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Olmniftnenti. ACADEMY OP DBSION?Db* amt Evening?"5-rtitbltlOB of Amaricin Waler Color Society ACADEMY OF MfSIC?SrliV-SStraleht from th* Heart. BIJOl" THEATRE?*: IV-c"V>iirt?<l Int,. Omrt BROADWAY THEATRE -S;I.V-*sh*mui (VBrit*n. CASINO?*:1!"?An American Beauty. , .. __ COLI'MBIS THBATRE -8:15 -Th* <*r**t Train Robb*ry. DALYS THEATRE?fl:1.V-The M?Bt?trat*. EMPIRE THKATRfcV-Siao?fmler tha Rad Rob*. Et*. KN MUSKS*- Pay an<1 evenln?--Waxw<arle*. t*URt*EN THEATRE -S:20?HeariK-a**. OARRKK THEATRE S:l!V- Secret Servtc*. ora.vp opera iinrsB-R- Tlia Woman in B'.ack HARLEM OI'ERA HOl'HE -SrIB- In Hay New-York. HERA1JTI .sgt'ARE TH EATRI-VS :1V-Tl.* Olrl frem Tai ia. HOYT'S THEATRE?8*85 A rontentert Woman. IRVING HLA.-R THEATRE -S- Tata-Tote. KMi'KERROCKER THEATRE?S:lft- A Talr of Spec? tacle!. ?"..STER A RIAL'S- R-Vaudeville. LYCEl'M THEATRE -8;lO-Tbs Eira* ("?andaman "?"Mr, ipa. METKOmuTAN OrERA KOl'?E-"-f>rm-ii. llTRRAY HILL THEATRE B- A Buy Want*.!. OLYMPIA Mt'SIC HALL?HAT.-Vaudeville. PASTOR'S 12 30 lo ll p. rn -Vaudavlll*. PT NICHOLAS RINK-Dav ai.d evening?Skating. tt'AlJAi'KS B'.IB -Far lt.-inni* Prince Charil*. 14TH STREET THEATRE 8:15- Sweet lnnlacsarrtv of Jnbcit to -Xovcrtiecmrnte. :i Amuaementa Builneas SmI. ea. ... >: Ranker* Ar Ii-i.K-r-a'.l 1 lizard and Room*. . 4 V-i!.-??, Chance* .. 4 DlvMamd N tlcea . Dom. Slta Wanted Dancing Schools .... H t.rassmakln*; . 4 .?"X'-ur?li-,ni . aa Elnanclai .ll gol Ssl- . 4 H-lp Wanted .4 H .raes A ?"ar ri ?*<??. 4 Ir.itructi'n . R Page. Cad Tar .. S ft Legal Notice* . 8 . . a". 1 LaOSI and Fo-ind.ll fi Marri BBSS & Pent ha. 7 2 Machinery . 4 2 New ... m fi deann BteBSMn . B C> 7 Plane* o Orssaa- 4 2 Pul lie Notates .8 2 Railroad*. . <? ft Ke?l Karnte . 8 f. H. hool .Xgenclea.J 1 Special Not leen. 8 4 Steamhom* . 8 fi Tho Turf . 4 2 W,,rk Wtinted . 4 Dnsincss Xoticc. SUBSCRIPTION UATFS Ot' IHE TRIRl'NE. DAILY. 110 a year; ll a month. Wttlv-ut sunday *? a year. HO rent* a month. Sun lay Tribune. *2 Weakly, fl. Semi Weekly, with Twinkle*. |2. Twinkles, tl rOSTAOC K\tm rosine-, to fanrtgn countries, and In New-York City, must be paid by subscriber. MAIV OFFICE. 1S4 TTBBBBS St' RRANril OFFJ**E, FF town, t.242 Broadway, london OFFU'E. 75 Fleet ?t., E. c. ly'r^ork Sails Zxihmt. POUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1807. THE SEWS THIS MORSISG. > FOREIGN.?-Two thousan.l Moslems are re? ported massacred at Sitia, In the Island of Crete; Turkish and Grecian troops are steadily concentrating on the Thessaly frontier, and .1 serious collision is Imminent; a Turkish force is said to have embarked at Constantinople fer Crete, sss z lt lg reported that Dr. Zertucha. wiiu was alleged to have betrayed Oeneral Mateo, hus been killed by Cuban aveiipers: rta ot- flghtiriK is reported in the Province of Pinar del Rio. sss lt was announced that tho visit of Senator Wolcott to Prince vr.n Hohen? lohe was r,ne of courtesy only. saBSBss John Barna, the "kartell*! Member, made a bitter at? tack <>n William Waldorf Astor in the House <f Cpmmona CONGRESS.? branches in session. ;?? Bennte: The arbitration treaty with England v..:s aaain a-onsidered in executive session arith cut action: several nominations were confirmed; a bill providing for a new postal card system wiiri passed. -"-*= House; Tho contested election caaa of Hoi kins against Kondall, from the Xth Kentucky District, was decided in favor of Mr. Hopkins, the Republican -ontestant. DOMESTIC?The Xew-York Parcel Dispatch Company's 'aili was pul through the Assembly secretly, but the leaders have decided to have it reconsidered, r?_ Genera] John C. Robinson, a veteran of the War of the Rebellion, died in his home In Elmira. = T'nited States Senator Kyle eras re-elected Ly thc Legislature of Souih Dakota. -~^--- PMtmMtaer-43eneral Wilson has av-epted the presidency of Washington and Lee University. --zr=z~ The National Congress of Mothers held its second day's session In Wash? ington. ?--;?: The Spanish Government has promised to release Julio Sanguily, an American citizen, who has been imprisoned for more than two years in Cuba. CITY The legislative committee continued Its Investigation Of the Sugar and Runner Trust*. =-= The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Stev? ens Institute of Technology wns Mien-rated with a dinner at the Waldorf. -. The Alumni Asso? ciation of New-York t'niversity held its annual dmner at the Savoy Hotel. ?? The Committee on Organisation Of the newly formed Republican County Organization BXimnsjed for enrolment and primaries. == Stocks dull and generally lower. THE WEATHER.-Fore, ast for to-day: Fair and slighUy colder. Th.* temperature yesterday; Highest. I'.i (Icprcs; lowest. 40, average, lo. UNFBUITFVL INQUIB1E8. Mr. Lezoer is probably aware bf this time Hint tile private affairs Of a manufacturing oor poraiinn are not readily exposed by an inquisitor WOO does not kuow what ho ".vants to find out. and thai they may bc beyond tbe Jurisdiction of the Stale by which tbs corporaiion was not .-liartiTi'il. lt is not probable that any fair law? yer would have been astonished by the claim that a company chartered by New-Jersey, which ts tva-uired by tho laws of that Stale to koop its bo.iks always open to proper inspection at a place of business within lhat State, could not be expected lo surrender them at the ditnand gf any oilier State from Maine to Washington. As tho company would bb liable to procedures of tho most serious character by tho State, or by any New-Jersey shareholder. If it should fail |0 comply with the law. Mr. Lexow nlgbl have perceived that ho had asked what ihe company was warranted in refusing, lt was a piece ol claptrap, also, for some newspapers to say thal tbs* company "defied Ibis State" when il cona*]tided to obey the laws of New-Jersey. lt ls moro surprising still that anybody ima"; ines it kl of the highest importance to ascertain what was paid for the various refill:!)"" plant' acquired. Curiosity might prompt tbs inqulr* what Mr. Wanamaker paid for the "Bloch nnc business of Hilton, Hughes it Co., but the pub lie has M particular right to demand ihat tin details of the bargain should bo sprawled ovei sundry columns m the newspapers. If a cor poration lias not the right of privacy which bo longs lg an individual or a linn, it is at loa>t tin business of the State ohanering tho corporation anil no* of any other State that may have euri oslty oa ihe subject, to demand the disclosun of business transactions. Tho bottom fact li that it is not iuqiortant to know what was tin allowance for different properties acquired. Th. salient question which ir ls right to ask am have answered is whether so unreasonable ; profit has been charged for refining sugar tha lt ls In restriction of trade and prejudicial to tut public welfare, whether lbs trust has used lt opportunity to plunder tho public, and an invesij gating couimittoo might possibly discover this, i it knew enough about tbg business to BSk intelll gent questions. When Mr. Lexow loosely calle. for the cost of refining sugar, tho answer Um lt depends upon the quality ami condition o the sugar relined should not have stagg.