Newspaper Page Text
TRE STATE OF TRADE. fUltlmore. Julv 11.?Flour tlrin. nmh?nge.I; sales. fWO ??!, Wheat fi mei, ?pet. T3':,i73V. m.intli, TOtfTtVae: ?iiVist and Septemler. "??,???? steamer No 2 red. ??1-??; ni st?h 41A.S*! evsh. saks. ???*?: Soulhern wheat by limili? ??'?'-iV: d? ? K'a. e. ?2^0T4Vc. Coni nrm; ilo, arid month. SO'a?lSOV ; August. ao^?acWic, Septem? ber ?*eVrJ3I'. ?team, ? "niMO. 2?mj2?Hc; ?toxk. 7.??.7?2 vTi.'h' sales ?l.i*"i. Southern white cu?n. 000)0U; do vel low S4R.T.V. Oal? drm; No S white. ?AHtySOWc? No 2 mixed 23?i2.1'tc. st.ik. 151.MM. Rye firmer; No 2 n?ar biSpgOO' < No 2 Western. ?Weise; stuck. 11.?M bush Hay ?teedy; choice timothy, $13 .V>ii$H. Grain freights ouiet and steady, unchanged. Sugar firm, unchanged. Thut-r quiet, unchanged. Eggs firm. fresh. 10c. Cheese ?wo tv fancy New Torti. ?*' lb. Oc. do 35 It'. OV; do 22 ?a, 0%e. W'h1?key unchanged. h ?ten Julv IC?Float tras: winter patent?, M 503 jaw' c'.?ar arid straights, ft"g#4 75; spring patenta. ?4 30 ?/$?s... clear and straights S3 Snf?f-4 M Cornmeal Arm. Jsj-TiK a b'g. tl *?0{G11 M per bbl. Corn ea?v; steamer vellow Sic. No 3 and steamer. 341<?34'ic. iuta steady; laawy dipped OOWtpOOHc; No I ellpped, 2bc; No 3 clipped. 27 V Mi?lfeel firm; spring bran, *lil|i. lake and rail. JltiTMi?ll; ?lnt?r bran, fll 25(ifll 5ii; ml.'elllngs. $11 00 **1.1.V). rei dog fleur. $14. Fresh be?f flriii; steer?. 7ff ?w Mad euartera, 7tjl?*??; fores, .".?^rtc; rasaba steady; ?tattoo and yearling?, OvTc; veal, Opjec. Butter at?Oy; Wcrthern .remitrv. 1U? lit'^c: Western, lfiSflltle; Imita? tion. I'l^if l.'V? ladles. 1<>S lie. Cheeee firm. Northern, IgTV? Western. Ti'V? Burraio, July 14.?Spring wheat atiaagOg held and higher. No 1 hard. spot. K2V; No 1 Northern, spot, 17V: No 2 Northern. 7."4c; wln'er wheat gateti No 3 red In store. 77c. Corn- Demand fair, steady; No 2 ?,i; u 31c; No 3 yellow, 00*4?; No 2 c.rn. KHfrC; No I corn OOe. oats actlv? all'i lirni; NO I white 2".c, No 3 ?hite, *3Vk024c: No 4 white, 22c; No 2 mixed, 21c; No I rr!\c i. 1'.?'?????:?'?.>?. Rye dell; No 2. In store. XSc Canal rr?tght? str tiger and higher: wheat and flajcseed. 2',c; n, : , m, 21ec; barley, Se: oat?. IV" le New-York; Irrriher, $17.'? to New-York and $1 25 t ) Albany. Flour fair demand. Chicago. July 14.?The leading future? ranged aa fol? low?; Wheat, No. 2: Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Julv . 72 72', 71', 72'^ Sertet'.tvr .67V,ii(t*'~ ?7<, OCS0?WN, ?7 D?cerner (new)... T???????? ?'S ?*>, UM? De Ccrn. No. 2: July . Seprenit-er ..., Lie ember . Oata, No. 2: July . September .... 2.V? 3M? 27V 17% Itti 25-, 2546254 RH, 2<IA? 2?S 2ti4 274 27S 274*27-, 184 l??1* 17V IS 18 1S01N4 IK I 3 fC4 I U74 4 324 4 874 $7 324 7 ? 3 s:. 8 ini 4 224 4 254 $7 424 7 45 3 00 ? pj 4 274 4 324 Xo I No 2 I Mess polk, P'r bbl: Jet, . $7 424 tfriMfmhcr . lea Lard, per 100 ft: September . 3 1124 October . 3 5*74 Shoit ribs, per 100 ft: S.-td mber . 4 32': Cktlober . 4 374 OmOj quotai: .ns were as follows: Flour firm; ???ring ?rbeet, 72',? . No I ?pring wheat, nominal mie; S ? S corn, ?5\62tk*; No 2 yellow corn -?,?. .\ I oat? ",v No 2 white f o b. 22Vtf>Z3H< ?ahite fot. .' . -?' . No 2 ry.\ 3.'?4c; No 2 barle> ?omlnal; No 0 : b, 28408 lc; No 1 tl.ixsee.i. 7?Ve7i?i, prime timoth\ seed, ?*- IS; meea perk, per bbl, $7 4.",'?.*7 BO; lard, per 100 ft, $8 824: ?hurt rile aide? (tooee), $4 1"?1 $4 4<|. dry -i ' ildera (boxed), 4\*j.V, short clear (ides iboaed . I ,c; whiskey, duulllers finished apoda, per gal, ?1 10; lUgara, .ut 5.71c, granulated. 1.00c. ,.? ? bang? to day tb< butter market was lrre?u.;:r: creamene?, ll':3H4c. fairies, 0913c Cheese quiet, ????*. 'Vss finii, fresh, t>Qs4c. Cincinnati, July 14?Flour easy; wheat unsettled; No 2 re!. 72'?.'' 7.~.c. Corn firm; No 2 mixed, 274c. Onte steady; ? ? I mixed, 274c. Da*? steady; No 2 in'.x-d. Rae. Kye ?C'.ive ? 2, ISC. lrfird easier. $3 7(>. Hulk mea'ts Seady. $4 46d$4 50. liaron quiet. *.'? 35i?$5 4(1. Whiskey ??<a.'.y. *1 I?. Butter quiet. Sugai firm. Kggs eusy, 7c. ChMae it' ?dy. ?Baeeap II?, J-ly 14.?Wheat firm: July. 73Vc; Sep temher. tu?. . December, OOHc; on track. No l hard_ f5V? No 1 Northern, 74'?c: No 2 Northern. 724c. Flour* dull iir?t patenta, M 104>$4 OU; second patent?, W \<:>n Las - - $8 10e$880; aecond clears, 02 10#|2SO. Bran in bulk, $5 234}$3?); ?ached, HSOtBOdOO. Rllfrauk??, July 14.?Wheat higher; No 2 spring. 744''. ?-, ? Northern, 77.c; December, OTlfcc. Corn firm; No 8, fj? Oat* steady; No 2 white. 214022Vc. Barley gall; pal .?". sample, 204>884c. Rye tirni. No 1. 3,'.'sg3?c. Philadelphia. July 14. ?Wh. at 4.'i4' higher; contract grade. July, 72\'y73c; August. 724012%c; Sejitember and Onolier nominal, torn steHdy; No 2 mixed July. 3?'?? >?'4G August. September and October nominal. Oat? un ch?':C? : ? - white, Iul\, 244'd2.V; August, September ?nd ? ber, 2402V*. Butter firm; fancy Western cream erv 13 do Pennsylvania prints, Irte; d?. Western prints. ?K? dull ari easier; fresh nearty. 1???1?4? ; di Wettern, lOc. Cheeoe steady. Refined sugar? unchanged. Cotton st-aiv. Tal'.'ov quiet; city prime in h"gsheads. ?'.- ? tiritry do In l.hls. tc; dark do. 24c; cake?, 34c: gre???. 2V Live poultry steady; fowls, lie; old roost ?G?. Tc; spring chickens. llOylle, Dressed poultry firmer; f-.?l?. choice, t'li'.i'j?. do fair to good, OOJgVfcc; broiler?. Wwt*rn. .leslr;iMe sizes, l.">fi Un-; do small and scalded, 10^1 \-. nearby do, as to slie and quality. llOjttOe. Toledo. July 14 - Wheat dull, easy; No. 2 cash. Me. eld. 77c: July. 74V' Cera dull, ?tea/.y: No 2 mixed. tOc. Oat? dull. Bteedy; No I mixed, pic. R\e quiet; No 2 cash. OOe. Cloeereeed steady; prime October, $4 20. Oil nnrhsr.t- d, St. Unii?, Julv 14 -Fl-Hir dull and unchanged. Wheat higher, No 2 red. rash, elevator, 104c; track, 71??714? for rew. 75c for .Id. Auguat, tV.?4c; September. OOOJOPHc! Decembe'r. 704c Md. Corn dull and lower; No 2, cash. ?He Hd: July. 24c bid: September. 244?924V. Oats er.s!?r: No 2 cash. 17c bid; July. 17Se; September, ltv. Rran higher. 37c on track. Whiskey steady, $1 lf>. B'Jtter steady; creamery, Il??lSc; dairy, R^114c. Kgas Armrr, Oite. Porb quiet $S foe Job lots standard. Lard easier; prime $0. OB: choice, $3 724. Dry-salt meats and bacrn steady and unchanged. Cl/iSING PRICBB OF S Ye?ter.1av. To-day. .06 .M a:i? . Alt?** Con.Id Ande?.15 Bekher .Ih liest ? ! Bullion . ? . Chai.enge ("on. Chollar . Conflden Con Cal & ?' . .00 i'7 . .42 . .TO .1 M .1 21 Con Imperlai.01 Crown Point.Iti Eicbequei.01 ?. Curry . ,83 Crai,?. Prlae ... ? .15 .17 H .11? .117 .37 74' 1.00 1 2.? .ni 10 .01 .32 ? ? AN PRANCI800 STOCKS, r. Francisco. July 14, 1S07. Yesterday.To-day Haie & Norcr?e. .84 Juetlce . ? K-ntuek Coa.04 .\>x? an .33 ' ? ? C ??. .. .12 iiphir .?4 ' ivennan .1* Pwtoal .45 Pajrag? .22 oierra Nevada.M s iver mu.01 S? andari .1.55 1 Ini .g Com.42 I tah ?.?.: iw Jacket. .00 .51 excursions Manhattan Beach. Tr? m :? , . 1 .., HAST 34TH ST.. wee); dav?. 5:.*.o. 1:40, M" 8:20, 11:00 a. M . 12:10, and half hourly from 1?0 t :? ;. .m and half hourly from rt:40 to 10:40 P. ii . additional trata raee daya, C. I. J. C, U:eO P. M. i:\(lllMn\ TICKVTt. 4M CBRTB. Train? .? . VTHITKHAIX st. week daya, hourly frota - m A. M t 1:10 und half hourly fr?.m 1:40 to 0 I'? 10:10 G m additional train? race davs. c. I. J. C. 11:40 a. M. 12 40 ?, M Saturday?, i2:io ? m. BXdi'kUIOR TICKBTS. 45 t KNTS. ROCKAUVAY BEACH. Tralr.s tear? I MTR ST.. ?. Y. wee!, day?. 0:4?. r". ?? ;?? |0:S0 A M 12:20 1:2" 2:20 ;?..???. 4:2'? 5:30. 6:?o, 7;2". ? ?,,,, ;. ??, |? m Addltloncl train:, Saturday? ?at?, ; ?,'. iJu, uh? p. m CONEY ISLAND. ClLVIMl IttHTE. Train' lea\i fool WHiiKHALL ST. eta Ray Ridg?. eesk di,ys and Sundays, !>:10, 0:10, and half hourly fr.,m W:lii ?. ? . 1U ?? ? ?. I^?t train lea\es Coney Island 1135 ? M KXflRS10\ TICKETS. 25 CUT9. LONCBEACH. Trains leave t" t Fait Mlb St , N. Y., week days. 6:00, 7:S0. 10:00, 10:90 A. M. 1:20, 15., 2 5.1. 3:G^. 4:5<J. 5:2?. $*>, 6:5<?. l?i:(iO ?? \l WOoL?-rAMOUS PL'.AS?HE G..?JNDS." A ? Ic'htfu) sail on fast go ni ateam r?. Two grand eaatttte daily, im-:.G,en,t 1 ni i a ?t e . plant-, an 1 horti? cultural ?/ondare. An uncinai- ,? u,e:.,'igerle. I t.ui?i ili ? ut aviary, mai: :.. til, 1 irrend nina? im, all FKLK. OnotoeQlea Isjand ?Um Bake. Dinner? a la carte. 'Klein Tiiit-chlaiid." ?The Baiiy.M rv.?t inir. lmtliiiii!. flshiug, bowlln ;^iiJ liiiiiards. TIMETAULE?STEAM.Mi i LEAVE Cun.nti ?. G'??. ? :?.'