OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, February 09, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-02-09/ed-1/seq-3/

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Tl'.r. BTATB TAX COaUflBSIl *C flAYS IT 13
sv BlOtntita ABB F.vts apvanitp -ni PBOTfl
TH^T ""l!," TTI ? nat BA ? t.i B8AB A
aBjaay. JV- ' Tn aaaaree to atiuka maia on
?..,:? Tet CQenmleeleaiera. aiiisinc that the
'',.. r Xew-Torb to aver-aaoeaaed fer thi benefit of
,v, Btate ?* taree. the Oommtoatonera in a Btea*
' ' <ai
. ' that arrea- r\\ Btattol tCt aOB
wpi sted in N'-w-York Clty arltb tha tahle
*'f. by the State TVar 1 bj S- ,.
ad tbal elty, '.: atay not be
'^ .. . ?? i-. r. latlen there to Th?
* to New-1 rk Clty bj the equallavition
', . - 5. ; "s Mtti, i u-ga .is it
,f ..-..I r'rie diff.ren.'e hetween ?? par cent.
N'ew-York araa oredlted trttb
Lj-g- ttaeaeed ramttve ba fuii \?'ue aad 66 pius
^??e-SUe r*!r Baed for the enttre Ptnte.
C tav4 raelvea or many a.-.-irc-* ef )n
ITort 1 le ermlne equttably the
? neseasment In New-York Clty
.., al at ef the paaparty aaaaaaad, ant we
. - leve that tKe aattnaate ef w r,er cent bi
-te aaawer to njnaroui Inqulrl ?? allreyaed to
__gga\\ - ra ajeee and o ?- wvoaP buat*
..... faml -fy arltb -r- prteea obtntned
gi,! - -?? aetate ta New-York Clty, ??* hav.^
ajpaatedl] taaured that, whlle ln a great
raal eatate was a?s?see4. m that
~ g. - per oeal af Ita full rr.-rkot value,
v,'. - - ef Btrge hoUlnns hy Wealthp ?a
JZjg, _i rp raiions the uv-rap* of BaaaBB*
ro ? ? t axeeed M par tent Ar.d la .-er
.i es<43oatrollar Plteh la Itp.
.. | .- ' ra ? ? mmbtal i , . 'r'ed py tha
; ... - - . "? '? ir. the New-York pa<
_^ _i \ v? statej, with fiferenre to the
. . - nta ta atieea patd for preperty
- - - J urpeei - thal he ^a* known
tataaeai nent i ter ceert >f tbe raal -.-aj-.;.-* in
... ?' H? 'i ;.r ->r in others.
n . ?. LDINOa BINCB 1880
? . -?? ' new buUdlnga *i?":ed and of tm
?reeaaBBati ta Beer-Torb dtj batareaa UBB and
'., ? a- ?-. by tbe eattmataa flled in 'he P.iiid
... B.4B The a--'?eised vajtie
. __j psaat ? ?? t 11 -xeelet that of
? . paarBB l BB B.aifl. i ting ;Ka- the as
tetrxtrt e! re*. ; r .. -rt> tn the otty of Verr-York
_ ?m wu P.44 NB.aB abert of the es-lma'ed eoet
afaavaaaafaapdartaa bhal portod, wltbeal rar,ar.'.
. iacret*ei '? . 10 af the '.end escl.:s!v? of the
...... ;? i - > -*.r to K*y. however, tbat
^j .- ?- ? rs af New-Y rk ass?n that
:.-? tm-'mTf.- bi af new bulM nga md bn
treteai ata - oftea eaaggetab I tor tba pur?
. |f a " - rgei na on bond and morl
tbe othce of th< Bulld
r, . ttated Bat whlle ? h
i rei - -
n -..-??? *
I that ln i
an are: ?'?..-,
? . . .
:. a \ r. ty waa equal
??? ? i . <i wa
k. _ . - ..- te ln twonty-thn yeara
?? r. ? ? - ? er flfty
& rei ? I
? - - ? t. t
If the
?fi' ir
rlng tbe same ]
? -? -
t . - - ? ?
?ar. and l
. a - ' '? aum of 1192..
A '
. . ? ? nent ol
?a i 9t te ai
... ?..-..- ? | . ? nore tharr
. - - ni e doubi
. ?
? york has r?">r. urea'e- than ln
? state. i y ln vlew f the
fact that ln ai agr tural comm
.. ali ?a rl i
tbat ; ?
~tr t ? . vahae ?'? raal ptoparty la rv.?
, ,v ' Bj r J - WM '- '" "? !n haB lt wa?
, ttijHtM t.- ncream tteea year* of
rMIB.ea! i ?J pei oeat Ia afooroe Oearati
?M -i? tA>.-*a..: value ?f raal tat i:* wra W
ir :?*! If traa t^a,lii..l^. *r. lt rense of ;?) ?
BT :.: ''?r rfn\ In Klntr* County. rr 1S40. tne ai
*.- =-?; ? alue f real ^?r .te w-v* 8BBJBJB; ln IflM lt
aTBfftnOBC a- Inoreaai f BB0.20 Tfl or 1B per
eeat <n Erie n 1BD tb." ? _ ^ ?
... att&tp waal ' ? ' *?a fW.i?.?
[? v r* -- of i ??? KC.84I * 142 ? al Tet,
' ? " . Z^tr.
bei " '- .edmlt
:..?.-.- er rate ol - ? in tr.?
; *lyn Buffa
I .. - . ? ' . 'k,
? edls ? d -?? the T.x ?? .-?
? ' .
...... a snuwii
,M ? I'. 4 I -- .
rt ?' ? ' ; m "2 the fl te Board f 1
v. -?-???? -?-? -? "I ?
ted A - '?- iBetaa ?- - .
? -
BBBCM - .......
- -
-..-"'? ? I ' " "?
_ y, ra ? ner nt oi es. aa
- . :. - rk. Ulater
.. . - 2 met - im. i
....< . . (Tbal thea are
-? ? ? :.
' * ' " Aa i
. -
<?- i -. . ..
..... dty of New-York
bi j~ m
BBtMt ? of Ita anaaal repoi
aaaata aayi ll la * melanch ly reflectlon
Btbh ChrtBt - igi neii er tbe mem ey ol i
aaaaj at , ? pr -? rei
Botettr a ror the heeaaftar "
tbe tae.- ; -
a?fl tttti ua tha ave ?- i -
- .- .-.m foreing other m*n to pay the
? for 4 b he la juetl)
'*? ? rtam eal, rf not abaoluu nBnal
. . ?
~ '? - r, ? "
B, *
y>4 v ...
? ? .; ?
- ? ? r - v . ,
" . ? -i
ttlon ol ? .
by a
e,-"rn ma ?04Tr. ailaatlea
. - . ? ' ? form to tne
?menl .
