Newspaper Page Text
ajo new ?'?>. 1% to 118%; Oragjon Short Line come A 8a> l1- to 47%; Pittsburg. Shenango id Lake Erie ?? msol ,">s. 14"* tu SIS (first sale a? day, compared with the final figur?e of yes? terday! were as follows: Julv 13. Jul> 14. July 18. .luly 14. . , ??ear K-r .130 ?;: l \ Manhatt?!. <^>n? 1??', wi ?, t t P F.?.. 12S ?S Minn ? fit U. . 20S 24% AV pre.?.24S 24% Mo ? * T pf. .. Ri?., 80?<* '^pTobacc... 7? w% M, m n R?P 2?S ?\ S Y c a H R 102 101% ariate tea.. S r* N Y f * W .. 11?. 12'? ?e.'ft DM? ??" J? * "rei . BS ** r>' 4TNo-HiW.117% 317% ? ? v t r p.?.... 40% 41 Srd of N J. **? M N Y O A West.. ?f% ?M ,-il G C T R 04% l'4S '"breg?n f t,. 10% 20 Olir RI A Pac. 74H 7.'? Pacifie Mali ...32 31', UL- m ? Wr 03% *3% Rending v t c... 23 23S Sir A G W??t ?S ?a Southern Hy sf.. 31 20 ? o, r M A o ?4?, ("4% St 1. * 0 E 1st pf 4ft% 47?; ? r C A St U 2.V Mt. T?nn Cosi A 1 23 22S ? w-'"??' ? TV 13 M l" S leather pf 02V ??2'4 ne' .1 Hudson. .112% 112% 'Ot?n Ear-In- ... ?,% G, Pati *. ?Me?.. r* M WeMOM 8Mem?.. W?S 84% j THE RON ? MARKET. Sales of QottlAMOtll Inunda were *.t.<X>0 cou- j pon *? ?a 18*1 at 11- ami SUMO registered 1? of 1???? at Hajo. Final quotations follow: Rld.Aiked. It 'Asked. r, g 4, MM I E.8. ft?. lW04.reg.114S 115 TjlllV* - * ?*? -- ? S. ??. l:?>4.??,,.114S 115 l-g 4? 11I07 reg.lllS 112 ' G.0. cur. ?'?.1MB 101% ? }.? 4. 1007.?hi. 112 lra%|r?, cur. fi-1890.104% ? }-L ??102*. ? g.124% 12V, ?'her. 4s, IM-10J - 1/ ? 4s ??.COU.12?', 130% Ckm. -?"? 1!a* ????? ? Rallroifl ?WtJitTu wore strong and active. The principal transa? tions were In the Atchiaon le? gues. Brooklyn Rapid Transit G**. Contrai of Qgorgig eotaaol Bg, Susiiuehanna ar.'l Wintern gent-ral mortgage. Oregon Short I.inr- i:,..ueft, Rto OraatM Western fineta. Texas and Pacific gjucrgi in ????8. Central of Georgia flr?t ">s, ?.'ol? or.,?:'' M"1'and 4?. receipts. Louisville and Nash? ville unifted 4s. Mobile and Ohio-Is, and Read? ing -is UM principal net gains veta made by ri'"uk!vn Rapid Transit f?s, 1 to M; Mobile and Ohi' Income and La tinre June, IK?.????. At.bison general 4s, H to SIX; Central of (Scorcia consol ."is. ?^ to M ; Jersey Central general 8a. %j to 11-'V. Oman Short Line first congo] ?s. % to 86%, and Erie fourth mortgage. ? to 1-"%?? South Carolina und Georgia Urs: ~n* lost \ to 1*1; Minneapolie and ?(. Louis ? ?nsol ."?a, *-? to 104%; laser? Cen? tral ??rst os. M to '.).". and Rock Island exten? sion "is, % to lift In miscellaneous issues Edi? son Ei?etrie illuminating of New-York grained ] to |H; I.ehigh and Wilkosbarr? consols % to fa. Oregon IinuioeCBBCnt consul ?s receipts, \ to 22%. and Standard Rope and Twine (?s, V? to ?TVj The foreign exchange market was dull and steady Posted sterling was $4 ?G and $4 -?'?/ 14 ssi, for lona and short bills rvApectri ely Rate? for aotml business closed as follows: OaMaa l.cng I>emnn.l aterlmr .4^7',I34.S7% 4.?G.1 4.SO',, 4>7'?4 s7i4 Rggri .5.'5 A10% All lea? 1-11 Rei hsmsrks . ??'.* IT. .V 1(1 M 11-1?? OulM-r? . 40% 40 6-10 40 7-10 THE MONEY MARKET. Money on call was 1 per oent Time money ?as _'per <cnt for Bixty days, t%kf2% I>pr cent for three months, 2Vi per cent for four monthe pi ?'! BW cent for six months. Commercial paper rat-s were .'Ki.t'-j per cent for prime in? dorsed lilis receivable. ???,?14 per cent fur choice tingle names and 4494M per cent for other good I Ba tries. Pomesti ? exchanR?' was as follows at the placai named? San Francisco-Sight. ITV?C ; telegraph, Jftr. Savannah-Huytng. 1-14 "ff; re?ing. i?ar. Vev,?.? oleana? Commercial, $] dloeotint; bank, ? premium. Charleaton?Bujrlng, par; galling;, S premium. Chicago?lib?, premium. Boatos? v. 10 (lisinunt. Rank ? 1-arinKs in this city were: Kxt hanses, .tl.lTT.??'?!?. ?alancea, (?,???.074 CHilcaro?Ex cbangea, $13.4?1,??2; balancee, $1,041,381. Boa? tea-Exchanges ?HR.K14.10S; balancaa .<J.141. Siio. Philadelphia? EUchangrea, H0.464.R12; bal aiH-s ^1.."?'.'7.'?14 BalUmor?? BxchAAgjea, $2. 4G.4.G.1". balancea, -<1.177.ih',i). Tb? commercial price of bar silver vas 00%Sc. Mexican silver d"?lnrs. 4t?%S948*4c. In London bar silver was urn-harped at -~ t'-H!d. Silv? r ax? j. irts to-morrow, 4:17.ihm? ounces. Money on call in London was :??4 per cent, with open market discounts at l.'i-lt'^i'. per cent fr?r short and lonp l?ills. Rritish ???.nsnls arare 112% for money and 11213-10 for the account. Paris dlacotjnt rate. l7n ? er cent. F'aris ex ehonge nn Loados, 2S.100J25.11 Berlin discount rate, 2% p*l cent. THE FEDERAL TREASURY To-'.ay's Vrtshincton Treasury gtatement, reverlns actual results of two days a?ru. com? pared with the lest preceding statem-nt, give? the following balances: julv i.'i ,Tt:iv 14. Cbaagei Pat gold .fl4U7.'.:?.r.?0 I142.hwi.25l Inc. *4?1.7:>4 Jfl . ? |, er . Ill. i 80 204 -'?. <??7 :?7.'? ? ?e. ?. 71 !? \V ?- j nites. S1.737.OM S1.334.8N0 ?-?. 4e.1.14H WTtMi'vWo? M,3b3V4M n.AM.lM Ine. 1?.?.(?? a.;??i caab eeee ? oeaeadiag eoe ?iflcaicf .$ri7.en2.Sie f217.~j7..".'3 l'ec. gg|a,MB *>p atta in Na? ti aal iiank? . 1A503.IM 1AWT.M1 lac. 303.420 Mgable eaeb.g*M.103.?3 3233.M0.274 D e. HT0.070 K:n r HaMlItlee. 2f.147.224 21.H14.HH Inc. I.TCAOM Ai-:u?l ca?h bai $233.?T.s.l29 I2?I2.021.114 I**. ?l.U17,U13 Customs receipts reported frim Washington to-day wero .*4??;.?.?!?\ internal revenue rOCOlptg tH?W.Tyr. ard the miscellaneous receipts $17,M3; t^tal Government receipts fo? the day, 9882,177; expenditures 83^278,000; excess Of expendi? tures, f2.442.R2.l Receipt? for the nu?nth to date. |14.132?22i?'; expenditures. .tJ4.,.i7s.i>'>'>; ex? cess of ospendlturea, 810ttM5.77l, R.-ceipts of National hank note? ft? redemption to-day, 8480.400. The Sun-Treasury had a debit l.alanee at the Clearing House of 81.177.000. and its net loss on baiarne was fl.702.90?, made u;> by a net loss In cu?n of SiM', and a loss in currency of 81,060,087. Bub-Traaaery receipts fot the day vi-re 83.070.741, and payments 85.873,048, re sultinp in a genera] balani.