uot rr-K tn? bosa wrr throcgh i__?t
81atu.ce Ori't cxpre*>?ed annoyanoe y_fl*ef_ay be
... _ - - hlfl affHlra nnd thoae ot the Cox
__,- ,; , . - opera Houaa. ln London, had boan
m_ > - ihi - Tl 1 Irrportant faet 1* that Mr OTUU
?a-bo haa managed c-^em a* rovent Qardea for thfl
-.?? rwn Beaseos, ainea the death of Mr AaguatuB
. - iv " managfl opera there ne more. nnleas
ihe iurn ol iffalra - aeain rerereed. The rox-ent
Oar-ea Theatre .? awaed by Mr. Faber and Mr
Grau a? diractor of thfl apflra, lapnaaenlied a eyr.
d rat? m arbleh tha BBoat pronrinenl maaabara wera
M- Paber, Lord de Ol-T ar.d Henry V Htggtni
The relattoB of thla Byad-cata tn rhe owner of th?
>-ou.e xx.? aoaething Hkfl tbai ot the Maurtee
Grau Opera Company. of tbls eity. to the Metro
politan Onara an?i Real Eatate Compaay. wbleii
own? ihe Metropolltan Opera Hou.e.
A mlBunderatandlng hss now arlaeo between Mr
Orau Lord d- Ore? ard Mr. Hlgglna on the on*
t. _* and Mr. Faber on the other. whlch.
to Vir Oraa ? v, xv. mnke. it Irapoaalble for him to
. w hll ,.,,--..- -n witb the houaa and Lord
,;..iV a.-d Mr. Hlgglna retlre from '' -vi'*' hlm_
rau ha. reslgned hia positlon aa director of
JE '. ..?r Oarden and hia reslgratlon
'oep'ted Mr. Faber will have an oppor
*l0 r Kiown hand ai >r_P*ra *_anaa?nent.
-.-- Orati aaid yaaterda*" thal h* thought he
would nrobahlv do so. Tha ayndtcate. however. la
_otU?.sPoh-ed Ind t dlspatrh which \*'*"??Z
4_ived from Loi ? yeaterdaj aaid that the__? * ?-_
_ L?___ ? conduetlna nn opera seaaon near
anrlna ai i ? Dnirj Lana Theatre
,Ptr t. - - lone there ln a chance of an operatle
w?iu ? -. - waged In this eity years ago be?
tween th. Metr p 111 in Opera House and rhe
amy of Mui resulted dlsastrouely for both
_____ Mr Orau Ib likel. to have an enormous ad
"antage In rhe artlM. whom he nn employ. "?>r_^
at the Metropoll now surrounded by a
eonpanv o! ? ' r-ce'i.-.--. ao far aaltfl
personal mak. ? erned and probably re*.
!* a-x- slngera -? ' ise re ro wlth him to
Drury Lane or anywhen else that h< n ght aafc.
There was - ? inr - yesterdaj thsi i -? **-_?-_?"
son. who ?? breaeh without rj Ing his
best to fiimr Into ll would be rhe dlr-ctor at ( OV
enl Oarden neai seaaon.
? ? -
xnt* rAPTAix c*rv>K .rfi.K. ttk.
|_i ir-Admlral IMiley wm rhe ene?' of honor a- a
d'nncr bi l * Oxford -"i"*1 i*1 Brooklyn. laat nlahi
r\yt.T r-e hundred and llfty promlneni re. t ienta of
Brookl r wera preaenl Co-Ottel Oeot_re R Priea.
reeldenl af ths ehih, A--ted aa fMHtma^-r
- A,?..,_? gehle. -*_? ealled ?r'*r> h<* said. in
? -._. war openei -he Mary wae ln all re
Bpo-'s prepared fvit nfflcera. onr -rc^--- .ml onr
' ? ,-,i aupplles were of the besl 80 fai ?.
- _ erned, It wa? onlx a- a sharer al'n
,.f.. There xxere aeveral tlmes
- . ? -. .fl -. .me to -ne anl asked me to take
g lesB exposed poi Mj reph always was -h.T
!' our *r;.- wenl to ihe guns an. fougiit r em Hke
Bmi n saamer b I glve m^ the besi pro
? 1 could posai Ij ash Captaln i*ook at all
?-?-_.- ,? ? rr- ' eat ot lupporl The flap l:e,i
?? ,- frequentlx sent to rhe mont e\; --? .
? ? , and always csrri--d hims""f wltti
. i gr*>atest dl.*>regard of danger
? to-nlghi lhal rhe flag look*. a little
little n.ore porr'-ntoua 'o otlier
natloi 1 The wa*- taughi us three good laasona
.-.-.,- if, itn .-X ourselves, and oth-r nattons
learned *o kn.w ua. Thlrdly, tt ohtitrirared every
xrn^f of secl I feel that .. haxe glory
. ??-- .. It was a virtory that secured for
,;'t -a. .,-.-. w *h aii Ita beneflitent encouragement
Three llntee three c"i?Ara -i-rr? loudly n (,i fr*r
_. ii, 1 .-v nh-n he .-lo^ed hia addresa A
T?;e._T~m of regrai Vi* read from Oeneral lo-aenh
tVheeler who had prevtoualj arrsnge.i *o he pren.
ent. to rhe effeet that, owini to praasurs of r".*'
-?_,. || Washlngton, Oeneral wbeeler would be
r ????' '*rT ? _ , 1
I_---_r-> of regret were read from Rea*--A(.mir*aJ
j-ju-f. Captaln Georgc ^' Melvllle, and from
r --. | -_ ] _ ,, Tho name of thfl
Oovernor-elect wa? re<M x*ed with a _rr-=ar ontburat
of arp'ause
Captaln Cook, who followed Admlral Schlev.
aaid ? ?al after the ba**le of dantlago, ln hfe
cplr.irr. lt was sati I fot me tin' *he Malne j
-?a. * bv ar ext. n il mlne A1 rsi ?" 1
Ihi - - .f the Malne, he said thai there {
-?'ere bo many i-nenomena ln eonneetlon wlth rhe 1
catastrophe That one could nol be whollj .ure of j
the conchiflons that were drawn, bul after witnesp
Ing the dectructlon ttif the Vlzcaya there could he ,
no '.on-er anx- doubt. After the Vlzcaya':- maca.7.ine
had exploded n^r bott-jm was Intaci and tha eide I
plate" were not arflB BtBrUfd. Thi? showed con- j
eluslvelv he boiievod. tha' the destrue on of the
Malne wa? not caused hy _n Intemal exploslon
Oeneral Stewart L. Wtiodford for tl e ftrsi tlme In
a public addre?? -old rhe Incidents thal oceurred |
after the ultlmatum had been ?e",t fr.'m Madrld to '
Washlngton Ir ha? h?en roid how rhe gpanlards. .
hav.i.L' gol possassl m ol the ultimanim. d?
1: ai. act of war. Thi? "nahlcd <.---ner_i] Woodford
to a?k for hii '- ind relleved him >?' 'he
\ of dellx-erinfl the ultlmatum ar ali <;? n- .
erai Woodford -.a-.-r. laal nlahi fot the flrat
. - if the li ents 1
it thal raomentoui "me ?Ia deelared
however, thal he worked all fh*- pr.-xiou? xxin'er
for ?- no 'ir" war **..- Inexitable
Lleut< ? ' J. H. Bears, of the Brooklyn:
. Governor P ? the H-v Dr .1
Ii Baeehua of rhe Churoh of the liKrarnsMon wera
Ihe 01 ? ei c:-- akers
T-VT-.FP TH*" ntXBfl O- T**?* VITT-MI
a ttOCXATttyt
The aimual meattng of the Board r** r?x-i?w of |
the Hatlonal Trottlng V"-- -arlon began a' Ihe I
Murray Hill Hotel yesterdaj morr Ing C P .lohn
eon. of Lexlngton, Ky., tht pre?!denr. wa? in rhe ;
ehalr Tif-r*- art ttfi ? ttt* of al!--ge-j infractlon of |
th*- rn'oo of tha ???ocla?lon maiimr the action of
thf |>o:,r.
4ni-'t **,_. f-omr'sl-ra- rexl?wed x-??tf-rdax- at *he ;
es-:i- a..?_:nr. was tha* aeatn?t ?he 'We.t A Irelnia ;
_?ra?? Pair Aasodatlon, whlch 1? aecused r-t -up. of tlme Pimiiar cha*-_r?? are pending I
81 thf '?: ;-? arid timeke-pf-ra of the laa-r j
me*-rinr h"ld by i*.- assot-tatlon tn Sept'-mh. - v !
M >l- ml ton ar.d R-'hert Anderson toetlfled .._rain?t j
the aseoeiattofl Anderson ?-.'!:d tha. dr'x-er? and ?
cwner? vrer? treated rox-ally in Vlrgtnla, and were ;
wall 'ak*n eare ?' lt ihey "went brok-> " Rephing
to a o,ti?-*-Mon as to 11 e oeeupattons of rhe men '
e*!ecfed a? "m? k.eper? he ?ald that 1ewe;'r.r? were '
naually eheaen for the re;1?cn thar they had rhe
b< ?r ^a'fh'-" He d^nled tiaxlng ex_r gix*-n ln- |
struettons to ih<> Umekeepera ro ar.nounr. ir>r.r,r.
