OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 05, 1898, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-12-05/ed-1/seq-10/

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With our
Holiday Opening
Oriental Rugs,
we ar,- oflcring
Extra ?luality
whieh arr- worth ant. cost about
double the price of regular
Turkish qualities,
at JO CtSa
per square foot.
whieh U much less than the
cost of importation.
Lord ?3 Taylor,
Wmiaaa C. Mnrris. ?n nrt'st. wha llvap In Bound
Tlew-ave., ln Ihls vlltnge, has proairted t.. Ihe
Weatebeater Countj Hlatorlcal 8 I ??> an .*!i
palnUna of the old PhlUlpae tenant-h iae. In Harta
dsle whlch for Keneratloni led by
t ?? Hart ramllt fter i m thi llty whlch is
x- ith if thia ' named The housi
the oldeat In tl s rich ln hlstoi
I . .
?t v r ? . estor of l ?? I ? '
Har-. by the ? mlly ai
ln exiBt. ii... writl
prl ? f the I -?? nd 174 acn - . cd at so
tnany htiah I ? I n n ? *. ti other prod
uce wh l( the ? xa ?? io utli ii ol th* houae I
. ia 1 ? : -.?.'.' -
j ? - -. : - i. .-n hiiiig on i - vv i uf the so ??' > s
Th* troul' the _ il It brl k
?r-a-. em? it betweo Ihe i of the irack*
wh; - : ?
l.. ?-..
tbe 11 -?
f,,r the
i, rul oul In the for i
tha ? ? ? ?
away from the i
.? ran .-.?.- snd th.
., .. . ? -..... ?? . i- ? ? ? -
Oi rg. Vt'ei
P.-it'ti ' it Mli ? ?'? '?' Frenci
Revo ? ?
.\ mei ll .* Wlll h- 1 ? 11 N*0 '?"? M ill -al tn
gnorrow .*.--? for tli.
? ? ? rmed rank ol lh. Knlahta of 1
The leadlng affalr ol tha I Iday aeaaon wlll he
1!:'. Ut.!:: ,;.???. Rld Of the N*. vv Ro
... H pltal. wh h lhe i ? N. -v
i ?-.".:?' I ?
in lh. ,'???
noon ar.d .-oi I tl
Vi'llBPl It. | f
tlona and novelti. mnvn
iv .] Thi
Bii ; ? ? i - ?
the 7th I'i :?? - v
earh ( r ll
The N. w i: ? ? ?
Oul] i h work. Th.
f.rr.'t'in , Annle R '.,''?
y.'ir ' i : "i ? ::. nt* Wi'l ?'? ?:
The ? - ..????.:?? I ?' -
Oeorge A. *.
County Mi 3 . ? ? ?- VV An
tl. r- ?!., ?' ? ? f Mr n . M-- - n
FOIl. of Chi I ? ?
v f the 1 ?
Instltuted veaterd.iv In Hiis
y x ? : ? ff. of Yoi kers
thn ? - vv ? ???
The nce ? ? .......
ber*, ?*
l.iii. i.f tl ?? .*.;
Ml "NT VKRN'l iN".
T'-itr ln in Patrlck O'lro* n Bal
n.-.'}?? a rald oi e at I ' '? I
i ? .*- .1 aeven i Is o upled
1 > Mnrgnrei )'? ? i ? Man*. who
w ? i. ,: t< r
. ? '?.?????
to Patroln I l
; i a tr. ? ? ? ? nd 1 - ? :
1 th.
Two of the i ? ?
by a
? ' ? :
tion. mt-n
r ???-.? ? :
tb. a - ? -.-. ? . v, -
Ti:o ;tr.r.:; i I - r li f the Port CheBter Hoe
pltal wlll be held next Satui day I N
llali '? - - - ?? ?:?>?..?
lt wlll ! ?? ! ?: . i,f M* * XV T
W. i" .? . Mrs. ID ? i I, ??' i Mi - .1
V r. te, Mi niic. J llli.ii .. - "
Mrs. C. 8. 1 n. -? ? M .Iv
The varlous 1 **
to-nlghl In the i
? ? . ? . ? ?
aaalsi u t. to l ? - i ?? t ...
ANI A iiav:.
Jamen B. Leatei i foi n in for tha M v. P i li -
Compai v, v. ? . ? -.-. thi i- , ? ir i ? ?! .'
largeporl I ? H kM nta i, tw?>i 11. nrn-th
of >.";. i-i'.. ? g | I
???-:- al - ? '' ,' ?
Ii,,on. w ..
);i,t I,. - . ? ? ' .
made to start in I . \
cr. to bed ls I ?
4 : fln. - :
_. vent) -flv. ? ? rlver, to set ofl
dynamlte ;
The bl a a t n
In the af t.
