OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 07, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-12-07/ed-1/seq-2/

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the number of offloers avaJUbtX for duty iylth the
line of thr- Armv. all ornz.r. .! detaila to MI vacan
cles in th-* list of asalatani adjutanta-aanerai cre
ated h>- this urt shnll ereate vacanclai
correepondlng xradea ot ih. arma of tne . rrict
from which the detall B made, which ah
rtlled by promoiion ln that arm aa berelo pro%-Med
for ln th*> ra?r* of otlur orlglnnl vacai
Provlded, thal tber. ahall be at Ihe h
of the Armv one naxlatant adjutant-general a
the rank of capUla (not In the line ot prom
to l*e aeteeted from anona iho* a ? ??
ihe aame rank ln th. volunteer army. and ?
bv aapetien. ? i Reaular Army nhall t -
to be thoroughly competeni to nerforn lb. nut
of an flsitlf.'.ai'.t .i..J,.itani-g'*.S'i.il.
Bee l" Tbal Iher. Bball b? one Inap* Jor-Oen
er.il of the Armj with lba raak ol '? - .General
one Aaslatani Inaj ctor-Gen*. wltl th. rank or
brlta li.-r-srt-i-.frai. thr.. Aaalatanl l.i-rr-. ;? r-^-t.. n
a?rai. with ;::? rank ol colonel: nlne Aualauml In
ape.-iorK-t-.en.-ral. wlfh ihe r.mk of lleutenant
colon<; and I v? Aaaial tnl *
the nmk ol majon Provlded thai all .pi
xneut*- maala to lb* Inapect. r-Gcnfral'a D. |
ahnl' bf* from thf rnptalna ln Ih.
peaaini ? . h phyal - - im nental ei
nia v t?. presenl.ed. . ,,
n, ll. ? . ' ? ' '' :-?'?"* -1'- :
her.;,ft.-r coaalal ot one Jud* AUvocate-Genei
with the ranl - ncral; ta \
Judi;.- Advocatea-Oena-ral. with thr rai-k of
thr*. Aaalatanl Juda< A'lvo at*?-Qen*r.il. with the
ro.uk of lieutcnai '? * "*? Aaalatanl .iu.i?-.
Advo. .,? - ? ? ? ? * the rank of majot
Pec U That the Ouartermaster'n Drportmeni 01
th? Arn 1
maater-Gene. il wil . :*-. ?
elcr.t Aysi-t.tn. QuartermaBtera-Oeneral, wnn tne
rat.k ol colonel; aUtcin Aaaiatanl Qiurtc rnaMera
.;.:. r i. with ih. 1 ink of II. itei ant* olonel; iwcn
ty-e.?hi Q-.tartermaaterB. with tbe f?B*h?frMfft
nlneiy Aaalatanl QuarU-rciiatcri wl - herunum
captain, mounted, and oni rollll rj ?? ?
?with Ihe rat.k ... captain.
Proii i> ll n : ?'-'? ln '?'" *-?'
t(.r> D. h.. ! retain their PW**"' ?"i
aad be pr..m.-te.i by aenlerlty ln tbal department
fi, va. an ?!< - n j ? ui im. tt Ihelr num *i And
proi !? 1 further, thal all . rlxina 'n?,n,
an lea ol aa?latant t] 1 * genei ?">?< ;
tern -* ? ?..-?:
bv thi- act, and all tha - ?r ?? '< ;" P""?mo
ti'on death relirement, realgnailon or removai c.
office:. td th Quarternuiatcr'i' Department now
exlatina abnll ? I ? I ln each (trade
of offlcera of a ? ' I xraJe from the line
o.' ??" Armv, wh i'1 Ihelr r.
ln the lim lat of tl prraii of th(
of the eervice to which thej ?long. and ahall
tera-general, tjiiartermas
-. -. 11 - - lurterm latera foi
vp.irs unlrsfl pron.cn I earllei to a hljsher praae in
thtir v tt the eapiration
r.f tho inm of detail or when promoted, they
?hall t>e returned to ihelr hiih of th.* aerviee, ana
their pl. ? * ed t?y .1 almitar detall, iubjecl to
tha aamc limiiationa.
Provlded lhal ihereafter all detalli to the po
altlon? of aasiatai 1 ouartermaatera-xeneral, wl**i
lha ra k nf e el and llautenant-colonel, -h-ill he
made from ortl--.??? ?- who bav. I id prertona aervlcfl
an auartermafltera ai..l aaalatant quarternias:er8.
And provid( I furth r lhal t" rr.ikinc Ihe nr ?
tnil under this act, the rf,-s"ir,r'J n **CTi pr: *'
be apportloned flmong thr artlllery .;.\.'i r. and
Infnntrv arma aa neariy as practlcabl* i" i'ro1..-.r
tlon to the relatlvc number of regimenta ol ine
three .irm- An i. pro II n her tha: ln ord. r
rot to leplete th. number of offlcera avai aote "
dutj " th thi line of the Arm: ? ? fle.ai.fl
,o ?" vacamlei th. '>' of isalal int quarter
rr.a-* ra - aeneral quartermaBtera and inaiBiani
quartermaatera <r.-.- I h\ .hi? nct f-ha 1 creatfl
\af;.r..*ieF ln th* correapondlnx gradei fthi arma
of ihe t-rrv -. from wl Ich the dei ul ?? mad. . wni -n
ahall hr fflled hi pi >n Uo In lha: arm - 1 ??
pr.'v!.;-i r ? |n .*!? ? f other 1 rlglt 1
n?<-r. 1?. T'at Ihe iubJiatence Department of the
Arm, . , .:.??? n?i?t of one cemmlai
grer*:-'-: of subaiMena*- with '? ranh 1
f. ? ? - .. mml ?.?????? '?*-?'?
?lat. ? ? v. ?;, th. rank .1 colonel. three ni ?
eommlaaariea-general ff Bubalaten * ? '
of ||*>ut*nani-colonel twelve commiBi ??
aiatenea with thi r*r.k of major thlrty-flve a?
alit m commlfaanefl ?.''r. .... rank
"provlded. ihat offir.-rs now ei '* - -.** ?',1:*;
rsr-rrent f.,.all retain thrir prr-scr.t rn: k ana DO
rrrtrti.ttH hv aeniorlty ln lhal department aa vi
eancw.- n.-.*- - ? ir amonsr il.e.r number. and pro?
vlded further, that al ?- ?.?"? ??
ci; c ?- ol lasUi 1 >mfi laaarK - g< nei il ? -r'
*'. ,-.,i L-ommiaaarlea and BBfllfltam 01 mia*
aariea of - il - at? - '? I b: i1-:
Ibai 1 to 1 romption death.
n.i-.t. refixnation or romova f offlcei
. it*>i ? .* Departmei t now exlsi - - ? ul '?
each pra.it- by th fflcers of a
inr ar ide froi the 1 ni ol thi Army, who s
: *. " ... ? .,. 1 ? ihe llnaa
rrad. I ' '
b-lc* g II -' rve aa aw
.... ind i?
