?f Colonel Maplesoi-s alraady orardua prom
,._, irare r-.le.med but e\>nii.? nt tba Academy
waen "La Travla--M was b.\oh and aeveral ir..iii
lasra of Ua iiBMBanj watx heaurd for tba Brat tlme.
It caniiot be snid that ihe .lisclosure of ih.lr pow
era wiii greatly Btraatatban the eataeat tn whli h
ihe company is held in the minds of the opera
iroing paa-te. Mme. H.ri :?'-,.D-reiee. tha Vloletta
Bf baa eveniiiK'.s ejst, w ia tne only one wiio.-e pi I
Baranutca ala^uaed al aM, aad hara waa on.- that
hi<l to rx- acci ptad wltb Btaay raai rvatloaa lha la
a:i Bitiaaa of araargy ur'.i tentpernntent, and poa
Maaad of experlence thal enablea her to glra
Imp-Tsonatiur. of tha i- ?; ?? aa ,--roirie tbal li nol
lacklng in ililikaoaa and .lramatic qnadlty liei
singing. however, ls of a f-ort t.iat will nev.-r glve
h^r standirig with lhe BBUalcal publle of New-York.
Hor \oice. though ample ln volume. dld not aeem
last n:rht acreeable in qualiiy, ar.d w..s. BBOreorer,
agheted wltb an nncaaatng tranaolo, so pronounced
aa to envelop her intentions as to ihe pt1 '
continual uneenainiy. lha has gueney, l>ut h*r
fioritura last evening was aeltber f.u-iie nor -.
ratf ln executlon. But there were allowances to ls?
made for Mme. Darclee on eceount of ih^- U
fl -.enclrs of t!ie Alfredo io whom sh.- w.is pln] Ing
The pait Wna taken l>y Signor Bett'.?Sigi.or Ran
daceio, prerlooaly annoturced, havlng been wlth
.Irawu from it. Thi^. waa said to have been Btgnoi
Bettl'a flrst apaaaaranoe on any atajje, and then
a s nat the sifghteyt r.-asor. appnrenl for doubt
ii-.sr ir. His helpless inexperif-nce was maiiif.-^t. '1
Ai every polnt, and was a frequent e?bnrraaea?enl
anU de'lav to th<- profTeaa ot' the p?-rformance.
In his Finging he wa? little more efn^ifn:. though
i-e mad? an earnest and pilnstaking Bttempt wlth
B slngularly colorless voie.? of sm.il reaonance
and volume -Signor Ugbetto aa Gennont al^o
rr.ad'- iii? flrst appearnnco. Hla voice la vetled In
u'laiitv. but he aande .in agreeal.v Ininroairton
rhrough rhe intelligenrt- and atnoertty of hla acttag.
Signor Tango was tht conductor; lt was llkewlsa
lns flrst appearance. The performance aroused
mu-'li rather indiscriminaie applause. and Mme
Darclee was loaded down with a profualon of
flowers after the flrst art
The, winter season of th? fasir.o began last nlcht
wi:h an extravapanza cal!?d "The Strange Ad
ventures of Ja.-k and the Bean Stulk " It ls th?
work of R. A. Barnet and A. B Sloane. I13 com
rosltlon ls based on Er.glish folklore, it draw?
largely from the poems ascrlb4?d to Mother Ooose,
and it makes fre/juent sallies Into "The Arat.lan
Nights." With thaaa treasurits of materlal, It
would b? strange lf aomethlng plcturesque could
not be adduced. and somethlng pleturesque haa
b??n adduced. It ls ln the directlori of plcturr?,
Indeed that the entertainmer.t ehie.fly excels. The
bullding of the pluy and the Inventlon of lnciderts
and stage expedlents were mueh better dOS4 thai
the writing of it. ln the latter partlcuhr, how
e\er, It ls lnofTenslv?. There ig an ahundance of
frt.v mubif, and lt wu sung with mueh splr''.
There were dash and vigor, in faet, to the wholo
performance, partlcularly the daaeaa, and many
parts of It were thus cniivened whleh had lltth
to auatain them except the way in which they
wero done.
Tha nursery story nf "Jaek ar.d the lienn Stalk"
was followed onite as faithfully aa six h an Oliglnal
ls usuaily followed, whlle nunr-rous old frienda
of the ehildren Btrayed in from otrv-r atorlea, and
new relutiona for th'-ni were dlsenv?-rpd Buch, for
lnstan'-e. were the rev?-latlopa that Jack was the
aon of Old Moth.-r Huhhard. ar.d thal M!str<->-s
Manr Quite ("ontrary was the daughiT of Old
Klng ('ole and tha afrinnced hride of jac-k Tbere
are dreadful robhers in rhe pi?oe?"th* forte
thlaveR -pretty fairies. nr.<] a torritilc. territ.le
rlant. lf it last? till the holldaya now not no \?rv
far off. lt wlll )k? an appr-.r-r:;.'^ an.l attraetlve
annisemer.t for the tim?-.
8ever?: rhangaa were effe-.-ted ln local theatraa
last ntghr. Mr. Herrmann appaared Bl I'aimrr's
Thaatre, glving an antertalnaaent ln roagte, and, as
?aua'., exeitlng mueh wonder. Mr. f;,:>tte"s popu?
lar farce. "Too Mueh Johnson," was pfaaeatad m
tb? Murrar Hlll Theatra, and it wa? reeelved, ;-s
k?r?fofore. wlth abundanl favor. .Mr Rolx-rt Hii
l?rt apptared ln the Ciarden Thaatra, presentins
?Ught piar ealled "The Mummv. ' Tha title Is old.
bat the oieee i? new. Mlaa May Irwtn bagan fl
wief engngement at lha nran.l Opi ra Houae, |_
?ar f?rce ealled "The Ifldow Jonea" Mr. Jaaaea
A. Hem?- a^ted at the Harlen Ctpara Uaoae, ln
'Ihore Af r.?." The mlaatralfl ot Ifeaara. PrtBaroM
Bat Weat gnvff a ch:.racteristl..- a-i.l pJBBBlng p<-r
'?nnanf-^ m tlaa Colnmbua Tbantre. Btlrthful pro
??edingg at Hamrnerateta'a Orympta fhoaed Inter
eitlng to i numerona audlenee. H'-rr l.indau's
Pafi ?ntitled "The Fir-: Ona." was eeted Ly Mr.
ConrWjd'g Oerman company at tha Irving Place
??-B_B_ Mes'rs. Kliw and F.rlanger, at the
Cms_j Theatre. prod'ieed a ligiit pie'->- eatltled
iatkaad the Rean fltalk." Miss Ada K<-!ian and
* ba* Comedy Company apgaarad Bt Washlng
*?*? B_w Oeorgla Cayvan began an engagern.-r.t
kla)fBa_yn Jan MatiaTen, giving his more or le?r
**Batle r?r.ding?, was reeeiv.-d wlth enthusiasm
l? Chlc.ro.
Virloia prlnt'd proc'amations have arrived from
J*1*"*. announcing the sp*cial aucceas of Miss
^?8 Jahnson. wno lmperaonatt-s an Australijn
?wage, ealled 'he VVallaro.-. ln tha drama of "The
^ataa of Coolgardte,"?now rlalbla at Dmry
_** Theatre. It Is mado known that Mr. Il'^r
"?n Tree. when he eom?-a to Am-rlea tnJa a^a
*k wlll brlng a draanatlo company comprlslng
*? gate Rorke, Mlss Marga'et Sylva. Mlss
__bj? fvor M! ' Ni:ia Ilo'iolrault, Ml '? ??"
_.???, Mr. Jam-? Tayi? r, Mr. LaureBce Cautley
_U_er?. \;r Tr?e wil!. furth*rmore. have the
IS***..- or a Ki;.K ?'i.ar!es .-[ inul, uliu. it !s
2j_.k "caM. for a star part" In B new pln) ?
_2_'The Seats of the Mlghty." Mr. Wilaon
__? didM-tK and preachy dramn culled "lhe
?__ot th.- cioss," which has boen BU4*cee_iful Jn
S?** knd In other Kii;;liah eltle . will .-11'" the
'Tork puh'.lc ii.-xt w >k in the Knlckerbocr.er
t--*tr?. Im.jrtant changea, of blli ar<- a?1 down
7 Wver_l local managers for Novernber Z). Thei
____ 8iU'-h pra.il ,\ . ln the theatneal cuatom
TJJ'wng all the novelri? of tl.n r?-ason Into ?
gpt- On Novernber Z,. Mlss \ la \- han wlll m "-?
_f re-entrance ln N.-v V.? Daly?, Theatr.-.
