Newspaper Page Text
IfettJ^OWfe Vol. lVIII-...X0-19.010. ribune NEW-YORK. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1898.-JTWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CEXTS. H1TCII IN PEACE WORK. SrAiy DECLJNE8 TO GRAXT TBREE .1 MERICA X DEMANDS. ONF IS FOH A CABLB AXD COALING STA TION Al CEUTA, ANIi TWO RET.ATE TO THK CAROLINE8 ? TRADE PRIVILEGE8 A8KED IN WKST IXDIE8. Paril, Per. 1.?From in?n-mntlon whirh comea to the Ctwreapondaht of The Asaorlatod Press from a well-authofctlcated aouree late thia eran jrF ]t spr:-.s unllkely that tha Peaee Commta ?lona win flnlsh their work aa aoon aa had been f... ;H. It N probable thal the negotlatlona wIU |aal o" '?? rably longer. Madrid has inatructed the Spanish Commis f' nera on three pointa, to whlcb the Amerloans attach much Importan.**. Tbeae nn- Iha eaaalon of an laland ;n tha Carollnea, the grantlng ol i over tho whole of tho Caro n of a cable ara coallng itat'on ai T;.p <_. , q haa Inatrueted Beflor y . .. , granl U?ne of thoae, and while gpalr, may ultlmately yleld them all. it ls al mitted ihal ihe American Commlaalonara have . v.. ' ? . demanda on pointa . . ' protocol Before Bpaln doea ... liatlona are iikoiy to ba prolonged ', . j .,.., --. ? | stat i ? ay hava to give a aub t- ? ? ? '.;'?' A Pl.EA Y ?"? TRADB PRIVII.EOEfl ,\. N th ara to conclude th*-ir work, tha Peaee , ? ? - na did tu I hol.l a jolnt sos >l0I] , Their next m.-"-tlng wlll bc held at 2o' i ? ? afternoon. Thia delay aroae from the faot that the Fpan )5,, ,- . nera at yeaterday'a aeeeion offered t.-.v,:i. ?:?.-? propoaltlona which oa.lod f<?r fpaetal ' ' IPOI the part of tho Amer! caRa Bp aaka tha United Ptates to grant for a ten ' ara t i spanish sh'.ps carry * - ( ? , pooda or iroducta to Porto Rlco ar. i Cuba th_* aame privllegea as American vea t .? ', iti the Bame trade n-.ay have, and thia requeet it, a privlao that tiv trade privllegea be eatended to Cuba so long ? United Btatta Oovernment is domlnant * laland. aupp 'it of this roiupst tho Bpaniah Com r nera aaaert that Bpaln cannot, without harm, Immedlately abandon or rm the | -- r- lattona ao h'.ne. malntalned between the mothe? eouttry and the Weal Indlan terrt i Thn deciare that family tlea and aoeial i na, adderi to affatra of tra,lo malntalned igh centurtea, require Kradual dlaaolutlon. They tevoke the tem a of the treaty of 1819, by whioh the United States to-.k over Florida from Fpain, thr- flfteenth article of which granted Sr-ain f. i- twelva yeara the richt to aend her i - and producta to Florida in Spanish ahipa on tho 5a:no terma as tho ahlpa carrylng thlthc-r gooda and pr dueta of the United Btatea Th* Bpan'an Cnrrmlaaioneri clte funhor tho fart that the Ireaty of 1803 wlth France for tho coaslon of LculElana granted to French an,l B] anlah gOOda nr>1 producta the same torms as American ir: NVw-Orleans ami other ports in th<* eeded t-'rrit tv. Flnal!". Sr iin polnts to tho Amerloana' pro posed "Open-door" pollcy in the Phlllpplnea. and asks a guarhnt'??? Of tho aame advantages in her late Weat Ir.dian roionles. until trade rela tiona can by degreea accvatom themaelvea tn the change of aoverelgnty. COX8IDER1KG BPAIN'B REQUEBT. This propoaitlon and thc arpnments. hy whioh lt was aupported are conaidered stronsly statcd, ar.d thc American Commlaalonera dealred tlmc fordellberatlon. Time. though buay untl! nearly '2 0'clOch this afternoon. tbey were not fully prcpar*d, and Judae I?ay aent a messaee to Peftor Montero Rios requeatlng that the Jolnt aeaalon flxd for thia afternoon be poatponed un? til to-morrow. Meanwhiic. the Bpaniah Commlaalonera had r-c-n preparing ? llat of aubjecta for negotlatlon, aupplemented l-y miggeatlona counter to and ? mendatory of the aubjecta the Ameri.-ans sul> mltted yeaterday. This came to the American Commlaalonera to-day in spanish. rendering it even m*.r.- dealrable to poatpone the jolnt s*-s elon in or*le- to give time for Iranalatlon and leratlon The trat.alatlon la luitiK made thia eveninir, ar.'. the aubjecl wlll he lald before the American Commlaalonera to-morrow morn? ing i.enera! Wealey Merritt, who arrived hereyea 1 from Loi eavlng hia wlfe eonva leacent 1 - t*tlcti wlth th- Amer i an <'?"..' aeii thia morning, relatlve to tha condltl n:. ??.''. neceaaary meaaurea In the P pplne Ielai General Merritt ex_>>cij to sail for New-Tork cn December 1" and hopea to reeume his duties ln Callfornla or Nea V rk until bia retlrement, | alghteen n, mthi heni e. AOVlNALDO'g PRIHONERS Major Hale, of General Merrltt'a ataff, who is i How here, bellevea Ihe United Btatea, havlnK I taken the Pblllppine lalanda, wlll now hav no trouble - ring Ihe releaae of the Bpanlarda ' held prl nera by Agulnald >. ?? ? ' the Parta dli ?j'teh, the tTnlled Btatea d .-?- a able and coallng itatlon, is ii fortifled - ? .'t town ,,r. ibe ii*,rth eoaai of Afrlea. n.-i thi Medlterranean, (>i>|,,,sit. Olbraltar, | which la aevant* ti mll* II I in! i* la In Morocco, : bul haa h? lona* d ? i Bpaln ab ? I5t c .;..-. ? of a mountain, which ls the anclent Abyla, ;*i"i one of thi Plllara of Herculoa. Ceuta aaa -. Boanteli penal eatabllah- | j ina nuv;.' ? I ? ei aent ?! en In the paat, a I la th* nief of Ihe Bpaniah prealdioa on thc Afri- .ui < ',,.,-? i: i-:''> aeai if a Roman Cath lP _..,-,.,; ,,,- ?, rnti 11 oe upled . i. .-. tronaly | r pjiflej by l. ' ?' i'i" was t.ik. n bj the Gotha ? . ui - ? "ouni Ji:il< a bro iviit tha I . n ln the eltrhth < nturj t'ndi r .,.,>, ... .? ? ote 1 for Ita manufa t nrlna 'nduatrj ll ?-aa -onuuered from the Moora ... iii5 ,. Klng J I of Porl aai. lt haa ?. pop ., n ia prono inced as ; || -ta;i. GERMANY AFTER THK CAROLINE8. Keriin, li"-. 