Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS. ? . TOTAL RECEIPTS TO-DAY. New-York, July 14 Bean?, bhto. 028 OU. lui? bbl,??" ' Pio?' pkgs . 10.IIM Ol-ro ?tock. paga... ?Vturieol. tata. U40 G-rk. pkg?-?? Cvgnmeal. hag?. 1.1 3 Beef. I K-"? ????(meal. r.t.1*. ??? Cut meats. Wheat, hush.108.723 I,*nl. pkg??? tVirw. mi.h.l*nio t?p1. kegs... Oot?, hush.ItS.ROO' Stearine, pkgs Rye? hush. S.POfl Tallow, pka*? Hart???, bush.. W1.P2.. Crease, pk;;? Malt, boeh. 13.21*) Hutt llav. tans. pkgs. lse;. 201 . Lew? . ?.MB 73 . 10M . G too LWO "Ml PIT 10 10.01 Straw, tina.. Hop?, bales. leather, ?Idea... Oliente, pkgs pk?s. . 600 Cboci.e. pkg-s. 10.0*4 '.HI Eggs, case?. W. MM 11 Tobacco, lihd?. "j ?.??? T,.b?CCO. pkg?. ?O 4.14J Whiskey, bbl? 22?I CASH QUOTATIONS. Ir.-m. Nor No I fdry.lll 75 I Flour. Minn, patents. ?4 d? So, No 2 son.. I'?? Laid, prime .- ? ? ? ? S?D Molasses. ? ?. prluie. 11 |l ?Hog?, dressed, |W U I^sd lake Ingoi. "Wheat, Ne I M r:h. t'.irn? No 2 ratxetL.. ?i.-iis. No 2 mixed... Tottc?!. mlddUnc Coffe?. No 7 Rio... MV Pork, mess .10', P.eef. family . ? 22'? Beef hams . 2d 7 1G. ir. Susar, granulated 20 074 24 IM m ? ??? I 4*4 I H.YJ'OIlTS TODAY. Corn. b?*h . 1.111 Noeta. i>ld? ytre rano? . 41172" Tar hbta . Re??, t>u?h . l.OOOIRef pet. sals Ream. husb .... Flour, bble . /"V-tir. sucks oatmeal, pkgs ... i' ? Tb . ???. 1?1??? . oil n-i.-al lb. on .-ake. rb. 6piri tara, ??'?' 1 S3SI ? rk. bids . g 1??' It, ef. I'll * .. .. It OSO Beef, tierce? 100 Bac ??. Tb ... .. 10 ?00 Hams lb ... 1,101 l.ard. tt . ._ .17 SOn Orease, fb ... .-4?>.10?? Mutter. . t?lYl ? 'heese. lb . . I'? 2?.? I'll ,..goa,i THE GENERAL? MARKET REPORT. New To?*, .1? 11, ita: COTTON The c.itt ,n market ?tarici with a bull flinr IWh. but ift.r a.Hancing la?, arm- weak and cloeed at a net lo?. Opening Hr?l a; an adraace of 904 p?.tata ti.?jre v., ? hiriher advance of 2?i.". points, nftrr which the mark.' mied irregular, closing easv at ? ??? t decline or P>0M ???:- Total sales futures. 03.000 bales not col? lii ??:?< at un hanged prices; middling uplands. . ???-}?*: middling iulf, 8.1 I'V, ?not sales, ."..OM bales. Including Ige : '. expuri 2 4'?.'. hele? aplnnlng, and ;??? bales con? tiate*, 'lb market sh. ...1 a little mor? Invert ment energy this morMna but the Itaarovemeat was ?asari lived Tradii.? aaaumed Ih? mnial "?ealplne." ?? professe nal a?a*?r:. -ni!; ? lolerabl) fair undertone, bowever. during the iaoTntag, ? ill ?ring conflicting crop accoltala. With in dlrati.Mu oTdrouth ? Texas, \rkan>as and Mlaalealppl. ?nd m e? or le?.- g.n.-ralh through the Boethweat. It bas ???! been ? ..??..?!. however, that any eeriou? damrig?? MJ yet occurre.:. The poaalblUt) >f mischief to the crop Is generallv r??. ?areori ?Iwuld ?oaklng rain? fai! for th? nexi tea dav-? ["ber? WO? a -harp beline in the eiterten ? ?it,d?r a. bear r;?id. led ?.? the Herman c ?ntingent in the j fi., e of private oable? it.dl.-atlnc ?Ota? short Interest in the English market, end in the face of Arm account? ? Fall ?: whl :t ? ti a Ni th? local rarkM w?? held with prnomiaced Brmneee. This afternoon drouth Ulspauhe? were quite numeroue, bui thej f?U Bat. Boulherri sr?t raarkeU, middling 'luote.l, were ???? fol? lows: Oalvesi ? quiet, 711 10c; ?ales, v? bale?. New - Orleans ?teed 7\ . aatoa 1.480 balea ? 10c higher. . Mobile, noten? ?Vilna, 7'-.'? Pavaanab tirm. 7 t? lev; aaiea, S3 bai.s. ? ??' high r. Norfolk "rm, Hfcc: aale* l bata, ?her. Mempbt? firm. T??c; Balee, (450 balee. Augusta ? ?irm. Oc; Bert?, 1? bales, l,c higher. Bt. Lnuta steady. 7 13-1C. eato? 77 balea, i-i?c higiier. Charleaton flrm, 7V- >Yilnilni1 m v.?:?? firm. 7\c. Baltimore nominal. gU?, cottou Exchange ?rectal laeerpool cablee.?Bpoi I ? -.ard? ilmt; aoje?. 10.100 bale?, speculation and ex ? port. LOOO: American. 0,000t rec?tete, 1.000: middling up- I lands. 4 !? OSd. Futurr- ?teadjr; buyers at I Old advance: ? cloned quiet. :t t ?- . y ..ut.? -ict advance January Febru ? irv, gOOtia: G?? ?-.??? March, ?Tv; Marti April. SOTMjJl April M?. ,V.svv.: .i?iv. ipj',s?. Julv Auirist. 411?; A'l ? -- .- ptember, ?WTfeb; Bept?miser October. 401b; October ??.p.?.,?. Mub: Nuvember-December, ISTHb; December January. .''-"?1^?. MenrhrriOT Yarn? nutet and inni. Ch?ba ifii? :. The rjuig?;? ef tXaatract prie?? follows: llp-'l Hlgh. mg. Low. 7.10 7.11 IS 7.4(i 7.2C, Close. 7.41l'S7.50 T.4O97 47 7 '.?'?'.IT 27 7 OWE 7.(1'.? ?.????.?? 7.(>S'il7.(?l? 7 11?I7.12 7.1S??7.K-. 7.18457.10 7.21?7.28 ??eter day. Paty . August .T.M Bugiti mber .7 tt" Ocl ber .7 14 ? ? ????it er .f. 10 ?^eoemlsT .? lit January .ili: February .7.21 7.22 Mar-h .7.2? 7 2? April .7.2c. 7.2(1 OOVTEE Th.???? market ha.? >??? Mow and rather Peateretoee to-dar. working within narrow variation?. ?iter Opening sfady at unchanged prices t?. a decita? Of 6 polnt-s bol . : ?jod steady at g net advance of ,', to M point?, having advanced nn noverine. Th?? Havre marke: wa? do.-...1 n ? cunt of the celebration of the fall of the Baatlto. This poaalbly checked business a little, but ? t beet the market is a small one ani quite dcetltUt? Of ?peeulativc Inter?.?!. W? note a further tendency .?? the pert of tbe Anni1 lean vMble supply to Increase. To-day the flgur? s ?'nn up 7lM.i ????".7 baga Bgwtoel 177.010 baa? h'st year an?! BOT.US baga tw ? year? ago. This show? an ? x c^e? of 3S2.I47 bega over Met year's figures, and of 222. 124 tata? over Um flgurea of two years ag... The Braalllea receipu foot up :t7AS?) bags at Rio and Santo?. I'm*?.) itate? warehouse daltveriee are 1,081 baga, and called ?mall. We note the arrival ef steamer Roman Prince at New-York with tVt.7H!i bacs. Including 18.402 beg? R ? ? nd 14.001 bags? Santiws. The bark D. ris cleared San? s yeaierday with oisa? bags. Trommel & On,, of Sant *. eaataaaM th* Santos cr..p at 4,(?a?.i">0 bats maximum. while Kerrenner. Hulow ,?.? C,-?., of Santo?, estimate the 8autoe tro;, a| 4,000,000 bac? minimum. The market for spid coffee continu.?? dull and nominal at about former price?. No 7 Bio quoted 7i.4c and No 7 Santos 7%c, for Ml neue b.-ji. Mild effee prices were as follows: Mara? caibo, common to g ???. infringe: good Cucuta. irt'.'f lM4c; Ia Qljieyrm, Cararae. 10?4if lii,,. : p,,rto Cabeil . It*4ii1i'.'_, Siv.nii'.la. Huoaramanca. UHOlOc; Bogota. K?'* 4?ls\. .t-xlcan. Cordova. Iiai7c; Oax ? a. Uftia^e: central American, common to ordinnrv. 10914c; fair to goes!. I4V0>1T*4c: prime t?. choice. ?',?/'-?1 ? Kns( jn,];nrl Int.-v.r. 24tj2?e: fan ? 27OO0C; Javaa, 21<?25?; Angostura, :ivii2\ . Mocha, i:.-ji!'it.. gale? included son bag? Miir?,?utw and Moo >,ag.-i Ravanllla ..n private termi Maracaibo and BOO i..:+rs Paventila on private terms. Tbc rang* jf eoatrect price? foiiov?. M si io I '2 ti i L'I OpealBg. Hig.? Jalv . - Angu?t .gOO 0.70 8?p'ember .ABO g,gj October .0.00 0.M November . Deceml^r.7.00 7,<? 7.<?) January . ? ? ? February . - - March .7.20 7.20 April . ? May .7 25 7.M Santos?("offre market steady: ,s$?t?.?. receipt?, 2...(a* bags; st.? l/iw. 0 0? C, Ml CSS .20 Cl DM 0. ?Wit 0.70 ti 7i 'Ci 0.76 0 ?6f?.0? t'.lSlM.ISl ?. Bftff? '?' 7 i?c?i7 00 7 OB .?7 lu 7 ma7.?? Yester? day. goo O.7.". e. ? ?;, is) . l?e ? T.aOtrT.?R T.SC97.S0 food 'ivcra?, S2...00I? bag dantos, Ham lairg-?Coffee mark'-t \, pfg higher; sabs. 22 (?0 bags. Brere- Ootfee in-iiket etoeed; cei-bration (,f fall of Hatitlie. Rio?Coftw mark?; n':let: No 7 Rio, SMoO; exchange. T<^d. receipts. 14.1?* bage: cleared for the 1'nlted Plates. LOA ba?s. .'.eared for Eurcp??. 1,000 bags; stoik, 22S,(??i t*Ue*. T>i? etatlstleal pneltion of ?????? coffee I? a? follow?: To-day, Yesterdav. Ijist w. ek. New Y rk deliveiU-s. t.?.??", ?.nus |,ggj Haltlmor. deliveries?. 7.? 2??< 343 Xew-Ortoeae drirreriee_ 713 OS.'? r-in Total delivrie?.. . New Y'.rK st. eg... Belt!mor? st.?. k... >Vu-<Jrlears .- ? eft Ktock at all ??"??.400.007 Afi-ait .BO.000 ... 1,001 lo. ? ??; 2.?? ...444.BM 415,001 100.007 ... 24.:<71 24.371 M.8S2 ... 22.7?7 8.707 2(?.!?>7 4.M.4?-I ??.??0 VwBbte NCgtr.720.067 720,021 047,423 Sanie tii:?..? IM*.377.SU' 180,532 400.540 ??nie tini? ]sv?..?wY-ttl .r.l4,ls.'t 522.200 yiAH'l: AND MEAL?-The market for lb air was OUlr: ?,?-dur. b i: on all> of st.riti?? v? (?at era.les full price? were maintained, while on winter? th? feeling ?a? a little unsettled, (ju.aaikm?. In liarrels, were a? follows. Spring pat.r.ts. f.4 HK??4 30: winter ?tralgl.u. 14004 10; wltrter patenta, ,<4 3"i?;?4 f?: *prlng clears. 0 404318 5.*?; ex;m NO 1 Wtater, MWVfpgOSO: extra No 2 ?inter. ?3 159 fv. 2G..BTN FLOl*B Patrly active; anle?. Of?) bbla. *2<>?2 4d ...COKNMEALr Uuil. Quoted: Kiln dried. gl Otaggl HtV. a? :?., bmad.RAG MEAL?Steady; fibe virile. 