1 - . romoted ean.er 10 a
> - xrade \
At ; ? termof ? v.-,er
promoted e returned to theli rm of
theaervic, - '' '? * ;?';.? '
ta]! , - ? mr -<rr.- Ilmitattona fr--U^ .
that hereafter all detaila 10 the t Mill - ? ?Mi?t
ar.i commiflNirl. - - . Ih_
T-ink " '''. b
madf from , fflcen wl prevloui -jed as
crmrr.!?- :-!?- -iii BKfietani riea of aub
th* nrai letail under thii aci the poaitlom in
ea;h ?roi^ ahall bfl apportic:-:u-d :i- "
\tn cavalry and ii.fHritr- armi aa n
. ,..'.. in Dr. p. r- ... lo ihi 1 - real
rner,;* ol the threc arms, nnd provlded furth- r that
lr ord*r nor to deplfte Ihe nun f ofl
abi- for duty with Ih. tn
nal daulla 1 ? :-:: va anti.
r'^rnn-'-- il ? --."? ??? '???-? eommil I ? - ?
commi,- in?a created by ihia act 1
ranclei ? ?
the bt-ra: <- from wh
ahall be flUed by promotlon In that arm. aa l -
ln provl Iad tor ln tha caae or othei orlgn il 1 ? -;?
Cmie H Thai ihfl Ordnance D* rti l of the
Arn.a - : ' . '
Ihe :':.: k ? I brlgi ?' ', '
with tnf- rank ?
nance offl. ara. a. f majpi
ordn.'r. : 1. with l
iia.:.'>--:a ordna - ?*""'? '? * ranh
,epro*iided. That I
j... ... .??:.' ' ? '
? Mi I Departi Armi
. '
tn. rank I I * -
auri - ? ? with tha
aaalatanl - ???.
blstani aurceons-xi neral. rank or 1
on** hundred 1 ' ? -*
a: with ?
hundr- , " " '
the rdrk of lleutenant
?f thi ?
ar.d llfiy
ac'ir.i: hoepital
?bal. hereafi
wlt h the 1
etght. Ileut. ?-??.'..
fort>-t. ? '? -:-'""
ttnanti nr": .? - fort; -ta
mciijr.te.i. ar.d lueh englneer iroopa ai ?
V""" ? th. two v. " ? em
tr'*"r>*- * --'-" I ' ?"?'*
Ml .'rr fn . ?
Beant-major on. ?? rt. rm itei r?( ;*? *
pru Ipal mual la ib. with < nt
*aRe?' 1* T 1*1 each comi englneer 1
aha .t of i ? * " '':*;
nuslclani (
thlrti -- i prlvat.
crulted ln 1
llm .',' ..n and
v'-ior.f ?..--?; - - ?
allowed i< 1 '"
aZe 1? 'r--'- o*u illon ad 11 nta, ."? ? .'.
larmaatera ind
the eompar.lea ha!
Jieer 1 *''? :
*lJfee#1?*'Thal tha Pay Departbieri
?hall hereaftei - t on* ! maater-f
?wiih Ihe n :k r '?""l.'
pa>rTi?.'- B-gei
;..; - raiiK ci
]i?uirTH:.--: :": ' ? r ' ? maatei
gene^!. with '.?-.- rank ol major. , ,.
f*t-- Jl Th it 1 Sixnal -..-.?,..- ahall
h. n -.:*. r ? onali 1 ol one 1 hlei Bl
th* rank ol 1 senera two algnal ofll era,
w-lth 'he rar.k <: colonel tw *-tanal ft
the rrtrk of lleu -
wiih ihe rank of major: twelv.
th* rank of cai
cer=. n'.:h the r..nk cf
aaraeaoa Iflral rlaai e l ib (aep
ond (!??!?? ae%'< n ?- -" rpo. indr. -l
pr|vat^B (flrBl - eventy-ftve pri
ond i-laaa), ln al. ?'- ? ? ?< m*i
s. -. '1 ? tmt .? - and
molione *.n th. \r- ;? ! . ? ' I
ttcabl* hv seniorit) wher. lh? , ? .
aeeeeaary quallflcatleni whlrl v. M ? determined
l.y efBclency, phyaical rt:.-i nental ei
peri4-:>-t- commei - ? ? -
eral q".? Irtcatlom
tll* of tli" '.fTioi- 10 a. r ". . ?
e>ec '.4. Thn* the corpe '?' i conalfll of
or.?* from ? Irlot, or.e from
each Territory oni from 1 ' 'oiuni
hin. two froi it larae and fort
th(- t'nlied - lara ' ?
*d t-. ?t..- }??.< -.:?'.
of 'hr> fori d. ? ? ? ? ' ?-??'
rrn'A'' ? ' " reaal 1 Terrltorla dlfl
trirtri or "f Ihi DlBtrici oi Cnlumbla or of ih?
g.atea res;.tctl', ly from wh 'h Ihey purporl to ^e
. . ...
T\'ashir.Ktcn Da h Thr f, llewing nnv.il order*.
haie been laXBI
Com.*(,anctr ii t) MCKOLJ 1 '"? *n ?h* *Xai-y
Yar-1 a' Mur* llll 1 uni orderad
Um Moaaataoeh
Emicn ?, ??< UIT .'IK!.:. Ii ?"-. hed from h? Alllaaea
aad Brtan I to tli i ait. Ilatl n
BBBBja '? ' BTSAnNi ;- a*ta h*d frflia Ifea OMWta'.latloa
and ordtrtl ? . u.r toni it
rr.alar, C. L BMITH i. dXUChad from tha AllUr.oe and
ord*r*i*. I. .!.?
Zna:?r, <; I MIOOUBTOM ? dalfl hut fr*rr. tha .4 llartea
ani < r-.
Kava: Cadirt <* P KBL440N la 1 iehed from ih* Jtaw
Or'.**... aad '???!??' i IU Bu
Naval f ?d*t W H TABDT Ii ??.(' ..r'.-.f. frem "- Baa
Orltan* at.-t rr1?i"l ? ? ? >
Pa*a*4 Anlnai.1 I'.tirir.r M M*N RAUBA1 haa l*?n
ordi-rafl to 4uiy fl* A?aJ*t4Uit-0?B*ra| Btor*k**f?n *i
Waatilr.f.;-. Kavy Tard - I i r 18
?g*Bjrma*t*r'8 Clerk li '* RKI8IN<3ER'fl raalfaattoa of
du'.y at ih* .*>'?'?> V&rJ Paaaacolaa. I'la.. iia* ttcn ao~
C 44714X1
Colgate & Co's
VYashinplon. Dec. H, An BCCOUnl of how the
Navv was equippi- to meet the emergency
creatrd by tho war in oonlnlnad ln the annual
,,.;?..-, of Captaln R B. Bradford, Chlef of the
Tturcan of Equlpment. CapUln Bradford aayB
H js too aflriy to plaee on record for futuro
j guldance the entlre expartence of the Bureau In
? tho war. bul lt la propoaed to do this at aome
' future tlrna. The report goea on to say thal
the demanda on the Bureau and Ita aubordlnate
branchen-tbe Naval Ohaervatory. Ihe Hydro
-p-aphJc OfBce. Compaafl DIvlBlon. Nautlcal
Alraanac and Elactrlcal Appiianres Dlvtaton
occaaloned by the war "'ore preat. This Wflfl
essentially ao with reference to the coal aup
ply. When war threatened the Bureau made
every poaal-la efTort to procnre coallng stati. n*
near the so.ne of operatlone, dlracttng apeelal
efforta, nithoot tuccrts. however, to the pas
aagafl abonl tho An.il._fl. There waa only one
COfllshad at Key West and one llghter, but
eventually all thr avallatde spaoe there waa rov
erod with sheds, xvlth a stora-ro rapaclty of
0,000 tona. No olhar plaee near the seene of
war waa avallahla. As a preparaUon for war ,
the Bureau had asked for and obtfllned many
tcndere for the IrRRBportatlon and sttpply of
coal. Whea tho emclal moment came. with
the rxcepttoil Of a slnglo Haltim.ue lirm. all de
Cllned to avlhere to their offcrs on account of
war rlFk?. The Baltltnore ooncern had B few
schoonora The Pcpartment xvas in daaperatfl
stralta, and the aitcrnathra vx-as to pnrchaae
ships and arm and man them as transports.
