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. ? ?* - ?0,???????????'? 19.019. NEWYORK, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1898. :\ PARTS.28 I>A<?S, WITH ILLUSTRATED SUPPLEMENT, 20 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HR. FLOWER ON THE OUTLOOK ENTI : G. IN?'? UPO? AX UNPRECEDENTED ERA OF PR08PBRITT, HE SAYS ??- ? ?-- M HE FAVORABLE THAN 1 TM ?????.?? ' ? - -: ?? CAPITAI ?JJ..0 ran *- ? ?v U P. 1 . . . . - ? ? ( th? moti pro ? In 1 ? ? ? ? ? In an lay act forth th? ? aa f II wi a remarli ? r In ? ? ? ? ? ? ?. . - iter ? - ? ? al am : ? . .I ?? ? never coi , . ? ? ..... ? . ?, ? It la a areni ? ; > not that we al prove ' Id aa ?? - f our .1 - ? ... ... lue? noi ... ? -? . ? resulta we have for oui ? ' " e have ? . . ? - - J ; ? - ? ? nd - . ' ? ? - rt 1 ? . the ? ? tieni we ai ... re 1 r- ? our feel ? - - - ? our r- the '' ? ' ' ' ' ? ' ' ? r ? ' ?? ? ' ' ? ?. . - ' ? ? ? ? ....... ? - ? ' ? ' ' ' " ' ? - t ' - ? ' ? - ' ' ? ' I \ ? ? and Is ' ' 1 : . .... . ' ' ' * "... . I ? ? . ?earn that then ? rn 1 *' would ? him aa col ? ?a? t>H D PROM A URE 1 .','/ ????. ? ? ' .-?-.' ? . ' I ? ' Ma Chi? .? > r ' ...... ,ei<.auway.~Advt_ OLIMPIA HAS AN OWNER. HE If HKXKY B. eiRB, OF THE BIJOU . '? ay l.MKNT att*n*Dma ?^?.? ??? ANT' HIS BROTHEI BOia OF THE PltasjIBI ? riAANTS If 1- : ?- it I ? ? rumor ???.? iur mlM out of th? question and to s ???* ;? sttlvely that Olympia, y.:- big amuaemrat bul which Oscar Hammerstein bullt ??,? lost, hne New-York Life In?urnn^e Onm ? ?? ' 'u likely some Um? to to aj it -.vas announced In theee c I imnn .. r tv ago that Henry ? Bin I ? ? of -r e Bijou Theatre, ? sa ll - ? ( the ; t. ; erty, ar. ! this | ? ? ; . s to be CO?T???**. Vp to connected witts th? affair that Mr. Blrs was likely to buy ? ; a e refuted I answer eny questiona : ? aubjecl Last ? ?r. Mr P'.-e rr.ade thi ' ? 'It Is true ::.nt rr.y br ah-r, M. L. Sir? ? : ' I ?- ; irchased th?? Olympia New-York Llf< Insurance Com it 1 ? ? ? tloi \ er $1 000,000 It It ntei te and rei nd to beg ? vrork Imi ? I tel n as ? ? are p ta ar* : there ?? ? ? We at* ' re Dai Leder? ' ' ? '. ? nd ?? ? - ? : ? - ? - '. ? ? property Is at prei t a ? ;??.-? ? : ' furai tun ?tat ? ? and ? ? . | ?? ? .? re t ? - will sr.r.r, be r? .... I am ? ' it It il ... name The ??? ?? of the property will ? ? the ? ...... , . . | ? - - s thi? k Is . ther with tl .| I ? ? ? ... . f a-arden, w< ? ? to ex 1 r all pretid?.? Sov - I ?? ire ? lii - - nto posi ? "? rine. ?aid that n ? ? ? t ran sfer of .?.;-.? ? ? ?. Th? ' ? .? . ?I ? mon than ? 1.-1 r . Mr. F ... ? . tre, pi t for c Mr. ? ? f thi re. however ?\tnks ? Mr. ? noi er exi ? . ? - r this. It li ' ? ? Mr. 1 , . . . | . . t ? ? ? ? . rt ??f th? ? ? ??? nRR FOR J UF. I ' '?' WF. VEX ? ? . ? ? ' ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ' ' ?? ' ' ? ? ? ? / inoKOi t. rox SATS t? ?? ? . ? ? ? ? . . . ? ? ' ? ' ..... G the ? ? - - 0 <IIOT MRS UOSESt ? ' ,rmer ?? ... ? . ? ? : .? ? ? ; ' ? ' ? of ? ? - Uri. Moni .? ? . ? ? ? ? ?URI ! I - /-''? '? I I BRASKA MEN. ? ? ? now al lb*. Thli ? ? ' ..... ? for their ?N Ll ?! 