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MUSIC FOR THE INSTITUTE. Till' rilll.H.M.MONIC BOCIBTT TO GIVE ITS CHORAL WORM away. betwi:::n- raun ??<?*???? am? rrvi trocbamd VOM'Mi:s i.VY??I.v:--.i? ?VHESOC1STT I.IKKLY TO CONTINE ?'.-?.?G t?> ORCHSRHAL? MUfOC in TRI ?tt?t*??.. Tho Philharmonie* So ->ty has rk idol tO preaWfll its musloal library lo tin? Hrooklyn lnstiuite. It I? not yot detlnltely known whether the gift will l?t? received in time for tho opening of Ui?" new build Ing on April 13 or not, but there la no doubt at MOM Mme taring tin? ?o.ns??. o.' Hi?' opening exhibition the Philharmonic f>ooi< ty frorks will be part of Its profs rty. Henry ?. MeldtHL prestrdeat <>r the Philharmonic ?.?.?..??\?. tr/aa :?.--n ??t hl? ?.??m??. No. W Columbia Halfhta, laal night. He explained that Uio only work? presented to th.? Institut?? WOUld bo it:?? Choral work?* The instrumental srorks, ha add? '. wouM ri'm.iin ln His pirastSMlnn of th? BOCtety. Tho work- ??.-. ?rent id to tha Institut? In ilude totween 4.000 ar.d ?,0?X) volutile?., nono of which are manuscript work?.. Amotag (bam 1?= llandalasohn's "Elijah." "Wa ?-.m't us? thes*? worts." exptalned Mr Sh?*ddo**, "bul it won! ? to very o<*ce**tobl? to tiie. Urookivn Institut? to have th? ?I ec Ion, .??? ?or that reason it has been tendered to thorn, rhe Instituto and the? eocletj aw working together, and it will be laal as convenient for us to have Hie works In their possession .?s not. But the Philhar? monie is st::: In existence, and will remain so. It will not. however, give many ch?iai concerta h ?re after. The?? wer?? not appr-*dot<**d when they were given, and the society will probably confine Itself to orchestral must.? "in the future, in Brooklyn orcheetroJ musi seams to be ?Iked much Letter than ?ThornI music. At tho time w?? gave musi? wa had th?' finest rhorus iliat has over sung in Urookivn. but ?t did not su? "-ed The real dlfH cultv, I think, was ln getting members io attend." B*n)omin T. Frothingham, secretan of the Phil? harmonic t??1 'letv. was seen nt his nome. No. ]*?8 Columbia Heiihts. and expresse.l similar views. K?-. said that the work? contributed to the Insti? tute were mainly oratorios, although other works ?aero in, haded. "The lirook'.yn Institute ' lie added, ?'Is doing a frr??at and activa work, ?bile th? Phil? harmonio Boclety Is quler ?ent. The Institute will be able to uso these wotks, while the society could j r.ot. and that is UM Nal reason of the _i:t." DR. BWKS'S FAREWELL. THE PAsm^r!. OK THB HANSON PT?ACB MBTHODlfrr BPUKTOPAL CHURCT1 TO GO TO C7_EVEI_AND. OHIO. The Rev. Dr. Loula Albert Bank? last night ?*<* llv,-f.d hi? fa row? ill sermon us pastor of th? Han. sot) Placa Method!?! Bpisco* il Church, The church was crowded, and deep int. rot waa ? rl ? tod in tho words of th? retiring paator, which were uttered with great eoTTaeatnea?, Dr. Banks'? subject was "The March of the ?/le? xers.'' At the close of the sermon a lire?? number of members of tho church shook Dr. Banks bjr tha Land. Dr. BfUlkS and his family Will ko on Thursday, April 1'?. to Ck velami. Ohio, where he if tO become pastor of tha First Method!?! Bpl? opal Church. lie will prea-h his first sermon in that church on Easter morning Karew?-:; exercises ?rill be held in the Hanson riace church on Wednesday evening, Apri; 14. Addresses will then be made by the Rev. Drs. John M. Parrar, Cori ... Myers, eodoro I. Cuyler, A C. Dlxon, Herbert Walsh and ? ?. Ban Bishop Waiden, Elder ?'hark?? Wing snd Johi B. Summerfl? . I, th? . itter on behalt : th? church. Dr. Banks was born In Oregon In 1856. He was tho first ? ?r.-r'.?.:..i. to be admitted to the bar and one of the firs: to be ordained to the ministry, ln the West he filled pulpits in Portland, Vancouver, Boleo City ? ? 3 itti? Thr? .? years ago he come to the Hanson Pia? ?? church from th? l ' rsl Church. Bosi : The Rev. Dr. Charles L Ooodell, who ?ucceeded Dr. Bank? as pastor of tl will probabl] be trans?? ? Place Chur : l>) ? tppi icbing Dr. Banks has been Invited to go to 1 Ils In May as iseioner for "Th? H?*r al'l;' fai : fund, with ? fleet ol corn ship?. Ha i. is not deckled to a? eapt WHEELMEN ALL ABROAD. MAXIMO Tin: MCnTT OP AXtJTHKB fink BUMDAT OUBKMORB-AVB. IN NEES OP MOB! ATTENTION. Y. sterday was another superb day for cycling the third consecutive fine Sunday- and all the roads in and around Brooklyn were filled ?rlth Wheel? from morning til night. Only thoae who Hi late or went too far I 1 ri on to r? .. tfall a Ughi rain began. The roa,].; were ln fin? . save that they were some? what dusty ef -i nine or ten days of dry weather, Aa usual, the Cyc.i Path attract? i l .? gi s, bul every smooth way bad al li aal i fati ? Qui ? traded many, and it was a Ltlsfaciton to Bnd Glenmore-ave. In fairly ?;? ?? ., ndl on was fir t ta'e, for tin ?nr an. to ,.? ? :? th? aunt dowi I tretch? '??;? ' th? road la thickly covi re i ? Uh plecei :. ??ton?. from the ils? walnut .... nove : ? ' ? t li g the* are to They ore ?. gn is ; thai m u j ., was ? ol r? ettered It needs ? Depart? ? en to lersto ?iti ind? If so, :.? ni e-Js u vlg There we? : * ,?.-, but i? cam? from such a quo. ter ? ? ? rotura trip, whether they went som Many of the ?v; modi I? W< . and m oontraai t, their spick u seai*ance a boy attracted ittentlon on ? I In the Park by srheel, much tl ? w,.i ie for w? ? p ?, as th?? ? an . f pari ?: broki ? b ? lea attested, mil ? > serio ?ere reported. -?, LIVELY RUNAWAY (HASE. AX I :ITING TIME AMD A NARROW ESCAPE 1*4 ?.???1 BEACH A runaway acrid? nt. in whl? h Harry Squires, son ?A Assessor Atosoci (squire?, of the Thirtieth Ward, had a narrow escape from being severely injured and perhaps kill???!, oceurrod la Bath Beach yester? day afternoon. The hors-, which is a spirited onl? mal, waa being driven alone Tw?*mty-a*econd-ave. by s?i?iir?s, and at Botb-or? u become frightened ai ? passing troll??-? r, Iqulrea tried to <-:.'-rk the animal, but it dashed down the avenue until it roach?