Newspaper Page Text
THE OCCUPATION OF LARISSA. BHOPS LOOTED BY THE RETIRIXO GREEK ,- TROOPS-TIIE Tl'RKS RESTRAINED FROM PILI,AGE. Larlf-na euneapaEdSMS el Th?* London Times. Yesterday morning (April ft) two ?qindroru of cav support e?i air*,*, followed by the rcma.nder of a nrlgade and ?-??ported bv their 'lior?e batteries, enter?*- and took MOSaaaelOn ?f this town after n ?hart ?-?paRement ?with so much of the Oreek r.arc?ird a? was nit occupied In pillage or flieht. (?nimhkoff Pachn the German Inepector-Qeneral of Artillery (l>ut holding no active command), arho had arrlv. 1 a few ?lays ago a?kM Bdh? m Pacha t?> allow him t,-> ?ro on ?rom Turnavo with ten squadrons and o-oo battalion hon-e artlilery. and ht* t.iok Larissa en liorseoaca practieallv without any resistan?**, atronaly against Edhem'e advice and without the Bultan'a knowledge: so that Bdhem Pacha was compelled t?? eilow the place to be occupied, though apparently he had no intention of doing so. The remain?:. Of the Grrrk Army, after dlMln frulshing itself I v setting lire to tho barracke and ootlng the shops of the civil population, in company with the revolutionary scum that rises to the top at euch moments. Judged discretion mor?? serviceable than valor and fled peUmeU. liven the doctors and the hospital a-statants left tholr charges, some of ?whom died untended and alone liefor?.? they were found out bv the Turkish medical officials. Tho Crown Prine.\ Indeed, tried I I restrain the .-xce??es of his disbanded i >ldl< 17 and to prevent what might have mce been an ord? rly retreat from lapsing into the miserai.:?- ??bi ?!??. a*_ ae effects arc bow before \is. N?> doubt as a Prince and a gentleman be did his best. Hu-, it is eviii. nt that the army under bis command was as lacking In organisation as it was tn real morale. The position along the lahtmbrla, the ancient -"metis. w.?s certali ly not e y. '<> 1 one from a tactical point of \!?>w, and the Instant that Tufnavo had finally fallen the fate ?if Larissa was sealed. But some orgar,l7??'l attempt to def.-nd the bridge heads would, at any ra:<, have gained time and enabled the main body of the army to retire to the h? Ighta at tho southern end ?if ihe plain end to make s?ime dispos.?ions for the defence of Vol.? and the r?uJ to Athens. As ?t Is, not only have the; troop? disgraced th.rn selvc\s as eoidiera and cltisena by sacking their own town and deserting their sick uni ?rounded, but '.?? their Hlght to the mountains ib?y have left behind the greatei par: ( theli ammunition, many of their guns and the best of theli wsr material, and ?have divided an already dwindling force into two portions, cither of which is incompetent to support an attach from a single C tlumn Of the Turkish Army. The lat? ter has b?.-n moving up t?*-<iay. and now two ?lui? sions lie M the riebt, two to the left and three round the town, v.-hi!" the lines 1 f communication are strongly guardi I, Elassona becoming f??r the mo? ment an advanced base. A more miserable ipectacle than Larissa presented when 1 rode in with the cavalry yesterday before a pind? foot soldier had errlvi 1 It would be hard ti imagine, and doubly atrocious ss 'aused by Its so called defender?. Mas; of the shops were shut or broken Into, while in every home the same evl '.? m 1 ? of pillage m.--. the eye?furniture, clothes, food end Wtne scattered sbout In llsorder. rmoii perhapi the hurry of flight, but much also common brigandage. Ysstsrrusjr evening and las: nlghi most of the Turk? ish officers have been occnp?ed it; preventing any repetition of the ?ame class of thing, and they have in almost every ?* suctxeded. Not that there have not been eeveral successful attempts at plundering among the Albanien regiments; but they have been Isolated, and this morninj.*; two sol Mers who h.a I :? en warned befare were sho? in the market-pis . for disobedience to orders. Th?- effect was Instantan? ous, and the commandant'i exemplary action shows better than wor Is the discipline that exista Tor It Is no small thing to restrain a lar-,-?- holy of ignor? ant, uncultivated men who have taken a town In lawful war from exercising whit seems to them their right, especially when their ?ramies have half drained the cup. Security, however, will soon be restore?, for though ta-e shops are not yet ??pene-l, the Christian merchants are coming back and asking Lave to re? sume their ordlnarv vocations end it !? probable that Irt a few days ?be town ?-ill have ?pain assumed its ordinary appearance. Until the marshal arrives it is not known wh-ther a provisional civ : governor will be np;,<'?::. i in Larissa or whether it wii; re? main under the mili-ary authorities but In any case it Win apparently enjoy s<.m- sort ?f Tier and rea? sonable, tranquillity, now that the restless buhl.;., of conflict has burst and vanished. The Turks have conducted th? mselves admirably, both as men and ?" s-?...?rs' phowin?" Q-let obedience and kindness in addition to the cotintc?? for which thev .are re? nowned. The tupi |y arrangements hn-.-e Leen per rece and Edhc-m Pacha's Strategy, if n little Slow has been successful nn?l sure. A straieht line drawn from Zarko? due east to the sea roughlv marks the territory he has occupied SCHOONERS CRASH TOGETHER IN THE HAY BOTH BADLY DAMAGED BT A roi.I.IPION ON A CLEAR MOONLIGHT NIGHT. ?' Two salllnsr vessels were badly damaged by a collision near the R?mer Shoal. In the Lower Bay, at about 2 a. m. yesterday. They were tho two masted Nova Scotinn f-?-t?ior.rr Sierra, which was Inward bound with a curgo of ?-oc-oanuts, from Mayague-, and the three-masted American schooner Julia S. Bailey, bound hence for Philadelphia, In ballast. The moon was shining brightly and there was a fine northwest wind. The Stem wae sailing up the channel, close hauled on the? starboard tack, at a epeed of : bout six knots an hour, while tho Bailey was before the wind and making about nine knots r,n hour. The vessels came together With a terrific crash. The most extenelve ?lamago was sustained by the Sierra, which Is of only 140 tons, whll?-) the Bailey Is of 2?i6 tons. The Sierra's foremast was carried away and tumbled end on through the deek, where It remalm-d. etlcklnir out at an angle of about 45 degrees. The foremast dragged down the maintopmast, with all the sails and rigging In n nfuslon. The top side of the port bow was cut through and the bulwarks arare emashed. The Bailejr'i Jibboom and bead gear were carried away. Tho vessels, which were badly fouled and en? tangled In the ri?-L.