75c; to* yell w. 72*175e: OOare?, :i*'(j'Utc. nCXD- Firm, r. -v?. ?ki and 00 tb. wlr,t<r. in bulk SOOJBSe; ?Iiring. 500)001; 1'*? Tb. 0L?to?r.M?? rv.- feed, 47'iil'iOc; city btur. G.7;,'t?,'.' ???p???> ch..^. ??'.?i47,1c. OKAIN- WIIK.'? "??? ?as ?n abundance ,,,' bull ???nrimejil In the wheat market t" dav, but rather a tnrdA rt?V-O?* frtttD jwioist . wing to favorable crop news and ?.? rutrrt.? l!ii>* of ayemtallrm At the opening Hiid ?*T?7 lu UH u ft erre v->n there were a couple of periods ?wtiee Hss ruarl-.e? exhibited pr DOWBCCd itrength, but at ?other rime? durtag the day duine?* ?nd more ur !e?j weakrn-?? . ' un.wrti ne were tb?? prevailing feature?. The flTW rute. Willi* gap?ember to 73c. being mi ad agama ed \<? oier ia>i nigtit, was oecsuaoaed by a jump ot ?f?,??? ir 'b? LJ??pool marke:, and the last advance by vertOi* iri3aia<??, chi=-f among them being th? heavy tkf.TXKM? o* t..^te.'?>? bush In the world's visible, accord? ing U? ?TBnedawreat s." At tke time of this bulge |t was aj?? repor'ed thai foreign boaeaa who had U>en among tb? pr^mliMTi? seller? of the m ?rniiig, had turiir^l buyer?, ?vud that tbe Antwerp murk?? Wat very string Bad 4c lutfber trmti it w*? four days ago. The local crowd hastily ?Jrww In it? lino? of ?1??? wheat, and In the l ,.?,? half hour the market wua left with cinp.?rRtlvely little .Iemali.i, vrio*? easing off Ige frota th? top ?nd closing aacbaaged to i,e lower than last night, although *?tf*?o above the loweai poit.t of the day. The ?Aeekly government crop tiullesria *ni j>rt\ale. crop information were ?like bearish tal their lef.-renee? ?? ihe ?prlng and winter wheat crop ?outlook. Th?? <-hief bulllsii item of domestic crop matter? at present is the scarcity of new wheat at receiving point? ?rid U?? eugt-niess with which millers ?re bu>!iig ttp wheai in the beul?. r*yirig round prices for Ihe same owing lo Rs enex-?knn quality and the strong view? of the farti.lag Interest. The last cable from Liverpool Indi <a'er. h BW, adi ance of TfQlV|d. Northwestern receipts were 174 car?, a4raln?t 273 car? laat yes.r, i^jt were offset trr seal^wrd .l"ar-,irKis of only 110.400 bush of Wbeel atid flour. T>.e export trade ?as a dlsappolntlng featui?. aggT.-gatlr.i- Oatf 5 ?oa?r her? and 23 loads at outie.rts! No l Nertaeta N?*a Terb quoted sisjsi?,-. ?nd Ne ? hard Dt?etft quoted fcl'ail-^l'ic fob; No 2 red, 74V afcat ?r/l TV f ?? b afloat, late Auguat.CYJRN Modera??? IMuliMUma and the Influence of promising emp ?lews attei r..r:,t 'jnfavrrable reports had a weakenl.ig effect ??-..i tb- t? market today. General sp?culation, however. ?^. '.^h'. arid prices moved along narrow lines, advan<ui,K ?ligatly in the a-'teru,?.n wllai the bulge iri wheat, bot cli/alng dull at V?c net decline. flearanOM frtim th. ?eai?jard were 21.? 1,500 buah. and the export trade ???.????. ?.. IO leuds here and I baul? at outport? th? f'?niie- e: :,.? ..ver S^tetulier and 32c end of the month. It?- ????> ?: Interior point? have shown considerable In ? ?*?? owing '.? the Improvement In weather. "IPa.! ?rt?e^i*<? \ir:?> ?howed a decreaae of ,V>2.(?Vi l,u?h. No 2 eere eaated ??\^??>^t alerete? and IHttPllil?! delivered .OATS 'Hier? was an extremely ?iow trade in the marVei for eat! to-day st a allghtly lower range of price?, closing at Kg net decline. The crop and weath*. news wa? fatnoraMe to lower price?, cooler conditions ;n the We?' ?ngge?ilng an Improve) quality of grain "rJ-adsfe^t's? report indicated a decrease of 1 .',.,s oOfj laisl,. Kxp ri "ade ?u ef fair proportions. a>?orr?lng ITO?*?? '.'-?h n?e%y white oata No 2 quoted 22V No I o?:s, 21V. No 2 white. 2ft V: No 3 white. 24l,e ' track wVt?. 2'?*?."/???. :r?ik mixed. 23if24e.RTB?Market flm.-r: <)Uot?4 37V,e r | f Huffalo; ?ale?. 15,000 bush ???G.?.??-Market firm; quoted 2m^(??21ic >| t Ruffalo XKW-yORK TRICFi?. Open- High- Iy?w- ????- v..??. Wheat: Ins. eat. est. Ing. July .70 '.?H 7SS ?? gepteoiber.73 73l?? 72\ 72V December .7t>/4 n\ 7tv. 74^ Corn: July day. 7?? TH fepternlwr .31S ..IH 31H (bate1 Jui> .? _ _ b*)pt"mber .22 22'4. 22 Lard: geptember . mt 22s 22 30.4 31 ?i m 22, .? ? ? 14 10 14 18 liecript? ot br?aJ?eoffi at interior pointa la thouaax??, last three cipher? (000) omitted, flotir Md?. grsln bush. lire narlev. ?? follow?; Flour. Wheat. Corn. Chicago. A IS 001 Milwaukee . 10 4 Minneapolis . ? PO 1 Duluth . _ A4 ? St Loul?. 2 m 2S Kansas City .? 2" ? T, ledo . -r- ? 21 Detroit . 1 7 0 Natia . ? 2 ni Total? . 10 25? 700 Shipments from these point?; Chicago . ? 77 2.13 Milwaukee . 1 ? ? Minneapolis . 3? 22 tiuluih . ? o? ? st Load? . l n in Kansas City. ? 4 1G? Toledo . ? 4 40 Detroll . 1 ? 2 Peor?a . ? ? i? Totals . ?? 170 334 Receipt? al Atlantic port? New-York . 14 1?4 100 Boston . 4 II II Phlsdelphla . 4 14 4.1 Baltimore . 2 Do MB New-Orlean? . 1 ? 1" Totals . 2?? 2.1.1 275 Export? from Atlantic povt?: New York _!_ 0 ? ? Boston . 2 1 f?!? Philadelphia . ? 4 21 Baltimore . 14 ? 103 Oa's. 337 25 30 2* 7 II 21? 427 07 un 17 14 11 r.i ? ? Totals .20 I 2<?1 ?3 i'2 ? METAL? - TIN--Closed with ? weak tone, spot quoted at f 1.1 IBSfllt. London closed with spot at f<?2 It's, and future? at tfB. Sale? ?ven? u?) tons spot nnd l?ti Ina? future?.OOPPER ?Cloned with spot ?piote.! at $n? 111 SV Electrolytic was quoted at IMiufMlllO. und c.-is'ltig copper at flOMltillL London closed at ?47 10s spot, and {48 future?. Sales were 17.1 ton? Spot lad HO ton? future?.LEAD?Sfa? May, with ?pot quoted at : i:;.-,.",': *:i 7'?. St. Ixiul? unsettled, with s ?ars Missouri refined ?old at 13 .V?, and later sellers were reported ?it 13 43. Lm.lon closed with -pot at 112 la.SPELTER Clos.d dull at $4 2,-iitM ;?.'. St. Lui? higher and ."? i-ais , ???Id at 14 1.V Ix.ndo? ejoaa 1 at ?1? IS-, 11.1.IRON Closed dull, with seller? of spot at SSSO. Glnsgow closed : at 44s. rnd at .19? Ig. Old material quiet ; Be 1 pig lr..n quoted at 111 G???<??*?2 for Pennsylvania makes, and Bo 1 foundry. Southern. Blf?SflQ ?'?". Btee! i rails quoted at |lBfgf20. MOLABBES AND SYniTS--Glucose was still Arm. al though quiet, nt |1 1.1 for 41 degr?? ?. Tl.eie was a moder? ate demand for molasse? and gyrapa nr.d a steady ton" dominated the marke?. Price? were a? last quoted. We qu. le; New-Orleans, centrifugal, common. ?90c; fair, lcai-V; go.?!, i.iffi.V' prime lft'oise; N.-w Orleans open kettle, common, ISfglfk.; fair, lefJnXte: g.I. 11 ?23c; prime. 234124c; Porto Rico, wt/.iic. Syrups Common, S?l?c; fair. 10'ul2i-,c; good. 1+Qir.o. pilme. IC'a IT ?; fancy. ISffSUc. NAVAL STOKES?st<x-ks: Ro?m. 38,010 bats; spirits turpentine, l.l?7i' bbls; tar. LStt bids. There were no important changes In prices. Demand was rather ?low. S'e qu,.:.?- Tar. regulars. ?170; oil, bbls. tt20f*t*?n; rplrns turpentine, regulars and machines, 2??2????; pitch. , *1 15; rosin, common ;.. good strained, |1 70ej|l ?2V,; E. ' Il S0SI1 S2?; r |1 fSfMI STtt; <;. lia?; II, f 1 SSH; I. M,--' *' K, ?2t>:.; M. #j io, N. Et SO; w g. S230; W w. '"'CAN PP. EIGHTS- -The market for berth rrelirhls was quiet ani firm. G??t si minia includi??', a few loads to Antwerp. Quotation? follows: Liverpool. 2'2d; London, Id; Otaaaow, Bid: Brtatol, ?%d: l/dth, no room offered for nearby, 4d asked '?.r August : Hull, S'sjd; Newcastle, 3'jd- Antwerr?. 8%d; Hamburg, IS nfga; Rotterdam, B%c; Amsterdam, si.??, Crk for orders. 2? Ml cotton ?, Liver p" I. per ino rb. p.?.?.PREIOHTS AND CHARTERS Trading In sail tonnage continu?e limited, there tieirg but little inquiry for tonnage other than that suitable for the long Voyage trades, and deslrnhle vessels of this rMM are very s-an?.?. Ratea were unchanged. Steamer? sre wanted far the ernin tra?ne, eut offering? are limited, owner? holding ?>?? '? anth-lpntlon of higher rates. Other departments contenue quiet.CHARTERS Itntlsh ?teamer. 1.07.1 tons sawn timber. Gulf port to the l'nlted Kingdom or Continent, private terms. August; British steamer. 14.(SKI qrs grain. to Belfast, 2s Sd, berth term?. Ju'.v; British steamer, lR.IKHi or? grain. Philadelphia or BuBtmrre to Dublin Belfast. Rotterdam or Amsterdam. 2s 7'~-|. berth u-rms. August; British st.atner. 10,000 qrs grriln. Atlantic rungo to picked ports, l'nlted ?fl or Continent. 2s Hd. berth terms, Au? gust; British ?learner. 21.0"o qri i;rnin. Raltlm .re to picked port? L'nlted Kingdom or continent. Including Havr?, Due kirk und Calala. 2? 7',-d. berth terms. August; British al amer IS.OOO qrs grain. Atlanti.? range to <"ork for orders, 3? Sd, August-aeptember; British steamer. IS.O00 qrs grain, hence to Antwerp, 2s "'ad. berth term*. July; brig, 210 t..ns, resdn, Barannah io Ri.? Grand.