OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 04, 1898, Image 6

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Jnbet to &b?erti8emtnia.
Part. Page. <*l.
AmoaemenU . 1 ? H
AnnouncemenU . 1 *_ .?
IUuikera and Ilrokere. 2 * ?'_
Breoklvn Aflv,rtlaementa . 2 fj *>
Brxvklya AJvertlaementa . 2 8 B-?
Board an.l lUvmi.. 1 *_, ?
CM* H.tela . 2 ? I
IMvlflend Notl.-ra . 2 BJ -
I.ressmaklnif . 1 J) ,*
r>cm??tle Sltiiallnna Wanted. 1 IJ ;'y.
anropeaa A.lvrrtlaementa . 2 0-9
Xacaratona . I 1 *
Flnan.ml . I J
Fir.anolal . 2 ," I
raralaaed Kooaaa . '
Help Wante.1 . 1 ?'
Hnr.fi> an.l carrlagaa. \ ** . *
Marrla?e? in.lPeatha. 1 * W*
Mlarpllan^uii . 1 *t Pj
S*m Jeraey Artvertlaementa . 2 4 5 i
Re.,i BMate . I *? 2 I
ReltRl.>ua Netlrea . . 1 1 I
fperlalX.-.tl.-ea . 1 I
Trtl.ur.e Butecrlptlea Kat.-a. 1 *>
Wlater ReMwii . J ft n *
W rk Wantf.l . 1 ?' ?*
Dnoinroo Xotitfe.
Carl H. Bchultg'a Ptire and Correct mlneral
?r.-.rr* nrr u ? l b] o*ar TS* phyatetana in thelr familiaa
?Vrw^ark 0 wifi ?ri*mu\
77//; Xf-.'irs 77//.S M0RX1X0.
POREIOM -No J.dnt BBOalona of the I'eare
Commtaalon*ra waa held In Parla. the Ameriean
Coinnuaaionera not having reaclud an agree
ment on certaln polnta; ih* next Jplnt acsaloa
will i.e held to-morr >a The Phlllppine ln
aurarents have raptured the Important town ol
Capis <'n Uie laland of Panay;a PiUplno named
Cortea who W on his way to Waahington, haa
been dtoavowed by tb* Plllplno Junta In Hong
Kong - Queen Vlctorla visited Netley Hoa
pitai and presented medala to wounded aoldlera
bom tb* Boudan. ? Nlcaragua has lssued a
decree r.suming Independent aoverelgnty, owing
to tb* <oiiap.se of tbe i'nited states of Central
Amerlca The malntenanc* ?.f the Drel
bund la thoughl to ha\.- been rndangered hy the
re.-ent apeecn i.f Counl Thun-Hohenateln. -
Th.- Purneaa Lin* steamer LondonUn was
Slghted on November 2i* ahand..ned, with no
?lgna of life abcard: she waa bound from Hos
t..n to London. and carried a crew of elghty-one
men ----- The werk of cleanlng the atreeta
Of Havana under Ameriean auspl.es was l.e
DOMESTIC. The bIow progreea of peace ne
gmiatlona In Parla la explained in Waahington
?* being due t.. the great care necessary ln
drawing up CV*n th* nun..r fcatures of the
treatv . The Hawallan Commlaaion ha*.
Completed its Mll fnr the gmerninent ofthe isl?
ands. and placed it ln tb* Pre*ld*nt'a hands
: The War Department Inveatlgatlng ( om>
mlaalon heard further teatlmony ln regard to
the transport aen'lc* and equlpmvnt of the
Arniy Tb* Qrldlron Club. ->f Waahing?
ton, gav? a dinner at whlcb Prealdenta McKln
ley'and Iglealaa, and many other well-known
man wr- among the guesta ==The propri*
tor of a hotel al Duryea. P*nn., waa kllled hy
burglara who bound a aervanl glrl and blew
open and robbed th* safe of about B200.
A:; e?plo*loo In a coal mine at WHkeabarre,
r.-nn.. mjured ihlrteen mlnera aerloualy. -
Th.)-.- la atl i no n*wa of th.- Bteamer Pentagoet,
now elghl dava oui from New-Tork to Hang..r.
M, The atudenta of Wealeyan Unlveralty
voted to pr. teat agalnrl tb* ayatem of coeduca
ti. n ln prai tlc* there.
CITY Btock* wer.- flrm und acttv*. = Blg
mea were kllled and one waa injured on the
Mallory Llae steamer Alamo t>y the ateam
whirh e*cap*d because of the hreaklng Of the
main pipe leadlng from th* MlW-r to the engine.
John McCullagh. Btate Buperlnt?na*nt of
Electlons, announeed that he had heen coramla
?loned by Preaidenl IfeKlnley to organlae tne
Havana pollce. and would atnrt for Cuha on
that nilsaion this w-.-k ----presldent Orr of
th.- Rapid Translt Board lssued a stat.ment
cutiining the two alternatlve propoaltlona for
maklng posalble the hulldlng of the under
ground road, ln splte of the debt-llmll obsUCl*.
=r=r^ it waa announeed that Wllllam H. Porter,
Vlce-ir.sldent of the C'hase National Hank.
would become aetive vlce-prealdent ot the
Chemical Bank. ?====_ The report of C. C. Mar
tn. chief englneer of the Brooklyn Brldg-v de
cla'lng the Brldge tobe perfectly aafe, was made
publie. -3-=-Cdonel Rooaevelt apent a short
tlm* ln the clty, conferrlng with Messrs. I>epew
ar.d Haanrouck. He started then fnr Boaton.
Wllllam Thome and Wllllam Inskin. B"*
lsh delegatea to the convention of the Ameriean
Pederatlon of Labor, arrived in port, and were
entertalned ?>y the Focial Reforrn Club.
THE WEATHER.?Foiecaat for to-day: Rainy
and cooler. Th" temperatui* yesterday: High
aat. 4:: degreea; loweat, .'?> degrees; avcrage.
avy degreea
TlM promltcd atatcment on Iwhalf of the
Rapid Tranait Commlaaion, of which more <>r
leaa Inaccnrata forecaeta bad alraadj appeared
!n prini. was mad* pQbllC yesterday hy Mr.
Urr. To be entirely frank, lt will al Bral bt
generally reitarded aol as boldlng out proa
pecta favorable ta the comptetloa of t!n> task
ou which tba Commbwlon has Ubored so long,
but ratber as an ofncial acknowledgroent <<t
greater obotactea than had commonly baen
known 10 exNt. To siart with. tlie report COtV
eadee that tbe present olty pf New-York has
so far exceeded Ita conatltutlonal dobl Unill
thar a new gppraLaement eannot retaonabl* ba
expeeted, n.-xt year or for 1 ir*>o<l wliil.* to
rome. tu provide meana for tb* monlctpal con
Btructloa of uaderground roada The Commla?
aion ronsequently conaldera itseif conflned to
two alternatlve conraea, l?'th of whlcb might
be lutborlaad In aadngk lagtalatrea act. namely:
fli A reojuaet for leglslatlon maklng the rapid
tranbll road an aaaci exclualvely of the county
of X w-York .'.-'.rougl s of Manhattan and Th*
Bronx), aad correspondlngly making th.- deht
Incurred r>r ita conatru. tion a cbarge exclu
alvelv upon th.- county: and i2> a requeal for
teglaiatlon euuldlng th.- Hai-id Transit Board, In
Its diacretlon, and if. for any reason, construc
tlon by th?- county is fi'imd to be Impractlrable,
tn frain.- and 8*11 tr> prlvat* cajiHalists B 1 har*
ter for tb* 1 ad.