? - ? . ,:
? ? ' ? ? ?
? ???'
A" \ m \ -.ald by
... gtat
;?????* UNIVERSAL REtVOYaa??
a ?,
X tae abatarptloa ef ?
? .-..??
Benson's Piasters
? y bam %
l , ?
I \ I... II, urlaa, rn.iii''??"? ,%'""" ?
? "'.+ ***?<**'? - ' %
| . iNaon 11 ? '? - ?
Broadway & 19th St.
23 Maidfn Lane.
nrr.i.. arsncfl ha? nrrrs fav^r
Albany. F*b S The Senato thla mornlng w*nt
into rommltree of fhe Wh.tle. wlth Senat^r foRife ,
hall ln the ei-nlr When fenaior BalBvaa'a Dla
penanry blll was moved. Penator Rruah. ehatrmnn
of tha Comm -t*e t.n Publlfl Hea.th. aald that at
the two hearti.jrs g!v*n ^n ttie rmaaure no on* BP?
pearafl ln opposlttoa, and lt waa raportad favor
Bbly, Th* m.tment It wfia r.ported, however, pro
teats began to come in frc-m dtopanaary praetdeata
He had prornlatd ttiem an opportunlty to be h*nrd,
and aaked that the bll he lald aalde for the pur
poee of reoommitrrent. benator Sullivan dtd not
oblect. nnd lt waa ao ord*red. wlth the stlpulatlon
that lt ahould retatn Ita pla.-e or. the caiendar.
S.rmror U'r&y'a tlll flgawtdfng that a Justlce of
the Mantetpal Court of New-York not a laaryer is
allglble lo re-elertljn waa pasaed.
Th?.ae h!:la were lntrodtieeO:
Hy BanatOT Eord Provldlng for the removal of
al. telegraph ..r .ither electrlc wires or poi*a from
Am^ter i.:m-gvo hetweer. Mar.hat'.Rn-av*. ar.d 'A'- t
Ons-hundrad-and-forty-fourth-et., ar.d from West
? .... ' Irsd-acd-forty-fourth-st., in tha elty of
New- Y ?: n.
Hy BanatOT Ahearr -Chn nglnir the name of the
C. J Purcell Compni!)-. nf the clty of N-w-Ynrk.
to the Purcell A Fav Company.
By Benator Htgble Amw hng the New-Tork
Clty eharter by provldtna that all peraons who
were duly llc?nsed to teacn and thua rontlnuously
engaRed for three veaT3 pr'.or to Deeember tl, !S?7.
ln the eountlea of Rlchmond or Queena, or ra h
jisrt thereof aa !s r.ow Inr lu.ied ln the clty of N*w
*'irk. aha.!. Wlthoui fumher i-xammatlon. be en
ttr ed to reoeiv* rtrnian*'.t llcenaea to tea^h ln
th-. bor ughs of New-York ln w::).-h they may
have benn ernployed. If angagei for a leaa perlod
than three >.*ars a te.m;'>rary U".r.se ahad h?
laa j?d. to he pidde perruanent on the oompi*t!r>n
of "hree yexLra' aervlce.
F4y Pentitor ''oirgeshall?The 8 per cent lnter*i:
Hy BeT.afor Ma:by-Tran*f*rrlrir to the Fore?t
Preaerve I'eard p.->w-er to d*termlne tltle to lands
'. , ?2 under former cancHlatio.-.a of tax cer
t'.:. -at*3.
a s.-?-;i:tt tv\ PRovtnn a iiomt for BOCB work
Aihanr, Feb 8.? Servitor r'annr haa imrod'i-eo' a
blll !r,,-orp.-iraMng the Hehr*w Char!'!?s Bulldlng
ln the clty of t?n--Virk. Wltb the foi:>wtng '.: r
pr>ra:ora: Henry Rtoe I?:%;ah Joaepht, Jnrob H.
P htff, Ii?aa~ Wai'.a h. Atraham Wolff. I*aae .V.
Selljrman and Morrla Lood Th. ^hjeet of the eor
poratlon ta to esta' Itah ar. '. matr'a'n a bulldlng ln
'.v | -h Hev>rew t.enevoient Instltntlonfl oaa bava
thelr headauartera and alao to e?-.atyiah a pnblle
?ary WltB a apecla! departmen: 'n Judalca Tne
pr perty Ir ro be mana*r<-i '.y a board of aeven t
mora dtraotera not, however, ex^eedlng tweiuy
Ofie, to aerve wtthout eomper^a'lon.
Albany, Feh S The 3'at* S.ip*r1nt*ndent of Pub.lr?
Inatruettoa has auaratned the appeal of John l>.
Rx:kefeMer. Wlillam C Church ar.'. oth*-? a?rBlr-?t
J R rie;a;.-y. J H A^ker and T F Han.ey. Tr-ia
, tees tt t'r.; >r. Fr?e 6eh ,ol Dtfltlicl No. 3. Mour.t
; i'lt-a.oant. Weatchester Oour.ty The appallanta ap
I fraa a tax l!st Whlch the B hool Tr.a'.et
I .' . 'f. arad apportlaatag tht- schooi diBtrict 'aies
i The Hupertntentlent aintla many erre.ra tn ?he tax
i Ua*. CertAiii rea, eatate ln the dlatnct waa ornlf.ed
' from th* M*t an^l other propertv n it altuated ll lha
, d itrlct appearad on the ron. On :he trro-ind of tr
j re?ulax;ties the aefetanient ls vaoated a^d a new
asaesament ord*red
Albar.y. F*^ I ?The Fln*n-e OoaUBlttaa of the
I - ?? to-day Bactded io re^ure the approprlatlor.
of t2&0..V0. aa proposod In tbe blll for p'jttlr.a; Into
affeet the prnvtalona of rh'- <"Jrade Crosslng a^t
naaeerl la.^* yaar, to H09XBO Colonel Cata, preai
:--.-. of the Ra'.lroad Coakmtaolon, aald thla af'?r
noon that h* had talkel wlth the Oovernor abo-it
the arn'.Jn of the apprt-.prlaMon. and tha: th.
Conuntaalon wa* qulte contsnt ro a?cept the redje
tlona Tba state Bpproprtatloe of 1180,001 aronld
mean ,vt tbe OOmmlaaloa woald hav? 1108,099 thla
year wl'h Whlch to b**rtn th* rA.rk. for by tba
pravlali ra of the art oae-half of t.i* ex.-en*^ is 'o
r.e >irr.e I y tbe rallr'.al BOtnpaalea BUd the r<-;- i'.n
'.r.g haH dlvlded betwe?n the munlelpallttaa nnd th*
It 13 szpeeted that tt arlll take twentr yeara ta
- rn] lata tne w^rk of the aboUtl m oi frade .-mn?