- do Bui, Si. ! under and on deck, schooner. 900 tons. coal. Philadelphia ' to Tlacatalpan, *2 .*?(>; schooner. 1G? ton?, lumber. Pis - oagouls to fall arlen, two trips, ?7 7V schooner. Ili?? tons, lumber. Brunswick to New-York. $4 on. cernen' oui to Charleaton, private t.rnu*: British schooner. Ufi tone eoal and general cargo Weetiawken to Port William?. N S, IBM); Hritish schooner. 148 tops, coal, Port Liberty to St ? John. ? B, .'??le and discharged; British steamer. 11! tons, coal, Bdgewater to St John. ? ?. -Me and discharge,); \ British schooner. OS tons. coal, hence to I'lgby. N S. gOc; schooner ITS ?on?, coat lloboken to Augusta, ?ftc; schooner. 1.040 to?* coal, Baltimore to Portsmouth, 7'ic; schooner. .147 tona, coal, Philadelphia to S.n-., (Be and I towage: schooner, 7"i tons. coal. Philadelphia t ? A'.lyn? Point, B6c? barge? SlOOO tons, coal, Hampton Roads to | l?rivIdonee! (Mie. OILS?The market for cottonseed oil was less ai-tlv?, ; but th?? firm position of holders Is still the feature, and full prices have to is? paid whenever oli li ? wanted. Sales included 900 ?ibis off summer yellow tit 2\". , Linseed oil quiet and steady. We quote: Prim? crude, j 2(k- nominal: prime crude, fob mills. lB01Ottc; prime summer yellow, 24V?B23c; orj summer yellow, 23V-i?. butter gradee, '^'ii'Si"' nominal: prime white. 270280 ; pi-ime winter yellow :?i?v; linseed, American raw. ISfJ .in.?; American boiled, lftW2c; Calcutta raw, ?vio. PROVI8IOB8?The market for hog products, after open? ing stead?, ?vas affected by larger receipt? of live hogs, liquidation in i?rk and la.r.1 by Canadians, and sympathy with corn. At the close there was some rally ftom the low??! point on covering. PORK -Dull; sales. ISO bbls. Ouoted? Mess. ?8B?8 I?)?, family. 80f*l07o; short clear. $s .Vitrail? IVI.BEEF?Quiet. Quoted: Mess. $7 .Viti*? : famllv |??f???; packe;, JtS<3JW G??, extra India mess. ?12ff B14.BEEF HAMS?Dull; quoted at $23ffl24. DRESSED HOOB?Firmer, Quoted: Bacon. 47s'??'?.?; ?op? re .?,.?? notti. Mac; OB-ft, MUX pigs. Mfe.CCT MEAT8 -Pickled belile? quiet; quoted at OHOTc Pickled shoulders dull; quoted at .?,??."?*?! . l'lekleil hums quiet St S'-a?l?;; S'estera green, io ir. 7V<i7V Chicago; s )?, Kbit) 7*????7'..? Chicago.TALLOW?Dull; quoted at ,1U.- ' .STEARINE?Quieter; Oteo, 4?? ; laid stearine, f.?if.ii'c' LARD-Dull; closed ni ?4 07S city, ?3 0??|3??? sales Battes. Benned quiet, Ouoted; South ?merles 4 Toe? fJontlnent, d.euct compound, city. avanv: Western! 4??4V": Brazil kegs. &.'.?>??; options, 4.1.1c nom? inal for September. RICE?? ???? tone was noted and there was a good J.b? Ing demand. We quote?: iv.mestic, common to ordi? nary SUtfSftc; fair to good. 4-ii4i-..c: prime to choice, 4%?k%e; fancy SfffA?e; Patria. 4?r4"i?c; Patna in bond, 2%<BS>*,c; Japan. 4MiNa?c; Java, .17?04'?c; Rangoon in bond, J'u-^c. SPGAR?The market for raw- sugar w,a* very firm With further sales .?? the old basis. The?e ?ale? Included , WXi ?mg? Saji Dominan concrete lo arrive, basis SI t????. at 2 1.1-10? : -'*> bag? San lwunlngo muscovado, liasl? h-) test, 3\c lo arrive, ex ?hip: ISO ton? Jamaica muscovado, same prie?, on spot. laadJOdj 200 hags San Domingo r?n trifugal. U?j test, ?\<?. ex ?hip; l.fSI bag? ?ugar, een? trifugili te arrive, slime price, landed; ,VK? bags San Do? mingo. BIBl?a?? sugar. SI) lest. I%C. px ship. The clos? ing price? were a? a)-ove. Refined was fairly active and verv llrm. but unchanged, with market somewhat ovei solJ. IVe quote: Dominos. 6??ic; cu' loaf and crush???'. f?tte; MWeered, fi^?c; coaree powdered, ?'.c; gnnul.ite.l 4'?c; fine granulated, 4T?c, acaras graaalsled, Tic, extra tine granulate,], .V : confectioners' gianulated. Sue; oul>es. G????; XXNN powdered. r.\c: mould A. ,1'?c; ,lla inond ?, 4't,?; confectioners' A, 4%C! No? 1 to 4 In? clusive. 4-M?: No .1. 4.G??>; No ?. ?He; No 7. 4.31c; No R, 4I.C- No 14. 4.1Sc; No 10, 4(H,.?: No 11. 1!l4c; No 12, 3\c ; No 11 -"?%'?; No 14. 3s.?; No 15, W4c; No Ifi. .1 14c TEAS?There were lllvra! offering? at the regular week? ly auction ?."le, and S.flOi) package? were offered and taken. The prloes paid showed a decline of |c on old pormosa? and a ?hade lower prices on new Pormosas. Congous, country greens and Pin-. Boeya were c.e lower. | The sal?* Includici the following: M ?tine?14 Hyson, a*, j lotie; I.2SS Toung Byaon, S5H#13c; st Imperial 22n 12'2?; 2'n! Ounpowoer, M#17Hc P'ng Buey?SS im? perial, lSeUHc; 1.43) Gunpowibf. I7f?1lc. Japan ?1 IH alftlngs, 7'?.-.?;.??. fis4 Cbngoua IS'?4BT??)C; r,7S India an! Ceylon. UKiefSc; 37 Orange Pekoe l.".'-.'</:3-7 ?. ".long - ?Vl Am?.'.?, B4BSc; 71? FoOChOW, llfrlO',.?. and .1 1?I.1 For- : m?mn. at 2.1?I lie. WOOL EXCHABOE REPORTS- The Wool Exchange | g1??s h.-ileg for the lust week at the s?al>oard markets a? ' follows; DOMESTIC. WSB1EBM AND BOUTHBBB wool Porlnr Callfneat?. 900,000 Pine spring T.-x is.1.S.".0.no0 Pin? Territory . ISVO.oon Fine medium Territory.1,210,000 Eastern Oregon . Medium Territory- . 050.000 Georgia . ?,?? PPLLPD WOOL. T?w pulled . X'.CKiCi Fxtras . SA.000 55'Ji>ers . I.VlisO PUEECB WOOL, CarWageed and unmixed fle?<????,.. Michigan X . Kentucky. Missouri, etc. Ohio XX and XXX. ' ihlo Bo, 1 and No. 2. BOOUEED Ixiw scoured . Medium ?c. ured Cent?. at tier? ??? at tifain nt ll?tfi at 12?G1.1 si 12S1I nt 14??K,ti ?1 I1?.: Ili lb, at indoli at "????4 at SOfBM at ?.tt??? n? IMP at ?4M0 B3S at inc.?., al Banst ?it ir??.im ?? nato 14." non I?. on?) _ v.. non _ 12.??0 _ 12?.??? WOOL _ 4.1.ono .... SKi.flOO Fine scoured. fia 0? BITBPBIBS. Tag?, odds and end?, etc. R7,0(V) fb. at fifflO Total dom?^itlre sale?.1,237,001 Ih FORFION. Caniet . ISt.fjOO Bt, at 11?1? Cape. t?., at IT^p? South Anierlcan orr.ssbreda. 40ft.000 Tti, nt licgili'? Australian and New Zealand.2,hs^.<?ii) B?, at IOkTU Porelgn aeuured . t'?1r?.'??! 11>. at 341/40 * Total foreign ?ales. rb Total foreign and domestic ?ale? O.STo.OfiO rb The Wool Kx?h.inge quote? dome?llo w..ol t?o?,ured basis) as follow?; TKXAS. ,Vnts Spring, fine, 12 minth?.42*i43 Spring, fine. ? In * month?."t?'iMI Spring, median, 12 in-nth?..!.'aOBS7 Spring medium, ? te I months.:?.',??.??,?; Fall, fine ..'l.'l'ir.u CALIPOBNIA. Spilng. ?orttiem, free. >j and 12 month?. 3s<till) Spring. Northern, free, ? to 8 month?... nif,??? Southern. '" -?" ?nth? Boutbern I to 8 month?. Fall, free . Fall, defective . 0BEO0N. .?,'.?/.?? Sou .13 .2sa:i.i ?Castr-rn. No. 1. Busteea, No. 2. Valley, No. 1. ?.n"ey. Be 2.;;;;;;r:;i:(1 \ alley. No. 3.UOKi TBBB1TOBT BTAPLfl 3?4J4o .?,',?? -1'ta ';7 .34.J1'. Fin? .43<rr. Fine medium . .T.? !,' ?"???.:::::::::::::: \,1; TBBBJTOBT 0BDIBABT. Fine . Fin? medium.'iktAu Medium.1. '? COUNTRY PRODUCE MAKKKTs BKANS AND PEAS-The ^aTSm?'J^JSSm OtSUM for marrow lasan?. D,.m?nd I? a little ??,?., ,* ^?IlN taare ?. a steady holding; m ,?t ,. ?v-r. are aeklng $1 2o for fancy mark?. Medium are firm a M with ?.?me holders asking a little more. Pea ?teadv He.i kataer have sx4d maml? ., $i fl: boMrasak Si 77. for large StSS bbl?. b'at It I. an extreme 'Lfg *? ',? moment. No change In other varie,,,., ijreen MM are qu.le Orm We quote: Bean?, marro? choice ner ?,,.l ??????????. ?? fair to good. llOgl 10?' do P?Uum' choice. 07i.e?. do pe*. choice. 86c; do medium enrf li?' I fair to good. 80C82HC; do whit, giun.y, oaolee, |j, lof ?g red kidney, rholce f ? 7???1 77",; do fair to good. It PMJ ti *?; do lima. California, II IV; do t-?dy Washing!oil. >-'?tl <"\ d" yellow eye, ?? 05'e|l 074; green pea?, bble. 7;it(77\ic; do nags. 7u?.2V. 00 goeUtt, bbl?. 07t)j4JOaei boskets, gatiOJOlu. Rl'TTKR?Receipt? were fairly liberal again to-day and the market was scarcely aa as it was n day or two ago. Most of Wie speculative buyers seemed to ha\? supplied ihelr ?ante, and exporten. Mre getting unfavor? able reports fiom <Ir?ai Britaia. which check th?lr opera? tion I . some extent. HeUM trade I? also very quiet. On Ihe basis .,f |gg for extra creamery l.n? position seems to be reasonably healthy, but<s abort that Heure are now hocotnlag quite exceptional. There Is a closer dis? crimination In potai Of qualltv ani a terger part of ?h? stock has to g.i at second and third ??? talions. Slut? dairy unchanged. Western pickings are steadv for fancy quality, the suppl? ..f which is smaller than heretofore, but .Or I .we grade? there is a dull trad?? ai.-l rather eaey feeUag, We mete: Creamery, Weetera, extra?, per lb. I.'ie; go Mrsts If: do thirds lo ?e.-.