?, ! ? A. li I? N II '?.?*?, ?.??. ???? r.a..-?. ? >. s? . ? ..?.?,?. , II .:?, n ? ?. M. ; W.K, I.M ? !l,l.||"l r .. M s?.? : ?.:?..?.. P.??. A. t? 11.??, ? ??. ??1?.4 1,14. r. M l.KvVK'it. S I U?N0. il A. W. fur IM ?t. ?.4Cr-|. |M M ; . . 1- M l..r l?,l.?.H8t '.?|y .?,?,?, s?r. m.. ?,., , ,.?.,'.. rxTBA boati ??isu?y?. BX4 I ?SION 40 OMIT?. In'lude, ?. (, to al Attraction?. COOK'S TOURS ROUND the WORLD. T?o Umlted Parties to make a t-_ ,. SIX MONTHS' T'H It lea?? \?r..-.- .-^t,t H ,nd pan Franelsco Oct. 21. ? ?VI 1 11 lid ???.?????. ?G,G?1"! ' -?? ''-',r 'Of th? HOLV LAND leave? NEW liiuuJ ?>t* '? ^*ryii\.nK strictly gret-claaa "u,t,"ei progrtjmme? fcnd lnforniatl..n from ?2 WeebhT TH4i>. < ????? ? ?.?>. ?w?l ?ini l.^^M hriiNilMiiv. >>?v York. ?asr.trii?? -,n .-1 . lios'.on; vjs CtsWtaat St., Phlla '*?<?''??' ? L'.'ii I idi ' lark St . Chiosilo. WESTP0INT,?WB?RGH & POUGHKbEPSIE. ?,?? I,AiLV BXCURglON (BXCEPT BUNDAT) "Vici ? . pALA<'K IKON LAV LINK STKAMKIlti rrri \.V'KK" I : ALPANY .:m ??.'-.'? FultOH St (kjr Annex). S A ? M? York. Ilesino?*?* g| Pier...,.8:40 *ew Torte, \Ve.<t ggd Hi. pier_. t? ?? rumiti*, du? In New torti *?:.':<> ? M ?_"?????a AND ?G??????? CO.NCERTg. M Provocale IpTiCE.-KstiiiiatPr for ihtdglng boftwgefl ??*1-I,i*f'k,ani Betheae street?. Oeauaet Na Jso. and f^r Etl *. b*l*'*'-n IVtriune and Twelfth strep?.?. ?n Kiser, ,? ,tri , .s7 wl)| ^ reeeleed bi me D?? ?G rl ':' 1"?'H '? Pur "A." Ilatteiy Place, North ?"w. until ?. ? ; ,K M j?;y ^,,, i6M; r,jr !.?G(|? ulara gj^-'ty P.tforcd." , Uhi?; L-KPAHTIJKNT. 1.?7 riaet ?7th Street, fte?,,,,, NO? Volk. July 1.?',. lS'.iT. riujKisniM ini gdyorltoad for in ili?? lo :ni a al. on u coal tu ih? gir? S? h!'/. Ft"""M '" l* recelve-l until ^?n'fcent*1'' f'r furnlehin? antbrat-lu Roilrofl?e. "AMI BICA'? QABATBBT BAILBOAO. NEWYORK I (entral ^-^ L HUDSON RIVER R. R. THE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK UNE. DIRECT UBS TO BIAGAltA BALLS. : .UeaeeMreae Ai. "?p " Alban>? nir?? **?*??? | FoIr?h^A^;. <;."nf?.,:ot^,ra: St*,,0n? 4M fi,rm end ^ ?? .?? -ADIKO.VDACK ??G?????8. THOU? Dalle INLANDS AND MONTREAL SPECIAL Egg? O????? Sunday. For Adirondack Mountain?. R Qft ?'? I'lands and Montreal. A. M -Dallj, except Sundiiy. The fanions E M e?i tJ , . S1 ATE EXPRESS. LIMITED Faat Nlaelr. v? V? t'"' World. Due Buffalo, i AT, P. M. trni? i?i."1?"? ft:" p- M ? 'foronto, ?-.? p. M. Thl. train I. IlaUted to Its sesting capacity. W.30 ?. M.-FAST MAIL Dally-For Pmiglik.-cpsle. ? ??.? ??";.'? l ,|ra? Nyraru?* Rochester. Buffalo. Ni? li in ..""? un,! CJerelaad. , ?F'~~?????0?? ANO MONTREAL SPECIAL. ' 'S?? eaesfd Baaday, for Catskill Mountain?, troy. Saratoga, Lake Georg?, Green Mountain? and in 2?? ? 1O.O0 A. M. NORTH SHORE LIMITED. Dally-31 hour train to Chicago via Michigan Central Route. Due puffaio l:4ti. M? Klagara Pgltg.tdw ' M . Chicago U A. M. Carrie? sleeping and draw ?Bf raggg c:irs onl\. 10.3U A. M-DAY EXPRESS, except guadar. For Mlllruo,,k Catskill Mountains und all Important , n??*w i"rl< State point?. 1.00 1. M. SOITHWESTERN LIMITED. Dull;. -For t olumhus. Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Ix'ul?. , Jjeiie at Poughkeepete. l.OO P. M.-CHICAGO SPEtMAL. Dally?For Detroit, Cleveland. Toledo and Chicago. Stops at Pough o ?? pslf ??<1 sel enectadv. J.dO P. M. -TROY AND SARATOGA SPECIAL, ex cept Sunday?For Garrison t\Ve?t Point). Pough ? ?ii.'epsle. Albany and Troy. O.OO P. M.?LAKE SHORE LIMITED. Dally?34 hour train to Chicago via Lake Shore rout-. Due Cleveland 7:15 A M.. Toledo 10:05 A. M.. ? hlcago 4:i?i p. M. This train connect? at Cleve? land for Cincinnati, due 4:t5 P. |? , and ?t Toledo let St. Louis, due 10:1.'? P. M.. mie Kan?a> CtlJ next morning. Carries sleeping and drawlaa-ronm car? only. / 6.00 P, M.?WBBTBBM EXPRESS. Dally?For Ni? agara Falls, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Cincinnati ar.d ?t lxmlr. 0.25 P. M.?ADIRONDACK, MOUNTAIN!, THOU SAND ISLANDS AND MONTREAL EXPRESS Dalli- For Adirondack Mountains. Thousand I?lan.!s and Montreal 7.00 P. M, NORTHERN EXPRES-, Dally-For Trov. Ptattabare, Burllnptoi:. Montreal, an.i, except Satuiday nights. Ottawa 7.30 P. M. BusVALO special. Dally -For Beeh? ester, Buffalo. Niagara Fails. Toronto, Cleveland, -. ludlanapolli, St. I .oui? and Chicago. 9.00 P.M. -?PECI AX, LIMITED MAIL Dally?Sleep, ing tar gassenger? only, for points on Fall Brook Ry., ? In Lyoaa ?nl for ?'uffiilo. cle-.eland. Indiana).-e. li? and St. I>puI? 9.15 P. M ?PACIFIC EXPRESS. Pally-Foi gyrai u??? Oswego, S'atertown, Ogdenaburg, Buffalo, Niag? ara Fai'.?, Cleveland. Toledo, Chicago; nnd. except Saturday, for Cape Vincent and Hie Auhurn road. 12.10 Bight.?MIDNIOHT EXPRESS Theatre train for Chicago and principal point? on th? New - York Central, ?very night except Sunday night?. Sun? dav nights, chi. ago sleeper? leave on U:lf> uuin 0:0? A. M. and It:.?'.'. P. M.?Dally, except Sundav. to PRtaAeld, via Harlem Division. 0:15 a. M.?Sundays only, to l'ittsfteid and the Berkshire Hills, via the Harlem Division. "ALL NIGHT' TRAINS To YON ? BBS. "All night' trains run between 180th Htreel and point? on the Putnam Division a? far a? Yoakete, In connection with the elevated toad. TI e only line running "all night" trains out of New York. Wagner Palace Car? on ?ii through train?. Trains illuminated with Plntsch Light. Ti ket? ur.d Wagner offices at Grand Central Biatlon, 11*. 201. -?? Broadway, g? Enst ietti st.. ois Broadway, SU Columbus? Ave., (il West St., and l.'iSlh St. ?ta HOB, New Voi k; MS ar.d 72G Fulton St. and l'lfl Broad? way S. D., Brooklyn. Hageage checked fro,? hotel or residence by the West-? Cott Express Compani. JOHN M TOUCST, GEORi-.E H DANIEL". Genomi Manager. Genera! Passenger Agen? | NEW YORK. ONTARIO & WESTERN RV. Train? leave foot of We?' 42? St. as fellow? (II minute? ? earlier from Franklin St.?: 7?G>5 A. M.. for Montani. Orr'* Mill?. Uke? Motion? and Mlnnewaeka, Middletown. III? omingburgh, Klleavllie, Pallaburgh, Hurleyvllle, Like Klamesha. Llt-ert). Bcrgn tea, Walton Delhi, Sidney, Norwich, 1'tica. Onelda. Ful? ton. Oswego. ?ill A. Mm fee Campbell Hall, Middletown, Blooming ! hurgh, Wurtshoro, Kllenvllle, Mountnlrda'.e, Centrevil'.e, ! PalTeburgh, Lake Klamesha. Hurleyvllle, Liberty Falls. i Libert?. Whit- I^ike. l its P. M. IBaturday? only), for Middletown Bloom ? ingburgh. Wurtshoro, Bilenvllle, Mountalndsle, centre j ville. Fallsburgh. Like Klamesha. Hurleyvllle. Femia]?. ? Liberty. White Lake, Pavksvll'.e, Livingston Manor. Soek ' lind. SllB I*. M. for Ceggabell Hal!. !.?!<?? Mobonh and Mlnnewaska, Middbtown. Bloomir.gburgh. Wurtshoro, El? lenviiie Mountatndale, Centrevflle, Fallsburgh, Lake Kla I meshn. Hurleyvllle, Pendale, Liberty. While Lake. Pa-ks I ville. Livingston Manor, Rocklanl. Oilf? I?. M. iFrank'.in St. ???? P. M.>. (Dally), for ! Campbell Hall, Middletown. Liberty Livingston Manor, I Walton Sidney. Norwich, P.andallsvllle, Hamilton, Onelda. Pulton. Oswego, Niagara Falls, and points We?t ; pullman Sleeping Car: Reclining Chair Car. seats^frfe ihroii?h to CI trago without tranffer: ?Tire? Chicago ?:*) ? M. 4ltS ? M., for Montana. Orr's Mill?. Meadow Rrook, Birnslde Campbell Hall, Stimy Ford. Cri?t?l Run. Mid? dletown Wlatertoa. Bloomlngburgh. Wurtshoro. Kllenvllle. Ticket? and Pullmnn ?eat? at .171 Ilroadway. ?. Y. J. S ANDERSON, O P. ?.. 50 Beaver St.. ?. Y. BALTIMORE"*? OHIO. Leave Ne? York, foot of Liberty St.. dally. CHICAGO 2 p. m.. and 12:lf> nigh;. PITTS P. I 'RG P:80, es. Sun.. 2 Sup., 12:10 right. CINCINNATI ST. LOUIS, 10 ?. m., I p. m. WASHINGTON BALTIMORE. OtOO. 10 ?Dining Ciri, n a.? a n, (Dining Car), ?. ,?'?:,?? iDininc can :. (Dinln; can Up m 12:13 ata*?! Bunday, 10 (Dining Car). 11:30 a. m. (Dining Can. 2 (Mftlnij Can, I (Dining Car.. (I p, m.'. 12 IS night. NORFOL <. 11G41 a. m. dally. NEW BRLEAN8. Through Sleeper .V00 u. m. dallv. \ll irain'. ate llbimlnat-d with Pintsch Light. ilfflce? lb'< 172. 2?" <*?. LIB) It'way. .11 E. 14th It, r-7 Bow?ry N Y - ??"1 Mt Fulton st.. Brook' n. gtatli ? foot of Liberty >- . N. C. R. ? ..f N. i. Baggtag? cheeked from hot?; or real je?ic? to destination._ ERIE RaTlROADT Thr ugh trains Bare Bew-TcA, foot of Cbeiatiera-st., as follow? and five minutes earlier from wesl ?ll-sc: ?:<Mi \. M??VeetlbOled Expr?s?' dally for Ringhamt n. Waverly Btmlra. Buffalo. Bradford Arrive Basalo ?:?? ?, M. Parlor ear t.. Buffale OllS A. ti.?Vest ?billed Expr?s? dallv. except Sunday. Bor Pon Jervla, Montlcello Lackawaaen, Honeedale. ani important local point? to Corning. Dally t.. Pori Jervis Pullman Parlor Cars for Montlcello and Coralag. VltMl I*. M.?Vestib?len L'nilt-1 fa?t mall Dally, - tran for Chleago via Chatitauqua Lake, krrlre? Clere land TP? A. M.. Chicago. '? ? M. Sleepers ?a ?hli ige Cli eland and Clnelnnatl Dining Car. Jtii? V. M??Buffalo and Cleveland Vcstlhuled Bxpre? Dslly arrive? Buffalo, T:o.