' f x..-1-l ? a?*** ..__^_-. -j.fr C fl va Silvci TWiTC Attracti-.. iad Ongiaal in D*?i.n *vV_ hi\r : Li;?; StoCB lhal c*r.!iins n-.inv pi_.:< MltaMc fof lV_ Holida' i. THE MAUSEK MFC. CO S'.rr'un. S;'.>;: Oni - i4tFi_leeataSt.S_: ., Nrw York GOULD'S NAME WAS FORGED. AN IHTERE8TING DAY IN THI TRIAL OF MT.? MARGARET CODY rr.*-Tiv"'NY nr davtd m CAnvAf.no the hand UrRITINO I XI Bl 1 -XP '"" .\ ri:r\'*H vr. rv. Ver *. Da* " ho. the ex P?rt ln han.'.writ n_r. araa a Witr.cas thifl after ? -. ih? trial of Mn Margare- Cody, who -. *-..-__- ' wlth .- t1 Ma km ? ?-? 3 and Heien M Qould ii had made an ln vestlgatlon of thfl book conta.nir._- the bap ecord ol t'.io rhild reputad to be tbe hter of Jay Qould ar.d Mrs Angell whoae len name araa Browi Hi teatifled tbat Iglnal entry the entry." then aeked Mr Curvt I ? i tell 'be ... .... diacovered Witnesi .aid there . .-i--i-e of r.arres ard Othera A- l ' had been erased front of tbe word raad lagltii ate." Tb*- paper bad trom 1 eraaure and ll had been ror the operator to um gur.i so as to prevent thfl .nk from Bpread.ng. * n., . | .-?-?-. by Mr Dugan, wltneaa . | flrat Bean the rvcord i n Friday ?f ___, treek before laat The operator had us^d :.-;. and the iron in the lnk had not yet . to iu metaUlc Btate He judged ?-.ar fact that tho forgery hai beo-, eom r | within l-v? vfars. as It generally l k ? '.-.ar period for thfl Inh to return to Its rr..'a'...: Btate. nxeau 'was called. He said he | little Engllsh, ar,d ihe Bervleea of Father ConataAttafl woro required as Inter Mr KtCOll BSked the wltness if I I ? -rerl meetlng Mrs. Cody at Rouae'fl Toint la thfl srrlr.g of 1895. Ho did. Wltnefla recol ;- ? | ? tklng a carriag- rldo wlth Mrs. Cody to ; -,.- to look for a record. lt was pom*. thing about a marrlago of Jay Gould. Phe did -._ him to examlne any record for her at ' Mra Cody has sw-orn ln this case. Fatho**," sa:d Mr Nu oil. "that a short tlme after your trip 1 perflrvKlfl you brought to hor a par<-r ? - rtlnf to bo a record of baptism of a child of Mary Brown and .Tay Qould. Is that so?" y- b, Bir." '?Did you e?a.m!ne th? rc^rl yourself at the . in Coopar_-V.ua utttt Mrs. Cody had told ? - - ? ?-...- -? :.ce?" ti ;" r Thomaa." Who askeri you to make the second exam ?.":' _._._._._. Cody. Bhe aske-1 rr.o whether there I bo rriear.s to look ar.d find lt." When you looked the aecond tlme did you . -if tho baptism of the chlld of g Bi b n and Jay G -f__ the lin -I did not flr.d any such entrj but the second I -n,1''n,''...v. to plxe you s_.nno or for rvices to her ln case of a Bettlement w-iih tho Gould?"" Mr Dugan objected. but it xxas overruled. To me Bhe did not promlaa any mntiey; to the Chureh, yee; bul when Bhe preaented Mrs. AngeU'a promlaaoiy n<>-e 'or *?-,,,r" 1 threw lt irro rhe f.re." "Did Mrs Cody write you thifl year for a certif:- . copy of this baptlsmal record?" "Yes" ' D;d vou procure lt for her?" 'I wrcto Mrs Cody that I had nothing to do w;;h it. and thal Bhe would hav* to apply to the priest in rhar?e ot the pariBh." Did you nct wrlte to Fathor C-.nstantlne and .- ? ? ? ? ed copy of lt, whlch you after ward aent ro Mrs. Cody''" slr " 'Ts this lf" asked Mr. Nlco.l. prc.duelng a paper ' Yes. slr." said th?* w '.tness. elar. .:ng at lt. The croBB-examlnatlon of the *.ir:r>?t did not ehake hia teatlmony in tho loast Mr. Dugan then annour.ced that the de.ence reated, and court was adjourned unril 10 to-morrow :-.. rnlng al whl I time the oa.e will be fumnr-d up and c- Jury -? A BILL TO REGVLATE EIPREBB roMPAXIES TO PE INTRf-DfCED AT ALBANT FOR THE MER? CHANT.