-iei him. Ho might then have inquired what wa the cost of producing granulated sugar from M degree Muscovado, or from 0G-degree centrifti gal, putting either question with sufficient defl uiteuess to preclude evasion. It is a highly Instructive fact that eminentl, competent witnesses have sworn that the co* of refining is as little ns three-eighths and a much as three-quarters of a cent per pound, pn sumably for different qualities. A very larg pro*tort! >n of the sugar actually refined is of ih lower or medium grades. Thus of S.TaOO.tXlO.OO pounds imported in 1880, ahout I.sM^MIOlM pounds were of 96 degrees and over, 1,328,000 issi pounds of 00 degrees or less, and the rv* was between those two grades. Evidently th larger allowance for cost would apply to mor of the sugar produced than the allowance prope for lift-degree centrifugal, whatever ihat may bi But this at least is clear, that the eommitte has not greatly enlightened the world aa ye Neither mere curiosity about the private bus ness of those who nave sold property Dor th legitimate desire of tbe people to know whether they nre fairly treater! has heen satisfied to any remarkable extent. WO COEECIOX OF GREECE. Every day increases Hie probability Unit Creen* will have her way In Crete. The in vanlon. occupation nnd technical annexation of Iks Island have actually l.ei*n effected. Tin* Great Power*, have made a quasl-piotest, but are apparently not Inclined to attempt to undo the accomplished fat, They have taken formal liossenslon of a single town, and have blockaded its harbor against the ..reek fleet, but have left all the rest of the island open, so that Greek forces have landed without hindrance actually within sight of the blockaded port. The (.reeks are warned Hint they must not attach the town which the bluejackets of the Towers have oc? cupied, but are not ordered to evacuate the rest nf the island. That ls an arrangement to which they will not seriously object. The Towers are apparently disposed to con? cede thc inevitable. Crete belongs lo (.reece, and Grates must have lt. They probably deem it more feasible lo placate St restrain or coerce the Porte or in some way to prevail upon it to let Crete go. than to thwart the whole Greek race in its natural and Just ambition. Or perhaps lt would be more correct to say some of them do. (.rent Brita!* and Italy eer t;iinly do. Their sympathy with the Creeks has bews unmistakable from the outset. Frauen and Austria-Hungary are non-committal, an.l the latter has enormous interests at stake, com* pelling her to exercise the ul most prudence; but it is not conceivable that they should wish to coerce the Greeks and bolster up tho Turks. Russia's Attitude is not yet fully declAred, but is probably liol friendly to ('.reece, and (Jer? main- is avowedly hostile to that plucky little kingdom. But since the Towers are not unanimously in favor of coercing (.reece, the probability ls that (.reece will not be coerced. 'When doc? tors disagree the patient then is free." It is all very well fo; Germany to propose blockad? ing the Tiraeus. If that were done it would not undo what has already been done in Crete. But will it, or can it. bo done? lt is scarcely conceivable, (.rent Britain positively refused to take part in blockading the Cretan coast last I year. She probably will not, therefore, agree to the blockading of the Creek coast or of a J single (.reek port now; she cannot, without self-stultification. And that the other Towers will undertake such a Job without Groat Brit? ain's co-operation or assent is not to be cred? ited. If. then, tho Towers cannot agree to re? store forcibly the status quo ante. Hie Malus quo mine will naturally abide, and that ls Greek ownership of Crete. THE YELLOW MAR. To the mind that feeds on yellow Journalism as a steady diet the war situation must seem Just now somewhat blurred and indefinite. The Junior yellow appears lo have withdrawn its I trained corps of word-painters, fiction writers and inspired artists from Cuba, where they WOW encased In expelling Spanish tyranny from the island by bringing to bear upon lt all the re ' sources of the American language, accompanied I by woodcuts of great power from Fox's "Book I of Martyrs," and to have addressed Itself to i the enterprise of conveying to a public, quiver i iny with expectancy, the very latest and most 1 ciiiiions u tiera noes of tin* two gentlemen of J chivalrous renown who contemplate settling i presently at Carson, Nev., In the presence of j larne gate-money, the momentous question, j "Who's who?" Overcoming Its natural desire I to do good by stealth, the Junior yellow has per ' milted the public to be informed hy means of headlines and large type, fo that Its accuracy cannot be questioned, inst it has copyrighted both gladiators at enormous expense, and at tiie sacrifice of its most cherished political con? victions secured a monopoly of their intellc'iual processes during the period of preparation. By this means its readers will be enabled to enjoy by far Hie most stirring part of that grant tournament without incurring travelling ex? penses or potting out gate-money. Whether this change of venue is due to a con? viction on the part of the younger yellow that Christendom i? more profoundly Interested lu the settlement of the question "Who's who?" in Nevada than in the progress of the war for freedom in Cuba; or from its discovery that, as matters dow stand, if this country should de? clare war against .