REAL ESTATE. MUCII DBAUNa IV MISTKT.I.ANEOTIS PHOPEHTT. r.V-tl csttt.- 1:t orer* l>nrt of the olty waa repre aente.l in tl.o mI the w'e wlll rereal the prtro i>Htd for the lot. Jl --. ; h Kiys-r haa sold to rhnrl.-a No IM Baai Thtrd-at., rwo rbttr-atorjr brteh tluthouR.'S. ? and on * i-i..t KtxlOa, for about IX.oon. i:. H. Oilben and 1. BdBrar Leaycraft have eoid for Ba-uercroea * Herbener. to Hattle B. Prlce), for Bioout $33,008. h flve-etory brtch store and te*?eraent houae, ?xW0, on th.ut! atde of BlBhth-avo., flfty feet south of ()iic-hutilr.'u-anuu(,... ,'x., aifl VVorth-st, on an Irregrular?plot, wU*a ' ' ?_?^ Jour^ory^^^^ ' . i.K-- anu i ?'.,.? , .? orivAto :ernis CT-tfi "^arBchltdtfor M^^n^^1!:tJ-ll^t,NoJl^Avotii,eA.on ?'\.';.!; ,-: ?w?y?n8are.rooni yest-rday Jamea U Well.aold ' }"W?% ft-VSE ? -i.l-ar.d-alxrv->eventl-st. Ih. tiil.l - *- i _? ? / ?? ? .* ---i m-i w!l< * ftPi Uit *1 iii. t,-M i. . conflned toa fes. *?' nartly nior6 1 ?' V'. ?.^nWn??.? }.n* ? ted a large numbir ffdow'ntoVrn'oper.t^ Thi . r however ?#Uh b^0,fri^^"theTroperty ^e.Vi'hlgher bM^ the property 1, bo wlthdi Wn. No hid waa made. IV soM ln ^'??"^JW| itory hrlch flathouae, Ex?. on the north awe ot : "!-.W^?a aum Md a ? ? lin'lff for 814 870. an ? a - ' rma. on the il areal r Weat-si to the plalntlff for n.?a .? !? Meyer aold ln fori sure the flv^atory ,.' ;- nathouae on a lot trxVQ.i. So. -' Eaat Four ,,..,.1 (| ? , the plnltitlff for Jt...4..'' . ,.'.,. , ln f^reclosure tha plo 80x100. on the eaal alde of Omitf-griK. 44M feal ; ? ? ,f st. Jaroea-ai l ? the pb??nt?ff ;,'? ?'^torB Brran L. Keni el y - '? bi -i ? ? ?o? and truateea, the four-story browt itone dwelllng . ., . n' ;; Basl . ? venth-st., to otif of th? tuirti for gb>.000. .. :,.,,; V(.-. - the new?mmnla B rlng-al The buHdlng ls to roet J It wlll be o/ brlek, -'x atorlea hlgh. - iverlng an . 1.5x101.8, Tho p'.ana have t<-eti cr:tv.:i by ri Mitvi ,, ,.r.-, flled yeaterday for r=ix dweii nnd one-half st.-les hlRh to be th alde of Elghty-ae. ond-at., 100 "... i u.>t .?:" Park sve., at a eoat of 1108.000; for a ?. . nut up on the ... ?,; ,- Bevent) ninth-et., 113 fe?-t wit or C'olun " "! ? '"r '"n 'hre"" Iwi lili g-h taea ni -hundred-and .... ?? 1120.000. Five eix-atory fl ll - ?? ' e erected by August i ? the plot put ? Im on M->' day al ? ? Bi . ; ave ind St. Mark a } . ? ... belng pre] ired. Ton fly-f rv i"' k ire to be ei ? Wesl End-ave . fnon Blxty ? . ; -. Ti :????? -1 Bona er 1 ? lire block front. ? ? BEAL F7-TATF. TRANSKF.P.S. : -? '? r, f 143th at, 39-100; '4 .i Bl k and wife to t'hriatlrin . ll/if-O ?? ? ? f '." :i\e. 2*x07. I".-. IB ? " '?' N. 1?? ? - -? 25^1??: lj part; WUllam .-'a. m. 1 ?.. n - r 701 at. i'.xi'S: Eugea* n and wlfa ? i ?? ?? K t-I'r:-'^. l : man 1 ls ?? So 15, a ? 2>> .'t n . f 5o,v -'. arlfe to Robert . - li.n ind - ' ? ?. ' ii ? , - ? -. . !' \ Irlanee te w . ?: . i . . ilOO; Jannte Oi i >tein to . i ' . 1? ? .- v. 32" 21x73.6x30x73.8; Harrla Btrauaj and w?f< ?-.--?? 1 v .- So 135 21x01' 1x20.0x08; ln-lng I ]\.!i,; n'er to Agni > Ingei ne-thlrd parl 1 10th ai S'j 220 ;:..s' 25x02 1 Mathl'.da K n . io | ningat. ? *. 182 :t w of Bedfofd st. 83.61 i: >he K .' Unde Ci n paay I i . 1?? I .: Van Wlnkla to MntilJe .,n VVI' aie. . 1 .\- j . > ?? .' ?; 'iniiir.g'r ag ax 12.000 I .. ' v yj 9 - r< aa I?an . ,0 Avenua A N ' ? . '.-. ?:.'. ar. . ' ... ,t. a a. 70 ft e nf Olntor ?? 10x100; .. v nh f .tr'. wlfa to M ?*? t>uckman . !.l i-o 17, ,t n a, 810 S fl n if 7' ave, 17 i"xi"< 8; ?,? ? ?-. 1 ?3th ?t :. ? 2-m fl ? t '." . ? 14x10 ' Wlll lam H Sewmaa rel. ? Mt-*rl J Adama. 0,800 |], . ?? . . . a. 7UI"'J 2; '?e->rK' Dalkei ?? Mlnna Daiker. 1 4 I2.SX100 8; Martin Hoffn n'to I y H 0n ".?? . ' ?.. . | tei lam-ara. ih!ix I C 1 Bll far 1 Wlfa 10 Maiy L . ? n a. 17.'. ft u ?? .?-? )??. . ave, 15x103.2; j hn A M. '"?"' r":' ' ? n f J5S ft .. .,; Ameterdam bvi-. 33x102.3; ; .? .-,,1 mi .- ? ? '. alfa 80.000 A- . fi j .?.-. -\ ? ." ... |i? ".. i'r lly K - n ... Man i ? ?' .' ' 311 -a i 25) ? i A I^tlin ? . . ?Oth-it. n *. 831 fl ' ? Danlel p li rel ? ? rlme. aa 14 ' --.?-', Hi ? -.??*)? ro BHen Y Kellogg.?.? ??? ? l-^"} blsi t. N .tl i-..-t, 17 8x102 2; !.. ? to i '. : ? i | x. 68 w ? it, -: ? ? '?'? ?? *rrn in klari , ??.???? lOla'-st. \ 7 Eaat Edward O Uheeby .,??. -4nr"-' 2. h e Ni 'J UI ^^v". I>oul*a U ." ti> 4 ' . ' .... ' ... J05tl Bt, ? . |23 ft w of lat 'r.i .'i Troal reentora eta ?? U ula B.S.000 10 r . Weat. a ? i rnei OOtl Bl 28 2] ? i. 100 ft e eni Park V .,11 ,\ lam i< ii n ai '. ? Ife to Kaehel 112-t' ?? n a 128 fi '""v 100 11; am ' t, r a w i ner 09th- al -" - I. a s 100 ft w of I il00.ll; John '.'?' di i-?r and a-: ther to M . ln,... ., v |2U ". at, 18 OXW 11; i1..ry 1. Kama ? ? ' ' Ut Nlcholaa ave, ? e orner nr.tb at, I?8.0xl04>x 144 11x101 - '? ' l ' '??'ik''1'? I Btb-evi - tOS, 24.11x100 ? ? - ? t al * ? All "' "'? ?? . J" ?tb-are. e ?. 78 ft h t 134th it. 24 m.o" AH.ert We'>s aad wlf* t . Portana B**l Eatati Corpora Edgacorob* ave, w ?. al line 1471 egtendi i. rur.s n 120.11x25x120.11x23; (Tatbi f V.'etin.ire. ;.a ? I ? Hyi - 1124-et, a s. 150 " w <.f 14. uievard 50x9p 11; Jol :. . .j a.-u wlfa to Thomaa Keltel . 1 lMtt, al i. s. 2"0 ft .- f llth mm-. 100xSB.ll; Tnomaa Alexaoder and wlfa lo M ix . 1 p .- . h w ?' mai Hawtk .rr. ISOxlSOx :rregui:ir; alwi Htilrlde >t. cent ra line plot 144, uuxii ? Dyclunaa. ie>?.5x2M?xi5i.iix H?l 11. i:? ijemln V Elnatetn, *? asslgn.". t. Mttx Mur? . I05tb-?t % s. 22* f: e of Ametrrdatn nv.- SJOx 88_a25JxSa.l1 Aaaxander Klnellta nri'l aaolbei to Jf>hn C Heaideraon . A M il?ni ave. w *. 38 ft n of 11 > - VixlOii, Aar..n iI..obDr.i-h to M.-ltn McWaltera ISBtti at. r. s. K0 ft a -f Llneoln ?? r. 25x100; tieorga Miiti^ ^:. 