Newspaper Page Text
t*ol. t \H7T ...\?' 1Q 01 fi x-ir\v vrvpr.'- G\TrT>nvv nvcrMRKR m 1S0ft SIYTEEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. gUBSTANCE OF THE TREATY. WHAT THE TH1RTF.EN OR F-OURTEEN ARTICI.ES WILL PROVTDE FOR. ?jpAMARDS WORK A PITTER rR.->TK??T INTO TOT RECORTV-AMK*Rl^ANS glI.E"**rT 1BNOK OARNICA'I VIEWt. Farla. T>ec bV?0aftOT R;..?. pre*Ident (t .yr. ppanlah Teace Commlaalon, an-i Oje-da, aacietary of lhal Commlaalon, nre atlll . ,. | ? thi lr I' if Thr- lllneaa ot Seflor t i delaya encroaalng the treaty, nnd it ia ? r, ibtfol whatha. it wlll v>e aigne.i before Hon- a day. The Amertrans he'd their uaual aeaalon this j mon -. a m-erlear.s praaerve weracjr regarding i ? . of tho treaty Thia ta partly through , fluenea of Ihe thit - itori tl l dy. f mumi that H wou I ba *'?-- urteay to _ n ... publlan the tarma before the ^ i preaented to ihat body by the Pr al ? A FINAL iPAJflaaH CONTRIBDTION. |a?eord of the treaty wlll almoat reach th" e rtonaof ? volume, aa lt a ntali every menl preaented on both aldea dur- ; ri . . ? ade a laat ; ' ' yeaterday on the aaaembllng ... Befior alontero Rloa then - v worded rr teal ln which rrtu declar. I they had ylelded to - they tovoked ti - - lence of , agalnal the abuae of the ri| . .. | which they were the rl tlma ....-.;-, ' ' - " ' ,r ..... ?- aupi rl ' ever; anded by the Bpanlard* ani whl - . . , . ?, ... | them per f. - and wlthoul " ' ' ->? ? Tht pr teal eonclti ***.<? which we are .... - '? ? . bear there f the cataati ' --.- THK TREATT CONTAIXS. ...pMi of th. iecrecy o - *?? ' th.Am.rl ... .--. treaty. lr l.u ? 1 the .... ? mln.a Dnanctal reai ta i theUnli th. rellnqulah, ?? f t.condary ? ? , n the , and unfli H ??t8 arv' . guarant . pplni . and . - nattti of i ' ~'p ,n ,he to ? important ' th. iraarantee la treaty. tl an, having BteB " '" ' ' ;Jr ntofmvor - of th. ? to the general - - -r'-catiB ***** epiTf*': ... ther.* mlghl , n which wou l fru '* ihelr ef t .rt- th h. ur A.TOR ORAT W1IA vr,Tr T? r "" -?:??: ?' ' ' ' I to tl , ring that i m that c - rnlng Pi ' ' When a ted Preaa api ? ? a * ? that you :?. sh pa] ? n la r? - ? t- but whal ., ;i cal led - ":' ? ? ? , - " w Secrel ..- d Moore dlvl Ie the tn aty lt i ? ' ? i ? ted 1 the Spai ? ? I to grani ng atatioi ? at we ' '! - froi I | ? "? ? ?? ' ? r they : ? ? "What cl -. ? ? ? . .. ? lueatlon foi i .... . ...... a . t of th. That proteat now ? aa it ia ed ln the prol ? under an imi : i | .... ? - . ?-..?-? thal thia ng abould hang i .... *i\? i i to lt. i e to ouraelvea. ' ther . ? v- 11 a thi natlona t the addltlon of i - - ?? aa thia y\ 1 i'Ui: RELATION8 "Aa tr. fhe future r ot the two mun tr.ea that la om ?