1 * Oarman Gpvernmenl ofll- , clal, m an Intervlew wlth the eorreapondent here of The Aaao lated Preaa. c6nflrma the reporl ? ? Germany la negotiatlng wlth Spain for the f the Carollne lalandi lt ia under atocd thal Bpaln eapecta to gel 10.000,000 franos I Germany conaldi ra eiceaalve Germao)' alao makea th.e proviao tha; the na gotiatlona tfhall bt contingeni upon no Interna tlonal complicatlona arlaing, eapeclally wlth the United fctate? Prlnc-e von Am -'. pr*?s:dent of the Colonlal Society. ass'.trcs t ? eorreapondent of The A*. ?ociated Preaa tnet "the arquiaitlon of ihe Caro? ,'lr.e Jjlands la Importar.t less fr-,m the stand point of commerce, whirh la Inaignlflcanl there, than from a naval point of v1*-v. " FRE8H IXSTRl'UTIOXS 1<>H RI08. H , . j ],.. ] a long Cabinel meet Ing, ut whk-h tbe Queen Regent prealded, waa held to Bay and a r-j.iv was frmmed to BeBoi Montero j-.ix, praatdecil of tha spanish i'<;i<-< Comrala tn ?,, relatlve to ? nnn,)" i of pointa in tha treaty ? of i-tactt upon wlikli ht bad r??ue?tad matiuc- j tion*. The Premler, Befior Fagasta, nfter the Counoll, said: "To-?norrn\v'H rre^tlnp nf the Commlsslonors Will not V>r> the last." The Mlnlater of tho Tnterlor. Feflor Cap-lepon. annotinred that there were several domlclllary vlslts at Harrolnna yeaterday, Imt that Other wlac tba country waa abaolutely qulat. FIL1PIX0 BOilBAST. CANNOT ACCEPT TIIK PARTS PEACE TRKATV INDEPENDENCE DEMANDKD. Manlln. Per. 1 The Tnrtepondont party of th* Flllplnoa Is not dlsposecl to arcepl tho result of thp flpiib.-rationji of the Peace Commtealoneri al Paris, jtnlping from the tone of th.- natlve preaa. The "Independencla" publlBhea a partlcularly homl>a?tle leadltiK art Iri e to the effect that tho Flllplnoa will "decltne to p?rmit their homea to he houiht nn ! sohl like merchandlae." lt thon r>n>euts tho roailln.-ss of th<- Flllplnoa to fisht in il"f"t. -o of tholr riphts. and assorts that the Government anil people are itnanimons ln claim Inp nuth'.- er leaa than Independence. The j.apor also aaee'ta the Flllplnoa have Inconteatlhle elaima ,t|ti>n tho laland of Luaon, part nf tho Vlaa/aa Islands nn.1 the Island of Mlndanao l.y riRht nf conqueat. lt concedee that the Araerl i-an- helped th" Inrargenta "Indlrectly hy block a.liriK Matilla." Ptit tho "Independencla" asserts that ovon without holp the revolutionlsts mttst have ultlmatoly won. Flnally, tho ' Indopenden.-la" holrts that Ppaln eannot code the Phltlpplne Archlpelago, "be? eauae it was novor bera." The 1'nlto.l States transport Indlana BITlved here thl? morning, ami tho N'ero sall"il for home. Two rompanlei of Pennaylvanlara have been tr.insfi-rroii to Corregtdnr laland. with tho ex< .-ption of a battallon of men from Waahlngton, tbe new troopi have n * been landed. ? ? FILIPIXO IXSfTRRECTION BPREADING. MADRID HEARB THAT IT IS AQAINBT THE AMER1CAN8, NOT THF. BPANIBH Hgdrtd Dec. 1. Further advicea from the Phlllppine lalanda Bay the Inaurgenta Ihere havo docldoi not to rcccgnlae the resslon of thp lalanda to the United States. and thut th.-v will realst lo th.- la?t. lt Is also gaeerted that the United BtateB will requlre eeventy tbouaand troopa ti> put down the rebelllon. and it la al Irged thal the Inaurgenta hold ten tbonaand Bpanlah prlsonera, whom tbey will force toaerve againal the Amertcana. The Phlllppine Inaurgenta demand 7.000.000 peaetaa for the rvleaae of the forty friars Im prlsoned aince th" commencemenl i f tho war. An ofllclal dlapatch from General Rloa, the Bpanlah eommander at Ilollo, Island of Panay, savs th" Bpanlah troopa there have made n BUC ceaaful aortlt againal tho enemy, Infllctlng heavy loaaea upon Ihe Inaurgenta. The Inaurrectlon, lt la added, la apreadlng In the Vlaayaa, and It is aaaerted that tho move menl la nol dlrected agalnat the Bpanlarde, hut agalnat the Amerlcana. Tho Premier. Beflor Sapasta. d.-nl"s tho report thal Oeneral Rloa la negotlatlng with the insur genta foi the aurrender of Ilollo to thrm. -m, DELEGATION BEE8 THE QUEEN REGENT. London Dec. l.-A dlapatch ftrom Madri-i aaya a delegatlon from tho Bpanlah Chambera of Com merea has had an nudlenee with tho Queen Re pont and presonted to Her Majesty a petltlon ln favor of reftwma Th" delegatlon alao askod the yueon Ragent tn for the releaae of the Bpanllb prisoners ln tbe PhlllpplM Islands, and |0 pardon the Flllplnog who have been trans ported to Spain_ ARRE8T8 OF CARU8T8 IN BPAIX. London. Dec. - ThP Blarrlta corregpondenl of Tho Daily Mail" says: "Several Carllata have t*en arreated at Mora de Rubleloa, In the Provlnce of Teruel. for try inp to enllat aoldlera for Carliam. Th- aoldlera themaelvea denouneed them. Thalr Bucceaa would havo been gerloua. sinro t -o whole diatrict la Carllat and th" garrlaon amall "General Correa, Mlnlater for War, has aenl a dra?tie aecrel clrcular to tbe Captalna-Oenerallof the Provlncea. lt is eatlmated that tho maln tennnce of tl.e army on . -ar footlng agam-t the Carllata will eoal the Government f3.0TO.ww. TRANBPORT INDIANA REACHEB MANILA Waahington. Dec. l.-General Otla to-da* Me -raphed to tha War Departmenl from Manlla that fh" tranaport Indlana. with the beadquarteraand lh>;nS,?gWaaTimlee tVZtSS aWrd. mericax frTTt i\xd plaxtb barred. FRANCE IWCW A DECRER BAgED OB rEAB OF THE BAN JOBE BCALE. P-rta Dec 1 The "Joornal Offlclel" to-day puh '," :,,..-,..- forWddlng tt... admlttance Into TrnZnotTrx7naa planta from ?he United Btatea, ? ,.,...,-,h t.. The Aaaoclated Preea trom v ' v v.ititi.t- 2t i-nt.i.t ed tl ' Ihe Fren h "1CU"V'r^ / I ?'-'.. ealled .1 lh. Btate Charg^dAffalroB M.Tm STKTiSl^ii!." wa. ..,',. thepolntof :r,nC".on^r^frSh.nVr,ed. loiTot u,,,,,, ir Fra.. M Th heaut poh ted STh-tthewmeaBurea were quite ??"