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HICKLEBERKY ROAD ATTACHED. INJUNCTION PROCEEDINGS BROUGHT TO TE8T ITS RIGHT8 ABOVE THE HARLEM. The P-ople'e Traction Company hae begun legal proceedings to test the'right of the Union, or '?Huckleberry?' Railroad Company's light to pos? session of the street* In the Annexed Dlatrlct. Acting Mayor Jerolomar. Ml served with an order yesterday. Issued by Justice Trunx. of the Supremo Court, to show cause why an Injunction should not Issue ag.-ilnst the company, and Louis V. Ha.' fen, Commissioner of Street improvement? In the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth wards, to pre? vent the Commissioner from grunting permit* to the company to lay tracks over the streets and avenues of the district above the Harlem River. Tho order was obtained by James A. Uttering, counsel for Ferdinand B?hmer, a taxpayer. In the complaint, which is a voluminous one. the charge Is made that the law under which the Board of Aldermen acted In August. ISM. when it grnntel to the I'nlon Railway Company a blanket permls gtO? to lav tracks in :he stnets and avenues of the North Side, was Illegal. It is charged?that the provisions for th? General Railroad law were Mo fated, and that the franchise now held By IM company Is illegal. Tb? General Railroad law ?? quires the purchaser of a railway franchise to Day f per cent of th- groea receipt? for the ttr<t Dre years and d per cent afterward, but the special act under which the franchise wi.s granted^pro vlde? that the ooanpnny may not ray an> thing to the city until its earnings reach a certain amount dally. The company he? not yet paid ??>' ??? 1* the cltv equivalent to the amount ??? OMM the Cenerai Railroad law. It would be tntitled M pav ani the oomplalnantl now allege t.iat the finances of the company are so manipulated^tnat It will never pay anything, and that the minc palltv is belog defrauded out of ? large annual rental The law passe,) In ISM in the Interest of the "Huokl-hcrry?? road required the corporation afte- ita receipts for six month? had reached J1..0?? a day to pay the city I per cent on gross receipts for five paar? and 3 per oent thereafter All the char-gee in the comp.alnt have been made again and again before the Railroad Committee or th?? Board of Aldermen in the fight between the People's Traction Company and the I nlon K?ll wav Company for the right to lay tracks In the etr?eta of the Twenty-third and TwentT-fOUrth wards The Mayor and > unmoi.alty and the com? missioner of th? Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth wards are Included In the order, because < "m missioner Hnffen has to give the permit for tearing up the streets In the district before tracks can be laid The order, which was signed yesterday, is re? turnable in the Supreme Court before Just ?-o Truax on July M The persons said to be most deeplv concernili In the Union Railway < ompatiy ar" William ? Bhcehan, Anthony Brady, of Al banv am! Senator Muri'hy. The privileges were granted by ?. Democratic Legislature and by a Etomoeratlc Board of Aldermen in 1S92. - 4> . ? NEW oak COMPASY INCORPORATED. Th? Central Uatoa Cas Company of New-York City was incorporated with the Secretary of State at Albany yesterday. The car'tal stock Is $3..V?l.eon. The directors are Richard ?. ToUBg, James E. Tol free. Charles L. Horton and Edward Caufield. of til? cltv, end Thomas E Smith, of Brooklyn. The conipnnv is formed for the purpose of manufactur? ing gas and electricity for lighting and heating. Mr. young was ?ceri by a Tribune reporter yesterday and admitted that the company has been formel, but decl'ned to give further particulars. TWO STEAMERS FAVE a LIVELY RUN. The route from Morro Castle, in Havana Harbor, to the Scot.and Lightship was the scene of what m'ght be called a lively reo.? lw?tween the Spanish Line steamer Santo Domingo and the New-York and Cuba Une steamer Begoranca, which ended on Ti;e? day evening at ? o'clock. Th? officer? o? both ves? sels deny that there was a race, but when two f-teamers of about equal speed leave the same port within an hour and fiftcn minuta? of (ach other, there is a probability that a few extra pounds- of <oal will be burned and a stralghter course than usual steered. At all events, the passengers of the steamers got as much exeitemen* out of the run as if an actual raee had been pulled off. The Santo Domingo patted on? by Morro CasLe on Julv 10 at ". p. m . and the Beguranca followed her at 1:15 p. m. The Santo Domingo passed In by the Scotland Lightship on Tuesday at !? p. m. and the Seguranga Just one hour later, having gained fifteen minute? on her leader. BONDS ARD CONTRACTS AUTHORIZED. The Sinking Kund Commissioners yesterday opened bids for an addition to the new building in Cretona Park for the use of the Department rj Street Improvement In the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards. Four bids were received. The lowest was thr>t of JaOMI 0"??01?, ?93.2?G?. and the contract was awarded to him. The issue of bonds to the amount of Jtf.nnO.noo for dock purposes was authorized. This makes it possible for the l>ock Commissioners to begin to use the moncv at once for the North River Improvements. Plans for a rifle range In the 22d Regiment Armory were approved, and $7,SM was appropriated for the work. COIRT CALENDARS FOR TODAY. Appellat? Divieto? Supreme Court ?R?ce?a. Supreme Curt Special T. rin Part I Before Russell, 9 -Court op?ns at 10:80 a. m. 1, Steiner airi. Snow, Church A Co.. 2. Eborowakl act. French; .".. l'?..pi?. etc, agt. Mustaln??: 4. gypher agi. Sypher: .". Wachorta lyian and Trun Company act. Nine?,? i-'tre Ir.suranee Cow pany: ?. Hni?t? ,.i at-t Maletead: 7. Metgrath ?gt. tiling nan; 8, Orals? agt. tla?nachen. l>. Oppenheim ast. I>>?is; 10. Hlrach act. Schwirti. 11, o'Dell a-rt. Tower Manu fa?turing and Noretty Company; IS. Oppenheim att Turn ???. IS. Saw aert. Mann; 14. matt?* of Mills. IB, Bulkley SKt. Sohnefer. Hi. People, etc., act. Poleon; 17. Kandier er Bonfiln; 1*-. I.ane igt Lue; 10. Hr.wnlng agt. Cel? li?; 20. Nachte] ast. Nacht el; 21, matter "f Franklin ave : 22. matter Bf ? ine hundred and elchf> s?venth ft.: 2S. matter ef Union ave.; 21. People, ete., a?t. Onnthop; 2?. R"Hs agt. Palmer; 2H. Pertel agt. Levene; 27. Piaster ?tein agt. citizens' Raving? Bank; 28, Hortofl agt. (Ollis; 20, Rll?v am. l'li-kmar; 3u. Penderra?) ;??? Greenfield; 81. Oranger aitt. William G Wall Rope Company; 82, K?hier ?.? Son Company agt. Boylan: .'CI. Bradley ani ??????? Company aet. Hogencerap; .14. Sareater act. Gr??nis"n. 3*. matt?* of David .lene? Company; t'.'i. Phal?n aet. Roberta; 37, Carter ?nt. Hunter: 3s. Rhoedei aat. Rhoa?ee; 80, Mlerlnaer a*t. ]'>?r; 40. tv.l? ?st. Pakas; 41. Fitipatrlck agt. Itarnum; 42. Rnfhclor agt. Pi arson; 43. l'nlt?d Stat?* Caaualt) Pompan) agi. St?ln bercer, 44 nar?.?r agi. Torti; 43 matter f Wlemer?; 4fl. N.-iii?!