*?* Crufpey-ar?., whan by a sudden turn u Beat**** ?throw him fr..m Um wagon, and barely es? caped running down tw?. women cycll Mounted i'..ii emon Mc.y, of tho Twenty ninth Preclnei s earl at I he ?? Irne, gai e eboae to thi runaway, bui i: was noi until it turned into Hay Nineteenth-st. m.d tn? ???..? -? broke that ih<- borse waa bro ighl to ? ?tnndstill. Tb? breaking of the ,lXi? threw ? over the dashboard of the wagon, and severi ?tnnders carried him Into Mitchell'? Hotel. Medical Busistanee waa summoned, but Bqulrea if ?gras found had ?escaped with only a ferw Blight bruises. MAYOR WUR8TER DENIES A REPORT. Mayor Wurster denied yesterday that he had either publicly or privately mail?? any statement which could be construed a? S??taming that he In? tenda to veto tho ??reater New-York charter. The statement hod b?*n published that the Mayor had already moda up his mimi to disapprovo the 'bar? ter, and that aothlng he was likei?? t?-. bear at the hearings gooa to b? h?J?l could niter his de? cisi?n He soy? that he h.i? toen exceedingly rare? fai to give out no such Impression. ? Would be lmpro;?er for him to ?lo so a? this I,in??. -+? HE YVOFLD BE ? AVAL OFFICER. N<?ws come? from AVashtiiKton that S H. Chttt?**** den 1? a candid ite for th? phi..? <<f Maral OHI ? r at the port of Na-sr-Torh II Is ph?'1 that Mr. Chi tt en? r?es baa toast in Washington for Min? time urninir liis e.'aims. and that h? has with him th.- Indorse. : iVorth Bllas B Dut cher, ? ? -Mo* ?r Char!??? A. Seh?? ren, 8heril w?;.! known Republicana MAFIER Wiss A CHE88 CHAMPIONSHIP. William Napi. r WOfl the Championship Of tho Braoklya (*)???*? Club on Baturday .????? ?Ing He !e only 8lxt????n yi^trs <?1?. liis opponent v? ;..-. G. C Brecklnridge, ?nd 'h<- Anal ?? im? I ted for nf;y ivur Wsaraa His to'al ?wore was s vins. DEATH OF ///\7,T /.. D?B0I8. Henry E. iJubol?? dt??d suddenly on Saturday niKbt at his home. No. '?at, Cert*Al-eA II?? was in.rii in Ncw-Vork City, and had dve.l in Bi-ootslyn f..r t>?lrty year?. About gg***aatoss*a y?ars uk> to estab? lished tin- firm ol Henry Dub>t*4a & Sons, dr?Mlgera, of wMc? h?, was still a mamb? r whan ha d?ed ii.i was a thirty-third d?-gree Mason, and belonged to Clinton ?5omrr_n?lrtr?' ol Kjngh-s Templar If? wao alivo a. m?-?.?? r of tin- Wlon of lbrr..,! and of I .?? Knights of Honor. Ill:? wif.? and ihr.?... ? hlldren sur? vive blm. '?... H..V. i>r. ?. .?. Lyroon, of the South Congregat Ohurch, will offlci-U? ut tue fu?ara!. which will take placo this evening '?* ?ur? "iTiifr ?.?(,, ?-***** NEW-JERSEY NEWS. HOW HE WON DISTINCTION. AFTER BEINO DEFEATED FOB BPEAKER, AMEMBLYMAN QLEDHILL MADE HIM? BKLF FAMOUS Bt INTRODUCI NO ? BICTCL.K BAGGAGE BILL?, No member of ths CXXIat Legislature of New? Jersey has attained any more distinction for his Official SCtS than!vniiin Il-iiry \V. Cl.-.l liill. tho aiitli-T of the Bicycle Btn?? bill, which is row awaiting the signature <>? Governor ? Irises tn mske it ;'. law. When the wheelmen of New-Jersey decided to make an effort to obtain their riRhts. they were, for a time, In a Quandary as to whom they should apk to Introduce s bill providing for the carriage <?f bicycles ss trnggage, Finally, Chief HENRY ?V. r.T.KDTIII.I* Consul Klreker, of the League of American Wheelmen, decided that as lu- vu one of Mr. GledhlU's constituents l e would go t ? the Assem? blyman avi urge him to light th.? battle, At that time Mr. Gledhlll had just been defeated for Bpeaker of the House by the very elements which would likely oppose s bill of the nature of the prop ?ed measure, bul he agreed ? ? intru? dili?, the bill, and presa .ts paasaga. How well he worked is evidenced by the fact thai tiri? li?., asure passi l the Assembly by sn almost unanimous vote, and the Senate without a single vote being recorded against it. Mr Gledhlll was born In Pateraon on November 0, IStH. Aftei studying al Princeton, he entered the law office o? William Prall, In Paters in. He bei ime a counsellor-at-lav In 181)1. He ?as elected to the Assembly In 1810 by a majorltj of J.7L?". and xvai re-elected last year by a plurality of 5.464. Personally, Mr. Gledhlll it- s most at? tractive man, with s tendency fur "kicking" a virili?? tlia? stood him well when the Blcy? Ie Bag? gage bill was In th-. hands of an unfriend!) com? mittee. He Is a greal fax'orlte In Patet ? so? ciety, and is a mi mber of the Hamilton Club, the leading organisation of thai city. INTIMIDATION TO WEAKEN A CA8E. ONE OP THE V.'lTNT.?- 18 AGAIS8T AN ALLEGED HIGHWAYMAN RECEIVES A THREAT? ENING LI TTER. Peterson, Apri! I ?B ? '? ? friend? of will lam O'Connor, wli ? ?? i laic County Jail, ?, ir cases of highway robbery. are making deaperati ett rt? to weaken the State"? by Ini mid ting I alinease? against the prisoner. Koiir men who were hi Id up In one night by two men hav? ? i O'Connor as one of Lakes, who w is hi Id ???? ng ? srith ? ?? iiv fr,.ni Patei ? sta? tion last nlghi ? . ... ? ilio? mous note be ; ? ' re ? ? w irk, V J.? Mai . I, '97. Mr Kinon: I beg to Inform yot m are mist ik< ? in your m 0 ' If : ui on ? -i'i '? vo ' your own ,?? t, as wi ? ? s. take war: . . SIki.iI by thi . March c. Jf you fai rid? ta Pat? re in p any time ? .1 ELU.' TLD Si ITOH'S SUT. ?? ASK? THE O '"? TO HELP HIM COIX.ECT ? ::i;y HE GAVE ? IKE. Judge Predi ri * Guild, trtet Court In Newark, haa a ? .... Bart? is. thirty .? ? |I8 from Ml?? Mary A. Lubkeroan, yean ol I, aa an unp lid b ilance ol (118, rt? - aa] Ml? Lubki rr.- ? on Instal - to buy an ei rteli had . .?. ko, and the worn ? , e of? fer s mo luring :. ? ?. Bite finally dec led tha I not mam Bartels ? ' ; him ?. . il the same time : lun Ins to ins relatives $70, whl h hi leclared was ... ? lai ei. ? irteli s? ? up 11.lalm ?if 018. and exhibited to Judge Guild a memoi eon feased a re? cently m ? Ie from memoi r. EOREsT FIRES RAGING I\ sul TH JERSEY. V :.? : ? (Spi lai) The usual ?prli ? est Are? are levasi I inds of acri ble timber land h thli part of the State, and : rm? . : are anxiously a ?