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OLD CAMPAIGN MEDALaS. INTKUKSTIN?. PRECURSORS OF TIIK BADGE AND TUB BUTTON. TIIEIi: VALUE AS lI.M'STRATINi. PHASE.-' 0 POlalTICAL UlSTORT Mil KABRIS Rim ?-OT.LEi^TION. "United Stat?*? History SS Illustratili hy Its Political Medals" was tha nul?j?-ot <>f ? paper j Which Andrew C. Zabriskio read last wok be? fore th?? American Numismatic ami Arcbaokag? leal Boclety, of which h?? is president Mr Za- j hi ?ski? hn;; given spot ial atwnlion to tho polit- j leal medal? of this country and has a remark- : ably full collection ut thorn. They dato hack to the year 1828, when Andrew Jackson was ? elected President, the fust candidato for whom campaign medals were struck. Mr. Zafcriskie \ has Hind in hi.??, collecting tn gel toi-eth't all the old medals which were used in former cam? paigns to arouse enthustasm for the candidati ?;. Most of these are rare, the dies having been lost or destroyed, and In the devices and In? scriptions which they bear are preserv?sd many of th?? old-time campaign slogans win? h are How alinosi forgi '? ?. The medal? wer? the predecessors of Ihe pres? ent rosettes and buttons with which the market Is flooded. Il mus; l?? admitted lhal the change la not an Improvement so far as elthei artisti? merli "i Interesl Is cone mod, for the ncenea pictured In ih? old medal and the "catchy" phrases tvhl h accompanied them wer? usually exl emel; clever. Th? medali have haJ periods ??: populara) md oth? r perioda <>f ?.???.? ? :. When politi. ij excitement In s campaign ran high Ihe output of mcda-la a*aa a m pondinplj large, The devices at such limes wer? also more vigorous ami pointed. The Jackson medal, . of lb? oldest In Mr. SZabriskie's collection, la p ? hlKgei than ?? nickel ii\?-??nt pie ??. .mo Ii mal? of brasa II ha? .? queer-looking bust of Jackson on tl.bverse, and on ih? reverse th? words, "Th? Nation'? i'ride." A large medal struck for Martin Van Buren It. IKW ?- made of lead. I; has a busi ot Van Buren on Ihe obverse ovor which la Inscribed, ' M Van Buren." On Ihe revers? li a ?? of Liberty, >??1? Ihe words "Democra? and < mir Country." Vati Buren ligure? again li on? of ih< Whig in? dal- for ??'turai Ilari"-? I) In l1-!??. for .1 was ?|???!?? as tini? h the fashion G??? .? |? ?' ?? satirise II ? candidai? a*? ?? prals? ? ' n The mi dal t- '? rred to I ? smi II on? of brass It, has a miliari' busi ??' Han p on th? obverse, v..iti thi Im riptlon "M.m Oen W Il Harrison B? rn I?'? Ij ?, 17 7 : i Th? revei e !.. ars ? (?. ??.? of a steamboat, flying ?? Hag marked "IMI Thi one I ? ntlll? ? St? em? boa! Van Bur? ? L. ? ?? ? Line foi .-' ? ? River Direct." The title of th? lln? Is thi m?k name bestow?pd at lhal lime l?j I heir opponenti upon th< H'ual right? ?? radical section ol Ihe Democrats party There were varkra other Harrison medal?, som. ol copper end sonn of brass, ih?? former metal being the rarer. One of th?s? ha- th. usual bust on Ihe Olivers? and or. th?? reverse a spread-eagle with s ??t???? in Its'mouth, which read? (Jo It, Tip.' Another scroll beton ha* the corollary '/Com? I Tj p "Tippecanoe and Tyler, loo!" the melodlou cry of th? Whigs at this time, is perpetuated on ?tut.ih?-r medal and so, likewise, ? Ihe fart that ih" u?*' a "log cabin and hard ? ni? t cam? paign." The latter truth n* sel forth bj means of a picture showing Ihe traditional cabin, with an aasairtmenl bt smell elder i.arr??? lyi y on th< ground n< at L> MANV MRDAfafl POH "LAV The medals mad? f-.t Henry Claj ????? perhaps] more numerous than those foi any ?ueci-aaful I candidate One ??? them Is Included In lh list <.f "lying medal? those ?