-r.?rger act Wirt h; 47. Periti aal Wllley; i\ Gal.rl?] agt Hctlllan Asphalt Pacing Company; 4!?. Ireland agt, Parker; ."a. matter ??' falv; M Nassau Hank agt. Inter national Mereantlle Ageacy: .".!'. sh??han agt. Punjan; 18, rnatt?r ef Ryder; M. matter of Latrar, Supr?m? <? .urt?Special T?im- Part !I Before Trunx, .1 ??f'ourt opens at 10:80 a m. Ex part? matter?. S'lrr-KAt.-'s Oourl Chambers- R? Arnold. S.- Court ?P?ns at 10:80 a. m Ni day ealeadar. Will* for probate: f??i->rg? W. Daytoa ir .Tan? \V. Rogers. Mpx F~ho?pke. Jej ? J r>?lan?y Fran.-la rianztg, at 10:80 a m. <"lty CO?rt Sp?cial Term -Before Fltzslmona. .1. -Coart op?ns ?it 10 n. m. Motions at 10;30 a. m. REFEREES APPOINTED. Supreme Court. Rv Truax. J. Presbrey art Seaman- Richard M. Henry. By Pryor. J. Butt?rl.-k Pub'.lahlna Company agt. Standard Fashion Company- -Orosven.vr S. Huhl-.ard. RiXElVERS APPOINTED. supreme Court. By Russell. J. Rlcharvl N. Dyer ogt. William H. Fprlngneld?Wllllam -?. Kip. My Truax. J. Sarah Watson ?gt. William U Watson?Alphons? H. Miner Jnsiruciicn. For Toun? Ladles?City. 1%,f ?3. |?*ggUB MOR? ; ?.? ? tlOAUl'IM) AND DAT l'I SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 1?, AND IS WEM M1TM gT, NEW-YORK CITT. Thorough l'r.g?ah from P.tnaergarten through Collere Pr?parut ry. Ml.?s CatberlM Alk?n ? Method of Conc?n tiktcd Attention In Mind Training a (pedal feature; alo conversational PTiaob ani German. Home and Chap er nag? loi BfaWdal ??-jdiiiia. XTEW-YORK.- ?0. at S4 Ea?t 571? ?treet. .1? THF PKKHLXg AND THOMPSON SCHOOL FOR ROAltniNG. AN!> DAY Pt.'FlLS. Kindergarten, l'rlmary. I*rrparatory and A?ademle De? partment? Separate Coll?ge?Preparatory Course. Art Depatment. Studio In Building ? Hg VEI.TIN SCHOOL FOR OIRl^,. FIRl.FRouF SCHOOL BUILDIXO, VJ> A.'.fJ 102 *W 74TII ST. OOLLKQK ?'REPARATION THE MISSES Et.Y-S HCBOOL FOR GiRU. RlVERStl l: DRIVE. irith and SOtli Streetr. New Tort For Boys and Young Men?City. Bggunrxjri s'-hoou 20 WF.KT 44TH STREET. Autumn t-alf. ISth year, t.-gin? Monder. Sept. 2Ttn. Early application will tw neceaaary to aecur* atmlaalon to meat el um clauea. Parttinil.;r ett?ntl-n Is oal'.ed to the n?w arrana?ment? end faetlitl?? for tbe Junior Dept.. agea S to 12. For register for lT:i year, and applicati'? Wanks, ad "rea? J. CT^RK READ. Reglatrar. f'OLCMRIA INSTITCTT. 270 W. 72D ST?Colleriate *?' Prerararory. Primary n?partmenta. Optional Military Drill. Playrrour.d. G^mnaalum. Hot Lunch?.,n Retardera feOWTSf fowij?r. m. D.. A. B.. Pria ?*:. V For Beth Sexes?City. KAJtiri BVSIXaatM COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF STENOGRAPHY ?rill re-op?n afte? the aumm?r vacation en Wedneadav, pantember l?t. 1SU7. Individual ln?truetlon. 8tud?nta can enter at any time. C*!l or aend for Proapectua. ?. S. PACKARD. President. lui. 103. 1?.? Ea>t 23rd Street. T.iK BETtUTZ SCHOOL OF LANGPaoks. Madleon Square 11.122 Rriadway). Fpe^t>l eovree? durlr.? ?um?r at red'Jf?d ratea For Youit? Ladles Country. ALLENTVUN COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. Allentown, Pa.- Sii;.? 'or facUttlea, A eelected corpa of iiietruc tora. Adi.?. tia rtQi;;?!te lai-kin*. J'hyelcal culture e:. i ?. iti ? ' e? ?ritti regular cours??. Le aied In th? l?i- lylilgh Vall*y. Fur rataloga? addr?? Rev. J. U. KNAPPCKBEBOBR, A. M. Prrat. T>RADFOnr> Ai AIEMY.- Kour.ded 1803. For the hirher \Xj educatile of yeoag women. CliMlcal and Sdentine (iiiu of alude, aleo Preparatory and Optional. Year r'glna Sep'. ;'. li>?7. Apply to Miaa IDA C ALLEN, ria., Brad.Vi i, Mtu. Jnstrnnion. For Young Ladle??Country. 1~.ARLINiir.jN ???????? 'or Young Ladles. West I -e Chester. I??.?Opens Sept. 1?. Good building?, beauti? ful location language*, inual'?, drawing, painting, etc [ ?180 per yetir. Catal'>Kue?? R? DARLINGTON. Th. ?. ; DltKW SEMINARY for Youn? Women and Girl?, Carmel. New YorK. New Maate Bait S?d Year opens Kept. Bs. Send tar Rtnatrated circular. JAMK.S ? YEAOER. D. D.. President. Hartf rd. Connecticut. 714 Asylum ave. I .FAMILY Hi'HOOl, for Young (llrls.??""liege prepara ' tory and English cour?e?. Add. Julia II. liurtiank. (1BBMAN HQMB school, aie WBBT with BTBBBT, 1 ? ("inducted bv LUCY C. ALLEN, St'MMER SCHOOL, WILTON. ?. Y. ?OMB INBTTTUTS Tallitene ae ?Bade?n, a Hoarding and I>av School tor Olrl?. College preparation. Re? epen? Sept. ?let. All?? M. W. METCALK. G??.-lpal. HOUOHTOX SEMINARY. Clinton. N. T., for young, provides b"?t laetraettaO In languages, miiilc. elocution; cares for moral?, manners, health. Colleges admit on certificate. 37th year. A. 0. BENEDICT. A M . P.-ln. IVY HALL-HOME ANI' COLeLBOE PBBFABAT0B1 ? School fir O?rte. Certificate admit? to Smith. ? Mr?. T. ALLEN MAXWELL, I'rini-lpal. Uridgcton. N. J LYNDON HALL BCRfMM? FOTl OIRL8. ?Academic and ? renege rrepnrstorv. 50th year. SAMUEL W. I BtTCB, A. M.. Pouglikeepsle. N. Y. I lis ItlLKLEY'S SCHOOL FOB OIBLB. TABBT TOWN ON-HtTDBON. Mis? H. L. B?LBLBT. Mia? , B, C. PLTJMLET, Principals.__^^ ; MISS TOWNBBND. Behoel for Otrta. Academic and coliege preparatory ; deportment? Hi?cinl courses. .?.4 Pnrh PtaeO, Newark. N.J. | MISS OSBBMH'f school FOB OIBLg Collegiata and speclnl coime? of study. Engte?*? I, Near Jersey, j CJUMMTT. N. J.? Baal ''?ace School for Otrta. Botale of I ?O Chancellor Kent. Certificate admit/?, t.. Welieslev, smith and Vneaar. Mr?. Sarah Woodman Pani ffermerly | of WelrMlew Coltene), Principal. President of ri .?ni of Directora, Hamllten W. Mutile, t? H. I). OT. ftONSfl SCHOOL, ??.??a.??. n. T.?Uader the di ?? G-ction of BlHhr.p Donne. Prenatatioa far a!'. college?.. Sp? Ini studi??!? ?tal copi ?e? of college study. Special od vaalagM In mu?le ml art. Gvmnatdiim. Mi?? ELLKN w. BOTD, Principal THE OMINTXO SCHOOL kor oirls. Stng-Plne-on-the Hudson Ml?s C C. FELLER. Principal. W)th yenr hc?lr? September 22d THF aUBBES ANAliLE'S BCHOtfL FOP. GIRLS. NEW BBtJNRwTCK. N. J. Colleg? Preparatory and Llte-ary Course. Term? |rW>. THE CAMBRIDGE VHOOL. A ?elect ?choci for cir'* Comfort? of home. Mr. ARTHt'R OILMAN I? th? Director. campridce. mass. New York. Saratiga Spring?. rpSMPLB OBOVS SEMINARY. CHABLB* F. PfWrt i. Ph. D.. Frin?ira! For year-hoe* ?ddreaa th* See' tT'ALNfT BILI? BCHOOL FOE OIRLS. Two miles ,? ? from Welleetoy; ?eventen ml!?? from I'. -?"t. ?. Or ~~ ' a. - . iteilesley and other colle?*? MISS ? .?ARLfrTTS It. CONAXT. MIS:'? FLORENCE DICE i>)W. rrtnctnala, Natica. Mv? Ft Roys ani Totintr Men?Country. COLLEGIATE ????G????.?BBM yearly The student, n??; the ? las? is the i'MT Equal advantage? tat th? bright an the eeOW, Language? by natives. $00 fe?t ?hove .?. level Healthy und dry'? Catalogue. J. ?"'. PLA, H S.. Principal Summe;- tutering. Re?.?. ? . L SiEF'.. ?. ? . Chapla'n. Newt-n ?. J I7IAIRFIBLO ACADEMY.-g home for tv??. |*?