SPORTS AND SP0RT5MEN. PROGRAMME OF SPORTS TODAT. HlLLIARP-i. - Amateur tournamcnt. Knlckerbocher Athictic Club. BA8KET BALL Waahlngton Holghts Toung Men's Chrlatlai. AflBOetatlon against Pav Ridge Athletlc Cluh. Bay Rhlge BHOOTINO ? Bnpen County t.un ClUn, Hackenaaek. N .t . Orand Central Hnndi ca?, Indlanapolla. _ CYOMNC. ?Slx-day race. Mndlson Pt-uare Oardcn. HEALTH BOARD ON THE RACE. IMBP-BCTORB PLACED IM THE OARDEN NO IxntCATION THAT TF** CONTKBT 1? I-IKrt.Y TO t*,k s-TOFrrr*-oO-roiTlON Of thr VARIOL'B RIDKRfl H would 1-e.u.n al' tho Tt? and "fa" Iti tha tyr._ ? : ? -. -. ."... ned prlntlng olBci it ?. .. ,- ? _,i to tksorlbfl in dnail all Ibfl ; lei f the slx-daj blcycle i now i Ing on a1 Madlaon Bquare Garden The humane parl of 'he metropollfl hss placed Its stamp of disapproval ??**"' M,r-: long-dlstanee , . . nre rvlde- rly not of ... . .. ;-,.. nnd the ehance* ara lhal tha con trr: wlll N ??> wed to proceed to rhe rnd on Bat? urday - hl b thoui any Interferenca from tb. authi r ? ea A_ .. . .- , 0f the race exnressed Ihe l_, i take no v'k ln m* v -a || 81 . - - -'"? h .??-?.- I" :- lUSl Ih" aame as a ] rlzertght, excepi "- n only t- b .,,* ;., ib< latter 1 itlb If m? t ? inl to cei Ir I , ;. - ?; ,r li ? them do 11 Iti ? if the) gel kllled, il is simplv a casi of v wor-?- " K:'* .. tn_ , , . ? ?.?.-.- wera used In the preambla bul i her' ' 'r oovlous rea son 8 . | ii me Oardi n In 11 i after r ,r.., lhai ? ? nf Health a .ul ' probably i . . --?. i u1 tha n..,!-..._? is w are l ? They ki ew their f round bett aai It waa reoorted Ih .1 j..-. .- . ? >- f the Hi iltl '?' ' ' bad i . . , .... md a ? f physlolans tn l , a. - -. eepa close wai ? r- repulsiva as ih* race of lusl year th. Board c* H. M * al : n ard si >p Ihe - ? a A vlslt to t f the Board t Healtl In tbe Crlmlnal Courta Building, yjeterdav afrernoon ahowed Itt il so f.r there la nor the llghtest Crlctloi .- any wai beiween tha Board and the r..: igers of lh< raea Dr. a Blauveli said tbat Ihe Board had ? i I phyaldans to th? Oarden ro watcb ibi nd. rr and to repon back io tri- Dei ?" ? ? ' I ?' ;' ' Hed physldans t * look ndllloi f ihe riders." iaid Dr, -, Onr man WiU be th-r.- Sll the tinm If ? || found li i ? ni al li ; hyali tlly to . mtlnu*. ln thfl ra--e he wlll be ordered lo stop." Dr I v< ? rllned to civ* the namea of rhe physldans Who would be detslled ro tht Garden, and from i . ? tormised th il the P ? j,:---. ? .. noi al tlus Ume contemplaie ln t ? ? ?- io MrPufTee. tbe mlddle-dlstanco - . ..; ghl w,is i i . .- ? I much comm - ? M D .:?'- e. accordlng to t " hulle ,,...??; a tl '.'?::. ls a' th. A ? | > . beii, -.'..? thal he wil! e to ride aa fot we*ek ls our. He Ib buP. from a broken th imb, a bia k eyt and brulsed htps and kaei Ml el ? 11 ba substltuted lo glve ex I Boma of thi experta pr sei i serrr. to think thfll thr traek !.* nol properly bai ked for rhr terrifle apeed ahown Ib the short-dlstance aprint ex racea It ls not bar ked ai bif?.'. ..- ' was lasr vt-ar .*.:;?! .1 doaa nol Seem to be xx:.. .... fot tht sprinters and dlstanc. n-..:. ta u ' the sami tim.-. But, as the s-ip rjuoud b.fori WOUld say, "lt'l their own busl nra?, and nobody elM baa any rtght to Interfera." A rdlng to ? Leag*.ie of Arnerican Wheelmen of flclal, those mcmbv-rs who are actlng ln any ca pa Ity ai the Oarden vx'.ii probably be > .,? .? I from the Lea^';.i. Whi- thi weedlng-out process contlnues, and vi.,.k are ni-iw.v falling In deapair ?k- i .. there wlll be - ? men left to .,r.:s!, th*- ronteal Nature, how ? r car.noi .- thwarted forever, and ;t li tbe l ma ? few of the rid< r wil! be able i-j it and tha terrible *tra:r. and maintain the same . up to Baturday nlghi As an evidenee of rhe f imlna of aome of ihi riden. i ahori . i ? ? pul on tb.e ;rack yeaterday He Ib c.n ..- iteui named vv,.- ? he si rinted arc und the trach leveral tlmes Plrsl Scnli ,-. I then '' aller caught on behlnd, and nelthei I i any i ippar. ki eplng up w-th tbe ? r Pl4?ree, rh_ Canadian, who has held the l< i r . .--. ...... it ] ? ?-?:.. a partlcuiarly enl as< ? ? ....... rou ? ?? traek. 'i ha - ? man, with a Blck fami.v i - handa, and hia tralnei iay thal he wlll noi glve '.i ?'.. ra Is a spark of life lefl He naeda th. ral , ?'? wlll glve him. .ir.d .-.k'- : po in II ':.- r waik- of life ha wlll atruggle on until nature compeis bim to stop or be loaea h;s reason and the managera re mox-e bim fr -.1 ? li d ? Ily per ... - ? ? . ? o 5 o'clock j ester ?? ? had rer-ed only elght. en i B - tralnera have advl m to take more reat, bul h< va..; not llsten to them, He declared thal if bt escaped , fall early in the race and ever ired the lead ?? would never rellnqulsh lr. :._?!- and Lane are looklng _if---r tha wanta of Pierce, nr.d both are confldenl tbat he wlll win. L r.c. w-..o handli I M et iaai year, Baya that Plerc* ia In better condltlon it this tlme of the rn^-- than Miller ?