-i:.iT. Immediately anchored, and It was sunrise Before their crews succeeded In clearing away the wreckage. In the morninK the tugboat James Roy towed the Sierra to ?quarantine. The Bailey also returned for repairs. The crews of both vessels had many narrow escapes but were fortunately uninjured. Ilnstnution. Tor Young Ladles-?City. BOARDTNO an.l I>av School fof Girl?, 007 Sf.-aT?. REV. nit. an.l Mm. Vil?.-? I!. OARDN'KB, I'nnclneJa. Re?id?lt French te.i-h.-r wanted next year. *\~E*?V YORK. ? SO 82, .*?.' Ea?t .-.Ti!-. Street. _?\ thf: peeti:.::h and Thompson p?~hool fv?r board1no and dat pvpiu. Kindergarten, l' : ?". Preparatory .and Acr.demlc Pepartments. B*\ ? I rparal try i'"ur??>?. Art Department. THE VEL7IN -CHOOL FOh .??HU*. ?*Utf-PR?JOr soi?.. ?I. BUILDINO, ItMJ AM? J?*_ V?. 1ST 74T1I ST. COLLEGE I'KEPARATION. T HE MISS':?? EX.TI At TrlOOT- FOR girls. MVUUUDE DRIVE. fCTIl AND NTH STREET:*. REOPENS ? ?rrODER ?TH. PRIMARY AND INTERMED?ATE DEPARTMENTS Fpeeiai Sttrtltl n paid to ' llera Pre| ll n. Wednesday lecturaa a conn? "tlon arltfc - ho?I work. Morning r:??.-". in Rloeutloa and QymaasUca Fully equip) ? : Btu llo. For Hoys and Young Men?City. BERKEL.EY SCHOrjI. .. ?TEST 44T11 5TREET. Autumn h;.lf. 18th y?-ar. h"?;ir. Moaday, S??r>t. 2Tth. Early appllcatan will te neceusa:?? to secure a<lmis?l^o to t-iost of the cla??*?? Particular att?_tl n !? ca?frl to the nr-w ?rr.ingement? ? nd facitmej tor rh? Junlar D?p*., ?(??? IS to 1" For ?(filter for 17th year, ani ?rr'^?' ?n blanks, ad dreaa J. CI.ARK HEAD, Ke?i?trar. CUIA'MUIA INSTITt'TK. T.o \\ T2:?-ST. -?Jallaflat? Preparatory. Primary Department?. Optional Military K?rlii. P.ay?;r ?. :-i Gvinnaelum, it t Luncheon. Boardera KDtVIN IUWLER. M D.. A II.. PrlaclnL For Both Eexp??City. TJERI.IT7 ?TH.xiI. nr LAXaOAOfCU, 113-Madison Square (2r>th-?i.. and Broa^nrayl.?? |S Court St.. Hrooklyn. and oth*r pnnelp?! Au.rrlo. tad tu.-up. etica Term Xjt%\o? now. For Boys and Young Men?Country. MAPLEWOOD INST.. Coneordvlllr. pa.? $??7 per year. a sassassfal ?-ti-^ri. On? ?,r the tf?i tu infuse with eneray, to r.-ko up boya to the dutlr? of Ufe: to.'.?' <\? pre fclblled. B'jya i,r.pur?-d fw t?s?t cillege?. Under II yea:?. **:????.. I. ..; ?i beautiful. ?.Vv;.tBd and **?_Jtbf. J. BHOHTLIDiiK iYh?. A. M.. Prie. ?nO'-KLAXn IV.-TITI'T.. N>a k on-thf Hu-1?on. If, Y. 'XV Ml yar; rammer, ?tudy, tutorlag, rer-reatlon. ramping, boating, ?arlrtk-i. raes I ya' p nie?; r-'ninirylllPitifiii'ar?. IMMER SrilO ?I. ?t Nantueket, cr.nner???.r| with Har? vard School, N Y Frr Infra-mail'n apply to \V FREEL.AND. r.6H ."ah ?re.. N. T. S ?" E PEEKSKtl.I. MII.ITAl'.Y A?*Al)f:MY. Peckaklll. M. Y.?63<J year. Pend t A l'lu?tt-ated catalogua. Col. LOUIS H. ORLEMAN. Plia. For Young Ladles?Country. GERMAN H??VK M I'OOb I 11 ?VEST WITH STREET. ?Conducted hy 1.1'? Y E AI.Lk.V SUMMER BCHOOU WIN ton. n. Y. TnE OSfjININ?. SEMINARY FOR OIRI-I, Sing f?lng on_the-Hud?on. Ml?? C. C. FULLER, Frlnclpal. 10th year beginj *??-,t>-rnf-?-r 22 I mHE CAMHHII'IK .*?' HOOf_ _L A ?elect ?eh.v>l for ?Id?, romfort? of horoa Mr. ARTHt'T* OILMAN le the Diractor. CAMIIRIDOK. MAPS Srhool *!Xornri?*9. AMERICAN AN!' '-'HKI'-.N' TEACHERS' A'il ?upplie? it ?? - arhera Tutora, Onrarneaa? Ac. to <""ll?-?'- ? ' - Apply to Mt? M .: VDi'NO-Ft'LTOX. tt 1'nioa Ba<*sra PRIVATE TUTOR A. EVERWTT STOlt? (Vale), 1,41*7 Broadway. N Y. Twelv? year?' ??.perlenes la pttp?'.ng to}? for collef?. REAL ESTATE. GOOD PRICES AT THE AUCTION SALE OF THE DAVID JONES ESTATE. THE MARKET HOLDING ITS OWN. WITH VALTES WELL MAINTAINED AND FEW PALE.?*-THIS WEEK'S OEFERINOS AT AUCTION. . A decidedly better fooling ?van noted in the real estate markft last week. While many private anlog of improved realty were recorded and nn unusually large number of building ?Ites changed hand?, and will !>?* Improved hy the erection of flathouces. ! dwrlllngs and business properties bo soon iib plan.?? cuti he drawn, the most encouraging feature of the ?Task's transactions was the auction cale on Wednesday, at which Peter F. Meyer sold at prices entirely satisfactory to the heirs of David Jones many small parrels, principally on the East Side. A total of more than half n. million was realized l?y this ?-ale. There has heen a disposition of late for property owners to look askance upon auction sales, and the feellAg ha.? become far too prevalent that any prop? erty-holder who has the temerity to offer any par? cels of realty. Improved or vacant, under th<* ham? mer, must expect to have Its actual value discount ed about 20 per cent. Wednesday's sale hud been advertised for weeks, and announcement had been made that competition would be absolutely free and open, ami that no effort would be made by the executors ,o protect the offerings In any way. Con? sequently, the nuetlon-room held one of the largest crowds of prospective buyers ever assembled in th?-' Broadway salesroom, and at Its close brokers, oper I ators, auctioneers and. In fact, every well-informed real estate man, was ready to declare that the unl i formly goo?l prlci-q secured for every one of the' SO varal classes of offerings fully demonstrated the : fact that, If all auction sales were conducted under : similar conditions, there would bo far less cause for I the general complaint and disfavor with which j auctions have unfortunately come to be regarded. A notable feature of the I'nvld Jones estate sale ; was the willingness and even eagerness of the small j investor to enter Into the comp?tition and pay fair ! values for properties offering a reasonable return. Doubtless botti-r prices WOTO secure?! at this auction than could have bean obtained for the ?separate par? cels nt private sale. Notwlthstnn?llng these encouraging features of the market, the usual number of croakers were making themselves heard In many of the brokers' ofllces. It may not he out of place to call the atten? tion of this class of men, who persist In finding fault with the market, no matter what the conditions may lie, to the fact that the records show that the market Is more than holding Its own. and that one of the foremost reasons why more actual sales are not made from day to day, Is that property In favor? able locations Is not for sale to-day at prices owners would have been piad t>> accept a few years ago. That owners are determined to hold th'-lr proponte.? at their own flpures, unless subjected to extreme pre*sure. Is amply shown by the fact that prac? tically all the sales made thl? spring have been ar tlgures considerably In advance of the prices recent? ly paid by the ?oilers. Another evidence of this tendency to hold property Is shown by the vast Im? provements now being made by owners who havt? secured building loans with little difficulty. Last year the butldlnp operations were so larpe that a considerable ?Tailing off In this direction was looked for this season. That this view was erroneous Is proven by the comparative tables showing that the total amount Invested In projected new buildings from January 1 to May IS last, is $e%40X40o, while for the same period in last year the total amount was fSa.TU.17S. THIS WKF.KS AUCTION SALES. Among the auction sabs scheduled to take place this weak at No. Ill P.rjulway, unless otherwise ?pectfled, are the following: Monday. May 17.?Hy Tout K. Meyer A? Co.. par? tition sal?.. Thorn is K. Donnelly, referee, northeast corner of VVebster-ave, and spring, or on?