?? ' llaaea, but a;?o ?aid that three BSeonds IB the
? ""? of tlming *i rac* made Utfle dlfferen. ? \n
dectslon wa? annoiir'. '
The eharga agalnat I a r,r, .vi r.rlxing n?b of
auppreaelng tim- - ,a also i-mm Bdward F.
frar.e. of F'r.n?\ lx f, r a . WhO wa? expe]lrrl en a
eomplalnt of "entering a rlnger." made a atrong
ap;,?al f,,r relneraternf-nt. Qeorge W. Roxherrx ..f
Philadelphia ask. 1 10 be r<-ln?rated. too H* wae
eapeUed nor- rhan _ year ago on a charge of
tielng aburix-e languape -o thf- iudgoa ar rh- Farr'e Delaware Pountj rvnii
Wtlllam Marlln Jones, .\S Roehe_t_r fll-d Dar-eraa
of eomplalnt ln whlch h. . l-arg-d ih-> Btate r ,r
Ai a tion wlth "i..\ , t- .-- Face run 'x* ??? dayi
"' " tne tlme advertlaed to take plaee thui or,
ventliig him 'ron. ?--ir,'!< hia horse '
?The ..- ru leaaloti waa aat -.H- a* a rrf-morial
? lu hr.nor of the late Colonel William Ed
admira'nie ou-iltti_<_
'?ri'pton. Ky Det 1 f-paetal) -r'r.rre Lorlllard
' ? aeaSOfl tatenda making an exr.rimr-ni of
raelng ?payed fllllea of high hrr-eding. and ha? Jual
purchaaed of roloi.-i M. .onrr. of thi? eounty flve
head, ae ff.llowa. rhi thref- rir?t named
??<- f'i.era*? 1 f?: a oay. oy Hanover -Seatrlee:
eheatnut, by Hanover The Tigraaa; browa, hy
Lampllghter- ^Valkyrle II: brown. by l_amp:i__ ??
Mlcs Oliva, aud a hay, dv Onondaga r;i_T!/-,!a
? I inel Toung _aa aold 10 !. _. r.'o.. of
Sh.epabaad Bay, the following Ray flllv, by Onon
Annette browr coli b] Unp I'irate, of
Penaenca?-Wrong: -*<>y eolt, bj H"-.'irt.nif.r'
ffiae'Tr-; brown ctrft, by Ma DuB Thrlfty; che-t
rr eolt, .j Onondaga Bad l..k >-!i--stnut eolt,
r>> Hanover?Phllura, and rhr two-year-old hest.
nut eoll h>- Btrathm. r- 7-uhlan.
To .-ldn->? Pagel :.- aold 'he xearitng ch^?t
nut fl.'y by l__ampllgbter?Gratltude.
TO twr.a'Ttr.AT!. "THE -_| NTIN'i r'A.-*. - Ti. >STTT.!TV
T*-> His WTTXEaBBfl
Fa-lelgh. N" ?'. lirr * (Sperial i Judxe r.rn^ll
eharged ihe <r-and Jurv in re?ard t<> ti.- Bunttng
e_^e this mornlng .md iea-1 to them Scotlon f. h.s ot
tne Rexdaed Htatuten. None of the w1tne?*ee from
Waahtnaton have yet arrived hf'r-? "Thfl Poat, ' of
thi.- ??!). ?a.d rhlc morning that no white man or
segro ourh* to enr-.-naln Buntlng or sny of hi? w!t xvnlle t*,ev arf ir, tt.le eity
Th" offioia! vote of the S'ate wi? glven OUI
,<a}' ar.d wie. D-muterattc. ITI.tM: Republlcan.
J_a_,o;'f. h-ni" lat:- 1 .... r.n. );.:_?_ Ti.e fi.>1.... n__.
_>t_lLy in lb't* waa ?):**X
Styles of the exclusivc tailor-prices decidedly lowcr.
gPSCIAL? Pr-v.^! ahraiilrlr-frxl. lrva.^har-k n.-tT.-r*I a ot r^.)eh rflfcftefl, ItgOa
viA-nna. Dee. ft.?A Cablnet erlala ia Itnmlaeal
ln Hnnyary. Dr. D. Bstlaarl. prealdenl of thr*
Chamber ot Deputlea, nnd Dr L. Laa*, one of
?h?> trice-presldenta, hair- rosie.ned
pr. y ,i. jt-wepo-Hoe. Mlnlater for Croatla.
Karlavonla and Dalmatta, In the Hunaartan
Cablnet, explalna ihn: he eannot remain ln a
Mlnlatry whloh wnuld ba rompelled ln employ
unronatltutlonal meaaa to retain olBee.
This refera tn the Intention of Bar >n Banfry,
tiie Premler, m carry on the government nexl
yoar Ly decreea lt la helleved no a thai Baron
BanfTy will reatim
ftp. avn nn PTATP PAT a VIStT to tmt w* v
r\nr> HOXOfUl r,\tr- him,ir.r,t TaTla??1fl? of .'?'?ata Rtr-.i anrl hia ataff
piiri a formal -rtalt lo Rear-Admlral Bnnee at tbe
Navy Tard reaterday, ? little befora I o'elocli
The vfealtora wenl from rm tha SCarkeeta,
and whei they reached thr. c.h p.i.-k they recelved
n ?nlute of uphm -one Kun*> Prawn up al thf- p'er
?rrr a hattallnn of mnrlnea nnd the Navv 1 11
hand T.e lattrr pl.iyed thf* natlon.'.l air of I Ofll ?
};? .-. a? the rrr>aMr>nt anrl his party landed. and the
National flitg ot rnatrt Rlea i- aa mn 'ip .*** the Sar
v-ra-a >.i"l lh? Vermoat. Thia mark of courteiiy
plasarart the vlattora verv much. APflOOnflfl Ihey land'-d.
Rri-ir-Arlmtrai Bunce i-aok them ln h ind ?n.i ppcorted
tnmm all orer tha Tartl They wenl ran hoard Ihe
hattle-ahlp Maaaaehnaetta and peeni'd io he mn<*b
impre-aeed by what ihev ?-iw ran hoard W ieti the
timber drjrdoefc wa? rea?*bed, Prealdenl '?
wanted to know all aboul th* waj In whleb a hoal
va. gr,t m a^d oui of the dork He peemed '?? b?
iramcwhi. rn\nt!f.ed Va whflt bra Bfl* < * "'" *rv
T'm rtflltora retum#d to Manhflttan n'' the Snr
kee.,- ird were aaluted nith iwei ? guni ia
thej aeparteri The ofllrera oi the otheT Vf*aeela
a. th- vard had made apedal arrangementfl to re
ceive Prealdenl Igleplaa md were aomewhai
rhaarlned wh?n they learned lhal for la"k of ""l**
the oBVIal viaii uaa eut ahort
- a>
1/ff.c DAV18 VI8ITF Tlir rT rw/.., .***..
IfajtA viTv.t.r<*>\ a wiDoa macpffw "T*'"r
Parto, I>r* *.?Mr? Cuahmar K Darta, wlfe of
th*. Unlted itfltea Prnr-r. Pommlafllo-ner and Bena?
tor. had ai Intervlew to-day ^''',* ex-Empre#?
Eug#nle, widow of Kmperor Lonl? Sapoleon Bona
partp. u->io || ptaying " ?fnltn pi the hot<-i where
the I'niTrari f!tn*?r>? rr-ar-f* Commlaalonera ar**, on
onr- of her pr.rlorllral tialtfl tr. Parla
The Fr*nator'a wlfe left ber card sa a fomaJlty.
?y^f. ex-Emprops protnptly aent an attendanl to re
queflt Mra Davla to eall In peraon Thr* latter
-omplifd. aro Ti-Tn recelved, fhr paid afterward, by
? (tately, whlte-halred. ead-fac^d woman having
littia of ihe appearance of tha Invalld whieh ??'-?>
public ?ur;'o??? hrr to be,
Th>. ?x-ErT.prr.ap .(firi..! to he r'^^afd at bnlng
arldreaaed aa 'Tour Majeaty." ari paid ?he had
thi> r|r>r>pr>?t rr-e-irr! for 'hr Atnerlcana, "becaua.
my oacape f-om Paris a> a yrUo-j-a tlm? I waa
rhlefly inrirahtrri to an Amerlefln." the referei a
being, of ^rni--=.. to 'he 'atf Dr Evai r
Althougb Mr? Pa\!*? atudloualy avoided n*r>nt!o,i
ine the Htapano-American war. remembering thal
as-Smpreaa la a Bpanlard, ?he latter broaehed
the toplr. aaylng'
ftfter ah* destructlon of 'he ^r^tn^. war waa 1p
:--. aithouah I do rr,, helleva any Bpanlard
waa reaponalble for that ^*t, ralamllj ' nm aure
any nn'ion would h?\-* done li -nr rlreumatanc**
nf the t'r,,i*ri Ptates dl'!
T\"hen Mra. Pn\ !? nr retlrlng Viaa.rrl her hflnd.
>Vf ex-Enpreaa -a^emrd deepiv lotiehed. .'.ri ?x
r-laimeri. 'i am mopi grflteful
THF SA'th^RN BL?TTBir nOMPANT FT"*- a -^'"T
St Louav r>er <*. The largeai atreel rallway A.'o'
ln thr- hlatory of St Loula li prael rallj cloaed Ri
Ihe tranaa-Mon -"r.rwln and Bpencer and ol er
a'or-khoidr-r* or t.e Bouthern Eleetrlc Rallwaj
Company ?-ili beeoiPf oa era of all the Hnea and
erjulpmenl of thr- National Rallwaj r*ompai v, '???'
