Newspaper Page Text
Vo' LVIT Xo 1S,?J1 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, FHBUrARY 16. 1898.-SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. /OLA'S CASK ?IMPROVING. prni.i?' opinion DIVIDED as to Tin; ci'Ti'i'Mi: OF Tin-: TRIAL. .... :rsn\I'?NY TO PROVH THAT ' . T'?nil.\7.v vv\-? THE v '' " ".? rBS BORDCRKAU UAHT ' XPaWPl O*! THS srwi? a:, L80ED ivi.iMivvnNi- jcxi M I .-'? INI IM LBTTEM TO HMS r ? y '? ?.\s n Paria, Feh IS The arriva! ,.f Bmlle "Sola, m rs at the ?i -;/.ei? Court of the t ?j was f. ; marked by any Incident ... was SOI M .?r;.?.' :'v of rester* ln the 1 .... nim. -,).?? iaaue of the trial van | a. a r-eople are aires tuaalng ? nti r..-??s. others regard the - , Fendants a aln, as it la : ? - ? ? | more favor ? ? ! Id ;'.? la The trial t?-. not n ?....-? are Saturday, ami it Is tx it aeas n may Im ne eaaary to | ?I'.tn. y . f the pro e. ??.tics to*day, the pIf. | g judge M Deles, ?rgu , dies i ed the liqati ? '! / ? M. Laborl, ,, , ? ^.-.i m the Eatei rou-g . - all? I to t? stlfy. i...??; ."'.r.?.i on th.? wRness* ?t the sase-rtlon made -???.. Bal . ..... eraJ sti ? bad t fused to throw . affair lying to General ' ?<"**u8?8, Bald ? ? thi ?... ii nnor the eaas War Minister's pe**mlaaton to t ? ral Qonaa ai i ed thai 't ... .,. ? ? -, ? ??.'.:.? ?? :?? Irauatalt ?a?). & ? if Wat ?,?:N rvN'.' *? A FORM.? bTTATSMBNT . , . tin* as ', ..a., the He al ?oat* nlcd the state .... . ? ????Hi by M. TeytM i i es, ???? i art In b_n? rrlt Ing, that h? ; ,..:??? i" ' ' ?????" : ??? saoi r. ires I ? ? ,-.->? rea a M ? ? | . . . .;. had de? nla (M Tayas? nnl?n ? ? n and not o? f. Bei lllon's, on which ; V -.',.? ? ? . . . ?- '?' .- ?. m -? - with the ?* Itm ss for i ?rard to th Dreyfus i (?. ? ? mise l - m ?tter, ? netas furtb I h * as a Fn neb* . ? s? Isert the prof? . -.. ?x pert in ?" la rl ;.. ? '?.. ? | ? -, ? : . .... ..... ?- g. \ t the published lac? ? is evact as | 1 I he 1 . ? t Gel .,...- . ? '.coke i like f irgerles WM . . , - ? ?:.-. i added that he oal] - i ibtenraent of i ... .... .?..-.' to ? :.; are I . ' , ? the original If mlstak? rally i ly so Continuing, th<- ?ritnaea led wi - in Intrust* ? i ?* the I I? n ..'i ti M. r ? ? witness as tied had acted '.?. a rr.a-1 ? i ? Id of all aens? M M yer con* I thai ? ? hai dwrltli y .- resembled thai ol the bos** j den,... M i^'.ir? then ask.' 1 j-ermlsslon to examine ta lia ?".maul. Balkonme and Varinard, ? ? ?*?.urt r? fus*?d the r".)u?si, upon -.?.lur!. M Laborl <lrew up ?**9t*ol***rla-?na, asking the Dit 1 f tha fact. Hut the ; ? ing Judg? ren hearing the ques ? i*efut*ed to lei I tx pul *i i which the ? ? | 1 berate, at i decided thai the riirhi in refusing to allots 'the only eff> < t of which would i??? t.. ?, ? ? iselesal] th? moi Brneal Molinler, of the CoPege ol l ? . tes t ifl ed tha i I ? '? t? ti :.. reaeml ed that of the bor c- ?? M d?met : counsel for the "Aurore,*' read tetters from Mme I??- Boulancey, admitting laa . if letters vhirh Major Esterhasy tw< -ti 1881 and 1894, and coi ?ng i ? ng against Prance and lbs Fret ;. vnny. Major I sterhaay, it ap* tl ?? ? ? ? et ten be rei iirned to ah*** ,. De Boulancey refused to <i i bo, ? : re that she bad not ' n - ? ? . gory SENSATION OVER ESTER HAZT LETTERS ei i u ?;. ?' ? b? ? .;-? ? ap| it-t a r ?a> ratal sah Mine. !?? B among II - ? there was nol one containing the t , t ? | .. f".r :--"General fl er (thei the Command* B ? f the Ft? nch At - .. -. | Military ' Paris) Is 8 ' . ?'?? ?; i . our coun* I W? Uld nol sh ?W him In a < ?r rua" ? r in court) Si ?? ; ? if the Prurs ans gol as gj Lyons '??'?' ? ? r ... trains and k.. p ' T their to drive th? V? nch In fr*?*** ? ? (Prolonged sensatioi '''?'= rrltlng tei Mileii 11 ?? ?? ? ' le was ' ? ? . d of s* '? hand .\ t'iiit g. si rther i itloi ? ...? of Bru i testl* l.-r to demonstrate 1 ' '?' ' hour to den oni trate ' ? ? was f p a bis - ; I and 1 ? r whlcl M Frai ? I ; r of the bordereau " ' -, ,??!?'.' . and I? - ' '.'.'" ?'ii ?-. ] i ? ;. : some long I eel Id mon* 'he n f 1 ??? ex r>d on the fais? . ? ? ? had dlsgrti : rdereau ? i* wrtttei nrilng hand, s ? I lerhazy The latter (Major ? ? ? .- ?.? ? ' ? .. ? ... .,.,,., as being li )??"?? ? ut ?t ha i ; ??-?: ? ...... BJUIAZT'fl OUILT ASSERTED M i an h r i".i.?'-.'l? ?i to demonstrate ?? . Ity ?' this ? xi lanatlon, ' ? ? ? how r?*?urrlng aorda presented certain ?he !? ng lem >r:*t-7?.tion of the witness cauced I ibe public it. ? inn. culmin?t* j ?i"-ii murnturs when M Franl ,.:'.?.ii.-: . ? an urittt-ii i.> ,.r, ? 1 tl;a* this pers ?.?. ?ras Majoi ' Arr y.-d at the mui..-. in M i d ci I? ?! ' ?.?' te re bul since i am i> 1 ..-' : ' .1 ? .'il continue " '; " ; ????'.'! :?a- i iidge her : emarh ??! ? shall aai< you to um dlffereni language than ? *l ' !. ,? i ourteou " " ?'-1 t? t hi.?:, r. In ten -i;--.i. aaktni the - 'Mr r J,..!| . >., r.r .... : .,,,,, ,_ { ?u t! ,-at th<? lawyers were '. ' '?;_ lence with th? rlo*?