& A vnung bey need? ?perlai care. We try to give It. 1 FRANClb H. BBEWEff. ?. M Prin^ Fairfleld. j&MJia^ | /"1LENWOOD COLLEOIATE INSTITT'TE. Matearan, ill ? .?. Odlege preparatory ar.d business ennraea. Special arringeipent? fer renne hov? in need of wl?? and I Judicious fiwemtneni and a pleasant home. Reference: Hun. Cnrr?t A. H'.hari. Vic? PreFt. G. S. (former s"i ' oenf. and Prest. Scott, Rutger? College. Addresa i'r..f. 1 C O. r.R?"iWER. Principal. HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. la, e ill irri- ira tii ? fi r BuaJne??. Careful Supervisi>n: Home Influence?; Smill Classe? Rt Bev, WM LAWBRNCE. D D.. Vlaltot JO SK.i'H ALDEN sHAW, A. M.. Head Maater, Worcester, Mam. ?RV1NG INSTIT' TK FOR 4.? HOYS. TARRYTOWN ON -HUDSON. ?. Y. 2S mile? fr m New York. Health? ful location. Pleasant home. Individual attention Thor? ough preparation tor eeOeg? or business Terms $1??). I Summer ee??lon | _JOHN M FCRMAV. A. M.. Principal. MT. PLBABANT FAMILY sell?"?!. FOB BOTg. Thor ? 'ugh preparation for ciieg. .,r bualnese. I>>cati.n i ? nsurpasaed for beauty and henithfuiness. For ?in ulara apply to v.'M. ? ????, A, M.. Pria., Amhcrst, Mas?. MAPLFWOOD INST., f ?neordvllle. Pe. ?M7. Success? ful school; one of the h?Ht t?? infiwe with enerty, | io wake up hoys lo duties "f life. Hoys prepared for col I lege. Under II ??. ?im;. Tobacco prohibited. Beautiful, elevated, health] J. BHORTLIDOE (Tale), ?. M . Prhv MOHBOAX UKF. acRUOL, Peefcskllt, N. V. English. Classical. Mtllterv. I^oe? tlon lieautlful, healthful. 18th year will op?n Sept. 15. 1S?7. WATERS A LINDER. Principal?. 1)AUK AVENUE INSTITUTS BBIDOEPOBT, CONN, --Except! nal advantages f.,r h limited number of bo*a: ??*? catalogue will tell you what they are. Send for one. Iif.o. SETH it. JOKES, a. M.. Principal. RECTORY SCHOOL (boys). N?w Mllford. LHehfield Countv. Conn. Thorough preparatory work; numl'-r limited; homelike In?if-nces _Bee, p L Everest, m. a.. Rector. RIVSBVISW ACADEMY. POCOHKEEP8IE, N. Y. T;2d year. Prepares thoroughly for College, the Govern? ment Aeademlea, ami Buslneaa. r. s. Army rincer de? tailed at Hivervlew hv Sec'y of War. JOSEPH H RISHEE. A. M.. Principal. Summer, rerlitb school of modern lav GCAiiES; also Instruction In all collegiate ?tudie? at Rockland Institute. Nyaefc. ?. Y. Delightful surround? ing?; unasual chance ro combine pleasure wlih Instruction board $*<?? free ?liery. THE PEKKSKILL MILITARY ACADEMY~fJi^~,a7 prepares for colleges and gevernn.ent schoois; thor rugh busln"?? course. Open all the year. Fall term Sep? tember 15th. Col. L II. OBLEMAN Drln.. Peekakai, n. Y. W7ILL1STON SEMINARY - Tr-parfi boy? for snv ro"? > V Uge or scientific ?choo) The nv?t advanced m?' Library a mnadura etc. Oper; s?,-;. oth. ??^7 toskph ?. SAWYER. ?. ?.. Prlnolnn' SatrthamptOr. Mass. For Roth ?p\es ?COOBtfT. I ?FRIEND? SCHOOL FOR ROTH SEXES - FcundM In 1TR4. Exceller! heme. Studert? from si! State? All denominations. Thorough wor'i in English Science Classic? Muele and An. AUGUSTI ME JONES. LL R.. Providence. R. I. IySNNIBOTOB ?N. J) seminary.- convenient to , New Y'ork. Phltad a. Bait, and Wnsh'n P.ot--. ?eye?. r.Mh year. Healthful Reautiful 1G, teachers, 12 eonrsea ??a? a year. For beautifully llhiMrate?! catalogue, a?! di-e?? THOMAS ? \NI.ON ? D. Preildent THE HUTJfON PUT.: INSTITCTF? A classica', ?em inarj? of high grad? for b-.yj and girl.? Reautlf il nnd health fai location ir. the Hndaon River Valley. Con ?anrator] M music a" ant ?location. For al? " es? Rev A. H. flack a M . Ri'.ncpai. Ctaeerach.N Y nriLUAlfSPORT DICKINBON BBhQNART. Roth \? sexes Regalar and rjective course.? Decree? con i f^r,?i. pit? for coii-g*. muetc, art. modera Unguage? special;!??. Stea -? beat, electrlt light, home comfirt?. Write fir catalog!]?. E. .1. GRAY'. D. D. President. Willlamsprt. Pa. WESLEYAN ACADEMY. W1LRRAHAM. MAPS. ?Roth Sex-s. Nine courseo Specialist? In Classic?. Art I and Music. Enlarged endowment Insure? superior advan | tagea at mod?r?t? expense. 81?t year open? Sept IV 1807. For catalogue address Rev. WM. R NSWHALU Prln. Sthool ^arnricg. AND FOREIO.s TEA? 1 -.j. ?w,V;.,.-, ?'rofeeaore. Teachers. Tuto... VIV.VC Ac . to Cnl!?g?s, ?Schools and Farnll es. Apply to Mi? V. J. YOIV?G-FULTON. 23 Inlon Square. MIRIAM OOYRIEKE S TencherV Agency ?uppll?? pro fesaors. tutors teacher?, governesse,,. etc.. In all dept? ; achocas earefnflr recommende) ir/l Rth ?v?,. cor. i*T(tS-?t. AMERICAN AND FOREIO.s TEA? HERS' AOENCY supplii? Professore, Teachrre. Tutors. Governesses, ifnclifre. *???^\/\/?\/\^^?/\.?^?/\/*^??/??.-s/??-?. ?? ?'ANTED IMMEDIATELY Ladles: Tes'-h-r college preparatory work; teache-. Ensllsh. science?; teacher, German. French, piano itf.nrdlng ?ch'oli; German nursery governs??, gentleman. Yale or Harvard graduate, foy school near city; also other vacancies f,,r September. Ml?? DONOVAN'S Teachers' liureiiu. ? Baal 14th St. WANTED?Principal Of Military School 33 vear? old. married. de?lree change. Address M. P.. Tribune Of?lc*. iflonfn lo Conn. MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE BY The Lawyers' Title Insurance Co. AND The Lawyers' Mortgage inaurano*? Co. AT CURRENT RATES IN BOMJ TO SEIT APPLICATIONS ACTED UPON PROMPTLY. APPLY TO BUREAU OP INVESTMENT OF THE Lawyers' Title Insurance Company, 'M find M LIBERTY STREET. ?Tiin Propertn for ?oir. DECIDME- BABOAI3 In aererai West Mie ? and 4 ?lory h ;?ea ??KVKXy, Wd. cor. Cilumhu? a.?. ?nbnrbiin Ural (Patate. W^.VW\WS'VW\-.W\V?AVIAVV\\\'v\VI.V.VWWWi 4 OENCY Montclalr reel ?eiste, el] kind?, ?ale and ren? J\. CtsABSBCB l* TUUBH. 8 I!, ekman p . New-York. /nrnisljc? Qo?ttQ (?? Cet?(Toniitrn CaOOUEBT spot BBTWBBB KBW-TOBB and Bet?? / London; two furnished cotta#e?; abunuani ahede, batliine Prof. NuKlliKLl', Gru\o lieach. Conn. REAL ESTATE. GEORGE CROCKKR BL'YS PROPERTY IN LOIVKH BROADWAY. THE PLOT BUNS TI1ROFMH TO XEW ST.. AND IS PAP.TOFTIIK fi pi HASE iMVTK.MI'I.ATF.Ii BY MR. CnOCXCI I-\PT JANI'ARY. A sequel to ihe reppfted purchase of valuable prorerty In lower Hroadway nnd New-st. by Qaorge Crocker, the CailfWnlg, millionaire, to w lil? h ;-?> ini ii ?, ?;? . vrni Hlven In the iiewniniiei?, ?art*) in January, appeared in the list of recorded transfer?, featerday, The transfers show Mr. Crocker has purchased No. 70 Broadway ami Nj. 15 New-at., the two purrela Joining In the rear, four and five story hnlrilngs, arljalnlr.? the Man? hattan life Building on the ?outh. The property front? ?bout 2.? 0 feel In Broiidwny uml I? HfM feel deep on the t-oiilh III e. Bigi? tratisf.Tx of the par? cels Matted appear In the records, nil by persons interest. ,1. to Mr. Crocker, tb.e lint one being by William A. Smiili. at executor ?G the est.ite of QeOTge Jones, to Mr. Crocker, for ?I.Mi.Omi. The purchaser fires bach ? pdfthaee?ing*r*7 mortgage of MMBJ Ofl tit?? property. Mr. Crocker's original plan ccntemplated the parcha** of cfoa. H\ 71 sud 74 Broadway end Ned, ?.>, 1; gad n Ncw-st.. 71.3 feet it, Broadway by about HI feet deep, by feel In Ni-w-hI., at 11,?.?),000. from Willlnm A. Smith as executor, and Peter ktarM, Contracts for the pro|ioseil transfer Were signed, but the kale was never actually consummated. MOW .Vlr. Crochor secures pun of c.. property the original gontracta Balled for, upon which ho will erect a tall OfBcO building, The Bradley * ?urrlar Company has sold the vacant pio; at the Mnthaaat corner 0? fatnox-ave. and (ine-hunilt.