-nd?. IldJlSc; do State, extrae, l.V; do thirds to lirst*. UV14C? sRate dairy. half-Ilrkln tab?, extras, 14c; do Welsh mis. fun v. IllVt I4c; dairy tut*, thirds to first?, ll'ol.b ; Otate dairy, tins. etc. luijl.V; .? ,i ,t, r.-eamcrv. fancy. 121il2'j??; 1" ?'?' ? ? ?nds to firsts, trfetPl |c; factory, extras. ld'.v; do tint?. tiU'flOc; do third* to aocogjda, 7ii0c. CHKKSK As usually lb? cas.? M Wednesday, the mar? ket for large full cream cheese presents a verv quiet sp peeraaee, and Ibe tone |? weeh and somewhat unsettled. ? few are willing to take ? few stri? ily fine cheese In perfectly .....I condition at 7'iC and that I? or talnly the extreme t?? sell, with demand by no m??r,s gen eral. Tlier?? i? ?orne .all for tinderprlce.l cheese, an I ?OtM very nice lots, but showing a lutle heat, have l#en soid a'. 7<f7'.e. Small size coir red cheese in fair request from the home im?!.? ,n,| held steadily ?t 7',c for strictly fancy; small ?lute, however, coatta M du'.! and feeling weak ani I irregular, part skims in only moderate demand and tone ; ? asi. We ipjote: state, fun cream, large, colored er j whit??, fancy. 7'jc lo choice, 7'?y7Sr; d?? fair to good. OttOTTc; d.minor, OQOHl?; .:?, ?mall, colore?'., fancy, 7',ti 7'-.,c; do small white, fan.>. 7>i7'???; do small, choice, j ge|e: do small, fair to good, OagsOttCl Slate, light skims, choice, r?'-...?; ,?o jinn ?klms, choice, H4e? ?" g..od to prim?, | I'.'ilV, dc- common to fair, l#4c; State, full skims, 2 ? ojie. K'lUS Receipt? ?how no decrease, but the Ft?? k I' still aearly all .-r mor? ..r lea? defective quellt y and toaeee are j heavy, (in the best gradea pitres are fairly steady ; badly ? heatel and Inferi >r good? are ?til: prcs'ci f,,i MM Bad f very un.-, inni, value. We quote: Jersey ?nd nearly, per dozen. 134914. Out? ami Penneylvanla. I2v-i i-'t? ; Wen era, beat, lllitylfc? .1?? fair i?? good, per ??Vdoaen eaee, fl OOgyfS Id; dirty egga, ?nun.I. ?! 20?.S1 OOi check? ami verv Inferior. OOcOOl. ERUTTO -KRE8II Hand picked apple? scarce very 111 lie demand for poor ?tock. leathern peache? siili of very ? IrreguUr qual.t) and value. L? Coat? pears ateady. Watermelons plenty an.i mostly below larg- si?.??. MM.] " me,Hum weaker. Muckmeton? ? farm quillt:? wuold ttV. well; most ot the ?tock Is Inferi .r nil.I dragging at '? w price?. Large pineapple? ?. abad? tinner; small ani medium unimproved. Reeelpte of berri.? were reda ?d bj yeeterday'? ?tona, but the s'ock was la-rely ?of! ani wet, and price- showed littl ? Improvement, eltboagfa buckle berriri wer? ;? ?had? Ormer. v.'e quote: Apples, ban', picked, pe.- bl ?. *2'-i?2 20 windfall.?. fBctMli Maryland and De'.awuri ;??.- craie, Mc4g81; ?trawbet^rlee, per quart, ?'? I RV; riispb-rrles. red per pin?, 2?????: gooeeberrle?, per quart. Sede; huckleberries, mountain, per quart, MflOc; .lers.v, ??8c; Maryland, ,'?'.???? . Mackberrle?, Jcreey, pei ? pin:. t?7c; Maryland and Delaware, :?/".-: rurrenU. per j ?pi.-u-t 3-,/-?'?..?: pineapple?, Indian River, pei Standard ???$2 7.'. watecmeionr, per carload, |100?3?2??; pei hundred. 1101(120; muakmelon?. Southern, per banket OOi fill .V); per ',??? na??, ;:. ii$2 50; peache?, Bout hern, per carrier, S0cO82A0: pears, la conte, per libi. ?2 .?:??'<, <3 .?>. nii'lTs DRIED Evaporated ippica ere in light sup ply gad limi at full lat?? price?. Not muck doing dried or oilier nial? s w: ? offering? very limited, Small f-ults s.-a?.?-? :,r..| largel) nominal. We .pi,?.?; Apples. evaporated, fancy. 5Nt75'*c: do rholce :.'.?:.?, ; prime. 4,?;..?,.. ?? ..m.m t t.. good. 34j44c; .b? ?undrled, quar? ters 24?3r; dn ?Heed, 1 ?'?.'?/-"?'? ?'" chopped, p-r !?*> lb. 12012 Ml; do core? and ?kin?, ?! :."???l ?0; eh., r?;, g, ?-:?;. per lb. 0910c; Maikberrie?, IMOI. 04>"c; huckleberriea, |MpO 4'.i.; . : ,-],'?.-? ? .? >. IHOO, l.'.i 12: .?. ?prlola, Cailfor nla. Royal, TOjlOc; peache?, PallfornM, peeled, 104914e: do unpeeled, .,i:i, prune?, ?"allforala. 2'?'?7. Hu]?:- While the volume of busln ?? .1 es Bol iBCrceM uni, li. th.:.? is a irilrly tir ru holding of ali desirable hops. ciop report? are utili geaeralli uafavomW? and this Is the basi.? for the presen; Arranca? We quote: OUI IHM, chotee, p-r tb. ?.?? do good to prime, iw--. do wa? rn ? o. fair. MfdHc; I'nclfl.? Coa??. I-'??'?, cbr*???. He: 00 good tc prime, Mili'?,?-. 1*0 con,mop t?. fair, R'-tii'i:, State and Taciti. . a-t. is:?.'. .?'?/ G?..??. old obis. 2??3,?. HAT AND straw MAY Light dellvertea torday im parted an ?atra ?bed? of Ornraee? ? the good grade? of hnv The receipts were "lily gboUl n? half the quantity -, . ? lei] usual Jelly '?? nsuinptlon. Th-s part of tb- tea bob, however, ?!? cs gol call lor full rappttaa; bat the ? alende, proportion? of first and f?cond qualltv hay whlcn have lately been .-bowing in the eTertag an likely to give ; b.-st lines'..f hay al leaet a tea?4?orary upward teadenty. All fairly aeeful low-grade hay and Clover mixed are ; running oui quite freely, ?tlmutated by lov? Daaree th.-.? permit export experimen: ?nd wffli Oiling of ? Mers. In fact tor .-!i-er i. irlng section? most ,.f tb? passai,;,? ?u pin? h,^ beer boagbi up it is ikoaeht from advii. that clover grsde? will have more than Ike usua' demand | this season if price? keep rUlit. Considerai.:-? lot? have gone t. Rcotland, u addltloti to tboee latterti ahlaped to England.PTRAW?Homi lott of new rye have ap peered quoted it 4.V per 100 lb; this Is considered a good ? pre?? tor the star'. <>M rang? as before, but ? require? an ?loqueni ?-lier to obtain ."?.'..?. w.? quota: Hay, prim? larg. bale . ?e-r I??? th, 77'/uMic; No 1. per lisi ?. ?G-fl 77'.<? ?- 2. pe ?"' tt , ?;2::.'??G.7'-~: No 3. per KSI lt.. G.(>".| :.:?," ahlpplng. ner i'"' Ib, SOtySSe; imall bales ,,f prim?? \?.. ? SU, nniei lar??? bal? rat-; no-grade hay, 40efi0c; Mil ha\ p??.? 100 Tt?. 40e4Sc? clover. 434>"??; clover mixed eO*J55e: long rye straw, per loo Tb. ??????: sliort rye ?traw :,er 100 lb. 85???40?: .Western tancle.l straw. :i2'f!i". : .at straw, per 100 rb. aOgtOOc. The odactal r? ports si th?? Produce Exchange of Meetpta of hay at aooa ?r b.n? were Radeon River Railroad, 1?0; Krle. 2.10; Pennayl anta, 70; Weal shore. 40; lyhigh Valley, 2?; rive, beata, 10' total, MO tont-. Receipt? of ?traw. '.?I tons POULTRY?ALIVK?Including ? ?tock in late yes? terday receipt? were IS carload? Demand fairly active and maik.-t steady et un, hang? ?? price?, turkey? and duck?, winch are very w-ak. We quote: Sprin? chickens, p-r Th, lll/l..?'; foWta, pet Tb, loc; roosters, per Ib ge; turkey?, per ft, TtfSc; ducks, per pair. *??(>??; gee??, 73c4J|l; pigeons. 104120c.DRESSED The r. celpta of Western fowls continue quite moderate, and With small Invoice? of stock to arrive balance of th?? week the feellnt- Is firm, with holder? generally asking lo, for tinest marks of neatby Western, and lMjC for lo-st Sou' i weetern dry?eieged Seal.>d fowls are not in fan r and generally ?Tered ai He under dry picked. Boring ? hickens are fairly ? lenty; quality generally undesirable, BOd with ? ilow demand feeling Ik weak and Irregultr, ? Exceptionally fancy larp-e mtgkl bring a premium ah .ve qurtatloni in a n.aii way. bat for average l?st 1 .,?? available our quotation? ate fun hich. sprin? duel? ? continue very quiet and prices 'in. hanged, Kest.-rn |.?? selline ?lowly. Teme equabi plenty ?ad ton.? e,is>?. w quote: Tn-keys average Iota, per rh. TftOe; spring ehlck en?. Philadelphia, 2Vj4"M TT. average to Ibe pa;r. 17c; do 3 ih and under t? pelr, ? : : '- r t ? ; . do vVeetera, dry picked. ::> 'ui lb t, pair, niiii. do uader .. lb, lOdllSHc: In Wesiem. calded, :?;?.?? ' Tb to pair. 12c; do under 3 rt.. OOllc; fowl?, stai.? Pennsylvania nn?! West>rn. dry picked, g.?.il to prim? !" filli??: fowl?. Western, scab).'1. ;.!.o; fowls. Wertem, bean. OtjOHc; do t.r to fair. 7'i BVjc; old cock?, Western, Off!"?'?..? duck? Eaatera, ?pring, lll??12c: do I.onB Island, sprine. 11012c; do Western. sprinir. 7?*?; gee??, Unstern, (pring, white, 171* 18c; do ?lark. 18*5 I?; . tame ?quaba, per .?,,?.?. 7.">??;*1 '??. ???????? AND VEGETARUCS Receipt? lighter owing t., yesterday'? ?form: price? sic? s.,ni?? advance, which is. however, llkelj t.. prove tempor?r... Oreen eora dull unless ..f very cholo? quality. cSteumben irregular; a fair demand tat prim- green ?tock; pool loti naglecteil. Onion? verv dull and week. Jersey tomatoes were In light supply t. Jay, but there nai '. fair sypplv of gouth e:n; Bgteea si.? w no material change. vVe quote; Potatne?, T?l.ind. in bulk, per bbl. 130)12 23; gnuthern, Il ST'./ 1320; asparagus, per doxen bunches, OflcffOI SO; corn, per hundred 404P72W?: cabbage?, per hundred. |2ff|3 SO; cauli flouer?, per bbl, ?tIff|2S0: trucumbera Jereey, per hush boa, ?Sctytl 2S: Norfolk, per bbl, IISOOI2 3S; eggr?an;s, Jersey, per bush bog, llgygl 2G. ; green pee* ?,-'G?; [?land, per bag. 7.Vi,n 2.'