ACADEMY Of MI MC B?SllO The Whtta Hoather.
AV.KRU'AN THKATKK 2 Hillk II Trovator*.
HIJOl' THF.ATKi: ?; > 16 1 . Swell Mlaa FltawalL
BROAl>WAY THEATRK 8 13 The Hl*hwayman.
CABtXO- 8:10?Th* Teleph ne Olr
CHJCKER1NO H.MJ. 4 p m l>ompe1l and lt? Paat
DALY'S THEATRE 2 s 15 Aa You Uke It
EDEN Ml'SEE Wax Wcrhs, Orand CVmcerta and One
MMl'IKK THEATRB S I?- Th* >' Mvjueror*.
riPTlt AVENI i: THK.VTRK '.' " 2" The Royal Pox.
OAKPKN THEATRK B l."> Th? Nar.cy Hmk?.
OARRICK THEATRK 2 S:S> Utti* Mlnlatar.
ORAND OPEKA 11"-' 2 R iptaln Impudonce.
HARLoKal OPERA HOl'^K 2 *-l& Th* nrcua Olrl.
RER.XL.V) sQL'ARE THK XTRE 2 IS S:l? Tlio Fr*noh
HOYi'S THEATRK -S:80 Tt c G vernare.
KOSTEi; * BIAI.'S s ii-ilevlllsj
LYCCPM THEATRE?H P **i and th* Rutterfly.
MANHATTAX THEATRE : *'ir- Tle IVil>t <?irl
SATIOVAL ACA1>EM1 Ot* 1 i.sMN ',? a. m. to lft p m.
? r?hlt>ttlcr of Kedak Plcturee.
PAJTOR'8?13:30 lo 11 p. m.~Vaudavl *.
PLEASPRE PALACE 1 80 to 11 p. m.? \ aufleTlUc
PROiTt">R'S Vi a. m to 11 p. rr. \"au levllle.
8AM T. .IAOK .-? THEATRE 2 *? Burleaqu*.
WAU.-VK'S THEATRE ?~*;U rh* 8 '?' ?t th* Earth.
p< u?a* Ott. _ ,
14TH STREET THEATRE- 2?3 lrv -An Irlah Oentl*man.
Jnbct to ^operiie-rmniifl.
Pags coi ,,ss'' l'g
igsajgaaaaaaa . *? r. * Mi?o?:ian*oua .12 a-fl
Aanounceiri*nti .12 3 Miaoellaneoue .i?' r?
Bu*in*?n S ti.-** ... 8 i Oc*an 3tea?are . *
Board and U.x>ma. .. ? 1 Pi ix>aala
City Hotel*.10 8 PuWlo Notleaa .}? ?
Plvlderid Notlrea ..11 3 0 Radrcaxda .J" r*
D>m. glu wa.-.tad. 8 7-8 Real Batata .w ?-?
Pr*?*maidnB . 8 l'R*llgie*JsNotloee ....?? a
Eroplovm t Airrn?!**. t? 8 Bavlnga l'.unlia .II !
Eaouraiin* .11 8 8 h .1 Ag*"__* . 2 i
Europeen Artvt* .3 S--8 EpeciaJ Notleaa . <
Flnanclal El*ctlona.ll el st?-ain?.?ati! .?<> *
rinanf.a! M*:?inr*.-H fl Storage Notleaa .J ?
Fir.aaciaj .11 4-_ Teachere ?____? I 1
Iloraae A Oarriatea. f? 2 Trlbun* fubti Ratea. . J
lBstruettoB . a 1 Wlnter Ro.orta .10 ?
pairiaaea A Daaiha : 8 w0rk Waatad .? *>*
it?to^orkCiril_ iribaaa
. POREinX ?Chlna is st-eklng a loan of
IsOtaX'.ta'Ki ln London, for which Bcvor.il c-n
cesslons are offered I t the Britlan Qoverlinent
- Mar^ula Ito is formlns a new Cablnet ln
Japan ?' "- Lady Anne Coventry, thlrd daugh
ter of the Earl ' Coventry, was marricd to
I'rlnce Dhuleep Singh ln Lccdon.-Tlie
Unlted Btatea expedltl >n for the Nlcaragua
Canai la ln camp ntar Qreytown. preparlng to
eend "'it gunraylng partiep.
1>< "MlisTlC? Tl.c suoportera of Senator
Hanna ln the Ohlo Leglalature docided not to
hold a Jotat cnwd*; they are stUI Bhort throe
votea of a majortty. ?^- Jamea M. r: O'Grady
was nomlnated for Bpeaker of the New-Torfc
\ss?*mblv by the Republlcan caucua, rocelvlng
"o votea to 2 for Mr. Marahall, of Klngs County;
Mr O'Orady wlll be el Congreaa wlll
i-eaasemv.lt- after the h dlday receaa to-day; a
nnewal of the debate on tho Clvll Bervlce law
|g t-xj.ected ln the Houae. ?-: The Juiisdlctlon
of the Federal Courta over tt..- flve i-iviiired
trlbc-s In Indlan Terrltory went int<> effect
wlth llttle frlctlon. r= Adjutant-Oenoral Tll
linghast hns reoommended to Qovern ?r Hla"k
t e aspolntment of Major Charlea Frar.cis Roe
as gfaJor-Oanerml of ihe reorganlzed National
Guard = = John T> Rockefeller has made
another glft of 1200,000 to Chicago Unlveralt/.
? ; ?' a Vi"'!d traln was commltted
wlthln the llmitp pf Kat.^as City.
CITY AND BUBURBAN.?The Rapld Transit
Commiaslonera announced that they wi uld pi ??
ceed with an appll atlon to th< Apjieiiate Dl
\;s1on for a modlflcatlon of the bond ."tlpulation.
?==. A large number f>f appolntmenta were
announced at the City Hall Mayor Van
Wyck had a llvely converaatlon wlth Presldent
HubbeU an I C immlgi i er Taf;, of th- Board of
Educatlon, about achool matters = Flre
Commlaaloner Sranncll removed Carl tJufaen.
who had been aecretary of the Plre Department
for thirty yeara, nnd put ln hls place AtiKUPtue
T. Pocham Btocka were dull and irregu
THE WBATHER.?Poracaat for to-day;
rnowi ararmer. The temperature yeaterday:
Bifheat, 3d legreea; loweat, 17; average, ->\
Importa of wool and aagar wero lnr^f* ln Xo
vehiber, n> ";i> suargeated aoma weeke ngo, so
thnt ln theae iniportant Itema tbe prereiitloii of
nvonno t'.v tbe antJclpatory Importa has oeaily
reaaed ln Sovembet Um Importa of wool at
thraa ?'hi< f porte were 10.161,318 pouoda, and,
althougfa !t waa preaumably almost all earpet
wool, as ihe n-tiir'is ahow the Importa of T,l_4,
231 pontnii w< re In October, yet the duty nn.l.-r
tbe new tariff probably amonnted to |600,000 or
more. Tho Importa of sugar In the same
munttis amonnted to 5.1,.'!?".".7."]! ln rnluc, of
wbleh alx>ut a thlrd wns frea of duty under
thc Hawaiian rerlproeity treaty, but the rest
probably paiil a dmy exceedlng $1,000,000,
thon^h lt ls not yot deflnltely known from what
Krndes t>r from what polnta tho loilk oame.