OUt. I ?:?? f th : Ho |
v. . i.t lo .i ? I ll .- ?
? , :? ii. i .|.. of his !?]
. ?' h:a handa w:,s bl -.a . ? ?? Dth.-r men
?aa, r.- i;r.-.i',v frlghtcn, ' .- wenl o L
e Injured m a - tak . ?
*-?-.. r.-iiiyvl t., lhe prlvut. r _>r. VV. < .
SJ -K' eby
tru- evenlng I.ester waa bro .??.- to Ihi cltj
j placed ln Rooseveti H ; ?- 1.
.... of Boul li r. ' o .. fifty yeara
, , : He baa i. wlfe, but no ch
lAMEkTB V. /.. 'in nta \\ KirERBART.
alxty-flfth annivar irj ol Bt. Jamea'a M. ".
Eplacopal I'hurcli, Madiaon .-. and Om
? l-and-twenty-alxth-el .v ? ?? ,, i...
i ? ? yeaterdn) Thi re wei i ? ratloi
. ?
n tho foi ?
1 ... Kara B. 1 :;.
? ? ? f tlu- H;ir
? .! I ?' '
, ...... ??.. . .
? '
...-...'? ' ? ?
: llarlei my. ln i
' ?
Fi.in th i
? . .
hy Hl
RRI H / .',' - Ttt Ml I T HERE.
A n ? ? ?? f tl represeniatlv. f tlu
Btatea ;
ln lh!
....,-?? i
No. ini Kasl I'i: ? ? ' ? ? !
tha i : ?''?? ? '
Ifi^r at ih>- Ai i Hall ??,'.: i' .ik .,v,,
lt I- ' ? ? . f ti..- : r. va .... Utlons
fsl)ii.i< upon t-'ongreaa tu ibollah the vv?i t.ix on
We've discovered an underwear
paragon, or rather thc paragon has
discovered us: Marderfold is its
name. Harder is ihe inventor: fold
descrtbes the underwear, made of
two separate folds or layers.
It is warmcr than the hcaviest
wool underwear, yet is comparatively
It is mnde from wool, but a wool
the most delicate skin fails to notice.
It ii made from wool, yet the carc
le?s washcrwoman can't shrink it.
It is made in natural colors only
so as to avoid the po'sonous dyes.
It is made lor boys and nv... And
if we can't fit you from stock we'll fit
you from the mill we'll make to
All this the maker tells us and we
believe he's telling the truth; at any
rate we're going to test it.
Your money back if you test it
and find it wanting.
Roe.F.is, Phet & Co.
I'rlrreand Tlrnalwst.
Warrer and Broadway.
-.<?. ri.1 h::J l'r .adwsy.
i I I
NT. B. 12:30 A. M. Our Warren St.
store is now blazing fiercely; but wc have
still standing two other complete stores
and to them we invite our Warren St.
]?; tr >ns.
v: i-'M m:i.!' ii i H .??!?. n of B. ston.
, a m ;:i:i i..;K SValt.-r Damn. nrl i
,, , , . .?? ? ? . !'! i"lli A*i KNl i.
? Igl.SlaS, l'r- ? Itll ' ' Of fiaslal I
Oll SK*i M i'i ' M VV. llai
. , 1 I .r- i. \ ai.i -?" .?. ti
M IX I ' W. H 1 ?rlK?rs, !' fl X
l.\Ni. l-.Ji l.i. uti i nl (lovi rnoi W M irray rrane
? ? . ...... .: R N B. Whitlaki ?
\\>,."- - MANHATTAN ' ???? amari .;?.??.-??
N s. ? W| k. of A I any. W ALD' ?RF Brlf-adli r
M ,- Terry, of Gnvernoi Bl i k'i
\VlNl>r>o]* (' FltapnlrlPk. M I*., of Quebec, and
k Fowke, Bart, of Ki bi I
WHAT I:" Ol iIXG ' ?N TO 1' \T.
jvn rattr a hitn ? ? ? ?. r. of ffl . rs, . vi i li ??
,.. .... i .... . ? . l>, ni.
i . fl ho .1 I'nl ' T. n ? Isracl. 8
; '
gix-di ??? I' v ls i ?. "?! : ? ifl i "? Gnrden.
New-York My. >1 rl L'lub So. 115 Weal Slxty
sl I p. m.
Trli. of \\ A B. M Generr.l Sesstons, i
Tl e .':? v Dr \ C Dixon al M?*troi >lltai T i
l p ni
.;.^r .: ? ? ? - n ? ? - ir ? I ? ? l . ?? ry si-? li ??