*?sl attention ' an t*onvln<*??d." M Fran h resumed, "thai "? ? of tl-e i -.. ?!? res ? '.'? .i ?'- r man i ?.-; ? ' "? witness conclud .1 ?aitte pranilctlng that J "?? day II would '.risjniged lhal the bor? * s w^?? n? ' ' tan by I ir? yfui... ?? mai 1*. ? I ' wai ?n ? ?tea 1 ?al?h ?:. in 1 ''"?'?!I]?it ItrpPORT OF ZOLA'fl THBORY Tto ! ?j..,.-- ,-,ai d I '?? n *' !.'i"\ td and Pr?> f' ' timand, of tha Polytechnl? School, do* ?? *?"?? thai i.?., si-frtd Um pr-ataalg aa*atsal the ??onduol or the Dreyfus affali bacaus? 1. t.' :V'?'' "ri lhai r. .?i..-( ; foi the i1?". honoi and 00? sTgthtrland was involved Th whole i?ru '-".lui.? ?truck till?? arltaasai hm batom exlraor?. dlnary. a? added: "In spite of th?> dlssrubred threats and acts of intimidation of which i bav? been the victim, i here affirm thai a revision <>f ih?. ease is a ?"ryint- necessity, and I Intend to <!?? my utmost to ibts n it." Tin?, vit no??! eOBClttd?Bd tilth n ?port in p III? right? a? a patriot and hi?, lore 'or the army, u'hlch brought forth heartir applause Professor Havelt, of the College of France, said he examined, as an expert, th.- bordereau and the letters of Major Raterhasv and Dreyfus, n* well as a letter written by Dreyfus si. his condemnation The latt.?r, the witness ? ?? I, was devoid of r*s?aernb1anee to the brir? dereau, of ?vhlch h? ,vas convinced Major Ester hasy was M ? author. Pourl waa then adjourned The ti'v' made r?< dem ns'ratloti .and th<? officers, Including Major v. iterhnsy and General Pellleux, lefl amid silence. INTEREST IN THE TRIAL INCREASING, TBI.BI I rivr B*RANCH t?\it. ror? BBAT8 BSTKB I1A/V TO OO on TUB STAND TO MORROW ROW THl TRIAL WILL PBOCBRD, Paria Peb, II The ririble excltemenl .s'i?r,i bv the trial lia? greatly abated; ?mt t>i.> real Ii tere I rl " s and crow? dally, The eeurtroam is packed although the price of acata paid lo Ihi i ready to wall all night 10 secure placea has risen fi an .'? franca to {8 francs. ? ounl Rsterhazy will be examiner! to-moir w, so thai the Interest will he still higher, fuel *?? to? day's eridenca ex?-?-??r>ded yeetarday*? In as i <]l!lt!lT. When Die trial Is finished th? dlSCUaslon Will DC moved to the Chamber of Deputlea and th? B ? the ' ablnet will hr- on it? trial There an ?till thirteen witnesses t., t,e examine,!, and then a om? th? addrea ea of th.?, ?: I an ' lass? I. M. Labori and M Cl?fn M Labori la expected to ^i""ik four or Ave houra M. /. iia will ?peak very briefly, ? - PUBLIC SENTIMENT CHANGING. BOLa*a TRIAL BAIS TO BB PROLONOBO IN HOl'lia OF FURTHER ADVAMTAOB? HOSTlliTT TO COleONBL P1CQCART Paria i"'1 18 if waa rumored in th? lobbies of the court to-day !ha1 MM Labori ind ? " ? i'* r th? examli itlon of tii? aritn? ordei i extend the trial. In the hope that the que ' a revision of the Dreyfui trial will ?? he Chamber of Deputies, now thai ll i? >>en era ) admitted tl il Dreyfua was convicted oi a secrel document, at?<i in the hop? lha! lomethtns a HI ha; pen ?m the r ra ?' ? p ex? ltd i ' tl ?? ' xi ? -r-? ; a ? prov?*d rsitie? tlreaome, the fllmslneaa of Ihelr meth >i- has ? ??' i fa? or tow ird /...?. and th? nute i ol i?? Advo. te-General la a strong Indica how mattetj >? 'l'.'-.!a\ i' nel r quarl oertTei to come in for the hc?:'iit eserved foi M SSola Mil? Commlng ?s's de| i led U sr that Ll? i ., a, wrote 'he te prrams - . ? Bperai ?? >? I I h were bent to Colon?: iM arhll? . i. In T n c, w th th? Intention oi B him fi fol os Ina th? Eaterhaaj trial : Qrlma ' teai Imony cr< ?led a deep Im , it i, ild 1 t thai mmandant Ravary, who rep? i ? foi : ;?? Est?r? il, haa I : i ? . : a itack of i ongei ?a in. Then >\.r.. several quarrel? outside tin court I laj in oi e casi te i mrrlatcra had h band-to hand fl| ? - ? ZOLA AND BSTERHAZT TALK THE PORMBB BAT8 THAT HB is BtORB HOPES*l*L? i - BBHAZT B ISHES TO LB AD HIS BEOI MENT A0A1N8T Tur. JEW8 OB PARIS, London, Pah M "Thi I ?ally Mew?** publishes this morning Intenrleer? by :? ?-? ndent, David ( hrlatle Ma-ray says M Sols and l Eat er hazy, Mr Murray say? M Zola app ,itn than a! the beginning r>t ih? trial mir] observed: "Whatever th? result may be, w? ar< prod icing a better ??ft-" than we have riarrd m hopa v7e owe tins to M. Labori*? slant en? tl? He i- beyond queatlon redoubtable, splendid earn .- aueceeded In turning; Hie 0efenc? Into a It Is the < loven ment that i? m forced ? ? poa lion of a ?!? ?'? nd Ih? rim!,' part of the whole business is thai the Advo i ? for ? wo .i i] i and ha i <? y lips II" I i? oil. born? an air of lar rastlc amusement mi I be a at ry terri? ble adversary it I secure an acquittal we shall jnnr, !, rapidly 1 .. con luslon, bul if I ?tn r-nn ? i ! believe the iffair win become araver." \. : ? : Mr Murray told M Stola thai h? wai | Ing to have an Interrien wit'i Count Eat? M /., la r. p led: "Esterhasy is Ih? moal Interesting of human documei ta He i* a tborougli ?. ng ba. bul a brava one He has ui i I? i ourag?. and ki on h.,w t,. d< fend hlmaell like a lion." Counl i iterhnsy, In his conversation with Mr Murr a] i ? lar? I imi ? : th? "vie! m of a misera? ble Jewish complot." n?