- of 821ti.701.124, con? sisting of 8134,802.003 coin and 835.898.121 cur laacjr. Notice Is giver, to the holders of th*? Ohio and mpoloolppl Railway Cumoany consulidateil mortKas?? bonds whi? h mature January 1. 1898, that t -day is the last day that Broam Broa. A Ce. offer the ptivllewa of extension. Clarence H. Wildes & Co. offer a limited ?mount of first mortgage ."? per cent gold bonds | ef the Middlesex Valley Railroad, the pcinr|j)ai 11)4 inte-rest 1????? unconditionally guaranteed by Indorsement on ea<h bond i>y the Lehifth Valle\ RaJlroatl Company. The Central Trust Company, Vermllye & Co. ?nd the Guaranty Trust Company invite eub oertotlono it 108 flat, ex August. 1??.?7, coupon, to 32.1??:? in?? fr.-neral mortgage and cullateral trust ]iiii-yar G? per cent gold bonde of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company of New J';rk Th'? bond? an- part of a total issue of ?U'.'iiriiKHi 0f which the svndieate has alreadv diepo??.] of .<1n.r.i?i.(HH? at private sale. The bonds are ??-cured by a mortgag?? upon practl fally all of the property o? the company. Of th? presan? i.ssue <.f bonds the proceeds to the ?mount of 86,000.000 are held b> the trustee t? retire prior liens and for expenditures under "ins of the mortgage. The gtlhaciiptlon hooks will be "p-ned at the office of Vermllye * Co. on Juiy la at 10 o'clock, and will be closed | H 12 o'clock of the same dav. The mberrtptioii books for the 84.000.000 .% P*?r .em 100-year gold bonds of the United Trar-ti.-.n Company, of Pit tabu rg, will open this ? ?norninp at th^ office ?r Brown Hr.?s. A Co.. and c"*e to-morrow at :< p. m. wltt;?.nd. K?-ir & Co. ar.d Goldman, Sachs & gb. having? purchaaed the 81.330.000 Chlcawffo, &? Liuis and New-Orleano 8 per ceni gold bonds, ?at?W81, interrai reduced t" S\k per cent, off.-r ??older? .f the Chicago. Bt. Louis and New? vj^"?iis 7 ?. r cent currency bonda, due N'ovrm Ott 1. IV17. th?. privilege of ,??.'bringing th*?m ?"r the new bonds on a basis of 98 per cent, ?a'ing interest from June 15, and ? 9% \,t?r eent P? on that date. Or ?he maturing 7?. The 3 Par cent bonda ar- guarant-.-.l 1?? the lllt ?itils Central Rallioad. ? TRUST COMPANIES, ETC. !>!? rt?<l by CUatetl 'illt. r-, X :? V.'ai: .?t. a,?..,. M 1 A?kf.'. I>lv. In,,, . ? li--i S ?jpeaa riarsi . mipany. ]*o i:,i? m f*Hi >ti.l jltg? Qaei ?'.. 1S7>? C S21,1r? . *? ?? . r..???? ?-??? ??"1*1 . .-.. ... _ ?,;m.:,..?,? ....?.".::.?."'.'.?.,^ 1?? 7 ' *lTc>?' l?n b!,<j Tr"?". '<> ats .?? ?. wn-e:i K,a.K.,?i?::.::: -?; J ?,**"- "rim '-..mi?anv . 4!ir, ? 1.? ^'??i ?I?" V" ,r";l '?'?mi.any . 4tir, ;. ?'? * .?? _ ? *me? cun?, .'.'...".'.'.. -.?? *?' W,u?n,., "yr j+?>*'. surrt- .' j,?', H5-^T5a.?^?!?: it? KKLW??.?.?.?.?.?.?.?:.?:. ?3 *j'r'?ntii? . .rlk; ? . '",*n . ?'i 305 10 M y ,,, ??:?. l&O ? (1 E .. "?- tea. an-, Trust <\>.l.lss? _ 4,t b?.rJ*?, ur"y ""1 T,UJ. '?"?''' ? 10 b?? r?>... 4?. ?*"? ? a |J? aaut? Trust -?,. ?E} _ I Ti??, #?????. lisi _ ? Bai? .^"'** ??<1 ?"'?. ?s _ ? ?.iW^sriT?f ' -n? Tr-u^t ??.-. ? :. ; : ; : ; gg ? " Vr? .????? ? 4? ? n . ?a ? a J^;?:T nAlLWAT AND GAS HECIRITIES. " ? si ttaetg l'frtn-r. .N,, IM Wall-st . ??*????. ?**? ?,.?. Bid. A?ked. *V? ' ? ' mtg?? .la. lliVj. A. a ?> l'rj ??? 3??^?????. irriprov?msiit .'??. lt?.'!4. ?'? B ????** an?? S.-.,.,.,, A,P.j, ?t,M..,: . ?_?,. 2.)a t??*!. *"1 s'l*''',? Av*r?u? 1st mtg? &s. .eegg lii7 l>???;. al. ?'*"?" ??????- ?? mtg?. 6?..?1????4 ? ^*?? 8?^"C'?*, m?'? *?. ,,T - ?y ?Jr.??? 2d *>s. IO.'??* 10/ nteecfcer Street and Fulton Ferrv stock. 31 85 Itleecker .-?ireet nnd Fulton Berry lei mtre .?!(? IBB llmoklvn. Bath and We?! Knd gen. mtge. 74". 70 Urook.yn City ?loch. 1SV, ISO Brooklyn fit ? I?; mtge. fin. .15 Hrooklyn City and N?wtown stocR . ? 21*1 Drooklyn <"lty ami Newtown lit mtge Be. ...*1UH ? ?nvjklyn Hevai??.! s'ock . % % IVklvn. Quesea Cooaly and Sub. 1st mtae. 5?.?104 105% Hro-dilyn. '?ueen? County and Sub, cnn? .1?.. ? Ml Central Crois.tnwn stock . 210 ? Cenimi Cr ?town 1?t nitge. fi?....?112 ? Central Park. North and Knst River stock.... 167 172 Centrili Park. N. nd E. It. 1st mine. 7?-?111 11'?? Chu?topher and T?nth Street ?took . 1.17 105 Christopher and Tenth Street 1??. mice.?1<?> Onfley Island and Itrcoklyn stork. ? 145 Dr? Porle. East RiOMlway end Bat stock- BBS IBJ Dry Dock, Bast It'wov ?nd Hat. let mtge. ;?.?1|5% lta% Dry Dock. l?ast l???y and Rat. d p. c ?<?G??.?1(?1 1"3", I Ktghth Avenue stock .81'? Borty-asc ml street und Breed St. I"?rry stk. BBS 84" ? Fort? second Bt., Man. and St. B. Ave. stock ? 41H do 1st mtge. i?.?11*- 117* do 2d mtae. Us.. G? KM% ? Kings 'Ounty Tnvtlon ?tc-k. H21?, 46 Na???u Klftrlc l?i 5s. !'?7 te? Ninth Avenu?? t-vk . MB 170 s.- nd ? .enne at? ?. IS" IBS Seenni Avenue Is' ntK? ?Is. :t?7 100 Second Avei u? debenture 5e.?100 ? Sixth Ave?**? slock. . MB 1.?0 Twen! y-eighth and Twenty ninth Street 1st mise. S.?1"2% BBS* Thlr.l A?enu ? ?:?.. u . 141? 151 Twenty thlr.l Street stock . 500 ? Westeherter Electric let mtge. be. 101 1PJ ?And Intetest. OTHER CITI KB. Bid. Asked. Buffalo Railway steak ._ Muffalo Railway Ut eon. mtge. 5? .?leS', Ufi 1 tuffi I . Cro?st)Wn Railway l*t 5s.?IBS Kh!'?' Railway dehenlur? . 100 1 10S Cohimbu? Street HhIIw???- ?to,k . ?*?' 4i''s CnlumM.? Strret Rnllway 1st ttitse. ."??.0i% 03?, Xew-Orlear..i Traci Inn common . (5 b Bea Orleans Traetloc preferred . SJ 3i North Sho:v preferred . 7!? SI North Shore comm. ? . 11' 22 Rl-hn-.oml Railway and Bleetrtr let mtae. I?. 81 *4 Stelaway, I. I., Railway 1st mtge tis.???:5 lin ???-.?.?tir Traction common. I4%j Iti do prefarred . 01 04 ?And intere.? tEx dlv. UAS BKCIRITIES. BJIdj. Afkel. ?>ntral New Tork -?rock . 205 ? Columliu?. Ohio, stock . 77% 7!?% I'.'luml'ii?. Ohio. l?t rntK?t? 8?.. ??? 101 Cons .?Mated ? ? ?. I, stock. IS 17 O ns .'Mated ??.? Co. of B. J. 1st cone. Bf... ?If, 70% Cun?ume:?'. ,Iere-y City, elrck. "1 "'< ConsjmerV. .lersey City, bond?. IBIt? KB Frullante N'?w York, ?tock . 