\dr< rag ral ?. A Ore '""?ar Fair! . ? led 1 rom ? ?? imlng ? ' ' rmhouaei ?? . . . heroin ilg iting, was thrown oui wag m by a man ft? ? lighting hit pipe Othn ' ' ' e been started by tramp ? .?.. ai C? ntre Grove, and swept '? wi nee Town |p, Fire also started t?a- ' '< ntral Ral I roa . . ? m?, ? lirldgi ?? Rosenhayn, vept the wo Hands towai . Mlllvill? turnpike, d. itroying tho ? r I? ? ' u ' ..? !i ville ?? " ring '..n . iok?" al Lake oa ? y Lori ?.-/.?, A lame, ol \ Ini land. THE RECTOR PRAYED FOR RUERA. Ketherwood, April 4 (gpectal).. At .yi Btrphens's Episcopal Church this meriting, at the close of the usual service and before ihe congregation was dis mis???.!, the rector, th? ?Rev. s p. Blmpaon made g m,.si . loqui nl nroyer ior divine aid in th?? Dree ervatlon of the llf.? of General Rui? .lu?n Rivera who Is now a. ?iris,,nni ol war in Cuba. -? TRUSTEES YEAR OLD HOY HANGS HI M s REE. Vlneland, April 4.- John Conover, thirteen ? ?ars old. a bon of William Conover, committed suicide yesterday on th? farm of Frank T. Norien, near Cape May "?ap House, He was employed on the farm, and yesterday was oui ploughing In a Held n?i! tar from Mr. Norten'i houae Th? I ij in? . ? ? hoi ? and tl? ?1 oi of them about thi top ol a tall fenceposi ami the ?? ? about his ne< k, ...???. n is supposa il thai ?. . lad had been reitdini account? >l suicide In ihe newapupera and decided to try hoa It . , d be done, li Is noi 'lanari,? that he meant to kill filmiseli .. there wu nun ?son why he should wish to d ? The boy ? ? '?i;,?''? -nd during ihe morning was heard ? ingii ? ie plu shed. - ? BAPTIST Hoys TO CAMP, Asbury Park, April ?(Special). Thi Baptlai Hoys' Brigade will hold II ? a ... u il en? ampmenl i city ?Jura,? ti..? month? ol July and Auguat. Be? tween M and MO I . be i,, camp. Th? en men?, will ' t year thi y were at Cornwall, ? v. In charge ol General A ?' Kenyon, "Camp ere will i ? k this iimmer. Should ' he rnrampn ? ... lafactorv to ? ? th. mutter in ha rgv, Il will become a permanent Institution, and win here annu ilo noi only the memi ei of the perenta and friends ol I tie boj ? In lai ,;?- numi _? ? CHILD FATALLY SCALDED. Iflllla Zailorda, two year? old, ef Herman-ave., Guttenburg, dragged .1 kettle containing macaroni !r.,in the stove, in her mother's kitchen, on Satur? day afternoon The boiling liquid f>-ii over liei and s.-aii).-.i her so badly that she died yeaUrdaj morn l:.r Messrs. Tiffany and Company s iarge corps of copper-plate engravers and printers, united with their other departments of art work, present an equipment of unequalled strength for the production of Wedding Stationery individual in character and finish. UNION SQUARE NEW YORK AMONG THE COLLEGES PRINCETON. Princeton, ?. ?'.. April ? The resulta of the re? nn! midyear examination? In all department? of in?? university wi re made public thla week by R< ? istiar Van Dyke. Sixteen member? of the senior academic eia?? received highest iunior.-?, ?? Ural group Thej are: B, W, Axaon, it. Comln, W. F. Beans, W, P, Jessup, VV*. I.. Johnson, .1 II. Keener, David Magie, ji . L n Miller, F. .? Newton, J. ?. ??,???...u. n K Padget, A. M Patterson, W. M. Poet, il y. Russell, Nicholas Stair, and ??. Van deaf. Those who received second honor?, or sec? ond gtoup, are: II, M. Beam, l?'. ft Brenneman, P. it. Colwell, ??'. ? Cowan) C. J. Dunlap, C f Dunn, H. K. Dwlght, E <'.. Elliott, Beward Brdman, J? M. Prame, .1. P. Hall. R. L. IV. s Harris, .1 M un zi >>f, t>. B. Hollleter, A? M. Hopper, J. A. Heven P. N. Jessup, A. M. Kennedy, A W l*eon iinl. IV. II Liggett. Jame? McClure, VV. A Mc? Laughlin, H. R. Miller, J. ? Moore, D I".. Ncvln, II A Norria, il. C. Olcott. s. M. Malmer, P. B. Piern?n, 11. ?. Reeves, ?V. A. Reynolds, C, >', Richards, ?' K. Roys, E, il. Scott, J. Bmltham, R p. Bterllng, W. A ?V. Stewart, II. P. Stockwell, i: c Thompson. J. T. Ward, P. 11. Williams, A, M. Wilson ai d P. ?1 Wood. The Princeton committee hat d??clded to hold two preliminar)' debates in preparation foi the conten? with ? ,.?. Instead of one aa heretofore, in ordei to givi ih? di' ' beti? ? practl ?.?. ? he. in I ol lea a Hi be ??????1 ..n April - and the ? - , ? ,i on April It Wh g and Clio halli will hold the preliminar) ronteat? Imultaneously In each hall, and then on April It will occur the Inter-hall in Ali ?ai .;, r Hall, for the purpose of ,. g the Princeton team ? ? meet Y ile. A list ,,? ludgea has been re elved from Vale, and a se? lection ol -!v name? arili Boon be made and sub mitt? ? to Yale foi ih? Ir final decli Ion. Professor J, Dun Bp< ith, of the Boya' Cen? tral High Bchool of Philadelphia, addn d I ?? member? ..f the sophomore .-..,-? on Saturday night on "l'arivi??." At the annual business meeting for the eli tlon , I officer? of the Phllad? Iphl n Bo, leiy, ; . u? cord rrith a recent amendment to the constitution of tti.? society, a Graduai? Advleory Comn ?. ? chosen to have general supervision of the ?octet) The following gentlemen srere cho this committee: C. ?i i',.!.?? is of New-iork; Colonel John J. MeCook, of New-Vork; Luther I? Wmhard, "77, of New-York; Robert I. Bpeer, '?. or New-York, and ? ? Power? Baller, '80, of Philadelphia. The following un<W| ?? uluate ofllcer? aere chosen for thi con ng \? .r: Pr?sident, A C. Harvey, ':??. flrsl vice-president. H I.. U'yatt. '98; .: : ? Idem ? ? McAlpln, ti. ? nr. r. Matthew tawrte, 'M; librarian. R I?' S. Rldttewny, M; r? ? retary, C II. Vail, '?<'? I' G. Stew u". '!?. of New-York City, lectured be? fore the seniors of the Civil Engineering Depart ment thla week on the subject, "Building Con? .?triii'i? The "? "Prineetonlan" Board has been organised war, Paul C. Martin, ':,s. ? ? ? editor; W .'I McCombs, jr., .?? ? editor; Milton ? ? ourrow '98, business manager, Ive Lee, '98, led Editor of "The ? arm:: Prli with II? II. Yocum ireasurei The new board i.?.l< , per on April I. ? WESLEYAN. Mlddletown, Conn., April 4. Purtber elections to lltortal board? ? the college publications have !?