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AN EXPLOSION IN A CHURCH THE RECTOR. FATHER ZABOOLIO. AND TWO OTHERS HURT. LEAKING ??8 IN THE BASEMENT Of THE CHUBCH OF OVR LADT OF THE ROSARY AT POMPEII BECOMES IGNITED. AND DAMAGE AND INJtHY HESULT. A match lighted In the basement of the Church , ef Our ??<1>? of the Rosary at Pompe?, on Sullivan- ? ?t near West Thlrd-at., which was filled with gas j from a leak In a pipe, caused nn explosion yeater- . day afternoon In which three pirsons were badly | hurt. The Injured persons roc: ?SOLA. Francia, an Italian Interpreter: face anrt banda j burned and body bruise?!. May die. . VINCESTI. Francis, the ?exton of ?he church ; head, arma j and back injured. UBktty to lose hi? ?Uh?. , EABOOUO. ?he Rev. Francl?<;o rector of the church. ? bruise? and hums on the head, face and hands. Llkel> , tn lose id? sight. The explosion, which shook the church to It? , foundation and was felt nearly a block away, caus? ing great excitement among the people in the neigh- I borhood, blew down the partition walls In the base- j ment and a partition and the front walls? In an ad? joining room. Father Zabogllo. with whom Mon? signor Martinelli, the Apostolic Delegate, ?pent sev* eral dava on his last visit to this city, lives in the tiouae. ?o. 218 Sulllvan-st.. which adjoin? the church. and the sexton make? hi? home In the rear of the rectory. There was a strong odor of gas In the church soon after noon yesterday, and the sexton went to the priest's house and ?uggest?d that some? thing should be done to stop the leak in the gas pipes. Father Zabogllo and lso'.a were eating din? ner together when the sexton called, and ?hey arose from the tab.e on learning of the cause of the sex tetra visit and hastened to the church to m.iKc an Investigation. nm The three men found that the gas came from a leak In a pipe in the basement. While ??arching lor IBB leak, the priest lighted a match and a terrino | explosion resulted. All were thrown violently against ? wad. and flames circled about them. The show??r ? of flying bricks, ??ones, wood and plaster that tol lowed from seme of the crumbling wall? and parti? tions fell partly on them. For some time they were I ?tunned and were held down by the mass of debris. AS they lav on the floor, the escaped gas In the room that lind been Ignited burned Mrcely. Vincenti was the fus: of the three men to escape from the basement. He ran upstairs to the front ; door with his clothes burning from his feet to his , head. and. after wrenching the front door of the church from Its h'.nee.s. dashed into the street. He ? was a pitiable sight. The burning gas in the base BBBBI had mad?? lus bands and face completely black, and the flames from his clothing were quickly eat? ing their way lo the fle?h. He was, however, seem? ingly unconscious of his Injuries and the awful death thai threatened him. for his first thought was of the others sti'.l in the basement. "Run. run. and help the Father!" ho shouted as he reached the street. He then rushed Into a court? yard between the chorea and the rectory and plunged head foremost Into a little fountain located there. A moment later the priest got out of the ba/emen; and ;an Into the courtyard, shouting for some one to go to the assistance of Isola. The priest's cassock was almost entirely burned, and his face and hands had been severely blistered. S?v? irai perscn.i started for the basement, hut they had not gone many feet when they me; the inter? preter. Ry this time several thousand persons, most of whom were Italian women, had reached th" church and were rushing about In a wild and exclied manner, ea there was a rumor current that twen'y people had been Injured In the explosion. Including nearly all the priests connected with the church. Pome persons In the thron? and several priests from the rectory helped the sexton out of the fountain ?nd took the three Injured men to the home of the ?exton. Later, two ambulance? took them to St. Vincent's Hospital. The tire In the basement caused j by the explosion was nuickly put out by flfmon. j The damaste ;o the building nmounted to about 088. ' Drs. Orrlty and YVotmore. of the hospital, after , nn examination of the three men. ?aid last night ! thnt two of the unfortunates will lose their eye? eight and one of them was likely to die Father Zabopr'.lo's eyes nro injured so badly that the phy? sician? think tbrit hi? plR-ht will be'lost. Vincenti, 'he sexton, who was lnlured In the same manner as the priest. Is afflicted worse ?ban he. His ? Injuries are Rrcatcr. and there is no possible chanco fat him to recover his sight. Iso'a Is In a critical condition, and may die at any moment. The utmost ' care nnd attention are given to the three suffer- I era. and nil that mcd.cnl skill can do Is being done for them. EAGER TO 117 Y .1//?. J.I ?'TOYS AFFECT10X. > HFSBANI> IirNTICRS OF ALL DEGREES BESIEGE THE ENGLISHMAN AT THE WALDORF. There Is a man with a hunted look in his eyes and a nervous dread of females at the Waldorf. He is none other than Thomas .1. Llpton, the well known English merchant. Mr. Llpton's name stares at every visitor to England from the time he reaches the island until he departs, as it Is plastered up In every Imaginable place. When Mr l.lpton came to this country last Friday lie wa? chiefly noted as g merchant peluco a tremendous advertiser?and the man who gave ?1C,'.,000 to the 1'rlneess of WaWs .lubilee dinner fund. Mr. Lip- j ton, to those who know him well. Is looked upon as an easy-going, contented bachelor, but yesterday | It was announced with a flourish that Mr. Llpton had come to America to get a wife to share his Joys and sorrows, and incidentally his great fort? une. The announcement was mad?? In detail. Words Were put In Mr. Llpton's mouth which, if he ever ?aid them, were said facetiously, and proclaimed ea gospel truth. Mr. Lipton, liko all other men, at times muses about the possible in th?? matrimonial line, but he did not leave all his (real lmsln?ss Interests to como to this country just to gel a wife. He came here to attend to business, though he an? nounce? with a twinkle In his eye that if he can go back with a wife, he thinks it will be a decided acquisition, it was a Joke at first?but it lias taken a tragic turn. Yesterday afternoon the first of a number of would-be wives appeared at the hotel. She was elderly, but eager. She Inquired gingerly for Mr. Lipton, who happened to be out. ?The giggled and gurgled and confided to the clerk her hopes and fears. He was sympathetic, hut distant. A well trained clerk ?cents a danger signal further than a polar expedition pigeon can fly. The warning conveyed by the pioneer of the husband-hunting expedition was Instantly noted and a huge sinii was hoisted ove.r the desk which read. "No thor? oughfare," and applied directly to females with ? look of anticipation in their eyes Later in the afternoon the mail began to show ? n