-.' ABBOCIAT.ON Th" Merchantfl' AaBOclation of Naw-York ha." ur. dertakeo to ; i ? -he expreaa c "*:?&-,!?* dolng ? - ? li thia Btate nnder the Bupen Ion of th. Btate P._....-i-._i.-] C .-. : aion.il thit ar-ior. ?jp-'T. the 8ta'en.<--r.- thal . verj large ' everj ... | thla Btate f -..--.-.- I ..-_;e_, is ex .rbi'.ar.t ind "iai : - . ' . ? . ? kia and tv.e aaa. attoi j _T- aeasion of the L'-.r'.Jiature ? ? ? . - -. rai --.- " ln Iti efl rti l obtain sup pori for Iti rusadfl tn* Merchanta a _____ . . | - - tt Ing foi ms ar.d '_.*s that underlla them. More than t ??? l i f 1 u I i been flent 1 thi merchanti of tbe Btatfl a eopj ' the bill xx ; Boon ' ar tl ?? Cll u'-ar I 11 t t ' . . ?. hy tha buslness met ? ra ird Assemblymen to giva their ; . ... t he 1 .. ..... ... that while , . - - . I lr re nden . ipropoi a- Thi -,: - ? - ? to per c. DR. WURTH S OPiNIQM OP 'HE N_ -r;v :N MECICINE-A PL MAJtKA ItYBl ?88I -T_:-:i' KA, tXDlOBBTl ' BTT MA H TItO_ai__BB ,a*>le cnd fur rea< I - ' a i und , ,tartlng| Inl t ? nauinp ?. liabeti h_ " ' tlsBue ln oui ... from the food _...*. DTaj_l_l. fi .? . ,T?_. !,.. .1 . '? ' . f-ffl :.-?? SS"5 -_____" arcall on your drnggist for them. of the metchir.dlfe traaflported The tnjuatlca raaulta from the '.-,??* Ihat arnlla the value of mar.y ' haa steadtlv fallen. thfl rat-t Cl .:v-rl fcr ?xrtrea, tranflportfltlon have not l>eran "1 i-i Ihfl >aat. R Crtaty M'-sd pecretarj of the Merchant- A aa that for a .rm time the aapreaa rotr. . ? pei aware of the a ? . ted hv . ted to take advan ,. -???'. for nr, ami<* ah'.e | ...-? ? ' Vfld The flfll r?foi roi ? ? 'r th? matter i ..irrr.-.. in -,..;.- -r. pr lect t* -: ? ' the mer IP Of 'hr- S.aie VR. COXXELL tiu: UAX. ! HE WILL IN ALL PROBABILITT RE "AILET* TO nrCCEED THL I. \TF DH JOHN HALL Po far aa r.-iuld h? ascertrilneri. ... ?-..r---iV. BO r f any klnd waa taken a? the meetlng rn Monday nlcht of tha ti :- ? f I t F .*?'.- Av< ? e Pirabyterian Church looklng to th : Of" a au - - the lat-* Dr Jr)-.;: HaU, bul ? ? a. ', tl truateea wl attendad th. meetlng t:-- Tribuaa laar ed l Btati as ll haa f re-e i for a 1 ?.ng time i : th* next jaanr of the church arill undoubt. i.e the l. ? Alexander Connell, of London, Eng? land. x\h> la now maklna a I I ipe. 'ion of tv.r. mlaBlonary ptat n Chlna ar.d Japan ? ' :f the '"? - ; ? ird of Forelg " i ? tl t a Bub-commltte-e r-f tha 'egation i.a? been ap] to viait the church ol a well-known mlnlater ln . ; uthem "? and to rep ;: on hia preachlng ;.nd hia . v.-v.e. u can be atated p altlvely ? Lardly .in f\r*t;.*ion tl)e Comif "??? V,*- ? ,ir, amalgamated body of repre aenta: - - f tha ror.gregal ? truateea ani | .-Idr-rp of ? '-.. rhf.r.-h whieh ..aa in ;:s rharge thi r ? >f the nexl ;.-ir.t of pit. ifl aaid to te n'.rnra? a t:f.t in adv... j catint that no eall I ? exten !? 3 t.i any cne until Mr. < return to tl la country in Ap next. 1 thia ln. llnatit n ?n the : the . ? ii:: li?'? nat urally la thal j being ni'ilf until the opportunlty arrivea ???'?? . : ? ?? - eall to Mr Conn. Ii that had r.r't Mr. ?' bimaell fulfll hia miflBion ir. th- East !- would unquep ..),-?: ? ? efore I pai DR. UACKAY UAY BE CALLED. CONBtPEREC TR THT" PA8TORATS T THE '. LEOXATE CHt'RCH The c f tl laglata Ch .'?- ^k >p ! pointe.t a flpecial committee i i mpider and repnrr up< n the quaMfic tlona l . ; latea front ??? to pele ' ' ? to the Rev Dr Eda ird B. '?;-'-.- ' It la probable thal th? mn ttee will not maka Its report ntl! next ari ek. but thi ,.,. clrclei ' lha P.ev r>r. ' i rk will reci l\#e th Mackay was atrorfly ura* ' many of i ft .'