Tbe Conatltutlon of tbe Statt has doubtleaa
been commonly anppoaad to forbtd tne flrst <>f
these alternatlve*, but Mr. orr's atatemeni is
accompanled by an oplnlon from the counael
t<? tbe Board, In whlcb other lawyers of repnte
are known i<> agree, tbal tliis la a uii-t.ilte
proceedlng from an lnsurti.flral atndy of the
oru.niif law. The clauae of Ibe Conatltutlon
to whlcb Mesara. rihepard and Beardman give
this unnsual Interpretatlon is ,v followa:
??\viieii. 1 < i bereafter the boundarle* of any
"city ahall beeom* tba aam* ns thoaa ef a
?'counti. tbe poiier of tbe county to become
"iinlehte.i >ha'.i eeaae, hut tba deM af the
"county at Ihal Um* ex lat Ing shall not be I11
?viu.leii as a parl of ilx- dty debt." Thelr
argnmer.L In brlef, is tbal tbe detarmlnlng
worda of thia clauae are "bereafterM an.l "sliall
become"; ihal at no Um* Bubaequenl to tba
adopiioii of tbe Conatltutlon was tbe Reograpb
bal Ideullty of Sew-Yorg County and tii*? f>?r
nier city of Xew-York created, and >? inaequent
ly tbal tlio borrowlng power of tbe county has
not i'i-:iseii. hut can ba employed f<>r tha ron<
stnirth n <?f anuetgroani] roada, after tba Leada
Jatiir.- aball bar* moillflH ihe ttapld Transll
a"i lt ls never safe 1 1 antlclpote tne declaloB
of :;ii aj.pellate court. but Ine r*aaonwg oi
eotinael on tbla polnl aeatna t.. be acenrate.
There !>* another point. however, to whlcl
the. pay little or no attentlon, i>ut whlcb h
perbapa of etren greater Importance, in th?
s.iik.' artlcle and sectlon of Ihe Conatltutlon 1
ls nrotided that "any dfW hei-eaft.-r Inciirrn
??hy any portJoa or parl "f a olty, lf there anal
"hi- any Buch debt, sball b* Included lo iaoer
"talnlng 111<* power af tbe clty to 1.ome otlier
"w.M- Indl bb .1 " W ll** clauaa Bral quoted per
mlta tbe county of Xew-York to contracl a na*
debl for rapad-traaalt rsiwpoaea, Ib* other clauai
would al flral tlioucM Beem t.? mean ihal anj
debl ao contracted would h) ao noch ditnin
ish ifae power of lha eity lo eoRtraci lodebted
nea*. and lla?fafor* in tlie praaaaBl .-ase woul.
paitly, BfiaOlly Of more tlian offset tlie DaW
D:nrgin exp<<te(l to he eroflted by a new ap
pralseujent a eondltlon which would not bl
"Mirutcd In oppoaltloo to thia rlaw lt U
repreaanted that the Court of Appeals has held
that a county Included ln a clty ia not a part
of that clty within tbe rneanlng of this clause
of the Conatltutlon-^aB a ward or boroiigh is.
for example? but ls a dlstlnct olvll enilfy. It
is certaln, however, that no stioh cotiRtniotior
?wlll bo acceptod ofThand. and whatever tnay bo
thought by indlvldiinl lawyers. the propositloii
to wbich the Rapid Trnnsit Commlsslon strong
ly incllnes involvoa qtiestions wliich must bo
flnally settled bf tbe Court of Appeals before
nny progress on that llne oao b* niacle.
Assuralng that the county of New Vork could
legally lend Its oredit for tlio purpose wliich the
former city of New-York npproved at fhe polls,
tho Board favora that soiution of tba dlfuculty
for rariooa laaanna, but chlefly beeauae of the
enormoiis prospe.-tive value of tbe undergroun.l
roa.ls. which. in ihnt case. th<> j.ple of Man
hnttan and The BroflX would own. without
baving given one dollar for them, thf law ro
iiutring the contractors to pay an annual sum
BUfflcienl IO cover the interest and nltliiiat.lv
axtlngntab the' debt. Prlndpally on this ae
cor.nt tiie Coiiiinissioii jirei'ers county coiisinlc
tion 10 tbe otlier alternative sdieme of an otit
right snle of a rapid-transit franchise t.? prl?
vate capltallat*. Bnt on th* other haud. it
ought not to be forgotten tbal publie pollcy ami
sentiment nre generally averso to opeiatiotis
of this sort. and the strongest argomenl in
favor of munlcipal constru.tJon of nmloigroun.i
ronds. when tlie jieople voted on tlie ipicstion
ln 1884, was tba ?eemlng Impoaalblllly at that
time of ever aapplylng an Imperatlve demand
in any other way. Altogether It is eviilent that
the Raptd Transit Oommlaaloa has fnrnlahad
nn lnteresting topio of iliscussioii. nnd one
Whlcb is worthy of the most atteiitlve coiisl.l
aratlon. W? havo little doubt that under
ground roada wlll ho in oporation on this side
of the Eaat Kiver within a coniparatlvely sl.ort
time. A necesslty which becomea more urgeiit
aliri obvioiis with every ilevelopineiit of siir
fnce railroad transportiition must ultlmately be
supplied, nnd even DOW there bl reason io be?
lleve that nt l.-ast one great corporatlon ls <lis
posed to undertake tlie work. Th- flnancial
conaequencea of conaolldation an.l the attitude
of the. munlcipal guthorttlea bare compelled
the Rapid Tranait Commlaaion lo propoae new
methods of procedure. How ihey wlll Impreaa
the.. courts. the Legialature ami the people n
malna to bo aeen.
Some of tlie oppotients of the so ealled "lm
perialiaf1 pollcy which has been good repub
llciiilsni fcr nlnety tive years put forward
what they regard as a perfectly crnablng argu
ment In the form of a "deadly parallei." On
on* side they range ilie long llne of former
Becretarlea of Btate, from Jefferaoo to Olney,
under th* head of "ami imperialists," "Little
Americana,*1 etc, and on the otlier tlio two
Becretarlea of state who bare been Identlfled
with the acipilsitlon of new territory under the
preaent Adminwitratlon, Then with wlthering
Barcaam they ask if these two are greater Ihan
all their pnileeessors.
The point ls not well taken. It might have
some force if the fundaiiiental preinlse were
ornvt -namely, that the former Becretarlea,
from Jefferaoo to Olney, wer.- all antl-ezpan
slonists. Hut every BCboolboy -wilh acknowl-,
edgmenta lo Macanlay- -knowa ancb was not
tne eaat. The tirst on Ibo llst is Thomaa Jef
feraon; the tirst expanalonlat; the founder of
what in that day was fearsoinely ealled InV
perl.'illsm; the Preslilent who doiible.l the areft
of .mr don.ain l.y annaxlng remote terrltorlea,
occupied by aliens an.l savnge*. an.l who did
so and set up a governmenl over BUCfa terri?
tory without asking the coiisent of tlie inhab
ltaiits. Why. Jeffersoii was one of the most
rami>ant, rambuactloua expangtonieta, lmperinl
Ists an.l Jingoes the world hfls ever seen. A
little way down the llal ll James Madlson. He
was .leffersou's rlgbt-hand man ln tne taah of
foundlng tlio '?enipire" by the annexatkM of
Loulalana Next is James Monroe. who set
fortb the Doetrine so bated by tliese same crlt
les of expanslnn, and who contlnued tlie "im
perlallat" pollcy by anncxlng Fiorlda. After
him ci.mes John t/ulnoy Adama who alded and
abetted him ln bls Imperialhun, and wbo went
further and declared that one of tliese days
we must go beyond contlnental llmlta and
annex the Island <d Cuba. Next Henry Clay,
, the Bupreme knlgbt-erranl of Jlngolam, wln.