- r, givi a aa fo low ?: "The Argus," ?. ?, ?? ? P. c. Hill, P. I.. Pllnchbaugh and ?. ? Burdlck, all from tA; ?' I- Henry, :??. haa been elected edi? tor rn chief by the r..w board, and ?. ? >. Jones burines? manager, with ?. ?. \.,??, ?M? aa aaalat ant, ?'? "The Literary Monthly." 0). O. Oasmun, "M; a S North, '98, and G. il. Bracdon, M, have ?,. ? ?. ? lected. Manager Bobina and Captain *>?>????? "f Hie foot ball taain apenl last Baturday and Bunda) in con? ference Sfltn repri of the L'nlverslty of ??? ?.!.-?. ;? , l Hai ??? Ing games for next 1 L'nfoi tel) Ihe dati ? open on n r luld noi be taken by Wi ????> an, lair the pi ibabllit) i- thai at least one game will be played with Pennsylvania about the middle of November, it. Phlladelphli Captnln Young : reoted the team ti foi l| I pi actl' e and Ughi work aftei thi ??? In? re ? h* 'l'ho dual track meet ?? tn New-York University, scheduled for May B, In New-York, ha . because New-York wai ? I itlsfled with thai date and Wi ? ? ? othei The Track A leiat Ion will ccept Yal? '? Invi? tation to ?end entries foi their open ntereolleglate at New-Haven ?? ?? . ?? l The Olee and Mandolin clubt \v< r.? forced to make rt trip t va bec ?use Yaw, Oui p and I'.?.'.- v., i?? need? I for baseball work Two concert? only wei ... la ? Wednesday in ut-,?..!-.:? . r ..n Thursday al Asbury Turk Th ? baseball c indidn t?w ? ? ge dur? ing the ree? dur praci In the ? ? Norton dui Ing Captain Yaw'* ?? nee on Hep (lull O l'i the full t< am w ? ,, r.:?!.ai ?,? ? ? ,??.??? v. .? r ! Yaa Is making every . ?? ?? to get Ihe team Ir? l,-h."1 ? e game ? '?', ? ? ? ? <;.!.. Tli r< ,. captain ? year*? team, will coach the team, beginning .'.1 :, 12 I.Mil?;!!. South Bethl hem, Penn.. April !.. Dr. Bern] the departmi nt < I English, dellv? red the nftti l< cl ar?-in the University Extension course on Tuesday evening In the hall ol the ''.'trai High Bchool, South ? thleheim HI subject wa? ??>.. u.. ? ,.? ire." Th?? annual banquet ol the Engineering Society wa? lu M on Baturday evening at the Hotel IVyan <iott<?. president Drown and several member? of the faculty ? t? present, with a large number of upper das? mei The Juni? ils will Btart for a week's Inspection visit to New York on Thursday. I .r. ? ? furlane pn ? nteil a pap? ? lief re the I ?. ?1 Engtm ??? ? S I on Thursd ly on "The Path of the Currenl ? ? Conductor." On Thursday tl ? itlon Committee of tho Pe? v?vanla Stat? Legislature paid ? vi it to tho l'nlverslty ? I iblllty of mak? ing an appropriation for it while u la In tern? poi ? ? tin .;.- lai mt!,? ulty, oa : g to tha :? nd by the Lehlgh Vail? y Rail? road. The 'ommltte? thoroughly Irspected all Iho ? ? 'in? nt) ,. I in-' im'", r nd Wi r.? Tl ey were entertali ed ? ? in . -, ? the ?ami. ? COLGATE. Hamilton, N T., April I all depart? ? ? ta ol the ? nlveralty wer? begun Tuesday, Mm-. ? r a recess of ten da) Pn Idem Smith, who we in VVatervllle, Mo., tho greater part of ? -? term, taking g ?<? enforced By 111 health, Ii again al the University, better, but noi full] recover? ?? The Lasher and Allen prlxe essaya are ?1?? April in Contraen ???< - from the senior ire due May I The cap and gown are ti"? regulation ?lr? ?? ol the senior? thi* tei p The nlghi of April 9 ha? been uxori upon a? tho date f. r the Junior promenade thi j year. ? BTHACUi : ByTaeuaa, H. Y. April 4 Di m .1 R. (-trench, of the Colleta of Uberai Arta, ha? been confined to bla room alnce Tuesday, and will not be able to return ? ' I ? ime time, it la feared. Meanwhile Prof? tor M. A. Peck la meeting hi aid hin duties .. d< in are llvl I d Ln iwe r?. the ? han ?? H?r and ? t. ? oddlngton, The baseball team played their flrsl game for the ??? Il h a team made up of professional players who >tay here durlni winter Tlie ?-..?? was 9 to ? In favor ?.! Syi Mr. Weldmnn, will ?..? with th? for ?.?.. reet of the pi Tha ? ata logue for 188 ???. ? ime from the print? ? la ? ? hursday. Th? fi rm oi ?tatemenl of ?.? ., ? requirement! and of d aas been malei r ?- [he mast > thi ? ? th. erri t y ?. , . In the number of ?? i|?|? ? ? Last y? ir the catalogue ?how.-d !*;:, ... ? . ? Announi : ? made of th? In iiiltliin rat? Bi ?rltinlna next yen ? ? f?. in tho ' oil? .?? ...' Lib ??? ? Art? " 111 ,,? Tul ion >. ? and In ? Idem , the foil? .-? ol I ', \ ? tuition ge ol Ufi tuition, 8125, and ? ? ?,. ,,f ? . ?.., tu.!: m, BOO, .ui' . ?; ? DARTMOUTH, ?? mori r, N. H., Api il ? The ?,.?, j 11 i ? i debate for the sell tl ..i of the speaki t.- In the Dartm ? ith? debata waa hi ? ? ...? Prida \? ,??,.?, :?. Tbe que tlon dl eu ? ?? sa? aele.'ied Tur th? Interpoli? giste d ? "R? ? rhat it la de? sti ible ?? u municipalities In the United Si .?.? hav? ing a population ol ?,??? ..r mort own ind op?r?t? planta for supplying light, water and surface li porta tlon." The contestant? wen Affirmative, Oreen, Sampson and Tracy; negativi leelman, Shaa m?? ? ? ?? iwn Tin ? ? I il competitor? wm? si..??, , ,??. ?. an?! Seelman, The la?.! roui ? in thi '? ? nlty whl?) ? Patinent waa pia?c_ un March i.? The repreaaiUA? ?ta ,.? nu MU Tti-i? -I- O. f^,Y?8?tL "' g-rSi-la.VnTni'??, WKK ;," ? 1,. . Ill,.?? ,,f "Th" i.ittlll'llltll 1.1'?!? :;:;%,l.;;u,;;.l','vnm:%.,H.^hinr?^ :-,:;?;," chosen ? mi ir director of the Fool ,'?','?\( ? "J and will m.m..??? tho football team f"? th.? sianoti or 1* ??-?:?:'._ HARVARD. -Ing - much m..te oecurote than it wos a week ?ico. batting ito man arc paying attention mon ? ? ">"; Ing the ball squarely and ? ? keeping It on lh? ground than to hard hitting, They have been divided Into ?-.? , gqufl la, Captain Dean taking on? and W II. Rand. ".?*?. the .?t?i.r. The squads work Indepan? dently, practise fielding and batting and hen play ? short game ra h day. Il h ?* .? d? tl I??