^> ^ ?ifT.itiiiK the general irade from the l nlted B atea . . i, menta of treea planta i A to France, aa the Bhlpmenta oi .. i ahrub. la.t year aggregated only I ?. and .,- of fruit MO.OO0 . ,. , i,..,,,,., Conaul-General Bruwaert. of the ? n- ..-h 1 . ; :,, ...d w-!.r?.,y lhat h. had received no offl . InfomatlOT aa;o the prohlWtlono Ameriean fruit tnd p,a?t. en.erlng France. He ml 11 J. tfor . -... time ihe frult-grt-wera ol France had been rotn ???'?"" "'rM'; ??".' which .... found on fndi ?<"'' i'l;"'!-- 'l'" |'1 ' wlthoul havlng am ofllclal knowledge o Ihe_altua Hon. he preeumed the new decre* il lt had been Ueued would be enforced .... accounl o! ihe ta . i, ;? wai dlacovered thal Ihla trouble waa ? l.v the Importatlon Of Ameriean fnill He polnted oui the fact that the French Impor? tatlon ol Ameriean fruit and ptanta w Ingiy amall, ne\ei eaceedlng I1W.0W "?'-?? ,"?' m.i.-. and more often amountlng to onl> a lew thouaand dol ira, and thal ihe new m a?uri-eou, i nol ... conaldered ln the llghi ol retallatlon or for th.- purpoae of haniperlng Ameriean traw At the i uatom Houae yeatefday ?",?????,U.*" anid thai no ofllclal notlce had been receivedI aa to ? reponeu actlon of the French Oovernmei 1 - decree It .-. ...??;.?.! would be tranamitted to the Btate Departmenl :.- W'aahlngtoii, and ? immunl -ated by lhai Departmenl to the r.-eaaury pe nartmf:., whi !. ln lurn would aend Ita Inati i i regardlng toe matter to ih- aeveral collecton l , istom* !' t ?:,.:: g . lance tt: i q i ilntlng eapor - er? with tha ra i ol lha Franch Governmenta pro hlbltlon. -* .\ i. fi I /. i \n. n .1 fi uoni: oi f MA Wi TR. london. Dac 1.-There ls no foundatlon for the report, clrculated In the I'niteii st?t'>. that a larse Bteamer, auppoaed lo t.' .1 North Oerman I.iojd llner, '.? ds-i.ere off Margate. -a ir. IT. ABTOR'8 PRiXCELY GIWT. Lond n, Dec. i. Waldorf Aator haa glran {.r,.ooo t'.war.i tha fund being ralaed, al lha Inatance ,,f .;. naral I. ird Klt, h, ner, lo fo n d Ihe .; irdon Memorial f'ollege al Khartoum, for the puryoae tf ,',,,, atli i ihe Inhabttanta of Ih Boud u ? ? ROTAL LIM1TED . New-York to Waahington daily, I B p. ?<*? wi.ite h.ili Termlnal (Bouth Ferryl and I p m. foot 14b .-rty Btreel Eaclualva I'ulitnan Bqulpment. piiiIhk* Oar Bervlee unequalled No excaai farei i li i-at tralna aud qulckaat. time betweaa Ntw-k'nrk -nd Wutlillilitoii.-AJvl. PICQVART8 FRIEXD8 ACT1VE. MBABURSB hy thr PREKCH BEK ATE TO gECURE A TAIK TRIAL Parls, Per. 1- Tho S*nate this afternoon n*1optci |be motlon "f II. Cnnstans, plaoins conrt-martlal under tho operatlon of tho law Of 1807, whieh ahollsh-s the periet < xitnlna tion of arcuaed peraona prlor to trial. An amendmenl propoalng to r-tain serret *-x amlnatlon !n raaea Involvlnc national danper waa nppose.i hy th? Miniater f"r War, af. de Freyclnet, and rejected, M. Waldeck-Roueaenu demanded urc^noy for a propop,ti t*, empower th? Court *if Caaaatlon to order the atay "f any propoentlon calculated tt hani|,er a revlalon eaae. Th*. vote was U't f*>t and 113 againat th- motlon for urgency, which was, Iherefore, loat Thr- tl*- votinu resulted ln the meaaure heinc refcrred to a apectal eommlt tee, ao that it cannot be p.iss-'d aoon enough m ap| I) to th.- Picquari eaae Legal opinion leana to tho view Ihal M Dttpuy, th,, Premler, waa mlttaken yeaterday ln de. laring thal 'ii- Court of Caaaatlon had power to delay th.- Picquari court-roartlal nnd 11 wai on the theory that the Premler had erred that If. Waldeck-Rouaaeau Introduced his hlll. The converalon of t__. Herve, Editor ol" "tn Boleir" iin Rofallal '.ran, to tho Picquari cauae to-day cauaed a tr at aenaatlon. TBE KAI8ER BACK l\ BI8 CAPITAL WELCOMKD HY Tlir BURGOMASTEB AT TII! BRANDKNBtTRQER uatf:. Berlln. Dee. 1 The Bmi eror .ird Kmpr*"? ol Germany arrived bera from Potadam to-day to r* view thc auarda <',t;,f. Their Ifajeettea wera loudly rheered, and on their atrlval nt th.- Br hnrucr Gate they arere weleomed hy UurKom.**-t.-r Klrachner ln heintlf of the city. Th.- Burgomaater referred to the works of peaee acl i' red bj the Emperor and hy the Empreas, who, n? His Majeaty'a companlon, had Bbared all his exerttona. The Emperor, iti replylng. after eordlally ahak> Ins banda wlth the Rurgomaater, dwelt ni""i ''", maanlfleent Impreralona his vlalt to Ihe Eaat I ad lefl npon him, and expreaaed pleaaura ;?' belni home iiL-nin. HN Majeaty added thal everywher* ln ihe iu- found tha Germana were hlahly eateemed, and hc expreaaed the hope that his Jour ney would help to open new marketa for German enterprlae beaidea atrengthenlng Internatlonal P*'a--e. in conclualon, Emperor Wllllam thanked ;',> Burgomaater f<-r the p.nrlntic receptlon ac? corded him by thi i ipltal, t,, which His Majeaty wlahed .1 moal proaperoua future. Then, followed bv the Iia* and atand ird bearere, the Emperor rode thrr.ii___.-M ihe Brandenburger GaU and l nea ,,f the Gi:ard_i Corpa, arhieh wen- dra*,n np along tlu' l "in. r den Llnden to ihe l.nati where th-- parada waa held. Th- Emperor drove ln -. carrlaae. Throuahoul hi* progreaa Ihechurcn i,. in were run? and Ihe crowda cneered th-' '-">" J" ror. WILL DEMAND IIls DI8MI88AL. GERVANT'a THREATENED ACTION AOAlNtT THK AUBTRIAN PREMIER. Herlln. iv.- l in Oovernment elrclei there li nn Intenae feellngagalnal the Austrlan Premler, Count Thun-Hohen?te'n, becauae *'f his r.-"t apeech in th,. Auatrlan Relcharath regardlng the expulaion <>l Auatriana from Germany, ln the courae of which hi threatened Germany wlth repriaala if th.