-. - e been re i ro the fut I ? pplne Ii ? ? - Dg II >' r(" ??:? ? h for tha wort th.y ?ra i v ' -atic a>?:em must inaugu .i.a i araa ? - - ' I you must reaaa your Arrr.y ar.d Navy, wlth thi lhal there wm be conatant y -urseives artl t1 ' ean Powera." -4> gPAKIBH BURN8 FIERCELT ..:,:, DOO, 9-Thc* "Imi u lihh. a another Inflammat. ? ;?-? of the Matm- ban ? n i\as thl U*iae dea:re "upon tbe pai ln the Unlted aHatea to aee ?-? bleh arMun] ; " Tha "ln i Tba I'lu-ibane of th. aai thlng arartllng waa ni aentlmenl II vik* a ri tnarli HANOEAB1 R?M Bt rh i lei ' .'. r ** y al! New-Torli Central Tlchel Ag. Adrt. l II the Maln-*'s ctTlcern were on board another blp ai the tlme .f t*ie catastrnph" Those xvho bargc rh.,- Bpaniards xxith being capable of auch , monstroua act ar. well capable of commlttlng t thi'tnsr'i. Bpaia caimor remnln under auch an lnfam^us harcc. It would be prefcrable to glve the flrorl 1 ?ir sr?ctacle ot national .uiol _o. FMEXCB tllORE C0XTROTERB7. NTCNT-ON <iF PABLZAMEMT Tn HAVT. A VBXJB) QTESTlON _-_.TTI.F_. St. Juhn's. N i-rfoundland, Dec. il ?Trust- j rorthy rej.ort? have rea. hf*<l bera to the effec; hat the Britiah Government during the cr.ming es?ion of Paiilament wlll take vigorous action o bling BbOUt a apeedy settlement cf tho ?Tencb ehore oontrox r ? It 1? aaid that th-> leadera nf hoth polttl**al par lea In tho Houae of Commoni hax-c acree<_ opon i.etinn ln upholding thf* ca?e cf Newr oundland, owlng to the r-veiations of Fr ? contalned ln tbe repon f the roya BBlon reeently in Newfoun .land fur thfl I ? f thfl who!,- au -a AR EXPLAXATIOR TO FRANCE. MtNT MONSON- BPEBCfl MIStTXDBBSTCMJDi, IT IS DF>~UARr.r). Part?, Dee 9 An explanation, e***i_*ntly ?mi atlng fr^rr. the British Embassy her-. ha<- been ihed, declaring that th-*- specch recentl 1 by the British Ambaasador, sir Kdmund ' Mom n, haa been mlaunderstood and i | llatlng any dealre to ?????' -? In the lr.? f Franca or critlclsfl ? ; ver, 11 la added th? ?? attltude of the A:n ta th. pi Bltion of malev . itnt Intenti .n. MAY CLOBE IHE "OPEX DOOR" AXY DAY. amnuCAN intbbbsts in china endanoebedi BATB F.X-VIN'l. TTT. BARRETT Bhanghai, Dec. 9.?John Barrett, formerly Cnited Statee Mii ler to Blam, haa re! ...r.. aftei vl?11 ng Peking and the princlpal 'hlnese ;? .rts He eaya rhe altuatl n ln cuina la .f the mosl crltlcal nature, and that Manchuria it Ru. --?-.'