?. anione. Oouthetn. per i.i.i *i :si?,*i 7.".; ,i, jrf-r baaket, OOOI7Sc; onlot?, p.-r t.? :. $1 I94pg2; Orang? County, red per bbl. ?l-?i^J. pepper?, Oouth Jeraey, per crate, 7?"?,???*' 2.*.. strm? bea 1?, [?mir [aland, pei baa. 11 if $1 30; ?.|u-is|i. SO. o.?: 2'.. tomai ??- Monmouth founty, Jersey, per crat* ?I ."-''/$' 7G. Mum Jersey, |1; Ml lai ' "Irglnia. per crate, ?1 2S#02; tiiriitps, liussii,, p.r 1.1.1. :-?-a? LIVE STUCK MARKET. N m York. Julv 14. I?!i7. REEVES Receipt? M rara or 1,013 bead, 44 car? din ' to lo.-al slaughterer? an?'. 12 rara foi th? m making, with Ibe ,-ritt!" ?Reedy in ihe vari.. ? total of IS * "a Ml? IS can .t Jererj ."it?, gad .': .ars at Klxtleth-ei un ligi ter ?upplle? the market ?a? hris* ihr .nub? ut. and ner- s,.;.i at higher Ogure? than ruling Wednesday, while butcher?/ rainh Mock aleo ihowed 11 onea? Th? yard? weie cleared early, poor lo ' prime native steer? ?old al 14 2S4VI0 pei K?i lb. ?tans ami toten al MfflI So. bulls at $2 HOfMI SO; dry cowl at |100tyt330 Dreaw 1 bee! stead) .it r, e per ti? f.,r poor 1 to prime city dreaeed natie? iktW Cable? from London and Liverpool bis? received qu ted American ?teera at ? loe/llc, dre??ed weight: refrigerator N-ef al ?>??*%, n.-r lb. Th, Teutonic carried ? Liverpool to-day 2.300 ? quarter? for Baatman? O.mpany; :he st. Lout? to gouth ampo.n 2.0M) quarter? for Eastman? Company, and 341 quarters for D. II. -1??p:????, Ike Klvi.i to OMlgoW 1C2 ratti? for Bwifl a '?.; the iTilcago (?tv t.? Itrlst ,| "01 1 .-."tie f,,r Prltrkerd Moore A Cb.? the Aatilla lo the \?.??? Indie? 1" rattli and :?'? -i..<t? for D. c Culver; the ???,G riW.? 23 ?beep f..r !.. s inii.-nb.vk. To-morrow the Amerlia. f.,r ?^t.????. will be lad-? with |0S ratti? for I Khamberg g Bon, a.-id mi head for gcha-ersechlld .* Sulx herger: the Orino, . for Bermuda, with about ,"?7 .?iti,, and 40 ?heep f..r varioui exportera, Sals IfcPheraoB * Co.: (I Virginia ? 1 n, average, ,?? *4 7.'. per Usi lb; 4 do, IISI ?., al ?.4 7o ?, dn 1100 Ib. ai ?4 40; I .1... USO ft,. ?, (4 ?, te Ohio do un; TI,, al ?I.V.; 0 do, I2.-I lb, ?I MOO; 1 ..?. mini 11, .1 |4 1 bull, 1230 ?, al H80; 1 do, .-.10 1b ,,t 1383 II ..,*?' 000 ?, al IH ?,, 1, do 7-.? 11., g| S2 lo. s. Oeadera: in Virginia eteere, 11C7 n, ;,t ?4 ,-,o ?? "stocker?." :n7 Ib, al M SO; ? st.???. L'ilo li., al fi ss- Ti e? w?, KI2 ,b. .,? #2 7G, ' ' ghermaa ? Culver: it Ohio ?trers. 1124 ? it Ojgg ?fewtea? <?.: 1 bull. I4Ki Ih. al ?.'! |0| Is'cw? h?h n, ?t ?2 .'.? S, .ludi A Co.: 2 balbi, ''70 Tb al fl? 10; 1 do ggg rh al ??.?:?? t row, 1W lb, at *'-' SS. st Collina: 1 stag. ???? rr.. st $.120; 1 c.w, 7?0 th. m !'.(?. Italie,: 1 bull, MgO ??. at ?.? 30; l eOW, ?,2r, rn. ?. ??. HoiUe: ?'< balle, mio ?. at lg. ?> ,,? --- -, ,, $1 IS). I OOW l'?S) lb. a' II38 ' .le llf?e, Wright A I ?O. ! 1 Mill. KsTO lb .-,t X.1 |g (Ie?rg- lillleriback: ? bulls, HO Ih, al ti 30' I do co lt.. at ?Vi; i cow, sjsi lb, nt 12 00; 2 dc 850 11. "-.t x\l ? 1 .1 ?, 7!"i ??, s.t 12 io. ' ' Hume A Mullen: :i bull?, loio rt., at $3 2o n d., tea lb. ai ?-lio. | ??,. ?.-.. ??. ?? HOB; 2 ?owe. OSO * ai tm\lAT.h?JRPtS?+ *"***** J. P. N.-ls-n: 7 bulls. 7'?t ta, g| *3M John Du rey: 3 bulls, m n. ?t ? M; I ?,???. M rt?, " MILCH COWi IteeelBta, 147 bead, of wbleb uri head t. Mb i" ai lereey Citi and H7 ?t sixtieth?! VtSn . y ? I ?oqu'rv -.1- wer- readily effected nt an advance over last ?.. k'? figure? on all g?.? ..f |2tpg? ,?.r h^ . Th. olTerltiK? were all disposed ,,f |n g ,?| season Th?? ? xtieme range ,,f -.-.lito,- value, calf Included waa ?"'.w ?.*..'. euch, general si.!??? wer? ?? tH5Q|0t) '" " Sal-.- NVwton ?.- Co.: 7 cows ai?i ,;,|Ve,. go,, ??Jtrg.-jr, M. '' Ullis 1 ? m and --..If. I.V.; ) ,|o, ?4G.. 1 gg M It T S, ? limar,: 7 cow? and cilles, *.'l24i?4.l e t'ch (?? orge KiiMand; 4 COW? atei calie?. $.?."???|4? I ?? Bailey' I cow and .-alf. ?;w.. II. II. Holll?: 14 cws and calves. ?27'i*4.t each ?? It McBlweo: 11 eoWl an.I calves, MU4PI44 each ttaorge Dllleakack: I iwa ami caivee, I?2.iui^l43 Hum? A Mullen: .1 cw? and calie?, tw94?Ml4)TI| each. J P. Neteoa: I row and calf ?27. J. <!. l'urti?: '. roar? and calve?, t.'!2 ,Vi?fino ea.-h I- M fata 10 ? a? an : ?altea ??"??'?, , ,? , John Dacey; 4 ? ??? ?r.? calves. (.T2P?40 e?rh CALVEM lticipi? Including ? few dire. t. were 3.071 head. ...uiitiiig ihe st?. ? carili t ovei from yeeterday there ?II, .-l.ll'.MI he??! tl ?ale 1,301 ?f J,.r.ev .\ty ;,|,.| 2.7H7 al si?tieih ?t Then ?a. a falrli food Inquiry f all ?..rt? Use ipeirlna and sul-? ,,f vial? averaged s llalli t> higher then M? n-iay. while buttermilk calve? His., showed IIM-H.e?. ? | .? , .,,. wer? f.ill\ leared in s?.s, ? Pon? to |.rltn.? veal? sold al *4.<??2*. pei ?(?? rt. buttermilk? at ?::.'?'-,?*:.. mixed lot? at ?.4.,?-, City dree? ? ?*4?? were a?; <.? it s-, j.,,. v,r j,, ,. ,|,,ltr> dressed ?a?ter <t oea'ijr '.< r extreme?; dr.sse.i tmlier milks Mid at ?'????'t??. bille (?Iv?s ?t ,'.'??'?', S?les li IV ? M is ?- Co : 47 reata, IM I1> average at Ist 12'- per |(?i R. r C. Hsllex : lo -.eats l??i IT?, nt ?? 2 do 2..0 Tb ?I ?.?. H. H H III? 24 reata, IM ta. al I ? Il I i 1 ito ta ?t fi 24 do. MU It?, at ISSI, 24 go, IgO lt. at ?? 7% .11 go ?|? lb. ?t ?. ??. |0 do. 204 R s? ?.?,. 4 do. 210 ft., at ?4 50 ,'. mixed reive? urn Tb. at ?t i2u 27 buttermilk ealvM ina ?. at 14. 17 do. 17? fb. at ?3 ? a Jiiliff?, Wright A Co.; 17 v?al?. lii tb, at 1120; M do. M th. at M: |? ,io. 174 Iti. ?t 15 W?V:: 2 do, 24? fb. ?t M r<0; ? do. 183 tb. at II. _ . ... _ . D. II. Me Etwee : I real, SB sa bI ?0 2.?: I *?. nw Tb. et ?<? 12?*; ill do. 157 ?.. al M: 0 do. 1*8 fb. a? |ft If. ? do. Iffl lt.. at St)20' I do, 270 Ih. '?? Hi ? do. MB a? 14. Qeorg? I 'llbnla. I.: t.". reala, If? ob. ?t IB IM: ?W ??? ina It.. at SS; VI buttermilk ?live?. l?o Iti. al 114. Hume A Mull? ?. .l-'o veal? IBI It), ?t ?0 2.1. 40 do, 14? ??. at ?? 124. ti lo 172 fi?, m BS, 238 do. 181 fb, at I?: 1 do. 1*1 ft?, at t.17.1 fl go, 22? IB, at ?5 50 0 du. 221 Th. at f.". .vi. 0 do. Hi t>. il 45 2.1. 1!? d?. IBI rb. at ?3; IO mixed caires, ino re. ?t fi SO; 41 buttermilk calve?. 147 re. at HI 47 do. 171 re. nt $3 7.1. _. . ,.. _ J. G. Nelson: l ?eal. IfiO Ss nt ?0 2.1; 2-10 do, 148 tT>. at ?; 2 do. 200 Ih. ?t $.1. M mixed calve?. 1Z8 Th. at ?I. J. O. Curt??; 20 veal?, ?? It.. ?t 10 2-?. 132 do, 1.17 Th. at I ?'?.. I do. 97 Th. at *.1. S do. 1H2 th. at ?4 BO. 4 do. 170 lb. . at ?4. ... _ S. .In?Id ? (?.: 71 vrai?. IBI Tb. at ?H'-T.; 144 do, |..| Ib. ?t ??; IB; ??.? go, i.irt n.. at ?fi Iti MB Be, BJ? m. at Bl; ISO do. Ill ?.. at ?d; 2 do. IM !?>. kl *?'-. 43 mixed calves. 171 11., al ?4 7.1. 30 do, 171 lb. at ?? B>: .17 d ? 171 tb. at 14. ? ???,,,.?: .13 ?.eals, 118 Th. at ?1112?,; 123 do, I'll ft). ?I BJ; 4 do, IN It?, nt Iti li mixed calves, liti Th, Si ? SO buttermilk?, 157 Th. nt ?3 87?,; 5 Viralnla calves. 130 IT.. al IO; SS d?.. ?.v, lb. at ?G. SS Newton A Co.: ?.? ??als. ISO lt.. at SS; 2 do, BS ?? at *.*? SBEEP ABO LAMBS Bei Ipts. InetUdlng 4 ?ars direct to bUtcner?, ?vere 3.'lVi c.irs. or 7.711? head, making, with the stock hdd over from yesterday, ? total of 33 cire on ?ab? oli at Jersey city With moderate offerings and a fair demand the market ruled general? brisk throughout, .md the pens were cleared early. Prices were hardly ??uoinblv Higher than noted yesterday, although lamo? ?h wed e'era?'!?: (lrmness Poor le prim? ?beep ?old at ?.'lijf-i 2.1 per Bat t?; rery common to choir? iamb?, nt I3 7B4?S3 7B; one carload reaching 8SS7H? Dressed mui t. n. 7fiSii?, ,i few wethers realizing i?c. dressed lami?'. Sales -McPbeison * Co.: 7G.8 Virginia lamb?. 72 rb Sversge, al SB 7.1 per 100 lb; BM So, 7?*? rb. at ?5 7.1; 2.18 1 . (tx re. at 45 5u. BS Kentucky do. Oil ??. at ?.1 .V); SCI do, 70 lb. at 1980; IS K? titucl;?? sheep, 112 tb, at ?4: 0 ?lo. 130 lb. .it ?3. s. Jadd ft co.: IBI Keatucky lambe, 72 rb a? BJ B; -30 d... ? I?? n?. ?516; lix'. ??. M lb. .it ?4 IS; 1? Kentucky slie.-v. 01 lb. .it ?4. IM do. 108 lb. at ?3 7.1; 107 do, 100 Tb. nt t? 80; Il Stati do, 1 ?l lb, .it $3 ro. M iiiin-? 2!i7 Virami? lambs, 00 rb. a? SBBtB: do SI I?' Bl IBB?; 12) do SB It?. Bl ??'?!??''. 147 do. ?0 Th. a gS.Y); 133 Virginia do. 02 ??. at f.". 5.1. 05 do, 7o 11.. Bl ?5 .111; Ilo do (?1 lt.. at ?.*? 25. <*.*! Kentucky do. OS lb at $500; KHt Kentucky SOeeS?. lift ?. at ?4 25; 13 bucks, 147 NeWtoa ?Co : IBI K.-ntmlty lambs. 