abnormal bulk, and investigation of Its sudden expansion revevalcd a number of suspicious letters, evidently addressed by women, and tne conclusion was reeehed that those woo could not apply per? sonally were making a sudden effort to get some? where-even If it was only on the waiting list. The office of a modern hotel is as impregnable to a woman in search of a husband as Is the Hawaiian Government to the ex-(jueen's plea for reinstate? ment. Therefore Mr. Llpton saved the worry and annoyance of declining with thanks the many kind offers made, and th? mall was carefully assorted to prevent an prror. Toat he was pursued, how? ever, he soon le.irned. ?,??? rilttht he was talking aViout KOlnsr Into some hiding place to escape the flood ? threatens to engulf him. and expressed a fear ?hat he. being a m!l<l-rmnnor?vl and obliging sort of man. would no? have the heart to refuse Fome exceptionally attractive proposition and nilirht walk the plank before he realize^ what It all meant. ???, bkadbvkj avoiding publicity. lohn Bradbury, th- wealthy young California!!, WhOM Wlf? created a sensation recently by eloping If Run PTendace with 11. Russell Ward, an Eng? lishman, was nt thr Hotel Marie Antoinette yeste day. He said In response to an inquiry that his mothir and son had gone to California, but he dc el!n? <1 to talk abo? t his own plan? or to say whether or not he would be re>on<llei] to his wife, who is now on her way Keel That an ntt?mpt to effect g recencUlattoa between Mr Itradburv und his wife had been made the former would no: deny, but What would be the out? come of ?he prono-? d ??????1??? either here or in Chicago he refaaed to say. He said that lie might leave the city within a day or ?o. or he mlRht re? main here for six monili- "I came to Ihls hotel," h<? K.iiil. wearily, "to escape publicity, and for th it ?n I do not cere ? dlicuaa the matter fur? ther." Mr. Bradbury visit??! a stesmsblp office in th? forenoon and ma?le Inquiry about tickets for Fi rope, im? came to no dennite decl?ion. Friends of Mr. Bradbury say that a recondltaton will be effected, and that Mr. Bradbury arid his wife will sail for F.uropc next ?reek, 'They ^ iv that Mr Bradbury's mother opposes ? reconcilie? tlon. hut that h<r son is determined; that he feel? bis wife is deeply penitent, and holds War.l entirely responsible ?".jr the error. It Is said fur? ther that he Intends to have Ward punished |f anv poaalble aseana can be davteed. It is geld that Mr Bradbury will m-et his wife at some piece botare iti bere ind Chicago, und will return with h-r to New-York OAWISQ Hl ?{(??AUS IS PAh'K BOW. A daring burglary was committed In Park Row some time between 1 and 5 o'clock yesterday morn? ing The thieves only secured about $40 in money and some drinks and cigars The scene of the burg ary was the saloon at No. 31 Hark Row, kept by William Renn. In the front part of the place Is a ? Ignr store. About half of the front of the store Is protected by a big window, while entrance I? obtain?-?! through two BSiftflS? glass doors, fiver the ?'?'? raise Mr foalttllt. Renn dosed up about 1 o'ilvk yesterday morning. He left a light burn? ing In the rear of the saloon, making the entire BjaSee visible from the outside. At that time of the night Park Row is perhaps the busiest thorough? fare in the city. ?? hen Harry Sto'kllne, a bar? tender, opened the place at d o'clock yesterday morning he found the cash drawers in the saloon and In the cigar store lying en the floor. Their content? were gone. An Investigation showed that an entrance had ?V*n effected by way of the awning frame and fanlight. Tt ta probable that while one man wa? Inside another kept watch outside. Tn the rear stands a sufi?, hut no attempt had been made to open It. Patrrflman B. J. Ballson had the beai In lower Park Rom? last night. uxwiLLnrv t? btrwqqle losobr. LACK ??? ????/?'???? DRIVWS A CARPENTER TO SlICIDE. Christian Nelson, u Swede, .fifty-three years old. committed suicide by hanging at No. 41:: F.ast Ninth-st. yesterday afternoon. 8lnce the death of hi? wife he had occupied two small rooms on the first floor of the house, with a companion, also an elderly man. Tie? two men wvre carpenters, and Xellson's suicide Js a sad story of the results of competition and slackness of work. For a time the two men m.-tnaged to exist by doing odd Jobs for less than the usual rato of pay. Beta men were members of the carpenters' union, and before long the bosses were told by other union members that they wosild have to pay them the union rate of wages or ?alse not engage them nt all. They could not w?nrk as? well as youngv men. and the result was thai they? had not been able to get work lately. So they had been tramping the streets In a vain search for employment. TtB I landlord was kind tOithem, not only allowing them ! to owe the rent, but also assisting them. A week | ago Nellson's companion ??tarted for the country. The next day Nellson met Titus Wolf, al?o a car? penter, about Nellsom's age in the same trouble as himself. He offered Wolf a lodging, and the latter got a few odd Jobs, and shared his money with Neilson. Yesterday Wolf went out as.usual, and returned at 5 o'clock In the uftrrnoon. He found the door locked, a most unusual circumstance, and he called to the landlord, saying. "How can I get in? My friend has gone away and lock???) me out." Fol? lowing the landlord's advace, he crawled out on the fire-escape, and thus got into his room. H- was almost dazed at the sieht that he saw. Hanging from the clotheshook on the door leading from tho bedroom to the kitchen was his companion. Hr wa? clothed except for his hat and coat, which lay on a chair, Indicating that he had come in fr?m tho street. Wolf hurried from the. room, and cnlled Policeman Raxter. of the FIfth-st. station, who cut down the body. A email package on the table con-talned a tintype portrait of Nellson's dead wife, his cards of mem? bership In the carpenters' union and. other societies, his naturalization papers and an o'<1 letter. There was no letter explaining the suicide, but Wolf needed none. "Well." he said, "he don't have totlook for a Job anv more. That Is good. 1 wish I was in his place." But there were tears In Bla ???? BS be said It, and he sin on the edge of tho bed, clasping the dead man's hand In his own. WITNE88ES FROM "WOODSWE. MRS. N'ACK IDF.NTIFIKD AS THE WOMAN' WHO WAS AT THF. BEULA COTTAGE OX THF DAY OF THF. MT'RDER. Six persons living at Woodslde, Ixing Island, wero brought to this ??ty yesterday afternoon by De? tectives Kreuch and Price, of the Central Office, and Identified Mrs. Nack as the woman whom they had seen going and coming from the house nt Woodslde. where it is believed that William Guldensuppe, the bath attendant, was murdered. After they hid seen Mrs. Nack in tho Tombs, it was intended that they should look at Thorn. It became so dark In the prison, however, after their visit to Mrs. Xack's cell