Snoajiliiid, ln "A^ You l.ik. It"; Mr. Klchar.l
_9*aa*!d, at lhe (;ard?n Theatre, wlll p: -
?H>hard III": Mr. Frohman'a S'o k Comnany wlll
"*8I8 the reiTuiar aeaso:; ar the ' ?.>-^yn Theatre in
?__8w plecc; and othei venturea wlll be a-iuan
*waa abromd. in varlous dlreett .na.-mKkins: all to
_r__?r that e-eeaa of rlrhes whleh !a not ro be de
Cerr.ellua N. Bllss, treaaurer of ihe Hepubllean
j_B___ Commlttee. gave n dlnner last aoenlng :o
?jjew-rnembera of the commlttee at tlie Metropoli
__JJ___f*Ai-t- Among thoae present were jo.-?ph 11
ot tha BBBaaalllBij, waa on?
ra alao iha wtveo af
PftUBawXBIU '-I 'r.. ukatii I'V WHOLBBUI B vNU
. ?p . ,i.i-i rr i st'i'iabbia<
London, Jfev. 2.?The Dally Sewa" pabllahea
a let;.-.- rroan a:i Bagltsh merehaal In th.j
PhlllppitM I?laiula In whlch tha trrlter allegea
that honible atrocltlea hare beea perpetrated by
botb the rebela aad the Spaniards ,bat more ea
pecially by thelatter, whotortura thelr prlsoners,
paurtlcularly when they are promlner.t men. with
a rlew tu fetdng them to eoafeaa eogaallelty
fn tha ici.tiiion. Ha declarea thal in nome
? a*e- prlaoaera' hand? havi bet n naited to
walla, whlle la othera thamhecrewa have been
uaed. A hundred prleot*era wera ihrowu ln one
night into a dtUageoa in the f..rtr. s? at Manila.
where there was hr-.rdly rootn for thlrty. The
placi waa woree than the Blach Hole of Cal
cutta. Tiv poor an-etchaa were up i" thelr
kiiei-s in tiithy. ptitrld Bflttd. Mfty-atBl of them
liied diirinit th" night.
a rebja of terror exlata in Manila aad eli-e
where in thi- talaada. Wholeeale arreata are
made daiiv ot tunocent and gullty pereoaa The
wrlter addathat the rebelllon laaolel) due to tbe
rotten ani oorrupl admlnletratlon of th<* Bpan
larda, which the natlvea were unaid.- to endure
unv looger. Th-* outlook is of th-> Macheet de
acrlptlon, und buahaeas is at a coraplete atand*
BtllL The wrlter ?.?.?* ootnpeUed t.i leave his ?-.?
tate. tbe Governtaeal refaatag t.. guarantee his
aafetv there.
Prleonera are pul i i deaih v.holesale. In
treatlng <>r this rabyert the arrlter deacrlbea th.
ahootlng of four me i on the publlc promenade.
Th.- troopa beld their r.il-'s so .lo.-.* tu the heeda
uf the condemned men. that wbea ibe weapona
were dlacbarged thelr hea.ls wera blown to
atom*. Crowds of Bpaouib woaaen a*eol to aee
theae foui i -bela killed.
.'..! \.-i;i. FOB THB ACCCgKD AMBBlCAXfl PI-AN
NiN'.i THE l.iNi: 0# DBTBBCa
Leoadon, Nov t?Tha Clerhenwell aeeatons, io
Whlch th. iriul of Mr. and Mr*. vTalter M Caatle
..? Ban |f*raJefAaoe, on a charga of ahosdlftlng, waa
gned i>y Magtatrata Newteav ol tha Qreal Marl
borough Btreet l'ollce i.'ourt. opeaed te-daj Th<
heartng o:' tbe ea.-.e of tha Caatlei ?:n aet down
;..: Freday, Nov.-mbei- li.
Chalrman MeCoaneU of tbe Clerhenwell .-'?--.?
dellvered a charga to the orand Jury on th-- ordl
i.ary course of ihe eaaai ?.., ba hiaro. ealllng eape
. attentlon to the case of Mr. and Mra. Caatle,
ln whleb he aald the facta aud not dlffer rii.m ih-ie
eonatltutlng a case of ordlnary laroeay excepi ui
reape -i to tbe poattion or. thi i ? d ;? i aana
-. .? i case, be theugbt, e ia s proper one fo
uulri iv a cotuBBon lury. The trlal u*as then Bx?fd
foi nexi Frlday. Mr and Mr Caetk dtd no*. ap
.' ar ln couri ... , ,.
8ir Edward Clarke, Blr Frank Lax-kwood and ui
rVbrahama of tt.ounae foi thi defenw mei
the chaniber* of Blr Edward Clarke thl* afternooti
to rllacuas th< eourae to be taken by thi .i-r-i ??
?t the openlng of the trinl. li l? underatood that
the .-hlef li.unt under .1:!-? "- -.on ? ?- whetl ' ".
noi Mr* Castle ghould , ??? ?? gulllj wllh an ea
ing nlea of mental weakn-aa bui
aei de. Ilned to dia iaa the i Bture i I theli ue lal i
"?Th!- Chronlclr" ?-..: thal Mr. Abrahama,
tor for tbe defenduuta. had a conferenci
with th<* officlala at the Uneri. in Kmba* ? Bli
Frank Lockwood and Mr GIU wlll defend M, i
ile and Blr Edward Cla .. md Mi Hai hew* ?...
u;.i>ear f..r Mr... Caatle.
thi: poaraaa baio to bave decided that a
l.jn.lon. Noi I Th- Roaae eorreapondi
"The DaB) Wewa" clahau to have luthea ?? foi
the atataateni whleb be tetegrapha lo
lhat the Powera aro workmg actlvely '.'. v..
Armenian queatlon. and lhat anyliow .1 provlalonal
aolutlon wlll be to recognlae a nllltan oecui
aa the only remedy. lt haa not >.-. been auri-.u
whlch Power will un.lertake tbe occupatMN*.
pantcfl aaaatABCBra obaab
I.or.don, Nov. 2.?"The Chronlcie" gabUahea a dle
patch from Parle s:.ying lhal Coual Herhert Bta
marck la now in tha: clty. In converaailon aitk
some of hls intimaie frienda. he defewled bla
faiher'e action in revealing tl.rouirh the "llnrn
burger Nachrlchten" the former enlatenr.- of a ?'?
eret treaty between Oaiaaany and Ku**!n He de
elared that k.-en patrtetle sease h..d bean ar.
and that Prloee Btaaaareh waa oon^rnodhy o pol
Icy rontradl'Mng tbe nxiom* on whl^-h th" Kmpire
bad bea n unifled
?Thr- Chronlcie" adda thal wlth a vlew to evad
ing tha rigor of the Pruaalan biw. Prlnce Baaaarck
baa iran?fcrred the, publlcatlon of artlclea lasptrad
hy hlm to an Austrlan aaawaaaper.
TAB3MO a hi.vt irom vn <)iampi;i:i.a:x TBE
iiaanTArnni aow optoib vtolatiob ><f
THB a.;h'-.kmi:nt vitii \knk/.iki.a
Waablagtee, Nov. t-Brltlab Ouiana newapepera
whleb reached the State D?partaaeal to-day .ii?
agree wlth the London pn-*.-- OVer tha Kaltuma
Rallway eplaode hih! adveeate eaeapltaacMi wiih
tha v. nezueian rrmonrtran... agalaai the rtoUUtea
of tbe .-tatus quo. Son.e wick. R?o tha OolOtlUI
Leaialatara paaaad under BaapeBelen of rulei ..i"i
without adeajaata eeoafcferat'oa a graat for a rall?
way up tha Kaltuma Rlver into the .li*put.-.l ti r
rftory, with a provb-kiB tnat tha aarrejr abookl i-e
made'at aoea and that ooiurtruetleo ahould begro
ln Janaary. Veaeauela \igorou>-iy protesl .1 n> the
Unlted Btatea, agaJaat thla i.r-.-i.-h .f f.iith Ora
Hrltain I.avlng pomi-el to pr aerve aslsttng >"'
ditlons untll the whole terrltor al dBBpol ? waa B t
?,\'he-! thla affaii waa puh^eled ln Clepatebea of
tbe Unlted A^.-.ocl/lt'd Praaaes, Ueodea aewapap r*
. .mment ?i on it with ma y gtaparaglag reaaark*
in regard to the Unlted 8 atr* ari 1 poa 1 .le i t r
ventUm. It now app<nra that th" Demerara r.a|. ra
whleb taba thelr eaea tror.. (ha CotonUi autbor
I 1 ?-. an- ehKua tag tr* matt^ ln Qtiite a ilifTer ir
tone. admittitig thal lha aetlea ol tha Celanlal
LegHlature al Ihi luncture waa ra'culated to u;i
?et all piann for ai bfti a< 1 ?. I" Ihe eopiei leacn
it c h^re tf-dav Ihe t>?**ll lli'- of ml rria'lo ..1 fric?
tio*i ovi-r a mln* r laaue la daplore-J, an i tr,.- Lon..