When it is congldered thal tbe Importa of sugar
uiay ba expected to range from $ii.uiM.t.(>oo to
$10,000,000 In ralue dtuing tbe earlj months
of thls year, paylng at new- dutlea from $4,ooo.
(??o to $7,000,000 i"T month, lt wlll be reallced
ihat the full power of the new law as a rerenoe
prodnoor has not yet appeared.
A Demooratlo corrcapoodent, usually irust
worthy, makes ono mlstaken suggestlon lu say
iDg that tho Increaae of recelpts from tho wliis
kef tax is duo to the advanco in rato by the
WOaoa bill. On tbe contrary, lecelpta from that
tax have fallen abort ever sinoe tho rate was
ruis.'d. nnd bo mucb that hjgh officlala have
lit'tti dlspoaed to rocommond lowerlng tlie rate
ln order to aecure more rovenue. la 1V.'2. with
the tax at tbe old rate, recelpts from gplrits
were $20,181,628 ln the three mouthe October
IVoemher. loclualve, bul In 1895, notwltbatand
Ing tba baTge la>creaae In rate and tbe note
worthy. tbougb nol laatlng, Improrement in
hajglneag In tbe !:it?t months of tbe jrear, the re
cetptg In the same months wero only $23,251,
ooo. Such Improrement .is appeara In thls
l.raii h Of th<- n renuo may fuirly be charged to
the gene/ral progreas In condltlon and conanmp
tiun ol the peoj Ie, which caased lar^-.-r recelptg
nlso from tobacco and boer In October than In
the aame months of 1806, 1805 or 1894, not
wlthstaridlns the heavj paymenta on beer of tax
la advance before tbe new law went Into effect
l roin this cauae a furtber Increaae may he
confldently expected if the condltlon of the i.
ple coartlnuea t>> Improve. Conaumptlon la
rtatng, bot ls nol yet nearly up to the old rate
of pftaaperotu yeara, The beer conaumptlon
dutingtbe laal flacal year was not aa large aaln
1898, Botn Ithatandlng the Im rcaac In populatlon.
Tha conanmptlon ofaplrlta v.as from 17,000,000
to $0,000,000 gallons amaller than ln 1892 or
1898 and of clgars about 500,000,000 amaller,
or ll, p<t cent, notwlthstandlng an Increaae of
moro than ll percent In populatlon. Conaump
tmn of theae artlclea p?'r caplta tends to in
t-rease >-.-arly. bul not conntlng upon nny such
galD there wotild be more than 11 per cent in
orease, n? a "estilt of the ^aiu ln poj.ulatlou,
?,f the condltlon of the people were such as to
permtt tbe frea Saxpendltnxee of 1^02. Bncb au
Increaae would mtiaw an addltlon of about $18,
000,000 to tho preeent rerenue from spirits wlth
out Nchogdng the ndrance ln rates, about
.*3,f?<?0,000 to the revenue from l>eer, about
$4.500.00fi to the revegue from ciRftrs nnd clpnr
i-ttes. and $1^00.090 to the revenue from to
baoco. it ls not poailhlii fo Jndge bow mucb
of auch galns may tx- reallzed ln any year. nnd
part of them ls undouhu-dly prerettted by the
lucroased tax on Bplrlta which causes much
Kreator c-vaslon of tln- law, but tha kDOWladga
tlmt a large t'a!:i lo revenua ls to i?e expected
when busiii-ss fnlly iweiTsa goes far to Justify
?ho*? wbo framed the exlatrni law, Umagh the
fact la constanily Igaored by Its or^Nieata
in Bosne gaeaaatre fl e< rreapopdrng Increaae ln
cufltouia recelpta may be expected, not with
standiuK the dutlea dealgned to reetrlct Importav
tlonB of some chicaea of goods. Tbe general 1m
provoniwnt ln condltlon aud Increaae la cotv
sumptlon wlll affect Importatlons of s;lks and
lacea, luxurles and fauey artk-les, ou wblcb an
nddhlon to tbe coat is but llttle felt, and alao
the lmportatlona of many producti iuch ns
Biigar, which cntor largely Into tho expendlturcs
of all households. The Republlcan phllosophy,
thnt tho way to rnlso revenue ia to rerrdor thc
mlllions able to consunic and to pay llberally,
wlll agnin nniply vindlcntc itsolf if canses not
due fo ihe revrnue Inw do not cheok tlio general
Improvoment in bualneei nnd Indusfrlcs.
The Legislature which meets nt Albany to
day wlll for the aake of coovaalaBce ba called
a Reimbiican Legisiatnre. Thc Republlcan Ben
ators, holdlng over lo the numbor of thlny five
out of n total nicmliership of rtfty. escipcd tlie
general wreck in arbicb for purposes of his <>\\n
Tliomas C. Platt Involvcd the party In this
State. In the Assembly ihe Peraocrats have
JjtUl douhled thelr nuniber, loavlng the Repub
licans at tlM most wlth a precarlOUl majority
of ten. which two membera of tndependent
prlnciples will reduee whenevcr they ?ee flt to
Plfbl or to a margin of only two votcs nbovo
the Dtunber requlred to paag a Wll- nnd which
some other members of iudependent proollvl
ties are lik-dy at any tlme to oonvert Into a
mlnority. It 1s now certaln that Mr. Platt
wlll MVI his Spenkershlp, electing Mr. O'Grady
to succeed hlmself, and otberwlso orgaulze the
Assembly, lf not cxactly to hla Uklng, ln euch
a manner na to control the machlnery and,
with the belp of Tammany at crltlcal rno
menti. to leglslate for the Eraplre State. But
there is a dlfflcult and bnmlllatlng task b*>
fore the "Master." who a .vear ago felt no need
of consultlng the Judgmeut or wlshea of any
ono else, or of "pnndering" to the decent sentl
inpnt of the State. He wlll find no pleasure ln
being ooiupelled at every turn to calculate the
ehances, aud perhnps now and then to yleld a
minor polnt lu preference to cnlling on Croker
for assistanoe.
There are not a few Republlcan membera of
th" Assembly to whom we do not attribute any
conscious IntentkW of betraylng thelr consrit
uents nnd uiaking thelr party bhnre the odluin
which thelr party organizatlon hai lncurred.
And we confldently belleve also that some of
these will not merely rhafe and complaln, as
many d.d last year. but absolutely refuse to joln
ln actlon whlcb they know to he outrageous.
How f.ir they wlll be able to reetrict the plADI
of the PlatM'roker alliancc, so cleariy revealed
in the last campalgn and so concluslvely con
firmed ln the munldpnl appointments of the
last few days, renialus to be seen. Wlth so
large h Tammany contlngent to draw on ln
emergenciea there may be llttle chance of de
featlng any scheme on which the pnrtners have
8et their hearu; but it wlll probably be pos
slble to prevent some intended mlschief, whlle
there wlll certalnly be opportuultles to show
that mcmbCTI elected as Republi.'ans are faith
ful ro Republlcan prlnclples.
The near futtire of tlie pnrty ln this State will
depend to no 6light extent upon tlie uso m.nde
.if these opportuultles. It wlll be the priviiege
of a resoluta mlnority of Republicans in the
Loplslature to represent that true charactor
which belongs to the pnrty, and which was
honorably vlndlcated last November ln the
atern rebuke admlnistered to tren<merous lead
en. In so doing they wlll not merely preserve
thelr own lntegrlty nnd seif-respect. but wlll
restore to the party ln greater or less degreo,
acoording to their ntimber nml fldollty. the pub
11c confldenco which to some extent lt has lost.
and deserved to lose, through its tolerancc of
n cornipt machine.