.. te ?? Itory- "* ? :?. New-Chwang, th. hlef n rthen sment of Ameriean ; ro_ , ? alij Ruaalan and la llable to be cloaed ? .,* ? ? - tfeguard to rhe para n and British 1 Mr Bar ? ... ? . ? ? ? ent 1 ? ? * : ' |. ? '; ? r ae. Mr. Barreti ? rtltlon of 1 . . . . the flcld ol trade ? . Britiah Asia, ? IGNTRED THK DOWAOER EMPREI Pek ng, Dec 9 Tl < new Russlan Mlnlstei M _** ,, en pn t< I I redenl to thi Em ... ror to-day. The Dowagi r Empi ? ? y. De Glera oi an here r preaenl i the Dowaget Emperor appeared to he weak and sickiy. ? ? DR. 8EILAOY1 IXSISTS OX RE8I0XIXG. ANXIBTT '.. TO THK '" ' ' HCNOAIUAN ' -.. iallaari. Prealdent ?: iuae of tbe Hung ob. r :. i ti wl x - ? - . - . ? offlce ? .. ? -- . ati n o* Dr. rt* I . 'r )d to the ? the 1 ' fi ? ? ? Dr. de t ' ? ? ? the 1 THE LlPi ' OLD BFCCl BR10S. . ?-? . National Z nnunc-s that the rnments have sgi ? ? - .' : ' -1, f Up IXVXDATED BY TBl RJYER XEVA. _? | Dee 8 The River Xeva i t nlg?u ? ****** ? ? n .- ? - : . . " la'now . BAXQl I T ro loRD AXD I IDT CTRZOX. .... ? i-At the Hot ,? Kedleston th. I ' ' af Marlboi ke and D th. 1'trat Loi .. ? Sratei - ' ? - Ion of tl ? - ? ? ? ' ? ? 10SHE.S ItT FIRE ? ? The llr. ' ' ' : * - ' ' - - ? ... thla mon - - ' ' ' ? . . . . ? ? i .,.,,?. vi n expositios ? ? md tl , - - ' - ' ' - ? -: ? ferene* to - . . ? ? f-aged ln -? ? '" - " porntors ol " "' : ? ' ' - ???/?? ? ' ' " ' ? ta of "? ? e ( OLD WEATHER l\ THE WE81 Dem ? ? ? ' ...... 7- ? ? ' ' intr. thlB ::? ng wlth 1 ? ., . ? ' ? .1 .-???' Denver. hat ir wlll ? ?? -i rtner 1 U i ' w'?. ? THE KaVN TORK HERALD'S BFLENDIO - HRI8TMA8 NUMBER ....-- w. fl ; t . ,.,. half tona xv.rk b) weli-known ai . ??. ?'- ' ' Mi ? "e"" "' ',' " ._ .^</J Sould er - ' Prteasa usuaL-Advt (.001) NT.WS FROM IfANILA H..WF.Y AND OTM REPORT THF SIT1A TloN NOTABLT IMPBOVBD. A BETTER BP1TUT AMONO THE NATTVE rAC TTONS THAT PROM1BED TO CAUBE TRTRT.I"- ril.IPINOR TALL ON BECRETART B kl Waahlngton, r- r> Th--* Navy r>epart.r.ent has recelved a ? 'rtm Admiral Dewey aui the exfatlng condltlona at Manila nni other polnta m the PbUlpplnea rahioh hiiv* '?"?? bt* Ottieoi Ad \i.-es alao have been re elved fron Cneral Otla, the eommander - t the Unlted Statea t ' ? ? - ln the lalanda, and th-y both go to .M n*1'1 th* growtb of i ???- iplrll nnvng thoae fa of the natlvea a pi mlaed to glve tr . Thia t'nr.t Is partlcularly grattfylng, a* the l'nlted Ptatoa, ., .vernroent '.? already l :.rat'/'fi to 1 t beal m'ana to redeem the pledge it wlll be placed under hy the treaty of peaee to ?f ur- ie of 'nr Bpanlal oners h-ld by th- T'h.!:;--;.lr.e natlvea Thl about flve hundn I Bl priBonera, nitl the Government la confldent tnal their captora ari dellver them ap on proper repreeentatlone from ? ra] otla and Admiral Dewey, poaalbl] through C ?naul vV lldman. Tt may bt i 11 ra*.: the Navy to b.i e Ii thia ma" the reaeon that i me of the prlaonera nn m ca, ? ? ,ther iBlanda than Luaon ran be - beat and moal l ?' ? : - -V; nilrai ' ? Bonera, the Arr.