-hun?lred aiid-sev.-iity-fourth-st.. 10iteSl4-10lSxllO.ll, one-story frame building; One-hundred-and-sevent) -fourth tit., north si?le, 110.11 fee; east of VVebster-ave., 40.1a 1' ?x'Txli?-..?, vacant, No. 2,111 S-cond-a\e., southeast corner of On??-hundred-snd-nlnth-st., Vfxtt, three? story brick and frame tenement, wllh store. n>- Peter K. Meyer & Co., foreclosure sah. Ed? ward K. McCall. referee. No. 40 Wes; Ninety-fourth? St.. SOUth side, &S.3 feet West of ?'entrai 1'ark West, is.:x!-?'.s?7, three story brick dwelling; due on Judg? ment, ST.,?II?; subject to another mortgage for tU.OUO. Hy i?. Phoenix Ingraham a- <"o.. foreclosure s ale, Thomas Colston Kinnejr, referee, No. ,'._* Wesl One* hundred-and-forty-second-st.. north side, -To feel cast of th.- Boulevard., four-story stone front dwelling! due on Judgment, Tuesday, May 18??By Philip A. Smyth, public auc? tion sale, liity-one lots at Kiverdale an'l Mosholu. on Broadway, Mosholu, N'-wton. Sylvan, 1'ark View, and Parada; aves, anil Fieldston Hoad. near Two-hunilrcd-and-llfty-sixth-st., Twentv-fourth Ward. Ily r?. Phoenix Ingraham, executors' sale, Nos. 45*3 and -??j?? Tenth-ave., east side, 49.5 feet south of Thirty-sixth-st 4i?.4x'<X>. six-story brick factory: No. ?'.i Sound Vicw-st., north side, 125 feet wes; of! Echo-ave., New-Rochelle, 5<?xi47, two-story frame dwelling. By 1?. l'hoenix Ingraham & Co., foreclosure sale, Norman T. M. Meillss, referee, No. 1.14a Sei'onil frive , northeast corner of BlXtleth-St., -:'?x7.". four story ti-nement, with stores; duo on ju?lgment, tU.,010. Hy I"?. Phoenix Ingraham & Co.. foreclosure sale, Samuel H. Paul, referee, No. C92 East One-hundred and-forty-seventh-st., north side, 415 feel weal ><' Brook-ave., 25x100, five-story brick flat: due on ludg ment, ?1.7.V,; subject to other mortgagi-s for $15,51?,. At No. M? Llberty-st., by Richard v. Harriett & Co.. executor'i safe. No. 000 to ?;?? Beventh-ave., northwest coiner of Forty-secon.l-st., l(?i.4xi;l. lease bold, two-story brick Stable, together with Nos. 2<)7, ?M) and -11 West Fortjr-second-st., at rear of ubove, 60x100.4, two-story brick and frame building. Wednesday, May IS.?By William M. H>an. fore? closure sale A. Walker (?tis. referee. Avenus A. nortb siii.-. Lots 71 and n, map of new village of Jerome, formerly Wllllamsbrtdge, 50x125; due on Judgment, ?.:..".?'.?., Hy William M. foreclosure sale. A. Walker Otis, r.-fer-.-. First-ave., south ?id?*, I ?ota 70 .ui,l (14 on map of new village of Jerome, _jxi?o; due on Judgment. H.ZM. By Bryan L. Kennelly, executor's silo. Nos. IJM and |,0M Hast One-hundred-snd-seventleth-st., south side, 75 feet wesl of Brlstow-sL, each _r,xi?>?. three-story frame fl it-> By Bryan I. Kennelly, public auction sale, No. 17'.? Wist One-hundred-snd-thlrtleth-it., south sld?*, 7". feel easi of Beventh-ave., 21x00.11, three-story and basement ii-'ht stone and brick dwelling. Hy Peter F, Meyer ?V Co., foreclosure rale, c. Doiiohue. referee. No. M West One-hundred-end fourth-st., north side, *.". feet east of Lenox ave., 17.0x00.11, four-siory blich dwelling; dut? on judgment. H0.M, By James T. Boyd, mechanic's Hen foreclosure sale, ?'.a ;ri?? Goeller, refer?*?, No, l_S to US ?Sdge? combe-ave., s an I. west corner of One-hundred-and forty-first-st., 10.11x00, four five-story brick flat-?, wit 11 store in ?O. 1-'' By Willis m Kennelly, foreclosure sal?*. Prancls P. Lowrey, referee, Nos. 17:?. 17.*> and 177 West Porty Afth-st., northeast corner of Beventh-ave., 00x72.3, three flve-atory stone-front dwellings; due on Judg? ment. 69,507. Thursday, May 10.?By Adrian H. M?ller & Son. partltl ai ?al?. John Duer, referee, No. 22x Basi Pour teenth-st., south side, 324.S feet west of Becond-ave., 10x108.3, live-story English basement brownstone front dwelling. Hy ?Philip A. Smyth, foreclosure sale. Jesse s N'ei son, referee, No. 1,M Lexlngton-ave., ea?t side. n.t% I'd north of One-hundred-and-twenty-flrst st.. run.? north 22.11, x east BO x south 10.11 x west 117 ' x BOUtb -' t\ x Wesl ?'.1 >. flv.-story brick flat, with Miir<->. ?in.- r?n Judgment, HX001. By William M. Ryan, for?'olcsuro sale. (Jeorge I.. Nichols, referee, .%'".?-. $03 and :???.'. West Onc-hun dred-an?l-thlrteenth-st north side, l'?0 feel wesl of Eighth-aye., each 25xlTO.ll, two five-story brick flats; ... Judgment, S3 297. Hy William M. Ryan, foreclosure salo, C.r-orf!'- C Auatln, referee, No. 3>>7 Mount Hope Place, north side, M feet west of Fleetwood or Madison ave., 10x135, three-frtory frame dwelling; dus on Judg? ment, $4,?a*". Hy I?. l'hoenix Ingraham A Co., foreclosure sale. Francis P. I.owrev. refere?'. No M West Tenth-St., south side, 182 feet w?*st of Plfth-ave., 20x02.3, five story brick dwelling; due on Judgment. *>12>V1 Hy 1?. Pho? iix Ingraham &? ?'o., foreclosure sale, Pennington Whltehead, referee, One-hunilred-and ?ixty-sixth-st.. north side, 220 feet west of Amster dam-ave . SzK. four-story brick flat; due on judg? ment, r?..?>24; subject to other mortgag?s for 31.1,7TO. By Hail .1. How ?v ?'o., foreclosure sale, i'eter B, Olney, referee. No. 1.000 to 1,37a Fifth-ave., southeast corner of One-hundred-and-fourteenth-st., 100x100.11, four live-Story brick flats, with stores; due on Judg? ment, ?Ma,.'.*'; On the premises, by De Witt H. Lyon, referee, lot at corner of City Island, about 100 feet west of Main-si., adjoining south side of Fordham ave. extension and land of .1. H. Powell; runs north l??? x west 10 x north l??) x east 58; due on Judgment, Fit.lay, May 21. - Hy Adrian H. M?ller *? Son. fore? closure sal?-. Edward L. Patterson, refi-ree. No. 245 Bast ? ">r -hundreil-and-t w??nty-s?venl h-?t . north sl'le. m feet West of Second-ave.. *S.ll^xS0.U, thr?-e Btory frame building, with on?'-slory frame building ut r??ar; due on Judgment, $3,051. Hy I'. Phoenix lnprah.ini <V Co.. foreclosure sale. Samuel H Paul, referee Ons-hundred-and-flfty flrst-St., south side. Lot M on map of village of Melros?. South, f-oxllS.5, vacant; dm? on Judgment. UMA Saturday, May 22? <?n the pr?-mlseF, nt 1 :.V> p. m., by WUllam M Ryan, public auction sale, 2fii lots hi I^ng Island City, on Luyster, Sfem!?r. and <;ra ?. sts., Van Iievenior, Wilson and Plashing aves. /nrniolifb noneco iDnnifb. U'ANTEI?, by a ?mall family dciirlnK huIpi ?ivl rast, ? jila'.n, comfortably furnl?li?