228% 220% Equitable New-Tor? 1st mtge. ??.?1??? WB% Rqultahle, New-Torli con. m'r;?.?1?4 l "'. Fort Wayne, lud. stock . 79 S2 F.r: Wayne. Ino.. 1st mies. l'I % BJ Grand Rapid?. Mich., ?tock. Bl 88% ("irnnd RnpM?. ??Ich.. 1st mtge. "4 l*?:j Indlanai-nl?. lad., ?u-k . aSS IBS ladtaaapoile. Ind.. i.t mtge. ?*** i"~'-i Lafavette, lad., str>ck . S3 R7 Lafayette. Ind.. l?t mtge. 01 0.1 ?.????p????G? and Wnlia?h Valter ?t..c'.<.... Bl M I^ig?ii.po'-t and S nbarh Vallev 1st mtge. 74 70 Metropolitan Cr? l.ia-ht 1st 11?. New-Vorl:- 1??? Mudl.or (.?? ?nd Electric e'ock . 441; 4. Madison flaa pnd Bleetrle 1?t mt??. Bl. f* 07 Mutual. N??* York . 24? 2IS N'?? fort ni.- ,.,??, River, N. Y., mm. 88% 84% New Tori aril r_t?t Hiver N. Y.. Bref. 112 18? Bear-York aad Baal Ri er. N. T., latente?., 111*4 H2% New-York un.! Far' River. N. T., en. mtge 1"V, 107 Ohte aad lad la a? ??? atoek . ??*? ?' * Ohio und Indiana On? 1st 0?. ?<l'i 72% 1st Paul o?> rerli . 44 47?-.? St Faul Oa? .1 per cent ? ?<1?. 77 SI Standard Seat ?..-u. maatnoa. 11? I'1 Standard, New York, pref. IM 110 Western Ml.trauke? ?t<>. k . W '?'?" Weaters MllwBtike?. l?t mise 5?. ;,, ??.??^ Wllllamaburg. Rrooklyn. 1?; nus?. 103 1*? ?And Interest. RAILROAD KARXIN'OS. CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI. CIUCAOO AND .?T. bOTIS. IBB}, IBBS IBBT, Vumtwr of mile?. I.SBS 1 ?K? I.SBB First week In .?u!v_ 82?1.4??? $237.?. ?7 $221.020 Jan. 1 to July 7. 18S7.4B0 fl.55fi.4o7 SB41.Bg KAN.?.V.S CITT. FORT BOOTT AND MEMPHIS' Number of mile,. ITS 27?"? IN Firn; week In Julv_ 880.748 Bfff.884 fBS ?B7 Jan. 1 tr. July 7 . 2.127.1?1 2 145 S02 12TT.S8T KANFAS CITY. MSBPB1S ART) IilRMlNOHAM. rflWllll Of mil??. Old Hit! 014 ?=":r?t w^ek in July_ I1SS42 BISBBS ?14 427 Jan. 1 to July 7. 41?? 0??.'. 54:?.712 BBtBSI I.(?n?VII.I.E. BTVABBVTUeBl AND BT. LOFIS. Vumtor "f mil??. STI *72 .172 Fir?; w-ek In Julv_ $2.1*01 f2C..< ;v? ?2."? :'-1?? .Ian. 1 to July 7. ?;ftn.7D7 784.188 ?'.74 115 N'HKOl.K AND WFFTKHN". Numh-r of mil-?. |.8Sf UBTB ??? First ?reek in Julv_ 818S.2&-1 *l'?s.74 ? ?1S4.?'.l.-. lea. ? t.. July 7. 4.G.1.1.701 B.1BB.SB1 BJBSBBI OHIO RIVKR. Numt-er rf mile?. 21.1 2G. 215 First week In Julv_ ?20.H-.4 $2?.'*17 IIS "".? Jan I to ?iBly 7. .TT;i.412 401.717 ?ABB ???G??? BEST TOftB AND PENNSYLVANIA. S'inibir Of mil??. ?4.1 ?113 r-*-1 Fourth week la June.. I88.S47 $T7.itrt $71.1??) Jar., l to June 3i'. I.4B2.4B2 UBB.4BI LXf8,aB4 IOSVA CENTRAL Month of May? Number of mile?_ 407 407 >' Oro?, earnings. $12?.?40 $127.2H.1 81.11 ?W j Operatine? t*x|"*n?e?.... M ?01 teS.?|5t4 BSBB4 Mat earnln??.' $43 7:.? $,??.??4 ?f4? I Julv 1 le May 81 - 0'?> earninc?. Bl.4tU.0fB $1,717.2?" 81.443.112 1 operating ?xir-nnes. ... 0'1.4'.7 1.O8B.0B7 1.01T.27I Net earning.? 11 mo?. ~$4'J7.C45 $04S,103 ?422?.14 THF ?. R. ci.AFLIN OOXPABT. The H. b. Claflin Company rep it? log ?i? month? as follows 1R'.I7. 18'. 0 Chan????. Net earningi.1200.005 1158,114 Inc. $.?.1.4??1 int. l?t & 2d bf. .it'k.. 142.125 142 12.1 Italance . N7.4Sn |1BBB8 Inc. 8Bl.dS1 Dividends . 11??7.1 114.S7? DaSett . ?47.??? $!'??>SM Dec $.11.401 Previous revenue . 128,410 :(75.r<M) Dec. '?12.479 Present revenue . ?7?.nl7 $277.U)5 Dec. $21X1.988 El'ROi'KAN BTBABCIAt MABBTWl Ivndon. July 14. 2 p. m.? Bar ?ll??r dull at 27 0 1?. Oold I? quoted at Buen. ? Ayrea to day at 1"<7; .-it I.i?Uin, 47; at Rome KM.4.1 ladla C.cincll bills ?ver,? allotted t. <i?v at 1? .1 ? M . 4 p. m. ? St.? a? ?American Beowttleo open?il Umii ?nd .-oni.nued ?<? alt day on g.-neral BgeewlatlVS ? The ... m ??,?,-, !\ with a RtoderaU .leman.I. C.ins.ilH for money. |1S%; tottaots for the H? ? ojat, 11218 la Atchl ? B, 12%; ''anadian, ?7*.. Bt. I'aul. f?7s.: Illinoi? (eniral. t?t; UoulSArtOe. M'?; Mrximn Ceatr?! n?\? 4? 72; New York central lu.1%: Erie, lj?,- Psnnaylraala. 84%; Head ?ng. 11%: Krle first preferred. .114: Mesdeaa ordinary, 80%. Mine?. ?.ti?? per ?ent. The rute of discount In the pen n)?rke?, for both ?hurt ami three months' lull? i? li ???% per cent Tue aatooat of kntlloa a. n?? tato the fiatik of Kncltnd on balan, e te day wa? ???,??. Spanish four?. 02 8 10 fari?. Julv 14. ?Holiday. financial. TO TUB HOMIER* OF CKRTIFICATKS OF ??????? FOR ATLANTIC & PACIFIC R. R. CO. Four Per Cent. Guaranteed Trust Gold Bonds Deposited under the Bondholder.?' Agreement. IIATKD Jl IV 1U. 1BS4, NOTICR I? hereby flven that the undersigned Com? mittee has called a geneml meetlns of the holdere ut the above certlflcatea, their repteeentat'.vea and a??lirn?. to be held at the ufflce of THil BTATB TKi'.ST C'iM I'ANV. 10?) Ilroadsay, New Tork City, on Mi.n.iay, July I'.'. 1Mi7. at ? 1 o'"lJck A. SI. In pur.unnce of Article BJLBVBBTH of :he H.mdholii-rs' Aureement. dated July 12th. lil?4, for the puriiose of authorizing the (.'ommlttea to enter Into an agreement, anv.r.R other things, for the eoi? of the Central Pit lei GB ??? >?? '?afe tttx I'er Cent. ? seda ff t tie? Atlan'l? ard l'ncltl.? Rallrr^d OesaBaag held by the mid Committee, ani to ?-.irr? ?.?.: the ?ame ar.J to take auch other action tn re?p?*ct thereto or In connec? tion tk'fewltk aa may be de?m?il b??t. and for ?tich other iiiirprjw a? may lie L;o i?ht l?ef,,re the meeting. Dated Bow fork, laly 7. ISBT, KR.\I?TIS S. BWtiS. j. <;. ???< ? t?ii. ?. J. SKTZI.AH. otto t. n% a;b a rd. \\ II.I.I 4.11 BABBBtT, t'uiiimittee?. To tin* Intlilrr? of orrtltl?-at??s. leeneil 1?> the IKXTRAL TRI HT COMPABV OF RBW ,ORK nnd the tH.II OOtVOBV TRIST 40M ??1? OK HOSION, opon the ?lepoalt fgf 1st Mortgage Bonds of the Oregon Short Line Railway Co. T!u? Oregon 88)0(1 Une and I'taft Northern Railway Co. haiing been r-'.rg:iniz'?i. ?ubject la the IBseteaaj? securing the ')regon h'hoit Une lion?)?, and without any dkoturbance ttvte?.,', n.<tl"e I? hereby given, that upon the sgaeaeftna at the < ??tpa?. rSUST 00SQ*AB1 ? r NKW VOKK ?nd the cl.l? col/iNV TBVBT 0OB8f>?BT OP BOBBI ?. of the rei-tlflrati* l???ie.i upon th? dep .?It? of ?...I Oregdn Short Une Mond? nnd the payment of ten dollar? ??er boni, tie amount of b<in.