1???1? >N ? ? . no*, ? ? - _ 1 ' th? ,ur,j 10.00 pe? doten. uroa-lway iK'th S:j.-Advt. ACCIDENT TO A WARSHIP. ??'F mV'.-'.U'HUSETTS DAMAGED ON ' R NEAR DIAMOND REEF THAT WATER POUR] RAPIDLY- 1 HER ??^? 1 ? .TUE NAVI - WS BHE WENT A ,'. '-NTi IN Th? batti? ?? hii? gril?"?*? Navy fai : ?. ??:..? ville, Bti??. ti Fslan I. ai taci? on or near the Dlam md Ree! ? : - ; ? hor b'.ttor ? piai ? : that ( Ih? ur-? ? ? enta In b< ?? ?? ho la ofll ' the Navy Tard, and hit? ? ? >n In the ? . *a/ the ?? v* ?rnment for many ye? th? Maesa ? ? that 1 I th? ig] ? the tic? of years to 1 Th? raaaon for th? tally low tide He usen lively thai the ship did not Bl th* 1 ? ? ? . . . run against a pi ... an oil ili - ?? the ; t vu ai t or noi Th? : aa starting on her a ? Hv--.? toi 11 a. m., bom for Tomi Near tl ? the port ? ? . ? ? nto flv? ? ? the . ? ; ? ; nd ? ? ' ' Fai I for three ? ? t nrsi the ?hip a . ? . , .- in. HELPED BY THE VVAMPATUCK The aeeldi I ,t 11 3fl a. m., and It " - - ? ? - Navy Yard r? . Warn] to the relief. Bui ? ?;? t al ? L : . . ? ' ? ii . nd star for 1 Whei : - He al for th? Navj ? . rette ai tl? .V-iw ? ? ? ' " I ' ? ' rent fa " ? ? . ? ? . ?Tth of the r a sent the S'ai ? ? netting 1 ? ? ? - The '?' '. rater, b? , - ? ? ned for a Ioni Her ? ? . fool Int thai ? ? the pilot ? ? ... ..... ? If . ? ' ' ? the M ' " " ' " ? ? four feet j ' ' ? ' ' S em aboard ? .... ... |ry. ' . - ?' ' . ?? ? ired ?? ? ? ? he ? ? ' re at tl A : - Th? M - ...... ? . ? '? ' ? t .?.??- ... ? . ? -?. !"??' : ' ' ' - n??-;? ? lent waa not very ? ? - In the bol trat? the It Oth? rv ? ? ? ?riven ? ? ? * ? ? BO IRD 01 ' ??' / G 0? TBE ft IT ST .7." Waal ? of the BJeei - - State : ? . - ? Ft S?A ? ' ? ? - mi ? Be? .Niiv-Vork offict, .". jjtoeiwif. N'ew-Voik.-Adv?.. TREATY OF_P CULMINATION CF TUE WOKE ISII COM M ISSI FINAL AND IMPRESSIVE SCE Pari?. D'-r 10.?Th? Treaty of Peace wa? signed , at 8:4." o'clock this evening. Th? Joint Peace Commission met at 3 -30 p. m The Americane ?fra the first to arrive at the Foreign ?Iffire and the Sj>Ar,lKrd? reached I . ' an hOUr later. Beflor Montero RI HI, : ni of the ?panisi. Commission, ascended the ite; s leaning on a fane and bundled up in a fur coat. The? Americans shook hand? with tht Bpai lards arhen the latter entered the con ferenee hall The fa.-ea of the representatives if Spain tetre exceedingly solemn. Apparently regarded tht - selon as a funereal one. ? After being ph-fographed the Commissioner! | listened to the reading of sections of the treaty until B:18 o'clock, at which hour they took a; ? until 7 o'clock, while awaiting the ar- , rival of the last section? of the treaty. IECT FOR A ORFAT PAINTING Th- ? -y,e treaty to-night would have aft r: |ec( for a great historical paint- ; ? I --"up trainerei! about the table In the ; ' the Foreign Ofllfe was Im ' while the fact that the - ' ?? ??.?