1 arlfa '?> 1 ???-,..'. oai i ).',- I 1V> rt ? f Al't KxlOO; rge C Auel refan laaa C Blrch .... 14444, w 1 ' -'! at, 33x147.3x38x18(1 ? . >1b t ei .1 i, ir. in ... 14.'.:! it, a i. 14\l ft t ? Id . -. 18x100; Joaepl M .? . ? ? N ? II ? l gumrelt-are. ? i Ko ft s ..f Davo* st, BSxlOO; Jittnea <: Blaland to A \ Ulaland... 2<*\'> s .. a. - ? r i. ?::; it -j , |jx l?..TnJ.".?:'''. 1 ' Joaep i W Sandford anJ wlfa ? . . . 10 Webater ?v. ? ? ft l ol Ann I'l.'i ?. iOxVU I . 20 Bartialda ?'.-. D - ad] . r?) M I':-,.. 58.1x31.0x50.1, ali i - ? :. .. ?. * % ;,i 4 ft a e of Ai 18 2x110.1x25x111.7; i . B14 C Coaaor 1 II la J Bd wa 1 .. 1 ara, ? . irovi l' -; -1. .'.oxi'si, ;:.-., >.ai )':i.' ly 1 ? .: ' .. I l;^ii^> ...... w ?, lot 8C i..?; vTilllatn u (aftxga.SxSO; lohn B PVerke at al to I.Iw.t,) A i.\4i-ni> and nother. ii .sX) V rt lndei*ridet ? ft. w h. lot V2. aama t.iap, .'-u ?? !'i4- 2x1 11 Henjl n. .. !?' Il-?rs r- 1 u,te ta ';.?' and nr.-it1 er.... ... j .VjO _t.'s ^.'ti aad 282, flaag Lotl !? - . 1 I>ote .'i87 and i.f ? D>ep il.ilght .--? -e _ . , ?, _ l: '"hiirloa S Jmvlaon. aa truatie. to Thomaa \v Pearaall, aa eaeculor ?nJ truatea... 200 ?n-at, Noa 2BH, Bl. 88; Betber Mlberaaaa to Oeorge P Beoor. v ? 348, 31 OaTtl 2. Henry de Peyiter, n* executor to M.irk l. abrabama and another? 17.100 7i! iv* No 104, 16,0x30; aam* to aama. OOtl .. No t.i4 Weat, lsxio2.2. Alexander Davtat aon '.. Mary T Bherman. * 41th at. I a, im tl e ..f .".:h Bve, 2.'.xlOO.r>; .larne* B Martin and 'Ai'e lo Margarel H Trevor. 10 115th at. .. B, 7:, ft e of 1-' ?'?-. 80x70; llorman Autfuat to Ani ? ? Oreg rlo and an ilher. 7.100 148th it, n i. 110,6 ft ? of Bl Nlcholaa ave, 2ihc 00.11; Jaeob li Butler and wlfe l 1 Max Marx.. 2S.000 ? ?- it, No im Weet, 36x100.11; Plncua Loa enfeid onl wifo to Otto C Baake. 100 Hsth at, n a. 01 ft e of CbBvenl ave, 17x00.11; Oroavaoor s Rubbard, referea, to B'.laabeth mmmam Cotrell . . i.'.aoo :- ?. s a. 2M ft e of lll'i ave, 7.'.xHU.11; Ja.->b Hesa aad ertfa to .v..x Mara. 1 168 it, 8 a. 260 ft o ol 11th ave, 70x104.11; .___ Andrew J Oonnick et nl t. Jaeob lJov.a. 12,0m Wlllla-evn, w *, l>5 ft a of llOth ?t. $8x81.1;_ PMIlp S Htglln and Wlfe 10 AugUBl K Rfierlie.. Z2.non BJBCORDBD M.'in>)AOE3. Alneman, Charlea R, and nmtlier to Renjamln F Hewea w a Part radependence-el, lot 72, m?ip laad Of Wllliam O Olle*. Twenty fourth Ward, j yeaea. $1,000 Axelrod, Rachet lo Wllliam Rankin. a w eorner Central 1'ark Weet aad Mlth at. and Pt'th-at, e a. 100 ft w of Oentral Park w?t. 1 year? 10.000 Albtnger, Awnea R. 10 Ell.ia lOmpner. No 130 WMie-at. deman.!. 8.01H Kanie to n:nr. e a louthern Boulerard, 117.6 ft n . t of Freaman-et, 7(1: ave, ;i venrs. 2 m rtgage*. 12..,00 Beli. Chariea T. to Wllliam U Beal. e a Brlatow Bt, 227. ft n of Jenninge et. 6 >.>i,r*. l,A>o BorkaL Anna, to Itoes Bchwab, rlo 4o4 Eaat it, " year*.? ??? Rot7'?-. charlea J, axecutor, and an ther to rreder ick \Y C ltorn and w,fo, n w eorner liorg.n ave _ and 163d II, 3 >???:? . 6O0? Btreh, Iaauc C, to Caro Ine I. Ma y. a a 134th at, 160 ft w of Alexander-ava, 2 >oiir?. Bowaky, L*>u'.a. na trua-<-.\ lo Annle Hr wn. ti e 113th al '.27, fl w of Orar.d Bouleward. 1 venr 6.??X) Bader, Frod-rirk nnd Hedwlg, t- John and Matthlaa Haffen, n a laith at, lol ft w of .i. ave. 1 v. ir. TTr" Coata, Joeeph, lo Oeonre M.^n.l and wifo, n a -t. 360 n a of Um In ave, B yenn .... 8.000 I?r.->f.iss B lom n, Hnl ,thor? to tho Metr poll - rlnga liiu.i; n w eorner Sd-at and lai ave, ^^ ; ?? i, M? c a ? . ? ? ? '? \ mhol I ? Rlvlng ton at, 70 ft e of Cllnton Bt, Inatalment*. Davldaon, Martha C and Alexander, to Mary r ? an No '?; Weat 86th et. 14 yeara. r>.i?To Denl m, Henn 31 t< the Bearoen'a Banh f r Bav Ingi ? p ISSth at, ;:-i7.0 ft w of 6th av. 73.6ITO 27.*,00 r.oo 30 ono 4.tvO0 ooo 2.VOOO 2. oon ? ira .? Bama to Abrahara a Idemlth, eamo property, l Edwardi'' w'lil'la'm J.' io Oerald C Connor, ni a Rumalde >vr. at land of M Flnn, S4th Ward, n> , n o ? Burnelde u*e. 61.4 ft a e Of \i th.,nv n\o, ,:..- alment .?. Parre'.l afatttuw, to Bdward C 9h*ebi and an - . r, N '? 3 and .', Eaet 101*1 *t, ' f i ni -tej.wtoM .?. ? -. - i * hatxler, w a ::? gve 301 fl n f 164th ?< ?"> yeare. n w lllara M. I ? Dai l P Wrlght, e ? Cnlon-ave 103.8 ft ? of 150th a'. 1 j -ar. ? .?-. I'm ar 1 Mary, to Ellrabeth Ternan, No 213 Honry-?l 6 yeari. Baroe lo John V McDermott, No 310 Henry ?<. :; yeara .??. Ban ? ? rame, S 212 Henry st. .( yeara. *.??*> ? . Henry .1 W Bucknall, No 210 Henry at. .'. veara . BBvawu Oraham, Laura R, lu Loulae M Begulne. execa trix. eto, ii s 80th it, : l 7s. map f H I ta ! p ; erty ? 1- ? I B J nea, :'? ye in. I.wbj ,:? , ? nd Antonta, to Herman Auguit, ? | nail -? 73 :? ,1 lei ive, $ yeara 8.600 Oahren, Charlei lo John A McObrtl n a 84lh-et, 17' ft w ol Weet End nve. 2 yenr*. n.iaio Heri J b, to Ai ln ' nnlck nnd another, ? . -s.? . .. 280 ft e f llth-ava 8 yeara. S.oon Bai - ?> aarr.e, 8 a 183d al 3n0 fl ' of lltb ave, ;?: yeara.???? 8 " Heai Jaeob to Andrew J Connlck and another, - I ii 27.". ft e of 11th ave, 3 y*an. 8.000 llo-a. Jaeob t Bva Heea o k Ra1lroad-*v ".4 7 f- s ..f 163 1 st. 1 ye ir POll 1 Hofrman. Martin lo Bm '? n ffman Noa 210 nnd '.Ml Weet 4s;!; st 1 ??'??r. ' -^' ?? x- an! wlfe to <"*]ia J i^r^.:- ?, ^ s i.K'l-n iva (wldenedl, :u fl of Lnlon it, 6 yeara..-?? 4..100 ... I, to Al raham Bti rn, n - v\eet 4th st. 20.7 fl n of Weii 10th al ind w a Weet 4th at. 63.8 ft n d Weal l"t! it. 4 :,- nthi 2.000 ! Ba::-.e aad Hn-thor to Mary A Chlaolm, weal 4th " 30.7 ft n of Weel iOth-at, 6 yeara. av.000 Fn-:-> to'aaraa w ? Weal Itb st. 63.8 ft n of Wr~* i"tb 35.004.4 Rellogg, Ellen P, to Tlllo fluarantee and Trual Companv, No B Eaal B3<1 st ;t yeara. l!