that they were taken away without seeing the other prisoner. Tho party was then conducted Into the office of the District Attorney, where it Is said they swore to affidavits touching upon their knowledge o.' the movements of Mrs. Nack and Thorn at Woodslde at the timo tho murder was committed. The six witnesses lived within ? block of the? house where the tragedy occurred. The Danes of only two of these witnesses <???:1?1 lie baine.1. They were Edward Wally, who is employe.1 to light the lamp? of the village, and Mrs. l'iinheimer. the back? yard of whose house adjoins the house Mr?. Nack hired. Wally lives within one hundred feet of the place that was rented by the accused woman Several of the witnesses told District-Attorney Olcott that a man resembling a photograph of ?Juldensuppe that was shown to them, went to the Beula cottage, which la the house leased by Mrs. Nack. at Woodslde, at 11:30 o'clock the day th? crime was committed. He was with Mrs. Neck. Most of these witnesses saw ?iuldensuppe enter the hoiis??, but they do not remember seeing him leave It. According to some of tlie witnesses the man supposed to be Thorn reached the houag half an hour before Mrs. Nack ani Gukkensuppe. Oa that ?ltenseos fbeee people noticed thai the blind? on the house were kept rlooed and thel ? nun answering to the description of Thorn appeered al the door now and then and looke.l up and down the I street, as though inieiitly watching for s.jin.? one The following day some of the neighbors BaW the I newcomers ai ? ha cottag.? taking bundles out of I the house, Mrs, Nach was eeen to leave the place i und get on s streetcar several limes, carrying ! bundles. Bhe was not long absent ?hi each trip. ? The man supposed to be Thorn was seen leaving ! tb?? bouse with a bundle abolii noon. A surrey j stopped In front of the Beula college aloni 4 ? o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Mir-, Nack and tin? man resembling Thorn alight? d from it, and later came from lb?? hOUS? carrying a big bundle 1?. - tween them. Ma?. Na?-k Beamed to have much I difficulty in keeping b.-r end of the bundle clear of ! the ground. The bundle was placed in the Mirny, ami Mrs. Nack and the in.m drove away. Some hours before Mrs. Neck's departure from | the house on Saturday afternoon Wall?.? bad s<?-n i what he salit appealed to be blood coming from the ? drain pipe fron? the Ilenia cottele. The How of I b.ood and water from the pipe ceased before night. The only Information tba; was Obtained Bl tlie ! District-Attorney's office regarding the ?tat?menla ? made by the six witnesses was thai the witnesses ' liad Identified Mrs Nack and had told many things 1 relating to Mrs. Nack and the man aupposed by | them to hav?? been Thorn that boi?? OUI Ool l'l t toi y In important points. It was hinted yeeterday lhal the ? ????? knew ? where Guldensuppe's clot bine was. The police are still Investigating the gtory about the finding of a plaster-coated head at Branchport, I N. j.. which was toM to them on Tuesday. De I teethes Btrsnaky and Schindler, who went to 1 Branchport on Tuesday, returner! last, night. They . declined t(. say anything about the lesult of t ...?,? ? visit. I; was said yeeterday thel As?!?tam Dlstrlet ?? Attorney Rosalsky had gone to Branchport, but thin ? could not be verified. The work of dredging In the F.ast River for the missing head was continued without result yester? day. .lames Cetar, an Italian rag-picker, living In Purdy Place, Mrooklyn, K. D., told the police of the Stagg-st. station. Brooklyn yesterday ihat be had seen a man who looked like a German throw ?? man's head into the creek in his neighborhood i early in tbe day. Celer said that he was looking \ over th?- rubbish on the ?lumps near the creek, at : daybreak, when he was approach??'! by the un? known man. who showed to him the head, which ' was wrapped in a newspaper, and then threw the gr?'wsome bundle Into the water. Cetar described . the heed ns being thel of ? man that had g small ? black mustache, tinged with gray, and a cut on the left cb.-ek. The sfrangiar dlaappeared aft?r tossing tlie bundle into the creek. The Italian was j thorough!!? frightened at what had taken place and hurried to bis home to f?-ll his wife of hi? ; strange experience. He later told the story to the | police. Captain Lees set two men at work to drag the ereek. and they woiked all day, but ,!(,] not get any trace of the head, Tlie Captain has li--|e faith In the Italian's story. -, YA.IV POLICE CIVIL BERTICE RULER. Commlaeloner Andrew? yeeterday submitted to I Ihe Poli???? Hoard the amended rubs governing pro? j motions under the new Civil Service law. The rub s i designate tin? secretary of the Police Civil Servie?? Boat?] and the chief examiner of the Board to eon duct examinations to determine the fitness of gp. plicants for admission to the Department. The MS ru'.i's further direct : "The merit of applicants for promotion shall be determine?! by examination conducted by the Police Civil Service Hoard, and the fitness of such appli? cants as shall be certified to be eligible for promo? tion for merit shall be determined by an examine? tlon to be conducted by the Hoard of Police. "No competitor who falls to atialn at bast BJ per (???tu upon examination for Dtness shall be deemed eligible for appointment." The matter was laid over. BTATBR I si.AM) RAPPEJtINOR. Isaac Coates, school tax collector In the Mariner's Harbor school district, has dlsappeiiivil hum his home, leaving I shortage in hi?. eOMOntJ of 1MB, H?? went to New-York on Saturday, and on Monday j President Azel F. Mortili, of the Hoard of Bdu? i ? tlon. received a note from him telling of bis flit in ? His wife and Lewis H. St. John WOT? bis bondamen and will make good th?? defldlency Mr? ? oatea ? well to ?lo. The oouple had nln?? children. Supervisor Nathaniel Marsh will this afternoon sell ?ia?.it?'of Southfleld roa.l bonds. The Hart Park Tenni? club arili hold a reception on Saturday afternoon. ?r?elos wiesen was oallod before the Sont), Street commission yeeterday, Mr. Wimen oppoa?d the grant of s franchise ? ? th? street fur railroad ? saying it was ? mistake to destroy the only avenue of egress from the ferry. Henry HeldeL the ?tap!, ton young man who ?lis appoared on Baturda* an.i was though! to have been drowned, turned Up yeaterdey. No explana? tlon was given by his fiimlfv fur bis gbaence The Misse? Whlttlngham, of New-York (?ty are spending th? summer at the Pavilion Hotel Btaten Island. North Shore Limited -New-York Central's morn? ing train to Chicago. Leave firand Cantra) Hta tlon 10:00; arrive Buffalo S:4d p. m, Chicase ni <t morning at ??.??. by Michigan Ccnirai. ?? WESTCHESTER COUNTY. ????? TARRYTOWN. A house wedding look piar??? at the home of Mrs. William fari., in gig pie at. latti <??.??????. wh.-ii her eldest daughter. Miss Harriet, was marti???! ta Stephen 1, Hall, formerly of this villa???, imi now of Niagara Kails. Th,? ??? G??p?????