..?.,.?? Alll ii rs, BL ? ? l.'-r and
Hailllvan ?ts. Women bi '?' ? n ? i
......... u . .) . R, !!? ';rv i:.
rrom Bali Bryiint: V iy. ths
Rev Dr. .1 Tl ? . . ?? r go 11
pirkli s; Fi May. Arthur W. Mllbair*} . flatui
the Ri v. Di M ?on P Att. rl..iry.
H ::?'. H Ll -k Wlll (1 II' Pl ".I ll ttirs of !
? . .? ,.. . ? Instltut. ?? ? ? ' "A trnlla of Ihe ;
? ry." al ' 'ooper I'nl*
? .... wlll ?!? nl with pn I ? l">
II11 ' ? ? ?f Ansti
? ?
G. .1. B. RVQLE \0TES.
Famsw rfh Posl No. 170 heM Its I meetlna;
ln ?;. A R Hall, M. 111 ' V. i non on Fi ? ? ?
?i ? Ti ? .....
. r ..... . i, . ? : ; . ? .'? ?? ? ?? ? ! -. -
? ? ? - Mi ?;:?'
I rt. rn ter, Natl an V in
. . ? i ?? i ... V ll " ' '
??. . ??,,. K nffli ? r nf lh" (1 ij J. L D.
. . ... .,,,..) y. a .odenoiiarh; M
John M !'?'?: 1 '.: " vv
? . ? . .. rmi 'n.. '.t sn impnv nt,
'. J
????..?.?..:.??,'? ' ? ? '
? ? . ? ? moi ? i n ' ?
... M m.r r Ison I.pwIs. l'r T. \
. . ? ? ? | of Tra.li
! I." II v. ? H'llli i ,
? | . |, ? ? M | ln). ?. ln M ir h, ?''?'?
T ..,"..?,'. * No. 140 1 ? .u tor '
a r.. .-?.?:-.!"? - v 9 ?
? a ff a nd Di'pn rt m..
. p ? . . |aff. Ths i |itlon wlll '
tnke pl M ' !: on the s' i ' :'
'?'? ' I'
. ...... . . . ? : All
? | ? ? _ . ? v. ' i; ? '
Ti . ni niial d!i ? ? r ? ' ' ? Bl.*> '" '
' '
A ? II ' ot Tl '
? ?' 1 n ? ? ' .1 neral l?r
-?. Ith, r'''
,- ? .-. ? ,i John i i n. a olnii.-l
.... ;. ? ? ? ; \\ ll s ?? ,. u, ?
llomtlo ? Kli - ali-iit-ral KKlit-rt I
? . ,. |> .11 ?' ?.. .. ';; ? ' am. I.
., li.lrr..- ('.tnaral Ji'.'.- - Cl " ??? "..'
K Tr. U ' i .' ' ! n ' ? , " -: ".
p \\ r|Kht. a't.Ioi -l A i" llan lin I i ip
, :./:il fc'l ISGELICAL r:n i.-ni DED1CATED.
Thi ? ? v ? '. of t*. Bv : .'? I .1 Asa i ; Hon, lr.
: V(, ?, Kl,., ... |, .. ... .... - nth ' ? Tenth
ea aas formn l> ?'? '? ' '? ' ' ' Thrw
.,,,.. v,.T. held I". '?' ? anornli K Btshop 8. r
...,;. .. ...,. nnd n Idr. . * w. :?- mu ?
.. R. ? k, presMlns t r ol ihe N-s I
. Ri \ Xt. S. I n. :?? -i. pu il ? ??' Ihi
I . ?t tl .:?.???...:.-?: \ :?"-.: .
ii was pr. a ht-tl I y 111 hoj . Ihe
R< \: i'hnrl. - I'l.. I ? I Sevi-nl
>, ,i i thf (:? r.i.r:
N*. a-ui .:. also IhS .n rl lli A
. ? ? . r< l?. A
.- ? ? . ? ?
?.?-.?, ; ? .
rmon I I |> an.l
I b} Un R. .? M; !'? K Ml H
. ? chiir I. i. ill.llni*
? : ? -,\ ? ? k
formi-i .? hl| . ? I li '.'.?-?
Fll. ?' ?? . ? ? ?.,- .
. ?
r sln ? t Thu nt w rh irch ?}(??' Ir I
. . tura . ? lothlf
Chl< ! '? ? r ? had several of hl I . y on
. \ i. n 8 ? [hl ? l ? . ? ? it ... v.
cral | ?? Marki r
I-...I ? ? '? ?' lei ? ? ?? John MpA
'??..' ? ? |:
' '? h selllng
. ? i . rl.'hoem ?
I ini'ii
n i ?
??-.,? ihe Ai '.-?]