70 th. at 88 71; 20? g.? 73 rt?. al 88 78; 220 do, 77 It), at 83 08; IS) do, Bt ID, ?I |8 S3; 280 Virginia do. 84 rb. at $510. 278 '.Vest Vlr gtala do 87 fb at ?137'*; 72 Kentucky sheep, '.II re. nt ?3 00; 88 do 88 it.. at $3 80; ?"? do. ?7 it), at BJ SO; 1 buck, It?? lb. Bl *-i: 10 do, 80 ?. at ?2.10. I II. iVilk'TS-.n: 21"? Kentucky lamb?. 71 TT?. a? 1587?-; 203 do, 7? rt?. si ?-'.7-'.. SU do. ?1 Tt.. at ?ic>2i}: 2'7 ?lo 83 ?) Bt 83 23? 15 Kentucky she-p K'8 lb, at ?125. 30 do. VI lt.. at ?3 50. s. Sander?: ?.?.'? Kentucky lami?? 51 tt.. at ?i, 1..7 do, 52 ??. at *3 75. IT. M Cnner: 222 Kentucky lambs, 70 IT. at 83 03; "2G. ?|o Bk IB. Bl ?.'.10; 11 sheep SJ fb, at 88. B. B. Mollis: ? State lambs, is lb. ;it 88: 13 BUM sheep. B2 ft?, at ?3 IB D llirrlnt-'on? 17 State limb?. 71 11?. a? 15 75; 21 State sheep, 108 ??. Sl ?I. 3 bucks, 183 lb, ..t ?2 .V?. HtKlS Becelpts, 31 cars, or 8.04t bead Including tir> h.a.? ne .?le. Peeling a triiv easier, aad saetera guott I 'he whole rnr,-e at BJ SOfJff 10 per 100 If?. S;.|e? s Sendera; 4<? State bo*a, 887 ? aeerege, ti IS -G. per loo Ih; 81 do, U'8 Th, nt 88 88; 5 rOUgfcS, 27l 111. .11 12 8.1. OTBBB MABKETS BY TBLBOBAPH Knnsr.s CU?, Julv 14.- Ca'tle tlrm. Ut? opened strn-, closed weak: heavies 8320B83 28; rack?-? |8 10*88 3); mixed. IS 17' CSI 2.1; light?. ?3 I2!:*r*3 I7W; Torkers, .?:?. 154*83 17'j; plgs, ?2'u?3 15. She.p ?trong; limbs. 88 80 BSD l.V Bl Lui? .l.ilv 14.-Cattle sten ly lo Strong; gnod IO beai native ?hipping, 84 35??*? SB; <ire??ei i.eef and butch, er I3BUBS48P: under 1.000 rt.. 13 839*4 10: ?pickets nnl I feeders ?27".'.<*?2o row? nnd heifers. 82ftf4 IO: can? ner? ?1 2.1 Of2 25 Texn? nnd Indiani? Steers, firn?.? 82 00 ??G. '.mi; f.d. B8 7.14M4 20 row. nnd helfet?. ?2t??3 25 II? leas* t.. ?tr.n?: Habt. ?3 ?Nil 4n. mixed. ?3 ??'???:! 35; beavv. S3 lofi*:?. 4ft Sheep steady; native? ?2 ..n'./M .... Texan?, fi 2.H/?3 SB; native lamb?, 8888ffeS Sagt Liberty. July 1? Cattle steady; peine. ?*/''';' e ? ???- IS 203*3 BO; hull?, s'ng? nnd cows. e_'<i?.l: common lo good fai onen, 83fJfS7S ? ??? ?wer; atee, 43 704243 73; prime llshr York-r?, S3 ?54t|3 lO: s? d Tork er, and mediums ?3 00? i? t'A ; heavy. ?3 I. -T|?.l ?>. rough* 12 2542*3'.I Sheep ?fad?,-; clolce, ?l'MTi$4 10; common. ?2.Vi?|8 23, fcptliiK Iamb-, ?123fJSB 5?; veal calvea, *'?" ?S .-.o. ! Chleage, Jal? 14 -In cattle H,er? was nn Improv 1 demand from the statt, the lischt tun makln? all Classes ..f ?.ii? ?r? raser ?a pur-has?, ?nd pstcea Bversged IOC per loo lb blBher: sales were b'l?k. while the supply last-d ?I gJtnOfrC f.r native beef steers, th- bulk selline- at *l 25ff?4 S3, nnd extm I?.'? wete scarce and srld al ?-? 10? s:, ir. imi.?,-;? nnd canner*' ?tuff shared in the advance and fat heifer? Mid particularly Well, ?'.lives wn - In fairlj sctlve demani at SSBOfeSSBl. The stocker ?nd feeder trad? was faith- anima!?.; nt ?3 lo?i?l 2c a few common Iota selline for 884883 Bl. There was an active demand for boga Price? were stronger and. largely 2V per ioo ?? Mutier early, weakening ?ubeequently. Th- ? bulk of the hoi?? br .urrbt 88 884888 l.V sales being- a: an extreme rang* ot 8SI043JSSSB, Bowy lot? sold badly and ?! ??? ?.,.? a widening leadenry between inferior nn.i eh dee : p Brima ????? weight? i^ine the t???t seii.-rs. Ti?? market closed with the early Improvement nil lost, heavy l its selling badly. Ther- was a fain? active general de? mand f. r sheep and price? eul-d stead? .it ?1 RSfSSf for Inferior to prime Bock? of sheet, uri.I ?3'?i*.1 (*' f..r limb? pilme lamb? lielrur hlcher. Sh.-en ? dd cliielly ai ?:<B?3 00 and lamb? largely al |45????40. Heavy sheep ?rere ?lower ih.-m heretofore, and the commoner lot? of lambs s,'? badly. Pal f-d Wealeni sheen brouehl ?840??10?. und ranga sheep sold at 83 73088 25 Becelpt? Cattle, 8,000 head: Iiors, 82.000 head; siieej,, 14,000 head. K:i-t Burrai.? -lui?? 14.?''attie- Becelpta I ere; mark?; ?teadv demand fslr. Veal? and calves?Beeetnta over I run decks: maik.?? ?teady. Hogs? !>.?? ipts. 23 ear?; mniket slow, demand fuir, good to choice Yorkers. ?:? 7.'ii 13 77; roiiirbs, common to good, 13 13013 23. Sheep and lamb??BecelptS, 3 car?; market llrmer. demani ???..'.; yisrllng?, ??. mm ? to Rood. 88 784S84 23; culls to emmn yearlings. ??????; nati?-- clipped sheep, choice ?? ?elected ??ethers. SB (Kliif.l IM'; culls and common sheet,, *o 25???2 75 _ _ THE TBADB IN CHICAfJO. Chicago. July 14 (Special). ?la the wheat pit it wa? the trade ?cnins' John Barrett. Though nearly all of the ondulons arare bullish, some of th.? new?, even sens itlonal'.y so. tb?? market only Ctoaed where it clos-d ..n Iba day b?fete, and showed a decidedly slump?? tend? ane) rt'iien any large ejttaatlty Of wheat was placed on sale. Tlie bullish BSWS C n-is???.! of very stronn foreign raatketS, continue I llgtl .-ecelpt? of new ??heir. lir?-> Hour si'?' Bortbwest, BO.O00 barrelj ??> two mill?, and ? th? "Bradatreet" iisur?? show-in^ g .leeren?? of nearly 3,000.080 beamela laet week in the world? rtstbl? Mpallss. t?.psnlag we? strong, >nd a Rood of long wheat wae sold. Barrett ^eize.i m? opportunity, and hammered the market al the ?ame time. Early seller? turned buyers n the resulting dadme aad t ht.. alone- wltb the "Rrad street" Beare? raaeed aaotber sharp mil?. Barrett a beavv buyer ut i!7c nn.l lowe??. ?md a hen??.? seller fr.m 07'4? up Th* temper of tne trade ara? bullish, with all of ?he scalper?, little and htir, working on the long ale? The h?ar? were pouring In numerous estimates from tint lb? crop of tlie Slate would range from On??imi ? t . TOvSOO.OOO ?msliels. L,ca". receipts of new wliea*. were onlv five tars acilnst KB car? iast year. Northwestern receipts were 184 cari aa-alnet 273 ? ?ear ago All prillili;.? markets received 883.000, ag.ilnst 7i>", 000 bushel? a year sgo. Ssotember osa aad at t!7v. ?old from ??????\? to i;7V. and cloaeil ?it 07? The corn m.uke' was unite weak ??-iriy, in ?ympatby with to.? Pa.i break In provisi as, and becaus? of ex ? srenthe condition? throughout the entire belt. Heavy charter? f? r lake siupmrnt Bast, al ,?? ??ith m.d ? .? orating by local short?, msds a strong close. Leni receipt? WOTS 414 cars. The out Inspe-tion was 254.(?m bushel? Estimated receipts for to morro?.?. 430 cars. September ipened ?t 2'iv?. .?-lined to 20*4c, and .?:..??.? a? "'??.?- ini lilts were dull and Just g shiide easier Nearly all of the tradirla- was local. The decline In prices. s'.lKht .? it was, proved tufftclenl to cause lh? ?ale of a Hrre ipmntity ,r i-ii oat? for shipment. September . penad si I a Vie. Bold ?' lac, .m.I closed at IBS t.. IBtte. Cudahy and l'ir rett male a ?I? termini- -I raid oh the pork nurket. which pr?cipit?t.?: heavy selling of pork by Qaddea K!rkwoo<l and of rib* by Swift ai.d the Ciidnhy I'nckina Company The Oeddee-Blrkaood selling of pork was of .1 large Une iiei.i i.y Canadian?, who huv* owned it f ? a king tim?. ' 11- weakaess of th- trade wai mainly due to the fa. t thai t.lpt1 of ho?? at Western p. Int.* wer?: 72 04;(? against 47'??? for the comeeprndlng day last year Good buying of riba b) Cleddes Kirk??.I. and of Urd hv Arn our ! along Aith th?- reporta .f an improve! Caah demnr.'. for? ment? at Kansas Cltj aad Omaha, caused a litt;? recovery es, September pork opened at *7 0.1 but wa? raided do?? 1. 10 87 83; the close -.?..? al B7 42U bid. Sept?mt,er lard rpened Bl t-l ??."2. declined to ?3 8G.. and dosed at 13 80 S-ptemlier ribs opened at ?4 324. ?oil at ?4 22U and dosed at ?I 27' ?? ? rbsrtera wer? fot ?n.i.ooi) bertnl? c.^rn. and 403,00?) buihle? osta :ii 1',.? lor corn rom to Buffalo. 11.. ti.e . nel, puts 0:1 September wheat c'.CSed at CdKc- [ call? at c.7l??ni7?,??. puts on September corn eloaed at 2i;'-.ii2i'e;. ?: calla at ".F,?. BOtTBBBM COTTOB ??????? rjelvsetoa, .tul? p Cottoa iniet, mtddUlaa 7 iin> ??; '?'M.lli,,- g.l ordlrarV, ? l.l-l.lo; reoelpU, 'ni. ." ": ?Pinners. 32 Pale?, ?to.-k. it.liU ? ri-Vi. July 11.- ?O non firm; mlddllna, 8'?c; low mld 21?2?' Vo-i'i ", ??loary. ? l-UJe; n?t r.ceipt?. 113 bale.; gro?-.. SM bal,.- talea, I bale; atock, I.74?1 bales N?w-Of1e?n?, duly M.-Co-ion ?t.aly; middling, 7 II ??? ?..?? middling. ,'... ?..?i ordinar?, ? l.'t-lilc. recaiata i ?l~*k: 22,'A13:*-uleeM,",WU*' 7"? Y"il''': *Bl^' 1''">0 ?*?? ,7,, ?r",'l ,?',"-1? '<? -f"??on Arm; mlddlina. 