It is a llttle too early to enter Into a discua
ilon of tlie merlta or demerlti of tha Raines
blll auiendments upon which the COfOblllcd ln
tellectl of Platt, Qulgg and O'Grady are iald
to have been at work. The detalls have not
been made publlc; lt is poaiible, Indeed, thnt
they have DOt yet been forniulated. All that
we know is tiiat tbeac tbrac itateiman and
leadera have dectded wlth "aingulnr nnanlmltv
of lentlmenf upon Ma blll provldlng for loenl
"optlon as to liquor-aelling on Sundays lu all of
"the clties of the lirst and second class ln the
"State." That havlng been decided. It ouly rc
malns to draw up the blll ln proper forin nnd
enact it Into law ln an orderly and dellb
erate manner, lf convenlent, but by "Jammlng
throngh" lf need be. Tending the preparation
of the blll. bowevar, a word or two ns to its
splrit and pnrpOM may not be amlss. To this
end rappoaa we linrk back to the boginnings of
what ls called tlie Raines law, which Qulff,
wlth a toss of the head at:d curl of tlie Up, says
John Raines dld not prepare, but ouly intro
It wlll be remembered that one of the first
tblngl to which Mr. Theodore Roosevelt applled
his reitleai n<nlvltles upon taking offlce as Po?
llce Commlaaloner was the enforcement of the
law againat Sunday liquor-selling. The snd
den, srrict enforcement of a statutc law whlcb
had long been conildcred obsolete and treated
al n dead letter naturally caused a conildeTtblc
MBsmtJon ln political and soclal ciroles, as well
as among the snloonkecpers and others with
whose vo^atlon lt was a damaglng lnterfer
ence. A large class of cltlzens who under the
looag pollce admlnlstratlon had been ln the
habit of patronlslng the open saloons by tbe
purchase of beer or otber Ilquon for daily con
ramptlon, on Sunday the aame as on other
(lays, felt aggrleved nt tlie depiivtUlon and de
clalmed vlgorouilj agalmt the new order as nn
Infrlngemenl of peraonal llberty. on tbe other
iinnd. tbe rigi.i temperance nicn nnd total ab
italnen, tbougb tbej bad been comparatlvely
qulet aud imdemoiistratlve under tbe old r6
glme, manlfeited nnninal Interctl In Mr. Rooae
velt's enforcement of the law and gave thelr
uiKninlitieil approval to bli proceedlnga, in tbe
dlvlaloai of votera npoo this newly raiscd Inne
it was found tbat a large number of tboae
who lmd rapported Republlcan candldatei al
tbe precedlng election woro arrayed againat th?
party which was beld reiponilbli for tbe new
departuK. Tbi aufllclenl anawer u> all com
plalnti wns that the law had been on tbe Ktat
ute booki under Democratlc ns well ai Repub?
llcan admlnlatratlona, and ao long ns lt w.is law
ihi-re wai no excuee fur its non-enforcement.
And, of courae, tbere were dlfferencei of opln
lon among Republlcani upon th.- queitioo
wlii'th.-r, upon iho wnole, Mr. Rooaevelt'i In
atstence upon an unuaually rigid enforccmcnl
of this partlcular law was entlrelj wlae.
In tbll state of affalrs the Republlcan State
Conventlon of i><ir> met nt Baratoga, wlth Mr.
Platt ln couimand. Tho enforcement of tbe
Sunday law waa a burning questlon. It o.-cu
pied publlc attentlon almost to the exduslon of
all other lisuea. It could not be Ignored with
out subjectlng the party to the cbarge of giuaa
pottical cowardlre. But Mr. Platt and his inb
?ervieot followlng had made up their mlndl
that lt was a duiigerous suk-Jcct to touch; that
to advooate tbe repaal of the gajadaj law or its
rnaterrtal modiiiration would drive out tbouaandi
of Republicans np the Stato, wblle approval of
its enforcement would miouaaj wcakt-n the
party lu this dtj. They declded to play tlie
negdi and dodge the uaioe enttrelj. The cut
i and drled resolutlons buhnilth-d by tbe commtt
tee treated every other questlon wlth apjmrvnt
boMaaaea. but iald never a word upon the tab
, Ject which raore than nny other rrled nlotid for
B manly Utterance. It was tlien that Wnnur
Iffller sprung upon the conventlon an anomd
ment ln these words: "We favor the malnteu
"ance of the Sunday lawa in the lntereat of
"labor and moralltjr." Tbat could not be
dodjjcd. The cowardly lenders dld not dare
vote lt down, for they knew that course would
be fatal. In n scared way ther adoptpd It. and
went to the people on lt.
It tnriied out to he a gtrofcg Of gOOd policy.
Tlie Republlcans carrled tho Stato by over
90,000 majoiity, tbOttgb thelr vote foll off per
ceptlMy la this dty. n was upon thls hur
gjeattre blnt as to tho rc."i scntlmenl of tha
roters of the wbole Btate upon the Bunday law
that the next Legtalature took ap tbe exdse
qneatlon nml enacted tbe Ralaes law. The op?
eratlon of that law in th.- productton of revenno
und redndng tho number of anneceaaary sa
loons nnd bnrrooms has been Batlsfactory to a
majoriry of tho roters of the Btate. Tln disns
ters of last Xovemhor wero duo not to the
ttalnea law. bul to other causes. which Platt and
yuiKK pretend not to soe, bul which aro patont to
evarybodj eise. They are only trytng to dlvefl
attontlon from the actual fnets when they set
on foot a schenie to regnln the lo??es which
thelr fntuous folly has brought upon the party.
Thai Bcbeme is practically to rcpoiii the Bunday
law. so tliat nim-sellliiK may he carrlod on open
ly seven days ln tho week. That goes furiher
than even the Iiomorratlc party. wlth all Its
proellvltles to looaeneeU and llceiisc. over dnred
ventiire. And these rldiculotis h-ndors seem lo
thlnk thnt all that Is necessary to restore cotifi
dence ln the Republlcan party, wln votes for lt
and make future vlctorles for it certaln Is to
outdo the Democratlc party In Mddtttg for the
votes of the lawless and pnndcrlng to tho vlees
of the communlty.
The proposltlon falrly measures thelr sense
and thelr Judtfinent. If the I/ejjlslature glTtS
them thelr way the party may as well get ready
for defeats more ovenvhelmiug. nnd more dll
Kraceful than any thnt even the Democratlc
party has suffored as the penalty of Its follio
and crlmes.
If there have bitherto been doubts ln thc
mlnd of any Intelllgent peraoa as to the exlat
ence of n Platt-Croker alllaace, in accordancc
with which Platt turned tho dty over to Tam
many ln retnrn for tho appolntment of his per
sonal lleutennnts to thc officefl bj law nss'pnod
to membera of the Republlcan party. let that
person COntemplate thc rcsult of tho tirst two
worklntf days of tlie Tainni'iny admlnlatratlon.
Mayor Van Wyck had hardly been in offlce an
hour when he named as rcprosontatlvo of the
Kepunliean voters in the Polloe Board "Tom"
Hanulton, known to fame as "Gibba's man,"
said Oibbs belng a person onee expellod from
the Republlcan party for traltorous deallngfl
wlth Tammany. and stnce tnken up by Platt as
an instrument for tho couirol of Republicana.