**pain it would be solely on account of the detention of the correspondent of Its rival, the older yellow which would be sim? ply disgusting or because ihe older yellow, practising the amenities of yellow Journalism, has corrupted and taken into its own service the younger yellow's Cuban word-pa inter, ls not yet known. The bare, cold feet is that the younger yellow has transferred its enterprise from Cuba to Nevada, and established in the latter liv means of copyrights and iron-bound contract! with the gladiators-a monopoly of news from that Interesting contra of InteOlgenoe. it must not be for a moment supposed tlint on this ac? count the readers of the older yellow will be left in darkness as to the movements, lind? ie.mal and physical, of the heroes upon whoa the interest of the votaries of yellow journalism is centred. It already lias a corps of its own word-painters on the ground, whom no copyright nor contract can deter from saying "Good morn i?K"' or "How are ye"/" every day to each gladi? ator, and who know their business well enough to put Into well-watered and amplified yellow Journal American what their contracts compel then to omit saying. The gladiators will, of course, repudiate it the next day in the younger yellow in very large type. This will donbtleSf be kept up until the deilsive day arrives. And the odds are about 10 to l' the Ugh! between the yellows will be more bloodcurdling and heart-rending than tbs fight between the gladi? ators. Meantime the senior yellow, having secured the services of tho younger yellow's Cuban word painter and being in sole possession of that BeM of enterprise, ls diligently preparing for war It will either declare war or discharge Its word painters and melt up its large type. The word painter whom it has recently acquired from it! younger rival is very much worked up about it Haring located himself at Philadelphia, nrlthli easy call of the National Capital on one hand am the yellow headquarters in this city on the Other he has issued. In type so large and startling tha the bronze Franklin in Printing House Squar. could rend lt willi ease if held up on the Cit. Hall steps, a proclamation so tremulous all ovc with word-power, pepper Bid pathos that th. sole occupant of the benches around the foun tain in City Hall Tark roso up thrilled will emotion as soon as he read it and went away whether to buy Cuban bonds or enlist in th. Cuban army ls not known. The public mini and heart have not been so stirred since "Kteve Brodie Ja_Bpsd the Bridge. The word -palate nays Ihat the other word-painter now under at rest was "In ihe legitimate pursuit of a legitl mate*, though hazardous, calling"- In large et| ltals-and that the only pretext for his sties waa that he had served as an aide-de-camp oi the stafT of the Insurgent chief Maceo. He rou Biders this Inierference with him "an affront t the Laws of NatloHi," in type as large aa i musket-ball and as loud as a bass drum and h ?. | says everybody ought to rise right up and rk e mand his release. He closes with a loud, bu t. Inexpressibly Rolemn. warning to the .State De 1* pertinent that If, through Its "lneomprehemlbl e I Indifference," thli man "ls permitted to die o "dlseaae In Jail, or if they shoot him and say he . "was trying to escape, which they are quite j "capable of doing, his fate will be due to a most , "treacherous and cruel desertion of a splriled ?and brave gentleman by his own Government; ' "but thc people will romeml-er him." This ap- ! poared yesterday. The State Department con tinuos its "incomprehensible indifference." and j war has not yet boen declared. lt ls barely possible thal the reason for this "incomprehensible indifference" may bo found III a two-column dispatch printed In tho same paper in display lype. willi headlines, from the gentleman in whose behalf I ho uprising ls in? voked. He makes no complaint of his treat mont, but appears io be enjoying beyond anons ure the advantages which his new relation as prisoner of war affords him for interviewing his raptors and "scooping" his rivals in gathering information direct from headquarters. The simultaneous publication of the two documents tended to dampen tho war spirit, lt looks now as though we should have to gel along, for tho present at least, without any war. ENGLAND ASD THE TREATY. So Loni Salisbury will agree, after all, l<> Ihe Sonnie Committee's amendments to tho Arbitra? tion Treaty: What a disappointment that must bo lo tho advocates of tho "jamming through" policy. For weeks they have been In men! ing be? cause tho treaty was dead, killed, innssnored ba? the wicked Senators. Every word of tho orig- | inal draft was sacred, .ind if so nindi as a dot were changed Into a dash by sacrilegious hands Lord Salisbury would have none of H. And then where should wo be? Throe times a day homo one would "cry havoc .mid lot slip tho dog* of war." and presently the Swiss Navy would bombard New-York, or wo should llnal the United States partitioned between San Marino and Andorre. Yet now it appears, through the correspondence of Mr. Olney and Mr. Havarti, that Lord Salis? bury does not think Uss* Senate's amendments fatal or off' nsive or object lona hie. Ho does not protest against ruling out of an arbitration treaty nil manors Hint are not properly and prflC t lei lily arbitrable. He does not object to the dismissal of visions nnd the acceptance of facts. He is qutio willing that tho Government of tho United States should continue to manage its own foreign and domestic policy without the Intervention of an impot-nt and ineffective tri? bunal of hybrid composition. Ile thinks it bel? ter to establish a eo'iipotent ami effective court for the settlement of tangible disputes than to fabricate a vague and indeterminate conclave which should have neither pertinence nor po? tency. Grievous ns tliis may be to the would be "jam? mers," not to say kntzonjaminors, it is not at all surprising io mer.' ordinary men. There has long been prevalent an opinion among those who are neilin".