-l-.tif'-thlrtocnth-st., 100.11 feet In the avenu? by 7,", feet in the street, to an Investor, who will improve the property by erecting s hlgta ciass apartment-house with stor???. Alexander Lotta purchased the prbportp In Map, 1KM, for J-'H.'-v John ll. Henahaw bai sold (lo. UOPI .Madison-ave., a three and a hi If si >ry BTpwnat mo private dwell? ing On lot l.i.:'x74. 1 ?r ? ? ::rris Rosrnthsl rnU sr;ld the southeast cor? ner of pi aaant-ave. an.i pne-hundred-and-twenty flret-st., two flve-atury brick hothouses, on plot ? ????. If. l.. ? c. Krnsl hna sold to m Rudtnger No. Ill EastOnc-hun(1red-and-tblrd-st.,a three-sti ry house, 11x100, for H2M. IN THE A?I Tln.V ROOM? The following was th? result of the sale?, nt auc? tion y> aterday: At No. Ill Broadway.?By D. Phoenix tngroham & Co.?Perry-ave., esst site. \?i feat essi of Gun Hill ? md, runa east 100? south si.4x south 10.6a we ?.; imi.ii feet to Perr:-ive. by north H'.'ix north 30.1 to beginning; two-story frame dwelling. ?I'h two .?tor.- fr,.m? stabil on r in s mount due, M.S1I. Foreclosure aale to l?ie plaintiff, Produce Exchange Loan Asmi Utlon, 18.000. Hy Peter P. Meyer A Co.- NO. 121 \\'"S? Eightieth. st., near Columbus-; , four-story brick dwelling, lot 11x101!; nl ;'ie, ?>,?1; prior mortgage? 213,000. foreclosure ?ale, Adolph Vftllaoh against Henry Junir cl ,i! ; referee Edward JscoftO; sttor neys, Roae A Putzel To James a Bonnttt.t2e.237. no. iti Wee! Ninety toarth'Ot., near Amsterdam ave., three-?.).,r, -?: ni -frOI t dW lune lot runs 17x P4 7 to centre I ?Id A| ?p~,?????- Lane b* :7??.1p: rimo-m due. 110,000. Foreclosure sale. The Nursery and Child*? Hospital against Wilder; P. Anderson el si.; referee, ?ohi Judge; at tornar, Krederi.? rie p. Poster. To the plaintiff. tI7.Mil By Adrian n M?ller ft Bon No ? West one hundred-si I thlrtj fifth I near Plfth-ave., three story stone-froni dwelling, loi |g,Bir*); amouni due, S10.2K. Poreclo ire sale. Henry ''ha': Jr., and another a irti tees, ajpiinst Theodore C ? ?ross et al.: referee, ?'ter ?. OIney] attorneys, Stets,.?, Trae?.. Jennings * Russell ?? (?. R Oreen ??,??? - ?-? REAL ?8???? THANSPFRS. Es??x-'t. Ne i'. Anni? OoMberg te Ka-k-i Bnte mnn . |S9.ntm Attorney-?, Ne 17. ZI.8x30.t; T.? en Pri?e t.. Anna M t;,? ma? . 1 Weal it, ? -. ft n of Oprtng-et, 42.?'.r hulk heed opposite; Alfred W Lowerre ?.. the Mayor ?t m Hty N-? Vnrti . 31)? M'.h-st. . .?.. ISO fi e f Mh-ave, 2> -, ait* strip ?djolntna; OS ?real; .\|jne? Robarteen to V?n Pntkllahlng Company . HO .'.,",, -t ? ?, 1X9 f? ? of nth ave, 2SalMx3fl.Ua 127; Katherine Lore11 la .lennle ? Moor? . 1 Madlson-are, ?.?.- a. ?:> 11 ft ? of lOOth-et .VixST?: Joseph .1 Sehrelner ?a al t?? .lena? K..|h. 1 ISlet-at, ? ?, ion ft w ,,f Otta ave, "'<% Irregalar; Natii miel Jar li and s I to I ha Wllaon.. 10 la.'.tb at. n s. I2S ft ?? ." St Ann'? a*"? 100x100; Fer.llnanl Poraeh nn.l another to William .Tef f,,ry Coon ? Wllkina Pl'aee*. ? ? Vi ft s "f .lennlnit? ?'. aOafiSa rVi.SxBfl; F.mM S !.. vi tn fmnlel Donovan. MO Cte^n ave, or Lari?. - h, it p s of 'th it. IftxlOO; Qreen-ave, or i.-m-v e ?, sj ft ? ef Bta-et, IPs ??? Adolph Offenlicru and another to Rese A Smith. 1 Mfddletnwn B"<id, ? a, 117 :t ft .? of Pelham Rned, 'j.'..ti\!i.'. 11 - j.*>\ un 11 Rdward Beer and ?fife t.. ?t. se ? Si litri. I I/it- ? io 30 ineSoflve, map Olvan Homewead; Johanna G .? ??? ? ??? Arthur ?'..???-,-??. ? Oranl -??.??. ? ? ? "'? ft ? e of j,.hn ?t. ?????; John W Bartram referee, tn Min-rv? t Baxter, 280 *2d ? s. 25t ft ? of Sd ave, 10x103.2: \nnle Oeldberx to KiakH Solomon. 10.000 R'.dae al ?.. a. 1.12.11 fl a of Rlvlnstoi it, .''tx .. R| Ice il, w s. G.'7 11 ft ? ..f ? ton ^t. ?.?'.>:-,; \,,,., Jarrrralowaky io s.-vier Jannulowaliy . I 147D' St. ? a. ITS.? fl '?.' of Broiti uve. 27x100; 147th at, n s :.?.".". ft ? of Brook aw. 'J7>!'" jnhn '" I'e Wolf and wife to Jam*? ? Holme?. i?"? ? ?;?' ? r ?.. ".'??'. ft m p' Brooli ave, :?7xl"". 147'h io. ? a, ?-'?' ?"? fl ? of Ur.?.k ive. 2TxlOO; midi t.. ram? . . . ""' 40i ?? m ? a loo ft w of I0*h " " B*x100; Boaanaa Lvnen .-? al m Bernard ? Stullen. ? 1?;.-,??, -t. c < IMI f- a of Od ? ?. li'. !'xl"V Olia :???> I, AtiU; and ?rife t,> .brini* Ansel . 1 ?.?. ?, V,.f. nu nn.l l?l U"e?t ; Daniel R arti nn1 ':.. Jame? \t Bell. I r.lrt tt. n ?. 4M fl " of Mtb-av?, ".".x'-r M W. Rosen ? W Smith -?- Arthur smltli . ' -, ?, ixi ft ? of llfh ave, 20x4 Moek; >. ?- executrix io Mixuatua Smith . 13.000 Kr?"'*'!!' a: ? ?. ITS.lO ft a of Hud? m ?'. vtrt.lOx ? ???_?.- t- en ? Wllbui MeBrMe, referee, 1.1 Renjamln ? Kllllmar .,?.?,?; 2T??*""' Broodw?) N? 7". nn.l Xrt P? l**w-W; l n"ed states Truel nwmpani Se* Tork, aa exeeutor, t.. (leoiae Crockei ..?. ' I Sam* property: Uewl? >) Jone? to Oeorge I-re, Ver . s-iine property; ?am* .is trn?i??\ to mia'. Bame property; Marsarei Bmlth to wm?. - ' .,? periy; William A Bnrlth, .ir. tr, .-un?.. Suine property, Hanlel Ft Fiorii to MSM . I ? property; Franrea .Tone.? to ?ame . 1 Sam* property; William A Smith, ?xeeut'.r and trnatee. to Mm?? . 400.000 10th it, ? ?. S3 ft e of Blverelde-ave. Mx Ir rejroirir. Plareree ? True ??? srlf? 10 .loteph E Weed .?i??'." ' 7?th ? ? ?, >-.'? ft e ,.f RiveraMe-ave, Kx ir r'KUlar; Jo?eph E Weed ' > ! Tru? ... 1 101 at st Xo? 117 and lit? Rast; Kmnnuei Hoeh halmer an.1 wife in Ite.lrl.? W HM-tikl??.. . 1 Madison ave, w ? 2<> ? ? ? of 127th-?i, li. 1?>?...*. i-'i?ink i, Downlna to Phartea W ttalUer.Jr.... lAfOB Plot, 01.0 ft - of 01 NIchObM-ave tin?'. ??? I" ft ? of 14'.tb-?t. run.- ?? SS.SX ? H.?x ?v Bftl ? 10?: Afffl? ? ??-r. t. Mary I Mealy. iai Bathaate-ave. e a 200 ri s "i 10*1 ?t, tOxlSO; ?? pei Hank to WKIkun e B4?s?m;j??.??h?; ' Bathgate-ave, e a. 220 ft r Of lS?i-af. 2?x120; wniiam ?- Beraen to Jam?? fooney i"1 wlf???. ' Oreenwlch it, No 20, ?.0??*.??2?.2??*.7; Andrew j Doyle and arlf? to atlebaei .1 Doyle. l Or-en ?. No? 100 and ISO, ??? Wd HM BtMCker? at f'ar.'.ln.? Brinici t.. ?ii'tav Uin*e. 1 Ai;thon\ ;i\e. e ?. 21o p n ..f BuniaMe ?^?. 2.*?? l2S.10x2B.Sxl2*t.4; William J Marehall et ai to rharle? Mn Viri h ?. ??.?? 7th uve. Mo OST. 20?.? 4; Henry ? Sir? to John r, Korrte. ? 4.Mh at. ? -. 020 ft e of 0th r? 10x100.0; l'Ilot Tuckertnar. hj eommlttee, t" A.iett ? Hyde... 7..wi Sain? proeer.y; Jar.e F Ti:.v?rnvin et al to Altert r. Wyde.. .?.?? ???? 101 at-at. N>a 117 ani 11'? Rist. 1 relerlek W llotrhk!?? nnd wife tr> Pmnnn'l HoehhetSMr.... 1 PtCCORDEB ?????? \OF.!>. li'i.c'nm. Wiii'am n ?nl Jaasea and ertveo to the Oermanta Life Inaurane? Company, ? ? cor? ner Rlvriald? Drlv? ,.?.? ???. at, ? year.$110,000 ?. K.'.war.i Predrich, Ire U -. ?ami pi iperty, '. year . Itlaew.-r .lai h. t ? Bartholomew Stnnij.f. a a ii'.;i. st. 100.10 ft ? of Torree? P!ru<\ :t yr-nra. 4.3m Bunney, Albert, unii wlf? to Hudeori ? Boae, lot Mi. map property ? f ?? ? Boat Map?? estate, :; yean . IM ? Car Uni t ? Uly W Bereafi r 1 M m. ???->?,?? .-t,?. if I.... ? C Barasrsley, ?a Mg nieerker-et, .1 yean .?. Iln.inni Osse, Joaeph s and wlf? < Mari D? W Oarret ?? and another, ? immittee f .1 ,i:n .1 i:...r??? ?.?. ?.