-.noo .' Luttrell, Margaret, to Edward C Bheehy ar.d an ? ? - No 7 1 :nst 101*1 t, 6 ear* . ?.ooo [jiae Louli lo lh< M tual Llfe Inrurane* Com? pany -f New Tork. n ? c .mer lat-ave and 108th and n a I05th-et, 126 fl w of lal ava, 1 y..:4r . .? ;? B0("'" ' Lowenfrid Plncua, and Wllliam I'mtr-r t. 41 ? F l^everlch, Noa 2f.7 and 358 Madlaon-at. - ^ nW) s \ .'' if>.-,-' :a h',1 .- ?,,..?'. -.; i,O0G Mi Wi Itera, Man*. ' > -v';'* ?'" ? ' n . Ameterdam-ave, -?'? fl '- ?' '??'?'"? -' ?' . n month*, 3 mortgaa**...;.,tl:'';' 4'-"1 i M..:\ Maa t TI mai %l 'xar - - n a 184 l at, ?^.1 ?i .? of llth . I ira .?. 4,i?i M.,-x Bamuel ? ? Ihe New V rt Pu Ho Mhr ry. As- .-. Len .x and Tli len P01 No 01s Weal 77tl s- 5 yeara ?. ?? ? M ,-. : Mb . el - ' Rlver Bat Ing; ln ititutlon, w * Markei at, --' rt n of Madleon McjVrmott. John'and'Brl'dget, to -he Toichor.s' ln.non S.faTO ? 1 Loan '? ? - ?' . nve. 100 ;. ? ilmente <;. operntlve B illdlna a Oolumbiie nve. 1 ft o of Van Beuran ar l/01 O'M-alj Bdward A an,l i:hih"r M, to I har.^a B ?man and another, part of lol 00, map ol land of Wllliam O Ollea, 34th Ward, r, yenrB.. ?oo Rai in Wllliam, to John W le 1 ater, * w tsirner Central 1'ark Weel nnd OOth-at: also. ? . , 100 rt w of Central Park Ueet, 1 and f :-? ? o Theatt, e e ? .;,,.. ft n of l?6th st. 4 ywrau . ?? ? WOO lo Jamea 1 rretl N J?? ^oat , ? | . ?? ft,l>t*J Ba.1! Anna t ?nnle Pennel, No 8.311 B?Taejate ave a reara . ' PprircKi Ml 1**1, '? Henry 0 Itxe, o a Avenue . .--,',. ot Blth at, 3 yHm. l..f? c. ... n....v ?. Blgmund Cnhn, No 10 i.-jt URtl st. 3 venr* _.??. 1:sr"' ii- ,;. ,-.. to .4tephwn and i*H->lln? Moaer, e e Webate' v " 2-?< ft B of Anna Pln ?, 8 montha 1.0>O Bprna i.-i-v U and Predartck a, ?> Leonard T Gaffni - a ''21 st. 300 ft ? "l Park ave, I ? 12..V10 fl.OUO Gecrga A, to Th, ???! ,re A Wo-sl, N , ll'.i ? ? demi nd . nberg Loule H. lo Chrollne C Blahop, a s Ihi1 175 ft a >f Boulevard .'. yeara. M.oiai Uida O Schupp, No lf>3 Avo nno A, ?'. yeara.V'L- l*.ft,o Tho Motl Avenue Methodlel K;ls rpal 'ti'irch 10 the :tr-.-kivn Bavlnga Umik. n w ctt of Motl ? ave and 150th t, 1 vear. '>?n'", Werel neki Frederick "A erahlnahy, \ . 148 <;? ? r, ;i lt. :: m -ntha. BTO eja/i 11 ?:. Man ' ? r^therlne Biesay, v- 1 177 Mac . I."? H .. Alberl, lo Frederick R Bauer, et ul, N 2 4:.h Kl 2 yeara . 1,000 v Ma garel B and Jamea I. lo Luey 1< i(.?.th .a ai. troBteea eto, No I Mangtn-**, 8 ra . f. 876 BCIIjDINO pi^n:-' Ftr.KD. 1": ns for new balldlnga and alterallona have lyn flle,i at ihe Deparia.eni ' Bulldlnga aa f llowai Ni w bulldlnga ?? ,.- n " 1 \. ,;.. ? 104 and Sprtn?-et, N a 1 and r .: ,.-..:?. brl k 1 ank buil linir. 00 lx 003x101.6 Oertnania Bank, .-t No 216 H wery, owner H 1 -n Maynl ke, No 723 Broadway. teel . $200.0.10 1 it, a a 100 fl w of Park ave, f r nx rour aiid-01 o half 1 ? brlck dwellli 1 ? - Wlll? iam V W Oraham No 1.28S Mndlaon ?e, ??s Oraham, v.'.. 1,230 Madleon-ava . 108.000 Prlnce at, N a 13 an.l 10, for a Ove itory brlck flat, w ? -' re, 30.10x60.4; Catharlne Blahop igl rnera; J, ' n Bexi 't., So 306 We*1 22-'. K archll 1. 27.000 12011 at. e e r Manha e, for a Bve ?? .ry brl.'.. fl ? wlth " re, 30x09 10; Pre lerl 1 Bi ? lt ' No 160 Eaal B5th it, 'wnor; John , ::. of No 1.009 Sd ave, archltecl. 18,000 ?-.-,:; iv., ,. m. l.'(i tl s of 12nth at. for thr.-" t:- itr.ry brlck Itate, 27x83.0; laina oarnar and anhltecl . 40,000 j.,. ,e* it, V-.a .".'.' and 01, f r two Bve il .ry '.rl h II1. wlth itoree, 26.1x80; M Manlecaloo, of N . 70 Jamee st. owner: Berneteln A .-4. no. :-.',. 14:, Centn s-. arehltecte . 60.00.1 7 n a. 113 fi a 4 Oolumbua-ave, for a - ? ? 11 ? I n k fl n 87.1x88 <'?. B W H .v 823 lry brlck . 0 Olal Bt, owner; R F I.yon*. archlteci. ; ooo ? N , 70 Weal -. . ? ??? ry brlck atoro: '..,e, Mci r*. r\. wner; .1 O Runce, of No 10 Eaal 14-1 at, ?? ? 1 . 2 100 Nea bulldlnga branch oAce; ? 1 v. . .?:,. ? .? ? ?? for u four atory brlck lenemenl 86x88; B*rtha Edlnann, No ^11 Weet 4(?: ei owner; il J: 'vviiis. No 1,301 Fni ton-ave, arebltecl . 0,000 re, e e. 60 fl a of I30th~*t; for a foor 1 rj hi ' '. '-' '"?' )?'-'?? rli k 11 ? No ?"'44 m irrla ave, rwaer; .; Pehwara, leel. 0. ,".00 ? - -.. , .rr:-- \ 1 - for ten dwolllnga, 17 i'\".<>. Wiltlam L Mnthat, 132 Nai ? 1 ? ? fl ihem, N'-, i.i-:* Madlaon ivi archlteci. 120.000 ' f r :i f ir rory brlrg Hai. 00.11x66.1; Ouata M MIIH \.. 1,17a Kaai 117th Bt, ovner; w 1' , 1 pi ?, archl IS or^i Ifoinr ^t. a B, 21 ? r a ? ? . - ' ime owm r ard archlteci. . 14,r,o>i ^nctioti Cinlco of Ural C'clatr. TRIDAY, JAMJA4RY 7th, 1898, at 12 e'elotk, al the New fork Beal E lata Balearooaa lll i xri'itKiii; (tititr i-iiiii-:cr.o4ii m: ?i%i,e wki.i.i:-'. J:..., , *'*" Th* 4-etory ai itoop nr ,wn il, ?.?? Hw.'i lt,C, v. ..', ^x-.-i alon an.: : ,? rVo. 152 EASI 34th STRCET. Mni?. 4V . al au'-i ....-v . ?? ,. ||] Bjroadwax'. futnl?*)tQ lX*j:irtiniii!B lUiintfb. F.irit OR PIVB BEDROOMI, ot ganall houae, for < ? ?wo or :J,i???? . .:,'!!? fn,m Jan. 16, lefticiicee i * BL m. K., m* Broadwai', Uoom eoi ? ttcnl Cotcite. SMOKY FIREPLACES HADE TO DHAW OR NO CMAROE. Examlnntlone and Fsttmr.tee Free. Referencee- W. 1). Sloane Cnl. Wm. Jay. Fnlon Club, and many other promlnent pe>,pl*. ,T. WIIITI.EY. ""'hlmner Export," 103 Fulton Pt.. IlrookUn. X. T. Tel. 1613. CYRUS FIELD JUDSON, REAL B5rATI2, 33 Nassau St. and 503 5th Ave. AVEST and r*Bt. CLARENCE B TUBB8. .', Beefcman at. Now York. (Titn ipotcla. ? i BOI.'I.EVARO AND 03D BT., NEW TORK CTTT. NBWX9T AND WOgT MODERN OP MbTTROPOLJTAN P1RB PROOP KOTEli. THE EMPTRE la a aelect family hotel, BjOted for Ita heautlfnl and hiimellke fumlahine*. the excelleiw* of Ita rulalne and eervlce, nnd Ita acce*elb:e locattoa W. JOHN0ON QCINN, Proprtetor. !S[FCSW(D?