Thore were few veaaelnln this country Bttltablfl
for the traneportatlon of coal and Immedlately
avallable. When those xve.e found their ownera
knew xvell the necessitlos of the i.overnment.
and geneially demandod exorWUnl prlcea_
Yx'hatevor the cnst. says 4'aptaln Bradford, the
..oxernment COUld not affnrd d**lay, ao live
eolllera were purchaaed, ranftine In price from
$190,000, for tho Bterllng, tn ft*342.000, for the
The flrat grea. omergoncy havlng naasad and
the aquadron belnf rellevad. iiddltiona! eolllera,
mostly fnreign veeaela, woro purchaaed at fair
pricea. and eventually the Bureau poaeeeeed an
efflclent armod colller fteot, with a carrying ea
pacitx- nf fifty thousand tona, lor use In the
Atlantlc. Without theae reanela ll woold have
been ImpoaBlble to carry nn the operatlona
brought to a aucceaaful Isane by th" fleet. The
monltora were eapeclally helpleaa, with their
small Bteamlng radius. irlthoul the holp of cll
iers The BBBistance rendered by th" Merrimac
, i-- hiatorli Captaln Bradford aaya with pardon
1 ahle prlde 'hut. with the exception nf a alngte
... the rommandei In-chlef urglng
,i.a. ,, . ? - -? kln 1 of cai bo aupplled to th?
., .., , . requesi oi communtcatlon
erning an adequate coal Bupply waa re*
.. ..... r- .,-, any ahip adoat ln the war-evldence
| that an abundant Bupply was always avallable.
1 ai nr,- tlme there waa a. oat In steam eolllera
... Hampton Road*. ready to aall ai an hour'a
. tn any point deslred, forty thousand tors
of th'- beal
One leeaon -1 'he war which will be nf us* to
every navy In the world, the reporl eontlnuea,
wai a demonatratlon that In future freah water
for bollera must be abundantly pupplled to the
;., ,.-,? . ta |ubi aa ci ? I l* can led. vx n i
th< exception of the Oregon. tho diatllllng planti
aboard th*- aarahip*. which were supp ned to
b, aufflcieni to Bupply ihe losa in avanownn
,. the boil. ?- proved to be Inadequate, owing
chieflv to leaky Bteam plpea. It waa more
difflcult to aupply freah water to Bh pa at K;
West than to aupply coal The I lleri
?_,,, _ nn bl ckade I efore Bantlago a -re
? - the w-'.nr -f freah water. and eave
thi commander-ln-chlef much concern. rne
Bureau had hen lofore I us ' ' ?? '
.teamlng pu poaea. but thal u J_? exjP
Bureau paid al one tlme .<_."....'" for ???-?
,?.,. | ?. ? freah ? ??? r bi Tomi kinsvllle. ...
I y for the Bi PbuI, and pro rata for ?
: ,, . Had thla water been drawn from tne
Brooklyn maina and trana] rt. I to tj" ?M-"'"
1 water h, nts it would have - ai only >!?--'. Tn
j remedv thia "vil the Burea t la procurlng i
..,,,,. r barge for each naval Btation. and l* erei ?
l 'nc- diatlllina plants w h?re neceasary. n naa
alM j.r.-" nnil ;i tank rhlp. tli- Arethuaa. to
Cari y water in ,__._.,?.
The Equlpment Bureau r.r.u_ht nearly nair a
mill'.on tona ol .na'. ln the year at the rate ?
&% _ tor The year before- .nly 13_.818 tona
, _i - .. ,i .... f-l ... a ton ih.- coal
boughl abroad. 7' lll tonfl, coal *.M- a
Inrreac I cobi of coal aiunad was duo ,o
re-ioua ai d profc I I kea of roal mlneri an I
l threatened war between i relgn natlona ~y
! watrhlng the marketa and rmklne cloae
- the Bureau waa abl< to keep ihe coai
to -i mlnimum and al a prh ? beiieved to
, b? n markabl. In vjew of ihe condll
Captaln Bradford regard* with much concem
1 th-- constantly ncreaalng demanda for rei
and ren< vala of el rtrical outftta and bui
h With the notable exceptlona of
Dewev'a fleei an.l the Oregor.. thi experlence
of th" warshipa would *eem to Indlcate inat
they cannoi long be Belf-auBtainlnj without
,1 i, kyard ?'? ctrlcal r ork. The nu.'il er ol
-. ?- ... .... ..., ? ir with electri. al engin< - i -
? - | ratht r than ln, - ? a
. to the - '"'?iii... "' the r ? -
?? School. where a courae In electricity ?'aa
_;.,,, [n the mean time, electrlcal apparatus
on Bhtphoard has multlplied many fold, and be.
i< like other acceaaorl>--i of a man-of-war,
, more complex. l' ia earn-*stix' recom
l . ?, . | . -iai ' orp? rf t"1"11 be pro
x ided to ara for the electrlcal plants Captain
I . ? rd *'.\,: that as n monop.ly practicaily
<? ntrola the mcal Importani electrlcal aupplles,
I w.th th?- uaual hirCh pricea, he conaldere lt ad
... ereci at the New-TorV Navy _fai 1
the purpoae <-t overcomlng* thla evll auffl
? 11- nt applian ?-.- for the manufacture of tho arn
- i-'-.v pur. has d
Wi,.:- thi roaulta nf tho horalng pigeon s< r
have ;i"t been ao aatiafactory as vv.as
j wisht-d. eapeclally .-,r Key vves;. near the aeat
ir, I'Hiiinn Bradford cays this may have
been due to the < iimat" ani th- want of an ? i
: enced man ln .-are for the blrda, so hi
! re. mmenda a further trial "t the sistt-ni.
? -
i\f>i.\ v n/.'vrnn \t ni i MiiM,.
\VT1_MX_ TO """.'?? '"'? 1 TREATIC9
. - - c -Becretary h:i--s haa ra
relved some Important officut dlapatchaa from lha
Terrltor*.'. Indl aiinn ;. r-hanit" of s.-ntitn-::t
on thr part rf son..- Of the Indian irlbea With Whl. h
thfl L- wei i mml Ion hai b? a ncgotla_tng
?:. ... Th? dl rtdered -'.t i p
day'i Cabinei meetlna They say th..r th*- creek
.',,.:.'.: [i !. mr.'! '.!-, si,. iai aeaslon on |),-,i>mher
U io conaldar th* h' lai.--.j_r ot .. aaw elaetlon look
to in*- ndoptlon ol th*- D.it-rj treaty, wblch
? ? :: ..iu, rejected nt tbe polla. ll li aiu,, .-aid
? ii ?):. <-(,.!.?.'?? Natlon ha rovMea! f..-- ,t
Conimla*! >n lo tr.-at trlth the Dawea .'nmmisslii.'i
Both of "i.r. irlbea hav* heretofore itead
lly brid nut nciin-i making an agreemeni
wi'h thr Government l Becretarv BUaa now be.
Ileves i ifactorj treatlei wlll be necotlated
xxithin n shni: tim. Becretary Bllsg has alao b en
hifnrmen of lh? faci th.it thr men Involved ln !!?>
i reek M rranl fraudi and conaplraclea have been
with few exceptlona, eonvicted ard imprirninrd.
itr. B88 APPOINTklBNTB A_flO BflKT TO nn: si:n
V\')is.'ilnrrton. I>ec. 6.?The Prraldent to-d..y aent
t-i tii? Sena:? the nominatlnn Of Powell I'luyton of
Arkaasii-. ln )- Ambflflflador lo Mflxteo. .*-?-....