-rt rtottM. with plnzrn? nn.l, ?Ailhln .1 ?hort rll?lnn-f of .*.'???-V.-rk, Tf>rni?. Btod. eratc A?ldresa Mra HAHV1CY, 1.421 K Straei Wa?h ir.if.n, I?. <*. AIiVRHTI.srMFl.VT.?. and ?ur^r-rint-n? for The TrltH unc TffXvMl nl thetr t'ptr.wn Offlc?. Me. 1.042 Itrua.l wer, '-?' teer ReHh et .li?t ?1, satll 1? o'rtix-h p, m.; ?r: ?r?*|-tl??? rSMlVsd at the following brnncti odlc?? ?t rerular l?Rcs rot??? until h o'rloo? p m., viz : 2?,4 sih ? v?., ?. e. cor. MO ?'? : 152 ??hat?, cor. 12th ?I M.-irv'j 1 Stt.-av?. and J4th-?l.: 142 f'oli;mlrU?-ave , near \Vr>?t (With- I ft : 110 West 4M-?t n?-ar Sth sya.i I? **??i 14t', ?t. ?>:,! West 4?1-??.. b?tw.??n 7th ?nr| St h |r?i , ir,|> E??t 47th- I a?.; 1.8S*. 8d-?v? , b?tw?en 7Stl, and TTth at?.; 1.02S l_- i st?? near ?list ?t : 1.700 lav ava. naar OOtb-sLi ?rancllcrs' *}ott*l Pockft ?nibf._ Thi? liai ?ppear? M?-ivlny?, WtdSSSdsyi ?ni Paturdnya. IB ill Cor <1??.?rlrtlv? BwSllllS Infnrmn?|r?n. Clrrulnr?. glvin?; Railway for.n?rtlcn?. Ac. of any llctel below, call or aJdre*? (?*:,d ?tamp) DQaD-SoO, VartW IEg-FG-m-, ( M rif?h Av.-., N-w Teffcj .' ft?'. i>?rn* ft., LeaSeai t 21* Hue de lllvoll. Parla. DOdDTTElL PMKBnr (BMOffiiEs GHATIS. (a. p men? AaMrtoas r'.an; e. p., ftfUgwa.! ALBAKT, M*. Y.Hotel Kenm^re. A. f., $* AFW.T.Y PABX, If. J....?"oleman Houae open.? Jim? UOth BALTIMOIUE, M?l.Hotel R?nn?*rt. K. P.. *? ?'," 'i1 do.BetH StaSsN, v. P., I1J0 up BOSTON, Ma??.H t? I Vend MM, A. P.. P (So. ..Copley fir?. Betel E. P., 11..V? up: A. P.. ?JS.00 up r.RisTou h. I.K'Woif inn apena Jans i BROOKLYN N. V.H "1 M Uerr-rc. K. P.. Ill A. P., $?> ??iNciNNATi, o.Orsad Hotel, n\ P? 3L -*? ?'?? ,:* "p KIHI-: ISLAM?.Surf Hotel ??? -i i neme? op ? luis i N. Y. Offlc?, Townsend BuUdlSg. Broadway & 3S*** ??*? FisMKR's isi.ANi?. K. Y.Th?. Mnaaata'sket, ??? ?'? BtAt (IT. BARRINOTON. Mn??.Rerl-thlre Ir.n. A. P., BJ KANSAS CITY, M.'.The Ml U IS I. H P.. Il "P A ''? *?' ?**S LONG ni:.v??n.Loas Base* Hotel oseas .tur." ? MIPI'I.KTuU'N BTOINOS, VI..TIM M??-ilvrr? Opeas JO-S -I Mineral Spring? and IslOatHe Knelpp Cure NARrt.v.ANsr.TT PIER, R in -w Hathewsoa, a. P., $"? ?o.Th? R..i*klrKham. A. P., **?"' do.Oladetoae sad Cotamaas, a. P., *?? ; ? ;',; ?,-,.The MaMSSnlt .pen? Jun" 1 NEWPORT (W. I.elnnd. Jr.)-()?'<*an Hanse ope-.? Jur.? .0 cub H"'"'., a. P., *?'? NIAGARA FALLS.catarse! I! a-?. A- ?'? M do.Internan .tail Hots', A. P.. M KKW York.Pifia Aram Hotel, A. P.. *??"' NOttMflsad, B. P.. *?-'? a. P.. *"' do. (\V. F. I?elar'li The Windsor, l?. P., *?>-?'?'. A- P- f do. ...d>avt? * roet?r) M -M St. atadrew, K. P., ILM do.(O. I!. I.lhl - O AM.en-irl? ItOtSL B. ''? *?-' d-?. ,..0f. H- Hair*? New St. ?'lend Hotel, B. P.. ?? 5" do.iWtn. O. LSlsn*) Otaad Hotel K P., Il ?P do. .?P. W. urvln iira??enor il<?rli St. A fiih Ave.) A P, do. <W. John?..n Qi:Inn) Hotel F.mplre. K.P. $1; A.P..I3 do. <S. ?. eor. f.lh Ave A- I.Mri St.) Hotel HaBOTOr, A. P. do. Ave. a i:.'?? st ? Hotel Rsnslncten, S P.. I'.OO piiii.Ar>i;i.riiiA. Pa.The ,\Mtaa Hotel, A. P., *??'?'' do. tBestaaraal a Is car*?) New LafSyette, B. P., *?? ?p 'POLAND BFRINO H0U8S, Open? June l?t .A. V., V MANSION HOUSE, open nil year.a. p., $:; MAIN PAIH l'l ll-I'INI. (Boons ontr), Optai .inn? i I'ORTr.ANli. ?ir.-all. ?'- R.wer.i The f. rt'Mnt, A .P.. t** up PORTSMOUTH. N. H.The UoeataghsBi, A. P. *?? QURRBT, t'anada.CSatMtl ft ?lei ic, A. P., POO Rli-HMONI?. V?.1h- Jffferaon. K.P.. $1 M up; \ P.. f."? **) ROC1IKSTKR. N. Y.Hbll ? ?' I! Ill , \ 1' ?..'-.;. si"Hi:ni:''tai>v. n. v.'Hi* Rdli ? A P.. >-'<? era PT. GKOH?;i:, pt.iten I.?:?r.-1. Tl - i ;,??;.? ?I, A P., $1 up ST. LOUIS, M .. .'l-'irepi,'. .fi S uthernll tel. A P ?"? to *'? dO.Hlrrle!; Hotel, E. P., II ua. A. P., *'-' .'?" M j gTHAtrUSB, N. Y.Ynte- Hotel, R P., tl IS; \. P.. ?' TROT, N. T.Th?Trov Ha??. A P., U Up CTICA, N. I.Bsggi Hitel, A ! '.. H ' K I WASHIXOTOX, D. ?'.Arttaatos it "i ,\ p.. ?.*. do.KbMtl h see. A P., M do.Th* Re:< it'-. B, P.. ?i M ap watch BILK* R. I.ttew 0.-. Hoaet -i -??? toa? M di.itlsatu Hotel openi in do.Plimpton Hotel open? Jui IS do.Lsrfcls Hoese npen? July i do. . Ii|xr.n H?il??. BlCCtrte rar? half h.nrlv I? bMStl WHITE H( nt.? Hie h bm - pern July 1 *VINTr-R HARROR. Me.?".. ladet, r.e tar p--? Ja'v 1 Ciln Propcrtn Sot Gale. ? GREAT CHANCE. I have n v.rv liandarWM .t'f-a Weet It! ?v. rraldence, northwen corner of Mi I '.-a In pa?ment for h lar?,-?- property, srhlcffi I ran ? Il al Oid.OOO Thi? la your opportunity.'.i". ? H (caretaker on prem Ism), snd aecAire s barsala CHARLES BUEK, 109 West 42d St. < ~yJt t n I - Pu~t inrnishc? vEo tct. Vl.l'?llT. airy, sis re m nnri bath aportroenl to rent furni.hed f?j the ?ummer, \\ e?t SI I??. BOS 0, .'.'.?i Ain.ter.lHir. ,-i\'-. inrni_l,c_ -\pnrlmrntG (To Cet. an UNUSUAL OPPORTUSITT for a fanUy seeas ^'\ toned 10 reflne-l WITOUndlngl to .-taain .1 hand aomely furnlihed apartmeni until Oetober si low rental I?n,.atlr?n Wesr Sirle, near ?'entrai park. <'. M. KOBLB, M Cortlaadl st riM) BENT, fr-ni .tur? l'.'h 111] Sent, l.'.th. nicely far _L slstud l-'i.i. ?even raoma; hall attendant-*; \Teai Sixtieth ?t.. dm block from ?'entrai Pari.; price Bf ! .1 liara per month. Addresi K. i:. ISoi i?''a Trll in? it iwntown ??m^e. AnVBRTISKMF.NT?? nnrt ?urer-riptl. n.. for Tt e Trll? un? r-.eive.i .,t ti.-ir Uptown ?Mice, No. 1,2? Broad, way, '?<x teer n?.rtii ot Olst-st., ?nut t? o'clock p. m.; a<i v.-r'tisenients received st the fol lowing branch ?0 -.-. ,.( rerular oftVa rate? ur.til ?? o-,-in,?Vt p. m.. viz.: r**;i en, av. , ?. ?. cor. fti ?t.: ISO r,?h ave.. COT. 12th ?t : M .. | fltri m?, nr-1 Mttl ?t.- ?1^ ''? larnbtM ..-.?-. r.'nr West ? ?t ; l?ifl W.?t 4?d ??. iiefc. Mh ai? ; W Ra-?* lit?. ? West ???! M rietwe*?! Ttt? ?n? ?!ll are? ; 1 r,0 Eut 47fi,. ?t.; l.MS Mhave . I.etween Titrh anl 77?h ?ts. : ?o Cet Sqx DncnifOG ]3iirposro. ihoicb orncEo t?? let TEMPLE COI KT, 3 t?. 'a BM-maa-at iia i. isa N..--VI ". RENTS M'H.l?i-.ATK nri.ANi' it win riNi. agenta . r yr. , -? - (Toitntrn Jjvoijcrtn So: Gale. -^??^-??^??V%/\?NA^\??^V"-'V'\?-w\?? ?*-" /??--.'?y*.''. - * ? '\/',?wy\/?^v 17* IR SALE i.i ?- n ? Serti i : 1 l* ? msnrl n. d? 1 llfhtfully ?i'ii.<;.-'! i.r lai- !. I: I , directl, on lh< water i?a?i fi.i, r?-i -f land; '.'''. I bathroon ? '? ? -??? ail m dern Improvement?, h*ate l>> hol ?viii?.r light? I by ? ? ? -i? ? ?? . two doors ? Il d ih? fin? il - Id Irr.iir.l. ? orner cupb ?? I ??? ? ? l?i nu? old blua china, mo-iljr blsi cal .\-;a.'?--N i. ? .m?-' Providence, l: : \lrsT i*?>.-n ivin.v si:i.i. THIS VVKEK, Ti. 1*1 il? minute? a. 1,1 i ?_?? i .... m- p?a ? gam neighbor!) il ? ?nh gOtiO; i taka sas) pavmeni IVrlia rail. Il UOsTWIi K. ?.'