[Pft ffi](!DQn??Q PTJTH AVE. AND BTH ST. Fnropeon and American plsna. Apartmente for porma nenl and tranalent gueata. NEW PCBUC RESTAURANT NOW OPEN. DIHECT ENTRANCE I'itOM STH ST. The ellte tal> ,11. te f, i |1.23: t.*rt ln the city. Con eert every evenlng fr?m 8 to o P, M. CHA3. JATMK8, PROP. dTraPfllcrs' ?}otel pocket Onifte. Phl* llat* Mondaya. We Ineadaya end Fatnrdaye im ELi IF TK Ft deacrtptlve bo kleta cf any Bofal belew, call or iddreaa (aend atami i I 6.1 Flfth Ave., New Tork. < lot Begent st., Lood n. (248 Rue da nivoii. Parla. MOTEiL [rJ?(SDX[E? (LO03DE. ORATIB. (A. P. meana American Plan. E. P Etiripenn.) ILBANY, N. v Stnnwlx Hall. E P., |l np; A. P., $1 ap 3ALTIMORB, Md.Tha Btaff rl lt tei. ?:. p., $1.50 up lo. Mount Vernon Hotel, E. P., $1 up d(.The iMei Allamont, E. P.. fl up; A. 1'.. tu:?< up SOSTON. -Maa*.Hotel Vendome, A. P. $9 ip ] ...!"? pley Bq, Hotel, E. V , $1 60 up; A. 1'.. $8.60 up ROOKLYN N. V Hotel Rl Oeorge, E P., $1. A. P., $3 *HARI.ESTON, B. C... Cl rleaton Hotel, a. P. 88-60 up :HICAOO, IIL.Tba vlrglnla, A.P? $3 6o np; B.P.. $1.00 up KFY WEST HOTEL, RKT WEST.A P. Open all Leon II. Cllley, Mi?r. MIAMI. ROTAL PAI.M.A. P. Opena Jaa It W, H MerrKl, Mgr. MIAMI, BKCAYNB HOTEL.A. P, Opena Dac. 1 H. Ll. Betrla, M?r. PAI.M BEACH, ROTAL POINCIANA, E ] A. P. Opena Jan. 15. Fred Hterry, Mgr, - j % 1 PAI.M BEACH, PAI.M BEACH INN. ' A. P. Opena Dac 20. Fred Bterry, Mgr. OI1MOND, THE ORMOND.A. P. Opena .lan. 8. Anderson dr Prlce, Mgr*. ii ll K S e a a.5|3. 5 ~~~ T-' ''?/.'?':? gj j** a c 5 3?3 ST. AL'OtTSTINB. PONCB DE LEON, AP. opena Jan.19. Roberi Mnrray.Mgr. ST AUOC8TINE, AM'.AZAH A. P. Opena Nev. la J .a. P. Oreavea, Mgr. ( TAMPA, TAMPA BAT HOTBta..A. P. Op^ns D?(. H. D. P. Hatliawav. Mgr. s * WINTER PARK. 8EM1NOL.E ..A. P. Opena Jaa II A. !.. Wck, Mgr. KI8BIMMEE, KI8ITMMEB.A. P, Opena Jaa 8. L B. Bull,.!(. Mgr. OCAIeA, OCALA HOUBE.A. P. Open all year. P. P. Brown, Mgr. HEIt.EAIlt. BEUJCVIEW.A P Opena .Inn. 17. '.V A. Barr-n, Mgr. pt'VTA OORDA, Hotel Prata Oorda, 17. V 11 Abbott, Mgr, FOF.T METERfl PORT METERfl Hotel, , i; .-na Jan. 17. P. M. Abbott, Mgr. apwimia Tenn . Oapoao Hoiel. A p . $3.80 t., u M, i VT i"t leH -'-. ' -- ? *?' balh.A.l $3 ;' vVnoMFRT Ala ... Exchanae Hotel, A. P., $8 u, ?'?u-' :??( . 'l"'-< l" ? H< fharle* Hotel. A. P.. M up .plfth Avenue Hotel, A. Iv. $3 T LoriB M^anten hf4 m , Llndell Hotel. E P.. *l '!' A. P.. B-SO up ....'.? N. V .The ButterOeld, A. P. 13 lo $-1 iraatiivnTOM D C ? %rllngi n II tel, A )? $.', up AAOHINOTOR, i. . Bbh,tt |fo| A p y4 ur '!...,,.Tl.- r.aMgh, B. I'.. $1.60 ?". .... Tl . ? Hoti ,. P.. $4 up "iinnta Vmi?o. Wlllard't ind Xatlonal, A. P . $3 up ',;';? ??M'"1 H,,.rl welllngi n. 1 P.. II 60; A. P $S .' \. Th.- Bui ' li ahem, A. P . $3 up tDintec Hf5ort3. "fHE 8HELBURNE. t4\ftO?aDftfi(iB (B0iL79 (^ oD. Itrectly on the beach. Op'-n thr, ugh Bl tha ontlre year. 11 r J. D riOtmiWICK. Mgr. Through buff-t pnrlor .ar. ?. !a Penne. H lt., leave* >.?d Ktr^o. at i 20, Deabroaaaa an l Cortlandt Bta, at 1:40, HOTEL 8T. CHARLES ati.amtk; i ity. B. J. OPEN AM. THE YEAR. THE FINKST HOTE1, ON TIIB COABT. doat BBOdara heatinn lyetcnv ateetrte iight*. p>m parlora. eievat >r?, ,ni hIi bolel conrenlencee. llot and i' id fr*eh and a.iit water In a.i natha Wrlta for Now lllu*tr*a*d Booklet. JAMEI H I:I.II.I.Y. o.vner and Prop'r. TIIF BQCARLE CLIMATE at ATI.ANTK' CTTT. N. J.. DI'RIN'J TI1K U INTER IS MOBT DBUOHTPUL HADDON KALL VIII, REMAIN OPEN THROUOHOET THE TEAR. ?eas n-.i;,' tleaaurra an.l omiiaem.ri.p liliutra'ed laiok ,, malled. I.llJ.'.'.s A UPPINCOTT. yDK?DK!]0^ OOCT St?0B06a(BS OPEN ALL T1IF. YKAIC 2 mro foe' elevatloa on the CHEOaP'EAKK AND OHIO ItAII.WAT. Moat wonderful watea ln Amertca for ih-oimatlam. |OUl ?nd n*r\oii* tioublea Pullman <*ompartinent Or Ncw Y'-rk 4-.V) i. ro . via l,.-!,ria. |vi,:,|.i lt. ll leedeya, Thuredaya and Kalnrdaya Apply al C a> O ffrea I4B nn 1 I.U3 Broadway, or ofli...s Pennivlvanu t lt Addreea PBE0 BTERRY, Manager, Uot Bp?wg* laik Oa., Ve. rTOTHL BOTAL Krn- k] ara Atlaallc Cltf N I H Heated aon ['..rl r Rpeclal Winter ratea HENRY flM.ER, f.rnorly rf 'he BlharoB. ilctigiouo Xotifrs. D. L. MOODY CARNEOIE Ml IC H ILt* JANUARY I lo II ll nt AtnerVHn Tracl ? . 10 r 28,1 Rlreet. ' It ReveU'a, Pr< ? ? i I at varl mi ". ,s nf Ihe i ? M. ? , |*| Bllon lu lli? ?? For laf in...ti:i and ilcketa . Idre** iv r !>ii.;i:i: 0 1 I I :???..? New Tot. XUiotclluiirou6. UfAVE rott EVER OCENTED THB hwki:t ODOl 11 of Llbert'a Ploeel Perfumea? Tbe] bare no ?,.,?. liyWheie and ar.- tb* chaapMI on th* iniirkei ..,., Id*rlng th* anallty Imp rUd o> JAMMk.h. i?v Uruad ray and 4 Weat 37(h au " liiltMOl. DENNSYLVANIA aTATIOXB fool of WTEBT TWENTY-THIRD BTREET a.nli UEKHBOHHKM AND CORTLANDT STREETa. gJrTbe krevlng tlma rr ni :--,--.- and Cortlantn Streeta is len mlnutea later tban tba) glvea below fof Twenty-tblrd Btr*i Blail 7..*?o ,\. ii. i ast m\ii. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car v?w forn to Pittal irg, nleeplng i bi Plttaoorg t" Chicago, N N..M? A. 88. FABT i'lttaburg and Clereland. t?.r.o A. Bt. PENNHYL.VANIA L4M1TKD. Pullman Compattmcnl Klecptpg Dlnlng. Smoklng, and w/aerva llon i';iis. Kor Cltlragn, Clei > ' ?? Clndnnatl, inap Ha, l. ui-'. i"i.-, St, I. ,.?,??,,.? 1.50 I'. M. I'lUCAUu AND KT. LOtJIS EXPRBSS.? i m Naaht Ut tvla Clnclnt iti), i*h igo. Bt. Ie '-'? r?.r.?i P. .11. H'KMTKIIN i:.\l'l:i ?-?-? l''r ClavetoOA Ll ago, I'.i Toiedi . -x ??? 11 H l irday, 7.IO ?'. 11. SOLTHWKHTKHN EXPHESB.?Por I l?te loiiK. Clnrlnnatl, Indlanapulla, 8t. Loula ".?