* in !':t Wall ?t, '? rear. ?u*?> Collina, .lehn, and Francia Smith ?p.? ?rive? t.. .lutin .? !? ?. and anotl ,......? ,,f i,?.-.,j .bins, n h liai ?, Orai fi of Oth iva, ." rearo. 4o.rmo Crocker. Geor? . in William A Bmltb, axeeotor, ite. of fleorse Jones, So "? Broadwaj and ( ? U New m, :i reera . X<fX*o Doi in. ;?anl< I, lo Rmll s i^u. .? ? wiikln.? Placa 00 fi ? of Jenninci ?t. .". rears. . ? ,???? 1 '.mi-? v. William it. ?ml wtH and Mary L iumpuev tu ti.?? ? em Tork Ravina? Bank, ? ? 3mi. si. 2'?4.?; ft e of Od ?... ?". reara. 12.rao Fnn-eii. Michael D. to John i l'aneli. ? ? ;,?? ?t r..v> ? ? of lo'h ave, 2 vwn . io,ra?> Hotekklae, Rredertck va' .m Juliet M. in Lotti? Oehluaael et al, ??* nota, et?, ef Alexanear geblaaaei, Rea 11 t and 110 Beet total ?t. s ye-ir?. ?? mertK'nK?1?. .IsOiifi Realy, Mary ?. and hnaband le fiarsh ?. Bora, e ? S? Mli h U~ *?>?. ?>> |?? (t ? Of 148th (1 In ?talm-nt.? ??.??? Jfffer.y. William I Ui Perdlttai ! I- iTSCb ? a ?.-.?? at, ISO ? a of M Anna-aye, ? rear, ~? tu mgagea . ,*.?.imiii Kuli. Jo!i4a. t?. Jooepbme Welniwrtx, ? s Mudi KM sv? 00.11 II ? of lOOth ?t. 0 years. . . -j 7.V, Kult). Jona? '.. ?ame. at ? MsdPon ave. 2S.11 ft ?? Of 10Mb nt. ?'! \:-arf 2.7."??? Jung.iinann. William I., ?nil Mnrifaret to Fannie ? Kalteaaa, a ? ??? J' tOgJ f; ?? ,f lourt l,Ui|:-a :'? ?? ..:r? . (1,000 Uenn. ?. Anna .1 uni \\ ?????,p? ? ?^,-?.?. ai lo Jud ? ,? 0 T?d.1. w n St M. h,ila* ave. 0g.11 ft n r.f lUtb-at ? >ear . ;e:.5?o Hume io Basa?, et * si Michela? m?, TCI ft n cf 11211 tt. ? ???? o . . 00,000 Lennon, Ann.i J. and William t". t.? .in.i?.,n I Todd, n m u,ir:,er St a'? ?p?? ll^th, ?t. 1 >ear .. .,\ 4J V?) i>itx, Frank, and Hedwig. ie Tea chara' Ce m iratl-,-e Hiillilln?; end lyin ??- iit|,,n, loi IM, map Van Keel Perk, :'4'ti MTard, inataimania I itnn LarianO. Predarli ? 'il id wa " It |tr| 74 ? Uli??: |? I In |p J .|,| '\ || |' | Map?? eatat?, ........ 4(? Mullen, li-riiar.t ?. arel in ?? th? Bmlgrant in iluatrlal Sa\ Inan llitik. ? ? 4? loo <t ^ nf loth ave, I year . a (>t^ Muraran. Kren.?!? to Henry A (' Tin It. kttk at! ? ? turner I'.lieiald, lir|\ e ,,r avenue G? v>.r? M 000 Norria. gTanee? A, el ?1 lo Fru?.,?- \\ ? -. ?.? lg Ka?t opti ??. s rears .. . moo KoiTir. lohn tJ. nronen r s Hob bard, a? ???????, ? a Ita ?ve, ?u.i ? ?. uf 4l?i st. 8 years .? ST?"00 Sime to Loulsi S Wright. No 5*7 7th ave. ? year? . 2B0? Pflat.m. Nicholas, and wife to Parmly. a m corner lut h-eve and 21 ?t. WakeOeld. 3 year? . L0"> Ronner. Wilhelmina ?. to Marie Klchler. Fulton- ,?..,. ?ve. ? e corner l#I?th-?t. 1 year. IT.BOO Smith. Ro?e A. to Adolph Offenberg. e s (irren I^ine, ..r aie. 44 ft ? of proposed Sth ?t. 1 >e?r ?00 Smith, Sarah J. ei a' to Perth? Hulm?n, w ? filli ave. 110 ft ? of -!2d ?t. .1 year?. 2.800 Slevln. lo?eph. ind alfe to I'nlon Tru?t Company. New-York. No 4" Murrav-sl. 5 year?. 10.000 Sinter, Thorns?, to Hudson ? Rose. Lot No SI, Bench ?. map property of ? ? Rone, Map?? es tale, 2 years. 000 Van Publishing Company to th? Washington Ttu?? Company, ? s Mth-et, IBS ft ? of rsth-ave. ? year? . 10.000 Wallace, Mary, to Itlchatd Wnllao?, e 4 of Lot No |S1, map village of Metrose South, demand . *?> Wagner. George, to Adolph G Ilupfel. r. s Bobuy li-r-st. 24.'. ft w of Washlnfton-sve, 1 year. 300 Weed, .Joseph E. to Frank 0 Ot!? and another, tru?tee?. Ma of I'rlnh .1 Smith, ? ? 7eth-?t. WS ft e of Blreratdo-are, .1 year?.". 4.1.000 Ward. Mfliry F. tr. Arthur Onrsoh. Lot? No? 301 and ."?02. map M.-Oraw estate, near Van Ne?t-?t. ? yeare. *3? HIILDINO PLANS FILED. Plan? for new building? and ?Iteration? have been filed at the Department of Building? s? follows: Bea building;-,, main office: Manhattan Square i*7th to Klst ?t. Columbus to s:h ave.. f,,|- K taro-etory brick nnd ?tone lei-ture hn'.l, 104x101, and for a ?Is ?lory brick and ?tone mu?eum. Ml. Ix*?l. I; City, owner. -t>> Park Uommlaaloaer?; Cady, Berg A see. of Bo al_ Baal 17th ?:. architene.????,??? Franklln-Ht. ? ?. IM ft w of West Broadway, for a ?Ix ?tory brill; warehouse, ?'.??'?????, Henry <; Oaboy, .?r ? ? MS Id-ave, owner. Henry Andersen, of No 1,1*0 Broadway, architect. 80,000 Duan.? at, * >? cornee Ernst, for a ten story brick bucine? s liiilldlng, lO'J.lx?.'?.2x1011.3; Albert Wag n?r. of Ko 107 University Place, owner and an hit? er .??? 2?>.000 Alterattone, nmtn atece; h lai nst. ? w corner Allen-?:, to an eight-?tory bri. k and iron storage-house, with offices and dancing academy; Phyerweather ft Ladear, of V.i 247 Eldrldae-at owners; C E Schultl. of No tel Eue ,-ive Terser cite, architect. l.aoO 47th-?r. n s. 17." ft w of llth-ave, to a four-story brick dwelling and .?table. 25x100..'.; Eugene L L'ldln. of No 202 Vest 4U'h-?t. owner, Btieli 111,111 & De|?ier. of No 71 East .Vith-st, architects 1.SO0 TompkllU-st. Bo M. to a four-story brick tene? ment, with Workshop; Peter Schmitt, of prem? ises, owner: Hot ?nburgcr ft Straub, of No 122 Bowery architects. +**i ltlh-st. No ,">7 West, to a four ?tory brick store; f a- \ Strane, nf tUver? and ltth-st. owners, Schickel &? Dlimar?. of No 111 .'ith-ave. archi t?t ts . IffSP |4th -.?. ??a M .nid H West, to an eight-story brick More; ? ft ? Streu?. own?r?; Schickel ft Ditmar?. nr.hlteot? . -.000 Park-a ve, Ma !'?"? to ? four story brick ami stone dwelling?; Mrs tulla Valentine, owner: George Pallleer. of no 12 p^rk Place, architect. 1-T3 2.1.1 M. No Mil West, |o a fnur-story brick and frame tenement with nor?: toulee Schult?, of No HO Weal HM-st. owner; John ? Klartet of No 500 Stb-ave. architect. ?.??? Hestcr-at, No ini?, ? ? throe-story bi-bk hotel: Mr? lohn Montgomery, of No 2S7 Sherman I ??. .1er?.?*?, City, owner: D ? ? Sturgl?. of No 330 ??>: ??? archlteci. M? JOth -t. No HO l?i?:, to a thre?-ar.d-?-hslf*tor?? brick lenement; Panni? Bisher, of Su 110 Ea?? I'.ieh-s'. ..?mr: ciiarle? ? Richter. Jr. of No 1 Madlaon-fcv?, arcfeitaci. eoo I2tii -1?. w ?. to ft ? of 111 ai -et, 10 a two-story brick st.rnge hone? with ?for?: Edwin Dunning estate, of ??, in \te?i ISBth-at, owner; Wlll'am .an. lesaee; ?11!.? * Co, of No 722 Tre moni ?ave, ?re hiten?. 700 Alterations, branch office : letali ?? ? ?. ."?? ft m of Sherldan-ave. to a two. s: .iv frame dwelling; t McQovarn, owner; ? .1 Revllle, of No WO roreet-ave, architect. 400 Nelson .ne. w s. |ini ft s nf I'tiionet. for a thiee frame tenement; James Q Btalaad, of Be Its Weal owner; A w Simpen, o< HontelaJr. ? J, ?rrhlteci . UBI Robblna-ave. ? ?. I.Vi ft ? of l47Mi-?t. for a on?? and?? half-story frame dwelling; Nicholas V Sofka, owner; Christian ? i,oh?e, arehitect.... 400 ie?;h-?t, 11 s ISO fi m of Id-eve, 0 a three.story fi ime dwelling with ?tore; ?!???p Curtis, owner; .1 on ? Kimhe; of No 503 Sth-avc. architect ... 1.000 Go Cet for ?tisitueo f?f??. ? ./*.e*e.Ay"-e A r r ///??