- frankly admll ? ntlcity of the letter? In hi** hand? ng, es th< n? ? " rlbulIna to him i w ih to i n a regiment of 1 na In a nea nva Thla he declared a forgery, After pio . itlng .ig ? al th? '?? famatl m i f Mm? Bo ilai . \ e assertion thai d I ? la mil s led t ehementl) "It la impo* - . lo,.. es of viol? i ' ....i. m reel I 1 ??? rewn wltl ndred miserable bui alon for my pan I should thing bet! '? lead mj rei ? the Je wa of Parla I w lown arhhoui ir rl oi anger aa a \v:k oi 11 yand a willing)) ' ey were a? r. . Its." ? ENEMIES DECI.ARB '/' >T.A INSANE 81*1 Bat 1 : B Bl ANTI-SEMITIC PAPER! TO PBOVK THAT THE NOVELIVI*! MIND 18 UNBALANCED Ai th? trial of Zola t? nearing Its end ? a Iver larlea are r? fforta to repres? ? ?. in whose mind haa been unbalanced by Ih? ? i the foil] "i g-reatn Tl - anti ipera oi Parla ?lac? th? Indictment of ind befon l :.' ? ? | ?'? I '?? I. bav? I. Illed \wt\ "consultations" or opinion?. ,,f a i-ror. . ?" /;?.(,- the mental roi ditlon of il ?r at nov? liai id '-"i. ud ng tl a* he is h 11 ihoee ' gn? aa bav? th? ? ? . the booh ahlch ? i? publlehad I? I year, ?? en nelthei /. la nor anybody el es epl lb? ea ol Droyfu? eapected thai an ittempl was <? be made la t.rii,* about u r>>?i?<."", of the eg trial 1 : !?? is. mi<-n by an emlnonl !?':?? ?1 'tits-.. Di Toulouse, w , a mad? a minute snd 'ul ?tu? or "obse atlon," aa ha eeya himself, ol ? ? trail ol M /? ., - ? lei and p? i'.?,?? ad? ra et of th? ttei pretend thai hie un nectioni a I Ihe Dreyfu les tl mlng conclusion i of Dr. 1 l'ou a tick to their precon i Ived oplnii n 11 s not a ?.???'.?i natriol and thai apply to blm 'he . tntalned In Henty MaudBley'a book, .*.: t v p thology." "T:i. aeakcnlng ol a toil n i a ?-tLjti of ? rial degeneracy," while i.. Ir o.-. :.i'?: : Will?, thai :t la alio .. Ign toral degeneracy. They ',?? nil ihe recant ?!? lara oi /..,1a. ?o the effect thai National 1res on I ,- ol i? ? onaldi t,, In oui tin.11 i ? n ordinal*] ?-.? omlng m d? r the ?',? ill. itlon of ' omn en ' i ??.. and ihcy ide , ?.,;,!'? wunt of -, ?ut r" -p!|. .- ntlmenl n Ihe part of Zola. They attemp to ?uppori thai ?.,. . by tii? physi .?l condition attiii.uie.l lo th? lovelist. Sola la Hm s.', of a BBOther who w.u? sxom i? r vous, ?? d earl] ii ?if.- be wa. attack?. ,.j .. erebral fever, the chara tai .' ?? h ? > r. i?. :. determined Hence h? ? ffered fi m ,<? ? ? i lubles, v.m ih a n- Btrai ?? i ?? mpl *! >d t the twenllel i ol his ag? Prom o,n> ,. . . ' i o Po lion .-.,.; i ?rtnln ex . ,. d morbid moblllt) .?. bleh nder ! h. pro ,'okei i ' : ? . ... t . Hi ns " Re? enth M /< , ,r b) a ?''.,' bul escaped without ?? . ... ? 1 this '.. urr. n? e is s?ld?d h I ? ? ? ?? . a to the ':-' oi ? su ? s .'.!,i h, . i rd n to Ih? in . inbal in? - d bli mil : 1 h? y h il I Iso ip< i , < ? hat, at a let? m? i ling of the .-?.??? I . M? n h? declared thai I ? bad forgot t. i Fulfil tl i ';'<? v. ril< i. i ? had a? ? ?pt? d, of ai ?.,. v,,th the family of Ih? Isti '? ., . j,..,,). t in regard to the monumenl ? ..... .! to ai ?Ol for him It I? Ilk? , , . ?t bou I th? ?II? i ' ''? In? mili ... . ? . p ?n |,i mi ntloned In Ih? -? ? i*h ***' '' <> *?' ? "'? ?i??d th? Public Prosecutor, a II dellvsi agaJnal im at th? ?ad "f th.- praBani a tem abalea Krell piano? which hav? been rested ; . .,,., ?/Ill aell ?.t reduced prlcea l.l.i.l.I,, : i FUth-avc. betwaaa i-J ??"d ~?i ?ts.-Advu ? FOR BIENhIAL SESSIONS. OPENING DEBATE OH T1IK PROposEF CHANO! IN THE CONSTITUTION. ITS AUTHOR MOVM TO SUUMJ-CS THF. TAI ??F IfKMBKRS OF ni': i.t?ULATORS UPaPOSlTafOM IV lili- "TENATE S!?-!?|(!'iN THAT IT 18 AN IN8IMCERB MO*r*g, AVY!K'\V Albany, Peb IB (Special) The s??nate to-ri-?v d?a uve??,] f,,r th?? firs! time th" ?.r"p.>.-'-'i arneri I? j nient i? the Constitution providing f"r hlen hlal seaslons <>f th'? Legislature, Tin?, meaaur-t hip not i.'.r.n regard?r?d quite as **eriously a? it ?' rv?*e, b?*caus?e ?( a common belief Btnong politicians thai there i* no r??al Intention "n thr . pari '.f the Piati machine to permit such an amendment t" reach th.- \-, tara <<t th?? st.-it??. "'' ?III be passed this year as a bluff t.. bring .?"in" votes to ?;,.v.????.,r 3lack as a cat: ii lit" for rc-riectlon and then * ;" be slaughtered in i*?!',?." vh??I a promlnenl member of th.- l.e?is l.i' to-day. s,.ni" members who aie opposed to passing Insincere m< isures are nol dlapoeed : to help along th. blenn i ? salons amendment undei j." ..?i' m. iimsl incei 'i'h.? gmendmenl a? Inti >d*****ed provided thai '."-? Senators' term should i?" extended t" foui yeara, and thai they should hav? 9?AJO0 each a?? their t..tu, compenaatloi foi period Sena tor Btranahan to-daj offered amendment! cu tin?; down tin- Benaturs ;..iv t" **.>.iroi :in?l that ; of the Assemblymen f,,r .