! not only wanted to flght Bnropean Powera for
; th.- llberatton >.f Bouth Amerlca, hut would
'. have Intenrened in purely European affalra by
| declarlng war against the oi.pr.-ssors of Oreece.
Is it to bim the antl-lmperiallata tum for com?
fort? After an Intervai of one come* John C.
Calhoun. claaaed as an ' antl . xpanslonlst." Ye
goda an.l little fishes! That niost aggreaalve,
ardenl lonj, whose guiding Btar was Imperlal
Isni an.l whose programme was to take Texaa,
to take CaUfornla, to take Mexlco, to take
??ererytblng In Blghf- is he to be made tho
patron salnt of Little Amerlcal And Wllllam
I.. M.'ircy. who bad* tlie real of the world ke.p
hands off Haivaii, a klngdom destned to be
<mrs; an.l Wllllam II. Sewar.l, wbo added to
tho "emplre" without the eonsont of Its Inhab
Itanta a vast, remote, allen mnl aarage land,
not contlguona to but far leparated from tba
Cnlted states. nn.l .b-stineii never 10 be erect
ed Into a State. but perpetually t-> be held as
n colonv or SUbJect provlnee; an.l Hamllton
Flsli, wbo wanted to annex Si. Thomaa and
St. Jolin aud Snn Domhsgo; and James <;.
Blalne, whom these same criti.-s plctured as
slitlng up o" nlghts aeaklng what he might
grab an.l with whom he mlgbt autlr np a mc
tlon; aial flnally Rlcnard Olney, of Venexuela
Message fame, and <.f moal favorable disposi
t!,.n toward tho expanslon of the RepnbUc'a
,!,??.,.? tbea* bo thy g<?K 0 Israd!
dii tlie whole. we an- not aorry the att-mpt
to draw a parallel has heen made. The paral
:,.i may be deadly, bul nol t.. the present \,|
ministnition imr to th- greal rentury-old pol?
lcy wbieb lt is sn faltbfully maintalnlng.
It aeema time to Bpeak plainly oa the
aul.ject of aoft-eoal amoke. i'or montba pasl
the nuisai.ee has been ateadlly growlng. The
number <>f chlmncya emlttlng sneb amoke has
iiKTeased, and the amoke Itaelf has become
more black nnd dense and foul. The Health
Honr.l has profeaaad to take the matter up.
Bnl down to the preaeni day no abatemeai of
ihe nubmnea u pareaptlbla. The oeTeudlng
rhlmneya are Just as oumeroua and tlie Braoke
K just ns black aaever. Beelngthat the Health
Board possosscs practlcally autocratlc and abao
lute authority la aucb mattera, the auaplctoa i?
paturally an.l laerltably arialng tbal ll is not
maklng Bucb ua* of Ita power a- the publie
welfare deman.ls people argue thua: Uie nul
Min.e . xisis; It Is wltliln tlie power and il is tl.e
duty of the Health Board to abai. il; but lt is
md abated; therefore the Health Board is oTera
||d ln duty. lt would be grullfying to know
tbal that conciiision ls not correct.
The mo't aerioua feature of tlie case is that
every lay'a delay in abatlng ibe i nlaance is
mgklng its Boal abatotneni more dihVuit. nn.l
Indeed nwre probaamatle, If yon g<> ta a maa
the moment he baglna to ooTend an.l deal wltb
bim aharply, ha will .pii.klv naead his way*
witboul demar. If jroa tatarate his mbadeada
for u little time, he wlll dispute the case an.l ln
slst at lotist upon 80*0* time for reforaa and
soine ci.iiilltloDH of compromlse And lf you let
him go on long enough, he wlll clalm that hia ain
U a reatad ialereat wltb whlcb you hav* no
boslnese to meddle. Some yenrs ago n few con
ccrn* begnn usiug soft coal nnd btting the
Bauokeeacap* uncotiaumed. The Health Board
took prompt nctlon. an.l tl.e nulaanc* was
nbated without delay nnd without protest. At
the present time the auleance baa beea t.dcr
ntod so loug that its perpetrators are em
iM.idened to resist liiterfereiicc It wlll not 1k>
long liefore they wlil elaim thnt the befoullag
of the city xvith amoke an'l BOOl i* OBal of thelr
nataral and InaHenabl* rights.
IM there be no DKaTC delay. The nienace Is
too moustroiis an.l Immediate. Where a few
months ago a single chiinney aaal oal a rJotjd 10
Im- a blot upon the aky, .1 dozeii or a BCQT* are
now l.elcliiiig fortb a verliable sea of foubic**,
maklng ihe whole atmoepbere undean. Thar*
ls no more Impemtive duty before ihe Healtb
Board t. 1.-111 to tave tbe dty from this blaek
peril; an.l ther.- is aon* more obrkMBB. Aay
'innn wbo has eyea .an aee where ihe offeedera
nre. And, kBOWlag Wber* t!???> are, it is difli
?ulr to aee bow Ihe Healtb Board can exeuse
Itaeif lf it falla to bring them 1.. book.
"Early to bed and early to rise" Is a Pliila
deipiiiu proverb. Ev*r aince tho daya <>f Benja
min rriinklin that ?iiy has cnjoyed repute as
s place of stai.l virtues au.l moderate bablta.
People were aol aapnoaed to go there at the
pacc tbal kllle. Hut it seema that Phibadelpbla
\ lias lately heen losillg its h.-ailiy sleep, and .1
j movement Ifl oa fool among its. aoctal lculers
| to reatore the good old daya of Poor Rlchard,ao
that young men an.l maiileiis may have n bet?
ter ehaiiee t.. grow wealtby an.l ii lae.
Whetber tbe mta aodal houra against arbicb
Phlladeiphia revolta are laie abaolotely or only
relntively w? <lo 11..1 know. It la poaslMe thal
the Phlladeiphia brain requlrea more Bleep than
the Xew-York or Baltlmore brain. and that
very mlld soclal dlaelpatloa may be bM much
for Quaker pladdlty. it is perbapa true. bow
ever, that all social lll'e is carried on at too
late houra, and that ererywher* devotees of
soeiety are suffertng for lack of sleep. and Phll?
adeiphia, true to its Boporiflc tendenclea, was
only the Bral to realhe tba fact and enter pro?
test. If tbal is tlie case, l'hilailelphia is en
tltled to creiiit, not least beeauae of tlie cour
nge raqalred, as some of the PbiladelpbM
papers potntont, for a town wltb Pblladelpbla'a
reputatloo to sturt a moremeal in favor ..f
more aleep. Cowr ls glven t<> tba rlew that tb*
dltMiulty ls 11 general one by tlie sympathy
whi.li tlie movement r.drea from the aodal
leadera of Waabiagton. Oae woman of prom
Inence there says it is n plty thal young mea
Who liave to l.c at tln- offlce early iu the .rn
ing ahould l.c compelled t.. born the camlle at
both ends in order to enjoy any social Hfe. As
for li.rself an.l Olber w..111.11, uho have a
chance to make np aleep In the forenoon, she
does not like to lie abed all tlie morning, an-l
she ronsldera it ;i wlcked wnste of time.