- i ;;,..'" B| .? h - as prlBonera who were captured at the fall of ..- . , -- |) on par city, and tl ? i tloi i hoa thi J ire 1 turned 1 -. n. Th;s mual be aettled by the ln Tarls Th- hr .thera Corte* wi thy F ' - ' hav- J 81 ."i ln Waahlngton from Manila | at the Stata Departmenl to-daj ar -? tary Hav. who listen-- I ..... - - | enta regardlng n the 1 : : n<*a The .. . from Qenera j ,,-', c Iman and "ther Amerl ran oi " peaklng In terma o hfeta ? ?"? MrvleaaB rendi the i r -. -. - ..-- s ???- pa ar. l N i : ? telllng of I them i * the Amerlean forcea They aeek i ' ' ? ' ' ?:,???;? t ln a .,,' of,. - i" ; noa T0P1C8 BEFORE THE VARIXET. . '. PORTO RICO AND THI -r-n v:. . - ? |i The dlacuaalon of the rationol -? r tl ? ' . . part f the tli ? regard Tl reaent purpoi ? - . - far aa pracl ? hea wert ttoi froin Adrr.iral T,. y . ' I M "'';a' P'V!: :' .:i '? Phllip] Ine* during the a Imll '"'"' - ' '?'"??'' '? il denlal Ifl auth-orllWd of the re - ? ? f tl a Phlllpplr ? ment, nr.d lt waa . ?' ?**?** uaalon waa Xh. ? lao dls. uaaed i * ' t tl ' f the mi i ' -; ild, Wlll ah ... .< . ? t 50 from tl . The ,-. thal there wlll be i md that I ther waya thr. i - ? ? i j- ? s*n tth remalned In r ?n moat tl n, tal klng ' tninistrai i t'uba Tfl pi ? . :?? in* ? ~ . . (- . tl '-'.-?? ' i ? " .... ? ? - * paid nt - i ? ? th It. A - Ion on tl poll Ij* 1 ' ' . i aa t .. . *? I report t. hii ? ? . natat of f ? - ? -. ?? ? pon atlon, ? ? TRANSPORTS' ARP.IVE AT MANTT..-** tht ?? ???::?? .-. Manila f,or '' '? ? Btatea trgnaport : he??? from Ban r**ran i-r . ... fPred. ? I tl e 20th Ki ard tl ?*. ? ? . . > ... heen ors-? ? i 8 pn haa i herr for 1 The Khi ? J.IXTY : l - - ""?'? iNBP iRT - - - - * Kl WCEED /> / IA/- / R1E. Z: N F'.;T IS A .... Little. of th? re to-day, report? ? -i great I ' ? . ' ln i ? a - . . .-- ? . v .... Mfl l.F \Ql * IOR H U'.l\ i forca of Ha vai tal ed at i Ralli ??'?-? apaniad ? . / 8 .1- fai a- y. :. : \i . M .'?-.'. : ? ? r aliaml Mi M . ? ? ? ..? r vi -a R. R. Ol ' P IND R; B- A) s'r-aa . ? 4 'O - IM r t.-. -. ffrmlna H > and J p m foi ? v iiupment. : i n . ar .? rv. r . ? ?'. .*" ' x eaa fan ? e ,rh,,- r.- ; tietwean N?w-lork aud Wa.*.;-. ina'ton.-Ad-/t. PRESIDENT MAY GO TOCUBA. A VTSIT TO POBTO RirO AI.S<> IN PON TBMPLATIOX. IT IS SAID THAT VR M'KINI.ET WILL MAKE A TTR OF WBPECTION AT THE F1RST FAVORABLE nppoR T'.'NITV. rar rri-r. ...ti'fi 10 tiie TBIBtTina.] Wa btngl n. De. 0 A reporl thal the Preai denl Intend. to rtall Cuba and Porto Rlco al the favorabl. ; ; " mltj became known ln the .