^ /?./-/-> BUILDINGS. STORE:. TO LET. LOFTS. AND OFFICES. BULANI? A WHITINO. A LABOB MUMBBM ? BEEKMAN ST. ?nmmer Resorts. HAD DON HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. M. J. Dfreetll facing th? oce?n Every modern , onienlenoe and Improvement. Including hot and ee|d ?en water hiths In house, room? ?Ingle and ? ? ?nit? with baths attached, ?to. etc. 6end for lllu? trateii booklet. LEEDS * LIPPINf OTT. Through Pullman Buffet train leaves (ortlsndt and Dee bro?se? ?t?.. dally at 1 :.">0 ? m., via Penna R. R. ?G???? (Si?IiTiLiM, BBBBSHIBB HILLS. WILLIAMSTOWN. MASS. OP SB UNTIL OiTriKER 30 DELIGHTFCL IN SIMMER AND AITTMN. Game?. go-id muilc, excellent road?. Illustrated circulara mailed. VIMNG & SEISER. Manager?. (IDtpSooD?ffiO DOdD-So? T. F SILLECK. MANAGER. See Time Tabbt Excursion Column. ItlcycKsts can now ride direct to and have their wheels ?he ked at Manhattan Beach Hotel ROMANTIC MOBICHES. ON SOUTH SIDE OF LONO ISLAND. CENTEI MORICHES, unii A mod?) Summer resort, ALWAYS COOL, situated on Treat S? nth Bay, overlooking the ocesn, surf and still warer l.alhir.g. fine sa.ling; Ideal rc.ii9 for bicycling and driving; hai.dsomeiv appointed and ?elect famllv hotel; rapacP? ov. r B0; perfect cuisine; pure water; ballroom orchestra; dancing; two h nias from New York; term? reasonable; send for .llustrateii booklet. ??? E. KALLOCK. Proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL "? ??? FRONT. Select and transient hotel. Reasonable rates. lllnatrated !l-.oklet Address J. c. VAN CLKAF. Prop. SOUTH NYA'K ON THE HUDSON. ?. Y. ' Send for circular. fr ? SEVERANCE. Proprietor. S?[H]?[mrF3 DODDD ANT EIGHT COTTAGES. BETRNAUDSVILLE. N. J. Open M 0 let to Nov. 1st. 83 mile? from New-York, on D.. L ?nd W. R. R.. via Barelsy or Chri?topher-?t ferry. A beautiful summer resort. More attractive thle season th?n evor. Altitude. 800 feet GEO W. TUTTLE. Manager. DDOTdSOOlIOB Ofl(LD(U]^CEa~ " AND cottagl;3. PAWUNO. n. t. _ A Plr?t ria?? aecommodatione; 90 minute? from Oraau Central Depot. Harlem R. R.. eight fast traina dally each way. Send for circular. Address ^_ C V. LANSING. Manager. BLOCK ItLAMD. 58. I. Pure ?ea air. Cool night?. Stmng ?urf bathing. The home of the BASS and BH'KFISH. Direct line boat? from New York without change Montauk Steamboat Co. Pier 40. E. R HYGEIA HOTEL, open from dune 25 to 8-pt. IS. All modern convenience?. Table first-class. Orche?tra. Term?, 111 per week. Special rates for season. For cir? cular dddre?? IOHN C. CHAMPLIN. Prop. R F RANDALL. Mgr. ?GARSETT PIEU. i. L (??F??Ga??????????G??? Will open f.r t!i ; n s?on of 1??7 on the first day of July. Fpe.-lal rat?* f.r the month of Julv. For circular and particulars addre?? WILLIAM POTTER. Manager. ASBPRY PARK. N. J. Directly on the b? neh. Opens June 20. Elevator, hot snd cold batea Munie, etc. For rate?, dia granai nnd Information address A. P. MARi;KITS. Chief Clerk. Asbury Park. N. J.. or 1". II. SCIIQFIEI.D. 1 Madison-uve.. N. V. City. ??BEAH^oSw MOTEO,, ???('? ISLAND R. I. NOW OPEN, accommod?t?? 8O0; hot and cold ?ea water hath?, and all Improvements. Addre?? CUBDALL A PA LU Island, R. L, or F. II. 8COFIELD 1 Madison ave.. ?. Y. HOTEL KAATIWIOU, CATSKIIJ^ MOUNTAINS. ?. Y. NOW OPEN. ELEVATION 2.700 FEET. CAPACITY 1.000 GUESTS. BEACHED IN FOIR HOIRS FROM NEW YORK. Tiam? baie Qfaad Central Siatlon 'J 40, 11.30 and 3.80 (Saturday Special at 1.40 in J1* hour?). West Shore Station II u. m. and .''.(". p. m. Addre?? _W. H PARKE. Manager. WSODTE MQfBiTAOfSe. AND COTTAGES. JEFFERSON. ? II. NOW OPEN Guif links, with profe??lrnal green keeper. DAVID ? PU MER Manager. THK JEFFERSON. A select f? nily hotel under oonlrol of th? Waumbek, now open. W?PT ? KfAl BREEZES. CUPPTOB HOL'IS, PATCMOOUB, L I. Right ? B'elei Proel ? ?.|.?? Family Hotel; surfend ?nil ?atei bathing, boatrag n?hlng, mu?lc. '.??? room?. Write {??: pamphlet. JBNKIBI A OLIPPTON, Prop?. ?F?&????G TOQUEE IN THE CATSKILLS .ACCOMMODATES 1?0 Writ? for circular. THh.MAS HILL Proa E. T. GALE, MgT.. Mnrg-aretvUle, ?. Y. Stimmer ?raorts. "shelter island, l. f.. .? V. MANHANSET HOUSE AND COTTAOErf. OPEN UNTIL SEPT- ,a . Handsomely rebni't ?Ine? fir?. August. IStrt; enlarged and Improved; alt modern Improvement?; eiectrlc ligiits, Otl? elevator?; ?ulte? with bath? healthfully nnd dellsTht fully at'.uit-,? amid ueautiful ncerery: drive?, grove?; pure water; dry atmosphere; golfing, veehtlng, beihinx. fonine. dancing, ?tc.. etc. Easily ?cre??lbie by auperlor train aervic? on I?ng Irland Itallroad. and new st?amers fhln neeook and Muntauk. Send fur terma ani Illusila???! pamphlet to H. D. W LAW SON iformerlv of Murray Hill Hot ?11. Manager, Manlinna't Mona?. Suffolk ri,., ? Y THE MOIVTVERT, MIDOUTOWN SPRINGS, VtRMONF THF. (liti.MIMI OF AMJRRICA. griKXTiFir <;f.rm\\ watf.r nnn. Th" mo?, ?j -l?, t an^ p?:f., th appointed Hoiel m th- Oreen Mountain?: hlah ?l?vation, magnili, ent acenery. Superb toada ?hd bicycle path?; mineral npring?. Send fur H-...1 let ?. W. EAGER. M'g'r. The Hanover. 2 E i.vh it., ? Y. A D : ? ? N D A C ? 8. ?G??? /?oooipcgiPgsimGD? ON I.OWKR SARANAO LAKE. THE OEM OF THE ADIRONDACK?. 10 hour? from N. Y. City without chana?. Golf Link? ani additional attraction?. C. M. EATON, Ampenand. Franklin Co., M. T. ADIRONDACK*. ?TTEWiKl? tKIODODi 9 UKt: PLACID. N. Y. H?art of th* Adlrmdaik Mounialna. 2.000 ft. above tide. The Mr-en and finest hotel In thl? part of ih? region. Most beautifully located between Lake plsold and Mirror Lake. Surrounded by mountain? towering five thoueand three hundred feet high. Fine Tenni* Omrt?. new Golf Lin'.a, Baseball Ground? and beautiful drive?, K?n4 for photographie circular. J. A. A G A STEVENS. O-.-nera and Pioprietora. Lake Placid. N. Y MOMM/MBQ^ BDOEWOOD INN; STAK UKK, P. O. Oawegatchle. N. Y. in the heart of Adirondack?, 1.200 fett above aea leve'; good hoattng and (?at?, iplen did trout fishing, grand scenery, KUre, quick relief from Hey F?ver. :?w hotel. lighted by electricity, open flre plnces. fin? orchestra, telephone statlun: accommodate? i 2.?.0; easy of a'.ccaa. rates moderate. Send fer de?crlptlv? ; pamphlet 1NOLEHART ft RROWN, Propa. WESTPORT-ON-LAKE CHAMPLAIN. ? T. TG?E WEOTPBB? ??. Fin?, dry climat?. "Westpetl Mountain Spilnjr Water." I Health record very filali. No mosquitoes. _Mr?. O. C. DANIELI.. Manager. ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS. ?G??? \^OM^?039 ELIZABETHTGWN. N. V. Located amidst the grande?'. j mountain seemrv. Tahle and service UIIMirpaOQOe My ' farm? ?nd garden? supply tlie house -*lth fresh milk. !, hutter, egg?, chickens and vegetatile?. Pure run? ning aprlng water throughout the lioua". Electric bells, ? hath? and lat st sanitary plumbing Bicycle oval and ! OOLF DINKS. Or hesSra, bllltarda. bowling alley?, fina ! tennis and croquet lawr. and charming drive?. Pur?, dry, | bracing air. POSITIVELY NO MOSQI'ITOES. NO MALARIA. My tally he coache? and catrlag?? meet all ! boats and trains at Westport, and emti'i-t with regular : stages tu Keene Valley. Tauende t.ake. Adirondack I/idg? j and iJike Pli 'id. Procure through tickets Telegraph. ' i-xpress ard tlek?t offices In the home, rircular?, with I city references. ORLANDO KELLOOO. Proprietor. ADIRMDAM keM"rr?li - ..JA .? THE MANSION HOUSE. KLIZAHETHTOWN. ? Y I now ????: location unexcelled fur healthfulnesi and ?een | ery. excellent 'rout fishing, line golf link?. Especially low ? rateg for aprlng and earlv summ-r. Illustrated circular I Of CHARLE? A. FERRIS.