Inga Ther.- ar* nn.ny plaoaa whleh opposa the
. ,-. ,..- of tha taoal taaatton wl . :. M arUl
,. . rl i - ? ?n n..w
itloni for the performaaci f tha
work - rne ^ i ta croaalnaa ean ?? ? remedled for
? .., a ? ?? for otner* :: will -n^r 8500.000 N'one of
...... .-.. .-. ? s will **?? attempted thli j ar
. . r i erforraed will r?e llatrl ite I ihi igl il
?ha Btate aa n ? .
rl ? ..v. no '??? :-iat <-nou?;h work ean be a -
Bhed to oonvli e all of the azpedlea y of the
btlL M
Albar.y. F?h B.?The Aa-^emhly CHtofl Rommltree
vi Vj' r- -.-.. ' iruu ?< favorably to-m rr ?
,. ;' . ,*! i ithorlalng New-York to eapenf 5 " -
men* to Bev il ? i iry
ia?t servt.-e
raer'a dlraetlng rhe New-York Clty Board
.... n conkling oa the Bl
'..;'? .' . ,*? ? doormer: a*rv,ng
| r,.-< the ,ame Bfl r.rrolm*n ol
irth grade
i?* s.Mi-e .-.Mes rommlttae held an eaaouttve
,,irtr- tbll Bfteraooa ar.d de-1deo to raport favor
the follt * r.K ? ..
?:? '?^n^JW
V:. '- rr' rju7" parnnt'tlni the fiiing af aa
. m 'he Twenty-thlrd and raraarj roana
w.ir.l-i of N> w-York - .. .
Benator OuVe. pr. tddlna thal 5 per^eont of Maar.
Yorlfa ??? ' lha eadee moneye ahall he Kuen
.,, the -? era penaloa ha -1
AJbaaj FaM I Tba BUta Board of Health haa
aporoved ptaaa for new -aaar ay-rema ln N-w
. bfounl Vtrnnn.
p:- Chartaa M Laraaaa, r*oenti>- eievated to tbt:
,?... | .,t th* Amerlenn Board af Oommlvlon
.' , of rorelsa Hla * i waa aatartahiad al u
' formal raoeptloi laal mght m tbe bama af the \ a
preeldeni D. WIBta laaaaa, at Bo oj F.?.t Thlrty.
ninth-at Tht rjoruorate mambara of tbe Board U
iha aumbar of flfty from tbe s. utaa Bl Kaw-Tora,
N ? |_. ai ? awectl aere pi.?' ' "'
.. ,.,?i m v.a> givea (or tbe aspraaa purpoa- of .f
. . ?n. ,h,. prrBtdsnl an opportunlty to baoeaaaao.
Addn - ? ? ";?' ' .' V . ,. ,,f i
K , ? ?' ? I
' Bofd'Neda : Ka ?- H- v r i;j.
.'; ?? ^O Howwd -ne
oi Noiwlch, ti.. !<?; /.,',? ^ j jenningt. and
uz, . haXrmaa
rr was virm'AU/r a BBBDBB TO thf. BSFOB
Alhany. Feh 8 .Ppr^uii-r-harlea w. Hai-k'tt li
b pretty toleran* man wltneaa his supportlng i
Peaaaeral for Ifayor of Dttca bal hta ladlflereaoi
to what polltirian*. do do. s not fxtend to a mwl
aoreptanre of a \nte by a ItepubltCaa 1/sl?!atur,
to rensure the RetraMteaa st it* Caaamlftee '?on
trolled by Mr. Platt. As rhnlrman of th" Btat
f'ommittoe, nnd ta Ita nomlnal bead, he must re
tenl anj Im] .? 11 on tbal II icti I i'i aach a way a
to l.rlnat d|a<-r*d't evera on the Platt ni.T-hlne.
'i R lill of Implled rer.sure of the .-ommlttee
how.-ver. haa been gltdlag through the Latgta
latara ojutetly, .ind \.:itii Mr. Haehetl waraed bl
followers tO-day Its alm wr.a UBWIBPacted Th
bill waa tatreduced h> Mr Palaaor, a Deaaoerat, n
| ? . ? ,r;.. County, and lt .:> IfM 11 ll BVery rnr.i
?Irntne; a eertlfl ..te f..r tfl Independenl r.omlna
tlon Bjraal mahe affldavli th.it he int- nds to vot
for th- candldate named in tho eertlaeata Mr
I'aim^r made r.o seoret of his Intentlor. of BaaBftl
the tUI to preveni s'.irh an actlea aa tbal of th
Rep-.:>.; -.-.-! Btate Cotamlttee toat fall ir. c<-'.rina a
a rhnrn nomlnatton for Cbtef Judge ef the .-o'ir
af Appeabj The rarttBcata of aeealnai
Cbartoa f. Aebuna *? Pemeerat, waa atgned b
leadinar Platl ma hlne polltMans all ovr thi -J
Frunk M Hak-r. of OWOgO, a BM ml.er of ti.e Ball
road riBtimtoBlOtl. si^ned lt. Th* ohJe<". of th
nominatlon palpably was to draw vot?. firn Jedg
l'arkir, the resruiar DeaBoeraUr eandldata Th
forms of law tiere thua obstrved to executa I
poiiti^-ai trtek.
it araa * desrl e. bowevar, whirh ire? vo-e? re
wiiiiam J. RTallaoa tbe BepubBeaa eaadldaU
Indepej.dent voters resirnted BUCh a method of wln
nins; an ei*^tio.-i. Tbe V- ? ???? Reform law of th
State. lt was aald. shouid not be degraded
..... ealgried to J
ia .:: a : , r. mtnate ea i ?
j .,-?. - j,. r the 8 ipreme | ourt. ?
fraudulent cerUl I f non li tl ? ;?? ? .
b-fore him. llcd It or; -.h<- f- md that
-...,- - iree i ? II wi re forg. -'? i and tl tt
were other palpable i-f"- *s to li .._^.
Ifr. Hacketi waa areatly naarrin-l. apparenJ.
ri tbe r.' '?? ?t thli feebta devlce for -
Judge VFalla a, foi be eame here laat."hlht. an
to-day atrolling tate the Aaaembly Chtmb&r, ?
the n ? ? ? ;. In mot ?n l i tl ? ? ???? \
Palmei-B bUL Aaaembljrman Wellece. or viueen
County, wl late y propoaed ln a Wll tbat
depopd-nt nomlnatlon for a Btate >mce tn
a?pppa?nt imniiiiauon n'i " - - ? ? ?
peraltted unleea 30."* aignatures were *PP?n?
i lo the ? ? inatlon eertlflcate. ?f?* tn* ,"
Palmefa bill shouid he r< ommltted _^_}_..?_]
dlclary Commlttee. There w-re rrar.i Rep
Aaaen ymen abeent, ard Mr. v.xon tne r , in
leader. look laroundanal iwly tOBeelf behadeua
deal i itea te Ph?b Mr. arallace'a ?BOt,??- 4 "Jt
lt wa. defeated by a vote of 81 to ? , 'our Repul
: uean Aasemblymen-Addla, KaTanauBh.Mari.na
and Marttn votlng with the Demo __f-__ "J?!
u,.;... .-i -.1 theee four to ca-.-tre \-T>.ms
dldao. ai ? III was reromrnitted.