> was p. ? fot m? d by Ihe Hev. I>r. John KltOg Allen. Ihe pastor of u'm rtral it-firinin Church. Mr. and Mis. Hall will spend their honeymoon at Niagara Falls. arriera the? will alao make their boma The Rev. Arnold H. Redding, rector of Hi. Mark's Episcopal Church, has returned from aa ????????? visit m Kurope. The Rev. It. T. Ty.-oii, pastor of tin- Methodist Protestant Church, la enjoying a three ????? ks' vacali.m In Maryland. His pulpit ?ill be occupied next Sunday by the Rev. Nettle Kasterbrooka, ?? rctiirticil missionary from the Weet Indies. The Mini-annual report vi the TarrploPB and North Tarrytown Building and Loan Association l>: ? I thla week shows the organization to be In excellent financial standing. The Vomi?: M.-n's Catholic Lyceum will hold Ma annual moonlight excursion ill* the Hudson Ihls evening. TARRYTOWN. The funeral of Oacar J. Cos, Ihr- former librarian and superintend-nt of the Tarrytown Totmf ???'? Lyceum, was herd at Christ Bjplaeopal (????p?? yes? terday aft? in mi. the rector, the Rar. J? Sohlen ?penear, Officiating. A large numlx-r of inopi?- at? tended th?? servlcea, including many of Um mem bera <.f the Lyceum and patrona of the Publio Library, by whom Mr. <'..\ was highly respected. The burial was in Sleepy Hollow (Ymetery. Profeaaor N. H. Dumond, principal of the North Tarrytown Public Sachool, and bla family, accom? panied by Mrs. Charlea Powell and Miss ('arrie v. PowelL left Tarrytown on Tuesday for Margaret ville, ?. Y., where they will .spend the summer mon the, M.^s Anna Archhold, the daughter of John l>. Archbold, has gotta to Gnat Hciinlngton, Vt., for the rammer montha. The case of James Craef against the Village As Beaaora was argued in the Kings County Supreme court. Justice Oaynor prealdlng, on Tuesday. Corporation counsel Ely moved to dismiss the cas?? nn certain grounds. Judge Oaynor said the point Wfts well taken, and directed the counsel to hand In briefs yesterday. John ?. See, ti.?- Tarrytown station agent, re? ceived another gold bar from the New-York ?'en? trai Railroad this week, which denotes that he has completed another five years of service in the company's employ. Mr. See is now emitid to three gold bars, having served for fifteen years. NEW- ROCH ELLE. The? memhers of the choir of Trinity Episcopal Church, about fifty in number, enjoyed an outing yeaterday to Oakland Leach. The ufTalr was ar? ranged by the rector, the Rev. Charles W. Canedy, and Iflaa Bdlth Peinant, Mr?. N. B. Ponda, Mrs. \Y. P. Haines and Mr?. George W. Ritchie, of Uta Choir Guild. The Ri v. l?r. Canedy has been suffer? ing from a peculiar bilury, and la betas assisted by tb?? Hev. Samuel Moore, of X.-w-York City. I.nst Saturday night, while entertaining company at his bom?, J'r. Canedy attempted to open a ginger ale bottle. The cork came out with such great force that It shattered bis epectacl?e and painfully cut Dia face. The village trustees on Tuesday night adopted an ordinane,, reiiuirlng expressmen m pay ? license of ?.'". a year. The Board al?o received a p-titlon for the opening of Warren-el and an arch under the railroad tracks, and for the lowering of Railroad av??. in order to make It posalble f?v vehicles to meet ?aslbound tra,ns at the station. Both peti? tions have been referred to a committee, which will consult with the railroad officials. The Hoard of Health has decided to compel sewer connections throughout the village. The decision of the Su? preme Court in the contested election of Morgan and Mantel will, in the opinion of the trustees, com? pel a special election al an early dale. The engagement Is announced of Miss Lillian Wright, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Clark Wright, and niece of J. H. I,ent, of Xortli-st.. to Dr. Lewis G. Newman, of Brewster, N. V.. son of Mr. and Mr-?. Otis Newman, of Plnlnfleld. N. J. Th?? New-Ho. nelle Rowing Club house. In Echo Bay, was brilliantly Illuminated Imi niant al th.? entertainment of a hundred or mor,? members and guests al a dinner, musical :-nd dance. Among those present were the Misse? Plnckney, Miss G?- ? ?lerhill. Mr. and Mrs. ? Clinton Smith, Mr. and Ml?. .1. P. Lambii.t?. Miss Pealing, the Misses ' Btavey, E. 11. Bturges, Mr. and George A. Buter, Mr. and Mrs. }?;. (i Plnckney, Mr. and Mrs George s. Squire, Mr. and Mrs. Irving P. Alcotl and others, The second Of the subscription musicals an?l dances in Larchmont Minor, was well attended Ihm night by a fashionable audience, The concert was f.,? by dancing. The affair was under the auspices of g committee composed of Joseph II. Sterling, William Murray, Walter c. Hunting, g. C. W. Low. rv. I. s ? nevata, T. J. Keveney, Prank Hardy and John Beva ?, MOUNT \ Kl*.VOX The new pastor of th- Reformed Church, the Rev. C. II. Tyndall, Will occupy the pulpit of that Church on Sunday morning and evening for the first time. The ?Object of his discourse will he "The Religious Needs of Mount Vermut and How They Can ?:?? ?, i." .Mrs. Helena Baden hausen, ninety-five yean old, died on Tuesday night al her home, al No, ef South ! Tenth-ave. Bhe was the mother of ?. J, Baden hausen, of this city. The funeral was conducted i..-t night .n tb?? home by the Rev. c. S ..f tin* Presb) I'hurcb Th.? Sunday-school picnic of the Reformed church will be held lo-claj al Rye Ben h, and the Trinity seh.?,., which adjourned ils picnic on Tuesday will enloj the da) al lirons Par?. Arthur Buaslng, u law rlerb in the office of Joseph s,. U.?,?!. while bathing al City Island v. - tf/rda) afternoon rescued from drownlne Kihel Wim??, ten years old, Ihe daughter of a well-known \\. ?ichester family, p.? caught nigh I of her when three hundred yarda nway. The afri threw up her bands and sank. When he reached her only ? ?? f,,?' of her head was above water. Sin? gras towed ashore by her hair and revived Bussine rode off ??n liw bicycle without waiting lo receive the thanka of her friend? ? Y? 1NKER8. After -m Illness of several years William Pred? erlck Lawrence, one of ronkera'a best>known ? ?ii Btms, died on Tuesday evening at his hom.?, Nn. in Buena Vista-ave. He was bom on January U ?? and was the eldest son of Will,an. H. Lawrence' His early education was gained at th.. public echoola. He lefi home al the ??"?? of fourteen years und entered the law office of th- late William War burton Scrugham, bui did not remain tier?? long;. He was h grocery clerk for the next?four years] tin ? became bookkeeper for the timi of Reed, Bpeedllng <v Co. He had not been with the firm long before he purchased gn Interest in the busi? ness and b. lame one of the partners At Mr. Bpeedllng's ?)