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NEW rUBLICATIONS. A 0U1TO? AHTISTir; COMPEN'DIUM. riq HI8TTOBT 0? MnbKnX I'A NTlNa y Rlehnnl Muther Illu.tni eil. In J*'**. ? umea. OctaTO, B8> *X ??? -**?? ?w41' x"' 871' Macndlaan <v ?'<>. Hftr Muther'B hlatory ef modern palnthag M one of thoae encyclopaedlc worka In whlch llaws are bound to appear nlmoat oa a matter ef eourae, but artaoaa geaeral valae la certata to be great if the author ndhcrcB tf? ?-n>ad yet deflnlte ldeaa oi systcm. nnd ia. on the whole, competent. In the preaent Inatance are have an historlan who i. really competent. though lt la MJ y to OOBVlet hlm Of shortcomlngs here and there. Thoae short comlnga mlght have been BVOtded If Herr Mu ther had been an edlt.-r eolely. and had assigned j each country lnclu.lcl ln hls BOtMBM to a reoog- , nlaed art wrlter natlv- te that country. But this j would havo Involved a sacrlflce ln the unlty of , the book. and would cspecially have spolled the ' narrutlve guallty which Herr Muther has been eaahM lo Uaport Int-. hls text. Considerlng all the dlfflcu'.'los he must have had to contend with he has made an astonlshlngly good hlatory- Not has he told too much, as mlght be suspected from the slze of hls three volumes. They have been expanded to a great extent becauae of the nu merous llluatratlona. and alnce the reproductlve processea employed for the latter have been good the reader cannot complaln. On the con trary. we belleve he wlll be grateful to Herr Muther and the publishers for a work of refer? ence whlch wlll prove to be extremely valuable as tlme goes on. There haa been no other book ln exlstence cov erlng the snme -rround. Bcorea of volumes have bajea pul.Uf.hed to exp'.olt thla or that modern man. modern Bchool or modern natlon; but no slngle i.ubllcatlon has heretofore brought the palnters of the Contlnent. Oreat Brltali: and Amerlca Into one comprehenslve aurvey. show Ing them lucidly ln a perapectlve whlch carrlaa convlctlon wlth It as belng un.nlatakably nat ural and rlght. Suppoae Herr Muther doea ahow a eomewhat llmlted acqualntonce wlth Amerlcan art a dlspoalth.n to cxalt the wrong m-ui. and api'reclate only in the dlmm-st faahlon our beat palnters and BBOat characterlstlc merlta. Ihe fault ls grave, but cannot destroy the tota! va.ue of hls work. We can see how he made hla er rora Trustlng to hls aco,ualntance Wlth the Amerlcan art that has been produced ln Parls and ampllfylng this knowledge wttt a few text booka and the casual Informatlon picked up when men llke Dewteg and Welr and A onnoh have eaat work to the great exhlbltlons in Munich. he has put together a panorama and aa estlmate of American art whlch cannot: WhOlly piaaae Amerleaaa, Tel it is not a-bolly topleaa iriK either; it ahowa Judgment and Bympathy, and espedally doea it ahow thal . ar relation te the rest of the Bcboola of tha worM is graaped by Herr Muther with tolerable accu.acy. .\ 8 need not be too humble. but nelther need we be too self-satistied; and however proud we may ba Of individuals who rank among the flrat pa.r.ters c.f the world we must that lt M BOt oecea. sary for Kurope IO know every one of them ta "aer to Judge of our gen.-ral -J-Jj"?^ the general drlft of thtaga which Herr Mathei has Layed to Blaatrate; he could not. Indeed. hope to do more in a work alming to be practh al, and that he haa had no prejudices in h? book is shown by such an observat.on of hla M S one he make* on Kau.bach. characterlzing hlm aa "not an artlst to be taken serlously. ThTs from B Oerrnan. ls as as ItJ. u pr? ne. But Herr Muther accu.tom. his reaJer to thla klnd of thlng. He has catho Iclty. and R ls not of the academlc sort. the mere y en "yelopaedic sort. either. lt ls the cathol.cdty of Cnvho feet. tbe beauty ln a plcture be. des understandlng it in a critical. way. Thus he wrltea with edmirabJe warmth of the French romantlrlsts. ap-aka wlth ec,ual aym pathy of a man llke Ingrcs, whom he aaya frankly he very nearly adores, and passes al the t,me from one palnter to another. the tr.naltwn meanlng a cotnplete change of attnosphere. wlth just the qulck and subtle adaptatlon of hls polnt Of vlew to new condltions which a the mark of the true crttlc He datee theJaagta nings of modern English art from the elghteenth eeatary. Any wrtter woaM do that. but few writers would have handled more deftly the work of ReynoWa, Oalaaborough and Wllaon wnen thev reached lt. Herr Muther indlcates the important posltlon of Goya. a man to whom modern art owes much, but whose lnfluence Ib aeldom sufflciently reoognlzed; and he trar-ee the doveiopment of the Oermaa emaadcal and ro mantlc. BChOOla. the rlsc of the Academy ln France, lts defeat by the men of 1880, the growth | of naturalistlc idcals on the Contlnent, the Im- j presslonlstic enthuslasm. the Mealtatlo reactl.,,, of the last few years. the marvellous Increase tn the lmnortance of illurtratlve art. and he j keeps hls threads together without once confus tag them or tiring the reader. Few wlll ever be , able to read him through from cover to cover. but few wlll be content to read hlm ln frag ments. He wlll be studled in chapters at a atretch, the skilful student wlll pass over the pages that threaten to do no more than sketch the position of this unimportant palnter or the other. and having taken some such synthctic vlew of Herr Muther as Herr Muther has taken of modern art. he wlll flnd that he has aclarlfl.-d conceptlon of what modern art amounts to. The cateful text, whlch has been excellently trans lated. ls assisted by pl'tures which have i-een chosen sagaclously. btiagtag home t.-> the reader eaaetly the polnts that he most needs to r<*alize. The paper on whlch the book ls prlnted ls smooth and pleasant to the sight and touch. The type ls clear. and the blndlng, if plain te the polnt of bareness. Is alao Btout and colculated to stand the wear and tear that such a book as this wlll get ln every llbrary. J LITTLE HOPE FOR OONOOtJRT ACADBMT. The re.illzutlon of the phllanthrordc ptena af the late Edmond de Ooncoort seems to be fraught wlth difftculty. Hls acb?ne for the fouadatloa of an j academy, fjr the cstiibllahment of which be left hls j larg" fortune la truat to the BOrethrt, Alphonse Uaudet. and to Ia-on Honnique. haa from the out set been retrird.d a** Impractlcnble, and apgaara now liellnafl to aeeoaaa aattrely baaajaaMble. Ib maklng hiM Wlll Edmond d.* (Joncourt expreaaly Ui-clared that he only bequcathed hls fortune In truat for the fouadatloa of a OoaeOUrt Academy, on ] the llne*. of the Breaoh Aeadaaay, bacauaa hla m-ar- j est retatlvea wera egeeedJagty arell off and plentl- j fuiiy aadowed wlth tbe gooda of thl* world. A . claimant to the fnrtune. bowerer, baa appeared ' ln tha percon of an ln.lig.