???'?? maa
trat. ' ?:; led s w..h MpAnallj lle
also .-? Id the -'.rne olfl. i ra Im -r aft. I houi
? ? lett iivea ?ara nol "club maa ? Kl?a_
? 1 t I U 1. a, f.l il
mi rli nrai h< td
An iminense assortment to choose from here, including all the
choicest novelties in
Lamps, Bric-a-Brac, Brass and Onyx Goods,
Framed Pictures, Art Furniture, Rugs,
Fine China and Cut Glass,
Clocks, Bronzes, Statuettes, Jewelry, Leather
Goods, Bicycles, Cameras, Sew
ing Machines, Etc, Etc.
aii pnid pmeWumea irai-rpl tr?inK aaaehlara nn.i i.ictcicai iellraraB free
to mi) riillronil stalltaa ttlihlni IOB Baltc* of >?*? i ork ( Ity.
Sixth Avenue, 20th to 21st Street.
J&. fllNT^pINEp
It waa thr Dntoli wbo broiiBlil lo the dpw
world more domewtlr rrflneiurnis nrnl romforla
than nny "Hut people. ln Knplanil, for lB
Btanr-e, (1'iiiii'st .* riimfort, "> say nnlhing of
.?l'.L'Miii'f, waa uiilvii.iw n iii.tli Cliarlea II. taught
bls j..",|'lc wli.'ii he had l?'nroi d ln Hollnnd.
Sniiii- nf itu- I?11r.-:i fiirnltur4> of IIipw ilmra
was -? romfortalilp. an r-.iarmlnj* in itu rpialnl
nr-sa. :ii)-l. wlili.il. ,,1'i.iiriiii.- sn .-l.'.-.n,' in line,
ili.it we have r.-i'i'.('u.-. .1 II
li.-r,. .i:-,. .-;. ii- ".;-!? -v:itv,i. bmnd,
Mi4i|iint," stiirdj tli'1 vi'i'i i-pltoinc of
i|iiii:i:tiii"-s: .iii.l in roliifiirt, well. Iliej* :ir..
??,l,l._!il'iil ivil ?';".- nf i liair.1." 11' :'?' im ? i
inblos liarnlj I 'SRi'd. i*la~ footwl, iwnhanpp
,v lili ii. ,v .i!,'.. lop; .i::illi' IllfRI kil-piug
iiH'iTy w tli 1?. If! I'vi iMips Work tahli'K, v nn
.!. ? tt ii! * v h.ind.v: tlli' 11 ii t .ii wIvt'B vviv
fainoiiH iii'v.iii' tvonii'ii. < "anl I ildi- . di??ks,
ards all ul fw lor.i |n .? ?? ?. :?- you
Geo. C.FY.INT Co.
43.45aiid 47west23?ST.
PACTOrvY: 154-AND 156 WEST .97S7r.-FT,
OXK IN 1 IIK 1X8 '???' I'AVIl.l
BKVF.N ?XD ? '?
In Ihe s-.ni.- nn
. ? ?..?.. \ ..-,, . , : || ? ?' ii ??)
mer, aixly-sevi '?
West Forl ? ? nl' " ' ;
... ....
rrom ... i V- ? :
.:,..' . ? i ? v
i'l e ntt. ? '
? -.. . ? , '
. ? . .-.
H-..r:. I, Whl ' '
' '
,-'!,. V, III'11.
The hospli il ali
lha i , ?
i' i. i .
i. :i,,, ? .i ?.. .. u -
...... ...
I !?'.'. .
? . -i i,..
- ?
u . : .
||.-r V ' ' I'Sfl
When told that h,
Tl ? ... v -,. . ',
? ? ? ? h
with hnllovi
I'.t ?'.',' 1:'
first i
Por thi ?
' ' '
t ' 1 ?
f?r t wi-i
UV.i GGIBTS' I ' i'i 1' I '"" t IIORTI /,' HOl /,"?
Tl ? i " ? ? ? ; ?? ?!..,.? i.- r. .1 H
llom ? ? ' ? ' ? ?
. ,. , ... . ...
?" iv>. an.l ... r
ii ..ull
.. .
?aflf I III
? ' ' '
itavi hi i* ii ?
. lli I . : ? ? ?
',.I fl. ll ? II : . '
II p. ni An hotii ... : r'oii in.j
? . .i .. | ? . ? ?
rlm-ioi ,i..... he w.i h ln rnn. , ? if
th?- pl !;??:.' f.'f l h. I>*H iv .'. r ? ll -??..? ? .
? ? i ? ? ?
. troplne In the mlxtui , '.? ? , ilckl) mlmlii
i ','iv! ,,. mtldoli ? ? ? ?'...:?? i . | .
il.-nt was nhl ;..-?' ?.: Tl ? drug . l>rk
h id tn ? le thi m .'.?? \. ?
ossllil? >\ ? ? ii 1 r ? ? ? ml11 , ihi 'i
ihoi h.I of Xlntl ? md i .- ? ?
