Newspaper Page Text
Ntm V6*" tiVIII....N? 19,008. NEW-YORK, WEPXEHDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1888.- TWELWE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENT& " >R. T. C. HALL GOES TO UNTON. *CCEPT9 A PROFEPSORSHIP IM THE j BBaHNART. rms Bniovr.s him WfHOit TBR U8T of popsi- ! BII.TTIE* FOR TIIF. I,"rTII AVF.NTE FWMM FYTFI'IAN CHVB H THF. ItF.V. AT.F.X \N!'V: ' VN1-1.1. i.ikt: i.v TO BI* CH08RN The Rav. Dr. Th. maa C. Hall. son nf th* lat" Ttev. Pr. John Hi 11 ' waa for ? ? many yeara jva?tnr of tl.." Plfth Avenua I'-i-sl.ytcrlan ' Chur.b. haa a< prof aeorahlp ln the t'nlon Theologlcal Pemlnary. H" arlll ftll the whlch carrlea wllh it a aalary of fAOOll a \-nr. Apart frr>m th" In tareet attachlng to thla Importan! appolntment, pr, Hall'i aceeptance of the place p<>lnts con clual* Ij to ,l." fact thai ho is no loncr-r a can , | ti f * tha rncant pulpH of th? Fifth Ave? nua Preabytcrlan Church. Blnce he flral preached ln the church, aboul Bla weeka ago, Dr. Hall haa b en ati ngly urged by crtaln membera of the c ingi gatlon aa a aucceaaor to ? .. ? h. r. i ? arhlla his preachlng and hl? attalnmenta appealed atrongly to every mem ber nf the churrh, It aoon became appninnt that hl? candl __t v -.4 m pui : n. ii by n very amall proportlon of tr-" congregatlon, who were malnly awayed by aentlmental reaaona it waa reeognlaed by the lendprs of Ihe churrh that T>r. Hnll'g llberal glcal vlewa. eeelng thai ii" waa a warm ; ithlaer wlth the teachlngi t Dr Brlgga, i4.r? greatly al varlance ^ith tho unawervlng !)? orthodoa and eonaervatlve spirtt of the churrh, anil that tn -rt-ml n call to him would T>e but tn Invlt. furthei aerloua dlaaenal >na wlth ln a very f=h..n perlod. Agatn, Dr. Hall'a health ;<= '.I' from r buat, and it was fell that his f.r-er.pfh. even were he aelected, would n<>t ppr- | : ili him tn contlnue In the paetorate for any lengthened perlod H la underatood thai Dr, waa acqualnted wlth lh* feellnga held by the congregation, to wl m hla father mlnlateri I ver thlrty : that he waa led In quence tn accep! the prof rahlp offered him by the autl irltle* of the Unlon Theo '. gi rai Bemlnary. ? ? ? th aon of the late Dr. J.'hri 1? ' He waa graduated ai Prlncel n In 1VT'.'. hla atudlea al the Theolog .? he atudled ry. and at tl '; Ittlngen , ii -- in philoi iphy. offered hla sen I eB to t ?? -.? ird, and waa a. I . ? ... ? h< re h. ' ulli ? * Ten yeara ago j t 1 ? .'.' . ' Flral Preaby ?; Ri it- paati r untll wl ? -i h ? to the F : ....... . |] ,,!?? clty. ii ?? - r ago. when a , m to relinqulsh actlve work. TT ? went to Europe wlth hli renl lal sprlng, and waa wlth hla father when he dled In Ire land. Dr. Hall la ? .yeara old. la goanie I, but 1 ' Idren. Bo far tl mmltl n an<1 the < ongi gntloi PMfth Avi nue P teiian Church I a*orta to fli The poaltlon la prac tlcally unchang i Bnl Th.' Trlbune la enablad i ? | .-. . ? - authority th>!t all the aaaanfrrr of tti* i-"n,mittee nf t;>.- Wllole, as it la ci ' ? '' ?" ,,f ,nP ... the pulpll n I. ft. i"" in favor. ??? ith not more 1 , ? ? ? of ??-, ? Vlexnnder ? ? ? ? ? ? Klnpland. ' Corji ell la i ol the lan i: >ard Mlaalona, and wlll re intiy ni Aprll, The maj i j ;? mn.? I untll hla rel urn, and, la Httle doubl thai Mr ? vlll fol Ir ii true lhat four mem* ructed to ? : m gyman?m hose name Tho h. ln oi der thai.- lestlon i y have no Ink;:m.r <?' 'th.'-. committi gardi ?! ai belng a'"Brlggalte." lh?T. la little proba Vo "BrlggsH 111 buc : ? .... !?? .. ?. T ?? ? ongregatl >n la almoil a un I agalnai Ing ; ?_ led over bj any man ? I theoi Iv are f the ach. ? .4V IXTERVIEJY ir//// in?/vr. Par's. Nov. 1"' The 'Plgaro" to-day pub Ilahea an ln'"r'.Iw v.ith Promior Dupuy. ln the course of whlch he Is quoted a? ?-a-. ? F't twenty-elght yeara we have llved und?>r n eontradlctlon The Army and the Democracy i . al elde v v Bld The raalntenance of th" traditl^ns r,f the army is a menace to llberty, ypt th^y a=siir^- the safety of the country and Its rnnat aacred dutlea in aplte of everythlng, I em cnnfldent that tb" vitallty of th" country wlll triumph over the preaenl atorm, ns it haa ln all the crlar-s it haa ui lergom In th" Benati ? . tn reply to a re qtiept that he would "clarlfy" his sp"prh m?d.' j-esterdav <n thr- Chambei of Deputlea in an e?--fr tr. rb" Int. ? ? ?? tn th" Plrrpiar' court-ir.arria; ar i the Dreyl ii affalr, M Dupuy aa'd. "Th" eppt-rh wa v Th" powera of the Court of C and all neceaaary documerta a*lll l ? communlcat. l l i th" Court. The Lesi way of reatorlng peace I to leave matt. ra In the I nda f the ludlclary.*" ? ESTERHAZY ON His way Parls. Nov, 29 v dlaj itch from Bruaaela f> tho "Journal" i th. r.'p..rt thai Major Count EJaterhaa: ^m i .i it a" b^rts 'hnt i .- ? m rked at R. I ? - ? OAP1TAI FOR TBE n /'.'