*" to ha?? the eoli? e, ? ond, nin.mposed, with th ?Ibi? exception if ih? pitchers, "f man ff m nlor and sophomore classes H. 1. Holt, '??, has been elected captain. Mr Lighter, f?. offers silver cup? a.i prise? to th?? m? n on ?li" winning nine in the scrub championship serie ? Any man Is eligible to play for tbesa cups who is not ot) the 'Varsity ?quad or on th? -allega or freshman nine* t ? ni-ii in the M ill Haven sq lad are now train ins for th- clan* game? for the Wells Cup, to be held April ?>. a rough estimate of the records made by tne men who will compete Indicati chief contest will be between the seniors and sophomore? t?.?? Wells Cup, in competition f"t trhtch the annual Class itarins ar.? held, ho? been '.?"ti bj "'? : ? >e,irs ill .-'1 ?.??-. ,,!,. Til?' G dloWltlg m?'Il haV? beeil appointed ,'!.i?s captain?: W. H. Vincent. ".'". l" H. Btgelow, t?. w. o. Morse, **?, und ?. ?. Hon.l. IH To-inorrow ntrlei training will begin for ;he whole iquad Th? candidate? will ?.t al I o'ctock everj in'.niiiig to take? ?h?rt walk befor? breakfaet After the 'Varsity scratch (.'.unes on April IS the r.-nn arili hav? a real for a week. Th? best men will tx : btock during the Bester r?ceos, snd the ;raining-tai?i? a tort ed. The 'Varsity crew squad has ?>.?"? narrowed d avn t.. eight men by the sending of Mou I ton and l!.?r,! mon to their class crews. no more changea >??>? I) be mad? until th? clos? snd Weld race? hav i... n hi Id G.?.? lasl iq ? idi ' candidati foi the Weld crews have now lefi the gymnoilum snd sre training on the river, The first .tens from each lai .?.? rowing in elght-oar bar-??-? and the other ? indldotes ore training In four- are, pair-oars and Ingli ?. l'util the regular class crews hav? been finally picked, the Weld crew? will no! be definitely ??.? Ie up. Th? m? ? ar? ? lached by Di novan, V ungman, ':'?. Stevens, ':?:. ? ?a Bols, ':??, and Be? , '9S 11 I : . ? ! ?, ? ? ? ? ? \ ? ? m.? Han coach f r stich work. Thi* roach will ???- asaleted bj Dr. Reimer, II. M. Williams, 'IS, ?'. ?"" ?. '?, the latter two -if whom wer? captain ?llegl ite champion teams, ? ?. Oennett, Jr., '??'. ?u- on Thursday elect? ? ? ?In ol the Hiirvai I ft Il ti im, which Is lo play In the Intercollegiate tournament at .\rl-: j Casino ?? ?: m ?? th. The Exe utl? . . : mmlttee ha ? proc nod situ.? grounds in Waiertown with ample room tor ? tptaln of the (larvar ! s ilf tram, which Is to ploy In ?Is goo ? hole?. The cricket '? im . ?d 11 (Irsi ,? ...r ?.m ? ?? : rsJ '?? Ferdinand Bru? Here, . tie French Academy, ?rill givi three sfteri ?on lectures m "Moliere" in Sun? der? Thestre, April ?. M ai ! 18 The lecture? will French. X?.?? Friday Professor de Sumlclirast wl lecture on "Ferdinand Br?nettere." Tlie Rev .1 ? ? Huntington, Harvard, '75, pave tn?" addresses afore the Bl Paul Boclety last weeh Loo! Bundnv the Very Rev. Philip ? Meade, oi Oswego, X. V.. preached In the society's . oursi a ' ' 'htireh. Th? firsi performance of th.* *\ Eta Bocietr'a r?:.?.?. "Fool's Gold," eras tor graduates only ?>?? Fri? day evening. The piece Is s musical ?? raedy. The most noteworthy feature Is the music by John A. Loud, ''??. which Is bright and catchy. The first pub I rform u c? will b? ?n M inday evening. BROWN. Providence, R. I.. April ? luring tho spring re? el ?, which ended Issi Monday, seventy students of the department of comparative an it ?my c irri.-.i on work, of ? novel and practical character. A ~m.iii ?teamer was hired, and the class made thr.*? trip? down Narragan? ?tl H .y r.r the purpose of gather? ? na of aquatic animal life, The party wa? a:..i-r the supervisl n of ? e Rumpus, the head of Ihe d-porl I - work Lh? men were divided into small ?quads, under tin* dl? n '??n respectively of Dr. Albert i> Mead, Fred? erick ? Qorhnm, Ralph \v. Tomer, <;> orgo m Gray mid M W. Btl kney, Intervening bus ?vere ?pent In tha laboratory In the irrangement and dis? section of tho speramene obtained Bom? of the results of the week's work will probably be pub? lished, end will, it ?? believed, prove ?> contri ?? On Monda) the cloao visited iti?? Agassis Museum et Cambridge : ? brunonlan election, held on Wednesday : ?. resulted in ih?? following additions t? the M rn: [?':-?? I? rick W ?rn.ild |r ?? : I OO, and ?? net ?: Foi ?? s, ???. -e ? ? ?-.- ut Poughkeepsle, ?. ?. Apri' ?. Thi entrance re q rementi srith regard to a third Ioni I .?. p go mo Hfl. ? thai : r li may substitute l ? work In pi | n mlstry or . y< sr'i od ; work in a u ork in - ? the bi original laboratory note? "i thi student. ? ?? ? knou'li Jgi ?f .. iec md lai ig will be test? ? . ?. ? \ imli iti m ?n I ?.?.... ? rited si ? sub tor a trill . ? will ? >< be ci ?? :.-. toward .? legree. Por p Marie R? mer ap ? ? Ira e Oallah.r. ? Mklnsi ? ! ? ? ? ??!? .???? ? tree orator The ? 'ommli il Ar ? le Ri Ittaln, m in, si ? ? ? ???.-. Ro ?am, p ? [trevo irt, 1.11 ; ? ? ? ? ?. ' ira. ?? Twi ?? ly and \ a numi. - .-ho expect ? teach h ??? : re? Into ?? ?? hers' , . ty to addr - = them "?? : ?? ? ; ? ? ???.?.' on They have already had addresses or In? formal talk? fi im Pi ifi Salmon, Pi ?lessor ?Sly ? tir Whitney, I?r. French, I >r Moulton and Dr' Mill?. A lelecte I blhllogi iphj I ? . . on has bei ri re ? for the cl .;. I j Miss 8 ilmon. At the last moi ? ly meeting of -he ? Women's Chrlstlat \-- a on Mr?. Jo. s ,??? Lowell rea ? a paper "? ; I istrtal Arbitration. ? TRIXITT Hartford, Conn., Apr:! I.?Th? management n' "Prince Mit," th.mlc opera gh?en by Trinity students, ha ? di finiti ly di ? ? led on the trip whl h ?ill be undertaken during th? recess The ? irt ?.u Wednes ? ?*. Aprii zt, Bnd their tirsi concert thai night In New-Tork Th. y .Md play nexi night In Wilmington, Del., .uni the ???? two ron sentivi nights in Baltimore and Washington. Buck and Kai?.:,, of Hartford, are managing the opera Nie company will consist of about thirty-six people A new d ??? song is Just out for '??7's class day Tb.? words were written bj 11 ron W Schulte ;.'; and the musi compose??] by W. ?'