-? - War and Navy departmenta to-day. and , . . - ie tha BUbJeet of aerloua apecu unong varloua offli lala on accounl of the llngly tntereating qooatton* it raiaed. ng other thlnga waa a apontaneoua revival of thi th tion thai the Chlef ExecuUva . .. ,T .,,., .... boundatief of the i nlted statea, without forfeltlng hla offlc. It la pecul lar how peralBtenl is the notion even among :- offlc ala that fome oonatltutlonal or . || rv reatrtcUon conflnea tht- Executlva to an '-.1. when. aa a rnatter of fact, ai though non. of Prealdent McKlnley'B pwdecea aora bave ever left the countrj durtnf terma of ofllo . their acUona were alona afr ct< d na of proprlety or whlcb no ow eould hold ro apply ln the preaent Inatanca NO VAI.II) OBJECTION TO THE WaAN. I( .. ... ... - .miU recognlxed t?-daj Preaid nt ?? Ight r.aturnlly wlah to make 8 *, ..* mapectlon In thoai , .par. time from pn Ini | - , - waahlngl * ar I tl uid atand againat a anderal *>d l te. It la pointed - - ,.-r.r. thnt " I be pracl forhlmi ' ??-??? . .... , uma on Mareh 4 wl - - - tl t the beat time of the : . a ahort BUy m the troplca. Durtna l ... ... ... . ,.f the n-w year. In addltlon to ., ..?". routlne bui - the .... ? , mv v. l ln the progran i - - - na and Btate dlnnera won Pi lenl loaelj to Waahlngti i after n. ?.? i *** uthern lour he ..... . , ,eave the Whlte Houae ' - ?? than two daya at a time befon th glnnlng nf L.nt, In the middle of February. weekfl, v-ith the ruah of lefl of a Bl .rt here no Iclflure for ... therefore his pi nn ini ? - ? rbora of Porto Rlco bef. re of Mareh. ? ? ., alngle nlght'a run for the . - - ? ? pa there i ..... pre Idenl to epend two ? a week'i * ' .In al .-ecutlve de ??.:?? --? ? . -. traln apeedlng I the rai l'*'1 wltl ln tw< Ive ; teri ? i however, nf a Prealden ? re the Bpanlah dag la ? on J u uary 1 WARRANT F-^R A VIBIT TO HAVANA . ? opinion prrralla a ? ... ? templated vlalt of thi t to 1 i h..- as full warrant a= hl ? n? the ?imerlcan fla although .'. fev ! b *M f :- nol actually a part .. | - tngraaa has made ?her In ao many . r ,,-?-.. - ? : , treaty of Parii . except to t Porto Rlco fact that they ? -.::- ?;.:,..*. by mil tai ? - - the Pi ' * " : ? t foot .... ......... ... . - ' ' ' ? ; .- ? . .... ; ? fho ? llty of an Ex. ? - An - na. I ? ? Brl * ? reak of *h- war a * th- - * ? ' . Pi :??'.' ?- lalt to H ixx aii ? - ? . y com the 1 t would not to li ...... . |u, - ? - ? ? S'atloi even i ln tl ' ?- ' I A ? , . . P| , ' r - ? ? al ind 1 ? ? ? ? a cah to Hoi i with tb ountry f daya ea h Tt,. -- ? - : ilted further com ... thi Pi l?nt vlelta Porto Rlco and wlll utilnuhtedli ?? tnpanii : w-. Mra "a" -. - - - ? ? ?