-' the Ittuet arhlch th?? a at deeply felt hy a".I the partici- ! ? ; a:.?s gave an Impressive Hid Solemn tone to I ? great mahogany table ?at the t^n ; f the destinies of an old and a young I standing teh'.nd them were nu- , - of the American Commission. ? ?- from the eryttal cbandellere above the ? heads ' tl -- pr?tent magnified the brilliant . scarlet of th- upboliterlngt Into ? - ,- a theatrical contrast between the el p and the scenery To the 11 was a happv ending of the spi- ! ? for tht Spaniards it ?rat plainly a j I itter " none tht ? ? palnfu because ; They sat silently as though Bl? ind ' ' uld withhold sym- ' ?r Montero R?os, the pretid? I I ' ? p - ?? . ? ho, coming from his lied In a gr-at overcoat, though , ir ng in the fireplace near by. The ' tht two boiilee wore symb ?i'ized by the , the members of the Commis- j f r the Americans were attjr?d In evenir.? the dinner given to them Immediately after l ? meeting by the Duc de Loubat. ar.d the Spaniards won black tr -ok '??.ata THE BiONINd OF THK TREATY although the Commissions met at 3:3? o'clock, ting 1 Bilk their work In a half-hour, the ? tl treatj parchmenl trat hat It d?? ayed the signing "f ,v " : ' ' S 20 ?'clock Mr Martin, clerk of :*? Am-rloan Commission, thout even stopping to eat rhamber nt 7 ,V> with ' nd the Commlttionert wait? ing. The Bpanltb copy had arrived a half-hour Fergu ? ih?n proceeded to ft er that the Span ish ver ? ' the treaty. Thla finished, two iround the table, th? Com- i them 'tr the .,rder of their rank?J " m R Dar, B< nat. r Cuahman tor U ?? ? Pry? tVhll ? ?.. ' - ?' - Montero ? <j*efi(ir Oarnlca Refi? - VII? : pr Cei : Paen s : oent? ? ? ? ? . ; ? ? -md Am???' ?? ? ? re prepared 1 ifflxed nt ? irryli g for ? with v h the documents ? ? t-? the Pn ? h ilont ? ' ? itched with Intei ? ? being Impretted, tv.?- Commit? 1 nert ? ind w-ithout formality ear-h mem ? of all his ini - ---and rai Th-> I cornm'-n' ? - bad taate of the \ .? ., rowd of attach? ? .? ..?,- ,i, dmfall ???\ to . " SSI? ?XERfl DEPART ras finished -it 8 45. At pen? l ar.d Be flor ? exclaimed to a group i ? ti wh ? were waiting in the cor Uni The other members of ??.-? red ? ?" r Vlllaurutta, ? - ugh the vettlbule to ? ? irrlage The American Commit? ? ' it ( hattine com] tly nnd as the s'opa the lights in the nod Th t treat contest string the I Of th? At- ? C rnmls ?' the pens with which treaty wer.- written. Pome provided with handsome ned for the ? urj ote Tht Bpaalarda naffected b) the souvenir erase, ? Binary quill th? table ? inter] ? tar of the Ameri ? '. Befior ? ? tero Rlos - him hit pen, saying: S to preserve th? pen sign?" "Notti h tesi ' - ! ' -? ? h ? . iNi?ei I ' ?F lEVatNI EIN ARTICLE? 4 ?. ? ? ?. f levant? .