|| li H .... lall) ai ' v: <'"'"''"'* WAMIIMil4l\ 1MI Tlll-: SOI TH; 7.50, 8 2". s.lO, 0.5u iDinlng Car), 10.80 a. m., li.Jt. i-oo ci Ji "t.\>ng ?? lonal Llm.." nll Parlor and Dlnlng Cara). 4.L'o M.i,K ,?,,. i ;,,, iDlnlna Car), 8.60 p. rn., i-."-> night. Bunday, .-. li. p.2o 10.50 a m. (3.20 Longrea ?I i .1 Um ." an Parl ' . id Dlnlng ?__i . 1.30 ii'intng 1 ?? - I.Inlng Car), s.50 p n . 13.08 nlgbi. FOCTHERN KA1LWAT. Eapreaa, 4.20 p. aa., laOB nlght dally. . .? A'i'I. vvi I'- COAST LINE Eapreaa 8.20 a. BL aad s ????> i dally. , ? C1IE8APEAKE k (illli. RAILWAY. 4.50 i> B*. dally. I". IR iii.ii POlNT COMPDR1 and XORKOLK.- t.80 a m. we. . . | v in |. tn. d ..:?? , rLANTICCTTY l.2t> p m, week-daya (Deabroaeea ana Cortlandi Streeta i io , n, i. Through Buffef larl-r Car and i' mblnad i 'uacb. ... , CAl'i: IIAT. 1.20 p. tn waak-dajra (Paebraeaai and Cbrt Btl rata 1 id p. m i _ Long Branrh, Aaburj \w.t. (tnlerlaken, Bundara). Or-ean <;r..v... and Polnt Pleaaant (from Weat Tw?nty-thlrd Bl.; Rlatlon) 8.30 li 50 a ta., 8.2o, 4.60, 11 10 o. ???? Sundaya, 0.20 a nt. 4 :.o p. m. ifmm Deibroaaai and Cortlandi Btreeta), .< !>? ... m., 13.10, 3.40, 5.10, 11-50 I . in. Bund ijri. '? i". i rn.. s. 18 POR rilll.ADRLPHIA. T.30, 7.80, - ... - :.. u ... m.fxj penna. Umlted), 0.50 (Dlnlng . ... m.50, ii'sn a. m,. 12.50, 1.50. 2.">o 3.50, 4 80, 4.20 tnining iV), 4.50 (Dlnlng Car), 8.50 (Dlnlng ? '.-in. 7.40, S.50 p. m 12.1* nlght. Sundaya, tl to. 8,20, 8.50, :. ... n.fju (Umlted), 8.80, 10.80 a ni.. 1 .*ln -.i .?..-.. 3 :... t :??. i Dlnlng Car), ? ?'-' (Dlnlng <"ir). 8.841 ililntng 11 . 7 m - Mi p, m., 12.05 nlght. Tlrket ofncea Noe. IC1, '.'41 1184, 1823, 111, and 2'U Broadway, I i*- r Houae; Weal Twentj thlrd 8.t Htatl ? ? - - ' i ..f ; i. ?bi -? "orttan 1*. Btr.? l . 'onii Street, --: I Pull ? Sti '. 'M ' I an.),ti Annex S'.i'lnn, Brooklyn; Blaflon, Jeraey I rk . -'.I foj Hrii . . ? . hotel* and re?tdencea Ihr '.k'i to deatln *l n Tclapl ? * .,"1 Elghteentb Street" fnr Penneylvnnla i ...... J. It. HITTCHI I. H ^"OOP. ? ?? ? ral M-inngar. Qew ral I' AT where will why Califomia YOU GO , NOT ? ,_ THISWINTER? | TRY or/ViCXICOr1 THE LUXURIOUS "Sunset Limited" \oir runa a?aal>?a*4*ckly bolweaaej CHICAOOi ST. laOl'IS, nml SM FltAM IMII, vin Cklanagpa * Altaa it. rt.?st. i.,,nis, imn Me. A SomliiTii It. ll?l'i-\o? nn.'l I'n.-Mi ? II. lt.. nml Soiillicrii PaelBa H. lt. F^r fuil i:if..riiint:..ii. fr?e llloatl . | .:.;' ita mapa ri. i tlma labtea alao wael ralea, ileeplng-ear tlckata ri t I tgaga ebaeked, nt?|il> l? ?'?. (!? Hroful?-a>, -?ll iiru.-uittii), or.iiii Broadwag, v. v. City. LEHIGH vXllTy SYSTEM. Itatlona fool of Weal 33d ?. iPena lt. R.), Cortlaadt . 1'Jiimi neon lally, *xcept ?BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESSM trrtv.-a Buffalo B:8S P. U Pulli en Veetlbnta Day toa b?-3 ,-m.! Parl r ?'ars Dlnlt r i irvlee. M.-.iia n ia sarte. Connacta ?' Buffaia with tiiroun'i iieapora to Nati .it at d 11 ?l^:L'>. NTAGARA "A IjIjR, and ; epei tlbu i ratn S. Y. ?o itibitg Uleepera 11 11 ?Si'jn. ?.:.-ti? p, m dail ??..-';; ng onlw il s. n th i i,aim ii::. .t.\f. M I'iiiMv I. .v i! :: ?:? RE, ?:r.\ : \, Ri . ITAVIA PAl/> and TORi ?N 0.1 '. ... bul aleepln rarrtel. J ?N;.-,o. l):iiii |> V. la | - MTIJCESnARRE. rTH ?\!.-. MAOARA 'AII.-:. ind .1 p Inti Weat Pull r to i ? ii i .. td.litlnnal I ? . ? IB' kjK ? ? "S 'J". 90 vi. 20, Ifl "??. ?' ? laya only) A. M ? 2 '.'ii 2 80, an I "fl 2>> nr.TO P M ?n i mm itatlona al 118, 201, 27il. 155, 044 .m 1 1.823 l ' E. 1 Ith St., I5H K - IL. 127 Bowary S '. sS ':'??!. -? 4 Court ':t . M ?r ft ;-.v;i\ nnd Brooklyi ? v ' klyn. N Y. Tr inafai . ' ? . tga fY.rn lotel ? - ? ? ? JENTRAL RAILROAO OF NEW JERSEY. v -., r.?l uaed ezrltialvaly. k Hignala gtatl s li v.--v v r:. ' ? ? f Libei ty .-^t. rti.l Whltah ttl Ten i . Trali b lenve fool f UI ? ":. m an . after N \ 14th. 1807. F^.r Eaatoi Man 'i f*hni '< kc.. 4:3o 7 ?: ;? lu a \i i 12 ibi M. ? ? Baai n) i :10, ::.., 1:18 fl I 1:45 (7:30 to i ? v. Sundaya 4 .:?> (7:00 1 i \ If., 1:00 IM p, \i F r tl'ilkeebarre. Plti n ? -.. :? 10 a. II . :IO, 1 30, i 15 i- '?! ? ? \ V **.ir Readlng ? it 4 :,To, S.-00 t. lo 110 00, 1 30 to Heu.ltni \ M 1:10 i ... (2 ..i, ( ... ? u, , 1:30 ?? :. 15 :. ooi p M ij 15 iiindar* 4 3o ?; 1 .'. > ? . Iteadlng) \ M . l mi ? .??, :. ::'> 00 P If., 12:15 nl| F * Bunbury, Uewlabu.-g an.1 '?'? t 4:80, s-oo. ' io a. M , i 10, i .... r M Sundaya 4:30 A. M.. . ifl 1'. M Hl, It \n. him ri;. i R U >Ni; tlll \'.. ii. . m r: \ \ URi ?VE aa F>>r :t-.i Bank, U?ng Bran 4 I Oeaan '.i-- i , ? . il i ??!?.;? ? p|e taai ? 4 30 ? 30 b> If. !;? i Bai - ? i ,-?, il :30 \ II . i 30, I 45 3:40 Red ?tr.i.ii . nl)., 1:15, i I". 5:88, .1 13 i'. \:. :> ? ? for Ai luiry Park ind i ? ? -i ?;.- ? a), 0:00 10:13 It- i i lai I ? 4. M '. '?> P. M. Iiilt I. UiPAl ?>'". 4:10, I 80, io 13 \ M., I 15 :: M) t 10 (5:38 Baturdaya .nivi p M ln 13 v. M I'r TVimi Rlyer, li.irni'gal 1 "irk. and Minie^nt, 4.10, I 30 A. M I 4.. 4:40 P. \ M )? r v- mtli . Ity Vlna ind, and Brldgeton, 4:30 A, M., :4."i P M K. ? V nmouth i:e?.-v, Seabrlght and Ityhian.Ia ot favealnk 4 30, n 80 n 30 A 11 1 3o, l 4,'. i 16, 4 ?^. 10 P M Sundaya, 8 00 v M 4 .?i P 11 ROYAL BLUE LINE. BO! PIIIUADEI.t'IflA, BAI/nalORJ9 AM) WA.-lI INOTON. Fr rn fo ri ? ' I.II ?? -. Bt We.k daya, 4:?). Brtkl, lO.-OD (11:30 ntn'ng Car) A. l., 2 >??'. 1.30. (3:00 1'iniirz iar), 8:00 P, at., !2:U mdi l:*i i.11:30 Dlnlng Car) A. lt., 1:00, 5:Ot? i>n : - ? .-...;?. r :.! . 12:15 mdt Addltl nal tralna i ?< lya. 0:00 A M . I 1 i, i 00, 4 fjo, fkj l M - in I . i, 0 00 A, M . l ??> P M BOATS I.EAVE Vt'HITEHAI.L TBUMINAL, Wn i; 1,^-4 7 10, 7:83, S:25, N MI k:B5, |?.-0S B:20, 0-^\ 0:00 1" 15, 10:38, 11 "- 11 ?'". II 55 A il , 12 25, 12 15, .s. |:23 1:40, -???