|? mentioned In said cerif?cate? ?III be deliver? d to b?i?re? _W. t:. MARTI\. < lialrnian. Manhattan Trust Co., WALL STREET, comer NASSAU 8TBBBT. ? ap'Tai.. Authorlsrd to art aa Kiecutiir, Adaiolsuaior, Guardian, Re-e??-r, or Truste??, and is A 1/egal llepoaltor) for Mnaer. T-i??ce of Mortgage? of lOrporailon?.. and 1 ranefer i. ;?? t and ll-giisrar of tMoc.? ?no l?on<l Interest Allowed on Deaealt?, sul Ject tociiry-k tl.rou.-h \'e? York 'lean ng-hons-. JOHN I WATEltlll'HV, Gp>?1 em. ,????? Kean, I .-1^. r*-.? ?,?.??, Aeiiw. T. erench. ? ' ? ????????? ?T?as. R Smith. .-e< y. W l'i'-r-n liarnlltun, Tr?- . . Ilios. 1. Oreeiit?. Auditor. Dlreciom, 1H..7 Augnai BelBBont. John ? an, ?.*. ?"?? non, biiin Boa .rd 1. A. J. creati. Joke ?;. Monrc, It. 4. Orots, ? 1? It.iiioipi,, Kcduinti Kill?, Jhbjmi '?. laaf?aa? ?", ?? G. Frtnrh, Kamtiei loom *, Jotin N. A. Orissrotd, Inward'Im u, &. !.. MUgiDOD, John 1. W? erbtiry, W. i? Ilimilioo, R. T. Iiwu. ?financial ?_ financial. ?^ /?ianctal. Metropolitan Street Railway Company (OF NEW YORK) General mortgage and Collateral Trust 100-Year 5% Gold Bonds. DATED It! HIV 1. IHOTt l\TKBKST PA TABLE Ft: ? ?I ABY ? A*0 Al til ST 1. AT THE t OWf.iM'S ???'?'? IX MEW ?ORK. OL'ARANTV TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Trustes of the riortgage. Total Authorized Issue,.$12,500,000. Till. VmmmMUBmWB IHVIM. .BBSB*fBfJBJBJ AT t*RIV\TK. BAU OF f I O, 500,000 BO?,?*? OF THE ABOVE ?BKSTIO*?!? ISHtE. BB/Sf OI'KER FOR M HUI BII'TKI\ THF. REHAIMtf. ?j? !i , O O O , (MM) AT 1 05% FLAT. E\ Al GIST. 1SOT. ( OfPO*. Interim rprtlflrntr? of the Guaranty Trust fnitifmny. entitling the h-l'lors to the bonds when Issucrl, wilt b? deliver???-] ag-alnst payment as soon aa possible aftrr the allotments are made, ard subFcriticrs will be experfd to make payment as BOBS as they ar? notified of their allot? ments-. THE BOBOS *?? BBBatTBJ IfS? UHF; BJfBJsB tl'I'KOVEl) AS TO FORM AM> VALIDITY BJBJ JtBiSBH. Ill Tl.Ell. MTTHAV Jl)LI>E A ?BtfBBJfSBMBK 4\I> BsATfSB?. ?TOMI ? a?e?pa??. For <7 full description of the bonds, wt call attention to the toffmaing letter of Mr. H. H. I'reelanJ, President of the Metro? politan Street R'vay Co.: n:\TR ??, 'G ?I ST niMPWV. vi'.nMii.t?. ? imipwY, nrtv-ydrk. jvne 2a. iw. UlAHAVr? ??? ?T I (lllPAW, \cw lorWrif?. ? ???p ( I ?-men ? i?-? , iiol-iK t?? ? ?????r reqiie.t for full Infornivi?? renar lins the bSBB? of |12..'?''?.'mi Ma'ropolltan Street Rallwsy Co. C,t. Mtge. rinrl iVillstcra! Trust lrt>-V?sr 5 per cent. OgBfl | gali leceetB SMafB, l l"er? to ?tate as f~llnws: The Metr-polltan r?;r~?t Il'wsv ? v.. I? a eiaeatMa e i c-imp.Miy which nnw nwr.s ?II the franchi?"? .inri pr?p?rty formerly "?n??l hy SB? BB ?wing companies: ?????UB, \\K*r BT, * ivv.hnia fhrrv R. ? Oft, BSnBOBVBUTBS cross town H'WAY ?"<>.. G?.\??:?';> BT ??.- BSfflBT) IT ?-?G.??? R. ? ' ???. LBSIBCTfUS ABB * PAVovta KPTRRY R. R. CO.. ?otrrfl i?""nRT it. r. co., oovewwet * ninth ays. ? r. a? Bf*vOA0WAT HT.MT rn (FOBMBBLT THF ?/?G?? StTSBACS H. R. f???. -r Th? entlr?? Pa;.?toi Bt aB nt ?h- Stetnpolltan BUS?? Ratlw??? C?. of Xer?-York, nm -in-lmrii BSBfSBSBS '? ''?'ti'il hy '?? SBCMBKNSala Traction Co. The pr>ipo?el ?ru? sf ?'in'lr. le aexBlSS ??? ? rnirisai? ci rracticilly .U ihr prp^rty of rhe Company. Th? gond? ?'III tv aseenB ?y a Best Ustagtagw "n the pnpert? of the Mmirt.-n. Beat fUr?*t an.t I' G'-rr?- R. R. <~".. commonly call?Hl th? Avenue fj lin?, as ?non a? tii" IBBSBBS ben la r thai Osaeaag whica hare bat ? ca!ie?i rnr pnvrrenr -n luiv k? gees ?Mail im?? baaa rettuS Thejr ?? :: ata ce ?? ?red s? ? flr?t Ben ..n ti.? Olia aia? ?4?. & <;r?n.l :<? pas?) S ? sa las f r< ?..BtaaatM?, ani pi the new ei^-trte p??ver-h.iuse. to be erected at IXlih Bt. ami Fir?? Aventi* if.-ir wnl? o the glu?n hns 1?>?? pu-? BB red), t?. < ??; In the n"lari1>crhr -.1 r,f $2.(??.0()0. It I? prr.p<-.???l that all the lines of BBS M-trop-illlar, St:*??: I! ?.? iv g ,ri!i if IM Si-et shall he 'P?rite.l fr'.rr till? p..ner-hotl?e. Th? m? ?-'L-iee win ai?, ewer m ? Brat Bea ?erta?? pie??? .f re?> s?ta*e acatter??! iBrnaglinei the city, ama an est?mete?! ?aBa?elfBSSjSSa Tii? ina??r of the fjjfjualiig eoaapaalea ars |ii?-is'.i for rhe farraee aeearlti ef SM BMrtgaa?, vir : BBOADWAT ani? SFVFVTH AYBBVS ????.?'??? OOUBABT, FMHTH AYBBTB BARsBOBB ?'??Mf'ANY. 2.1? STREBT BAILWAT rDMBANY. rOt'STB WKXt'K SABUtOJlD CBBaTABY, BUCBCBBB BTRSSf ?BTJ BB'LTOBI FKI'.FIY li.Ml.l;? ?AD ruMP.NV 4?.?G> BISSB'I ABt) CltANti II BUSI ri"RRY SAfXBfBaB COMPANY. ?SIXTH AYBSfTS ?.a????'?a?? company BTBTTI AVBBf'B BjA11?BOAD COBtPABY, CF.NTRAI. PABX, NORTH ANT' FAST R?\'FR RAIl.ROAt? COMTANV Th? surpln? enr",liii.-ii ac,ri|in<r la 'he Betfsp 11'.in Btl*M Pnllw.i?- Cai frmv tr?.?'? 1???--?? w,!l lo Bjaafjeabf? lo the p.i? of lrit?r->t ??? the.e honds. Aa eollnlvrnl ?.-?-iirlt? to tlie mor?anse there have ??????? i?o|?iiNlte?l ? Ifh the Trn.trr? the folio .t??? atm-ket 14.?MH> Hlinrea ?tit of ? totnl n n t liorl/eil ?I "I.OIIO ?hnrr. of ihr ? enti <l ?? n y liuti 7th tv??. R. R. Co.'s IO'; uiliiriinteeil stock. 4.?HK) ?hare? egri* of a tot?' nu? iiorleed bBMM ?f ?,,??) ?ha??-? of the IJ I M. nn?l Oarnl ??t. Ferry R. It. Co."?. 1??"; KUiirp.ntee?! stork. ."??(M)?? ?linn-? out of a total nut Iiorlzetl lesa?? of ??.???? ?linrre of the <?'ntrnl l*urk. ?Vorth und East Itlvor II. II. Co.'? BBJ Kiiarantei-il ?tork. nml n.IMM) nlinrea out of n lotnl n:ithorl>ietl l??se *f ??.????? ?here? of ?he :i Ith Bt. (>(???????? ?tullwuv Co.'? stork. The CMapany baa - xj?? ??.??-? la BeasthBag tas sassBra ahaea na-n??i an?i in gaaBSasj impr..emeni? n.t h?re'->f>)re eapttattaad in ar.?? firm, a sum In exec.?? of 4S.