Dowapapera are a..\i ed not to loae Iheli t.-mp. r.
ConAdence r* expreas/d tt;et the fertbconlng aet
tlement f.f tie bouadary queatloa wlll glve tbe
projected rallway Itae t. the .oiony. and tha*. no
actual work wili ba attaaspted oa n BatU toal oa
clelofl la r.nd'ii'd
From o her aourcea it as learnad lhal thla c lange l
attltiide ln the eolony i* due to a fordUe eabl
dispat'b fr?m .'o*<-ph Chnmberlaln, geeretary of
Btate f'-.r the Colonle*.
Key V%>*t, Fla . Nov 2 -Colone; J, M. f>rf'-Ba.
Major A. Cuaplaore, and I.leutenant* f'arela and
l-'i-llx Hlo*. apeOBal commlrvalonera from Oeneral
Oaoaefl to the Cahaa lunt.i ln the l'nlt"d State*,
arriv*-d In thla clty thla mornlng on the sehootur
Ireae from Maaaaa. They were thlrteen dnya out
from ihe camp of flomcz. They ^!at.? thal <'?? n
erala Berafin Banc-hea and Callxto Oareia ar.- with
General Oomea, and together they have liflOO men
They reporl thal Oeneral Rabbl ha* tolned Oomea
with 3.w*? Bpanish troopa, thal all are w.ll an.! ln
the l.es; of spirltK ar.d confldenl ef ultlmate au.
oeaa Tbey ait.rt to-morrow ror Kew-York
4|rwnam intkiivikw with OSNSRAL LSB,
Mudrld, Nov. 2?The Havaaa eorreapoBdent of
"t:; . >'?:?'" .?.it'lc ai'tit pnU'OrtN lo !? an Inter
Vb'wi.il by I i"1 v'"1, ''oii*Ml-C.erierol LeM prtflV
io thi a^partara of tha latter reataajgay from
Havana for Kew-Yorh. Aeosedhig le tbe aaapatek
Oeneral Lea eadd thal hl wa* golng te mak.- .. prt
vite VUdl te New-York. He added. t!.e I orreapond
,.- -, th.'tt ba waa oeagiaat that the herolsm
DUln-Oeaeral Weyler'a troopa would aperdlly
(ermt. .'. V'- rebelllon He alao euloglaed the
gplrlt Sf>ain dUplayed.
1 ondon Nov. --Edward J. lvory. allaa Bell. the
alleg.d dynamlter who I* under remand for fur
thcr examinatlon ln the How Stre-t Pollce l ourt.
bavlr.g applled io Ambaa.-r.dor llayard for tbe pro?
tectlon of the Bhabeaer aa on Amerlcan ntlwn.
,,e BahttBf wlll aetid a lepresentatlve tl the How
Btr^t^Court w^.i-h;^^^', -
i p7e^.n.? rprUhaer?Trlgtfr.a ? c.t.aen of the
1 Unlted Btatea. ... ... j. -
Oacai ll-i.imei-t.-ii. u-i nlgfhl m?de ai.oil.er of
his fr.-.pient a.t.-mpls lo astmiish the New-York
put-li- He o|M-ned lha flrst minter roof garden
anl had what h? ealled a "bai champetie." The
raudertlle entertalnment. whi.-r. haa hltherto been
ilownataira in Ibe muslc hnll-r.ow iivcom'- the au
aitorieaa?waa aaeaed up to the roof and ?heitere.i
from ;!?? lej Mnata, whleh were not jittendlng to
Ihelr a rl; 1:.- i.lght. bul which ara eXper-t.-d later.
by glaaa aMae, Bopptementlng th.- glass roof. The
rnri ly paili-inann all want wefl till Its very end,
ind than there ama aim..sr aa aeckteat of aaaawe
guance. Th- prccr.-mm.- end^l wlth th- trepez.
p.-rformam-. of lhe HanlWao, At the end of it they
uaually drop Into the oet, bm when th'' flrst of ,
them dld -.efthe propa of the nel ga?a way
and h- wenl aii rhe way r.? the r,nor. But U araa
his own welghl which bad pulled awaj lha prop,
and ao i-is fall v .s i.rokeii and he koi up Bnd wenl
-,, :>,. ataga, wh. re ba bowed to tha auo-rnoe wltb
the othera. Hi n aalry a_??te ratber ?< dtahenrtenlng
rraah when he rauae down. -bai Ifa nothlng lo
..!,. one Bryan wUI make lo-roorrow." aald one of
lhe byatnndera.
I: took neariy ball an io u I laal aad Bweep the
Boor, and than tha orcheatra played an ararture,
whlcb made tbe audlcnce Impatlent ll anded, IQie j
everythlng elae, and ihen two men ln unlform, took
Ina very Prenchand uncomfortaWe, mar hed araund
thi cleax spa - of lha Boor. One if tb-rn rarrted tba
Amerlcan Bas. an i ll ey ???? I ?ll >wed b] a man
made up bato *. go. i iweneea of MeKlnley and *
maeki i Ooddeaa af Liberty. The Ukeneaa o.* McKln
wa< greeti 1 by greal appUuae, and aomebody
? i 'Three cheera far M rhtlale; "' and almoal
rverybody In he ?' -?? gave :>m. One at thi few
wh i dl i noi erled ' Tbn ? * era for Bryanr* boi no
i.o.'y na.. ihem, noi i mu ibe man who had ealled fo4
tbem , ,
N.-xt. two aets ..." ;.???:? alonal djancera cunie a u
wenl through i nuaurlll. whtoh wn* Bteeted viii.
favor. Afiei .h. ? . i:e a walta whtvb w?? maraeu
??publle' ... the :?-... .im - For rome linw a re
pei o.is in i . ii| orma und i uatumea of 'ti h. u?e
i ad the tl o all ... iru :? >. Iv.- . .-ii i tb-n "t ?ai a
,,, .;?;. presum ibl repreae ulng ll ?? publle v?nl
urrd on ii>. tlo..r. fui.ow.i ..ui.-aly by iwo or l me
n.i, couple The) weru greated wilh irrmeii
.1.. s apilauae by th.,-.- ..f Uw pablie ?ho pre
itrrvd ta u i. ;.i.-sen .-.i i.iihe than di mi /<vr?':
h ntlng. The wa) ln miI h th.-. br?v?-i) daneeii
on. ii. a Ite ..: tne ip| lanae, led *-..',- to au p >-t
ttiit they were lietter aciiualnted v>i; i the man
??. i- n ?,i tl ey prete ded lo .... and I **- eren
ihoug i thal snn.r Ihem w.-i- nwll) only maa
Ina Uh\. ih.it the) -lid noi kn..w how to riu.
well Howtver that w_o, lhe ua ?-? ?-"' ": ;'
few of them belng for profeoatanaaa .>..i . i>m <?"?
i-,, ; ,,f iii, in .if t ..- klnd n.arked >ibic. nnd
people kapi comlng up ln lhe tlevatora ro i.ok on
.... .n u... oii.rni n | late li'.ur ll i- oniy nn '*
,.. imem aa r?l. I*ui Mi rtammeretein baa .<.
? | ? ? ,:.. one godi i Ighl ^ b lalneaa ? ". II
/ \ //,/,'/ i/\ '.// \ T* OF TBE WERE.
Hrrrnaim, tl.. nngldnn, began a ahari .-..^.ixe.
? i- imer'a Tbentn Tha entec
- B . v hlch I"- gtvea Ib bo wi II known
lhal , . . ry o to a \y Ihat he ?4\e n
"'' ??? ' '? ;""K' '
:..: in the d ?'"1 ^-'r1"" ____
H? rmann'a perfornwi - la alwa; ??' ' aame ii
. . l.nt nol ln .!??? .il. He .- now addtng
,i .,,, thosi perfoem**! bj lhe n .
>,.. ,,:?- ..i li.di.i. .Mo HerrwiAnn'a ...n--- ara a
. . t rt of Ihe i- i forman. ?
Pasioi - -
r . ? ?? .