-n'. wldow at Mirs.-iil-s, named Mme. Adam, whose falher, a man of the name of Guerln, wa* the oi.'.y brother of Edmond de Goncourt'a mother. The claimant Is, thenfore, the flrat cousln of the leatator, aud as such his n-xt of kln. Her husband was a merchant'a clcrk. who left her nothlng at hla d<-ath. and ahe has slnce r,up ported her iwo daughters by glving lessone aa a dally governes* Now. ihe entlre wlll belng based upon the false axd erroneous auppoaitlon that the next of kln ure ln affuent crlcum*tajicoa. that ln Iteelf la aufflclent to conatitute a legai ground for contestlng lt, ar.d thla forms the hrst and fortmoat of the re&sona put for ward by Mra*. Adam'a lawyers for securlng an lajunctlon to prevent the executors from dlapoalng of the property. But there aro other grounds for conteatlng the wlll. It la expreasly atlpulated by French law that no property can be oequeathed to any organlxatlon or lnatltutlon that la not already ln exlstence. le gally conatltuted and recognlaed by the State. The Ooncourt Academy comea under thla category. An? other French law, namely. Clauae 810 of the Clvll Code, debara a teautor from bequeathing the entlrety ot hla property to any publlc or prlvate lnatltutlon or corporatlon aa long as he haa any llvlng relatlves, no matter whetner they are of legltimate or lllegltlmate blrth. Thla. iherefore, constltutea a thlra ground for conteatlng tbe wlll. Moreover, Alphonae Daudet and hl* aaaoclate In the affalr. who are recognlxed a.^ truatn-s for the foundation of Ihe academy. have been corapelled to adralt that ita concepMon, ae desenbed ln ihe will, la of auch a baay character aa to rer.der lts rcallza tlon upon the llr.ea lndlcatcd by De Ocncourt Im pracUcabie. They rr.ako thl. acknowledgment wlth all the more regrct as the bequeai provldea for an annulty of some $1,100 or (3.000 to each of the ten anambere of the projected academy. Shouid tbe varloua courte of appeal ueclde agnln:t thn claimatit. which Is altog^thf-r Improbablo, she hus, aecordlnn t" i-'ren.h law, tbe rlgbl 10 ' tne matter ln Onal r<-.-ort before tlie Counell ol Btate, whleh wlll have to pronounci Ita oplnlon upon the affalr |.<-fur<- anythlng can be don.-. All i;,ls legai procedure wlll lake, n-.t montba put yeara, and. in.ismv h ai neltber Daudel n< r hla f. I low-trustee wlll cara to ri-'n the heavy lagal < x penaefl ln connectlon wlth the affalr, ll is probubl that lhe entire foruir:" wlll I"- quletly ? irrenderi I to the clalmant, whom lawyers. under i.>ti atancea, have been ?.?.???il advlaed In rr ommcndlng her to decllne to agne to anythlng in the ahi !??? of a compromis,. Jnslnution. For Toaag Ladlea Clty. BOARTOXO AND DAY BCHOOL FOR OIRLS. 807 Fll-TH AVENIE. COLLEGE Htni'ARATION-. REV. DR. and ilra. i.HAS. 11. OARDNER. Prlnclpala C10MST0CK 8CHOOL, B4tb >enr. .'!2 Weat 4'nli. Pmm'Iy and <J?y aehool for itirla. Prlmary department r-. boya ..n.l Kirla. M-ea |i.\Y nnd Mis.. REED, Prln-Mpala. DAY BCHOOL n It OIRLB. 8 wr.sT B8D-8T. All deparimanta Tr-.m klndergarlen lo oollaga pre parat iry. I^.i IBE H. KKI.s'F.Y. A. M . Priri-tpal. Ivi: l.ANCKY BCHOOL, FOB 0IRL8. ./ -;, WE8T sr.TII ST. Flfteent.i \riir l.?irins October 1. Prlmary. Advanced ar.d Onlleglate Dcp'ta. Klndargarten f-,i- k'11? and boya. TaTIM _of tha M a?ea Wr?aka for <',lrla. JI Eaat 74th atreet wlll i pen o t-.her 7th. under the charge of M.a. f. BCWWEDT.ER BABXES. Clrculara oa .ippiication. Tearhera' < l.-.aa ln Ih* nft-rnonn_ ni taa t\ ROARDTXO AN!> DAT BCHOOL FOH OIRLS. Prlmary. preparatory, acadeinir. an-l t' m-nia ITeparaucn r.-r colle*- Spxr a! couraaa. 711-713 71.1 71T Fift-i Avcnue. MIS-? i-ROl'KER. Bchoo! for glrla. Prtmare anS advanred work. Claaaea for llttle hova. Oet.her 7th. 80 Faat MI Stree*^ MISS WALKER'fi BCHOOL, lis Hadlsnr. Avenaa l'niimr-. and Advanced Claaaea, Preparatlon for Col? lege. !'? ti Graduate. C.aat Ik-k.ti' Sovemaer li MISS S. D. DOREMUS HOARDINYJ AND DAY S^H-'Vh'. I"OR QIRLB. rtEOl'EN'8 OCTOBEII Iat. TM Madleon Avenue, New-Tork. Miss M. F. RATaON. H. a Roardlna and Daj Bcl for Olrla. Sma'l Claaaea. College Preparatlon. Bpeclal atud.-nia admllied. 118 Weal 73th Bt, SCi? rorn Mtaa warrevb bchooi, t-on uiRta. 10S Weat hlat-at Prlmary. Intenue.Si.tte. A^ada?Ir. Claaa for r?va ln tbe I'rlmarv l-epar.rnent MISS CARRIER'8 BCHOOl, POR BOTB r.'j Baal *Bb al Reopena Oet 1. BtMMal iralnlns nader i-rmp?tcn: tea.-hera. Mlga .?'.'-. .;<s- l-i HOOL FOH i.lli'.s. 85th jraar. Prlmary rind a'? ,- ? I '".-.-- ? Prepa ra'to:i f-.r ?.'. C llecea A fer l- irdlng ?'? !ara '.iV:<-n. M-a. BARAH lt. EMERBOK. Princlpal, M ffm iTth ?'? M ISb JAUDON'8 SCHIJOL. r,4s Maillson A\*e. Kin.l^r;artfn. Collega 1 -i. MK8. I.IISI.IK MOROAX'S BOARniNO AN > DA) S(h..,.l foi Olrla. 13 and IS W? l - ' ?-'?? N' v ^ : ?* .-iv. l'r-.n: Klnd>rgart*n tlir..u^l: Collega Preparatorr. II. na* and Chaperonaa . _____ MM WATIMIN AND MI88 FORRE1 wlll or?n on Opl _. lal a Dar Bcbo.?1 f"r Glila ?: ,.T. v. .?>?. 7018 S:? lo ?neeiloa wii'i. Ml.-> WIU.BY'B i"me B i,..l. _ M TliF ni'EI, -'? ii-"' ?'? (Eleventi '"" -r" ' aal M5th-#( Prlmary ?eeoi r. aenler and rolli - ? prepara <?z.zr^' ?'' - "? " r^^hSii Prlms'-v .1 ?a le charga of ?> teaeber apeelally Iralned Tor ?-rk. i*ias? in drawlna and arl j k, i ' irtnnlng VvSl claaa clementarj' ui ? of ainglna plvlng ion? produ ih b, algh. ' | n Surted hy Mlaa Juel. frow iha R >? rWenaiorj of ; p;-.'.;en iir-1 p_U_l _? avme. Vf-^f-* ArtAt. Parla._ _?. - THE VKI.TIN BCHOOL KOIl GIRIJ. FlKLirP.'.riK BCHOOL BVILDIX43. lflO AND iC'- WTST 71T1I BT. Iteopena Oet. 6th COLLEGE I'REI'AP.ATHi.n , T^WSS A^^At ?7JOOL_yOR OtRlA Frtmarr Und. kin..l.-rg-rseiii. ,i-i. -n "'^'-, ?r,^*,?;r and coii?ce prep.j-atory arpartmeaia. Bpaciai ^-)?ar uiuraa for craduataa of ai-h-vla_ -. rf?HB BRACKBTT 8CHOOL POR OIRI i '? Eaal Mi) 1 at Mlaa ELLEN E LEARNKD. Princlpal lwent> flfth Offlce hear. 11 t ? 11 ?*???_ taOC WEHT aajTH BTREET.?Engllan nr.d Oermaa OlO Behonl eaoJuetfal bv Loe> r Al"n. reopena B*p umber ;a Oerman laughl by tlie word aml ? rm I mrl . d ?lth -eanltt. c For Boya arrl Young Men?Clty HAPta COLLBXJtATB BCHO?L - Kna'lsh an.1 Claaafc-L WlU. I' P?rirtmenr. HKtVRY BAP.TOX "IIAI'IN. V. 1?. l'h. I>.. Prlncipal. 77th ymt nrens Bept ? Kl M-..M".. Ave. ?ltlj Bl >? It ' '?? D l}fdX'8 cLvAHPICAL. F47HOOU B78 Bth-ave. PuplU Ihorourtiljr prepared f r ? '.l-e cr for buaineaa. Number llmlted to ihlrtj Prlmary pepi.rtmcnt. Threa ra-ldrnt pupHa mcalvexta_ IRVING^.-HO.ilTl.r. 1>. P rtAi. ??? Waal 84tk H. t iTImary. ml?MI? and c t .-nto ..<: a. Dr. Rav at bulldlng dally. 1' ti 4. s^h ,n| nr,-.v ln !-<?-?? n Sfl I look '.n r--.n-",. _ THE HELnfP.N BCHOOL Klnd rgartan, rrimar7. m termediat,-. !