? ith, in 1171 he continued the business j al?n?? for a urn?? a.? sole proprietor, but lat'-r ?as brother. James V.;,??. chairman of the Committee on Teachers and Infraction of the Hoard of Education, became bla partner, and the business lias been (arrled on since that time under the timi nani?? of Live,.;,,?,. Brothers, IIG Law? rence look .? great interest In the growth ol the city, and was the owner of considerable reni estate in different parts of Yonkers. He was one of the ? original stockholders of the Tonkers Publishing I Company, owners of "The Dally and Week,y Stai? small." He si ved for a time as one of the din. tots of the Citisene' National Hani;. He was a member of St. John's Episcopal Church, and had served as vestryman. He was also a member of Nepperhan L<odge, P. and A. If., and the Yonkers Corinthian Yacht Club. He married, in ?wo. Mary J. Weddle, of Rocheater, a daughter of William Weddle. His aife and two children, Maud and Ar? thur Lawrence, survive him. Nearly all the members of the Hoard of Educa? j tHm wer? present at the annual meeting on Tues- ' dav evening. William P. Nlsbel was unanimously ? re-elected president. Vice-Presiden ? John K'-n- ! ? ?rick Bangs declining b ri-nomination. Ethelbert ? Belknap was unanimous!) chosen t?? succeed him. ? 'Ih?? Commltt?.? Purchase? was authorised to ex? pend 33,000 G??? school supplies in the coming year, and $1.300 was appropriated for repairs to the sev? eral school*. Th?? salary ..r Iflsa Blodget, the libra? rian, was Increased to 1760, and thai of Miss Bel? knap, ln-r assistant, to 3480 a rear. The next meet? ing will be on Prldaj evening. July 8. A meeting of the Board of Representatives of the Pire Department has been culled for this evening to consider the advisability of Inviting the Volun? I ...? in. men's Association of the State t., hold Ita I annua, convention In this dtp in August of next year The will of Noah t Barnes, of Ossinlng, was : proved at a ?peclal session of the Surrogate's < Court hi this cltj yesterday. The estate is be? queathed to his widow for life. The will of John Nugeni of Moimi Vernon, w.^s Hied. Tb.? rail recently extended t?? the Rev. Thontaa Edward Ingl? oi Bayonne, \. j.. by the congre? , gatlon of the Plrsl Reformed ??????.??? of this city ! wa? presented t" him on Tuesday evening per- ' .sonali?,? by James Kellock and William M im?'., i committee appointed for that purpose Mr. Ingles ' gaid ho would ?? id word by letter as to the ac reptance or declination of the call. It is generally ! believed thai ine rail will be accepted. It is t<> take . ffi t ..n Si ptemlier 1 of this year. Por some timi then I - ' m an amateur chess tournant? nl going on in this city for the Cham? ? ,, of Lowerri and Park Hill. It has been v.,,,, by Jefferson de Angeli?, the comedi.?? (fe his?? played three game? blindfolded, two "f whk h h?? won. WHITE PLAINS. i c?, ,i;,i meeting of the Board "f Supervtaora lias been called for next Tuesday morning, ;.t the courthouse in thu- tillage, when n?.?? Committee on ; the .i.ii will submit plans for enlarging the jail la conformity with the dlrectlona of the Board. A session ef the Invcatlgatlon before Referai D, W. Guernsey Into the management of the Woat? ehester Temporary Home under Superintendent jamea rV ?* ? ? *? will ? ?? held at the courthouae , when counael win ?urn up the ??,?-.. ? ??'. Smith. ..n whoae property at the head ef ? ?.. ington-avi gold-bearing rock waa discovered ! v.,in? ? ime I ft U f??? I si|ii..r?. ? ? ,t the purpoe? ol testing the quullt* ??f the stone neai where ih? -?" Imene of gold or?? have bean , found Kurther bearing In it:? condemnation proceedings before th? ?'ommleeloners of A| iralsal for the bc? qulrement by tula vlllagi ol ihe plant of th?? local lei compani baa b en adjourned until Septem? ?.? r. ? L.. r :. of Ncw-Vorli ? ??.ira?, tur? went over the Knickerbockers nearly put an end ito "outing suits"; but look around ! now and you'll see more and more appearing each week. If you put off buying anything? un? til worn by all your friends, they'll be wearing something else. Suits of white ?erne, ilellcati ly striped with blu?, brown er white, BJ to US Huit? of white Itcilf ird fini, linen or wool crash; trou? sers of white rim k er brown linen. Rogers, Pekt & Co. Prteec nrvi Breadwey, Warren ???? Un inlway. Tiiiri.v-s'i.n?! and Broadway. ? line of th? White Hains and Elmsford Trolley Com I pany yeeterday. This is thought to i>?? preliminary ? to active operations toward completing the road. 1 The village trustees have si t aside 8600 to be ap? plied to th?? uniform fund of the Independent Kn g.iie Company. Samuel I?',die and his family are at Mount Des? ert, M??., when they will spemi the real of the Stimmer months. John a. Baedeker, t? Her of the central Beak, and Mrs. Sn.ib ker staiteli l'or Toronto, Canada, (rester day, and will attend tlie Epworth League Conven? tion. HO if E KEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THF HOTELS. FIFTH AVENTE-Dr. Frati -k I'.vatt. of Wash? ington. ORAND UNION?Lleutenent It. I?;. Peary, I". S. Navy. HOLLAND John W. McCartney and Controller .'ames H. Eckels, of Washington. MAN? HATTAN- ?. I!. Ledy.ird, of Detroit, and T. M Fomeroy, of Auburn. PLAZA?Joseph Hanlgan of Providence. STCUTKVANT Tltun Sheard, of Lit? tle relie, WALDORF-A. T. Yates, of Rochester and Judge Lynde Harrison, of New-Haven. WHAT IS QOINO OX TO-DAY. Dork Commissioners' meeting. Hobokep Turile Club breakfast and dinner, Klngeblidga, S a. m. and 1 p. m. Hrlghton Heach race.??, 2;30 p. m. Trial races of 2n-fnoters, Oyster Bay. New-Jersey Athletlc-Bteten island Athletic Club crii kel maten, Lrringston, 3 p. m. Music in East Itlver and Madison Square parks, 8 p. m. -? NEW-YORK CITY. A meeting? of the stockholders of the Union Rail? way Company, which Is known as the Huckleberry system, and operates the trolley lines above the Harlem River, has been called for August 10 at No. f?l Wa!l-st., to consider ?he Me'ropolltar. Traction Company's offer to ecqfftre control of the property. E. J. Ratcliffe, the actor, who has been locked up In the Tombs on the charge of beatine; his wife, was admltt-d to ball yesterday afternoon by Re? corder Ooff In the sum of $2.o?V). Brent Good, of No. f?? Mnrray-st., who lives at the Osborn, at Fifty ???venth-st. and Fifth-ave., went on his bond. L. F. Premiss sends to The Trlhune oilice from Qreenport, Long Island, ?.'? for the floating hospital for sb k babies Special Treasury Agpnt Sullivan yestprdny seized 1,800 cigars In the purser':- room on the steamship Ardenroee, of the Munson Line, from the West Indies, which was tied up at I'ler No. 1, North River. Tlie purser had declared only 500. Two hundred of the cigars were In a package marked '?. c., ?are Valentine Brothers, 1'roduce Exchange Annex, New-York." (bailes (I-ria. h, of tlie Hotel Oerlacli. In West Tw? nty-seveiith-M.. yesterday sent to tlie Polle?? lin.mi a letter commending captain Chapman's work in tin? Tenderloin precinct Alies L. Wood bridge, of the Women'? Prison AaaodeUon, told the Commissioners thai sh.? thought that the accusa? tion? against Captain Chapman <>f arresting re? spectable women were greatly exaggerated. An attachment was obtained yeeterday agalnal the John Matthews Apparatus Company, manu? facturer:; of fountains and waters, by Epstein Brothers for B3.BS3, for commlaalona alleged to be due to Samuel I'm-ateubers, a salesman. Between July. IV!. ami July, I8t7, lie s.ns he sold $1(1,114 wot Ui of spparalus. - -- ?