\.iw ii may be anawered in behalf <>f the
true bntterfly tbeory bf -..nti thal "aoclety"
does md exlal for the snke of, bnl rather to
g.t ri.l of, tlie young men who have to be be
liiinl tlie count.-r al 8 a. m. and tbal 1.ple
with Pnritan coaaclencea, wbo ar.' ahocked at
any "wlcked waate" whlcb eontrlbutca t.. tlio
gayety of soeiety, have no reaaon ior being in
soeiety. Imagine the company of cariton
House or Vei'saill.s arrangtng its plana beeauae
Bomebody ha.l t.. !?? at ibe offlce in the morn?
ing or beeauae it was a wasle ol* time nol to
he up with ihe lark! Wlwt woiill young
Charlea Poi have said tf aomeliody ha.l told
him lhat a puMIc servant. Memlier "f I'arlia
ment and I'nder Becretary, should _-.. to bed early
so as to bare a clear bead i'or th.- publie bual
ness: Thal Waahington haa a aodety whlcb
reggrda the nexl morulng'a clalm on Ihe imt
terfly'a time and attentlon showa ii?>w far we
have departed from the old WorM Idea of bo
plal life. Wi- have. in.ice.i, made water aad oil
to mix wbea we hare whal a Phlladeiphia
paper calla ti"' "rery cream of -<>ciety" not
only welcomlng tlie young men who have tn
keop offlce boura, imt actually confeaslng that
lt conaldera their convenlenc* an.l aeeda
Tln- coBBtlag-room young man has long beea
!n soeiety. but it has I.D a pleasaiit flctlon
of some of tlio "oream." and often "f the young
maa hlmsrlf. thal he was imt ihere, and i?
ha- often beetl pltlful to BC* the yOling ttikXt
and the "cream" both pretendlng that nell .? 1
had any connectlon with trade or anythlng to
do bnl .lan..' .nn! lalk Bnd sleep rll noon. The
young man knew hc could nol aleep till nooa
and that 110 valet would prepare hia bath, but
that ho muat leave the boardlng house promptly
at 7:30 o'clock, an-l the "cream" knew it also.
Hut It long perslsted in horing Itaeif with a
pretence of idleneaa an.l Irreanonaiblllty. lt is
good to aee Phlladeiphia an.l Wasblngton fadng
factB. It may yet become faahlonabie tor tbe
cotlllon leader to say. frankly: "l mual !?? at
"ihe teller's window on time, an.l 80 can'l stay
"out later." Iint that is a long way from th''
fashion iha' mtikea s. rioua responslbillty un
rasbionnble. We bope it will prevall, f**r it is
Btraigbtforward and honest. lt sulta a country
where everybody works lietter than .1 aoclety
whi. li lives .rn the pretence of general idleucM,
siich as l.ouis XVI knew, bnt wbieb doea not
exist bere at all.
Only a Bhort time ago many tnouaandfl of
almpletona bougbl llcketa at rxtrnvagant pricea
for seats at the fraudulenl boxlng matcb be?
tween Corbett an.l Bharkey. That waa aa lm
pudenl a job of trb'kcry an.l Ihlevery aa ever
took place among thumpeni In this town. A
mnltltude <?f atupid dupea were Beeced ont of
the money whlcb they bad pald t.. see a hat they
aupposed would be a h.ird foiight com bat bc
iwc.n ih.- sllver-tongued orator t.'orheti and
tln- iron flaled gorilla Bharkey. Both Ib* orator
and the gorilla, an-l th.. managera <>r the Im^us
conteai a- well, oughl '?> \?- in tl"' workhouaa
or tlie pi iiitciiti.il>. and it i- not t"o much ta
say lhat lt would he a greal gatn i'or decency
an.l tie- general welfare if every raacal uho
jiiits on glorea In a match for money, ami
every scoundrel u'ho is concerned aith the
maiiagem.iit of Mi?h matcbes were t<> he abul
np for a long lerm. Corbetl an.l Bharkey,
Fitzslinm.iiis and MeCoy, Maher an.l Jeffreya*
and th.- whole iroop <<f professlonal flghtera,
ona an.l all. are offenslv* nutaancea, an.l ihe
roguea who arrange Ibe cheatlng exblbltlona
ln which these fcllowa meel oughl nol to !<?
allowed to prej upon the puhlk' bereafter.
Blcycle conteata prolonged for -i\ daya and
alx nliihis are no better than the Corbett Shar
k. y derlcea for begulllng the aimplc and ina
siliy. 'ihe men who take parl in theae bIx
daya' abomlaatlona are, as .1 rule, merely tba
Bcum an.l riffraff >*f rldera, an.l the managera
uho are responallde for thelr performancea are
u.-ii.-i 11 \ nnwortbj of publie confldenee. No
hoiiornbie an.l high mlmled maaager would dla
gra.v hdi.seif bj |iromoting auch repulslre ai
hibitions. an.l it waa nol aurprialng thal Ibe
traek was fouad ??? be Bborl at th.- btal *i\ day
conteai which '.m.i. pbice in Ibla .-ity. The pro
motlon and eontrol ..f theae affalrs are nauallj
In the hands ,,f t'ne rreatures who ns* pii/.e
Bghter* as Instrumenta for misleadlng an.l de
Bpolllng crednl >ua iilncompoopi The Horton
law, wblcli fostera and |M*oteeta the hrulaera in
their cblcanery ami coaenlng, onghl never to
bara been paaaed. II Ib u*ed aa a means for get
ting larg* auma dtshoneatly, a- ln ihe ense of
tie Gorbett-Bbarkey raacallty. lt oughl to be
repenlod by the Inciulng I.eglsiainre. and that
Legialature ought to take actlon which wlll
put a stop to the scheroes of the unsorupiilom
trieksters who get up kunvlsli boxlng matche.
nnd slx-days- blcycle c.ntests. <>ur locnl au
thorities cannol be trusted lo do thelr duty ln
regard to th.se things. We must looi to tln
I.eglslature for relief. No soiuid reasoii can
be Miggested why these abtlsos and evlls should
be lohratfd ln the foreniost State of the l'nion.
Sluggors and swindlers and slx-days* wheclers
should be cast out and kept out.
A recent arli.'le in The Tribune on the work
of Dr. J.yimin Abbotl arouaea "rhe Byracuac
Btandard*1 lo nroteaa againal tbe proprksty <>t
B8*istlng people with reiigious douhts 10 "reeon
"eile the tellgiOO of their tl'.l.litiolis with tlie
"secular thoughl <>f their time." "The Btand?
ard*' dedarea that so far as it has been able
to judge tb* help so given "con.-i-.to.] in abat
"ing the claims of religion until tlie ilesil'e.l
"r.-coiicilialion was complete," and it says:
"Siieh asaUtance can hardly be very neefal to
??a peraon who wisbe* t<> retaln 'the fahb onee
"delivered to the saints.' If lel.glon nee.ls to
?lie adjaated in xiievy generatloa t<> the muta
"hle fashion of secular thoiight, lt eannot be
"a thiug of much value, or < ne that mea will
"reapect very long."