(4K)00O. the Item? Of whl?h have icen fiim'.sh???! 10 v??u. ;?;.?. ???.?.?? ?,f the ptpceetls uf lhass boas?a will ba pHc??] in the han?s of TBajgeea la reftra gala? lien?, or to be gaH ? ut ?? IBetkef e?p?.n.lltur.?? are maile an?! duly Th?? no? In-iime of the Cotag B9 IV (Ml Baaal venr. after ????????? of all SfeaatBBJ taeeaas?, t"te?. r-ntol?, anil other Bss?1 ch;.r?rv?. Ik It is expected that ??. Itnproretaeata io be Btad? with lb? grocaefai of ?h??e h.m.i? ? :: vry largely baoeeaa the gasate? ?aniini,-?. which win i,e nppticahie aa the payment <>f Uitere?t fn ??..?. Very truly y,urs. ??^???] 11. H. VREELVXII. Treoldent. The subscription books will be opened at the office of VERMILYE ?Sc COMPANY, Nassau and Pine Streets, at 10:00 o'clock ?. ?. on THURSDAY, the I5TH INST., and will be cloAed at 12:00 o'clock ?. the same day, and the right is reserved by the undersigned to allot the bonds at their discretion or to decline applications altogether. The Central Trust Co., Vermilye & Co., The Guaranty Trust Co., .-,4 ?\\?.?. STftl'.F.T. ?ASSAI IMI l'IVK ?TS. BASSAU, COR. fui) IR st. financial. THE OREGON RAD & NAVIGATION CD. Nolle?? of MiM-llntr? of ?leider? of \ ollnit Trust OrtlflealeH for Ihe N oui i nn t inn of IM ree I or?. V>w York, .lulv ir.. IPJf. in ?ceordnn??? with th? p? ill Wig? ef ? eertala Vntlng Tn??t Agreement, ?ated Auiru?? I?, MBA under whli-h . th? Ontral Tru?t Cbarpaag of Hew Y"rk i? Voting Trus? tee, a mooting ?>? ?>?" bel 1er? of eOrtltVates of said Voting Truste?? reprieetlag PUB ?-:?'.??.:?? stuck ..f thu OMJQON RAILROAD AXD Navigation c.m PANT, ?in be i.-'.'i at the oaVe ef aald t>sageaay, ? >. .'? muiaai street, Kea York Clrjr, ea Taa At t.1ST 111. 1S?I7. \T II \. M., tor |be pat p?-??,? ,,f imrainalleg tea directora al leaal Bee af whom Maul ??? neMein? of tbe Btat' el Oregaa, te be elected ?t anni?? llinllltg of th- (V.mpimv le ee held at G? ri? lar.. 1. (it??..r,. .r. ?VptetabOr 2. MPf, .?r.l of nl?o n-ml natlnr ?n independent ?milter or firm ef au.llt.'r?. te he ? 1. < t?? 1 at su''h annunl n?? to mirili tlir beoAa and I ai-ei-iiint? r? th? (Omiinv fi r the tissai vear en.llng June lie 1338, ?n.l for the transaction of RMb other hu-lne?? a? may egaperl? .<?me before such meeting. In aoeonlanie with ?aid provision? a meeting of th? holder? of .-ertlfiiate? of ?ai.l Voting Trurte? r?pre?ent Ing rJOHMOM BTOCB. et Tin: ORaWOM RAILROAD ANI? NAVIGATION. ''??G??1' win ni-, i?.? keM al Um place above ataataaul ea TwevwAaj. ?? <??"? li?, 1???7. AT '? ??. ?., for th? paeaaee et ? .minnim?, ?.? olrectoee, at least three of whom shall be residen?? of the P???? of Oregon, t ? be elerie.i at Ibe ?nn ial me-tln? of th? Com? pany, to I? ?( PartlaaA, Orepin. on geptoabOf 2. 1'1'T. and rf ?JfM nomina-in?; an ???>???????? au.lltor or llrm of auditor?, to t>e elerted at sueh annual meeting, to audit the book? and eeeoaata of th? Company for th? Barai 'cir ending .lune rwi |gag, and for the ?ransartlon g| ?mil (."her liiisln?*?? ?? ir., ? y properly enme befor? ?u.'ll me.-tinir. Th? book? for the tran?fer of e?rtir,<-ate? of the Voting Triste??, repreeeatlag eatb Preferred and Common Block, win be elooed al tiie ? :?.??? et baetaoai on Tae ed eg, Jt I.Y lil?. 1N1I7. an.i will remnlr. loeed until the final adjourn ment i-.f the -e.r?.,tl\ e m'-el|n?? THE OREGON RAILROAD 4 NAVIGATION CO. II ?r IIOtt A It 11 C. TRACY, A??l?tnnl Sfcrrlnry, 1.? Wall Street, N?w Tetti city. Chicago, S!, Louis & New Orleans 7?? CURRENCY EONDS, 111 i: M>\ r.MHF.R 1ST. 1807. Having pun hi? s?il the *1 ,.'?.',??.???) (hl en KO, St. ?,????? ? ??*?? Orleana .'? ?iolil Honda, doe 11l.11, Inlereat rediu-ed to 9\*', . Issued to retire thr above 88*88, we offer tl..? h. lier.? th-r-of 'lit- prUlleg?. of exchanging ?urne 08 'he baabj "f BI1 for new bond? bear? Ing inter??' from .lu-e 1.1th and n Mit 88881 on that date for th? maturing Te, ?'?t er\"h H.OBI bond rarryrng November coupon a? fol? low?: Al.iKN? nt 101.UNI?.??,???,.?? ?<???p???? Interrai lo.liiiir ? G,. S.75 ai.O'Jl.l(4 *l.(KH>:t ? ? l?M . 1IVO.IMI CttnU._ -II.Nl g ?. ??a t. ?4 THF. :?.', PFIt tH\T. BOM) HOMI? WIM. BBAB TUB I \<oMIITHl\\l, ?.t All A\TF.F.. OB PRIM ll'tl. %M> IPJTaTOaSAT, IX CHILD COM BB tuf. inUBfBBT stwimiui of wKKiiir ami Fl \.F.\F.?*S. ?I Tilt: ILLINOIS ?I.Vt'lt?,!. H. H. (lltll'VM, HY BJTtbOBwBaaatBT B*. BACH MOM). Inter,m af Ibe lllln .1c (Vntml I: It Oeaapaaj? egcttaisgaabie f..r new ii.nd? win lie laaaeA The ubo?, ?- prtvOega i? gebjeci t.? wttbdrawal at ?ny lime Wlthgllt BOttC? REDMOND, KF.RR & CO., 41 WALL ?TRKKT. GOLDMAN. SACHS & CO., ?? > \?i^AI ?TKIHX MIDDLESEX VALLEY R. R. GO. (LEHIQH VALLEY SYSTEM ? First Mtge. 5?(1 Gold Bonds 1HT PM3 ????.111 >T MAt AM? M iVKM I! .1; l'rlnrl|i:il and intir, ?( unciindli lonnlly j K-uiimitli'.-'l l>> ? t<iliir?etn?'ii| on rni-h I?,?ml l>? ihr m:iih:h \ tl.l.Kt It\M,HO\ll CWkVPAWW. Tne ia:ter eetpeeartoa owae at) :h? i*apitni tJt?-w. ?? ! well a? a larKe Ir.le?-? Ir-, Iba BOBda ff the Mlddlesei I Vail? j Rallr..??! c,,t,,,,,., j \VK .iKIKK ? l.IMITill. ?????? NT ??| TH g All"VK BOXDfl 04 A i:a.?i> i?? pa ? (?\??< :,?,'*; ?? t??? in ! VUS G.? ?.N'T Fl I.I. I'tHTKIUI^ <i\ tITI.U \1l?l>. Clarence H. Wildest Co.. _ :m w\i,L sTBuiiT. 4 KEN8IBLK way of inukini; ????p??.? in Wnl? ?*? Ma -1 OTeebli atwAta ?ur, ? ?pit?! gal? ?? ppj ?acrrantll? b? ? m-? ? Ml ???t ?? ? ?. , in: Nea foe* ? ?>. AUYBRTISCMKNTB an,, ?ul ?rrlptlon? for The Tribun? ?aeetvtd al ihiir ? 'pi..* ? ?>p? ee Ko letti Ar?Aerar. . ?id dof.r n.irih of ;;.-( ?t.. un'ii !, ... ?o. y p m , edrorttee- ! ment? re, elle,: ?? ??,. follo? ing I renili offices ?? regular I off?.-e rat'? aatn * rtart p. m.. vi? : 2?14 ?th ave . . e c.r 2S1 ?t . 114 ? ? e .? ,f isti, tt Mai-?"?, fth aw?. ? nd Uli. . t , li- . l'i.tijp-ii?., near Writ 8????-?? j Dankfre til ?rokcrs. ^lac?Jt&-I?endleton BANKERS* 45 Broadway, ?. Y. r?t> . v,m nm,T< ) 9?? BROADWAY. riRANCH OFII? F> \ym ,,,FT,| AVF.MF.. STOCK. COTTON, BOND* OR AIN BROKERS, nembers of the NEW YORK STOCK, Cotton, ProJuce & Coffee Exchanges. Prl\nt?? Wir*? lo ?hierin o. Dnll> Market l.i-tlcr on \ ?