'er k-.r,w-n aa the Hamllton Sindiratr., nrsanized
under the Illlnola atfltutea ln 18*9 D G Hamllton,
of Chleago, la nrr?i,ior? and prlneipal atockholder.
For the ia?t three \eqr* th.- company haa deelared
i> P"r eeai d'videnda on Ua itoeh of 12,600,000
The report of th* aala is eonflrmed by Mr, Bpencer,
prealdenl of t^-r Bouthem I ertrle *ompany 'tr.
praferred to wlth hold the flanr. n renreaentlng t'.e
P'jreha?e prlee at prea.?<t't. Tne t.rr.p<rt> aold In
cludaa the Northern, Central, Caaa iveaua and
Khit Oroainda Union, Cltlsena, Badeu and gouth
weatern llnea, all electrlr, and tln Bt Loula line, or
Brofulwny cah.e Th?y repreaeni '?:.<u\ ml ea of trark,
rt* which fii V, mli.-.s ^.re elactrlr and 14.?*J milra
Another diapat'h from Bl Loulfl yeaterday paid
tv-ar negotlatlona were h progreaa ihere --.nd in
New Vork f.>r a eonaolldatlon of all the ptreel
ratlaraya of ft IxniiB, and "The Republlr," ol ihat
? ?ity. waa quoted rr- aaylng "A prle. haa b-?en pul
on the fltook ot the LlndVII Rai road aystem, ih?
Union Dapol flyatem and thr >f|asourl Railrond
line*. and li la underatood the Hamllton llnM and
the Bouthcrn Electii. are read) to h. tnrned over
? ? in adva!i'-i"! prlci
Aa appeara above, m.? Southern El^fjtrtc and thr
'Hamllton Inea ari now one am
of yeaterday may m.-.rk the ? ? . - ?
atep ln the g< of coi aoiid i tion ' ["he
Republl. ileo aaid thfli thi hanklng firm of Bro-wn
Profl A Co., "i ll - rlty, would flnaroe thr .-?...
: o;ir!-itir>n. nut t'tie memnera of th. flrra were un
a'lllitig veaterday to dlarufli thi n itter
The Soldleria' i^omfort <""nmmlt'er< r.f N'ew-Tork
Hnr.onnr-ea. that th. followlng altuatlonB are wan ted
by dlarhara'd i<oldl?rv; Four b.'.kr-rs oflfl harten
dor, oae Maokaailth, one i.r.,-itman. two boiler
makera. peven bookkeepera, one boxmaker, three
brakeanen, two brtrklayera two butlera, four r-ar
? f.'ntera, one r-ivll engliMer, one hundr.-d ,-md flfteen
rjr-rka. two rioak-r-ntterr.. tweivfl eollectora, three,
| r-omposltora, three or.ndu'-tora. one eook, r,n, ?!.
! t.r-tlve. one drauRhtsman, or.e hundred .<n-l alfl
drlvara, t."ir alectiidanp, three elevator men, Ihrea
er^iflnrerH. one enifrosaer, fourteen Rremen, two
gardemara two grlpmen, on? Interpreter, four Iron
; moutdera, eijrhty-.hree jaaHon or tratehmen, tw i
Journaltota, forty laborera, r,r,e Hneman, elaven
marhtnlata, nne nurae, nim- paintera. one pattern
ii.ak^r. thlrteen plumbara, atghl prlntera, twenty
? ?., Baleamen, "i.e siiip'e 'arpenter, om al ?
maker, .-ikIh atablemen, two ateamflttera, on? ateej
1 enaraver, one atenographer, tw> atone uttera on*
j laflor, one telegraph operator, *-u waltera and on?
1 H' .\er
1 i.e talephonfl r-fiil of the aaaoclatlon it* No. LW?
! Rlghteantn-ai Leitera Bhould ba addreflfled "Em
ployment Department, Boldlera' Comfort Commlt
i <r, n.. .",:?". f-?a?t Plfieenth-at.. New-Tork."
T'.e Dnltad Btatea auraey rieamer Pathflnder ulll
Yn* Iflunched frcm the Nixnn Bhlp Tarda, ai Ellaa
t.eih, al 2 ft ?.'.-i"' k thia afternoon Jllaa lt itlu r \v
Croudon, nie-e of Beeretary Oag*. will ihm ? .e
i-flflflfll Se*r?tdr> and M:-* OagT.. doveraor-elecl
?*. \. of Pennaj vanU i 1 8eth o*
Vr u Torfc Will hr p .-r-nt Ti' veflafll will i.. IB. I
. ..-yltig ll>? AJ.u-Kan i'4' ;? ci'J tl.a AlauUan
any law cn Inveetlgatlon I .enrncti thal h*
hadn't The law of his natlon permlttod hun ln
changi hl? name al will l dropped thal branch
0- ?),., .-,,'.'! and C"i around to the quet?tloti o:
t the lat. Mr. Tlnottp owed. M
xv:.- fl ii.-i-'.l (Ob T'.ie Indian . '.ilu'' ' 1" .I. I
..... ,'. _ f0 rl ,i he. I had n..tiiln_ to al ind
upon bul moral sn islon. 1 tried hlufflng. i w< nl
lr, on one llne and when 1 found I was making
no Impresslon upon the ?'? btor tl ? re I trli d i
othrr i tbr-atened and argued. and roaxed Thu
waa all I could do. I lu-i Bepi al H until 1 ;t
atinded Mr Indian to make a aettlement. rne re
Miit xi ' i . rrled baok lo my cllei ';? the hulk of
tlie debt, l-ur I Kfi li through no help ot tne law
lr wa? ju-r a rase nf talking rhe indian Into th.
pnyment ol parl of hiB obUgatlon. And tbat waa
the wa\ we had to do liualnesa down here until
the l'nited Btatea eouri ?-r-' glven rtvil Jurls
dlctlon over i hc- indian..."
? -
nr-iORs t.oi'KI'P to KEEP THRM IN FOR
- t xt. vr.irnv; T<> riNisii
The F.o.r.1 of X'.t.-rn.fii go* ln*o .. wrangle a?
noon ib 11 r-onvened yeaterday. over thi mlnotea
of the lasl mee.'np .V'i-r:r.n Folkl wanted fr>
have :'??.!?.- sraend -i t? Inelude ,i motion ro
Bdjoum xx'i.i- th* Presldenl had refnsed to enter
taln Thi Detnoerats protested n.u Ihe motion
bad n.* plaee in the mlnutes. Earl. nf ,n" Alder
men made x speeeh a? his name waa ealled, and lr
took half an hour to have the mlnute* approved
na pubmltted by the clerk
A r- -.,iu-i."i was pul to expend tk.tttt rm the He na
? ? ? . ?ras nm a quorum present io pasa
? ons requlrlng the expendlture of mnw.
however, ard the aergeant-ai arms waa sent cit to
hunt un mi ml - n in his Bheenoe a vote of eei aure
passi i ut.-m th-- uliaf-ii!--* -\f-r ponnidera ble
-,--.- iing etiough membera xxtre eorralled t
tja_. re?olut1 .: I"'-- serg. >n?-al iruu wi
I -i
structed to loch thi doora and lei nobodj !? <??? ' *?
? _- until Ihe Board ' ad sdjourned
A mesaag. waa recelved from Mayor Van wv.-v
8 n rr?olurion of the Board i?4?rmlttlng John
Westervelt ?? . r., , two portleos m apartment
house* whlch he i? erectlng at Etghtletl. bi '
xi es< i nd ix * Th- t'O, tl.... were to r-vt- nd i-?? ond
the building I1n?. and were oblected io l?j ???? I
iotnlng property-ownera A resolntlon was ealled
up pi .., n_ thai the -i'.. la; aater malns foi
prlvate wat-?r companj tn suppi) water to Queans
Tht? wa- denounced as ridleulous h> Presldenl
Holahan of the Board ef Public ImprovementB,
ard ' aras referred to the Board of I-ors Improve
for rh.-- dlstrlei
pr,.' iei | Holahan made a plea for the passsgt- nt
a number of resolutions affectlna publle Improve
menr? ?ent hx h's Board lo 'he Munleipal Assem
hiy. Moal of I ? ?? - lutlons have been psssed or -e,
but, soeordlng to an oplnton from rne i orporatlon
.. -,r.a n-.t worded eorrerilj and have
_, | repassed Mr. H :;ed out thal 'he
? .a- nt ^ -,-. being delayed by ihe fallure
of the Aldermen to a-t, and advlsed BCtlon. Kemt
The Aldermen took live hour? to wrangle throuah
th* buslnesa iha* did come up The resolutlon to
.-. I. uier f-^-a HOt -?'?? for prellmlnartei
'or rhe new bridue* wa? lo-r for wanl of a suffielenl
nun b4__r of votes, and th* ?.m* fate hefe'd nn ordl
.-.,,. a heatrlcal people to pul plaearda
on Ihe curbatonea of srtaln atreeta. The ordt
i ? iioner McCartney .-oneenVng the
.-.-.,,,0 .,' of - .-a ar-is '-' ';'???!. althougb lr bid
. .. r ... er in *he
?? ??-,-. declded to h Id a im lal mei-llns
; j to ti insacl .-..?-._ i ? ? _?