. Whit? .1 l! Benton, "?.. ha broken the college record for strength, until now held by w. A, Sparks '97 It Is ilk??!?, that later there will be ? new trial by both in.-n for the college record. [.osi Satinila; the musi? il club? were photo? fit aphed at Ha rnej 's ?? u li" Thi : ?? .s s ? li ture of the M track team and one of th? jui ?r boll committee ??<???? for the 'M "Ivy." p..? ...ball practice haa b? ? ? , oln ? on on the college < mi,,us for th.? last ten 'lays, and as a result there ?? ,? marked Improvement In the work of the men The baseball field la still mushy, The first college I ni e ,;... - not come? until the mi Idle of May, which will give th?? men plenty of tlm? for preliminary practice, and will ovoid the evil? which have heretofore resulted from being obliged to play too early on the cold, wel diamond of the athletic ti.; i. There will be no sprm* tr.p this year. wi:i.i..s. Aurora, N. T., April 1 ? >n Sunday evening last th?? ?.indents ?-..r?? addressed b** i?r. Egbert of Bl l'ani. The annual sophomore piny ?a ?? ? Klven on Monday evening. Th* play chosen was Koweit?*? "A Letter of Introdu? tlon. ??u Baturdo) afternoon, March it, the iunior and tu i,m,in classes were entertained by .Mrs Waten ,,t the president' On Thursday and Friday evenings two Illustrated lecture? on "Th.? .\rt of Music w???'?- given by Thomaa O borne, ol Auburn, N. v. The lecture? were open tu the whole ???lien??. ? ? SMITH. Northampton, Moss., Apri! t?The most impor? ta ' Qlea Clul oncetl of lh? year \v..s -riven on s. tui.i.?-, in th.- A< idemy of Music, the Northamp? ton theatre. Although the building holds over on? thousand, 11 : ? sir? id too ?all for the accommo? dation of th? member? of tb? college and tn.-lr During tb.? afternoon reception? ?v.r.- held lu most of th.? college houses for the students and th.-lr guests. On Wednesday the Latin department presented Adelphl" of Terence In the olumna* gymna? sium. Everything we ??. to moke the play aa hi tort? illy corred , Ihle In the way of CO?? turne? and sta-?? setting. The muri waa thai written "?- Profs sor Allen for the Latin play si Harvard. Onl? members of the Iunior and rnlor in Latin took part, snd the principe I roles wen .1 ?'?? b; the following -.indent. Josephine PI, rence Jollcy, "-. ?: ther W.Iman. '??,? Margaret Rand ''.'T. ?lia. .? Ni.-h.?is imitan, fl, and Katha? rine ?.?? Wilkinson. '??. ??t?... Smith College Monthly, tie- only magasine ?.f the college, is edited by ihe senior class, which lu turn selects lh? editor? for the coming \ nr, mIHi th.? sld ?>f Mi-? Jordan head of th? ringltsh department. The " *? editors have l*?*en already , ?,.,-eii They ar?? Josephine Dodge ? ?,? ? im, editor in-chief; Alice J.. k?"it. Cornells Bherahon Harter, Kmma Xstell Byle?, Lucj Lefflngwell Cable, Ma? Lucilla Dillon, Ruth Parsons Milne end N'alile ? ?.r u-Uc ci.ujo. The nu.iibt-r of tJituis is sQiially di Don't drudge. Use Pearline. There is the secret of a comfortable, pi ant, healthy life for women. Don't stand up over the wash-tub, doing that ?grinding hard work that isn't fit f( any woman. Use Pearline. Soak the cloth over night, while you sleep; boil them little; then there's no work to do but rinse them. Don't make a slave of your? self trying to scrub things clean in the ordinary ways. Use Pearline, and make all such work! easy and quick and more economical, ?a vi.???.] between th? two literary godette?, Alpha nnd Phi Kappa Pal. -a ???.?. Kew-Haven. Conn.. April 1-A auggaatloo which ?cited a g.? deal of dlacuaslon among the under? graduates of thi acad?mie department thla ^.k was ih.? offer of the PoatofBce Department to es? tabllah a i.ran.-h poatofflc? on th.? Yale campua if ar?".?..hie to Hie faculty. The lilea was a nov-1 one, and planning to a few, but oppos-d by most of the student body on the ground of Inconven? ience. ? campus poetofBcc would mean the discon? tinuance of letter-carrier? to rumpus rooms. Treaaurer Farnam, for tho m.v.rsity. ha? in? formell the authorities that the new departure 1?. not want-d. The ale? and Banjo club? will give their annual New-York ?ntirort f,.r th- benefit of th?? l'nlverslty crew In Carnegie Hal! <>n April 9). and the -us tomary Invitation? to buy ticket? hav- been pent to all alumni in N-w-York und it? vicinity. The letter represent? that th.? crew is in need o? espe cial aupporl from the alumni thi? ?vear. T1"* r?" " al Poughkeepsie will entail larger expenses than have usually I.? mei with, and the lack of re? ceipt? ft?an a Marrani football game HUMUS tie-?s sarv every . ffort t.. h-lp out. The Sheffield Debating Club has decided to offer two ?.ri/-?- of $'a , , h ?,, th.. men eho en to repre ent "Sheflr tn the linai trials a which ?alee rep? resentatives in the Vale-Princeton debate are to be ?elected. A not! ? ia also been sent to each mem : ? .? of th- Sheffield Bclentlflo Bchool asking for more hearty supp rt ol debating than has been given I- ? he ? ? ?? Th- ilxty-flrst annual dinner of "Th.- Tale Liter? ary Magasine" wa? luccessfully held lael Monday evening. The guest of honor wa? Donald O. Mitchell, '?? ("Ik Marvel"), an.l th- faculty was repre? aented by Professor? Lounabury, Beers an.l W. U Phelps, ? a meeting of the Executive t'ommlttee of the Y.,:?? '',,iir.t'.i,m v-..? Club last Monday evening it was decided io open tn- clubhouse, at Morris Cove, or. April zz. The -lui. regatte win h- held on June l ?Special rac? for (Ifteen-footen. will take pi every Saturday till July :. an.l open race? f..r fifteen-footer? every Wednesday. Two cup? ar- offered for th- epe? lai ra- -s. beside? the r-trular <???;?? for all classes of t!,? regatta. ?1-..? following men have ?.? elected from the m ..f tir- Divinity Bchool t., speak at the commencement exercise? Austin Rice, "Th?? Min? ister as a Patriot"; II. F. Rail, "The Theory of Evolution In Its Bearing on the Do.-trine of Sin"; S Knapp. Jr., "Th- Portrayal of ?.??????? in Cur reni I?