-"s lasi year. The old champlon continues ro grtnd out milea, ar.i be evee 1 ? will tinlsh in front again. He : al z-s that Pirr<*? musi have real ?oor.rr or a- | \- counti oi '.'K.r? the lead when that time *vi ? !'.-? ? was off the traek yeaterday her galned elghi mllei on him. Waller bal a ;._-??. tumble bui remountei and contlnued on nd around the dlahllke traek. ap parrntiy norr -hr xxorr-r for hir tumble. Waller'8 frlrnds -..-- that so long as the Flyii I Duti I I ean k--;- near ihi . ??'? '?'?- wlll be a dangeroua factor In the ra * ln caae be fai s behlr.-i I -.? .- tt, they eay. be xxr never be ,.b!e ro mnk>- up -! ground. <.*> believea '^.?), Pl.rce wlll win, 'wlrh .' Ilei second tnd Alberi thlrd 'lEddie" Bald *? ?? I oughT to win, in hW oplnlon, with Mlllei ae< -.1 and Waller ihlrd. ulrnm tha old twenty ind Albert. rh, form.-- p ' ., ,. . ? work yesterday. ai.d their friend* are v . ? ... . ... "piece f.f the mom aa'-.r-v- ixpresa r Alberi looka llkt .'- good jeci for the X rayi and by the end ot th- week po*iir.'.v rn.- wlll be able to ?., through him wilh tbe aid of an ? Icycie :.imp Btevena Nawn and Bchinneer contlnue to ion. bn lf they ?!") nor have a friend ln the world ano but '.n- idea ln Iife-'o keep on pushing lf ar,.' of tr." forelgners. poeetbly exeeptlng Hale, -.-? a *|iet -'-..- e_p*rta xviii i.r surprlaeo Tht rioera musi covei '.'-?"' mlles ln order io have a chanc. ira ny Of 'hr earc rrceiprs. whlch pr- mise to be rathar ample. WHAT PRESIDENT MURF-TT BATB Thr apptnded bulletln, an Intervtew with Mtchael C Murphy, president of thr Board of Health, was IflflUflfl at the OardflB la^r r.Ighr. "Tbis Board has no drsire to interfrrr wlrh the slx-di.y race. and s--' !:_ *?? 'be phyaldana - n g-,B*o by the promor-rs act aa _h--y ba\. du ng the last few day-. I cai. sre no good reason why even our lr -; ectoi ' llld bfl r,r**1,-nr ln thf I lrg However. our B-ard is enii>owered by tb charttr to inbure tbe BBf. "?' ol life and l'.rnb. and 1 have InatrucUd Sanlury Chlaf Roberta and Dr _-.;., ivalt to bave a ralay of doclora presenr fr.,m thla Board from now until tbe -imo of the closing of the race Thrs., ara Inetructed lo work In ooh.ur.'. tion with the medtcal m.-n engaged by the promoiers of the eycll race, and lf th--y lu.d any eempetltor is unflt ?, ? i not ln .or.dltlon to eontlnue, or auffera from any lllnaaa or di) wlll examlne him, and reeommend hu- r. bbovbI from tha traek I feel thal w? wtll nct do I... ,. n ;. r;. of thla raet any lt - Buch ac t. i (ui the other bai-.d. ii wlll assura thr public when they vteli 'he Qardea they wui ....... - thal they '..r. contlnua thla ? . . ranea until .sat.ird.__- right withoul ,, ... -.- brutaltty whatever I v...s . ,._ ., dellghted to .-arr. from Pr. Blnuvrit M ai rhe phyaielana engaaed by th*- rriar. hi. .. ? . '. le re. ? bad i movi d ae* an n.<-i whom thej axamlBed nd found unilr to oon , . ? ..- dliowa that they iiaiize tbat ;r la to - |nl res; to have only sour.d men on tho trr. i: " At m_dnlght mOBt of the men wrrr rldtng strong ly ln facl tha mea Id k better at r.igh* than they -Jo by flunltgbl LawflOB waa rhr .,nly r:drr usinj a '?'.e.-, supporter Waller cnangr-; to ;. chainlesa iu ihe Blghi ln a sprlnl between Waller nr.! B hlnneer thr formrr h.'--i snother fall. hui he rexBOunted aulekly ^nd v,a? noi h ,rt. apparantly MlchaeL paced bx Wenlg nnd iviewhouae, rode a mile .ii 2.12. and late* another ln I/B. At U p. tr.. it waa .innounoed that Pierce at the and u; tbr forty-aaventh hour was 11 mlles and '% jriui ahoad of the rerord. Waller took a smoke tn the afterr.oon. ln eplte of hia trainc, an.. It seemed to do ti.m good. He got off hia wheel a little while after ha fell to get ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I Scientific Cooking. ? 8 The London Lmiret is the 8 It adds highest medical authority in the world. It describes the reason wby a joint roasted in A Gas Range is " invariablv richer. that gas is "Equally Applicable togrilling, bread-making. bniling. pasuv-making and most other v cuHnary operations." Scientillc 8 cooking is simplv the application 0 ? of sciencc to cooking; and the g Q use of gas in cooking mc.ins 9 8 ne. s and precision of the k*nd to 0 g delight a scicntist's heart. o -i rubdown, c.i d snatchcd a pipe out of a fr rr-ou-h and sm.^ke.l ir The acore Bl 1 o'clock tbls mornlng was a loxvs: N'smr. Mllei T't-. X' er .ai" .TB8 a: ??? ... Ts| : ... r-i I ? Name. III _} Ii ?''? -n . l*e' A: ? n f.- n. (i*4 ... hinneer . '->'?'? Foriter ... gj Pilk.i-aicn .... m" Jul.ui . Bll >1- nriKhan . 643 ienl's fol t-flP!" GO IF. ,t r TEN ETCK Tf") RE8IGN THE PRE8I DENCY OK THK PT ANDREWfl OOLF oi rn. The Bl Andrewa Oolf Club wlll hold its annu..l .. et Ing for ihe eleMlon of ofllcers on Wednaflday ...... c. Decembcr '.i a1 Delmonlco'B. It ls sail lhal John C Ten Eyck, who ucceeded John Reld . ?:..-. leni of ihe club n year ase. wlll decllne the renominatlon teudered to him. nnd 'hat Joseph B Thomaa wlll i>- elected In hia atead lr ls also nn red thal William 11 Banda, the present can ? u. xvi l reslgn, owlng ro tn<* pressure of other dutles and ln 'hat case the membera are ln f-v-.