>. 3:28, 2:53. 3:33, :t :<".. 1:55. 4:25, ;c. 4 55 fi 25 .'? "... ''? lil .'? 2.1 8 v". 7 ..." 7 90 - . to! 0:35 10:53, 11:40 I* M. 12:!.". mdt Sundaya, 7:00, '..". ln on, 11:80 A M.. 12:00 M.. 12?-.-., 2:00, 2:30, 3:00, 35, 4:20, 4:55, 5:25 8:(k), 0:30, 7 J.'.. 8:23, 8:30, 0:55, ?? ". P. M . 12:15 mdt. '!',.-k"ti and parloi ir aaat* al fool f Uberty r-'t., :-. li.".. 17'.'. 201, 4.:?. 044, I.14'>. 1 .;_; Itn-n.l ray 7:t7 Btl \ 31 Eaal 14th St., 153 Eail li'.tri st., 13 Weal 125th Bt., 2'-\ C lumbui vv . N'ew forh l n Si l - !.'? :? 08 Bn i Iway, Wili . Saw fork Tranafar ?'?.. wlll all for .in.l \. k ' , ? ? ,i-. fmm h.ti ? . ? ? ? - i" .n. ERIE RAILROAD. rk, foot of Ch tral era it., nd I ' ? ? irller from Weal 28 I it: ?:imi \. >!.?' ?;?- i ally foi Ulnghamton, 1 . ? ?: Elmlra. Buffalo, Bl tdfor: \ i 8:00 ? M hai BrlMI P. M^-VeailbMled Umlted faal mall Dally, ?-iil r., n for Ch ? ?? . 7 in \ M ? "hl igo p m .-.??; -s ? ? i"il igo, C ? ? . Clnctnnatl. ? 7i.'tn I". >I.? i" evetand Veal nilad I'xiireaa lally n: r l\ ?? i li'irYiil . 7:03 A. M ?' I 7:17 A. M., .. v M . lei ? I in t !;' ' ?' I M . ? .?; -ra ta .-. l ii iklng tlona for , the Weal I ? I'ai ?.! ir, P. 4|._? ' . traln to C ra to ll n nitTiETB l/X-AIi TIME l tRDM AND PULLMAN I ? Wl. 401 and 857 Uroad ,,? |27 i. areri 1541 I im 125th ll .: ! Al .'. i| |_ ?? ??....- .?::: ai rerri ?. New Vorl -, ! 7j.. Fu'.t -r. st.. t I 21k) Hudi I Hobokai I ? I ? .- ... ? ? i raaldencei . deatlnatl i._ StcamboatB. BosttdDQ) anoa:] &_(&'. ' D nDffiODaDo via : ..r.\|. UKBS ,i IHWICH LINE, . - I?avi Plei 4u |J>| l ... , \ H "- ? Bl . we< l. ? . S'n m r I_wranca ?\..i. KIVE1I i.i'.'i: na N I iar i'.' S It . '? ?! r w ... n n Hi., .-, i- v -.....?. ,-r.i moi ; ii ... i ii:..ii;iM ... i... n.i .ti. T< iNINil fi iS ! Ini:. im - Li ?. - plei :to, ?: i: il Bl., wael la) i only, al ii p m Bfemmera Ifalna and New Hampablre. aTEW'iHAVEN PAHE. $1; Eicuralon, |1.80; Fa?t kt^.iinar Imi.. I'l.r BB, W I: . lallj .-. :. , taeplrd), J 1'. II. lt?:u. nlii.- Iruica Na? linan U.30 Igt.t. "AMIRIOA'B ORBATBST RAJi.ftOS \ NEWYORK (entral ^*-~-/ & HUDSON RIVER R. R. *HE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK LINE. All Ihr a.gli tnilna BtOp ,?t Albany. I'fb-n, Fyraotia*. n ? ?t.-r and Tralm Q and Central KattoB, 421 stre.'t nnd F'.or'h A ..iiiio. .,.. : .; .. S.;;0 A. M Dally, axcepl s;,|n,|ay. Th.. faJIMMM F.M PlRE BTATE EXPREBB, I.IM1TI.I, Faateet Trtm In 'ho World. Due BuffaJo, i i:, P. M . Nlagara Palla, .'..:ij P, M.. Toronlo s :3fl P, M. Thla train la llmlt.?! ?.. ita - itv- Connecta ut UHca for Adlrondack Mountalna end Montraal S,4ff A. M PABT MAIL Dally Por Poaghkeepile, albany, L'tlca Byracuae, R4XheBter, Buffalo, ni , ,'.i Fulli and Cleveland 10.00 A af. -NOBTII BHORE MMITED. Dalhr 24 ir ii'tln to Chlcago, vla M:ehlgan iVntrnl Rout*. Dno Buffal s to p. M., Nlagara Palli 0:30 P, M. Chlcag .- m ,'irs only, lO.nO * M DAY EXPRE88, fio pt Bundoy, F. r ... I nportant New York Btate polnta l.OO P M. BOt'THWBHTERN LtMrTED. Dally For Columbua, Clnclnnatl, Indlanapolla and Bt. Lowla, Bl pe ..: p jghkei l.OO P. M CH1CAOO BPECIAL Dally Por I "??'?? I, ;? .i.-i., iin.i Chlcago. Biopa al Pough l". ; ile ?n.| s- hen, 3.30 P M. TROY AND ILBAKY BPECIAL except ? inday Por Oarrlaon (Weal Polnt). P<)4ighBeepal*, Alhnri" ind Tr .y. B.00 P. M LAKE BHORE I.IMITKD. Dn'I' W hour train t. Chlcag, yla Bhore route. Ou* Cleveland 7.1.*, A M T '?:? 10:00 A. M. Cdileago 4 P. M, Thla train connecte al lleveland for Cln rinnatl. ,iu? 4:4.*, p M. and -,t Toledo r-r Bt Loula. 'I M I" Ifl P *| l.i.. K,r,-. - City nexl m rnlnR. Oar r.?a aleeplng and drawlng mon ? ira ..nlv. O.OO P M WB8TERN BXPHES8. Dally Po* NI . i Falli ? ireland, I edo, Delr dt, Chlcago, C1n< Inr, ul ,-, i g| Loula 0.26 >' Nl NOUTIIKRN EXPREBB. Dally For Trov. Plntteburg, Buriingl n, M ntn il bi I eaoepl ?'-?', urda> n ghta, i ittawa 7..'{0 P M. Bt.'PPALO BPECIAL Dallj Por Adl rondacl Mountaln Polnta .,r.'. M ntre ' vla Adl rondack Dlvlalon; .,-'1 for ':? -heeter, Buffalo, vin?ara : Toi : ' O.OO P M BPECIAL LIMITED MAIL Dally Bleep for polnta on Fall Hr ">k Itv.. cia Lyone, :in,| r.,r Buffalo, Cleveland, Indlanapo Ua and S't. Loula O. I ."? P. M PAiTFIC EXPREBB Dally For Byracuae. ? wn, Cape Vlne*nt, Dgder.pbnrg. itniTai... Nlagara Palla Cleveland, Toledo, <"hu-aK,, and, ex ipt Baturday, f r Ckp* Vlneenl and th* A" burn r ad 12.10 Nlght. MIDNIOHT EXPREBB, Theatra tralfl I ' ? poinr* on th* New York Centi ? ? ?-?. nlght* Bun !i> Bl fl ' ... ?. '? Ifl Tain. 0:10 A 'i in S:28 P M Da y. except flunday. to Pltta D.M) V M . i Plttafleld and the Rerkahlr* II II i , ?' a llatlom 1' I "AM. MioH">" TRAINB T" YONKERg. "All nlght" tralm ? 156th Btreet and potnti n Ihe 1 tnai : ? n aa far aa 1 nkei?>. In ???? '? " wlth t! e - | "all n,*,hf ul of n.-h ir, rk. U'uKnrr Pali ? ??? f'ara . ?: all through train* Tr* na lllumlnated wll Plntech Llght. T(.-k- ? ,m.l 'Vagnei .fflcea at Orand rentral Btatlon. U.t, 201. 413 Broadway ::l Eaal lfh Hl.. B?2 Broadway, 115 ua \v. 81 '? ? 12511 -? 126th Bt. Btatlon and l.TSth St. Btatlon, New Y rk. 333 and 720 Fulton Bl 100 !?;>., Iway, :?:. O.. Br oklyn Tolephone ?'27:.i Tnlrty-elghth Btreet" for Now York I ? ? fr, m hotel or reatdenea by " ?? Weat eott Kxpi ii , my. JOHN M. TOI'i EY. OEORGE II. DANIELS, Oi: eral Man iger. Oeneral Paeaei DEL., LACKAWANNA *M? Vt BB I I'.lt% K. H. HtMtloaa In >|.|i-Dirk, I'iiiiI i?f llnri-lny mimI Chrialoataer Mieoia. YI'STIIII l.l'll TRAINB, I'll.l.HW lll FITT ( \R>. PlVlst II I.M.II I. L'lre-t n ule Ni ?? IKK UU " M ? ??'? iNTCLAIR. THE ORANUEB Kummlt, I ?? ? - iiklng i. .. ??, , . \ ? |ai wi ) alc. Patereon, Bi n lon. Dovei ? ? NEWTON, UCL'U'ri LAKE |,AKK li' ?PA !'