-? two-year tin from f. $1..VMJ, and providing that both Bans lor and A ?/men shall rec? I ? e 110 a da* during extra aettciom There Is ?? pp ip?**c1 unit ? i , dlssath factl 'ti among . B? natora .?i"i Assemblym? t;. After Senatoi Btranahan had explained these amendments the measure aas attack?*?*] by Sena ! lor NussbautT !. , i l-can, ..!..i Senator?! C n lot :iini Qrady, Dem?crata Benator Orady de? clared ;..?i lb? pi i ?ed reduction In pay would in a del ? . of the < haiactei end \ ..f th.- Legislature, ii ?a.- he said, a r. ? isal of the ;. Il< .? "i lio? constitutional amend ? i 1??',.".. ahlch Increased tin? compensa t. n ..f : ?;.j .; i Sena ? Bi ..? then mail., a formal arxii tii? i. foi ill-- proposed amendment il- said the .' . ii?ri. a-as overwhelmed yearly wltli n.i lei latlon Then had beei m escusi (or th- annual nie-' i.; ' !? th? ;?!? tit New-York 1 y Charter was pntmea, i?ui now thai this "f?erf< ? i.-" u., ir. exls la? ?? the Legis? latur i. ? ?? in.; meel offener than once m two i There were twenty-ntne Btates which one? held annual sessions, but only six '.i<l so now. Illinois lias held only two extrg Baissions, i o: LVussbauin expre ???? ? s belief thai the fork ?-ere bo great univer* ? i I) thai Ii wo .!?! t s prol I matte il if s cl irai auch a!? the ons proposed would be for the ????.?d of the State The proposition, he contend? ed, was a reflection on the members of the Legislature There \\.\-< some par y legislation, he admitted, bul a mid meeting once in two years -correct this? ?here were no worse i ??- sla - In i is country than tha?? of 111 nots and Pennsylvania ??? I nee In ta*o years Be? it? i 'Cantor i ?claimed hell? ' trial biennial ! nefll the i? ? pie H-? aould . ri. ?de that lit! ? ..... j. i ; t,,.,] on the statute ooks bul believed it to have been largely the reaull i f haste. He anm I his r* f Ii ed thai the Neu v -k City chartei had reduced the necessity of a greal deal "f legislation that had ,.-. m |? .j th? ?. ?si ma in the past, bul .. ?wed that the people ? ? ild trust the Legis? lature t.> i ?? ? i ? ?? -, year if they had fa? vored ns their re ?ves at the !? ? ? Convention a ould 11 ha \ ?? um i r?1? i II Senator Btranahan replied to tha laet prop? osition by statl -.. that, aa-cordlng t.i h.<? In? formation, the Constitutional Convention ha.l nol been able ta for biennial sessions because Nee '.'? rk Cil n work Inn under ill*? old chai ? ? ? nstant 1 latlon. Senator Orad] said lhal n< should obJeai to hlennl tl sessions ? ? i ? they would t? t1 to cutis ?. ? r and exl nd ? si cutlve 'I'?. ? " ? ltd con? n? the L? lature a? an) tin for his ?? n tloi .vhil" the legislation of the people would have to ||| f .T I I,. '..! , ? ? :|< Benator Elisa il il ntlon to the hour, 2:lfl subject was on<> tint ?i, luld receive s moved ?!..,? ti,- ? ? ?" th.? Whole rise , and report pi .- ? I ai id S to t aRaln. : it ?:i. bo ordered and then the Senate ad ! Journed until ll o'elt-iefc to-morrow mornlnf YWO BILLIONS BORE FOR CANALS. I A MEA*) '!' WHI? :! 81 ? MRS WILL ADVO CA? E IM THS LEOI :. v URg Byractire N v. l"'*. IS W R mil suinrln .-? nt and engii ri f the Syracuse IVatei i ?. : ...,.? will undoubtedly ht I bj the Sjrra - if.? ? ? tat Iva 1 or? the fanal Inveai ant i ?- ? mi Ittaa? <\ bill ??ill be ?*d In ths legislatura . i, ..... j. ? g for I - ? rlktlon of fl,tt* for eoni nulns the m : t?ni ol the Erie i i all for 1 '. ? Oawego ai I i ? ti r not to i??- .i - ,i i ble until after Januar] I, II?? ? - iDRIFT OR DROWNED IS LAEE EEIE i ?TEEM 7.? my AM? 1*H!RTT PI8HERMEN 11/ >AT i ?FT - " THE I? r Pufr.-i! , Pel v ? r of men, ! Hmnterl ? i ? ? ? ? r, who were fit-? to 1 nfl ?th the I ? - from Bufl rift on the A h? avy wli from I h< the Ice to 1 i 1 he shore, and i othing n or heard of th? m? n .'-. .... r< - part? ?....,... ? ? (return & f?.? e r. .n n - Ing -.*. FEW si 1/.- THIS SE MON. a I : i : I : 1 ?!! BEALIKU ! : i ' " MOT PUT IM ?COM MISSION. Hin Kr-.n. i?.-o. Peh II The rasallng leel this ? ? .Honk i? not encourag* : % Captain O'Learjr o( the '. ner '?? eya re. i ,| ?. ?. -? ? tree and a Id and the i .. unaulta I for ng. ' 'aptatn Mi laon (.f it,.- ?chooi >-r Mary Taylor hs losl seven raen bj ,,, gertta n ind ad to pu i Inl i porl for r?. He alao aaya ..... are to hi found, aad i ... lie t a and Mar tea t Brill nol be pul In ? "tn though aenl*huntera had been a-hether 1 .,.'..' the t'nlted at? ' ? P .,.,.., ,,' arlth th? retlrenxsnl of .. . ??... of Brii ? ' * SERIOl s i PRIS! ?'.' IS AI STRIA. ITA- ?*?"!'- IM Ol ' ?? ! MO - ??? I-' LV\ r? ! i ..; M'." ?PS nOHTIMa is M a N1 1 Vienna Feh II '!',?'" Atparlan Be lallarl move r?i :,, n.n - '? 'omlag moat ssri-oua At K^tarkany, In lia? K?a bau ..i trtrt, a thousand ta ?? at* ir, open revolt The* -are ? n ,. M . ,,,?.,: i ind ars ijoldlng the rillage Bgrall Bl Hi" 10 ? ?!?? >"*''? ??' r<"-'?'t- BValer ?j A> .. ,| |n th? ..i- ? dlatrtct, In ., fit-in betwea n the irendarmei ind the peaas its four . [{ ,, ? nd tw? '? * ? At K..r:,?r. th? .??.???i ah?!?