wlth whlti satin and adorned wlth ateel b ucklea
ro attack expecto
The v.' n'l Health Protectlve AaaoclaUon la
golr.g ? the new year wlth a vigorous rru
?ade againat expectoratlon and bakeahopa par
dcu'.a: y the 1 rmer.
"We wlll have the law etther enforced or re
*ea!ed." remarked ,ve preeldent, Mrs Trautman,
'eaterday morning, after lha regular monthly meet
Cg. "Or.e or tv. ? convlctlons would settle the
natter or.o way or thi thei nd tl it l what we
nter.d t aecure
"The whola aoclety haa raaolved Itaelf Into two
ommltteeF. one to afack tho expectoratlOfl
lulaanre. and the other to opiratl againat the un
anltary bake bopa One of the membera loggaat*
ri thai thi who!- aa. lety ehouM engage ln the
ormer work by dtatrlbutlng leafleta on expectora
lor, to every one Been to vlolate thc law."
Aithoueh th?se twn aubjactl had more attenrlon.
era were nol negli ted for lt was the day ap
- i for tho rea i | of yearly report6, atal the
f the organlaatlon waa revlewed
Mlsa T eresa Barcaiow, reportlng for the Btreel
? -. aaid that the wlnd and the
'???.. worked at crosta purposea, the
? wlngi waftlng thc dlrt Into ind the
Meyer 1 I what ahe had aeen ln the
trt experlei
re. Cocl bea were i
? : i. and tl ? mannei
n n so delightful that ? ?? ? I Ihem had
? ? hla doga mi her if ahe ever re
? ame In for
? of ? nelderatlon, and a letter on the
f from Mra A. M Idi berger, thanklng
g up thi work.
? noi ? 6 more exasperatlng t; an to t
r ln the
laeet wlth, >ui
Bto lering th< w lei aa a
ai .,??..?
, ? . r a on the
? ; ? ?? ? ng one Inti the
? ? ??'? by h wom ' -? In an
rgai izatlon
??'??? ns; of pet doga.
Mrs. 1 Commlttee oi
? thai the
,;,-? ... , .. | .
t thai 1 rkvhlng be lefl on
ol the j latforma
A req from l ? ? ?-, aak
thelr blll waa pre
ler.ti ? era refuaed to | i any reao
lutl n Itfl 1 roved of tho
" ' : ' alei
. ? oted that a
?? ? ? ' ? . ? - '? i.lutlonj be pri ented to Ex
I'residenl IVIIaon of ihe H.aith
'olonel VVarlng. i ? ... th-m for
' ? ? rlna thelr
'?' ;! ?" ^;"- Wyi k, ln anawer to
' ? - r waa
'??'??'? l!l e would be
ety al
? ? ' ? '' ' lutlea
era told
t the n f her
i . . ?
?? .
H. R A.
? ? ? ? I ? ?? ,
tlon (..??. t| |
rhat If
' 11 ? , iral
.??:.?> ". rland
w . . ? ? J ry 8,
of the IValdorf blda falr
... Tha
k ton n ill to be chlld ? wl l ln
an lt
wlnter. for thi neflt of t
? .???" v..,.,-.. headquartera are al No 14
? ti are
. th'-re
isi haa tx ? n
? - Q ? . ? pald to tha
iting, the i leavor beli
kave i i u
? aerv ?? 1 bi t: i<. ta maj be
o ned i y applylni to the pi ildeni ol tl ?? Bo. I
* i- ratlve An, Mra J.. .\ li I.M ? . I
:' I ? ? ? ???.
The play "All a ln W nderland" waa adaptad by
Mi :,.? afli. J from ttn of ibal nami by
? . from Ihe rompanlon vol
? :?.'? "Through thi Ixtoklng-GIaaa." Bhe haa taken
from each one the aaenea b? Bt calculated for aiaga
- ' nd haa combined ihem Into a plaj which re
? tw . .. ? foi Ita pei formani e ll
'?; ",- w< ? ? All ? and the IVhlie
,' hrougho il the origlnal
? . Mr- I*. i,
fbld having merel} cul m,<i condenaed t., auli her
? ? ' ?' the oeai . . !a that ln which th ?
Wain- nd i t.'ai nter appear The oyeteri
whoai ... [he p ? i.. appear on
tha stttge 1" a etevetiji coutrived Uro?) acena.
? .? tho othtr rhaptera illustratel are thosc
llng the i'h> - re Cat, the Hatter and the
M r ; Hare, the Jabb-rwo h and thi Mock Turtle
'!'..-? plaj loaas wlth 1 he trlal-by-Jui y acem
The Soclety of Decoratlve Art now ?')i>r>orts
ni two thouaand people (>>? t;..- w,,rk which i:
6 oul It haa be n ati idlly Increaalng i*s tlon
of w rk. and aluce Mrs Delafleld aaaumed tho
prcaidency the who!.. Boclety has beon reorgan
Ized and put on a thoroughly buslnessllke basls.
The Board of Managera haa been Increaaed from
tweive to forty-flva and tho women Intereeted
are worklng hard to !noroa?o the usefulness of the
organizatlon Tho aoclety 1? prepared 10 take or
dera fr-.m archltecta tr*r tlio Interlor domratlon and
upholaterj of houaes, maklng thla as much a part
of Ita work as tho embroidery, whi<-h many p.ople
erroneoualy auppoac *>nstlt itea ita entlre labor.
The patroneaaea of the entertalnmeni f>r Janu?
ary * are Mra Thomas P Young ir . M-s Alfred
I'drning 1 lark. Mrs Morrla K .losup. Mrs. Will
lam :' Whltney, Mr.-. ., B. Trevor, Mrs Henry
Burden Mri J. E Alexander Mrs LevJ P Morton
Mr. Oeorge De Poreet, Mrs John Jay Mrs J .1
Aetot Mr- ,- b. Alexander, Mrs. .1 W. Plnchot,
Mr.- Eugene Kelly. Mra John P. Munn. Mrs C M
Hj :?? Mrs ,; 1; llaven Mrs Edwln Paraona, Mr?
H H Kunhardt, Jr. Mrs E. E, Poor, Mr? Julos
Reynala Mra W F. Klt-.g. Mr? w Bayard Cut
tlng Mra VYalter B. Jamea, Mrs. J. Kennedy Tod
and Mrs. II. U. Hoyt.
THE DAY'fi 0088IP.
T"i Ur the auapleefl of tho Amorli-an TnsMtute of
PhrenoJogy, Mlaa .tossio a Powler arlll begin thla
i v. nlng a courae of four lecturea on montal bcI
ence, lllustrated by atereoptlcon eiewa. Tho aub
jeel Ihli evenlng wlll be "Tho Temperamenta
M< ? ' tl, Vltal and Mi tlve How to Judge Thorn
People We Meei." The leriure will beg 1
. ? v o'clo k al the Ami rlcan Ii I ' I ; rei
gy, No. 27 Easi Twei ty-flrat-at.
The Commlttee on Mualc nnd iir.-.ma of Chlropean
wlll meei n 10 i <>' lock this morning at thc home
of Mrs- j. ]?- Bcholee, No. 126 Hooper-al . Brooklyi
Arrangementa for the nexl mualcal and queatlona
of Importai e a III 1 ? dl cu ? I
The Photereone Readlng <'!'ib wlll meet thi
afternoon al Mrs. 1. p Hawley'a No. 161 Han
Brooklyn. Mrs Clarence E Beeley wlll
, - : Mra H A Tuttle a 111 coi tribute
e on Taaio.
