HASKKTI'.AI.I. KntClurbOCker Athlotlr
Club aaalnal Bay Rld?e Atbletlr Club.
Knick*rl'>rk'-i- Cymnaslum. Forty-flfth-st.
and Ma.lis-o.i-ave.. 8 p. m.: Washinpton
Helgfcta Y.'iiii-: Men'a Chrtotlan Aaaoeiation
i m kffainai Eaatern Diatrict Toung Men'a
Chi li m.i", \ laoctatlon, Hro<*kl>n.
POLO.?Champlonahlp gama, Now-York
polo Chil againsl D?tnbury. Grand Central
Palace, N "?<' p. m.
BHOOT1NG HlKhland 1'ark c.un Club
monthly ah *?t, i ?? ater Park: Haalawood Oun
C ih dtamond medal n.-ri.-s. PHtaburg. flnal
sh .'t. Central Now-Jeraey Trap Bkootera'
]., :c-.i*\ \, ?,. Brunawlck. N. J.
HILLIARDF Posgenburg ngnlnst Mlal,
P;i'\ "s A* ?' I m> ?
- 1:1 \:. ? >P THE OFFlCtALB.
|r. I ,i TO THB TKlli Mi|
W;i ;, : . \ . Tha and ot the Bennlnge
meet Imt 1 ? '? '?'?" " '"'u ot
leglttmate rarl g In tha Eaat. Proparatlona on an
been made foi th,, wtndup, '
l?,t iaat ? ? rn upe* t thaaa pl i i f"r ?*
,, . ? . aarved lo mar the
, . The mm biicht apol .
araa the au eaa of McCue, a boj
, ? moni apprentlce rlderx, l!e waa
nr>. to ? v. ih iiv.' of hia ata mounta, and
i aeeond money with Lenndo, which ? iuala
? E and Maher hav
, .... , ne ?:? newal of Ihe Waahlnfton
polntment. Jelferaon, tha
, ? .. waa wtthdrawn, and
? Oarter beat tba othera ao far II
? ? ? a i.i' ?? '! mt nl
II al one* becaroa
.,,. c, , . for th* ? ?: Thej were under
, , .. before a i had baen run. and even
to keep paee wtth the
I..r He wi a under a pull ihi entire Journey,
??., won by ? '?'.'.! lengthe from Thomaa Cat, who
,. , m, ; ,. iwei tj kngtha for the plac*. M < ue ;
, 11 -Al .uette. I...'ly Extlo. Walk- |
? ,n? Ti;: '.,1 hia Ital of rlctorlea.
. n ? ,. W( :? i' ?"'"' ,,!- '
la ol the ? lub waa contlnued
I I.. \-,. i.i the examlnation of a number
., to prove thal raclna for puraea waa
; '. ,ra,.kl little teatlmony of lm
? madeto
, , ' : ng ln Ne?
' . ??...:? refuatd P< rral
. |, on th. around thal
. i ?-?- *> from here to
rr.. w.
... ? 1230
? ; rm: i -i
? ?
..?_,. >. \. A1H
. . |,i li. 1 IM ? I''
? . -. ',;,-'.
_ ? ?
| ? '? M ?' '? -I "' 1 '?' '
.- ' . ? '
1 ' ' -
' ...
, , r h wtt ? i, ? -
] won: Leai "? M - '
.. ? ),., H . . ? :,? i ? .." ? 1 and "
..... -._???? .-..?? Mazl, ? .
_...,..:.. Won easllj l v '.
;. ? ...??', i,_t?p_.n lecond *n'_ '''"'!
- ,. ? ~ ipward; $_:.,' ? ? '
I w. 1(1 u; 1: . ? - t
j. .- -,:?:?-'Va I, r Trlllo, iv Trlatan Flarla, .'I yn .
.... ... tt, won; 1 '.,'? li. ? I
.M_- ?? 2 to 1 an<1 ?'( ( "? ?? n*t: n ar?irra ?? i'n
, ? x , , ne?2 'J". Maa*r ""''V
, .... r.ln Won ? illy i '? threa lei ^
I , ? ' ".ii !.
y.,- Pran laeo\ Not T ?? weather waa cloody
.,??.?: ? ' lakland to-day. B im?
b " -
i -. ... .ri-.* fortonffil ^Jerry llunt, no (Ptfgotti 1
to 1 10 to 1 and i ? '? "
113 i ?-'..' - l*'. I Ird. Tlm?
._..-., at Maj, r , - k.
10 ? ?- i .-. n; Sw?, IOT (Bu.lmanl,
H to . ? _? ?. , ii,, ,, ,'N'i.:,. Ifi i ? I,
. '. . I \\ Ml .'
I,,.--- ?? ? ioi ii Martli * ? ? anrt 1 to
... |08 I' - ll 10 1 I " '
? ' '? "? . ^ . . . .
?? ? .- ? ?? ?
' .... ' ih *N Tun ? ??. ^ '
I ? - ' ' -' '
? ! '
y.i.f.ur r ii2 'i
a ? : ? "?" ' ? 112 .1 ' ? ? ? ?'? ' ?
. : ?; ? ?. :? ij
: Tin ? '. " ?
? -
Ni ?-' rleana N< ? '?? Thin ?..-? tha _*:xih daj? of
? ? . ? ' C - winter mi ? ttnf.
t. ,. v. ?;.',, . ir and th* track heavy, Two
favorltra ? i !??*' and Damoelea. Sum
r.? .- ... ? . ne i Bl elby, I"' rttoaaert,
... . . a to 1 and a to f
, ill* - ?.?.??'"?
; r., ~
. ...,..,. ' .-? ? ,? i) r> dlaa, 0, IT,
} 13 I.. *,. woi III -? "7 .1 ?-?..]*?> t ? l and '. ? 1
: i . _'.,' ta 1. I rd. Tun*"
; ??:?.
? > f ?'>?_?> l_e?
Sannle I,.? Slater, l"' (Fi ???
4 ..... I . ?_. .. , IOI (Soutl .,'?!'. 10 '
: . '
? ? . ? . ? ''?-'] . 91
.?*.. - , i ? ?- ? m. IS i ? ' ' '-' -?