> I IXDJE8. BjTTUgONB lo.M'V ?:-.. BE PfT INTO THB BI'OAR ixi BTRT 1 ' RB AB MBHED London, Vov '?', 'Th. Dally Mall" this mnrn 4r:- :? k. the 1 < n': ? ?Wi. are ie thai "ii the Invltatlon of f. ~. .. ? Bl t.. for th.- Colonlei IJ..s. ;.h Chamberlaln) aon hav. ln II ir to n vi\?<? tha try In the " t Indlea If ~:r Thom - pn pared l i\ ' ?? 00, and 11 ? thai aome axrangemenl Wlll :;.- iirr.v. .j - ? TBOOP8 RETIRE FROM 8ALTADOB. X SFTHA.-K |TOB THg NI-"' CENTP.AT. AMBRICAI* i:v." \ Maaagua, Nlearagaa, Nov 31 -Th" armed for^ee of the l"rir< ! Bta'ei ol Central Amerlca. not bolr.g tfti -.-: : Nl araga - ? ' from Ba '' la therel ffd.-ru! orgaalaei wlll lare further efforti un wla. thelr unlon rraaManl Zal yi ol Nlcaragua and Preald4?ni Bl?rra of Honciui '? ? Cortato. The proapef* nf Nlcaragua a:* pearefui. -_*, MAKTM1, I.AV. IN I-^TATKir'. Llasa, V'Ti N-v '.'.'. Tha Repoblle of Ecaador : lalm. i atai aOTAI. MMIT1 I> Ntw-V'jtk :>j ' ? I'Jt P ". Whlte hall Termlnal fSoutli F'erryJ ?''?'? '; r ?'" fu"1 '-?"? arty Street Bnulpmeni iMiiiti^ Cur B> ' v. a im luttlled No exceai farea Flneet train? and qulcjcaai t.m? tettween .w-w-Votk -mi Wathh'gi-r' ? *?"?* ALDRIDGE MUST GO. BLACK BT1DBMTLT DF.TERMINED TO BUlPaWD HIM. [BT TELKORAPH TO THK TKIBrXB.) Albany. Xov. L?9 ?Ge-orge W. Aldrldge, Fuper Irtondent of Publlc Worka, had another talk with Qovernor Black to-day nbr. ,t ex-Judge Countryman'a conclusions a? to tho evldence taken hy the- Pannl Commlaalon. Mr Aldrtdge'a frtenda say that thi- r.-auit ?.f the eonference waa n< t nny more aatlafaotory to the Rnporlntcnd ent than others he hns rc lently had wlth tha . lovernor. Mr. Black Fcems detcrmlned to atiFpend Mr. Aldrldge, nt l-nat temporartty, from hla DOBl as Buperlntendenl of Publlc Worka. Whom he would nppolnt a* head of the Department of Publlc Works if he ahould auapend Mr. Aldrldge Is not jrel known. or even hinte.l. Th* thlrd aection of Artlrle V ot tho Conatl tution say* that the Buperlntendenl of p Worka "may be auapended or removed from of flce by the Qovernor whenever. iti hla judg mi-nt, tho publlc lnterest shall so requlre." The Conatltutlon then tjoes on to aay that "ln oase of th? remoral of auch Puporlntendent of Publlc YA'orks from ofllce, th<- Qovernor rhall flle with the Secretary <,f State a statoment of th" cauae of auch removal, nn.l ahall report auch removal and the causp thereof to tho Leglalature al Ita next pcasion " if Mr. Aldrldge ls auapended fr..m offlee, the publlc is likely to learn at onre from th" dooumeiit flled with thp pecretary of Htnt? ihp ramo r,f his auapenalon, and the lyeidslaturp of 1899 will re. >lve a somewhat atnioar Btate ment as aoon as lt shali me.-t. Governor Black was anxloua to aee Attorney Qeneral Hancock to-day. evldently about this cnn.-il affalr. but Mr. Hancock dld not arrive In Albany from hts home ln Byracuee nntil after Ihe Qovernor had depnrted for his bome ln Troy. Early to-morrow mornlng the Oovernor and thp Mtornt y-.'.oneral will hold a oonferencp on the terma < f ex-Judge Countryman'a report. but n"T. it is belleved, on the BUbject of Mr. Aldrtdge'a executlon of the canal contracta, as lt ls under atood that aeveral daya ago they had a talk on that queatlon. Mr. Aldrtdge'a frtenda aay that his Integrtty la not queatloned ln the leaal ln ex-Judge Country? man'a report. They dpclarp thnt h.- has been an honeat Offlclal. YVhat ls charged, they say. is that he was not Bufflclently carpful ln acceptlng the atatementa of hla aubordlnatea and of the employea of th<- state Bnglneer reapectlng the ml of w.rk done by the contractora, ai I thal thus the Btate pald oul a larije amount of money whlch waa n,.t due to the contractora. In reply, Mr. Aldrtdge'a frtenda say tha* he dld tnke great paina to protecl the Btate'a Intereata, and if be made any errora they would have been >.. bj any other state offlclal wlth auch a vaat amount of w.,rk In his charge. If aome i f hla aubordlnatea were dlahoneat. he waa noi ly or legally reaponaible f.,r thelr actlona The Qovernor will probably acl on e?-Judge Countryman'a report to-morrow. Mh. ODELL AT 0Y8TER BAY. THK CHAIRMAN VI8ITB THE QOVERNOR ELECT. TO KETl'llN' HERE WITH <?? ' OWEt, ROOBEVEL.T TO-DAY-MH. BaXaWORTH TU ME THK HEHBI.ICAN I.EADEB ON THK floor OP IHI BEHATB. Republlran pollttclana aboul tbe Plfth Avenua llolel laat evenll | W. ln the vlslt whlch B. B. Odell, Jr., ehalrman of ihe Btate Com? mlttee, waa making nt the home of Colonel i: r. ? tha ilnvi al Oyater Bay. Mr. Odell wenl down to Oyater Baa yeaterday to havi talk with the Qovernor-elect, and atay all nlght. nel Rooaevelt la i ape. ti .1 to return to ti.:- ? Ity to-day wlth Mr. Odell, ano go on to Boaton to ?!?? Ilv. r another lecture. Th.