Now we should not wlsli to iindermlne "The
St.mdard's" reapect for tlie most coiiservativc
artbodoxy, nor do we wiab t<> argaa tlie cota
paratlve aterita of wbal are commonly ealled
tlie old an.l n-'w tlieology. Hut we wish to
polnl out that Dr. Ahboii or any otlier clergy
inan Wbo alleinpls to adjust religion to the
inutable fashion of BCCUlar Ibougbl dOM notli
ing more than accep! an.l cordlally w..rk in
accoid with an irresistible tendency which his
operated in erery age on every llrlag religion.
It may be au open queatlon bow far tlie cua
lo.iian.s of religloaa truth ahould Ihemaelvea
join in ihe work of adjustineiit, and bow far
they ahould be coiiservative ami yleld t? tho
Inevltable change only by bIow degreea. There
is much to he said ol) both sides of that ipi<-s
tion. <>n ii.ne hand there is tlie danger of
keepittg ihe . hur.-h a gatjeratloB bebind the
thoughl "f its moal progreeaiv* membera an.l
so far weakenlng its Influence f..r good. Oo
ttie otii.r there is the danger >>f moving abead
BO fa.-t as to puxxle and distiirb slower work
lUg inln.ls an.l of lettlng the Chuich as an in
stitutioii, Inatead of merely maklng reaaonable
progreaa, gel adrlfl an.l jeopardixe its dlvlne
an.l Immutable cargo, Hut wbntever be the
gol.len mean of pllotage, the fact remains lhat
Cbriatlaaity doea cbange from age to age to
-uii ihe tinn- an.l prcs.-nt its perraanent body
of truth in adjuatmenl with th.- polnl of vi.-w
of Bucceeding generatlona .ui'l dlfferenl races.
There is a transienl element in fHirlatiunlty
whlcb is Inseparable fiom it as beld by mun
dane beinga, who grasp Ideoa only in concrete
aud partlal form. So much .lo men Iind their
own ino.ie of tbougbt as pondttloned hy th.-ir
time ami Burroundinga to tbem a neceasary
parl of the religloaa eonceplion that ii is al
moal Imposaihle for many of thcm to regard
th.- nagn wltb a dlfferenl fashion of thoughl
aboul a particiilar truth as boldlag the aame
religion with Ihemselves. This is what l.-a.ls
lo sects and r.-llgloiis wars. Tbe dlrlae truth
III.IV be 111 eacb seet. hllt !l ls 80 iilelil ill-"I With
tln- rarloua wrapplnga of bumao conceptlon
that to eaeh aecl it Beema hardly poaaible tbal
it should really be ln more ihan ..ne.
The Chrisfiaiiity of the lirst ceiitury in Tal
estine was very dlfferenl from thaf found a
few years later ln Rome. The central truth
was iii both, bnt one was preeented in the garh
whl.h aultrd Hebrew thoughl an.l th.- other
in the fashion wbieb th.- Romaa could under
atand. The greal Bucceaaea *>f Cbriatbinlty
were in adjustlna Itaeif to the mutaMe fashion
,,-' leculsr thought, in being an Orleiitai r<
liglon to Orientale, a Oraek religion to Greeka,
a Koman religion to Romana it waa only
wh.-n it ceaaed to be ao adaptable and Inaisted
.rn crystalllalng ita phlloaopby that !t at times
temporarily weakened Ita hold nn the life >.t'
Ihe people. Sollie of the wisot foreign lllis
alonarlea now are frank t.. aay thal th.- great
ral obatacle to rbriatlanUIng tba Eaal is th.- at
t.nipt to make Cblaeae and Japaaeae ami Uin
rtooa Ameriean and Engliah Chriatlana, with
Western concepi ona of phlloaopby and Ihe
ology, Inatead of Itelping them to translate the
chrisf Idea in'" i'iiiii.se. Japaneae and Hin.loo
feellng, tbonghi an.l rharacter. 'Ihe Church <>f
Rome is often thoughl of as the lype of the im
n uiable in ti.ktgy. I'.ut as a matter of fact.
Rome has heen pt-euliarly given to adaptatlOB.
II, r tlieology on many to her essential toplca
has changed much even ln four hundred yeara.
[mmaculata conceptlon an.l Papal Infalllblllty
nnd transubstaiitiation are illii-iratioiis of this.
At one time Platonle an.l at aiioih.r time Aris
,. (eiiM) phlloaophy haa been the prevaillag
fashion of thoughl ln the church. and tlie re
Btilllng Btructnra of theology bullt aboul an
Identleal rellgloua truth i> Boraelblng vaatly
d fferenl In the two coeea. The most orthodoi
Cnngregatlonal theology prevalllng to-day
would have many apologlea to make to Cuttoii
Maih.-r or Jonathan Edwarda. They aaw re
llgloua truth with tbelr secular niin.ls. and
men of this generatlon aee it with niin.ls
tralned In the faablon of to-day.
Th" fact that the s.iine truth can bo so dif
i, reiitly Interpreted anl stiii be of rltal sig
nitiean.e is ..in- of ihe most convinclng r.-v.-la
tlona of its ilivinity. I.lvlng things eh.-inge
tbelr bodlly form an.l outward aspect. It is
,,nly dead things that are erystallize.l and lin
iiio'iibie. Men reapect Chriatlanlty, and lt ls
of value to them beeauae it caa be adjuated
i,, th.-ir changtag Ideaa la splte of men llk?
th,,.,. wh... havlng ti.-.i it np t.. ihe Ptolemak
conceptlon of th.- nnlverae, Inaisted that "the
falth one delivered t<. th.- saints" would l<
wrecked utterly lf lt waa reeonclled to the
\l.i\s of Copernleiis. lf Phrlatlanlty w.r.' to
day what lt was in the iii.l.lle Agea mon woiil.l
DO( reapect it long. It la beeauae lt aeti
fortb tot.iiiy dlfferenl ronetptlona <<f this worid
;,n.l the next from what the masses of that
tnn.Uld in tlie Last have appr.ciate,] that
lt ii.il.ls ih.- reapect an.l Influencea the llvea of
iin- men <>f this utter day.
Tha greal cltlea >i<> imt barea monopoly ..f r.^
f.riii movementa Here ls ihe qulel little bam
i,., ot Keedlng Hills. in Hampdeo County,
Ma**., iu which thero has been raging recently
ii r.l'ii'less war againal ckJer, Tbe leader of
Ihe anl! Clder war Is the lb-v. Oeorge W. Croa
i,y. the lletbodlal mlnlater, who aeema to think
lhat I'ee.ling Hills is a iiio.lern edition of Bodom
nnd Qomorrab rollad into one, and all i.anaa
aome of Ita aeren bundred an.l flfty Inbabltanta
drlnk ctder. hn cruagda againal this deadly
nmi seductlve bevecage has brought out tln- fact
tii.it ih.- Keedlng "Hlllalana" are addlcted to
other aoul-deatroylng rieea, as. fnr laataace,
daaclng. Indeed, "the wick.-d worabippera >.f
Terp-lchore." commonly known as "Torpsy
Ko.ir" iti le.il.ng Hills. cama ln for a g.1
abare >.f tbe preacber'a deeanclailon. Hut it is
underatood all aroaad thai danelng and otbet
klndred vk?ea, auch as amatenr theatrieala and
rard-playlng, ar.- the Inevltable results of tln
cid.-r di'inking habtt. Eren tbe most atald dea
Cn feels within liiniseir a str.nig dealra to
"anake a footM aa aooa as ba has partakea <>f a
gln-s of sw.-et clder. an.l. as for "h.ud" clder
I goodne** nni) knowa to what deptba of tarpi
i tnd* ii .an lar* Ita bnplaaa rletima
au aoeounta agrea tbal Mr. Oraaby is u most
xeuloua aod cousclcuttous ?u.<lat?ri aad e>uirc
for* wheu he saw Fcedlng HlUs hecdlcssly
inarching to destructlon be determlned. If po?
slble, to BBVe lt. Ho began by prenchlng a ser
moa eartJtled "A Mldnlght Alarm." taking for
his text 'Tp. get you out of this; for tlie I.ord
will destroy tbla place." The auaWOtaTM was u
grapble racHal of tba wl.kedness of Keedlng i
Hills. "You doa't have your salo.ms here," BC
aaid; "but vou havo your liquor dives; you have
-your clder. Hut the mldnlght alarm ls
"aounded. <>h. frlenda. take b?.ld of God to- j
"night and be saved!"