-.-.'..??? T-i ??? 1 '.'? i
' ., ? fi | ... en _'*.',
,. ? . ,'. ? tt. a -? ? ' I "r. 1"*: (T. 1 I ? '
i ? -. _ i ? ?.? ' I. ? ? .. I-.' lo
!.-??: , i '.:
Thi ? Commlttea of tho Amateur Ath
1 ' ..?? _ llowlna men,
,??,.,-, i ?'?? rd Bi " h Touna Men'a
r rlattan Aaa* Ial ; Baaket Ball '??.-irr:. A. MHrf
rti i k ,i Robblna, V N MaglU, J Wacbman and
j v. '?!.-:-"<?, :"r playl ir v..,-n<: hall nt tha Toun|
Men'a Inatltut* wtth .. m arl - ?..^ not raglatered
Tha above man wara a lapanded by tbe Toung Men'a
I'lirlctlun Aaao 'latlon aul th*? Amateur A!hl*-tlf I'nion
I .lon, Th*- follOWlng t*-an-is tr.-rn
alao dlaquallfled: The Tarenty-thlrd Streei Baaket
Hall team, of New*York, ani Iha New-Torfc Baaket
Ball team, playera '' ke McMahon, Martln, Luna
and Adama; ih? t"ambrlda? Athl*-tlc Club toam,
th>- Ad?:;'h. Ao ,,!? rtiv t>- im. tne All New-Tork t. mn,
th. Polytecl Varelty team, of Brooh
Tlu- 'net that tha Knlckerbocker Athloti" Club nnd
t:.,- Naw-Jeraej Athletl* Club bave decided to *>'M
two (?!>* ii hi.ii i: ap aamei for rodi-gri, only is nt
tractlng a great di ' attentl ? atnong the o*.l
leu'.an^. an.l n !.u_.-e ?--itr\ la aaaured for thaaa two
r Entry blanka ? a*i be aecurad at tho Knirk.r
.., itor mi i. Cltfti ir the Mea Jeraey Athletl"
Th*> Central N a J* re* ? T <; ?ho tern* Laague w-iil
> ool for tr.*- s.ii?',ii *,f IM at Naw
Brunawlek, N J. on the arouada of thi Reaarvolr
< ? to-daj
For Baby, too!
j.., , . .. ??? m "i'i''i"ii i-r.T <*?' ' II,
du io- | ?, ar.j llmt t>> r arlaa
. a int;- ng a lakea. I atag tlie
.... , .... for : i " *r?
wl-at t \\ ' ?
All ', I ? 1 ."??. I irge fa. kage
Tiffany & Co
Holiday Announcemenk
Messrs. Tiffany & Co.'s prepara
tions for the holidays are now com
Thcfr hrge stock of cxclusive
products has been augmented by the
arrival of many new creations in gold
and silvcr from their own workshops
and by intclligent selcction of the
choiccst Europcan noveltics direct
from the principal manufacturers
An rarly visit will afford better opportunities for
deiiberation and th: advantagrs of a complctc stock to
teleci ic.n.
Tha third nlghfa play ln the amateur balkllne
bllllard match at Daly'a Academy last nlghl ended
onea more ln Poggenburga favor, and Mial waa
l.ft behtnd al 266 when lha Llederkranz expert
,??,....,.,.. hia full 800 Poggenburg took up tba
Knme where he left off on TueBday nlght, the Bcora
,,?.,. being tOO to 4iT. and began b) runnlng 87
l" hii flrsl Inning ,
Mial never caught up with his Mg adyeraary. al
.- ii :. ;? Beveral g.I runs. and when the
-.. s play wbb HnlBhcd hia total bcotb ha ,
. .... ., 702 againal M for Poggenburg. rhe wln
,,,, t ,..,, runs a-ere 88, 87, 30, -'7 and %% arhlle Mial
mad. rtn,, of 84. 80, 2*. IA an.l .'4. Poggenburg?
average waa 81-8 and Mlal'a 12-7.
The laat block of 800 polnta will be played this
MATCH v. I ; II siinW Al.i Kit
The tlfth game of the ? hi i? n it. h bi tween
Bhowalter and Janowakl whb played at the Man
,-,.- t'lub yi uterday afterm i and even
li tg, and afti r forty-alx movi - the game waa drawn.
Bhowalter again Belected the Qucen'a Oambtl for
the openlng, and Janowakl again decllm d to a. i ?? >1
thegambil pawn. After a iharp conteai Bhowalter
?tarted the end r m< with a pawn to the good and
;i allghtly Bup' rlor pi altlon. In the evenlng Beeelon
81 uwalti t ; . ??- . fln< ly, b it he had to glve up the
pawn, and flnally th< conteai waa drawn After
. ime Janowakl told Bhowalter: "1 am aorr)
you did not wln the game, for you played better
: i 1 did 11. ?? roll iw? the -? or?
ol the game.
Preaent acore Janowakl, 3; Bhowalter, f'; drawn,
1 The alxth game a-111 be played to-morrow after
Gouverneur, N. T.. Nov 80 (Bpeclal).?The beel
football contesl ever fought north of Byracuse oe?
eurred thi- afternoon at Ogdenaburg for the cham
j,', ? - ip o' the noriiiem countlee. Two yeara ago
the flrat game of the k'.ni w;<< played, Watertown
wlnnlng Laal year Ogdenaburg won, This fall tha
aame ?? imii ...-.-. ? .thera in this nelgh
borhooil, and were entltled t.i play for the cham
p. Tl ??? nd ui ?? wai al iu! aia thouaand
The Watertown team clearl; outplayed thi i
? menta The) - ore.l .i tou idown, aa they rlaimed,
v. i nol allowed Impartlal .it'-" r\i r< be
leved Ogdenaburg io he right !n the eontroveray.
,\ ?? rtoa n i ami ni ar i i| In two ntlirr ln
- , wl Ie ;.t r ,i ilme aaa their jeo.i 1 aerloualy
? ..'.??;
IU xl II nr TBOM 18 8. ILOYD.
Thon na H Idoyd, who i r rll ? few yeara ago wbb
? 11| ml t-nl -??? ln c)' Ie r iclng, dii J on Tuea
day, In Mlm iin, Long laiand, He waa alxty-foui
yc-B.rt old. II-- conducted a traek at Queepfl, and lt
,v ? ?. ? .- ? ? ? ri..'. and ol I ?-! :? made their
.. ? faal milea ll ln aaid thal Mr. Lloyd waa tho
man n hn bn i ghl Zlmnv i man Into promlm ni >?. *\<s
took -i il" p InlereBi In all manly aportB, but in Int*
yeara waa more partl ularly Identlfled with
1,1 ?) llng.
It waa through Mr. Lloyd'n Influence thi 1 blcycle
ra e? were made a paii of the track attracttona
ut the Queenb County falra, and laal fall ho ln?
duced Ihe ao ety lo Bei aalde one entlre day for
? ? pats,
He wan born In Btrath?hlre Kngl; nd, eame to
thia country whcn a i-oung man. an.l for many
,. tra wai ronnecti I with "Turf Fleld ai 1 Farm
!.-??? he ha I ? harge of Ihe uportina Intereata of the
Harper Brotherc t nblli nl loi -- He th. n t<">k up
f bicycle ra Ing and aoon heo ime
-; ? t . ntlnulng 1 teri
ri! i,: death, which - - Id io have been due to
ri trouble.