? , strsvx zv.
:? ' ?'--'?';" T,r;!
be fmothrred by the eemralttae ahleb ..as h
4'.?e _
twb aaKAiaya BtnupaiaBB bb?30B1vtb p^
ucabb bt ma a. n * bo bi - aa oiveb
rvr.ator <5eerge W Pn.ah aarpr1*ed th- membaf
ot the Bepubll aa fJeneral n itea ol Klng
;.;niv last nlgbl at thelr regular m "
ma by ^r.dint in hl? reetgaatloB as a membe
-om thaBeveath BTaxd The bal tet ?*^?\
?m dated -t mry U fleBater Bruab gavo b
reaeon for btl BCtlon, Bl I ? " nBmlted oppo
... - ror ? ??" ture. Dr. Bruab baa been or.e i
the moat a-tiv* m^mraers ot tbe eemmlttee ror tei
Tf aaaa^aaieeed laat alght lhal the BaiuBtoi ba
reetgaed Imcauae h* la atratagly ln aympath) - i
pereoni who favor aa Indepei lenl n i.rt "*'
? v,. iUft?? as a protest asnlns- tha ; - 81
rr.ar.aaement of th- erganltatlon'i afl BJ.
... uon of Mlcbael J Dady aa rhaltTr*aa of ??
Eueutlve Ooaunlttee waa dbiablta' Bruel
it i* aald. but lt oould not ha- e been the ea ua- c
bla reaagnatloe. t^eaus* the letter of reetgaatle
wa* dated aaveral aaya before Mr Dadj wa
elected, a* soon a* the rea^atlon waa raa
-. ii Roberta JT.. of th^ ftoveaOi Waaj
e.,,.'.. axaaf^and maved tbal -he raelgaatlea l
*a/'"a' b?en eXpe-ted, the (sommltti
sj ..:-:::.&?,:.. ' ..
l_\ V':^- for tbe war pian, and redad < B
B' :, ; fi ., _,- erled mm on-. snd a taog
f0.Uu*t;..-? the lr.dors-rr.er.t of the BAMMIeaa 0
?nlB*tlonr* aT - ?
??? . btn ?? Mn rei
. Ht.J. deelared It i irrled. A reeo itlon r
SueatJng Congteee to tanea Haamtl araa BM
k I >:'' ^ 4V_
A ateetlna of ihe Sew-Ameterdaai Republica
Club XXIat Aaeemblj Dtotrlct. waa held at the clul
bouae No B afeel Blnerj atatl tt., Monday evea
- for the purpeei 4 obtali | latere te b
j .. R( aa to enroll ln the new orgai i i
before Btl lay, 'he last d.iy fOT <.
..... . -?.,! the tctl m of tbe Coramlti ?
I - . -!br?e Jamea I U ?' I " il b 1 nt th
neetli r. at a ? ' ??-? ?: f arefl-Bi an anl
Lna ? ? rere preai Phlllp 1
.. -,.. .. retary af tbe meetlng The ilrraar in
theee preaent tbe m tj for a
.. ar tnrolment aa i -? e and a ealed to a
?. ? lo all thej ; I ?
?'. . ett aald i i I resent Ind
na' ? :. .i l be a ? -
... ||StI ;?? . ? mated that from 1.600
.. , tuj'd be enrollc I i ? r of m<... ?
'the club end othera al| Bed thelr wl 's to ol
I taln r. UI -- _
The rlubhoua* of the XXIId Aaaembly Dlatrl;
Rapubllcaa Club, We Bl ffiaat Forty-flfth-st. wr
orearded Monday ? "? ntnfl ??? h. n a amober tnd
et> atatertalnntenl wer.- the tttraettone Ma
tnown ? ? ? arttati red thelr
rtcea ind a WM Provkb
tmong thoa* preeenl arere Thomat F F<r.n. pn -
dent of the club, H l: iet rn, '
t-.rob Kidt Jr., aa retary; W M Kenyon.
JrlL? . n e C d mltte ol Flft l ree " U u
Brookfli Id Dr ;. " B irtoi . ?.??-?- i tati I .
. . . tua ? ? .- Bi -? ai
? '
?? ,....-v -a-i:-:n . ; r r . .' man
neir' era of the lub ind othera a We I i tn .r namj
S tbe regtoter. Beveral hoadred have alread
altmed _^_
rol-.-^l M^i'.-akrv Butl at. ! -r ifT. of thi LU
,.. ,...^nI, N rj N v, rertawed the M Battaim
of th* Tlat Ia>ir:m-nt. MaJ..r C H Bmlth ? fflamam
inp a: the Arm'?ry. Parb-ava and Thlny ' "
ifhi Adm aal m ?aa waaslly by eard, bt
navertbetaee a large aumber oi peepla ?-t' preeei
_ ,..,. ravtow Fee aa ho ir and a batf the
ion marcbed, eoiiaterHna?ebed ta i aranl
all .... , . tui thal 'h* bagaaalty of :-s eon
. : auKK'-'t The battallon *?
... :. rrtel redlt, tnd i ? entli
aoved Ube clocha -rk bt reeponee i
' . w ihTbaad took i tloi ta th
A. ' ........ , . 1 dm. ln|
eentre , nd __
! ed srltb tr
ng offlcer. wa
flake it vscak or stronK, lo >
your liking? tutt bc sure to
make it. It'? the beveruvie for j
health. and tastts giMxl asyou
drink it.
V HiUIX XLspojyxx X ? XT uuiii -aivj. v.
Insurance Company of New York.
HENRY B. STOKES, President.
Premuims. $i,SSo,6oi 52 Total paymcnts to policy-holders... $1,557-9'? a*
Intercst, rents, and other receipts- 7^4.^71 18 Other disbursements. 640,426 *H
$21645,562 70 . $?.I98?344 43
Assets Dec. 31st, 1897, $15,143,941.27.