. ? ,- ? motion Mr I'.-' r i imaell
,, .. i.. .. Doekal ? ? I ?? Idgbl:
.:,.. Lall 'i bi otl > enb ' ? ' ???'
? ?? i tn| ? ! - ? '? H ? , -?',""t;-'
. . . ?.,. m .? hai - omedy
..--:.,. i , .-?
i ? ..-.. ... v Avoya ' H I ?
M B . ? ?? ? i
(jnlnn. Lewli ai I Klllott. and Melroan -...i l-.ime.
,,,.: ,,' -... .in i- bi ? ??? Prw '?" - >" ?
..... |.,i.. ,. ihla waa k 1 ha Litdkm mm ;;"'''
., :,),,, w. i- amitaed nn l-'* ""r "'?' ' ' '
s andlw vtai vi ntrtloqul i K 10I3. eejalllbrlat; '??.:.
rowtng rooatari and ptono-playtag
v. . ? ? ''-,.*,?!'
; . ?? ' Bglbhon
?in', Bien ,.. an.i Ballej - h rlol ? H ? Inr,
? i . ..? I." .- .. Kenl Barrw]. lt ?
? ,k.i Mtl. Korn. magl n '- ?nd
? p, , oi a The a Twi m hli l-el M ?? J
a. ... i ? -a >nd B alulei K' tl i
??Qule Erentaa at netna." aaat Bdlaoi - ?- ,
., ., phrtuf nptnh aad aaaab, xvn.ni. .
,.,.., the ea rlai ira noi oltlea Otheri *??
; .- :i .- w. Utix I. mra
, ctara Bla iea, lhe Metrepolitan
a_n ? ? . - - - ??'? I ''? ' ' "? "'
and Mai - I. -an -- " '?/;'"' ,
harmoni. . -. - - >v \i. k a . i i>.
Hej?ei:. ? Uy m ueii-r
Tha btograph la new the aaaat raopular fea ?- ' ?
rntertalnmei i k ler d Btal arhara ba ple irai
Of "M'Klrlev a; 11..m- .n-l Ibl Ktnpire Sele Kx
i bualaam na U na Boch
,,,1 -yer been exhlblted before. The n-w
i,'-'. nlghl were Wernet -n.i B>der, operatl'
. O'B ? I . Thla .- tftw la?l
we.-k ??? the Klylng Jordnna. WPUma andj_atker
M., r,Vy ntaaerakt and rhe Barrtaea efewere.
The uaual coneatta *r- ni\?h at tha Bdan Muaea
.,;.- thaaa jr? r..-w and bteod- vdllng waswarfca
\OTE8 <>l TBE 8TA0E.
,. I, reported th ' H'?ltai Damro h ...
-rita a l.pht opera. and thal lt wlll be parformi
nratVaaon by lha rVhttney Opern Ceaarp-nj
Kl taa annaal benefti of thi Sen v irk Laadge af
Plka al tbe rtfth av -ouo Theatre, oa Tbwradnj
,;?./. .,,,, Novembc. 12. kteade DatweOer. ihe
,; ? r.viii-,1 Kulerof tl.rder, uin make an ad
?ri?. attra tl ma Ibua far Becored f"r the
nenefll Inelnda aa acl of 'Nortbera Lkrhta/* tbe
_un a.-e,,.- fr,:,. Tha Cherrj Plckera Bob. -n M ll.
aml Mlaa Chnrj Wagerald
, ;,.,,;.,.. . Moore Smith n>"i hla i it! ? ' ?
Urge number ol ofllcera and enllated men of the
,. Rrglrnenl ? UI -o t-, |be /'ro-dwav Thenire on
Thuraday ev?i Ing I ? . B*l in f-or-.i
Charlea Bhaw. iblrty-tw yeara oM. ? hi-f rtaward
of tho atearaohlp Jaaaaatwwa, af tha OM homirdor,
Ul?, ivl,?.i; Ptei No .',. North lllver. d.ed aud
denlyon board ....,?..:.k* I burt n gh. J..s ??_
tore the ranndtedword waa tataa^oaag ta Dr. rraab
xv Merrtam, -f Ka l? Weal Kieventh-s. . who
,,,.;?,?,, t(1 um Bblp The patkaal dtad aoan afwr
bla arrlrnl Araanaa Iho-a pttooai y'';J^rt"
???-?? "'t:,""m' 7;:! Z:^v::l"!""Z^L
:"" '"' , , .' ?X' . i-iiiy ti>v c-uee of donth. it
^,,tnl to-da> _ _
Vi, , obotoarapha of I'rlntlnr Houae Sq lare.
rUy H.ll Park, an.l later In the da, <><^*cr?;'
?waltlng electlon retnrna al tha buBatla baorda m 11
,?. t.jtor. ,o-,iav ahould iha wlnd prora """'k
T.,e talllei ? kltea wlll be aaul aloft from the roof of
. '!. PobuI Telegrapb BulldlnB. Wllllam A. Bddy
,',',, Henry U Allan belleTn tbnt thelr eaaaniaaanl
tTffl daraonatrata the adraahtga ofao W*&?
P-55 ?'?,;;:,,*1r:,rY,,y:h?'.b.w. "wiHT'someX
i;;:!;,.,^;".." Hlnes'.f-.h .n,--s.irmenmov,ng
onTlrold'vsv during the r-. enl gr-al para.le.
,?:.,:...? 1U-r.l..!ni. ahjhl .v-^s old aon of Mrs
m-m. Berthelln. a laakaa' taJlor. of No. ? i-ifth
,' wVh .wniBMknai r-tawJiJ ??~*
! , clrmblna ?."'" law wall of tbe old laaaarvolr^al
r.'r, ,'l ,' Mfth-ave.. when he fell. sufferlnK
J.;,^'.1 , ,>',,. hrnln. He wgB r4B)nored le kdfi
Th. Bev n-.nr.i-! Bagfl Maaftay. r__ator af th*
v rtn Rfformed Chareb of Bewark, who waa ra
'.',?.;. naired te tha RtwrBMa Chwreb al ihla aity,
, , :!;,,r;.e for an Indettatra paHa_
Ti-.e mw Jaaauaaaa Canaul ta thla eBy. T Uchkia.
..-l-.ed here yeate.dav aad was m.t a; the .L.rand
".-i.ira'. gtatlan hy Char.cellor Nakayam*. wha haa
baec kt "'hd.-Be of the Conaulate s!:..e riie recall of
ton.u: Mlyagawa on 8-piemb,r M Mr. tfebtfg waa
nkei. to the favaaaaa fnion haadajaaatara. at Ma m
%Vest Tweaty^th-at, when ha waa eatartahaaf a:
Hmuw Maary prBBBlBBBl .Inpane-e m.^r-hants raUad
nlw^nr?','ni thare Te-doy h tha Wrtbday al the Em
! ,- r .1 .lapan. and lh<- lapanaaa all .n-er the world
_'ii> .?.-;.;.rate I; w.th prreat enth._4l;.sm. The mm
ronaul wlll ls* the central flgum of4 .he ,-e>hratlon in
h "e y There wlll ba ? dlnner and recptloniat he
J.iVmm fnlan he.1d14uartr.-a. ar whlc.1 Mr. IVhlda
ini l epr.a"nt He wna fotmerl, '.'onaul at 3eoul.
ln thla conteat pairlotlam 1* above party. and
Nitional honor dearer than any party name. The
currency and eredli ef the f;overnmen? are good
r.otr, and BBBBt be kept good former.
The employmen: of our Idle money. tbe idle
money we already hive, ln galnfu! pur< ilts will
put every Idle man ln the country at work. and
wh<-n there |? work ther?- i.i wagce. and when there
are work am! wage* ther>- are eon?umer? al home,
who conatltute the be*: market for the produeta of
ou- aoil.
We have raacbed a point in our hlatory when all
men who love the.r country muat unitp to dcfe.it
by t!-e|r ballota the force? which now j*s..ul: : iie
Natloa'S honor.
Kenesty. Bhe p.utiot;>m. eaa aa kaaadad aelther
bj S'.ite ror aectional line.j.
Ftaaaotal Uahaaor la the thraateaad .inngrr now.
aml good ini-n will obllierate old linea of party in a
unlted i-ffort t.i uphoi.i ABBerVran rredll and honor.
BThether ear prleea be blgb er io* whether eur
aages m- ?*>.o.i or aad, tbey are all better by belng
pai.l In ilollarsi worth IM) <ent.< euch. If a*a have
goo.i wagea, they are better bv belng i?ai<! in Bl "1
dollar*. ir we have DOOT Wagea, 'h..\ ii- niH.lf
pearer by belng paid In poor dollara.