.??.' Baa? 2M i . Il a.-_ Gtiburbiin tlcnl iTsliite. Vi.KN? Y Montclali irai eat a ta, an klnda Ml? ?nd rer? CLAREN1 B B. Tl BBS, ?'? Beekman ?l . Sea V ik. -fnrn.G.icb tjonsc5 ??o tel?Coiiittrn V\AA?\A/\AA/\rV\A'V\A?\i^ STAMFORD 81^Sk??Sa FTRNISHED CotUgei and Restdei ?? foi real m?*dern Improramenta. Pur? Hpiing Water, Electric Ughta, Bvwerag Elevattoa, I.OOU ft. '.?-, hrs, 1 nx ??? Y. Pineal r<-?.->;t In ihe ra* in tain?. Por photo? pi i -articulara, fornellu? B I ., I Vr liaon-avi . \. Y. ?aftei Mar 10), m write w. H. McAlplne. Stamford N. Y. \DlRONDAC]{H. Uk? Placid Moal beautiful en-dec ble of all Adirondack Rea rta. Large, - mpletely furnlahed .-..rrriKe camp ?ultabie f r family of m im Jii^h ground, i ? a? ? ? grand, restful, Boat?. Ice, ?.,.) t?a??? ?eaaon Mr?. B. H BKA RU, Lakewood. ?'. M. NUBLE, ^?? Cortlandl Bl . N. Y. APT'RNISHED llnl'.-'i: 11 room?, ?t?lale, nrden, frult, t\c. N?, healtl le? . ? -, r ate, N. and ilep.rt. Ap?.:y MISS 1ARVIS, Cheahlre, ? V VDIRONDACKS la.l:e i .n.-ia handaomely. ale? e?tlv, fiirni?h.-.t rot tage? 'rii|? to 0000 '??.M-.l-'.V K M NOBLE, M ?'?' PAIRHAVB**. M\hs. fiiimsiiki) HOUSSI n? i,i;t. a rnMi'l.i'.Ti-:i.Y ITRXISHED HOU8TA with aton ro.m?, modern Impmvenaeata, In it? m ?I attractive ?| l?ge in ?-aaithern Mi--. ???? -a- ?. r th- rammer. O. II. Tltll'l'. l'alrlin?. Maaa. FURNISHED HOL'BR H>K RENT, Ne? Csasaa C?nn., i: mom?, imth; lui and r? Id ??!???; ni? ?r-re? of land, lawn, fru?; ireM, gardener'a an.l ?tabla. H. C. THOMSi.N. IB Cortlandt-at, 1.*?(iR RENT. Cottag? of Mr?. I?ewi? E. l'?-..r t, rontaln 1 mir fifteen r....m?. furnlahed throughout: lieautifully >?ii.i?ted M tha le.rih of n.o Manaaauan ?ti?.er at Hrie?e. N. J.. m fun vu?? of tin- oeeaa. y.\ elleni crab liluti. r?).in?i. ?.?limn .iii.l t?;ithinr. T-itn? reaaonable, Mr?, '.i:\vi-. E. PEA Ri i:. Urteile, N. j. ^]'.w CANAAN, CONN, Ptaratshed h..i^<- for ih? ?um mer. ail modera Improvetnent?; i;, , ,.. ?.,,? ,,.,,,, Hni laundry; largo gr?amdi frait. garden; B mil .?. walk l" ?l?'j>'.l. 1? hour? fraa ,-it? . lernt? in,,.ble Call or write. II i_ ATRI> rpo RENT, for th.??on, t??i |?<?o. mn.iem 12 ro?m A hr.ii?.-, 2o tallea from Brooklyn on Ixtb ii> ? B .-' rally fuiniMi. I; i ??i. ? m.- el? . On? lain) .,r,.i ?h ..i ami i??tiiitig houae; lennli . I, rtc . .1 aerea of land A'l.Ire?? Ql KIN WM-;. Trll.un- OtAe?. Till: \Y\t HMBRfS (DT'niii;?,, ?"ape <*r?d. Harwich, Masa; hotct, well furniahad- coo? pin?- forants; An? Mthlng elreular, J . ti i: ?.;?!..' \'<?HK HARBOR. MAINE Por rent, furniahad ..wn.-r -ning abroad; M ? ?mi and i l-.Ht and landing; aupert? ? ? ? ni location ?i W. BLISS, 1 ??I? 01 I , lllmore. YroNKRRS P*?iml?hed h i f 10 m?; ?II Improve leet.... , ?, i,.. loeatloa; r- ai .* It a rPRAVKU.KKA rHROUUHOUT i:i ROI'K *? ami nn.i Tka Tr. 'ir..- .t, ?t laadlBg Hotel* and i.i ihe principal Banka Afii-c-.n, oon'emplatl. ii.-i .,.1 Should < ? -UHul: th? BurrjfM .. . ...... ? ?,, , appear .-?erv Sun.!.,,. (Vedneads) and ? a a ?. only ??-le, i and r'lml.le annMin-'eiutnta are published ? , ?vo.d BBucl, anr.?y?ne ?n-t >.l:?iatlafacti ,n > n?i?e,l by ni?n\ ?.f ihe M called '??lie li...,k? mir I. ?.-1 n c.riic? ;s Feet-?! E. C. ti ' p?n to all Trlhuna i?.? '-?? bu?ln??t er pltaaura; It dota-? t matier. T-? ?.?,?._? _ Uta ?nciion Sales if Heal (tuait. EXECUTORS* SALE. GEO. R. HEAD, Auctioneer, WIM? SEM? nY AITTION THURSDAY, May 27th, 1897, at 13 o'clock noon, at the Real Estate E*?*hange snd Auction Rorms. limited. No?. Ml ta ?'?*> Liberty 8t. Till-' V ALI A 11 LE PROPERTIES No. 36 East 22d St., bet. II ron il\? h y und 4th At??. <-?tory and hn?cment hrown?ton? hou?e. _'l ft. 2?j In. xH4 ft., lot OSO. No. 154 East 33d St., bet. L<??tli?Kton ntul .Id Avenues. 3-?tory sad t>n?rm"nt l.rl<?k house, IS ft. !> In. x2."> ft. 1 In. l:V OBDBR ?>P WM. ?t. TRAVERS an?! V.M. A DUBR, Eiecutor?. Matute. Mnritt I,. Trnvcra. I)?*o'iI. HAPS sad farther Infonnatloa can he obtained at tha oBtte or Mesera Depo, Daei i BsusrOorf, i'.."' DiundwBjr, Attorney? far the Ilxe.-ut- rr?, ? r pt the AueUoMST, i MADISON )VK UTOS) !? PINB STRBBT. PETER F. MEYER, Auctioneer, ?will ?ell at nur-tlrn M TUESDAY, May 85th, 1897, at 12 0*decfc, nt the New Vori; Real F.xtate ?ilearnom. ni BraeSway, SUPREME COURT FORECLOSURE SALE. CHARLES it. BLAIR, -SQ., BBTBRBB, tha 5 Choice and Valuable Plots on Fort Washington Avenue, r-trnitln-r tliroiiuh to Boulevard Laiayctt*?, BEINO TART OF TUT* UTCTOS <"IMTTI-:NI?EN PROP BRTT AT PORT WASHINGTON. Pt mar.?, ?to., apply to Qingeahelaaar. Uatanapae & Marshall. Kri?., I'lnlntlT.? Attomeya, 00 BTO-d SL, or to Jay A ?-nn.iier, Oefandaat-1 .*.??>??, -is Wall st., an.l at ira. Vaeilnreer'?, 111 Rtroadway. ?Xonntrn j.ropcrtn t?o Cet. NORWOOD PARK. \ FEW COTTAGES TO RENT FOR SEASON 1897. APPLY *1UNR0*S PUBLISHING HOUSE Family Story Paper Building, 24-26 Vandewater St., N. Y. 1TINOLBWOOD, N .!.- To rent r<?r the ?tiniiriT, atoas _ lieuse; mahle, four n r"? lawn: I'..'?' feet n; 1. mil? ?.-??. everything flrot-elaaa W. A. ? IIII.Dri. .'.. -.?.n Electric Co.. eor. Than,-? :<n^ Oreen wich at ?pring ?lesort,. HADDOlTl?ALL, ATLANTIC CITY. H. J. rireriiy facinK the ocean. Every morlem convenience and Improvement, Including Set ?n I rnM e-a waier t.aiha in bouse, moma sln?rle and er. ?11.:-. ??ah tath? attache?!, etc.. etc. Send for lllua iraled booklet UREDO * UPPINCOTT. Threiifrr? I'ullm.-in B?ffel tram leaves Cortlaadl und Dee trirs?e? m. daily at I :!50 p. m., via Peana. R. R. CHURCHILL HALL, STAMFORD, WEW-TOR** Now In readlr.e?. f. r Sprtiig iin.J. Summer Oue?t?. Thor otiKhlv henie.i. El? trl? Light?, .sper-ia'. rutes Mat ?nd June. Ara v to K. R JENKINS, at Fifth Ave. Hotel. Ken Tort, M.-?v 10 to l?l. .'t to ?1 P. tt.\ Hotel .?;t. Co rge, Brooklyn, May 17 and l?, 3 t., s i*. M. s. n. CHURCH HX, M P. THE CHALFQNTE, ATLANTIC CTTT, N. ,T. ON Tin: .?TAN rROMT. t-alt bath? in hua??, fk-vator. I'.uutn? to ?ulte. bnih. attached. Rookie? nn application. E. ROBERTS' PONS. \^D[B?jGE?3D_Ja ?HOT S?r??S? 2..VK? KI'.I'.T ELEVATION "N IHK CHESAPEAKE A '?HIO BT. ONB NIOHT0 RIPE PROM N'K'A' YORK. The H imeatrad, ?? ?trl.-rlv mrtdern hotel, and the mist complete Lathing eetabllahmrnt in America. OPEN ALL THB Y KA It. All h-?t?i? riven with natural tl.iwlni; hot water. ??-?If elub an?, w-ll kepi Hal Tka 1-- P. V. Limited, with dinin? ear, leave? Raw Tort 0:00 P. M dally. Throush Compartment ?'ar leave? Tuesday, Thuraday an-I Saturday. Pamphlet? ?ad ticket? al C. S O, Office, 001 Rro.-uiwny, ?ml ..ftl.-.s l'eiu.j R l( Addre?? PRBO STERRT, M-.r:a<rer. Hol Bprlnga? Hath Co., Va. ?.{]_? OCWO^TO^ ATLANTIC CITY. N. t. Pillared water. Sun parlor. Elevai r. P. putar price?. \ TI?ANTR* CITY. N. j _\ HOTEL TRAYMORR. AppotBtmenta and eowtce firat risas D. 3 WIUTI* Jr.. iT^prtator i ERN'.Rf.