[| l?. however. discournglng to note that Feed
Ing Hiiis dlatinctly rafuaea to cooasfJer itseif on
Ihe down grade. Some of the best famllies con
tlnue 10 glve parties at which the young folks
ore allowed to iadulge m tba "Jlg of BataaM nnd
tlie "qulckatep to hell." And lending dtJaena
: vebemently decbire that, all things coaektered,
Keedlng lllllx is ..ne of tbe most moral and law
ahi.ling villag.-s in New-F.ngland. It Is true
tbal aome foUu drinft aartei .-i.ler, tbey aajrj bul ,
] th. \ don'l tOtJCb lt when lt ls "hard": they just |
let it tiirn Into vinegar. and thus add tO the in
duatriai resourcea <>f tho vlllage. As for Mr. .
! Crosby. th.y add. be Is 11 good and well mean
Ing man; bnt be ls only twenty-four years old,
, nnd lias a good deal yet to learn in regard to
moral erueadea This is the present condltloo ^
i of the great Keedlng Hills refortn niovotnent.
Mr. Crosby is silll BOUndmg mldnigbt iilarms, I
but sweet clder coiitiiiues to flow l'ke water. nnd |
tba boya and glrls are taking dancing leaaona
from a "professor," who comes twlce a week
' from Bpringflrld. Mr. Croaby, bowarer, bi not
i dlacoumged. H.- rememben thnt lt wns onee
? "Athanasiiis rotitra iniiiiiluin." an.l why, there
1 fore, aboold be falter beeauae Just now it is
Crosby eontra Keedlng Hills? He has plenty ?f
^ii-tr. and It would not bc nt all Btrange lf be
w<re to do away with cider-drinklng i.i Keed?
lng Hills, In whlcb case, of course. tbe thrifty
cltJxeua would aell it to the dealera in Bpring
A w.ek ago to-day New-York waa eovered
With a P'Jr.- white l.lank.t. T-.-day It is wal
lowlng In (Ilth. And ifcCartnejc eJalma to be
happy In the conaciousnesa of duty don.-:
Th- actlon of th* Princeton undergraduates
ln taking stepa to abollah hazing la exeaedlngiy
merltorloua Hut why did they plque curioalty
by omltting t<? preacrib* th* meana by which
anclent college euatoma ar* t.. b* Invlolably
? _0? _
Defendera of tha men who mar tged th* canal
Improvement malntaln that they are ahle,
honeat and conactantioua This is pretty nearly,
i lf not quite, cqulvalent to malntalnlng thal th*
, Improvement was well managed, and is now
| in a, conditloa credltablc and advantage iua *?>
Hv Btata. Do they accept thut conclualon
from th?lr j.reml.se? <)r if not, why not?
It's a little too aoon f'.r the Phlllppine babea
to get gay.
Commlssloner McCartney saya he !s pleaaed
with the progresa made in clearing away the
snow. w-ii. h- oughl t" hav.- a few atreeta
clear a week after a anowatorm.
Secret.iry Aiger's recommendatlon that tb*
enlarged Army Pe partly recrulted from among
tb* Inhabltants of newly acqutr*d territorle* in
which it wili tu- to a gr*al extent employed la
auatalned hy reasoti and by the experlence of
other natii'tis.
One of the flrst acta of Oeneral W.1 ut
Bantlago .;?? Cuba waa t" ref'-rm and vastly
Improve the achool ayatem. General Kltchener's
, flrst act concernlng Khartoum Blnce his r>-con
quesl **t ti... place is t<> raise. 1500,000 for th*
eetabllahment of a college there. That Ih what
Angio-.Saxon conqueel meana to-day?the bulld*
ing not of fortresses to enslave the people, but
of BChoota to edu.ate and elevato them.
To ask indlana tn ..t.ej game lawa ls Ilke ask
Ing ehlldren not to vlell tbe augarbowl.
Ii la to be hoped that McCartney won't publlah
a book on what he doean't know about Btreet
cleanlng. Buch a productlon, if complete, would
Inevltahly Incraaa* the prlc* ol paper, ink an.l
tyi eaettlng.
lt la obaerved that the preaidenl of the Cni
veraal Peace Soeiety la paraded io the fore as
an opponent "f the annexatlon "f the Phiiip
plnea He la the Individual who recently aought
to enter Into polltlcal correapondence wltb a
governmenl with which thia Natlon was at
war. Hia whole career is a conalatent one.
How would 8 tunnel t.> open up S^uth Rr<v>k
lyn Le aa a aubatltute for ..ne of th.-. Mayor**
To a gratlfylng BXtenl tha people of Now
Y.>rk have done thelr duty promptly and thor
OUghly ln removlng sn..w and lea from ihe ald*
walkx. afeanwhlla Tammany Commlaaloner
UcCartney has heen giping and yawnlng in?
st..ad ot worklng affectlvely.
Aocordlng to the chief enginec- of the Brook?
lyn Brldge tber* was aoma "outrageoualy un
halanced loadlng" of the gr*at apan In July
laal That is exactly what ?as charged ln
these columna, and what was at the time
atranuoualy, bul as now appeara falaaly, de
Mme Jane Hadlng and h.-r company h*V* Just
flnlahed an cngauenient ln Ifoacow with great suc
cess. Thev are to appeiir next tn St P*t*r*burg
and Flnland. tiii.l afttrward at 8t.ickln.lm
An exchatis" of decoi itlon* took plaoa betwaeo
PTanca and Bpaln arhan Preaidenl Eaure was ln
reated with the (lolden Piece*. Montero Rloa r>.
i.h'.l th- srainl cordon <?f ihe Legton ..f Honor;
Oenir:ii Ballloud, the Prealdent'a aecretary, r..
celvsd from Bpaln the arand cordon ?<( mllltary
ni.nt. and lf. l.- .lall. director of tha Prealdent'a
Cablnet, received th.- arand cordon ..f naval merlt
The Queen Regenl of Spain alao received the grand
cordon of th.- Leglon of Honor Bhe la th.- thlr.l
Boverelgn wh" poaaeaaea this m.irk of Prench tila
ttnctlon, tln- oth.-rs being the Dowager Queen
Emma nf Holland ..nil .-x -< ji.?n Ranavalona nf
Madagaacar. All European aoverelgns. with the.