?".*? ?? n Church who would pri.ve an ai>: aticcesaor tr :?;.-? Jr.l.n Hall A '-.-.?? ni f thfl hia Binea thfl R. '. - on of the .??.?'?' paator, ?cc. - ? :? ?'?.? ^ t lt haa eeemed thai ;?>? betwean r?r. Mackav Rev Alej Connell. of Len-Vr., England It waa aaeerl yesterday, however, that the tniflteea of the Avenue Pr. ei ? ? . ? rr i Lt Hacka] P I ? ' ' " ? ' COn n ,-,? ,i | - - - ? ml f th. eauaa of Infonnai jred to them that h< -? tpproached by tha committee of the It wai BBBerted, ln far: l ry Ha kay < ild have ihe eall to I var-ated by Dr. i e If he wli ? W},,.,. Charlea Stef ri P the :lerk of ihe ? - was sc-er. yeeterday, at hia oflV'*, No. i" ..? :.-. ? an. atke ; ibout thia n ttei ? only rej a to th. r- -,-.,<; "The '. ' ? ' - reported to the i tlrae J ? make a-.y fltat. ent re| Inx Dr Coe'fl pucce??< i " L-r Mackay waa eeen at b'.t- houae, No 2. i.asa- ? ir.ptori---'.. laat night by a Trlbunfl reportar. ar.d aaked if be had any natement io make ;r, :? all to 'he Collegi.ne Church Dr. Ma -..'.. no ra.: a? yet i Chur .i. although I underatand the n ti r t under conaideration. W*hen the -.. n r corro-f- deflnitel] - - ? ' earnea.- itlon. Al thfl s-..n.r- -irr" thfl clairna of mv \i-a--rk :: Newark are 80 ptrong tha.' It . he impoapible for me to pay now whether I would ? such a eall. There !?> ..^;hin-? moro to . t, ? the preaent ataaa. I ahall, however, very y aend you a more defln;:t a'-atemer.t whr-n :.u.e cail comea "bef.-re m. ? ? TO REFORM rr.RT.iiy ABF^E?. TRAN-PHRTATION I TNE? APKEP TO O-OPRRATR IB REMSPTIN- THOSE IX HAROURO FREIORT The Fru.t ar.d Producfl Trade Aifloclatlor of New- ' Tork and the New?Torh Branch of -he National Ir-HK*.;" of Commlaalon Mercbanta of "??? L'nltad Btatea hwre Isaued a rtrcular addreaaed to thi ? ?-.-.ea m thlfl city and throufhout thfl ry asklng their r " ? ? '1 - 'rt ,n refo-rning certalr omlaatoni and .. that have ??;? into the V;?:r.ecP r.f handling frelfht Evary :- | t bill t ti aal I ' ? n th. nama of tha ahlppar. tha orii polnt of ehlpment. the n imi er ' , ratea per packaga ar.n ?he prosa ehar?ea lt la the : ire to llll ou* ?h*i.-e blanki proper!y of whieh the merchanu eomptaln. Of thaa. fai r. that they cauae "endlaa? frietloi uni - ry work delay in returni to ( ? nd in the adjuatmenl of ac inti hetwean recelvei . . npanles" The remed; rtatlor ? . ? an they hi ...... met the reaj ' ' requlred. Tht ? .- . ?-?.-'? ' e the not entltled ? . '. I. All that li .: E MOB TBREATEyS A>' 1TALIAS SWiyDLER P-RXSEXCE ^F DETECmEB PBOBABLT BAVED UPE FROM Hi? VXCTIITfl RA^E Trei n? wlth :;? ' '1" ::';j *'!'h ari buddl. - ?* between two de. . lfl lahorer ol > EaitOi .V '?. o| ihe Torln e Pollc. I ........ towat the prlfoner an . . ? 'het eoi il ?? ' . A ... ? ...-?' ' -.. - ltt< ' ' ? utiy.t "? - ? ' . ?a for work on I - . |. aj *-, . . - ' ? rm ' -.= at? of 1 :* ? ..... ??: :,non and Ha r O* I ?: S ? ' ' ' ' " ,' * ? - ' ? -. . ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ' * : the 11 ... -\..F held ? I t-iil hy Maalfltratc Mei Ia ".v i ti /?? i,' Bl -? 7" UT srrrc.frv.~-" PO ?? i ? ? ? * - ' Tranapon Uner "' . arrlved hei e.terday from 1 ? : ? aflael ? - in.featrd "niiuri men* Tl ' ?''?"* ' '* u, theii ??? atlnatlOB bj ra.1 Children deprived of fats and mineral foods have weak bones. flabbv flesh and thin watcry blood. The milk of nursing mothers, enfcebled by chronic diseases, or long continued nursing, pro duces the 5__me resultS. Scott's Emulsion is Cod-livcr oil partlv digested and with the hypophosphitcs, forms a fat food which acts on _he infant through the mothers milk, giving rich blood. strong nervcs and sound flesh and bones to both. Me hr.'