-'VII.T.E. N. J. SOMERSET INN ANP BIOHT COTTAOES. Open May l?t 10 N ? 1st IS ailies f: ,m New York, on D. I- ar. I \V. R. R.. via liar.'aiy or Chrlatopbar-at ferry. A beautiful ?ummar resort More attrartlr? tin? ?eaaoa t. ? i .? . Utltn I? ** 0 fee? OEO \v Ttl rTLE, .\|.ir,aKer. nOTEL LURAT. lie City, N I. Note.l for It? fi?~t el??? ?ervle. .;.,-: ? <iii-ii.?-. th? beel the Philadelphia marker? deliclouali prepared ?r. i dslntllj aerved, m? O'clock ?lamer. JOSIAH WHITE A SON. HOTEL KBND?RTOR.?Wean an.! Tenne??ee av?? Atlantic City. S. -I. Opflaj rates ll.BU (_d $2 ?JO da?; IS ?o $1J w?eW Mr?. J. P BEAU- of Tl..if.,. rnilE ORAND ATLANTIC, X An elefant ne"? ^ Ktnla ave. and the Reach ATI.A* TIC CT?T. N J. Luxuiioualy appointed Ever) ntoders c-n-enience. Pi M,',r elevator? to ?treat a-"?? beautiful ?ulte?, harina two to -i? arladowa each. Many win, bath attached il weekly rates for Spline, write for Booklet ehow Ina hotel dial ram of ?a?, eti . ?-t Coach Beets all CHAS E. COPE, Proprietor. ri*HK w l.THKlili.:.. Kenturk) ?up ?nd Reach, Atlantic _ i'iiy Home-Ilk? family house; heated; capacity, _i?i Kptins rate *1 ?'?". -p"i.?i ??.kiy. L.,.,k!.?t mailed. '.Mm' II. V. MOI ER. qtlli: bhelburNp. * J, ATLANTIC r-TTY. tt, S. Directly on the Beach Opta all the year. Throuit. Pullman cat, vl? I'cnna. R. It. _J. D aot THWICK. Maoacar. Gummcr Retort x!*>ni_c3. QOINQ TO THE nOUNtAW?S? Are >r,n laOkHlS f?T a ?pot t" ?[.end the Summer which eomliinrs health. comf..rt. nnd pleasure %i- modem.-% i'K coarr9 tt ?o, ?end C. cenia ??r |H,.ia?e ur 0.,:1 Bn(1 _,t trce %, dh.-?? bel >:\ iba iiiumatfd i>u'?k "Summer a give? n?.? ?r Hotel?, Earm and Boarding House?, with their location, ratea, attractions, Ac, in the Mountain? cf Ornase. Sullivan, finer, ant Delaware Couatlaa M Y .n in.. ni;,ln line an.l brani'l-.e? of the New Tort, Ontarli t\ Western Railway, 'I.iA?X feet ,l?i? (he ?ea. a i?_lin of ,-,. ? !.. :?.i, ?n.l absolut? l,.-alll,r?ln... I? v..?.* -...ui above ' i? far? ' win be ?id at .'171 Broadway and ferry oflkaa, sirias an Oppertunltjf of perrvmallv ?electIn?? :i Bummer home and ?I?.i enjoying .? day*? p.?!iinr? In Ibta delightful re^i n Takeie good returning Tuesday. June I. j. ?*. ani>-r. F?)N, li.-n." ?I l'.i~-.eni;er A?t . .'.O ?aver 3t ? New York ?Tountin Uonro. |" K NEW QUE N ANNE MODERN HOPS L bath 1 ro a. larga .i.r> roome: Muh locaitoa; near villa?? and n..a. truck, poultr) and dairy; term? reaeonabla Mi-, i'. n rrrANwooD, t., Riv.-r, *%, j. / ? HANI? VIET? I'M'M "i I >n blah el-variai. M .lern hou?e with bath, etc. l-'uie i...?, and ?eiy attractlya in every ?ay. One hour tima ...? Nea Haven I: it Plrat-clasa labia _Mr? a- W 1? iTTEN. SnuUipoM. (??nn. \DVBRTISEMBNT?i end IMbatltWIuaa for The Trib? u?:? le.-eived at their Pp' ien?3fllM, No. I.StS llroad ?? i . ?-? i door north ..r m?r ?t., until n o'clock p. m , ad Vertlaemeni? received al (he following branch .?ifi.-e? ?t reaular - ;:..-.? rate? until I o'clock p m . ?u. : ?l sih . r .r, '.''t.. ?? ir.i' ?i?), ?i., ,.r 12th ?t., Macy'e, Oil a?, m I llih ?t.: 112 ? '.?Intnl.?I? IV?., n. il W ? j.1 liil'i, ! " 100 ?Vest ?-'I *i near 0th .??.?.. i?-* Ea?i un, ?| 3; *.v, -t i:'! ^! between in. ?n.i Mh ave?., m Eaai x'iu f . LOSS 3d 1'. Tl'.tli and TTlli al l.lSjO .'M ?ve.. n?-.r Dial-?I 1 Tas j?| t,\?., near NBth ?t i'.mi x\ a??., near 4I?I ?I . BU .Il .??v . HO IlleeeUer ?t til Btaeckei -1 S.0O0 3d ?ve : '.''<a Beet R?th ?t.; ?.u?i M ?"e , 3.IVI2 n.| ?v? ti:, Am.terdem ?ve., 402 \Ve?| \i,\ ?? it P??t l?*?h-?t.- 2(10 E??t 4?)'?-^t ? ?TA Ath-av? ? ftjt ?.?-?-aval LUS ad-av?., aaar t.7ti.-st.i 2)4 __?t Mih-aLi -Bfflttitr Be?ort?. THE HALCYON, MILLBROOK. DUTCH BBS CO.. N. T. Open? May 27. Ea?lly ?cceaalble. Unique ?n.a",jp_i liberal In management; perfect eul?lne. Aleo ?J???***** cottage? for the aeaaon. The beautiful dtivea. Ideal ?'?**'"?* roade, golf link?, athletic field, polo ground, and chir?**)"? ?cenery make thla hotel a perfect Summer reort: l.*JW feet elevation, Reached from Orand Central Depot in - hours. Moderate ratea Addreee for llluetrated deecn**** tlva ivwklet. H. R. ROBERTSON. JR.. Proprietor. Room SOO. Motel Imperial. S. T. Cltr. _ ADIE0NDACK8 AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN. HOTEL AISABI.B CHASM. P. O.. AUSABLE CHASM. N. T. New In conatrurtlon, modern In appointment*, liberal In management. Orand ?cenery. mot.nt?lne and lake?. Ideal walka and drtvea. Open June to October. W. H. TRACY. Oeneral Manager, P. D. HOUOHTON. A??'t Manager. ADIRONDACK S. Tib? ^[IDOfpOCPSSlOOQ?lrj ON LOWER BARANAO LAKE. ANNEX COTTAGES OPEN JUNE 1. THE MOST'I. MONTH IN THE WOODS. Oolf Link? nn Additional Attraction. C. M. EATON. Saranae Lake. N. Y- or 1-V1 0'?? s re. AI?II'ONt?A?*K MOUNTAIN* ISLAMD HOUSE & C0TTA6ES, SCHROON LAKE, tt. Y.. Will open too? 2-?. Wectrk lisiita ?,'r'>"?\'_''uJ??.'V . ground?. Oolf link?, baseball flel.l. rennl? court?, driving. BO.Ua? bathing, bags nnd ^*\Tf**j>jg?f_^, Ma?ar. (BOB?-OT BKDQD?lli Decker Bids H3 ".'nlon Si. iRoom 07.) _ DerKer ?rag., ..? ?raNT & CORNELL, Propriet?r* OKOBOB P. sears. Hsnegee,_ IPECPOT DOflDQDSIE AESOD (BdDinr?CSE? NEW IvOSDON'. CONN. WII.I. OrilN ON JUNE 1. 1807. "A delightful combination of ?ea?hore and country Ufa at the I'orjuot." A numr-er of fuml.he.l cotta?;??. with hotel aerrlca and board, to let for the eeaaon. For terms and circular? addreaa HI.AN'TIARI? *, KEW LONDON, CONN. SIMM ?SPRINGS, SI T. MVILWH neTil, OR* MM (5. JOHN H. GARDNER * SON. 8HABI orriN JUNE ist TO ?OCT. 1ST. it. p. SHARP, i'r-'p. LARGEST AND MOST ?'??MIT-ETE SULPHUR RATH IN?; ESTABLISHMENT IN THE L*. S PAMPHLETS ON APPLI? ATION. WEST KNP HOTEL AND COTTAOES. COTTA?~ES OPEN SATURDAY, JUKI 12. HOTEI? OPBNI TBUR80AT, Jt'NE 24. A number r.f bathroom ?ulte? have been adled to the, cottage?, an?l many marked Improvement? to the hotel. New York office. 119 Broadway (Racen 7?,). \\\ B. HILDRKTH. Proprietor. DasD?SO) -B-EZ^OBLKl IKIOTGEIL AND COTTAGES. OPEN EARLY IN* JUNE. 40 mlnu'e? from New Tot* via I?. I. R- R. . __ NEW BOULEVARD POR DRIVING AN1? BICICLINO COMPLETED TO THE HOTEL. NEW SANITARY PLUMBING THROUGHOUT. New York Office, 2".1 Hr-.a-iway. A. E 1)1''K LESSEE AN!? PROPRIETOR. ROM ER ?ULLIS. SCI'EltINTKNDENT._ m^DBOODOa DQdDQDSOSp WEST CT?, UWE CI?ME, M. V. il od Wheeling, e|eer?ic ll?hl?, ca.. el.vntor. fin? er che.tra, hllli-inl? I ?.vllng. lawn tcntu?. OtSI clas? livery, ?team va.-ht?. rowboat?; g.'O.l fishing; nn.l ?alllne. New York office 043 Broadway, Room A. OPENS Jt'NE 2?. CAMPBELL * HENRY. I'r p.-letors. G8EW G?MMOD CflOTlElL, WESTERN CATSKILL MOUNTAINS. Season open? .luae 2H. Only hotel on mountain top with THROCt-H PA^OR CARS TO HOTEL QROUNDB. ELEVATION J.B00 FEET. POUR HOURS from New-York. New York office. Deck? HulMlng. 