- t the i 'ah t h 1 ? f the par port viaited wlll i froi " . ngton i iry. it Be retarj Algei and eeveral Juan, Rantlaaro, ? - thi laland thi Pi ? : ? ? ta thoae j ? to try nri f < hru 4 \ n .irrns T-MARTIAl ' RED IM THE ' ABE OF TWO ' " - f>1 THI .-nv'iNTT-FIRaT " , - '.- ra R -?? thia after nvenltag ??. '-o-.r:-mart!nl . . . n Anthony J. 1 r and F M- k- of thi "'? Ri Kiiri'ii!. ? ? ? -. Th? *-. wa H?i ':-, ?-? ?'- * ? niuard, Rl -?? of New -York Albanj i "*-? m*??' - '? IM Mere, Mo. 1*27 ! ? ; of the c itnmander-ln *a ? : ?"???*. . , . III am I '?? ?????. ? - | . ?... |.. tal - -? .- - : ..+.? f ... | A lolph I. Klln--. : r . ?? '?'. .: ? r gi Rearli ? " n *? Btol . ' R r tr. ? Ma i ??-????? .- - i Elfl I i.'i...1.' aa Ro? RTKPHEN 11 OMN A??-a-- ..:.? a K itant-Qeneral. THF DETROll 0I8A8TER ??'?'->' --,.-- .-., KRBPOIVBI. nir FOH THE THEATRE'B rOlrLAPS* II Dec ?.?Thi i f th? of the roof of ?? . a dOB. H || ?aa R-rarn ret rned * - lei ? lay to th? .???!<?<?? that _ . ? ? the ? ut ei ? -" ? ? . Itecta of tha * . i OEXTAL CLA8R '?v BTRIEB J?The I Iflflfl n' "BJ ? . a -?.-. ' T'nt - ebelled F tl , - ? ' ? tnldtei . j . ? ? nflrmarj * ' . r , ? fi DEVELOPMENT OF POLANB BPRINQ Wonderful | na! power of Ita de hcaoua wat?r. "i'l.iaUaia," ilaik, N. V.-A^vt. FRBACHEW8 WIFE IX A CELL. ICRB. I.Al'RA BWXFT ARRBBTED ON A CHARGE of BHOPUFTINO. V.r.v. BfgBABT), THT BBCBETABT OP TBB MFTRO IMI.tT.xN PBDEBATION OF BPWOBTB LEAQt-ESi F.XY. A MIPTaki: HAfl BEEM MADE ..**>' OTMF.R WOMAlf, APPARENTLT WELL CCmJ-ECTED, ALBO IV CCSTOI 1 Mri Laura Bwift, th" w fa of rh* Rev Dr. Alberi Bwift, xvho was until ab. ur b Tttt* ago tbe aaalstant paator of Calvary Metbodlsl Bpls rop.-i Chureh at Beventh-ave. ar.d One-hun dred-and-twenty-nlnth-BL, and t? novx tb. retary of the Metropolltan Pederatlon of Bp xv..rth Laaguea fl ia taken ro the VTeal Thlr t.eth-st. poii"e i.tation last nlcrht by i from th- depar.m nl *-*ore of th- B ? . inv. and locke 1 up or. the ?,, Bmsll articles havlng an aggregate value of tfl. Mra Bw f-. la thli ,.ld. nrid wlrh her hushand and lives ln the a part men t houae at No _'-_ West One-hundred-ai elghth-sl Mrs Bwlft's arrest waa regai led Bfl a I mystery laal r.isht by hei hushand nn i th -cm of ii- r friends a : i ?::?!*.' Dr. Bwift re. el.ed a tel. rhar i - ' Bfl ln CUSt I ' I ; [ | _ ? IllU*-'. bt a ni; t;ike. He ? l Mr. Mllllngl i ?'?'?''? I n Fedei i ' | ??*:??.-. and . him. Mr. ? more - I than Dr. P sure that there musi i.n Actli idvlce, Dr. 8 I ... ? Mr- -' ' . ? ,...,,.;? ? e chureh i ? ? ; ;? : ? I at tl . ? i ? i 'i , - ' ? tatlon a ? ? R ? I.-.l ".'? ?' ." nl ? .. ? of -1 ... a Kton. i" ' ? 1. ' i: ? ? ? ??_?.Nl. V. h h " ? _. ... ? ? . . . ? bell last night, ai that "Mrs. R. ? v ?'