. 1100, o'.' draggtati i TT A- DOWXE Cbemlata New Y-rk HOME LIFE W.U.I.S RAFE. RITINB OF THE ROOER8, PEET & CO. BUILDING TORN DOWJI F_.<-iaP*tay BETYVEEN WARJtEX ANT> MtlUtAT Bl 1 AO .IN OPEN TC TT -.fTIC?THE THE' RY OF IXCEXDIARIBM ADVAXCED T*>? *'o-'Kad? in F.roTixrav b?ts-?f-r. Warren ar.d Murray sti Bund nlghl 11**, wai ralsed t-esterday Bhortly after ' M >'clock yester '? ?? . . - . ? .-_.-. ?" c " ? ' ? ?-. ? .... ? . _ ? ? broke oui the ? . r,..r5 ..? fTjjm cf _*_ogei the partla'.ly deatroyed Ing rf the Home Life Inaurati ? ? .a a .,-...'-, WM _ ,;; ,--,? rr.. Rogera P***' * i"-i ?? The work ef demc - ? ' ? t the walla were pulled ln that aerved thfl deubla i -?? ' a . amoutdei f tha roadwaya Wlth iret of danger removad other I waa mada of the Home ' Bui.dlng, arith a vtew of aaceri Snltely lf there a ..? any euch weakenlng of i 'ure aa .. C-, I, .y ,- . ? ? | v President Bi Bu r 1 ' ' ity Fire Chlef ef ;_?..- Thi ma i - . . v nai >n, thal thei ro fear of any further por lona of ttu - ? . Ard-ro-'i 'hit the ba rei ed, ar.d about 4 orlo k o Broadway araa n"? more " THEORIE8 AB T<~> 7;-E ORIOIH Theortei of the flre art h ird een ... ed een explolted, but, Uka other Ma baaed entlrel) ib. In x ;-a_ ? ? h the lire *xroii_-h' ? . - . t that evea the moal minute rlng to llght tha ? r.t at .1 b It began. oi tha ??> ifl. wh . it li '- ?? .- ?- it ihe chlef offlciala of tba j.- : - ? - ? | n)td tO - *? r'-" for thi ? ? nd rapldlty of the blaae, but ? . iti ver ? lewa they have on tba - ect ara kept to thamselvafl Ona of tha Departmeo i . [ ha. ment for thin ? ? '?? rea in all par i ra. and in all clr ? ar. i i aay tbat i bave never kr.own ovared to nuke auch swlft head tha i cploal 'i.s whl 'h ? mpanled lb< Un Tb ?: wera oa ;.k-- ... i I - ? : _t a fire before. The i . Some aay tbat .,...-?;?! ? ird man* flvar one ? ? e_e . Whal ll [ v lei ? rrair t la that w.i I mir.uti iftei Wfl ie_n ln tne ? .-. ..- xx ?-. - a roaring furna " ; wl .-xpiosion." I'r.der ths dlre l - of thi Bul II ig Departraetn, heavy b .:n tupporti was ? .-?? ?<-I . . ? Life !?' ; - -" r* ? ? 'riana fr.m the cha ? '. i Ini f I nrj Thr. work of re . -..-'? parta of *he itruci ? . .: ? ' Prealdenl : ? Home Life Inaurance Company. s-.id that all tha tenanta . tl (Iral aighl doora a be ab;- to i H- tti further :hat englneera who had examined . -. ? ? t tha re I ?d nd that the . . -.,-?- c .. l ' tl -.' ?-.-.- Thu ; ir ' i.flrmed by ]? l Le Br - I ': ? -raa ' bi wbo dealgned i BITORB FROM PHILADEI-FHIA. Chief Building Inapector Haddock ar.d Chlef Engineer lalphla arr-.-ed ln thla eity yeaterday mornlng from Philadelphia to look f the Home Life Building a what the effeet wai f a flre en a sky-scn ftreproof 8't legf. ati< ? irv li ronna tion wltn i . leveral lowi i ; i ?? ... | . al of dl ...... ifwlssa'i- at the 1 irtmenl yeaterday ? ,. x-eral tnai - tora ot the pei arti '..... r flre. and thal l ?i rr-por* on 1 |ect gave out a 8*. e . . ? _ r , . . ? t the ,;.i. and - ..i. ... - ? ; i by thal . '.- ' ....... I Of Fire ' ' . Home Life 1 _,.*_?_ Ti fc Peck. 87. - . img tenanta. Hardwst per. ? _ R< ? 11.000: E. D Parr ........ mora _ _ FIRE UNDER-WRITERS T?*> THE MAYOR r..: THEY CAXJ. AT _..;?.-. th, :-" rOB M-? ? - - - EATEB r.'iE?. VHF --? * ra -York Board ?'. Flre Ur larwrlten h johi H '?' ?- ? " thairmar ?f i ... - --*?: mpany. yerter .... - '" ' . : ? "??'