- expuialoni wer*- contlnued it is underatood that aft*-r th*' Jubilee feetlvl liea Emperor Prancia Joaeph will be informed from Berlin that Count Thun-Hohenateln'a c *? tlnuance ln ofllce would be detrimental to the Intimate relatlona between th- two countriea. -m, TO BVPPBE8B TBE "MAD MC I.I.ill." two rutiTi'M BRIQADH ?ENT to THE swat vai.I.KV- RBBEL lUCCBMCi Bomhay, Per 1.?Two Prlttsh brlsadea have been order'-d to the Bwat Valley, owlnj; to the "Mad Mu'iah's" aucceasea over thc local tribea men. FBAXCIB JOBEPWB .n BILEE. FESTIVlTlEfl IS THK AUBTRIAN CAPITAL AKO OTHER CITlEi Vlenna. per. 1. The jubllee feetlvittea be*an thia evening with a torohllKht proceaaton In th- Itin* Btrkaae and ??* miiiti.ry lattoo. The principal thor oughfarea of tne city were gayly lllumlnati I, .'md were fllled wlth enthuaiaatlc crowda ,h,crii.K for th- Emperor. Blmll ir f#tea took plaee in other towne. At Trleate th.- illumlnationa were exceptlonally brllliant, and bonflrea bia Bed on the hllis surround ng thi city. AMNKSTY t*i AUBTRIAN PRIBONERfl. Vlenna, Dec. i. Emperor Prancia Joaeph, npon the oeeaaion ,,f hia Jubllee, the nfiieih annivei rj nf his acceaalon t,, tha throne, oeeurrlng to-nior row hai ii nted full amneetr to all leae majeaty priaonera and haa remltted the remalnder of th, ..f i.iu other prli onera. ? XO EXTBADITWlr OF AXABCBI8TB. T_.,n,lon. Dee t The Rome eorreapondent of "Th* Dall. Kewa" aaya tlw Antl-Anarchlal Conferenci now (,, Bet'tilon there haa practlcally abandoned .),- propoaal to extradlle Anarcblata, which waa ,,,.f ih. leadini mntivra ol the promotera oftha confi rei ? PROBIBITIOX DEFEATED IX MACOX. OEORQIA WOMEN WORKEO AT THK POI.UI WITH OUT MOt_B8TATION. Sfacon, Oa., Dee, l (Bpeclal) Tbe Prohlbitloa rfeotlon In thia city to-day reaulted In a rnajority ,,f twi Ka bundn d In f:iv.,r of the contlnui d aale ot whlakey, The preai nce of women waa the unlque feature of the day. it araa an Innovatlon In a eity ,A,... itrict Ideaa extat i.i regard to woman'i Bph(>re Al oui I i 'clo k thi- morning over iiv- hun. ,ir, ,l women. repreaenllw, th- exclualve clrclea of th- rity, haaten* 'l to th- polllna-pl icea, aang hymna. pleaded wi;h voteta and dlatrlbuted handfula *>f tlcketa nll the ,i,i> l,,.!_.?. Thej proceeded .moat Ibe work a little ne-voualy .i flrat, bnl boob look courage, .-ind wenl rlgbt np I ? t'i- polllng window, having the laal chance at the voter us he handed ln his ballot. In aeveral Inatancea t)., * made tbe voter cbana ? hia balloi iftei lt had already reai hi , th- flngera ol the reeelvlra olllcer. Th.- rreat f' whi* h axlated throughout the day that aome dlaeourtenj mlahl be Bhoam to tha women I "l the effeci of prra^rvlni perfa?*l order. and ti.-r. waa nol .. alnale Inatar.-'* wher<? a woman waa Ireated wlth the ilinhtent dlact urteay. \., ;t. :. . wore on, when it i.ame evldenl thal , | waa loal they >tiii k-pt np thair efforta and Inatead "t pieadlna wtth votera to gain the victory f,,r them, plcnded wlth them to preaerve their honor hv votlng f"r ptohll,!tl"n Mrs. walter B. Hlll Mra. N E. Harria and Mrs. Ifatthewa ?"f; the leadera of Mie white ribbon brtgade uid dw aood w*rk all the day long. As nii,-ht approached ? ? ... jrew to ,,i.e aide nnd engaged m earneat prayei t ...t God mieht yet kIvc tii^m the victory. Tn-- negroea \"'- I almoat aolldly for whlakey. and it I;. t,, t; , Ir .?'??? lhat the r?-sult ls due. CAPTAiy DIAMOXD CL08IXG CAFE8. Captain Dtamond, of ihe Klftn-st ?-ation. .*nd two of hia man wenl throngh th- precinct late laal nlghl eloeing np dlaorderly cafea. s,,me of ? . roprletora had learned "f the Captaln'i ap l ..;,, , ?.,,: abui up their placea, Dtamond, how? ever, found half a dosen pl.-,ee- open. ^ne of theae was the Cafl Odaon, at Bacond-ava. at. I Kirri Th*- Captain ton down eurtatna and drove out cuatomera. When th-re was no one left hut the I r.,| r ?-.'?.- .,:,?! th- twenty "waltraaaaa." he aaid brlefly t., tha latter, "Oal aot!" They beattatad. The Captaln'a men pul them out. and iMnmond ordered them ??- gel out of the pre.-in.-t. Hc left ? Bhlvering In Ibe atraal and went on t,> the next pl ice, Th-v walted whlaparad, awora. threatened. Theo ti,,. Captain came, .ind tbey pleaded Ile had aot h k. klng over i halra and dr-.mttiuK down ,1 ln K"0*1 liunior Th.- (,r,,|,rle ,,... h.,,1 :?' ii- i 'ii- 'i""r , , ||,|f ., dOI.Ih' r ? Bf#B .rbj xx ? ?,, More, were put "-it ln th- anoa ;.';.?! "Vreeta Tenaata In the houaea woke up with it- "i- Thej eheered on the ihre. i"h" men ln '?""? v'"k Tt" lr ' "???r"1K v"r''- ml"? I'1 2,,h the ruraea of the womea dflvea Ioi ? tha Btraata^ whu w*rc wandtring "out of llie precinct. ALDRIDGE WILL RBTIRB. IIF. A8K8 OOVERNOR BLACK TO STS PEND HIM FROM OFFICE RIB ACTION TAKEN AFTER IT WAS MADE CtiEAR T<? HIM THAT THB <,.<?V ERNOR ,BXPECTED IT. [r.r TatBOBAM *Q -mr. raiBUJit.l Albany. Dec l.-Georg? W. Aldrldge. Supartn ' ? tendent of Publie Worka. has aaked Oovernor I'.in.-k t.i auapend him from his offlce "untU auch ' ; time as his reaponalblllty for alleged wrong ? dotag may be Judlclally determlned." This i? ? the lirst r.-suit of ex-Judge Countryman'a report ? yeaterday, after crltlcally eaamlnlng tho evl? dence taken by the Canal Commlaaion ln re? gard to the contracta made under the Nlne Million Dollar Improvement act Mr. Aldrldge'a requeal for his own auapenalon. lt is auai.ted, waa not altogether rolunury. i Over a weeh ago tbe Oovernor made it plain " to Mr Aldrldge that he had been palnfully lm 1 preaaed bj ex-Judge Countryman'a Btatementa ' about tbe manner of the eaecutlon of the canal ? contracta, and thal If his acta were to be aub j.'.-t.'