.?? V 1 '
.... ...
. ?
? ?
S ? : r !'.. I ? ? ? ? i ? t ,,i
,' ithln lhe ni'ti l I, I.I. I
....... . .,,
.. ? -? i.i. ?! ii
iiT*: <?r wii*?ther 11s i
? . . ., . ... | Vrthu \ -.ii
: ;
p liitl.-r coui
...... ? . ?,
tlu l ii I..-, i.- i ? have
.i i1" ? .
r7.Tl ) I ii: nl 'i'l II oil / /< o/'// 1/ Pl) !
Wl ? his ; " ? - ? ?
? ???'??' i ll.n.r
Of N.. . 1 ? ? I l||l -.,11: IL ||
ind .1
t. i ? lmi
lm iii
him a dt.id wi I v .lo.-toi
?? ? ,
"i lum poln nlng. F.vi rythlng v mu i -
ii. t th. ? fT. . t of tl.e pills, Lut U,e lioy ilicil un
ho :r ...t*r
will be !ic!'! on the 7th of Deeember,
1898, al 11 o'clock a. m., in ARU >X
the purposc "f tletermining upon such
measure.-3 as in view of the present con*
ilition nf things may |>e deemed neces
sary to relieve the hrewing industry of
the additional war tax, which, supcrinv
posed upon Federal, State aud Municipal
t.i\ bnrdens exceeding all reasonal)le
bottnds, has alrcady scrioiisly injtired tlic
inalustry, and threatens, it continued, to
i.!:'-.? disastroiis resnlts both to brewing
, ? 1 ;;. ? manv trades dependent upon it.
Ml hrewcrs, whether members of an
ociation or not, aro invited to attend
ihis mceting.
8W IU /V THi: SEA H I \l)il FFED.
... ?,: T a R \tm
Tl Ward l.lni '? imer Bene i, whlr-h arrlved
m Honth < 'nh i n p >i ls, brounhi
'I fltymoiir .-?:?????' ? . ..rr | of
r. - r.i! hlp Olacler. who was ri bpih .1
".. i .? i ..i thrown Iim--' II fr. m
, nrai I'ap i rus B< n
i ?? ? tht- Senei'ii at "S ? 11*. ._r.? In ehai
I*. S. N ..f Iht craalser < 'ln
ttfi ni !!? wns rn. ntally d< rnnired, ;.r..l
Tor Pt. Kllsi ? '' ' llosi it.il for Ihe ln
Wl ll. iIip flfnt'i i was on her way to llanianltlo
[ , :. s'ravi riil.i'i .' Reymour beeame unruly snd waa
On November 23 Ihe Beneca l?ft
, for ritnfiit'Koa ind Beymour waa al
??,..!-.. . ih. Iberty of the maln deek al
? . ? i llttl. fresh .ir ..r.-l exeri Ise
?? : I ? ; i .ii -.t r? ? n, In ord< r
to pr. m fi "i mnklng any vlnlenl demon
? ? ? ? At 1.' lot'k the -r.-w.ir.l appa ared
upon il"- l.ri.l.r.' and Informed Flral Olflcer Read.
I was, lhal a passenjrer waa o\-er
; oanl The I lp waa t once st. pped ai .1 backed
:?, ?. R-hiT. Bt-ymoiir who Is a ! .r>;?, powerfail
n i. wn ?. swlmmlnir, hnndeaaffed aa he was,
? hor. whlph waa I etwaaen three ..? i
four mil. - ? ' ? '
,\ starboarVI h< il wi lowered away with nll
|.< . rir-t iifflper Reed look coaimand of tlic
inl li ? : mannt-d hy 1-"r? ?? 1 Mausen, Qeorjrai
I ii,i on I'hrlsi phei Knudsen an.l Loula I..r-n,
? :....% ,.t oni-e I... Heymour, and
... , .ri-...i from the a*att*r and taken back to
u i> overtaken he was
hls back, bul ii" rniidt- i).. reslst
? ?
?? the -:.? ir,l made hlrt r*ii..rt to
tl .? mon t-ni H- ym. ar i aaln siood on ti.*? deck only
? mln.it. ? flapsed It waa probably ..ne of
,??.:? -i r.ues un reeord. S...-..n.l Ofllcer
r..rk.-i w.i> in hls hunk when the alarm v?m Rh.-r.
Fli . . nl f". tu relieve tha ilrn offlcer, bul the
wiih so spt-i-dy thal lt was ..II over before he
had .I the hrltlRi When Beymotir waa asked
ln I, ...| lumpi .1 ovt rboard he i ald
"I ihoujrht I'd llke n bath Thal waa th<- only
wa> I ?? ?! I
.-'.?, ii . i- had I'l-n'v of bath* durlnn the resi of
r;d ? pt-rfft'tly suhmlssli.- to i Irsl
? .:' ? R< -.I
Ar the K.r-i Reform. 1 Kplseopal Church, Uad
! ih-sl Hl top WH ' mi II
.n, ? r I'lill idelphla, pre iched yeaterday
m of Oo- celehratlon of rh.