- been found advltable to sub Tin: HOI gPRINOa "F ARKANSAS. ind ;-???? tri I and Arlington. Golf and . For ini rn ind Kleis id v t. EACE SIGNED. OF THE AMERICAN JA/) .SRIy. ONS IN PARIS. NES AT THE QUAI DOR8AY. divide two or three of the articles In the 1raft agree?! upon at the la?*?, m-etlng The rommlssloners of the two nation? wrote. th?-lr signatures on two coplas of th?- treaty, one copy being for the archives. The document was prepared hy Pp<*r?*? try Moore In behalf of the United State? Commle ?Ion, nni by Beflor VHlaurutia for Spain, on ac? count of the continuad Ulne?? ot Secretary Ojeda. of the S; finish Commission Each copy contained the Fnsrlish and Spanish teat? ?->f the treaty in para!I?l columns. Th*? wording had h?-en approved previously by the Comm - without a Joint meeting, to there waa ? troveray on this ?ui.? ? CRI8I8 EXPECTED AT MADRID London, D-.-. 10.?A dispatch fi >m M says tb? ? . and that the r? - ? ' : ? ea pected as ? ? aa th?? treal In I, It la ad led I th?? Cabin? ? h ? ? een dull state of bu ilness and Ion a A WORD POR SPAIN'S COMMISSION Madrid : ?? 10 Tl ? ' Imi it il It hope? tl ? . .1; - pr ? - f the enei gei nduct I tl ?, ? I add? "Other nal thot out h ?.? . '. burniti iti ?ni We the fc? Commissioner? on rend th?? nation, whl'-h owe? then gra1 tud? " - ? FUTURE RELATIONS WITH SPAIN Washington, Pec. lit.-"' rnment will be obliged speedily 1 restoration of th*? dl| aary to friendly relatloi Th?? Pi ? ? ? has not aa ? ? ? ildera tlon to the ?< ? ? f a ?"? tea Mil lat? r to Madrid The recent vieti ? House of General W<. has ' ? termination on the pai nt to re? turn I ".. Irld. Aa a mai ever, tl of In the direct! ? of wtpli g out a starting afresh after a wai Miniai ? lea Ti.?* reappoii W [foi ? ? Washli t?.n of S? fl r ? lo j Bi rnabi resldei Canada during the war rendei tn so ob : ? ?. merlcan t . If custoi followed, eil ? l "? : Btatea Minister to Ma Irld or ? Minister to Wai 111 be accredit Itb ntials as a epe lai ei ? ?. . ths ?? atlons of the treaty Havli g fulfilled tt in, he will then present kl ? ils as Minister Resident, at ? in that capacity. Just which of fh?- Mil rm thla function d ? t he Pa ria C ? ? GENERAL MERRITT SAILS FOR HOME. ' ERPO ' ? ' '? M ??..?. and St! ?, ry ? r on board ? formed the V would ? I for New-1 ? ? ro 1 : hill] . . ... i Timors s \??. for manila ?1 NINE HT'NDRED MES ' '. Sev ; rt S"? wi Va., Dec 1?? - The I'nlted Stai I tiled 1 morn g for hi UTITI ? toy 0? / "/' FRENCB SBORI ? ? Bt. John"s. N. F.. 1 Sydt ? Mel aet! Shon the .? ? ? g . .... prompt assisi wholesale s< ? ' ' aays, hai. f flour ? ? - 1 potato? - ? r PROAR G? 1HF Bl \'G IRIA \ DIET BAR ? ???GG? Tin: THR Budap ?st, Dec 1" Then - ? ? ? in the ind the is suspend? of an n'e ui Qn o ... Baron Banflfy, the !':? mler r to speak, and iltion him. Th ? . ' ? ? red an und ami a!! pit - tlculated Th- ; ?-aim. and did noi mov? I tl ? until Kubik had d Ing I. ? After this 'he Premier wing ? he Iness of the F Pi ??