33 l'nlon Sq. <R?.m 07 ) S. J. CORNELL, Manager. WATCH HILL, It I. Ha? enlarfferl to double its farmer capacity. Strictly first class. Rooms en suite, bath? attached. Send ?'-r circulara. J. P. CHAMPUN. m\?mk UXE ?WISE New hotel, n.?w furnltur" : BCCOminadatag 200. TERMS TO sin- the time?.. Write t r elegantly llluatrated circular. C. M. l: ART LETT. Mon'lcelio, N. Y. BBRBSHIRB H1LI.S. 1T001E ?ffiEVUOD?IR, WILLTAMSToYVN. MASS Opea May 24th to Oct. 30th. Delightful In ?-.immer ond autumn. lirtiii'ri, good music, excellent pad?. Illuet at"l I In a'.ir.? ii.ailed. Y1NIN?. &? BRIBER, Manager?. C8?V eOOODOBSs LONO ISLAND. The flatting, ?alll.vr. I?atln<r and bathing. Interesting drive?, tine bicycle ros<?I, ban.???.me villa? an.l ,-revalilnr breeaee from iia? stater combina a countrj and ?eashore une.pi illed. THE PROSPG'TT HOl'BE ANI? COTTAOBS Receive 400 gueata. The ?ell known popularity of thla .tel aa readil) be traced t.- Ita delightful i.,.?ation ?e~ lecl patronage, the patullar excellence of it? cuisine sod Bvrvlce, and a mpar-tlvel? moderate ratea full urc'-estra and hi? ? -? .-?? i:?? oil tmenta OPEN .mm; FIRST. I'r ?ieecrlpUre circulara and terina eddreae, f. M. ROGERS, Bay Shore. I/n? Isl?n.! N. y unie, the Uerlach Mr N w i\*\* 2 tO 5 P, M 1,KA""K f,"a,;'?{,'?i:\v,<s''';i',,n <1IA,N' PICTl'RESQl'E AND POPULAR Open .T?no 11. POT lllllH'l-te.l f .Mer #te ,. "ROCKY I-OINT INN CO., Old I'.-n,-, ,n. y.-- ' *<1 1res? tPOOaS (BDBdD^E G(PORQgS(BS. HOTEL ANI) COTTAOBS ON LAKE BPl IPPORD. SPOPFORO, N. H. The IDEAL SUMMER RESOUT, combining m^untatn and aessnore amuaementa siuiatei only a hour* from N. ?.. in a pine foresi oa the bank ?f a ?*ryatal lake i ii?j iTvi- '?" i?^R,W_,^Kf,!wa!Wl'*?',v,lan"- *'**nn Jl ?*?? ?. \\ rl ? for II u?trare.l Rooici?, K. ?. AI.VQlil. I'l-.p. X. V. ?m.-e. ,1 I'ark l'.?'e. k '? mmwi mum, O? A I'EI.I'ill'n-TI, BL'MMER resort SIX MILKS OUT at sea. Fre-r-ent cr,i.,m.inl.'iitl..n by Steamboat dally t, gad from New Lii.'.on it. l!'?,i,.u,.,l .?.-.ilar and terms on application. Ml NNATAUKKT HOTEL open? June 11 A. T. HALE, Manager. MANSION HOUSE an.l ? TViTAUE.-!. now ?.nen i J. rURMAN, Masaje?. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE. "~ CATSKILL, N. Y. OPEN JUNK 2tXTn June and .lulv. 114.00 to HT.BO per wee't tri.iMi per rlav. i lOOPERaTOWN, N. Y. "OT8EOO HALL" formerly ??Templ.fnn I.oda? " nior?- n country home than a hotel. ftMr thf. 1b1|(, . " ? airy rooms. $U) t., 11.", n week, ample pian:??, perfect ??Si' rary eondltlons, ahad) walka, delightful drive?, tin,. mn,.n tain Mew?, ti.ating and laun.-lim to (tie Kolf link? -ill open Jlllli: loth. ? '" Mr?. K. M PRICE. 1\R. STRONO'I SANITARIUM. / BARAT?OA BPRtNag N Y? Elegant Turkish ?ill all balli?. m*ae?nK? .|??.,r,p?v ate.; elevator: ?uite? with t.aih. root nr'Ln.u S yl for lllue'ra.e.l .ii.ular gad qMe|_| a_no^S__?; S".n(* UHrT, Enteruinmeata iii.n.i.? i-.,,!,? a "'"""?'??enta for MONONOTTO INN. FISHERS ISLAND. N T Op n? tune IS. 7 mile? aeawai*. Very acce..i? ?- ?. D*. klet. o i, HOPPES Bethlehem Pa. tt0ceMlb'?- E?r \IT. POCONO, l'A _U Tin: \\ i s? asset, mt. POCONO t?? Seaaon ol IM.7 . pan? May l.Vl, Roue? bwtedb? .t..m Room. .?? ai,?, with bath Oolf ?nke. " ? ? rinc? V? abusad ??tfl? ??ra.,ger?. __ i. D, IVISON Ma,,?.,,."' mm: AL8EMARLE a\i> C*OTTA?ki "**? A VIROINIA ave., near Ueach. Atlantic Ct*m v r A beautiful Hotel with all in.nleri, ? nt-eniV.? *". - clou? ?un partora In view of ocean ? U ,?i ,1," ? ' S**' an.l June and lor |*rolofAged ?tav \v-, i' ,_"7 f"r *** baaklel e\omnm >>?o-\. .., Katertatni a'p^J" "nJ 1TUPPAN ZEJt HOTEL T J. I*. CQPR, i'iop-r. HOl'TII HTACK, on THE HUDSON Now op.?. M,,,,,, ,?,,, ,., ,.,-,,,?., ?J iS'BBaaaa. ? tt. BBVRRANCK, l*v*aprtetor. THB DBACHIIDB INN IIRBENO FARMS. rJf ' ?llrectlv on Long Island Sound or-waa luna ?_?_. . ?Ute? 100. lu,!,,,,, hoatlBg i?i in? r, ,h,?*Tmmo. circula^. JL l^J^l^lj^?^^ 'IIfttl U*lLULRTO.N RY-THE-SEA ~~~-~' SPRING LAKE. N. J U. It UCTCUWORTH. PIFTH AVE. ANO F.IOHTH ?T.. N. T. American and European plena. Large and aumptuou? apartment? for tranalent and per? manec? gue?t?. Quiet ?nrl homelike hotel. ROOMS fit*} PER LAY AM? UPWARD. Sp?cial rate? during the ?umm?r month?. Convenient te all ateamihlp line? and railroad?. CHA RLE? JAIMES, Prop. (Dtcan oifomcr?. ?MOBYOQ ?fEOBGQAK. ?LQJWOD. FAST EXPRES? SERVI? E. PLYMOUTH. LONDON. BREMEN. BaatcTu.. May IX. 10 A. M Havel..Tu., J? n? ?. 10 A. M. Trave.Tu.. May 2.V ISA. M. ???!?..Tu , J?in? I!*, to A M. Lahn.Tu., June 1. 10 A. M. I Trav-e. .Tu., June 23. 10 A.M. CHERBOURO, IA1IIS. BREMEN. Bpree.Sat.. Mav 20. 10 A. M. Aller..Sat, Jnn? 12. 10 A. IL TWIN-eXTREW PASBENOBB SERVICE, SOUTHAMPTON, LOXDON, BREMEN' Prlnx Re^.n? I.ultpoM.Thur?d?y. May ?. r?y?n Friedrich der Oro???.Thur?d?y, June 0, noon GIBRALTAR. NAPLES. GENOA. lYerni.May 22 W A M. Em?.Tin? tt 10 A. ?.?*, Fulda.Mnv tt, 10 A. Ml Werr?.Inly 3. 10 A. MV Kal?er.lur? 12. ]0 A M. Palea.Inly K? Id A. M. OELRR'HS A CO.. 2 ROWLINO OREEN UNE. TWIN-fCBEW EXPRESA LINE from N?w York to Ilvmouth iIy>ndon). rj,?Tu<:rg (Parle), ?nd Himt.tir?. F.RIamarck. .Mav 27 I'? AM Aug. Victoria, June 17. 7 AM Norm?nnia. June .7, 10 A. M F ?llamarr*, .Tur.? -4 10A M. Coiambia. June |0. 7 ,\ M. N->rnriar?nl?. J'ilv 1. 10 A. M. HAMRtritO SERVICE |v Tw?n ?Vrew Mail S S Pennsylvania.Mav 20 4 p m Pru??l? _..Tu?-? 2. T am. Flrat ?h., $7.-, ?p; ??rond o!,-,... $10, ??eerage $.10. nu ILfflODO? t'?b RA]fic_30D8{?]5Q^ ?QDFQ Crut??? ,? NORWAY, ?he NORTH CAPB and SPITZ? BERGEN l.y TWIN SCREW EXPRESS 3. 8. FROM NEW-YORK .TINE IT ?nd JULY 22. HAMrtl?.?,; AMEliieW LINE. .17 P.WAT S. T. AESSOBOOAG- Q_0l^[Ea NEW-YORK S?)l'THAMI'TON 'I/.n'-n Parla). Sailing ?v?r>- Wedn-?day at 10 A. M. awi.*.^.?"?*? I? PARIS .T'lneS i BT. PAUL.May 2?, ST. PAUL.Jan* 10 I ST. LOUIS.june 2 BERLIN .S*'.. June IS -- _. BL'MMES CRt.'IBE TO THE LAND OP THE MIDNIOHT SEN. Iceland Norway, Sweden I enmark. Finland. It '?ala? BY THE AMERICAN S B "OHIO." Hailing; from Ne?- York Jure 2?,. Duration of erul?e. TO dav? Price of paa.age, including ?1de trip?. |473 ?nd upwarda l Fend for full Information ?,i?r| pamtihlet. ?TO mi Til A35TWS8? Salllrg ?ver\- Frleeland.May 19, noon Weeternlan'd_June 2, none Kensington. M.-i>- -0, 1 p. m. Sourhwrirk June | Ham. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY Pier? 14 ?nd lfl Noith R| Offl.-e tx p., -A : ng 1-e?n EUAOBCC ?^TtE-?E?eiKIOiP ?(D. DBLIOHTFT'L OCKAR TRIP3. Superb, new, fa?t ateamehlp? "John Enalta'' and "Man? hattan" ?all Tue?day?, Thur?d?y? and Sat?ird?ye at 0 P. M. for Portland Me., conne.