The flrai of tho three BUbacrlptlon ci n~orts to be
glven by the Rublnateln Plub of New-Tork will be
.-.. nlng al the Waldorf-Aati ? la ?
.t ? ?;.. o'i loi k. The dlre tor la VVII'lam R.
i 'hapman
M-s Roaalter Johnton, of New-Twk, win thi?
ftemoon addreaa tho Brooklyn Auxlllary of th.
New-Tork Btate Aaao latlon, whlrh wlll meei al
me of Jamea l>fferia, No 668 Flathush-av.-..
Bro klyn, al 3 o'clo k Tha auxlllary la o|
1 , ihe extenalon of suffrngo lo women
After nn Intcrmlaalon for the holldaya, the
Bw&ml Abhi I ' wlll resume his ta.ks on
Indl n phlloflophy al Motl Memorial Hall. No M
or ave., Ihia ev.-nlng at o ovio^k. Ihe aubjei *
?Monlam and Monothetam.
Miss Fteld'a Diill ln Parllamantary Proeedure
a II bearln thi" morning al II o'clock a- tho i,..Bgue
fo"politlcal Educatlon. No G08 Plfth-ave
The Laague of Parentl and Teacbers will hol 1 lts
tenth regular meetlng al I o'clock this aftornoon a*
Barnard C llege Boulevard and One-hundred-and
."'..', |,..h st An addreaa wlll be mad<- by Dr. James
. ;......, profcaeor of pedagogy ln tha Tcachera'
Any ..nc Intereated in tho work of the
league is Invlted 10 atti n i
The programme ot the Jamaira Chatiteuqua Clr
C|6 for thla evenlng la aa rollowa: Quotatlona from
Longfellow, anBwera to aaalgned queatlona on thc
,,,., chapter In "Soclal Bpirll ln Am-i
Mr- C M. Klrhy; Ihe artlcle In
. iq?a*n*' on "The rity of Berlln." out
.'??>. 1 iiia D l"" ; ?; eaBai on Helne, by
. , 'r . ... on Iferder, by Mlaa
;- . New-Tork braneh of the Moravlan Bemlnary
v?'? ..', abso latlon wlll glve thi annual lun ?
ti, iV'.,.' the Hotel Manhattan, Forty-eecon-l-al
V; .;-avo. Covere wlll be lald for ? -?rgi
'. ? ? t ., ta, wl 0 wlll all down to tho bai quei
ai 2o' I '? _
Th( nex1 , ? ... .,' the regular Gunton Inatltuta
' . .. nriii be glveri by Prealdenl Gunton this even
. |ng ,,t f. 18 o'clock, in Aaaembly Hall.
. Building Flfth-ave. and Twentleth-at.
, . w, 1 be "Wlll Proteetl m Alwayi Be
Wat( . . ungB wen held In Newark, N. j..
Year'a Eve by Ihrae of the w,.-..,- ?
-..,..- ml >na and on New fear'a
., , o| ?. :?- bcpl ? open h< uae " Thi
, .? i-. ; over elghl hundred callei .
*. ,, wero lubatantlalli eniartalned by roaal turkey
? .",. ...... ... ml inta if a aquare meal " A
ir< Idlna, ???? ' (ha grooi. well
. . a-ore the dUtlngulahlni col >ra haa
t ;,.., i, ,r th. s. ond Vtfoman-a Chrla
arl ? :. eordlally wele. m. ?
;,,?; "kn Bhl or me new chlvalry."
Hary it,. t r lecturea : ,-da>- al Publlc
* , .'. , | |-,lV ...... n j.. on "Thi Btory ' ? ?
At the adjouraed meetlng of the Boar.j <,t rgda- 1
, ..tlon of New-York ' My. Mlas Anr.a farey of j
Bchool No 6, waa retlred on accounl of III healrh
At tba monthly maattag pf thi CcJaaabti rmver- j
atty truateea " eoti of lhanka was tenderoo1 to Mlaa
patherina ii Bruce for a arift ,,f a mim of nwn?y J
,,,,,',,? BBtri tomli 1 laboratory, wlth wirtch to oarry
,,,, poal gi iduale w,,rk
The inatlnee pertormance at Jloyta b> tlie atu
laatl of Mra. Btanhope U'heutcroft'a l>rainatlc
ichool haa been noetDoned to Janu-rv ?. One of ,
the d*hutantr? on that ocoaalon wlil be Mlaa Hope
Tetnplej aiiov* fiimllv Is promlnont in ("nnndlan
Tho fcn-.lnino deaolcoe of whlst flnd thomsoivos
with a fall ::ht: i thls week. Teeterday nffrnnon
tbe I.on^ laland Woman'a Club hoid Ita weekljr
tonrnament tms mornlng tho Woman'a Whlst
Club tncptj, and thts eyvntng If woman'a nlicht
ai tbe Knlckerbocker WhM Club. Thuraday nlght
u xueal nlghl ai both the Long laland ?nd tho
Woman'a Club, and Prlday nlght is woman's niK'it
nt tho Broadway Whlst Club.
Thls mornln* at 11 o'clock Prnfossnr Russoll wi:i
tel] tho womnn'.s law elaaa of tho New-York t'nl
veralty about tho "Statute nf Prauda " No llcketa
aro raojotred, and all wotnen mtereeted in law are
Invlti : to be pr< anl al this as .it any of the law
? ' ? ires upon Monday, Wednesday nr Prlday morn
Inga or eveninga,
The Bocloty for Polltlca] Btudy rosumod Its ropn
lar waekly meetings yeaterday nt No. TJ> Weal
Plfty-elghth-at. An Intereatlng papor on John C.
Calhoun was read by Mrs w. c. Brewater.
The Twelftb NiRht Club heM its regular monthly
mtotlnK yeaterday afternoon at No. 23 Weal Porty
fourth-at. Crltlciams i>n stage aettlngs gowna and
coior acbemei furnlshed an Intereatlng programme
. HflDUriE>
Havo v ti nad a k'r.f!n"Fi shiwn?
P ia it on.
'T*?i nol k'v'" fae yti ihne
P ?? It nn.
I^t tt Irarel down tlie yonrs,
I>a tt ?ripc anotheCi teerm,
Tlll ln h<>iiv?n th- daed uppoar*?
I .i ? ll
Another year haa pnn<\ mv aoul;
Pauae and ponder o'er Ita page;
Whai wladom'* thlne? Wl al aelf-control?
Wli.it q.iiiMk" .n'.rr.s Ihy powers engagi !
}|:ist (I ..ii for Oth r- Hred. or ?-\'"
Haa .! !?? ?? n honoreil, ^r forgol ?
1 !.i. t ? iu for g< dnei ?1 rove, or i ? If?
II ^i tt ii -i the battle bravely fotight?
Haa i'r!v !'.'?;-.i I een wlael)
ii. gth been wtaely spent?