? ! Btto ... ? ? -- itr. ? - ' * ? ? ? ? ? . ? -^ - e * '" - '. . *.r Mr Wai -?" ? . - - ' - ualt. - ... " ' " , .. ' I - ." ; -.' ' ' ? ' ' ? - ... ' ? " ? ? ' m f tne b . - ? - ia of 71 pa ? ? ' ,_, ._ _, MiipiH UEATPArKIXf) < 0MBIXATWX. ' . . -e. trom Chlcaffl yaateTday aaid tba- iher? ; ,_ . p, .._. ? ? - tba great maat-paeklng _____.ear.ia al tba ---ntn aalgbt befcra long ba c_n BOlldatad, thia ?-ep -beina: taken aa a meana of end Ing the rutr.oua rompeti'lon ?Weh ha.? been ln proirre.a for mon:h? b'tween Artaoatr & CO. aiv1 :i!fed t the W1B 'here r.r.ar* r,--.' n- ?"?"?' *'V expreased that no conaolldatlon would he ea --4> l//?. CLEYELAXD nt a crabe. k PLOAT STR1KE5 THE TACHT ONEIPA. Bl T LITTLE DAaMAOE 15 DONB K .- . . . ? fi pteam yacht Oneltla arrlved here - terday ?arabag fraai Xorfoik aith her - ... pmidenl Cletaland and L D Hu ? ? hoard Th- party. wlth Captain I lay D. I'nlted Btatefl Nav, I id been on a hun .ng ... - - yacht ? i? . - ? ,-.-.... v morrtnc. and waa not peen bj ptarvtr ?' iBBdy Hoott. but her prraenre waa . k-i .wr when ll waa re| >rted thal eBfl . m the Eaa*. River. ai-,; haa rloualy d%ma*ed The faeta regardlng the co'Jlalon wr- that tne ? na up tha North ftlrar Intandlng to go to , Bd there dlaembarh Itet ?*"**'"> . , .. ?. ng toward the pier n m Tranpfer Comp i " ' ?*- ""L . rlrerh1 .?,, Df tb#tu?0 W Wdar Tha tug with ita tow mlaundaratood ihe plgaal ?**??** r.eht, 3nn a. i raaali i roeaed her bow ?**&" - - ? oft tha howaprlt and do aoma a har allght ri Mr BenadlCt ani hia guesta -Arr-*. Inthe ^,^tmaatbr..kf..tiLaad arara eoaaldar. r^^^Vr^r.^'T:^%^*i^ ?! '*? '"rr'r* ^-V* i?abi.TStlat once to his hom-> Far-preaider.' Cev-Iard went at ,',?'., .,.,? st Prlneeton. /rd M --'i' ?? , Benadlcl - Ifffli" for which no one waa to h. .me. linrJ.W WARSZAWIAK A BASKBVPT. RM UARIUTIEB PLACEB AT WB.BBB-KO ACTCAL HwinM wanaawuh. of ? f?.J:^_ii - . -- - . - '..... .pterday. arith total Iab - iflrgeataacu, - Arr.-.r.... n Remo, Italj '- - "^relln ," ," ....,.#1 tv ?? Wei~aw1flk.fl intare* - - - r her tather and rnothar at Loda. laRuw in lJu? of this pecumj ? ... mon.al. - -..-;; . . .. -.- . , dtlei of tr.e fnlted Btatea - -4> OTHER PETITIONS TN BANKRCPTCT. Jom .- - r ijfltt haa flled i petltlon ln hank : ? - ? and a-tun'. BBBBta $--v ? Mr Follett has pharea ln varloua eompanlei In n i he wa Intereated, but they have no money now rr -he money valoe U unknowa Arnon-r ,-- | ri Pharea )f tha L'ntveraal Mntor Com pledcad to Rlchard Orant for llt.m. and Af, rharea unpledged; S.BIT Pharea Folleti Bewlng na Companj IRR flharaa Harrla-Follett Com . . .,,, m tharea Rotary Bewlng Hachlne Com Bledged tr, Ha.T.V L. FOllett for UoR\ Mr . - haia W.*- la 'he Harine Bank. thfli money Uufl ah .. ;s pla.-r-d at j:' Mr I . , jflflr, aho waa Intereated ln lewing nventloni He ma-ie ar. apslgnmant at ? Broadway on Mareh -. :?? ... Ki n ? So. H Orand*aL, ha* fllad ? potltloa in bankraptey. wlth liabllli aa tS.?M, r"p. re-fnt"d by twalva Jtidjmenta. ar.d no aaaera. Biu menatlel & Hir?h :.ia attorneya, aaid that ha wa*. ? v a wh">-'al? riea;er ln Pllka and velveti at ;?; Broadway. and ma-lf a:*. aa.?l?rm-r' -.. Ith llahl Itlefl M4.BM. and ? !l . aa ieta 117.000 Hatthew m Ramara, of No :r. f"a;or.i-ave . for ir.er.'.- a butchtr at that addreas. has 'j'.ttl a pe'l tlon in bankraptry. irt'b UaMlltlaa ItHd, and n? _ L0CA1 BUSryESS COUPLlCATlOyS. Sr-hed'i'.es of David H PoMack. d'aler lr. pletuga frames. artlBta' natarlala and ptaflanerp, ?t No ' '? Blxth-ava., show llabtllttea of tli 4H, nomlnal a'ase'ta BJU. and actual as--eta JB.lse Juatlce Blacboff, of the R:preme Court. haa ?p ": Edward Van Orden recelver In pupple mentary procaadtega for Charlea Johmon. who -en In tha bonded warahouaa i.usinesp for twanty yeara at No. ft to \u Bridge-flt.. on the ap r. r . ? fl_eetitora of tha estate of Charlea ;i Kimberly. w-r.o obtai.