> tried t.? Uberate their ... . ,r . i.,. i - -. ..n.i the gendarmes were ut k? d to prevent an eveiled I .. ? . ".^ . .... ? i!'.? fr.-rn .i a-? ? hi ?? i :. tier ?tabbed h? I She fell There havi I ?? n si ? BrreBts snd m i in othei dial ? U Sxathmar a rl ? ??? ? I The ?ale of ? :' ; ' '? ' ' aved out ol , ,ort ..'.:? r 7 ... In ill ? enli ? with - rre I ..:,.. ?tata "f sl< ???? ? Wi.MKN ANH THEIR VS'iltK ??Ths Bvei ras P lo-daj will contain ?" m t,...;...? srtl on ' ! ?- negro settlem al o? tl i ,!i.i ih. effective mlsslooar] work whKii la being uu.'.? there.- au vu MAINE BLOWN UP AT HAVANA. THE BATTLESHIP DESTROYED A\D MANY LIVES LOST HY A\ EXPLOSION. SPANISH CRUI8ER AIDS IN RESCUING B?RVIVOR8. CAPTAIN BIOSBEE IN REPORTINO THF: DI8A8TER TO THE N'.W'V DEPARTMENT, ADVI8BI AMERICANS T?^ WITHHOLD JUDGMENT TILL THl PACT! AUK AS CERTAINED CAUSE OP THl CATASTROPHE NOT VKT KNOWN LIGHTHOUSE TENDERS BENT PROM KET ?TEST?STMPATB1 EXPRESSED BT GENERAL BLANCO. Havana, Feh. in Al BAS o'clock ?tala ptb?? inft- i terrible explnsiofi '".>i< place 'in board the t'nltcd b.irtir??hip Maine in Havana HarirAt Mnn.v tv. r?. k l!.?.? or wottttded. All th.' hont-? ? ?f ihr Spanish crtiiser Alfonso XII. :ir>' asalsl |Ug. As v.i Un? .'.'ni?-.' of ih. rapltwloa la not ap pan at. Il Is hellevpd ihn! Hi?- battle-ship ll> d?l?Wii***J*fed. The ' (plosion si.k ih" arbole rit*/, and Ihe wlndows were broken in many bowses The ??'!':?' spnndeni <>f 'Ii?' A ????>>.-in tr-d Press nay? be has ronverned with sereral <>f 'ho wonnded ?-.i lor- and limitT-tarnl? fron* them ih.- pxplosion t""i? place while tii.y ware i asleep, <?> that iney ran give no particulars aa !.. the raune Th.- u Idesi ronsternatlon ptrealls la Ravana. The wharves an crowded Rita thousands 'if I.pie 11 Is believed thai the explosion oc rnrred In s small powder rnaaraxlne. At in:ir. o'clock what remains of the Maine Is -!:i! burning. Captain Slgabee and the other ofllcers hBTe been saveil, it Is estimated that over one bun ilr-il of tho crew were kili?.<l. but h la Imposai ?.I.- as .1M in give exact details. Admiral Mantorola baa onlered i i?i;i t *-? of ?ill kinds to go to the siwlstanee of the Main?- and her wounded. Th.' Havana Bremen arc civlii?: aid and lending carefully to the wounded as they are brought ashore. it i? a terrible algid General Rolano and the other general? have been isnlered by Captain ?;. tu ral Blanco lo take steps t,> help ih?- Maine's crew In pi ? tv n ay poaaible, "The corr *\ ondenl "f ih?? Associated Pnas has been near the Maine in ?m. of the boats of the cruiser Alfonso xn and seen some of the wounded, who corroborate the atatement of those who Ural s*?nke thai they were already asleep when the explosion occurred. Captain Slgsbee says (be explosion occurred in the bow of ihe reaaeL He it*rtTed n around in the bead. Orders were ffiTen to thp other officers to save themaelves as heal they rauld. The oflk-era arho w.-re literally thrown fr'?m their hunk?? In their nlghtclotblng Bare the B*?ce*?asu-*> < with grant aalt poasesslon and hravery. At 11 :..?? p. m. the Maine .-ontiniie? burn'ticr Tiie first theory was that there bad been ? preliminary explosion in the Rants Barbara (magaxinei with powtlVr or dynamita below THE MAINE'S MIBBION AT HAVANA llF.n visit was IKTBNDBD ARTJ aitakkn rr.Y Rp'iiivr-t. \s \ PBIEXDLT 4CT. Th Main? arri'.f?'i in Havana Harbor nn Jan? uary IT.. In pursuance of a o>ri??i.-?n on the part ,.f ii,? Government lo have ships of the Navy m? 'h.? friend!) visits at thai port which were discontinued when the arar broke oui in ''iiha. Thor? had heeB rumors that consul General hn'l asked for s warship, bu- they re ?' lally lenled \ laits srera exchanged by Captain Blgabee snd i the Spanish officials al Havana, and Spain re I? i to the action of this Government by ng the Vlscajra to visit New-Tork. The Vizcaya Is ?In* In th" hnriv-r to-.lay. It waa Bnnounre-1 rec?Mit!y that the Main? al i! i i . ?? i i short time longer, ami thai "ii" a uld be replaced bj a smaller vessel ? .1 FLA* FOB CRE? IV AUTONOMY. Till* AMBAMADOBS BAIO To r,r- TRTINU to at?. BAXOE \ PROVISIONAL '?ovkitnmitnt. London, Peb. 16. The Conatantlnople r.irt-p .sf.. ndent of "The Time?" says: l understand thai the Ambassadors are trying to ana: pi - atonal government for Crete atol ?., intro? duce autonomy without appointing a pi it ii : il ?n.,r The Ides Is for two <f the Powers, ... fin: Jointly, i" undertake the government " RAILROAD IN CENTRAL AFRICA. A BCHBM8 OF CBflL BHODEB tikttt.v TO BE BROVOHT TO A SUCCEBSFUt. CONCLUSION !. ndon Tab M The Cape Town correeponden?1 of Ths Dallj Blair says "All the deuils bava risen ?ettied for earrytng oui Cecil Rhodes"! ?chema for the extension of '!.>? Bula way? Rallwaj to Lake Tanganyika >? vntral Africa) Thera I? no ?liffi led in getting i".'??).'??'