* Anglotnanlaos nor Anglophobes that Lord Salisbury is a reasonable and emi? nently practical statesman who believes in nn (lertakiiig what can be accomplished, rather than what cannot be accomplished, and that, moreover, ho and his colleagues are nt least ns desirous as most Americans for the conclusion of a treaty which, while benoiicial to hoih na? tions, would bo of greater value to I'nglaiid than to America. It ls pleasant to have thai opinion confirmed. As for tho contrary opinion, bold by the "?jammers"?well. Lord Salisbury is loo good I philosopher to mind a little thing 1 ko that, if indeed li** lins boen made nwnre ol' Hm existence. COX SULA R REFORM. The chief evils to be corrected Ifl the I'nlted States Consular Service form tho topic of a pa," tlcularly suggestive article in tbs February "Forum" from tho pen of Mr. \K'. W. Rockhill. Um Third Assistant Secretary of Stale, who writos from tbe fulness of long experience and shrewd obsorvniion. That serious evils exist is, of course, notorious. The*** bave been eon* plnined of and exposed lima's without nniii b< 1". Yet so Strangely bave they boon it-noted, or worse, by Congress, that, tis Mr. Rockhill reminds us. from the foundation of lin* Gov? ernment to tbe present time only one general law for the improvement of the service lias been enacted. Thnt was moro than forty years ago: lt dill not begin to touch the root of tho matter and it has become largely inoperative. We may weil cali stieb neglect "grange, berranee to a groal commercial Nation an eHieieu* Con? sular Service Is of supreme iinporlmico. Rut instead of regarding it as such this Govern? ment lins target* looked iipi.u lt as n medium for pnying political debts a tint which Mr. Iiockhill generously forbears to mention -and fog paying them as cheaply as possible. Tho re? sult ls, too often. Just what it naturally is win rover cheapness is Ibo chief aim a service so poor as to be dear nt any price. Tho lust great evil is lu the system of ap? pointment. Men aro chosen who have not tho proper qualifications, who do not expect to make a career in the service, who got tho places as rewards for political work or because of in fliiontlnl friendKhlps, and who aim merely to "get as much out of lt" as they can before the next change of Administration ends their ton? nie. Such men. however honest and well meaning, are moro 'prentice hands, not masters of tin* craft, and their work cannot be satis? factory. Tasty have little inllueneo in the con? sular body or in the communities in which tho.; are station.*.!. If loyal and upright, they fool themselves handicapped, and aro called home just when the handicap ls being removed ami they ate becoming able to serve with credit tr themselves and with profit to Hie Nation Otherwise they nre apt to yield to tho tempta tion ol' "mnkitig liny while tho sun shines," b\ pla. ing their own pecuniary Interests above th. interests of tho Nation. For tho remedying ol this evil Mr. Rockhill urges tin* extension of tin Civil Service reform system, no that coiisul.u otli. ers will be chosen oil the ground of illness and bo permanently retained nnd successive! promoted according to tho full hf illness mid vf licleney of tho service they lender. The second major evil is in the system of com pensation. To a considerable extent the lei system still prevails a survival of the burbar otis farming-out style of government whiel slid flourishes among tbe tax--at h.?rots of Mo i rocco and China. Tho most judicious observer I hnve repeatedly denounced lt ns vicious, dole , teriotis to tho service and debaocfalflg lu its in t j lluonoo. 'lhat Indiclinoiit of it is not too seven I j Yet not only ls tho system maintained, for th ." sake of getting a cheap service, but consiila r i and commercial ngenis, paid with fees or thoi 6 j own levying, ate appointed in unlimited nun: - j hors, often ad nally li.mpete with the Coi; i j sills themselves for business. For this th - remedy required comprises tho aliolitlon 0 e ! those agents or gn-at p-duction of their nun 1 i hers; the fixing of foes by statutory schcduli " : all of them to Iw account*.4 for lo the Treasurj r i and the placing of tho service to tho ut mo* - ].osslhl** extent upon n salaried basis, nnd i- basis of salaries sufficient to induce men n ?- lirsl-rate ability to enter nnd to remnln In th t service. ii These nre the two chief points In Mr. KocI i- bill's discussion. In addition, however, he urgi o mont earnestly the need of n regular and ibm a ! nigh system of inspection of consulates. Vern nco tho sending of n. mnn nround the world d sneh an errand was regarded as n mixture r fane nnd Junketing. Klthor the inspector wn Incompetent or his work was nullified hy fal ure to execute his recommendations. But wlu can be done in this direction was shown lat year, when -.onie adequate Inspection wns un? dertaken, with gratifying results. Flagrant abuses were ShttSd, improvements were made lu Hie service, and a saving to shippers effected live times as great as the whole cost of inspec? tion. Mr. Rockhill thinks the most Important stop toward the improvement of the service made in twenty years was the Kxeciitive order of September Un. !??.*>. placing a large proportion ..r consular places ail between$1,000 andEVSOO annual pay under Civil Service rules. It was generally recognized ns such, and credit was ungrudgingly given lo .Mr. Cleveland for so far repudiating the spoils system of his own party ami so far coining over to the Civil Service re? form principles of the Republican parly. Mr. Rockhill deems il possible/or Ihe Kxeciitive to go still further, so as to minimize, if not ab soluiely lo end. the evils complained of. Ter haps so. Hut il would, from many points of view, be far mon* satisfactory fer Congress ind tho Tresident to co-operate in the matter. To the general pilbil.