.he meeting me.nberi of the Voung Women'B Boot
eiy for I ? .' Studj rn cup ? . ? ' Ihe I
pra ,n h- XX the e|ty * the-TB
difl 1 '. i. ? BB
llhFll TO a-YOTT m n \T
. MF M'cinT-vv'- cR..r\x*.. r rr. MAKE BTREET
i u' f-.vr'Mr- uiir i-ixt
'i rav thf RTnESTTS
IAeeordlng to the predi?*11ons senl out last nipht
?-V _h? Weather Bureau Ihere wlll he n.ore -n-k
i for f"omm1s?ioner Mc< irtnej to ilighl to-day. The
| probabllltlei *? 'hai lt wlll <-no-a thi.. n.
nnd dear away wlth oolder w< ithei In 'he after
noon I_asi nlghi th- r.- wa-. an area of 1-xx
pressurr movlnt down li "i fr..m t**
Greai t ikei lt wss n ?? ? rapldij and ls du?
here thi? mori li ir
Commlssloher MeCsrtney apparentlx ?->u ironhle
comlng. for he hi< prepared mei ro be
ruh-nltted ro th* Munleipal Assembly, thal he
Ihlnka wlll greatly .-.--Iar him lr ah rking ??
hltttiea t iat Colonel Warlng naed ro ahouldei
rht ordlnanc* pr-.-. .-t--- thai street-rallwav corn
panlea ahall y-- rompelled '-? removi from - -
tracka, and ' " .* ? '??? ' "" ? ? i *'?''? of Ihe rsllB
. - ,..\ arhich falls d i ? .- I day or right ir
ow faJli during thi laj lt musi bt removi I,
. ||i -I ip on the -He of the stre* arted Bwa.
befor mnset, and lf the anoi fall occuri during
_ r, tr niu-r be removed In the sami i
;.,,.. mornlng The panaltj for fallure m -?
With the prOVtslOnS of th" -.r<Hn? .ro U $'-?' for
ea- h olTence.
Thr Btreei Cleanlng ''imini"ifin-r allegea tha.
.-,? s,,.,r as the <now falls on th- atreel th.
panlea i-hf.\-e| |t off thr- traek ?? sratter aall
..n Uie ralla, wh'-h converta everythlng li
and mnkea li Imnosslbl. lo keep rh.- eroaawalks
Ai'i't-r--r.r. nv W BOTTBKE r*Of~CllAX IVJfl .MEP
rc-A'S n,c*K AMOKfl TH*. NATtONfl
Vi F.ourlae rn. kn.ii ad<1r.?-erl thf gue*t. ,-)( t',e
twentleth a- ? -r of the alumnl of the i-,.i
'? . of .-? Prancla Xavler lasl evening ir -he
Bavoy Hotel M - Cocki-an wa-- eheered when i.
began ht? remarks, and wbb even more enthusl
illy _*?<.'.,i it bii cloae. He touehed upon
Natlonal topirs, allndlng ro the emtnent posltion
o. cupied by Amarli i among rhe natlons of the
w.rld. emttien* be.iiiae -o lanlated Tln: ? ,
tion, be aaid, was Bomethlng more than geographl
, . beeauae of rhe ?entinie"i f.f |ustle*a whieh per
i.ifieii ihe Kational eharactCT \ proof r.r tl il
u - found lr .he rf-i-l!n?-?- wlth whlch tl.e eountry
bad litk.-n up tiie cause ..f ihe oi preased, and never
healtated until Justlee and llbert) were enthroned
"VV e o..n n--ver I...... Otir ISOlal "II Ulltll . h-- f'tlier
natlons of 'he trorld -.?? ? n-l lo level, or ne ,i?.
.-. ,i.i to their," ii- Batd :n ??>
Beeldes Mr foekran the gueats inciuded ex
Postmaalar-Oeneral Jfinn-a ihe Rm Henry a.
Jtrnnn. Asslstani ('orporatlon Counsel A T Ki<r
i . ? ? ? ? i ? trlei-Attorne- Porbea J lt.,
I--.? the Rev. George Brown ol Beton Hall: Prof.a
--? vi,r. F Valefte, Krneal ll..r\i-r ano Profea
.. ? Pech.
'i . ? loaats Inciuded an addreai by C <; llerbor
man Ihe Rei Thomas K Murphy, prealdenl nf
Ihe eollege; tiie Rev. John J. wynn?, Franrla s
M. i lo-k. v. I'lii.rl.-? l-'iill.-r and l-r Jamei N
Iii ller
Waablnaton, t>ee fl .v .iihv dlspatrh reeelved
by Ihe Wai Departmeni lo-day from Oeneral Otls
announeed the arrixal ai Manlla of the tranapon
Puehla There wai little alcknasa and no deaths
. !?-) ui tl.. \.i>.ik'' The Iroopa on th<- Puebla
were rtve eompanlei "t the lal Tenneaat-e, Troop x.
Xevada V'olunteer Cavalry; . detaohmeni ..( r-.'
crulta for i)i-- S3d Infantry, nnil a detachment fur
? i ?? I?-- t.'alifornla ll- ,\ y Artlllery: altogetb'-r
iwent) Bve officera and alx Inindre.i men com
manded by laleutenant-Colonel Phlldera
v/ 11 Wi/.'A /?()/() 11 \\i | ii /\ \/ /.
Rrtdgeport, r*onn Dee .; ln .. game .,; roUer
polo h- " io Blgl ' i< vi idlaon il ill, X#w Tork uxm
gepori .,. .... 0| , ^,. | ?*..<? g ima
waa ?' i pfayed ..nd ihe altendan ,? ta m -
on. irv.ia.tnd.
ROiMfl bimI heart mth retaedm*r*0rn
rarn|*r. .k.:. Mn.t'a fl a'?. B? t BTtB-BI.
t7Tli^*T .1**. \VF>T Two IflfBfl rorame.
rane hall rr- in. irlth board . r?.",r<.#
flfa-efl an.l requlred, ___
17T11 T WI F isT. tltmt raaanl aatiara b ard, nuniv-mfa prjAltia, f-i.-lnB
pa.-k aotithern eapoaure; dinina r,v*n. "n
rarior floor, t,? moderate; rrfrrrn. ?
II.TII '." '-"' ' F- T Fmtlrelv neaalv Mr
nlaled deeoralflal ?Inal' nr en
aulte. -'! "? '!?:?' wwivanlefieea; iabl? nn
eajrelled; referenrea. a _
?? bt '.' CVEUT Handaomely furalahed
iar?. . i hall room, mth board.
"?"rr-ni-ef. _
IT' BT 90 BAPT |.e?lrab|e t?m.. wlth
hoard. priVBta halh'. rrfrrrn -t
... . ftX,, .'/.2 .lot RTEBT Orlre room'.
,.i ateelleni taMe an.l flflf
-,.?<-, r'fln'.t loratlofl and Mit rnnndlnfln.
? -. :.: ii r Ven heerful fleo
,n.i tt .-., . rn; one mth haa artndow;
Wnr\t\ tahle; ae> t h .?'. refi enrea.
lll SI*BM rn t\(K4,
I.1S.- ? irpmler nn I r-abln"
- - f repa i Ing, eleanlnc.
r. ,!,,.- - ? furnltnre a' rern'-nahle
, | | | - -? 11 i i wiil fall^atidjrlvB
2M! *'.
? . pntVERR. 4 11 Weal
a.!.\ t RTIfll him* a;i,| aubarrlptlena f>r
Tl r. Trll il thi ir irptowa
i .-? \... 1,242 i" ?'.'?, 2d ! ". '. ' tk
of ::i ? unill W .?'??I. ?? li p t.i . adver
tt ???i al tha followlna brancti
ratea until ? o'ej. ??*<
p, ,n ? . J..I Btl lie., a. rv .-.r SSd at.;
r r 1211. al.. M-.-.'a. Bth
I ', bi 112 .' .Inmbua ?.--.. neavr
V. ? ? .?; ? ' 11*1 H ? a- i.-i at., near .'..h
r- ? 112 . ?? ? ! i h . 2.', 7 \v.?. 13d Bt.,
bettree "l md Ath .iu> , IM> Eaal 47th
,i .??'..??.!? tire. -i T.i'h and TT*
i .r fllat ?' I "Oh 1 il
?'-? -<i acitli al . ''-.'" .11 bv* . near n-'
.- . :??. .-..: ..-?? 'ji" m.--i<.r ??
4 llll'KT ClaRABIBOa
r- /? ^ra rr r f,r.f
CARP - ... ?.l bl ateam, l.y hand e?
on Ile floor. Careful i"ai;,.-' Cleaalnpj
rr, i..> Kmidway, 421 Baat IBtb-flt.
?-. ,.- t BRAXPT Tal. l.t? '!-t'i
fleal atarm. i ai d 041 *t Oa* txa* re
r?;! V lelied JJ moderate prlre.;
r?nnn ^ .->? i rb mrect from
aaa- '7.1. '-,inMKNT? A . ^
? .?.'.-:..W^'*" ?
. n it 1
mp i-'-i ? '* m f??
ln i n
; .??.-. i nc if.
PRI --M \|, . i(
?- ' *
? .- *? _.
PRE! * "? ' VZ~Z?
dr' " * " ,./
? ' I rail lllea; "*'-r
AT.AA ' ' '-' ??-'? "
,,,;?- v .. Reftneo* ronug Parta
" ;rP"k". J*
-. \ ii ia-- r-v. P a
1 i? i -? \i a t ? - F -?- rl iaa, ?.* ild HUe
11 '? ? ' -
. 12 ?? kti.t.v. m
a - lll !?'. th.
|0| Dt'ejn BV .?? 'Ms'-k'n'a b*!'