.i to ui mquley by the Orand Jury lt would be better, on the whole, ?o gurrender, at leaat ? temporarily. tbe offlce which he held to tbe care of aome .me elae. Mr. Aldrldge took tha mg . ; geatlon under conaldaratton .m<i conaulted his friends. His friends aaid Mr. Aldrldge would either ? ' havr to ask for his own suspension from offlce or aubmll ?.. it at the hands ..f the Oovernor. ? l Mr. Black bad mada that platn. Moat of them. J however, advlaed him n..t to ask for his own ' ' auapenalon, bul to force Mr. Blach to take this actlon. Th-lr argument was thal he ahould not 'even Indirectly aeem to admlt lhat be ought to , I bc auapended from offlce, temporarily or other wlae. Mr. Aldrldge hlmaelf aeema to have eberlBhed the hope up to a late hour thia afternoon that th. Oovernor might rbange his decialon In re gard to the necemlty of his givtng up hia of : ii" had another long with Mr. Black to-day, but be appeara to have found the Oov ernor'a decialon unchangeable, and to have eome to the oplnlon thal ll aaa beat for blra to aak f r his oa n auapenalon. ALDRIDOE*9 LETTER. A few mlnutea after 1 o'clock this afternoon he aenl tbe followlng letter to tba Oovernor: Albany, Deeember 1, ly!|S : The Hon. Frank B Black, Executlve Chamber, Albany, N. Y Mv i...-,.- Blr: As a reault of allegatlona or mlamanagement and dlahoneaty In connectlon with the of the canala under the Bo-called Nlne Million Dollar Improvement act. i tal Januarj i ;.-k' d that a full and complete in- ??-?! gatlon ahould Lo bad In c impllance with ih" supueetlon tli.- CommlBBlon wa-- appointed 1 bj you which r.'iul. r.'.'. its report Augus* 1 aat ;'.uslnna and atatementa conl iii.<"l ln I Bai.l report, bo f.-,t as they relate t<. thia De? partmenl .'in.'. t" fi' own ofllclal acta, ar" not warrant. .1 hy th" facta. In a atatemer.t whloh I prepared Immedlately the report was i;iv..n t.. th" publie. hut ui,'', wau n..' glven out until th" heal .'f the ? | politiral campaign was ;it its heitch-. thus rendering it Impoaalble that lt ahould he re , t>y th.' pul li. in an unblaaaed manner, i i ? ,',. ni..-, tli- strirtur."< placed upon my l .'.iii imt appear hy eounael before the I Commlaaion, and was not heard th.r.- excepl upon Buch matter as th" Commlaaion saw fit to :,.k me about. The Inqulry up to th.- preeent ? ir..- haa been purely ex part- in its character. i have from th.- beglnnlng courted th.- freeat md fulleal Inveatlgatlon, and to this end I placed .?t ,ho dlapoeal of ihe Commlaaion every factllty within mv power. Heing conacloua r.I nolthor of duty nor dlahoneaty in connectlon with th- manaKe ment of the i-anal Improvement work. 1 still court the freest Inqulry at the hands of sii<h body as wii! Accept all evldence, whether for -r a^ainst, : and weijjh lt falrly and judlclally. I belleve that : th" publie wlil auepend Ita flnal Judpm^nt as to my a 'ta In connectlon with this moat Important i matter until auch time as an open judlclal determlnatlon may ho had. and that is all I ask. However. in xrltw of th" facl that the sjvdal rr.ims.l appointed hy y..u tu t'xamilie th" testl mony and the report of the Commlaaion for the purpoee -'f aacertalnlng lf they eontained hasis for ludlclal proc.Ilnaa without poins he -^nd the teatlmony taken hy the t' has r" pnrted that th" eondualoia of that body are warranted hv tho testimony, and that I am to.-hntonliv gullty of vi.dations of th" law. ln jnstlre t.i myaelf and to ,h" puhlle. whieh I have endeavored to eerve honeatly, I ask that I be rellevi'd from tho performano" of th" dutlea of mv offlce until BUCh time as my responsl blllty for alleged wrongdolng may he Judlclally determined. Very truiv youra, OEOROE w. at.ortpof:. Buperlnten '.-"t-.t of Publie Work*. Oovernor Black read this l-tter, hut did not art upon lt t'.-dav. Soon after he had put It Into his aafe he departed for ht* home at Trov. It |p expeeted th" Oovernor will suspend Mr. Aldrldge from offlce to-morrow, and ?-.ill annoiineo whom ho has selected as the h".i1 of the Departmenl of Publie Works ' place of the auapended "fTleer. Nn HOPE OF OBTTINO BACK. Ifr. Aldrldge'a term of offlce will oxnlr? on Deeember .".1. and no , t-" b,?" ea that th Grand Jury "f Albany County will be abla to hear th" evldence about th.- canal contracta and :,,, ,,n lt !."f..r.- that day. Mr. Aldrldge'a r" tlrement la. therefore, llkely t.. t." permanent. Th- Grand Jury ..,' Albany County wl" a<s.-m ble next Monday, atul " la 'he duty "f Att.irney. General Hancock at tlma, under Oovernor Hia.-k's dlrectlon ..f yeaterday, t.i appear before i: a, ,i Bubml? t" lt Ibe evldenca regardlng Btate Englneer Adama and Buperlntendent Aldrldge in their relatlona t-- the canal contracta. Th.- Orand Jury la compoaad .'f th.- followlng men: Lealle Allen. Altamont; S. " irmatrong, Alhany; John Babcock, Becker'a Cornera; Ui.-h ard Brewater. Albany: Patrlck Cllnton, Coey ni.ins; Frank Davis, Cohoea; E. W. Derouvltle, Alhany: Patrlck J- Eagan, Albany: Hugh P. Guyer. Albany: John E Hallenbeck, Coeymana; John Hannai Watervllet; Henry B. Hutchlna, Cohoea; Terrence Meehan, Albany: Fletcher J. Onderd, rk. Colonle; John CNelll. Albany; Wlll? lam J Relneck, Albany: Frank K. Bhepard, Weaterlo; Emmel F Blade, Cohoea; <;.-ge K. Btevena, Albany: Wllllam H. sp.rrs, Albany; M.iS'-s Wentherwax, Colonle; John Weber, Al? bany; Joaeph Well, Albany, and Peter Wlde maii, I! ne, -ty? COLONEL ROOBEVEL.1 To NAME A LAWYER. Oyater Bay N. V. Dec. I.?Colonel Rooaevell may bara plcked out the man whom ha will name t" take part hi the proaccutlon of M.'sirs. Aldrldge Bnd Aiiam?, hut. :f so he will not make his so|.-r tlon publie until he has eonsultid with EHhU Root on Baturday. It may be that 'he Colonel has nla peraonal .-ojnsel ln mind, but he will not admlt it. Colonel Roosevelt i-onstders the a.