Reserve on policies in force (N. V. Standard 4%).$13,42^,0;,! 00
All other liabilities.'. 270,658 43aM$I3*69^S89 43
Surplus Dorcmher 81* 18<)7, #1,147,.*]."> 1.84
Increase in Assets (over half million dollars).$522,418.57
Increase in Surplus (cver quarter million dollars).$266,769.65
Albany, Feb. 8 -Ttie CltfcM Commftee of the
BenatO *?vt \ h.ar'n* thia afterr.oon on th* .111
of BaaatOT Abaan prortdlng rhat when any child
shall ba "omrr.'.tred ro th* r.ire af any Inptttutlon
ln tha elty of New-York. the Sot-lety for tbe Pr*
ven-lon of Cmalty to i^hlldren. upon th* appll-a
rinn of a parent or guardlaa of au-h 'h'.ld. In a
pr par eaaa, f:-r a ^areful and thorauejh laqalry,
?hall dtrect that the euatody of tbe chlld be jlaea
to lt* paraat or frnardtan. and the COOtroller shall
ha aath rl* I to pay rhe aeotety for tr.msrnit.ton
by lt to Ibe paraat or guardlaa the asoaey allowed
br Ibw for th. malnrenanre of the ehlld. Ibera
was b !ar*re deietration of Naw Torkera preaeot, ln
ludlng repreaentatrrea frora tbe Cbarltiea AM, rh*
Cbartty Organtaatlan "nd other Bectetlea later.
,..?-.1 in -ne ??(. : ire af Indlaunl ? hlldrea.
Fe-r'-ary Efebberd, of the State Board of Crtarl
- - praeeated on hehair or rhat Board objaetlona
to tbe awaaure, ln p irt .1* folloara:
??Th* natur* of th* at-t H lUCh aa :o warrant th*
t- laf IB experteaeed mlnds that Itl pra<-t1<-al efTeet
a be to In^renoe pa.|i>er'.*m and not tO any I
f,ro..;av.'* extent relleae rh* dlatreea aometln ? -
ejdenl toboaeel and aelf-reapectlnf potrerty Undei
tbe preeeat ayatera of eommltmetrt ta aa inatlt itloa
tA#ra ia *v?ry Ineentrre 'ir tha parenta te Btrue>
gla to better thelr condlttoa, ao aa m be able te
f, ;..... ..... hlldrea ar.d therebi relBrtre tba etty
of the borden of th*ir aapport Under aoeh aya
t-m ?s thla blll propo*.*-.. -he Ineentlro to exertlOB
would be oampletely ur.derminad, for the freatel
tn. nonber of th*ir ehlldrea thut aepeedeat upon
?he elty, tba leee tbe r.'ed for ex*r-!on on the part
of tha parenta Buch a rian of rallaf would un
,. ,.?.. ,.rv. to attrael --o rtaw-Torb Btate i
larte Buaabar of ar|ldno>ta*be aapeadanta, whc
? ratl] BTavttata to poin-i wher. etu rh . - -
Uef i* fraety gBrea, or arbera ir ta baataaraal in tbt
na at pleaetng foeaa "
F. A. laanaead. rapreeantlni ,v? Waar?Tora A?
ao. latlon for Improvlr.g- the CoadtUOB Of th* Poor,
tpoka artedy, aeecrlblna taa ebjeetli na to the Mn
and oBunaerattraj th. aoctetteo rhat arara laara
!?*nted njrejn?r tt.
taaaa P Campbetl, rapraaanttaff tbe fio.der>- rd
St. Vir.-er.t de Pa.J af New-York. eald that BOetaty
w?*. inmpoaad of twerve haadred bbbb who we.i*
thorovffhty famll'.ar wlth the wanra of th* poor
ar.d that rh? t^l*ry took the around that th* MU
would taad to aaa aaltae tbe eoadttlea of the poo,
- he i waeta of publlc morey.
,..,...,.... afornay BrUHaaaa of th. N-w-\orH
. ta ?octety ^h%,^^V^.btUd?mu?
. '. ? BwaaEnU Bpoahlna of th.
?..?"...? . ,k ; ......;? ?, pareau b?
, JonVaa wtth ot.. chlld would rec?lra undei
.'. ? B i week. whlle a famlly wlth ten
? ? \ r. ? 'tlnVw^J^ide
tha Unlted riebrea
.-, i-homaa L KlnkarL aupervlaoi
T',: . -, ?.-.-. Hartty OrBaa.
- ! : -rouXffitS^aurfiorj
... . v ,. ? ? ? to a i ?
afu, aii the <*ik ahout new thaatrea aad jaaatt
... .ii: tht talae aiarm*. rhe raporl
?Ka! work 'or on* haa a^ually b**un Tht
; ?Ja h., Bbtty-fKtb^ on th* w*-r *,de o
n*.aoa and tbe r.orth iWa of tbe atber. Sfaojotla.
..on. or 'the praperty and ptaaa for the bui.dinR
hav* baaa aotaf on for 5ome tlma ^d it aaaoali
, t?w daya ^ tha: even-thing waa aettlad. I
IOo Bal irday m fact tbal tbe taaae was Uj
,round for th. naw balMtBOj aaa brokaa oi
naw houae wtn have a freatage of elfbtj
',..-? ln th- Bouhrvard and a d*pth ot Wfl I
'..;... .. |, A.;i ? ? ? wo thouaai
. . axpi ted thai the " ? "< will a raadj
. , J hefora the *nd of the aummer.
M- Waldron atll ?o ro Europ. In about twt
. Urtatnera to eriaa?e
, ,, - t,r li ro flnd th- b-t of Bttractloni
. . IM i thoroufhly attractlvj
- n" "?:V" ^r
? m tbat part if rh- dty. al
;? ,,.?:.. i\x / ? aalneea aaaaaajar of UM
?a ? ei II - ftnlahed.
at thi: irvixg PLACB tufatrf.
??Aaabenalttaoeb.M a farae In rhre* aota, by Baaa
loaef Jarno. was produeed v the
??? rta Ptaca Th.-atre laat arartnf for tbe Itret tlnM
la iroertea T1-." popuiar playhoaaa aaa we;. Rlled,
,..! ..,. a, || v | '. porata m rhe ptay
?rar. thorousbly aiajrarteted, th. apidause be-.m
The p;ay lt a BOdarB aaa, Its aoer.e
ln Berlln. Frau Wllh*imlne rich:.iter who
... parl of tbe prlnclpel . a youna ladl ?
:...'?? ry waa a favortt*. a. laual. Amona: otl n
.", ? ...l.-aM. w.rk arere B.mhard \ rw rk.
\ affijrvB.Ti s
; . atodeacheaaaa^tlgaBaab
Tt * follow'.ra- Ifl an extra- from a tpeech ma 1*
,v rraacla WUaoa to hla aadleace m Kaar^rleaaa
on ta, tvealai I .Ttnut-nr B, Bt reporte.l In "Th*
Bew-OrSeaaa Iteat**!