Is r>i por
Aro inlml and heart on r< ?d Intent*
Tea, some i . hasl l< arned, my soul,
And iomi ist
But dull thou irt to learn the whole,
And alow Ihy rnce to run
Yet, thou urt H!s. my aoul, H's own;
Hl* |
\i ? !. Ii Hlrn n Hlm
Ifa'II kee i ? ? ?? lo the ' m
(The Rev. W, W Morton.
Communlcatlons hare bcen recelved from lllea
Constance <; i ni Bols, Mra G i. Bcrgen, Mrs M
E. Randolph, Emms B Bhlelds, Rlla A Catlln,
Harold Worth Vnaaar, 0 P Penteeoat, OHve
Pbraner, V. V B Parke, Miss K Mlller, Kath
arlna R Campbell, Mrs Brtstol, Mra B. A. Hast
Ir.Ks. Mrs. B. I> VVIlllami m, Mr- R A Hrown.
Mrs M M M M ?ult< n. Mr- .1 1" D . D R A , .1
Auguetua Rtce, Mr- l". r Needham, laahel Bton*
Kdwin ii ii I arthur ll. Darland. Miss
A Hl ! Tant-," Mra R. 1. Mbbbi ni eau, O. T.
W., Mr>. I.'i:., Eleanor K*i ham, Mlaa A M Ad
ama Mr- ,\ M Davls Mra Ellzahetl Terry. Mrs.
8 E HIkkI M ? MI h illla. Llno Wal:< r Mn
H C. Ri iwne, Ollve M Tounx. EuOora Pnlmor,
Mlaa Em I) C Davla, Mra Thei lore L. De I I
Hattle 1. W< i: '? r \nt T Mr M I
Mo. ler "?' IU Mlaa E. A Bhults,
Kli.r. no* I Suydnm and Mra .\ na H<
A large linx nf toya dlahes an l dolla t r I
"Llttle M ,l ? " from Mrs John l' Davla and Mrs
Charles fl Menagh. of Eaal Orange, N .1. arrlvcd
laat nlghl j':-" i ? th I ist contril utloas o( twenty
six < xtr.i bags were beli -' sent lo No 5" Thlrd-ave.
Tho expreaaman aralted tlll everj irtlch had i.oon
depoelted ln Ihe rarloua I i; thui i irrylng ad.ll
? ? sunbeams l the llttle ones of ihe Easl Bl ??
Somo Now Yeaffl rards and tiooklots were Ff-nt
by C ^f n Two boxes >f Comfort Powdera,
dalntilv iled wlth rlbbon, were forwarded by Mrs.
H. J Btevena Miss Helen Vl'eston aenl a box of
lovely ealendara and a dalnty memorandum pad.
Mary T Hiibhard forwarded a book entltled ''Our
Artlai In Cuba " .,'. i I n who hnve ?!d cni. i I ?
that uro wor h nea pa '? wll be .-? itterlng mifh
ne if they a< nd them ln the T. B B
O'or tho mci!--t i!rs wlld ? mca a llttlo <~h11 rl.
And all the i tr ??].!? n w iys
Ar- b oomlng brlght 'ne il hls sti p* of Iltcht.
And the i lleya rlnx wlth hl i pra
A".i thc mori i ' "? ind tlnta
Hla i-t'f. k wlth Its roav raya.
Hla brlxht eyea beam and hla ti gleam?
B i nahli
That mark hla waj thrnugh tln gatea of day?
Ai Ihe dj Ii - ? i- dc |
And thi \ anl throi ?? la now hla i wn,
And hl* kli a lom la h?n irts.
i :,- he Blnr* he i nnps
Ari .,???. weet and rare,
?. ,i fraxranl
n nd tl ? ' ? " ivei
And wlth kleeei ???' ind a'lth amllea we greel
The 1" autlful, glad New 1 ? r
Bo rover the h< I l >1<1 I * ir. dead,
Witl ??'!. ahroud f anon .
Llfe la B?T?-t, '??" tlmi I ''? el
And the ?? enrs musi
Tho iH-autifnl yoare, wlth thelr amllea nnd lears,
Th. ' ? ' "
K!... ?..????? ?? b I lu eares,
ifpB have ii isaed
j. ,,, fall of feel
i |
To thi ... hls due; l ul we love the t ? w
The bv ???? Bl roae la the laal
PreuM.lei eral of the T. 8. fl I aend i
,nn,lk.. to the 8 - frt r.'N who rem??mbere<l
. wlth tln Ir Chrlatm . - ' ol ?
i good cheer Tl i the kl
,. B T. 8 8. 1 !?' ? Ivetl rrom Mra Palntt r
-;-,, ,,,., ,. ,ii . r n n neni a prel y i retonn
?i. pan l.'lpn a-hlt? box. wlth
I .... . ||<), from Mis Blmia ind Mrs Rodewell;
medlclne cover fr'>in Mrs Penteeoat, and rards
f-,,., -\, m n'? 1 wlah also to alve lhanka fur
ll i-lft- fr in B?n . '
frli i Ii .in Mrs Bldtioj M ?:? I l Ie tei
Bn<] lovely rarda; Mra .1 B., N'ea Vork i "
and card Mlaa Man" A Wllli
(ha| ? d, hand n id I ?ikl'-t
and ;?"? ni
. .?;? h- ir*
lontali lt y B Tlptiire
M, ;.: i: Crouel eni lo rn-.
;. . i ..? of the poi < i ??Tl ? Pel
r..... i f .., i,. mtifiillv wrltten by heraelf; to me a
,.'",, ,,, . .. -, j ioi . i il ll nti bi .i flower, ni
i nn of H water plai t. whi ?'. I* an un< ei alng dellgl i
From Mlaa Rlaley I recelved a pleca of very bcou
HfU| , r . h< i llnen lai ?? a* a N< w lear greetlng. and
N-' " v . " , ? rr ,m Mrs R F ll idaon and Mrs.
M l Belllek To 11 thea*-klnd frienda I aend deep
trarmeat i ka foi thelr beautlful remem
ir-mco' lt w.-.s ip.l.d. n vory wonderful <'hr1?t
mna iixv foll <>f the aunahlnc of Bunny iK-orts and
t ,'-? Vi h the feel i makei all pffi beauflMI
, ..? . iiv.s brlxhter .nd better WlthM fonde.t
New-Year greel
moal gratefully yours,
Brooklyn. Jan. I. I89S
ll "S inshlnera." I am,
UlM Barah Ellol Nesrman addreaaed the Aaso
rtate Alumnas of ihe Normal College yeaterday
ifternoon In tha College Chapel on "Music nnd the
Phiu " a siibji l of whl h she haa made n sp< >lal
,m , .. ,1:,i which ;i ehlld haara, even when lt la
.. ' . .,., n.? mother'a arma, Is unlmportant,"
f;,ii Mi-i Ncwman II has been shown by aclen
experlmenl thal the alightesl nolae has an
effeel upon the braln, even though one is uncon
,'i || 1.lemenl ><t metre acta dln ll)
I ,.,.. :,! i r mual q il k< na tb ; ??
and mlnor music l< >na II Dlfl reni kcya i..,v,
dlfferen! moral effecta B Oal major expi
,v ... a ?.,. ,,.,,.. ind i- ona partl ilarly ault
,,,,?. for young chlldren. Mualc heard it. chlld
! , ,\ produ ? '????!!' memortea,' and ir its In
:.,-? m< morh a wlll i oonteracl tbe
? , .. muali ? ' ?"? contrary nature heard In
]"';:r ,';.'' ,.,:?i?m,^ ,.r tha ktcture Dr. Bmlly i
,.-; . , , -aa | realdlng, remarked thal N
mother or ier_hci In
aaked if Mlaa Nea ?