*? A. M., Bradf rd. t : 1? A, M . James! ?t, T fg) ?. M . c;e\eland. IJtg?l P M g|ee| ? lo Buffalo and Oevelenil making direct connections t Detroit, Chloagi and th. S'est. Cafl Library fir ?:?G? I*. Me?VI? Chaatauqua Lake and Niagara F?:l Tia'lv .-'.1 I trai?; lo c'hloae Bleepera to HornsHsvllle. Chicago and Cincinnali. Dining Car. miCKETS l/lf'AI, TIVI1 CARDO AND Pt'Lt.MxV J aceomm ?tntloa? at 111, IIS, Ml, *"i and MT Broad? way, 127 H wet?. IM Ene: 12?t:i-?! and II We?t ll^ch IL, Chamber? and West 2?d-st. ferries. New-York: ?\? and 72*1 Fuit.n-st., 1<?> Broadway, Brooklyn; atto Hudson st.. Hoboken nnc Jereey city Biatlon. Westen! I Ex ).re?s calls for and check? baggage from hotel? and rest? d'nee? la deetinr'lcn. "WE^ST SHORE R.K. Tiain? leave W. 42d St. Station, N. Y., as follow?, and 1.? no eertM from fool Franklin St. : 81BO A. M. Dally. Local 10 Buffalo. Sleeplns car. New York to Hloomvllle. Sunday? only, can be occu? pied tl:im P. M. TsBtl A M. Daily. I/^cal to Albany for Catskb! Moun lu.ns and Batatoga. lUllR A. M. DaHy. for Albany, I tica. Syracuse, Boch euer, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Fort Wayne. Toledo Cleveland md Chlcag 1. ? I I :<>?? A, M. Daily, except Sunday, to Blor.rr,-. and Cataklll Mouatalaa, Mew Paltz. Lake? Mohonk and Minnewaaka. Parlor car? |o Btoomvtll? and New Pain B.?HISS A M. Daily, except Sunday. 10 Caiskll. Mouiita::i?. New Pal:z, I^ke? Mohonk and MlaitOWeeka, Albany larateaa, Caldwell. Lake lieorge. Parlor to Barai c ? and CaldweU, till P M. Baturdaya only. Half-Holiday Special to cats!.?I! .>! iiiritaln?. Parlor car attached. ('. .'1:15 P M. Dally, ? xc-pt Sunday, lo Cataklll Moun mira Mete Palt?. I^akc? Mohonk and Mlnnew..?ka, Al? bany and Saratoga. Parlor car attach?e to Bloom ville and Sa:I B? C' 4l?M? ? M. Dally, except Sunday, for Albany. tliOO H M. Dallv. for Albany. Montreal. Ultra, Syr? cuse, it heater, Buffalo, Negara Fails, Tor?ate, De? troit. Cleveland. chic,ig-i and ft. L.uls. Ot.'MI ? M. Dallv, ex,-ept Sunday, for Newhurg. klbaay, Saratoga and Montreal. Sleeping car AHany to MoQtrsa., ??4? P. M. Dally, except Scndiy. for Syracuse. Roche? ter and Buffalo. HtlS P. M Dallv for Albany Etica. Syracuse R... ter. nuffalo, Niagara Pall?, T?renlo, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and ST Luis A. P. c Leaves Pi kljrn by Annex; A10:1S B10:t'i ?. ?. ? ?? ? M.? Jereey c;ty ?, ?. ?;, station: ??? 40, BU JO, C.1 os j. ?1 Time tnlilcs al pi incisa! hotel? ?nd offlce? C. E. LAMBERT. Ornerei Passenger Agent .) Ver. bri.IH Ave . New York. Proposal ,. Y., niiy bf peal bv mail or delivered In per?,? up tu 4 p, m., July Huh. ini. t. Henry ,: Kewlead, Bsq ? dent of tlie I; ard of Manager?. Manhattan Stat. II ? pltal, No. 1 Madison Avenue. Mew-York City, when Hoard of M;unger? will oo-n |.i- ;?< .-:.!-. Pape rat? proposal? niui-t 1.. mad? far each lectloti of the w.-rk t 1 be done. Drawing.' .11. 1 specification? may be ?een and form? of I ..,:- btalned ai :l.e oin 1 ..f I. (J. perry. Architect, In the Capitol at Albany, N. Y.. and at the ofiiiv of lie Hoard Of Manager?, No. 1 Madia .? Avenue, Ne? y,.. ? .11 The Board of Managers r. sei ve the right to reject any or all ltd? a? they inoy deeir. f.,i the beri lntei-?t of the Bu t, lll'NRV E. IIOli LAND. ?.?resident of Beard "f Manager?. OBPOTQUARTERMABTER'eoyKICK.Waali Ington. D. C . July 12. ISP/. ? Sealed proi>,.??l?. In trip.leale, will hi receive? tier, until 12 e/cl rk M ^ai Urday, J"P ?'". lOOT, and then opened, for extension of watei supply system for Foil Jdycr and Arlington Osai tr-rv Vsf. Information furnished on applicati p U I irserv? rlgl t t? reject or BOOeM any or .ill arufoe? hi- aart thereof Envelope? contami ig or posai? ?h.uld I,,, marked ??Proposal? for Bstenalon ol \v..ier System." ?nd addressed Major C F ?G???????. De,? t Q M ^T0TI?B.- Kstiiiiait'? for fiiruisiiiii^ MSrpd I ye'low pin? tlmlier under contract No. ?!* will he received by the Department of Dock? at Pier "A." L.i ..?v l'lace ? It . until 12 o'clock neon. Julv SU, l-.'T For particular? ses "City Record.'? C. pu? t m ?ale at Nu. 2 City Hall. ' Rtiilron?e. PEIimfilll I RAILROAD. ?iATIONS foot 01 West Twenty-third Street and ?-^-., Dei-hro?.?-* an! Cnlandt Street?, ?.- . G '???tag time fr?in I >?si>r,,*s?s agd t. .* ?? "v* ""?utes laier 'han that BlvVn bela? ?* r?ent,-third Street Station. 7.G?? ?. ?. PAST MAIL -Pullman Hurtet ????? Cur ....' *ork t? Pittsburg. 01?el?n Car put-burg to woicage .No -.jaches io Plttaa?rg. i.'?:'? i*?.?1' 1AST UNE.?Plttatsara ???1 Clevelan 1. ?.fifi A. M. Pennsylvania LIMITED Pullman Cotav liartni'nt Olee-nln?;. ijinlna. Omoklng, and <> i??rvatlun tara. gor ?'Mengo, (le\eland ??>,1? < inclpnatl, In BMeaelto. i...u.?u?;e. st. i.nui,. , , l.ofi I*. M. CHICAGO ANIi sT Lotis EXPRESS.? - ??r.C*;?,vl11? "?I? ' Iti-Inniitli. Chicago, 04 Lcttte. .?..?r? ??, ?g, WESTERN express Per Cleveland, Cb*? T 2ft? ?"' T,,|-1?? ?*<"'M Siturd?), 7.4? i?. m. smith western ex pREffff. Por Ciada? I nati. In.llana|K,]|s. st. lymls. t.?? 1?, M. p ACIER' EXPRESS. Por Pltteburg ?"'! ? lileago. Coentet? for le-.elen.l an?! Toledo >-x'H>l Saturday. --. . ?***??^?'"'?* AXI) TIIK SOI TH. '.w. 8,?.?,, B.?&. ?M ililnlrg (an. ???? ?. B?., IMO, IM (.?.?.? "UongreeakMul Lim ," uii Parlor ?nd f-sra), 4.20 (inning inn. 4.;,,?, ,,????? ??:?. aV*l P. m.. It.M night. guadar, 8.29 n-.?"? Hsal ?? ni. Al? "Congree ?:on?l Lini.,'? ?Il Parlor and Lining Carsi. 4.23 iDialng ? ','??? 4 'v' ,n"ilng ?'an. H..V, ?. m.. 12 IO R gbt. Sol Tiu:i;\ RAILWAY Eapre?? 4 X ? in.. ?S.M ri?e?it dally, ATLANTIC COAST LINI -Express. 0.?:? a. m ?nil I?"' p. m. dally. G??8?????? A OHIO RAILWAY. -4.?"? P. m 'lally. ?""I: OLD Point CuMPOKT and SORPOLK. T.JB u. m. v.eek ???, ar)(1 - y, m ,laiu ATLANTIC CtT?r_treat Tweaiy tbltdgtrret -tati ?, 1.". |?. m., and I ?? si,russes and CortUndl Streets. 1.60 p. m . week-days. LoiBg Hranch. Ashurv Park (Inte-laken Si?n.l'>s>. Ocean Orore, and Point Pleasant ifrum West T* enty-tlilrd Street Station!, 7.2.? S.M. gj| 11.fil a. m. 11 "J .*?."? Sat urdaya 'ni>?. i.gj, ?:,:, | ??,, 3.?,:,., gjf p. a*, gee days, ;.,%r,, 0.20 a. m., 4.SS p. n, ifn.m Deebreee?? ?n.i Cullatali Street?), .130 I 4<i. P.HI IfcOO a m., 1-1?? (1.2(1 Saturday? only), 2.3(1. 3 10. 3.4?. 4 21. ft.It?. 7.fa). p. m Sundaxs. ,S. if?, A.4.1 a. m .'..l? p. m. l'Oli Pilli. \ 111 I.PHI \. m?iit. T.ckn etBcee No? 4iti P44. imi??. |223, 111, and 901 Brood way; I Astur II.,us?; w-tt Twetm third Bireei Biatlon; atid stui,.us f, ot of Deebroaae? an,? CortUndl Oti 4 Court Stieet, mm paiten Si'., t. ? ?? Broadway, ?nd U.liivn Anii-N Station, Hi ?fclyn: station. Jervei City. '?he New Tori rranefei t'orapeny ?m en'.i f"t end chert iiaaanite from b?tela and reaWtencea ihroegb .?? d-st.natl? n. J R. Ml T.HINSON. J. It. W.jH'. '???nor.,1 Manan, r rt.ti. Pus. Anelit. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY. Antlira.-ite cal iire.l . xr',ii.?l\ ? h . Poor Track? Autotnatle Bloc* signal?. Or. and after .lune JI. ????, Train? loare italioti root ?( Ubrrty ?? Por Karton, Bethtohem Alien town Manch Chun!?. ?Va., 4:.'t(i. 71G.. U:H> A M. il2:i?l M. f G.?". ri ?. II". I ?'?". 4.1.". (4'JM IO l'a?! 11; .".-4G. .7 :G?<? lo A'.l-r.t ?ml P. al. Kundaya, 4:30 ?7:?? to Eacioni A. M.. 1:00 1:90, tM P. M. Por Wilkeslmie. Pi?:?!, ? and Seraiit'n. U:l:i A. M.. Mi?. 1:.mi 4:10 ? M. guiMtaya. IJO ? M Por Reading pi 4.'tu v:??! D-10 l(i;i?i. HA ?. sa?, 1:1(1, 1:.'l(i t?, 4 HO, 4 JO, S;40 irmi P. M, 12:1'' night Bondays, 4:.-lo ?. ?.. 1 U0 ???. 5?0, fitto, t?:??' P. M ? 12:18 :,lght. for Hinlshiirg. at IJ0 S;fO 0:10 11:30 A M.. 11?. 1 .:?. 4 00, ?:4? p M 12:13 ntgl t. guada)?, 4:3<? ?. M., 1 ?? :.:30. II:iiii p. |f 12:?.? nigl.t. Por Sun!,????.? l/>ni5hum hr.'l William?!" N. al 4:30. S:(V). 0:10 A M.. 1:10 l:3(i IcOO P M. Suid.ivs. 4:30 A M?. ii:(M P M A M. RAIL ????. l'on LONG BRANCH. OCKAN OROVK, ? F>r Red Hink. Ltssg Branch. Aaofirj Park, Octmtt Or,.!?, and polnU (OOtP 10 l'oint PPa??nt. 4:30. s ?.?