On Monday he took n second stop to carry out
the doal by romovinj? tho two Republlcan Aque
dud Commlssloners. Henry W. Cannon and
John J. Tucker, and appolnting Clmrles H.
Murray and Wllllnm II. Ten Kyck In thelr
Thls ls a doal wlth Platt, nnd can be con
strued ln no other way. Tammnny itseif hnd
no objoct ln changinjc the porsonnol of the Ro
publlcan balf of tho Commlaslon- -that ls, no ob
Ject unless some corrupt scheme was in pros
jeor nnd men llke Mr. Cnnnon and Mr. Tucker
were thought to be ln tho way. Murray and Ten
Eyck were appointod simply to plonse Platt or
bocause Tnmmany wanted them there on Its
own nceount. Thore Is no nlternatlve. No
other oxplsnntion flts the olr<'iiinstnnoes. If tho
two men are rot in the Commlsslon as Tam
many ereatures in disguiso, they are thore a
a favor to Platt, and Tnmmany just now is nol
dolng favors for Republlcans except as a part ..t
a buelneefl tranaactlon To remove a trled
Republlcan and ablo flnancler liko Mr. Can?
non. to make a place for a Platt "heclor" llke
"Charley" Murray is acandaloug in Itseif, en
tirely asido from thc eleniciits of deal in the
rase. lt is Tammany'fl notlce to tlio publie that
Republlcan appolntmcnts aro to be made from
the worst element of tho party, and thnt it will
ald Platt in hls Btruggle to boss Republlcans.
in addltlon to appolntlng Platt'a men, Murray
and Ten Kyck. Mayor Van Wyck remered
Qeorge Walton Oreen, ono of tbe Democrata re
icntly appolnted by Mayor Btrong. It wlll be
remenfbered that whcn Mr. Oreen was named
titnlcr the law wblcb gare tho place to a Demo
crat Chnmp Charley Hackett, of Ctlca, Platfs
ihnlrman of the Stato Commlttee, abus.xi
Mayor Strong for the action, and charged thnt
"an understandlng exlated between tbe Mayor
"and Tammany, or ei?<> a Republlcan would
"havo boon appolnted." Now Tammany re
moves this man. provlng that there was no
rl.nl, even in thc seb-ctlon of one Democrat ln
preference to nnotii.-r i<> please Tammany, nnd
nt the same tlme Mr. Van Wyck remores two
Republlcans of biph character to give placee to
two of Platfs toois. How doos Cbump Charley
like that? I>oos ho tliink it looks llke a deall
At any rato lt is evidcut that Tnmmany doean't
liave any bard feelingS toward Platt II troats
him liko nn ally. It has not p'.von anythlng to
Mr. I.ow's BUpportera. It denounces them as
imemles, whlle lt Rives all minority placee 10
Platt That is proper. Platt has done UJUCb
for Tammany, and has enrned hls reward. But
?rlll he stlll have the Impudouce to ?ay that be
lld not run Tracy to eloct Van Wyck after ro
<elrlng hls pay?
Assomblyman Davla yeaterday said he was
'oppoaed to one-man rule as exempllfled in
Mr. Platt, and could not TOte for sucb a rep
"reaentatlre of the marblne aa Mr. O'Grady
?is known to be." Then be took exactly tbe
.ne step necessary t.. make Mr O'Orady's elee
tion certaln. ll was ln thc power of himaelf,
Mr. Tlffany and thelr feHow-Aeaemblymen pro
resslng Indepenflenee and oppoaltioa to the ma
blne io make Mr. O'Orady'a electlon Impoeaible
ind compel Mr. Platt to ggree 10 a Sponkor
irho would reapeel Independcnt senttment. ln
itead of dolng so, they dellberately enrolled
tbemselres in a hody already ordercd i<> vote
for O'Grady, all ihe whlle proteating tbal they
,,iil.l noi vote for O'Orady.
These young men's weak Burrender recalls
ihe Btory of Oeneral Orant's youthfnl Inno
cii'-c whi.-h ie tells on himaelf in bls autoblog
apby. Belng senl by hls father to ptmhase
1 iiut.se be conflded t.. thc owner tbe fad that
He waa to offer him one sura, bul that :f thal
i\as no* accepted be waa to offer a blgber
Theae Aeeemblymen, belng sent to Albany by
helr eonstltnents, as they themeelTeg admlt,
,, oppoee Platt s rule and vote agalnst O'Orady,
tay t,i Mr. Platt: "'We are oppoaed to Mr.
'O'Grady, but if you'll sond Bomebodj around
?to n caucufl 10 tell us to vote for him wall do
?it." Mr. Platt accordlngly does thla, and la a
twlnkllng th.- antl-O'Orady men are stanch
I'Grady men Tbej have eonacleatlous som
>lee a^amst rotlng for him. but they cannot
ielp that. They 11 re under orders fr.-m a c.-ni
?us. They weal there to take orders to dlsobey
helr eonedence, dldn't they? Yes. but?
But what? Lat us not Impilrc tOO closely.
rhe maeblne is poarerfuL <;o<>d cntnmltto??
iiacem witn eage ?r.- battai than even a suc
laajgfu] Bgbt that brlngl only mornl rcwnriN.
When the lastie Is cli>se the mnn wlth nn lnd*>
icndeiit conatltuency Is more aougbt after thaa
the maeblne man who does not have to be eon
rerted. When the maeblne hss so mucb at
? take no wpnder lt has a powerful mlHsloiiary
nflueiice on the doubtfuL At such tlmos Inde
ktndence is ? stock in trade. But to sare tbem
KaivaJfl dlsappolntmont theso yo*Jttg ui"U should
lot be deluded Into thlnklng thnt tha mnchlne
?rlll love them any more for havlng to convart
them, or thnt lndependents wlll respect them
nnv mora for lmving to be coavaYtad.
it is inppoMble tiiai tho Hritish Ooverument
hns reaUj made iuch a itatemenl to Cblna as
tli.it reported ;u "Tlie Maix'hostor Ginrdl.in "
it is alao luppoeable that it hai not dooc so,
jin,i tiiat tbe repori in tbat paper is pul for
w.ini merely as a "feeler,'' to aacertaln publlc
Bentlmenl on tho aubject Oovernmenti aome
tiines do thai sort of Iblng, even tboae thnt nre
less sonsliiv,. to th- populnr wlll thnn thnt of
Grcnt Rrltnin. If BUCb ho iho c.nse, thc st.it.
iiiotit is most ibrewdly frnmi'd. It is calculatcd
to pleaae nt ooce tbe Jlngoea nnd (he Man
chester Sclmol. Tlio former could aoiuvely asU
for a Itronger forelgn pollcy than It sets forth,
nnd the latter wlll surely be WOU to its lUDport
|,y i:s obvloUl Intefil to keep tho mnrUets of
Asia open to thelr goods. The whole Itatement,
down to tlio cloalng pnrnginph, Is llll.'d wlth
big wordi of tho most peaceful purport, and nt
tlie close tho one sorloiis Isstio Is delteroualj
dlapoaed of in a aentence arhlcb may mean any.
thing ,,r notblng, iccordlng to iho taate nnd
fancy of tbe Interpreter. "Equal rights for all
it.'itions in ihina" is tbe burden of tbe docu
menf. Nothlng could bo more fnIr. The "most
farored narion" chuse is a common one in
trentles, and its fltness is generally recognlted.