-ir of ihe electlon of A i>-- Win Coehrane. Tb.- latter is rh.- preaenl ehamplon of ihe club, ni 1 oni of its moal enthuslastic supporters. Under i ,-??:?: i' agemenl the team would hnve a sue The club Ia in n prosperous con dltlon flnaneiallv rn..i ihrre seems lo be s srrom* probabillty thal li wiu apply for the amateur oham ,, nexl -? ison The chlef -litnculry In rhe m \ .f ita su-tccss haa alway been the wretched r. ."1 from the sration to the clubhouse, and this II ls now proposrd to rebulld. A new railroad Blatlon wil :? erected abox. the present one. and from tht. point a broad macadamlzed road will be laid to th. Ilnka. Mlaa P'atrlx Hoyl will certalnly have no eauae for oompl.-iint ln the facllltlea for golf-plsylng al .- .k Hills next season The irustees of Bhln . _ Hiila organlzatlon have )ubi purchaaed 20 a.lditlonal acres of land. nnd Will make ihe women'l courae rhe longes: nlne-hole one in the countrv. Tb-- rif-w- prop.-rty adjoins the pn - nl women'a on the w. iit. nnd wlll enable th? club to eonatruoi a links whoae playlng lnncth wlll I - rt of thlrty-flvt hundn l yards Thi- wl i ? ? - ? rely distlncl fr m th*- men's course, whlch 's in eightosn-hoie one of about flfty-thre. hundr I ysrd. There wlll be ieveral sllghi alteratloni ? ii wlnter 'noludlng the erectlon of ,, -x!-:l- : - bv 0 feel at th weel end of thi , : ? ihe usi of the women membera Will? iam Bmlth, the cluh'i pro.esslonsl, has return-d tn h!s h "?? ll fanoustle Bootland. lur wlll prob? ably return In time for the n .penlng of rhe sprin,. ? ? Tbe -i.-xx )-,..- dlsappeared from ihe Lakewood ? ks, and the Ocean County Hunt nn.l Coun? try Club is -naklncr preparatlons for Ita flral llxture ln tlie serles of Baturday open handicaps. In th^se ? ita flrsl and second i.rlzr.. \r. offered by the club, and the; an open ro memhers of anj r< I rolf i Iuh tl f l I dng thirty Tes at medal plax*. with handieapa linii'-*-! :o trokes. Two il-ivs of Bunahlne following tn f .- lay nlghi havi bri ghl the fair gi ? up to ni condltlon and evsry effori will h. i ? tlus openlnr tournam.nt of the season for thia club a buc. esa In - very way. The Btookllne fountrv Club of I.oston has ex . 135.008 in th.* purchaae of new ground, and wlll Increase Ita course to oni of eighteen holes In Ume for i tion of actlvity in April. The Bl Au-iUr-'liie Ur.lf Club, of Florlda, has alr-. in ,-. , ed Ita Ilnka bv twenty aerea at a oom of {..''.rt. an-l will eroct a sultat-le clubhouaa in the n< XI '.. w rnor.'.hs BILLI ARDS. THI TOURXAMENT AT THK KNICKER BOCKER ATHLETIC CLUB THEATRE. Poggenburg, 'he general favorite for flrst honors !n the Class H amateur champlonihtp bllllard tour namenl at th- Knlckerbo ker Athletic Club theatre, was beaten last night by Tayloi tiie brilliant young Chieago amateur T.-ie Westerner'a ciev.-r ; ij .ame as a dlatlnct aurpriae, whlch was second oni) to the wretched form of ti-,* Llederkrana ehamplon. who did not scern a ahadoa of his former ;-!f Only once during the matoh did Poggenburg play a? he id done in practlee, I thei ? made more pointi in a \ succeaelve m in all the r-.-t ? ?'??. Thia pi. ?0 Axerage. 540-32 Hlgheit runa?12 _.- 25, 23 23 2(i ind 18 l l 4. i l. (i. i. ?, o o. o i. o, ... ?_;. s i' i- ? ?? il. 4 3 20 is. ).". :. 8, 0 1 1 " .'? 13, 11 l. :i ".. 1 0 I, " ."? " i.t -? n , ;. ". ii ii T 'a 208 A'.rr i_* 43_M Hlgheit runi 41 28 is n>, u i.. -n_ u In the afternoon .M'!''-r, ot New-York, played Hendrlck r-t New-Haven, ar.d won ? ir h> r i isily by a slmllar n irgin The Connectlcul ehamplon a'jrt-fl off witb a rush. and :: began to look bad for Miller until about the middle of the game when he began ro pde up runs rapldly, lus :..ta! ? Hendrlck's. and eating up rh>- gap bi i w ? en bim and x i.? r< ?: y Hendrlck'a gam.- dropped off i,,idi> n- Uillet paaaed him. and after the thlrty-aixtn innlni; he mad.; only onr double hgure run. and added oniv iiftv-eight pointa to lus score in the twet nin- lnnings Miller finished up with a setie.- of ex ? ?? "breaka" lhal lefi no doubt of bis aupeii nrlty Hendrlck made a number of brllllani shota iiuiliig the eatl.x parl of thv game, bm he did not c tber tht balls ncarly bo well ;is his adversary, and his "nuralng" waa poor Th*- n-nra foilowa. 2. 1. i> 4 4 :: f. '-. 1 2, Ifl ? 10 2, 10, ... 1 4. -i ii l. ? * 4*-'.". Hlgheit M i .-- 12 2 18 1, 4. 0 4 0 2 n .i 2 8 ?'. 1 ?''. " ?'? " ". I. II 7. 1 18 8 . _;. ... " 8 ?*' ?_: " 8 3 2. 2 _.-?- Si 12, 8, 2. 2 Total 300 . mr - L'.'i L'2. 2.- 18 and 1* Hendrl. K -'?. 14. II, 7 (. 82 ? 9. o. 2. 2. o. o 8, '.' 2. 11. 1 ?. -1 -'. " 14 1 -i.I 12. ? 1. 2 1. 1, 10 '? 2 0, 0, " 1, 0. (.. ii .. "4111 3, 0, 1. 4, li 2. 3 . .. 7 ? !' 0, 1 Total 210 Avrraie, 3 15?88 Hirher. 