Wha; wr ali \?jii! r.'.ore :h.in anythlng elas Ea to
ke^p our money eqoal to tiiai of ;ii?* m,i?; -nliaht
eaed iiaii.ma of tha ear'.i an.l to m.-.in:.iin. iinatillie.l.
t... . i...i:t. ihe heaer and ihe good falth of the Oov
< rum-nt of i.ie I'nl'ed .Siat.-i.
It ta the duty ef the paepla ef thla teuntrytoa ind
unlte t;> BgabMt eretyeffon te dagiada oar currency
oi debaee mir rredlt. They must nal e now. a* ;lw
have UBitedT ln the pa* :?i every grear . risia of >ir
iuoiry'8 b atasy, irttbeui regard io paat i.artv afllUa
tlon* or dlBsrencae. le apbeai tha Xatlooal eredli
and heaer *? aaeradly aa our fiag,.
h ii ii. niin iiim ? ? wv arant: vhal a< wani la ;?>
ba saons] ara alraady bava at werk. IVhea
moaej i- rnudoyed, mea ar.- eaiploy. !
\\ .? ..ie n..; a Sation efelassea, bul uf aturdy, free,
lii.teperi.l.-nt and iono:.ihu- p.-ople. aesatslag tbe
kraagugtneand aevei eapltulaltai to dlaheaor. Bvery
atrenii.: : > array rlaaa *r ilnat claaa, 'the claaaea
agalnal ;.'.? BBaeeoa," aectlon iigaiii-1' aectlon, labor
agalnal capliat, "tha aeoi sgalaai tha rlch," ar m
??- agalaai Intereal, li In ihe klgbesl .i-gr-e r pre
? ;.n- rnaaeni by Iaa mual Brai be aaaured ei*ery
. .* ehM eaa wall The ?p:rit of lawlesaBeei ? ual
..' extlaagalahed bj Ih* Brea el an aaai Iaa i an i lafry
. r "? .?m.
!:?. ry .! a ? ? ? ? " "'?'' '^'''
...' th* repudtatlen of aV b - .
- ;. , .k.d h\ ail aaen a - ? ?
,- ii,,- i,.-- pa V ?. ..r m aa love theli
- . : i .trve laaalUe i I - St ? ?<? '
. ;. i 1 :.. - rr: .... ef lha c* iple a ?>
, . . rhKh dace of Preeldeni af i ie i nt -i
-? ; . .... ? , ui : .? prli llega le al i. e?*en I ??
- <t i*e ? legre. ;?? i Bl tl* ? ol - il of
rr-i'-n ai regard b enlnuti
: ,. , . hjeni of evei .a I il ??1"
R . ?
i ao 1.1 n i". ?:.--. - ?'
. v, ........ s . gnd is Ba t a I tha
w... in separsied er In danj
, W,,A ,,? . aertl mal oi ;
lt (free ? a aake la eaaier tha
i * . .,....? t pai ?? I aotald
Be faimlna ? i ?????' P ""'' ?'"
? | not at.irt a fa< lerj "; meka a deeaand for
? ., ! i- ? '.ahor
i. ta no- ?r . aa* f ' "? voiuBBe "f Bsoaey whl b
. ..,.., ??. m i..,' in Increase ln rha i au
...:.?. j :,.. laereaaa ' ? ..... .
*.:,.len e No: m,->r. otaafe, bul a BBOre ??? Ive
.. ,- ? :J,,.,. eaiaad Bet open atfata for the nn
-i age ai tha Bttvai of the worM. bat opea
... - run ard uarestrteted '?i>or .>f kaaerteaa
* -k igmen _
.; .1 m.i>- v aever m * i- baH ? '<?? -
i.,..,., a.. ai .' .. ? * ' meai i deatruc on ..f
value. No, one .??fTer? ao m- ' aa ?-*;' BBortey
,. tb< farm. re aad labor. ? ? are the Rr I
tr, i ? t.id effeet" and the ia*: te reeorer frota ? .? r.
ar? Mnne make priee*. bwl s*s eaa ptavtds t.ia:
tll prleea aaaU ba paM i" fuM aeuara wertk N8 centa
We cannol raveraa tha laws af trade. and *%?? a I a i
rr; ,r*e tne gtws ef ?' aeflMa boaeaty.
I ,. itna '?' '""?' ??:?'?? ' '? ' '*? ' ' '?'
hicheet rahHgataaa st Aaaarlcaa cUlarawilc Btar i nf
b .,? pubUe i-"" bi a all ? preaae i itj Pre
aerrlng -^ puhll eredli antalated ani the curren. y
un.-oTrup'.e.: and botbabowacbeJIege myw iere in ti.?
ww | h :.,e ?i.rnm.in'l af *:mple boneaty aad s?d
? nk _
Heneai mnn-.- ? tha anly klnd far lioBeai people,
and the L'altad lu ? ? OcntarnataBi wlll havi bo other
[, ? reaaoaabta I i tha rtaasp af the ??..?.??inmen:
^n make 11 eeeta wortb ot aiixer worth a dollar?
.?, m.,ke .,; .-? -v rtb of sttrer eaual to HM
,,,,'.. ,h.n .he?amet>ower.an mak- IBTI
.. n-.av ai flt te call a akiKar eajaal toBB mtt ?' -
OcrveniBwat'a auaap a laapari t. tl.lapei artth
au. h a -:amp would anewer ibe *asse purpoa*. and,
.. wouM be ihe rhraapeat and moal ? aa ?
Th- pfoblaai I- nol "*' ot the preaeat. bul of the
.,-m.HP'w and of n.e hereafter-iha beid, baM guea.
llOfl of National bttegrity ani Natlonal honor.
K *, coold prefll by publlc dlaheaor wa wou d ? lll
gpun, u, but no natio.v ??;ate or ln.n..liai ever d l
?ju BTOBi bf .li"honor
u> d.u.t leeiieve |n claaaea iii ihe I'alted I i ?
-Thora i- laal one claaa undei aur Bag aad all ol a
>-l.nig to lt.
BThai ??? aaai la ibH countrj la a pollci thal n
gj f ;o BVary Amerlean workmgm.in fUB w."W ?'
aBBtrlran avagea _
A fuil day* work BSual oe paid la fuil
;i ,:i.v aaeaey. a laBar a- sound a- the Oavernaaeat
a,,.| u* ?ntarn|.h.d a- it* flag. A dolUl lhal la IS
MOd ln tiie han-le of ihe farm-r and tb* * .rklaamun
... in tbe han 1* ef 'he manufaefitr. r ov thfl capBahat
u.? niividiui aatpraaaaey, our peiaj letlvfl eaaadty,
our bostneaa and tBoauaercial areaperlty, aui labor
ifl,i |u reward.. our Natlonal rredll and currency, out
proud ilnaneial honor ani am BBteadM free ehhienahlp
UM blrtiirlKht of e.e,y Amerlcan-...- Involved la
tha pendlng cam.iaign. and thu* every besas ln n.e
lau.l ta ilreetly and Intimarely .onne.'ied wlth ineir
proper aetllement.
T..e kaaerkaB Baopja baM the Baaadal benot of
?ur rjovenaaeal aa aaoreal a* aur aag, ead can ba
relle.1 upon to guard R wlth the same >eple.a irb>
The money of the fnked Staie*. and very Und or
f?rm ..f lt. whether of paper. allver or BOid. muat ba
a* good a- ihe beat ln the world. ll muat not only
be eurreai at Ita fuH face ralue at home. but li n ua
.... ,?,nt-d at Pir m any and every teeasaerclal eeatre
Of tbe BBBbe. _
Wh.ii veglva a goed dai i *?"'? l" "?'? MBB,?'*?
We want to bfl paid la good, "-und flaalaaa, wot b wa
eenta, ar.d never any less.
1'ie.iion Day preealae* te be a:. a-veutfel one with
,,?. raemberaet th. Meaa^radsreeh Huni Cluh, who
wlll indulge In golf ln tl.e mornlng. (UUtaka 0 a
(Uri..er nt the clnbhou*e. aad in tha afternoon "ii
lo* . n.n with tha kaaada Tha moetinvi-iyt
wUl be ai Wsaghury. Bala* K. Bllla. the maater
of the hound*. who was ihrown from hla home and
lajured two weeka ago. Bta noarly recovered from
hl* lnjurl... and 1* espected tn occupy the aaddle
to-d?v The turf ta excep-.lonally flne for good rld?
lng and lf the weather contlnuea good faat tlme
wili be made by the horxe*. Mra Kernochan. who
haa not mlaaed a hunt thl* aeaaon. I* cxpected to
r.irry off the honor* of the day.