BWW1XTER BALF. AT I.i: I/ SttTOX i:\m:i>.
Lexlngton, Ky . Nov. 80 (Bpeclal) The mldwlnter
. .. ! io-day. Eaaton A Co. iold 801 head for
! 172.370, and Woodard .*.- Bh<ink!ln Bold M2 head for
j, The Breedera' Beneflt Aaeoclatlnn gol 92
head for 12.4*5. There were worthleaa hroodmarea
and they ?*?-^ '???? Bhorn of their pedlgreea nnd aold
ln the Boutben and Weatern market* i.
wlnner of the WorM'g Fair Btakea, goea ta the
farm of W. C. Whltney and will be a companlon
for Meddler aad tbe other good onea of the Whlt
ney-Paget romblnatlon. D. A. Morgnn araa n huyer
to-day, aecurlng n number of good horaea through
, i ir. Morwood, wbo did tba blddlng fi?r him. General
W. n Jaekaon, of Belle Meade, Ib Included among
? the purehaaera. The oeal salea w?-re theae:
iik li . n i?ni?, iv liaportad Uoyallat?
Importeri I'apabllltj W C ttTillna) .$""i
: ,, . ? i, ?. t ? ,,t. i" Uonafell a Banner;
ti, i: m Tgaa .100
Arcturui I i ?'? ?? r? b) Imported Deeelv?r?I.lTa
K. lli il l W K.irli-.. lr-\ ngton B00
; EUa li klmrn b m., i^ liuk* Rlarkburn
Am?rl<iu?; H H Jaekami. Saahrilla. 1/iV,
iyitirton. N"'- M Oeorge W Moore, otberwlae
known nt "Pony" Moore lm. dapoalted .'."" wirh
??Th" Si'ortin^ Life" w'th th. Intentlon of ar
ranglng a m.-u -h between ln- aon ln-law "Charlle"
v. ihe Ameriean puaillat, rur
.n.l tb. - -?? pui ? "::? n .1
\<> \tORE KLOSD1KK \'EW8 Foli \ BOXTB.
: torl? H C N"\ 80 lt wili probably x>- th?
r December or thi beglnnlng of January '?
' ? t,v rr.'.r.- new* li received fr..m the m?-n who
: 'hi wlnter on th. r!<-h gol l>
bearlng creeka of tha Klondlka Ki> Bay th.i?e who
arrived here >-n the Cottage City, tbe laat of thr*..
ateamera arrlvlng hern to leava Bkaguay, Tba
oth?-r ateamera wera Ihe Danuba and tbe Queen
City, which h > i rough trlpa The Danuba reported
, ih. i \ ? -. i whieb :? ft Beattla , few daj
ml-" for ' "l'i" ' l'.iv.-r, Is nn hi-r way Im. k, Inr
I nera havlng collapaed The Tukon below \\'inte
Horai K.i;i<lh la frosen ovei Norman 1> Mac
Awl'V managi-r of thi White Ilorae Tramway, daya In maklng the trlp froni th.- rapida
to l-.iKi Mennett, .. trlp lhat under ordlnary ^!r
cumatai.ooi li made In two or Ihiw day? About
three hundred men wl.l wmter on the ettekt In tha
Atlln Rlvar <;ountry.
Parther Informatlon eoneernlng Iha lonnin* ot
Poaa Hllla by the Btatea laland Crlckel and Ba?
i,:,ii nui,. mcntlon of whieh waa made In rha Tno
0?. yeaterday, makaa II rvldenl that tha club'irlH
ultlmately poaaeaa oaa of th. beat golf Unka ta thia
,,,,-, Df ihe country. The near co?rao will reeiulra
,ho-o already eatabllahad. but th*. natural advan
,?? of ,he ground will enable the club to make
more rapld progreaa than la uaually tn- eaae with
?urh work TU- proporty conalata of IU nor,,. and
. ,hr ,-v.,.r i.i..- haa bean taken from Oeorge
Vanderbllt. the preaenl owner. wtth an optlon -f
renewal at tb- end "f that perlod.
The tn... who bave imt the deal through, and
who are ... have charge of laylng out theoourae.
a,v .1. Maxwell Carrera. A. W. Morrla and Eugene
l, Rlcharda. uil proailnant membera ol tb'- ' nekct
Club Ti,.- new ground la not tbat P*? "f F<*a
..:i ', ?... occnalonalli uaed b) member ol
the .-lut. *> few yaara ago, but another portton. all
,, ,,,.,i i, twe* n Vanderblll ave, ind the Amhoy ?n
vlalon ot in*- Rapld Tranall Railroad, n,.t far from
nifton. l. may be reach, I. both by the MU
trolley ai?J tho Tottenvllla Bnold Traneit. and * I
he ono ,,f tba moat acceaalbla eouraca In BUten
,. .. i, the irlp irnm st. Oeorge occupylng not
more lhan *'* or aaven mlnutea at moat.
,; iy Douglaa, who %i-:' 'I :i" ground :i"t !"nc
B| .. wai enthualaatk over i:>* poaalblUtlea tar golf.
,,; .| other "? ll-known playi ra hava bei n no l? aa
lavlah in pralae "f Ita mertta. Thera are only four
treea on th,. entire property, an.i, though the land
i- undulatlng,4tiere la nothlng in t!"- i
r.Tks ?ir bramblea i" make neceaeary pre
llminary work. Th.' turf conalata ,'f aand lopped
by ;i rich loam, and the graaa ts ol tbat *hort,
curllng vari* ty which U to !?? found on all the fn
i.i- ,..,ins, s abroa l. Bome drainlng muat be done
i,. f..r.' tl ?? ^i.l ?? .a be aucceaafully uaed, but thia
:;; virtually tha only taa* preaented. A number or
new puttlng greena will ai-,. i" lald, bul i"i me
moal nart the ground needa only t,, be i illed ;??
mako ii perfect f"i play.