22 II 11 12 12 ar. 1 11 Tbls afternoon P'.irk ;:.y.s H(*ndrlck nr S o'clock, ai . lo-nighl Taylor and MIII. , ?? ? .. .... k YACHT1X0. VI-'K COMMODORE POOK ENTERTAINED Commodore James Welr. lr . of rhe Shrber isl? and Yacht c'lub. entertained Vlce-Commodora Poor ai dlnner on December .". st thr crrscent Club, In Brooklyn In the courae "f tbe evening lt w-as an ii ed 'hat Meaara. Welr, Poor and Lohrke would aach "ff-i allver cupa or the valuu of $1 ? tor the club'8 r-i ea nexl Burnm. r The 25 fc.f.t ..... kal ii'.. whilng ccndltlons tho court thinka la to be -"_c.n_-i.d-d. AN IN8URANCE MAN KILLED. WALTER HATPEN ORIFFEN CRt'PHED :N A FAI.LIN". F.I.F.VATOR. HE WAS PEntETARY OF THE I'SITBP :-?T A TES EIPE COtfRART ANI* HAP HXBT ATTEKIWO A MEET IXG OK PIRF'TORP-THOMAS W. CAVLD ?tVEU. ASP OEORGr H BMITH, Dl RE."Tr>RP AF THF OOMFART, HT.'RT IN THE BAHB fRASH Rv BB arr-l.lent to the glatratOT ln thB b*UUdlBg it Plne and Wllllam Btfl . OCCUpled hv the fnited Btatea Fire fnauranee Company. Walter Hayden Oriffen. aecretary of tbe company, waa laatantly kBIed and Thomaa w Cauidwell, i direotor of .ha compaay. auatalnad injuriea from whi h he wUI probably die. o-r.rge h. Smith. another dlrector, and .. membar of tbe flrm of Smith * Hleka. fire underwiitera, raealved painful. but not fatal la Jiirlea *j to tho cauaa ol tiie aeddaal aeeounta dlffer. The i' ??enger? who eacaped Injury tay thal the _r waa -...?! Bfl ?uddenly al Ihe ground fl"or . . '"*?? I bm ch? in w - hroken and feii with 'he eablea to the bottom of tho ahafl and r*r?bed through the top of the rar. Donnia Sulll vaa the voung mnn m eharga of the elevator, iaya that the eablea pnapped nt th? eaventh floor. altow. in- the ear to fall aad brtafflni the pupportlng mrrr.anl?m ?nd .he heavy wetghtfl dOWB upon it aftenrard. There were eiKht pornon- ln the rar a-hm the acrident oeeurred. and H waa mlraenloufl ihat more of them were not kil>d or In.lured. A m-?. Iaa of the dtrectore of the Unlted Btate* Fire In luranee companv waa callad for 1 m o'eloek. and took plaoe In a room on the elchth floor of the building The meeimg aaaad al a llttla after 2 , o'eloek. and the dlreetora began to Btep out Into ? tlu- 1 all Bfl the oloiiaior. whl"h Is the only one In ! tho building. paese-l up to the top, or eleventh i fioor. On Ita way down the rar atopped al the ninth floor to take on a paaaenger named Jullua H. ' Cohen. At the elghth floor thr- rar waa entared by Walter Hayden Oriffen. peeretary of the company; ThQBriaa W, Cauidwell, D Thuraton, Wllllam L. Moore Edmund A Hurry and Oeorge H. Bmtth, all , dirertors of the rompanv Bamuel M. Craft, vlce prosldent of the rompanv. had aaid that he would Wttlh down for exerclM, uid left the others for that purpoae. STARTLEP BT THB CRABH. A ntomenl aftatward a loud eraah atartled the oonipants of the building The rjerka In the officei of the i'nlted States Firc [ngurancfl Company, whieh are on the grouad Boor of the building, ruabed into the hall to aec the car a maaa of tangled wlre, honeath which lay two bodies. the i other pa?a-ngerfl bi i.perator of the car hav ! mc runhed oui Mr. Orlffen's body waa carrled ? mto the offlcea. Hia flkull was. rruahed In and he Araa dead. Mr. CaldweU'a ekuli ma* alao fractured, ihe back of hia head being cruahed ln He was , conacloufl when llfted up, bul he barame uncon ! aclouii tli"* next moment. Mr. 8mlth runhed Into , tbe oBlce with blood pourlng from a wound ln hl? 1 head, but fortunately hia Injurlei prored not to ba '. flxtremely aerloua. . , ,',, , n in waa hurrledly FummnnM, and he ,n ambulanec from the Hudaon Streel Hoa? pltal. Mr. Cauidwell waa laken to thfl hoapltal, ..'.., re h waa aaid lhal h.uid no. llvi Mr 1 Grlffen'fl body waa removed to the Old Bllp poll ? atai ?, lacbargaofW W. Underhlll. his brother in-iiw and the prealdenl of the company. Mr. Bmith was taken to hin home, al No. 820 Eaal Elghty-alath-at.. wher. ll waa aaid laai nlghi I I >,.. wa, ufferlng i .mewhal from flhock. but that ; hia woun 1 waa nol Berl A mk crowd waa atti i. ted bj .und and MV, ' the a. i Ident, and a d. tall of po i Waa aent for to keep the i'.r..:..: oui of the building. The elevator wa? run trloltj and waa bullt i ? th. Otli El vator '*? mpanj Mr Belknap. man 1Ker of the company. aaid lhal lh< elevator had been In thr- building rtnee '"-?" and thai I rerelved i telepl oi n ?-? * ? * ' tendent of tho building only ten mlnutea * acddeni flaylng that lt had Jufll been Inap. iy' ould be f. ind m thfl building. however. who had wan an laapector ai work upon the ele * Wlilam T .'i ift. aon of th' vtce-pr. ildenl of tha , Statea Fire Inauranca Company. aaid thal there had been much trouble with the elevator re ,,- ,;-.-. Qnc* f had come down so rapldly thal the elartrta Itghl bulbg had been broken. He th. thai the auddon (topplng of the car bad broken ,he cibfefl and "hai tha ralllng welghta *botleop\e* luaed the injurt. - th. paaaengera recelved. THB CONDUCTOR PAROLED. Dennli Bulllvan who a tr runnlng the car when lt , feii waa arraated and arralgned al t.1-.. Centn n polic. coun before Maglatrate Wentwortb. iir aaid ! been employed al th- building only a week, bul h? l had pr. ? ?pert. n. ?? He declared i i - ,. | fallen from the peventh floor. ai thua anapped th- eablea Maglatrat. Wentworth re ., ,,.,!.,; s .; ivan ron. r. who parolled him in the .