* im h w< re struck ??? ? for? hand ??. commemorate an event which nevei took pia? " li is of bras? and hears an ex? tun,, ly cheerful-lrtoklng head ol Claj with this ?oniii'-ni inscription ? li?un. flay, Elected Presiden! \ D ??4 I Th? p ?? rs. ha ?? pli t ; un ?-f Clay as a youth on horseback neai an I old mill Above it ia this legend "The Mill Boy of th? Washes, Inaugurated March 4 IRt.V' a. k-ad medal hai ? bust of Claj ?>n tie obverse, ! and on tin? .-? '??. r.*-? a Scene of factorie? and ? Min Tie picture Is labelled "Th?? wealth ?.f a nation I? indicated by its Industrj Anothei very small had in? dal has the bUSl and "Kor President" on the obverse and ?>? the reverse ih? poetical prophecy, "Htnry Claj ?ill carry tn? Dai stili another ?'lay medal baa on tht ? ri-ver-?? :: popular vVhlg expression of Ihe lime, ' "That Sam. Old < O?m " All these medals ????Ioni' | to IMI. the last ?.f th?? campaigns which Clay mad??, ami in which he was defeated b) James I ? r??lk Tin- campaign medals issued for Za< hsry Tay? lor in ixi?*? were chiefly commemorative ?.f hist militar.! servie?**, fin?? of them has <?ti Its face a bust ?if Taylor, lAtth ih?? Inscription, "Major-I Denterai Zachary Tailor, born 17!W. tin th?J lack 'ar? th? i\<.rds in Honor ?>f th?? Hero ?if I l'alo Ait?.. Risaia d? la l'alma. Monterey ami ? Buena Vista." Another brass medal, similar In | ftyle, has practically th?? Ham?? obverse, ami on ! ine reverse is this sentence: "Geni Taylor Never Bur renders." Th?? words are in a circle, In closing Ike names of th?? batti?? mentioned ?in lh?? Other in? dal. When Bcott was running ss ih? Whig candi? tale for Presiden! in ?HTC? a brass medal wa? ft ne k for him. It bore ?>n th?? obverse. "Major Peneral WtofleM Bcott, D s a ," ?>\aa- a military bust. Th?? ???????G.*??< snowed a battle scene, with a wairior pr? si ? ate and others bending over him. Above it wer?? the words "Scott Wounded," and below il "Lundy's Lane." Many Interesting medals were issued in l.S(JO. when Lincoln was th?? Ib-pulilican candidai??. ? handsome one of broftM has <?n Its face a bust of Lincoln, surrounded by small stars llelow are the words: "Abraham Lincoln, Republican Candidate for President, is?"???." on Ihe other ride is an octagon, forimd of Intersecting p??r ti??ns of a rail fence, with the Inscription in the centre: "Tb.? Great Uail-Splitbr of the \V?et Musi and Shall It?? ( ?ur N?-xt President." Th?? nain?; Id? a is shown in another larger, thick brasa medal of Lincoln, which has on the revers?? a picture of th? young man engaged in splitting a l"g <>f wood n< ar a rail fence. Aboye it is ins?. rib?-d. "Th. Rail-Splitbr of |i<}0." THK VALUE OF MEDALS. All th? s t"? dais ;ind many others of the same Btyf? are valuable DOW only in proportion to their rarity, but even with this ? ??nsideration the pri??? which they ?sill bring at any given time is uncertain. This i??? well illustr?t"! I>y an eX perience which Mr. Zabriskie bad in trying t<? buy one of the "Wide-Awake" badges w hi? h w.T?? worn in th.? liais in INW. Tbe badge n-as off.?!??! ai :i certain sale, and Mr Zabriskie'? agent was authorized to pay 92 for it. To his util r astonishment, ih?? prtr?? was bid up by two A OROrr OF AMERICAN POLITICAL MKDAL8. (Prom the ?ollertion of Andrew ?'. Zabriakle.) other men who wen after the bad?.,?? unni it finally wenl lo on? of them for ?*?- ? couple of years lai ? Ihe same badge was again of fcred ??.? sal?, and tins lime Mi /al. 11; kl? gol it foi $1 "<?' So far as h? RltOWS, it Is Ih?