-.fd a Judgmeni ? blm on Novembar 7 for MJM. Mr. Johi - ?? renti .= bul owm the plant, wh! h ii ? tgai ed for B.0M There la about %:.? to him from euatomere. The bualn^aa has beer. . ? -? on* for Fome time. thfl warehouaefl ?? ng ilf.fl -??! and ll ran behind li.7G0 ln the laai ?lx montha The rent ia f.'. ^''< ? year ind the ? .-...? tl ?" Mr '- m Orden ia bo .kkeeper for Mr Johi ? Juatt. e Ruaaell, r'f the Bupreme Court. has ap polnted Andrew Frer-rim'an permar.enr recelver of the Lincolr F'.ro [neurance Ccrr.pany. formerly ol No ti. Cedar-at.. t'x.r.r,- hia bond at 1B?.0(K>. Mr. Freedmar. w .,, nted temporary r- elver on April i laat. :r. proceedlnga for the dlai lution rr :>,* corporatlon -? POLICEMAS BEAYILY FISED. KT BT BERTE THL -"ITT FR"r POR TfTO MOXTHB FOR RECLSCT r'F I'l'TV The poM-e Board, at Its meetlng jraaterday, la fltcted on Patrolman John J Parrow of .he -.;,??. ?flrai f ??? itlon, tha heavleit r.r.e erer Im poeed -?? ,K t body on a polleaman He w-aa f.-.ei ilxty daye* pa---. and aa pui ahment fot - ? therefore preaent hia terneaa gratli i ? -. - - - . .- ? , rr nthi Far' ?*? was before the . ra 'hree eomplalnta?for balng abeent from ? ? for tmproper ratro!l!r.< .ir.d for l,*.-..,; ir t Q ... ..,...-:..: ? aen ln th- itreet Ha waa ftnad twenty-flvfl daya on tha Brat com the aflcond, ar.-I ff-een an the ... :?-.-.. .-. ? force ln M ?' >UI wa* re;n?t?:ed by *n-s .'-turts Pr-' i rx aaid yeeterday that Farrow deaerved ?he heavy penalty on aceeunt of his bad re'*ord ar ? rroa n ^ TBE UVytClPAL COMBERCE lyQElRT. ? ? - ' - it the pal A?t?-nbv appointe-1 by the Coune -.: A.derm. i eatigate the caua. ?:.-tre ;r -tn tha p ' of New-Tork, beld a id ?- rli* I. Councilit! -. r:c.- oelng i . aan It ?'a; ? ? " .-? - , -. itten. ? to tha ? ''-nr-e nt t.u,? com - ? _. t'ng I lformal TO REPAJR THL AMBHIA BERE. The Hamborg-Amerlcan Lln? ptflamer Amhr'.a. which aachorad outalde the Hooh or Honday night ?rli her ateorlng gaai ou: of rrd?r. waa tewed ip ? . ? r.n :.,-.? rr, rnlng ". ~t Ambrla *ai I from Baltimore to iiam-.'-irs when ar.e -n .....-? aai an . waa die ab'.eri e*,. aj?itl ba repalred here, and then proceed - .rae (furopfrin ^brfrticrmrnis. EUROPaGANS AXD TRAVEb LERS will find the London offize oi The Tnbune, 140 Flect Strcct, a convenicnt place to lea\e their adverti?emcnts and subscriptions for The Trihune. uueke tu suop t* nrnorii. I II!! Goldsmitbs & SilTersmitbs Company, LTO., na, Reolnt St.. London. vv. Che|ce?t Sf.rck !n thr* World et DIAMONDS, PEARLS, RLB1ES, SAPPHiRHS, C.MERALDS. OPALS, &c* AT MtlCHANTT PPICES Thr Goldsmiitis Si Silversmutis Company. Ltd., lli, REOENT ST. LONDON. W. (Tnropran 3lbPCtttBrwctttB. The Grafton Fur Co.. Ltd ART FURRIERS The L.eadins Hotise fOf Furs in London. 164 New Bond St. London._ WAUKENPHASTSHOES 60 Haymarket. London, ^ SAVOY HOTEL, London. Ilt.tel im Luie ot the Worltl. SAVOY UE8TACRANT. Of Qaatronoailc Fanie. under tbe 'lireotlon of the fanious Ma!:re d'h-Hel "Joeeph" of the __est.*i':rant fcfarlvaux, Paris. Tbe Orcbeatfll plays during Dlnner ar.d tho Opera Bnpper. CLAR-DGE'S HOTEL, EB.ook Slreet, Grosvenor Square. Th? Centra of Fash or.able Lon Ion. Th?- "Laal Wo.