in,,,.ai'i ? x, la ' "neas f thlldran for
, , and often vulg n tune* Mlai Newman
., . i Ii waa : arglslni eni thal
,hat If alth a llki i
Ii:;;! rn, r.' preaet ted them thei a mld lt. tlmo
:'':'r ' ,,.,. waa llluatrated wlth Inatrumental
.oioVtion* :! iv. i t.\ Mlaa Ncwman, and wlth
L_nla by B ?'? ?nd |,:ran*. w:i-''
Mra? Ida E Rleman waa klad ?' . to s!r:k,'
?,., ? ir, wim ine of irrai g< d by
,, , ,,,'nndtt.?n chlld Btudj anl th- klndergar
; ":,,''',; . .? alll ba glven bj Dr Prana
| . r2? ivi.r ian ?? '"" Sl"'>'; "-111 ???
a Hrowtb " _ _
Many '<f ihe membera ol tho i'ri>f.-ssinn?i
Woman'a l^>agu< extended thelr aympathy lo Mr
Eugenle Bchmlta who rell whlle leavtng her dreaa
liar-room ??' tba Oeraaanla Tbeetra on Monday
,.v?" Ina ai.d i-r..k- bar kag Mrs. M'-hmltl was
taken to tha New-Tork Hoapiial. whera ahe ro
telveJ timely treatinem. lt la boptJ ttmt her ra
tovci> wUl ba rakpid.
AND ra,
ai.fukd ootAJCrr i.rcnruns m thf; cmntcfj
rr.tit and n.".M.--i{Fs poRTT BIORT nrAf
The first of Alfro.l CoIlett'B sorio* of lectures on
I "Engllah Cathedrala" waa opened yeaterday morn?
ing al th.- Churcb Club, Flfthavc. and Porty^acv
enth-st. The BUbject was "Old and New St. Paul'B."
Mr. Colletl aald, ln pnrt:
"Tho graal catbedral of London Is the thirdwhtoh
has occupied tho preeeni ilte. <?f tho nrst thore is
now no remnanl whatever, and tho foundarJoa or
Bi Paul'B aa a eathedral Is lost ln the *hadows of
legend land. If we aro to belleve meducval lageoda
| we should ns.-riho to 11 an antlqulty datlng hack
| poaalbly to thc aecond or thiri century, bul aoth
I Ing is eertaln until tho early pirt of tho Berenth
century, when wo flnd Mellltua Blahop of London.
London, wi may remember, dld not he.^ome the
chlef city of thi rcalm tlll aftor the Conquaat, and
therefore II wdh not until after thea that any effort
wai made to produce ? eathedral worfhy of Ihe
i motropoiis However, nt tho cinse of the elevcnth
I century a eathedral waa begun. and aftor two cen
turlea of bulldmg wai formally dedlcated wlth pr.-at
pomp an i een tnony. lt had the glory of boing the
laru-ost and poaalbly tho nneal of all the Bngtteh
cathedrala being neaiiy ono httodred feot longcr
than tho preeeni Btructura and having a splre fully
flve hundred feel hlgh
"Aftor auffering many repnlrs nnd In-llenltles.
brought aboul cblefly by aucceaarva tiro?, tho eathe?
dral fi-ii a prey to the greai firo ..f London ln 1166.
At first aome ofTort wns made to rebulM lt, but
upon the recommendatlon of Hir Chriatopher Wran
an entlrely new dcatgn waa prepared, and aftor
much trouble wlth the commtaal >n appolnted :o
Buperlntend the work Wren finally luoceeded in
I hla la ? plan a cepted, ind tho work of th?
eathedral waa begun ai the em! ,,r tho aeventeenth
century. Wren . ? I ....... u rompleted, and. ac
conllng to thi | which la atlll to be Been
ln Ita i ihe only monument
extatlng In BI Paul'a of Wr---, hlmaelf, bul
t be ehef-1 ? of the greai
trchlti Th- OothlC style of
tecture being ? ? ?? tlme entlrely extlnct, Bt
Paul'i i th< lef monumenl ln England of the
Benali - | however ir may be operi
to erltlclsm li wlll alwaya be one of the nobleat
ind IVren'a dealgna for the ln
terl ir hai e nol | iered to, ai d a
greal many experlmi l have been trled ln tho
present ky ati phere of 1
Pre ludi t.ie poa Iblllty ,.f mural deooratlon by
fresc li ii i sor:. ? :' moaal. i ,ir- being placi 1 In
the eathedral which when fii ahed will Impart to
h a wai mi It worthy ,.f ir.
"Po? Knglan 1 appeala to tha
hearia I i ?? peopli mon than Bi Paul'a to tho
!.-;irtc ,,' I.,,:, ? ., ,.r. alwaya open, alwaya thronged
wllb people ;- pulnr to , degree thai is qulte ,-x
>'\en on the m wl
I ? ? - 'hurch In Engl n I
rnay well ? pr I ?? <? Paul'a aa an exponent.
Th.- famoua aermona of Pnnon Llddon win i.mir be
r memlw n I wlthln Ita walla. and, h iwever mlataken
n enta of II may ' ??. we ra ia!
regnrd ;h.-m as ?omethlng of -. natl r, ii work
-ii of lx>ndon> munlflei ? ??
Among ,v forty-elghl vlewa ahown by Mr Col?
letl wi re thi a-lng: A \le? if [.on lon hefore
' ireat I r. ??. pt, ..; i Bt Pa il'a ol i St
Paul ? on tlr>-' the monumenl ' the flre of London
I)ean Colet'a ho . - ,. nt Bt r nil'a from
" ? [Iver; a pe >p ,t s- p .. - \. , |g..... \\ \\ .,? |
Bt. Paul'a: the a ? - ? f Bi Pefer'a,
? . i. the wean rn pe ' raeni of
Bi i' i :! s thi ? \ ri the aouthern p r.-h, tho
from Thi klng ea il Bl
?, looklng ? ,-t the reredoe; tho crypt, nnd
! Bi i' ml - fr m the i Iver.
Tho < unmlttee of women ln ohargo of the Mual
r.ii an-l Dramatlc Breakfaata to be gtven on the
Thundaya in January al thc Waldorf-Aatoria for
the benefll of "Llfe'e" Freah Alr Fnnd, are responsi
ble for endenvoring lo abollah the much-abusej
rustom of requlrtng patroneeaea to aell tlokets for
a! the varloua eharltable orftertninmon's for
which thelr namea are us>. 1 To women of proml
nence a mea are constantly ln demand. the
dlapoaal of tlcketa aent them has crown to bo a
eerloua annoyance and Ineonrenlence, lt was ln
the hope that thelr example WOUld bo followed by
o'hers. aa It haa been, that the patronosso? of
th"e breakfaata which promlae to flgure among
? - i eventa of th-- aeaeon, were nol glven
tick ? ?
The tlcketa and boxes are on sale at tho i.ifp Build?
ing, 18 \\'-st Thlrty-flrat-at., and al Tyaon'a Tlckel
Offlcea only. < >n accounl of the demand for singlo
tlcketa lt has been deelded to put somo on gen
eral i
The patroneasea ara Mrs John Jarob Astor. Mrs.