(Vrtnlnly It Is properly to be gnforced wlierevcr
lt exists. And lt muat be iald thai Oreat Brit
aln hns rdvown onilre wiiliiignoss thnt iuch
shotild be the o.ise. She h:is lOUgbt no exolii
slve prlvileges lu Chlna. Laat year she pro
ralled upon the Cblneae Oovernment to open
the great West River to commerce, but lt was
to the commerce of all nation.s anl not to that
of Great Rritaln alone. So she Is Juatifled ln
demandlng that her sh'.ps shall have tho rlght
to find harbor at Port Arthur ns well as thoae
of Ruiala, and that ronceeilona for rallroadi
nnd mlnea shall he granted to her as well as to
any other nation. It is icarcely inppoiable
thnt any nation will lerioualy dliputl tlie jus
tlce cf such demands. Tlie only crlthism thnt
can well he made is that Great Brltaln li a
tritle tardy in iier preeent actlon. 8he knew,
as dld all the world, a year BgO, tbat Ru-sia
had made u treaty with ciiin.i under whlcb siie
was to enjoy ipedal nnd ezcluiive prlvllegei.
\\'hy did not <;r.'iit Brltaln at once proteil
agalnal lt? It would aeem to have been better
for ber to do so than t-> givo tbe treatjr tho ap
parent sanction of allence nnd to poatpone ber
oppoeltlon until a time when both pnriies to !t
had come to regard It as an accomplllhcd fact
That, however, !s not a vital polnt What is
of prlrue lmportnnoo ls the Is.-uo r.tisod !n the
last paragraph of this Mancbecter itatement
"This declaration doos not apply to cessions of
tcrrltory." Certalnly not. If Cblna eeei flr to
cede a j?ort or provlnce to Germany or Russia
the eiiual-rights prlnciple will no h>ngor apply
to it. That terrirory wlll no tonger be aubject
to fhinese treatlos, but to tho lawa of 11s new
owner. And there ls renson to auppoae tbat
exnetly such cesslons nre now about to bo made,
or perhaps have already be n made. If doei
not matter whether they nre made volunrarily
or lnvoltintarily If Cblna acquleacca in Oer
inany's seizure of Klao-Cbau, that placi be
comes Germnn territory. Just ns mucb ns the
city of Rerlln itself. What, then, will Greal
Rritaln do about that? If othor nation.s be
gln the partltlotiing of Cblna, what wlll sho
doT The Mancheiter itatement does not aay,
"Graver queatloni will aiiae," and tlio "Gov
"crnment will then conalder tho manner in
"whlcb Rrltish Intereati can beel be aafeguard
"ed." Why, tlmt li what every one knew !??
forc it commlti the Brltlih Govcrnment to
nothlng, protnlaea nothlng, throateni nothlng.
ln brlef, thc whole documenl may beepltomlaed
Into this: Equal rlgbti ns long :t< they are not
aerloualy menaccd, nnd then we ihall aee what
we aball aee! Nol a pnrtlcularly luminoua con
trlbutlon, thnt, to the Iltcrature of tho Chlneae
Th? Mayor p.iys he ls not runnlng this rov
ernment by maklntj bargalni. Certalnly not.
H" runi lt by obeylng ordera
It must make the Dertvcratlo riub proud to
have on Its waltlng llst a landhlate who, hav
lng been convli ted once of mura.>r aud sen
tenccd t i d< ath. flnal'.y got off wlth a r.-rrri in
Slng Blng, nnd another cindi'late who on his
trial for tuurder eacaped punlahment on th"
i,rr "md of inianlty.
Natal celebrated its four hundredth annlver
sary ir. right Imperlal faihlon. It wai on Chrlit
mai Day, 1407, that VaacodaGama flrat ilghted
the shore to which. In bonor ><t the tlme, he gave
the name Natalia. At t'hrlstmas. 1807, thc Natal
Parllatnent anncxe.J Zululand and Amatotura
land, tbua extendlng its away over thi whola
tt-rrltory from the I'mzlmkulu Rtver to the
FJautU, and almost to Delagoa Bay.
Wanted: A hackbone. Anybody flndins? such
an artlcle will confer a favor by communicatlnir
with tho Hon. (leurge W. Rrush, care T. C.
Platt, No. 49 Broadway, New-Tork.
Mayor Van Wyck could ai parently take a
uacful les'oii in placldity of derr.eanor from
Rlchard Oroker, who is qulte as rcaoluti as am -
body needs to he, but who s.-hlom lets his tem
per rlaa to thc ixplodlng point.
The new Cuban Governmenl has been pro
claltned aud li apparently In poaaeailon of ita
offl - h. lt Is not known, however, tha; any min
,-ral election 1:.-1-= been held or ran be held, as
provlded by th- Conititution, nor do the Inaur
genti aeem Incllned to facllltate thc holdlng of
Il ,\s a matter of fact, the rrantlng of bo
called autonomy doca nol appear to have had
the alighteal matterlal effect upon the rool of
thc trouble.
Th>- teapol in the Mayor'a offlce aeema to have
glvcn placa to tbe pepper-pot.
Plne ureather for ikatera, this, but rather ex
aiperating foi thoae ln the Immedlate nelghbor
hood who wanl to go aleighlng. The latter are
wlihlng f"^ mow, whlli thi former hope It wlll
k.-.-p off. Even tli- weather cannol pleai.irery
? a
Half a mtlllon non-combatanti, larg' ly women
and chlldren, dead of dlaeaie nnd atarvatlon.
Thai is Ihe record of Weyler'i a lon ln
Cuba. And now he whlnei and proteiti thai
Prealdenl M< Klnley hai wr< nged him ln declar
big hla metboda of warfare Inhuman. lf kllllng
off one-tblrd <-f the populatlon of a country is
not astermlnatlon, whal is lt?
Senatur Qrady'l antlpathy to cartoona Is
acarcely exceeded by that of the Eraperor Wlll?
iam, but, bapptly, his "InfJooence" i.s conaldcra
bly less.
Mr. Van Wyck breaks out Into rallltitf at tbi
Roard of Kducatlon, and says there II "COOUgh
"intelllgence here lu New-Tort to ittpplyalltbl
"teaebcra n?edod f.,r tbe publlc achooli." ThT?
la certalnly enouiih temper ln th- City Hall to
,-iari u tiiius. -> faotory.
Cuban MVoyi of autonomy atlll find thelr
wayi invlroned wlth thi perll which brought
thi bapteea Rula to hla doom They an aot
even allowed to open communleatlon ?rtth tbe
Iniurgcnl generala when they reach ihelr campa,
und an warned ihut if they do nol Immcdiately
return they arlll be ahol Thi patrloti an
out for freedom, wlth no Intentlon of st,i>
Ing thelr arnn tlll they havo conqueifd lt
Tho way of the cmiaaaiy of autonomy then la
pavtd wlth burnlng ploughaharea. and of thoae
that walk thereln the back track brings out by
all odds thelr Uvellest paees.