. Mie uniotin* of capital r... ded " THF PRISONER ts SENTEM? EI fO PEMAt, BEBVI TCDB OB COB" K "n? N OF FRAUD London, Feb IA At ths Centrai Criminal ?'nun Lord Vt'UUaR fieri I fourth ?on of the Mar aula of Abergavenny, who ?a?. ,>n :i si ebarged with flau.! in connevtion with ih<- suit of "Sam' i ?.?.!-. th? money-lender, agalnat Lieutenant Bpen del ? lay, of ih? Second i. te >. lards, torecovei fli. ii? . promiss? i, notes cashed by tin- i i er. pli id? ; guilt) of frau<'.. but Bald that b? was t oi guilty of f-.ig.-r> Judge Lawrence, In aumming up, aaldi "in mi me la aa great aa if n? had abetract ? . - on from Lieutenant Clai s pocket, or h?'l Mr Lew s ?? oll e ai -. bad afolen ll if fi bad been sonn wretched oi?ik with j *:!<? and b? ??!, children who had Incurred a heavy loss and ha.I helped him-,, if at din master*? til!. I an. ..:...! there woui.l have been no mm u apeak In extenuation, bul th? hlghei position th? person the high? i bis re-ponslbil ti? i i am ?, to aaj ' bav? looked in vain foi bj ting rlrcumatanee? ii la aa bad a case of ' sa ii H noaalbl? '? conceive fou bav? ?.? -1, .in? ana dishonor upon ai a:, lenl ;it..i t faiiiii-.. and sorrow and .pon your . d? in at 'i -.n hai ?? foi f? i" ,| th? t ..a rw hold a th? *..ri.i and which ahould nave gua m?'<?? of y.air honMty, ?t i?ms- ir not of ? our honor Tour crime ;?? l-. ?-.. * and youi mi lence must b? aeverc it la thai you be kepi ,n ??r.ii servitude fo" Bv? reara." To- lenience caused a great sen atton .maim ;?'?? enl In court in i many of the women broka out into sobs HISHOF \\/l H ( OMINO HIRE. tampion, gab U Aasoni th? passsngsrs !.,,.,i.,i to Ball for Nirw-Torii to-morrow oi ths North Oerasaa i.:> v.i stogmst Trav? is i Anr.-r. tl,? ?l-rinaa Ulsi ,,p ?ho-? reporta on th? Herman mi? Ion atatlona it. China bav? attracted much attention Blahop Anzrr t? an bis way to the Province of Shan-Tin.g, in, which larrliory Klau-Ctijiu Bay la altuatetl. ?Taahingtoo, Feb. IS. The rVcratgry of N.ivv nri'iv,,] the followiog telegram fr ? ?aptain Blfsba*e: "Maine Motara tip !ti Havana Harbor nt I .''.'l'?k nriil ?li?vtro\<il. Many wound?*?!, I doubtless ttioro kilted an.l ? Wnum and "tb?.?-> ,m board Spanish inan-of-w.-u- 1 Ward Une steamer. Somi ?ia-htiiouse-toml from Key Weal for new and tow pl??c?-s ??'|i!lt?nient ???till above water. No mi?? hod otl cloth?*? than those upon blm. "Public opinion should be -auspeuded t Ml f Ibet rop.irt. All oflceni believed ro i>e ?.ar Jenkins and Merrill not jrrt itmmntH I Many Kpgnls!] oflli.I, Including r??pr?>?-?>n Uves of <;.?i;.?ira 1 Rlanea, now with mo an?i ? ?,r??>s sympatby. BIOSBEK.', r- ri?f'?rr.rl to In rho above dlapgl .iro Prfend \v Jenkins atul A*slBtgnt Englnt . Darwin i:. Merrl t. Prom tii.' wordin.] of 'he dispatch ih?> Na j riepartinenl think* it p"--.;tiie that tltey un '?n shore at the time of the accident. The Secretary of tbe Vary r??.??.:vi?ii anot! dispatch from Key Weal at the ?-.lino time w tin? above, bal Its contents were not dm public, Tin' n!-,|i?rs for Mu? lighthouse f??n?l'?rs wore rjoce -i!! to Key Weal In pian languaite, th avoiding tii?> delay thai would have artaeu fN ih?' use "f cipher, Paymaster Charlea W. LittMleld, who ?riven In the Its! of ofllcera on the ?lalse, h r? ???>?! 111.?.- i.n replat*? ??! by 'PaymaBtt-r Rya Llttlefl? Id Is Dow in Washington. ? ?. THE MAIM: AND HER CAPTAIN. a DK8CRIPTION OP THg n ai'Yi.r: r-nii? AND Tl LIFT OP OfTICBRfl ?ATTAIN S!',-1'F'?? PINS m*''"iti? Th?- Maine la ? battle-ship i f the at?c?*md r*Uu an?! i? regarded aa one of th.- best ahipa in tl r:?".v Hatty. She sraa bull? al the Br?*K>klyn Ha? yard, and la 318 feet ion.?. r.T feet ortaad, 21 feel mean draught at d b\SS2 tons dlsplacemen She ha*? two ten-men vertical turrets and fa military masts, and h??r motive power it? fui nlshed by twin-screw r**rtloal trtple-e ?* s?nala* eriRine?), bavin? a maximum hOI*8a *pOW?**r i i?.298, . ipa ?la if makum a speed of LT.-SS knol She carries four ton-Inch and six alx-lnc breech-k>s Im?* eruns In h> r main battery, an seven slx-poundera ami ei<ht one-pound rapid fir.? guns and flour Qatllnga In lier ?Ma*on<Jar battei ? ur Whltehead torpedoaa. 1*8 of the Maine are: Captain PHARLSa D -'i ;?n?'-: ?nrnaaallng. Lieutenant ? I B ?INWRI ! W. HOI.M ?M. MS M'" 't' i.-- itenaal I ARL W JfMGRM i..... - - iRi ig r? gt/VW ;., ,-. .- | .... . ? ?HM .1 '?laNi >i\\ Bl Kn-?ln?i .1. IHM K. M tant Engineer DARWIN It mkkI'.it ; ? . ..... ? ? ipg WASHINGTON Boni 8RTHt*S CREM8H X.W I Chaplali '..UN' I' rHIDWh K ..... ?.? L.BERT1 B W ? ?TUN I !? airaaalB i 'B IN? 'S E LARKIN I B nawalli PRIKND ? IENKI? -' \ \s H HOI . ? . tdet watt T. CU'VB lll.'Si I Na a! Tadel AMOS BRON* ?n ? f UIP V BOTD - Lt'CIEM O. HKNKH-'i! IBS Pa m ? - ' n ?RI.B. W UTTLKPIELD. ? ' Bai ? ? '? ???'.- - HOU RU, Patted ?tala in? Baifliaeer rTI?TaOERIC C IHSBIBB. ? ; inn. i r. i.-ktii it it.t. i-., i?- - a ib H J.M The .??ni!? ? i ? >f tl Maine, '"ar'atn ?-tier-be?, i? a fav irlte in the Navy I ?