*!,-tlon." ? ? pamphlet of couraea of Instruktion In th? Graduate s-hool of Talc l'nlverslty f->r the -..mln.Jt year I- last ont. and -hows an encouraging ad? vance ?n thi? department. The number of couraea offered has rlaen from M to M: the number of nta registered from 181 to BO The largest In? crease in th- number ol lurses is tn the ?lepnrt ment of natural and physical science, with claaal cal philology next. The l'nlverslty crew has been coached all th?? week hy Hol" Cook end th- warm weather has made ? noticeable Imnn vement ln the rowing. wa? substituted for Marsh at No. 3 early In tl?.?? week, and Marsh hai been made captain of the ????,.: r crew temporarily The onl-r ,.f the - - at preaenl a? follow?: Str,,k??. Simpson; No, 7. Orlawold No I Whitney; No :, Captain Bailey; No t, Campbell; No. 3. Patterson; No 2. Mills; t>ow. Rogers, Qrtswold Is rowing In Langford's plaee, at No. t. until th- latter recovers from an attaek of tonsilitis. Th- candidates for the crew now num? ber seventeen. CITY C?LLBOB. Dr ,?. ?. Wortman, of th. Museum of Maturai , delivered the thirl In the -ourse of public :,., t,?r>?? by th- college to th?- students on Saturday evening p t waa "Tertiary ita-uris of Western North America," and th- lecture was lllua * 1 by photographs taken by him on his trip ?? ti? it region last summer Dr, William Btrat ford, of the Department of Natural History In the i? making several .olor??' enlargements on glaaa of the photographe taken by It. Wortman, Which Will !??? hung in th?> win lows of Natur il History Mall when completed. Th? of lect? ures wii', tn lude Mu??? mor- in th- remainder ol this year. On April it Dr, ?. O. Doremue, of the cheml ' nent, will give a with experimenta p? the chemical lecture-room Pro f.-r??or ??' >;. Ttadall, of the department >,: ?'.???.? ... and literature, will lecture on May \ and Prof? >aor I. P. Johnston, o the .??; in mi nl ?. history, win lecture on Mm ._ the subject? for th- two lectures nit >??' having ?.; leclded upon, The Cllonlan Literary Society, ??.: ita meeting on next Friday, will conduct a mock nia.. ?!.? ti ?ail. be over a supposed murder or' a wealthy miri bj a worthleaa nephew, Those taking (art will i" : .ill,--. A. Patri, '??"; ?ros.? utlng attorney and as? sistant, a J Stern, :?;, and ? B Qoodman ?:. attoria \ for defence and aaalsi int. s. \v. Stern, '.... in ' \\ P. Buchler, '00; wltneases, M Birn? baum, '97; s M Piocher, 'M; C. B Buerger. 'M; M. K. Marks, '.?; I. Bolomon, '89, and H J Bhufro I>r Abbott addreeaed th.? m-ertn? of tho y?.iiu Ura'i Christian Association last Tuesday, number of students being in attendance! Th.? subject ??: his talk was. "What Kind of ur?. !? Worth Living?" I?r Ootthell, of Temple Kmanu i::. .vii: address tho students next Tuesday. . ? + FORDHAM. Bldney Woollett gave a recital in Armory Hall i,?? Wednesday afternoon, il- selected for his recitation Tennyson's "Enoch Arden." An unusu? ally Ian;- audience was present, and showed its appreciation of Mr. Woollett's performance by fro quent applause. Th- following resolution will be debated at a meeting of the Debating ^???..?>? next Bunday evening: "Resolred, That the Government should ? wii tl,- telegraph and t> lephone lines in th?? United Blates." ? ui th- affirmative are Robert ? McDon nell, <f New-??f City, and Oeorge V Oralnger, of Brooklyn. On th- n< gatlve, ?; - irge B. Hay? -, of y. nkers, N. T., und Maurice ? Clarke, of New? V. rk ' ity. A .11-, ur.,fou on tin? these? of cosmology, as con? talned In the Rev, Louis Jouln'i Metaphysics, oc? cupied ti-? un,livid..? attention of tu- seniora last Wednesday Oeorge v. Oralnger held the fort i',- combined attack ol Joseph Kelley and Walter Martin, Lawrence P. Monahan opposed thi. Objection? of John B. Murphy and Andreas H. ... ?- p..-? men ..uri.?.? ?m ih.-ir argumenta iti 1,ailii In addition, there was an Innovation in the way ..f an Kngllah disputation mi ihe scholastic .1... ?pl.t.. , .f ,,?.. n ..,ir? nf ... . r. ..? r-.. . ' 1....??. .. TU.. by members of th?? , ?,? ? Th- in-n who will deliver the addresses at the graduation ceremonies mi commencement day, June "::. have been named, as follows, j. Prank ? Ian, of Brook)Ine, Mass., Lawrence 1'. Mona? han, of Oreenaburg, Penn.; John T. Delaney, of New-York city; Joseph Mulholland, of Fordham. and Oeorge ? Oralnger, of Brooklyn. Mr. lirain i;. r will deliver th- valedictory. NORMAL COLLBOB, T*ie annuii debate between th- Alpha Beta Camma Society and t!:.? Milioni ill.- ??? Sa ,,-Iy will be held on Baturday, April 10, In the .ill-?!- chapel, .n : o'clock The subject for th?? dlacuaslon, which ,..-. p by Charlea Bulkley Hubbel! president of the Board of Education, will be; "Resolved. Tiiat tnglo-Amertcan Treaty, aa elarned by Mr. Olney and Bli lull ? Pauncefote, should be a ?.?? ?? ?<1 by th- Senate without amendment." Th?? speakers far ffirmatlve are Mis? Ann., t. O'Neill and Miss '? ? L Patchen, of the Phllomathean Society; for tn- negative aide, Miai Bdyth I.. Ryttenberg and M ??..,,.? ?: Burr, ot Alpha '.??? ?., Oimma. ? of BJ wm be awarded to the winner. Th? Judges -f ti,,? debate win be .1 icob M ick. chairman "f ih- executive Committee of the college; John ti. Agar nd William p llurlbul Th- exercises will be In , ! irge ..i tr, ? p.?.. .li.-,,, . ?f ,??. twi, ??octettes vii"" V.1" \ \'.'N ("'"M '" MJ>n* Beta Oamma und Mis.- ? ? ?.,? Bchnepel of Phllomathean I be BUbJecl of the esercii ?- at the meeting of the Alpha Beta Oamma Boole t y next Friday win u? ..???.! ?.,-?"?>'.? "" "The s'"r? of Llewellyn.?' \\.-.sii I-..Ik ,,??," ..?.I "Modern Welah Cuatoma" *. " '??? ' ????? bj Mi-?- Helen Defourcq, Uraco Rocera and Jennie Btewart Jit** ?G'?,?"?? '' :""" "r lh" Alumnae Aaaodstlon wm be held nexl Friday In the library Mrs Bu Sondhetm? and Ml?? Blanche Hlrach, of Ih? Plnaa ol -. will pour t. , The usual distribuito,, "' ?nie bj the teachera, for tha benefit of the '. a?r..i ci iidreu, will i?e a feature of the afternoon mo tirai meeting of the Alumna? Hvicncc Clas? Flint's Fine Furniture? FACTORY PRICKS appeal eloqu-nt!)