Georgi l' Andrewa, Mlaa Aymar, Mrs Muhlen
'? Ra ley, Mrs. Bdtnund Bayllea, Mrs Jamea
llude Beekman, Mrs n m p, Belmont, Mrs y
II. Benedlct, Mrs Charlea Berryman, Mrs. g J.
Ilerwlnd, Mrs Mortlmer r.r ,,.ks. Mrs. Frederick
Betta, Mrs wilbur Bloodgood, Mrs Jamea Burden,
!? -. Mrs Danlel ttutterfleld, Mrs. Lloyd Bryce, Mrs
llenrj Burneti Mr il. I.,- Orand Cannon, Mrs,
Rol ? n ' larkson, Mrs. Henry i 'li w a, Mrs n ,?? - ok
Mr- Wllliam P. Douglaa, Mrs Wllliam it.
Dln more, jr.. Mrs john Dreael, Mrs Wllllam A.
l-u-r- Mn I . '? D remUB, Mrs. J. ii I)oi.:...r.
Mrs Ellaha Dyer, ir . Mrs. !',!? ,r>;o de Foreat, Mrs.
Reglnald de Koven, Mi> dl Zerega. Mrs. Caalmlr
Kl m M Fredi 11< k Edey, Mr-. Duncan EI
lloti, Mr. Btuyvea i, M-s. Prederl k Oeb
hard, " ? ?? Harrla, Mrs Borden Harrlman,
Mr ,r Arden Harrlman, Mrs Rlrhard M. llunt.
M:s Thomai lloward. Mrs. Cooper Hewltt, Mrs.
t'harle* Havemeyer, Mr-. Charlea RuBaeil Hone,
.Mr-. Thomaa Hliehi ck, Mrs Ollver Harrlman. Jr.,
?; ;i i; Holllna, Mrs Roberi Huntlngton, Mrs.
? ? ? 11m 11. Mrs. Ruasell Hoadle) (r . Mrs.
Dunlop llopklna, Mi Rlchard Irvln, Mrs. ixiuls
rolford Jones Mra Luther Kountae, Mrs Fr.--l
Kernochnn, Mrs Arthur Kemp, Mrs Jamea Brown
l.-irl Mr Plern Lorlllard Jr.. Mrs. E. Llvingston
.. :.: '.- ;. Mn Preacotl Lawrence, Mrs.
Robi-rt l.iv r gston< Mra Plerponi Morgan, Mrs.
Rlcl ird Mortlmer, Mra. Frederick Mellaon. Mrs
Hern ni Delricha, Mrs Roberi Oaborn, Mrs. Al
: ? I'aget, Mr- Reglnald Rlvea, Mrs. Archlbald
Mn Burke Roche, Mrs. Oeorge Rlvea,
Xlra \\ ? ?''? Rhlnelander, Mrs. Oeraldyn Red
mond, Mrs Thayer Robb, Mrs C. Albort Btevena,
Mr- Inmes Btrong Mra Algernon Bulllvan, Mrs.
? -? fi iileffelin, Mra Honrv Bioane, Mrs Jamea
Spoyer. Mra Loi lanl Bpenrer. Mra Prank Sturgis.
Mi- Mnrion Btory, Mra Henry Treror, Mrs Cor
neliua Vanderbllt, Mrs Oeorga Henrv w.irr :.
Mrs Orme Wllaon. Mrs J. .1 tvyeong, Mrs Walter
Watrou Mrs Mayhew Walnwright, Mrs Whit
. ,-y It'arren M!--~ Eweretta U'hltney, Mr*. Stophon
Whltney Mrs. Wi'.li.im C VVhltney, Mrs w Btorr
,\. Mr- Edgerton Wlnthrop. Jr.. Mrs. John C.
VVllrnerdlng, Mra Hamlltnn Plan Webeter, Mrs.
Eben Wrlght, Mra Beward Webb, Mrs Henry
I'ayne Whltney, Mrs Buchanan Wlnthrop and
Mrs. Fram la de Ruyter Wlaaman.
Tho College Women'a ''iui> held Ita January meet>
Ing yeaterday afternoon al Bherry*a The pro
gramme >??? art waa a most attractlve one. Mrs.
,.,.,!,,. wheeler addreaeed tho club on adentlfle
,,rt In practleal llnea, whlle tho Rev. Dr. Newland
.,! ipoke on the hlatorj of ?<r< Mrs. Ellla
Rowan, of London, axhlblted her collectlon of
. , ? Auatrallan llowera, the orlgtnala of
btalned under greal dlfflcultiea
Many of theae fiowera wen unknown to the botan
|cai world until Mrs. Rowan dlacovered and palnted
them Beveral rollegea and Inatltutea of natural
, .,-,. negotlntlng foi th.-lr poaaeaalon. An
,,. if k .... in L lon t ?r a porelon of t.he collo,
, ' ? , tveentlj r-??'i.-.i. as the artlal arlll not
-!,,'.?> - numt? : Mn Rowan ???- a apecial
.;' .,. ','f the lati Dueheaa of Teck, and la a sls
Sip.ln.lam ol l.or.l Charlea Bcott, the young.r
brotherof the Duke of Buecleuch
Ex-oovcrnor Roowell P rTowar Mra Fkrwar, F.
-i Flower and Mra Oeorge W Plower were among
lB# pasaei gera who aalled yeaterday on tho ateam
ibfp Kormaanla, of thi Hamburg-AmcHean Ltne
Mr Flower and hla party win visit Olbraltar and
J, M uterranean porta aad eipeel to ba gone
.,,'??,, ihree and a half montba Oeorge B Batcbet
l.r uas alao n paaaaingar He waa racently ap
I ;, member of tho ratxed tribunal which
,. , ? ,jro i ?hei were Prank C
Partridge Unlted Btatea "onaul-Oeneral to Taugier.
a . .,_ Mr and Mn f W Rhlnelander and Mlaa
,. Rhinelandei Roberi L Btevem Mr>. Btevena,
I,.1",'" a Btevei and Mlsa Martha Btevena; Mr
5 ' m 0 Bankei Mr and Mrs R w
sn'i kev and Ira A Bankey; Roberi Peel Sklnner.
r- V,?,l si- ,iea i onBUl -' Maraelllea France: Evert
ran?en Wendell and I avid Wllllama
Tho st*:.- Boelety of the Daughtera of the Revoiu
. i,, agaln changed Ita offl .?.-< Mr- Ai.raham
Itotn ;? the nea n tent, Mr- i?r Volney Bveretl
ind Mr, Bml . Andetvoa aro Brai and ht.-ond vioe
egenta. Mrs J W Frerich la treaaurer. Mra Flora
adauna Darltng regtltrai ind Mrs Le Roy Hundar
ai,d bmitli htiturlaii. Iaa ancieiArlea beve atlll to
aa ala.'.ej.