-?" v of 1 ,, Waltei Hayden Oriffen was forty-one yeari He waa well-known among Inauran e men ln thia eitj II.- home waa at S'o :.- We?i One-hui and-alxth-at Bialdea being ?? retan ol h. ? ' ? Btatea Fire Inauran - i mp my. h< nad o b. i tr-reata of Importanco H< waa ? membei o -.. w-York Athletl i i \ wldoa purvivei Tbomafl W Cauidwell waa born and reared ln N-.w-V'-k City. i.:- father being Wllllam A. Cauld 'mjell i well-knowi chlna and glaaa lmporter With hia famlly he wenl to Morrlntown about ten yt .ra .-,.?(, building a beautlful home In Elm-al . Ina the home ol hia fathem platei Mr?. ; c Biahop Al bough not i i. M- ' iul I .., ]; - . i ictiv. ??.??? n th. affali - "t the t iwn and i .un? He la an ardeni Republloan, and haa b. ??!. ui ??? d al ttm< ? lo take publi. om ?. but eadfaatlv refuaed. At the ;m- the new Bap :,.- rhurch building waa erected h< gave largely of hia m. ? )' Hme to ita sup. r For . numb r nf v. an he aerved on th. Bo ?rn] .. | th. church lie la i membei ..f the M.... .... ' "oui '-? i "lub and ol th. Board of Dl [-, .,,]. ol the Morrletown Toung Men'a Chriatlan v atlon Oi ii count of nhyal. al frallty he ha - '-,-? Fummera In the Adlrondark or tbe Berk .),!"?? Htlla ???? ?? onh -? enl *- expri*. ? d hima. If ai bi ng In good heafth Mr- Cauidwell wai M Cagrlc Johnaon. of New-York City Foi many \f-ars Mr Cauidwell hai engaged li the practlce of law ln this city. having an offl.-e ai No ll i'.r,"--; Hr li ? graduate of Prlnceton In ? the 'i.i.s of 81, md a mereber of tbe Lawyer j Universlty cluba. ; WILL REBCILD yEW-ROCBELLETS 8TREET8. \ C OLIVKP. IBELIN IfAKCB AN OFFER TO IHE TRUBTEEf OF THE VILLAOB r Ollver fselln haa offered to rchutld fhe entire atraei ayatem of New-Rochell? and keep li in n y iir for flv? yeara fot ihe rxait amount that is re? qulred to .io the work ai i mlnlmum oost The iltlon was made to the VllUga Ti lateea on Monday evening and cauaed mu. h purpria. It la eatlmated that ll will take at leaat ISM.OOB to a. ompllflh th- work thai Mr laelln haa propoaed to 'i . Th-* rarloui boarda of VlUage Truiteea have expanded tn the laai t**n y#ar? nearlj l*?,000, jrei reel ire i ? ** '?* '? ? ' Aboul ? rear ago t?,an waa voied for atraei Im provementi, and under thia gpproprlatlon aulta for ! r?.OM for dam. gea by reaaon of chang, have been i rougl ? v . i ro| ? " owa< i With thia condltl n atarlng th. taxpay. r> ln the 1 ? ? r furtht-T Improvemenl haa aeemed ai mThe propoaltlor of Mi leelln la regarded wlth fa I ror both by *Pre?ldent i 'pk and ihe community Mr laelln aaya Ihat li ? hia propoaition r, rited rf will proceed ? ? ? ? ? ?ttmai to th. B ird i ? ? ? ??? i rk ted ' ommittee, f Tr iati ? '.' i ,r< n* .-. a ? ? . io rlali Mr. : t A . v DEC18I0y VXDER im 17 //.'/.'IV ACT. ? i, . Tl - Courl "f Api ?? ? to i afflrmed ihe order of the lower eourta m the raae 1 of w ii ; Bw. - againat Exclae Commlaalonei i ,.,, n Bweet, i v. teran, w?? app. Int. d ai a 1 ppecial axclae pgeni for th.* uaual prol itlonai i. ri.'l ol three tT.on.h H< I ir. pei -i elapaed h- waa llacharged He appll d lufltlre . i .a. ol i'ateki.1. fo? ? wrll of mandamu l the BtBte Exi Ifl. L'omi to i ?tate him on the gr. u id lhal being b veteran, he nrai ? a- mpti ?! from the prol ? proi lalona ol ia md eould i ged r, ire'-t- had been preferred igainai him bj the Ei ommlaal n. i h nd prov. i Juitlc. Chfl . nled tiie appltcailon for ihe man-iamu*, ? ?;..,- affirma thl ? T'l ADJ98T COAL-CARRYtytl RATEA. HaSletOn, Penn . Da I The pre?!,|ent.a of th eoal-carrylag raliroada having refuaed to hold a ? wlth repreaentatlvefl of th? Anthra ta riiifinen/t Men'a Aaaoelation in order to arrtva ?. ,-, aatlafaciory agreamenl reapectlng allegad exorbl tant ratea on flnthracite coal from lha mlnea to market. the flflflovlatlon will now pro ed lei tl i : d.-r the int.-. tate Pommerct Iaa io a. ir. tment Be. reiarj W K Uord of th. \ clti Aaaoelation t. da] I rwarded to all m.-mii. rs of tha organlxatlon i.. the .nthra ??.al i . it circular letter appeallng for uni.* riptlona 1 ifllneai men, *? thai th. pr mei legal i< pa i an be tak.-n bflforfl the Intei tate Commlaslon Thr,, thouaand dollara ia aaedfld, one-half of tt. hl-h ia to be pledgtd at onoe and the r malndrr wher, the naxt conference la held ln Hatleion, tn February. Booke nnb Pnblications. >?-***_ 4 v :1V &*'< u& JWBK *x *fu r ___?, -?-V; HARPERS MAGAZINE _ Announcements for 1899 Arrangemements have been made as heretofore with the most eminent authors and illustrators of the tlay for contrlbutions to HARPER _> MAOAZINE during iHyp. whlch will make this periodical of extraordl* nary vaiu.* and interest to every onc. One of the Icading fcaturcs will be A History of the Spanish War coverln? all the import.-ni cvent.