Entrlea for Ihe farmera' taee on Saturday morn?
lng at the Mlneola Falr Oround.' track and the
aleeplech.se to take place at We*.bury. B-r lha
^utakrdr r^tTWa &&i^?y$?
Baturday nlghl *"-^'' '"'',?.' ra ?<? the M.-adow
to ajaafysy nvrr.Y variation in thb re
sii.t or the patti.e of ballotb.
By The Tribune's novel and orlglnal method of
liulletin-r the electlon returna. the news of the
battla <>f ballota will flash tO the ggag of thou
sands wlth the speed af Hght. Aa already an
nouneed in theae columns, people who live aa far
as thir'.y mllcs from New-York wl) be able to
know how the battle has gone In all the States of
the l/nion from Maine to California. and from
Te.ras to the Canada liue. This result wlll he ac
. ompllshed by means of whlte ar.d colored llghts
throwa hundreds nf feet above The Trlbune
Huilding. Thes.' liKhts will l>e thrown ln accord
ance wlth the code print*d below. a little study
of which will put the observer in a poaitlon to
toll how the v.lectton haa gone in evtry State of
the I'nion.
<>'.\ing to the great in.-rest that *.ttach*?s to
the way votes will be eaat in this city. provlBion
haa been made in the code t< r emblazonlng this
result also again.?t the ahy. Aa the predlctions
in.lk ate that tOHBBght f) Hl be cloudless. The Trin
une'a bulletins of Ilght will blaze the results with
?-s-peelal distinetneaa to thousands of eye*.
The X in tbe code below BadlOBtes In each ca*? a
colored Ilght Tiie O lndicate* a whlce light. The
c.ilored UghU wlll be red. to indlcate McKlnley;
greeo. to Uattteata Bryan: and orana* for Palmer.
Tl ? liuht* will be di&i.layed in a perpendlcuiar
atrlng Read the coda from l?f: to riKhr. a* in
nrdlnary prlat: the left-hand lig-tu arill be at ihe top:
?he other-. will baag lielow. in the order atated.
UENERAL BIOKALB: ln view of the fact that va
rlou* Btatea wlll not be iieard from d.-tlnlteiy untll a
late hour, proviaton ..-i made in the code far a few
general ?UCB.Ia. ahowina the drlfl of the ?eaUenng
returna recelved ear'y in the evaahag, Thla elass of
slgnala aill ba eaally dUtlng::Uh*d from all othera.
he.-auae eacb ene s\lll contair. a group of colored
IlKhia. It it betteved that the eeda i-. sauealf bsb>
. xplanatory. . , .
BTATE BIGXALB: in eaeb of tbaaa a atnng ?>.
Ilahti aill '?>?? dlaplayed, cempoaed ma.n.y of wnlte
lUrhta, but artth one or more colored bghta. the
'.iti-*r eervln* the double purpose or ' dividers" and of
Indlcatlng whleh way the Btate ha* ?one.
The code will be made clear by taklna a apeciai
.,.-. ..- for Inaunce, llunola. That State u ree>
reaented in tl.e- code by t!:. tlgures S, aud
Ib.'M llhlir-" Wlll ba -In.Wli uli ihe ranie r.itn
rlple aa la the strok?> of a ftre a'arm. Al
the top of the Mtriug there ari I be two whlte ugnts.
Indlcatlna ihe tiKar" I: then the ''drrlder, a raaurra
arhlrh wlll be red ir tha 3;ate h..? aoi-e for
McKlnley, areen If il baa zum- for Bryan. aal orange
il ? baa goae foi Palmer then tbree whlte Ifagnta
? , ittng the flgure 1 The ?ij?nal read* ?''Kt-Illinoi*
rone for MeKtntey ?? Th*- reaadi !a every other
Bl -.* wlll be repreeented In a alnsthur inanner
1 io- Colorado, Colorado'a number la 44 ? < .. o
r o for Bryan" woui.i be slgnaBed b) I arhlte
llgnta; neat below. a groen Ilght, rer-reseatteg Bary
an: ihen 4 wbi'*- Bghta. .
ir tbe stat ? i- adoubtful and Imaortaal .>..e tne
-. nal may ba abewn s w-ceeal tlase, la eeeawaaatiea
of ihe flrat. , , , ,
, prop wd . :Ire The Trlbune B*rlai *!gnau
? ? -?!,.??? the night r untll it beromea falrty ert*
BYni ,- .: party haa iwepl tbe iimntry
i returns from eeumry a. iarga
? ,-.. ;?? to:
RH ind arhlte ,...X X ') n <? 0 O- McKlnley
Or-ei .1 whlte....X X ?? O O ?' O?Btyaa
Btata . impiete, ara
t> f? O? .V.'Kinley
<? <) O?Bryan
Btraag teadeney ia etwee Btatea af aTeel h it thi*
:?? :. . ? a
Red a ; erhll ,..X X X O X X X:-McKlnley
; whtu X X N 0 X X X?Bryaa
PI ,; g| nea ?' w*eat appear, ln geaeral, 'o he
' , ? : ?
Red j:. i whlte ...X N 0 <> O X X M Klnley
Green and whlte..X X O <> u X X-Hryan
N i !? .!,' BOW Of e'.e,-t;on Oft
K^ | .X X X X X X X -M K:nle>
Sr ea .......... X X X X x x X-Bryaa
Malne .XO
\ .-rini 1.1
xoo . ?
New-Hampahlre .XOOO . 3
Maaaachuaett*.XOOOO . J
I'onne, il.ut .X'X)O0O . I
Rhode laUnd .<;X0 .li
iMli'vire .llXf'fl . *"
P..,', svlvaiibi .OXfXH-l . li
Vev-Jeraev .OXOOOO . M
ii ,r.',,.,.i .OXOOOOO . !?'
Bo ith .'..rolln...OXCKJQOOp . M
N-.w york I'lt:.OOXOOXOO.BB
New-Tork BUte. ?)i>X.. *{
loaa .IIOXO . II
nitr.ois .V!^-^-!t^
\ lriciT.:.i
fiOXOlWMl .-4
Montana ".o. i.XOOf mk. . ?
I., .(KKJA . ???
Mlaaourl .2525?^. S
Kentucky .OOOXOO ..
Mli neaota
hiii 1X....JD . 3S
i ii >i 1XOOOO . 34
:;;.' ?? . .nexixooixxH) .sa
t,:' . L,..: .< kxkjxoo.?
IVIaeonalll . .fV.OOXOOO . ?
(V 3" . .IKIOOX.WO . 44
,,'.; . .oaooxooooo .<???
v-,.",, ,.j i "" .nniiuiX . ??*
Heorrla . .OOOOOXO . H
Klorlda ' .CXXJOOXOO . ??;
V^ blTglOl* ::<.,...t,Xn.^O >4
? ?.11r..n-11 .nxox'i .i'i
Morth^raVdina . OXOXOO .M
N-.iri I>.k..t.i .oxoxooo .ua
Ww.-n'c ..,N.,X...V..) .114
Bouth D.kom. <M?xj?x ? .:!.
v....,,.,,, .OOXOXOO .212
.,''?,.'. .oooxoxo .ni
,5 ?' . .oooxoxoo .tu
AVkana'aa. . OOOXOXOOO .IU
MaJorttlea -.vill BOt be Indlcated m the aisnala.
unleaa tbey are overwb 'mingiy iarce. if they
ar- large two -dlvldara" aill be nsed Inatead of
one fihlo in f..r M. Klnley" would read OOXOO
(whlte UghU wlth one red 'dlvidcr"). "Ohb. l?
overwhelmlngly for McKlnley wlll read
OOXXOO (whlte lisrhta wlth two re.l "dlvldara ).
>;r- rebn Jeeab Aater, who ha* b^en aarlaue
Iy IU al her home. No. Ml Fifth-ave . for aeveral
rreeka w.is able to iro out for tl.e flrat tlme *lnce
her lllneaa yeeter.iav mornlnir. *ind wnn taken foi a
drlve in bereaffrlage throu-rh Cantral fark.