<.-, ; - r.-i OetobW BOl.^ ^^ ^ ^ For noih Sexea?431ty. BERI.IT7. BCHOOL OrLANOCAOES. -Ma^lla n Sn.uir.- ItSth -.. ard Uroadma-l ? 7J Court B_, Rro' r.nd o-h^r prlnc'.pa Aui-n^. anl Eur.,p rltlaa T-rm beglni r.,w. _ I bACKARDB BVaiXESB COLLEOE AND BCHOOL OF BTKNOORAPHT. lMUVll.UAL IXBTBCCTION. BTt'DEN'TS CAN BHTER AT tXt T1ME. CALLOR SEM> FOH PROBPECTUB s. B r.M?KAi'.t" Praaldent, 101. pat, IO- Eaal ' Tuf Kfi'll \l. BCHOOL ol L. ?' tagea, aj. Waal 1 w OOUURII":f. BCHOOL ?11 Madiaon-ava. Preparatl ? for i nill ollegea. Plfttenth y*r beglna Ooi. im. For Pojft and Young Men.?Cooatry. atianaiJl ..-APIMV HOME * HOOL FOR pov? j'V aMfor'ruaA.^ ? ? .; 60 m,.,. IraalU. grt FRANCI8 '1 BHEWBR. A. M. 1'i.n.. I nirll.l I. < ,.nn F \ f Al'l.i:u'i'il> I.n -T. Concordvlllr, Pa 8207 pai M a MCMMful ichooi. '>??? of ib- beat lo Infi-w - ,...,. .,... .. ..' ufa Boya pra ,~,Jl To waka iu 1 ra to ihe du( aa of I f- B ra pra t2!5 Vr beat eol>ge_ Fnd.r 13 yeal MM laocatlon b?ar,tlfu7 elevated anl baaltby. J. BHORTLIDOB iTala). A. M.. Prln. _ T-anr-k-i a\T> INsi iTi'TE X>ack-on tn^ 11uda..n. B T ^1T. JOHN'B MILtrARY BCHOOl* r INI181X1;. *? Y S An r>aai a<-.)..,i'. W mlnutea Irvw Orand ' ?-ntrai. Pr-i^ra.|7n ffr 'v,U-r- and B.wlnem HEXBT J. I.VAl.I. a- l EMII. MKNDEL. M. A.. Prlnclpaia. _ ______ rTtH-TrEEKaklLL MILITART A< ADEMT. I'e-kak.lL I N \ -f,1,l )fAr. H-...I f"i lllu-irated '"rn,':5u'_ * Col. LOUIB H ORLEMAX. Prla. For Ttmng LadleB?Ctountry. mili- CAMBRIDOC BCHOOL. .?,..,.?? J a aalect, prlvata ichooi for BlHa Bael prtparatloa frr aollaaa in.ii-.' eouraea n I leadlng ll ? lleg* Com Torta of l.orpa. Mr ARTHUR G1LMAN lu th. DM 1 *. rambri^pe. Maaa. ^_ TT7ALNUT LANE BCHOOL noardin^. Day and CoTleaa Preaaratary fot gtiv Ra op.-na Bepl. ^"l I. P?.r clrcular addreaa* __,___, Hn THEODORA P RKHARDS. FTInetpat Mlaa BARA !/)_ sf TRACY, A kt. AaatwUta rjarmantown, Pblladelpaia Furor-e. IADIES VU1TINCI PARIB.- r*reneh ar.d plano leai na j by Mli* de Lapi de. deplomod; 13. ma Moaleaauy, C\rt Gchoolo. mui:'babooiT"art bchoi i. bsi tRLtam t> i? J BBM lTth-at. B|.-.1 .l.'-.s ... .-,;. ?..-.- V ? Ari Chlna lin.i dally MU-H.I---I Calalogua mnWed frer. CcnclicvG. irTlxT'T-firii'M i.i- Ti"I'i Mt. Vale i ite. wlabei prlvau puplla. Prepannhin foi t'olieg. .; ' ' Eacellawl clt; ?' ?:. ?- Addraaa \nir-. lh.\ l'?. Inbin.. IaXPKRlEXCBD "':.\. liKi: foi chlldren, lo l !i thelr homea Addrw. M. <:. lt |2 Ea l Md m. ___ TCTOR.--A Everett Stone ITale). f.oi Elflli n\,-.. ex p.-ri.n .d ln collega preparator) Inatru lloa. Bac m mended by Rev. I>r. G.-eer a.4 "a oooaclentioua nnd cuia ixtent e.lurnt'ir" _ School QVcjctuicG. \ MBM1CAN AND PORB10N TEACHERS* AOENC1 U\. euppliea ProIe,^n;a Te.,,'lieia. luiu.a. C, -i\r. nea?ea. *c. to Olleic J Bchoola an-l Pamlllaa. Apply to ilri. M...I. vnl'Xn F'l.T.iV ?-'? rn'w s<yiar? Danciug Sthools. ? EOKGK WAI.I.A" ll .- BCHOOL JT Leall* rooma, v;l s:. and B.uievard. anl HarlTtn. s..->2 v\'e?t lattb S:rre:. Clasi and prlvate fji!:,-.n. Kec elrcular. HFLETCHER RIVER8, "Tugedo," '.33 Madlson-ave . .?tii-at.. branebaa, :m lir^ad-n.. \.-w.irk, 4ui y.n.r. it.. Orange; ^rhata and ebMaaa; BOW . nt-n. T GEORGE DQOWCRTH. a )2 ANO 14 KASi 40TII BTREET. REOPKX8 SATI'RDAY, O'TOHER 17TH. CLASSEP AND PRIVATI-: LE8BON8. ADVERT18EMENTS and for Tba Trlb unt r?-celved a: tl.eir VpUrmn OflaC*, .\'o. 1.242 Bro&d way. 2d djor no:th of 31tt->:. 0 oi'.ock p. m.; ad vertlarmenta recet.ed at th<- branch offlcaa at regular ofTW ra:*i ur.tll h o'ctoch x>. m, rl_,l 2f.4 5th ave., a. e. i-or. 2Sd ?t.; 181 ?tb-av. mr. 12th at.; Ma.ys, 8th-ave. and |8th at.: 142 Colambua a\e.. n'-ar Weat flflth ?t.; 1?4 Weat 42d at.. n<nr llth jva.; H2 Eaat 14tr. at. . 257 Weat 42.1 M.. batwean 7ih and Mili a\-a.. 1.-* Eaal 4Ttn at.: 1.8.W .1.1 av... between 7<Iih nnd 77tS ita i.oaai ."..! ave.. near Clst at.; 1,701 iat ?ra., near aOtl al 830 8d ...... :..?r im m.. ::.? Hd-avr.; 210 Bleecker-at.; .-;-, Hieecket at.. :.l?i ?'". ave . 240 Eaal 7'.." at.; 1.831 ." ?i*.; S.M8 8d ave.; 14 An.Pt?rtf*rn ,m e. ; |0J \V, t 4; 1 .? ; 1IS ifllh at.; SM F.m-i 4st>. a'.. gOg Dth Bve.J 881 Bth-ave., 1.132 3d ara., oaar 07th at.; BM Eaat NBlb-et.; 1,r_n Rr-'.-idnai?; \.'<fa m av* . i^i> Kth-ave . i..ns Sd ave.; 7? Cth-ave. At the Hi.rleni t.m^e-.: 2.0.M .Id av.-.. near liath-at.; 130 Eaal 12T?th- al.. neHr .11 ave.; 24.1 Weat 125th at.. b*t. 7lh and sth aiea.; .13) Weat 143th ?t. At Ihe Brooklyn OftV'a: 2H7 Fult.n at . 72fl Fulton at; 83 Oairt-at.; 48 Broadway. E. |). tr.3 Hr.adnuj. E. D.; I 182 Mrrtle-ava.. near Broadnay. REAL ESTATE. Thrpughout the city among the broker* and the auctlon vra yaatarday waa pra.-tlcallr a hollday. J r are a-ere no safea at the nuctlon rooma and the al ? adanee was llmlted to a (Ih ot the regular frc quentcre, who dlaeuased pelBteal queatlon*. Sev- I eral brokere have made ealea, but they refuse to ; -.:. k< tbem publlc untll after :he polltlcal Bttuatttm la flnally decldi 1. _ ... | rr- dertck Zlttel haa aoM for Clarenea True tne prlvate dwelllng sautlieaat corner of Riveralde ir ' ; .ni Beventy-aeventh-.:.. at IeH ln itlveralde I?rUe ai l K feei In Beventy-aerenth-at.. a BvMtonr deuba Amerlcan baeement houae, for about 9m<**>- TJ"J :. i* la of a r..w Mr. True la now buildlng, and wlll be flnlfhed In r.b-uary next. --a 1IKAI. BWTATB *1*IIABBTBBB. Balnttrldga are. m *. at * e crner bM Mtrharl l.wnn. beta. part plol 8, map helra Rehe.-.*. Raxeford M.flxl23x23.8xlh); Annle Fie.-h io Henry PreeB .? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B3d-*t, s h. 248.9 ft m ..f Otb-ave, 18.8x109-8; W Bcbaeewelaa ..n.i wlfe tu Beiraa ? L'l (-?? N 814 Weet; F.-atiria M.i'abo U .' Ilafner. * Sd-ave, ar i, -i.' tl - of tK'tn-M. 2-ixlCxi. Gtaaral Huberi tr, Vlaceat Hnky.??- * I53d-*l No 5*0 Ba* ; WalDttrga Thmn to Henry ettch and wlf*.,.?? aMJ * e corner IS2d-et, ilxlWll; I-.uger.e M Weat fall to Lout* von Srhwunenfluegel, H part. l 108th -t. n *. 12.'. ft ?? ..f Bfl-ave, BB.MB.lti Sam ue| Ramafelder lo Oottllet) M Kart.aa.......... i n-ei ii . ? trner Btanloa-Sj. IBhUOBi Heile M .:... >b and an >iher lo praaary.,^;?...;. ? 131 ? it, ? l'i-i ti w of .:hii-.-. Annle M ll*. io!da, .utrlx. ft Robert Mnrray l.t.uiio II. .... >? No 124. alao fTiryetl* it, N ? ? *n>l 71 nt,,,!," * nn .-t ?l lo Btorrta 0.ild*tein.. I Xfg it, N i -??I. I 'ani -1 lagratttna, referee, to Jao.b Roauck .?. 8am* property; J.cob I! tucb and ?IN M J?nn * (J ? ? I >:.Vi ' ' ' C. ??? k -i. No 112: Slgriiir.l Trommer M H'r 11 m:in Oluck . Orehai-d *t. No lvv Baben t" Mbx 1-rn at.No bW; li.inut Springer and wlfe lo 2,7j.r. 18 lS,<Oi 1 Bjg l W.lO i 8.189 8S.081 Herman Bchlfl .. .IL'1 *l, Nn 340 Ka?t; Wilheimlna B allette to Ilai ?:. t ' ll mlere .?.? ? ? ?.!' ? ? No -.'