Romero, thr tormrr Mexl an Minister, havlng
r.i-rii ralsed to li," ra:.k of Ambaai ii..r. Minister
Clayton'a promotlon followed under an bci of con
gi .-.
'1 'Bfl Praaldonl alao srr.t tn th*. Sennle n numfi.-r
nf ai.polntmeiitB made in thr rr- ess. The- tn.-hide
those of Becretary Hay, Ar-sifataiit Becretary Hill,
tha Parla Commlaaionera, lha Haxxailan comniis
aioners, and a number of consula.
.'iTi/.KN. MP IR thk TRRRITORT. its OfTtCIALfl
Waahington. Dec. 8 The Prealdenl to-day
tranamltted to Congraaa tha rapoel of th" Ha
wallan Commlaaion conalfltlng of Benatora Cul
i.'iu and Morgan, Repreaentfltlvfl Hltt, Prealdenl
Di.i. and Juatlce Fi- in. of Haa all together wltn
the text of bllla drawn by Um CommhMlon for
ll. pfovi rnmenl of ihe lalanda aa a parl of th ?
Unlte l Stataa. Thi Commh il< nera take palna lo
expreaa their united oplnlon that Ihe plan out
l.iu d for the governmenl tt Hnarnll i annoi be n -
garded aa a preoedenl toi Porto Rlco and Ihe
Phlllppinea. They aay on this point:
Much haa been aaW to the etTecl thal the nol
Icy or acheme ol governmenl for the Hawalian ,
lalanda will !?? laken and aetiepted aa an Index
or precedenl to i - followed In the plan d! g-.v- !
einmenl for Porto Rlco and the Phlllppinea In j
viexx- <.f thla apparenl expectatlon or bellef on
the part of man) good people ln 'li" united
Btatea the Commlaaion deemfl II proper to aay
lhal tl"- ;?' "pl?? of Hawail are cap ible of aelf
governmeni aud hav.- proven this by the eatab- |
llBhment of ihe Republic of Hawall an.l the
adoption of a conatitution and code <>f lawa ?
which wlll compare favorably with thoae of any
other governmenl, and under such leglalatlon
and lawa have malntalned ? fltablc Governmenl
fur aeveral yeara worthy of a free people. Th" ,
people of those islands aro more or leflfl familiar
xx ith tho Inatitutlona and lawa of th.- United
Btatea, while the lawa ?f th" little republic are
largely tak.-n from the lawa of thi* country. II ,
cannoi be said that either tho Porto Rlcana oi the
Flllplnoa ar,- at aii familiar with onr Byatem of
government, or with any other baaed on the
princlplea of llberty. Th.- underlying theory of
our Governmenl is ihe right of Belf*government,
and fl people must be fltt.d for Belf-governmeni
before they can be truated arith lha raaponal- |
hilitiea and dutiea attaehlng to free governm*?nt.
Theae romarks are made to negative .he Idea j
thal beeavaa tha people rif tho Hawailan lal
aBda ean, in the Judgmenl of the CommlBBlor.,
i>. eonaiatently given Belf-governmeni to an ex
tent alni-ist equal t" thal given the people in
the States, it can be aafely Inferred that nth.-r
Inaular poaaeaBlona which the United states hn*
or may acquire by the treaty with Bpatn can be
grantoii equal freedotn in government.
The report is unanimou. except on one point
r.n which Mr. Dole makea a minorlty recom
mandation. This recommendatlon la for a board
of advlaera to th" Oovornor of the Territory. and
he recommenda that the Tre.4_.ure_-. Attorney.
General, Superlntendenl of Public Worka and
Commbraloner of Public Landa ahall be made
apeclal counaellora of th" Governor, to be con
Bulted by him concernlng all matter* of public
policy. Mr. Dole givea as his reaaon for hN
recommendatlon the fenr that without nomi
provision the Governor may arrogate to hlms '.f
sreator power than is contempiated. He says:
While xxith .-im' Bllght mlagivlngs I have ...
aented lo the proxisi..ns of*the majorlty repori
whith pl.i. - the executlve powi r of the Terrltorj
ln the hand* of one Indlvldual anJ do away w Ith
ih. Extcutive Councii, I am unable to accepl
ii, . which confer upon the Governor the ap
pointm tit of all Bubordlnate offlcera, and which,
xx hii" givlng him the appolntmeni of heada of
departmenta, with th" approval of ihe Benate,
permil him lo remove ihem without such ap?
proval, n power ii"t enjoyed by the Prealdenl of
the United Btatea. Nor ? an 1 agree t" the ab
sence "f any provlsiona whatever limlting - r
i-hecklng ihe Governor'* eX-K-utlve p.i-.-.ir under
the law* except Ing a* l i he approval of the
8< nate requtred ln c"rtain appolntments.
Th- weighl of theae nbjectlona wlll be better
ui lerstood ln vl? ??? of the r<*commendatlons of
:.'.- C*n mlsslonor* thal th- Legislature shall
i. . . Ressioni bul once In Iwo yeara ib
heretofore, which i rcumfltanco would furnlflh
tl" Governor with th<- opportunity, if ho ahould
1 to s- \7.f .i of remi Ing any or all heada
o* department* Immedlately after the terml
? !.-,.; ?!,.? recrular seaalon of Ihe l.--_islatut ?'?
an ! flillng their places with perflona whose corn
n issii ? - would '.'?? valid until the end "f th"
t--\t .- b*Ii n f th* - ? ? ' ? 'hi not
rur 1 ; twi ' '? Ihl* meana b
Oovornor, actlng within his authortt. ? I
Bubai :.: - ... ? *..i*l.- the provlalona requlrtng
lo be approved hy the Ben
,,i. The !?? rf irm incea of llk*. - haracter under
tho monarchy .ire too fresh in th." minds of th?*
Hawalian communhy to permil them to .-on
.t dismay the poaBiblllty "f a
ri p- tition thereof.
Th" Governor under the provisionfl of th- ai ?
recommended by t.-,, Commlaaion, wlll have lea*
check t . hia admlnlatratlon of affaira than a*aa
? '. . :? ? with ?>.- soverelgna under the mon
.,: ,,..? ..xroptinfr only In th" mntter nf tenur.- of
The ma.or.ty In their report express tho opin
lon that the preeautlon is nol neceaaary, aaying
thal "the hlstoi y ot the Territoriefl of the United
Siates, coverlng many yeara of experlence, Iiaa
r,r,t. ln the opinion of the Commlaaion, ahown a
nocessi".- for tlie creatl n ol any number of
adviBi :
Thre,. bllla tu-- preaented for tho conal I i
at:nn of Congreaa The first an-l princlpal one
niitlir.es a general plan of government. and thfl
other Iwo deal xx ith aubordlnate queatlona. <~'f
ih" princlpal bill tl e Commlasi-.nera expreaa the
:, thal lr v.iii pro .-? such a meaaure for
il.r governmenl nf ih-- Hawalian lalanda as will
lest promote the intorrsts of th"'.r people bi
the hfitne tlme thal H i" imoti ? the intei-.-sts nnd
malntainfl the Boverelgnty r-f the penpip of the
l'nited Btatea ''
It pi ivldea for the srectlon nf the islands Into
a Territory "f tho United States to ba styled
the Territory of Hawali. The bill contatna pro- ,
visiona for the governmenl of the Territory, giv
Ing it executlve, legtalatlve and Judicial ofllcers.