i x eptlon of tha Emperor of Oermsny, Queen Vlc
torla ..i.'l tie- young King <<f Bpaln, puasess th.}
Qrand .'ross of tln- Leglon ..f Honor,
Nathanlel and albert von Rothachlld, -.f Vienna,
have eatabliahed h foundatlon ..f MO.OOO, tha ln
coma of which ln to t.<- uaed for tt,.- aupport uf
mualclana, paintera, a. ulptora and draughtsmen ot
the Jewlsn falth Appllcanti fnr Ra beneflta must
li- Austrlan cRlscna
ThU atory is told ..f Commlaaloner Peck, during
tus r*c*nt ii-.it ln Parla: "Llk* all Amsrtcana, ho
araa not to hr put ..ut l.y irittes < mt ulnht nn
excttad bellboy woke him by crylng thut the hotal
araa on tir. lion near la tf' he w.in j.-ked 'ln
ihis corrldor, monaleur, st No '.J.' "Wvii. thia
room'a N... M>; call me again when th* Dr* g.ta
|0 HV "
Tlu- l.ile lir. M'.lss WM for ni.iiiy years &*IM r.il
Bharman'a phyatclan Onea when tba aoldlar com.
pjatnad, "Tour MufT'H dolng ma n.> good," ht- re
plled; "Take Bhakcapeare'a advlce, then, and
throar lt t.> th* doga.rhera aro too many vatu*
able ?!? ?kh ln our nelghborhood." replled Bherman.
Ifma Wll* Lltvlnn*. neii knowa to r*c*nt fre
. iu.nl. ir* of th* M.-;r .piilii.ir. Opata Houae, hts re
cantly made a BMCCera ln Parla by her ilngtng of
laolde'B p*rt la a eonccrt parforaaancc ot the flrst
act of "Trisian und laolde" complete At the tirst
of n>-xt year Bhe .s to alna laolde tu a productlon >.f
"Trlatan," ti tha Qrand Theatre at Mlca La
moureua has promlaed i<> conduct ih- nrsi t..r
fi.rni4iic?. Hur,
Mrs Rertaah <;...ii.l Mltchell, who died reoantly,
wns il-.e l.int iii.li iii "prtneess" ln Maaaachuaatta,
und vnifi ^ui.i to be .. llnaal daacandsnl of Maaaa
Oaorga ii llollleter, lh* wall-kaown lawyer, of
Clnclnnatl ?h* h..s jusi died, w,i* a olaa* frtsnd of
Pr**lacnl Hsyea He araa .. natlva of Plattaburg.
II v . and '...- ?'? old Rsvoluttonarj itock, his
tiiii.inul great-grandfathei Bavlna b**n a aoldler
under Ethan Ail.n
i.iln.ii.1 Qewaa Aaay, tha crlmlnal lit?).r, of
Cblcagot wbuaa danth la m.nuuu.^?.t ?** a natlva
of Phlladeiphia, ani went to Chicago tn taa. Ha
wn- famo.is for hia eloqtience and personal power
over a Jury, ..nd for many yeara waa ecnaldered
rh.- laafflng crlmlnal lawyer of the West. Ha re
tlred from actlv.- practlce In PW. and llved at
Oregon. ttl.. until UbV, when he returned ro f.'hl
nigo Bwtwaca x*m and ib*# hr aecumulated what
ls said t i have h.?< n the flnest prlvate llbrary ln
the fnlt.-d Itat**, most of Ihe worka In ll being
devoted f> Kntrllsn literature. Mr. Asay was
always fl D*mocr*l In pollttcs, t?ut hr never held
or asplred to offlce.
In spenklng of his f-lection to tho Rlshoprlo of
lowa. the Hev. Theodore N Morrlson (Kplacopal),
of CbleagO, said the ofh<T d.y I have bt*n
paator of Kplph.my Juat twenty-two y-ar* to-day.
I eame her.- on Dcc*8*bcr 1 Wl, and after thia
long pasforatc lt Is hard fo make up my mind ln
.1 f.w h'.urs i h.ive not recalved tne oftlciai aa>
nouncemenl -md cannol mak* Bay de?talon known
until It r.-ii'-hef m. lowa Is a Bplendld nlnor%4t
?nd I* one ,,( th.- f. ? Btatea not dlvldi-d. I m-tAe,
no scttve csnvaaa fnr tba Bleaoprlc. and rnasi
?juently ll comea t.. me la the nnture of a ?ur
prise I will probably acoept. bwt it li n? tnay
niatt.r to decide t., leave -> church llk* Kplphany
after ao lon* a perlod aa paator."
The Kev. Wllllam Ingrah;im Itiven. of Itr^ok
llne. Mass., who has heen .-I.?< rh d B*cr*t*f7 ot tha
Board "f Maauujera of th.- Ameriean Blble flo
clety. ls a. s.iti nf the late Mishop Haven (Bt?0>
.Iud?e M K n.ker. cashler of the Hallowell 'Ma.)
Savlngs Instltutlnn. who ..l.-hrated his r.lnety.
aecond blrtbday kual w**k, attenda 'f> Ms ofrW?j
duiiea daily. _
A Boston womin. BSeSCtkBg a hat af r mllllnera,
asked c.mtlously. "I> tb*re anythlng about theae
feathers that might t.ring me Into tre?bt* with
the AildUbOfl So'letV" "Oh. no, m.id-.m." said
the mllllner. wln. was frorn London; "the** teath
ers. madam. ar.- th.- featbcra of a Bowl; nnd tha
howl. you know. madam, Ls more of a CBt than a
l.lr.l "
Enjoyabl* at a Diatance "We would havo had
n pteasant evenlng if ll had nol b? .-. f.r '.nn ot
ibr moal IneunTerable little roungatera who mr.
SVer .illow.d t'. Mt up lat. "
"Why. whal w..* the matter with Bha?"
"Oil, he |a one >.f those chlldren thal aay tha
amart thinga thal tlct n - ti h when wa r*i<\
ahoiit tbem In lh* newspapera and tf...' .inve u?
dlatracted when ara have to llaten to tiam."?
(Chicago Post,
M.-r.. la a (uvenlle atory plcked up l.y "The Ch|
oago Newa": "Whal brigbt eyea you have," aaal
tha visitor tu Bv. Tommy "Tcu muat
get pler.ty of ah ap."
"V.-s'iii." 1.. anawered: "my naamma mak.M me
go to bed every nlghl al s. o'clock; '
"That's to Iceep >? i ie ilthy " aaid tha rl Iter
"No, It aln't." repll. i th youngater "It'i i i aia
ean mend my clol hea "
A I'i nn Case of Buleld. Mt ? r.. ?. ? Hirry
Homeworth'a .1- h - ???? rery mya
Mr I. ?.. T ll ' ?: ? '? ' on
t.ikini; hl m< dl In. i l, i.lew
el.-is' \\. ? Icly,
"The Booki h?ard of a S ol h pro
f. pa ?!? -.-. ra* if
athletlc ?-.?.-:-? i'i i: ? tha." ha i rl*4?
"iise.I to awlm ?? Tlber b*?
' i reakfast." Tbe B oteh profi imed.
"Mr, |f< Allletei .*-'... We sl .11 be
glad t.i ahar. ya ir "i i* an nl The ? ? ?
Bcoi n pll< -1 "i ??? thlnkli g, alr, 'hat tha
Roman you thi mu l have left thelr rloihea on
the wrong bank al tbe end of th?fr awlm."