...... . ,n thtah I arn a prejudlced jUneaa
'? . ... ... m* tay that Joeeph Jefferaon,
?V '';',.''?*? tbeatrlcal fulld. aaya that thu
[J ? j ,:>, UlehbTlBlaBeafta tba baal
^weilTaaya that not one mdaatry.
Paalf. ia eoocerned m tha aaarthraai
^Ttef, rhe looa-tlm. dramaUc eattjaaf
Tte New-Terk Trlbune, aaya that the alma ef tba
rtcal Truat ar- aordt. and ltt aedteta n.er
.... Kdltor Of ?Hdr;.-.-'!,
nvaklT " aaya it w?l be a aad day for dramatie *r
. \ h t when It.fal thi la af a Bnajli
ratrl al raanaa?n
,r.; i and i t la a ?iKn:fl-ar,t
, .' .. . ?? daili paper I
truat, wh:!e
, ? ? ? .? ? ra of thla country ar?
d t,urs;..-)k*n asali at ll
i .-.,..... i ? ?'
tba handa of thi Ihaatrleal aaanager,
' | . wtll bul i ?
Bt I .., .,, . idlea and lentlenea, for yoti
,-?!. a.'t the decldlng vot. I -tlnf in jroui
cholre ..' ? r.!erta!nm?nt. to patronlaa thote etarr
v ho lov. thelr nr:. and hav* been bratn tnoufh to
ttrlke a bluw for Ita honor and ln'."grlty.
Thn Icadlhg fonture nf the pi..fnrmrin'-''a of this
werk at lYo.-fot's Th-atro. Tw> nty-third-st., ls
Mn Mtnnle MtgaaaB-CnttlBg'a preduettoa of W.
s. Qllbert'a "Cotaedy ard Tragedy." The riiy w ?
last saen here some tWO peara ago. when Mi?s
Jullt NaUaea played th* kadlng pan. Tie preae l
produetion Lt one of tome etaborateneaa, aapeclally
ns to acenery and oostumir.pr Mrs Cutttng playa
h?-r part wi-1- much affect, tnd tbe aadtoncea ar*
. :v ravorabty Impreeaed arltb ;h<^ work.
whleh in a dramatlc f?aturo of mu-h more dli
than la uaually offered on tbe atage of tbe
tlnuoue entertainmer.t. Th? play cOBVeya no in?
formation as to wherher the huaband and wife
who ar* Ita prl.Tdpal Bgurea were flnaliy botled rn
oil or treated with melted lead for i-ompaaaini,- the
pttn of rhe heir-spvar.--:;. or, ln thi.* caae, the
reaent, is augeeated t.y the author ln another
work. li'ir ea^h Budtence s-ems convtnced thal
they eecape all eonseouenee* Tr;" other attrac
tlons of the week al thla th<?a:re are aa many ar.d
as varled as usual.
There |a irr-?at dtversity of 4>nt?r'ainm<--n' al tbe
i' ? :re Palace this week Th^ btll eenatatB
chlefly or Joaeph Hart, ln The Qulel Mr Oay":
Jamea Thornton, Laura Blggar, ln "The W
Upatalra"; Leonldta'a cai ar.d dog dreut, Bmlth
?nd Fuiler. Rtalta, in her electrlcal nre .
Frank Busl ?? tl \ burtut tnd Partram. the Me
Donough trlo, Blgger and Dreher, Vanleer and
Barton and tl e Fansons
pom? ohansr?? of d<-f.iil w?r-. made ln tbe bl'.l it
Koatf-r & Btol'B on Monday nlght, but the |
rr.in-,me remained for the most part the ?ame as
? w^e'K the audlen - ivlna ai ???? I to l
?ed with it as p ii na tttrt tloi ? .re
ml ?, Ml - Lottla Co llna, Mtai Ju M
- .-- ,-. : ESmertc, Delmor* and Lee, i larlase Aa
new, \>?. Beeael, the clay modeller; iato,
juggler: the RaSlns troup? of tralned monkeya, the
,-?1 tlatera, acrobatB; the Avetoe, on the
rrlple nara, and the Korachlna,
Th"r? are enoutrh feanirea r.f Intereat ar Kelth'a
ttrla wa?>k to ke.-p the and eacea un awd ?---ai<:ht
through th? afternoon and "venlr.sr AflBOBg rhe at
traetlons are ''arin .-ind H?r-r;. !
brothera, Francos-a Reddlng, ir. The Ducheai
DevonBhlre"; the Human J og Bhe t,
Thomaa and Fra-k Barry, Montfl mer> and B
Btalej tnd Bli ?? ?. the Bavana, the thre? Brothers
-? into. Harry Parker'a d n. Adellna R< itl i
and Le Clalr ard Hayee
An eape.-tally lorar ar.d v.iried 1 Ml ls off?rr-d
at Tor.y Pastor's Theatra and is enjoyd by
j the ousfomary larate aud'er..-os. It iBcledea
; M'-s uoiaa Bu'khart. a?s Bted by Caryl arib
i bur, in ''Dropptng a fftat": ryBrlen ar.d Havel,
ln thelr n. .- .. .4-..: terobatle ske "Tha News
ho>- anl th? Houaemald"; Jerome i I Be
ar.d Kltty Morton aa-lated by i r -- "?
? \ vldocoe 'he Martlnettl Broi
Ml - Nellle Burt, daii er the Fra - -
.r tei Banca arttam; the thr Harrlaet Greve
Banford Connora and Weatc Re
HOa Floren.'e MOOTB, th? PreeteBB sr.d Totiy Pat
Th* -rowds contlr.ne at tTeaee & TnWttt Bfuale
Hall. wbere the viaitors who >me late never t*4
seats, and ar? htcby if they tra tllowed te ita I
It leeau te be ail on aeeount of the barb -
?;? . ." r. the Wayhlghmtn." A new
burleeque t" talked of. but there aeemt to b? na
, m '?> . htnge tha bll at ; reeenl
71.. pi-Jv; Play ra rodUCed by the rtr.r-mato
graph at tba Bdea Maeei - ? I ng *'lth favor.
Musee'a Improved ctnematograph la aow u?ed
ar.d th" plcturee are roproduced with more aharp
?..., Id k?rlng than U Brtt. The other
t the M itee are a- attract ve - 1
Tvvo . 1 were on ethlbltl >n last >?'.? B
ar.d many ehangee have tahen plaee la tn.-- oMer
araa srroups. _
Th" bill is praotirally nncbanged ar Snm T Jv-k's
Theatra The burleeque, "The Modeb" reeaalna
nr.d the Other attractlons are about the aaate aj
I tai w.-ek.___^_
From The Dctrolt Joumal
The N-w-York TrlbUBB A'.mar.ac for 1'M ls ed
1, ' ,y Henry B Rh - * contenta eon
. flre,t 0f r., .?! i. inf rr- ?' -r r
, Natlonal and Sl 'rns of all l ' -
-, . : irote ot the laal gener
. tattatlcal Inf rmat on are .eempKhea.