A Goverm r. Becretary of thi Territory, a United
Diatriet Judge, ? United state.. Diatriet
Attorney and a United Btatea Marabal ate to b
appointed hy ihe Preeident, fl'ul nn lni.-rnai
i.\ i.n. distrlci and a cuatoroa dlatricl ar.* .-r.
ated. The ofllcoa ol President. Mlnlater of For?
cign Affaira, Flnance, Public Inatruction, Audi
tor-General, Deputy Auditor-General, Burveyort
General and Marshal are aboliahed. Tho officera
of the Territory under the nea rlgime are an
Attorney-General, wuh simllar powera and
rluties t>. th-'s.- i "ti poaaeaaed by the Attorne.
General of the Republic of Hawall, with a few
exceptlona a Tr asurer, with simllar powera und
dutiea to the present Minister of Flnance, and
Buch powera and dutiea regardlng llcenaes,
ci rnoratlona and companlea und partni
an ! reglstratlon of prints, labels and trade
maiks a4- are no* i -.-? ied by th" Mlniatai of
the Interior. - v epl tt - hanged; alao a Buperln- i
? :. '.t nf Publk Worka, a Buperintendent of
Public Instructl m, an Audltor and a Deputy
A ii ? i. ;?? Burvey. r. tvith the powera and .iutit-s
of ;? Burveyor-General, and a Chief Sheriff, to
ed to the dutiea of the Marshal ,.r the
Republic, all to be app Inted bj the Governor.
Probably the moal Importanl portion "f th-> ?
bill la Bectl >n -l. deflnlng cittsenahlp, which pn.- ;
videa that all white peraona, m< ludinp Portu
Rii'-n.'. and peraona of Afrlcan deacent, and all
peraona deaeended from the Hawalian race, nn '
either Ihe paternal or maternal aide, who ara
citizens ,,f the Republlo ,,f Hawall Immedlately
prlor t" tli" n.u.-1-:.. ' the aoverelgnty thereof
t'. the United stat-s, ara hereby declarcd t" h>
clttsena of tha United Btatea"
Provision is made for a Legislature t.> conalal
r,t iwo houaea, a Benate of Bfteen membera, as
al preaent, aud House of Repreaentatlvea of
thirty membera, double tbe memberahlp of the
House under the Hawalian Republic. Tho mem?
bera are lo be cboaen at a general electlon t,.
b< lu I 1 on the Tueaday after the first Monday
ln November, 1980, and blennlally thereaftei
The Buprema Courl la to be the ?-? le Judge of the
legallty of electlon to ii iea1 In either houae in
,???? n member of the Legislature
ls to be ellgible for appolntmeni or r-i.-.-non t..
any nftVe of thr Territory, and n-> offlcer or em- i
ploye, notary public or agent of the Territory
is to be ellgible tu electlon as a le-_.__lator. '
TV<* have i h.rno number of
PMacher Orand aad Uprtght Planoa, which have
I,..,.,, uaed bul a ehorl time ror conceii and
ti iii.il pui poaea. , ,__.
VIbo Oranda, ITprighta ;md Squarea of other
promlnenl makera, which hav. been taken m
exchange on purchaae of new Placher Planoa.
,.- , t, , ,... nf theae Planoa have been thor
oughly overhauled al uur factorlea, and will aa
anid al vi ry i .a pri. tn.
Grandfl. from - - ?2",0. to $4.-,0.
Uprighta, - - ijUgilSO"
Siiunrea. " - - ?*?? to * ? '>U'
NEW FISCHER Orand end Uprtght Plaaoa
ln all h.ij and n< ? ? Bl d .algna,
. asii ok l-.ASY PAYMBNTS.
33 Union Square West,
Between 16th and ITth Btrceta, New Vork.
Then- Ifl alao b provhilon thal .." peraon who,
having heen entltled to quallfy and rote prlor
to October, 1807, and Blnea Jaly, 1804, falled to
rcglater as euch iroter, Bhall hav.* a rote, t.nleis
,11 take an oath to Bupport tho Conatitu?
tion of th.- ITnited Btatea The aeaalona of tho
Leglalature are llmlted to alxty daya, and each
memher la to have MOO aalary and 10 centa a
mile for travelllng expeaaee. A Benator la re
qulred ... be ? male i lUaen of th.* L'nlted Btatea.
thirty yeara of nge. to have lived ln tha Terri?
tory three yeara, to be the owner ln hia own
rtrht of $2,000 worth of property, or to have
,., tha precedlng year recelved 11.000 lacome.
Repreaentatlvea mnal be twenty-Bve yeara old,
,?..,? ritiaena, mual have llved three * ara ln
Haa all, and mual elther own fflOO warth of
property or have an Income of I2S0 a year.
Votera for Repreaentatlvea are requlred to t.e
mala cltlaena, twenty-one year* old and of ono
year-fl reaidcnce ln tho Territory; to have reg
letered to have paid all taxea due the Oovern
menl and to be able underatandlngly to Bpeak.
,.,,?; Md wrlte the Engllah or Hawallan lan
cuat-e To i.o quallfled to vote for Benatora, a
peraon mual poaaeaa all the Quallficatlona and
be BUbJecl to all the condltlona requlred for
voten for Repreaentatlvea, and In addltton own
ln his own right real property worth $1,000, on
which valuatlon legal taxes ahall have been
paid for the year precedlng that ln whieh ho
ofrera to reglater, or Bhall hava actuaHy re
ceived ,, monej Incoma of not leaa than f600 In
th- iT'-a lou? year.
nvo reglfltratlon dlatrlcta are provlded. nnd
the Governoi ? l the Territory la aothorlied to
appolnt reglatration boarda, with the advlce of
the Senate.
Th-* hlll alao provldea for tb-* ei??rtion of a
delegate In Congreaa by peraona quallfled to vota
for Repreaentatlvea In tho Leglslature, this
delegate lo poaaeaa the same powera nnd prlv
Hegea now accorded to other delegatea ln Con
The-., -. ? to appolnt a Chlef Juatlce and
two Aasorlate Jufltleen of the Supreme Court,
th" .ln.Igea of the Clrcult Court. the membera
nf the !?? ard nf llealth, Commlaalonei of Pub?
lic Inatructlon. prlaon ln pecl boarda of
reglatration, Inapectora of ele.-t.on and other
publl board tl al may be ? reat. I I y law, ..nd
;ii. ,..!:,. t h '? i- - exe .-.I >'_' 000 a yeai
Other i >f the bill are aa foll
The ?' ? r ln i*. I-'-- n the ?.???? I
bul hia '.-'?" may l..-errldden by a two thlrda
of the 1 lalature The
te !?? \ ii. . Ity or
i ... 1 ar
?i.o Iul ind - after -i;
ls;.s , |f ,'i rward hroutrhl Into the L'nitcd
Kt.itca to pay the dutl. irged on like artlclea
? .-,, ;? .rtcd ;.' ?' any totelgn countrj Th'*
... of llA-t. ?*; i I In ?".- ? '? nl ?.'I.
ra of th< i . ed Sl * ? :
i.r thii act, contlnue ln force eubjecl to
|. ilatui (Haa all, or
: - i ? ? lawa of llawall relating lo
? or t'.oi ? : ?. nenl land - i ontlnue In force
until ih.ni'O'i by Congresa, bul no leaaea of
agrl< ultural landi are l. granted aold nr r. -
ti. *.*.' I for h longer term than dve y. ira, unleaa
Cnngn ? I of Hav nll re?
lating to aarii uliure and foreatry ai.i llnued j
? ? i th y may be modlfled by .'on- ]
n iro. an ' i he Be. i etary of
Aarlctilture ia chanred with the dutlea of exam
ii It.i-- the lawa of llawall relating to aarl. ulture,
...... . | || , inij ,,..
portlng thereon to the Prealdent. The I'lil alao
provldea thal th. i l itlon and lawa of the ,
t'ntted Btat. - '??? nll a| plii nl Ie ahnll have the |
Bame fon*e ? : * In Ihe Territorj nf llawall j
tn the i'nlted - ?