? to the ecor. ?micg! for the study of boten] under th? din I Mr John I. Northr ?p. will be held In th on Wednesday, Apr: - will be followed by | ? ?"?!.G??'.'?. The second number of ? ? t Bulletin" f r ?... m- year w? ,? ? w?->k. A difieren? ,-,,rp? .,'.;? . .r. . ,-.i :? su?, and it Is the on?? putrltcation alo;- ? ex^?vt:nK rataloK'ie? ,? . , the ijnfJargraduatae ?,.?\> i,.? . ? contains pir-fir-?. .,f G south snd ?? ?s?. erti;|< ? ...? ?' ia-i urn, the orgnniaatl not thefa ? < in iBstdlcal education, the Qeri . ; literatures at ' "' im I ? pertinents, publlcai ns of the 1 ? I of publlcai The last article requli - - pr.nt. the poema, Profess : Pi Dr. Prud len and Dr. neu .?:. I Ol : -" ..a ber are: Prom th? ? oll? -??, Pi ?? ?.?? r ? ?':...:::?. ?? ., from ' ? 1 dcience, I': t? ??? Fre lerick It. 11 ; Faculty ot Law, l'r -:? --?,? ?, ? from the 1 -: ? ? M - .-:, :: m the Faculty of 1 .'.: .r ray Butler; ::"ni the ??' ifeooor J? in ?'? M ?? re; from . .:? ~ lence. Pi :? - ?r H? nrj F a tot l'nlverslty Pr? ss, >? r? I .?? J The announcemi 8 I r t.1*? coming hove . een pu - ? ?.., ! ?:.?...? 1 for :?'?? ni fr m all '4t lO.iVOO hai- be? ? or ?-r? I. ?' - ?*t.^ haa lectured on ? ? ? . - term ? ? I ..- * Railroad. Hl? e uree a 111 bi to.? Ten y ? ?: ?? course ? n '.la lecond ? ?or, will n?s veor b? ?or Kirchwey, instes I of Protei . ? latter will lecture on "Eq . ? ? I Pro?? tice" sn l "Codi Pre I Tin* Pugei Sound expedition last sun la? the dir.Ion if Professor Bai portment of sool gy. woe ao ? ? 'pvs tlons are making to continue t Ps. cltle ('oast this season, pro? ' fasts ? s?.'.r.-i The mat?nais rear have b?-en distributed shout thi Btate? Tn? rare fishes and embryos -? -for gr^ativ bv the Bur peon ? ? * are being s.-ti: to th? 0*1 rd ' "eu-*, ?he British M iseum of Natural " ? and to places ? the C : is hope? to make Puget 8? i ss ? '?? tons and to proceed norths ? rd I * expedition will eos? al .?ut 11.'.??, end th? ? % p ?.? watttad Is a suffi :len William II -1. rn <? un W Hoppln, 't-i; William P-llon-ea M ?- - ?? ae! <} Bloane, jr., '87 The lore O W ? \-'h-ir !? \\';l!:ams. ':??; Henry H Poyso T.ow and Chaola In v.i:-, l?e \? ? er, ex-oil ? form? l themselves Into sn Advisor] ? |? |? ? pon some definite steps to wai ring of s Vo'ing Men's Christian Am - a the new mite. The Ilarrarl Fellowship hoi ???. lwi '. ? ) Dr. Heinrich Hvs, ")Z. Mine?, who obtained hi? ?? i. ? and Ph I>. ln the School of Pure Seien .? ? ?_) has of late acted a? assistant In mineral ?gj ? ? >?M wrlt'en several art: leo >n tint ?ubj? ta r,?zy He ?rill devot? ? ? U in Ruropo oy virtue of ?vjiy ?if the physical pro rtl? - _ A we? '- from t? H .?- ton H if. rh* p?-. I l'r ?l C -'? ' lea? nary if Bloomfleld will ? :? rmu on Johanna Ain't' -..- i X" tl :<?-'.- : ? Im -- ? ? ?? I. Xl.w VoHK ?NIVER8ITT Under the new art. meati the rlreulars of the sil ? -t4? ?ion respecting the year laV7-'9S - witha the neat month. Tl ? k???. ?? ? .; ? . ? -a:?? of students In ? will I..? .,.'..! >d to tha ? spe live ? the wii??'.?? publlahed catalogue for Isfl-'tt. TI e eli Pedagog) will be ? :tla> pear within the next t. ? days. Th.* final ? ?? ::r has been ? ibllsh. ?*<ti*i of the dlstrii ? Harlei j .-4 Harlem River, The former - ..roust plan of l'nlverslty Heights I . Tw 1 it?, r In? di ? .? blr ; ?dlxo from the east, ? . m to? foregroun ry in th?? . Itlxeni ,?: ive propos? : ? su:? i? .r the entire Gr? ?iter ? <?-*? ork five boi ould be m ? W? grammar ?oliool In the .-it?-. ? ? non-m ? tr?enla nl dii ? ? It* veralty Is bringing Its work to ;i tntt la In two pan.-. Thi pop o bit carried on four Indepemlei ? ? :iirei three at Washington Square r*?? of l?r Wallace Wood on "The HI? trt" ?os*{ been by far the moot larg ly : mi* ?t I'nlversity ???1?!:?.- whl ti ? ?pot? ili.:r lecture h> Ellas B. Du -finely Illustrated, and wlil be hi - im n . ite the lar, ? ? tteei This li etui. to be fre. metre? niorht is by Professor I : beepm In the Havi nn ?. ? r La boi ? Tha only Universlti Exi ni -?? ar tb? University la that given In ? ris* The year's work will ??.-?: t? ??** la ? ? Madison Square <;..? ?? ? Tues? day evening, April 1 it S Mrs. J ihn P. Mu?::.. president of the Won n'n l?i ratios Society, whi.-h supports ? re?!'*. Th? address to Ihe class a I1 <*?:'"*? Hunter of th.? S'ew-York S rn T m c?** tin? at??? ?rill be giran bj ih? BARN ?RD Mme. Mulinisi-??. ,,f [cela | the G? dergraduata Aaso lotion ? d uf* in Ireland " Mme. Mi???.- ??teroit? ed In the education of girl? ?? Te secure? funds for **n?*?OWlBg gli ?1? l? Offering for sale a uni ju,? ' : riamilo work In sliver and gold DO? Oli (1 '?? ?? ?^ Metropolitan Museum of Art. The class of *M rater* lined the res! of the??"****? on Frida?- rrfteraoon. Th? ? presi r.l . ? eslled "A Sisterly Scheme," dramatised ??. V -?< Elllnor Ten Hroeck K.'le? '.?? lh ' . ?ibst*? ot the fr.shmaii clOSO t?>ok part In I v; BM? Beli, v, Mis? Straus M u ? v.- *?_? Miss Baldwin, mi?h Llppln<*ott VI ?? ?\ ?:??* M*? Schwad and Mi>s v.m Hoi '?r*,r? decorated with palm? ind ? . ? * bunch of joii.tuils. tb? 'loaa rlow.r Al \ refreohmenta were lervi I, ' followed, On .Saturday aft.t?,?on Beta I ?' '"" Kapp? ? .?"'.? ?I unni ?, . nf? ' r ? l'I at the h??m? Of Ml-s Ai- ? : I) ?'?'?? 'M Invitation? ha? y the Hol *? f..r a .1 .:...? on ? iturd ??. Apr! Th Junior cU - ? ' r t-? annual Junior r? ?""?'?' year the reception will bv given M ' ! school on Vprll -"? G the srrangements has be? ? ? ? :1 In Its preparations Ml \ Miss Agnes Crawford ? ? ??? ? >'' r Frunc? ? ? ?borne, Miss Bos. tl '?' ? M iT' Jorte Jacobl and Miso Edil ? itooukei ? "? ih?? commuti?? :??(?n:\NS .\M> TKAVELLER8 " '?? ']A ?,?.? Insiltra ??a?? <.f Tha I'lMin??. 73 ifAksM ttteet, m ** a cDiivenient pttjte to ie.iv? th?ir urett?ttmm ?? ?:,a "??"*" ?orlpiIons fur Ttie Tributi?. Hotel de Lille et d'Albion ??, Kue St Honore. Paris. Itetween tlu? Tuilerie? Carden*. PU<*<* ??L\Z tttZ&T^s?rvsvEi&