-? ill//. STREET AND EXCHANGES. Tb?? probabllltlea are gold will begin to flow from Europe to the L'nlted States s. me lime next month The following figur?e show the principal stock? of gold m Europe el present compared with tb? stocks at the sam?? time lest yeer: is??:. ISM, (Thane's. Bant '.f ?? m??? |400.8eu,noo f4O8.24O.Oo0 Dec. 87.280.000 ??..??- ..? Enaland 184.400.000 242.220.000 Dec. 57.820.000 of Orman) ICT.MO.O ?? 157 520 li W Iti.?. T?.??? Hank of Aurina. 130,04. 11?'?.7" ?.?? o lu.-. 33.240,.? Hank of Brlslum 17,000.000 10.520.000 Ine. I.OKO.uOU Rank of Spain... 44.0000)0 12 020,000 Inc. 2.3SO.OOO Rank of Ruasls.. 473.100,000 452.0?*),. Inc. 21.OSO.0O0 Other bank?. 218.080.000 811 880,0 8 Ine. 1.740.000 fotab .|?.?4????,?? 11.84^180,008 Dae. ??,???.??? It will be noticed that the tutti stock shows very little change from I year ago. As will be observed, the Hank of Prence show? .? slight los?, while n?. Hank of England shows a heavy loss. The Impe? rial Bans of Germany has practically neither gained nor lost The banka of England and of Prance ar?- the principal aourcej of supplies for this country. It mav be expected, therefore, that these Institution? will tike a llitle pains to deity the export of gold to this country when the time ( omes. The winter wheat crop has net yet begun to move In any volume. When ?he wheat starts for markei all of the Southwestern lln? 1 expect that th-ir equipment will he tax"d to the Utmost, If not found to !>e Inadequate. So far, what little movement of wheel lias been seen has been to Southern port? and not to Northern port?. J I'ierpont Morgan's control of the hard coal trmle was clearly demo.ivmted by development? at the Lehigh Valley Railroad meeting <^o Tues? day Thai road will not be fl dlaturber of prices so long as the "gentlemen's agreement" lasis II?, Morgan's Interests In soil ?xal pre ai?? knowii lo I ?? very terge, und many Ook to hint .o adjust the minera strike and at the sum?- time to perfect an crrangemenl by which tb?? rivalry be ween hern ;,n,| soft coal Will be '!. so that l.otll Inter? rita can make money. Ths anthracite roads are receiving lirg-? orders ano there will lie a ruso if th?? soft ?nal stnk?? continu?e. There Is a rumor that a large corporation?It is ?aid to he th?? I>?'aware and Hudson ("anal Com? pany?Is steadily buying N?w-Vork. Sii?r|uehann.i and BTeetern Railroad stnk for control, since tue rOtSpaay paid off Its Boating debt the man.'ge? mei,? been much relieved and its improved e., ?ili has undoubtedly aid -d it In g?uting bualne?". . Ith?i?igh the property is well mana ,'???!. there is, nevertheless?, ? growing belief 'hat there at?? to ba Important changes iti tb?? Boerd of Directors el th,? in xt election The following notice win read at the St.'ek Ex? change yesterdey: "The Pittsburg, Port Wayne nnd Chicago Railway company, under the terms of its . ?? tin? Pennsylvania Railroad company, arti .,? s. arili ?-? a?? t?? th?? leaaee company, for better? ments, tlie sum of |BB.BB1 BB in sbiires of so-c.ill.d ipecial guaranteed, or netierstenl stork." The total amount of auch stock outatandlng Is now 118,883.458 82, and this Issue will make a tuta! of H8.1C7.148 M Applications will be mad.? to piece ? new taau. the regular list of the New-York Stock Exchange m nu?? coure? ?f lime. There was a report that there WOUVd ??? a change lu th?? control of th.? Herring-Hall Marvin |*fo Company at th?? annual meeting yeeterday. It was -.mi Bo imi capitoliate had aoejuJred a majority of ti..? -link Mr. Hosier, of tb?? aafa compeny, s.iiu. "There has bean no concentration of Hio?-k in the pill chaos silice th?? 1.1 : -1 elei [|,ill, und. besides, con? trol of the stock is vested in tin? live trust??.- for Ove years, ending In '.!"!" Secretory Like of the Herrlng-Hall-lfarvin Company Mia: "The rum.t tn.t control of tills company has passed to any Boston ? ipltallst cannot b? true, ini aus?? of ih.? voting Iruateeshli' which does not expira unti] pul. Decide?, inert have been no evidences of in transfer? of stuck to Indicate muh ?bange " cbarg.-s have ?.? pref. it. ?? to the Board <>f Di? rectors of the ?Onsolilat. .1 BtOCh and I'? t roli-nni Exchange agalnai E. A, Qaoron for enforcing with hi" it ; .m argument ? the flou ,if the Exchange with another broker named Levy on Tuesday Tlie trading Iti Sin: ir stock on the Htock Ex Change jesterday greatly declined In volume. The O'Ne?Ts, THE GREATEST BICYCLE BARGAIN IN THE WORLD. Our new line of Men's and Women's "Gold Stan& ard" Bicycles still selling at 21.50 Last week we sold over one thousand of these wheels, and they are still going as fast as ever?a fact that plainly dem? onstrates that the New York Public are 'quick to recognize an ACTUAL BARGAIN. JUST A REfUNDER?These Bicycles are made of seamless tub? ing, handsomely decorated, enamelled in four colors, and fitted with Hygienic Saddle, and Guaranteed Tires. DUPLICATE PARTS AT ANY TIME. SIXTH AVENUE, 20TH TO 21ST ST. aale? were 50,000 shares and the price receded 1% per cent. John S. Stokes, who died on Tuesday at Coopers town, had been ? nv-mher of the New-York Stock Exchange since September 4. 1875. TO TAKE TOTS FROM THE STREETS. COMMITTEE OX PARKS ASKS THE SCHOOL HOARD TO PROVIDE PI.AY GROENDS. The Board of Education held its last meeting of the school year yesterday afternoon at the hall of the Board of Education, (irand and Elm sta. Nineteen Commissioners were present, and Presi? dent Charles Bulkley Hubbcll presided. Jacob A. Rlls, secretary of the Committee on Small Parks, through a letter addressed to President Hubbell, called the Board's attention to the wisdom of pro? viding for parks, whenever convenient. In connec? tion with the new school sites. The letter read in part us follows: Looking about for the best places to put other playgrounds, the committee soon discovered that the schoolhouse everywhere held the key to Its problem. Where It stood the children were. Where I these, swarmed most densely, there were Rchool houses within a few blocks of each other now, and greater ones planned. Reference to a map pre? pared by the commltt?