? e
rgarrxBDAva bbcobd and to-oatb roBBCABT.
iraaattaetoa. BaW. 2-Th? weather r.-n.1i'.nna ar* me
(ortaa aboul a? Indl. ntM ln Ue* apeclal hulletin i?--.ie.l
thl* moraina. 1 *?? <-.>nditi..n t v-mght eaarsss BM
npea-r lui.e rearloa. ivi-er BUaaaaatje-l ?nd Oaaar ati?....ri
ealkr* rUUl l* BOW falllng at CBrSeagO, Oreas BBB ar.d
I uluth, sad si.ow over the ea*tert. p'.nlon* of Vi.rth
Paloia aad Bouth Dekafla and araatara Minne?aa. The
iin'iint <.f gaow Wktct lia* fallen :n tiie Dak.Ha* aml
Weatera Mlnnew.ta Icrlng to-day r?n.ea from ona to (ls
|B be*. On Tueach.'. ahaaty weather nnl moderate i*?ln
taii win Beaaauay areiaH in huaMgaa and wdaaaBahaj
Wttk baga *"Utheu?t a-lnda; rnin S8 ?i"W tn Mlnneai.ta.
?,iii Llaailag weather In the aftermon; ?now in the ?a?f
trn pnrun el the DaJwiiae. Basaauag ciearinj b> nwn;
rloud] an.l llgh' fh'iaer* in Oregon. Waalilngmn and
Mnitan.. In Ohsa, K-ntuikv, Indlana. llllnola. Mlaaourl.
|a? , NeaeaaBta, K?-i*a* an.l .-.:: other Mtaiea not pre
vi.ii>-!> iiunrloned. rlior an.l nienwinf wepthe; l? irrac
il.-alh rertaln tn pr'vall nn Tu"sd.n ThB baromerer ha*
rlaaa i" Bew Bhaghuai an.l \.-nh Atlantl.- State*. th*
BouUtcra Bocka Btour.taJa aeape aad ?n the North Pacuw
roaal and lt haa 'al'.en ln th" t pper Mlr?la?lppl \ allev.
Tiie ieniperatura haa renialne.1 rtatl..nar> In all dlalrlet*.
dktaii.i:i> poBuacABT roa to-day.
p..r Kew-Eaataaa, r.iir. i-bghttv waraaari aatihirli
artada, beo auag rafBaBaa.
f n Kaalern IteW-Ter*. filr; aaiBMt; vaii.ible windc.
,,. rn.iic Hoiith'-rl;
!'v Eaatera f-aaneylvaala Bad Bsa faraey, fair; io?tl
?raata/ly arBade.
1' i i'w DBHlkl ..' nauaBIa, Datawara and Ma-yland.
f.nr; !>Hgliiiy warmer; -..uth.rly wlr^lK.
Kor VkgUUa, Weal VBrglBla, North CaiUlBBa and South
Caiollna fair. variaMa win.in. bac nUag aaMtbwUr.
ra wcatam pe.nfjrliraala an.l Weatern Baa Twh. lair,
foiMted by lae aaaiaa eloadlaass Tuesday night, warmer;
i>riaii *outh?rhr ?rlale,
BOUBBl Monung. Bk/at.
llMltilll' II 1 1 8 4 S 8 T BljBB
ln tlii* dlagram ? contlnuoua ?-h|te Ihi* aliowa th*
.hangea In preaaure a* lndleate.1 hy The TTlbun*'* ealf
isiuiltng LarenaMar. The aottad im* repr**ent* the tem
peratute aa rerirdeil at I'erry'a Hiarmaej'.
Trlbune OnV*. N>.v. 2. 1 a. m.? The weather yeater^ay
wa* fair and warni Th* temperature rangml between U
aml ?a degreea, Ihe average ilii)1, dea-reeai b-lna Iw^le
gwa lower than that of gunday and 24 hlg*h?r tBaa Uast
,.f th- .v.rr??pi'ndtng day of laat year.
Tiie weather to-day wlll be fair and warmw.
-___?_??? *
Alfred Henry Maaon. aecretary of the New-ToH
College of Pharmacy and Edltor of the Journal
publlahed for tha alumnl of the college. dled y4)a
terday morning at his home. No. MI Weat End
ave. H? was bom In Kngland flfty-three yeara ago
and waa apprenticed to a pharmaciat there In 1857.
In 18M he went to Canada as managT of the nrm
of H. Sugden Evana A Co. He waa appolnted
chlef analyat for the Domlnlon of Canada, and ha
formed the nrm of Ev.ma' Bons A Maaon. from
which he retlred In I8M. In 1887 he waa prealdent
of the Montreal College of Pharmacy. In 18BJ,
when h? hud become a resident of thla clty. he waa
appohued seeretary of the Seahury & Johnaon cor
poration. and he held that place to the lime of hta
death. In March of laat >??r be waa elected aa
aiatant aecretary of the New-York College ot Phar.
maey. and tn December he became tbe accratary
In Place of the late J. N. ?*??""*? lU **-*-<
member of the New-Tork Btate I'he^ceulleal
Aaaoelatlon. tbe Amerie.n Chemlcal |_<_M__.f__|
was ihe nrst chalrman of the New-Tork aectlon
of the Soelety of Chemlcal induatry
He leaves a widow. an unniarried aon and ?n
unmarried daughter in thls clty. and ?*"?*_*
dnaabter in London. His death IM cauaed by
Maaaua Marka for many yeara a well-knowa
Hehrew merchant of thts clty, dled on Baturday tn
Berlln. He was for more than forty yeara tha
senior member of the flrm of Marka Brotliers. ona
of the leadlng wholrsale cap manufacturerr. of thla
clty. and later he became a BjajaJal partner in tho
rtrm of A. Kriedl-nder * Co.. wholesale cloah
manufacturers. . . . _ -._._.
He came lo thi* country about torty-flve jeara
ngo. but for the Met four or ftve y?ra hod, hved on
tl". Continent. He wiw hlghly reapeoted ln the
Jewlib communltr and known for hl. """J*1?",!
charlllea. He wm a plain. uoassum ng man.ana
his death ia mourned by a large 'Ircle of frteBaBC
He leaves two chlldren. Mra. Jennle Arnheirn ana
Edd e Marbs. He waa one of tbe Brwailnee_? BBeaa*
bers of the Temple Ahawath Chesed of thla clty.
Pittsburg. Nov. 2-WlllUim D Moore. one ot tha
most promlnent attorneys In Pennsylvanla. dtjid
ihls afternoon at hla home In Allegheny. Mr.
Moores health bad been faillng for aeveral montba.
Two weeka ago he auffered a aevere fall down ?
Btadrway al his home. reo-ivlng serlous injurtee.
Mr. Mooie was born in Harper's Ferry. Va.. in
1824. Ha wa.s for six years pastor of B Preaby
tertan Church ln QreeoalBBrg. P-nn. He was a
profeaaor in Onkktnd College and ln the Mlseiaalppi
Unlveratty for i-n years. Admttt-d to th.- Al e
gheny County bur In 1*V>, Mr. Moore gave speclal
atttntion ro ,-ilmlnal cases.
Pobiirg. tmt.. Nov. _-liector Cameron. Q. 4%
presldent of th- OaBBBTW. Northumberland and Pa
ehte Railway. an.l formerly j member of the Do
mlnlon Parlunarat, dled to-day, aged ^txty-iour.
Hro-'els. Nov 2. -.lan Verhaz. a wel'.-known Bel
ifi.ui palnter, .li'd roataaaag. H?r was slxty-twe
yanri old._
Tha thoatraa wBI eaewnre Klection Day in tho
aa tal awaner. ir is found to be one of the best
holtdaya of tha gaaa for the.itrteal purpose*. The
foliOartaa sperial matlnee? wtll be glven: "My
Frion.l from Indla," at the BBJB- Theatre: "Hiian
Bon." ai tha Breedheay; -Joeh an.i ihe Bean
a-tulk." Bt rhe I'.isiuo: "The <>;?lia." at Daly 8
Tlieitr' : -oiKfrt. at the Eden Musee; ' Rosemary."
at the r.mplre Theatre; "The Widow Jones." at tha
fjmnd Oper.i House; "The Mummy." at the Uar
den Theatre: ' Se. n t Service." at the llarrlck;
?_h_Bta Mari..." at the Olympla Theatre; "Evan
foUoM." ai tha Cdyaapta AaatHortuaa; "Shore .vres."
at the H.-ileiii Oia-ra Hovse. "The Mandartn." at
fhe Herald Squ.ire Theatre; "Half a Klng.'' at the
Knlekerbocker: "An Kmrny to the Klng." at tha
Lyoeuaa; "Too Mock Johnson." at th* Murray HUl;
Herrminns enterta'nment of magtc at Palmer's;
"Loot. Itrayed or Stolen." at fhe Hfth Avenue.
"The Cherry Fi.k.-rs." at the Fourteenth Btreet.
rar'ety ar Koster & Bial's; contlnuous perform
uiren at Tonv Pastor's. proctor's Pleasure Palaca
and HroctOfa Theatre. Tweiit)-thlrd-st
\t many of these lt is frtrrher promiaed that r?
larna wtll be announ.ed through ihe evening. Mr.