.':?? . ff Bli. h ii " ? ? A* ? THER MINISTER -' W ;'F. DISC1 SAID SHE DID N< T KN "? BHE BTOLE IN A I EPARTMEN1 - I I Mra Al ' le i' Loi g. thli ? ? ? I. th. aife tl ':? . Dr L t *, ' W .--..? ? ia ? on ?? N xi York i-. 1 ? ' . effei Vlarl I ? ? ntei ? rd. 1 - ' ?" - , . ? t to pr. ,... if ?? . troii " th. ft. Th. ?....-? ? - ? [i ; -.. -. lepartm. nt Bton .8 Id not knot. came ' ...... ' l anl n.a meixn t< ' -? n.rtl'-l-.s. ?he ani-l , ? ' ,.,) t dl.) not. i .. them Oh! thla wlll >?? a -l- ? ?1 .... mv husband and mj ' k that ? ,;-.. m ?'? nf .-, ? -r.-i tl ? ? ? I not do ..-*.-? i- ui ? mind. QOYERXOR GRorrs expexses. . INCCRR-O BE SAYS IN ? THB STATE OF '.''-':*.;? iNT ON 1 '? -'"N. Derby, Vt.. Dee. ?.?Jo?lsh Gi ' V rrr >nt from 1606 i - - r.itlon ,.,..... rought ?.??.??? tun. result t l " |lnt_d 'ur that ? * ...... .. ,. haa porl of the . ommltt. ?- H< expenaea un ler hia ... ? - ... .*..'. . . . ? ? ? ? . . . - ? the 1 ...... . ? ? ia Wa " ? ? mad .' ? ? .... mora tanl ' -' ?? . . . ...... . rtaente ' '?' ? AXDERSEy HAXGED AT SORFOLK. ' Ht'BDEBEB i* APTAIN AB " ? 'I'ivr PBCKBB "xv ??.>'.' ? HII Norfolk Va . Dec. ft.-Joh. ******* whlla cook of the icho ?* Pecker ... ? urdered the : nd mate off tht ? f Br Ml " ia?T. v - ? ' "? Ifl Anderaoi - rin " I being . ... | o ? , - ? . ? Plate, Mr.,.- ' milea ofl raall. APdera. - wlth thi ian followed , - . .. ..... | d-f-k. wh. r* h?. a for. - ? Ised ? ' ' ? ft. waa called down nr.d whll. - ' ' ?Bot four tim. Then i -. ' ! ' throw tha dylng mate orerboard ? e waa not dead i ' ' dead enough." Thli Ion* crew s mai ....... .... throw ? - * |) rboard. 1 araen dl ........... ! oil-aoaked ahip waa ** I the crew tooB 1 _ ? Bah ;i Brasl n the Ui - ? - ? ?- . nlted fa rates coun at Norf.-ll ? ? me .'ourt. th* ? : me 1.1 ' " aaa an a for wrlt ol . ...... rlgl and i th. ' it. ad of glvlm ' ? ' Ju?-' ? ! ? . ?..r. . ? . ? ? .: from f.r-r lo laat b) bia uf tl.e iower court ?a? art. rrr."'l GBAXD TBt'NK OPERATOR8 WAY 8TRIKE. I'-t iato, Da '?' ' l" ? Ircular to thi ator? ob tbe <7r; nd Trunk rallwa I ire - ? nego . ient la > Mon ) - ? l OOLD SEEh : R DROW SED Tor nt i, Dec I Newa I 1 berfl from ? ?? ' - '? Maa ??.. i leader of rty of Phllad. ? ? v I whlk : ? _ uat 24 ? CAUFORNIA KV i KV DAY IN Till' VEAF 1 m . n..i>r for -.. . ' lll i rely. vla lhe i *, .--.xi. ???. ,- , 'nn ? ? ? I I , ' . ? I and ' Noi ti.vxaauiu L.nv x'fll :t. .N. ICI 1 vi_i_i.?__4vL IIAl.r-Y BE.NDEB PEHDED ON. To rr BTATE B_T__RIBTBN DBNT OTP BUILOINOB ANBOCNCBMBNT BADg IV BB OOBUr-l ___-?-. BOOSETELT Ri.- ')?:: ? ???- MAN1 CALLBBS? CAgDIDATEfl 1""!'. "AB ' * PLA Cunferen'e? xxith Colonel Th" dur- Roosevelt. the C -? ? ? t, ln th ? 1 Bia 8 Itst. at N ? 