>. l'i.'in. 11 30 A M. il.mi Baturda)? ? ni' ?. 1:3". 2:1*. ??. 4??? .4:30 lied Ilar.k onlv ?. 4:4.'.. ?:.'??. ?:1"? ?? Oetur iia\s oalyl P. M. Sunda^? (?topi at Inteilaken for As l.uri Park and Ocean Orove) Otta A. fit.. ???. ??? ?. ?. ?" r I.skew "d. Toms Hiver. Harneen! Park, ?ini Kiirne gal. 4:30, >>:3o A. IL, ???, l:3<> ? M. Por Atlantic Cm. Vlaeland. and llrldgfton. 4:30 A M., 1:30 ?, M por Monnwuth Beerb, PearrlgM. and lllghlano? of Narer-tnb 4 So, 0?0, Il JO ?. ?. ??0, 4:4."?. ii:i? P. M. Sundav?. H:00 A. M.. 4:00 P. M. SANDY HOOK ROUTE. FOR LONQ BRANCH, OCBAN ?????. ?e. From Pier ?, ?. R., fool f Been r -t For Atlantic Highlands. Highland Beach, Normandie, Runison Heach, Beabrtght, Monmouth Beach and I- ?>? Branch, 4;ftn, 0HW. 11:00 A M. 1. ? 2:'<i. ?4.?. 4:3". 0?0 P. If. Sut.davs. !':3(i ? ?.. ??? ? M. Fur Filier n. A?burv Park. O? ean Orove. ?ni pedn?? south to Point Pleasant, II.On A M. I :??. 2:0'. 3:4... 4 30. ??? P. M. I under? letop? nt Interlaker, f.-r A?!mr\ Park and ocean Orore), ??? P. M. Por Labewood Too? River, Bernegat Para, nr.d Bar? ?oaat, ??? ?. M l:"0. 3:4.'. ? M. Fr Atlsntlc City. Vlnelnnd and BrtdgOtOtl. 4:30 ?. M.. ROYAL BLUE LINE. TO PHILADELPHIA, HALTIMOltK AND WASHIN. TON. For Philadelphia, neek-daya. 4:30. 8:00. ??0. WJO, 11,30 (Dining Car? ?. M 1:30 2:0? ???. 4:<w fJJ-iff't Parlor Can 4:?o. 5:00 (D nlng Car), t):0O, ,:d0 OjOOJ?. ? , 12 15 night, Sundavs. 4:30. 0:00, 10:nft, 11:30 J Dining Car) A M ,2:00. 4:00. B:00 (I)lnlng Car), ?:00 P. M.. 12:15 Por Ital'lmore and Washington, week-day?.J?0, l?:f)o. 11 -M iDlnlno Cai) A M 2:00. ???, ??? (Dining Car). IM P.' M ?ei2:.f. night Sundays. 10.H, 11:30 ?Dining Car) ?. ?., 2:??. ?:00 (Dining Car). 0:00 P. M? 12:15 Ticket? and parlor car seats ean b? procured at foot of Lll'?rtv st 113 172. MI. 434, 044. 1.140. 1.323 Hroad wav 737 6t'h "v-.. ? Bail Utb St. 153 Fast 125,1, St fill Wie l?'.th St 2.?1 coiuml'ii? Ave., ireo i..rk. ? Court St' OOD Fuit? n st. Brooklyn: 00 Broad-ray, \\ iil lamsl.utg.' The \. ? V? ik Tranafei ,v'm,I1!,n> ",l ?'?,??."" and check 1 ,-igrage? frota h. lei? ur resi ?enees te destina? tion. OKI... LACKAWABN* AM? tVi:sTKIl> ?. It. Million?, In >i'H-V(irk, tool ?f ??????????> limi t'lirlaliiiiluT ?irrrl?, . VtSBTIBl l.EI? ?????? ????.??1\> HI ???'? ? W CAB?. PIMM? H H?HT. Direct rout.? lo NBWARK l'I/ ??? FIF.LI ?, ????'?.???. TIIP ORANOEO Summit. Bernardin? IH?, Haskng RMee Madlaan. Mnrrlatowa Paaaalc, Pateraon. n-n t.,n ?..?.-i. Btanhope. NEWTON. BCI?D'O LAKB. LA?C E I|OPAT'"NO II ick-tt?.? ,i"i HCIIOOLEY'O MOCNTAIN Waahlnatcn. PMILLIPSHCRO, BArJTOJt, WATER QAP PTROI ??G?? IMcon.i M untalna, BCRANTON PITTS'l'iiN wii.K ?:-ha iti: ?: NANTI* G??? DANVII445, NORTHI'MBERLAND, Moni mae BINOHAMTON. OXKtlRD. NORWICH. Water ville lll'"A. RH'HFIRU) RPRIN08. Portland, SVlt'V'TFK oS\VK'l". ?????'? OWKOO. KI.MICA. CORNINO BATH, MANgVlLLE, Rl'KPAI/1 und all polnli WEM" NORTHWEST AND OOCTHWI?NT. <- im ,\ lt.?BINOHAMTON MAIL Rtoea il principal ?iati. r..'. ??,. ? M It?af? '?'' ?G??'?.?. OTRANTON. RINO HAMTON, OWBOO ITHAfA. FLUIR? ITTICA. II ICH FIELD HPRINOit MYRACt'BE and nsWEOO IIXPltFSS Pullman Pari Ci i'onneetlai .it lluffal ? ?ritti train ? ? ,' il and ?? ? li ar?ei Pell? ir?n Parlor Por, New '.' ?? k lu Rlchlield Oprirun Mm p M BCRANTON, Wl? ? '?'A Ulli: ani G.?.???? EXPRES/, Pulliran B?ffel Parlor Chi?. 4 is> p ? ?G??????? W 11.? ? HA HP M nul PleTM ?G??? FMTtKSs Pullman Buffet Piclnt Car. 7:00 ? M. ?!>???\? Chicago Veailbuled Limited Bgpre?? for gCRANTON, BINOHAMTON. RLM1RA, ??? FALO Pullman Huffet Sleeping Cai. New-Vorl.- ti CblcagO, D'n'.tik.? ''ar we.i ,1 riiiffa!,.. S:30 P. M. 'Da'lv) Buffalo Exprera, Pullman Sleepers for RCBANTON BINOHAMTON. FLMIP.A BATH MT. MORRIS and BtTPALO, arriving Buffalo s ?. M f.30 p. M. il'allvi -HiFFALO. gTBANTON. BINOHAM TON. OWBOO. ITHACA. Fl.MIRA STRAiTSR and oswr.OO EXTREM. Pullman r?tifr.<t Slee;ier?. Sleeiers N'ewV.rk to Itlclifteld Snrlnes TICXKTff ??1' ?1? 1.??? ACCOMMODATION.? ?| Henrv Oiiie g S ??. Lim.i'd 113 Rrosdwav. 14 Tari: P?a-e. 42ti Broadway and 043 Br adera? Tick??, a? fenv stations. 111 4th ave <? ,r 12lh-st.: ?? Wiwt 12/>th-?t. ft* C. liinihii? ave.. Ne? Y, rk : 33S nnd 72? r\i|t.,n-?t.. an.i io? Pinadnay Brooklyn Ttme>teMea giving fun in f-irmitlon at all ststlonr ffWIU'llT FVPHf?.-'??. COMPANY arf?l ean f?r ?nd rheek hntrgage from hotel or realdrnce to destinati ,n. LEHIGH VALLEY SYSTEM. ?tat Ion? fool ef W?ei ?? si. ? Rene R R ?, Cortlandt or De?bme*ea St. 'Indicate? tm-e from VVeoi J;.| -? other Oaniree show I!' .?? fl .in c,ritmili or OrabroMe? rft. ??ill.". ?Ii4?l A M dati] 'SutiLiv ??1:?? ? ? ? ? for MUCH CHCNK aid ln'etr,iedl?te stall ma ???G??. ???? ? M ga?e for WILKEMHARRE gCBAN? ton iweeh daya). BLMIB/ tat >k dar?. ITHACA, GEXEVJ ROCHFffTER H''kkai>'. KIAOABA Falls aad the west, and principal local dining car ani ? haii ?,,- io Buffala ?lOllir.. loi.'!?? A M F-.mdav? only for geooh ?i : inteimedlete itati, ??. ?Ki?v:.i. lOaM \ M. dalli ..-?..!?! suniiv. i.,r ?a???? Du . t and interini Hats t .'??? ? ii?r."i. ?? ???) noon dell) e? ?? ev "BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS" An . ? Buffala ??<?'>?' ? M. Pullman Veetltmla I ?.?? Caen..?- md Parlor caie. Dlnlns-i'ai Servici .'? . ? U carte. Connecti at Huff il. ?Uh ihnm?;. ?lei - lo H.-ii II ..?. 1 Chic?! f ,r WllbeabaiT? ?giBS. 4tlU P M daily. esveiM Sunday, for WILI I BARRE ????????. gCRANTON. ?nd principal Inter ? ? nati??o?? Conr.t'cis G .?? ,? ! ?. .In?? h, ooal ? I Pullmaa Huffet Parlor C?r t.. W ikeal.nire. ? li.".-. BiiB P. M. dalli lor BAffTON ?ml luier DUdlale sta'|..t.s. ??:.??G?. :?:ini ? M dalli ?? ITHACA OCNEVA ROCHESTER. HiPPAI.c. ?????? PALLB, ani ??? point? Weaf Pullmaa ?le?p?r? ?a Wllk*ibarr? an.i II . Addii :.?! local train? dally, except Sunday, fur noi'ND RROOK ?nd interni? ?.at- ? .Inis I ?a ve ai follow?: ?S:.?.?, ?. ? ? \ M ? I ?'."?. .'.to .I.V. 4 2? .nl ?.'.:'-??. 0*1 ? M T;,l>-??- olid "uUt.i.ii a., mmodatl ns at 11.1. MI, 27.?. ?.?..?,. vii. and I..'t-? Bnoodaai "I ?: I4th Ri . IH i: I2.V ? si p.?; Bowery. ?. v.. '??? ?,G.?. ? st., ? C.uit st ??? |. , ? ? ?? and llr,..kl>ri ?;?p??. Ili . ,?1> ?. S ? Traii?ler ?'.?. win all for and rheck bazsar? from I, ?,: ? ? ife.deuce ihr? ,ir ,1 ? linai rnU.WKI.?.KKS THh??UH?lTt IM ??????: ' Will find The Trlhune .-? Ole al lend;.? Il 'tels ani ?t (he priieli?-: Hanks Amen,-??? . ... .-.ii|.l.. .?., . ? ??? ? liioad ?..ini rondili the Bereisten ?dvortiaomeali whL-a aefseaf eeeey Sunday. w?one?d?y ?nd Oaiurdaj Opl ?elect uni irllulile ?G.??? uncemriits me pul llllieil. Voti kv.,id inmli sun yan r and -llasa its f m> 'i-.n MUMd '" mail) ?f ti,e ?? nalltd Oui?;.- ? ?oka Our L.r.l.ii ofgce, 140 lleei st NI "pe?? (?? ?Il Tr ' une ria?!?!?? Iu?t:.?-' ?e tienne, li ?tucani metter, t??? veteaaH ?? ni? ?m??. ATURAOS. THE NEW d???^??? STOMI WMEMISE, I" MS, BIT und St? WEST 4311 ST.. one Short Block from Broadway. New. light and airy Room? fr the ?tir -f it Furnitur..?. Piano?. Baggage. Work? o' Art. ff*? Ac; lowest rute? ??????????? e/in l.rsi ctaea ?er?I.e. send Full EBTIMATB Telephone , .i,. 1 .ViT 3?th ?t.^ MBTBOPOUTAN gTOBAOB WARE HOl'NE AND VANS. 202 SM Mercer ?f and 1,140 Broadway, ror. Mth-st. H'ur nitore removed, boxed, ?hipped to ?u part? of .ntrv. Telepl ? in?. Spring 4fW?. tiRI'HT < ?.??????. CARPETS CLEANED B1 SHAM BY HAND .r ?n Ih? Hoc- CABBPBL CAR PET ci.Eaninu CO, IJUM Broadway, tit to 423 East OBtl ?t. POR * BBABDT, Proprietor? Tel?phone ISM ft?'*? | ADVERTISEMENTS und ?ul.sctiptl..n? f..r Th? Tribune received at their Cptown j Otti.?.. NO. |.^42 Br. udway. 2d door north "f .'list .-?., natii h o'clock p. m. ; adver I i|?ements received ut the following bram-li j office? at regular otti.-? rate? until I o'clock P m.. ?17..: 2?I Sili .ne.. S e COT. EM ?t.; MB ?.th avi., tor, I2th st.; Mac? ?, Oth ave. and lit!, ?t.; 142 Columbus ave., near V.'en gBUl ?t. 1"G, We?t iSd ?., II' ?I "'I'? ve., Kl Eus! I4lh st.; tS Wm| ISd between 7th und Sth ave?.; I.V.? Ka?? 4?tli et.; 1 .'ns ;id tve. betwaea 7titl and 77th H?. : I.OM I'd ave., n<ar rtlst-st.: 1 7<i* Isl ave., n-ar Mi;b 't.. ??."?" "I ?ve., near 41?t ?'.: IM !kl ave.. 2H? llleeok? r-?t. ; .12 II ??.?MIM 3d ave.; 24,1 Kii?t 7lttl. s? ; 1.1*21 ltd a\e.; EBBI Id a.e . !?.*, Aro ?lerdain-ave.; 4:12 w.?t 4"d ??. u?" Beat Irtth si.; gCJ Baal 4Mb st.; .?.'