The plani* for the new clubhouae are not > I
tured. The club hvpea to Induce Mr Tanderbl.l to
build ? '.'.'?'!?!* quan* ra, to be I* aacd b) ll
of tl ? ii"'," : ty, an i thia may powi
do ? In thal caao the bulldli k will conla n a
men'a cnfe nnd dtnlng-room, lavntorlea, ooKor
, . ;; . and oleeplna apartmenta for thoae who care
to niiii. ? the clubl ? ? i home during the aum
mer aenaon. It la poaalble. however. thal Mr. \ an
dtrblli will li !-? one of the houeei ajread) on the
land, which will then be remodelled for tbe club a
Oi . nlne holea are to !.?? lald out at preaent, and
theae the club hopea to have ready by Memorlai
Dav, The remalnlna nlne are U. comptetea na
rapldlv no poasible, and the wh .le work wil ba
doni by mldaummer rh< Inka will remaln a
of the maln club, ""1 the aame
nfllrora w II preslde over both. though a captain
.,?,! n oreei tt t'ommlttee irlll be choaen to look
...f.or tho afTalra of tn- aoll "lub. an la the eaae
aith Ihe preaen' llnk". WhIH the *"**??????
(,. the ,,'.'1 courae will contlnu* to he u-"i. tnouan
. m deral.i ?" be thi Intcntlo.i to abandon
Ji ? V',.,,. ai ll.n Itloi of the new ground
^n'rVgard tn the rumored conaolldatlon with other
BUten laland organtxatlon*. .. promlnenl member
of ih< club aaid vraterda/ thal [here waa no truth
i"i'1 that the rrtckei ' hib would re
? j, |. bi preaent. without aeaklng ihe - ip
pul ? >',' in.l" Idi BOUI
Tho flnal ?" ?; 'i n':''' h of the Laki wood tourna
,?.,,,. iietwei i, Flndlay Dougl n ami Walti r J
Travla, which waa i atponed on Baturday on ac?
count of ll '? anow, win not take i lace unttl aprtng
H N. Curtln haa bei n ?'? ired th. wlnm r of the
,.,?, prea, nted by K. N, Doubledny in I F ' ?
Jol ioi Marli ind Flehl club for a i
0f thr. ? ? ti ",'- ? ealnnlna Novomber I.
,.,., ?.-? it ' ?'
.. ,,. ... ? ,? ? .cor. won. Seeond plae. wenl to
,i 'i Gm ithnu-y.
/-/.'\ \ > W.1 I W I I / TEN \ \'S COitPL l/.V.
1 \ i< i:
Philadelphia, Nov. W Btate Benator 1' A Olb
aon, or thi Erle i .ounty diatrict, to-d ty m* l Oov
ernor H u tlngi M ';.- Bti itford Uot* I, thii ? Ity, by
? .,. i |ald b< fore him n p*tltlon \\ hl ih
f the fl
Balli ra' H n ? at Erle Th. neri k ihe
,,. ,,, ..,;,.. ....- to recover for them peni
mon* y whi' h lh< ?? ' ive recetvi i from ihe N iti n il
nmenl and whi* h the) Bllea- haa be. n :
|pgally tak( n from them b; eea of Ihe In
mltutlon. The petltb ? ?tan* i by one hundred
Inmal ?a of the llome, who aa ? rl thal an
? ?. .? ., month .a token from them, and thal
mounl tak< n from the Inm itea of Ihe Hi " -
alnee 1885, ln which year lt waa organised, aggre
itiit.s nearly ROO.OOO, and la b*lna added to al Iha
rate "f fl".'"1 a i enr,
The method "f taklng thia money from the old
aoldli ra, the p* tttl m aets fori h la by a i ul ? adopted
tlV the truateea of the i a hlch comi ??! *
the Inmatea to turn over to the Home all penalon
money recelved In exeeaa of Ji it month, on penalty
... The pei tion aeta out that the N i
,..,. i ,, irernment glvea to the Home 1100 for each
Inmate eai h year. with the provtao thal there la no
B) . |aw , xactlna anj p rtlon of the penalon
i ? , the Inmat* - ln Ihe latter eaae the
Oovernmenl paya only JMapl'cc. There I no Btate
law authorlati a ihe forMtiire of ... > of th* pen
alon money of Ihe nmaK and Ihe Home recelved
,H {].., tr ough the ti ??? ? i'-' all< g" d, h ive
, ,l ;, rul ? ol th* Ir own, laklng all of Ihe ln
,,,,,. |* ;.. ? ? mor.?y In e?c< '? of $t n mi i th,
The petltloi ? i ? ? thi .] thal tbt?
mon. ?: I* pl.I In thi ' ' '???'<?? W ni i
rt.,l ..''..?!),!.. i. trenaurer of the Bonn of Truateea
,,, the Home, and that It ln u_*ed In extendlna
- to ?:? i" nd* .:?,?.' - " ? : ? onera In
,, Home. The i ? - >v ;i:"^ have no de
...??. . thal theii moi ey la laken
without any appai h ' u?lng lt for ai y
purp* -...?? the il 'ii,-. rela
inmati i hi m ? ?
li. ? '.. i. !
i . ?. mon* ? ?>':
"Undi r thia i ule we have : ? I th< Home np
to thia dati auma varylng from ?<" lo nearly 1700
each, and the whole ? t theae n. ? ' j ow ?? -
talm *1 i'v i." il* Wagn* r tr* atvin r of t ? H
Home and are In - l ln a bank In I'hll idel
.,hla of which h? ?? |?r< ald. i l and uaed I j I
> ,. aoei* t,i nol ?? - ? ? ' ' which la pa I nto lhn
... j of ih* .-II ' i- l? no Btat* ?w by
Ive It '! he S'.i'.' doea not beneflt
b) |t, The I'lilted S:..'? ? !"-? o morn .? bj ll
"Thal when the H ird of Mannaemenl of tho
Sol,,i,'i':-' Itome al l.i '? ? ertlfli to the (5
? . . ? ;n !!'? Ir :? I".; l, In ordi r to dr iw tl u
. i ihal the Bl i r u horltj of law
ilo. tt nol ??-!. '?: ' ? ? r o. the pt
money, and ?' the aam. tlme exactn from ua all ot
our pfiial 'ti "\ ? r <> ; ? ? n "i ih, they are oomn l
ii frau.lul' ni .,i.i 'i Im i al .?? I aa dn ? th. * :? neral
< lovernmi nt."