This Im the uaual provlsion found ln the aets |
of Congreaa and provldlng f'.r the eatabllshment
' . ? ritorlal governmenta In the Unlted Btatea,
bul tlo Commlaalonera regard the provtaion as
exeeptionally Important In th!< bill for many
\i hl. h they mei l; >n the con
: I Importatton of eoolle labor Into H
I ng . Ihia polnl thej - a>
It has been the poliey of the Oovernmenl of
Hawi Inee and before ihe establirih
"?' the Rep ibllc, to ini| i n und. i la r
rontracti for a term of yeara, ar tne explration
they .?.!'?? to return to tlo* countriea
'? rn *? ).:? h i h< y came, Tn< ?? broughl in ai >*.
na and Japa fi nc ? 11.-t . ?"
? xlng ll.-?? ail ?...?..- paaaed, prohihlt
Ini .M '* i i_ri ntlon, tl Hawallan Bugar
i intera have <?. I to be makl g an unuaual i
effert in aeetirlnR the Importntion of Japan.
ti .- irouhlo and embarraa menl on *
ni labor f .r th.- pare and
n of their Bugar plantatlone. Of
i ourae . B*ary to extend our labor '
lawa ..', er the lalanda, bo aa to pr .hlbli all kindn !
tf foreign contract labor from comlng ." the j
Ten I ??? ,'i'!S" |t i.i the poll. j of th.* ;
labor Th-* general lawa of th- l'nitcd -* t. i
Mill I.!.."- the people of the Territorj ? ?
*-'"" fiotlng ?i;: the people of the States and
of other Terrltorlea of the Unlted Statea ln ???
gard to fori \en labor,
T1'* ?*i"?"' ";1 ' '?? th. - whlte labor . tn h*>
lllized ln the auaar plantationa N v, r
*'. Pn?Wem. bul the plantera ar. preparlng to
glve -.i'i. abor h trlal, and aome of them he
l"-te ii v. ni proi ...iperlorto th. labor ofTlther
t"ln..- se or Japan ?
T!i-: -I i.::i:*:.*v.
Of tiie other mn hnis. on.- relatei t,< Hawallan
; 'ry n ?"?-?. .md ihe other lo poa.
'.* lavlnga banka in Hawaii. The nrat provldea
thal n ? d Hawallan allver colna ahall be
? ?''? I ?' ??'??? ln paj menl - f all duea ...
i-ernmenl of ihe T. rrlt. i ? of Hawall and
ot ihe i n.?'? i Ktates, and ahall nol agaln ba
laau. d. bul Bhall on preai ntatl. n in auma of $.%. m i
ln ? th Govei nmi iit be pur. haaed and re
? al the i"i.it.-.i Btatea mlnl at
Ban Prancla n All H ? It -i certlflralea
ar" i.. he redeemed by the Terrlb ry of Hawall
on or Im for. January I. 1002.
The "H" . i- .. bill h ch repeal the Hawallan
l.iat? eatabliahlna poetal aavlnaa banka and dl
recta .h" Beeretary <.f the Treaaury to pay the
amounta on depoali ln theae banka to th-* per
I thereto, tei mlnai li ?? the Int. t on
all depoalta on July I. 1800, and forblddlng
further depoali after that dai"
Tht* reporl rontalnn an Inventory ..f the public
property of the republlc which noa lnur_.to th.
I'nlted Btatea, nrhlch Is of an eatlmated toIu.- ..f
$10,41B,740, dlnliihuted ns followa: Oovernmani
..r public landa, sl.i 17.7"... Oovernmenl lota,
altea, etc, 91.-4B1.BOO; department property,
Th.- report gtvea wmalderable Infnrmatlen In
regard to dutlei colleeted, ahowlng thal under
tha Dtngle) bill tha amounl 1 ould have been
11 ii'h greal 1 than II waa Thia comparlaon
Bhoa thal Ihe coll4?ctlon? for 1807. which wera
.*.">l'*>. !*.''?. would hav-- be n under the An.erlcan
Iaa 1008,7011 tiu- reporl recommenda th.* eon
Btructlon "i a cabla io tha lalanda to he under
the contrul of ihe I'nlted States, whieh, It naya,
"is demanded by thfl miiitary eondltlona existin?
nr llablo to e\lst al nny tlme "
Bpaaking of the cbaracter of tho populatlon of
the laland, and refarrlng eapeclaJly to tha rBeom
mendatlon for conferrlng citiaenship upon the
Portuguese and fniiimr to confer It upon the
Chineso and Japaneae, the report aaira:
The AmerlcanB, although ln such a imall
mlnorltv practlcally domlnate th- g.ivernm***ntal
'."riai a of the rountry. and with the Britlflhand
Oermana and part-blood Hawallan-Amertcanfl
,,,.. m,...-. ronstltute the controlllna elemenl ln
buslness The Chineae and Japaneae do not now
DOBsesB polltlcal power, nor hnva they any im
? rtani rclntlon to the body polltlc. excei I -
lahorers The Portugueae are largely immi
?rxants from the lalanda and colonles of Portugal
in th- .tlantle, and have naver been very cloae
iv tied to their mother country. With the cer
tain attrltlon which Ifl bound to exl?1 between
Ihem and the Arnerican* In Hawall. and under
the Influence of the exlatlng public flchool -v
i. in. which mak.'s the study of the Engllsh lan
guage rompulsory, they promlae tn become a
K..n-I claaa of people f..r the gncvth 'f r>-i>ub
llcan idvi's _
WaBhlngton. Dec. t -Banatorfl wflta Blow ln .-.-?
aembllng al to-day'a aeaalon Boon iftei thfl 8
ate waa called to order ex-V'ice-Presldenl Levl P.
Morton appeared oi. tiie floor. Ho reeelvad ?<
..,: Hai greeting from his frienda among the Bei -
atoi -
The credentlala of Nelaon vv Aldrich aa Benator
from Rhode laland for alx yaara from March I
wen preaented. They wer. aigned by Eliaha Dyer,
"Oovornor, Capraln-Oeneral and Command
I'hi.f of the sta-e of Rhode laland and Pro.
Mr. MORRILL (Rep.. Vt.) gave notiee that on
Tueaday t exl he w< uid ad lr. is tl ? Bei ate In favor
of the Mll to provlde a building for the United
Btatea Bupi ? me Couri
Mr. PETTIOREW 'Sll. Rep., B. D.) offered a
resolutlon. which waa adopted, calllna *?n th) s
retary ut the Interior for Infonnation concernlng
it, reglon aouth of and adjolnlng tbe Yelloa
Natlonal Park and roncernlng the preaervatlon of
th< _n'ii" in thal n glon.
Mr. VE8T (Dem., Mo 1 offered the following Joinl
r. solutlon, which he asked mighl Iie - n ihe
a-. he dealred to speak on ir at an early day:
Thal und r th.- CoBstltiitlon of *he United Btates
no power Is given tothe Federal Governmenl to ac
qiilre territori to be held and i iverned permjnent
lv :is colonles The ,'oionl.ii system "" EuiTipean
n ui 11 ? innoi b< ? itabllshed under onr pr. ? nt
ConstittitOa, bul >ll terrll irj acqulred by tne tjov
.'riiui' nt, except bui h sni ill amout h mav i-.
necessary for roatlng statton*. -?? ' houn
aarlt-8 and ilml ir governmental purposes, must ba
acqulred and governed with th-- nurpose of uitl
mateix orc.nlBing au.h territory Into Btatea utt
fl_I. f. .- admlaslon Into th. i'nion.