.f, gth ave.; ??? ?lib ave. I,IM 3d ?Ve., ri .11 07th ??. : BM East with ?I.: 1,010 Broadway: I.8M M ave.: 12?? sth ??e : l.ltlH 2d ive : 7.VS itth ave. A' the Hartem Oflcee; 1-051 Sd ave.. n?ar ll.lib it.; IM ???? 185th ?t.. near Mare.; 2'* west ir.'.tb ?t bel 7th ?nd ?th ???? ? ISO M'e?t 141th st. G?????.?? HI?: lALBB. ? *N ? ?/-??** ?????." ? e\A?W-< o?, " y "??/?t??^'?????? THIBTT-THIBD BTBEET luprem? 'nuit, city m.1 Count] of New tori The Chatham National of Sea Tork, plaintiff, against Frederick .1. Kaldenberg and .ther?, defend jnl?. In pursuance ,.f a .luiigment of f r??. 1 ? ure and sal.? del] mil?? Bad entered In the above entitled :ictb.n. bearing date lie 'ninth day of .Inly. 1*1)7, I, the und? ?Ignei, th?? refere? In ?aid Judgment ???%?*,, will sell at public guctIon on Ci? ad day of Aagust, 1*117. al 12 o'clock aeon, ..f thai gey, at the x*w tort Re?' Estate Kalesroom ">" 111 Broadway, :: the city of New Tork, by strong ? ? e land, mi ti r.i .-r? the premise? In ?aid Judgm'-iit mentioned .ind (!?.?t?-? described as ?. Ilow?; ALL tint certain piece of Kind ?Itiiif? In the City of New York, with the .. p buildings ther?.in erected, and ?Itnate on to? ?... tiii li] side of Thirty third street, in the city at New Voi-u. of which th?- real erly lir.e Is distant 08? hundred and eighty feet sntteKy from und parallel " th th? eimierh id? of Third Avenue, said land being founded end described ?* follow?: BEOINNINO it ? point ? ? the north erly sld? of Thirty third street, i ??. I one hundred nnd eighty feet easterly from the easterly ?Id? of Third Avenue, running then.?.? eaeterl] ??..?? the northerlv ?Ids of Thirty-third ?ireet on.? hundred end flfty flve feet; thence northerly nnd parallel With Thirl Aveni? tilnetv-nine feet ani ?ix in?-Ines to .1 potai nine inches ? rthi 11 from the hell .?I. tance line of the bl ,ck between Thirty third and Thlrty-fourtn streets; t:??:-,, .? westerly parallel with such half distan? <? lim- one hundred und fifty rive feet; thence southerly and parallel with the easterly side of Third Avenue ?met] feet and ?ix lache? to the point or place of beginning. Helng the ?ame premi?"? conveyed to said Frederick J. Kaldenberg ore of the partie? of the fir?t p.irt. by the Sew England Car Spring Company, by deed bearing date lie, emb"r "4th. l-s:i Together with (he a;;.lite nan e? jii?! all the eetatO and right? of the ?aid Pn lertck .1. Kaldenberg ano? Mary r-'ophl.i KM le'.berg In and to said premise?. Dated Ne* York, .lulv Mb, IBM CUePOBD W. HABTBIDOB, Referee. ITBBLS ? DICKBON. Attorni?..? f.r paint,ff, .12 Liberti street, N -w V.:k. ?. Y. ADVERTISEMENTS and ?'ibs r.ptlon? tot The Tribun.? received SI their Cptown OBIce No 1.242 Broadway, M d .or north ef .'ii?t ?' , until u o'clock p m.; adver llgemeflts recelv??! a; the following brarcr. ofTl es at r-Riiliir ortie rates unti! S o'clock ? m., vlrt : 2."?4 Mh a?'.. 1. e cor 2.1d ?t., ?M itk ave. cor. I2th-?t.. Mscy*s, Oth .ne. ?ni I4th ?t.; l42Coiun.ini- ava., near W-?t utth st.; I"?l West 42?! ?t.. neat fith ?VS.; M East 14th ?t : 2S West 421 st. let ween 7th and Sth av?s : WEST BTXTY FCH'imi .STREET.-Su I reme Court. City and County of New York. Theophllu? H. Gee, P.alntilT. agaln*t Charles H Ta? lor and other.?), De tendant?. Action NO. 1. In purmunre of a Julgment of fore? closure and sale made ar.d entered In th? entitled action In the oflke uf ih? ,'lerk of the Clt? and Cntinty of New York. liearlng date the 2!ith day of March, 1-1'". I, the referee 'n said Judgment named, will ?ell ?t public aneti ,n, a' the Neu Tork Beul Eat Ite Hall m mi ? >. Ill ?p -? 1 ?Ay, In the citi of N???.? s? G?. on B'ednes day, th?? 21st day ef July, IVT.Bst twelve .''?lock aooa on th it day, by Jam?? L. Bella, ?uetloneer, ih? premi??? in said ladanieet mentioned and therein described, as follows: "all thai cerijin lot, pee or paree! of land, with the building thereon erected, ?Ittiat*. I?lng ,?tv 1 being in the City, County and Stale ..( New T/orK, and bounded end described a? follow?, viz..? Beginning at a potai in the nortkerl) lin- of glxty f..urti, street, d.staut ihree hundred and Ofty oCiii feet westerl] fr-.m the northwesterly cor n?r of central ?.t? N'est iKigiitii avenuel and glgly fourth street, and running thence northerly, and parallel t. ceni Paik West on? hundred iluoi feet, ti?e i."n lachea lo Hi?? centre Im?? of the Mock; th"nce westerly sad ?long sud eentr? Ila? of the i.;.)<k. tweat) fl?>? (81) feet; thence southerly and parallel |o Central Park West .-in?! part . f :i - waj thruugh ? pa/??? wall, one hundred 1100) feet, Ove i.'n lneh-s t?. the no lhei i? line ? f -^ixty fourth ?ireet. and thence easterly, iloag Mid norther5y line of HIxt) fourth street, twenty five ?2.? feel to the point or pi ?.??- of beelnnlng; together w rh thf appurtenance?." Dated, Bea Tork. Juae BBk ????. EDWABO L. I UTEPBON. Refere?. BILSf A JOHBBOB, All meya f ' Plaintiff, II ?Vail Street. Nee Tork ntr WBBT SIXTY F.'i'RTH BTBBET. Su? preme Court. CltJ Md County of New Tort T'oeopV.lus ll Hee. IMaifi'lff. ugalr?t Charle? H. Tgyldr and others, D? f<r,d,mt?. Action No it tr. parsuaace of a Jilgmen? of fore? closure ani ?si? made ?nd entered In the Shove entitled seti .? In Die orhv? of th* '""rk of ine i'Hv and County of See York. b*ar:ng date the 2flth day Of Marci. l'f'7, I. the ref?r?? In ?all Judgment mme.l. will ??'0 ?t pnbll- auetloa. at the r'ew York lteal K?tate BatcgrOOm, ? I. Ill Broadway In the ??? of New York ? Wednesday n? 2i?t du? oi July, leaf, at twelve o'clock noon, on that day, by .lanie? L S'ella, auctioneer, the premises ?n ?a:d Jul?nient ment onci, and therein dcucrlbed as f.llow?: "ALL that certiln lot, piece or pnroe: ,,p laad, with the building th?re,.r. erected, situate, lying an.', being In the City, County ar.d Stai? ?if New Tork, cr.d hounded sad dtscrthed a? follows, via; Beginning at a ;i..:nt in the northerly line of Slut? fouith street, d.?t?nt four hun dred '4'iin feet woeterly fr. m the north? west, rl) corner of Central Park West if.Ubili menue, arid Sluty fourth ?Heel: and runn.ns tti-n. e ? t? erlj and parallel t/Ce:,trai Park We t, md put of toe way ibi it :i parly ?rali, ene hundred il'?n ?... ?... /?i. l_..k.. ... .1.. _.... ll_. ?? ??txty lourtti ?ireet; and thence ea?ter.y ab-iig ?sul northerly line .f sixty fouith ?Ireet, twenty-Ove .?".. I et, to th?? point or piac ? of beginning; tc,?ether with the i? purtenaneea." I Hi I ? -.? rork, lune 2fi-h. !'??)7, BDWABD L ?????????, Referee. Ml.lls t, JOHNSON .\:t in??? f r I'l.iintlff. II \\'a;i Street, New fork City, west dlXTT-POUHTH su:ill?:.-. The Mi.oein?: CUUrt, City end County o." New ????. The.phllu? II. Ooe. plaintiff, Bgalnsi Charle? li. Taylor and ethaga, end inte A. ;l. ? NO. 2. In : il-..!.f a Inda giani of fere ' :, I -. le, Hlj di and enti-re 1 In the ?'? . ?? entitled a< ion. la th? office ol the ? . ' ? ? i Ilo fit? ?nd Count? of New V :_k. I. umig ?late the 2tlth day of March, HOT, I. the leferre In ?aid judgment lieuied. ?,. ill sg|| nt public auction, at th N.w York lteal E?u??? Balesroora, No. Hi Broadway, In tue Clfj of New York, on Wednesday, the 2ist day f July, ????7 al twelve o'ci ek aooa on day, by .fame? L \\?:i<. eocttoaeer, the premise? in ?aid Ji:.:?iiier t mintioned and therein describe 1, a? ? illowa: "All mat ceitain n pi? e or panel .f land with the building iBoreoa erect? ?. dtuale, lying and being m the City, County anj Slate of New York, and bounded gad degerlked a? f..iluw?. ?iz: Be alnnir,< Ht a peint in Ike northerly lin?- of Slvt) f ?itn itreel, .';-tiint three linn li .1 ami saveat) Ova ?:'.7.*?? f el weeterly from tie north weeterly comer of Central Park IVesl ? Eighth ?vrnui-l tad Hlxt? fouith fii eel; ?,r..l .unnliig the; ce northerly, and parallel te Central l'urk West, ?n.1 p.irt of the ?vj\ iliough a puf? wall on? bun? dled <1HI| feet, n?e i.'ii In.ber. to the ? 1 nue iir. ? ..r the tiock it. n.?? weeterly and il ni? ?il central line of the blook. 1 .? ? Ova (SSI feel ihenrs ?oui berli ? ? paiullel t., r.-niiul Park Wfeot aod |...n of ? . a a) ttirougb a party wall, one baa? .'red mill f et. G.??? (S? Inches lo the ??????? eily line ?.f SIM? '? ?UT b stieet; S Od in II? ??ai e? along mid ??rtheriy ime ..f >iv ?? f.urth Mr? et tWii.t? live |3S) feel, to the ? Ini ? ?.???? ? of beginning; together ? ri, me appui lenenree." Dated Sea Y .?? lune 2<fh 1*97. ED iva Iti) L. ?????????. liefere?. NILS* e JOHNSON, Attorney? for plaintiff, II u? ? atraet, Bee ?,-rk City. BOARD AN? ROOMS. PCM ST. BJ AND 2t WKST. Elegant, cool, lari?? and ?Ingle room?: ?ummer rn'c?. table unexcelled: transients. H BBttHaU) ItonMH TO LBT. INVINO PLACE. 