- an act of OongreM seems more authoritative than an Kxeciitive order, and li is obviously more apt to be permanent .?uni lo be kept consistently in force. Mr. Kock hill raC-gnlaSB, Indeed, that Congress luis a proper share In the work of reform, and al? though his Bribie deals Chiefly With the Kxecii? tive aspects of the case, lt is, ill effect, a strong appeal for united action of the two branches of Government io establish and maintain a Con? sular Service worthy of what is destined to be the greatest commerclul Nation of the world. COLLEGE 8P0BT8 OX COLLEGE QBOUXDS. An especially rommendable feature of the ath? letic agreement between Yale and Harvard ls the provision requiring ail contest! except boat ra.'is to take place on college gRNUItis. This ls a step which has been zealously ad voca ted for several yeara by many graduates, the sincerity of whose Interest in college sports is shown by their efforts to eradicate thc evils which they have developed and which have threatened to bring them into general disrepute. It will prob? ably do more than any other single regulation C0UM do 10 exclude professionalism, check irra? tional excitement and restore the wholesome spirit of simple college rivalry lu tbs athletic contests of Yale and Harvard; while under the Influence of their example others will almost inevitably adopt the same policy. The Tribune has repeatedly said thal college j.r.ninds were the righi pisces for college sports, and we heart? ily congratulate tin* men who have brought a long negotiation tu a satisfactory conclusion upon this article of their agreement The restricting of college sports to college loams has been opposed in some quarters on the plea that it would largely diminish gale receipts. Nu doubt it will have that consequence, and lt will bi- a very good thing; in our opinion. The present scale of expenditure may be such as to require the proceeds ?.f a football game iii New-York attended by 30/100 or 40,000 persons, but if that is the fact ii furnishes a good reason fer eluting down expenses, not for keep? ing up the revenue. It is one of the evils of tho present system of management thsl it is exceed? ingly extravagant. Such lavish outlay for the maintenance nf athletic teams is not essential to the highest proficiency, and if it were it would still be objectionable for various reasons, and especially because it has great Influence In giv? ing to college sports a place in the estimation of Student! Which Ihey do not deserve. They are too spectacular by far. and if a loss of revenue should render necessary the adoption of simpler and more frugal ways, that change would not be the least salutary consequence of thc Yale Harvard agreement.. Thc Hrooklyn ltri.lj.',* han never buen worked for ail it is worth, baring been perpetually ham pered Ly Inefficient administration. There ls now a prospect of improvement and any quan? tity nt roon f..r it. -? Bra another Presidential year c .mes around "Cyclone" Davis, <>f Texas, will gather to him? self such f..ter- thal no name in tho whole vo? cabulary nf atmospherl.. "high jinks" will be forceful cii"Ugh '.. servo him for a nickname. Cyclone, pshaw: a mere spring sephyr! The mighty State of Texas is going t.. be turned Into i PO| Ultflt Utopia, wileri" then* will I..- a "raff baiiy" In c\ery era Ile ami th'1 cultivation <>f Whisker* will lie carried OH as it has never been done before. That ali nun arc born with equal facilities fm- the cultivation <>f whiskers is an article nt Populist ic doctrine, and in this new Utopia, it is announced, there is to be "no monopolising the advantages by a f.-w to th.* exclusion o' th" many." There ls to be free and unlimited coinage of words in this Ideal community, Which is to be located near Arkansas Pass. T?x Oeneral Paul Vandervoert. of omaha, ls going shortly to lead thither a pil? grimage >.f nO.000 families from various Stales. Texas is to t.e redeemed tram Bourbonlsm and ls to be "th.- one bright Populist ."state." B Luella Smith, a Mack Cincinnati woman of thirty, is turning white, ami the doctors account f..r lt on the theory ..f the absorption of the ctitlc ular pigm.-nt. They do not attempt to explain how or why it takes place, in Haleigh, N. ?"., a number of negroes ate also turning white, and th" phenomenon is there ascribed to certain well water which the bleaching Africans have been In the >.f drinking, lt is moro likely white? wash, and will off with the equinoctial. It is really Incredible, this story that the Spanish Minister at Washington has reported to his Government that "all the principal public "nun of the I'nlted States regard the reform'? "for Cuba recently adopted liv the Spanish Gov "eminent as ample." SotTtor Dupuy de Lome ls ? serious dlplomnt, n..t given to jesting on grave topics, The first National ('.ingress nf Mut hers is in session in Washington, and ls discussing many topics nt Interest. When ls the Hist National C..tigress of Fathers to li** called? -rn When the heathen Chinos In Calif, mia wishes to steal chickens he makes a co-operative busi? ness i.f it, and this is th ? way he sets about it: A dozen or two of them, ea >h with a dark-lan? tern, are distributed in VSlioUS parts of the quarter where chickens are km.wai to be kept, and an experienced specialist, with a crow Sf like a rooster's that all In hearing answer it, mounted on a roof, gives forth his clarion. The responses gtvo precise token of where the flocks are kept, an.l the dark-lariHa ai brigade goes ut r j its work In a precise and scientific manner, wlth r | out stumbling around in the dark In search of the NMStlng places of the fowl. Thus saith a lecturer, the Rev. () C. Wheeler, in a fiery dls courre against the Chin SOB, declaring that he - i has teen a witness of this Ingenious and aubtle procedure The sons of Swart Africa have ere , while carried off the palm in this line of BOO* J ! turnal depredation, but beside the -dick Orl ' ental they are. so to apeak, nowhere. I -g, I i Croker has a goodly cheek and a corpulent, I* ; unyielding os bn-ps an.l teniclous as an Indln B ' rubber boot, but if he had the Jowl of a hip? popotamus he could not bluff through the proposition that Tammany can be made re? in ; spec table -? In Tenn, sse" a relic has bein exhumed, con* Histing, according lo the description, "of a small "clay Image representing a turbaned figure with i "a vertical aperture the alas of one's 'Inger In s I "lt? head and a rmaller perforation at a right 1 "angle to this." The rush of archarologlsta to i ihst region should be, at leant, temporarily ar 1 rested by lha susocitlon mat thev can set olenty if brand new relics of th*, same sort at the learest tobacconist's. Various physicians are prospering at the ex .ense of the taxpayers by getting big fees from he public funds for their services aa "exptrts" a murder trials. Notoriety-seeking lawyers who ry to secure the acquittal of the vilest assassins n the pretext of Insanity are a serious pest and mlsance. Murder trials In this State are, as a nie. far too long and far too costly to the tax jayers. The result of tito Marla Barbcrl case did minite mischief. For almost every murderer the dca of Insanity or some similar plea l? now put n, and the acquittal of assassins shakes the onfldencoof law-abiding people in th.