^, showing the more or less turbulent districts and the school sites acquired or In process of being acquired by your Board, shows that seventeen of this?? new seh?olhousca fall with? in tho districts toward w.'ilch the police reports point. H was the knowledge that the new school building? must under the law, which most prop ?rly lltst associated Ihe child's play with his school, have open-air playgrounds attached to them, that suggested to the committee th? possibility of mak? ing a school playground the public neighborhood playground also, and so of solving at on?.'e its own problem an?l a?lding its mite to your own suci-ess ful effort to bind the bo> and tne school together with a band not easily to be broken. It Is this proposition which the committee wlsnes most earneetly to commend to you and you;? Board. The children must I ave end so must the schools for the children'? sake. Will you not consider the feasibility of so planning these new schools that their playgrounds may be made the public playgrounds for their neighborhoods after school hours? The commltt???? Is aware that there are difficulties in the way of carrying out this plan, but It Is convinced that they can be overcome. A roof playground may. with very ?light expense for providing Independent approaches and exits, be transformed into a most popular roof garden, with all its beneficent possibilities for a crowded tene? ment-house neighborhood. The roof garden of the Hebrew Institute, In East Broadway, is a case In point. A surface playground offeix apparently no other obsiacle to general use than that of super? vision. Tii?? attitude of tlie Mayor and the city government toward this question warrant? the be? lief that this win cause no real embarrassment. The chief requirement in th?? caae of the pla> ground is it shall be urge enough. I need no; point out to y ? ? thai so far from being ,i matter foreign t.> il.uucatlonal Intere?!? of your Board and the achool?, it bears the closest relation? ship to them. Not aU th?? school? in th?? world can make up to the child the virtual loss of Ills . hlld hood that Is Involved In denying to him the chance ot healthy, undisturbed play. It is not necessary to take the testimony of tlie poiice to this. Proebel, th?? griat teacher, laid It down as the cardinal rule of all child-training that 'play la tile normal occu? pation of th?? child through which he begins to per? ceive moral relations" and that he "learns by do? ing." It is upon tiii.s principle that all the success? ful kindergarten work of your school? is built. To Rive the child the playground tie needs is bui fo carry Its teaching? from the schoolroom Into the street which has owned him heretofore. Th?> matter was re'erre?! to tlie Committee on Sites. Discussion as to the salarie?? of the principals of ib?- new high schools took up a lain?? part of the meeting. The principals, John T, Buchanan, John W'lii.?? and Edward Goodwin, wer?? appointed as long ago as May 1."?, and they resigned their form.-r place? to accept the new office Controller Pitch refused, until yesterday afternoon, to pay their salaries. At fb?? last meeting ?if th" Board Com? missioner Bpeyer asked that the payrolls he turne?! In to the Controller with the opinion of the Cor? poration Counsel that th" principal? ought to get their pai. commissioner Little, from the Finance Commit? tee, learned that what he termed a mistake had ? beep made. So be called nt the Corporation Coun- ? ???i- office and got another opinion. The Commit- j ?loners beard of this yeeterday before the meet- | ing, and when the matter came up Commissioner Bpeyer was ready for it. The Board refused to In- I dorse tlie action of Commissione- Little In seeking: ? a further opini tii from ?he Corporation Counsel. The report of President Jasper, recommending the : appointment of sixty-four teacher? for the new high school, was on recommendation of the Committee on ( high BchOOl? adopted with the exception of three, ; namely: c. a. HTrlek, who was listed as an as- | sisiam t?i teach history in the Boys' iiisrh School: ; Emanuel Haue. ir., physical training, in th? s^m* ? achool, and Mies Frances A Beckwlth. third as? sistant in hist??!'? io tlie Girls' High School The Buppllefl Conimitt?e recommended that $3??. mvi i>p used to increase the facilities for the manual training work, s.i that W0.0O0 -hl1dr?n could be :.immodated. ?nd the Boa-vl ordered that the mat? ter be referred to the Finance Committee. President Huhi?>li announced that he had, in ac? cordance with ? resolution of the Board, adopted at a previous meeting Appointed a.? special oculists for the Boari of Education !?r. Charle? S. Bull. Dr. H. D. Noyes and I?r Etn?c (?runlng. I QAB PRESIDENT TO RF. EXAMINED. HOWARD RKEt wil.l. OO BRPORg TUR STATR iOMMISSP'N IN l.tNACY. Howard Rces. thirty-fiv? years old. president of Ihe Phoenll Gas Company, of Matteawan, N. V. was arrested at th?? Manhattan Hotel yesterday mornlrg by Detective Radnor, of the Grand Cen? tral poli??? station, ani a detective from a private agency, The arrest was made on an order l<sueii by Judge Truai, in the Supreme Court, ??? an ap? plication made by the prisoner's father. William ? Ree? ??lio lives at ??), M1? East Eortleth-st ani ?i vi.presiden! of the Ras company of which his son is president. In his application for his son's arresi Mr. Rces s-ts forth that his son is on the verga of insanity: he de? iar?-s that h?? is extremely nervous, and that ? drop of lbjuor will bring on the Insanity feared. II?? was taken before Magistrat? Hedges. In York- ? ville Court. The Magistrate ts acquainted with Mr. Reel and looked ;?t him sadly. "Mr Be.?.," said the Magistrat??, "as a ??ood citizen you must obey this order I advta? you to go before the State Commission in Lunacy and telegraph for your at? torneys." "1 will not leave this court until my attorneys, whom 1 have telephoned, arrive," replied Reese. "if you don*I go peaceably I f.'.ir that ? will have to ora? r th?? us.? of for????," salii the Magistrate after he had talked persuasively to Mr Bees. "Very well," said Rces coolly "If you Issue su, li aii ortWr I Will commit some overt act. I shnl! not ?o voluntarily." Magistrate Hedges ordered Reea removed Ser g?>ant Sheldon laid his hand on BeesV shoulder to ??tiev the Court's command. Mr Re??? looked at Sheldon, smllid disdainfully, and. quietly turning on his heel, walked from the courtroom. In ihe reception-room, adlolnlng the courtroom, p.- again refused to stir. "I win go no further. I have 1? ft th? pretence of Ills Honor, and I cannot I..? accused of disorderly conduct. But her? I will remain until my attorneys arrive" Persuasion finally overean?? ids objections to leave the courthouse without Consulting his at? tor!, vs. and h? left the building to go before the Sta??? Commission In Lunacy. FIAMES IX A BIJ-BTOR? PA?TO?T. Patrolman John .?. Matoney, of tin- BHaabeth-et. ?talion, dtocovefwd ? fir?? aooa after M o\!o?k last nlghl In th?? third Moor of the llg-atory brick build lag, No 1.". E!:/, ih.