- Republlcan leadera have noi been bothered al all by the reporta that Colonel Rooaevi 1 deterralned to oppoaa a pure-beer blll, and .1 blll to reorganlae the clty pollce for ?? -^ making it a part of a Btate eonatabnlary. They say thal the Colonel is open lo argument on any queatlon of itlon, an.l will take a eourae thal he bellevea lo i ?? ncht after there haa been the fulleei lunlty for argument and dteeuaalon. As a m m f.-i t, there have been n.. Bgreementa m- to 11 ) ; 1 tirular leglalatlve meaaurea an yet. Tlie membera ? f ? ?? Leglalature have done aome qulel cam n the organlaatlon of the Benate and taembly and the polltlclana have been pulllng w rea f.>r frtenda who ? re c-andldatea for Btate ofilcea whleh are to he fllled by appointment It t ... been eettled that Tlmothy l. Ellewnrth will be the Republlcan leader on th- floor or tu* Btati Benate Jamea B, Whii'p'.c ls to be the 1 lerk ?f | .. g nate K W. Hlggtna will be ehalrman of ... ... nnance Commlttpe, Hobari Krum will Urman of the Judlclary Commlttee and V I. Btranahan will he rhairman of the I Itlea 1 om red Nlxon will be Ppenker of the As-. but ln hla make-up of the comnUUeea he haa not .1 upon the moai Imnortant of heehalr I p A'l t ind Ottq Kelee) are the Ka for The majorlty leadirahlp ln the \ - \ E. Baxter la eure of re-electlon ? ?f th? AaBembly, and manj of the rlerka .. ... hlm al the laat aeaalon are eer ? reappolntment, COLONEL ROOBEVEBT IN iHOW BHOE8. Oy,ter Bay. N Y . Sev. n Colonel Rooaevelt waa up early this mornlng, and donned - anow and went aklmmlng over the anow for a H, 1 i| 1 th ? aporl a tve hlm exerelae, whlch he mu. h needed, ai d gn tlj refreahed hlm Winiam J Younga, who waa anowbound here wt'la Colonel Rooaevell wa* almllarh canghl ln , ...;.;. and Manhattan. reached the ColoneVt r,y, and had .1 long conferenc wlth the .. . ? After it. Mr. Tounga pack. d atarted for Albany He aald h. waa to make arrangementi- for the inauguratlon ? ihlm nd for ai Inte . I t. , of th. 1-Mloi t of 1 '? ? "", , "; ? ; Lacertaln whal lfa. >M ? '? . ' .. li.. mlghi be home on Thurada tir l , ? ,1 the reei 01 '."?? "'""k ,n . rlv o thla afternooi h - ?? nner wl h h< ? \ yhTh% to afflrm ? <.?U?onan,aPPOl T, m M,-.v mornlna '? ????-?.' .. a Mhi - ttan Hll ' ??",'"\ ':'. im-eed to 1 ,- Hotel I..11-.' ln th- d. ?? he ? I pr? "d - thi fourth .?' hlel."? YICT0R1 FOR COfiQEBBALL. RE W1X8 THE ril-s-r BATTLK IS COl'RT FOH THE OHEIDA BENATOH8HIP. Byracuee N Y f4ov. 21 -Juatlce HIbcoc* to-day . dlemlaaed tbe appllcatlon for a peremptory ? ' | mandamua .mpel tbe Board al Canvaaai I Onelda County to recount the ballota ?hrown out ai vold m ihe aleetlon for Benat r ln the XXXH th Dlttri ? The deelalon waa randared on .he ground that ihe aflldarti of Thomaa D. vVatklna. on whlch atlon for the urlt was baf^d;_w*,?,,,l"; ? . 11 waa ?: ada on ^''/^^I Trnant^ln it ai;.-gmg ihe Bource of tha aman formatlon, An appeal will be tak.r. 1 'he cn ?? ? nt for Senator CoKKesna.l 8 seat. OEXERAL RRQOKE COMIXO ROUE. THB COMalAKB IM PORTO BICO TO r.F. OIVElf TO OENERAL, HKNRY Baa Juan, Porto Rlco, Nov ?.-aUJor-0*n?ral John H. Brooke. who Ih about to retlre from the ? rr.and Of the Department of I'orlo Rlco. will return to tha T'nited Stnten by the flret ateamer availabka. Iii will he aucvadad by Brtgadler-Oen eral Quy V Henry, who la. In lut I' by Colorel John B. Caatlemaa. ? COIXSEl TO CDBAS COMUIB8IOX. iioratio 8 Rabana haa b.-en appotnted eounael to tba Cubaa Camnal alon. and arlth lha mei ? of thal coaamlaBloo, Ineludlaa Qaaeeal CaUxto Oarcla. wanl to Wathlnatou yaatardajr. THK NBW8 AT MANILA. IN'TERERTINft Ot'CirRRENCEB IN AMER ICA'3 MEWatfT COLONT. A LOTAL. I.EOTO^ BAVQirKT-ARRIVAT. OF THK /nAT.ANMA-niVAT. PHTUPPIMB ??RSrUBLICB " Manlla. Nov. 29.? At the I.oyal I.eglon ban quet hrre laat evenlng there were alxty-foiir gueata preaent. Nearly every rntflmandery waa repreaented. General Anderaon presidel. anl Rear-Admlral Dewey was reeelved by it guard ot honor from th? Oregontana, The apeakera were Oenerala Anderaon, Harrlaon, Qrey, Otla Reeve, Klng and MacArthur, Captalna G i ai .1 Coghlan and Colonel Hawklne. The Concord has sailed for Canton. The ste.imer <''ilg.,a has nrrlved here from Bydney, New Bouth Walea, wiih auppllea. Bhe haa heen tranaferred t > the Amerlcan flag. The tranapoii Zealandla baa arrtved here wlth relnforrementa Threa other tranaporta are ttx pected dally. It ls reported that a aection of the Instirgmts called the Quarda of Honor, who are oppoaed to Agulnaldo, have ,-aptured San Ignado, ln the province of Pangaalnan, laland of Luson, at tha Inatance of tbe Hpanish prieata, The Caoeno Eapafiol here has jriven B4fl t i each Spanish ofTb-er and 110 to ench prtrate held ln captlvlty by the Ir.stirsrents. The Flllplno papers ar" demandlng good roa-D into th? intertor for the tranaportatlon of prod ucp. whlch is now waated. Charlea McKlnnon, of the Oregon troope, dl '. to-day from smallpox. Advlcea from Ilolta any fhe natlvea of the Vlaayaa lalanda have eatabllahed a republle, ln? dependent of Luaon. In some of the lalanda hostllltles are proceed Inp between rlval republlcs. ? ? ftTTTTUDB OP THK ni.IPINOS \n BERIOUI TROUBLE EXPECTED, BUT PRECAUTTONfl TAKEN BT THi: ADMINI8TRATION. Washlpcrton. Nov. 29. The apprehensloii manifested aome tlme auo over fhe attltude <?' Agulnaldo and the Phlllpplne Ineurgenta haa noi entlrely dlaappeared, although the Admln istratlon bellevea they wi'.l accept the sltuatlon wlthoul any confllct wlth the Unlted Btatea Th.