i'l,,. ii.: ? '? :> iu .? with Mr. Olb
,, . copy of t ii- i" ' ii lon and t he accom
panylnj napem nnil Informed t.., Benator thal he
? ,,(?.' up the matter al on< e and Inatltute .,
fu.i Inv t '
eral 1 ?- SVaaner ;- one of u.*- m.,^t prom
iii/. na ? r: Indelphla, and hai f"r ?. - i
b, ?;, ;, ?!>?? ln :.:?,:, Ial and ? Irclea, Ha
w.-,- formerly 'liro, tor of Huhlic \\. ;k-. and \" now
preaident of thi Third National Bank and of tlie
Hoard ,,f City Truata, .i promlnenl Maaon and a
member ot many other organlaatlona,
?" in Of fhe
ipsri.s WARRANTS Y"it mm: MEN
Columbta, P. C, Nov, 10 ln tha Italted Btatea
Dtatrlcl Coun to-daj Ihe Orand Jury found Indlct
in, I,tn u^iii'.nut uiu*- well-known citlaena <>f Me
Coimi.'k, B, c. "ii the charge ,,f conaplracy., tho
a i.-inK the drlvlng away from ihal town al
the tima of the recenl Phcenla trouble of J. W,
Tolbert There are aeveral counta In t-a'-h Indlct
m<"n:, hil hoinx brought under Becttona MM and
r,.::v L'nlh i Btatea Btatutea Beneb warranta havi
been laaut I and M .rihal Clayton wenl tn McCor
ini.-k for the defendanta. li la propnaed (.> have
Ih* trial :i! th* preaenl term nf court here. The
men Indlcted ,r, M L B. Rturkle, John Dunlop,
Wuit Cochrane, Thomaa Ti- .. t - >. Henry Martln,
I. Tucker K. '.'. Btlllwell, .1 P. Jennlnga and J.
;. Reym Ida
Davtd B *.!!?,< rl lecretarj of tl i Manl tl
dub, and .' member "( tbe Btoek Ea bange, ? .
Flnest Flavor. Falrfgt Pric*.
Tlie distinguishing
charactcristic of the
\Vcbcr Piano is its
Sympathetic Tone
Cataiofjue* malled free on request.
Fifth Avcnue and 16th Street.
New York.
Alaska scals caught on the Pribylov
[slands in Behring Sea are the best. The
pell is strong, the fur dense, handsoine
antl durable. 1 am making over to this
season's style garments of these skins
(London dyed), which I sold ten years
ago, and I can with confidence recom
mend Alaska seal.
ITp t.. .lut.- Coatn, 1300, |230 up.
Muff*. $20, S-'-". and $30.
Cnpea, PollnroltiMi, etc, in proportlon.
S ,-| ,; [ , u| | .. || O it- ' f .t.i," ti. tt h ?<
I ? , . i. st O BBl Beali f' r II"" *>'-'??
and 1130, r. I Uutt '? r t* 112 n ' ll.l but thr]
? , , . -i'n t. i ind 1 ib
ahahby afler !":..,: u tt, ..i.- or la i aeaaooa. I
?Int. t .-.ll th*m.
iiii'oirn:it \M) mam inn ?i:n.
42d f?t. West, bet. Broadway & 6th Ave.
Tiie nrm n:,m? \* a guaraatea of reltal I
atrii.k x,y a carrlage drtven hv Oeorge Pomrojr,
of X i. 2M Weal Flfty-elghth-at., al Thlrty-atgth
at. and Flfth-ave., lasl evenlng ll ? waa knocked
down and auatalned :i Bevere cut on the forehead.
He rc-fused to make a compialnt agnliiBt tho
-. 4,
The refuaal ..f Commlsetoner Lantry, of the Cor
rectlon Depai ment, t.. alloa work t" pro.eed on
the new Tomba, In the eatlmation of poilth-lans,
voi - ol i -iit' wd Tammany trlck to glve aa much
work . poaslble to a Tammany contractlng !ir.-n.
ft fl ttery, the III tn which haa th. ? on
traci i i puti ng ln the eella, plumblng, llghtlng
.,: I, othi i- Inalde llxturi a, are the ? ? ? -?? ' i ? alli ?!
attentlon lo the ulleged woaknea* of the glrders,
? .1 this aa .i ground for hnvlng work Btopped
.ni the building. Thia la the flrm which renovated
red.rated and remodelled the Demoi-ratc <'lnb.
;?:,:.,. i T immany
The orlglnal contrac; waB Icl b) Mayor Btrong'a
adminlatratlon to Wlthera * Dickaon, who hava n
House, and thi Ir pl ina were ap
I by Oeorge B. Poat. Al the offlce of Wlthera
a- Dickaon the followlng Btatement w;is glven out:
ln thi papera of to-da) ll l? Btated thal the Com
,-,,--:? i.- i ??! ' '"ti ? tion, i'r nu I* -I I. intry, h id
? w,.k nn the L mse ; ? ' d dla
v?y,,,, . were defi ctlve, it. ismuch
ild h ivii to ' arry four iltm - I
w.: jhi ;?? t ii.itt. ?! I-. ! iv ' ?? desire lo ? iy tlut
th. ?i."i. matter i- a queetlon of polltlca entirely;
ever ainc. tn. new ndmlnUtration eame Into power
?ln ,;.... have been neeb g even !?'? '' *t to
. ,,. ... iing -.1 far aa to <-k ua to
out ;? -it "i. aa arehltecta s.' that othera
ln ?yn i uby ? th Tamm inj ? mld be api.'? ?'?
tiir 'pi ,,-? -..I ?'? Ironwork were prepared In ron
aultatlon with K. H uart kVlllli n ton an expert en
pi o., j i,\ .;. orge l'. I'" t, the
,,:??. i ir.l "I i-.t;.-n.i;. and Apportlon
ment aa well aa bj th. Building Departmenl, atul
we know thal th. girdera and all other ateel work
,r,. ,.,,.,., ?(:,- prop-.rtloned and "f aufflelent
Btrength to i-arry th.-Ha .1* dealgnated by ui,
What the "li work dealgned bi Horgan tt Slat
?, rj u- v." .lo i."t ki iiw, ? nd II they have not ar
,:,.i, v ..rk ui ? onformlty arith our ateel
Ki?.; tho blame, If any, attachea lo
theae men.
CommlBBloner Untry aaid yeaterday thal hn la
awaltlng the dei alon of the Corporatlon Counael
;., reSai i io t ie reBumptlon of \\"tk on tha nea
He idded thal he h <? proofa from the
Corporatlon Counael, Bobert .1. Wrlght. ea-Com
miaalonei of Corrertlon: l ie Building Depurtrnent
an.l th- Controller to ahow that he waa right ln
atoi.i.itiK Iht work. Mr. Horgan. of Horgan 4
MaltVis " J f'"' ,h" h'OWIng of the celle,
pluml.lug and llghtlng, had Informed him thal the
Klrdera whieh w. re i"-t; g !"" ln bj Wlthera A
!,., k?rtn wo ,1,1 nol Buatair alxty thouaand pounda
,,, rhe tjuare Inch, u? requlrcd by tht
, . ...,,, iiiowi .1 t.i remaln ther mighl be a
.,,.:,1. .; aome day. with a great lo
... , , . : try d<" lare.1 thal the Bul d
1. riinent ha.l ted I lal the Bulldii .