*. Icading up to the war and during the war itself. This will be without doubt the most valuablc contribution to the histories of the world. and will be fullv, even profusel>, illustrated, of a comprehenslve, political, and narrative nature. and espe.ially written By HON. HENRY CABOT LODGE L'nited States Senator, and member of the Foreign Relations Committee, a position that has qualiiieJ him more than any one clse for the task. Alr. Lodge will leavc no stone unturned in his efforts to present Co his readcrs an accurate, unbiascd account of the late war from start to finish. SERIAL STORIES will be a atrong featurc nf tlie MAOAZINE during 1890. Three famous authors have contributcd their latest works for the benefit of its r.aJer-a. Their Silver=Wedding alourney Fv WILLIAM PF.1.Y HOWELLS will afford pleasure and enjoyment to the reader. It is a story of Rurope revisited after txxenty-five years, and it la enlivcned by a love theme. THE PR1NCESS XEMA A SPAMSH WAR STORY By //. />'. Mttrriott Watton Byjohn I ox.Jr. ARTICLE5 ON THE WAR NAVAL LESSONS OF THE WAR ADMIRAL SAMPSON'S FLEET Fv II W Wilson /:'' LtelU. S. R. Staunton. /". .- .'.'. THE BATTLE OF MANILA BAY THE RESCUEOFTHE WJXSLOW Fv /. .;/. Ellicott, l'. S./V. ByUeut. F. F. Mead. U. 5 R 1' . Other articles about the war, equally interesting, will appear from month to month, all of which will be illustrated with charactenstic artisticness. SHORT STORIES A SERIES OF SHORT STORIES THE LOVE OF PARSON LORD Fv IF. W.Jtvobt By Mary E. Wilkins UNDER AN APRIL SKY THE RENTED HOLSE By Brander Mattheu \ By I . taxvt Thtttut Many other stories will he puhlished. fully illustrated. and written by au? thors whose nami'5 have Ion*. been established as leading writers of fiction. The Century's Progress in Science By HEXRY SMITH WILUAMS, M.D. is a valuable series of scientiflc and r eadable articles to appear on Biology, Psychology. Sociology, and their auied subjects. Other important senes to appear "are: BROrHFRJONATHAVSCOLONIES OLft NEW PACIFIC PROSPECT By J'i. f. ./.'?.' Buthnell l: ;>t By Cliar.'cs F. Lummts REPIJBLICS OF SOLTH A.MLRiCA WrIITE MAN'S ASIA By fulian Raiph By Foultney Bigetnv MAR.'CR'S MAGAZIN-. V. IfKlV. and BAZ/.R.Each. Ono Year. $4 oo COMBINATION OFFERS HARPPRS M .nvZIM:. WBEKLY, and BAZAR. to one address . . One Year, $10 00 NARPER'S VV I IKI.V and BAZAR, to one address. ? 00 HARPER'S HKix/IMi nnd VX I I Kl V. to 011- utldresa." f 00 HAUPLR'S MAOAZINE end BAZAR, tn onc oildrcis." 7 00 /' itpot I i-i tt* t'-il'i >.')/?', Cinati, and M'tt't*. HARPER'S MAGAZIHE, 35 cls a Copy. Subscriplion, t4 00 a rear AUreu HARPER & BROTHERS, Publistiers, Nexv York, N. Y. &&&___?.03C?-C3C^ 1 I I I i 1 -C/. I 1 FARMERS' C0XGRES8 IX BESSIOX. NATIONAL OATHERINQ AT Ff.RT WORTH, TI-.X --ANM \i- ADDRBB8 BT EX GOVERNOR HOARD For: Worth, Tex 1> - i The Farmera' National I Congreafl began It her. lay with -? ? : ii hundred d enl Aftei dn --| ? and en- - ? it... :.,t-- com. i ..?!.?? homea of tho gr< ? maaa of Ai ....... ? . ? ?ii..-'i every l.ran ... ? ki i pi cotton fa ? ? ?. i ? ? ? ? ? tn | ? ' i.-t ua bop. tha oui brethren of the cotton Iteld hav. gained aomethtng In economlc knowledge, which is. aftei th. keynote to profll every ? n ii'-i. of th. 'i i. tion? I'T thi.- Farmera" Congreaa i ir. What can we lo In ... or ganix. i wai to help i te thia great bual : neaa "i far'mtng from a lack I comprehenalon? ,ii at. do tn et th< farmera ol thia contl . . -.i . . more int. Ileci ..n th* ? :,rm* How can we contrlbute ,- fl force to the . emancipatlon ol i ? ? farm from the waateful ef ? ? ; .. ranc. nd help put ln Ita place the energislng and enrl hing Innuencea of knowledxe? other 1 can we do to promote farm '.'.., ,-, thl Congreafl do to promote legrfllation .n the Btate and Katlonal legia ngreaa do aa , .T.-.t force to trrtal the tendei - of the Amerl , ii f.rn.'T 10 .!? ? ' ' ' ' ll f. ' of his ? .r:', ' Whal enn a ?? do tn arouie puhll opinion -,u j iii. greal I - * >t the country to ' the Imporl ?:?- ? thi elemeni ol ajtri- , . .? in the primarj - hoola of the land? Like all other II u - of thoughl and action, tne Amerlean I ?? ind hia farm are gotng ? . itioi T e behlnd pome thinK- aa w. d, to h.i\,' a ludgment aa to . what i eault. tavorable or un favor able, Ifl a - ?"?' and aupreme neceaatty ln every pha-ae of the farmera life. So man touchea ,,,,. neceaaity of ? ther men ia doea the farmer. for he mtiflt feed all ? ' ? -**? Heretofore our .iaion hai been dlrected i!moa? ? ? w. ???-' r. to receive f>>r our prod icta The ; .< ? nl tide of ei olutl. I ? I lli , ;t! another dlre tln W ? mtrol prlcea: th- market end ' l la beyond Ihe ln rllvldunl reach oi ..? farmer What con we ?!?? whal ?? . w, do to Inereaae lil-. proflf Por on thal hanga h - pi .ap< "Ity This mual be ,.,, ii. mual .??' " ' ' ' o longet -. crude producei nufa turer He musi invoke .':,?!' etter lyatem, mor- thorough orzanlzatlon among hia fellow-farmera more ex hauatlva atudy of the und minclple of his buaineaa, Improve methoita, everythlng that h.* .