. JA'-'r' lallfldl aklr'a reb^imd,
altarcd r*t? red; eleanlng and da^'na of
,vrr-. :ir?' elaaa worfc K'.araji
t,?t i- i , . ror and dcll ?r-rr-.i r. s.
iath ?. _
tt ?--a |6.?Frenel draaflmaklng, Enpllah
.... ? -, ind n eptlran
,, -. fltttn*;
. n ? .'n-e meaaui -
i> dai Mtn? rX'H'bir .'- Raai 4t?tl al
Tl - 1 -I:?.:? - rr
, v 1 ."42 "
ef gla.1 ' .;."?:
? ? .- tha
Itlce i .
. .. *? A' ?
??,-; fl,! |va ,-Of 1 ' ?
r a I4i it., 143 Col
? t
?-.? ir E\at I Itl at . ?
hr'-a?r 7". aa ' flth ivea
,- .--?: a, y ,, . . tVa?
?? ? ? .
- ? r ro ,r M"h a' . K'o M
(. *,*,* td a- ? "IO R'?e.
riDr-rip-lr-ni for
it fh?:r "
., 2.. do
k p. it
ng hrai h
??? until ? o'el ck
? ? <-?r Zli at .
. M icr'a .'.'h
. <?.. ri'xt
2,\ at . n?ar H'h
.-.7 "? ? ll 4-M 14..
. 180 r-,?t 4T-h
- M tr. I 77th
s. ,. . I 7.>1 lat
,t . n?ir 4!at
ker at
nHini imi a.i-roiinK.oai n.KAT
's , ? iRPP >N and allB | Htlfl i. ."-na
??;. : ? ? ' I ' '' "? "
...... and " itlttl BI.'B
?- :il' ?f S?ee
j" r \'!'l v.P rirk.raa. flutlnfla lona arhllfl
a i im rr?a?m?kera c-t ..'.- *r"in' 611
, ' , ,...., HARPtN'O SOWeBtSM at
.^. ra^ - -. -a ^ra-^r-a. .r..^ A^a^^Sr>^a^a/a^\^a>a.ra^^v^.*
A 4 '?
IM w c.-T 22D BT..
:. SEEI.T.
yi,].;, ? \' DOMEgTIO
y i I I ANI ,r*BM M.H
? viptrOv \ ni'Rv.u
c,r...,,. | engafameatfl ?!ii
? l(?aj t, r^ ,ffl ?? Hn ! ( -rfelt all ,
B . ,i ifll -. : Rond ??
. ..rn?r PSlItOB. I
AT PT PAHTH.ilri.yKWfl
Eteplnvrirt.- Bureau, III Hnat 421-at.
F'rat claaa aeraania nrr Biippl-d. Br?Bt
rare la t;.km ln InveatllStlng ref?nan-?a.
nilla and urofeaalonal -*oik?ni a-.p
.. > re- Citfi f..r pvrse Thuradap evening at ? o-loa-k.
?, . . | ., ,.-. 1 .Vri ,>th-at
y. HORN '? ? Ifl ? ' l?B tor frmatr
?-'??'? -'_
riitMUirn Rnnni to
IRT '?!!","nT"t"T, aeennd floor fmn
. ..-aa a--- ? " - ?'? aant] ? fur
.- , ? ifl
. ?.. ? IflTtl 11 N*'-- mnill fiirn.a<-?
, in ?- MAP PBEHEXTa BTfl '""k frr a
. , ...-.? - -,,- "? ? Iai ipa bi ? .. hrar.
'?''**'' _
I'llll .-Al.l. Ten R I.H A.N.S for S caanta
at dr.aalaia'. r>na BtVBfl r*l!*f
I Ai REUll'KU HRICEfl IW) ae.-..iid-BaM
wo.rd Hnd In.n arr-rklrn niachlt.ea, rull/
| ruarHnt'-aal. unb< h.nery b< u?ht and aa
I phar.fl'd UEOROB B RDlit. 8Vi Madl
I aon-at
l-l \>oa A\n ottfi \\^.
CAldt ot Wlil'l! for Ihfl n?w I'.l.iaat-fiten,
eataloflu* '? "I ' 1l ' "" tn'n..iia llarrl
? ?.. II inr* i rl ??- ml tarma lo aull ?? -
r country, a
Mrm ' s '*1 ' ** _
?T4>H M.K.
; .i:: 'l:u. PTnRAOl WARB
linl'REK IA'- l"T ""l** B'eal Kd .'?*"?*
Kg,. , . '? Th tf. TlH 3V hM_
At'i ri. i if' Nl i:"*-T>a aod Buba.-nptlona f?r
. - .- Ifl. |r fplnwn
fiflt.r- N" i '-'- Bi .-l??>. '.'.I door ii tth
,.f "t|i ? it until ii I k i . m , Bdn i
.,*... ? ed at tha fnllon lur I I
Ifl . n,?? ? until I o'i i...'k
., m al/ , - I B4h ..... a a -.. Md ll
, ,:. .-;, Uth-aal.; M.i.-v ?. H.h
' ?!* ar.d 1411 .-! . 11- ' WuiBbua *a??? . r,*ar
' 'V.-Pl Irl-I' I'*' ".''-' '-"I Bl Bflflf ),.|.
????? ?..*.' Kaat 14th -t "?'?' Wa-ai I2d n
t+tnrm Tll' atrj ri.l, aai-' I-'''-' Y art
. , | ? ". . ' ? IW. ? ? ffltll anrl 7i''i
I ' ,,.,-,'. , ? .? Blal al i ...-. |m
I ava tr ll aatl ?' ,1"'" -I'I ar* 'aar 41.1 !
I ?i fl/U ?.! ??? ?lll Hlaarlltr-at |
I TYPrcwnrrFRfl
,!?rin.i tha i-i. prtea |?: ""???-?"??? ,
? ia ,,... -..,i f ' home,.**
i.t.i.'kekmprri i:h irni "' '?;-."'';'
.ii. Broadway. and ITB-th ava. Tel-pnoae
R._nlrgtone, 8-8; ?hw. aa^ren""}* *? ,
a?...| lelephone .-ONSOr.tDAT_B_ I VI E .
. WRITER I'.N-IIXN.IK. -4B |tr-_i'lx??x___ ;
i ADVERTIBEMBNTS and lUheot-PtloBa fot
Th- Trlbuna ree-lrad ?. their ' V';'.-?
Offlce. No. 1.843 Broadwar, 2-1 *^?? '.
| or siat .... .."'ti !' "????'" . i; m - rr,roh
ttaamanta I r-i."i ?' ??"? ?"""" .n_ '." '
' ppir.i .ir regular offlca ra"? "intll 8 ocl *
., . 254 8th ???. ?? ???_!_.??_..' I
i |83 rt'h ave. eor. I*h ?-.. Mn-y ?. flth
?ie. ,.n.l 14. h -fl*- rolombua "? " ar
xv? )'..'..!. ...; 10* Weal 43d * .. ?' -arfl}
? mvr r?2 Ka*t M'h Bt.i V,t 4-'i ___
t, 7tt mifl "'I' ?'?'?? _.
wATiniKa on KBmTAhiMKtrn.^
-j.i.i.n i_ane. R....r. 83 aii gooda atiar
a-.f.nt*' wavtkp tt* araal aa ageat
tr, ev-.rv loWtl to ?e. ?-. *?*>*?'*??**_? J?
The Udlea' Hnme Jonroal." I* look *****
reneani? and dlatrtbute advertlaltig matter.
We nffer proflubl* emplnymenl for tba
arlnter, al* ipeelal rewarda I" **""'! ?
M (ton wlll be -l-'-n ' ? -. " ."'i,1^
th. lara-.r llll up lo April 18 next; f--?
(a ihe nexl heal w rker. and ?-? n ?'
trlbutlns -11.*??-. nn.-n_ 600 heal agenti
i.n ing - i? n Oood '.">>' - ai
;^.,.;:.:;:.;;,;vr-.,.r: .'??.??
PI'BI.ISHINn .'.. Pl il" '"'i'" -1- lv"r
........ ,. r.vll Senlee en ill H n
-,? arelng our llliietrat* '.'.,.?
li r irmatlon Benl fi-- " ' iM Ml
It.).)"!., 1>- ''._.
ADVERTrSEMEXTa and i-b* ?"'?''' ? tar
The Trlliu i- rec*lv-_ al lh?li i f wn
f.- \,, i vic Hi ., t-i .-.. --I ?! or ?
,f ::i-- -- intll fl | ' ' '
, ,..; ;.? , ? foil wlng branch
,, -,. , ,) - ?? --.'?' ui tli 8
vli _." ( 8th ave .. i .r 23d at .
_ . ? ivi? eor. 13th- at ; Macj - Bl
ind 14tl Bl.. 113 ''': . i ' ua i ?
\X.-t .i-'.'h -' '"" '?'"-' ?-' ' *' '?' ''' ' '
tv* 83 ..-..' li" ?< . -??? ''?'?'" tJ'."' ?
between 7th and .rl. Bvei . loa Kait 4?tti
, ;,..- ...... between 7.1 ? ? ? ?