-tton of Oovernor Black ln ask'.nK h! n io susruest a law>ei to take j.,rt in the caaa a> -? moal ourteoua act, an.l will ! meet li in th^ er> 1 r<t ir. whi. h th? off, r waa made WilUam J Your.jrs got baek ftom Albany to n.ght nni drova at onre to Colonel Rooaevalt'a h . 8 wiiT" he I.i id ? lonn conference with the nezi Govi rr.'.i -? E8CA /'/-'/' 61'A A IBU WA Rsiurs. THE SHKNANn."'AH JI'BT LEARmCO Og gUgPKM glOM OF IK'STII.ITirS p.-in FranCtoC l, Dec. 1 The fivir rriv.-<1 ship | . ndoatl haa nrrlved ln port, 131 dava from Bal? tlmore Th- . '.iii was the EUbJeel nf ?en- I ?atlonal atorlea m the first [.art uf th.. Bpanlah An.-rii iu War Newi ?f her auppoaed eaptura ? ia telegraphed from many placea, bul Ihe reaael man Bgrd tu elude Ihe Bpanlah gunboati, niul reached i i lafet) ii; toa "f a BrltUh tug whi. h t.ii.K her in charge "ff *i" ln-ti eoaal Sn.- after. w.ii.l -nl. ! for Balllmon and loaded t'.r iiu? city, aalling on lulj .i Her commander, Captaln Ht.itk^i u.iii mii uf hi- rourae on iliv ,r!'. lo thi-. port ln order 10 a\-<.1,1 Bpanlah w ir veaaela, .tini learned to-day f'.r the fr*, tim^ <if ihe (bial tn,. ui tba i*m and lha kigning ot tha i'.u o . DioiucoL ' JUSTJCE O'BRIEN TO RESIGX. WILL LEAVE THE BENCH TO RE?t'ME HIS LAW VlxACTlCK. to pfvotf himsfi.f hxci.isivf.iy to .irpr.M, WORK-NOW FITS in tiik aiteu i.ate pivisiov. I? was announoed yesterday that Justiee IfOT gan J. O'Rrlcn. of the Supreme Court, would soon s*-nd his reslgnation to the Governor. Just'rc (?)?;,rlen admltted that It waa hia lnt?n tlon to resicn hut snld hc did not wlsh to dls cuss tha siihjeet before hia oommunleatlon mn lalnlng his roslcrnatlon reaohes the f'overnor. , (ine <,f the Justl -t-'s former law partnrrs staled j that thoro was n ? political algnlflcance In Justiee O'Brlen'a resUnatlon three year'- before his term explrea, but that he had decided to retlre from the henrh for i.uslness reasrr.s. The Juatlee, he aaid, would resign from the henoh to takc up nealn the prartloe of law as oonsultinjj eounael. He will devota hltnseif exoluslveiy to appeal work. Justiee O'Brlen'a ,*aliry Is $17,000 a year. I IIls lor.c .-xperlcnoc on the henoh, his whi" acqualntance and his knowl^dp'. of th* hranch r.f law which he intends devotlng his attention to will enable him, he thinks, to earn a vastly larircr remuneratlon Justiee O'Brien was elocted to the Supreme Court In IS86, ln hl-- thlrty-tlfth year. being one Of th*- younsrest men cv-r eleeted to the Supreme l,cn< h in this St ite. He sorved In the C.eneral Term of the Supreme Court. before whieh all appeah vere argued untli i.y virtue of the new Conatitutlon thc Appellatc Dlvlslon of that court was oreated In nlare of the r.eneral Term. Juatlee O'Brien, aith aigh elec*.ed as a n"nm crat, was aeeigned by a Pepubllcan Oov.-rnor to the Appellate t.cnrh. boi:gitt by mr. carxegie. TUM BLOCKfl OF F1FTH-AVE FKOPERTY FASS To HIM AND C. A OOULD It waa learned ye.*tcrday that the two h!o,-ks frontlng on Fifth-avc. between N'inetieth and | Nlnety-aecond ata., aold a we.-k ago, were bought hy Andrew Carnegie and f'haries A. Oould, preaident of tbe National Car Coupler Company. The property has oost the two In veatora nearly S1.ixmi.ihiO. What they purpo.-e dolng "lth It Is kept a seer-t for the prc_c..'. just as the Identlty of the l.nvers has been from the time the sale was made until the present. Among real eatate men a rumor whieh flnds much eredence is. however. that the pouthern hl'ii-k of th" two. that between N'inetieth and Nlnety-flrat ata., ls deatlned for a puhhc build Ing "f aome kind. while <>n the upper block Mr. Onuld and Mr. Carneste wlll build new homea aldc hy slde. Mr Oould, lt !s said. is prepared to apend .<i.(?>.(mwi on thc hous.- he will build, and Mr. Carni-Kie's new dwelllng wlll he no lesn elaborate. Nelther from Mr. Carneple nor from Mr Gould, howevet, ean any hint of the intentlons of either he obtained at prese-it Mr. <"'iould. when seen y.sterdav. while ndmittlnff that he was Interested In the purchase, even d.nllned to give thc name of the lnvestor w'10 was Jolntly concerned with him. He refueed also to say what they would ?!" wlth the property when it was rcady. thoi.irh he promised to tell in a few days. The hr ikers coiieerne*i. however, when asked dlrectly if Mi. Carnegie was not une of the two purehasers of the property, de ,'11*:..,'. to d^ny the rumor. but Intlmated that It might be eorreet. Mr. Carnegie htmself, they ?ald, was the only person from whom a posl tlve statement must rome. He could not be found last evening. The two pareels in the deal eontaln thirty lots, Eaeh has a frontage of 200 feet on Fifth-ave.. and about the same depth. The lower one was ?old for about M80.000. The upper block. pur chaaed from several stnall owners, is believed to have cost rather more. Many options hav been taken on nelghborintr property on rumors *>f this deal, and it Is llkely to be followed by a boom ln the dlstrlct. -m QCAT8 DEMVBBEB8 OYERRCLBD. THF SFNATOR. HIS SON ANP THF FORMFn STATK. TREA8UBER TO RE TUIFP ON DECEMBER 12. Philadelphia, n.-e. i -ludge Flnletter, In theCourt of Qtiart~r Scsslons. to-day dtsmissed the de murrera and ohjeetions to the five Indlctmenta found hy *hc (Jrand Jury apalnst Semior Quay. his jon, Rlchard R Quay, bnd the former S'.ite Treaaurar, Benjamln J. Haywood. The defendanta wera not ln .*ourt, hut Rufua E. Bhapley, their eounael, on announeement "f the Judge'a deelaton, moved tc lr.