- matter waa dlacuaeed nt the Cablnet meet? lng to-day, and aome of the vlewa expi - I Indlcated .i poaalblllt: lhal the Ineurgenta may yel have to be deall wlth. On the whole. how ever, the Prealdenl expeeta that aerioua trouble wlth Agulnaldo will be avolded, but al the llme has guarded agalnai an outbreah bj tak Ing precautlonary meaeurea The Vmerlcan ?? . glready occunylng i art of the P i ia regarded aa adequate to cope wlth anj emer thal may arlae. rhe future ejovernmenl of the lalanda came up Incldentally at th Inel meetlng, and Becretary' Alger made aome Biiggeationa aa to detalla of a mlHtar; | .. ? ? for 'the lalai MORE TROOPfl ARRIVE AT MANILA Waahlngton, Nov. 9 The Dep nn,. I .. . ed the followlng dlai itch from Oeneral Otli 81 Mai Ha: Tranaport Zealandla, wlth headqu aeven companlea lst Tennesper, nrrive.i this morn Ing, No ...isualtlea. TO REPORT ON PHIMPPINI AORICUI/TURE. Berkeley, Cal., Nov tt Ueutenant a. P. Hayne, nn Inatructor In the agrlcultural departmenl of the Cnlveralty of Callfornla, now atatloned wlth one , f the Callfornla n glm. nta al Manlla, haa been di - lalled to ronducl nn offlrlal Inveatlgntlon Ini ? l iltural reaourret of the Phlllpplnea, and to make a reporl of the reaultt to vVaahlngton. CZAhVB RI.I'I.Y TO TIIF 8VLTAX. AN ASSURANCE Of THK MAINTENANCB OF TURK ISH BOVBREIONTT IN '"RF.TK. ? ? atantlnople, Nov "? The Caar of nussla. re plylng to the Bultan'a telegrara of November 2... ln whlch the Siiltan urp.-.l the Caar to nhandon his Intentlon of aendlng Prtnce Oeorge of <;reer? lo Crete a? High Commlaaloner of :he Powera, derlaree thal the frlendly aentlmenta of Ruaala loward Turkey are unchanged, and whlle rrince Oeorge i? cd'.? to < rete as Commlaaloner of four Powera, th. Bultan'a rlght of soverelgnty will ba aafeguarded, 4> DVCBE88 IDEXTIFIE8 FIFR JFITFI.S. I CNF. OF THK PRIgONERf. IN THK 9TTHF.nT,AND CASK A KOTSO THTFF. Wmdon. Nov. CO Tha two men arreeted here y?s terday. who h.vl In thelr poss-a?|on a conelderable quanttty of the fewelry atolen early lnat month nn board a traln runnlng between Paris nnd CfilT-ls from the Dowager Ducheaa of Sutherland. glve thelr namet aa John? m and Uppmann. They were arralgned ln tho Weat London Pollep Court to-day and remanded, The pollee aay that U.0K worth of the atolen jewela. moat of whlch had I.i reaet. hns been re eovered. The Ducheaa Identlfled the arth-lea found ln the poaaeaalon ..f the prlaonera The total value of the Jewelrj atolen on the traln waa CJO.OM Tlie ehlef prlaonar, ' '? ?on, is known to tbe po llce aa "Harry, the Valet," and la eonaldered to he t tha clevereal Jewelry thlevea ln Europe. ? FOR A COLLEGE AT KRARTOUM. r.onr> kit. rkker PROPoaea a rtsr. mbmoriaIi TO OORDOH London, Nov BJ Oeneral Lord Herberl Kll he e Rgyptlan Slrdar, In an open letter l ? mornlng newapapert to-day, appealt to tha I ? to found an m Ini iln ti , Gordon M< morlal Coi ? ??? al Kh irtoum, wlth a ,,. ,.v 0f ,,;. atini ihe Boudaneae and contlnulng ? i.,. v ,-k v Oeneral Oordon began. II. ..... i the Prtnce of W ali ? ? I .. ..,,.. patrona of the ui d. rtaklng, and that I?,t- i Ballabun haa wrltten hlm, aupportlng the . aa - im,. only pollcy by whlch England'a rlvlllatng mlaalon can l?e effectlvely accomi Lord Kltchener announcea alao thal Baron. i Bur dette-Coutta and other peraona of wealth and high ; i tlon aupi ort Ihe enterprtae -,, ., banquei tendered blm in Edlnburgh thi* l Lord Klt. hi m r. ln reapondtng to a l health. explalned hla plana for tha Inetltutlon ai Khartoum, and made .. dramatl ; . ? ' for rundi He alao aaked for help from lha ?;? of ?; ?? great EngllBh-epeaklng si?:er Nation of Amerlca The Eart of Roeebery, who waa nt tba bnnq'iet. eloquently and patrtotlcally Indoraed the pt _____--V-? AXXIOU8 lo RETVRS B001ET8 VOXET. :,,,.-,,., jtov N The Cartton Club hia offered . ...... ? the Hooley eatate the t: i.0M whleh ? ?? H r. the bankrupt. contrlbuti I i time ago tl roui tha club to the funda ? I l :-.