?? ?' ?? II ? ' ' ??> : - Hi ? 'I.lM --1 MO NTAIN. Wai lugfon PIlII.LtPBBt'RO. EA8TON. V, \ rER 1SAP. .-i Ri il I'-'H' !'?; m ? SCP.ANTtiN, irnslo.N W i.K . ...:::. NANTI ..:, DANV1LLE NORTHl'MBERIfcXND, V ?'" niNOHAMTON, OXFORD, S'OIIWICH B'al vllle, ITICA, RB'HFIELD 6PRINOB Cortland BYRAi'i'r ITH \CA i WEOi ?. FLMIRA. CORNINO, BAT1I DANBVIUbE. Bl FFALO and aii ; ? ?- IVES4T, Ni ?R rtlH KST V.ND - '' .."'? I' T 1:00 A M BINOHAMTON MAIL rOope al princlpal ?latli i I0:0rt \. M. (Cafe Car) BL'PFAleO, BCRANTON, BINO? HAMTON, ? [TH U'A, BI.MIRA I I'PA. RH1IFIKI.D SPRINGB SYRACFBE, ind OBWEG0 , n Purlor i'an i'oi necllng al Buffal ^ ith tran ? ' ? . Veel poo p, M. BCRANTON, tVIMCRBHARRt* and ELMIRA EXPREBB ? Car. 4.00 V M. 4CRANTON, WII.KEBBARRE ?ND PLYM OITH EXPREBB I - ' ar. 7.00 P. M. i -. ? Mmlted Expreei Bi'RANTCN. BINOHAMTON, F.I.MIRA, Bl'F ... M-, N.-,\ \ rk ? g-( '.,: nost f I '' ? r m iDaMvi Buffalo R*pre*e Pu man Bleeperi .' - BCRANTON, BINOHAMTON, ELMIRA, HVTTt. MT MORPia and HI'I M. ? rrlvlng In lluffalo ? A M P30 l?. M iDal!) Bl'FFAIA BCRANTON BINQHAM Ti IN OWBOO ITHAi A BMIIRA, SYR \CX' IE USWEOO EXPREBB. Pu'.lman Buffel - \NI' li 1,1,MAN ACC ifMODATIONi at H. ??> ; ..? ,v S n?, t.lmltod. 113 Br idway, 14 Park ? tao lirondwai and 043 Tlcketa al f..-:r> i, 111 4il. ave., .? .r !2th el . 61 VVeil 125th lt., .'.'ir, . \ ??? v rii. "as and 730 Fnli n it and n. Tlme-l ? I i Inl * ? "VESTCOTT KXPREB4 COMPANY Wlll ^a". for an.1, tel or real lei ... ? .. BALTllVIORE A OHIO !..??,.? Ne? York, Whltehall Termlnal, Bouth f-?rry nr-.l fa t ?f Ul ? rtj "?. , . Runday. (rSundaya. niir.tOO ?; ' ?'_? un d. n-. and .11.18 nixht. PITTBIirRO. '4.30 n. m., tl.fB p tn.. 12.00 p. Bk, ?12 16 nlghl .i I." *rtj Bt >nly.i CINCINNAT1 ST. l.'.''IH. ?l. n. ni.. '6 .",6 p. m. IVABHINOTON BALT1MORE 17.53. ?10.00 iDlnert. ?11.30 . *-'"" (Dlner), t.t 26 IDIner), ?A50 ?? . | ? ? : -12.1.*, n;*ht. .1, ?? \ 1 ::o n. m. NEW ORI.EANS (through eler-ren. t.1 i',, |2 00 p. m. Ina are th Plntach l-'xht. 11.1 172 Ml, 4:0. tlio B'dway, "1 E. llth-et.. ? \ v 330 :ui Full n ii . Hr oklyn; whuo Baggage checked from hotel r re* ' 1 ? , . .,, ., WEST 5H0RE R.R, Tr.,l:ic leava W 42 1 Bt. a, N Y.. BB followa, and ? ? : f Franklln Bt.: H?:i.-i v \r i , , f 1 Mbany, (i.-a, iyracuee. i; 1. Buffalo, Nl igai 1 Palla, Fort SVayne, r le 1 1, . . tilili p. M. I ? ? Montri ,.. t'tlca, Byra H :':',il 1, Nlagara I ito, De 1. ila 4:1.-, p. M Dally I l Byracuae, R -hea ler, ; 1 : ? ? ? . Detrolt, ?. Ul '. 'I s. Tlme ta tela and ofBcei ,? 1 ? rer Ae^nt, wlerl ? v Xew V -k. Pnbltc Soticf3. 3LrPKEME COL'KT.?ln tbe matter of "ihe a;. pllcatlon ' tb* 1* ard of I ? .,? aad Im , r en rnl f tt.? Ctl I Ntn 1 k, b; I .?? I' unael to :. t uild elty, relatlv* 1 ? acqulrlng titi* ,, 1 ii,- Uuyor, Aldermen and Cboirri nalty ol tlie i ity ol v,ia \ 1 k, 1 -i l iln ih ? 1 imenta ind preml ei In the rwent) iec nd VVard of ihe * 11 \ ,f Kea v rk i unded b> Eleyentb and Twelfth ^^' A'esl Plfty-eecond, Weii Flft) l Ird and .Ws-t Fifty 'ourth itreete. dulji ? ? cated and lald oul a* an 1 ' 1 a publlc ; irk, under and ln purauanc* ,f tb* pruvis 001 of ? r,pi.i :i2 . f Ihe L.iwD ..: I8B7. Pureuanl 1 the provlilona ol Chaptei .".20 f the Lawa r ibtvT, notl ? .- hi iv * ?? tt. ,1 an apptlcadon win M made to th* .",?? Courl of the Btate at Nea Y..rk. ii a Bpa lal r*rtn : aald C urt, to 1.rld nt p;,rt III. in ihe Countj Couri houao ln 'h<- citj r New 1 ik. ,1 l' Iday, ihe 21-t da) oi Jan erj IS08, ,,t the ipening f tl rt on lhal ia. . .- s . rl thereafter ,. <--I i-an bo hearJ I n, 1 thi app intment ,.f .'ooimleeloner* >f K tli iti In the al ve-ei.titled matter. The naluri and 11 it of the Imp *nd*d I* th* a 1 ii?" '1 of tltle h^ riie M,,.:, Aldermen t the City ol N-w \, rk. t , . ,-n t|n, i.??,??." I ? ? ' ' ? I i ??:....-. a ln Ih* rwent) ?..1 Ward ol the >'ity of New York bounded .. Eleventh ivennea, VVeat Flfiyeecond ,Veet Flfty ibird and tt>?( Flft) fourth ati,,.rs. m fe? mpla ?!??,,:.,???. th- aame ? be ?>;-.' 1 ?;.,:.? . . ni erte 1 ? 1 to and f' i 1 . ? * 1 , : hepter ia, of the Lawa .f i-1.,, aald property having been duiy elected, loc?ted and inid ? ut h> the H nd ,( sIr^,.t Ipening and Impr retneni of the Clt) of .\ ??? yor^ 8s ind for a 1 1 ?rk ui le a,., :. , ureuance of th? irovlatoni of aald 1 iupt r .-'?> of thc Lawa .f ]s.*/r un,l)( he followlng-deecrlbed toia, pi*cta ,r parcela of land, lamelj - All '? s- lota. p'ecea or parcela of lan.'. in th? Twenty. ? 1 Ward .,f th,- > Ity .,f Now York. o.jund-.l and de nrib.J aa followa, '?? "lt: PARCEL "A." Begtnnlng at tbe interaectlon .f n-e weateriy llna of Elevertb avenue wlth the ?? ,f u>ai Flft* hird Ptr.-oi, atid ihenci (ll runnlng w**t*r|. ur nc aald iouth*rly Iln* of Weel Flfty third itreet for ? dutance r 000 f?et t. the eaaterly ime of Twelfth avei,,,, thei e 3) runnlng *outh*rl) Blong iald .?,,."-rl> nne ,,f 'TuH..,n iver.ue for ?? dlatanc* of ?0 feet and I0 m.hea |o the lortberly nn* uf ueat Flft) ??? nd itreet: p,,.,, ixi unnlng eaaterly along aald nonherle llne of Weet Fifty ? | itreet f.>r a diatence 01 a,a) to th* weiteriy la* of Eleventh nvenu*. 1 enc* ,4. runnlng northerly I ng Mid reeterly llne 1 : . eventn avenua for a d ,f 2 of the areaterly llne of ;i*v, ith avanue wlth th* aoutherly itne of iVnit Flfty ourth itreet, and Ihrnce (ll runnlng weaterl) al ng . Id . ;?>.? v llne f weal fplftj fourth s-r.-. t , ., ,, ? mn feel ? ? ihe eaaterly llne t Twelfth avenue then 1 II runnlng aoutherly along aaJd eaaterly \iM ,,f Twelfth t 24io feet and m Inchei to tha lortherl) llne ol ^o?t Flft) thirj itreet; thence ,a? run ilng eaaterl) along ?ald northerl) llne ..r \\ ,.s, r.., hll l a'.i-'t r r i dtal Wi >? of H00 f..,.