Tw.nt) rlfth annlvarsarj ..f the formatlon ..f (!.>?
Rt r .rm. I Rpls. >| il da nomlnatlon
Rlshop Nlchol .'.i aele led for l.i* toxt Isalah
k 11 tl. 10 "Va are tr,\ wltneases, aal'h Ihe Lord."
r .:\. ? :* al lenjfth on I he number of
rt '.i.i have ln tli" ? 'hrlstlan
II*- reft-rred t.. Paul, ir- itah and John aa
? - whl. li Ihe . 'hrlstlan pt opl. of ? I .
: r>n.lt' .'. r ;.. linlt lle Blah ?!? Nl. h .Ison ? . I
II . i . bi-llevetl lhal it.?? Ri formi ?! Eplscopiil
:. i. pl.'?>? ln ? 'hrlstendom. and
!.'.?? . a iylni lo her aa II- hhI.1 to
.i -? -rn? - knath ..t. tln- ralllnc ..f
f tl of i : r >,.. Artlrlea
,.?? it, M .., Sl h .Ison sald thal the Ptotes
? i I'h'iifh ln one ..f her Artl. lea of
Iiml then ia no t Islble slfn >.t eere.
: ?.. ?? ? ?? .M th< Bishop,
thi laylnn on .,f hands
t .... n appointfd ..t (Sotl ronseqiiently there
I 1? ? . . ? : .ii. and so ihe doctrlna
,,: \ | ., ii ? i . , ut 111? by the r./..|i
? -
Tt.r .11 Biarktta ?.-.- WttllMII fr?t..r? Ult ?"rl?. Ths
Iri.'lt.k- t?n. Ilsrit ?nrt prlcea SllOWd ri." m.tt^rlal rhan(?
oi.* w?> ur U.i OlItST. lo cruJi oll pr-actlcsllv Ut* ttmt
Great jRckrt Sdle!
at January Prices!
We place on sale this morntng a special purchase ol Jaadies' fa Iceti, afl
of this scason's make, new tly front walking shanes, also a number with the lip
front. Many are richly braided, others in the plain tailored effect. Every gar
nicnt is lined throughoul with satin, satin rhadame or rich taffetas.
WkW Regular Price 14.00 to 25.00,
8.98 -? 1 0.00 ?*?
Fur Collarettes and Neck Scarfs!
Ladies' Fur Collarettes Persian paw yoke and electric seal, ten ?^ (\r\
inches deep, full circular sweep. >*C*\J\J
Electric Chinchilla Collarettes nine inches deep, full circular in fin
sweep, lined with fancy silk. >\J-\J\J
Neck Scarfs, of genuine American marten, (.nished with eight r r\r\
tails and two heads. *
Stone Marten Meck Scarfs. 16.9?
A eomplete line of LADIES' MUFFS and CHILDRENS SETS at CX
A Sale of Dress Goods,
with $1.00 and $1.25 Qualitics at 50c* yard.
Beginntng this morning we will sell several thousand yards of All-\Voc4
Mixed Granite Cloth, 50 inchea wide, and All-Wool Imported N'avy Sere-e
45 inchcj wide, n . _?, __ , .i? *.
^y*J yard.
In connection with this sale we will also offer
Two Thousand Dress Patterns,
in All-Wool Poplins, Broadcloths, Serges, Henriettas, Figurcd Berber Ootru,
Covert Cloths, Whipcords, Mohairs and Mixed Tweeds, six to eight yard lengtttf,
1.50 to 5.95 each.
All nnld Mefcawe. fexc-ep. S#wl__ nt.u-1.li.e-t nn.l l.lrtrl.-t) ,lcll vetre.l f, ee to nny
rnilron.l i?4ii4Ioii ttllliln UM) i.ill.-a of S>W .orkllly.
Sixth Avenue, 20th to 21st Street.
Special Holiday Sale!
r.ii tilra BII.K BTBIPBD liHKWMM'-*'
At $3.50; were $0.00.
7", ;ialrs ri.OIU'.MIM' BII.K CTOTAIJH
At $7.00; Wfre ?I0 and *?*'?
Bmbroldered snd Fsney 8of- Plll *n\ Ite.. ke. *"?d l
,., ,_., -i ,. -. ,, MOsli r-ablneti snd Deeks In
Msrtln, >: Id an.l Ua* sany v - ? ? ? idvsntag is
? ... ,t |M ,i? t ? ITer tl s ab vs c :i "t
. | .. ,- _.... i ., ? ur| :. W. rk ln th.. (1*1 I* 'I itlll r?