>?????? ? mu. EOLIISTER&BABCOCK 17 ANO 19 BROAD STRCET, EXECUTE ORDERS AT THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE AND DEAi. IN INVESTMENT SECURITIES BOODY, McLELLAN & CO., PANKERS, 57 Broadway, MEMBERS OF THE KEW ???? BIOCK EXCHANGE. Wt offer ?nd rcromipcnd a? ?af? in-esm-at a flret ?aeetgaga g. Id gecarltV netting ? par ,?nt. Special cir? cular lent on applicali.iB BANK & TRUSK?. STOCKS DEALT IN". CLINTON GILBERT 2 WALL STREET. WAGNER PALACE CAR STOCK, 28TH & 29TH STREET R. R. 1ST MORT. GAGE 5s, Fou y.vr.K by TOBEY & KIRK, No. 8 UROAD ST. ??????? ROCHE OK HENRY CLEWS & CO., 11. 1.1. II A I*. IIi-oikI Mt. Botaban N. Y. Bleck Baehenge. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. ? v. l-ro?ii.??? Exchange. Cttteeg Board of Trade. ? ?r.ler? ?aecuted ?t any of th.- ? i:\-hnnge* for in lenment ur on Intere?! allowed on (|ep..<<lt ??.?? .uni? sul.Je.t ?., rbech ?I ?Ight. Art a? G????? Ageil's for <"??G??t??????. ( ??'J P1PTH AVI' .. r -2.-1 fi Rt. Hum ) ??? BROADWAY, SHU ?? ge ????. i ???G???? ST. Merrantll? Ex's?. t axiii'UT .^T. Brooklrn. Gumngo Bunke. "e'RE?HWICHI SAVINGS BANK, ~ 8. E. Cor. ?Uh Aw. anil Kith Bt. INTERgeT AT "UK KATE .? TURBE AND ???? HALB PKK CBMT. I'M II ? ? ? G.? ??.I ?,? .filie,! ,|e peinera f'?r the BIX Months .,-,.? ?? BEE MONTRA KN'i'I.V.; JI'NK 38, IM?;. .,?, gg gum? fr. m Mie doliere to three thousand ilollar?. enMiled there;,? ui-ilei the Bf .rt'l parebi? ,???,? ???. im?*. JOHN HAUBEN RHOADBB, President. Jamks QCINLaX Treeeeieer. '?RAM-IK ? ?.???',??? ( . - ? OOPEM ?????'???! ' -????"?'.'-? 1<*?"??? nn r U-fi.r? JI'I.V ??. I'?7. will Jn? huereai frota H'LV I. l?i?T. ?opintncroliip I\"otirc5. .,????. ruta. Juii ?. iggf. ??? Kiiw i\ :i. BAKKU .m : Mr. ?;? irjrc ? l'i- m ha ?? hi? ui? ?- ? i.Jiriit'- 1 Partaeta In ? u. !??.! ?li. lil.l.-o. KVHVAN \ 1*0, KEB rOBJt, BJtJ June, .'?. i.? ?tange P?a, ?. I UBG TOU1VK ?????? I. ih:ii I ivtir?? iklg il.-i.v * fron? huslne?? nn.1 ?h?i the ?.??? of attorney In la?or r,f Mr. I'. He???;? ? ta tlieiefor? annulled. ??.???:?' mki?'ax. Rasi York l?i July. I?l7. ?.?? ? ?..hange Pia.? ' to the t->i-e. 1 t,ee ?.. ^i>r Bett?? that fr. m trita d?te I shall lon'lnue in in ? ..*n name the ??port iiKin.-n. ?..rrierlv -on In. t<.1 h> Mr Alfred Merlan ? HA ? TZ ? ?. ADVERTIBEMENTK an., sul ?erte????? for Tu. Trli.une iwelie,! at thel Cptourn frflM? RA. 1,343 Hr,>ad?a). 2d do??: north nt ?\%: .t. until tt orliM'k p m., ?.?.????? m?nts reeetetsl st the foll.mtnr hrar.rh ..ftli-es at off!.-? rat-s ur.tli ?. ,'?.?,?? ? p?.. Mr. . 2?4 ftti-iic, a ?. c** ;.vt au; 18g Mb ?,,? rer istb-et . bleci>. Oth ai? and lit, ? U2 ? ? neir We?( ttrlirt-et. : HX? West ,1 n. ?e.r Mb B?? W3 G ut Uth ?t . 237 West <?1 ?t . Lrt?te,n 7th ani Mh lir?, ?G? Kast 4Tt?-?? ? Dioi?rn? Notices. IV TW ^^^^^^^^ his c.imp'iny peg ?ble ran?fer bouks will he ugu .?.Ugll?t ill. H. H. HoLI.lSTKR. Treasurer. Tin: law vers? title issiram'e ?."ompany of NEW YORK. 37 * 31? I.lbertv Street, an?l 44? * 4?'? Maiden ??p?. Ken York. July 14th, 1807. rgVR ROARD OF DIRKCTORS of this l'otri. " pany has ?hi? Ja ? ?Id lare) ? dividend of 2'? per cent, ami an entra divide."! of 1 it cent., payable at th? Om pan?-'s oftt.-e? on ? '-u?t M, 1W7. The transfer baafefl will'I?' Closed Srtt'irci?., the 17th Inst., ami reopened Tues? day the M of AaajaaC. JOHN D?BB, Trea eurer. G ?.NADA SOPTHERN RAILWAY COMTANY. QraaS Central Depot N\ T., June 22. 1WT. rpiIK BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Com * panv have declare.! a Dividend of One Per Pent, upon It? Capital Stock, payable at hi? office on the second day of August next. I?? Stockholders of record at S o'clock P. ?. on the 30th da ? of June, when the Transfer Hook? will be tteaaaV The book? will be reopened or. Tnursday, Julv l.'.th, at in o'clock A. M. ALLYN cox. Tnaaurer. THE MI' HK'.AN 'ENTRAI? RAILROAD G?. Treasurer'? Office, Grand Cntra! Station. New York June 24. 1?1>7. ??'?' ? or? june ??, ???>t. rpm r.OARD OF DIRKCTORS of tills Cora 1 pany have declared a DIVIDEND of TWO PKR CENT, upon |t? Capital Stock, payable a*, thl? office on Monday, the 2d 'lav of Align?t next, to Stockholder? of rasare, at 3 P. M on BTattoaatag, the loth dav of June. at which time the Transfer Hooks will b? closed. Th? books will be r?opene.l on th? m .rnlng of Thursday *h? l.V h d?v o? July pen. D. A. WATERMAN. Treasurer. THE DENVER ft RIO GRANDE R R. CO. New York. June 2l?th, 1807. rpHI BOARD OF DIRKCTORS this t!;i.v -*- ile.lRred a dividend of ONE PER CENT, on the 1'referre.l Capua! Stuck uf tt.e Company, out of the net SSrafeagS, payatile July IB, ISII7. The transfer book? of the Preferred Stock will close at 8 o'clock G. BL, July 12. and reopen en the morning of Jal] IS GEORGE ?'?JPPELL. Chalrniiir. of th?; Uoar?l. OmCB OF THE PHOENIX ntStTBAKCI COMPANY. Brooklyn, N. V.. July 12, 1M?7 82ND DIVIDEND rpHK BOARD OF DIRKCTORS hav?? this ?S oay ,1?., lared ,i Sem! annual Dividend cf Pive ,.?,, per . en?.. parabtS ? ? demand at their branch office, ?Co. 47 e-da- Street Bear York, to stm-klml )?r? of p?? .r.t on this William a WBIOHT, Becretanr. C Public Notices. ORPORATION PROPERTY FOR REST. Pt'BL.U NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ? I'MITItuLI ..It Of THE CITI ?G MSB? i"l?k .?.. offer lor ni.nthlv lent to the hlgliest bldJers. end *'ill re? ceive written propa -I?, a? Beoai IB, Btewan liuiinitig. No 2*? Binad*'?), o" Tliur?day. July 13, 18?7, at 12 o'clock, noon, lor the ptseeo or panel, of real setal? be? longing IO ti"? Bai "'? Alii?! 1MB and ('uinmonalty cf the City of New Vor'?. Minuted (Jn the Baal '"le )f PBI ?treet lietween Houaton and Btaatea ?treet*. On both sBsei gf Willed ?treet. between .?tant.? and ?? BBtO? ?'p I t?. on W??l ?ide ->f Sheriff ?treet. bet*e?n Stanton and 11?.untoli ?.r?-et?. On North ?Id?, o. Stanino StrOS?, betwe?'n BBartff and Pitt street?. On South ?Ide of ???