Mra. Ifary H Pllnt gave the first of n eotJIM
of four Ulnatrated kwturea yeaterday mornlng. al
the home of Mrs. Thomas J Plagg, No. 22 West
Blghty-flftb-at Hef aubje t araa 'Thc PartbV
non," and thc llluatratlona comprlaed nuaseroua
I vlows of tho rnins. wlth plctnrcs of tbe Elgln
l marblos and all tho remalnlag fragmenta of tho
Bculptural dccorattona Mrs. Pllnl deacrlbed tho
marfllea In detall as they were thrown on th*
acreen, and gave tho hlatory of thelr deatructloa
i as tho tomple horame SUOCeaalveiy ? I'hrlstlan.
' ohnroh. n Mohamctan moaque, a Turktsh camp
Inp ground. nnd a rosort for tonrlsts. Spoaklng
I of tho Athens of to-day, Mrs. Fllnf sald
"Tho words of Rlcnord Watson (Jlldor, "Oreeoo
w.is. Oreace la no norc.' aro not true of Athona.
Athens cannot dlo. and tho modorn rlty Is a flt
daugbter of a dlatlngUlahad mother. Ono ls nor
dlaappolnted in lt as ln Home, where tbe indenl
city ls almost obllterated by tho mo<]orn onc. The
people of Home aro not Romans, but Itallar.s. bttl
thc modern Afhonlan Is a Oreek. Hls atree:* aro
n.imod after hls anclcnt gods. and hls rhlldren aftor
tho horocs of hls country'a goiden days"
Thc next lecture wlll bc on "London. Its Hls
tory and How to Sce it." and will ho guvn at Mrs
Flagra, al ll O'clock a. m. on Januarv II Thls
ls tlio only lecture of tho courae for which son
arote tlckots havo been soid
CRBAN ri.ru
Tho nnnual entortalnmont of thc Crbaa Club of
Brooklyn wns hetd last rrlghl al the home of the
scnlor dlrector, Mrs Andrew J. Perry, nt No. 30
First Place. Tho programme conatsted of a series
nf tableaua relatlve to tha ooasolldatloo of thc
boroughs of New-York City. Thc flrat. "A fam
lly Pcone ln oid Brooklyn," was takan part In by
Mlaa Belle Perfctna, Mlaa White, Horatlo Ot
cotl and Mr. Head and was extremely effcctlrc
owli g to the old Duteh coatumea uaed and tba real
latle appearanrc of a huge cMmney-pfaee In thc
background, wlth a mantel covared wlth : I l
and atelna of ..11 Deift wttr*. - m,,(I ,,y Mrs ;.f.rry
The next, "Old Knlckerbocker Daya," sti ared
Meaars Bchiller. Head ai J 1 imptx II
an antlqua table ln an old Inn, Miss Olcott, na
tlie waltress, J ist enterlng thc door. he.irlng tho
wlth the stelns of ale, Thc poslng In thi*
lu waa onsl lered partfc ularly good
The "Ooddess of Llberty," Imperaonatcd by Miss
Darllng, wearlng thc cuatomary drapertea of tho
Amerlcan tlag and hoidinp aluft the torch, araa
followed by the "S. al of New-York" and tho
"Brooklyn Beal," Mlaa Bennetl and Mesara Harttg
1 and Bchiller taking tbe varloua parta
Tho moal elal rate tal '? 1 1 of the s,.r!cs was tho
"Weddtng of the Borougha," which ahowed the
clvll maniage of New-Tork and Brooklyn, the
? ? ?? reinalnlng borough* actlng as brtdeamalda
Andrew J. Perry Imperaonated thc Judge, the arlt
neaa< 1, Ii the acl of si^i.ing thelr namea, belng
Miss Adriennc De Be\ laa and Mr Bchiller to the
rijcht of thi stage Btood the brklal party, Mlaa
Bln Is Impersonatlng Mis., Brooklyn, In the
? ? 1 gown of whtte iatln, wlth pearl trtmurlnge,
and lllualon vell, Howard Campbell, as the brtde
groom, r- resented Mr Manhattan, whlle behlnd
were the brldeamaids In costumea i>f plnk and green,
M -. Flon .-. ??? Eaton repr.g T ? i:"- x M;-?s
Paullni Phllllp* Queet , I MI a Jane Dole. Rich
11. : The alnglng of the weddlng march by a
'ui rompoaed of membera of the club gave
an added touch of r'-allsm to tho tableau
The :.is- of ;he lerlea waa an origlnal -ar>
|i 1 .. suggestlve of a seal for New York, and
aaa extremely clcver, eombining the beel of the
saala of iioth citics a mualcal programme fllled
In tho tlme hctwocn the tableaua, and aupper was
sorvoii a* |] o'clock Among th<>"<. preseni were
Mrs Cornella K. Hood, Mrs Emelle Vall. of
Hoiiis. Mrs Emma V Blmla, Mrs. Eaton Mrs.
Calvin Hull, Mrs. R H. I.almt-eer. Jr . Mr. and
Mrs. Arthir B**hlll< r. Oeorge Harttg, I>r Plereon.
Mr and Mrs. Mcscrole. Dr. and Mrs. Ilcr and Miss
Doylestown. Penn , .lan 4?The marrlage of tbe
P.cv Dr Jamea B. Rtone. rector of Bt. .larr.es's
Eptacopal Church, of Chicago, to Mlaa Carollne
Worthlngton, of thls town. took place at noon to
dnv ln St Paul'a Eplscopal Church. Thc ceremony
was performed by th.o Rev, Edward M Jefferya
ri ' >r of Bt. Paul'a. aaalated by tbe Ue%- Richard
N Thotnaa, of Phlladelphla Miss Wataon, of
DoyleatOSm, was thc maid nf horor. and John E
Batrd, of Phlladelphla. waa tho beal man.
Chicago, .lan. 4. Beveral Importanl announce
menta were mada by Prealdenl Harper at tha
convocatlon of tha I'nlveralty of Chicago, at tho
Audltoiium, laat evenli 1 One aaa the c'.f: of 1200,
000 by John D. Rockefeller, to enable tho ['nlver
alty t.) awell Ita Income for tha year beglnntng
July 1. 1808 tn 1729,000, ihe aum needed t.i carry
out Its work as planned. Another atatemenl was
that a College of Commer and Polltlcs would he
tarted, under tha ausplces of tbe L'nlverslty. to
teach practlcal bualneaa and polltlca, to Includi
debta of rallroada, flnance, Inauranee, manufactur
Ing .tradi dlplomatlc servlce ind Jonrnallsm.
The afflllatl m 1 f Ruah Medl il C0II1 - om of
th, pioneer medloal Instltutlona of the West. wlth
thc L'nlx'erslty was alao innounced, tha eondltlona
i?!ng that thc truateea should not Include mem?
bera of the faculty, but should be bualneaa men
havlng no flnanclal Intereat In the Income >f the
,-0ll.-.- ? t thi lebt of 117.000 ihould be p ild,
and thal the quallfli l idmlttanc< ihould
>,,. gj . | ia|iy ..!??? ? ; ui tll In 1002 they ihould ln
elude 1 freahman and a aophomore term ln n
Btandard unlverslty.
Prealdenl Harper strongly recommended a ool
lega for teai hera In the publtc achools In eonnec
tton wlth thi L'i Iverslty, bul lo< ated al some '-en
trai polnt, which would enable teachers to a ilri
a coUege educatlon whlle ptiraulng th-:r work.