.7 \\.->: Henry Klirmin and w.fe t . ,l ..... Manhi ln* r .???? -'??f'(X> SOth 'i Nu 82 Weal; M.-.-y V T.?an et al tr Bvelyn A Chandlei.?.; ? ? 6>tl -' ? *, M>8 fi w ..f fent-il Park Weat, 1** 100.8; Peter Wiign.r et i.l te Wllllam Hrhlem j2,j ,. '?'? 273 u h ,-,* Colamboa-ara, 28x102.2; .i -ii t iniey aad adf? io Beajamla l.lrhan ... ,.| . n *. ll* ft w of rentral Pnrk ? lt. !'.':. I"".'-; I'.u.l P T.iwni* 10 Wllllam C.dl'n.ler. 1 ll<th -; Nu '?- Weal; Marv * Bgaa and, an .tlier, executrlx, lo Brelyn A i*Vanu>i.????,"? Central I'arh IVeat, ? " i ??rm r TCtn ??. 2a.ixl.?ix irregu ?? Wllllam II Be 11 et al le the K.air'.h ? ?..];? t s ., l.-iv. r*ei ? : !?. IVeet, m -. M.1 ft * ol T'lth it, BM Im ?. iliar-l H l.n, *i and wlfe to *am-.... ,-..; i, ,i i^rk ?? ? BI.J fl k oi Tflth ?t. .'.lx ? ... , .... .. .x<ruir.t, :?? <?m'. .'.??. loii ive, So 143 ' '? i a Barthclaaafl ?-ii p llfe : ? \ ? ? ;- i C II .? ?:., ? ? ?'?-'" at. a *, 123 fl w .f Cemral I'ark W-*t. BBB l...'.'. I'i.r >' r.-rtu*.).. ani a'lfe to tn* .' ??! ! ;. ? .. -? Beciety.?.?? ? U\mB n - ;:.?! ft v. ot 0:1. xv*. 2".r.Tl.r> 2; .;. r i . ? J An .. i nrla n nielilnaon. 1 '..:?: |, . . 100 ' ?.. f |?l ,.-.- ?.'.*.xliKi ?*: rtr.-.f P Uewll lo ,t-;' i: Btell er.. 1 7.Vh ?t, i *. 113 r. h of 1 . SJ.i8iel ''iirl* , v ? - . ? .] ? Inna B I'ie*h. I . ... ive. ?? - M.J rt a et IM ?t. 17x.?. ; -?? :-i and ? fe i . Llaah ru*er . 1 ?. ?. loi ft e of 5d ave. 28x100 -. augnai ? md wlfe i ? - nn?'.-i lliaef. ' . . | ?_?: ?n ?.'? sioali J h*i m ?. . , * . ? . 1^- l-r . IB.ono ? . ue ?? ?. .' BtB ave, 28.100.8; Bd , ,..l A and Ma G Al tl i ? T g Hr...>n^- 1 M \. isj ? ? Man Abraheiaa la wnllaal II IVIIIIama an I ai iei . ' y ... n ? oi laath h, juv. ?;i,i,...i i ail ? v ti- n ?? ?.-?*. 1 :?: \. 15,1 i:. ? T .-"mlth and wlfe I ; :. \ T', n.?? ?, .? 1 ? ?> II .... K i".in *.'..g> 10 Irving T .?? I 1L"l-1 -. No ?.?i'i Raat: J.:.n Behretaiei ar.d af ? . Ml nle M .|e*eh pp 1l '-"?" S<| ive. i - :..'..; fi ? .r i.>.i- ?t ?.T.tin. lobn Ma i ' -... i'.' Id Reagel. I K. ? I ? .'??! n M' I^iu.r* . IT.O80 1..-.?,. ?? - *, ."... ii a ..f i*i ...... 2Sxlffl.1t: Joba 1 ?? I.. iii? rrankenil.ale-. 18,800 - - :?:-. ft . of 1*1 ive 23x108 11. ?Hine to John II I . 1" 800 i. - ,?.. No :?";. Klla Vlai beig 1 B. U?naer .... ?'?'" ir-. -, n - 221.8 fi a I Beulevard 18.8x8 ?? '. i N i. ? ? O It 1.1 i .i.d.r. IWHh if n *. -'<' fl ? ? ' ? '? him'aii ave, 28x100 ll. . ii . \ ii Manraret t'ourlaey .... 1 ?-i ?? !! V ii.ur... 1.1 . n \ Igl . 1"" - .H>> r' ?> .f \ni?i^rdatTi-?' r, *.'.? inn ; l ? .i hn R Igne* t? Roben T Bellehember* 1 l.,ui -?. n 2--i fi a of i'."e?: En.l ave, .'.' xl<*i 11. RoIhtI T B*ll r- ai. I er|f? Id John It'i* *, ,i,. 1 in ? ??? ive, Ni : ^>. rharlea ?'uiii ar.| w fe lo M H ??-?? ? ihi . 1" -,..; '? '!... Ilargebuhf and ivlf* tr. Al . I" 102 '-1. f foluml 'i> i> e ZX% i. . ,:i \\'- ..n.i *?:fe i.i Blten V ...??; .t'.<- 'I . . ? - .-.. n . . ' 1.41', ai i'.vsi i,. ihe ? *. -,- ? Klmer U. ??.-?>,* MO ... , . .v ? s?i; r. g r \tai *? Sa loti i\j..\i .';.:? i. n i ? ? i io ii I? ?? n - ? : 130 ive ? ?, -'? fl n ? ' laat* M, '.T.xI'V'. ? ri l Rajai .ul wlf* lo "" Oraeelef M . ... J31 t fi ii ..f in '.il. et, *ixl.X*.. Julla IMI-'ir. ?? al ? ??)?-!?? V -l. .1 ?V1 I,.,.,- - I'.ai :? a f I.egge.- av* aa.l3a.tfl ?j*,.1x1.17.3 !??:??? i- . MrTarth) and ?tt* t" i . ....... 8.830 v.a. 73.4 ft e of I"-- ?' -'?"' iaa :? 2.-.X |i"> : ''. ?? ' |? I> r.- ? ?: ..n I W'f to tl tr;. . ' .,-.,. ,?.:??. l'"> 100 Brtdgai ? - ..:.?,.. n ?.. ? n of .-??.?. Bi 11 *?, . ... m BllaakelB Nelll, U'" ? .*,"i.\-*v..\i;i',j Kllen P ?> ll- *?' *l '" BrederleB \.,r Axte 88.000 r \. 3*21; I hn W M.fanhy ?:;.! an . rh< r. exaeul ira. io l ? ?? ! l' !'? I 18 JOO ? So MT Raat; SVI1l<aro 11 Willlama et al i ; -.' ? . iv.... 21 (.ave ^ 313 3 fr a f Bd-.l :".?114. Wnlie ; r.d another ta Ban k! i . :? o RKrullDRD MOBTOAOB1 Kuzli) \\ ,i. oa I ? ir.nk I W<-?'. 1. e a , .. ?;-. i fi i 0f ISOtn <t. I y?n ..... BSB8 Uu -'.i llelei M ? !.?'..? V Uooraem, * ? lllb I -- ).io f| . ,f n. 1 >eru .2 080 Boekell Jiiliu* '.t. ..i.l ?lfe ??? U** BBIIgraBI Indu.ti i ink N ? 888 Baal 80lh *t. 1 i-ear .TJ08 B irg ' uhi .'?' ix, ln (1 irlea W IrtB B i it? . ?. I year ' ,,,> 11. : . -i T. ? ? .1 l.n K Agne;v. ?i ? .-. * ? of A.n-i. r'an- ?VI I >ni . B.1 ?' . ? ? , , | M -ri. K .1*1 inbeon. e * Tn. ave, Bn n i ' Ifllh '. i'i reara. 8.880 I.:;. to M:.rg..r.t A Itoherla. Nn 112 .'i ryall* ?'. I ? . 8.088 Prank N. ' Kllxabi Ih V !? od, n * Wll il, H fi e of Madlacn ave. -i rear*. 8.088 j.., Joaeph P ? ? fl< ira* I. Bfkl v. n ?? eeraer i i ... l reai. 1.880 i .... aife t ? < narlea t w Aakaanx, >? ith >; ;"-sT fi . of A' it. i rear MU Mai '.I.. .. Kohaerl ? ? 0* h u ? loi :'i ... V ' Bluyreeaai. 1 rear. SJH M rrla, lo Ilyman a*nl llenrj Boai N , 124 ;i. n -? tnd N"? ?>i? tiw Tl nryetW ,, j . , . . h 2.10 Hou'aen, Id m K. io PraaB U t>awf?*d, Be BU 1.-.-1 IBWh -' I v. ..r ... . 1.880 li.ii.-.i. Wllllam, and wlfe lo Caarlaa l" A-.p' hjr, ?riieie.- foi Carolln* Mlller, N. 2.'i"T Btn-are, i v,..,r... ... B,aaa Hallen Jacub ? THI* Ouamatee a*.d Tn;?: ? n si!) Weat eatb-at. 1 rtara. 1.800 John J. it.d "ire t . I' Mme j,, Inre Inalltutlrn, . i 3d-.*/e, W> 3 ft * ..f "Ul j. | y<o Har'tn'-ll Tlmolhy M. lo John H-lhlg and wlfl ? ?, eallh n\.-, 2C2 I fi ? r.f ?/*?! R i -? . - . 2 4?i i I.. M, lo l..iil? V IC'raem. ? e ll" ii. neii Pr.ul A. . ? ?' mme-nireellb-are, :'*.T4 ira.2.4'?i rj.ltltet. an wlf* Ui Mi '.iti r. Bo* >. ???.-< ISI fl w of 2.l-*v?. I rear. !.??>? Klei., Augual N. lo M '?? V.le.tle? w ? Madl* ,..? n ? ::\ n n - r 110th ?i. M ? I.nta, !n ...ii-. 11.030 1 Bn l ?- If* i ? ? bartefl B Mte, b * _'.?". fi . ol ."i .. -. B > **u * . i-'.i 00 ;, ? \' v !? I- Manha incr, ? ? Ith. a.Jfl ; 13th ?? rlemand. MW .\; ,. h it, Mlm I hn B hretroer, ? ? 1-". i ?-..??>? - : . . 8.000 m i r. v Rachel, ?? IVInil w II !I..?-n. * * !i7?h i B02.S fl ...." lia lerdam-ave I >ear. X.BOQ Malilai : t. aml ?rlf? In lha Farm -r*' '. an and Ttu : fVimpony, Noa 418. 418 and 117 3'!th al. 3 yeara. . t\ort ?>? , i i not i ? ii >nn ih lt' llmann, ?? * Wilti ?-. :.. fi ii .f l-'M'ii *t :i wtrt. 8.080 >;,, . M .? ?. gnd hu l-iri.1 !? Rnei ?' B*. ? i :>. ive. 121 4 fi a of l*MI m I >? art T.'Oi .i ,,i > ranel* C, i ? Jbmhm Mr c ,.,;, ? -i . .... ii t .? i.r I ml.l Bterer.*m, \., ii; \v. ? I43ih '. ?': | ar*. I2.n?i y , ,.? -, | ?. ! r . ..? ' ?!??? "> H beil BT ? '? ,. inv.r. i- at, H"> i ? ?' Ueaaetl .1.'. ?. 4.3 0 ? 1. K '.V fter *frl. et n!. Irui'ei* of I. ii * llameraley, No 3!mi Ch-al 2 v...??? ?? 8.n 0 OTrl' .i \ ?>?? '. t i Ut -I . A M* ? n. w a Latli . ??":! fi - or IS .1 ?! 11 ye-m- .. . '.n">1 a ... ?, m r ;.(!?? Hi'. lo r*brl thia Wles*, Be Ml B| h ?