* efficiency .f our system for the punishment of criminals rho have taken life. PE lt SOX AL. General Kdward H. Bragg; of wisconsin, win ede* ?r-ite hla seventieth hlrthilay to-monow by holding t I..-! piior. ..t his home In Fond du Lac, Owen Dorsey, who lins Just .Heil In baltimore at he aK'' of eighty-seven years, v as tte Inventor and namifaeturer of the Dorsey reaper, said to have .it the tlr.O successful self-raklnr* wliP'.'-'MiMlnv n rliliie iv. r in use In this country. Mr. Dorsey at Hie time mada the machine* in eil their parts >* ils foundry and shops at Dorsewllle. Ile also car -Ir-il on tho sams business In Ohio. Dr. Cyrus ll Malla, "ie found.r of Robert College, 'o.-ist.-.ntinople, has this to say ahout the ululation n Crete: "I :im In sympathy with the '.reeks. I nm glad that they ht. ve. taken the toland ind sine, rely hope that they will hold firm to what ??? tis to be their determined purpose. I believe thal the people of the civilised world are with lli<m, and I doubt Whether the Powers can afford IO resist what would be the almost unanimous will jf ihe people if thrv attempt to take the part of the 'unspeakable Turk.' especially in the ltoht of Ihe rec-nt events In Turkey Itself." Oovernor T.cnlv of Kan?as has appointed the wife of ex-C,ov.rnor John P. St. John a member of the Beard of Rcgnnts. of th? State Agricultural Col? lege. i inventor O'Kerrall of Virginia will visit Hart? ford, Conn., on Washington's Birthday, on the ln v If ? tlon of tire Hons of the Revolution to attend th.-lr annual banquet. The school children of NOW-OfteoaS sro raising a fund of P>,eoo to erect a monument to John MoDnn oiurh. who ben.leithed mnr1 th-m $l.ono,<vin to N'ew i)rl.*.ins for educational purposes. The gift has re? sulted in the erection nf more than thirty poolta school buildings, in which pi.ooi children aro at present enrolled. Father Kid. Hs, of St. Jcseph's Paasknttet Monas lery, of Rainmore, ls to preach In the chapel of Harvard University on Sunday. He ls James K<*nt Stone, b son of tho late Kev. Dr. John B. Stone, an I'plscopal clergyman, anal was himself formerly in the ministry of th>* same church. He was at on time president of Kenyon College and afterward of Hobart Collei?,-. Tte . ommittee ct Harvard profess' rs and gradu? ates to which was IlltlUStSd the task of suggesting an appropriate memorial of the lato Professor Child h;.s decided that lt shall take the form of a library for the Kngllsh department of the Univer? sity. It ls to hf called the Child Memorial Library, and will bo added to the present collection of the .lepartmi nt. The committee has alteady receive 1 contributions amounting to |9,0oo and a considerable number of books. Several valuable works from Professor Child's own library have been given by his family. Any funds received will he turned over to the Harvard cor par atlon, and only the interest will be used for the purchase of books, so that the library will be enlarged from year to year. Each volume will have a special book-plate. THE TALK OF THE DAT. The pulpit -seems to be looking up in Victor, Col., from the following local In "The Victor Times": "The Rev. Mr. I.-is expected to arrive in Victor this evening. He will occupy the pulpit of the Rev. lg???*, whose brokerage business now requires his entire time, rendering lt Impossible for him to ful? fil ills duties as pastor." .langs Your friend Snaggs ls very Ul of brain fever. The doctor says lu* will recover, but the past will h>* a blank and his memory pone forever. Bagge?I'm very norry; Sn.-igB- SWM me no.? (TIt-Rits. Ali Rpiaeopal monthly paper, called "The Church." published in Hoston. recently referred to the Bish? op's pastoral b*tter of as a "forged pastoral." meaning thereby that lt no canonical author? ity. Tho reference has stirred up a commotion in the Episcopal Church, and lt Is now said that the authorities of the diocese of Massachusetts will put the two editors, the K.v. 1. Suter and the Rev. C. H Addison, on trial for tho utterance, in s totter to The Tribune, published on February 15. UM, Bishop Potter made the following declaration concerning the letter In question: "The pastoral letter hBS undoubtedly no conciliar authority, and may be sal.l. If anybody chooses to say so, to have little inure value than ls expressed in the more or lass close consensus of opinion of some half dozen Individuals." Thc <-.Ut.irs will probably offer this statement as a justification of their utterance. "This," said the school friend who had not seen her for a year, "this la the girl who vowel to ms thnt she nev.-r would belong to any man. eh?" "1 don't." said she who had been married the matt'r of BOBM few months or so. "He li--longs to me."?(Cincinnati Enquirer. The n.-w woman has evidently reached Pueblo. Col., for "The Daiiiy Chieftain" has an adver? tisement reading thus: "Wanted?By cosspoteal woman, a place to work for her husband's board." [r ls an Idle and thoughtless Legislature which does not risa. In these days and take a crack at tha handiest trust, just for luck. -(New-Haven Palla? dium. Tb.* Kdltor of "The Ashland (Me I Headlight" mak.s the following announcement: "Trout, tongue, salmon, whitefish or chubs tal.en in payment for subscriptions at this ofllce. We haven't vet decided to take any BUChsrs or 'hornpouts,' but may be driven to lt later on." Oul of the Running.?Walis l suppose, when one takes A.lam's cm.luci In thal fruit deal into con? sideration that he can hardly be called a gentle? man, K..tts lb- could not have been s gentleman, any? way. How could a man be a gentleman without any ancestors'* (Indianapolis Journal. ThS Forestry DepartaMOt of the Tennessee Cen tonnlal Bxpooltlon Intends to have an exhibition that will be BB object lesson to all who see it of the practical side of ths groat wcod-woelring In? terests. Nol content with showing the woods of the country and the uses to which they are adapt? ed. lt will endeavor to show where they grow, al Whal price the standing limber can be bought, the sr/..