-.'. | ......... , , i il ?'?'- it I TOS la:
. | -.-.. ? ear tiat
., ?? i ?? i . ?? 310 Bleeeker at
III. L.P JVVA_\Ta_n.
Vt RBB ''t 14 m ?-'? r| Ud; tnu-' h* IX
? - * '? -?"i ea Fall
| I _ _** W.ll _Sl ??
TEE "F NKW VORK s "i tloaa waat
?.1 bj f)l',-lia-(.e.l y.^ii^ra:
t aardener,
'-' -"'I " .v,
?:. '-? ? raor aratfh
...--) .
1 l? -i" il ??
83 lal
l Hr---' ian,
i nna ,,-.
" ? ? ''"
7 pr'.-f-.
11 Ml< n -
t . . ? panter.
I .1 -a-n ikei
fl , _..... 1
encra* -*.
1 M?r o_rap'-?r
j ?? ?_.- it.ers.
t rail -
1 ?naro*ier I ? ?- ' -i' T"?""
.. - ; ???-.
]-,?.? -.,.-?.. Wl|| i .-.,-.. 1- 1
effer ... -, fadlltj ? - "
" l?.?' Tel : ??- 1B*>. ?!.__"???
-. . ?'-. _ni xir.NT nErART
V.r-V- , . ,, I- ,mn 'I.-., fllH
V-..- l.'.-h ?1 . N??? '
JjtTISI - - - '? r of irt at tl e ll
. ... - !??? nk iwt tw
drawlt c? t he*; from i -' ''? ;
- v , 840 i
j'i....:., Vta-Tled flv-e - flren.
, , ._'.,-_-.-?. |ob. -. re
.- i- vnvx ?? iMB, 184 ?' - n-et.,
._.,,- f.r meat ?? ?
.feren .-. v. GLSTAPH
BOX, ll" r- "'_
-, .BR -H tel, reetaurant or hak-rv
i itry, l.-'xd. rolla,
.-:..-. ge-v| referencea BATOB, 854 Weet
t.-.'.v in xx-i?h?i ro ?? rl al ..-?.'hlng or
,.;? ..... ,-. hx'.vfr. 318 B?u_
;.-. who -*an tl'.* good r-'-'*r;*; ln
,-im xfflea *r al -x trade Ai.t'r.Ki
?' h 5' iX '- 83 Tn itmai -? , Br
?. ,v )., t iiina ? .?"?*" 8 trade; -e'>r
fri-e llxlng a-lth r-'e-"?' "?' ?C,'-'''N,
1-...X it we-ild llk* ?' aialii ln ' Ipplng
....... .r h n .-tr vi-;. ii-i Weal
lt _
, . ,i. - f)XI :;-.' s - -Arr?n -ar ??
ipeaki Spanlih Vt"- h,
.;. - ,-i and t"1 - ?- ,,? *orre
.....-- would travel tn
Bpgn ,...;..... i -- ||-M S T. O , D-X
,,' ?. (hm ? Offlce
<-*..frK Mairled man, ^fi u b-i1-_? to
^?b'a n rlerlral ?*.?? rl< of lotna klnd '?'
.,,, ._ n ?. intll* houB* '"V-e. faetonr,
ft. r?feren<-e Uddreei .1 r xv . ;.^e
South '."*. Slar?ra fall*, X. T_
rr.BRK, .-? ?? - -?-.' 'i " exparl
o-?- idmltred 'o Har rhre* yaara, thor
_,._!: .... I ingU .K*
,,.. .. .--. rka ? . ? . - m*r hanl.
iv r-Tr*n-i,n 144) ?.* m
Uii ii_
<"t...i!F.r n-ix" ? . ' ' ? ? help laaltor
. ? .... ? . P-RAM :.?. 183 West
-NOIVEBR. -."?
? | - pesitlofi
Avenu* x
r'i:';xi\N ari ORDBR '""K Expeti
. ? 11 ' .- ??'-_.-.-.:
ebllring nitESSI.t-R BIW t'n" l..l?l -'
Kl FXA ? ')?**> '"ir? -f fi--.-.- Hr.t fr
of private reildt n ?'? ren ?>- gi'
r, xt ! 18 Wi ' >
I'l'RN'li r* VtXV ? Sl.i-1 or hot a'r fu
? ? , . ? ,- nd flrai .-la*? refarenoe; ha
: ... is ; ? ? ROUERT 1.RBHN, ean
k .?;.;?. ^!h i?
? rovBtry preferred; oomfortahla
- than h-._:h wagea
\. >r..v KXRItlttR. ?-7 1 "!- ?" ?> . T'fi?r
mn. X. J
rAN'lTOR Bmall famlly for r-.v> or m-r
fla'?. iindei-Btandlng .-arj'?rit*r -a ?- '
I ? T. r . <_ Weit
VIANX-iKR "f fiant. grova, hy mnn wirh
?-'__:> - yeara1 Bueeeaarul *xp*rten--* an-l
mri I.:! referen'-e- Address Hox l*-9.
Great Xeek, l/in? latand
viARRtrr. man, imall famlly. wt?h*?
v ek iinn.ia ? ih re>li. board ?xa--r t -
.n - eountry. wix-1. 88 Man
ittan ?r.
PAi'*KER v 'ma man, 2T. marrlad: laat
;. , . ? PPlng and ..-??? Xi ref,-rer e
'-rn 'i.-i rtnpl yer ' nr n.'. tr-aa P
RK*HARP8 *>'''? riermoni n' B'klyn
PAINTRR, pir-rhaMfr, deeorator, anber,
flrai .-!?^a. aml. aa .-it, ua|?? mod
prlva'e or ho** cit) er .-.??iniri K.1/K.
.1!) H'imi -I ll at Rr, k -.
PORTER. i >Fii 1. xt.xv. I'nderatandi
- ? ? m hotel or fael ri \ Idrei i
. ii x' ln Rlvlngton -i
PHOTO PRINTER and general workman,
mrk of any ktn-i w i". rf.f.p f.'O
XX>.t 2(rh ?t.
PAJNTER, -1*.-or_(r,r nnd paperhnr.aer of
mar.v iear.' iiperleuea wanti work;
p-.nlral and (ni?rworrha?; m^-.ler.e prt ea.
l-?i refer?nce?, rorre.p. .n.lenr*. ?n|i.-1tef|
XKSTKIN _.'.'.M.l ?!h ave.
?nt xx it.i.iMJ . x i.i ?:.-?:xi xv Experlanead
We.. in'ti^- Bpanlah apeaklng eountrlea,
H-i'i. their ?.,i- builnem itandlng: ault
ahle good*; ?harp, ron*.-l*ntlou* ..??n..mi
ral, refe-. :,. ??- .'. 1*..; r.i..- 8Bd *r
HPHOI-BTBItBR. deeorator .i|al,-_ hniei
-r prlvat* wora. Rm ? l.flSS 8d av*
V\ A'l'i'UMVN Pay or nlght, b) a ?? u
,i , hai Bv* yeara' experlene* and t'r.'
rl,.- ? ? riiiixt x-> HENRY, t:.v
||| I" ? k!\ n.
Yi.FN' I MAN 81 yeara of ?>.??. would like
., ,.|-! ,, m -? in- - '?? :--..i- h .'.ne chai i -
. - . ? il Rll > t- ,.n? Fulr
'. .- , i ??
Yf.t'N.; MAN II let - - i ill ?!. ? tn
operata typ*wrlter m I ... ... .. ,.
rollac4or hlgheit referen *? n 1 .-.-nr:t>
lf .leaire^ LOEB, I'"'- I 1*1 135th 11
TOI N'i MAN 80 al anythlng; rrteren.-e
froin I .-'.-;? ? II i ...M xx ||
1 >Ughh) -I"- , Bl ia'wi
Al)\'rJiiTi!-i-:xir..*.Ti- and luba-ripi
Ti - l rit.ii-,- r*c*l ? 1 ut "i-l l.'pl wa
Offlca*. No l 813 Ri ad? -> 3d I ? n ?:
<r ni?t ?i . uniii ii ,-, i . a i. iii advai
ii?.-u .-ma r.'...lie.l al ih^ folli wlna !.r..n h
, r. -. ni ,.-Kiu..r uffl. .? rain intll N : -
B, lll vlr _?.| ?|h .ii- . r , .Ui.l |1
|A3 tl'h-Hi* . ...r. 13th it.; Ml
. 1 I 1". .-? I ? J . ' I ,.,.' in , i .- . . _ir
? ?- -;?!'). -i i.iti w.-.i i.i .? -,. ,, ,-.
ir* . !-? i-:.ui! I4th il _."-. \x. ii i.i ii
|.?ni*en 7'h aml _ih a\e? |80 Eaal l.'ii
?i 1 888 .1-1 ave., h-ivteen T.iiii and .. -
.-. 1 ...-.-, i.I mv- . ti-_r rtl-i a. l.TOK lat -
ava nr*. Muh at . (_.',.? ;i(t ava i.eair iiit
?i . e.'i M-ava.. __ju _i-i>t ?_.
WORK wttTfin.
Torvrj rOBBtOKPBI IPane) ai praaani
,,?dyi..B it.n*r?phr. a-alrefl to eorre.
.,?,?.I arith * llierari man or w.,man wlth
M..* ultlmately t-- obialn .-. p?"!?-"? ??""
va.,?i,i brlna him Ifl.ntaot wi'h arMjr*
,.f drilnn ln ihe Kngllah " '? ?