]]>? polnted out thal but 10 per cent of tha teach?
ers ln thc Chicago achools wero college educated,
and. aa thelr tenuro of offlce was secure. lt waa
of great Importance to the publio that they have
the filgheal poaalble educatlon. Thc prealdent also
nnnounced the addltlon of Meutenant Palmer,
I'nlted Btatea Army. to thc faculty, and the eon
templated formatlon of mllltary companlea, addlng
that drlll would be entlrely optlonal aith the stu?
Presldent Harper. before oonoludln^ hls an
nouncements, made the atartllng sta-oment thal
<if the tlvo deaths which have occurred ln five
voars nt the L'nlverslty fhree were dlrectly trace
;,v,;,. to ttarvatlon. Theae deatha the prealdenl
said w.ro due to Inaufflcleni nutrltlon. that. ln
tt'irn' belng the reault of poor food lupplled In the
dlstrtct siirr.Hin.ling thc I'nh'eralty in cloalng ho
argued for the addltlon to the I'nlveralty of a
commons, In order thal the Btudenta miKht be sup
plied with nutritloua food and good lodglnga
77//: BicEURioy of realsmixb.
Tho Collertor of the Pi rt >f New-Torfc has re?
celved apeotflc Inatruci 1 tlon under the
,,.t for tho . xcluslon of aealaklna which was
slgned by tho Prealdenl on I.ember H A letter
fro n the Becretory of the Treaaury yeaterday i-on
talned Ihe Treaaury Departmenl regulatlone, al
ready pubMahed In Waahlngton dlapatcbea. The
Collector aald: "Of courae, for a few daya under
the Inatructloi a from thi Be< retan of the Treaeury
thore wlll be no unn.?"> Interference wlth seal
Bktn garments ln tranalt, Bul after a r.* daya lt
will ieemlngly ba mandatory to *etae seajakln
r_rm< nta ol fncomlng pasw naera and send them
fi. the publie stores. unloss the new law is COBB
,,Med wlth ' _^_
77//; DAME8 I//./.7-.
T*-e l)M"i of the Revotutlsn held th.ir regular
monthly bualneaa meetlng yeaterday afternoon ln
thelr pratty r.?>ms nt No M Madlaon-ave Routlne
business was tranaacted and aevaral now memt.-rs
lv,,ro dected. Tha Damei aerved thal thelr ro
nnt, Mra Edward Paulel Bleera, waa 1 irtlcularly
ruiDPy over somethlng, and ? Inqutry they learned
t>i!- *he had news b) cable thal mornlng that the
Itenttago, on which her la ighter, Mlaa Bt< .-rs. - ,
ia^t week, waa aafe In t Naa-i y. u
--...- haa gjne ahroa.l for hei rtealth wlth Mr and
Mra Nteoll rloyd and wlll ? away i year
-. ?.
Mrs. J. W, White, of N ' - I 1'irk Place, Brook
>r., has i-. ,r'' 1 to Ihe pollca tbe loss ln tti- rall
oad Btatlon at Roolientcr. N Y.. of .1 rliamoli bag
:ontalnlng B.000 wi rth of dl im ? Bbe aays that
\. bag eontalned ? dlamond creeoem wlth four*
chi .ii.iii.ee..:'-. three dlamond rlnga, a marqulaa
ing wltb tw.-nt) dlamonds anl a amaii dUunond
Mr-. Whlta adverilaed ?!.<? loaa, aad im
isk>'i tho policc of a number of citiea to indp her
Ind tho gema
Tho Prlendly Bona of st patrick held their an
lual geaetlng at tt?e Whadaor Uotel Mandaj nlght.
?Tid the fottowlng affleara wcrc elected Prealdent.
luatlce Morgan J O'Bi en; Brsl rlce-prealdent, Jus
!ie Fre'i.rick Smyth. aacond vlce-pre*ldfnt. ex
Hiyor llugh J. Orant. treaaurer, John D. Crtm
rr.tiB, avcrrtarlea Kdwaxd J. McUulre and Bar
holornew Muynunan. After tha bualneaa meetlng
iicre wara aneachea aud a aoclal gatbarlna. . .
The wlll of Henry M'Tohousc Taber, cotton
merchant. of NJo, 12 West Twe|fth-at., which
was Bled yeaterday for prohato ln the Burro
gate'a offlce, bi rather a rcmirhahM document.
Mr. Taber, beetdea being a mambir of the cot
ton Exchange and >,f tho Ohamber of Com
rr.oree, was treasurer of the First Preabyterlan
Church and prealdenl of thc B >ard of Truatees.
His wlll rcadi ai f Jlowi:
"Rellevlng thnt al, religlooa, Includlng ChrlB
tlanlty, ur^ lupctatltl aa IBAI 'h<- baalo doc
trlne of tho Chiiatian religlon, thc fall of man,
la utterly and abaolutely falae, and that Ita op
poalte?thc rtse <,t man (from lower ordera)?Il
a scUntlflc fact; that bclfcf in iso-called) mlr
acles are balludnatloni of the braln and never
had the altghteal exhrtencc In fact; that thc
chlef charaeterlsttos <jf what Is termed the
'Word of Ood' an- Injaatfca, crnelty, untruth
fuh..-ss and ohscurlty. that the oflV,-t of ortho
d>x rhristlan teachlng Is to encoajragl Ignor
ance, seifishnoss, narrow-mlndcdneea, wrong
and montal slavry. that chriatlanlty, ao
called, is not th.- religlon of I'hrlst; that
it Bupplanta rtblcal calture and true mor
allty wlth meantngi.'ss thcology and unbe
llov.ible dogmas: that It ptjtl an unknown (and
rrobable unknowaMei Imagin iry l??lng In tha
place of nature: thai n glrea ., nami and a
peta onallty to evll an equally unknown and
IniRKinary bomg. rh.it it BC wrks upon tbe
crcdullty -,f Ita adherenti a? t<> lnvlte in them
foar of (that moal h irrihle doctiitw) eternal
punlKhin?-nt fl aay, bellevlr.g all thes--i I, ln
all klndncss, but ln ai'. oarnostn.-s*. requeat
that over r.iy r.-malris there ),? rjo religioua eer
vloos of any k!nd. nature or dcactlpCloa what
.- v.-r
I als., r,',|u,-st that ;,.\ t>od} be .-romated at
Fr.sh Pond or othei crematory, and that my
sshea be lefl there I:. as has been sald, the
hlirhos- tribute :., the memory of our deaad ron
- ta In ? . ? , thelr alahea tnav I not
truatlnglj | hlldren wlll pay the trib
uf.. to my memory of aeelng that th.- abova
clearly expreased wlahea an carrted out and
rh.it tht-j wlll reaolutelj .-. | peralatentlyi re
? -? any efforl thai may be made ..n the part
of any of my ptoaa frtenda to thwart my
Mr Taber*s ood) waa crerr.ated at Fresh
Pond, Long laland, on tbe M ? 11". followlng
liis death. Brief exerclaea were held at iiis h.>rne
the aai.lay, By the terma of tho arlll all of
the decedenta'i pn pcrtj la lefl to hla two
chlldren, Mary and Bydncy R, Taber. Hla
daughter Mary |B named ai exccutiig. The
value of the eatate la aot declarcd.
oppoamoN ro the probate or :in. ooevwurt
John Townahend tunsel for Mra afarta M. Oou
dert, the arldoa fi irlea .:-???. annouavoad to
Burrogate \--.old yoaterlaj aften thai the
? mteat begun by her agalnal her huabaadTi last
will had ! 00:1 w: tl Irawn ind thai .-.?? woukf not
m to pr ibate Mr. Coadert made
two wllla wlthln a few months of hla laath, which
occurred laat July By the later of tbe two te*ra
? tween his sovoti
?rilr.n. addlng that Mra -' idert ,1 . -n imoty
provlded for. Ur; Couderi pposed this wll r,n
r 10 ground thai - : n 1- mentally toeoat*
; '? ? * ?? ? ? , xec 1 ? ! :? md th .f be had
been unduly Innuenced.