689 M i I ? >' t**** [tl tl ' f tl ' I ' - * rriur elecl talked wlth _e*/eral promlnent '?'.-:> i*>*-ran ans and wU a ho ._*e tnt*r ... ? "i .? ? r in mat -...- of ? mer.d. ? .* an Th ?' '? i *nina H ."TT - ,|,.-r ? n for the .-??i. ator of thfl R ? ' . - - .l-O. Muri-JT. . 'tlct, ? he * MBc . i beesj aeb-i'ted for ll . . tbe Pll x ? ? . ?? Mr. I U ? i ? i mpan; K. < n tt ? yes* ' r fl. ? - 1 .... I- ?? tdfl -*_d t " r-r. I.T. ?' i 1 ' i\-a ' - .... ..... i hm and Mr. I i ' Colonel 1 - ? .-.--.- I ? ? ? ? ? Bui ??' '' *"" ael t bea-auas ? ' ' ' l 1 th- . ' ? ? a of ll | to feel gure that Colo? nel Rooi t I . ' \ -l. partly because i Majog ... ... Ti- ? ' ? 1: ' e ? ? ' - ' I' ? vv "rks. His cl : la ex] ted i ' I ? }ier,_ . . - ol 8 racti I lP.2-0r._a ' of th.s clty. Tl ? , ans - - lo fa ? ? - ndeai ':" BeudHtM. xxh-* terd . r. ? - ?' l >: ,,.., ..-. The .i-iv. rnOr-4 i--r had a l"ng taik th Mr. n .rth. ? - I at lum I n u I ot ??:>??.?? i . , X>, ' ' .l'-lltl . . lintoi ? I' .rTalu. ? ir. : th. Cai al Inv ? mi .'t*-e. ..... f Mr. North itlons . 1 up->n Ona tion i mmended 1 traent of ? ? ... , Labor Sta? ??? '? r thlrd r **? :- to ? ? Mr M Ma kli l-oi _ ? | R I ??-'?????? lentinned i . ; ftlce. Mr. RIls ' :' f- wwxiw ak- an ? :. ? ? ? tical apppolntmei n ai rcui i ., MEN AT THK MOI BE ^ * COBr . , . ..... u _i - thal recognltl-B | u ? H tmt , ...,-.: . . ,? . arttfc md any small Joba thal ?re ,- Invlted ea, but ra elvai ? . ? .: ? f a p point men ti tTtt nrs r B Om - - . -. J ......... .. Fur r"V. Ralph K 1 ? ,,n ?.f *** Huratlo <_ . Platt 'a eapected ? i have n '?lk w!*l? ,. . ? thi aftet -oes to Boston to d. Ilver tha. ,... - - turea oi of tha - ra Republl. ans I the r-'ata ... i -? "vnlng to . . ... .r | eglsta Hon and other p* litieal aubje< - Among -h-Mr*. an Nlaon, whi la to ? Apeaker thla i -? tatoP ,- ir lilg| na b .v etnl lymai. ..? !? .? ' i hat the .i--'.-ga_> ? ? ti n? Union ' I ? ? ? . II on .-? ? tO Bll B -et of ; - d by 'he Union ur__-.r.i* him ti ? ? . ? ? lawg which xv itlons - j - .\ Ide ' ? - i ? fop ..... ??_-,. n-.cnd r 1 ?'?.!?..>-? rh" I ? - PLYMOl TB i IH RCB OFFICi Rh ELECTELS - BB THB . BE - . ? ? . ati ng of 1 Ith Chureh, evening. I 'i i...::e* ap .-. reafgBfl istor, ;????. a ? pragrasfl l-r It VV owing . .: f-e has Wlth hlfl 888 a*t | ' ' I !l)? '.'*. ? furtl report a ? at a .hureh to I ? r the POB :? ?! rif'.'t :h? i . . . Fri .... ? -? ?> ra w. ? ? ? ' A *?'? a rl Man. ?a nd M . iv me v*ork. D : i ' W H Howai . . ? Letghtafl ! .e .,!..-. of Di \ ott In 1 ? ? I ? r. ' v.\ APPRECIA ill. !**'. ___CTION ? o ???'.? ? ' a X' r.u V ht -*, \.-- :- mik-' x ".r Chrlatmaa Photographa P tk perdOBcn. Rt ..viaXHl, liioadway Onh b'.>.-A_iU