7 l'-lilc; i?w illlddling. ? S-lllc; receipt?. || hale?; eXOOrtl coaBtwlu 108 bate?! ?ale?, if, baie?; ?f ck. 10,378 baie? leOBBOB WOOL? salf.3. London, .luly 14.?At the wool auction salea to-dnv I3.8A, hale? wer? offered, of which *(?) were Withdrawn cm; -t It I. in nil nr Mind was ifo,.?l, and price? were w-li maintained, Medium merino, arenay ?nd ?. our??,1 ajid Cep? of (l.K.d H .pe and Natal were IfttO \*r cent nlah-r than the Inst ?erlea. Cr .??bred? were steaily and un ? ?hani?e.1 Tasmaniana and South Aiurralla wool? gold well and NeW-SouBt Bal?? Inriil?? w.te tlrm. fine lot of 'ie? eombtng realtaed 1? Bd. A ?nie ?,r aheepsklna win 1?. h?ld tomorrow. The following are the sab? m de? tail! N-W .-.iiti, Wales 3.87.1 tale?, scoured, ?,???? I? BBS* grewey, MfftVrd Queonsland, 2.238 tale?; ?cured. lUttls 3d- erensv IP* ?ir8isd. ? I'lctnrla. 1.7??2 bale?; ?.? uted, 7'-dffls lid arras?? ?is ? it? I ' ' ? S.iith Au?trn!l?. 070 bale?; ?reasy. 7'>d9l? Id, acearod .*?' ????1 Tasmania, 2.548 bale?, aeon red, 8Bf818tgd? si???-.-, 3itt? N-w Zealand. 2.H10 bale?, scoured, 7%d#ta 4.1 ere,i?\ ." ; , ? ' ? ! C.ipe of fjood Hop? and Batel 1.512 bale? ?...-irrd 7?.d Bll ?Vedl sr?n?y, 4^i7*?.l Kalklnnd l?lar.d?. In hale?, urea???, f^B.IVid. SUBOrSAB Pltdi'i'i: BABBBTS Lh-rp? .'. JiiU 14. 1:48 g in Bichan?? C|o?ln|t \\he..i :.?, ? ie?i Mortbem ?s?taa tlrm. ft? n?,d. corn American niU.-l. ?pi. new. ?i?a?l>. j? ti'.d. d?? <dd miei ? ???!, ini? ateadv, Sa 8Sd. Aaguat tteady, 2? 8'?,i. Bag tsmhsr ~te?.ly. ?.?? pi,!. Kloui St l.oiila fancy Winter 7? Od. II ?* it ly,n?|.?n (Pacific (V.a?ti ?lead?. .??,?.?.'>? Beef Kxtrn India me.? dull. 53? Sd; prime me?, lull, 4.?- ? .t!< Crime rue.s nn?? Western dull If.? prim? rue?? medium Westarn, .tun. 48? 0d. Kama ?siimi rat. 14 t> IS I?? dull BS? Bacon Cumberland CU! "? t, 88 I??, e,i?\ Hi il,| ?|?,M ut, ?.??, (? -.'i n. dull 2?? I'.nr ml?I.11.??, lieti? SJ 10 M ft*, dilli.' 2.1?.' long Isai middle?, ben ?. 4" t . 4.'. fl. dull. '.'4? ?I ' ?h.rt c'.e-ir middles beavj ?.? ? :.u tb. dull -ji?, ?ie?r nellies 12 to ? ?., steady SSe. Shoulder? Srjuare, I] to ? It. itead) 25s. Laid Spot ?t-adv. IM? Ch?a?? American finest whl'e and colored e??y. 40? ?id. Tallow?Prime city ?t?adv. 17? 3d Cottonseed II Liverpool refined ?t-ady IS? l?d Turpentine- Spirits ?lead), lue OJ Ro?ln euin tn in firm, 4e 44. STOCKS AGAIN STRONG. SUGAR A ? EXCEPTION. ACTIVE BUSINESS IN BONDS-FOREIGN ???????? STEADY. S ?1.Eft AT TUB 8TO''K EXCHANGE JILT 14. I'KAUNOS IN HONDO AM) HANK BTOCKO. pjgOJ M * ? ? M 4?.. 00% ;!??(?? do . *?>% looo ? C ? Ut It con. ?OO PM pi ? C ?ft ? ??? 4s .101% .1000 ? V N II * ? 4s Cm l'eb otf?..13k% TOM ? y 0 Ir W R?f 4? looo ? ? G.0?? G S 4s (On 1007.112 ??? de 4? Re? 11107. II IS ggoo 7G.?., n% t? : ????? 2?'.-,??? 14900 Mas? IMOO 13000 Kt?l f>7Cort lit.-. 43000 Wit) ?.-.V ?.?. ? , ? ?'s ? Am Spirits g eggg Am Tob Herlp. . M 00 do . ? ? * S P (?en 48 . do . d.. . do.? ?" .b3. Wl \'*<? <3" . Wl ?gg ?? . Bu L'?" do AdJ 4s .... 10% .?,?; di .80S Vl ?? . ROS do .60\ i WOO Al * l'ne Ine.. ?, loot?) Aust.A ? W Ut S2't 2000 Rway a 7th Av !?t Con fis _120', 1000 U'klyn Kiev 1st R -t? . 74S 2C00 d?.. 7',v 7000 B'kljra R Tr .'..?' *.v, .lot? d,, . au? looo do . bj eau gOOO do . sHL? MOM ?o . m 3000 m ?' R ?? N 1st invi, looo c de i;> c,,ri .is. nos do do do do do 11000 do 2G.00 ? P '.".(Xsl d.. 0*1 A W 0 M Hl*4 . MIS . S2". . M . M2't . 82 Ref 0? .RM '?en I.|en ?s .'.V, . .1? MR) do Prior l.len 4? ? |g0gg ? * M ('un S P.tOSti 2000 do cons .lo2'i 2("?I0 On? Imp Con 5? Rets l?t pd-22'/? ????? te . -"?"4 ?il?? do . 22S |OOi> ure R R * N14?. ?'4 111.? |.H?HI :?4 s?> ll'HMI .looo ( looo ????? ," ? ? s I ICOOO ? 10000 31000 ? '',<n 4'4?. . in . :u 112', 112% .112'* ,113 t?? l'in?, do con M.a30Ptl0%i 1000 do 1st A .12IS 4000 C ft O R 4ft A l?t ? Con is .?s? 3000 ?* ? ft Q Con 7s. 117?? 20K1 gg .?20F.117S 221??' .I?? Neb Ex: 4s. l>4 r.Jti do I'eb 3? _|0g% 11".' ? .\ ? 1st Ilcts 42',' looo c R ? * ? Kx .Ms?? ::>? o I MOO |o<S?l I .'.?io ???-? lao ?? 13000 1000 21000 14)000 G,G,?? loooo 10000 ;??...? 1000 If'00 2IHS0 Iggg (1000 10O0 05 tt M% .mi I. 1st Con ft? f*y-'t . ??*. . ??? ;.?sis . *fi% .bS. ?7 . 87 . WtTi Ine A . 4??? . 47 . 47S . 4H 47S 2<* mt 2^S 13*0*4 I SOU 70 Ine R W I. gg ih.?.?.? :i .? ? 3000 ?' |i?:(i c li,!?? C I OD do .10? st ?. ? ? ? lain 3000 Peo * K?st 1st SOM ? ? w * G 3d..lai ???? ? S 4 li E 1st Con 5? .M ,-.???? Reading 4? .W'i .VsiO do . ?2S ?..".000 do. '2% LIOOO Rio Q Wert 1st ?0M do. 2000 & Ind 1?t.l(?t>S <hVk? A ft \. St I, DtV I? n* Ksnmi c |{ V A Tul f?s Ret? . 72 ?.-.??? ivi m 4? Rete.. ? WOO ,<. r.', SOOO di .'. fit, 13000 Con (Ins of (til?? 1st ?? .??) ????. ? t? ? c, imn ,-,? ?g ??? do 4s . KM'? KifKi I ist (las ?? _ ?4 23000 1? S S & At 11.10)% 3030 do .101S 1000 E Ten Reor Men fl? I0OOO Ed ?? ? V 1?t la .ibi I0M Erie 4s Prior Bdl NOS 3000 il?:. 4s Mtge. . G.??, TflOO Ft \V ? R O 1st. ??'? irsioii ,io . agu .Vi ?i do . G,.-,' . usto n * t e ? ? ?? 7o " Y o [owl Cent ist ,'s ? F? imi ? ? 1st Con Ret? 74 ?non ?? cent let te.. W 1???0 ?. ? & W 2d ."?s.olito Bl M lab ft \\ ? con Am . 08 20CQ I. & ? G?: I fled (?old 4? . MS ?..?l'on d-. N)S 1"smi ifgg Con 4? .... M% b mi do . MS 7((Ki Mich C Cor. 7s. .11?*. ????0 M & fit ? (On. .183% 1000 do Cft P W le. 110 n?-li do I ft O Kxt. .187 ' Mum do HftD r.iv 7?12*% a <"< ?? a ? is ? im IO 'i do 7 3 |Os _|3*%1 .'lOOO 12000 1"/>? Ht r.i'o? st t. 4uM Kt I. I MI f.?.. ? E ? M :.?' ?. > 77-, 77\ 77*4 77'* T7S ?, 70 ?% !.?S !??.<??? lo MM do M on <?.,, 2'>?l ilo Mon st i. ?.< IO St ? on?? S A li??! do limo do nono do I0M do im?? h far * Oa 1st Ss 01 17(>f.O S ? ??? 1st... . f?4 24:Or?i South I!y lrt Ss., im':. Stand R & ? fi? c, en ?? .IlSta .t? .IMS Sotitliw 1st. G,? Se ? C lrt.l.ll'i ?? A ? 4?. ->'r ............. r*s . '-^ 2( lissi imo LOOO 00?O 2V?fKi .11 ?Hi 1G? iO G. S ?? 2?'? ?I 00*4 ?7 ?td ?7=? fi7?. do Ine . 1? do . ??? do . 1fi'-j do . 17 Tern C I & R fis nirm Dlv 1st.?3 st A- No Con 5s. MS Pa.? 21 Inc. 1000 ? ? lOOiMI do 20'? ? ? 1(S0 do 1000 ? I. c.n Sel04S I20W .?20F.1O4S ft ? 1st 4?. Kl?, KV-; ir? .12iVK> ? ? ??U*t do . irti??> -1. 1(100 ilo . noon ? RI LAXI Kcts . 2o?. ?lo 14 lo. 12000 isooo do do M A do do ms . fill's O New fis.llOV ? M ?a.... 70 do . 7o': run? l'nloa Elee 1st fi? 7."? S-iiOo ??.?? Mid (1 M_?"1?? MM -lo c,td Stpd ...l'US 3000 V.'abash 1st 0e...l?4*S 10?? ?,?, .im?, MM do 2d la . 70?? 4000 do . 70', ?noo west s r;td 4S...100 20rt> do .IMS THE GENERAL LIST. RAILROAD STOCKS. sal"?--. lOjien Hl?h I-ow. ! Fin. - Hoeing? I Shanes Bid. Ask I ?old. Albany .S- Su?. .. Arn Arbor ... . do r>f ..pen c Atea Top & s E do prof. Atlantic i Pao. Halt & Ohio_ ? ft 0 Bw lly pf 11 ft So 111 pf .. BANT AEpt'?tp Huff It ? Pitta. d ? pref. Hur c R ,<? Kor. '"an Southern. .. Can Pai Iti? . . . MS ('entrai of N J. ('.?ntri' Pacific. Che? ft "bio ? ('hl- & Alton pf Chic Itiir .<,? Qv Cble * Eist ni. d > pref . Ch'.? Ot West. .. Chic Ml. ft St ? 12,, 12' 24', 24t _ _ ? I ? M< 17'. 17 17 MS K'i's' MS do pref.'140S 140% uns Chic A North??. 117% HI 117', lo pref. Chic R ? ft Pae. Ch st ? li * ?. do pref.' C C Ch & S,t I> ?I, pref. Cl-. I, 4 UT. pf (lev Se Pitt? gtd c. ? ? V ft Tot. Del ? ? "anal. Ilei 1 -ick A W. I?en .t- Rio C.r. . ' .1?? ?, ref.! Dm m ft i't p d.? pref. Er:?? . d ? Ut pref ? ? 3d oref.; Evan? ft ? H.. i. >?ref. (It N irtliern pf. O Bay & West.. I .1, Deb A.' d Deb ?. llllnote Eeatr il Iowa Central... dO pref. Kana .V Ml ?h. .. Keok A lies If, ?i pref. King? ft Pern... ?, E & Western. 30% 37% ?"?'< IS lit'4 UStfe 1.-.7', ?57S \V\\ Mo','HOS1 117S 117% 1'7\ I'',:? IMS 17" ' 30 1 45 ? >lfi5 I ? :t?, ? , .,'-., 112-, 112% 112S 1G?7'4 157 l&S G!2? IM loo 14'? 14', 14-2 14',, 11' _ i _ I - I ? I 83 ? ? ? \? \? |ga -!-(-!- ?L ? ? ? ?. 0 ? Mich s I'.ng Island. ?. E & St (iC pf - Isaii? ,<i Nasi!. .1 MS Manhattan Con? I??: ? ? 'Vr.t (Ud).l - Mes Nat tr ver.' ? Mlnn & St U ..\ 24 ! do 1 pf .'? ? ?? e 03% .1. 2 pf ? ne ac ?4'? Mo Kan Se Tex.; - M fit', 100% IC0% ?.:?7, :.i?'? oi s M% m 2." 24 03% I W? :.4o. ;,4'? do pi M.-s on l'aiMOc. M?!, g, ?? ., ?td. Morris ft .'.???a. n re ?- n ?.. ? V (h Se Si U do l?t pref. ... do 2d pref. N V & Harlem. N Y ?CHAH.. ? ? Ont * w... US N Y Su? & W n 11'? de pref . Ig N rf ilk g Weit1 ? do pref. 274 Northern Pacific 14'. d? pref .? 40>4 Norfolk & South I ? Ore ?? A Nav. ! ? do pref.| ? ? ?re Fh.rt I.lne. 10', Peo Dee & Ev.l 1% Reading . ? p c Ch A At U II do pr--f . Ota p pi w a r gtd; ? Reading 1st pf. 4?t? do 2d pref. 2IV.? Kens A Sir?....!1HI Rio Or Western 2.T, do prof.I 52 Rome VT A Og.l - st Jo? A Or 17. ?'<'? do 1st pref-I 40 00 2d pref ..... US St I. A * T II. st i?uis loatbw d. pref. St Paul A l>ul St Paul M * M ' Southern Pae ' ?? igu S..ut hem Ry- ??\, do pref. 21? St U'Uis ASE.! OS do ist pref? ? tir? ? I , 2d pref. 17 Tega? .? Pacifie K?S Toi A O Centrali - d?? pref.' - G??? l'aelOo. .. 