**?? ?treet from Sheriff to Pitt now'known as til: HOUBTOM street park. Also, On South ?Id? of Hester ?treet. be'ween Suffolk and ???? s:re-t?. On Niiih ?id?? Of Distata? ?treet. oetwecn Suffolk anj Kesex ?lu-el? On Ea?l side of Essex street, beiwen He?ter and Dl On K*?t ar 1 W? "B bMob ? ?' "?? rf.lU street, between Ues? te? nnJ i?l In m ?l* (in Wcsi ?id?? o.- Suffolk ?'reel, between BJgBBSr ?nd Dl vl?M. ?Ireel?. On South ?Ide f D'vlMon street, between Canal and Jef? ferson strict?. On North ???''?'? ?>' '-?"?? ?tree!, between Fast Broadway ??.1 Diviste? street. (in ??-r'li ? l?? 'f BBBl Itr ladwav, belween Canal ?ml J?rt?-i;. ? ?treet?. un W??l ?lie ol Jefferson atieet, between Ea*t lironda ?y ar.?l Division Btreet, "i.\V KNOWS AS DIVISION BTBEST PARK. The Comptroller USarSSS the right lu reject any bid of Bgaajuael Por rurthei particulars In regard to the property, in ?niire ?? ? Comptroller"? (lltW. 4 ' ASHBEL. G ???'??. Comp?rolle,-. Coaaptn41 ef omr-, July 8. i?>7_ CITY Ob NEW TOSS, IiFl'ARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS ' BTEWABT IMILI'lMi. ^St? BROADWAY. Jul? Cth, 1M?7 ?>GG.!.??'.?"?'?'? !s tier??.?) j?lvcn Uy ill.? L'oin nii??i('ti"'? "?' Ta?e? ?nd A?????ment? that the \ .????nirnt Roll? of R?kI and IVrsonal E.?Ut? In said ,lti f.t fie war 1?'7, ha?e l*en rlnallv cmiileted and ha,? ..-t, .'el rere?" '? 'be Itiard of Al.leimcn of ?aid ell), and ll-iit I'll'?' A??ee?nnen( R II? will t.-msln ope? to publi? ln?i>vctl<rfi in th? ollce of the Clerk of said Board of Aldermen fur a perl?>d of Offesa day? from the date of thl? notice. KI'WARI' I*. MARKER. ) <.\imml??l?nier? TitrODORE s? Tito. J of ???G?? L BfBIJA ?Tax?? ali ind A?????.?m?nu. ADVKBTIBEMBBTt am. subscription? for fi..- Trib? une receHed at their I'p'own OSI?, No 1.242 Hr???d a .\ -.M Boor ruith ..f :il?i .t.. until S e'ebK-k p. a?.; ad. ?erti.ement. rei^lveil at the fi,l|?>? ins branch uni? e. at r-kUl?: ?.tflcr rate? until ? ??? lock p. in., ? Iz. : ?G>4 Sth a?e ... cor. 23d ?t.. 1.12 (Vh ave., cor. 12th ?t.. Ma.) ? r.ih a?e and 14th ?t., 142 C?. lumhue-ave.. rear We?? tvtth ?t ; IISS We.t 42d.t . near il?.? ave.: t>2 Baal 14(h at , 237 West I-1 ?L, I*iv-?n "tii and Sth a???.; If* East 47lh st ; ISS* 3? e? e. Betweesi 7?tth and T7lB .??. ; 1.02? .Id a??, near i'.l?t st.. 1.7IM 1.1 ave., near Bnh-.l . 880 .VI a?e.. n?a- Itft ?? ??4 M a??.. 210 B|e??rta?r ?t.. 323 Bleecl?r ?t.. 2.t*i<? 3d ave.. 24? Ea.t 70th ?t . IMI ad St , B.tB9 3d ???? ?. I??*' A m Merda m ave , ?12 We?t 4?<1 ?I . 14?? rca.t I?.??? ?t . 2113 Pa? 4M . ?t., SIM O'h-ave . ?3| 0-h ?.e ? IBS rt.' ??? . r?ar S7th ?t . KM F.n?t SAt?-a?. ; 1 fl2f) lirru..'???? ; 1 ."AI ?d a?e. ; 120 klh ave.; ?,??? 2d ave ; 7?? f.'h-aie At 'le Harlem Office? ?.tlSl Sd -ave., near i'tth ?? ; 1JS Eaat l??h et near ?dar?.; ?tS West ItAtt? ?? b?? 7'h ?nd ?Mh aves : SB? West U.Vh ??. Al . the Bro.3klvB ??.-a 397 faitea-a?.; '.? ????-?. I Cfdoing fl?tete ani ?cwubibw?w. Tht? li?t appear? every ????-bijr. Tecaate? ?ml Ther?atan WHERE TO DINE. For Information, clr-u!?: ?. ?tr.. of any Hot?l or Restaa ran lx>!ow. cull or ?ddrss? ????n<| ?tamp? HOTEL TARIFF BUREAU? 4M ?VW??-???.. ?err-Ywrk. Ale. meaos A la Car'r. Td?i.. Table d Hot? ntnaee. ???.???G?*?..1th ?v?.. .?r 38?H ?t. Ale. TUB NAtHATTA? Mu?. av.. ?* ?t Al-.. Tdh.. 11.89. ngKVOOAT ?^W?C'?K..-.tii-av. a BJk-et, AB . TAWL3JB Cone??*?. Cosine Kerherche. Old vintage win*?. BABTIVB). .l'nlv?r?l,y Place A Vh st. Al- . Tdrt.. |1 2?. , TUB M ARLIIOROI (.11 . Proad-ay and .17th .. Ale. ' Tdh. Hreakf.-??!. ejfc,; l^,n h- n. 338.? Pinner II. MORELLI?'?-? ?nd ?? \v*?t BBA sA AB . Tdh.. It 8????.???*?. H'???> A ?2d al \ \ la < art? I Inaer?. DO. . .B *ny A .10?h at. > ?per Tliea'r? Ihgjpggj no. .(??? ???, a 2Sd-?i > BaeBBB -? BgaBBBB < I. ARK'S REsTAIRA.AT No SJ BhM M .? Ale. MOtgtlVB.20 Ann st.. 148 KulP.n ?t A M certe. IM?, ,.. Knlek-rli'ieker Cellag?. Hin ??.? * 38th el Rsstaurant Ale. Knrelsa wine* a specialty > p*n I ?. re, t.AXZO'8.Ilr?-id?vav and Huh ?t. Al??.. Tdh.. 31. 7. tXiHCHI'* 17 I?:. BJJ at. Uli . .V . \. . Tdh.. 31. ??RIFFOI Cool Terra.e. kg \\ ;?rh .t. Al?? . Trt'i.. 7.V. til ?, ? HI ?.Pni-.r s^unr- Baal IwaV, T* l.A\TKI..HK??? .e? Inioii <>,.. | \ e Tdh . TBc. LltHows (.i:iihi\ BJB/TAI ?t a?*t ?? I RbA ??. I.AKA1KTTK RESTAI HAAT .33 Be?? PU? Ate. Hl\GARIl\ BJBJ8JPJ till IIKsTAI R tAT Teh. <i>P?y Han!. Cafe Houleiard. VA IM * ve HOTEL MARTI \K7. .RB Bbaj tPh ??. ???? dfcote. Al t'HAT ?IOIR. .Vil W Hr-.adnav t Ih I.'it. h. efts. |????????8.3'? I ?1th Kt Tdh A Alo. IXmnsftTifiUG. THKf<H?L THK U HIHI, BP THB'nWbT CASINO! ?'reamed I. ? Ren ' ? I-.<lie?: Roof <?.,??ile?, llati-f,?.|? Bwftoegeal Bettel P.air*so?ael BDB*I All BBK. WORLD IN \v.\X ANL ????? CONCERT* CINBB ITOOB tfMI ExhiMi? every hour mm 1 to S. a tr. ? ft. ? O ?TICK ?V RI.%1/8 Hour Admiaalwi KOSTKR ? III ??/?? ??????. 3?V A tiuiln lile ? ?p.??. ?? ?- (??,??.,?.? rn I ?>r.< rrll Kr-.m 7:.'Ui P. M. until midi: ?kl Swept liy Ocean Hr.???/,?... Sousa's Concerts, ^"^ilft?, ?. Pain's Fireworks, XmttL\\\V Last two weeks of De Wolf Hopper, u???. ? .?. *. El < apitnii, MO\DAV. Jl I.Y tl?TII. -<>tli' of >liin li.-t tin ? lloneh. ? JIAIllMiv ?itti ARK HOOK (. Aitili: V ? ?, Kicrv lit **, liicliiilinu ??uiiility, ,, Com?.-.?!.? ? tntetm r the POPI LAB CON? KRT3 ? 1 by th? Metropolitan Permanent Orciettr?. ? S__ IBMIAAWHf 5?k?. _? Multinoti Si,i;Br<? ?.unten \ rapii il l?< itre. ??-Mt.liT t ? *.. THE NEW f\l'T\t\ nillK. COBIC OPERA G?????*! COt>K. poprr.AP. ?p?,?? 2v. 18c, Be. OLYMPIA ROOK <;\?,?..\ ? ??.????? ROOK ?.?????? RABA, BIO VACDBYILXB MILL BABIBafi COVTIM ?H'R PARTOBf PBBPOBMABCffJBi i^?::?> to li v. ai. Beato ??? ?in?; ::?> rwaita. t?hc inrf. ? R HIT0 ? RACES To-t^ay ot 2:30 P. M. IIRIIbv T*?. ' I-. ;:e. \ DVERTIBEMENTh and ?ut T-ibtiae A"x received al tfeeti Cptowa OAee, No 1.343 !'?.? idway, 34 ,li<-.r notti et Siel rt.. ?ntll I clnch ? ? . edv?rtlee. meati r- ei'.ed ai the following I rar.. ,? .(!',.? ^ ?? r^gu'.?r o??-e rat?? unti: s . loch ? li 234 ?? ?