- r;irr> BOJIB FOVXD IS UAR8EILLEB BOCRSE. Mareeillei v- -' A |,n1' '""'n"1'? '*? grammei of power and nalla. capabla of J Ina ?Tri, found ln tbe Bourea here thla t- " '? '?'' '":' '"'d ' not li.;rr.ed _ 8TBAM8BIP CAPTA1V LOW. , u , . k aa Thi BraBMh ateamer . , . , . . iied from New-Yat* on No . . . r in for Adaa, B imbay. Madraa, ? i i,.re to-d | lor coal. nd reported thnt i ap. ,.r. a been waahed overbocird and drowned laaekwooera Artlatle Cablnel PhotoaTapbe. IMO p.r do?i.. orouad door. L?*0 Braadway UOth BU. 1 -^advt. PEACE TREATY DUAWN CP. BIORBTARIBI OF THF, COMMI8MOX8 PBBPARH THB ARTJCLES. UKLKAHB OF INSfHOKNT PRISONKRB TO BB IN<~T.T-r>FP IN THF, PROTOCOL AGRF.F. MENT.H BUBJECTB LKFT FOR NEGOTIATION. Parls, .V'nv. 20? As a reault of tbr> work of Mr. Meora and Beflor OJeda, aecreurlea reapectlveljr of tha Amerlcan and Sp^tii?h Peact C rnmla alona, the draft of the artlclea embodylng tha protocol agreementa waa completed thla even? lng. it wlll be preaented to the two commis alona to-morrow- In the mornlng nt thelr aepa mto s..?s|nr.p. and In the afternoon at the lolnt aeaaion, when II wlll receive flnal conaldefatlon, There wlll be little deujy on theae artlclea. Mr wlll als.. s.r.niit to-morTOW 10 th" ? Btatei Commlaalonera the add tlonal buI - Jecta to he preaented to the Rpanlarda for n"K" tlatlon. Theae, for eonvenlenee and greater dla patch, are belng drafted Into the form of ar ? I The releaae of 'he Inaurgent prlaonera held i ?. Bpaln wlll go Into the protocol agreement. it havlng been already agreed lhal Bpaln la to re? leaae them upon 'v'" ITnlted Btatei undertaklng ?,, Becure the releaae <<t Bpanlah prlaonera ln the handa of Agulnaldn. Thla queatlon la sn ln!>? relal d to the Peace Treaty thai II haa been remored from thi aobjecta tbal are tnat tera of future negotlatlon. The ? ta lea of the two Peace Commlealona began thi r Jolnt taak of formulating the artl ,:,..; of the peace treatj al 3 o'clock thla after? noon, aa dlrected b) thelr reapectlve Commla .t yeaterday'a conference. This work waa aaaj and rapld, aa to th" rellnqulahmen! and ceaalona refei red to In the prot. Tho aecretarlea wlll embody ln tentatlve artl . ? ? n on Wi dneaday the buI ' nf ihe rellgloui fi dom of the Carollne Ia ? i , aval atatlon for the l'nlted Btatea In the Ban e group, rable landlng rlghta al other placea withln Bpain'i Juriadlctlon, an?J the revlval of the treatlea bn ken by the war. Thua the commerclal and general treaty of ITOfi ia-111 I..- revlved, to be recaal later. and the . of I8JH for the settlemenl of certaln clalma. The treaty of 1R77, provldlng for extradl tlon, the trademark treaty of 1882, and the aupplemental extradltlon treaty of 1 SC wlll ? o . revlved, In additlon to aeveral modua vlvendl agre? menta. i in all the polnta i utslde i t the proto I there ?? || he friendly n. tlatlon only, Bpaln havlng the rlghl to name the prlcea Bhe wanta for her ? ry and to reject or ac ? ; I th. Vn offera. The Rpanlarda, m> leea lhan the Amerl cana, are now anxloui to flnlah the bu whl h brought them here. PREBB COMMEXT TX PARI8. THE NEWSPAPER8 QENERALLY ADVERBE TO AMERICAN 1 E KCJS POLICY. p .... mov. 20 Th "8 ilell" to-day rei tuation broughl aboul by the . ? : , i "Probably the greateat dlfflculty the Unlted haa befora her wlll be the atrong d ff. r of opinlon In the Benate and Houae on th* quoation of tarrttorial expanalon " "Petlt Itleu" *nvs: "All th" frk-nds of Bpaln wlll' her mi havlng put an ? ??. ? iinful neg itlatlona and flnlshed thla aad chapter In her hlatory- Thoae of the I'nlted Btatea can, on the other hand, n - perhape, thai they ahould nol have ehown themaelvea more generoua In vlctory and that they Bhould have too eaallj forgotten the dla Iritereated and exelualvely phllanthroplc m< tl ? 4 it, the name of whlch they undertook the war. Th-v cannot aee, elther, wlthout Bome dlaap polntment the audden and complete breaklng down of the princlpl 1 that have made the greatneaa and proaperlty of thelr Republlc, and they anxloualy a-k themaelvea what Influence the policy of conquest wlll have upon thelr dea tinie? gnd upon the world. Th" Monroe Doc trine to n.uv r.ut of date. The Amerl. an Ri pub? llc, eonquering and colonlzlng, n<> longer haa tha rleht to cloae to Europe the new contlnent, ?Ince ahe herself haa Btepped oui of It." The "Intranalgeant" alludea to the pnsaibie nbjeetlnn nf Qreat Hrltain and Oermany to the ,v>.,?|nn Of the Sulu Inlands, nn the grour.d ttvit the treaty of 1*77 atlpulated that thla group dld not property l.elnng to the Phlllpplnea, and re mark.-: "However that may be. the preaence ln tho camp "f lnternatlnnal policy of the Unlted Btatea a? a colonlal Power of Importance is a perlnua event, and nne that may have unfore ?fen conaequencee." The "Tenipa" aaya: "Fmm the outaet the Americana have negr.tiated on the prlnr-iple. of take It nr leave It. and have covered thelr clalma bv a ?..rt nf sanrttty If the trlumph. tn call it *?