- af tbe tract, accessibility ami everything that b prospective purchaser would want to know. IM Poor Jack got marri.* I, after all. Ned -How do you know? Bd?Oh, he comes around to the duh every night now.?(Booton Courier. Th-> New-Bagland Immlgranl company, of Hes ton, has voted to transfer ?11 its properly to the University nf Kansas, The comp, ny played an 1m portanl part in thoestabtlahmenl of Northern Bot? tlers in Kansas in the trying limes preceding the civil War. its Brat sgenl I.ame Oovernor of Kansas sud '!)>? second beana- a United Btates Benator. Mrs. Quiverful Do sou know. dear, thal 1 think the baby sometimes als in ti** t- sleep! Mr. Quiverful (savagely) i don't know aboul that, but 1 know she often cries in mine. -(Plck Me-l'p. Mrs. S . of Colorado Barings, employed a hollier and ditcher on her place last fall who Was ? foreigner sad densely ignorant, bul an-snthnslaa* tu* Bryan man. Somewhat curious aa to his under? standing Of tin* ''Campaign Of education." she fisk-d hiii) why he preferred Bryan to McKinley. "Wall, ma'am." said In*. "I'm timi of being op? pressed. What I want ls a monarchy, and so I'm going to vote for William J Kr. .-in!" "You'll nave half your mon ey by buying one of these pattern!*.'' said the clerk at the bargain counter. "Then I'll take two and save all my money," ? weedy smiled the newly murrin! .shopper.?(De? troit Free Press. "Who shall coming ages." asks a writer In "The Chicago Tlm.'n-Huiald." "that the busiest city In ihe world harbors women who pursue whist an the chief duty of life; who screw up their house? hold finance* to the tightest possible point In order to pay aa expert ? an hour for instruction la itu ?Befog code; who meet over card tables at ? o'clock In the morning, hurry up their marketing and hush up their children tn order to attend whist luncheons at t, Um* home again with vexed and wearied brains to sit silent at dinner, absorbed lu regrets for leads unreturned and Signals unanswered, and wind Op the unregenerate day by lingering over a whist tabto until midnight?" The boy who was tOjUaB Bf ihe long an.l devlom hill turned out hurriedly ?hen near the top to mik. way for a fat and frantic wheelman who had loot Control of hts machine. "Suv, bub," veiled the bi eyc.lst "how far ls lt to the bottom of this hill." I don t know exactly what the distance ls." the bot railed out after him. "bm you'll be there In sbou fccwcaio TriST" * crMk *l ?? bonum oi ART EXHIBITIONS. THE ARCHITECTURAL. LEAGUE A.VD THE HOI, I. A ND ART OALLERT. Two Important exhibition* wera visible yai?a-> day to membera of the press Thu first. Which BsfJ remsln lonaeat before the public, ,s that of the Architectural Leasuc at tiie Kine Art* Building. This la the twelfth annual display af one of the moat useful professional organization* w* hav* Th.. Baneeiea saes starags been srsfj niied. ses taasj --ear tho .?ommltf. os hnve si ir pay sari themselves. Ra. -Sales all th.* exhlh'ts secured from rh- "a"SjaeSf ron trii.uiors, taafesre com- IntearestlBg work* cibtelt*e| from special source. Tho T .Square Clea, of I'hila delphi*, has aasii ? flsa~sae***reMs body of exhibit* and lhere ia a gregg of BHSfllgSal |S|inseSlal|**B of Kngllsh arni I-'r.-n.-h nrohlteets. Kv. ry In, h of space ia fillc,]. Tho south rallcy. .-.? WmmA, ls gi .*i* over to the decorative artist*, wirti tV-;r rsnsoSB* for atalneil glass, water-colors of prop..-..! work snd so on. Thc senlpten are in poseesetea ot ths central gallery, sHsteh i? flanked hy room* devota,* IO textiles, furniture, .-irvings, wrought-iron work, mosaic and kindred production*" In tho Vanderbilt Kallery the architectural drawings ate huiif. Bsetbs have been *M*ected hose, loereaasag thc wail space. Detailed comment on tbs flThlblltoa i d-s. ferrel. Thare ls a reca-prion fo-nlght. and the a--,|. brl.s will h*. thriwn open to tit.- public to-morrow morning. lt should be sdded til it tho exhibition which roma 1 n? open until .M..r<-h U, ls fr... <.n all .la\M save Tuesday and Thursday, eben an ndmli sion fee pf BB cents will be chsrged. Al the A merle-, n Art' Ctolleties may ta sean rta pictures brought over within tbs les! few y?ar* hy M. A. Prayer, and displayed l.y him nt tho Hoi land Art Hall, ry In l-'ifth-a v. They fi.rm an Inter. c?tin*r collection, chiefly of the mod'rn Dui h painters There sre :vm numbera in the n?taiocue, embracing tin* names (,f Mauve, Israels, Ter afetjlert, Blommera, and. in fact, every Dnti bman of impor to-day. There -ire sleo BOOM old meters and a few modern Italian Things. The collection re? mains on exhibition until next Wednesday evening. Then the sale will be bernie nt Chi<-k> ring ll-jj. ending on the svenlng of Ins Bstsv. -a>-. GEORGE W. CHADWICK SELECTED. TO BE DIRECTOR OF THE LffsTsf ENGLAND COI** si;nvATonr 00 MtSsSx**. Roston. Keh. ls".?At tri* annual moating* ot fha Hoard of Trustees of tho New-Kngland < iOBSM rva tory of Musie yesterday afternoon i"eorge, W. 'aad wick, tho weJl-kn"wn conductor and cnmpo?r. ?u elected muelcal director to BUCOSOd Carl F i resigned. ("eon?** W. rbsdnhb is on? of th? moat industrl ou?, as well as ono of the most effective,of American composers and conductors. Ho was born In Lowen, Mass., November 13, ISol. He became a pupil on th* organ of Eugene Thayer, and when about twenty years old went West and taught In the small bTaTssa gan town of Olivet. In 1877 and 1S7S ho studied la I.elpslo under Reinecke and Jodassohn, and flt ''TO under Rhelnberger at Muni'h. Ills themis ar !..:;-.. sic was an overture ontltled "Hip Van Winkle," which was played abo in Loston in IriiaO. On bil : B> turn to America h>* made Lomon his heme. ,r-.d ha has lived there ever .-Ince. Mr. '"h.tdwlek has .-'im? posed In nearly all forms. longs, choral WOrk* string quartets?his third work in this form sras played for tho first time here last asonth?three aymphonlea. four overtures and a comic opera com? prise the moat imporiant of them. Many of th-"n have been heard tn New-York under th-, reost d .