- Otti) one m the market, and In conalder? that be ???? a bargain Th?? selene? ?.f numismatic? has been Injured by th? recen I striking from old dies of medal? win? h ai?? absurd ami Impossible comblnstlona l'Or instan???, a medal ha.* been mad??, th? <d> verse of ?hi? h Bupport? Van Buren ami ih?? r?? vi-rse Harrison It ??as done I.y mixin?.? Up th?? two ?li??." Himllarly, a medal with a bust of olii <??? on? si?l?? has a picture of th? old Dutch Church in Nassau st.. Neu York, oti tile other. Tin i?i? a of tb?? makers in producing these nieaninirhss cnmblnstions was I?. en-ate rar?? mu?ais, and In som?? caws, where only a f?\s wer?? st u? k. this has been accompllahed. Mut ih?? prarttee Is deplored by all eollertore, sin? il tends !.. make th? subj??? I ridi? uloua. THF SECRET OUT. Proni Th? Cincinnati Enquirer He I am astonished, not io sal shocked, that you should uphold so Liutai a sport as football. Sh? - Well, you horrid nun won't allow us to go to priseflghts?. HISTORIC JEWELS. BARBET AND MOST WONDERFUL 01018 IN Till: WOULD IN BNOLAND. From The Pall Mall (?aiette. The Boats Kensington Museum, in London, contains what is probably the n,??st remarkable collection of historic riiiKs in the world. In this most exquisite and perfectly arranged of all tresaure-houses, th?? troth ef Irings, the romance and tragedy of famous lives. gives a k?'?-n p?*r Bonal Intere?! t?> the cas? s ttlitd with Rems that ar?? both royal in th? msclves and have been made roysl by the touch of royalty. Amid the clasp???! hands and true-lovers knot? WS tlnd ?me lined with tl <? Scottish arms, hav? ing on th? seni the ?-tters M. II.?Mary and Henry?the aeddlng rinu of Mary. Queen of Scots and Henry Darnli-y. The name of Mary Stuart always tin ills, but her lovelin? ss we can? not (rather from any of her authentic portraits in th?? national galleries. W? must conclude that some ?race <?f expression that could n??t I??? caught ??? ?anv;t: huh bat ?'harm. in black ami white enamels on cold, with hexsgnnsl betel, we und th?? mournful token Riven bv Charles I <>n the day ??f his ex?cution to Bishop Juxon. ? hideous, monkeylike skull urbis m ili.? rentre, surround?*d by the Inscrip? tion, "1!? ?lobi Ih? Kndi- -"! ami around th?? out ; ??.?. ? Kather Deth Than Pals Fayth." Th?? silver wedding ring of Rlensl brings to mind a strange and glorloua conjunction I once Ban at a loan exhibition for some charity in Hom?'. when Vatican ami Qulrinal ami manj a noble lions? had for Ihe moment yielded their treasures Arnind ? small spa???? in ihe centre, whore the King and Queen received ihelr guests, were grouped the coronation r??l??'s of Napoleon, ih?? torn blanke! of Garibaldi and th?? wonder ful dalmatic of Charlemagne, which promt Hi. n/.i won? when he entered lt<>m<? Mut t?? return t?< our gems: on?? ring says. "Never to Im forgotten 2d of January, 1777." Dues any on?? still remember? With ni th?? hair-ring period <>f mourning has given way to tin? stll. more dangerous jetted Mercury-winged window, ami we have n<> us?* for th.? rings hollowed nut like little bottles, to contain Ihe tears which were a coquetry "f an? cien! tinea Certainly Riling these was not as difficult a task as that pi ? s? rih.-d in lh?? savage country ?Irani Allen Iella us of. when- the be? reaved an- obliged lo weep until they lili a bottle of certain si/..?, ami if they cannot are beaten until they ????. Tin Inscription "<'?