Pi k- or 4 tbeotrea are to be k.-pt open and the per
forman. es wlll go on as long as rhere is any inter
ert bl waiting for returna.
Waahlngton. Nov. 2 -Mlsa Ada Rehan began an
engagement lu Wasiilngton at the Laf-yette Squara
Theatr-. app*arir.g to-nlght as Katherlne ln 'Tha
Taming of the 8hrew." Prealdent I'leveland. Mrs.
ci-veiand. sir .lulian Pnuncefote. the BrMlah Am
baaaador; the AuatrUn Mmiste.- Lor.i Waetaaaaia.
and Becretary and Mrs Carlule o^cupied hoxe?
Mlss Rehnn'a r?s-ept'on was anthuataatlc. and ana
was never bi bettar f.^rm or spinrs.
.\: tba home of Colonel Wllllam .lay. No Z Ba?t
g,..un BBCendat. H was sald last nlght that tha
eondltloa af Mlss .Ia>. who is 111 from typhoid
rtrrer iraa unehanged. and thOt netti;er Dr. DeU
fleld.nor the famlly was al.irmed abour h"r.
ki>ack oauiaa a Bhatk haaaaaa_w at-ia?>. Octabar H,
lhUl ?! ri.o r??..!rnee af bM BBB-Ba-lBW, F-ui WIBIBOa
IO-i Trln,u-a%e.. RI iha BtMl ) rar ot hl. age
r_a!?_l^swMo*a ai Churrt ol tba Wphaay ag-at. aa?
I.-xmatm-ave.. on Tue.rh.v. N.n?mber 3. BBBB at ia
BllabABD \' Deabaaa, Baan. _ OctaOergt, IBM, Mary.
,,?'- raiighter at lha lata Wllhaaa H.ill^r-1.
rOOITWCXt, Oa OaeOa* 31 l?!Mi. ^U::. Sh.>? Bi.hgate.
t^?%^*\fT?*+ *? "- Dathgat.
HoBBMtead, Morrtaanla. B. Y
rowDRar <^i lliniiaaaa l. laaa sanin?; r Cawdrei,
ru2ei-T rrl.m Bto'lau ratruhwrejjej "nrbeita N Y.. "a
w.>.in.>-.l-.v artarn.-.-i. Novemoei ?. a' a?...^k.
,-.-r , , 11 ? :" ?Bll1ng -n ar.iral ?( lialn laavlng
4jr_t_re*ntr.l i-i-' ?> l?t ??a ttmrn iu.?n totOnmt
Ei>? vt'-i'S Ai N ?. M Eaal ?_-*?. aa B)_aajBf ajar_>
ing Novernber 2. M^rv ?i Bdwarda, mtOom tt a. 14 P.
IBawaraa. an.i aangbtat -f lha lair BaikaaiBl L. un?
F*.'?ral wlll take Oa%m fr.m her Mfl r?i4?nca at 10
,->?. -l.a '< \\y.lner.la>- morning. Ni.emhor 4
citANT v Mobcgan, S. f . ea Bbn-bqr aftaiwaaa_ i~har
l.tte Loalaa VtaaO Bf .lam?a fliaaa. and daughter of
Uia Ute Jih'n H. Wtllta.na. -.f thla ettf.
Fun'r.rf .,rvi-. ar All *.?>* .M.r.-h >MJuon ave and
aatb ?t. sa Wedaeaaay mirning. naasaaaaei 4. at ii.so
It?le kindlv ixjaaetad that no floae-.-* l>e f-.u.
hawkin's--Oa Ifopaay, aeeeoaaw K Caaataa Henry
Btewk-w, n hta 8atB M-?r. - . ? _-_.
K.merai aawleaa .i h" late raalakare. Rf^J?j8 ?_"ki
ttmrn BoebeUe, N ?.. ea Wadaawdor *.-:nng. at a
PrUnda nt rhe fair.ily ara .mit.al to atlfnd.
interment at eonvaateatce af famlly
LKECH-At N>w-R.?-h*il?. Novernber t. 1SJ? 'i*..rge 1>
LeecU. Bahread huaband of Julla )'? L**eh. ag?d 4?
FneMda of Ibe famlly ar? raapex-rfullv bWBaW 88 4BBfai
th* fnneral aervlee at 2 p. ?_ aa>Jl%?ril*ES*m
.1 ai h'> lai? re?..lenee. Ilirrje. Pnrk. New-Boi hella.
Traln leaiea .ii-nd . entral Depot at 104 i>. m.
In:erm?n? prlvate.
Pleaa* omil fl.wera
XAK--On iVteber ao. at Malone. S. Y Albert Man.
Puneral aervlcea al Bafca*.
MAaON-Oa st.nrta. x.-vember 5. at h.a realdeaee. Naw
74B W?a! Bnd-ave.. "f pneunu.nla. Aifr-1 Hanrjr Ma
B-^al^a-rSjlMlt' Ht Ml.'haela Churvh. BM 4g_ and
tommmoiTl " I^T Novernber 4i:.. instant. al
rn.nrta'-iid"in"mbe.-s of the laa_a_ af raaajBhajj m<tuatr>j
vre^'an <V...l.'d Bc_1ety. CWage ef Pharmacy an*
i?t Oeorge'" Soeteiv are lnvlte.1 to attend.
Montreal aml Kngllali pxpan piodf SaBT.
SIA9DN?On Monday. Xcvemb-r 2. Cl-arlea H. Mason.
a___&MBa5Sae a. 8bsaaaMaaaa|ag %__j>i____pR_;
A K P Cboaar, N? '?*? awat iiaee, nrookow,
WedJieiMj.v. N.vamter 4. al I p. m.
Intarmetit prlvate.
M(Hf-K-.Sunda> aftarn.ajn. Novernber 1. ln her _W ytwr,
LJ.jra Starln. ?nlj da ighter of llejrga and P"i-len.a
rt'.arln Moeer.
Kuneral BBrBtV-l at UM raaldenee of li-r p.reata. Na. g
Monroe ?t Bruoklvn. Wedneaday, at 4 p. ui.
Relatlvea. frienda an.l h*r y.rting aswa-latea ktadly la
vltrd. ?
PBt/HTBtl B-dilaali at baane, Bloamnald, N. J., BJ->
raaabar 2 Samue, Palaabtt, ln hla Slat >ear.
F'un?ral fr.m hLa late reaidenee. N?. 27.1 lle'.|evllle-av?.,
,,n Thuraday. Orh lni>t., on arrlval M IM p. m. traln
?n X. Y. A O. L- R- B.. f.?>t ChtjmttU at.. Now T ?rk.
BEKD -N..vemb*r 1. Sarah K.. wld.w of BflTB T. Be?4.
nineral lillloal ?t the reaidence of her daughter. Mra.
T A Wright. IWd ?t. und SherMan ave.. Wedncaday,
N-A-ember 4. at 11 .i m.
Carrlagea wlll he Bl Mflruaa ?Utlon tn meet traia laar
Irig Srand C-Btml I'cpot at feaSB a. m.
RITBBL. Sii?l.>nlv at Zurl.-h. Swliierlan t. Novernber 2,
Mra' Aur?t Bllbal. beluved nk.ther of Al?xand>r Rubel.
ST> iKit.H -BereMber 1. 1888, at ihe reaaten.-e of h*r aon
'n lan- PraneU" U. Ilaynea. 441? Oraene-ava., Brooklya,
I^.ra \*n. Wadaw tt K..,al Otls Ht..rra. of I?elh?aa,
Maaa . :n bar Bla* year. . ______
I'lin.-ial Wedneaday evening, Novernber 4, at S o clock.
lnierm-nt ai Storrs. Oonn. )
The Kenaleo Cenaetery, locaied on tha Bartam
llaliroad forty-eight minutea' rlde from the Oraad Central
liep.it. Ofllee. 18 Eaat 4-0- ?t
Bpecial Noticea.
L?/v\rLru-LrL<-u-u-LOnra,v- * ----????--??-'???????????>??>
N?w imporutlona for boya" clothlng ln Engllab aad
Bcotch gof.lt eomprlaa all the lataat daslgna atttUUVM
for i?>ya from 3 to 18 yeara. Huita tor danclng aabeel.
tiartiei, *.*?. aohool and eollrge 8ult?, Overcoatt^aad
Keefera. We bave aome pr*tty atylaa in guita and
coau f.ir little N.ya of 8yf*ra. ____? __

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