-to -I , )usl two doors south of the Elisa bet h-at station and opposite the rear of tie? Atlantic (?arlen The tire started In the fac? tory of L. a manufacturar of picture frimes. It spread to the fourn, occupied by the United Paper and Ltox Company, and also to the t.ilrd floor of the adjoining building on the north, which Is occupied by J L. Weiler, marni, facturer of mineral water?. The flamee barged fiercely for a time but ?ere confined to the rear of the building The total damage was ??tin at $10,000. -? An oou aeemcnte. Henry A. Daniela, M D.. 80 W??t 80th St. Impairment? of th? Nervous Syittm. impotence, StertUta. ?nd ilk? ailments. Hour? S to 1, I te A E. A W. Pocantlco. Nakodaa. E. A W, Both n?w ?fleet? In fclgh beaded eollara. MARIXE IXTELLIGEXCE. MINlATCRE ALMANAC Sunrise 4:42 Sunir-t TiiO'Moen rises p m 8:34 Mooa'e eg? b) HIGH WATER TO-DAT. A.M-SaiHy Hook ?:28 Gnv, Island 8:53 H?ll Ott? 10:48 I'M?Sandy Hook *:87 Oov. Island 8:04 Hell Gate MAT ISCOMISO STEAMERS. TO-DAY. VeaieL From Line. Fanim?.Rordoaux. June SO.Funch. Edy? A fH Pania.Shield?. Jim? A8 .?. ? ?????? Hf.roarneea.Bremen, July 3.? <J fjord Praetnrl?.8t Thon a?. July 8.Qu?be? Alp?.Port Llrr.on. July ?.Atlas Excelsior.New Orleen?. July 10.Mora?? M??kelyn?.St Lucia, July 8.Lamport a Holt FRIDAY. JCLY 18. Fuer?t Bismarck_Hamburg, July 8-.Hunb-Ane Tnlngvalla.Chrlstlansend, July 2.Thlngi?!!? M?n?ntle.Avonmouth, Inly 3.Manh?n??t Dunstan.Far?. July 4.Boot? Philadelphia.La Guavra, Julv IO.R?d f? Comanche.Jeckeonvllle, July 13.??*? SATURDAY. JCLY 17. Nfw-York.Southampton, July 10.Amerttaa July 8.Whl'e Iter 81'NDAY, JCLY 18. Aurenia.Liverpool, Julv 10.Cunar! \a Gascogne. Havre. July io. French Bpsarndam.Rotterdam. July 7.Ho||-Am?r Colorado.Hull. JU> 4.Wll???,? OUTGOIXQ STEAMERS. TO-DAY. Vessel. I,ine. From. Mail? closeiVeaMi ?alia. t. der Oreesa Bremen. ? ?? Lloyd. . 8:00 ? m 12:0o m Sobralen.'e. Barbados, Red (*ro?s .... .' ??? ? m 4 .?? p ?j (irlnoro. St Ttiom??. Quebec. 1:00 p m I?88881 Vsl?ncl?. Havana, N Y a l'uba. 1:00pm 3 ??"> p at Anlanrose, Jamaica, Tweedl? A Co_3:00pm oOOfai FRIDAY, JCLY 18 Irnqiioi?, ftistbialoa. <"lyde . - S no s ai Sta:e if Texas. Hniniwlek. Mallory.. - 1??)|? SATCRDAY. JCLY 17 campani?. Liverpool. <'ur?rd. . 5:00?m ?00 g, ?g ?? ??.p?.?t?.???' navre, Preach.? ?88 a ai M AB a ai V? Rotterdam. BMI ?p??t. ?<:00am innnini Faraeeela, (Haag?*?/, laeaer .18:88 e ? 12'?? m M-.hawk. I.'indoli. Atl Tran?. - I?88a81 I'ernsilvanla. Harnt urg. Hauili Amer. - ?? ' 0 a m Atene, Taiaetra. Atlas.I0:00?m ?..?? Alp?. Hart!, Atin? .? looo? m 12 un? Vumiiil. ?\?????? ???> . ? ? ?? Cabe .10:30? m 1 ??? ? m Pria? Wll, m I. IlitNtl. Imtrh.I?? .IO ? m 1 ?si ? ni Grenada. Trinidad.12:00m 2 ?? p m Hudson. ?ew-Orteena Cromwell.- nnipm laiwiimeee. Oalveetoa, Mellon.- .i"i?m HI Sud. N'ew-Oilean?. Morgan.- ", ?>. p m TI ESDAY. JCLY 2a Bremen. N G Uoj*J. 7:00am ?""Oam Beato Domingo, Havana, Spanish.p man? ???? p m Ad\an.e. Colon. Punan.?. ,33:???:, m 12 ira a Comanche, Charleston. Clyde.- ? upn 8??????T NEWS. PORT OF NEW rORK- WEDNESDAY. JI'l.Y 14. tAff. ARRIVED. Steamer Exeter ''lt> ?Hr?. Watktns. Hri?t I .lun* 2* ead rivalise? IB, ?ith BMBS :'nd .'I eabin |>a??engrr? la Jam?? Artell * ?o. Arrived at Mie Bar ??.lam Steamer Tr?\? i",eri. ThulenliorM. Ilr?m?n .Inly 8 ?g? Southampton 7th. with mdse ?nd (?2 .ahm and P2 ?t??r? see in't-iii. r? to oelrh-h? A *'?>. Arrl\??! at the Har 8t 7:4?. ? m. St.-amer Seguran, a. Hansen. \et? Crui Jure 3? Tui pan Julv !, Tamrlco 3. ? ??tnpeehe ,'?. Progr*?o * ?at II . an? ??. with iivian and "2 passengers to Unies g Ward A Co Atrlie.) at the f!;ir at lo j, m. Klili. an4 anchored nn account ef fog. Steamer Cherokee. Procer. San Domingo Julv ?t ?U <?. ri? 7. Svi lie?/ and Samsna ?*. Torto riat? ?tit Heat? < "rietI 1* ?nd Turk's le'.ind I??, with mdie ?nd 13 c?t?i? p,!??en?er? to William ? Clyde A ?'?? Arrived ?? lesggf at I :.'*? p m. Btrsmer Buaon Dumot? iNer?, Kamu. Kinj??--.? Jet? J sad ft ? Antonio A with fniit to th? Ameri. ?n Pratt *?"?. Arrived at tr? Bar at I ? m. Steamer Manan (Nor?. Han?en San?? Martha 7 4?>?. With fruit ?.. rim. 1-orwoid a K?l|.>k. Arr?\?1 at th? "/, ? ni ? ??,. ?. u, S'ennie- Irixjuole. Keml-le. Jacksonville ?Sab 11 ??4 ("harl"?t..n 12. nith nid?? ?nd r?a?enser? M Wi'i'im ? ? Ivi?' e> ' a Steamer Old Doniate?, Bl?kem?n. Richmond ?nd Sor? folk, with mdse ?nd r???en?er? t-. Old Domlnloe 8? ' '?. Steamer H?r.efa tor, To?n??nd. PhMsdeiphla. ?"h md?s to William ? CTjrd? * Ce Sand:. Hook, .lui. U. !>KO p m Wind s^'iih???? !?">*? eiat? lire.??.?; partly cloudy CLEARED Steamer '?arlM-e? ? ?'), Brnt, Antleai?. B?-b?l-i etc -A E Owtertirtdge * On Steamer Ann;?? |Brt, Monf?!!. Na???u F T M ?-??' A Co. Steamer Yu-stan. lt?%-no|d?. Ihu-i ?ni \|e?i ai p-??te --J H Ward A Co steamer G? led rich d?r 'ir-.??e (G?n E.rhei Prewee ??? Siithampion OHrtrtta * ''" Steamer Chicas?* ( lly (Mr?. Sende.l, Rrlst?: .'a?a?e Arkell 8 ?',?. St.ii.n^r ASieilie tBr>, Pearce. lyind ,n Ne* Vork 18 ? ptag Co si ?eater Bauen liter), Han-en. Peri Amu:?? Asserbssl Fruit ???. Steamer San Marros. Itie ?. Gal???! m ? Il M?ll>rjr ? ? ?. >t.Min-r George W llyde, ?1.*|??'??. ??Iiarle.ton WIU Ih-ii ? ihde A Co -?..inirr Ki?>i r?on->\an Philadelphia William r Clvde A ? .? Steamer Guian?? tt?. Daii?. N'"-fn;k ?nd Newport Sew? ?old Dominion Be Co. BJteaieer ???? s.i. Maeea, Ne? (?rieans?j t Van si-aia SAII.KI' Ste?mers Antilla tUo. f >r ?.?.?????. ("n?.?go CMS (Bri. Hrlit.l. (arribe* ill?. AallgtM, He \ug'J?t hTtf ?'????, I'lushlng. San Mar?????. QatveeUfl: Klihn Tlim?y?n. Nor? folk. Vacatila iPr?, Haraelll??; G.ldahoro. Ph!l?d?Ifh;?; st ie ???. Boatbsaiptoa: ?'? ? rge w Clrde, ? Asrsietee! Teutonic dtr?. Liverpool; EI\?U ? Bri, Otaagewi Yu-aiaa. Havane, ?te; On re adett?, Horfetb ?nd Metsfett N???? Kl Sol Ne? ??rlean? Ships <? ant] "f '' ?re (Hr), Sidney ?nt Bee?a?iaBl Hllvartoa iHr), Ar.j,.. .-' r li.? ?.?'<. Baa Plaaiaiia Hark Snewden Glu. Freemantle. THE MOVEMENTS OP STEAMERS roftEIOM I?? ?KTs Harwich. .Iul> 12 Arrlv?,l. ?teenier Ha? ?t., iBn. ????, Ne? York. _ . . _? St Lui?. July 13 Sailed, ?teamer Hellenden ? H-V f r <B1 8ant.i? for Nets York. ^^. L'.aboa, Jell 14 Sailed. ste?mer Peninsular irorw. Ilettlnc'iirt. New York , . s atbBta?toa, July ?? 2 ? m Attivai, ?teamer ? rea* Jam1?on. New York a-r.?ai uueenetown. lull 14. H.K? a m Arrived. ?te?mer .?ev? dir? Watt, N-* York, for Livirpe?! t*nl pr-.-eede..? Palermo. July ? Sal-.1. steamer Flowergate ? ??. Hainnrd. New York _ , , ,lM_ Bremen. July 13 Arrlie.l ale?me?? Prlns Regent lAill rx>l,l ?Ger.. Waltrr. N-? Y.-rk. 11? S'iithampt-n Shield?. July 14-Sailed, ?tramer I-..lerhorn ..N ?r?. w* ' Prawet Polet, j.m it PsseaA iMsatlt Manit-o? <8r). ?Irimth. Xew-Yerb for L n.l????. _. [,,n,'.?n. July 14-Salici, ?teaniir Cambrlen Hr?. ? >??? N. a Y rk. , , , ??.?,..*, Catania. July 7- Salici, rtean er latria ,Au?t?. ?G*8"??. ' RotterAaia. July I! -Arrived, ?teinier Maatdam (Du?vl?). ???? v.u. \i.? Boulogne. ?.._. ???? rU?abarg. Julv i:i Arrrvea, steam-r i.Uc?m? Bam 1>:;;',,N""ui;>"i?. *?.? ,- - .'??. ?-??"? h?^ (Gen. ??.t?(,G?,??.. New Yerk f?r Br. men ?^ . r.. Steven. July ??. 1.1 40 n m ?-???'?? '??'G "^ manic ittri. ?.??<???t>. New W tor L ^'?"^,,^,. li itlMSdam, Jul> I?. ' 1? "< S?llel. ?teamer .?ma S-?,^:J:'^:"u FWA sieaawe -o.?* ** Wa-k'n? L.nd.n. mi Itairx. *0f New Yorr _-, Chrr?iurg Jet) 14. Tj *-*n2??*?j?X? j Puhl? tfrom Urem?n and 8outUami>t-BJ, ?eat ??le ? ^