( t i Ih* n..,t,r|y oD4 if El*vinth avenue; thence m runnlng northerli alooa ? aterl) I ?" f Elevi i for a dlatnnce 0" U< f?.-i rnd I" Inche* t" the plac* r poini of bealnnina The lota plecea r parcela of land ibove deacrlbed .,r., hown wo iwo imllai m.,is. piam an l profllei accuta ?nled wlth eiplanelor) remarka, rn.i i,- t,v the' t?.- , t :,? ni of l.i" !? Park*. each if which ia entttled "Map* howlng -.. ptibll park we?i of Rleventb avenue between nd .1 , I Plftl f irlh atr.ela, ln ihe Tttenty I .?. ,rd ol th* Clly pf New v,.-k.'' ??* of which ald mapa ia Oli I In the offl ?? of ihe Bcglater K.r (h* iit. ? . f New York, md the >'th,r .f which i? tiir.i .1 the .,'t'u "f the Departmenl ,1 PuOIK pjrki ln aald n>. Th* p.tll Board of Stre.-t Openlng Hnl Impn.vemonl mler un 1 m purauanc* ,,f ihe pi irlilom of iald .-'..ii-i^r So of m,^ i-.Nv?f 1187, haa determlned thai thi propur ipauae 1 ba Incurred tn unjnirtng n,^ [and ,r iuch i'ft 10 be 1eepM.1l upon ihe property, pereone ind eetate lo be beneflied h> th* a, lulaltlnti nnd con inictlon f P'l.ti paii ihall b* iwent) :tie per cenl . of n* quarter of pm, ;, expenaa; en.i aald Board haa i>l*u latcrnilncd that th* moa artthln which iuch evpet.a* , . - . ihall !??? aa followa . m '? .? n rth by ??lft, nxib atreel; on n,e aouth bi Port) 1 , . > 1. iaa eaal ty Nlath aveaiae, aad on mr wr.i iy Twelfth ivenue Datfd N (W V rk. I .e.-ember ?4ih. 1HU7. rKANCIB M S'HTT. Cutmael to th. i rp. r.vtlin, No. 1 Try.,n P.ow. New r.,rk catat STOCKS AGAIN LOWER, BEABB ATTACK PBICB8. BOND MARXCT IRRaWULAR -MOKST AJtrj EXCHAKOE, at thi: rrorx rxoianob JArTCABi IKAUV.S |N BONDI AM. BANK STI/.-K3. 18000 V 8 to Corn 1807.111* 2000 L .\ .\ ? ^SJOW .V, 4.. Rog 1007.112H ?. I la D 4 v 10 C n'm.-ntnl Bk. .130 '?li-ii -A 100 M-rianta' Hk.llxW lOQllll \I ? I l)en SalaT 2o0i' Am Coi 1001*1 N< if 1000 da . 112*4 '?"'? 11:1 1000 s 1* 1000 Can . uth 21 .l"i< 7000 d 1 l'r i. ?'?"??.? 1. 1 i a n ?-?.'??? 2000 ' ? i '.' (ai mn ? , 7 ' ? ? . ? i. :?>>i- lat.112 * _ 17 . ' - t :.?.?!?.. ?..:??-'?;- ,\ 1 .. 1 ? ? .- UlT c 1 a 1 b M : ?: 1 1 ???? ? 0 ' 8 ' - 1 Sooo do.i' ? ? .'?' li*?00 <; H a Ben ?'"-? '? 2: li '.-"i M I 1' ll\ 5a. 01 500O .28 20 . .; H .v 1! Ba .. -?? . 1 00 t" P lat -.?7 , . ri-tnat 1 '4 gorio Qa Pa ? lai 8 ' ?" '' P E?t H r 6* .,s . . M- -. ? ???Hl* 10000 h a tc a 11 ?? >\ ?'??"? 1 i* ??'? ""- ? sono in.; [ a li i?.. n* 2tr? ? .11-*a IVKIO [, wa ?? lai 5i 00 102000 . ,11] ;t?.> k'fi .? MI) I* 1 ' 2000 V ? - 3 000 K 1* P a Q lat. 7S'4 1000 'i . . * ; ?". do . . ?'?-. ? ? ?? .'"S 1000 K. ?' ft Pae lat.. 71 ' "' do . I ?? . ... k Plit foi R '- "I1 '?"' ' ' lOOO Lec Uai lai 8*.103 ?' ?"? ?'? ? '" B?. "? .? ??? 1 !'. B W !?' Bj 1:- ' ? I . ? |.?io I. B gt M B 1*1 '? ' ' . "' 4 .-. .. :".?". ? ? .- . | 1000 d ? -'?' Reg ....118 '-'"? ' ' ' IO00 d 8Ha .l"l'? ?'"" '"? R< -' * ? ? r. g M Klv !?? " ?' ' ' ' 1 ?'? tiii: oeneral list. BAILR >AD BTi ?. 1 1 ?:>. 1 -1 \ . ii;.-n II -. 12 . I - \'k 1 34 34 12*4 I2S ? 1.1 14 * |04 107 ?' 1 4 22*4 22 . , Bli 5ti, - . I "1 1 . 21 ? i 170 1 21?4 All-any i Sim r .... J |. . r - 'il Al '. T ;? v H :?' \2\ ? 1 ? i-re:. 30 iiut * f)hl.... :-'. i ? 11 ,i- 11 Sw By pf BAN 1 \I. tli- ? I ? ? I'.-itY u a " "s - ? ' ? lo pref !'.-ir r It ' ? 1 !,. - T-rin g Tr 4' .. -.": Can Bouthern.. ?"'? i ,,n >' i. !'i ' i enrral of N J. 05 '.?" . ?? r,"-. i: ?? : t'hea A Ohl 21Ti -'"- 21 . -' ? i^ . .-. v: . ? prel . ? . hl- Bur a w.' B8?4 IS5 Chl .v E lat III. I ? I do t>ref. ? tttlr . pref . .. 80 30% ."?> Del .v il (anal. 111*4 112 111 112 nt Del I_?-k a VV. I55S l.'.-t-, !'?' ? ?"?'4 : I M ? Cl C2 112 154 1,881 . * ? r ?".7', Den A Ri > 'ir ! , pref Dea M ft Ei i > do pref Brla . ? | ?? f.. . d '.'! pref. Evana -v T ll.. '. . pref Fl VV B Bl Of ? - pf. I ' ? 1.". I2?i 12*4 IZ%a 1 i: ? liv. |4H 14 . .17 103 10 8 12 1 ? 32 . ? . i: 71 '" -,:. 103 103 IM do I, I. 4 ;?? st - - .: . - ? I ?? lopref. - . M 'I Ke i< .'C- Dea M - - ? i pref Kp .k g Weat. ??'? ? ? \ ~ :; ? ? ? ? 8 . ? ? K it . rj P ft (1 2"K -? - 9 ' I, E 4 Weateri 6 ? Pt-f . 71', 71'. 71', :r. 7. I. s g Mtehf4o. 1T"\ 1""\ I7..\ 17?\ 170 \, ..- i-. ind. :. ita a- Saah. . 58*4 .'?'.?? ?'?" . ttan '??n? 112 11- 11" ll \; \ i anl Ud). '? M ,-. ntral , ' ?? 100 100 100 l'i i l 1 Ut li... 11 " . Io 2 pf 5 pc nc II Kai 8 Ti 33V 35H ';'. M - . . :? i ? ? ' ? ?i>b * O M -?'.- B Oaaeji '? " '?" . N S ' i ii ii ? 105 : -. 121 1-4 15*. N \ ? ft Bt L do 1st j.tvf ? lo Id pref. N Y L* k ft W. N Y N H ft H K Y . -it & \v.. N V gttl ft W ri ? . pref. N rf g West. . . J.. pref. N irtl -rn Paclflc '. ? pref. N ,rf g B mth. .. nr^ Ry ft N'tv.. .1 . ;rr! . . . --. rt Une. ??* I Eaal I-p.. Dec g liv. !? i i'h g Bl I. 40 do pref P vt w * ? ? |i ? Pltta * Weal pf 121 l-i |S\ 121 134 12 47 ; 121 IM ? l-:i ' . ? 85 11 .-.-', 2>> 1-". i" . so aa 20 -?" - ' tas ? i" . 54 ?' i?a n Bl -. ' ? 7 . 1 41 , ,? .- ?- : as .1 22'-. 21% - ? 4n'v 40V, STiUfpref:;.': v>* *?'. ' ;. Jo 21 pref ....J '< ? -' _ ?-. Ba r.i... I ? ? . 1 M i ?: Ra, . | B ra ''.:! ... I<:,?':Uv'""rn ? m m .v. ? R.?,;..)rw A-'K. ii' '23 W ?? ; . Bai?at*Dref !'.'. ?'"'. ?"';-' ** isx' 4''' ' ,;.'.,'.,V,.f . i7?. i7*4 ?????. '??? "- ib S- I.'n'.v t II pi I. ii ? H i tha & I'ui. K,,,''.,';.f" ' '?; &tha^a1rae C . '- - ? ^. BW, I lAmther- II" .. -1 - ?? 8% ?'-. W | ,1 ..r-f 80% S0*a -"'??. 80 Ft I>?ul? * s B". 7> : t A . lat oref 5a\ 66*4 "??' -, ' '. ? ? ? fegj prel .'.-:....:.--' Ti ie* \ Pa '.'i ? H'. Ita Twln C R i- ' ' IM ,n Paclrlc. . 28*4 2.-.\ ^ fn Pac n * '? - lA'abaah . TV? ... , pref. 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