Rome yeara ntm when Coimri-Punnin Johnson. of
Indlana, was s Btruggttng young lawyaf a Uoe>
hearted lawyer gave hlm n. autt of elothea. Mr.
johnaon recently learned that the son of hl* former
benefactoi led been forced by revereee toImvj
.-?.?... iVhere ha waa atudylna law. and aecured
, for hlrn a poaitlon In Wsahlngtan wWch would
i enable hlm to rontlnue hla attwiee.
Mmc. Duae haa Juat glven a suecaaaful p.rfortr.
' anoe, Ir, Monaco, ot A. W. PtnerVa "*nsoB - Mra
Tanqueray." m Itallan, under tho tltle of I*
? j .i.i fcfogile."
One day a mother who had been to a country
: houae nrir Marreilles was returalng st twlllght to
tha city wlth her aoa. a child of atgkl reara. who
ha 1 lc-n put ln a peeck baske; born* by a donkey,
and tho mother. fearlng the child mlght eatch r-old
(it wao In November), had eevered hlm aita a
1 thl.'k brown shawl. Tlred wlth runnlng around tho
.intry all day, cosey and waras "?;|',T '?"?, *{[*
1 Bhawl, the chIM araa soon aeleep and hMden bytne
?Men of ihe baskei There l- b local rustom-nouae
,'.?.,?. VamSSi of Marsellles, and whcn thc inapector
sVm my I ickage, eontttaa contraband
artlcl iata a ahaip ateel plek throuahlt. He
_.?, , enarlna to do thla with tha beakel when the
. ? ?,V.",r ? dlaunVa behlnd. aaw hla IntanMot.
hrleked oui thnt her aon waa In thc bsafcat
lt was Adolphe Thlera.
Alphonae Daudet ueed to tell 'hls aneedotc to
llluatrate tbe Indvtllty ot aomc BngHahman: T
waa on mv we.Ming Journey, nml an Bngllehman
waa with my flfs and myseif in the eomoartment
in the tniin. The alr in the car waa cloae, and I
, aanted the arlndow lowered. Mtit lu- Inalated II
ihould he k-pt cloaed. I told hlm that I want< l
nomo freah alr, thal my wlfe necded lt. but he per
si-t.,| m keeplng tha wlndow shut. At his lnclvilltj
I ihrusl mj elbow tfirough the patio, at the same
tlme exHalmlng: "Keep the alr away from "s now,
if you can," and the fellow glowered llke a bull.
New-Haven, Conn., Jan. 4.-The Storrs loeturor
i ln the rale Law BchOOl courae thls year will be ex
Postmaster-Oeneral wiison, presldent of Washtng
ton and Lee L'nlveralty,
Fir-it Bwaet Th!n?r oh. h>- tho way, have you
! r< ad "Q ? '? Ha"?
d Bweel Thlng-Yes; and I don't ace wher->
tha tltle comea In; there ls no such charactor ns
I tjuo V'adla ln the book.
Kvni.lv Batlafled.?"I want to get a couple of
b'yiks for twr, young m^n." aald the p\r\ ln tha
: re, "and 1 don't kr.ow whut to choose.'
Er -un.it Bort of young men are they?" asked
the ri ally lt ? l lerk.
"One ? , .? S ? lay-achool, and the other
v.. ii, he Ii not th tl k i d of a young man at all,
j . . kn .u ."
"Ah! I thlnk l have j l what you want."
And h? handed it two eoplea of "Quo Vadla."
?i Indlanapolla Joui na 1
A tlme-hoimred phraso In the South used to he
?? >g and homlny"; but the polltlcal slogan ln
? Juat now la "Hogg ar.d harmony." If the
Demo r.its \>t tha S'.tte will furnlsh the harmony
x-Governor wlll promptly furr.lsh the Hog-g.
\' ? Qermany nnd Russla bnth
[nvadlng Chlna' - 11,
A taklng what th'-y nke of her.
? ? '. nd i loodleaa r-poll,
Whlle France, and even wen Japan.
Are hungerlng for thi ;r ahare,
<>h. it won't be long tlll many shelvea
Are fllled with Chlna ware:
It'a grab at thls and grah at that,
Ai 8 take whate'er you can;
! come, rtrst served, and mlsrht makes rtirht,
Thls feems to be Ihe plan;
? - on;y danger to be seen,
To bld tha thlevea beware,
Im that of a general bloody smash
In the rush for Chlna ware'
Bl I.nuts Republlc.
rjeneral Lew Wallaee aays that if the United
Btatea dnes not take Hawall now It wi:i have
to flght for It fifteen years hence. Rather than
1.r??.ik tlie peaea BO early ln the new ccntury It wlll
i. the part of wlsdom to let the lslands In wlthout
1 delay, nr-d thnt appeara to he the prevatllng sentl- |
m.-nt. not only of the country. but of the world
Bl largi .
A Doubtful Kecommendatl in Buyer Is thls doif
Dealer I should sav so! I havc aold hlm four
I tlme be'a come riKh: back to m?!
I v l< gende Bl&'ter
Thc "Vlta Itallana" has dtacovered among tha
archlvea of Rome certaln eoplea of ? Clreek
journal publlahed at Mlaaolonghl ln 1821-the year
of Byron'a death Thla Journal, thc "Teictrr.iphe
Orec." relates many thlnga ot Byron'a laat daya,
and lt glvea the r ? i- ?n why the poet dled He a la
(cllled by dlaobedlance to Ihe doetora, Ha dled
m he w.. ,id nol be bled. And thla la proved
ipay of tha poet, which the "T.Menrnphe
? irec" rei orda In eatei i
"Tha Richmond Dlapatch" aaya: "Sixm after the
? i Kvungelina L'lineroa fr.im prlaon, A, 1>.
)-..... - . :????. llie. \'.i . concelvad the Idea
i .- ne of hla flllii i after thi daring young
i uban malden Accordtngly. he wrota ai once to
:-...; Jockey Club, aaklng thnt tho
red for one of hls thoroughbred
. i iy hi r< celved a letter ^r..m the
.-. -r " Irtj
c-utlona, but aa hla araa tha (lrai the name had
, r - atered f >r hla racer "
? k- ring & Bona' orcheatral con
certa un !cr the dlrectlon of Anton Beldl, took place
in Chlckering Hall yeaterday afternoon. Xaver
Bcharwenka waa agaln th? solo performer, and
preaented himaelf and hla concerto ln I) flat mlr.or
moal succe There wero some slgns of ruda
( manner ln the last movement, bul he played
the Bcherso, and. later ln the afternoon, Llszt's
rdansa" with much dallcacy, clearnaaa and
taate. Thc concert bcKan wlth Dvorak'a ovartura,
"In der Satur" 'ono of the set of three related
In thematlc materul Which the compo?cr brought
forward In New-Tork for the first tlme a few
\..arh ago) and ended wlth eacerpts from "Die
Melateralnger." The mlddla number. between the
srta plecea waa i aet >f four ptecea, sub
dued In tone, announced to be for strine;*. though
tho horna were made partlcularly promlnent ln
on< the mlnuel from "Don Olovannl." Yet tho
group ilt was composed of the famlllsr Alr from
Bach'a Bulti In l?. 'be Mosart Mlnuet, the Noc
turne from Blset'a "L'Arlealenne" mualc and the
famlllar walti from one of Volkmann'a aerfnadea)
made a faaclnatlng Intermeaso, ar.d aa a new ex
periment ln programme m.ikiriK by Mr Beldl do
ser\ ea rommen latlon.