Conaideratlon of bill* nn the calendar waa th*n
taken up. A meaaura reported farorably at r'no
laal sesslon amending exlatlng law relatlng to tl
, of Arnerican reglstry to forelgn-bulll ahlpa
wi.-. ked m the United Btates, purchaaed by < iti_.en
of the L'nited Btatea and repalred to the ext-1 I of
thr.fourtha nf their value, wa? dlscussed. Tha
bill provlde* thal tf auch a wrecked ahip be em
ployed ln rhe coaatwlsa trade it ahall be aubjecl
? ?-:? lt'irr
Mr. Vest, .. memher of Ihe Committee nu fom
merer, ...... .| hi*- opposltion to the bill prinel
pally I ? affor li i prol tli n to the coast
tt ,.!-. whi. h needed no protection. Th" gen?
eral carrylng trade, Mr V'esl b lleved, needed pro
:,., tion. Under the pre4cni syat. m of navli
lawa, this trade had decreased from 73 per cenl l
.... ; , iaid, md thii -? mtry la now payl i
. mnually to forelgn shipownera for ear
?? ,.i ? that oughi to be carried In Arnerican
bottoma. Thla condltlon .r affaira, Mr, Vesl
. i, ,,,i. wai "a soandal and dlsgra.*. " He said
i ,.,.,. I,. ?;,,. b.-"-i amuaed al the luggeatlon nf the
; President, m I Messa. r. that the
. _ |i ,,|.. i ? ... ouraged bv the paym i
?ln other words," - ild he, "II la pro
| ,? ,,; to substltute for the preaenl viclouB system
' ,.* ,,.,., w* i acherae of subsldl i thal la
more vlcloui than la the evll II propoaee to
remedy I n ler th. propoaed pollcj i f th. A I
. I Mi V. ? I a
\ ,v v vv.- are to eeaae to be a natloi -
1 ' ? . and nnd r thr . " -". ',..
I ii I- 'omi a natlon ol warrtors v. .uid an
... ,;? . tt. r !"'-: '??? ' r>., .
M also lel our v-?
? ? nt such trade buj wh re ihe. m
' ... . Vi-; ' rt fpr.rn.La ' ilwa memher of tba
' "? .". i v
motion of Mr ALDRICH iRep.,
Waahlngton Dec 8 When the House waa i illed
to order to lay rh" attendanee on I door waa
i the Journal had been road Mr. DINOI.E.
,!?,-, M. . ; r .ente.1 from i " md Meana
. ,..?.. ., reeohitlnn for the dlatrtbutl n
;,,. . g treated ln the Preeldenl ? Me - ??_?? to tli"
..,,..,. .... . !.. ins Uirlsdl ? on. lt was adopted
Alr itAY tDem.. Va.). a memher of th. ''"i.'n;""n
. ?' MIIli j Vffalrs, aski I imai ln
ratlon ol i resolutl. i I ' I
- war lo Inform the House what towna
Rlco Cuba and the Phlllp
;... ,., be aarrisoned by soldiers of
tbe r ? - 'W ma I ' :;'' '"s
-,,, ,. .... town, and hoa man> wi'.l l - roq i'.:.-!
'"u. hin.;'.''.'\:- i!-" im objeoted. and th* reso
? .M-?-?n*
Sn ' ? WN. i\ iii- ... IU.) ! ? ?
pruVlonsCommlttee.ro, Wipro
J >...-. .ix ? Innlng
j inuarx 1, i*" .. ... ; .,.? ,,.,,,.
?i . ,. , . ,.? ,,-???- Haw.tltan < oi tnil ?lon, ira --
,,;.,, | ;. ttie ,-,. i.ient ? .s laid befon tl * ?o.ise
..i referred to th. - mmltte. ,; rerrltorli -
gether with a 1.111 nffcr. I ! Ml HRt I.r: ? oul
7) ?? recommendatlons of Ihe i ommlsslon.
>i- i"nnavFNOR R. p "' ' ' ' i;,""co,l
, ?W"ffita?i5ai5 Mr N*.r>!w.v...'.'M..H
he tecesf nd lli ' v .M _ ' ,', .
,. . '? .1 ' ln th
, ., ,.,..?.. ? ? idon ??''.. an ?*
? i ? ? ' ' "V "'' l
t ih. ir ni- mory. '""?
UOY/.T FOR Till' l.'-"/l ivn \A\ f.
Aa, ,? -;; \\|, l-l.l* .'I'' I " ' THE I""
t*i. n:x- v i ll i
\v., .in. ? >n D. 6.-Thi of th approprla
tl n billi .rlng di 'i I ' ?'"? f ? arar expenaea, re
ported to tl.e Houae to-day, carriea for the War
Departmi n! and miiitary ea) nl K *11.__9,
and for the naval eaUbllahment, |8 dM.ISI, a total
..' l8t.2M.392 'i'lii1- amount, however, is i reap
proprlatlon of funda heretofore allowed,bul not
avallable after ihfl cloae of thi preaenl yeai
unexpended balancea of theae war funda ai.? .aii.
mated al tM.*l?.l?, of whlcb ihe n/ar Department
? ? is Ml,tl6.281, and thi Navy balamse |U.__2,
.. : The i-- aneefl therefore ara eonalderably mora
- .? xx-ui he raapproprlated. Tb,- main Itema --f
thr bill Bfl reported are.
Tatnporary employea . ? |.'i.M. .?*<>
< inttnsent rxprn_?i ol thr .xim-. . |_!<ai..a*i .
? ?-. i:-.- ilu \i mj ? " ''''-' s..'
-,.,??. vr . ? an armi of lOO.n. "? IA l.v. ?'?.?:! ?
Bl | fllll. :. II *.:.i."..". |
- ipplle*. D.ilM ?"-'
.....i.n ?!. . i:... ?'? i-. Inrldrntal rai-n-- . | "Mi.ii
Horara for ivalrj ind ardltrrj . M2.lv.ii
l , ,,.... i!.... -i ;.- i i-i l ii. ! watrt . 12 2 ?? .:??
unp .ui t aarrleon i?qulppaa*. rti,.t.u.
Mr.ll il ;??,?."?.. i.' . - I-.'--""
larvli-e . 1*1 "" '
ii-ii.n Drparltnrnt. .,ir.ent riprnae*. .
Hmflll 11 i.v immunltl n . ?_.?.,.,.
- ii - 111 ? torea . - ? ? ?>
rqutpmrntl . . .m.tla.
for Natl -ii -.1 ..: a. ?1*fl . '-'?"- laki
The princlpal Itema tor t'ue nival eatahllahmenl
.-ir.- .is f..',;.iv\s.
Bmrrarnry fiu'.t n t.ifl?' anl ? M*a .'iiruin
intly arlilnfl ..... II <? ??""?
.laatlon . ? I20.oiw
. :-.
1 . . ,,r Kquipmenl J?._)i|
rrpalr an.l r.inu'trtl.'ti .f inr vei.
.,.|, . I --1.V.I..