-,m lay hold of i.ntrlbute to a r. durt.on of tbe roa' of produetion l^ra ia aui '? * ? ' tho s ,me e--onomlo lawa ns every other manufa?turer The world declarea 'ha' fl v . ,-.. ... ... ' I .,!..! clothlng, for tuch ls the I .1 Ion Th- Am. rlr.iri r n-mer ia | ' mercllei 'ompetl for from th? -?! mual rome prttnarily ..ll f'. ,,| md rlothii He mual ''imlsh ,i? n, 1 t ,(.? beat, or he * kel IT> mual do ihls al a llvlng oai tnd keep up th.* feriillty of t>. BOll, or hc and hifl farm will both p-rlsh by 'i. ? Pn ?? olvilliatlon nr . xpena ve ft . ? ? more l dren and be .. n in among men ih.n H lld his ...-??? Tl e road oui . ? ? He m-ist pui ii .r ? ht int-. th f the coat of produe la h - end of the pr ?;? ? "Hlon, the farn-t , . ??? ? ? hin hifl eonii i;., ,. | - ? of the beet-sugar In lui 'rv are nera ir, nun : li Ifl m ?r? than likeij thal ,hr. probabla effeci on thai branch "f farmlna or mnexai f the ri, Itpplnen will be ona ..r the most ex.itin* queatlonfl to rlalm Ihfl attention of ? h'- ' longraafl lowa and Coloi delegatlona hen mi all the trane-UlaplBfllppI country i- well represnted The conventlon will re maln in paafllon four daya I//.'.- WILMERDiyO VOT Ift RELEARED. i pr LTON WIVL DEL4VRB RRB 0NL.T TO THE > m-,'- ' ': ",' ' ' Iir 1? ITI'. Tba proeeadlng to fre. Mri ICarta F Wllmerdlng , fr-rn Bloomlngdal. I ????'? ?' "f lba ammlaaloa wbteh ? rrn Inveflt'.gatlng her men'a'. oondmon. nnd which reported ll ?he ? i * ro far n ovared tt.,it h. r longer detentlon ln the aaylum waa nol neoea ii ? j,,.,, |. . , - - ireaentlng ih.mi.ii tei of ,.... ncraon tnd propertj nf M.s Wllmerdlng, ob ... i, ,i and BBked to bai lh? rapor. of the . om ; ,!, , onfli iii< ''?? a ir i, ni. ..nt hei relea ie " parole for thlrt) day? to aea ,f phe behaved I hflraelf ln I I Itloi manner i',.-. .- Keogh took ibe i.a par*. an.l. after look Ira them over, mad? an ord>i tha! the sald Marle p" wumerdlng be dlarhargt-d ftotn Bloomlnsdala Booke anb PnbiiC-itlona. a-. un ln ? rordance wlth the r*-port of the com ?11 " Thla meana that rhe Is to I for thirty days t ises thal tr* . ??' she 'lunk- Bhe has. When th.s order ?> is ilgned Mi I.- :? had -. .. i.i went out ti '' a Ith It, aud | bi rve! ll .-I- Biinerlnt. - :: '.- in. exi ? I M to have Mr- Wilm. rdlt . r- i ? ? hln It l.y..!! said that ? wa* the nai ire of a paroli glve the p itlent hack to the comnurree of her person. FrankLn Allen and John vx i, ... - -? plac. d ,-.- r thi re i>r Lyon would i >t allow anv ..-?? tn -.r ta!k wlth Mr* vviimerdinir He th. committee | of her person ital rdei f Court, an-l rh;.' he would ? ' istody. He could not iay whet ? .uid away It mishr be a day or two, as rhey would i have to mak- aome arraniementa for her. .v/.il" SYSTEM <>f TELEPHOXY. IXHAT I? CLAIMED F-">R THL' PATENTfl OF THJ CNtTED BTATEB TELEPHONE COJIPANT Th" T'r..'. l Btatea Telephone Company, whl*h -,i,i.- li ral ' tlbany on Monday, wlth -i capital of 11.000.00 . - thal it haa a.-o,uired .-ertain valuable patenl r;ehts ln an entlrely new system of telephony hy meana of xvhrh i* will be able ro furni^li a ????- Bystem ' I lephone corn tnunl itlon than the one ai present in use and a' thfl .ime r!n>- reduce the rve- appreciably A Tribune reporter saw El is K Rles, xv;-..-. :* the [ r nl.:' thfl system owned by the new com? pany, and who Ib also ona of the dlrectora of the company, ar his offlce ar N'o ttfi Broadway, yea? terday aft. rnoon Mr. bi.-? --xr.r.t--.1 i worklng modei . ;' h:.- ayatera _rni talked fre.-ly con.*erninar ita mechanlam and operatlon The mertti : - ? .-?? Bystem are extreme i.mpll Ity of mechaa ism. cheapness of operatlon a:i-l maaufactura, an.l effeet ix eneaa Mr Rlea'fl system makea all calhng and iwltch ing operatlona Incident to converaation Ically by meana of ? il . -- m iria taci con ? . ? i in , aealed ehamoer. located In the recel\-er telephoni The acl of carry ng tbe recelver ro the ear rlngs up the ccntral offlce _nd a m.-r* tllt : rhr- r. -ii.-r repeuta the fall II II :- i.I ful The hook-BW Itch a i irn of iha Tunk ar.- done iway wlth :n-- generator being ited nr ihe central offlce Mr Rlea haa been . *.;, i tn. .-.:.'.- n hia Inventlona for bIj y- ara. and haa been teatlnf - Now he think* he ha nt of perfee tion. He aaya thal by mean ystem il rior t') thal not ...?!?? ,-i .. had n h - lf the pre*? nt cost, and with ;..? com panj He hellev. n i *o. ''? ?? . i - of thi Bim pll ity "f tha a; atem It wlll converaation ovei ... per eent greater than ;?? now i ig-d atanc. charges will conaequently '?? ?"' itb i ' 'ed He iay* hia Byatem cannoi gi oul of ind lhat one tor In . central otfice cvlll .. able io handle a tnlrd n.orv alls l.y hia Bystem thi n i- poaiible at present Moreover h< -i\ to cul any 1.-. Ing ll xi:. h II The corporatlon proposei i. - ihe facture of tyatema : i< Icpl ? ipi irntui .nd to Ir.troduce rh.- lyitem i mi i of ealsi i-l- corn paiiir-., or new - ib- on , ? Vs ro the difl or .--"-urlng ihe Introduction of the new system Mr l.i-" aaya that arhile I la nol it ..