14.?Beai furnished r? m?; tile halb?; l .?.?pnng be<l?; cor? ner kouea IVI WEST 12TI1 ST. B? Dutifully taf nlshed rioma; fn-ntbnen only; ?trl?"ly I'M?'I'KMHIKU MOOMH WABTTO ? GENTLEMAN desire;: a room or two (with bath), on Upper door of tall build Ing. with expansiv?? '.lew; lielween BM an I 421 s>? ; tarase moderate. T. II. ft".. I! X 41 I 141 l4r,.H.|way. LOST. LOBT Bankbook no. Ill ?If of the Vnl ei Dime Saving? Institution I? mls?<ug. Anv p?rsoa basing a claim ta it ?? here..y called upon to pre?ent the ?ame within ten da?? i.i submit to having ?aid pass h u ".in ?? ? ? and ? new one '"?ned. MAC HIMlllV. WVW^I** AT SEDUCED PBICBB.--800 second-hand wool and iron working maehlae?; fully guaranieed: mai-hlnery bought and ex? changed OBOBOE ? BDDT? MM Mad - URKSSMllilMi. DBEBSMAKBB Thor .uglily competent dressmaker and *?am?tre?? would go to country, al?? cttyi work? at rodaeed terms I bv month or week. HOOD, lkU West ADVERTISEMENTS and sub?, rlptluns for ? Th? Tribune received a' their Cptown Office No. 1.242 Broadway, 2<1 door north of 3i?t ?t., until 9 o'.lock p. m.; adver? tisements reo**??! at the following branch orfl-e? at regular oftl.-e rate? until 8 O'clock , P m., vi/..: 2-?4 Mh ave., s. e. cor. 2.1J ??.. ; ? 132 ci. ove.. ...r. iJth-et.; Mary'?, ilth av? and ? et li ?t.; 143 Columbus-ava., near Weel OOth ?I i'?! V.'.st I2d st.. n-ar gth ive.j '.?'. Baal I4th ?t.; 2?"? West 42d st.. bet we? t?? and *th ave?. : |gg Bast 47th ?t.; I.AW .'! av?. between 7'Sth and 77th sM ' 1 050 ?bl uve.. n"ir olst ?t. BOR HALM, 'J? KOOT SLOOP YACHT, fully rigged. S : ! ?achanga for ?mall ?team or ; iphtl : launch. BONUS Bog 23. Tribune TV O If ? WASTED. ?Jala. A GEBMAX, 2!l. of fair education, th.r oiivhly experienced In bookkeeping nrd . Oles work In general, deelren enneigement ; r?f?renc?e and security. Addre?? A, N., Tribune I'ptowa Offiee, 1.212 Brondwn?. BOOKKEEPER or OOt?LECTOB.?Baal estate, furniture, commercial, hardware, hr.nk'mr: <:ct' k. accurate, ??early; univers? ity grsduate le?? .it? r-fet-ences; ?alarv moderate. A't'l'RACV, 27? Weal pith st. BAKER. foreman; fii?t c?as?; want? ?tend? situation; 1 ven?? In last place, c LOOSE. 2 120 Mad ?on ave. BOT ?--ants sit not ton on farm or outdoor work; colored, Address WILLIAM C. CHRISTIAN BMth-et., lewood, car.? r.f Mrs. i>.??is. BOT, IS, bright and honest. de?ire? tril? lion In broker'? or lawyer's office. .\M BITIDIS. BM South t?th-?t.. Brooklyn. BOT, 17. wishes poslttoa with ehaaee of advancem ? ?. good penman; good at t'-g ure?; understands bookke. ping. CASEY, .142 East IHth St. BOT, IT. desire? position In lawyer'? of. flee as aaslstant clerk and typewriter. JACOB WOLOWtTZ. 101 East nmth ?t. buy. pi a? office boy, speaking, readlag and writing French, German and Eng? lish, !.. FRANCK, 24.1 7??? st.. Brooklyn. D'jY. 17, willing lo learn a trade: also de sire? any office position; understand? English and Qerman; beat references, MAX HESTENBTIEX, 100 Harrison ava., Brooklyn. BUY. between the age of 1G. and HI. re? filling with hi? parents, wishes a sita? tlon with a respectable fnmllv In cttv or country a?.dress K. AI/TAO, 2.44? Sth aw-e. -??m L'LEBK. Young man. 22. want? position as ?hipping clerk, packer or porter; 7 ?ear? 'atperlence. Address M'MAHON. :?9 York ?t.. Brooklyn. CUTTBB and ?G???? f.r 1-idles? gar? ments; ?Ix yenrs' practical experience In I/indon. England, a* general cutter. 2.12 2! It . Mich. DRIVER. My young colored man. to drive f..r doctor; city or c .un try; 4 years' ref? e-enee. Apply 101 East TMh St. DBAUOHT8MAM, By young man as me - rhanical draughtsman; patent otfic? drawings; ? yenra' experience. TEPPER, I2f4 Weal OSth St. ELEVATOR Kl'NNER. -Three year?' . ?? perience; or si anything; r?f?rence?, 1-'. BOSENCRANS 8.018 3d ..- ??. BNOINEBB. 13 reara old. with ? long experience: best reference, want? position; last place, Buber*? Museum, East liih m. TOBIAS. <Vtl East 0th st. ENOINBEB. -By American; ?ears nf ex? perience,? competent, ?ober ;.nd reliable, c. A ;?.. ? Abfngdon Bee ire, en<;ineki:. - Liceroi.,1. Al reference! go.?! m.?, barile: moderile. ENG ? ??? ?, 1ST Baal iti -t.. car? ..f hou?esopei OERMAN AMERICAN, 21: married; any? thing. *(i week: driving preferred. FREDERICK VYORTMAN, 7.1l! Mar?. - a?e.. Brooklyn. JANITOR. No children; useful with tools; understand* ?team, pumpa, etc.; best ???tv references, BROOK, 103 Weel 103d it., pre -ut ? mi?: ij er'?. JANITOR*. Man and ??re y ant the tare of ? couple of houses; experienced; tVs: etas? referen es, 01 S'esl lnith ?? , ring 1 ilntor's I .11. MAKSEI'R. CHIROPODIST, BARBER. ig io travel with gentlemen, or to ?ttend hotel barber shop; se?hors or cour try MANNO -47 Basi 77:b ?t. MARRIED MAN. wlmse character and reputation will stani Investigation. want? position; something of a oonfldenrlal nature preferred, bul win accept anything ia?lde from liquors), either In ..r out of town; knows bow ?.? handle help. Ad dreeg w. 1.242 Broadway, MAN nr.d WIFE Want position together or separata, by da? .r weei?;; ?ober and In lustrio is. good reference. II. ?'.. SM East Mtk ??. [ MABBIBD C'ilPLE. no children, desire permanent position In ?mall fr.mlly, iit\ deratand horses, g. .?? drtver. Adere??, with part leu lets. P., tp?.???? cm.??-. I night WATCHMAN -By a middle aged American .??? night watchman (Indoors); 1 first clam reference. Addre?? J. HILL lo?. North St., Jersey City. ; POBTBB, fee.?By vouag Englishman a? porte.?, ?hlpper, -ilesman. ? ???:.??? uf tnj?t. comp-t-nt man; ??collent nurker; moderate wage? to ?start, highest city ref 1 erences. Rt'SSBLL, 4t:t West g7th st I ?HIPPING CLERK or POBTBB.?Can pack I ale. fee.; good marker; a useful. I stsady, ?ober man. .??.H'.ie ani willing; ' ein handle h-|p; lest of references. Ad - I dr.??? EXPERIENCE, Box 5. Tribune Io?"?_ s ?????? - Bsnerieneed; thoroughly un derstsnda handling drop hummer. A. MllSSNKB. .-till Rust XM.-.-st. ?ITUATION WANTED bj g German; I borough I y experienced In the grocery and provision buslneas; beat reference; willing to w..rk. sas drive ?vagon and care of horeea; moderate pay. Address LIPPEBT. 1.711 l-exin?;. ? ave. I'PHOLBTERtNO, lorn.ture repairing. metres?, s mad?? over, Carpeta laid. ?Up enei, cui and ?ewsd, chaira < aned nml re? seated DRABNNR, ISO S'est ll'th st. PPIlDl.tG?????. ? st ? a*-: goes , ut by day; references. BAl'MBEBGER, I2i Weal ItSth ?t. \\.\.. HMAN or PORTER In ?tore, m-: rled man '?'?. lea ?ears' reference. Ad dross CHARLES H. HAIQ1IT. 14 Jone? St. WATCHMAN, Be. Nlghl ?>??> by intei Ha.-rit Qereian American, g id phvalqje ,1- ? .-.'unan. tiiii?k-e;.er. etc : commercial reference?; bond f recAil; I, WORKER 4:.". Knickerbocker a??, Brooklyn. WATCHMAN Can gtv? bon in TIE? NET, III Oakland at., Brooklyn, YVA G???? AN A ???'? .11 tlon a? night, dav er ? p? ite watchman; .-an gtv? good reference for ?..hrieis aaj honesty, LAWRENCE, SM- We.t 4?ih st ADVEBTlsEMENTS and SUBSCrlpUoa? for The Trl'il ne re<4-lve,| m theh I ptOWa Office, N> 1.242 Broadway, M dee? north of itat-et., until 1? o'clock p. m.; adver tiaamenl? r? ?Ivsd ?t the following brarch nrfii e? ?t r?gulai off! ?? rati until I o'ei k P 111 , ?is.. ^.'.4 ?Hi av., >. e cor, 33d ?t.; ?:.? ita-ave., cor. lath-et.; Macy's, gth ???-, and Idth-at.j 141 Columbus ??? , we?i eoth >t.i i'?i Wesi 4'ji ?t.. near fea to., t'? linn? i4th -t . ?a pyaai |Sd ?1 belWSeW 7?ti nrd Sib aves , IMI East 47th ? ?.:;?? Id eve., i.-t?? ?en TOth and 77???. ?U.; 1.091 .Id ???., gsar 'list ?t.: ?.7?? l?t ?vs., sflth si.; gfiO Id a?e., near -t lut - it.; .?".? Id-ave.; 210 Bleecker-eL: El Blee-ker St. Id uve.. 240 Kail ?tith ?t . I.1CI ::.! ave., o,?12 ;|,| ,?,,, j?-, A,?_ ?in lam ???? . 4112 u.-.i 42?1 ?t ; UH Eait ir.;h ?L; 2ij3 Beat Mtb-eL; see ?th-eve.; >-'. '.un a??.: 1 i.vj 3d ave., near HTth ?t., "l?i Eist stilb-?t.; 1.??20 Broadway; 1,501 lid ave.; I2U Mh ave. ; 1.11?. 2.1-ave. 1 TU rih ave Al (ha Hartem omo??: a.oni 8d ave.. near Utili ?t., IM East 12?Ui-eU WORK WANTBO. Male. ????? MAN, brta-ht. active, wen's posi? tion of any kind. Call or ?ddre?? .1. T. TIERNEY, 1.710 Fulton ?t.. Brooklyn. Yol'NO MAN. 23. willing to work, as ?hlppinK clerk, porter or anythlna A. MASON. 