*. Manager ?/? DOQDIBEDBFJ NEW; STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. in the mlrlet of the gran lest scenery In the ADIRON? DACK?. Near the beautiful ACSABLE LA/?ES New Golf Link?. Opens June illth. ?pede? rate? for the eerly season. ORLANDO BBEDE. Prip.. Reede?. Essex <?? . M. T. THE ?GO?! UPPER G??????.??? LAKE, ADIRONDACK?. Delightful Summer H"m?. Trout Ashing No hay fever. CV.ttage to rent. For terms, *c. addrea? C. W. BACKtlg, Merrill. ?. T. Or, F. H. 8O0FIELD, 1 Madlron Ave., ?. Y. ADIRONDACK mountain's Iffl?lPILEWdDdDOD 01368. ELIZA BETHTOWN. ?. Y. Open for season of latrr. For beokt.t and full par I tlcuiara ?ddress G. W. JENKINS. Prcp'r. \DIRoND.? CKS, HOT CD DOUGLASS. A Summer Resor? on the ?here of Lake Champlaln. Directly opposite Burlington, Vermont. Only 30 minute?' drive from the Famous Attests? chasm. Opens June 15. Good na.'iing. boating, bathing and hunting; good team?, careful drivera and guides always en hand. JOHN L. MOCK Prop, and Owner, Douglass. Essex Co., ?. Y. ADIRONDACK?.?THE WAUKESHA -Reautlfully lo? cated at fiot of Mt. Morrla on Rig Tupper Lake. Open June lat. J. D. ALEXANDER. Trop.. Big Tupper Lake, ? Y. VDIRI ?N'HAI ?KS.Th" Belmont. l.ake Placid, ?. Y ? Entlrelv new. First season. I/irge, airy room?. Rcautifu' vi'w of I?ke Plaeld. Persona afflicted with pulmonary troubles will not be entertained. H. c. TRANKLE. Prep_ VDIRONDACKS' NORTONS ON STONY. 0th ?eason; I I)e?r, Speckled Trout. Rates per week. $4.00 to ?7.00. Send for Folder. NORTONS ON STONY. P. O. Chases Ij?ke, N. T. BANNER lloi'SK. <m Adirondack r?aort that will plea?? veu If you wish to rest, recruit and rusticate. Circu? lars from J. S. KIRRY. Cbateaugay I^-ike, N. Y. H OTEL DEL MONTE. Lower Sarana- I.ake. N. T., within 8 minutes? walk of Hotel Ampersand: -at"? from $12 to $]-.yi per week; $3 per dav; ?enl for circular. C. F. Carpenter. Prop. RtVERRIDE INN. Paranac Lake, New York. Most popular all the year round hotel In the Adirondack?. Electric servie?. Special terms to families and ?eaaon gueete. Address WALLACE MURRAY, Prop. \ TLANTIC CITI. N. J. . HOTEL TRAYMORB. Appointments and service, flrst-claa?. D. 8. WHITE Jr.. Proprietor. A SHLEY HILL COTTAGE. ?In ,n? Berkshire Billa ?. 2,000 tt. above tide. Healthful, cool. Spring water. Mr?. U MEDICS. Alandar. ]!erk?hlr? Co.. Mass \ Spl'RY PARK. 205 4th-ave., block from ocean.? ?\. I^rge rniims. IgeprOreaaeOte; liberal table, $S to $12. BLOCK ISLAND, R. I. HOTEL MANISSES. Fifteen mllee at ?ea; cable; extensive Improvement?; bathing; daily boat?; orchestra; ga?, electric beli?. Price? reasonable. Shade trees. Blue Fishing. Addres? C. E. ft E A. BROWN. H tel Maiitsse?. BY the OHELDOM. Orean Gmx??, Sea, OHELDOM, N. J. largest hotel. 2.V? rooma KM tueste: elevator, electric lights. Special rates, t*. to $12 week; $2..*a) dav A S WASHni'RNE. 2d season. C'ATSKILL ??G?1 AINS-'THE VJSTaT" Haines /' Falls. N. Y. Fac-s Twilight Park. AH appointment? arat-clas? Altitude 2.0U) feet. No bar. S. P. SCOTT. CATSKILL? MOUNTA NS THE LODGE and COTTAOE3. EANTA CRUZ PARK. HAINES FALI^. ?. T. ELEVATION 2.100 feet. Send for booklet a? abov?. CATSKILLS. -?/?? HTRST Klevatlon. 1,056 feet; for 00; $10; clean, cool. c>mfortabl- Bath. Request Clr <ular of FA?"TS. SAMUEL K. RCSK. Halne? Falla. ? Y. DR. STRONG'S SANITARIUM. SARATOGA SPRINGS, ?, Y. For health or reereatlo?. The appotatcMnta of a flrat ciais Hotel. Btevator, n*iis. Boot ProeMnede suite? with bath. Masr.ige. Elei Irleity. New Turkish. Russian and all bath and health aprllnn.-es. Adirondack air. Sara? toga Witers, Splendid t\ Keeling. Send for Illustrated Circular and als.. Announcements for 1SH7 of Entertain? ment Events, Tournament?. Bicycle Path?. Golf. Shurt Etctirslons. etc. EXCELSIOR SPRING HOTEL SARATOGA. Open Jun? let. Delightfully toemtod, near the e-lebrated Excelalr.r Spring, and woods. Under the personal man? agement of Mr. GEO. C HOWE Prop, of the "Rucking ham," St. Augustine N. Y. offlc? and clrcularr 3 P,rk Pi?c?. N. Y. G /?ILL HOISE. HENDERSON BARBQR. ? Y -ripen UT for ??? OPS A 'In.? f.imlU Imanilng bouae; free from bay '<v*r nn'1 tncsuultues. The very liest Mack hass flsh tns._H- H. GILL. Mgr. / ? RAND ATLANTIC ROTEL. I If An elegant rew hotel. V'rglnla-ave. and the Reach. Atlsntlc Cltv ? J Luxuriously appointed. Every modern eoaveaien?e Paa | sender elevator to s-tr>et. .US) beautiful suites having two ? end six windows ea :n. Many with baths attached The term? are reasonable. Wr.te for booklet, showing hotel, diagram rf city. ?tc. Conch meets all trains Parlor orchestra. CHARLES R, <X)PK, Proprietor. LEM TOWER , DORR? EERRT ..^~. "s HUDSON.' HOTEU Select famllv house ? SO miles from ? ? ?'.'tv OPENS lUNE 10. Part'cu!?rs !M) ?. C4th-st SKAMVN GRAMI? VIEW. Hous? located on high elevation: la modern with b?th. *c.; farm ha? plenty of fruit; an Ideal p'.a'ee for children; table flr?t-cla?s: one hour per New ? ? ven ? R.: terina six to right dollars per week. A.ldresa Mis' J. H. TOTTEN. Soutlipi.rt. Conn. * Mrs? OTEL LUBAY. ATLANTIC CITT. N. J. Not?1 tor It? flr?t-cl??? patilla and perfect cuisine- th? best the Phll?d?lphiii marketa afford, dellcloualy DreDared and ?erved. Six o'clock dinner. ??""??"? _ aiOSlAH WHITE ft SON. HOTEL ARLINGTON. S'amfurd. Conn -Now open \ must delightful resort fur ramilles and ctiildren cuisine (lut -.???. Term*. *?> to $12 per w?ek. Full par tli?lwis at 3D East 2Ut-?l . or Hotel. ? M SMITH HOTEL ES8ICK. .HUHLAND UKE. PENN ? In the cool, dry ana bracing air of th? Allcghenle?. Write f'?r descriptive matter. H HOTEL OPRAI VIEW OCEAN aitOVE N. J. Directly on ocean fr mt. Completely remodelled In Co lonlul ?ty.e: wide v?rand,is; iiKle, ? In ever?? re.pect For beeklet. add???? Box 2.087. JO?. WHITE. Proprietor. IAKESIDE BODflZ, ellAHON. Ct>MN._Larga enndy ? lawn, fin? ptu?*a. t ?l table! i?ati:ig. lathing, nihlng. tennis, croquet, baseball; referenc?. Circulare. _ORO. E. RIKRCE. MOUNTAIN VIEW FARMHOUSE?1?4 roll?? from Caltklll Mnuniiiu Railroad: nn? mountain acen-ry; plenty of ?hade, boating ?r.d flahlng: terma m, derate. Send tor Itlustrated circular. FRED. bAXK, Kiakatom, ?. G. ?Bottini fr **S^S*J* ??^\**.????? (BLESS ?QBE?i ??Q?T MOTEO?, GLEN SUMMIT. PENN On L. V. R. R.. four houf? elevation. Mou.ifaln ? t lng and bicycling roads, ? trlral appliance?. Steam heat e??crlptlve booklets. ? ? iti gi 8eofleld. Metropolitan Bui',! Rtsorte. W" II CROSBY. Manager. t*^*? X*?-Teefe, 2,00? fas? . ?er. fifty m,?? tMM ?J lOag ,.,i bHirtin. A? ~J* Priv?,, bath. uTevaior. ~ ? Ph? etc.. apply to Prod. ? Madison Samare. If MMMTAift ?WW HOT, * AM> It/U'lAGha? LAKE pUBllOBS, VT. In the hesrt of ? he Green 'M untarne, ,?-?? In Joaa. Capacity .