It ls aK.iln approprlata to record that the re
markable theatre on the weal alde of Broadway,
between Twenty-elghth nml Twenty-nlnth sts.. L
which la nol the Flfth Avenue Theatre, has
changed Its name ll v\;is only a few weeks ago ,
that the announcemenl waa made th.?t tha house ,
hnd been renamed the Jonah Theatre. On M ?n
day nlght ll began over agaln as Bana T Jack's
Theatre. Mr Jack haa taken tlu> managemenl of i
the houae, undlamayed bj Ita prevloua record, and ]
wlll preaenl rarlety nnd burlesoue mi Ita i>t,.^.-. |
Accordlng to ruatom a llst of a f<-w of ttic namas
by which thla theatre hnx pasaed from tim.- to tlme
The Ban Pranclaeo^allnatrela,
iletj Theatre, Dockatader'a Theatre, iho
\. u (ialetj Thi itre, Herrmann'a Theatre, St.
Jamea'a Hall, the Qalety Theatre. the Iton Ton ' i
i rteatre, tlie Jonah Theatre,
Bam T Jack"a Th< itre I (
? i ,
of the Natlon i! Acadi my at I ?? -
algn, al Twenty-thlrd-at. and Fourth-ave., tiave
i?. i well i ? '? alnce New Tear*a Day wlth
? and i rofi - lonal ph iti gi iphera
?>.,, u.;.t th n to rlew the pbotographlc exhtbl
.. ,. of ?' EJaatman Company. Tha exhlMtton wttl
i untll the iJ:b of the month, and ?< vtall
. ea wlll thoroughly repay thoae who
taka the trouble to go there, The photographa
eover the waiis of .ui the eorrtdors and eomprlss '
:.- of every varlaty of photograpb known
to photogTaph ra Tha appolntmenta and anrange
mentfl of the gallery have bei n ehoaea wlth a vlew
to harm^nUI ig wtth the exhlbtta and esaphaatstag |
thelr be.st polnta, and the reault la extraordlnarlly
tul Tl ? ' kodak '.-iil" may sce there
anap shot?. tlmo aapoaurea, enlergementa, lantera
Mlldes. pockel kodak prtota and all manner of the j
t. bnlcal ezblblta ln 'be predactton af which he \
often arreatled. Tho work of both pro- i
f.-MM.ui tia .mi amateura la ahown, and many af ]
ti.xiiii.itM nr.. eonatantly aurrounded by adaalr
ipH duiins' afternooiih and evenlnga A
large number of Nea forkers have speclmena of
thali work on exnlhltlon Among them are Mr<
j s Pargo, a E Whltney, H. C Du Val, Bldney
M Colgate Arthur Bcrtbner. Jamea I. Breeee, A
!i Overman, Dr W Beward Webb and s I Me
Clura in the competition aectlon are ahown a
i.,rv-- number et tba phetographs which were s.-nt
ln lo Ihe Baatman Company m competition for
the B.O0Q In prtaea offered b> ihe company, and
moal of iha prtae wtnnera are thua dUplayed. K
number of photoarapha taken by neenabera ot ihe
roi i, fituiiv of oraai Brltaln are among thc (-x
Admlaalon ls by eompltmentary tlik?ts obtaltiable
from all kod?k dealara or upou pgaBBBtattaai of a
vlalilng card.
Parla, jan. 4.-A letter from an offlcer of the
Marchatd expe<iition iwhi'-h. aceorallng to the newe
recelved here yeaterday, under dati af September
17, had ?rrh",l on thai latl II Ri'ai, ln the
Tambura rllatiiJl af the tflli Baatn aad was pro
"?o.llng tt QCCUpy Rumbek, ln the forrltory of
H.ihr-'I-'Ihtaai), publlahi I ln a newapapar of
Toulouae, a ya the Prench force conaists af twonty
thr?-.. whlte -i .-r. aad Bve hundrad Senagaleas rifla
mon. l?c?"-riMti8; th>. banlahtpa endured, the irrltef
Tho natlva 'irrh-r* alVC mu'-h trouhle \V>- selio-J
thi-m for^ibiy and thej attempti I to ' avery
opportunlty. We rainfy Bhot or hnnie?-d those who
arera recapturtA bul o:i,.i- ,-? n u I lo eacape.
Many were recaptured levera In get
tlng awai U?'?? ?ere obllged to enter vlllagea wi-a
a fow rlflomen atd s,.lZ?- all the men and wom> n
found thoroln. Bomi times the whole populatlOO
BCd Wi- ti,. t. bomed , fen huta, arhlch K<rnrn..y
Indueed ihem lo r.?urr. We then aelaed the <'hlef
..ii.l cornpelled him to elve ua - ivi to ^^rry our
load ThlM is the ,-..-. .\ ly to deal wlth theaa
brutes. whon *<? have aeeri quarrel iver the hodies
of th'-lr ahot comradei for food
Th" Ifanhand caaedltion i? the one whi^h ana
reported to hava >?on r>,- icred ta lhal a" tlon of
Afrlca aome i:m? ln AiR,,st laat, bul the %??
reoelved from this Praa?h force iii-:,os.s of tha
r.-i,ortn clrculated. aii w<re well at the time the
ofhvi.ii newa of yeaterday r<.i acd Parla an I :t wai
added that a fortnlghtly miii aervlce iraa ln reg
ular opentlon between Tambura and Banahl, on
thc t'bnngl Rlver, to tha ari | KMil ?' \'r i
1',-ar.s have beei expreeaed h aome quartera that
this .-xpe.iitioti haa been puahhg nortl ??? ird ip the
Nii.' toward Khartoum and Itnaa ? an lrr..
mated that when tha Brltlah fltally r. i h that lm
portant pia^-e they may find t.. c- :. n ;oi
aeaaion of th? town In other auartera, how.-.or,
theaa apprehi-nslons nre pronounted to be ground
leaa _
and rraiPBi may fini. t*rocbi*e ahbad
Paris. Jan. 1?The "Hbert*" aaaerta thnt C ip
perton Island (over which the Mea II re
ported to hava been hollted by a party oi martl a
from the gunboat Demo. rata, af -r tha I ars and
Btrlpea had baen ba il d I iw I i pro
tcsts of the Amertcana tl re) i ?** to
Prance, and adda: "Naturally tha Amerb-ana hava
aaked for the protectl r <i nmem
II ;. Prance'a luty to re-eatabltah rder ln that
la md, adjudl ati beta i ?. ? '.
ina and deraonstrate our own r;.- .* h
h ua never been conteated
Th<? news of th" haultng <". wn f the fl :
Btripea at Cllpperton laland m the
llexlcan gunboat Democrata a*ai bi ighl l Iaa
Dlego, Cal., on December n by | o tha
?teamer Albton. Cllpperton lalai I ? thoav
- f tom of gmno work
Ing the guano holsted tho Ptars and Bttipea >ver
thelr warehousea aome nlne mor.'ns ago, i . :
lr.s to the Btory tr!,;. and Informed the Be retary
: Btate of th^ir actlon. The afexlcana, bowever,
on December 14, formally hauled th<? c-m j-,kh
?:.i took posaeaalun of the laland, which is Bttu
ated about eight hundred mllea off the Mexican
eoaat, almoat d'ie w^-Mt of Acapulco, la tbi nama
or Mexico,
The llexlcan venlon of the affalr ls that the
Amcrr-an* have lllegally obtalned ; iieaaion of
the laland, which la only about four mllei '.r. clr
cumference and whoae vcgetatlon nalata of two
palm trees. thouKh the twenty thouaand tons of
guano on the laland are aald to be vaiued al Jo ? 00.