-tlr.g for Eastern po'.nt?. Commencing June 1.1, eteamer? ??11 every <J?y ? Wedne?d?y from New York. Steamer? fitted with every modern Improvement for comfort ar.i luxury. Tht? t? the most comfortable rout? to a" polr.t? East. nece??:tatlng no change?. ?, w fare?. Quick paaiacei. H HALL Agt . pier 38 E. R. "GOIXO TO TRAVEL?" ^?tcjh; i F.ntlrely NEW Riute?. ALL Exp?n?e? Includes. HIGH-CLASS pattle? leave May, June and July; alee Bummer Vacation Tour?. All Routea. Programme? Po?t Free. Correepcndence Invited. STEAMSHIP-i?Travel Ticket! Everywhere?RAILROAD HENRY GAZE A SONS. LTD.. 113 Rroadway. New York. rJ?P?M-QOS-?a PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL S. S CO. Between Sin Francisco. Shanghai. Y- ?chama ar.J Hing Konc. Steamer? leave San Francleco. BELGF"* via Honolulu.May 28, 1 p. m. PEBU. via Honolulu.Ju-.? ?.1pm. t'OPTIC .Jur.? 17. 1 p. m. CITY RIO DE JANEIRO, via Honolulu.Jua? :< OAEUC, Ma H nolulu.' ??:? 7 l p. m. For freight, passage and -entrai Informa-i r.. ?pray ta 849 Rroadwav, or 1 Batt?*ry Place, Wash..-.(?? r. IijilLng. and 287 Rr adway. CANADIAN PA-tSPIC RAILWAT. Intended steam.r-lp ?eillng? from Var.oajver. tooD?j1P?63 and (DWOKSA. EMPRESS OP INDIA.May 31, Aug. 2. Oct. 11 EMPRESS OP JAPAN.June 111. A'ig. tt. WOO. I EMPRESS OF CHINA.July 12. Sept 1.1. Dee. 4 M??M, FUS and ?5J8TS?:??. AORA.NGI.June 8 IVA RR I MOO .July I _a ?'abln accommodation? very low rate?. For ticket? and fre'ght rate? apply 363 Broadway. Ft* freight rate? onlv. IB Wall-?t.. N. Y._ ANCHOR LIXE.-U. S. MAIL STEAMEBS. GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. From Pier Be. North River, foot of We?t 24th-a_ Ethiopia.May -2. soon Furneaela.June 19, aoog Ancborta.June 12. n? :i Ethiopia.'une 2?3, aoos CITY OF ROME. June .1 and July 3. Cabin, ?.'lty of Reine, I7?i Other ?teamera, $80. Second Tat.In. Rom?. ?*i2ri0. Furnrcela MT.B0. Other Btra., $38, Steerage Par-page. Rome, Purneeala. $-'? .'???. Other Str?.. 123 US. Fjr new IlIUM-rat?-.] I*..?.k of Tour?, apply to HENDERSON BROTilKRB, Ant?.. " Rowling Or??. ?1 - WHITE STAK LINE. j\? Te'itonlo .May 1?. noon'Teutonic.June 14. nooe Rritannlc ....May _?i. r.ooni Britannic .June 23, njor. M-jestlc.June 2, n on Majestic.June 30, noon <.i?-rm?nl.".lune u. n.-n ?ieinianlc.Julv 7, r. 00 NO COTTON CARRIED PY PASSENGER STEAMERS. Pier No. 45, North River. OfSce, 9 Broadway. S Y. H. MAITLAND KEHSEY. Agent A - CUNAH? LINE. -*e To LIVERPOOL VIA QrF.ENSTOYVN. Uampa'a May 22. K?M A.M. t'mlTla.. June 2?, 1-00 P M. I'mlria.. May 29. 2:?a? P.M. Luoan.a... July 3. 8:1.1 All. Lucanla.. June 5. Sal?) A.M. f trtirla . .. Ju|_- 10. 1 ??.. I'M. Ktrurla. .June 12. 1 :<K? I? M. 1 Campania. July 17. ??'?>AM ???"amp'lil.i.Jiinel".'.?:??? A.M. ?\uranla.July 24, 1.008 FM'RA BAIUNO. Auranla. .May 2.1. l;.x?l'.M. Aur.inlit...June T2 res _trvla...Jur.e ?. 11-30 AM Servia-July 6. 1000 A. M SPECIAL KOT?CE. The Campania will fall h.n. .? Thur?-!av. June 17t\ at !? a. a_, instead <f Saturday, Jane isth, wt-.ici win ptiahie pa??eni/er?? to arrive at Liverpool In i rae to attend the Queen'? Jubilee Review at Pp:th??A Jur.e 2?>lth. VKRNOV II r-RCWN A CO r,.n Ae?nta, 4 ROWLING OREEN. NEW TORE., A ?EUROPE, HOLY LAND. ROUND THE -* ?-. WORLD.?Partie? l?ave J?me ,V 12. Julv .1 7, fa Europe, fSSO and ?ip. 11. o.t. 11. Rorin.1 w r'.l. ?.larks am. TOURIST AOKNCT, in BNadsmr. St. Fl'.lN' II LINK COMPAONIK OEXCRALE TraRsatlintlQua IMRE?*T LINE T?a HAVRE - PARIS. FRAN'Tl LA CHAMPAONB, Polro4.Bat., May Xt 10 A. at I.A OASCOONE, Baudrlon.Bat, Mr. tt. Id A. M.,-? of pasease: Pire! c?a?.?, x. y. to Pan?, ??a? ar.l iiv all ?t'in-.-rs ex?>rt I* Tou-alne, In ?i:r.| railway fare to Parla nn.l ?.in?lln?r char?.-.? Part r car ?eat 1? extra during summer ?e;is,.n. isecjnj cUi* 10 Pari?, tti.n. A. f*?ROBT. General Agent. | Howling Creen. N T. CLYDE LINE. CHARLESTON, S C the SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST JACKSONVILLE AND ALL EI?ORlDA POINT* Prom I'ler 21.?. E. 11. ?foot of Roosevelt .a ? a p -1 IROQUOIS, Chaa, & Jack?-n\ III?. y r.,v ?,t*y 11 COM ANCHE. Chaa A Ja.-k? n villa... Wedneedajr Mar ? : ALOONQl'IK. ?'ha?. A Jack?.<nvi!ie.Prldai Maj -X SEMIN?LE. Cnaa * Jaeaamvllle. Mondar Mar M Steamer? h?v? first .?la?? pa??en?ter acemum .lit; nfc WM. V. CLTDB .??> CO., ileneral .?.??en'? ft Boarllna C,r..en. X T. FI?. Cent, an.l l'enin Fast F A P Une. via .T?.?*k? nM'.la Cr??t ?o Freight hP'1 Passenser Line via Charleetoa. T. C. ECER. t'.eneral Asent. 37.1 Hroalway. N T. H 0LLAXD-AM ERICA LINE. FOR ROTTERDAM AND AMSTERDAM VIA BOULOONE srit MER S S. MAASDAM . Saturday. May 22, tO a W? S. S. WERKEND AM.Saturday, Mav |B ta?, m. Flr?'. caMn, $72 f.o an.l upward?, aeeoad eabta, 13*: ?teerane. $2?V Apply to NetherUnda-Amerlcan _t??_a N?vl?atlon Co.. SO I.'way. N. Y. O LD DOMINION LINK. DAILY SERVICE. For tV,1 Tolnt Norf-?Ik. Newport New?. Peteft hurg, Portsmouth, Plr.ner'? I'olnt. Richmond VirflBM Beach. Va . sad Waahtncton, D. ?'.. daily ex.-epi SunJar from Pier 2rt. North River. BalllBB ?verv week der. e* cep? Saturday, at I P. M . and S.-.turday at 4 r M. W. I- ?H'lLLAlIDKU VI?-?* Pre? ?nd Tram- MfT. 1 ? DANAMA UAILKOAI). * THE SEA HO! TK T?"? PAN PRAINKSCO), Connecting ?t ?he l?tt-niu? for all We?t iv>a?t Porta ? Mexico, ?Yntml and South America. Steamer? imll t? pier root We t _7th Si M T. ADVANCE.May SO, aooa finan?,:. Mar II neai F??r rate? apply at Companj-? (??Ve. 20 Rr.*adw?y. _ JOHN MUIR. Tram- Manager. li ED "I>" LINK OF STEAMSHIPS. For La C.uavr?. Puerto ?**aMle, Caraaae and M?f*. .albo, via Caraeao. from Itottarl <;.r?-? itr??okl?n ss PHIt-VDELPHIA .Tueeday. Maj .T> 1 p m. SS. ?.*ARA?'AS.Thursday. Jun? .1. i -.. a ss. VENK/i r.UA .Hatardar. June 12. l a nv FOR MARACA1BO. VIA ST TlioMA* BS CURACAO.S.?tuid?v. Ma? 2XX. t p ? The?* American ?t ?on er?. I ,il|t expre??lv for tile ir_*4? hav? auperlor avi-om.|i??.1i.t . n? f..r p???enger?. 1 *.?)!'I.Tf?\ 1I1.1SS A DALt.KTT. Oeneral Manager?. ISB Fr ni?t. S SAVANNAH LINK. f??r all point?? S.?uth. Speclal Kx?ur?ion. Including nearly week'? N-?**4 PS Reduced rate? to Nashville account Tean. ?Vnieiinia!. Ta'.lalin????e.May Is iiry of Ulrmingtiain May 'A K ?ia.1? ?-lty . Mnv 2? Ni"'.?ochee ... Mav 2S I'ron. new I'h-r .11. N. R? Tue?.. Ttinr?. and 3al.. I 1*. M . fur Savannah dlrtct. rn?un?a??ed cabin accom? modation?. Hall connection with ?*, ur tnmk Une?. F ?r ticket? ?nd fre|?ht rate?, applv 117 t-rtt. BOX *70 H'wav. or fea. offlcea at Pl??r ft of Spring St. O M BOUREL MfT. A DVERTIS?MKNTS am. aut?a<rtpttona for The Trt*4 *_. une reieixed at their I'ptown Orflce. No. 1,142 Broad? way, 2d door north of :ll?t at., until 0 o'clock p. m.. ?d vertlaement? re,??lv.-l at the following branch offlcea a? regular office ratea until 8 o'clock p. in . vl*. : 204 SUV ave., a e. cor. |M-et.i IU 6ta-ava. ear. Uib-eti