-'l" o MoJ-rn Hot-'i Luxury. Chartning sults with privats entrance, bath room. et-. Otrer 300 rooma. Ifaarly 100 baihroo-ns. A magnificent Ft-ivai Su-.te. TH? LANGHAM HOTEL, London. BHOTAI&SD l_Tt.AT.0-l IX pORTLA**-'r> pt_ac_. AT T'-f OF lUBOBXT ST vx'. COI>Tl--_NI-_NT for BM BE-T BHO-B. THEA.T-ES. _E? Every Modern Comfon aad Conveuienc.. Mo. orate Tariff. The Walsingham House Hotel AN-' Rcstaurant, Piccadilly. Th'.i Hatai oeenplaa the n__ai aa ? ?.? peaniaa - ?on, ox* . i - rt . - r r --ms la . ;?- ? -.?- Batt* R-ora " ?""-*? ' L- !'. .- ?.. G -.__;__.a.?._.; _ix-__er THE HOTEL CECIL, Londcn. The larpes? and most n.?.r;i.a_e::t .? Europe. P.rfict ln ever7 de*..l!. LoeattoB unrlvnl.ed, fac'.n;* and ovorl-x-lxins the Embnnl.ment Gardena and river I-Utnea. T"E_urpaB?"d cafabM and the be.t seiec.ion of wlaes ever offered. 700 bedrooma aud Si") aalona, prlvate i_;_lu_ rc-o__s. and public receptlon roons. The HOTEL CECIL, Li Horrex's New Hotel, LONDON. Corner Norfoik St. anrJ Strand with PBItFECTLY APHOIXTED UODCRX *%? RANQEMENT- TKllOL'iilo; _'. I.EEX'.XTi.h. -_I___.C TRll U ? -..- El ' LOCATION MOST CENTRAU NEAR UW lOI'hTJ. EUBAXIUCEN-. .'N- FK1N CIPAE THF.ATRE8; 'J MIM'Ti-.V WAEK FF. 'Vt .VE6TMIXBTKR AT...T.T OMXTRl'a AXD F.All. 430USIUXICATION .rtTFI tl t. PARTfl OF laOXDOX W. HORREX. Prconetor. Upper Norwood, Quren's Hotel. Kaar Cryita: Ptia-i. t-cn.-r.. HflBltBlaat attaatten ___ Enalmd -aovilv larder.l. Boardlflg termi frorr. 12 88 aer day Ipaelal tenaa for larga pan-.ea C-_v_n'..at trajj. ??rv.e.'.cr City and W_s.-E.__ London. finiMin'S Hotel -OOTBaWL POnTSMOfTS. yuoon 5 nuioi, _.._ ________ r.__ -aeiBg lili of Wtght. _>*--ely old rttr'.tnn Tennta. itc. Ad lolns Royal T*.ht Clab. Pl-Quant b .ati tc. OpVflfl, Ry_a aai southamr'.. n. "ROTAL PlER HOTEL,;' ur.d.r mm* direcUon. Opt-caita Qutaa ? T-aildanci^-Oibcrr.a. The Hovvard Hotel, .Noi-fjik HtrNt, _.mb?o_m*nt. ___._o_. Tlxla --_ are.t.a Hcrei ;? reple:. wuh avenr m lara carafoi. ___?? k_ki %Sm!otm*ot aad R*.-r -flagaai and apacietiapu Uo rooma. E.<.-ctnc .ighl t.'s.-ouftM>uL Amw.-_o lyatt elaTataa-a. -"Uad _ar___. Norfolk Hotel, Brighton. England. Eiiti Fa.-T.lly Hotei. Ov-rlooKi .ei.-w?ll pron..i---ii BM laaraa Piaa pu.lle rooim I'.ifeci ?a_u_.u___;. "JJ*^ ?;?.trlo Itgbta UR _->?;ic_._e cuiii-i- CBoiaa wi_e_. .__?* A. Cr*i_nt-n, M.r forrign firsart*. The Internatioaal Palace Hoteis. iviiiriu 1 _il.ii>-. Xlou la- < i.rio. i Ut lum u i iilm-i -Mtt_. France. Ml? Ji.tf.i I ii?' li,n,-l. un.l i 'llie ?. I, -a-ir.-l, riil.1. ,-. ? ? .>pt. I AlllO. V 1 I.. I.il riiiga-. ilbll.Ml .llelgliiflB. Ci.UKIIU ii,..,.!. Aliiilixxi. .Ue lal aaa. 1'.-iilli.ii .1.- I.i-.lrxne. 1IKI.II.VIK near I'urls .. Kriince. Uu|.| - i. i.ln.iiit.. AHUA/1A .Anatrl.-. Tlie L.l. Iiuli-I li:t< rnallonni. liltlM.]-! . .Iluly. 111.- Xi, (illlll I'lllllf r", LISItttN.I'nrluilL llit- *-.. iiiii.-r I'.ilna-e, IHtllAI'lA .Turkey. Tlie I'.-ri. 1'i.lrpr, (liMTlVTIXiil'li. . ...T-xrUey. Teriini.ii. Hotel. . n.irleniix. Tor Inrorir.a. - nck-ia I all p"!-i;? iad "? reirrri Beeenimodatlcn nrr:v Inte.catlooal S C. ( .. * 0B1 ??, I* CtKkipur-ft , Lc.-.ic .,r i V\ir* de I'O.-era. Par'.i. European Trains de Luxe FROM LONDON N.-T- Expreaa?Berlln A >*r Peteraburg.? E-iga.l'no Exprx'S.-?Co.;-..*. Zurleb, A Luoon.e. ?Carlabad Expreaa?Eger, Bayreutti t. Carla bfld. PeninsuJar Expr - Brlndls for Egjrpt. -Medit.-::..:..:r. Expre - N'i ? Monte Carlo. ot--. -Tr-- r ? EX] r- - ? Vli nn.l, I'r.?-'?? .V: EgTpt. - Conatanza Ex*| nstinza .v Conatantl nople.?Rome Expn?flenoa Rntne A Ntplea. INTERXATIONAL SLEEPIXG CAB CO.. 14 ? : ai-.5 HOTEL CONTINENTAL, PARIS._ Hotel Chatham, =^^-Paris. Langham Hotel UVE BOCCADOR- CHAMP8 LLY.SEF._i. r;i:sr-cEA.s.