>. ts eomplete, may It not contaln grave alementa of danger and anxlety to the Ameri? cana? Tiu- tranaatlantlc democracy haa be come Imperiallat, and the Republlc founded on federallam and autonomy haa become a eon? quering one. From an Internatlonal polnl of vlew this meana a repudlatlon "f the Monroe Doctrine'and the entrance of Amertca Into the ronfliets and Intriguea of the <;r-'Mt Powera - and her harahneaa to Bpaln Ib the cauae of much anxlety aa to her relatlona wlth other Powera." The "T.-mps" alao expreanea rh.' opinlon that Bpaln haa purchaaed peace wlth the Unlted Btatea al the expenae <-t Internal turmolL The "Journal ''?", Debata" aaya: "The Ameri? cana, havlng atarted < >u t to llberate Cuba, have ended wlth pocketlng what remalned of Spaln'a colonlei Thla moral evolutlon of the Ami rlcana Ib edlfylng ??? a good example of the manner In whlch one .'-.n. almoat in good falth, arrlve at the formulatlon of the moat outrageoua de manda hy a confualon of ai l n md dut; il lerlng an IntereH t.. be a <Ii\-ir,.? rlght. V' -.?? tl .' Ai prlca haa entered the arena r.f Internatlonal polltlca have lome llvelj aurpriaea ln atore even for thi -?? alf> have been * 1 readj t . offer ihelr frlendahlp." *? THF. CABIXET IIEARS FROM JtTXJE DAY. Waahlngton, Nov. ll' The Oovernmenl haa been ofllclaUy advlaed nf the Bucceaaful terml natlon of the p. ice negotlatlons aith Bpaln. A cable dlapatch to thli effect, whlch h.Vd been re elved from Judge Day, waa read at t..-.iay's . ? ? . ? _? 1 ? tbe 84 cretary of Btate jj,.f. ,.. returnlng to the I'nited s;at.-s the Am*r imn Peaca C - r-ers wlll tecurc from tha ii repreaantatlvea, if poaalble, a propoai tlnn for the sale to the Unlted Btatea of strontr iBland. nne nf tha Carollne rroup, k ma dlatance 1 ,. and aouth of Laaon, for a cable Btat gnoul I Ine l ? aell the laland for a rea? aonabla lum, hoarever, the matter will he dr"[ ped, for the- pre?ent at least. The resalon of thla Island Is not Involved in Ihe pendlng treaty. and n<> preaaura wlll be brought to bear 1.1 induca Bpaln to part wlth it. ? I...N CARI.OS TO Kl-.l-T SILEXCE. Madrid, Nov 29 The Heraldo" to day pub llahea a dlapatch wbli h Bayg: Don Carioa wlll n"t publlah a maalfeatn untll the of tha pea. I tr-aiy by the t'han: bers " Ccutlnulng. the "Uaraldo' ex*>reaa?a the bcllef that th.- Bpanlah Oovernaaent doea not know the wher.abouta of Don Jalme, the aon >.f Don Cartoa._ i SAGA8TA 8AY8 SPAIX WILL PAY.' IMPORTANT BTATEMENT IN RJPOAJU) TO THB CUBAN AND PHILIPPINB DKBTS. London, Kov. "?).?The Madrld corraapondent Of "The Dally Mall" aaya: "Beflor Bagaata ass.-rts that If the Pnlted Btatea Inolata upon Bpaln paylng the Cuban and Phlllpplne debta ahe will honor h'-r sltrnature to the 'xt.-nt of her reeoupeea, and the Oovern m.-nt will not refuae to accept this burden.'' ? ? SAUASTA DKKI'l.Y MOVED. Madrld Nov. 29 Beflor Bagaata ahowed much ? itloi n arnlng that th.- Spanish Commto -: ,. ra In Parla had formally agreed to algn the tnaty of peace on the Amerlcan eondltlona, I ,,? he aaaured his frtenda that he was con i he in l BAlopted the h.-st eourae in tha Intercata of th.. country ind the monarchy, add ?;,,,- thal the new? hud llfted a great wetght from the mlnda of the people. The Bank of Sr.ain has made a freah advance to the Qovernment of 60.000,000 peaetaa to cover the expenaea of repatrlatlng the spanish troopa in the Phlllpplnea and the Antillea The Republlcan papera vlolently atta.-k both t Qovernment anl the Amerlcana OVTBREAK EEARED IN 8PAIN. THB QOVERNMENT KEEPINO A CLOBK WATi'll ON THK CARLIBTB AND THK PREBB London. Nov. aa?The Madrld correspondent of "The Btandard." telegraphtng on Monday by way of the spanish frontler, aaya: 'The Qovernment, apprehenalve as to the ef fecta of sipnin* the peace treaty, has ordere I ihe mtlltary and etvll autborttlea to maintatn the greateat vlgllance over telegrama and tele phones. A Btrlct cenaorahtp of newapapera la contlnued throughout the country. and apeclal revcrtty la ahown wlth reepect to articles al ludlng to the peace negotlatlona. "Unfavorable Informatton has been reeelved, even from offlclal aourcea concernlng th>- <'.tr llBta' propaganda and preparatlona, whlch are decldedly aasumlng serioua proportlona. 'El El.i' aaya that Carllam la apreadlng n..t only ii, Biway, bul ln Quipuxcoa, a Baaque pi * borderlng on Prance, and in placea hlth crto tianqull. The Bllbao papera report offl? clal precautlona th.