- ' '? ' , ???}, "e "iad
! the worl ? ?-. ? -i The i.m
polltlrB had anythlng 0 ? ?
w th hi** ilet-laion, nayffiK thal th;- city would ba
r?i,ii ,'tio . Iin. of .?.??.'"' i!" a i-lolatlon of the Bulld
"ng iawi we ?' '? Wlthera m Dlekaon
.. th. glrderi and put In better
x .il.l 1 ham ? lh. rn.
M iraan .^ Blatterj are nppolnte' r, of 1 ommii ? ? r
, intrv Th. ? ?"'?'?' fharli - 11. .k. who
Bave up the work on Bepti mb< r '?'.
Congreaflman Thomaa McEwan, of Jeraey Cltr.
la an aBpirani for the Bepubllcan nomlnatlon for
M ,vi r ol Ji '-? ? City.
?r,.,. i;.. in I'l'i'.. of Trenton, laat evenlng.
j..,., ;, dinner for Oovernor-eleci Voorheea and Ihe
l ? ,| Candl latea eleeted "tt N'ovember s
The Kaaeg and Hudson Oaa Company waa Ineor
ln N"i--? irk nt. l Trenton, and
. . mion "? '!'?? k>* planta leaa. d
ln Newark, Harrlaon, Kearny, EbbI N'ewark and
Bummlt. Th. apll .: Btocli la fti. ?
s..\, n ??? 1 ln Newark yeaterday
!,;. ? trollej aweeper runnlng tn-.i> ;i mr, nnd the
,.',r, it. t .: t: . ran iin| Into a aagon,
John li'i'iy. en rg-convlct, arreated yeaterday ln
Pateraon on Biuiplclon of being conci rned In a acore
,,ii robberlea, acknowl dgea thal he waa
gullty ln h.ilf 11 .1"Z' 11 caaea
Adolph I.r.nk.TltiK. who w;iH hlt w!th a tvitir itl.iaa
l.v Bchllchtlng in ti diapute In the Oerman
Amerlcan Cltlaena' V'ereln a weeh ago, srew worae
yeaterday, and n araa found that hia ukuii hud been
fractured. Bchllchtlng w.i^ rearreated and held
Wltllllllt i'ilil. _
Ban Pranelaco, Bov. 3" John Qrady, a arell
v . . .,' ih- Baldwtn Hotel, la Indlrectiy
another vlctlm ol the flre. '!:..!;. became greatly
: ,,!, u? nlghl of the hl* blaae, nnd, hia heart
'.. ? | w. .ik he baa been 111 wnh heart attacka .-wr
aince. He die I yeaterdaj 1I? eame here .'ruin x- w
v.irk. where he had many relatlvei
Phlladelpbla, Bov. 10.?A. Uncola Landla, a mem
h.>r of tlie llrm of Mayer, I.-n.'..- ,v Co., whoa.. Itle
worka al Twentleth-ai ind Ulegheny-ave., wara
dtatroyed b) Hn 11 Beptember, l*?7, wbb to-da)
..., of Braon. There waa a mortgage on the
plant and ? *?? ?utlon ha I been iasued on it and ?>,- fixed for the Bherlll ? ? The Inaurance on
,.,. property, ll waa alleged, waa held h> .i relatlve
of dla
!.. Angelea, Cal., M01 Nl?John Hancock,
hai jual been takan to Ban Quentln to aerve a ten
\*.;irh' Beaten ?? foi burglary, Imi ronfeased that
I Wlnlfred Myera murdered It Engeike and
p : | K.'in t<-' ii. on lha deaert tn Bouthern Nevada
,, ,r ,, y.-t: ago Han. .-k sa>R tln? crtme waa
... 1 >'. -!,.? woman with th.' oij^rt or Becurlng
the h,,r?.-? attached '-e* 1' ?? wngon* lii'ionglng to
ti,?tr ?. 1 tlrnn '1 irdei that the) mighl ? n11 nti?
(hetr iourm to Ball Lake ?h?ir own horaee i"-ing
': 11 \i ?a Myera, now Mra Oross, recently
... . ?' talng Hancock of t'oth mur
,:..-. ai I ?--? rtlng h r own Innoeence
Bi i."uif. N". M Jamea I* Wilcox and .lamrs
Il Bha-a have been Bentet ed t,. tht.-e yeara iii tha
ntlarj li ihi ! nlt. I Bl itea Dlatri t Court,
Thej arar. gulltj bi .< Jur\ laal ?.'.-k ol
Bweatlng" gold colna and Judge Adama auapend. 1
the paaaing il - ntanca until yeaterday. Bhaw,
-. ? . -.I,,. tr,.- accompllce of Wlfcoa i-r.-r.---?.-.i hia
?. .-?? 01 a hl -h he aaa 1 om ! ??? i
Wilcox, however, *!i" had lurned Btate'a evldence,
;, ki ?' ? .-'iiit In paaaing aentence on
Wllcoa Jiii** A.iiit.," Hii'.d h^ !??,'( uin ennn to the
ienletu-y of tha Preaidenl, to whoin hc would writa
1 ta* fall pirUculni
1898. ______
Mid-Season MilHnery
their importance raises them superior to weathcr conditions. Rain or snine. or MM or
snow, they will be admired and bought. . R
They are just the lait things that Paris has thought out ia hats. Tncy leR HM Kue
de la Paix exactly 12 days ago. .^,Jlt tu:n(yt
Wc send over a skilled man at this time every year, to pick up the wy oevrea n.ngi
for the opera scason. Ifs odd that no one else ioes St ThtM ira a diy o: i.vj me,
thanks to head wind j and high MSU and difficult teaming.
We have marked these hats
$20, $25, $30 and $35,
and vou will bc surpriscd to leara that these figures are just about on?hird'lexI thMltht
actual cost of landing thc hats bere. Sold at a !oss ? Lertair, v. ??^"?^?
any hope of profit.-only as a proof of our intention to kceP Our PuMiC OU ? M
Paris, so far as styles are conccrned. rw??l anrl
The makers reprcsentod are Virot, Carlier, Marcscot Soeu::, Jo.,sc, J.uard and
Susannc Bium. _.
Evening and
a lew ot mc mm b* | Dressinn ^Jft-*, SaS
Bti II Gowns
tir-il of Imported Cos . . . .
luiri'T,, mr.sicrpicces of ,dbleS ful for ?h,, h.nt. Comein
dr^-mastcrs, =, half their co-,1 lo .,H?g a?Jmakcvou,^?r? i? a ?