-*fru"t the el. rk to ent. r pleas of not ?ullty. This being done. Diatrlct-Attorney Ora harr. stnted the waa rcady to pro,-c,l io trial at on,-c. and ask-d th" Court to ti\ an enrly date for th- trial Mr. Bhapley atated that the hooks and aecounta preeented ;*t the maatatratea' hearing were ro iua. Th.'se n:,tt*rs ,,f evldence he and his collengue h.i l not had an opporunlty to examlne. They deslred t,, h,.\.- nn -xp-rt c over th-'-- ae? counta carefully before they would be n ady to eom bai the allegatlona *>f the Commonwealth, and he aaked t!.;it a date not earller than Desember 12 be t'.\, ,i Ile aaid fnrth-rmore. that his colleague, A S 1, Bhlelda. had an Important eaae In th- United Btatea Court "i, Monday next which wonld prob ? upy his time sev.-r.ii days. He wou ,1 therefore be obtlged t., conduct thia trial alone Bhould th- date b, flxed for nexi w- eh ludge Flnletter ln reply to Mr. Bhapley, atated he would this eaae aa thal of any other ordlnarv rrlmtnal ptocet-dln* on th- docket, and h.- ,-oit!d not therefore gtant th- time aaked for bt defendant'a eounael. H*' had Intended llxlng Monday next aa th.- date for trial. hut in deference to Mr Bhlelda'a profeaaional enaagement on that day he would appolnt the followlng day, Tueaday, December *',. for the op.-nlng of the trial. He atated that he coneldered that .tmnle time for eounael to prepare their defenee Judge Flnletter, later ln th- day, reconaldered his dectalon ihe date of the for December ?$. und tixc-d Monday, I> -tnh-rVh :i-< the date. im mii or the APiinoniTE. A I.\IM'_ A\P RANDHOMR RTBAM TACBT YOU Cl i/isr-i. OUVKR H I'AYNF I'.ath. Ke., I'i"' t -Colonel Otlv.r II. I'iivn-'s new .;. mi viu-ht Aphrodlte waa launched at the Bath lt ti \'.',-rks thia afternoon. Sh-> waa named t-\ Ml a V:\iiin s-.-'t. daughter of Captain C. W. rt,-ott, commander of the yrcbt, wlth <* bottla of Ameri can champagne. ,. , Th.- yachl la the laraeal ever built ln ihe United Btatea, and, aa th, apeclrtcatlona demanded, the ? . -? Her dlmenalorta nre Length of hull. Wt feet *l Inchea; length *.n load-arater line. :.-* fee.; 1,,-uin ?.:. feet: *l*--_,tli <*f hold. 10 feel ? Inchea; m.-i.a draught, 15 feet. The yacht haa trinl.*0*nalon engtnea, the largeal ever placed In a PlMeure,??'?* glvina $.300 Indlcatcd horse-pow-r whieh wlll drtvj her under ordlnnry condltlona at the rate of Bftecn knots. She wlll be bark-rlggad. CARRYIX0 TROOP8 TO CUBA. THF MANITfU'A AKD THF CROTII 5?A!t. PROM ?AVANXAH Washtngton. Dee. 1 -Majrr-Genera! com mandlng at Savanrah. haa telegraphed to the War In-partment as followa. reapecttng the departure of the tranaporta Manltoha and Cbeater to-day ; with troops for t'ul-a: llanltoba with Oeneral Bnyder and the ith Ten ncsee i-le.ircd h--re at 1:48 thia morning Ohester , 1 wlth the 15th Infantrv left her anehorage alx nrwles t beiow the eity about aame hour, and l? probabiy ( row on top of the aea salllnK for <^uba Sh^ mlght have been at the bottom Of lt If ?h*- had out the day >hi- sti.rte.l I'.in.un.i sttlll here. REPORTED ARRE8T tth' QRAST C. OILLBTf. Kanaaa City, Mo.. Dec. 1 lt la atated here to nlghl that . it a i.t C. Olllett, tha Kanaaa City eat lleman wnoaa llnaaclal rollapae w--,-k revealed tbe fact ln Ieaa lhan three yeara he lm- plled up ,n indebtedneaa o( mon than n. >'.""". la under arreai aomewhere in tha Bouthweal Charlea A t heefer, pre?ideni of the Oeorge Holmea Commla ? i..ii i',.iij,,ii\ iwora <mt a warrani bara *,,-,ia>' charglng QUletl arith baving obUlned tr*.Wl by I falaa pretaneea Tha warrani ?oi placed in tho l banda ol an ofllcer, und Um *m*kmt left Um cttjr to- a 1.. 4.1.1. I ? UNDER MILITARY ARHEST. captatn's meekb and m.ef.oker, of thf: 71 st. to rk tried. rnAniKTi with insKF.spi.jirr to srrE.ttoR or FH-BI'.S IM rniTICISINO THEIR 00OMI AT BAB itlAN HILL?they WBLOMM TIIK ri.fKT MABTtAI* Captaln Wllliam F. Meeks. of C.mpany T, 71at K"Klmont, and Captaln Anthony J. Bleerker. of Company G, 71st Resiment, were plared under firrest last evenlng pendinK their eourt-martlal trlal for rrltlolsing their superlor ofTleers. This ac tlon followed an Intervlew between Lleutenant Colonol Cllnton II. Smith, now- r, mmanding the r^srim.'nt. a-xl tha two captalna at tho armory, Thlrty-fourth-st. and Park-ave. Uoth raptams adh.-red to th.-lr statem?--nt made (olntly over th"lr signatures on Tm-sday. Both In Intervtew w-lth the I.ieutenant-Co:onel denled a number of aubaanaaut atatementa pub llahed ln various newapapera, and attrlbutad to ihem. They said tbey hai been rrateilaMy mla quoted. Both of the a.-etised OfTleers deny that they t-harijed the IJeutenant-t'olnnol, then Major Smith. with eowardire. They flrmly adhere. however, to their entlre desoriptlon of the flicht at San Juan IIUI. and of the action of tho regl rn.'t.t's flnld offieers there. They say they are ready and wllllng to jtand tho trlal by eourt-martlal. and are rafher well pleased to think it la to onme, for they belleve it will clear away tho olouds that now hover OVOT tho re?flm"nt. Tho arrest was purely teohnieal, and eOMtetH ln th" notlflcatlon by Lleutenant-Colonal smith that the captalna were rellevad nf tbetr i-?m mands p.-ndlnR tho trlal. They were nrpiestel to fumish the neceaaary Informatlon runoermng tho men nf th?>ir companlee, and a!so to turn over aii bonks and papera in their poaaaaaloB to thf first Ileutenants of their respe. tivo rom panlea, who will a.-t as captalna until after the court-mgrtlal, Tba acctiaed .iflV^rs took their arrest ralmty. They i>ald that they had furesepn this result, and were wiiiimj . meet the eourt-martlal trlal Llout-nant-i''donel Smith s.ild after his inter? vlew with tho two captalna: "I have r>;eas"d Captaln Me.-ks and Captaln Bleecker. My duty now arill merely be tn formulata the .harg-s, which I think I ran do in a few daya, and f'.r ward th.