-;... owlng to the amu , keta. "Other papera asaert that the Carllata are ln Madrld and elaewhere eom miaalona for offlcera and dally pay at three pi b. taa for volunteera, There is much anxlety ln lal and political clrclea leal the Carllata ?: . opportunlty whlch is preaented by the prnfound diaappolntment of the country at the i llpplnes, after the Qovernment had unwlaely 1 the nation to belleve the archi . would t"- reta i I "The Carllata .1 i not conceal thelr .nter.tion to a mantfeato, though the Qovernment has i ordera for the ai ere repreaalon of any hance. Many noted Ivll and mtlltary Carllat leadera have been abroad for s.,m" tlme, and there ls no doubt the CartjUa have c .llected funda ln Spaln, if not at.r ** !. I am assured. however, that their propaganda ln the army haa Im , un?u, ceaaful bvcb an ' ? tented repatriated aoldlera, who were azpected I come wllllng recruits." ? N'KP.ltASKA i:\PANSIO\ISTS JOTFUI* Omaha, Nov. !".? fSpeelalV Over two hun ' I \. raaka polltlciana gathered in Omaha to night to partlclpate in the banquet of the r. B. Qrant Republlcan Club. The partora ..f the Millard were ablaae with varl-colored electrtc Hghta and irlitterlnar with cut glaaa All the pr imlnent Republlcan managera were present. From the moment the toaatmaater, ~. P Qur . f Omaha, opened the ceremonlea to the four houra later, the board reaounded wlth oratory and predicrions of colonlal glory for th>' Repilhllc. The banquet was eaaenttally an Kxpansionlst affalr, Intended from Its inception to Indlcate the unanlmoua sentiment of the Btate ln favor ,,f th-- coionial pollcy of the Admlnlatratlon. An effort waa made to aecure th? attendance of as many of the Repuhlican randldatea for State honora as possihie. Most of them were nt, as were several dozen membera-elect ..f the Leglelature. John I.. Webeter resronded to the toaet, "The Nation." and pald a hrilllant trlhute to the aagaclty of President McKlnley ln his deter minatlon to secure for tha Repuhiie the fruits of the war. UR, FORAKER 0X THF COMIXQ TUF.XTY. PLEA8ED WITH THF, WORK OP THK PEACE COM anagtoN praibed bt ~ai_ btreet mbs Senaior Foraker <<f Ohlo, who haa been ln ihe clty f..r aeveral daya, returned to Waahlngton yea? terday. Mr. Foraker is .-i promlnenl member of tl a Benate Forelgn Relatlona Commlttee, .it.,l ??vii: have lerable to -av about the peace tr ity when tt .. the Benate He si.M that he -a ia mu. -. t_-rr? tifi? -1 over the eac pi ipect of i "? being tlgned i-. ':.. near future. ll.- thh.ks the Peace Commlaalon will have tlme m .ir.ifi a before the Chrlatmaa r. of Congreaa. II.. i.. lloved few Benatora would . tlon of l ??? ity, .:? -a thir. mlghi ',?? more iton as to Ita 4 i. -1 aurprlae al Mr Carnei - ;,,-.:. and ^,-ii.i th.-.t Mr. i ? " * far greater manufacturer and In l commerce than aa n . onatl ??? ? ? Benator For ik< i l? pl. ia. .i wlth the worl m1--i n and w'th the proap. ,-t ol ;i tr. VV ill .^ :? el too lt wei! ple i 1 wlth l Peace i 'oi '? r. ?,,?.? In I'arla. ind aa :, In Ita commendatlon of th. Am. rlcan !'? a ?-? led to a c -i ? ? ? - :i thelr Hlde of th..! dell ? n ?? ,-. ? ? h. atock market of t mplel ' egi tlatlona wa? not ehpeclally notlceable. how? ever, ..- the complian - e Am. rl . atlona as to the Phlllpplnea and the , iher former colonlal poaaeaalont of the B| rrown ha i h'-.-n full) eapi led ind had been rounted i iai week ln the mai ket. TRA \ > POR1 >? FOR 8P 1X18II TROOP8. THRBE WORTH OERMAN LLOTO BTEAMERg TO CARRT THP ARMY HOME PROM CUBA. Premen. Nov. 9.?Tha Companla Traaatlantle haa ehartered lha ateamera Hapaburg, Fulda and W'erra. heinngln? to the North Oerman Lloyd Bl amahlp Company. anl will uae th.m for th" -, inlth troopa In i 'u * In De? cember. The Fulda and Werra are now In this por; Thev will aall f..r Cuba on Frldaj Each will mak.- tu i , gi iin and the eonti latea that the j trlpa '?'?' begln fore January 1. to that troopa rrm\ t Be taken awaj b) thal date. ? TO PROBPECT FOR QOLD IN CUBA. w ehlta, . Nov '.'< Dr J W Longford of Arlaona, and twelve of Reoaevelt'a Rough Rldera - n Juan Hlll, Cuba, to proapeel f..r Dr Langford - ra i< i ln regard to tha trtp be? fore hla dep irtur.. R>, .,,,,. of Its pleaaanl clli Brtter a I n< Id ih in ?'??? Klondlke I tlng counti ih,. wi -|..???<? d .n Alu ia -''??? >'? will be able to v.ork ?flt. ' , rocka of thi hlll, Puba ln i elf ia a v rgln counto'. It haa the deepeal and flneel aoll th, 1 tvai .-.i? Th.- highaat-prlced Iroa workad tu-a_y cuoiet Uom Cul.i 8TEAMER POBTLAAD LOST. WEXT DOWN WITH ALI. OX BOARD OFI! CAPK COD. CAUOHT IN THF STORM OF PI'N'DAT-OREAT I,OS8 OF I.IFK BOMB OF THE BODIKS RBCOVERBD PARTIAL I.I8T 09 THOfS on BOARD. Boaton, Nov 29, A dlspatrh to "The H*Ta1d* from North Truro pays the Bteamer Portland, of the Boaton and Portland Hteam*hip Com pany, plytng bei ? B too and Portland, waa totally ur."k.