Tr.hune Oftlc*_
yiit Ni> MAN mukuO, anod r.i>i"i"
and addreaa, w*l .??!.. aiad apflakfl
fl.i.ntlv rrf.iv ... rtermaa hr I Knall".. U
Ulraa* trOHlllon In prlvala "-' l"
K. .Ilt 1)1 HI Ilt '-'il Weal 24'" -'__
y. ,f\r. MAN ?:-inr,o. gnod eppflwreno*
laalrefl !? altlon ln hai nom kaiii.
RITT1SEB '.'ll Weal Jt" '_
-,,,. \'i n \v :?.. ??- "'" ?*? " "?' r"l
? -, , ,-rk In .. wholeeal* hf*ufl?; beal
rererenr-ea m'h rhfl-.f "
M r- ,:.,? ||. Trlbuna oflV*,_^
N'i MAN -.r... -"-* ? ''',,,':'*"..,;'"
., r ?. ,- -,,, ing. \ Idrea t'>Hs ' ""?
l.u a, ?. ram
iu Mtu WABTBD.
AfiM'Ti-.v ll. i ui lla lealred br North w
Mng ?ovet- lermaii
Hngll-h i.r.-ir- high ''.*-" m wl . dra?
Ing palntlng. Ro? 8?-. UM tRh-aire.
. '..Mi-wii.v Reflm-d,
? .ui k . I. brlghl dlapoBlHon, rea
n to lady or rhlld; ln;
... hoapltal eapei
??',.? H 840 '?? > ?_
ijovkrn Rsa "? Pn ? "? ? " *
ln prlaa "'"? " ' ' ""*'? ?""
P R a 71 1 24'J I'.r..;. '? .v_
.;..\ BRNBH ? ilei man -W. Hai
Kreneh Kn^Hah. takea
travellln;; high
... r. ... . , it H,i :i7 1 242 ?'? '*?*?-_?
HTEN-mlRAPHKR. >>P * ' " '"
-.. it rap l ind ar*. u H "
h.-r w tk i: ! penman; aalarj ?** Miaa
isN \. :;|.. Kaat tl-' *_^___
- ,.a ?,,- i| ||f:n ind TTPBW l:in:it
| ' a -1 "? '??'" ' * ' * ?-* V ""
M 421 B? mnnt B - N'--*.ark. V I
KTBNiiOH v I'H K '?' ' ?'?''?'
rvfrlen. ed .wnlng Remlngi ralthl
. ? ? - "
Mlary '.-??' "id Ireaa RNBROt 23
Baat li" '_
?- ! ia*".;i: tt'HBH and TYPEW'RITER
?, mg la ? g""' hr-gh '""
.- MART1N Jt Manhattan ave,
\- ui uaualty i II eg.? ' v Mreflfl
.. I \. bt IM ''.. ????? '! ? -'"
invERNBsa Parlalan ?*
- |, g\ r Ei - h !? ?--? ? ? M I
VI IV??4 'J2-' ?? rara fr,-n h Pr ,i?H-ar,t
. r .
AI"1 EKTiailMENTP m-t ..|l.?v-r!pt|nna tor
T'r Trlbun* -? alved n' Ihelr I'ptown
r."',.a n, i 2i- Br adway. 2-i d-*or north
of 31at at intl] :? ?< p m -"I-->r
tiaementi re.?'? ?*.' ''" fellewlng hraneh
.. rt-. ,-.,, ? .. , ,-... until s ' - k
. < -? " ' ' ,3M "', *
r !?:?'. -? M;.--. a. i.'l; -
.,.. . -ij .???-, ? near
l?M \i ? ai I2d ?t.. n< ar Bll
fl ? Raet Uth Irt 2'7 Ue?- :.
befwr-en 7' i ind Sth Bveg I.V" Eaal
.. | | .-?> -v .-.!?- . hetween 7'','*- -.n 1 ..'!.
? ?-<'. i'.iiM Sd av# . '? ?? fllBi at . t "'''',)?'*
a-e near ?th " r"J< M aea near il"
-,-.i Rd ava . 210 Ble* k*t ti
ODMRlKTir ?BITl'ATlIt***'** WA!tTFp
P'-Tt.FR and VA1.BT A B"*,'! ree
- - . . TI.ER, B?? 84 i 242 Brofld
? ? m..- ' ........
!,.?. nll) r feret *ea \11'?-a H
i ??' ?
I K~Ar> Eng
-.. , - - tOt 8th '
..;!? i;- alngla ma ?' '
hnr-rUgh 1; ' ? ? ; - I
per. - . . a ?
? nop ii7 '" ? '?
-. . Ry a
? ? - * ?' "'" "'*r
P. I 2;- ?' <? -'
' -. .-? fair ly,
?. r?f
. ?- c ? ' ared II
II 1 .'? ?
. -I- l.i. ? . ' ' Iln
'!-'???? ' ''"-'
? K I" . 201 Baat "7th -at.
PEIX BOI t'.<";- tablfl * r?d bop aa
he-i boy r a th d r M R, t . 824
1V?.t .t7'h al . Tlllle Bmlth'B bell_
OOrtK. rr*)d, Preneh, j.:*' landed, ln
? .ar pHvate fi". ??' a? ISBlatBOt
- -?- ? ai,", mod'
4RTH1 '?' FREPENira 14* ???' I5i at
'i "HMAN Oentleman rl'ma 'ip hnra?a
- - ? - -ompetent ei 1 -
man, abom he ' hlg mmend;
rareful rlti drlver App^ -" preaent am
-" ? Mr, OEOROD MAS8 Ti ? I
.'."> V-. IM A *?' fleneratt: uaeful min. th->r
irl- Ing ' ag. garda
1 u-ra -v ?? >r,'f -a,K-.. higiia reeora
? i?p, 4>v> r^ ?: at
.?>"> \.'HMAN Pla yaara' flrai cIbbb cttp ireful ^'l.r-r. A.l '
K. J Boa fl*. 1.242 Broadwa
? HMAN rientlflman would like ta
procnti .t -, . r ' ? hia man, flrai ' ? -?
,-|... drivar flne ippeanan 1 aoher, .11
\?ara. .'. fert ?? ... lin*. i.-iw''' l~'' 9
\n ir-. anywhere. hiehem ? .r-a-inal refer
n- ??.? JOHN, 14 '?*?'"' **b -? . prlan-e
?rOAOHMAN ?- alrglafl -1>i na
,..,... - "1.^r^iiuh|a ?x
JT'.i Baat SlBt ?'.
COArHMAN 1..-?.-;??.! ni alahea ? -
. :? .?:. vhom he r-rin
. . .nr ? untry. I.
PMITH i'. a. > Me, 30? R'eat TSth-at
.'.I'HMAN Hv an eTrp^"*'"'"e'1 msn
taiag *' *?' ??? ?' w 1 lararter ? '
iht'.itv; Id veara with ]>aar emplr?y#r, ?ho
,-,n he aeen BI. Ilxtt'', eara Plandrau *
S7j >.? . al
...\. HMAN ?''." ala year?" flrat elaaflcity
referenr-e, a.-v careful Irlver. A-!.Ir?-ae
K .1 .? \ :?:. 1 242 Br * !? ay.
1 OA<"*HMAN Slngle flrai eiaaa reference.
A idreai n . I Ifl Baat ib' -?
r,\ HMAN Tl .1 ughlj underatanda bll
? - ? careful
- - - - generallj ;a- ?
l ?! 1r. ".a
??"\. HM IN. H -. x T-ih ifl. OfB -
i'-iV 11M\N Kapr-r'enr-*-!, ttrt-' claflfl ref
ntrj or Waa ? .-? -
p.SiiN 142 Eaat -'..*.? h Bt.
.-.MIIMW l.ii. hartng g'ven up
? -?- ? ' ?? mmend her -? ai-hmm
? '.? 'II .* I*. fnbf-r
-nan, marrled; no famlly. M W cin Otli
.'.>\.-HMA\, I SKI'I'I, MaV I4> vnung
>?,'!,- (.-r'.tia m ,b.-r. underatanda nara
- ? ? Btlend furnaee;,
vi:i>..\ - 1 822 Baat 29th *'
1 11 VIIM \N Slnal". tr.ld.ilr. hh?.1, e\r
perlei I New-Vork ai Bt - yr, -!-.\ -r.
.--..-. r. -.; r ??
.--??-.-?, . hber
. ' - l.' '? '? '? " ' ? ' 'itl br
r,. r, r addreea rxiACHMAN, 477 M.-nr>
?t H. - klyn
rOAl'HMAN' Ry a 1 | red
v ??'?1 kllt.i! rjr'a..r. Wllllng an.l
fl. I I'l-i lll'lll -tr 'I.a
arvrtt 'ara. referenee from laai
r ? '. ? 1.1 b*. -. In tj
OA-'HMAN, .rner Btate at, an,|
lt. erum Pla ? Rt klyn, In 1 1 *..
.rn 'HM \N r OROOM. V uag .'-?A-le
la l a ai ? ?'