''?.,.,. eovered The almana ? ta a valuable 00m
t ezad iBformatloa on all tubjeeta al
.... mten ?f
From Th^ Dttroll N^wra-Trlbune.
T p Mew-Tork Trlbune Almanae for IBB to at
h u S Al OBUaL II IS a COndae epnome of the? ro
???x;-\ ,. Jtory of 1 '? ' ?S the laal year
mentfl the varloua Stat-s are
, .... forth. nr.d both tne domestlc and
.. . .|ons of the-Vatlon One valuablerfeat.
B of tbe ternuit of the
Dlneley ind Wllson t rlff bllla, whleh wlll be d
w reference table In addition '?<> I eai
.... there 1a 'he usual artde range of ttattotl
oal information.
From The Chh-ago Inter Ooean
14 iiai . The Bew-Tork Trlbune Almanae ls
erowded full of ralua tlca aad .peUtlcal
hTfornuUle*? both Btab hlatlorial It ta vV
wlva1 reltabe and one of the handleet and most
valuable ho.>ks of its tiad for aaap retaraaea
From The taadtanapolb Joornal
T, BiTM (ttM ,0 I>oll''"al dat?- ,bUt
1 n%' 1 featur* ' U for IBB to e Itot,
with nni'i of ..ttl.^ra. of Natlonal. patrlotlo. pro
rVaionai tr^d.- reform ar.d Other so.-1-riea-and
organlawUetui of tbe Unlted Bl ?
From Tlie Albany ArgAit* (DBBB '
-h?. Trlbune Almanae for UB mulntalns the long
, |?Di .... ; rei utatl ? ol tl il uaeful pub I 1
. ttet - tne ment on Ita f irmer
f,^IP?' ao that the .-'.alm la fully -juatlrted tbat It
;. the beal ever taeued rr..m the offloe of The Bew
Vor'k Trll ut ? ln addition ti tba usual
[. 1 ^-Hfiefii's. lt eontalne 'he varloua poll
Dlatformt the full texl of the ''ur.stitutlon of the
Unlted States ar.d sh<* rew Conatttuttoa of tne
State of New-Torb wtth abatracto of the !?t>or
iawa the (lvli Bervlce laws. -he p,-n.?lon l)>.w?,
?he trad^-nmrk lawa paaaporl regulatlona, and
Iawa relatbig tr, niarriaar.- tad dfvorca bei
rriany Other thlr.fs whleh as the au-rloneern Bty
"are too numerous to mentlon " Bfbatever other
Dubltcatlona Ibe reader may have, aa win Bad The
Trlbune Almnr.ao a moet BM ful manual
From The Buff.ilo I'ourl.-r
An etd favertte amoag the aaaaagi B The Trib
_n( a'-- : '1 Iti electlon returna are a? comptate
... ard th^re is miKii Btatla
tlcal information of a nenerai cbaraeter
? ? -
all lay, Feb 8-Tne State fj. A. H Pepartment
,.-ier to the aeato ef Bi w
v-rk Clty, askln? taeb peet t.) appi>lnt three ,.r
rt r Bratora who arlll be arttttag to deiiver patrtetla
addreeaee on Meaday, rebruari H, ta tbe j.nolic
,.Cl,,l ?he OlU 10 Wbicb rii^y m.iy be a?al?ned.
It la cleslrr-d to Bave -here Or.ad Armj men ap
piar in unlforui 011 thla ovcasUn.
Hora^* Watdo, who <H*d from en ?.".^k of pa
alyata at h:.? hom* ai Tnsede Park. N V . on Mon
tay, araa aat af tba aaaal papalar member* of the
Tuxedo rotoay. H* bad Maed artlh m? CaaaHy at
Tuxedo for a numher of yenrs. and. arhtta not a
man of greai arealth, araa m eaaifartabai straagB
ataaeee About aearea years ?xo II beeaaae ner.a
?ary for Mr. W.ildo ro und.rro a a;--jri<-a! op.rat'.oa
to arreet dleaaaa Th. to. of bit ri*bt foot waa
.II off. th*n tba foot Itaatt, and fnally rhe
rltrht lee at tho Mp i'or BBWaN af a year follow
Ing tbe last operatloa Mr Waido w.x* ta ? 4
. when tudden jr the |/.f. lefl ,tl?o he-am*-*.:
fe..?Ptl. nnil h.-.l ro be ampu'a'-l at rh* h.lp N?t
wlthatandtng thli iffllctlon, Mr Waldo r*- .m.d to
tho laat th- i rtta ind good teraner *'rl-h
ma.h' him popular He ?*- - ' :,./-.1p:<1
had ilwayt eei fond of .Im :?-.?: '...?" h."->?'. <>nia
rhe day prlor ro hli l??t lllm ?? he tpent ?he af
ternoon drh na about the rrouni ?
ile i? aunrlved bj ila wlfe formerli Mlaa Jui.a
Lawrenc. hli iiightera Mlai Julla L wargaret
I. and Mra Arthur Maaon Jon.a, who tlnca rh.
d.ath of her hual ind, - made her hoana with
her father and a aon, Horace Waldo, Ir
Mr. Waldo wa? In hta BlXty-etXth year. The
fi:neral Will he private.
Henry A Vin d*r Poe] d|e I ?? hB B BBh N"r ??
Cheatnut-al Albaay. tbla aaornlng iftar an 111
r.._. ; iting ten laya Hla at .-vi araa d ta ta a; ? n
Mr Vaa d?r Poel araa bara thlrty-eta year* neo
al a bany, ard waa a deeeeadaal of th* etd v*n
aar Poel faaUly ef tbal ctty Ha araa a bratbar of
:- ? Vaa der Poel, Depaty Ceattetlar of ti.e Btabl
, [nauranec I"; ir nent, and a relatlve of Ur s.
. . v ir. .?? - P r Albai - fona<rly Health
?iftl --f oi the p. r- of N-w-Virk. IL- wf alao a
of It John v.in .Lr Poel, of No. *> Weal
! Tl Irt] : tb-ai n 1 l For Bfl ? n y. ..r- Mr.
; Van der I'o.l ha.i been In rhe Control er". I
ment In Alban) He wa i I ?? i rai ? I ?. naero*
ber ^f th. Port Orang* Cl ih of A l ???? He ? a
. wl . m ? r bavlng raarrl4ad a nleci ' Fr- lerl k
Ot tt, of thi* rtta
[uneral will tak* pla^e to-ntorrow at Mr.
j oicoti'a hom. in Albaay.