-part ment For four years he ?h? chief of tbe Hydropraghlc Ofltee, and by hi? energy brought the nAVe up to a high standard He was lucky to ?et so Important a .?hip a? the Maine, considering his .i. tual ?ark. which ih that of a coramanaler, but Immediately he Justlfled the Department's Judg? ment In the eelectlon bs running his ship light Int* a dock In New-York Harbor to ... .1 running down a packed excursion boal Th s tras .i display of quick |udg*ment, nerve and piu'-k thai pleaaed the Departmenl so ? thai tii" offlclala ?enl the Captain a mm. plimei tarj ? ?:; '?'? The Man?- traa built in New-Tort* in 1 vor? at n posi of ?*??>' 7 '??'??' Bhe ha?i B steel hull ami a complement of 87 4 men. ? TUEEE1 WILL INVESTIGATE. FPH':m PACTBA TO PK BENT TO INOT-lItF INTO Tit:: .?! rTRAOEJ ?'?> ?ii,\?-::> OS n y Bl LOAR?A ' ,. ?-'nntir.nple. Pea, || Kilh'-m Pa.-ha haa been ordered from Thesaaly to Voto ib one hundred nui???, fioni Sal?nica, .n European Turkey, In onW r,i j 'Institute inquiries tnt? the outra??? sosaplalned I of by f : u t k .. i * i ' li la ...i...'l thai at t h?? *ar?i<* time it la hoped that the resence of the rtctorl oui? commandei will Intimidate tbe ea< it.-.i popu? lation." ? EYE8 EXAMINED IS PUBLIC SCSOOL8. Till* BTATB BOARD OP BEALTfl DaKIOM TO 1 i yet THS BIOHT OP ALL Albany, F b i-'. In it? anrm..i r.?p,.rt to Oovernaw I i ,-. Board ' Health aay? "It has been deemed eapedleat te provide s m??th.?i i?f tenting the eyes of ???iiooi children under .t* supervta in adopting th1..- plan th? Board h:i>< been advi ed u r r.??ur r a Callan, who haa been appo I conaultlng ophthalmologlai :o tha Board, uno who han carefully ? naldered and approved tbe system "The Importance of the question maj tn Letter a| , -ated by a ?".?? !?? ? Ion "f the e tl i faei ' '' defectlvi lyeeighl is largely ?n the n creass li thl. country. Thla laarreaae :n.i> be iiue in ? large degre? tha failure of parents of chll dren I aver i ich effect it an early ?.?.?,-.?. irisen auch deviations from normal tiatou t**t t..? .?.i-.ii> , o? i >? ted "The plan ado*? ad proartdes for a prellBatnary et amlnation of : ? ?yes of achoal children by ti... principal of the ?uiiooi. t,. w.i. careful inctru. t, na are furnished, and IB a??? Of any abnormality being i!? '?v. r. i tie parents of Mi?* child are ??'. vised lo i onsull a piivi. Ian. iae report "f such ex ? ,ii to i"- Bled with this Board for futur.? reference rhls will practl ill) Inv >ive no sspense -.i iii.. Stute, bul will, when arefully .-?rried out In n,i the BChools of th? .Stat>?, | a ureat publ!. benefit " ?-? MARTIN ??liTAItB ANT? MANPOI.1N8. i Also Olob?.. KHELL. 1T4 fifth Av., (?td 8t.) Advt. ' A DISAVOWAL EXPECT?' THE PK LOME QfCIDBHT **'OVi?inERED VIRTl'ALLY CLOSKD. WHILE TIIF. A!>MIMSTHAT|.?N HAS MAi'l" NO DM MAND. IT C(.Nr-II'KNTI.Y HKI.IKVKt*! THAT ?PAIM WILL MIKE AMKNI.S K"R ITS . FORMER MINISTER'S IN DIP' ni*TfON KKN'.R Dg I."ME 1.1A ".!".-> WABHINOTON. [riT Tr*i.**..PAf?p to Tin: 1-BIBI MB 1 Wants tngtan. Fab 1&-t.. <i ij d .? "?menta i ?to fully hear out th-? cooBi rval taten ata ma.I.- in tbeSS dlspat h>? ?asi Blgl ' i? ' i ?lili Unsettled phases of ;li?- Da I.'.n ?? ? -, !? ri * Ths Administration Is "(ill conftd ni | ling Iba trar amlsoion from Bpain at ?-.iino aas : ?.'n th" part of th.? Ipaalah fJovenin I it it rMvrs with regret th-? offenalva a n;.ns to Prealdenl McKinley contained In the Canalejas? latter. It is weil naderatood, of ecuree, that no i ind for a disavowal ha> ? .'. ?' thta t ;..v.-t-un,, ni al any time ?;i. ? ublloatlOB of Befior Do Mm-'s note Bui ir I as I sag th? settled sxpeciaUoB ?f ths President and bis *d vlaara thai the Bpanlsh <'.. net a aid - ?? galse th? [iroprlety of offering some at;, r.,|? f? r th*? flagrant lad BtcratloB of Its diplomatic repreosBta? tl\o hor?. Th?!-.? amen*}?, it ma* b? ad led, now BCeffl pra !: salt?/ "n ih.? point of hoirs; made, and in Administration c?talos the nu . , . i.?tit is now '?? aetdersd rirtualljr dosa i NOTHING MORS FROM OffXBRAL vTOODrORO Up to a !a'e h air tAVBlghl th?? ItBtS ['--?part ment h;?,; received no additional word from Min? ister Woodford. While th.-r?. had been an im? pression all lav that a d!s| at h Blight ba re i.'i-.'. .1 at any hour, the sbaenco s* a naeoaagu wan not regardH aa an Indication >f anj ehaUBga in tli*. status of tn,' IncidttBL As matt? l <:..n?, the on.y :"'ir;h-r action to ?'?? ? ?.[>??? ! from Spain la i hi lisa ral of th?? ? nta *-i presaed by Sefioi DeLomac n irnlni Presidas*! McKlnlajr, hut this, if made, will is a vol un arv courtesy. A definite announcement that is or has no? been made if. In the t ::r.ary course ..f affaira, ths .'.."?.t news -"?i eti i Drom M idrid. Borne intorost ivns arouaed to-nlghl by th? pr?sence at the White House of ral masB? bers of th?? cabinet, among Uk une? i "in*, tiaiy atii WtldMm, Altante] Oeneral i'iiinK.-i ami Assistant Beoretary Dag. Th.? gaUierlng waa purely s social affai.