>!. 1*. mnn-li............... ?? TOO M-Pirlli Fertu'do. Aitll". v ine. Maaam llo, ,, ., j. . ,d .; tullo. t ? Bi ith Wnianwrm, n ? .._,, I( ,,,.,i |ine), .".7"' fi " 01 Wllli-av.. ' .!d c ';",.', ,;i H.:! ? " Behia";.' a a' e*t rt'V le'BMBi ' ?*., f . of ',i"> ?>?' ?"M '???}. ?* 1 o >* ra.? .ir.'Xi .?.'???r-i i flwa 8 lo rrtd Ick MeC.rtky ? ? !>??? 1 .'. 'i I.i'm v, ,f I.^.e't re, ln ta-m-n. . 1.680 j...... i'?i. h. io '.hn J aa. w < Weeatiareaa .. v,7 ,: n* r-l v. 2 .eir................ 1.081 B ?. Urtj io I n le* I t laiaa B l^Pk, Bfl m. r Cln-oe-av* ani Spr n -?'. 1 ?*'r-... - OO Pekhard e-rreal t" ih* E~ Vant " b ?:,- p Baak. n . BMh-at ?? ft a? of l"-?v?. ? ^ cir :r.r?lm'n:i 2.Sio 7.000 B'/'n Henrl ?;? "aro Slgmond. t> Heftrtett* KirD " . 12lft-?t. lflO ft a of M-av*. 5 >-*/*.. Btl'.her: J.':'*>:. w 8>taU. Mp5 ? ? ?edB, , ti.'. f ? of \ ??' -h re 1 1-8 yeara. lwo Btearar Emma J. ani 8amu*l 8. to Robert C Wataon et al. eaeeutora. *te. Briuiam IVateon. V WcMEn.i -ave. 21 ft n of ?th-*l ??*;... 12.000 8.500 Behafer Mait *vad Bliaaa. t- Caro'.ia* FMWer knecM. e ? nrook-ave, 23 ft n M 14?h-at. 1 Ba^waxna!' Henry' J.' 'ani* ritdetiak Freitaa. art'ii wife t. i" irpir Ilir'.mann. e ? fommonWeiilTh n>e BJ fr I of M..n,.:..ii ?t. 8 yeara. 1.000 ii,.. PoMfth L'nlveraellai r-...-l-" of Ihe CTHef Xew V. rU 10 <^irle? II I.n.r.r.g: m. ivntral I'ark v.rn \. ? 38.2 fi ? ?t 7B>h at, 1'4 v-*r?. BO.nno ;,?,, '? M, - !? E l'.i' ex'ru'rt*. \l>-ert ' b Putnem, Pentrxl ParB weal, ? ?. 81.1 f a i.f 7(1:1 ?i. IH yeara . BB\B8B ?in-.e to Bobetl C K-rgne .n. * * 70'.h *t. 123 ft ?v of it.'-.. ParB W'eel. V\ r??'?. 13.7.V. Kmirih L'nlvereallal S?.-let> of 'h* Otv of New V rk i?? Edward H Crowell. a ? rornar Tentral Park We?i aml 7*th ?t. l\j yetra.. ?. 18,117 Sam- te Wllliam H Bcrtt. rentral Perk Weat, n w nrner 7flth-al. 1^ year* . 80.83*1 Ther?!i?"n I. Krancla. ;r, to L'nlon Dlme Baving* InetRutlon. n a BBrh-et. 400 ft W of Weal.End- ^ W^aaaVrwaaem ' ta *iam-i" 'V Klrby.' tniatee. Noa 244 an.l 248 Kaat 74th-?t. Byaan. 14UW Iirn.DINO PLAN3 FILEP. The fulL.wlng plana Uv no? bulldlng. and alteratloni were nied aiBtar-ayi rth ave and 72d it. B B rorner. fOT a one Stor> h ave an.i raa n. n e ..-.,..-.. ? ??? - -__ . - brlck el irtrlc llgl r itatl... nianuf..'- orr. by An Mla I- HuniHafton, ?' >?" "?' P_* '; __,' ",;.r_ htenhattan-ave and It-th-et, n - ",r'"v?..r." ? ?U-ataay brlet ?t__nn_Mrt-t?naaa, bv a....n " Xe I'l. owner. Alterati.nis. muln otBcei '^..ri^'V-M^^Kof^^v?,^ at. Eaei Orange, S J. awner. N,-w buii.iinga. aptown brattehi popham-ave, n a. 108 tt w of k^tgonaery-aLfer litwo st.-ry frame dwelllng. bj -Tohn R BTen ner. of No 2i:i Wlllla ire, tmot*?? ?? ? ;:;",;rn'nVh oftl.e Ko plana for alteratlona arere Bled al lhe aranen on. yeaterday. ____^_____??????--?? 300.000 aon 2..W tkril (Pstatc. PROTECTS AGAINST Invalid Wills. A Havlnga Bank ln ll'.'.s elty ioit 5'J.W. by rcn iin cfa mortgago laan m.vl- by lt B9 K/eklel Donnell r.n pn.p.rty on ISth Street. New Yorfc, whlehbagot by Wlll fr.n btl I.rotbcr. Jair."* Donnell. Thta win aaMaftarwartfa ari aakla anl the proprrty taken byo-ie wli.. BPBTB 1 thal aka was tlie ehtla :>t Jiini. a Donnell by un lllldls rlnaed wlfe. TiUE GUARANTbE andTRUST company f 116 Broiidvrny, N. V. _ i iu Court, St, Brooklyn, Offlceais. N#j.- c?r ,>t.; (jtan i .th Ave.,N'. \. \ IM West 135t_ St., N. V. CAPITAU.$2,500,000. St'RPLL'S.$2,r00.00a (Titn Propcrtn iror Sulc. T_il Street Weat. \exv. Artlatli-. Tliorouttlily np to ilnle. \o _:i:i?Bl feet wtilr.. .\o. a:iR?-:i " Alao moal rlehly llnlaheil. and complelely flltr?l up I'nll Dlnlaa lt""'" ?BtOmolOO llonae In tlie nin rUi-l. !\.?. 341 Ateal 7_il. '-.". feel arlile. f nn lie aeen nt nny llme wlthonl p-rmlt. or ramplilel iclvl?_ toll pnrtlciilnM. mnlled on lo ( III i;K, AlUHITF.f T. _U4 1 'oltiiuliua Are.. enr 7_nd Bt. mlll BT., ??>: - ?' B -levi-j. N a. ?"-'s. 830 i"'1 888, Bne rlear ?'. Hu-eon, il r? tlegani n?w atoae fr.n' np to late prlvala dweninge, ?-? atory, baeraenl and harda od thi aah?i it. rnantel mln a*i Ml*d l i] r ma and Itrepla ea. . -.? li mm. I, <?*!?I P i turnaci l cellai N - 8W ind 8K, IM.?lth thlrd i" ? i ? > . I ?"??'? *u ''".\..^ ., "-, 1U.V.. .,.,., i mi * and K?yei Ha.l .-,.-'??? _ ??? per ..rt may remaln on mortaage li ;?' ?.-' partlenlan ? . . . ,., . ? ' , ir TRKAT, i.v.n-.-. .. ? oper ' nl n. do for LitioiiicGO }3iupocco. ciioit't: ofiii i:s TO I.KT TETIPLE COURT. Rtl.tM) A WnVfVfO. \arenla. <*n premlaea. ? t.> 9 Reekrran St. ftnitioln'o tjouoro tUuntcb. U^ ,.n . i.i- r .r . i ..? ? ? ?u| " r riir ..: i .,. ? .? ip.-irimeni : ?? thi .' !?? ..- . '? - Muai i.? -i.'i. nally fln ? ta, a ?? '?' ?.;l ^-v * ' iA v?.ii r a it ' ? ?' ''-?? "' _ Unfmiiioljcb ^putimciuo <Zo Cct. APARTMENTS. WEST END AVKM'i:, Cortter TOtli Strtoet. Bewen nnd oi^hi laryjrej ?nd liuht rooms. Elevator serviee, electrie lijjlitf Bli'iini hca. and hot watiT Incladcd in rcnt. Renti $l,tOO tt> $1,600. Open (Jnily, Indodlng Sitntlay. I). I). BRANDT, Agenl on pramtMta THI! QRAMERCY. .14 l.ll iMIlltl \ I'lltlv. F^r Ren' l ??,-.? a| ?'? rnami .-.r. I bat! ,?,thern e?|i...iir?. ' W I'l EP8, Buperintendenl. I?... i.i:\ Mln tNO lOfll) 81 - ?!,?? lan* '. ? ? Ji anann rma ? ?? ? l i rana piumblna irand vlew; ?? lo 153 BTEVRNM, '..:: i l? >?? i iml. ? IJ4XTRA l.\r..:i" i ? rm ipartmenTa 140 \' -? ioTti j r> . eleralor, ai am, --... rana, h*,i .v % |.en ?? ii - . r ?-. r -i Hoti HTEVKN8, '..::l?. . i Al.ilisr IM.U.IliT iPARTHRNTe. Weal Bld 4 .-.?, vVeat I-.'.-' -? I: ?aa atovea hoi 84*i I" *>... St ':\ KNrt. ,ini ? Nt: M; .-: \n: 11. I ARK; 7 Ibfhl at. ? i .ii i ?: i lm| i n4 nu ?. ,?? i.' ? ,,i,|. i . n\ pl.itnl . prl p ? hall: near 1. ilattn ,,n.i cable; abe,.|ui? ??? tall ?? ? -i inl ?i. *i'.. >.".2; ln du-emenia 17 Weal l?tt| ? IVi. ' i.l,'l-:.-'r"l:|. a l-fc-i claaa anartment i ? l. ... nat-,; on .>rii ,i r.,ii. Weat, Bl ' io *?_'?! ?t. Haa ? . ma t,i i?- i, ir, J i tn N'.iV. mli -r . II, i .1 . ?n i .ipl. i ln nn ; tfoniilin }Jropcvtn Sot Galc. IJMJll s M.i:. i.. ...,|. i.. .? and ', ..-?: . eacellenl nelchl . h .e.1, Bnulh Orai I Improvementa, con M-n.ent tn -i.-nln aml irolle) Applj to DANIBI AliAMB, RMaawiKxl and W< l Eml Roaila .-' I Uran fjnblic Xoticco. 4 ITEXTION is f'ALLKD T0 THE ADVER "TIBaTBIEHT IN THK ? > i i V RETOBI)." MNnnwnelna .?ii lha i'7th -i". of October, iv?'.. and conilnulns therein mnaecutlvely f.r nln* ibl daya tberaafier, ..." iha con !. ni'i'ii and eatry ?' lha r ? ?:: ? ? \a * t. >c ?> mamenta In lha !,-.[.. ::\., ? hen In ,| ??cn >i>-,1 : 12TH WARD IB8TII BTREET Oi'ENINO, betweM AmatenlaRl and Wadaai ?? h avennea, 38U WARIi. BT. JOUBPH'H 8TREET OPENINO, from llobbina ,.'..?. lo Wblll .. k ihh. ABHIIEL iv Kl r il. Comptmllar. Clty "f New rork, Plnan..