V?.r.|? and lioelta . 2*..oon
Burrau of Buppllea and Veeounta . I.BUO.Oiig
sw 11/1:1:1.wn tiETa 1 roxcERSios
VV'asbln-rtf.n. Dec. >'? Tht S- ? i-u.cv tt tba
Treasury has laaued a cireular InatructIng collect.
or* of cuatuina lo collect ou thv.- i>roducu of Bflrtta
Broadway & 19th Strj;t
23 Maiden Late
Pianola Recital
\<l ui laai on free ln all.
To-Day, Wednesclay, at .3 P. H,
The pianola ia a piano-playei whieh will r'ay
an*. plBBO.
Any one ran |>lay it. thoagh the most mus;eal
playera get the fl " ?
it is th.- 'i. it aatl ifacl ml itltuta foi tha
human play >i yet Invi t< I
With the Pianola you can h<*ar more good
mualc In a ihorl f M.:i?* than ln anv other .aay.
You .-an gei more i leaaure and mora aduc^
tion, and n Ith l<
Th.- coal of the Pianola is * Joka ?*ornr'ir.?d
with ih<* eoa! ofthe ordlnary muBlcal educatloa
I.oth in time and money In buytBg a fianola,
you are buy ng th. abillty t>. play It
flttM.lt AM.
l Uelmkehi 0 . MmdabeBiflj
2. R*v*Tl? Poetlnu* ' ;? ti .MflaM
:: i'i, itad* bi ? '?' ' t . Rach
1. Allcgru heraando. rrom Coi ? ? - ?? "
- -? Sa'-il
.".. Kn I'.-.ii.' Hadt a-tl.'.'i'i*. > 'ari
... B? ? :.'- v. . . M - . I aBvmaa
T U untaln !?:??*? \i ?:.-'-. .'!:' :?r
ytoiian Hall, 18 West 23d St
tonia-v, Al ICE NIELSEN ot tbt Hiflfara
Op?M Cwnptmf, HEI.EN JENYNCE af
tht Cf.d Sq'.are Open Co..
have rcccatly trudt rccoria for th*
Flat. S gnei. Indcstructlb'.;.
Broadway and 17th Street, N. Y.
8 Maidcn Lane, N. Y.
262 WEST 125th.
. par
' dil
ll d ? -
n.-ik. ,i \-..
tlcle "f rlil
f. n>i
long the
? ? . ;?? 1. ii
been -
llir-*. '
'il' T
?? .. ; ,:?-? tttrs Bill i ire i
) it,, I ii '. t , ;'?.,:?: ii.f.-lt un I ' ?
heh SOLVEMT AL- I j KK. -1 ' ? *. ?
anyhow. [ ProfliaUc Troutlei.
\\o< i-i prnre tl ??.,-> '. ?*-? .<*- -, -?.,", - - II ! *
. - ? 1 !. - ? '..'.' -? ;:' i Ifk
r.s lorotir ritEE BOOK oa tha labjetJ II nn
bare? I - ?? "? lemtflniliwcacopf
of thi- aonderful * EMPIKE MFDICAL C0?
book for hin. ! HJS.sitb li.de BOgTBI. ttamX
Di Radway & Ca. Sen rorfc.
It aivcfl m ... < ; .-.-'* tvauiili M*t* '***?___
ni!.a nr- mtieh Bupet - ? oth?r* 1 hav* tr I Bajtflfl
Ki'-.i'iv I.-..;.. - l nr;'j
that they Blv* - Bftan. r?ll*r, whl * *-'*oul?
n',t do, " ' '"'???
2 MO yotlh ftftind Bt. P ' ' r*-_
r<* a hoa. e .-.?-? i KAD*
IVAV B CO .." Elw -? St* Vork
.... at Nrrtnua Oi-htllt. ira aha*
I'l.liri.l 141 1 tlll.l I'*. o.**
_r.arf an*
' :
I ' - ,rt BB I'
I. .
Taa *a
:.. ,iaaa
? ,:l on. I a '.? B*a
. I--: | ,?-i s . ia**i
I'lltKI. lli i II 1 4 *!!?? 'll.i.ldln?. 4 bl.-aa;*._
V... \ rk ' . Uti .- .a . I ? I> a, BaiW.li -*. Jfl*
iv n h k.. * >.. , atkav* tU .. . H.:ia..r .'-??,'? n?*?a?a
I a t?? - i- ? -, . ? t t.- , ,'ja a a I . - ? ?'? rt, Bl
i J.:>
erlaiitl .-x|iort".| t" Ihe I'nlted Stn'>*!i from that
country. and eauaterated ln tha reelproetty tr*aty
raeeatly mude arith Praaee, tha ratea ot duty col"
lected on auch produ I fi ai Plaaea
un.ler the radprocal arranaement All eatrlaa .,t
Biich produeta imt-ort??.! fr..ni gwltserland aftaf
June 1. tOk% ivhi.-h have been otherwlae liqiii'iat*d.
arill be ? ItquhUted In a-eeordan a artth thia ruling
Thia a-rtlon of the Departaaaat la baaed en th?
treaty i\!tii BwttaerUnd ot IBSB, ahlcb Becured to
oat-h iwtlon ih- beaeflta ot tt..' lowe?t ra".* of
duty which elther ahould tberoaftar graal to *nr
otber country Although tha arrangement trRh
Prance now ln*forea Becurea to ihlfl eoaatry iad"
procal beneftta, th.p granting of tt.- mui.' baattdM
t.. gwltaerland ** ure? nothlnaj In retara Ti**
contentlon ol th Bwli Uorernneat, howereTi
,. ... . . - ? ? ij reelatel under the '?"?'?l>
Th* Importanl queation whten la ihu* . au-..'.! ifl
whether or nol other natloaa with which tha
rnlt.-.l 8iHte? :.t- treatliffl contalnlng th<* "*****'
favored-natlon .l..u-.. and parilrularly Si'*!".
n.av nol tl. iii.m.l a-lmll.tr l*onc**Blona. It Ik h"
HPved lhal . i'i'.i'..!-'" f-.iit <>f the ?h.>!.* rontro
veray, Bhould one arlae, irould l>^ the abreaaaaB
.f tha Bwlaa ti faiy.
? ? -
The it...if.i appolnted by th.- ?ecretary aC ^-i*r *?
conalder .he queation ot the aatoptloa of a ualttrtl
callbra for imall anna ..r.ri auiehlna guna ani of
it itandard and unlfortl aaaall arm .-.lrtri-iiae for
ii?.. in the Army and Navy aad M niaa Corpa, '*on
v - -1.... 1 y.-M.r.I.y ln th.? Army BatMtag The m?m
bt-i-i of tha Board ..r.* Coloael Aifre.i Mariaaai
Ordnance Department, V s a . Major stanhoi"*
i: Riuat, Ordaaaea Departaaaat, V. ?> a.. ?;':x^,'
t,ii,i ti s An.it r-.mi. .ith i'nlted Btatea CayabTi
('Hplaln tl V Klllott, I'nlted Btatea Marlne < orpa;
fr.tf.- .f Phlllp R Alger, Unlted St.it.*?* M.trtno
corpa ..n.i Ueutenant T. ?'. Dlcklnaoa, ol tBa
Ortlnan i Departra. nt. . .
The Board will forivarrl the report of itn gndingfl
!.. ih. Stcretary ot \\ .ir it was s.i.d yaattrdar
ina.r.-iltirt lhal It ia pit.l'.iblo th.t. .. MniHll ai?i _?
ttnlform .'..Ithrt- will hr adoptad for tme In hoth tne
Armv .nol ihe N'an Tha Hoar.1 i? boldlag extco
tlva aeaalona, and will .*ontlnue f..r t**-o or threo
tla)?. Tha report WlU not be made public.

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