-rrl. ??? 1 ? ? l?ed SUPPl) t ? ?? "*''?
?nd ?> ,? week hai n I br mgl ? '??????
menU ~or th* rr. ml, nf I
.. mpl*t*d ir, sli : ? ggreg il - 9*2 of whl
iy|i anla gel ?.????':
Indlana fleld* M ln thi Pei tl
?v*rag* nea 11 Iud i ara ? N UI.I l.arn ri i
?? r .11 |-.r. 1 vi itl ihi i -? ? Iln nth nf 1.151 I
Tl ,.....-!-.[. r ?? l' vi.i> .'l '-. i >-? |S% bar
? . ?
of v ?-. ? mh. i* wa* ?_0. ' .....
. . f v-. |., ? .- ? ?
?. i .h-.w.
... ? ? ? ' ? ' '
'? I ' ' ? ? .
? ? .. ? ? ? ?" -
v, .'. ? . -. .... II) 111 '.' 'A- ? '
? than ?-. ' ? ' ???-.
.... ',,.,- -. . ? ? ? ' ? ? r w , v
- -.
: liv ln i. i-. ' ictlvit
i in ih* '.??-?? ...
? ?
? .if .?: i i ?? ???:??? - ' ' ' '
Itnn* . ...
El ?? nini
' ?
- ? ? 13
71 14(3
TI 77s
||NI .-!??
?i'\ ?-'-? dellverles
.-' ? ?.*! nl 7 SO renti | ? . ill n In
. - ? - ? ' Vork. Phlla.Mphla
heina ?? , isls of .1 i ? ? i ? - :'
ll ,n, were I. n ! n, 8 ?''? IW : ? - Impi tnl
?.-i|. 10*1 frai ? per 100 K:' i
per 50 Ull.*.
gunrlse 7 M gunset 4 ".>'? Mrr t**pm 11:34 11 -n'sageSJ
A M S,n!v Ifook 11:41'("lnv. 1 ** Hetl Hat* 1 ~
II ,.
1 58
ISCO .1/ 1X0 8 TEA 1/ E R 8.
TO i''T.
V...-I. r*r>- ?
An,i...Jamali-s. N v 24.
. Ati.S
i II*..l,*rla.Olbralf-ir N Itl . v
Mn*a!ip*<|ua.Uu**n?t ?. n \ _.'? . Atl 'i
W*lls I'liy.
AUgU '? V !-? r lu
Rl I) ni.l,..
Swaoai i. Nov IP .
S - '? .Ilamli vi: . r
|.lv*n nl. Nov 21 . Whlte ??? ir
Itotterdam Noa .4 . Iloll lm, r
.%'-* Orlrao* N'..v "'>.Murgan
|t.t.t'.rin*l. ?".',' N itt ,.,
Ixiulilana.N*n Orl*sni v i S0.l*romw*l|
syteslaM ?? Antwerp, Noi M . Ri | c*,r
Nomadlc.Uverpool Noi M Whll. -?? ,r
i* t'.-li .
lon. N .1 30 .
Uverpool, N
? I
0UTG01XQ 8TE WtFltS.
T'i DAT.
Veaset. por Mallsd
<-, n,ir. le, C*harl?_i n, Clyde ....
BrotlUh I'rln.-*, Rlo JanMro, l'rin c ISioOrn
S brali n?* llarl . ! ? . II* 1 C*i *? 12 ??' ni
lleveltu*. Pern inibu -.? . 11:00 a m
I.i'.n Hr.'t .-?!. N O 1,1 v 1 7 00 . Rl
;????? r N. ? . "!? ir.-. .
Ilnt.mni.- I4v?rp ol. vv > lt* .-? ,t B ??' i m
I |,1) ,;r.-r. . 1 i I'i. ? ?? Iv ......12 '"' ni
, - i tiarli .i.n. . ':v !??
N n rai land, Anlwerp 1! .mi .10 '?" im
s-m M..r. us. flalvesl n M y .
st _..ui*. gouthampi tt, Amei 7-4M)ai
PORT OF N'l'vv V"l:K, Rt'NDAY, DEC 4. I8M
M-.irn-r >' I -at. (Br) vv lu n Hall N '.' ?? 20,
?!Ui tn ISS t ? r-.m I !? '' ??? V- P.1 al I
i. i m
gleamer PhOMilela Kler) I ? ??? iu?*( llamburg Noi*m
t. i ..,i. w ith md**, ? ?'? I 4M ? ? - , ? ?
IO lh* II i- '' | vi', rl. ni I-i???
4lr.imrr Ul (ll . -.? i ' ? II ? ' ????.-?'