-iii tn thi- Adjutant-Oeneral'a oAee, in Albany. An examining board will then be ap polnted to conduct the eourt-martlal trlal. The trlal will siniiih determlne whetber the man ao cuaed have vtoleted tnal portion ..f the .' which demands leapect ,-> aupertora I do n<>t know whetber the tnal board will conalder the matt"r ln th" slpn. 1 Intervlewa or not, ?r whether it will conflne Itaelf entirely to the questlon ..f reapect t" aupertora. Th- board. I think, will conalat of flve offlcera of \.iri"iis f.-ttiks. I eannot tell yet arbera the board w-iu si, ' After the lntervlews a number of 71st Regt mont m-i clUBtered about the hallway, t<. know what would be done with the two rap talna. They were nanim.-us in th"ir wdcome ..f th" eourt-martlal, and said lt would <-lear the atmoaphere. -m GOVERXOR TAXXER fXDICTRD. THREE COUNTI AOAIKBT HIM. ORi iWINQ ol'T OK TIIK VIRDKN RInTS. St. I/Mlls. Der. 1. -A dlspateh to 'The Repuhl'r" fram Cartlnavllla, III.. sa>s th::t the Vlrden rlot Orand Jury mad" its formal report to Judge R B. Phlrb-y tht* evenlng. Th? (Irand Jury returned ttUB bllls agalnst the prlnclpal partli-lpanta ln the trag . Iv of Octoher 12. at Vlrden. Ten Indi-'ments, In volvtng flfty peraona, arera returned. Agalnat John R Tann.T, Oovernor of Illlnols. there are thr"e emints for palpabla emlaalon of duty and malfeaaan. t in .ftice. Froderii-k W. Lukena, g.neral manager of the ChlcagO-Vlrden <-'oal ( ompany, in rhirged with manslatighter ..ti twu cOUBta With I.ukens Ma deputlea, Krenk \viid"r, .1. i". Wlcklea and .1 II Bmlth, are Indiete.l for th? kllllng of L.^.^ph <Jlt terelle, a Mount Ollve miner in th" indlctaaeata. agalnsf Oovernor,.r. the COmpUlnlng Wlt" nmmttyt ,r.- Joha Oraham, Wllllam Mltchell, W iam Wllaon, Clarence Roaa and <-h.-ir!.s stewart, employ^s ..i the ChlcagO-Vlrden Coal Company Th.y teatlOed that they arara Intlmldated and pre vented from followlng their legltlnuta mpliy ment by an armed body of men. numberlng or.e tho'isand. who unlawfully and feloniously were a? sembled tn Vlrden. URS. VOltY O.V TIIK 8TAXD. SHE TEU.3 HOW SHE HD'AMK EN1AOED IN TH3 ANOCLL-OOULD CASE. Albany. Dec. l.-Tne third day of the trlal of Mra Margar-t CodjT for the alleged blaekmaillr.g of helra of the Jay Oould ?" was .if-v.-".i aimost excluatvely to th.- examinatlon and i-ross-^xamina tion of the defendant. Her eroaa-eaamlnatlon waa not en.Ud wh.-n th- eourt adjourned thia afternoon. In re>ponsc to .juestlons from Mr. Dutfin. her coun M'i, sh.t told a Btralghtforward atory aa to her r? lat-i.ns with Mrs. Angell's r:.*e, and her rrosa-ex amlnatlon, whi h a .< tondu t..i for the proeerutlon i,y l... Lancey Slcoll, waa ?*' -i prellmtaafy r.ature ami iii.l not wi iken her atory. M,s. Cody aaid her attentlon was ral rd to the cmjtm bj an Intervlew bi "The Roeky MounUta .n.w...' ..f Denver, In Deeember. UH with Mr. Plerce. ln whieh the latter araa guoted as sastng that ins wlfe, Mrs. AngeU'a daughter, wa* the daughter of Jay Oould. st;- had on s.-v.-ral oeca itona been employed to look up relattooahlpa. and when eb.- aaw thia Item ln tha paper she begaa *rre?pondence with Mrs. Plerct ?J??^,nfBIlS tniitt.r Elahl montha iht ahe vlalted Mr- Angell Htu- ; r. ut. and. aft. r talklna tha matter wer with her. agreed to try and "'?^'?"riSSS1 ;l marriage between Mrs Angell and Jay Oould Th- matU- wa, then advertlaed n tba n.-ws n.nen and latei tt Mr Bpeer ealled oa her and ??ke.l her if ahe would .-om.- to Albany to tm bia "usln Wllllam McMurtrle Bd er. M-Murtru, ^..r call ?! on ti-r th- n. xt day, and l.t-r h^ ia led with Amaaa Parker, jr.. .-f t.-tis city. aad thei . r.i. r. .1 Into :. contract to act aa counae^ ror Ur* Cody Bhe waa *o do the work to aecura the proofi of tha maniaga Hhe ther told of h< r hunt for thU proof, anil neveral lettera were read bj her rounael from <lif f, r.'i.t peraona, who aaid they had knowledge of ih.- marriage, An affldavlt of Mary Ann Bhlelda. if Champlaln, waa read, in which tlu- deponent iwore tha' ln April, 18M, >??" aow tha Ref Mr. Lelahton many -l >: Oould ". Mra. Angell. Mr? <'..'l\ latei .ju employed the law firm or \ & Cameron of thia city. an her eoui ln "Xp alniiiK the letterr on which ihe ??? in Ucted for Wackmall, Mra Codj aaid >!.<? b?d no ntentlon "f blacKmalllng th- <;..u!il helra, and that .h" wrote th.- lette a ln lha Intereat of her eiienta md not nf berw f TRAX8P0RTATI0S V' R8T10R DtBCVBBED* NO IM.MEDIATE CLOgg OF THE JOIXT 111011 OCM> MISSI'iN'S WORK EXPECTEH Washlngton. De.- 1 -The Annlo-Ameriean Jolnt High fomniHelon held Its usual *e?elon? to-day. iransportatlon txcronn the border being the prtn -ipal subleet of consideratlon. That no Immed'.ate -lcse of the segslona is expeeted araa ahoarn to-day hv tht Issue of ;nvltatlon? from the Britiah hni hafsy for a receptlon to the comtr.lssion on De -emher 12._ PRICE CLOBEt CASIBLIXG PLACBii Captaln Prlce, of the Tenderloln statlon. acoom MBled h> v-'hlef Devery ar.d about a Aotnn de ?"ct.ves. made ralda on two allefed gambling iou?es ln his pr.vlnet about 1 o-clock this morn ng rh.? nrM ??? run by a man nam?d Eole. al ff? < West Twenty-elghth-st Mere ten prlsoner* vere taken and two wagon-loada of gamblln| ?raDhernalla were conllacaied. The aemnd p,ec? Iret-ei -? - OLOXF.L Hlt'YW TO REJOIV III* RB0IMEX1 l.inr..ln. Heh Dee l Colonel ****' J Mryai itarted thia evenlng fm Bavannah lo rejola his reg ment Hi- furkmgh doea nol exptre until Deeem ,r .".. hut. hia health being fully recoverad. he Ml i !?!. duty 'o return a number ?f prominem po Itleal i.'iid.'i ? among them >x Congreaaman Tou ? ind Thomas r pgtteraon, of Denver. have he.-n U enfaranca ?ui. CwmmI Uryun tbu u?i vmu.