|??? elevatore, eicd'rlc light?, <.roh??tra. ie? lllu?trated a?ak a PI ? A'*?" ? J CjJ?V?;. p. prieto? Salisbury. VI SG-8E (ftlHaV Aube f'ottsge? .-' .rnm'-rfleld a-. ?^ l/irr?? ?Irv room?, dainty ?? G ?^????^?^' ? and < >oVn ' . .->r, '; ?ea?, excell?t road? for wlie'V'??; liming aagerf?ag|? men's Ounny rooms, Cnlslne and -???. id t-, BltJt Fifteenth ?e,?,?, ? begin? Septembre 20th. il c. <?. ?. ?,??,\\ S?,?.,,?, - wo GARRISON OH HUDBOB, ? T. Cbuntrv Club G< ,r Ltaka, Beautiful Drive?, Pine Crete? Roads Tennis. Orchestra. Win?? G?? ??- 'lai rate?, (yyj? let. I. W. & G. W. ?.AI?I'.IS?Vx^ 1? ? ti EDGEMERE. L ?. G???? l'Alt ROi'KAWAY), 40 in.nute? ?roui N Y. Eleganti?- tara . . : v-iipsa? with all n.odern Improvement?. Fifty room? with ?et?gai bathe. Fine nur* and ?'iVwuter b;ittili>*. H .On* ass l!..!nng. J. H. BUESLIN. C W. SHEPHERD. Mgr._G;l?ey I|.,u?e ? T. TOOE ?0??G??G0??\G." 1 DELAWARE WATER CAI?, pA Open from May Ut unni Maeseeear. The favorii. Spring. Summer and vutumn resort. largest. I*?t ap? pointed aril .T,o?t attractively located hotel in the Del?, ware Valley. Gilf link?. Send for Nokl-t. W. A. BRODHEAD A SOX? F?? MOBfflTA!!? Mt. Pocono, Pa.; capacity, 3<x>: liberal managemer.t. tnnd. erate iato?; lo kl?. ? I. HOOKBB A sun Owner? ?ad Propre. Information, etc.. M J. Crawford, li .tel M?rlbora. ?D5a1[????0^uBM(B'?^ STAMFOP.D. .N. Y.?Elevation. 2,000 feet. Now on?. Send for Booklet. R. c SIMI'SOV ATCHIffSOBI KOUSs. ATAMFORD. N. Y. For booklet and term? addreaa _W. D. ATCHiNSON. Stamford. NT WODOBODlIL?^e MOTELL, SARATOGA m:m% N, 7. Bs PER DAY. QUAKER HILL, DUTCHBSI CO., M Y . NOW OPEN. A FIRST < LASS FAMILY HOTBLt ts? hour? from Bear York by Harlem R. R ; |,Jgg ??*?? ?lees. tlon. Po?t Office addres? and railroad ?'ation. PawBga N. Y. N. s. BOWK Mauaaaev Circulara and information of P, li. BCOPlBIeDL ? Madison ave., ?. Y. RflEM (??????G ?F3?)??. " STAMFORD. ?. Y. " Now ready for guette. Well heat?d. Electric lUSt? Specie! rstes for Ma? ani June. CMtagS? to rent g? booklet? address J. P. c.RANT. Prog. (BtLEfa (LOTS DOdDOieS. 5AEAR LAKE GEORGE. Aoeonim .d.iii n? r.r?t -claej. Rave? moderaie. All amusements. Good basa ?.?~.|??. Hcen?Vy unexcelled. Resident physician Qlen ?.?'?? \ f \_? HI It I.S\ I.L. Mgr. ' (?F???G??? iP?OBi? OSSI \ AND COTTAGE?, I NORTH PLAINKIKI.Ii, N. J. Thi? aea?lead modern botet, situated on th? WatghjM Moaatalna, ???????? CO. ?<?i feet ab.-v? see ??t?? within an Hour's ride of Bear-York, commanding tlM mo?, magnificent view In rhe State, now open, 21 ??*?-?, Delightful bieche?, charming ?een-ry. Beautiful ?-????, miles of m.ieaiarfll?ed roads. Nainil spring Waler. Map trio lights. <;. S. MOCLTON, Manager. North Plaiaflilt, N. J. A lew choice villa ?He? fur sal-. MOTEO, ??vM^MOclBKe ASRCPY "Al?K, M. J NOW OPEN. Directly on the Beach. The leading hotel in every ? ?pect. Elevator. MORHAN A PAPSONg. MBCOX INN, WATER MILL. L. I. t'nder new management. All movjern lmprov?m?nta; within 401) feet Meco? Ray. Golf, fenn.'.-i. ?urf ?nd ?ttri water bathing, beating and fishing. Efn* drive? tad cycle roads. Term? reasonable. , _GEORGE A. GRIFFIN. Proprletnr. - \ M AHAIWE COTTAGES -Great Pamngton. Mars . d lem Improvement?: superior cuisine; termi, M ?1G.. H. .1. MIGNEUEY. /"VSBORNE.-Atlantic City. N. J.. Pacific and Arkaasi aves. One square from beach, f*. to $14 per ?rag 'Bus meets trains. Mrs. R. J. OSBORNE. PASSACONAWAY INN. YORK ? LIFFS. MAINE. NOW OPEN. ROBERT MURRAY. Manager. New-York Office - - "A? Prn?dwaj AULAH UOlfE, PATCHOOUB, U I OPEN UNTIL OCT. 1ST. First class family reeort. Boating and Rathtng GEO. T. RII.ET. ? THE GLASLYN. Atlantic City. N. J. Park Placa, near Beach. Opposite City Park The newest hotel. Location ??,,., Cu.??, end fumlshtngu unexcelled Passenger ?'?..,? ,r to street, _SS CROWELL THE BAY VIEW HOOSM, SHELTER ISLAND HEIGHTS, gf. Y The most delightful Resort along th? c ast ?enl far circular,_ W. ? ????-".?? fllUE eUELBL'RVK, X ATLANTIC CITT. N. J. Directly on the Beach. Open all the year Throe** Fuilman car. via Penna. R. R. ? ?? J. D. 80CTHW1CK. THE PSNIMOBS. Asburv Park N. J.. l'A blocks from oee?n '"?paclt? 200. For circulars .id lr-sa THOMAS NOBIX THE WAVERIT. ATLANTIC CITY. ? .? Extensively Improved. Now ,.pen Send for booklet. LEWIS ? RRYANT. THE WINDSOR RELMAR. N. J Delightful location, near Ocean and Shark River- la) proverr.ents; reasonable. q w pai'LL?N. ?'?? MILES AT SEA JL OCEANIC HOTEL STAR ISLAND ISLES OF SHOALS Off Portsmouth. ?. H. Lalghton Brothers, Proprtetors, All the benefits of a sea voyage, with-ut It? ducete? fcr'a Boating and ftehing un?urpais?d Three ?tearatra dally. Telegraph cable to mainland. For tfrrn? etc. sa? dr?-? H G. MARVIN. Manag-r. THE CARLETOV, Belmar N. J. ?am? management. now open, twentieth gaBM eaosf ? W H STOYLE. THE STRATFORD fine hotel ?t 0-??n Grov?; die? te ocean, on Ma'n \ve. ; large room?; first c!a?? table; reasonable. A. W. tVTMAB, Bot 2 It?. THE CRYSTAL BELMAR. N. J. -I/veated dlrenlv on b?t-h. full "???? view; excellent ttble; nrt?mri wiier. m ieri?- i?rtia THF. TREMONT SEA GIRT N. J SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Directly on the Reach, every niom an o.?in view, mid? ern conveniences. I S RIBBBOB. rnilE F Atlantic City. N. .T.. corner Kentucky-ave : direct! on the te;,r!i. with full vl?w of ocean from ?ver> roe? large sun parlor, eeertocklna the Boardwalk; ?lewt? ?c.nltary plumbitig. H..??* *i mi u ?*.?? gar diy Kur? rean plan. Cafe attm-bel. ___ Eta rxriNDERMERE Ho V\ GREENWOOD I o|Hfn for the ?eason. GREENWOOD LAKE OTtANOE CO.. ? T. No? . P. M. WILSON. Proprietor. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAS Of Till Vi NEW HOTEL rJNCAB, OB LAKE OSOROB ? Y. SMITH BSXTON, Prop. Mire? Bay ? ?? ?. r. nrSBNSRt MOUNTAIN Si'NSKT HOU8B. ^ El?vation, 1000 ft.; oh ? ? ro tu-? ?-i t *I2 per ?;?? . 4 brs. fr<m Vew-Y.irk Clly; I.klet J. D. MOIB? IM. i>. Moaaialn Sunset ??, o. v*_gfJ \?t??.??'pt?? BY THE sn SPRING LAKE. ? T. Open? for the ?easor .Ii.n? 12th. R K. LETCIIWORTH. ?ntnmcr Uceort (niii?ce. Summer Homes on Long Island? ??r.ri ui ??? r..?.> i.........?.?? Island," nil Illustrated deicrlpttve *** *? lion????." ? b..ok desenlia* hotel? a rd ?*?'?9 ? l-ing Ulani tVec upon appli???. a. * ? SWEPT BY OCEAN BREEZEB "Long Island, "Sunimtr . home? on Long Ulani tree upon sjawai? ?? :..?-. MO, I SU Broadway; ticket office? fiet of E*-?'. J "_?, and Jame? Slip, foot New iTiarnber. ?t.. New ? ?. e? Fulloii-et.. Eagle Summer Bureau. *?d,V?'?u*".?l '?rr.te HOB. L. I. R B. Brooklya or aaei I.J>een?? Ma??nip? f.,r -Long i^" or f? raatt tai r**w?E???E H M SMITH. Trattle ?????? i- '? R R - L ,D? w'"* City, New ?' ri;._^???? (Tonntrn iioux? room, and gummi?. Mt? ? W. JOMBB,_J flBABD VIBW PABM,?.??*" gjg?\$?*? fourth sea-m. Mr?. U. U ^AD>- t>?nt?? ?w_. ? | OtTNTALN VIBW FA KM- <*;"* Vea.Tnt '.?Ik'.'VrU SI Hon Un? feet; large ^rS^hJ?Tum G????? d-ive?. For further |<ariku.ars adJiea? ?'" OBADY. Danby, Vermont- -. 1VANTED A KKW st'MMER BOABDBBB in a yei???? ? family, ^?^jf^m. WlndsonlUe. Cog*.