? II, :i ? ? ...'. i '...'. 1 ..,','? ^ ;,.-'?? : a tO the
t'ompagale t3en?ral* Tr. Artlvad ot (!.??
Il.r al 12 H( p in
st.am?r Betoeea, Deeker, Qtianlanama N ? ' ** \A>
kUnS-lllill) -J. i.'.ei.(_.-< ? 27, ;...!..?? _i ..:.! .N_a.au
Great Jacket S_Zr/
West 14* SL
-d^^V nuoraitp* ^f_^_.
vtnrt.'.l hy Krln KrtDirlo'a tonob. la IndufttTkHM'
ly >w n_ r._? ha "". N ' - -JTi '..w.ir.l <uir
!i..'iii cullrc'i ou ? I ' Itellable" carpet bot.
galna. 4
Wilton Velvet Carpet
85 ct*. a yd.
(former price $1.25.)
Tl.t ri thf pondultin. irrarltat*a toward tbq
fiirniiuii* i! t'i'ltlPM, tt i an ilao ii k>WMt
pr ?*?*,
"Long rrpdlt" wibtraota from Ibr- rhiistnuM
prohliin tl.- li!''.iiv.-n..ii. .? ..;' Iiniuedlate: pay
104 106andl08Westl4*St
Pnv>Hlvn Stnres: FTatbush Av. near RilRHi Sl.
far \\\c bts\ IvVusVrattvjt de*
s'vqw \ot a vaa?et booV cov-fcT
_\} a
THR l?l>ia.i aii*al lli: IXDICATIVE ??
i in: iiniiii n ii i\ii a i>\ i i.i rs or
iiu: waiHK, THR TITI.R or W'HMHll
.-?!? t 1 ,' l 1 KHs i.l \\IIMI.1 \1K llUIti
I u*ll'i:i- * I loV IIU. \MIHK 1 III.* III".
Ol' tl.l. I lli: 'I It \IH> *1I? I'ltaal I ?a*liii>
ii wiuaii w o ii i: > nwi: \-siiiii.i)
1 lll.llt M!l I I I i .
si/i; tn t t?* KR. I Mi Iti lli Ml v IHE
WOHK Wlll 11 Wl. THR IIIK 1*1 !>>"?'
Al aiitiail IH '? >i *?? \/Hi:
THR ' oaii'i: l l I n?i I* a IMI1 f.H TO ?',t?""
KKMSIOMI. **ti*u:i lil -"?>l'iV.1.ll
AMRKII * IMI TO \*li:ill( *1 **o*ll..1
Altito *u
IH.Ma.is MI*T BR KRVT TO THR ??? "_?
>i:is iii\\i,i:iinriiii: i miii ir a?i <>R
lii:i aun; 111:11*1111:11 2UTH. THRl **"*,J
HR M 11*11 1 l i:i? li? ?? IOMMITTRR. a o*t
i'i.m:d ur rm 11 1.i:\iiik. *h 11* 1 * aa.
N?M l * 11:11 \\ l III aali: HKPKKSK?T.%TI?a_
or THR III Uli 11.
m'i.i mri i'*(.i-. wii-ii <u ti i\'?*,;??:
1 1111:1 I ?.. *l W lli: (Hil *lll l> I HOM Hl!*5
ai-? taBR. iu iu 111 wini:. V1-\\:1,!,'u
, | l \ I III. I Itllll 11
? K|| ?
y w ft V ? ? ? 1: ? ,,r ::
(;,.-. -s '...-?
\< Itx.-n. (l.il*t?i
- ?? Savani l.'?-? *ni
\ ? rt News IM
With ... ? :i
... | ,.? ' . w
im'n J. I ' \\- : ? ?, a*'-:
. 1 ... ,.... . ? . 1. ? ' 1 " '-a).
v ? . 11 iHr). U r.
i \ ? ?
\! , ..!.'.) L*
M 1. 1 M . I \MI.HS.
1 ? ki ?? S r ??
,_,.., 1 v.ri'r--?1r-n (Pr*.
? ia*. r Amsrtca .nn. Oju
,, I Arrlved. an in 1 Bewtoa vajt,
iv. ? ? '??" '7 ""?
.;, - . .. V PSSSH Hunt
' ' .1 I'" ,. , ?, ?
1 I ' ' N' '% v :k ... ?_?
1 ? 1 Irrtved, itean si I ? -? > l ?') Oawt, Hun
Irr. Nrw Vork . ._ , .
, irrlved Meaaaer Wntrrnisnn iww.
II ? .'/ -. - r... 4 Arrla-M. st??m?r p.alsrstlsrnso
(Dan), N'sUssa, bteiilt. far Nisr-York l?hort ol oo*y.

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