* i compnsing sucty kinds, at pn<? trom *4.nj
"il kinds, from the exquisitdy simple . to $75. We'll hold your M? fa j iv
productions of Mile. Corne, that magicienne ery at your convenierc. Someof anUqu*
whose familiar must be the lairy Daintines. oak are shown, togcth, w* .ho*0_ goW?
-to the regally superb gowns ot Worth aud oak, mahogany, brd, ..-c;c ma, * curty
Ma\v Jith hness pited on richness. | birch, white enamel fimsh. and the more
H^U- pec, all through. and about the j daborate sorts that are handsomcly nfcd
nau pn^. and me|1k A;s0 many
last chance al them. wu? w y
Were $150 to $750;
Now, $75 ?o $375.
The cape is exactly
Women's Capes suited to these indef
inite mixed-up days,
half Spring, half Winter, all uncertainty.
We have the largest collcction of Capes that
you have ever looked over. Three-fifths of
them are imported oncs,? nine-tenths of
them are exclusive styles.
Occarionallv eome eepecially attractive b-rsains, and
htrm't, one. We lake all the onea -inti twos of cap?s. a
Iot much eaiied in ityle and Irtegulai in riaea, bul con
taining tU ?ua ar.d all styles in ten tktn , ai.d mar*
them i,ll
Yeaterday'a pricea were from S28 to $36. They are
the raahlonable long-length capee, in doth, made w.-..
the new ruffled Boun e. ill latin linei.
imported naarqueteries. A (cw kinds, with
At $4 50 01 oak; l p 19x3 ? Frencl bevd piaai
mirroc 12x18; Fi \nmm.
At $1-0: Englkh oakj lop 16x30-, fancy sh-.-ed
French bevd plate n.rrcr, 15x20; s'.vell tr nt;
FieDck Utg*. Ooe laige drawrr.
At $10.50-Of bird's-r-ye mapi*: lop 17x20; fUhU
shaped French bevel plate mirroi L6a20; wai
front; French legs ; ma laifadiawer.
At $12-01 rurly biicfaj top 16x32; fancy shaped
Fr,-nch bevel plate mirror 18x22; French l?*g?;
serpentine front; one large drawer.
At $19.50?Of whi'" enamel; lop 18x13; fancy
shaped French hevel plate milTCf 2 2x24; swell
front and swell ends; French legs; or.e lug*
At $20-Of aotid mahogany; top 10x34; ro:nd
French bevel plate mirr-.r 21x21; rimch le.-j;
fancy shaped front; one large drawer.
Pourth ?" r
Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co^Broadway, Fourth Avenue, Ninth and Tenth Streets^
?n ..,.?>,..?... | ad the time to look
through thi hrl tm i eni il* guei of the publUhore
or to llnger over the i mptlna dliplayi In the gv tl
!.k itorei muit ?? - !'> the tendency
.,, ,?.,, th? ever Inoreai iig demand for t;
frlei ?!* ln m v llluiti '
which h.? b Pl ?' ? t::'lr
authora fimt tlirew their cpell over the loven of
, , , . . , .. ? i ..,. whieh are iwwt readlly
l , ic, ,i i.,, in th* itore I ? bt ? imlned v.itli dellffht
fui remlnlsomeo.
j..:,.. Auaten'i n I :| '^'""] ln many
edltlon?, md their Indeacrl ? ? healthy, oldttme
charm haa nlowly won them nn end irlnf !''?'"''
among the Engllih rlaaelce. Tha Iaat and moal
Pxquialtely made edition lu eomi to public i
. ti .. . , ,,: thi '1 mure, dalnty and old-fa?hl< ned
volumei which the Maemlllan Company, of Xo. M
Flfth-ave . i ii lu l p ? ?U?h? I Th re ,?ro ten ol
them, and ln the Br?l li i repr* d ictlon of th*i
., portrall of M ii Aunten Thoroughlj char
acterlMtlc of the perlod ihe early yeari of the
century are the llluitratlona. Thm n hai al
attra te I atti ntion on accounl of Iti edltlng
bj Reglnald Brlml* y Johnaon. Tt:.I ired lllue
tratlom are by C. B. and ll M. Broclc, whoie arork
aa llluatratora li well known.
?The Ingoldaby Leg* nd?" la a I.k whieh one
would hardly dare to hope ""'I Uluatra
yei the Maemlllan Company hai put tt out
I |*,g holldny booka with iwelve full-pag-i
platca in eolor and '???'???? i tltl* ; ige and Byleavee.
The artlst li Arthur Kockham. Mol ontj are tli*i>'
twelve full-page platea In rolor h- t there are alao
upward of u hundred ilrnwli ited thro igh
? x- m ? k Bnd white ?. ihe ?ame artlet.
?Prahford," too, hai nol been forgotten. Mrs.
? . r-llvtng old m >- '? rpl* ?'?? hai I een
lirnughi out with an lntro?luetl*>n bj Anne Thack
.r.iv Rltchle and forty colon l III iitratlom, and
... in the t-xt. by Ilugh Thomaon, who h n
ai aucceiaful wtth thia ook aa llrock hai I ? n
wtth" Au it* n'i novHla li I '?? the iplrlt
of the author.
Another notable I.k that haa been r* ? mtly la
?ued In ii new edition with handnome llluatratlona
,, "i;,. rholr Invlalbl ," by Jamea Lane Allen
Tlilx novel haa run Into Ita >ne hundred and tenth
ti.., ; and and Ita lateai appearance, wlth *'i?ht full
pagi photogravurea from drawlnga by Oraon
Lowell, wlth ., .ui alxly line drawlnai ln th.' texl
ought t'i nii.K,; u .* .' ivurlte fo
The Maemlllan Company ha
day hook of "Th* l
irook is *gnA\ the uiuairaior,
ri), land uh"-, -; li ' will nol >e arouae.l
? , , ? lored pl
n .thing ol ih
262 WEST 125th.
Flint's ^ineJijbnituhb
(French bevd ptoU mirror,)
45 West 23rd Street_
(Dnropcan ^tmcrtiocmetus.
LERS will find thc London ofltce of The
Tribune, 149 Fleet Street, a convenient
plaee to leave their advertisetuents and
Itibscriptfons for Thc Tribune.
L'hrlstmaa iea
alao made a holt
the Mohlcana." II. M.
'I'I. la
? -.