B Bl : ?!? Iging it IHN
'.. ?ki.I.H".-. 'J'.T.'. Eranklln ava
I'OAttlMAN. Marrled; flr?t claaa peraonal
Iddreaa J. M, 144) B 4i?: at
Wl I. MAS - ? gle
underatanda care f (i..'-a?..s h: A
A l-ireaa M.. H a
14:.. Trlbune <>m,'e.
i'.ARKKNBR ,.n,i h'ARMBR Marrted: un
,|, ? inda tha ln.Ilng an I rearii a I 1
1 inda of farm at ? ? -, , j
? . ii _? i? iitri hj in.mbBtor; hitiient rr-rnr
? ? \ . reaa ENOIalKH, 208 1-: 4Bth at
HOI -i:\VnHK flood 1 *hri?tUii.
t . ,1 . general li ,..-?? ? k . .. - good ref?r
v iu: ITA. M i'r.a.r.r..-i it., B'kl] n
i .-.:i'i i, \i \\ r. r m!. leaal* bouaa r
ta . I,..n.-at, anhar; ? .-'-I workrr. be^t
referenrea J MATTHEWg, ai.i tVaal
Uti Kt
l BEPt'Ia MAN Hv a fllllllBII. aln?{le.
underatanda ..r- .f horara rowa, law!
m-.-'.iM.- . .-.!.-:.!!,>; and |.--.';r- generwlty
.. r; a.-'" i referen ? a
: !.\ni:i: \ 1 E Boa B, TrilnuM 1 flBoa
1 M I 1 I. M W. Iii prll ne fan.ll) . rnr.
nait .1. laWfl and l.ik>- rare ,f florBBfl
!? ? .- - - lant plaa** Addreaa
Boa ii 8-B Euli n al . Brooklyn
1 ^i.'i'i 1. M l.v . ompetent young ma
a.- ..' ... 1 good horavman '-ii
.111 na B V HTBWART, BT8 M
I ...... 11, h -t Itr-.. K la. :..
V'AI.I 1 Bj an eiperlenced, flcrocnpllahed
, - | food r.- 1 !??! , Eren '
.-.| iraveller, I
1:.- ? i-t 1 . m M. 11 .
Mllla H*e| B ..- ?
n AITKR .11 flrat iw
?.''.? , famllj 1 ill t \a i-t..
1 ' ?'J2 \l r-.f |.-,l|, .'
.1 1 ITI-1; Rj ri ... .r.,| man aa aan'.-t ..r
?? - al* ot au . '1 ? li il b2 c . ??
Mtll at.
fYHlK I ndemtan Ia all klnda of r alna.
ln p-lvate fari.lla MO flTflfll TVh ?> . \>.
"? ' _
COOK. A -".ing ta goflg --nok a*1
laundra-aa. *ji>a Eait T?th at., (
? ., .|. Hv rf-;,i"'?H? PetrlOmUUX aa'-rra-,
In einall ,\.ii?ri. an faml! good hakf
fll rl |*.t refrt". ?? UISSIOX, .11 (?>.?
i*ini:< |' r-t rlaBa COOk ?:?!??* ?(eadv nf
? \t rr, ob*)eetl*ri ?<>
-.-,-?. .. ,.a -. f im- - a ? - - vr
li ? I'.. 1 242 I'.r'," 1 ?? .?
<'? .i.K. * ? . Pr< teatanl ?>? -nai
*i good idaln k hi.-I laundreaa 'a
lillta; c untrj ' I ' '.
Ijl Weal IBti at., r*ar
'.'iriK rl.- .. " -r.Ihi* u.iinf B1HIIH Ifl
? ' .
Icepl ? - ii-.r- referefl r? f-.n ',ne farr
? il I INM-'.ltTV from 2 ' 4 171
? ?? |02d
.... >K Ftv r .'.?,.
glve flar* yea ' '? I ' ' tddreafl %
8 Boa TO l jij !'.
in. .K i ?-? iaa < ? i t Kf
? > r ' . .... -. (
W \ I.K I.l: IOR Baat Md
COOK H ......... ..
enre. 1-1 !?? -? K ?
, ?,?,?' - .....
pi-rb-n,-"! ?', ...
Weat IV.->. ?? -lr ??
AIA KK'i I- Ul N !-?:,' ' ? - ? -? fH*
Tl.? Tti . : ?-a
v : J42
... .
< - ' ? <
B ? ?
IRJ .-? -. . ror, 12th -" Ma . .-??
:.-. .-? 'ij
. .... ? i
i . P2 Baat UM al 287 " 15 ? ?
7- . md Blh ave*.; IM i" -
. ?? . ' - ' I .
COOK Ry ' Bl
Ae-t llth-Bl
.'... ik By Fn ?' ? fam ly.
. ?. ' . Vj ...
lM.,1, I., ...
... - i ... M ?. ll i ?
? v, _. . ....
. . ?,
\ -a I . ?
rm t" .
TV".' ||
.Vk.K. * Ne?4, - 'i'-rin
P ..-?a- . ,...-, ,
? 4
i;a<- .*'.Itl -? B.r
r*riOK and i'ATBRI i Amerl
Mra f.
: . ? ? ?? ? ?
?.i- vi ?' ? - . < ? -,j?-v-*r,
. . ? ? ? ? ? ?
t-\ 1 lll 2 - ? " . '
t :>
... -., i . ? ?i?,.
r, \., . (VORK ;.-?>- . - .- ' - a
? I 14 l?l
1 - l . ;?-.-.
? a . >? raafla
? -k b . ? -
llk* la ? <
Mr? KBATINO, ??!
?>AVB WORK i 1 ? - ' I
grirk b?- - < r
? .'.'.?- - top floor
lll-: . ? .- aa ...a
.a r- ;- kind. 488 Tv-at
' " ?
PAVP V '' I I ' I I ? ar
"??-?. ? n
?* -
?? -.->. 11.4
? i... H -.?
IHSIIW ISHBR \ - ' ? - > niag
1 ri'el.v-k
-MITT1 8*> Basl 74! it
HOI'SEKEEPBR v ? .-?--. ..
g"r\ nl '?>.:: - <
Bouthern wldow ar mimiiii ii-nia?k?#r*r,
n-i? .??r- famll) preferred, M. i . 2M
' * - - n'a bell
HOt'BEWOBK Bj n Protaatant womaai
' i ?arr. g.-.-1 v far
?: ? ? rlng 8d h?'"
HOfjSFWr.PK R.?p*r..),h'e jf.rl tn di
k waah and
lr* . r-feren.ea B fRD, 881
. ?' -
IV int - - - etent per
? ? >? ? arertenea)
nith fi
M . 888 8th
I.At NDREP8 r -?? ii iul ???*, l!v
nst Bh<a|i ??'1
llic* .a ,. -? ? ?-? iti family wher* no
, -.. r , .. refereae*
Mra K
I.Vt'N't 'HB-^S Re?j ? tO ga
?t ta gfl
? ?? 1 1-S.a 2d ave ,
- ir 82.1 '
LAt'NPREBP By "ompeienl *- -- '
Ireland I. ' ' ?
? ' '.-?'.
.. .
IiAt'NDRtW-1 Bj ? | -.- - - ? -.- itfl
famll) will r.g tn ? -? > ? ?'
to, rltj reference 8 Idreaa II P.
: ave
!.? I'V > MA1D NO flbj* tl.'* *'?
! ' ?
- . ? ? - - IT
V ,-? ri-.!-.- -?
vi'Usi B. ? -?-??,? i. *
, . . ? . a -?
- - . - >- . . - - ? :
N i' n -1" E?i kiglli - ?
? - ?. -' I
il H . .t*<>
w.-a' 2lat al
ADVERTTSEMENTb and aubsciiptloaa far
T'ie Trlbune r*e*lv*d at th*r L*pt*wfl
Of!'.-e. N 1.242 !!:?.. !a..a 21 I - ' tk
,f ,11et st ut" : '? a p rn . ?.l'/*r
Uaa . ta r? "l>ei al th? follo* n* braa:b
. B< sl >t reg il .r offlca rat?a unt:: - *
p. I i . vlz ; 2.M e'h ..14 I. e , - Zid *l .
Sl RHE Ry -. ? ? nur**;
11 n g, t ake *i??
frorn blrth. h-**t r*f*r?n *
Rul l ???M'l. li. I *:v. Si ' -i
' 112th ata
V* H- I ? ' ' : - rt ''v
Pwlaa Fr*i OWEN 234 *A-?- }*?<? ,t
??.- --.? rc ? I'i*
JI2 ' a*
.V.l'. -I
Nt'RBE. An..-1 in aanma-. ?? - trflfl I IB
Bll! <*?- . lerly . . ' .- I M
pei aonal referi Ity oi **
li-.x l'V 1.242 Hr a.iaa i.
XI'RSB for ? ' -a 2 tn B m.-?'v-a r> t.
... -? - .. ?. ". - Mth ?t
NliitlT B .RK > ? Ing -? ? t or a!aaa
..,.-??, ?- .? . loher Addreaa M '* .
"J >' H
IAMB1 ll!'-'- "a " - ?-" I) t; atefll
- ? . - , - -. a**j
repati Ing dr. . '
V fl
PBAMS4TREB8 Eap*r1*ne*d
reaa ln prlvat ' ?? --: rat
dreaamak. ? ?> . 1 ??t r"f--t
-4BAM8 R ? v -;? | md n*i k Qernaaa
- ni wini nm work t* fi -'
\\ .1 ,> ..:? aaeria. II 1' .
2' *> I '-' Tl
BKAM8TKHB8. Oenaaa; daa .r m-n'h,
good n' Ireasmaklng r./.--.-r ??? ll
dn -- ?' IM- REBB, 1 Dga Id -av
VOI N'i ? OMAN good pl u .-? ' -
ii ni-, i, -li ..'?., t' atien i : ? Ile* ? el II
2.".2 U-M 21-' -t
\s tBIIER i adk*fl' -iii gestletaen'a ?a?h
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