-???? ? __ . Into details, vet hia companx know-g of ? ?? o talnabl- thal wlll aolve ill thoae pr-*b l-m Mr Kie- is a m-mi" r . the Arnerican I Ml t te of Electrlcal Bngtneera, the New-Y'ork i trlcal Boclety and th An.. i . n on for rhe Advancement I Bcience Th? othei ompanv. whlch I noi yet full. organlsed, are [srael Btelnhsri ll V .1 Wllkeni Martin Lowen st.-in and Henry .1 Eurl ng, of lha law Ai Furlong -v i I'Connell ?._-?_ REPORTED 0A8 DEAL l\ BALTIMORB. .rorK AtrVAXCga ON RUMORa OP I-ECIOTIATIOMI PV SEW-YOBK -APITAUara Bal tt more Dec I fBpectal) 11 waa reported ln flnancial lr. '.?? i lo-d iy thal negotl i.iom w. ra pend Ing for ihe *i> oi' j COntrollIng lr.icresr |-| th illdated Obb Company, of thla city *o a ayn dicate of N-w -Y--r. ? ipltallati Tha prlca hava been offered foi .. majorlty ..f the atock la 175 i ah it?' Tht re ar. ? tt ol k , rnr value of li-*"- representlng a total valm tion of 11'..'?"""" though rb.e mark.t \,' ? M-.d upon ih- price curreni to da) i- around tM a ahare cr a toi il of 17 M0 oor) There was i oni Ple ,i -tixl'v ln rh>- ito k on ? ?'. i\ i.n -n ? rrergrh of the rumors most of tt.. i idlng br k- - on the floor havlng order* to buy tti itn :. and, as a resull th* price Jump. I two pointi Uui h i f the stock waa b.niirh' for Nea Vork people bul tbe brokera xn!'. not say a-ho ihe. are Sct|0rtl _\ ettCtca. -a^v\r.vaArwvvvaAa-vlA/ava/i -Vrv-a/N.A/v-a^v.-a'a.rvri /\/\ra_ra_-a/i_rv%ra_, IfERlCAN ANL* rOREION TEACUBHB' AOENC. ??i ni-nai-a. VMI'141- A.N ANL* FlUiLiU.N rt-.A' 11 I-i. ?upi.ti.? Pretaaaora, Tcach4?ra, Tuiori A-.. tu Collegea, Bchuoli an i F-uniil--* Au-.x to Mri M J. TOl'NO FLT.TON. 23 Cnion Sfjuara. Dooxa anb fjnbiiratiotti". A Jnairnttion Your.;: Li1lev_city. FIRFPROOF BCHl OL Bl'ILl IXO. THK VELTIS BCHOOL FOR OIRLS, lrto A.M' 1152 '?'? -'.' 7V.1I i-TRBET I'Ol.l.I-'.JK PRBPAR ITION. BOAKDINO AND I'.?1 SCHOOL TOB O'.RLS. 607 f.TII AVE R*v r*r anrl Mr-a. I HAS H. .', vRPNEK Pnnclpala. Dav B4THOOL ' : Utrta Kt. (?nat. Claaaia foi !"ts. Jlr.^ Pbllips. MlBB Wataofl. M:aa Forbea. H ma arhorai Mif? Julla A. W Ile; UB U'est MRB. I.E8I.IE MOROAX'B BO*RDINO and Pav Behool f r O.rla 13 nd ' "? "?'--' *'"'" *" Rea Y.-rk. Th-roueh Eniill.h Art an I I^h.ij ia??i Pr:- i A idemlc, CQlleaiata Homa and ehaperonaaa tor -, a ..?"??>. Re-.-p?ns n W* !:.,-- * . | B , I -* Kr. >" ?rirten tn Frer.oh and Enpllah ind PrtBttiy le? 't ri*atea tetin oa tTedneada; .... IStb_^^^ qiliK MtBBEa ElrT'M A. BOAIUHNO AM? I'AY prH'^L FOR rjIBt^fl. niveratle Drlte a:,'. - ? ?-..! BBth *-l? . New York. For ftoth Pexea?Cl.v FRERCH, IPAXIBH GERMAN ITAt.IAV ETC In claaa. r i ra. - r-t-nlng. THE RERI.1TZ BTtOOL OF I.AN'V A'K!1 Broadway. or. W 2:."-. Bi n v a 75 Oaarl Bl BBH* KINDFRTM.T -- i - -tr rlaai ProelNel N rtnal ta? al :? N- .. -1. ----- n na Nov Cl A\'.-r* ;? , e ... ? -,,-? . X'i;\-VORK TRAIXIX1 -'-H"".' POR TEACHERI ^> y.,-. ?r.c ?-.! term .' tha Ni v rk Traialni Schnot r . T- . hera ??? lll I - n ' t *??'?' 1 r """** ... , ? ? . - -\ ??? - . . ? ,-? . ? .-?-.,-.-?? School 1. at Henrj Cfltha Itreeta. ln tkfl r ma now ten i ? ->?<. Xo ba - - ' - \ ?.-..??.;-- "' mtirf have arad iat< !!:?.-.? im. - - - - ?" ? ' f wheafl ci uraa of atud ??? bf the Btata t?i |, nt t V il :?? Ii -?:'? (ioi Bchoola 'v'? City havina atirh ap**r-ved couraea ?f itudy ?" li '? ??"?*V BOROl'OHB OE MAXHATTAR AND THE BRONV H ?h Bchoola. rviir-Rr. of tha City f Rew-Tork, Tfachaara Cillege. i;.irnar 1 C Manhattan Coll*?e, I'rauline Aeademy Park Art.. Mi Bt. Vincent Aeademy. Xormal Collrge. -., 1": lt! '- X ?* keti mlC P"p't.V Bt Te ? -.i a Acad i raullne Convent, Bedford Fark Pt Oabrl. !H OE i : ? HCL-TX. Adeli -'. v ' _ _ . klyn Manu-il Tntr.'.r.s Befc. at. ??. - ? 1 icktt C ' ita Inj.ltu'e. ?t Ac'iea Peroala .\ ademy, r? >-' Htflh I TrH-rriua Hall HWl BehOOl. S'atlvlty Ar-rtdamv. Poiyechnic Inatit ite ^? Thomaa Aqumaa "iradenjr ^..__M BOROt'OH OF OtEERl Hifk Behf BOroimh OE Rl HMOSD " ?'' ?*** !" . aaaal i" - f ? ?*-?? ? ' ' . ' ' peraon or by WUw U Hor ..ah Puperintandant, J hn laap. M'. Orand a?_5 ?, l0 .v. rr.. .ipai Atia-natiii f* '."'"- ' - ll ' - ol; TH"o^I,?*s^F^,;Nn'co,.i:r*s,*oNra:NrB. KH 108 and !?'?? i" ' :?' Bt individuat Uaatnietioa. Btndenta aaay antef at anr ti?* 4*al' nr ien.1 fOC prOflPflCtlM. For Boya and T. ana Men Couatnr. ii\!i:i'i! t l' M-M'KW i ll --S.' ol fnr Boya aa V ' tractlvi healthfi I m.i ?*? ? ? ind'v.d ?* .*' " ,i:vn la H BREWER a M. Prlw.. Falrilald. ceaa. Ciatrv niVF.t Mtl.lTABT v vin'MY Bya?a N Y Lairca ateaia-heai I ro ? ' , M ' * H-rata r n ea for ridliifl liill ii ' t". Ilary praetiefl_ MAFt KWO"P .>.V''*.iHI*\'II.!.!?'. Ta - Su-r-M'_ Al . . | ?.. , || heat ?. Inf'lfa ?atlth #-ai?v W *?k* ., , ', ?>? ,,f :.'.. ..- r ,'???! r , htialnaaaa or ataa ??... ? .1' -. - 4. ' -' Frtvata laflfloni .?^',, 'ta* _? __'""'"" Ca tt BIVEBa 'll VBW MEAOI"B RAUa j, 74 vv.a* !.'.;*. s:ir?t. T. CIBaTDIaAB Eapjafleawaifl ?ia,> a. roi'.aaa* QEOROE Por.sw.itTH IJ AM. II Kl-aT I8TU STREET. Cla??r-i. and prtaflta Iriiona Sraavn now op?n.