:. :' :. i.i ire Co
\.? . . I: ,'.. ? ' their I Id ni"-il
. ? ? i ly aa !.:,-< ol
?h, Mohlcana." ai : ll r the t nterprlse
,.: th. i ;..;.-!? ra tl ?? h.i* ? eone* Ived the
happ) !?:? ' ? I ' I " ' ? ' '':1,1
li.iv>' nol -?.' mk '? ? ,i ' ' .? ? . ?
nrtlal llk. H M
\ hook whloh will make i atro.ia .'i|i|?hhI to thoae
who love t ? read nf Ih* ?' Kran Imothera
? d ireut-gi * ? ' ri** Allce
Morae Earl??'a "11* m* 1. Dr.ys." It ia
. |) llliiritrat* ! ' from photo
' _? ,.l.i.-. 1 by tl ?? .,1 thluga,
worka hi 'i hnppenh ua <>f nea.
[t |a lifflcult to idoae ihe
long llat nf pu llcatlona ? thoui ?? pnaalng word
for !?' Marlon 'rawford'a "Av?> Rnmn Immori
i.r. Stu llea from the V '?'? -i" " lt la ;*
brllllani pieture of the 1 of the
mnther of dtle Mi Cr ,v f >r.l ia ippll, d hia
method aa nov* llat to the mHtN-r ?' blatory, nnd th,.
r*.**ult ia a book fully as del'.ghtful ai i ny of liU
Tw,, v. K,ks of thr ??-. iK-n which hav< been of
moal tiin,'!v Intereat are M**rlti Bui h' "Memolr
nf Rlamarck" nnd "The Phil pplne lalnnda iind
Their People," hy Profeeanr D in C IVnrceater.
Thia latter hdnaTta a atnrehouai of obaer\ atlon u !
Intelllgent comnf*-nt nn theae n*--.\i\ aequin 1 ? ?
araalona. The llluatratlona i imher upward f **lxH'.
and thi re are tw,, ma - The author wai proae>
ciitlnfr hia Inveit'.gatlona ln ih<- I-: nda for three
^-..,'ir^ in rompanj wlth Dr, r.ourna, i i whoae ci m?
ara the I.k li Ind* '? i for the itartllng natlve
? ea Just at thia tim* aueh ? i"?,k i? ,,f the
greateet Int^real to every Amerlean who li Inter
eated :n hlc country'e welfare. Thii partleular
honk |n n verltable i?,..k of r. f.-r,'ii.n the
Brighton, England
Hotel Metropole
The most coinlortabie and
luxurioutseaslde liotel in tha
World. Kinest Cuisine and
Wines. Iiu?ic by Hotel Or
chestra during Luncheon and
Dinner. En pt;n<iuti terVn*
may bo arranged.
The Gordon
Hotels Limited
Oeorge B. Wtlletti t chlcago wh,> dled here Iaat
gaturdai mornlna from tetai ia followtng hyP?
InJ icttona. Mr. K ,k f. : in. r parti er ot Mr.
Wllletta, .,. ompaul* i the b,?ly.
? -
BRiyOIXf. BACK iflt- II7/././7/V.V BtWY.
Ban Jiini 'l" Porto Rk-o, Nov. W Th>> Cnlted
Btatea tratwporl Obdam, whieh li dua to arrlve at
New Vork on December '._'. beara the body <,f
l-'r<r Llver Complalnt, Btomai'h Luaordera, Oout
and Dyapepata.
Taken arttli meala, it facllltatea dlgeatlon.
vint Bottlea ln lat Claaa it?atmir.ints. 28c.
QentraJ Aieio,
? liio*dtray. S. t.
I.Mi'l.' 'Vi:. CAPTt'RKD.
< ,', !.. Ua Nov. M Paaeenger traln No. T4. of
the Mlaaouri Paclde Railroad, whleh left Bt J"**'Ph
ai 2:30 p. m. yeeterday by way of Kanaai *'',t>', r-m
hIiik from the liitt.r city ,,\<r th<- Lestactoa
waa 1.. Id up four and a ha I milea areet of
Bedallu al '?'???> o'clock laal nlght bj thr.-.. waekad
men, one of whom, Jamea w. it, an engtneor ln the
company'a employ, m ia captured, while ? se.-ond li
\?,\.\ \ t.i have been arounded and th" thlrd
eacnped, Orlglnally the hoM up w,,s to hav,- tk>
curred on Prlday nlghi "t laal a. ???k, boi aM af
the men Imi llcated weakened, and the attaaapl waa
pcatpoi ed.
Monday nlxi't Buperlntendeni l. D. Hopklm w.xt
Informed the hold-up ?aa arranged for Tuea
daj in-'lit, ind ii" prepared ^"r It. When the irii.n
left Kanaaa *'ity al bM i>. m. ~'n aeeret _*.'r\ie
m,n In ih?' company'a emploj were on board. When
the p.*lnt wh.T-' the attempted tobberj waa to N>
mode w.-M approached two ?<'. the men took their
i?>Mtii.n.< ln the ???'? oi tl.' englne, K,.ir nvire
men were lecretad ln th>' tiaggage-ear w^re
a bai_;K.'>K',-,'?r. ?ne eapreaa-cai and three eoecnee
iti th*. tratn,
H.ilf a mlle ireat ?'f Oeorgetown, at Mi'.ly t roek.
the englneer waa i.gnalled lo atop, ami -ti.l a,>. At
once tim three robbera npened (Ire, whi-h waa r*?
turned by the eompany'a men Pullj twenty **h,>t?
wi, ezchanaed, when the robbera _?? innt
they were trapped and began to retreat The *??
ceri gave puraull and \V,->i. a frelghl englneer.
wai captured. The traln .-.nn,. to Bedatta, and
\\ ..^t w.i> commltted to JaU A poaae waa organ?
lr.0,1 ai-. l arenl to the iceni nf th* hold-up ln tae
hope ,'f capturtng the ,>th??r tw<? robhara
There waa no attompt io molerl iho paaaenaera.
hut they roallxed what was *,>lne on, ;ir.l \n' la'.i.ei
were m retad In ever} conc lt ible plaee S'.iper
Intendent llopktm atatee thal traln No Tt li only
n local traln. and never earrlei m".,-h monair. I.ast
nUtit lt had "nlv a amall **af-, and thc .unount In tt
w;.? ln.<.Knifl.'aiit.
m -
Cornlng, N. v . Nov, sn Aa j.iHh* Patara and
Charlaa riri* h. a aotel proprletor of Mati>. were
liniitiriK near that plaee yeeterday aft-rnoon, ln
i ,i--ii>_s through aome bruah a t-rmach .-iiuKtit tha
trtgger ?'f L'lrleh'a gun, dlacharglna * complete
load *>f ahol Into Petera'a thlgh The leg from the
hii> down io the knee w,i_. rompletely ihattered
l*^tern Immedlately t-o.-Hine uneonartoua, and ne
dled tn the evening from the effecta ot the ehock