-i ,it 10 o'clock Bunday moming ..ff Mlchland Llght, and tha entlfa rrew and paaaangera periabed wltbla a ah.rt dlmanr* of land. a large quantlty of i-rrecaage, lnciuding trunka and other materlal. has cotn? aahore, and at dark laat mght thlrty-four bodlea had been recovered from ihe aurf bj the iife-saving crev. al Hlgh Head Btatlon. One l".dy waa lhal of a a iman. Tl f tha d later waa brought by a apecial traln, as caremunkaHaal wlth Boaton by wlre from polnta on Capa I'od la Impoealble on accouni of tha aavoa wrovajfgl bj th<? Btorm. The flral body waa found by 'lidenn notil*y, a Biirfman al the ita tion, who at onee gave tha alarm. Then i thorough aearch waa made. Th# bodlea Baved were evldently :h> *?? of ia.??*ngera. The body of 'he ? -.\as well dreeeed. It I? thoughl here that th.- Portland tnok the itorm -i naturdaj nlght, .-aii?lng h*r io break down ar> l flnally to drlfl on to the lea ?hore to n rtaln deatructli n. The Portland waa bulli in Bath ln HW. *nd waa a alde-wheel Bteamer of 1.317 tona net bur .'.??n Her length wa - 2SW feet, beam 42 feet depth 13 feet. She was mi Ui | i' 1200,1)00, and rval fully Ineun .1 I.IST of PABSENOERB. rtoa'nn. x v. 21 F. " larlng la .a partlal net of the paaaengera aald to have been on board the Portland a-hen Bhe lalled fi i Boal a on Pat urday nlght: AI.I.KN, Ifl** AI.I.KY. Mrn. TH* I ? BFRNB, lllaa. f*ARRi 'i-l. Mra J A . Tj-n-eii r*H IBE, ataater Phlllp, ar. m itar. < HA8E '. ?- - mirjcERiNl, Mr. ?;? rga O., tVermoatt, Igaaa ? I w. <-"U. Mii ?pr agflel I, Maaa, >-. iv, Mr*. Kal i I - HKNNIB Mn f*c*k i nMi'NDB v ii Jennl* Marl i M Eaat ivatej*. MAN F l , FRYE, I IIRI '. !? ' V ? - 1 iii:i:i:.-'i\i. " M -? HOLM !i>" '? : R, S , ie, tl, HOTT, M - Jennl* C, IfOfta Eaat**. i ' TIINBi IN, M C. Ili Tt' I v- '??. M - jackboN wif* and rtitid, Beatk t rrlaai, Ma. KKN.VIBOX, ?;. -?:,' r '- '? ? -, Ra M i H MTRII iX? r-.'-v1-. gaetoa. ' PIERCE, Mr . ' -? pi.y.mi TON", m -? Bmmi U, Caarlea Rtvar, roi xrjfl Mr* lani -????? Rl 11 nl.-. M ? I gRWEM. ??' rfiaua RWOOD, rre-l-rfK. V r.'.&r.l > -M! "H H N "I MV- Bt T.?f ne?tOB. BTEVENB. r rtland. .-" ii? ? ? ?? r rtland. ; s^ KES, MIm ' M H th.mim'N. Mr. Caarlej H. We?a*far8a, Ma ?i Thtwaaa?, n*ooea*r*a, M*. I WHKKI.I.K, Mr*., Boutll Weyrnoeth, Mi'". w nsuiN. Ch ? W II B< iN. ?'. K.. B*th*t. Me MEMBERB OK TIIK rRF.VT. Boaton, Nov. '-"'. The rrew of th? Bteamer , portland, aa far aa can ba aacertalned, Ib aa j followa: ' BLANCHARD M llli N . Mf*ata. i BLAKE, B., wai nman. BARR. 'N M ittl w, .te.-khind. i BERRT, Mn Margaret, *t?war<!*ii. BRt'CB, !' . .1- ahand. ? it. h . Sraman i CATUN, - . Braltar. , ? ? . iLUNS, Peter. 'le. khaal C. IIIER, ? . harlxr. I'Ai.v. J >ha, dackhand. i davidbon, Jm.-i. flefatiand DEERINO. Edward. rnet* | DIUeON .i a . otter. *> lUOHTT, W. .1 , : reman. DTER Anael, inar'ermai'ir. r*ENNEIX T K , f.rcman, ' PORMAN, I/?p. walter. ?; \'.KI,V. .T K.. f.r? 1 ORAHAM, '?? ra* aralcer. GRAHAM '?' tBaBd. HARRIB Mra r-irrle M . *texrar*eaa KARTU5Y, Rlchard, d?ck^ar.4l . aae Bd iteward. INORAHAV. f a ? pvraar. JOHNBON, Arthar, walter. JOHNBON te?4?-H. *-alter LeATIMER, head ealoonman. ?.KIOHTON, )?' 'V.. elertrlela-k M N'RAL. ,r.. oller. M OIL.VART, '?? ? rre. -teeichnnd. M'KAV, JohB ?*< n^ mat*. :'.'.'.. 'IT, >n ie flrs' enr.Tieer. MKRBIMAN M. flr-rr.-in. ?? ' ? :U.'\' B, A V . ?-eW?r1. Hoi - . '-rk Ni:i,S".V. Ie?:-. -e...n1 pITot D'llRIBN, ?' rn ui d? -khar.1. PETERB. N-' F . ., .1,--. nnaeter. ROBfCIIAW, '.V H. 1 ngfmnn rr.rnttr. I. H.I.IB. .N II t:r.'m.-in ROl'LET, fl*. rga C, ?:? ihand. BK iVF.I.I* T . w.iti'hman. si.., Arthar, ded I BMITH, Bamuel, a/alt*f BTROIT, [e*wlB, Hrai 1 RRRIUa ? thlrd eng -?r \VAl?TO> I '? a*e ? l ..-ir-e^r. W ;, ITTl N', J aratel 1\ IIjUAMB . a . : m ,n. CAPTAIN BAILED CONTRARY To OROERg. HE RAD BBR8 IKBTRUtTTED TO w.MT ur^TItam 0 . ? !.? : v P rtland M< . N< l".' The Advertiaatr** aaya this afternoon that ever Blnce the Portland haa been mlaalng there have been lno.uuiea ?hy the ateamer ahould leave Boaton Baturday nlght. when the Btorm ?aa threatening and there everj appearai ??? of a dangeroua gaie near at hand Tbe Bay Btate dli not lea\e Portland that tiiRht Mr Llacomb, WlBnagfir Of the ateam ship company, aald 'his forenoon lhal on Satur day forenoon he nrd^r.-d the BoatOB agent, Mr. Wllllama. to tell Captaln Wanchard not to sall on tim*. but to Btay at hla doek untll 0 o'cloclc at leaat. when he eould conault the w^ather re? porta and declde whether he ..ught to go or not. The next da>'. wh*n Ml Llac *nb found the ateamer had aalied. he asked Mr WiKiama If he : , i gtren htg order to <"aptain Hlar.ehard Mr. Wllllama replled lhal he aad What dld the captain aay.'' anked Mr. Lla comb. ? ii,? aald he ahould co Ht 7 nVlook." waa Mr. WIlllama'B reply. " la probabla that raptaln Blancl " aevaraly r.-primar.d ? i. if ii. had nol it hla place, even if ae had i .- through all rlglit It waa a ,s,.,i error .-f Judgmanl on Captaln M'.anrhard's part that he ahould leave ln the faoe of expllcit BJroctlotaa to the coutrary. Frobably he ludatd