- mottu. pmcbb roa boomb ix CXl Dr ATTE.VDAVCK, Bl.ECTRIC UCKT AXP BAT4.. WITMOE1 ANY gXTK 48 BUECTRIC 1-IFTS THE N'E'.x _l x .s;H -i'ST RKSTACRANT 18 i.N'E OF Tl'.r. BIGHT8 OB FAHIS U.VRIVaULED "CL'I. INE" am. wixca Hotel He Lille et d'Albion, __il. ItlE ST. H4?%OI?K. I'AltlB. ICTW'tl-X lli:. . l.l_.-.II'I..- UABUBNS I'L.i.'- vrv. Li..-If-' a.N'Ij NEV. i l'El'.A aDVAXTAOEOUfl ifl RAN-UEllKXTB FOR I AiliI.IE-5 BEAITIKI I. HAIJ-, I_Aftr.K DRAWINO It? M*1. IC-.K'-TniO UOBT. -- -. i i.K.iRAM.-i. "LIUJ-LWOK." P.XR!A lia-Mll AUAUlBi. GRAND HOTEL de l_-.THtN._fc '..-, KIE BCRIB.B. OPPOSITE THK GRAND-OPEI-A. TE? MODERN HOTEL OF PARI& B. ARMIIRU-T-Ji. Maoagar. The Grand Hotel. Brussels. .fomqa ftestmt. ITALY AND 80UTH OF FRtUICE. lAWtV fllAME. Hote! Beau Site, Cannes._ Hote! du Pavillon, Cannes. Cosmopolitan," Nice. AJtBUICAB lltilKI.. HOTEL cles ILES, Britannirues Cannes. The Hote! Metropole. Bcautiful pisition, due South. Lar-txe number dcuble and single bed rooms at moderate prices. Lift. Larga Hall and Pubit; Romi. Electric Hfht every^herc. Perfect sanltation. Hotel Privatc Ground ?"??27 acres. Monte = Carlo GRAND HOTEL, P.vrcnizeci Ly the Z'-Az cf "Amcrican* Eurcpo3i ' Soeiety. Hon. A. EoirTKe, > C. fi'tz, v Dtrection. L. Echonari, > H. N0t.L & FATTA^D, MM*ghq jTectors. GENOA, Savoy Hotel. OpenedOd b - I .~ ". . "*- * Rallwaj Sution. Th< only Uodarn Ho'.jI .;. ieoaBa y:<:::,f.:: i-estauram lippe^t 4 fiohon;, Prapriatera. FTO'RENTJE Krafts' G'd Hotel Italie AND Grand Hote! Late Contincr.-tj! &. R'->c 1-3 Paix. Florence.Ho.3l cielaYille. Elcclririlv. Stttataal. tVinttrgardia. Rome, Italy. Grand Hotel. OpencJ ln 1594. The m.st cotnp'ete ol HoJern Hotc'.s. Eiectri: i'ght t.irou^itout Ainer.:ai ele>ators. Under the same Direction as THE SAVOY 1,01 EL. LONDON. Ar-,r xt ot <.atloual," ' _______? _w? Rome, Italy. Gd Hote! Ouirinal Rt\I. lapalH ?.J h-lii"iaV? Fr.*-'..-. lt I '" '-' k*\k ?i aci taal Y\\ o.' t*aa 0*4 '?:?' .1 not* r?*a. ItPPjH wri.i u ?*??'. 'ra; UJ iM ?aJ aalf*M '.uU.' arr?..'?j r< HIGH CLAS5 FRENCH RESTAURANT. 5TEAM HEAT THROUGHOt'T. ,' ata .. .. ?? !?< ? - . ?- |lt , a. . 11-..?-; tiaiop* Ul -? BB Br*oe*-i Heaflflfla, u? I ll... luraar.a* ?. B*af tr-JCr>roav I Ufltfll Btaaaerb ra n-aai I - waa Parker'.s Hotel, Maples. Iflpavflflt ?i br'.r*.. t>t 1.,-ra |>1 ? Btflfa. spiui-r ata li- i Ir.rta.-- ?! B trtejtll j Ir.-arVin ..I i. 4* aaa ________ Grand HoteL Venice. f.r?.il r?iv MflpM TWflt Hotel Roya! Danieli VENICE. i """""" E^trv Lizlit. > lii Ull. Hotel de la Ville. Railwaj T. k'-ia. Llft Electrtc L:ght 1VT 1 1 ei Tl Luaigage Re^iatered Grand Hotel Milan HAGUE, HOLLAND. ' HOTEL DE LL'XE HuTEL DB LCX*. HOTEL des INDES, F'nea- Ilouse In Hallaad. baat cutalr.e. Bar.d pUya during dinncr. Svendlfi apar'trentsnew.y refttted tbrouaTboat Bat'.is. Hairiri-saer. Prl vate hotel carrlagefl C. F. HALLER, New Manager. ROTTERDAM-HOLLAND VICTORIA _HOIE L_ HOTELS IN GERMANY. frankfurter (iof, Frankfurt ?_ Main. Wurttemberger-Hof, N U REN BE RG. a>aaaaaa*. HOTEL GONTINENTAL unyiAU all MODERN COMFORTS MUNICn._LN i_li_i!221 Gd Hotel de Rome, BERLIN. INNSBRUCK. I'lrtCASA* I llMMbll IMI Aill lli KKlOBT '"ha.rm.na aaawaiflafl ao: ?alka ii. tb* lomanitfl aag pflauiltul ?arr .:. I ' ?a l^aa Bl lha B.aa. luurrattog Clt.afl ln aturojia. aad BSara atr^al aarie y ' ?aiaa.*mrBia, coaa trioaal riliii tr?a- a-iu-an .ul a! n. a loivaiBlU, kaaic. fj*. UluBtrat*^ MHjq fraa oa app..c?t.a:a to " uotki. fYHo-utV-rraBaccic. 4 avxl LramBaaa. Pa'auarlatflaWa