- Department, . omptr ill< .'a i.iii, ?-. . ictnber St, I8U0 FINAN.'i: DKI'ARTMENT, lll'REAU KOR THB .H. I.I-:.-|H'\ >>l- TAXEM. NO. -7 ITIAMIIKRH UTRERT ..-IKW IBT 1H'I1.I>IM".|. NEW rOHK, NOVEMIIER 2 ISIHI. NOTIiTS TO TAXPA1 IlltS. VoTHK is HEKEHI UIVEN BY THE RE -' ,-^lver ..f Tax^a nf lha "Itv of Ne? y..ik to-all pttr ? us whoaa tax.-a f,,r tii- ..;.. Itaa ranuUn unpald on tha flrst day .-f Novernber ol ",;i year, thal unieu tha aam.. ?,linll ..e piii.l to bim nt iii- .ill.n ,.r before tba tlrai ,;.,% .f nf aald year. I.e Wlll .-b.-irRe, ,... . ri an I I 41 . up..n tu.-h iax. - I-.. renvalnniK unpald on that day, In addl tlon f> th<- ain.Mint ..f auch ux.-a, iiw per .-entum on the am.iunt tbereof, and ebarge, raeetva anl collaei upon au.:h i.xx?.i ao remamlnK unp.ild m tr? fli.,t d.iy .,f .lanuary thereafter Intereat upon the amount tbeie.f at the rate of aeven per centum per annum. lo ba CalcuUted fr,>m (i(Tt,-.t*r 1, 1^041. Ihe fav on nhlrh the r 1I? and warrant* therefor Bf?ra dellrared t.- Ihe aald Recelvcr of Taxea to the d?t ? .>r piiinenr. ar pr.i\|.le,t bv tactloni M.V M4 and M5 of the New V .rk Clty Coaaolldation Aet of lv82. DAVID E. AU-TBN. Baoalvar cf Taxea. (frenrsiona. EGYPT and PALE5TINE. Partlaa under Eacort. all T/avelllr.B Expcnaas Ineluded. Jan 5. Ftb. 13, March fl. ltflT. Cook's Nile Steamers. Only fleet of Flrat-clasa Steamera on the Nlla. Satllnri from Catro io Flrat and Secon.l Catara.-ts every few daya BERMUDA. Bhort, Paraonallv rondu.-tel T. ura lo thla dellfhtful Troplral Rea. rt. ra-.-up; Ina KIOIIT DATB to TWO WEEK8 tan io |x>. inci-idiiiK .ill a-penaea, l*-<-. :i. 17, 30, 1800 March BB, 1M.7. Alao Toarfa 11 ? -ii-r goHtbani Baaorta, Inaapendaai Tkketa Ki i-vwli*f. I'narammea, .t... fie,. fr,,m tiiob. i'oiik x sox. _al aad I.2S8 Rr?adway, BJ. y. JaAfaVN,BOtJ^l) TH I \Vi IRLD, H0LTLAND~ v K".ty ..""^r, ?__? . Y,,rk Nov- ? "n<1 'Frlaco Nov. 12 lor llonolulu and Japan. al*? around tha world F?b. 8 and BT.far I'nl-atlne, May 8. June 12. Jti|v a Kew^oX' *n<1 UP ?" a",k# IU **?A**9. wwwwtnvv R Cegal Notirea. Ei^VKIfTr^uTi^l^^ LITf'H FTBLD & NORTHKUN RAILROAD COMPANY The New Haven aad'Darby BaUeaad Company va. Hi* Mereaatlbi Truat Company et al. r-upcrior Court, JSew Haven County. .'lutl. .lay ol October, 18*8. OIIUKR AFl'olNTINO REC1S1VER. ? l*n,.n tl.e applleatlon of the plnlntlff praylna BBT tho ni.i-.intm-nt ..r . recelver lo take puaaaaafon at th" a*??i-v ofeeld partnerablp, to nll ika aame, and to aartrlbuta th.- proeerd* tberenf, aecordlac W the ordera of thla r.'.jrt It Ixiiig f-und that lha allegatton* <>f aulil appll catlon ar.. irue and that notlce ha* been glven to ejxea of tbe ttafendante In purmeaca -.f the order of thia ?-.urt. annexed to *aM applleatlon. it I* ? -1 (HU'KHKIl tiiat The Trual and Sufe l>epo?lt < nmpan> ,,f New H.ven, ta and bereby i* appolnted raowrar wltn , m bnnda . f pll ,.f tbe a.-st-ts ot bhi.I partnerahlp. known .. ih* "Bhepaua Byndlcate," includlng tbe 21<i <.r of the Bhepaag, WtchSeld & Korthern Ballraad company rtaadlna ln tha name of Th- Itereaatlle rraet Company. a* truateca, wllh fuil power to aotl aald stocK .... ; tald a?aeu al publki .uettaa. provlded that publlc notke nf Mld Ml* and of tha Haaa and plaee th.-reor t>e glven. b> nubllahlna ?'? eopy of thla notlci Ib at taa* oaa New Haven dally newapaper and ln ona New ^yr* mwj newaneper, .1 leaa) three daya prtor .... the tlme aaed for -i.i.i ??;?? ? r.d it la further ordered tbal the proceeda of aald be held by :>.'.?>I receleer aaubdael te Baa fur t!i?r ..r.l.-r of Ihla Coafft By .he Court i:,AVUXU A mikBTBUo Ogrm. Purauaal to th* foreaolna order. tbj Baeelver ?Bk? Baturday. Nov. Ith. at ?l?van o'clock ln tbe forenoun. aell .it puhllc auctkm. al tbe offlce of the K. J; Warren ,??.. No 108 Oranga Bt. New Haven, Coaa.. -,'**"" ol (j.ipitai nock of tb* Mwpaug. UtchaaM ond Borth raB^TB^aT^A^D'BAra dbpobr co. of new iiavkn. Becelver. New Haven, Coaa.. Bwr. 2n.i. ibbb. _ TM) THK CBBDITOBU <?f taa New-Yort Rg Cdrder Company. a rorporatlon. -Bf vlrtue of an ?r,!er lt "\ a Couri of Chaneery i f Ihe Btate of New-Jereey. mide .... tl i day of Ihe rtate h-reof ln the inatter of the petltlon of R. Patteraoa f"r tiie appolntment of a Re? celver for ihe New-York Ke<*or.ler Company, yoji a e .,-,:.. ncllfled lo preaenl 10 me. the rterf:yer of ?ald ,. .,.,,., ?nder ,?,th or aftlrmatlon, or otharwtea Ptweto n ?. ?atlifactlon your aeveral ctalina and deaaaad* ?*?'"*' tb'e sald corporatloa althln thn'e monlh* fr.m the rtate or aald order. <-r you wlll he excluded frori the l.-neflt of --u^h dlvldenda .* may be Ihereefter de.-inre<i t.v aald < "'irt ui^n the prncerda of tha afeeeaald <'?rp .t-a!'.?n. nal?*? to ne nVee,.i i , i;,e Recelver at the nfflee nf Wrallle. Bdw.rde ti*ted ul No. 1 I'x.''ar.ire, Jereey City. N. J. OEOnOB W. Tt'RNER, Recelver. Mnte/l Oetatter I2th. 1*!V, _. (Dccan Gtcamcrs. {^GDiiiTK (BEOBGM!?] (LlLCDm PBOM NKW-YOKK. BOUTHAMITON, MjM?).V HRKMEN. FA8T KXlHKS.s BTEAMERB. I $*. an.l upward; II Cabin, 84.*, nnd upward. Havel Tne. Nov. .1.1" a.m. I.ihn. Tnea.. Nov. 24. 10 a.m. T.-aie' Tuea .Nov.10,10a.m Havat Tue*. Dee. 1. 10B.B. AiU-r 'Tuea.. Nov. 17. 10. rn. Trave Tuea., Dee. s. toa.m. Ke'tum urketa gvall.W* rn.m Madlterrasaaa or fr..m lirenien. l/indon or Hiu?. OKI.RICHB & CO.. 2 Itnwllnc Cr-en ..-''..uii.i.KMAN I iiAilliLlu; AMaUUCAN LIX.1L. .-:. 8. CO. I UNB. i-.xpri?.i iteamera froai New-York to (lll.ralrar. Alglers. Naplea ar.d (le:ioa. M'nlda. Nor. 7. li. A. M ?Columbta, Nor. ^-? 11 A. M. tRme, N.v. 14 10 A. M. ?Noirr.annin. Pec. 5. 11 A.M. Kalaer, N v. Jl, io a. M r\\?rra. Dee ? W A BL K. iiiir. il.-keta ayallahle for the Kieamert or eiiher from Naplea, Oeaca, fiibraiiar, Hlaakarg, Hrenien. Lber '. I^.mlnn and Southampton. Norih Oer. i.l >d B. s to.71 Barabura-AmerUan Oetrlrh* g ''.... <len. Agt*..! Mne 2 Rowiing Or., N. V. I .17 Broadway, V T_ ^n-N, ailM n S-AMEM6A-I TV.IN BCREW BX1WB?UNB KBOM XB^^rOIlB ? ., I'lvmoulh>. CherhOurB (Part*!, and Iljml.urg. a vin ,r\n Kov '? 7.i ni. K BlamareB.Nor 13. 10 a. m. l rehiti $oi *'nd upward; II rabln, 845 and upward nYvnt'TM l...M">N 1414 hre.l: KRKE OP CHABOB by apeelal traln. ITIERBOIRI PARIfl ..:', hoiin). IIAMBtlR'1 aMERlCAN I.INjFj 37 Broadway. B. T. 3TFJMSA98 4 ittl! r% ren Exp ee* Steamer PL'ERBT BIBMABCK rrora New Y :?. January 28. I8BT. for Madelra, Olhraltar, lOi ?.., md Alhambta), Algler*. Oenoa, ICIce. Malla Atexandrla I'ai-o and ihe Pyiamk)*), Jan. i i-r.i ?.i',r!.i Reyroufh itHmaaeual. Coeetanilnop'.*, Ath?n?. Meaaina, Palermo. Naplea, Oeaoa. Bea York. Daranoa ai ? nt ten weeka, HR"-**} nnd the Bpentah ,1! \U vs M.iin 1 v lha TWlB 'U'Jn'i-;' aerew FlsprMi ...