Aasv tua Bberrlll BTbltoa d:-.i ? " rai tha
hoaaa ' la eaaarttter, Mra R I ? rr F. Uttto, No.
iv, a/eat leventy-elxth-et. H va la I
n ? . N v . la IBSB, aad bi gineer
He w.i i in harge af conatructlnoj a ?
: - i. id. and bt ?::??? genera
ln 1887 i r f
^ In l-c Mr '?'? i i
eider ln the Colleglate i hurch Weal E d-av. t...d
Seventj L The fum rai ??? t
4 p. m.. and the Rev. Dr HeiITJ I I I BBa>
. la te
Thomas Chatterton, i retbrad etotblaa d elBf,
dl*d ar th* h'-me of bla - I '' - I B '?"' 181 M Al
pin BTIawall Bo M BTeel Oae-1 i I I t?
? ? <?. Bundaj tften Mr ?' utertea aaaa
. | - ? r tbe ".--? . f tba Bl IbTb hary.
At iha anmu! dlnner of tbe H Delaaaalea*fla
twa weeka lajo, ta " " ''',,;-?
Ha w ta t.ik- n to tbe ta aae af bla son-:n-iaw. whera
he llnaured far twa ai iha
\ir Cbatterl wa? n li Kaai Hatrea ln i?:l
He wa? ta buatneea then tbe ?nat*r part of ria
? ? atore ta tbe M:; hell Houae betng on. of
the' b.-xr. known In ?? H ????- clty
reara ai .... - annual
t to N w-Haven He baa four rrandchlldren,
the chll ? . f hla daughter M:< w. wall
The funeral will taki ice ? m rnlna at tha
? of hli aon-ln- ia The H itlng --w.^xt
' will u- the Rev pr Imv;I !l .;.--*'. >t Bt. Uar>
tboloroew'a Burlal will ?? ln Woodlawn.
Phtladalphla, Peb - Mrs Mary a Biakeiy. wtr?
of j *ha Blakely, p ? Ual *r af "Tbe Bvaalag H-.vr.-'
aad a Blater aT J 1 "aaaj ar.d Ooaajraaa*
man Jamaa Ranktn v.?':rp. ?: ed to-day, aftor a
... .,. iiinoai Plve aona and on. daughter s'.in-'.va
ber One of rh.- aona la J il i B Blakely, an ^n?
atgn :-. the Navy. ar.d inot - Oeorge Biaktiy. la
a Uautenaat Of arttll-ry at VVeet !? r.L
Corn'.ne N Y, Peh I -? Jiisi'.n M Smtrh, or* of
roralnaj'fl oldaal ar.d t^t-kr.own reaaaaata, du-ti aa>
day. H* waa tiorn in D-lawar* COaaty on July 27,
-.?::. eaaae m Gm-.e mVk\ taaB arael af Carahaft in
v,t and aftanrard raaaaaad to tbla tttw, He w*nt
i ifornia ln 180, returnlng -o I'urning oaa
iter alnee ahlel ? had h?-Ar. a eoa*
tinuoua realdent h- -<? [mraedlately after his ra*
turn to Cornlng Mr. Smm, ^nai>?-d ln the drya
. t>u Ineaa ?-; ; ba becaaia n. of tn.t h./at.
known merchaata in thar llne -f i..i?ir.e*a ln B'eat
.?? S'ew-Tork il^ ratlred from bualnesa ir. ;-j5.
Fn m th* p.rst publl atlon of Th. Trlbun. be bad
baaa * sub.icril>?r te nnd anl.-nt fr-.enU of tba
I .H'eX.
London. Feb S -H ipr. Ma'heaor.. head of fBB "'rn
of Jarilne, Matheson A Co ani presnl*nT ot th-- Hlo
Tlnt.i Mlning .'ompany, B laad
r-iionei Cbarlaa if Laeeaaab, praaMeol of the
MUltary AtbJatle r,*Ma-j*. ?;.;d aaaterdai ,v H tha
milirary ryHln?r and athlerle rarnlval .ehedul.4
far Mareh a i* an atsured Baeoaaa Tbe i a apara
tinn of th* Reguiai Arn.y araa aaauiad, aa ha h?d
r- >-:v,-d th* fo'.lowlnR ? ? I
\s' ir i. ; irtraent,
v ?..'?? ,? ? ' ?
\- il gtOI r . bT .o:;. ? v
I**aataaaat*Colonel < nariea li Lua a*
far.trv N <J N V. No V? Broadaray, N- w
9tr: A.-K: ? ? | ; ?'? tt alpl ? ir mmunt*
ry 17 and Pebruary 2 a
rh* hor:..r to lrform you ,v I I Actlng Be ? I iry
.' \\'.ir mi- approred your requeat for thi
.? ? at the Miltt try Athletl Leag -t
? . | ii Mi ll :. ? , . Nea V .rk
Clty durlng the er.'-.rt- t.ik of Ma- f
one troo| of cavalry from Port Myer V'ln ? . a
5th Artlllery frorn Porl Han llton,
a dctall from tbe 12th Infantry fr.im Oov.i t
; land and the Oovernor'i laland Bai i
tne Unlted Btataa ta pui ? ?. ..'.d
that -riatruotion* bava baen aeai t> th- I'l.mmand*
ing 04>neral Departmeni ol tbe Baat, ro Baaa tha
. eaaary ord.n ln r>:e premlaea
T'Vase communlcate wirh rhe l>epar:m*nt Oi-na*
m.-vl-r for -?? *f arrangfng the detaiia
v.'ry reapMrtfully. H C CORBIN.
? Aa<n'4nt AdlutHn't;. neral.
In addltton ro thi.. liei^-ral BJaOeea A M.lea. la
i letter to Caloail UBBasaab, ha? aaaapaad *n tn
Tltatloa to *erv* on the Hoti..rary MUltary CoaB
nlttee. and will he praaaai oa the o,,enir.f niKht.
I tttera of * ' ?.?ptanre to at-r\.- tarne 'in
nBtteVbaWataa beea racatred fraaa / Jew rai M-r
T, ? "..?? Colonel Wataon, t'oloncl A " gm.th.
X Btrteti Colonel Kllae. Cotenel Orrea.
i' r?'i Howard CarroU. Malor t' H Baxaawam and
%2? Thi7fArkeatmea of Conneetlcut naa Joiiud
Th* ?..aaue Ind t r? a liar.ve wlth th. Amateur
A-h'eP Vnton h-e t^en affected Kntrlea.for tha
rvetlna and athletle conte.i. have also been aa
aur.d from th, ragular troopa atatloned at wll
Pwnt and Governor a laland.

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