1 .0 Un Pai I' * O. - ufabaeh .I 5S do pref.? 14% u) ???-. ? ft UM.. S ?? ? ?' of .? 4 \Vls Central Co. 31 "?, 10% 10%? li?', 1?\, - ISSI 102 ! 102', 17 UMS 101*? K'l*4 - -- 13% 3.071 2,21? 710 1 ,?,?'?-, 1.2?? U3 3, IM 4,;?|?.? ??.?*?? 2??' e.u'.i5 7. ?.'lu 1.302 IM - ? - ? - ? ? ! 3% ?% ?S 47'. MISCEI.I.A.?EOIS STOCKS. Adam? Express. Amer1'? ?ti Ci al Atti OH Oli Ce.. d.? pref |j e.. Aroee'caii Ex Am Tel A C Ce. Am T..b?,,-.. U?. do pref. Araci spirit*. .. da pref . Ilklyu t'n On?. Ili uns? Ick Co . tilcego Oa? Co. C.m ('able Co. . | c>i r*in Ca. do pref.I coi Enei a i Cal do pr?f. (o. A 11 f" A I. j c .??.?? tea Co. Con Cool of M.l Ed E. Ill (N Y) | Ed ? 1 ?U'kl)ni; ten S'.ocirlc Co. I 1- Actuil ssle? lOpealHtgb l#'w Em 1?2 ir.2 ??03 ? losing ! Hhare? Hid. 1 Ask. | ?old ? rtl I ?2V, ras 114 114 : IM l?o 13 I.V. I IM IS? ??IV, 100% 7-V4 00% 77'? 100% 100% lIOOS im 1 is 11 KIMS 100% 100% iow\ I - ! - I ??IS ?", , I'?', IMS M% 33% 113?, III fit I 03 I M% v??. n, 33% ut ? - 1V - 17 4S 4S? 0% 4S tfi.Mt 100%'1M% IfirtS 14% ? 14 I 14% 11% 2s?4 110 % S HIV. ?.??. lfi.s is ? 1 m :\ I 100% H17 M 114 111? ion 10? ?4S, ??% 78 73 32.400 I??? 120 12' 1 ,??? a. no 100 ?40 3.100 Ooid A Stook Tel Home Mng Co.. Illinois Ste.i Co Uc Gaa (Bt L). do riref. Md Coal Co of.. Minn Iron t*n... Bat Lin? OH e Nar Starch Mfg do 1st pref_? do 2d pref.... ? Ne? C Coal Co. North Amer Co ! Ont SU M rig ("o.i Pac Mall 81 Co. Penn Coal.i Pull P?I Car Co Quloksl) Mng <lo d> pref.I Tei s ? ca..I Te? Tac L G? ..] Standard RAT D S PJxpresa_ U ? Rubber Co. do pref.I V.'ell? ????? r.x. ? West Union Tel. | 107 27?4 tor 21% 107 2T% 14?* 14% | 14Vi 66',! 50', l?e?* 3% I V, i-, 8?%? 32 1I\, IBS im :?* WT 2T\ *? 84 27% BJ ?0 ? I BS l?%? 14 j Btl%. ill ? 31 bj I -? ! 23 2.1 1 aj : 22'4 ?H ?IS 0% 844' R5HI *4%' M I ? 00 1 15 8% G/? 4 I 7 ?V M 7 ? ? ? 3114' nw ?25 ; - - I ??? ??? ??'? , - I ir! 111 j 22V 22V tlv' - I ?V * I ?V IB ?u, 4! 43 ' 12 ??? 11>, 54 14 Sd lof, 108 844 MY S4V J?? a ""i tal ? ~8%) ?j 50 IB ins UNLISTED STOCKS. I-Aerosi seles-|? <"U^lna flh?rm (OpeeiHIgh I?w.l rm.. Bid. Ask. ar*| Amer Sugar U?f do pref. Pay StaU Osa., ? lt'klyn ftapld Tt ' Caaaol Ice.1 do pr?f.J l'ul rio ? * At'.. ?lo pref.| King a ? Mng. M?t Traction.... National I?ead. . do pref.' ? ? ?ft ? R (las do pref.,. Pacante . L' S Leather_ do pref. West G? Beef. . 135 108H 12'? set? 88 28 108*4 30', Wl>4 80 till-. ISSU 132% m\ 108 vt pus \(*\ 12% 12 12 ? 2i?V ??\ 41- 41 4P, ?a , .28 .28 100', 108% Ht .28 I'V, 134% 134% i?8 ina% 11% 12 I 18% 4P? 88 ?, 2%' 8 ?? 4l*j ?1 8% 8% Ila MS IIP-, 111% II .?Jb 11 ?% :?? 03 (till, 81? 8*i 88 ? M?, ?2? SV. l?ios ito .WS B)% go >j>, ?4 vi UJ ' ? 7 S ?2 BJtj ? ta] ??.0? STO ??.. ?OS? Lioa ?0 10? ??> Li?? SA LOtV) 123 400 ?I J ira? l'W Total ahire? (or the day.3RO.1 ??0S S 20 f. KALKS AT THE fXBBSOLI?MTBD ?G??';? ??? P?lTRO LBLM EXiniAJ?OC A.Ter Ku< R*f. .. Arrer TsCaose /.. ?*< top a s v... At Top A 8 ?" pf. ("htcaeo Ose ... CV-? R I A V?r , Cete Bar A Q. .. '?he >TH A St P. e Bt I* :f ? o ., itilo Ot West_ Cent e? ? J. Chi? A X'T?har.. ???! a naca?_ Osa Eteetrlc . ',..;L' A Ni.sli Manhniun . M> l'acme . Mo ? a ? pf Minn A St L. N'a' Lend . N Y Central ? N Y ont A S'est, N Y ? A West pf. North Pac pf PactflC Mai! .: Rending .? P.eadln?: 1st pf...i Southern rf.' (Tenn C ? I. Calen Pacific G S Leather pf.? Western L'nl0U...| Ce;*iv l? Uh- \/v?? ! Cloa i ,n?. e?t. eat in?. |?4% W4S 78S 12', 9,C, (.4% '.'4 S ??\, ???? CI M tfS 1I7S 113 ?* ' V) ?srs lf% 31 25 ' 30S 108% 15% 88% 40s 31Y 23 47S ?":i 22S e; I 83% ??S ?AI S Mill?, 12\ iiT"' f*i% Sut 84^ 88% BBS !'? ?7 - 117S 113S 84% .Vis 81S 10U 31 25 3' ?S 102% 18% 32', 41S 31% 4T?-?.' 21'V, sas r.t I ?s: ?*% [24 ^)\ vis ??s 88% ?.4S. 8f? 8JJ 1,75 113 34 ' '?S 10 31 I 25 80% 1"2?, 15', 82% 4 -, ri?, 81 47% 83% r, 82% 84% ? Il 12s 2i\ HS ?S MS B+% 117% i?s ?S . ?i<". ?G? 80% '.?2 . I'? , '\ ' GG. 23 S 47S SB? T2S ??? res Sold i\8T8 ? ? 2 24?? LSJ8 ?,?40 ??G? 44) 410 ? i t?? pa 140 G" 10 ??1 1'? m H UBS 30 BBS 20 ai ? io M Si? Total raie?. 73.120 Or>?n Hlah es?. Clos Ina ("he? A 0 4S?? - ? ? Vi??a?; Kl 5a. Rock I? 3a. R.o Or W 4s. St I. Bouthw 1st. . Stand P. & T rt? . Stnnd RAT ?crlp 77?. !i7 lu? 78 08 ?8 #;>, H7 tas 07 p?; n ?) gM Totr.1 sn'.e?.?2?.?? MININO STOCKS. Open? ing. HlR-h-1 LOW? ?"loo Ing H'-nr?? a.jM. Urun.wlck .07 .07 .o7 o7 Con Cal a Va_I IBS ISS 1.3' IBS Cometock .I .05 I .05 I .05 I .01 C Creek Con?.' .10 ? .10 ' .10 I .10 I^adillle .14 ' .14 ! .14 .14 lit Rota .I .o? ,08 ' ."?? .00 Molile Gibson ...' ..'? ?' 5rt .5? ! .50 Poto?! .! .40 I .40 ? .40 .40 sierra Mesada ...I ?1>5 I .05 ' .01 1 ??l Standar?! .' 1.55 IM IM 1.35 :-t? MB ?ml 8 ??) .? 41 BBS 410 200 ytn loO Tota! sale?.8.488 I Open-' Hlah-' ?jpw- I C?o.- Balea ! lnir I est i est. I Ina. ! ?u.h. September option. 87% C?!S (17 1.100,008 CORN. Open- Hti?h ????? est. Cti ?- 8n>?, ing. bn?h pc-it,.|i,ter option. 28% CLOSING PRICES OF PHILADELPHIA STcx-RS. Bid. A?ked 141,1. A?k?d. lie ?li i>>hiah Valley.. 30 Nor P.ic com. .. 13Ti ? 1 . pr-r . 4"3. Per.n It ?. ."'J7, Phil & R cm dc 1st prof do 2d pn-f.14 1 Iti 14 3 l'i 10% Met Traction... 100% its C ? of ? j stock u? 41 do ."?.-.??% ."'J7? BS ''? ??.?? Imp ?'.. 78% 11% 1111 !>: W ..??, ?i L Co?, 4.1 234, 23 13 IS Elee ? I! cm... li?S ?lo sen in 4?. 82S c ? R of Ind.. 1(1 Phila Traction. 72% t'nlon Traction. 11% ? ? ? Tr Cert. 72% pref P H L & P aeaa. 18% 1? do pref . 33 72S W.lsh i'.im com. ^' IIS do p.-ef . ?;:;, 72S I?; Ul Traction.. 1?S ? ??? ?8% 20 22 S ?? 34 II? CLOSING. PBBCBB ?? cmrAC.n BTOCBB. ChkaKo. lety H. l??7. Yesjerday.To-day. ' Teeterdar.T . ???t. Diamond Match.14.1 ? I-ike Bt K.l*?.. ? ? M Btrawbi.ard _2?S 2?% N Y Blacull_ ?*? ?'< West Chlcag-o.. .1??5'4 1?4'-. Gas Be .lo^S |03% City Railway...230% ? M. tr, ? .litan _ ? 4\ Wodnos-lay, July 14?p. m. Stock market values advanced ne-alri ti-.laf, and, outside of flugar Rcfinin?;, a further ei panslon In the volume ol l.usiness took place, with Increased activity in the low-prlc-d share?, while In the bond department a cnsld-rabl? gain over yesterday's total rumines?? wa? re? corded. Sugar Refining on a smaller v? lume of business went through one of Ite characteristic movements, and again attracted a large share of the speculative attention, dealings .?!*?;??here. however, showing an lncreas?.? In IHIIIMBBBBSB luiuse buying, and more pronounced outside buy? ing since the recent heavy movement l:i staeSB culminated a fortnight ago. In Stilai K? a weak opening was followed by a break to l.'i"_"?.., against the closing at IM last night, and after a rally to 18B% it m B/ed irregularly, with its tinal price at 184% Of a net b ss ef 11m ?'^ cent. Heavy sales for profits were losbtlCBB made In the stock at the opening, but the chief selling IB it appeared to be due to whit arai considered more tinfaxOTSbta rep.irts from Wash? ington regarding the possible treatment cf ?he sugar st'hedule by the eonference COtlUBlttee. From a speculative point of view a IBSCtiBB in the sto?k was due, and the course of the stock In the day's market was a natural sequence of it? rapid advance in the last two days. It Is cur? rently reported In th?? Street that large amounts of Sugar Refining have recently been taken by investment interests, and that Standard oil in? terests have been heavy buyers on investment: but the theory that the st??. k has BBSS leBWVBtJ frmn the Influence of manipulation seems rather far fetched, In view of the movement in It In th? last few days. It is doubtless a good security to hold as a dividend payer, but it Is still raff much In evidence as a speculative Issue, if sal?1? ?if IMI.I.,'11 shares In three days can I ?? t :ken aJ a criterion. The upward nioiemeiu in bi-day's security market embraced a lari;.? ?????????t of i.?suee. in faci, nearly all Of the active list, some stock? making substantial tut gains, as In Sus?mehanne and Western common ani pieferr.-d. CBSrSlBBB Cincinnati. ChtOBBB and St Louis, and to a 1MB extent in the ?.ranger slums. Readlinc. An)?"? CSB Tol-aic". Chicago and ? Western. Mi"? neapolls and S|. I.otits. or. ?mi Short Line atia St Louis nnd San Francisco first preferred, in BtOCka less actively traded In. Hast River (.?? and Consolidated ?las were strong features, ine ?p ??-???p???>? ,,???. ??. ^.? i??ma the business transa? ted was op a luht ^lume and no good orders appear??.! to the mark t. Whl!.? there may be scBttartaf shipment? ?" The low retes prevailing for money are considerable factor? in the current buying nu?e ment In low rate bonds. - .?.-'-. mtcck? Prioea for tha laat sales of tho principal stc?Jta