-erY-oi.rMr.iA fr-m New vtu Pebruary II. 1887. * r I'.it au l'Mi'.e (Hayll). :-t. Dorolngo Clty. f>t.*. Ouadel up* Ma lln iue. Barbadoa Trlnldad, l.a Ouayra (for Car.C?l Puerin C.bello rVeneguela). Klng<t.n I I'.'m I'.earh (Plorld.), or Old I* 'nl ? ? ' r Sea Tork Durattaa about 4', w...-k? Pot rar ti:er nartli ulara k| ptjr 11 lha llambnrg?Amerlcan 37 Broadway. N V. :z wm di NEW \<.i'.k BorTHAMPTOS ffaoaloa Paaka. Ball n. al to A. M gT mfta Nn i aT r.ori3 .Nov. 2n . T r. , .-r n in :.i|.|* .1'-^ ? s::\v VORK V.Nor !>> NEW TOBK .Dee. 0 WINTBR (IUISK TO BERMUDA. WK.-T IMDIBB, BtBXICO, By lha Amerlean Un* *. ?? OHK). from New Tork. Pae, ,-, iv.; t r M n il.. Bl. Thoama, ,*-t. Kltta, Ouadeloupe, i'i li/iliLa M.rtlnlque. rft. Luela. Ilarbado..*. Trlnidad. |...,t ,.' Bpaln i . Brea. t., Ouayra. (Ceraeaa.) .'viraooa. loml ? ? . i r i. Vern <YlU. iMeglro.) ii, ,iv Puratl n 13 lay* Pr! - of peaaage, 1278 aad upwirda, Bend f..r illustrated pemphlet. ' : 1, 'r-: " irf:TW^?t Balllna arery v/edneaday. .- ithwark .Nov. *. ?? ... ta Krlealai-d..Boy. 18. n .on , so, n : . i. Kei inaion.No*. 33, 1 -;. m. INTERNATIONAL NAVIOATION COMPANT. n-ra i? ani :.*. North Rlver. Offlce. ''. Powllna areea pji^TO^?(BMDa^e PACIFIC MAII. S. S. CO. OCCIDBXTAL 'ND ORIBNTAL B. P. CO. Betweea Han Pranettco, Bhangbal. TokohanM ?nd Hor.s Kor.f Bi im?r< leave san Kr.inr-i?co. flTY OP BIO DE JANEIBO.rla Honolulu Xor, 12. 1 p. m. OAELIC .N?v- 21. 1 p. m. CTTT OP PEK1NO.N.v. .T>. 1 p. m. rv.RlC. via li no'.ulu ....A.Dee. ?. 1 p. m. illlNA .1.Ber- IT. 1 P ?. |-,r fl ..?? paaaag* ard gen.-ral Informatloe. apply tu r.p.i Broadway or i r-.ticr. Plaea, Waahtogtoa Huildicc. and 2-7 Broadway_ T - \\ 11!TE STAK I.INK." Teutoale. Boe. 4 aoan|Teulonle. Teo. 2. noon ta nie ... N ? II. noon.Brltannle. Dee. l?. aoea .Mr ? .... Nov, '\ noon,;. IB, aoon ; ... N .\ .'.',. Oermanlc. . I >er 33, noon -., ?? .?? rARUIED IIY r*ABSE\n*?R BTRAMVRfl Pler N. 4.". North Uner nove 2!? ?lr-?H.ltvay. H. V. II MAIILANIi KRRSET. Ag.nt. ArCNAHI) I.INK. a if> UVER70OL BT QingEBBrOWB. L'anipania.Nov, 7. 8*3u i. m. Etrurla... Nor. '."<. tl a. m. L'mbria '? . 14. 1 p. n. i'anipanla.I>e^. .'., 5*30 a. m. Uueania.N ?? 21, 8*18 a. m L'mbria.Dee. 12. ll g. m. ri'in I'ier io. Nartl Rlver r> ..i nf clarkaon-et Tor trelsht ar. I taaaagc appl) at lh? Compaajf* , fflce, V | r. .? il ??? n. NeW Y..rk. \i-:;t\<i\' il. rnnWN a- .-o.. cieneni Ager.a. CLYDE I.INK. CHARI.KSTON. S C tha s >r rn AND BOUTIlWEwr. JACKBONVILLg AXD ALL PLORIUB POINTB. ir.-. pier -V. !.'. R. (fool of Rooaerelt-et.), n p. m. CHEROKEE, Cha*. * Jackaonvlllo-Wedneaday. N..v. 4'lN i'l;:i* ???? I... K.-'ii. iil.'.Krtday. Nov. i. [I'OUI'iil-: I'lia * l.i-k- "i\-11- .M. n.l.'iv. N.. Il ifiMANt'llE, .1..- 1 Jaekaonvllle Wedneeda- Nor. 11 steaiutr*' tlrai-claaa paaaeager ac-.-omm .da'iona WM. P. CLYOE ,< <<>. <*.en-ral At-.nt*. 0 Bowltaa tlieen, \. T. Pla. Ceat and Penn Paal P. ft P Une. via Jackaonrtlta, .' Bo. and I'aaaenger I.lne. via Churleeion. T. O. ROHR. <i.'ne-a; A?ent, :t'.u Broadway, N. Y. PBENCH WSi. OMPAONIE liF.NKUAl.i: Ti'.iiis.itlantitiu*. COMIV nnn T I.IM* TO HAVRE. PAR1& I'HANOE. !.A 11. M KlKMl.VK, I. I" ? ni.^.u . Nor. 7. I p. m. I.A CHAMPAONE, Polro .Sai . N.v. U, .*> | m. l,\ Ti il KAINE, .*-uiieiii .s.n.. Nor, 21. noon Parlor reat and buffei-amoklna rar att.irhe.1 le Bpeclal Traln H.vr* \\\n* (or rlce reraa] Beala II '*> extra. ,\. f?.i;..i :'. '' Agent 3 Boalina Oreea. N. Y. \I.M.I.OUY STKAMSHIP LI.NE8. **I i>:.., v.ay BxeanlOB, or Touriet. II. keig to all polntj .1 Texaa, C lorada fi.h. Anzona, t'allforala. kfaslco, Jeorgla. Plorida, *te. ai?. II. t aprlnaa, Ark. BAILlNH .t..r?: Ih* Atlanliu C .at lo Bruaawlek, Ga.. ef a Bimltai v ? ia* Cr.waln. tih* iioif of Mextan '.. Oalve*. t I,, ,.v, ARK IDBAL TBIPl POB WIXTBR MONTHB. tVrlt* r.r our >U PAOB POCK.ET OtitPR rmalled fre*>. C II. MALLORT .* CO.. On. Ag'a.. I'.er BB, B R ? N. V 0 I.l) DOMINION I.INK. ?iaii.y BBRVICE. l-,,r old Polnt Ceatfori, Nortolk, Newpoti N-w?, Teter*. hura I'ori.sin. uiii, 'iiin.r'.s i\iint. Richmood, Vlrgtaia Heaeh Va., aad waahtaaua, D. C, dally eaeapl Hunday. (?..ii. Pler 88, North Hiv.-r. ut 3 P. M.. exoept Baturday, 4 1" M \\* L OtrtLLAtTDEU, Vlee-Pree. nnd Trafll- Msr. 11AXAMA RAILUUAO bteambhip i.inb. THK BBA BOUTB TO lAfl PBAMCUOO. ?.onnectiiig al lh? I.thm.i* tor ?.l \\.?t fouai 1'orta of Meatao, Central Wld :~.uth Amerlca. Steamer* aaII tr.m t.ier toul Weat JTth St.. N. T. riNANCB Nov. n?. no m v.m.kxoia. .Nor. 20. noon For ia:e* apply at Company'* . fove 23 Rroadway. JOHN Mtllt. TrafTlc Mana/er. li KD "D" I.INK 01? 8TEAM8HIPB, . La Ouayra. Puerto t'abetlo. Curarao and Mara .aibo. via Caraeao, from R. h?-rt Storen nrii,iklyn M CABACAB.Wedneaday. November 4. I n m ss. VENEZCELA.Baiurday, No\-embar u. i D m' BB. PHILAOELPHIA.Tueeday. November 21 iS m POR MARACAIBO VII ST THOM4.S p' BB CtttA 'AO.Baiurday. Nevernher 2^ ln m Theae Amerlcan ateamer*. hullt expreaalv for th* trade. has? auperior accommodi'|-in? ra*?engera BOITT.TOV * n?T?.ieTT Oere-ai M<n?eer?. 1*>? Fronl-*t. QAVANNAH T.INE rn -vrekly from Plrr 34. N. R. 1 - <n*w). -rue'diya. Thurxdaya and Saturday* iKP.U. fae Baraewak Bieeet City of Auguaia.Nov. 3 City af lilrm.r.gham .Nov. 10 K*:isas t'ity .Nov. ft Clty of Au(u*ta_Nov. 12 Ta.Uha?*e* .Nov. 7 Kanaaa Clty .Nov. 14 Utuiurpx.-?e.l cabln acommodatlona. wlth ratl llnea for all poln'* South at.d riouthwtit. For tlck*t* and frtlght rate* apply at Bfll, ilT. V,.i. ass Broadway. or at lha Pier. foot of Sprlna-et. |_a M SORREI,. Manag?r. A DVBBTIBBMBNTB nnd *iu*i*ripiioiui for The Trlb X\ un.- recelred at thelr UpCbwn Offlce, No. |,84| Broad? way. 2,i ,i. .r north ..r .".iit ti. untll u o'etaek p. tn.; ad vertttemenu aecelrad al tiv- foii. wing branrh ofllrea at n-gular ..m.-.. rataa untll 8 k'cloek ?. . m., vi)!.: 2."4 ath- ? av... e. . ror. 2.".d -t.; I.VJUtl av.. .-<>r. 12th gt.j Maoy'a. ll'li ava aad ll'l -t 14fl/Cnlumbui gre,. near Weat 116'tli ? r.: uiii v. ?<t ??;.i m . r. ar 8th ave.; n2 Ka?t 14th st.: 257 Wmi 121 .t between ?:h an.l Ml. area.* lftf. Raet 47th *t.. 1..1.1H ;id ave. l.tje.n T8th and 77th ete.; 1.0BB .Irt ?\e.. n, Bta) 11.; | Bis ut ave., near M>th at. ?. HV> 3d ?\e.. rear 4]>| at. :jT.:.\ .td nve. 210 rtleeokrr ?i.; 32ft lll.r.ker at.; 2.W1S ? ive. ; 241. Ea?t 79th-*t ; l.Ml 8d ave.; 2.8011 8d ave.-Jir. Amaterdam-avc.; 402 We*t 42d-et ; i 148 Ka?t Iflth atj/ooa Eaat 4aih-at.; KA Oth ave.; ail Otti, ave.. 1.IB3 Sdfnve.. near 87th-?t.; 204 E*?t BBlh-al.; 1.820 BroadwR); fjoj 3d-av*.. 128 8th-ava.; 1.318 2d-ava. ' -a -\tnneerrunto. Af ADICMY OK M18IC. 14th-at _i>4^lrW_i"i7_T' E. O. Ollnwre and Kusan. Tompkina.PrxaaaTl ite / Operatic U.ractor.*.Col. j f?