?: J Holden of tho law ftrm of Potidert
Brothera, when aaked ns to tho terms of sett:*.
menr of the tonteei would only aay that the
eaae had been dlapoaed of and the arlll provad Tha
?erms of the aettlement he dld not thlnk rtf nanHa
''hl^ago, ,Inn. 4-Judge Kobtaaat has admltted
the will of John B Kctcham to racord The law
yera for the K-'toham helrs annotin.-ed that they
dld r.ot deetra to eontem tbe quostion of the ad
mlnlon of the wlll to probota al this tlme, and
Blmply aaked for aa appcal from the former order
of tho Probate Court admlttlng the instrtiment to
ro-ord. This was allowed and tbe mnttor wlll
eome up 1 rnln In ro?Mijir courae ?n tho ('Ircult
Court, whoro. hoforo n lury, the or.'Jre qtiesflon of
the mort.nl capadty of Mr Ketcbafa to make a
arlll can he brough: up.
- -?
London. Jan. 4 Lad) Anm Coveatry, tnlrij
daughter of the Earl of Coventry, waa marrled
thli aftor...n. al Bl Petcr*l ''hur-h. Kitort
Bquan 10 Prlnce Dhuleep Blngh, aon of the late
Maharajah of Lahora
Th>' Kirl of Coventry gava his daughter away.
The brideamalda were Lady Dorothy ?'oventry,
?later of the brtde, the Prtneeaa ?easate Hamha
Dhuleep Blngh Mi<- Brenda Van de Weyer, Lady
Vlctorla Herberi and M;-* Blapeth Caaapbefl
l'rh r,- pri i-ri. k Dhuleep Blngh waa the bed man.
The aen ?? ?* ia choral
Aft.-r thc weddlng there '.v,s ., reeeptloa at the
1 'ov.-ntr> ?>' ha ?-- Park Line Later tho oour.le
star!>--l for Paria Thi '???? eoatfy Tiie
)ueen aenl .1 brona ol bereelf Thoro
waa a largi and 1 -i company preaenl ln
the church. The di elaborate?
palma, ferna and whlt< flowera being promitu-atly
diaplayi d.
The courtahlp of tha Pi 1 .r.l Lady Anne
has been marko.i by conalderable oppoettloa on
?t.c parl of Ladj Anne'a famlly, which waa mainly
overcome by the Interventlon of thi Prlnce af
Wa.es Lady Anne ; itei In-law of Via
eounteaa Deerhurat. who wis Mlaa Vlrglnla
Bonynge, formerly .>f Callfornla Bhi waa born
In lfH and la the firal '? ? Earl of Cravcfa,
who marrled Mlaa Bradlej M irtln, of New-Tork,
Prlnce Dhuleep Blngb'a grandfatber was known
as the "Llon of P || |aub," and the Prlnce,
whoso full name la Vlctor A!',ort lay Dhuleep
siiigii, is a litt'.- ,,v.r thlrty-one yeara of ag^.
He wns educatcd In England and was for a tlme
on the st.^ff of Oeaeral Blr John Roee, K C B.
wben lha latter wbk In oommand of tho iiritish
forces In Canada The Prln ? ecame promlnent
at Hallfaa and trialted Mew Vork. Newpart and
I.onox. At ono timo II w is roport.-d that he waa
engag.-.l to ihe daughtei of 1 promlnent N'ew-Tprk
banker, whi.'h rfp,,rt wa promptl) denled. Tha
Indlan Oovernmeni iias agreed n> s..ttie fio.oou a
yo.ir upon the tirnle
Tho rather <>f the Prlnce, -ho late Maharajah of
Lahore, foughl agaln the Brltlah ln Indla. but
was eventually eompelled to <?Mr aiieRinnce to
gucen Vlctorla, for which he w.is allowed a pen
-lon of Ctf""*' .1 year. the revenuea of Lahore be?
ing turned Into tho indlan Treaaury. Later, tha
Maharajah negotlated wlth Kuaata, and for a
timo played Into tbe handa of t;..ir country, for
which tha Brltlah sto;".<-.i hla penaion EvantaaL
ly, bowever, th< Maharajah returned -o hts alle
glanrc. w.is pardoned and his pension waa re
The famous Kohlnooi llamotid was formerly the
property ,.f tho |ate Maharajah of Lahore.
77/7: fJOLf V/?/1 TBVBTEBB.
Tho trueteea of Columbta L'nlreratty held theh
il meetlng Monday afternoon al J o'clock ln
?tio truateeB1 room of the nea Llbrary Huiiling, on
Mornlngalde llelghta There w.-ro praeaut, bcaldea
Prealdenl Low, Blahop Mttlejohn, \V r. Scher
rn. Edward Mllchell, Oeorge l. Rhea. Laaafg
Smith. J CroBby Brown, l>r w 11 Drapar, the
Kev. I?r Vlncent, Oeorge J. Wheeloek, 11 lt. i'am
mann, w. Barelay Paraona and I'r. .1, rh-k lironaon.
The foiiowms appolatmcnta ln the faeulty of the
of Applled B lanoa were eonflrmed: Mara*
ton P. Bogart, to be Inetfuctor M urg.inic cb?amla
?rv. Charlea A li.irp.-r win ba iits assiHtnnt, and
Oeorge Muller wlll be aaatetanl Inatractav in the
Hcbool ot Aaaaylng
w, C Bchermernorn wis raveleeted .'iiatrman of
Bl ard and .1 H I'ine was r> elected elerk.
Tho annual reporta of tho prealdenl and treaaurer
., .:??-.-: aing .".2 atudonts holdlng elther
acholarahlpa "t free tultlm In tho oollege. 21 In
ihe Law Bchool, 34 111 th- School of Applled Bcl
, ii-.- |] in th.- BjchOOl of Politlcal 8,'icnre. 67 In the
S, ho I ?f Phtloaophy and 12 ln the School of Pura
Bclencc _
St Paul. Jan 4 -Th" nniiDuncement waa made
to-day that Ignat.us Donnelly. the well-known
popullst kadar, who Is known aa the upholder of
t):o Ha.'onlan authorshtp of Shakespeare'a works.
wlll ln t>ta weeks marry Miss MatUn Hanaen. who
hua been stenographer ln the offlce of hla newe
paper Mr Donaaruy Is sixty-six yeara old gnd
Sn-s Haaaaa is twenty
ii l' liertln: Iaa resUncd hla place aa managtr
cf the Hotel Cecll. London, and A. Judah, formerly
manager of the Hotel Vlctorla, London. haa been
appolnted to the place. Tbe reet of tbi peraountl
at the hotel remalua unchanged*