211 East 2*1 h at YOUNQ MAN desire? position with ma eMnery manufacturer, a? draughtsman, salesman or Renerai offiee work; ? year?' experience TEPPKR 12S West OTth.-St. Y(H NO MAN. 21, American, desires posi tl'.ii : ..Mee assistant ; quirk and nr-curat? writer; can furnish good referenee?, a. years' experience. Address C. L. ("., HI ?? m green ave, BeeaaJyit, Yol'NO MAN. Itt. des?i, s a ? .?iti.,?. Ad ?1res?. (.Unie ?alary, 11. HAOEDORX, |gj weiaea et.. Broetay?. Mil NO MAN. B, marr'ed. would like work as porter or assistant Janitor er watchman: can give good reference, tea d.. repairs; wui w.rk cheap. William ??li ? IMI??. *-?.2??4 2d IT? YOPN'J MAN. 2?. wsnt? position to take ear? of an Invalid; reference from last place. II. B. VALENTINE, llellinore. ? Y. Yul'NO MAN. n'urried. wanla w.rk ef any rind. Address A. WITTMANN. 2.4:u Mh ave. rOlTMQ MAN. 24 vents. a |xisltlon In any kind of business; pel feet In Eng Hah and Herman: furnish reference. HENRY, 1.702 2d-nve. YOPNO MAN. 30. wishes light position, with board and ?mall wages. 11., 30.1 East I2th-?t. WORK WANTED. rigaglie LADY Would like c|.-rirai work; ste rographer ?nd typewriter also. K.. Tribune Ogtoe. BTENOOBAPRRB and TYPEWRITER desires permanent position; ?llllig to asidst in office; few months' esperteece. Addreee 0TBXO, 7 East tilth st ADVERTISEMENTS enl tibscrlptlon? for The Tribune roooleod ?t their I'ptown Office, No. 1.242 Broadway, : ? door north of 3b:t-?t.. until 0 ./clock p. m.. adver t'.aementa received ?t the following br?reh ollice? at regular ofil??? rat?? until 8 o'clock p. in . viz.: 254 Mh-ave., ?. e. cor. 23d-st.; 1.12 (1th ave., cor. 12th-st.; Macy's. 0th iive. end 14th ?t.; 142 Columbu? a.e., n-ar Weil titith ?t.; 10? Weet 421 st.. near 6th ave. ; '.i2 Ea?t I4th ?t.. 25 We?t 42d-?t.. betareeg 7th and 8th avi?., 11? East 47th ?I.; I.gej 3d a???., betwen 70th and 77tn ?t?.; 1,020 3d ave., near Gist ?t. ; 1.70S Ist ave., near M?th-st.; ??? 8d-ave.. near tlst st.: .V,4 3d ave.; 210 Bleei ker-st. ; 32 Ble?ck*r lt.; 5,000 3d ave.; 240 East 71? h st.; 1.1121 Id-??"?.; 1001 M uve., || Am ster.liiin i\e. ; 41 | West 4'-M st. ; its ??? ? st.; 103 Baal 4Mb ??... KM1 Hth av?., ?? bth-ave. : 1.1.12 3d-ave.. near OTth-M.; Lin But with ?t.; I.0S0 Broadway: I.MO m ?v.?., I2'.i Ith-ave.; I.lll M ave.; 7.?3 ?th-ave. At the Harlem Office?: 100] .".-l ave., near IUth-et. ; ?G,? East IfBth ?'.. near ld-?t?.; 243 West liltli-st., bet. 7tli and 8th aves.: 320 West 140th-?t. on nOMESTIC SITI ATIOMt WAITED Mal? m TLEH.- Hagle handed; by young man: thoroughly comp?tent and experienced; In private family; will muke hlms-lf use? ful: good city references. W. I)., Hox 111, 1.242 Broadway. Ht TLEH.-Englishman; Ig; tall: good ?? pearance; very competent man; highly recommended; ?ages *.::n. Addres? iMM ? petent. it.x 12 1.242 Broadway, BCTLEB Bagtleh; 27; g"od height; neat appearance, perfect In waiting; willing, reliable ?nd we;i recommended; wa?rea moderate. Addreea Hi'TLER. in East 22.1 st._ BITTLEB, intelligent. OOlored, seeks per man?nl position In private f.imily; strictly first .-Ibss. experienced: neat, oour teeiis. obliging: liest referenc?. last em? ployer, hitler Bea 411. 1.242 B*way. COACHMAN (f.-iman: married; thor ? ?Uihlv understands his bdKncse; ?ober nrl Industrious; best of r?f?rer.ces; city rr country. A. SMITH. 430 E. 12th-st COACHMAN.?By thoroughly experienced Scotchman; married; or..? ehr.d; strictly temperate; expert horseman: ?tvllsii. eare f'il driver; can drive four If reoulr?d; ex? cellent references. ? PS HAND, 1.0 Broadway. COACHMAN or HARDENER-3S; no children: iinderstan II greenh'uses and vegetables, care of horses; In private place. MAIILI?'KLD. M Kent st.. Newark. N. J. COACHMAN.?Undcretandi hi? business; wiling to he useful; English; good ref? erence; eoantry. c. wade, 2x) West Md st. COACHMAN.? Married, ??> family; tird.-r siatids lus huslne?s; strictly temperati^ rarefili driver; honest anil obliging; per !'? nal references from former or ntesent employer, dls-neag.d OB BCCOUBl "f fam? ily going to Eur pe; no objection to per? manent country place. A. C, 140 Bl -' 32d ?t. COACHMAN_gingie, aged ??l good ap? pearance; not a gentleman ,??..-liman, but ? worker; thorooat) groom; careful eliy driver; would be found ?< rellabl \ .nt; excellent per?..nal reference; riti "r country. C. ?.. lid West Mtb-et. COACHMAN, OARDENER. L'aeful man; understand? care borace, carriage?, l.-iuns; g".i veneta;:- gardener, milkefg good personal referenc??; tingle; Hootch. COACHMAN, MO Pearl *t COACHMAN". OARDENER, Temp?rete; 211; (h roughly understand? hi? I generally uaeful; wUIInt and obliging; ref errncea, .1. ??.. Trihir- once. COACHMAN. Binale; egad H2; ander stands everything connect? I with prtrete .stable; excellent rlrlv-r: Willing and Obltg ing; r.irgf yeera* Les? r?f?renc?e? will ??? io any part of th? country, call. ? r addreea ail week, a ?., M Baet IM o., private stable._ COACHMAN. Protestant: stagto; etty er country; thoroughly understand? mr* I? r?e< . irr'i'.Kes; willing ani obliging; gem-rally useful; last employ,rr seen. H.. 130 Real .".nth st. COACHMAX. By e. :np<tetit married man; seven yars? r? f? reni e from last place. ? IJrce? HENHY. ? X 1*1. I.IM 3d av.?. COACHMAN. - Tboreegrbly eotapeteat; I mg experience; careful driver; willing and obliging; best references eoaeerniag character and atllity from prunln?ni fam? ilies. HENHY. Hex 241. 1.242 Broadway. COACHMAN, (?AIU'ENEB. PSKKL'L MAN.- Experienced, competent, tenper ate; not afrnid of work; single; milk?, etc.; willing, obliging; references. ?.. 2? Ea.-t 14th st COACHMAN.?Married; no children; per? manent position, oily or country, with ?mall private family; beet of references given. Adlrtas (V. Tribune Office. COACHMAN. OARDENER, PSEKl.'L MAN. -Single, thoroughly underitau Is en.? b re??, carriagoe, lawns, milker; go ..? pereoaal r?f?renc?e. TEMPERENT, ? ? 2. Tribune Office. ' COACHMAN, gardener.?Veofal Tingtt man; fetch; good eogetabto garoeiir.i-; careful, reliable driver; go?'?! milker; high.y recommended. Address TEMPERATE, Hox 7. T: il :??.? Office. (?(?ACHMAN and OAKDENEU.?Slng.e; thoroughly understand? b<ith branches; also all duties on gentleman's place; c ire? ful driver, hani'.y with tools; tlrst-class refereacea Stephens, 243 Malison st. COACHMAN,?Young mea! 2? years; sin gtei good city ar.d Nliatn driver; last employer can be e?-n Write or call I'. M'?OVERN, IM We?! "Btfc st. COACHMAN -r GKOOM?By a young man who thoroughly understand? th? car? of horse?; ha? been three years with pre?ent employer; can glv? test of refer? ence?: s ber, h.nest and obliging. CHARLES DRAIN, Cornwali-on Hudson, ?. Y_ FARMHAND wiata ?mpleyweat! geodj milker ar.d driver: b.r.g experience; ref? erence. Allies? MICHAEL NEKNEY, 2.1 Ini r. ave., Hr .'klyn. PORBMAN on farm; experienced in all bran hea; lest, if references furnished. . JOHN HALOtYBB, Cenerai De? li-, ery. PARM MANAGER. -Abybody de?lr: tg ? ? practical. ?Grinomilo!, energeUe, ??? ??; nd superintendent, expert machin? en ?took, laadacage, poultry, agriculture. horticulture, gbua, aeareee CLAMI V. ."3 rjreeawteb aee. OARDENER. Single; OrtA-CU?? vegetable and geriet; caree lawn, drive?, walk? can ::.llk. ?... UMfuil beet reference. Add.-.??? t P. Hox OS, 1.242 Broadway, OARDI BER .'-in^l.-; u,? roughly under? stand? greenbeaeea "towera vegetable?, lawna, milking, general farai work, cana? li:?? mue fui. eharge pi iva??? place: good refereBce. Addree? I., Bea lo. Tribune I ?"'._ OABDENER '^? >'ars experience in all '..?anche? of the, desires a M| vat? place; ttoeaaagad gbortly; under ?t in,Is management ?..' lid and .-,.',d grap? eries ? eenli use ?nd conservatory. ro?e?, M..1.H. cirrati,.ns. Chrysanthemums; wire first class dairy ?ornati and well qeatUtod In niaaagimrnl Of poultry; highly reoom ?.ini,I? I b\ ?,r .se.-.t and former empi vers Addresa TllM'lNGS. ?len Summit, I'eiin OARDENCH. -AaMOtec; ?aarrtedl; ? children; unde'atnnte care of geatl?? man's place, greenhouse, grapery, lawn, kitchen gai.len. fruit?, shrubs and ?verv thing ;ieriaining to gentleman's place, llrst class reference?. Addree? O IR DENEN, Tuxedo Park. ?. ?. , ?; \HDENKR.