*?? Ajgga/ aaray impkhiai. opkr*. <;omi?a?iy TO NIOHT (TlKcDAY.; T* Gran.l Hollday l'erforinnnrr. ,it I'OI'L'LAR PRtraa II. TROVATORK. . Donanlata, Hn.VM, Daral DBBa Da To HOKROW (WEOStgBDAT), L4C9 in i;i KMttM, liehut of the r.?* ten-,r. SUnor De Marcht- Flal r.K.... Dido. I ln c-. M.I.. Bcalchl. Mme. Alblal md _ni.. DiWotoa! 1HIDAY. NOV. ll, Dtbut cf .Vm?. M p,, | Hu?uci ua LA 80NNAMBL___ BATtmOAT, BJOt. 7, nt 2 P. M., kfattaee <>t aida (Laal ttmei. A('AI)Kfl) Ol' HISIC. Al ADKMY OK MISR'. GEKRRAL IIOLID.VY. IMM'lI.AIt PRICEB JTO-MlillT OM,V, ??vcb. \>M-:ilir\\. Commencli.f !a* ? AMKHI4A.V , biiiac-ey, Kev'a* AllilHTK VAB HIK\K. TBE AiutaTE van iiii;m;. broken AlUl'STH VAN IIIKMI. MKI.ODY" BALE Ot" BEA'i'H NOW IROGIlEsSIXO. UiioADWAY THKATRR. Ev?k. s-.u. un. sat MATINKK TO-DAY. ?* Klectlon it-tuina lr-,n, ita*- i ninlit. WHITNRY HII1A\ BORl'. OPKItA 00. I IIHIAN IIOBl. -?. Eventn* at h:80. I11JOI. i Kat. <Aod A- Sa'.. at 2:16 BXTRA MATTBKB TO-DAT. -vTO-\IGHT thi I MY I-'ltllvM) i retumi will _, KROM INDIA. I i.H.I from tba -?4? atare. I'lll.l Mlll S MAT. IO-IIAY AT _. j TIIKATIII'. MAT. TO-DAY AT U. PRIMROKK A WEBT'f M(\?TRKLH. PHIMROSK A WEBT'g MINSTIIKL*. I CASIXO. TO-DAY AT 2. ~ CABIBO. TO-XIGHT AT BllB, AaatltorUim THK BTRA.VGE ligh-.ed and ADVENTI RES 0g> heat'.l BK Btgfct i tlACK firl.iteat ; JAl'K Electlon Returna. r AND THE Bpaclal W.rea. ? .f IIK \>ST 4.LK. heanstalk! TUCATRE. Broaaaray a BKbaL 11 r A-oj-m i liaiy. bole l-??see and Minaftr. Kvery cvtninf, $:15. Katbaea wad. ard Sat. at _ Georca IMmrdei'i Japaneaa Mualci'. Comady. THE DALY'S GEISHA f.ia.-liwtltig' perfornianoe ln towa, SPECIAL MATINKK TO-DAT, ELECTION DAT. BMPUB THEATRE. B'wai and ?Oth-a_ ;t MATINRES THI* VVKKK. TO-D \Y?TO-MOHRO W?BATt RDAY. JOHN DREW. ,'ii) MONTH JOIIV DHKVV. ROSKMARY. BVga, I -"'? Ma'-. T;i.. Wad * Bat. ROSKMARY. PDEN MUSE-w WOHI.D IX XVAxl CnAXII COXCKRT8. GIIAM) OPKHA HOI IE. M8.TIXKK TO-DAT. Mutlnee To-iImv. MAY IR\W\ In THK WIDOW JOYE8. <iARl>i:X YHEATI4K. 27h Bt & Mal.a _r_ Matlaee T,-ia>. To-Mgbt, at >:;?.. I, ri, I : .u-^-.'i'i-:.'. I'ira' T me H?r?, RORRRV IIIM.I xltl). TIIK MI MM)'. KOIIKHT IIIM.I \I4I?. THB MI Mlt. HORSE SHOW. Tbe b .X fll--e at Ma'll" n S.iuare r.arden will be epaa -,. tbe pnbrlc fr-m ? A. BL uritll .'. P. M. on We^neaday an.l>. the 4th anl Mh of Novernber. for th? tala if raaerved aaata and boxea r.-r the ^^xa- n. anl on Frldav, tba "'.'I- of Novernber. for re.?erved n?a'a f.r any tlnflf ptrforntance, IIAIII.KM T Blahl tt si:- .-..t ilat. 1 OPKIIA JAff. \. MIORK HOl'BE. IIP.RNE. ACatEB. >i?.-< iiil llatlnei" To-dny. ,?.To-:Mclit. .1. t n i.-iurna re;,.] from the l*BBB, HERALD Bttl^llE THEATRE, TO-?IOHT. THK MANDARIN, gPISC'IAL MATI\P;K TO-DAY. RKiit )iatim:k atrtitDAY. HOYT'a THKATRK Evaa at - 1?. Ma:.. .??:., IM. .'.BFEriAL matim:e to-day. t KI.OHIDA KM'lltXTMEM'. A KLOKIIM KXCHANTWEBT. To-n'sht, aleciton returna read fr.,m ihe ata_-?. IRViaO PLACE THBATttat. H. Comrfi, M?r. Io nUtht iPop Prlcaei, L'Arronaa'a DEB < iMI'AON'ON. WedneatUy, laal tlme, Ltndaa'a THK FIR.^T ONE. KOBTBTai MATI\EErTO-DAT. ELEfTION KHTl'KNS T>-NlGHr. .? Illtl.'s. l/OMA llARRI!*ON. Bl?Tfcata HARRIsox._ Unlckrrhofker Tb.-ntr*. 5Sth-it. * Bway. Lasl o Mirht--- Laal Sat. Mat. MATINKK TU-DAY AT 2. FRANCIS WILBO* I HAI.F A KINO. KRANCIB WII.BOB I HALF A KIXG. N'..v. !).--The .-vsii -f the t'ro8.?._ T VCEUM THEATKE.4th-ave. k _M tJ rjartala rlaee al 8:18. Haahvaa Thura. A Sat. at 8 R. II. BOTHBRN. I - I-?at Tbr?e Weeka? E. II aOTHERB. I AN l-'.XEMY TO THE KB* Murrnj Hlll Tlienlre. F.^x ,.v. bet. 41at i _M?_ M4TI>KK TO-DW. TOO HKH JOH\*0\. TOO MI fll .IOHNHOV , ivipi'LAR PRICEB NOW. OI.YMIMA THKATRK. Bn2a4.w*_. OI.YMIMA THKATRK. and 44th at 8A*TA ktARIA st.-rirsa. 0RE.VT RAXTAMAMIA brccE&t. Boob anl nii-.., by Oacar llammerateln. < AMII.I.K D'ARVILI.E. Mir .. Ii.ili.n. Juliua Steacr. Jamea T. Powera. and IxieBB) Ja?aara, Ol.) MIM \ X\ l\TKR taARDjK. _WBAT.e?^_-_B OI.YMIMA WINTER IJARDKN. OOVBRBD R<?a. AT 8:U QrCUnCK. VAl'DEY'ILUt Horenii Tr .up*. ,.f Acrobata, tbe dreitt Harlona, Feautl fui Alaxandra Marteni Paplnta, the Polnabl Breoaaa liutoh Daly, Amann. Ra. ba-l Walkar. At 11 ?<*?*? 8 HA!, CIIAMPETRE, |e,l bv tbe fanvwa i*h -uberakl Quaa u'le ..f Pa.Ma .Un.-era and t!ie Wlilrlwln<l l>e Koreeata. OI.YMPIt Al DITOHII M. Kew T>rV? OLYMPtA Al DITOltll M. Kin-^t PtaibOBBBi I'.V AMJKMNK K\ 4Mill.DK broiiR-^it Mrtctly ap to late by KI4K'!* IH R1.F.S...IKR.* RICE'B ^" ARTiaTa. _^^ L-l bv Henry E. Dlxey, Mlaa Ther-"i xauahn, ueor^ :< Eoeteaque, and Prad I ? mon. MATI\KK TO-DAY A,J_** MATINKK TO-UtY 50*' HA>T\ MARIA ??? ANP KVAXGKI.1XE. BUBCTION RETtTRXa TO-KIOHT wlll he read half hourlv fr,,m both Theatre and Audl lorlum v.iKf.. untll tl.e doea ..f the performenvea. ana from iha Winter Gnwdea atana .? aaell untll the flr.aa re "inia rome Ip, no mattcr if lha r-i-uit doea not N^-oiaa kn iwn befon daybrcak. _ . PABTOHa" 14lh St.. near 3d AT. PABTOR'B, I'nntliiuou* Performaaeai 2.1 1 M "'ta. ..p.n 12JO .'..n'muea unfl 11 P. an ben llix'ki.lniltr. Smlili A fninphell. I'AI.MKH'M, TO-Mi;HT. 8 *T. MAT. PALMEH'B. TO-NlliHT. KTTR A HKHHMAW THE MATINEE HRRRMANN, HREAT. TO-DAY. _ :::.t i riOJI RBTtrRNfl ANNOCNCED PBOB fTAGE. ?ill THl'.Ai ui:. EvaalafaatBrgi .* AVE. THKATRK. MailnaeaBat.Jtt H. .'. Mixt-'it. Pma. a >'_",r*f 1 I.OST. STR4..KD 4?R BTOLRB. MMT I.OIT. ?*Tll *.\ ??::) Oll JiTOI.KX. THRB3R Ooodwln 8 U rwe'a laleal aad a-ejteat WKKKS. mu-l.-al ?-? ? :.-'? - l. .-? aa, RITRA NATIYRE TO-DAY. ??I-IIJCCTION IIKTt RXB tVMll \l KD." Btata ranei ?'? aracka only, Ba?lar b**? _ TH BT. THBATIlK. _aaratb av. TO BTOHTIfal M\T T<' DAY. Itrtuma r<- i l fl ia atafa 11 ntfbl TIIK CHHRRl PICTKERB. v , Ai-'imr. i-.uih..r of BM E J!'.AN>. etC. Ccctnres anD itlcctinga. ii a UARTERLY MRETINtl OF THK A.MEKl rAN INBTtTlTTB. Korembar Rth 'W. st_U*JJ5 s.r.-et. nt s o'docb v. kt LOt is ii r>>- *"'h t|c tsti wm* pjuk tikWL Last Day, Tuosdav. Nov. 3d. The Auotlon. lhe Whlle Plalna. ?*? BtoaBBB Pnrk llnnilliiipa, nnd four other?_??_?;??.K t-liiilliiK Slfeiilei'hiiaf. Hnt raer nt a?-" TakeM Ave. Baradad aaa Aaaa* ftUM_av and n-ini, \ve for Bpeclal Traina l!re.-t to T:a, K. a' ?* aaai 12'.'I'l 1. I*". and 2 P. M. FMI ^ centa. Citn flotfis. FIFTH AVENl-E AND FIFTIETH STREET. NEW YORK. ELROPEAN PLAN. The auperlor locatlon of tha Busklnjham """''J^! only ten mlnutei from Madlaon iBaiara i^'d#_iv_J_a4n Madiaon Av?. llna ot atraet car?. offara many aova?? io vlaltora to tha Hora* Shjw. .- . ... CHARLES L. WETHERBEE. Prepnator^ BOtrLEVARD. CORNEtt WEBT 718T-8T.* AMERICAN PLAX. Strletly a famlly batali c^olc. aullea. furn,*l!l~ ?_.-_4 rar-taaed. lo rent .y tha a.^n or raar. O""'"*^ Mrvlce of ihe hlghea: order. Itat.f caaonabl., locw? to ... par.^L'^^wn,xc,. naaar^ v^0R9DD?(D)0B MOTEIU __! A?*^VZ^*&^