-.?.?. e >r. 'S-: I ' 133 HI avi . 131 - ? ? - Bl a-e Gtc?imboati ?Q Ir* ?'G? p ?- /--, =-^/FN . ? ? G ? u OoMUl?lBirUi) lia Ik U II Por Stonlngtcn, Kl '?citmet? l'.er. \ a: li II U II ?t"?, aad al points Beat Mar. .?.? ?-Hamp? shire. Leave *>ter 36 N It . on? kIoc? abovu ?.'?naJ-ok, Weekday? only, a ? P. M. EliD?aOT^Ga LU101I Por Ne?-I>3ndon. Watch Mill. Ill ?ch I?Un 1 and E??t?ni Kesort?. also Worcester and North ??! ? Hea and Eaat. Steamer City rf l. .w ?li er Citi "?' ? reeiei ?????e Pi?r ?? fold No.). ?. It.. next D.?bi.?"'s eL, ane?Aeri MRf at I P. M Or-h? tea on each. Claes conn?- ti-?n ??.it. >?'??? England and Central YerBMil Bailregst uaMM ?or all V?? noint?. [FALO- IsWfSOB LLOOS For Nsvrport. Ka'.i Ruer, "aiston. Martha'? \:ne.?ia, Nantueket. Cap.? Cod. and all E.iiterr, ^nJ Korlber? Mountain. Inl?nJ t? ! Sushire p.nnt? si,-ain?rs PUB? cilia and Puntar, in rommi??!..r. "-"Ine ?rcheetre on ?acn leave Pier H. N. R.. foot of Uurrjy-st , V r-.lay? eo4 Sundav? at I 30 P. M. For Providence llre.-t. BoahM and all Inland ml .?.'aehoee H*?orts East anO North thereof. , Mtta.?av.'i,uaeltg ani PlywiMith. Orcbeetre oh ea '..-.? BR ? ? one blo'-k 8lwV8 C3nal-st.. Weekdays onl> at 5:3?? P. ML Humm. RtVB IV DAVUiaT. PAtaACB IBOM PAY LOfB BTBABKBR "MBW ???1?" und ALMANT.*? Kniest and fa-t"*t n\er s-.eamer. in the ?reetA. Dally ete 11 Bun lai beatree Brooklyn, Fuit.m Bt. iby Annosi.* a. M. New York I ? --t.r? s<e? S?. Pier. ? ??? A M. v\-*? Bd Bi Pier.? ? M. Pc? ALBANY, landtag el Peahen Beet ? 4at. N?w lurgh. Peugbbtwpete, ? n??t..n ?'?G?. raukUl aad I! U* n. Direct roBRectlon ? n ??? ? :.: "? '" ??..??? ?ith r. A D ? th? for ''.??-??,: Mo*WM?ll1 P"nta Usi f r t'lke? Roh li and Hlnn?w??ka. At ."atakill witr. tiie CatshlU Mt. and "'is. E!. 1^. f r Cairo and Mountain P.-s>rt?. Railroad connection? al S-?r.iTfh, Poughh? pel?, Mu4 ?on and Al he?? foe pom s North, snd W.-gt. Special Saratiiga trains. Through tlekeu ? id il Deabieaaei st p.?-. ?*?** ?? St Pier, Beet Vrk Tr.?n?f. r. and o'Ker prin.'lpal tick? agieea ALIBAB?? llVEiSOraa) LOBO. rHeam-ts AOIBONDACX a?.?I DBA* !<!CH.\t(?N't> Lav? Oil lie' 4L ?? '?' foot l'anal ?t., at ?. .' ?. .:.i:l?. ?gMa ;, ? ?aceoted). connettine * th trola? f-.r s.ira? ??:,. Uki (?eorge, ?Ucbge?t ?lpri:?g^ Bbaron spring?, twoaeaa*] isianJ?, AdlrooAache, ani tb? Beet, litania* n:ght steamer ctMliecla ?Ith Sun.I??, morning truln f'iga, Nortu Creel Chi dwell and aeaaaerec taah? ??? rg " naTiZaws usua r*w s?ATs for fcARAToUA, LAKL OEUROB, AMRONbACKA ?te. Send for LIST ROCTBg and HATBf TO M M.?f.l; Kg. aollTS. Steamer City of Troy or tar?taj< .rave? Wea? luti, at daily, except Saturday, ? p. m. CONXB? t WITH DELAWARE ANI? HUDSON ?nd FITCIIlup.?, EX PltKSS TRAINS Sunday ?teamer? toui-.i at Alban??. LD??jS 3SLAKI? All UNK KUH. ?uRijiuL'. li??er? Btuaaeeech * Montaua BBBLTEH laleAND. leave New-Yorh Jail) i<?e?|,t sun ORBENPORT, day?i at ? ? J!. Mtarday? at I ??ilTH?LI;. }'. M., 'r.iii Pie; to. ? li. I .? f AiJ UARBOB. | BtR. Saturday? lloat 88?? r.ot go to AND ' Work laiand, und Tuewla)'?. Tr.ure BrxiCK ISLAND. day'? am! Saturday'? I:? at .;.*? not I?? to Southold. pATtKILL kykmno lini:. ^ St.nm-rn Kaa'ertklll ?nj ChtahtU le.vo .very BSjeg ?tay at 11 P. M. from foot of CtWietoph?T St.. ? ?., n ri mg ut .?G.-????? ?Uh mountain ?raina, m ?ter?.ni? Ii?lite4 i.i elci'tri.-ili. Illiyc.e? var..?! f:,??. ?, ,-.e. and cai - r ??> :atier,. a.-nd lo ptee or tu Cataklll for d??.? ilptlv? folder. OUDS?N AND COX SA Civ I i BOATS frein *-?? foot of Christopher fit . ?v?ry i?e,k day at ? G. M. cor.necilng with R. * A R. R. at Iluda >?? H UD80N IIVBS Stt'iiuicr Vary iw.'i!. ??mi? Btgetayei, Rerbeg UeeB ?,*??- bl, i i| . in. (Saturday?. 1:4i p. m ?. W ? -t r^?.! ?!., 0 m. (Satuidux?. 2 p. ml. FOR CRANSTON?, Ml.ST pi'IST CORNWALL, NEWBfROH NEW ??????????? MlLr^ T(?V ?????????, RoMxil'T an I KIN.iSToN. KlN??S'ltlN ?.INK. U'^st l'?th hi.-Il.iily 4 p. m.. S.ntuidays at 1 Ftrs. Raldwln ?nd Romer. for Core wall. Newliurgh, New-Hariinurgh., Barlbere, Ullto?. pgughheee?1?. Ilvo? P?rk. ?? ? j?. iCing.|.,n ?'nnetting with '.' A 1> R It. for ell ?????* In Catiklll Miuntaloa. > li KWHAVKN r'AKK, SI; $\.M; BaaatH ?????????, It. Fa?l "iiim?i leave i-irr ?x ? ? weekdHi?. ,! ? M ase II midnight, sundam. w .'id A Id ???! 1- midnight. weehAay steamer? c, nr.ect on wharf ?Ith train? for llerluen. Har;f,ir<l. fiprlnr'.eld ?nd patate note? AJ1BDKLL I.INK awBBsBgfg ???.????? l'Ier >'4. N R.. f ot Franklin st.. for Crwnet??*? \Ve?i Point. ? ?il gineg ?'- rewall ? ???? ?! ?? ?Ali - ?nd \e?i?'jra. we.-k da?? (?X'?l?t Saiurd.1)?. .". ? M. ; -?..?,ir, ? ?. S ? M ; rojnd.ys. t >? M . Unding ?IJ3S.I 8t.. N. R.. G:3?? A. M. AUGKKTIKS BOATM Ieri 7e every wp?>k(lA/ at ? ? ? from foot of t'Tirlstopherst. ? R. Satur? day a at I o clock-___^__ ^LVERTInK.MENTr. ?nd ?iit?crlptl< o? for Th? Tribun? roeetved ai toeir Cptowa um??, ?? I.343 Pr ad?*), ?d Joor north of 8l?t ?.. unti? !? o'clock p. m.. *die-t'?e ment? re-el???l a? the followln? l?r?n< h ?fflees ?t regMiir omce rate? until 8 o'.lock p m ?;a.. ? *?? av? , s e. ?OT SM ?t . l"? ??'1 eve., '.r l?th at . Macv a. (Ubava and Uth ?t.; 1?S C-lumbu? sie ?-?G Weal (Vlin<ai , Ilei, \Ve?t ?*! St.. near (Uh ave . 82 Ha.t llth ?t ^7 TV??! iii ?t bemeen 7th and Sth ???? G? ???? t7th ?t ; 1.183 3d ave' between 7?th and 77lh al? ; ?.??? .??!?> e . near list? at 1 T?8 111 ?ve.. De-ai SAHi al G?) . , ... ,,,,?? ?lat M ; W! ?"? : :i0 ll'.?e,k. r ?t . S3? Beerbrl ?t.. 3l??? II aie lio Beet TBh ?< I.BB 3d ???' &??*?. & \m.tridam ?,e . 4??^ ?>.t l?d ?t H? r?'" If*b-j0 : **> E?V 4Mb ?t ?-M ?n. ai?? 181 IH- ??? : I W .-?)?. pear ?TH. ?t. ?M taat M?h ?t . ? ?J?? lt-?-1a? ? : t.*t& ll? ar?. : 138 Slh-?v?.. I3IB 2d ?ve . 7M ?-?. ?v. At?? Harlem OW ?? 3 ??1 ? ??? r? '*' MBb-el lie E < 13ftti.-?t.. Bear 11 ??- I '' IV.??? Igath ?? ?? ????? Tth t , se? ave?.; 3:?? IV ?t I43th ?u Al Ih? Bri?jklya CHi?? ?V. 3/vRca M.I *-t? Fa.tun ?t