>? nllied auspices. Mr. Chadwick is the conductor of the annual Hampden County Mu?ical festival ! in Springfield, Mas*., and ls organist of the Rev Dr. Miner's church In Hoston. He ls a keen, pr., \] cleaar thinker, and a man of Independence and originality. PIANISTS, FORE ION A ND DOMESTIC Therewere two concerts of pianoforte MrttK 11 * terday, which, were one so willed, might tv? f^ken a* a text for a discourse on the comparative merl's of foreign and native artists. Mlle. Rachel Ho ff nun gave a recital In the hall of the M'-nd-?!.-?.?-?':.-. -Tie* Club In the afternoon. She ls not a Kew-Tarfe lady, as Tho Tribune stated last Sunday hut a Belgian; not only that, but "the eminTi IVlgl.-in planlste" -for she herself has s.ild li Of course. Tho Tribune's blunder was Inexcusable, though it seemed natural to tlc- writer for reasons which ar* utterly Inconsequential now; but thor* was noth? ing of moral obliquity tn lt. and lt ls ri I ililli with pleasure. Mr. Albert Lockwood, who played In fte Madison Square Garden Concert ll,u! in th* even? ing, ls an American; and we are elad of it. But tha question Of tile nationality of tba two anlata ls of less Interest by far than that of th-ir gifts aird training. In thc rasp of both lt sras a pleasure i modified rapture) te observe most .'. Iflsi natural qualifications for the career they haa-* oho*<-B. Plainly enough, both were designed to be rl-iril't*. anal even more obviously both have devoted \\\tm BSlves diligently to the no,'ess; ry mechanical preparation. Kor tbs rest they cannot be discus*.t together. MIL*. Hoffman his suseibty trained, nimble and powerful Angers, g perfi I -alena hand and arni. She bas complete command of tba WT Mrum.'tit, and her tom* ls full. fl*MO**Oua and varied. Rut Intellectually and emotionally she t? licking in a oegree which, for tbe pie sent, si least, ia a bar to h.*r BtlaOCesS BB B cor. ?> rt per fer mer Ph* li anything but ."inala-ticil, anything but "aOette, sr.) thing but an interpreter nf ssnatenl Idsss H**r notion of tempo ts most extraordinary All ripid mnvemcnts gre te ba taken as quickly sa pea lok*, and then to BS wliipped up until UaB !n.| ix attained, nf course, thar.* phrsslng, and equally .?f course there is net s gllsssssr of a, poetical conceit. But we ar-- n,,i aura iimi ao bar-1! a .judgment ought to bs pronounced In else* of the discouragements under which she tabored At 1 o'clock, when shs was esp* tl I la I eglo her r- ? eitel, the pianoforte had not vet arriv-l at. te hall. Tba* audience waited p. tict.tla for twenty minutes, but the circumstance must have had Ita effects upon th.- serves ni Mil.- Hoffman. Mr. Lockwood's pcrfiirmaiH-e In the evening ' iustiiied the estimate Bpoken ?t bim In thia k* ir sum.* w.ek.- ag... He was a great Improverneni ?-i that concert in thc sol., numbera, of which Hie lr. oossequentlal Bsrcsrolle by Lcschetlaky ai transcription of B Oluck gavotte by Brnhma w. r* given with fairly ravishing flosses: but i' did not entirely wipe out th.- Impression crested Which WSS that Mr. Lockwood, willie -1. Mir I ta be a pianist of treat parts, st presenl ls still too mUCb in bis storm and atrsa* ;?-. 1 tn be Hil that his gifts and acquirement*- eiUHla bi*S to be. His great talents are Indubitable, but. Ba? the [Trench wont.! say. he bas not \.-r "found I ir.i self."' Mr. Betdl'a Illness pui the baton of tha e' chestra at Mr. Lockwood a concert In Mr Neuee alorffa hands. The co-operation of the OTCh added variety and Interesi to ihe concert concertos which Mr Loclatwood played aa*' most Interesting features of Ins concert. ths thc WEDDINGS PAST ANO TO COME. A pretty wedding took place In Gm"* Church y, stenl.iy afternoon The bride was Miss Jose? phine Halcsti. r, a daughter of tho let*. WV -ott Dslsettsr. ct Rr.mleboro. Vt , and BBtrtSf Sf M'a. Rudyard Klpllpg. and the brid.-j-riom Pr Theo dora Dunham, of N.t. K'S BaSS! Thirty?:'- inb-*t Only tho relatives and most intlaiate fri. ti ls .if the bride and bridegroom were Invited to the cu-. nv*ny and |bO recaption, which aa. as bali i:i lbs reel ? ?' draco I'hur. h. The Rev. Lr W iii.atn lt. ll ll a" ton otiiei.ued. The bride, w-Mrin'g a g..wu Si aa hit* satin ami S \eil ot tulle, was given awe* ca rer brother, Beetty Balestler, of Brattlebero. vi Ulai Beatrice Dunhem, sister of tba bridegroom, a% <s isa maid of honer, Ths bridesmaid* were Mia* May VV. Tiffany, alls* misabeth Bturgla Ml** \ nie Lodd and Miss Mu,ired Ho wella Dr L. I beet man was lils broth, r. Lr Kdward K L-inham. Tbe ushers were Dr Arthur Ki.-k.-, Dr. WU inri li Draper, rt. A Chapln. Oliver Kerford, iv Huntington and Kirk Paulding. c. The Baarrtsgs of Bllsa Therese Levy to ' si M. Klein took place ..: I "St o'clock 1 >*t evealm it the bom. of the bride's Detents, Mr anl '>li- I J Levy, No. itu Baal Btstteth-ei The be* D* OrossBaan performed tba ceremony T ;- le's gown nf willi-- Betts, trimmed aa ith nomi and tbe veil was of tulle Miss Carrie !-??>, - " of thc bride, \aas the ii,ai.I V hoilOI I ? ? S ?? no bridesmaids, afllloo M Klein, cou ii of ihe brid, groom, was baal tuan and Sin* . , I ' ' C. Levy and Benjamin l?f*vy, brothers ol i l?rld?, were tee ushers, a dinner followa-d th. -?? -bobs. Mis. Abai t'urtls Hunt, Sf Di >.> KV< asnonneea the snaagesneni of her Jsughter, Mi** Ida Vi'oi.ninii Neal, to Dr Robert MacLean .aft. of iva.. Mini this a-lty. London. K.tb, M Miss Hebel Ilk- ibem al M**^ aon. Wis., married thia afternoon to Arise* Leighton, a landowner of lp*>w|,-ii. The bri,lc *?* given away by her motlier. Mrs lngr.itism a**** her daughter have bo:h been living ta, it ti tbs OSBSn* eas of Leitrim. ? GUESTS OF THE REY. MR. JOBNSOf, Th*. Rev. J. Le La ron Johnson, Bal Qrees OBBafsSj for the third time a-nia-rtaliied r.pi sa ni ItlVflBOf ,h# Various SjrSjtOJ Sf lbs unlforn ed f.u.-e of the Kir* Lapartment at dinner lu the ll foi m Club, N? ^* Kifth-ave.. last night. Ills guests av. re Hswsrd i Townsend, ?'hief Bonner i'ommlaaloni?r i*,ll.l'*'-' ! Wl'.lli.m K. Stewart. Chlel qi<*aju*l. Ueorg* U tutxm, lieorg* fopped. Kngln. ar fltrrttl*. ol koalas ymmm No. 4; William Butler-Uunaan. IJeutsaeai panv No. 4; William Hillier-inma an, '?":""? 7>|. riark. Knaine CompeSi No. 6: J Vsn *? <?'?"? *r,iX)n .on. Hr. iienrv il. a'ai-tain Me-uraerjaj? lie- ut ain- ii ????? . ^iiaSaflH'nrS touch, and the sentiment alf ihe Inioi"ins "?,on <,** made last night was In the line of *[^^j.^ aoUtlcs from the uffuli-s ot the rhe Dvi<*.rw>?M