><l Help Maria'" makes us wondrt who th*? donor could hav?? been. Among Ihe wedding riiins Is a lype that should liei..ine fashionable in America, for it l.nids a In art and a roronct, Simpler folk say: "As God Deterred, Bo we agreed"; or. "<;?i?l hath?? WTOUghl this choice in th????. So frani?? thyself to eomfourth in??" Chaste ami simple is this "A Faithful Wife Preserveth Life"; more sbrani ami brutal was the adinniillion, "<;bs? rv?? Wedlock " A Jewinli wedding rlnfr. with irreat b?sela lifts from the hand In full relief the model ?>f th.* holy taberna? U. of the Ai k ?>f the Covenant. "Honnie Prince Charlie" smiles from a beauti? ful miniature, and near by Is the ideal of a lovers' ring, an enamelkd BgUN tt cupld with spread wings carrying off a ruby heart, and tho legend: "Stop Thief:" The great Merovingian and Saxon rings are among tb?? rarest in the world. Seven hundred dollar? was paid by the Museum for th?? bent and broken on?: of Arbstan, Hishop of Sher btirne. "Iconographie" rings hold figures or portraits of saints in the Russian style. Others are reli ?juari-s for bits of th?* true cross or fragments of saintly toe-bones, while one represents Mary Magdalene being carried to heaven by four an? gels, (?ne, form???! to Ilfteen small crosses, waa found on the fingers of a skeleton: it had no power to stay th?? hand of death. Of great antiquity are the Roman keyrings, used to keep the keys of precious chests or ?iasks ever at hand, and which In Middle Ages secured the cumbrous iron "virtue lock" that husbands fastened on their wives before poing to battle. Of mystic rings there are many?the mediaeval circlet of "Incantation," the charmed "toad stitn??," an?l the South German silvet set with wolfa teeth. A long collln-shaped ring with three cam?*OS, the centre one representing Cleopatra holding the asp to her heart, is almost identical with one always worn by Cheiro. of palmist fame. An ancient Venetian of three chains, hold? ing a revolving turquoise, brown with age, is engraved en one side s?l?h a Venus Anady omene and on the other with u Onostlc cypher. A.-nid more costly gems the tuniuolse holds ita own with strange persisten?*?, one great tur quolse cameo ??f the Rape of Pros arpi?e in this collection is almost hugs enough to cover the back of the hand, and there are some beau? tiful examples of tin's?? inluiil with Persian in? scriptions, In thumb rings the most splendid fare those given by th?? Popes t?> cardinals?though they ?lid no! always accompany the searlet bat, and Wolsey's grenl snxlety les! a ring should n?>t be sent with his preckMia head-cov?-ring stands recorded. of heroic size, tiny stand up several inches from th?? hand, and, <>f course, would lie i4o???l in effect only when worn with massive vesture. Usually they arc Ml in brass or bronze, with gnat cabo? h??ns, <r un? ut stones. One With th?? lion of St Mark in alto is crest.d with greenish ehalcedony; those most prised hold a rough emerald ?>r ?*abocbon ruby. Thumb rings of a m?.t?? painful sort ere the "thumbkins," or thumbcuffs, used to hold tb?? ihiiinbs of prle ? nera while their clothes were being cut from them. The example of South KesitBlngtan waa found behind Ihe panelling ?>f an old sixteenth century house. Th?? "pussle" rings i.??rd Lytton used to ? har acterise as "Ingenious stupidity." The baroque penrla of th?? Virgin del 1'ilar and the gr?> t. s? ? m m of little jewelled inen and animals are unlngesdoue stupidity. The collei'tlon is rich in superb cameo heads ??f those whom art has immortalized?in (?reek and Roman Intaglili that in finest Unes picture the loves nnd the woes of th? gods; but be? fore the wealth ?>f precious stones the pen falls helpless, us w? hav?? n<? aib-iiuatc words foe these nasaline harmonies?