- Man and wife; m?:i as gar !.??.. ? for it'll>m.,n < pi???; undtrstand? car? of hors??? and general work; wife ?? r-.d cook and laundres?. Address OAR ? ENKK, oar? of Mr?. Yon Duhn. 202 W??t U8th->t._ OARDENER.? Olngto Bcotchman; gentle man'? pl\ce; Oral or aaalstant; ief?rea ?? G Alili EN KR, Z? E?at aWle?t. Mala. OASn?VER ??Ingle, age ?S; make him ?elf generally uaeful; willing and obliai Ing; understand? care of horses; 2 Tear? heat of reference from last place. C. Box 172. Bay Hide. Long Island. ? ? a SECOND MAN or ?Ingle-handed butler by a Swede In privale family: wllllni ?r.l obliging; highly recommended by I?? employer. J. CHELLMAN. 140 E. tSth-?t I'SEKl'ff MAN.- By young Swede on g?n. tleman's place; strictly sober, honest an. Industrious: wages 112 momh. Addre? P. S. OSTRAND, Peapeeh. N. J._ USEEVL MAN. Ac?By French coup'e man useful, horn??, garden; wife cham? bermaid or laundre??; gond reference? Address 442 Academy at . Astoria. Lon| ? ?? ???- " PSEFCL-MAN. Eaperl-need German understand? hor?e?. cleaning ?llv?r. brasses; not afraid of work; MARTIN 2?lfl Ea?t 7*1 h ?I I'SEFPI. MAN ?; .??ilion with privat, family or doctor'? adBee: neat, sober obliging; beat reference. GABRIEL Ml 3d ave. ISEFI'I, MAN. 20 would Ilk? position n private, family; city or c.iurlry; Pro?. estant: understand? milking and eard??. Ing; reference. Address C. L. 1.1? East 1Mb st. PSEFPL MAN -Sober hone??, reliable German; drive; rrllk, garden; handy wit? tool?, gooil referenr??; |15. KTEADV. Bo? 2.1. Tntnine. Cptown. USEFUL MAN COOK. &<? By man ?n< wife; German; no family: man |Oif ho-seman, gsrdener by trade, and milker wife llrst-elas? co k and laundress. GOEP.iKE. 2? lit ?f DOMESTIC SITt'ATIOHS WASTED Female. OA.-A.-A. CU WEST ".2D ST., MRS L. SBBLT. POBSIOM AND DOMBBTIC MALE AND FEMALE BMPLOTMBNT BL'BEAU. I ALL REFERENCES STRICTLY INVESTIGATED. Servant? breaktsf ?ng?g?m?nt? will ? be dimalsssd from ofBea gad foifeit ?n ? claim? to fe? paid. Brooklyn Offtfle, 2 Band? M. l'orner' Pult ti St. ?- _0 1 ?? AT .^T. BARTHOUIMEW ,s EMPLOY? MENT Bl REAU, SB li..?? 42d ?t - Flr?t-class ??rvant? furr..?hed: seam ?tre??e? by th.?? gB) , ?top gaps; a!*) mei . can'lle and p*?f??sl..nal department; ref? erence? carefullv lnve?t!gat. d. BONORAND*8, J.1 Meal tM '. G ?n<H Bmploymenl nil. French, sw.-di?h, American nurses. Intelligent; well reoom '-'.. 'I 1. all other s-rvan? BEST HELP SUPPLIED TO SL'MEMR RESORTS AT IRWIN1? EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Sth-ave, and llth ?t. et* iKs. ??.- ?? tbr-e p.-uthern e starai girl? good CM.k? and liouseworkera; el'y or country, epps. 42h arsa? ?27?!? e?. COOB. CHAMREBMAID, A??. ?? ? Ens ll.-h Protestant gir'.??. ? ? ok ard laundress, a-.ol baker; other ilmailmaislil and w?p res* or nurse; no objection large family; city, ?ountr?. 22.1 East filth ?t.. M I '?? ??< PlM . :.. - (OOki good manag?r for n club of gentlemen, taxe full charge meal? and kitchen. ISO Wot Mth ?'? ????maker*? ?-??. COOK, LACNDBEM CHAMBERMAID, WAITRESS.- By two .?.pable Norwegiafj girls; separately or together. Call, ili iltb ave., n^ar 10th ?r. ciiiik. ftc Bapeetea ted woman, fir?* "i lass ro, k; line baker: de??ert? of all ktads; ?'!'?? or country. a.v East sieh ? COOfC, fee.?By MaujMMel woman, flest claes <?. .k, laundress: etti r e,,,iritry, city leferetpcs, IM Wert BBS ??.. rear. COOI WAITRESS. A?? |Tisf IMa? eo?,lc In private family, willing to do n"m? washing; ha? a friend first ola?? w-il'r??? and chamlei naid: together w "?' or do the entire work Of a small family; both willing and abllgtag be? It? ret rrenee; etty cr country, CaH ?. a . 42? Ttk gve . third (light, I o-k. COOS, Ac. -Thoroughly competent young, go.?d family Cook; a??l<t with washing. Ironing; small fnmll? ; etty ref? erence. 1,222 31 ave., near 7<?th st., ring Bakers bttl cu. ?? By no 111" aged Christian w maa n? g.??! plata oooa; wg??. t'J> per ?Math. EM Weal IICB St, r;rg 1 time? CHAMBBRMAID, Ac B? vung Nor? wegian girl ?<?? fit?' ctaM chamt>?rmald an! ?eamstrf?? or nald; best N? w York reference-, 323 27th ?t.. between 4th and Sth ave?., !??? ofcl) ? ?_?_?^??-? ? I. ? CHAMBERMAID Be By yoeuB BeudBBt girl; chaml ? rinald and wallte?? or nur?? In privat? family; rite or ? getry. ?f.2 M'est sera il, second Bat, Beai CHAMBBRMAID. Rv ? yOBM Kren-h woman: anderstsnds sewing. ?'. <?,.. ?ai West SHI) St. CHAMBBRMAID, Ac Ta ? t atag ?--i|or?<| BS to do cr??' llr? ? ork : th? other ,-is .?,? u or general bouses ? ter; ? d ref erences. IBI vTeet I27ih ?t. CHAMBERMAID. Engt -h . ...?.-.? landed: or would wait on elderly lady; Sjes traveller, Bl Beai 47th ?t.. iirst fl??r CHAMBERMAID and WAITRESS -Bv young ?vornan. Scotek Prcteetsat; ?mall family; city or country; god refreno?, 477 ??. see,_ CHAMBERMAID sad WAITRESS By % Swedish girl, call ?.r addres* Till RS T?'iM, 147 Concord-et,. Brooklyn, EMPLOTBB8, whea ? ? wael iettata? Southern colored women, eoeks laun dreeees, chambermaids, ?raltreeeee eg B???? eral I- useworkers, we furnlih help, call VAIDEN'S, 73 pie. t ?t . Brooklyn, ? T. HOU8EBBEPEB, *c. An? '.an a? e?.ni|..>teni working le 'i-wkeeper. ear?? for invilii und sew; eoaatry preferred; g.H,.i refereross. BTBOBO, Jr., f-M West IMth-et.. near Amsterdam ave HOUSEWOBK A girl f.r g-n-ral hotise w?? il( In a small family. Inquire 201 East it'.! st? tir?t Hat. HOCSEWORE. Woman for housework; good washer and Inner, etty or cuntry; reference. M West 1.1th at. HOU8BWOBX? RMtefci? IT. testant wom? an for general housework; excellent soak; city or nasali?, seed reference, no card?. 114"? Stfc ave. HOUBBKBEPBB (working) M w: : wer with chtldtea pref?-rred, by an English? woman. Aldi.??? Mrs. WEI.MORE. IIS North Clinton ?t. P.-ughlceepale,, ?. T. HOUBBSCBBPBB.?By respectable North German ? as housekeeper; likes children, etty "r country. Mr?. E. EGOEU, 177 Ea?t Mate-et HOUBSWOBK. By a ?trong woman. Ill Eist 4'Hh st., second ?.?,?. IlnrSEWrip.K.--Gene al ho ?ewoik. I rot estant. ?? -? good eoofc, ?sostieni i.?ker? Coarse washing, city or couftry; good ref? eren ?? .1. I'-. MB Ea?t S?th ?t. LM'N'I HESS By first e|a?s laundre?? In private family: good city reference. 245 We?t BMB-et LADY'S MAID- Erench lady? m?ld; tir-t -la?? ?eains'ri?? and dre??maker. no object I in to light chanteerwoeh; good ref? erence. Addle?.* ?'. C, 112 West *lth at . first floor. NURBS. *c?A colored woman. Southern, will nurse, do chamber or general house work, city or country; highest city per? sonal reference. 2?0 Sfati 47th st.. Id floor. Connor'? rooms. SEAMS! BESS. Erst class, willing to I? us*ful, or anything; no noklng. In the country, small wsges. ?? West 27th ?t. SEAMSTRESS First clan?: by week gf month, understand? itre??m?king. operat? ing Call or address, iw., day?, MAY. 141 w.??! .-?.?! m ?settee*? keB SEAMS TBESrf. --r'amily ????mg and re? pairing, hand or machine 7.? cent? per day or lake h .in?? very reasonaM? . ir? ido ling skirt? ?pVolalty. .110 East lttii-?t. S'ABHIBO, -Young German w nun wish? es washing and Ironing at home or by day. WEEDEL. ?.02? Ea>t 137th ?t. .- ? ? m WASHING P.sste.talb woman to go ggfj by the day washing*, ti. or take home, IV) .-ente dozen. HCTCHINSON, 49 firls 4opher ?t.. rear, t ? fliior. WORKING KOL'SSSEBPEB By relia? ble, intelligent English person; middle aged, thon ughiy practical; good owk) competent reatnatre??; generally useful; city or country? VV., Box S. 1.242 Broad way. WASHING -El ret class laLOdreaa to take h ?m? fine work or go out by the day| understand? all branche?; excellent refer-? .?!..? OOBMAB, ISO W?at <Mth-at. __-? WASHING l<) tli?t cljs? laundress, rd do line ;:..n t.* In hotel; It years' beat r?f?ren?a. CI MBRPORD, .131 E. loth ?t. Was H! ve Respectable colored wlifh?a day'? work out or famll at home, gond city referen???* given. Mrs? ? S'lLBBBSOB, I?*? West 40th-et. - ? -a ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions foe The Tribu ?? received st their I'ptowa ? ?" e. No. 1.2t2 Broadway, 2d door nortt) of Slat at., until 0 o'clock p. m.; adver? tisement? received at the following brsnidk ornee? at rawolar ofjlce rate? until 1 o'elook p, m.. ria.; 2f>4 ?th-ave.. ?. *. cor. 23d-?t.; ??3 0th ave., cor. 12th at. : Macy's. 0th ive. and lith-et.; 141 Columbus-ave., ncaft Weal ?'dih at ; 10? West 42d-st. near ?tb-? ave.. ?2 East 14th-et; SB Wsst 4*1 ?t., between Tth end eth avee. ; 180 Seat ?Tth?? st. 1.3.1? ;ui ???.. between TOth and TTtk? ?t? 1 u2tl Id-eve., near Olet-et.?, l.TOS l?t^ a.e.. near HIHh-at.; 050 Id-ave., near 4I?tV ?t.. C*4 Id-ave.; 110 Bleecker-at.: SJ| llieecker-et. ; tftOO ?d -ave. ; 240 Eatt tith??, ?t.. QtB Sd-ave.; 2,102 V-avs.; ? Aus* ?terdam-ev?,; ?08 T?esi 4J-1 -at: i ?red w orna Si lily wsshing] given. Mrs.