-. h tswesjJi tho Preridant at ths Cabinet meeting t -?lay having asked suri-, members is i at liberty t.. meet n:a gueata ||g a:.,i Mrs Henrich, at dinner. Contrary to eap?fetatlon, the Cabinet i i tag did not dlacuai the !>? l.- ?? ? ? ?? attassaV ance wa? small, and little busln - ??., t-. .? .? acted. Becretary Bhsi-tnan who at ana of th? most regular attendanta, was report? i to be confined to bis boms t.? a cold; S .vr?*t Is al Fort Monroe, recoverlnf from h.< meara illnoss; .*->* T'-taiy BIlBS ts in N?w-1 rk I I BSS? retary ?ia-*?? in I bicago. While there waa no dlscuaalon of relations a*lth *-;...:n. tb? nrmbaiB of the Cal net are entirely wtlsAi i slth UM filiuation, and advlcas are expect? i at alBMsat anv moment from Ma lr;,l bring ' the ending of lbs eplood? la a maunei -.'i-ia ory to tho Unit a BtBtas and .*-pa a. MTAHTrKE 0? Dl LOMS Beftor Dupuy de Lbota, boo mpau I t by Mm?. De Lrtme, their twu son.-1 ai.d a g| valet, left Washington at 4 o'clock this . Eat New-York, whence they sail to-BMrroa fas Liverpool. A large delegation fi i I math) Corpa, aaeompanlad by th?rir safa a h?'arty farewell at the station i'i th.-.r a<s? aie. .Mm?. De Lwiii?? carried ?i I red roeaa. and atvoral baskets koirers ?*??.-?? carried t.y the attendanta and placad la the tax occupied by th? De LAm? party. The estira staff of the Spanish Liegation, h aded * ?,*? l>u Boec, the Chargi d'Aaffalrea wars pi al at.d others at ti.e station were Count a i ->i C >unt eaa da 1-h hterveide, of the BalglM Lags 1Mb.. Via? 'L,pt and VtacoBBtsa? .1" Banto-1 *hjnao, of the Portuguesa Legation; Mr. Pioda, Th.- Burlan Minister; Beftor Renglfo, r Um C r>mb4an La? gallon; Baron Rledl, of ihe Austrian i. . i m; Mr. l>e Weckherltn, the Minister : th? N i.-r lands; the i"ii\" ami Duchess d'Areoa, >t i-p.iin. Se?or <iana. the Chilian Minister, atol Mm? Oana, and Beftor Corea, -f the Central Ansati i i Legatlots. Mme. ?;r.foi brougbi a handaoaai I ? uquet and banded H to Mme. Da Losa? ju^t. before the train puii.-d out B R r Da i."ni pa.cs??d arnonji Ms former BBBOClataa. P'ving them a ?arm farewell, and Mme Da Lflaaa waved her ad eus to the bm n and smbracad th?? women, a number of outsiders ?? ?* sttraetai by tb? gathering, hu? further than that th? eg-Mlnlster*S departure '...?b entirely quiet and unohtrui I? e beftor Pu Boec waa busy at the L'^ation office to-day. with entended c< mn an cations J ist received from Madrid. The.-.? d.d not n .. i ',-> th" recen* Incident The Legation la now Mm in?* Us attentl ? othei subjects, mainly to th-? new commercial tr atj bets en B| tin and tho United States Th? Instructions t.," r* relved a-lll permit B -t. <r Du Boa to prntaod with th.- n. ?t. i Igt lona on thai Bubject, and ir Is hoped thai these will pr .I rapidly towaasj completion. NO COMPLIMENTS P*OS PR LOMTC. BFAIM Wont IN" PHIS \v\v T'i IvATIggl thb I'M PI ED FT V-VS London. F-"v, III Th? Madrid eorr^pondeBt of The Times" nays "Tn the official acce?ataacsj ?f >? dor Dupuy de l/m.?'? reetgnatlofl ths usual rompllmentary pbraaa appre itl.f hi? ?-r rlces will In this n-ar-or Sp/iin hopes t aatlafy thr Lrnlt?*d sta'e.- and to end the Question." -e MADRnyg P"i'ii..\''K r:X'"iTr*:n 4 BtmoB thai" Spain- ha.-? at"?Loriizgo ratitMB FFIAH OF TBOCBLB ON THE I'ARr OF- TH!-: PK. if'I.K r,opdr?n. Peb 18 A :.lal ri-?r!,,''h f?*"i M idrid ?a\s that ih?- p ipulS - Of that ,??*>? !s ir'-aiiv snmged, osring to the belief thai IfM ??PTit"-.h Cabinet has apologised to the Cartad States Th- people, the llspatch adds ara hit erly opposed t.? such a course, are ? x ?< ? llngrj loatiie to th- Governnsent, and rnaj amka a ? ?moi Bi ratl >n in conclusion 'ho dispatch sags Tht P" >pie >r-fer war I ?; thlnklna t -?, ?in fill SUfftr the !>'ast tli--r?h;., is ? 1 be ?\. ??"!?t -, troua to the larg* i immerea af be United Btat "!?".: Heraldo" formall) .h-nie? ?? . aton ; bed in a Ha ran i i w?| .i i thai i 'analejas's own "mployes abatrari ttag .eilt b) Dunuv le Lfti ? ? - ? TH TIME OF i ?- TOBB IN tLASKA. nSFOKTKO l'iTi' t? OB \ f'TKiTiiF" BLtZSABA funeau, Alaska Peb I rta Beatl S iah Feh ?> During the laat four daya a l ? tsawd I ,m i. raging siena tb um fresa ths a? id <t l.\nii ?'ar.ii to i?sri Wrang? ?e inte 4M i m o nie ?umber 4 *i ?Bbi f tl ra. t .r>ing from Boventi ? a to tarent) i ran There i? tu? m*?m u ?.te.?, m . f aattsng m tke '? t? ?.?.-r-? BBITIBS WABSBIP BABE lOSOVNO. Tort Paid. IVh IV-The BrBl ?lOSS British SattlB? ihip t/tetartaua wfclohsallad nram Malls m gsbrsji iry 11 for China, .nul Wblck Want Wnban ".ind? the bar arlilrs eut.'itnK thli part, ?THl h.?v.- u sa> imrs-, bar sal, ??"i prabably b*m fSJM, b?aai*s sha ?an as Boated _ NOTHINQ EQUAL TO IT Theie la absolutely nothing to .-?Vial the ?Usurp i I ?olid ,'omtor. of a rl.!.- ??twjeB ?ew-Tark ?A Chlcaso on the new "LAKK PHORK UMPf ?D " of the NVw-York (Vntr-I-Lake flhore Roiit?. 'hs greatMt traveller? att??t It? perfection -(Ad?rt.