He looked up from the Brtlcle he ?? ? Ilng
arith il..- Ruperlor alr thal rr.sn Invarlably aaaumes
\*. hen he haa dlacovered mmethlni i ema t.i
r< ']? ? i .ni the ludgmei i ? >:? ? ommon iena< of m
"An authorlt) of your own aeg." h- a*ld
aerti thal sroman'a srma sre crooked and - i
generally mlsehapen ln tbla rtai and generatlon
i.i cause of the outlandlah a ay il e dresses, and viia
baan't aei k . nough t.. kn..w lt."
"Naturaiiy," she r..;.li.'d.
"Why naturaiiy0" he ilemsnded.
"Beeauae," she explained "there never was one
ao mlashapen yel that .-one fo.d maa wouldn't
call h>r ni angel and In other aaya w.iry her
Judgment."?(Chicago Poal
Th.- x w-v..rk correapondent of "Th* Phlladei?
phia Ledger" says that a f-w aaya ago cx-Sena?
tor Hill dln.il wlih a frl. nd In a publie. restaurant
ln Aii.any. During th* maal Beven iicmocnta
from dlfferent part* Of the .State entered, and.
aeetng th-- ax-Benator, walkad up to him and ehook
hands. In eaeh Instance TfIII ..-'?? .1 "What wa*
tha matter with tb* P*B*ocratta vote tn youf
county''" An'l eaeh time the reply eame: "Toa
B8U*h Crokcrlitn."
"Vou have an ek-gant and spaclous home," pald)
the paator. "Vou have I.ka, a | i.ino, a daughter
who can .-iNg and play, and everythfng to maks
home allurlng. Why don't you throw your houi.i
open some evenlng In the week for the beaeftl of
ilu homelesa youna men? Ifou miKht save nikiiy
a on* from the i lub and - loon "
"Young men?" said the waalthg member
"There'a one of them who ...men to my house sla
evenlngs In the w...k' What are you talklng
about, do.-tor?" Chicago Trlluine.
'Tolorado'a opnortunlty." saya "The Denver Ra
publlcan." "ls ln gold mlnlng. Oold la the ona
produci which doea aot n.i iieg^inK for a aaarkat,
whl'h always brfnga B i ..-rt.iln price for whi. h
aii the worM is clsmorlna Colorado han i in-i-at
sbundanc* of tii;> commodlt) Tb* total go'd
product of thia suuc wili thii y< . far above
138,080,008 in valu-t. I; umv approach rloaa ro ft)
000,000. The ore has been found In many mori
Ihan twenty looalltl** Who can plac* deflnlte
llmlts upon thelr development? The time has
come whcn a ciimpal.cn ln the lnt*r**t I f sold
mlnlng a? Colorado'a chief Indoatrv abooM ba
begun. in the development of tbla Imluatrg hei
Colorado'a gr-at opportunliy."
Human Natur*. "Vou know " aaid the collector,
rather plalntlvely "you aaid that you a ".'?' pay
rn.- if i . ame to-da)
"Well." anawered Mr Blldew i I bear
In mind thal hunun natur* la human i u ir The
beal of ua aometlmea >..y thinga ti ?.' ar* are .-.-rry
for." iWaahlngton Btar.
"Now, Qladya." iald a mother reported hv "Th^
Cleveland Plain Dcler." "if you arak. ip early
Bunday be a good glrl and He atlll Perbapa roa'B
go to aleep again " Bul early Bunday morning tha
chlld was out ef bed aa uaual and .Mrn.- pattertag
Into her moih-r's room "Oladya." crl.d tnamma,
reproachfully, "you'r* a naughty giri Now so
riRht back to bed again. Her*, ru tuck you in."
?.. ih.. mother aro*t and eacorted th* wakefnl
chlld back t.. har b*d Qladya crawled under rh*
cover*, and h.-r mother made her as comfortabl*
as posslbt*. "Ni.w ' aaid ihe .(uid. "glve m* aoa**
thlng to read. pl****." H*f mOthCT ' II ? '? Xo tha
bookahelvaa "What do you wanl " al s..n.
"<;ive me '.F^wp'a Pabte*.' aaid Qladya Bl i t< k
tba i.ook with a happi amlla and h**d it ttghtty
ln her anaa "Now." ahe aaid, with a : ng-draam
atgb. "I'U *'?<?? HU >":| *-*B ui. Aad i know wh.it
I'U road ru read Tha Cont nti i Aaa.'" And tba
little phuoaopher opened tha magtc I k
A I'lev.-r Bcbeme Mrs, Holmea Whal X-**
chanaed Oeorge Oollghtly ao? H. I t i '?
htc arlfe scandalously, bul now Mt devotea to
Mr Holmea Yes. .she had her i?>rtr iit placed on
the dl.il ..f his aatch and his frlenda, who *
he'a olngle hav.- been aaklng to ba Introduced to
her. i.i.wiiiis VVeekly.
This is h..w "Th* Bal! Laa* Trlbun*" te?grata>
latea a raiiway offlcer on hia marriage: "A ihou
s.ind congratulatlona to Buperlntendent Welby and
his happy change of domeatlc atate May bia rar
vf life alwaya i- a palace, aaf* sver on tt.- fui**
raiis. amooth ..> though rosei w.r.. iha I
an.l happy as lf there wara no aucb thing- ln the
world as oompetitlv* rat**. Ha now haa a n inep"
ol> , may he n.ver |OM hia Blgb appi. . lati "? tt
th.it bleased prtvtlegc."
When lie Works He WSS slltlnif with hll feot
on the desk Induatrloualj amoklng when lh* t*?*
payer enter. .1 Under the i Ircumai mcei lt i ma
hardly necaasari to aay tbal he was .i pubttc o??
C "Yi.u ar* r*markably w.ll pald for this joh." iJg*
k,-,.,lc,l the laxi ii.r
"Noi wban yo'i conalder the work necessary ?*
K^t' it," anawered th* offlcial (Chicago Beat
"Th.> Delta Ught Houa*." ol Qn mvlll* Miaa.
edlted l.y a colored man, prtnta tbla i mrwkal
delphlc utterance "Tb* race troublea In South anl
North Carollna wara Just horrtd. Bowm one, no
doubt, would uke to know our vt*wa "" tbal aasa"
t,r. Wa can atata In Bhort t>> Baylng thal wt'1'
out ibe abaddlna of blood th.r. is no maabaaea of
-iu.- our anawer i" tba above Baat*ao* aaay aaa
t>e ttppr.iial.il- lli this on.-. li.H w- b*H*V* thut *H
rac*a mual ahed some blood before tb*y ean IM1S*
s. v true Iove f.r the country In whieh tho bev*
imtiii.erat.it. ii h true thal th* aaaorad aaaa xm
been In tiiin counlri i n"***i long tnn.. lut hu hu
a good long way* to .-?> yet."
Mi*ht Balanc* Hbnaalf Boma Tbbm "Wkr ****_
you marrj him?" the> ask.*i ,,f iia. b**uttful fara
"| do ii ii im?? him " -' ? i. pi:> i .
T.i. t ,t'? th*i iald. "Don'i be old-faahtoneO.
Hi > wortn a million, und i> alraad) oa tb* araaa
of tha y\r i\< "
"On th-- hruik. y**," ah* anawered, bltterly, t?ui
I aaa t<>M that he haa ha.l aaaiarlea** as aa
aguUlbrlal Who knowa h.?w long ha may b? *>-*
lo mlMlf llioraT"?CPIttabtttg Chroulcl*.

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