DlBpatchea from VVaahlngton on January I aald
no news of the reported i tlon of Mexico had aea
reoelved ai the Btate Department. It waa -
that th<> law permtta an American citizen to .
u].<n .i auano laland, au b aa Cllpperton laland,
? for tha purpoae of lakli t otf tne guano, hut
it nuis: i?. afnrmatlvely Bhown that the laland k
noi part of the terrltory of another nation at th*
tlme of the locatlon.
Iti "Llpplncott'a Oaaetteer" Cllpperton I^lar.,! ia
deaciibed as an "unlnhablted annular corai lsiand.
clalmed by Frnnc?, in the Paclfic,"
?- -
Johnnnesbirg. Tran.svanl Rep ibllc, Jan 4 ?The
VOtlng ln th.? Prealdentlal election \fgnn yeater
Jny. The candllatcs ar>> Ifl -srn Kr'lger, Jrcjh?rl
and Behalkburger. The latter*a cm U-Ia.-y app^ara
to be Intended to ^piit Joubert'a \ote aad aeejre
the re-electlon ,.f Prealdenl KrUger. J-.-i^ert ao
isea B talkburger ol breakina hla anaagemeat
i il to run ind Ueclarea ':.,?(? Prealdenl Kr ;g^r u
re-el< 'te<l J ?? wlll contlnue Comm i lant-O ? ^rai;
but if Behalkburger la elected Joutiort wlll forth
wlth r.-i>ls;!
Tho ex.ltlv^ power of tho South Afrl^an Re
;?. ..: otherwlae the Tranat lal, la veeted ln a
Presldent, elected for :iv.- y.-ir". as>.s;^i ty a
Coundl, conalBtlng of three ofllcial taemben (tha
Btate Becretary, the Commandant-Oeneral and the
Minute-keeuer) and two non-offlclal members cl?ct
ed b> the volkara i!
B .1 Paul aCrtlger, who wa? elected for the thlrd
May 12. IIM, is ?h? Presldent, and Oeneral
j. ibert, the Commandant-Oeneral, ;s the Vice
l . ? lent
Berlln, Jan. t?The Oerman Tranaoeeaalc Eleetrli
:r ; iny, w'.rh h- - ? an '. rmod,
wlth a capltal of 10,000,000 marks, for the piurpeaa
af erectlng alectrlcal atationa h Amerlca a c^n
tr.d atatlon wlll : rat ? I at Huenoa
Ayrea, for liuhtinp anl gonoral aup|
Madtld, Jan. 4? A dlspatch from Ovledo. capltil
>( the provlnce of that name, ln the Asturijs Dla
trlct, aaya that two hundred kllograaM (about
^our hun inii and forty poumlsi of powder ixploded
to-day at the San afanjoya factori Beven peraoni
iv.-:.- kllled outright and many badly lnjur?.i Th?
iiiiidings were compd royea.
Toronto, OnL, Jan I.?There ls a strong move
ment on fool in thli city whlcb wlll presently take
practlcal form, In favor of an export duty on nlckel
^re and nlckel matt-r. Tha Ontarlo Ooa/ernmeat ia
inxli ua that aonethlng ahould be done in thc dlrec
provldlng work for Cana llana I il lt hai no
ateani of meeiing the dlfllculty, - la the
matter of the aaw t< ia The ma ?' ; a^ing
in export duty on nl k.-l ore II ln the
Domlnlon Oovernment, and it ls probable that
pressure ?iii be broughl to b< ir tl il Qovem*
tr.i nt to ns,- the ; wera confi rred ..
Berlln, Jan 4 -Prlcea wera str-.n^ ln thi Boorae
i,. ra to-daj In a ? tocka were ac
tlvely bougbi for eovering, ai l i ??? purchaaea hard*
Hied prlcea Canadlan Pi rttlea arera fav
ired on Ihe Increaae in the i Sortbera l'a
?ih.-s win - Blll r.
Prankfort, j.m. i T ? il ? mirkei h ??! anod
? ?.- - - lay, but bualnea -^ i icl M> \: tana
aardened Am rtean t* - ?' - ' :?'? aa ?pt
ina N"i:?-,. i ii r.,, li
Vlenna, Jm. 4 There ? ia in aa ouraglng '.-o:tr.f
>ti the Bocraa to-day. Bpi ilal a ^.o aldenlng.
. lei .i iltultl ' ? -i dly II ?" waa
'onaiaered more rea-^,.; a md .?..- :>i.-:'s fr m
'orelgn Boeraea atlm i
Parla Jaa 4 Businesa had a ati ag appearanea
ti tha Bourac to-day, Intcrna . ? -A.-re
luiet, excep - iae of 1 .o;-h. for which
there was an urg< Rlo Tlntoa were ln
lood demand, prlces I Ing atlmulated by thi de
? i~.- |n ihe al<x k
i iula Pagjaa, formerly if tha departaMat of
prlnta and drawtaga of tho Brittab atuseuaa, yn>
DMrnlag began hla aertea af laotaraa on
"Thi Brltlah Muaeum and Buropean Ptctun vial
lartea" In lha ICetropoUtan Muaeum of Art. The
iraa ,- glveo h> Columbta Unlveialty In conjune
tion with th>- Buaeuaa, Kr. Pagan'a iti aei riatar*
jay w.is "Egyptlan, Aaayrlan and Babylcotaa An
Uqultlea," Ib- wlll conunuo thi s.-rles T^iaiday and
Prtdai Btornlnga ai 11 o'clook, aii of thla mon;i?.
tbi tltlaaa of t:iu recaatalng lecturea in: January
v ?ilr.-.k and iSm-co-K ,man AaCtqtttttce''; Btb,
"Tha Llbrary aad adanaacrlpta"; tfth, "Weod En
irraving from Ita Ortgtn to tbi aUataanth Ceotuiy'*;
i8th -Eichiiig- Itembrandl, W Kl ? L0t ?aZ-'
Rd, "Measotlnt Engravtag UAfter sir Joehtia uo
nolda)"; ?th. "The Londtn Natlorat OaBary
Itallan B hoo.)"; atth, 'Tha Kajua | >d Ama rtUaai
Jailerlea iDutch and Plemiah IchooU) i aeihbbi
?.!" vmi: i- llluatnuad No tl kef ? t ?.mii ??^Pj
ir.. rcqulrcd. Thi uiual entratwe, at 1;*"',>"!nJ
Hjid-at nd Plfth-avi., ia temporarlly '/^\'1.el'y.
rlBltora artll have to .-m.-r tha Park ?' raevaaaaj
Budapeet, Jan. ?.-Two u.-ia with awarii
fangbt here to-day. BrtBhag OUl af !"*""'
?hanged durmg th.- reoerrt 44?batae M taa
tiouaa of tho ItuuK.iH.in 1'arllam-nt
Coua, dtefan Ttaaa -omadad n-rr Uja*?g
ind IKrr Edmund r.ajary *';:;, ','/,? tcri04ia>
Rayowaky la both <**<?* ""."W&L wouuda
ilerrun TIaaa and Oajary racelved n*^ wou