-. dent of the House th the - an altlng hit to the a trament of the ii IMBRICAN ART ASSOCIATION BENEFIT. It).?Th? American in Association benefit ? meat a?, th* 1 . tieatr? thi? ? ' ' - - : ? Mrs. Port?! alonsoi thi British t r, and Lady a t sue Miny ?p p nber? of ? ;.?? Am? ? ? ..?.. ? ? -,.nt. A Mi: LICORI ? PELLI - 'To '?!'.' ? ?' RATEI i - OOINO - iUTH - libera Railway ?ni a ...? ratas fer tha Holidays. A Idrata Xc-a-Tork ornee. 271 Broadway -Advt? THE NEWS OF TWO G A PIT* LS. LONDON. HARMONY OF RUTTIMI AND AMF.RIC vy POBEION POLICIES. MR CHAMBERLAIN'! COBDIAL t'TTER fcNCEB-A OIOANTIC CHEAP BO?*>k SCHEME I ' t ? " ? t? tur rsratm ? London De, 10 :? rortui H t] at Eng? lish ?ph r ? ? ty of judg nata and ftateamen. -'?? every ? ndenl ?of the -id Pretldent M Kin tf s ?? weak and it few * -hem wtr* " in i !i;n.1.'d tor.? an1 ' ? - rlelsm lfter ? 3 ri ?,ance and ? \???>?'?? to r! "?"???'- : Nioiiragua ? ed ?rat?; r'?' '!' ".? hat v. .? g,,.ng on at th< i" ' ?' to give the right ;' ? - ' ? Oage'? g the ; ment of ,,,? ?" ? -' ind tu ai pltaaV ? ? ?ta ?:? " ar?'' ' ' ' .1 them to? -?but ?nde<l ' Anglo v"' ' ipeaklag at '"?''? rguing that v. r navigation law? 1er r ? oper\ -.erce. rger moral thai Ba gland any e '~.bina BSU red f ' ' '" -v -are. .-?-'pea or th* t'n.'.n Jack. ?tary ? ? ? ray -hit there wen?. ? nun who ? ild ? km Ither a h irn or a. barn-d - but flj ? ? th? barn-door; ? ???? ft re are now ? rltlng lead ' rs foi irnali They refer to? the dual : the cia>ti r.-Huiwer Treat) aa an Important I-. rit ???? arhlefe laardi and complais?, .mertcan Oov?. a afferlnsh roof of the ? eril G Its frle*ndahlp - "' ia! ! n.ivif?ar|on laws and? ? ? e f f the British fr:, :--r In Ha lo retH ptr that the t??. itj of l'"? ? ? r ?. prevantai ? ? Nicaragua r?n?i. butt ? ? :?? tr for tht main? tenance f tl - t neutrali*.) nnd' lorn foi itarfdl lues; nor; I that tb? Anttriesasi rnment Is merely applying to He .vail and' ? ?? Rico tl ? ? of imperial feder*atk*at '??? ?? , ?rlthla and a crmmon tariff* without?tl ' ??. Irtau of Kng I.opV re Theae cen sors Wh?? complain of the adoption bj America?! ? of a polit y of pro* ? ttlon in place of a policy op iition attach m re Importane? to phraae? ! like "Join! protect irate" and "oprn door" thAJV to the real InterettS, uhioh are promoted hy? md common action between the? two countrl? s. Th?- ? rritlct ?re largely outnum :. who give form? ??'1-rlcaiv. iet the style for ir.-? of the canal quettloi declaring md can hav? l s standing , h .? f tha Clayton icilwer? Treat) If the freedom of the p. .? be te-, ? r.s on tht ? its plan. Ti. ? bl led vleu which "The ?-per-tatoi?"*' ? va ifhout rlou. t th??? n Office, and potata to a ? the enr?a; question on the bas:? ??????- ! S'a'-'S at.d th-* ; ? The vl? w enter tlstt li that I.tard Salisbury I. . its I the g.-r.-ra: subject' ,-a" ?'? ' tpp?tered at 5' ,f Bald, and; ? j tlatlont they now un : ? ? . ? : ? [t canno? . ?-" that Enciand ?arili re? .. a ?r'h.-ss ? ^im to Joint | 81 it? ? ; - . let monev for , . ? ? BUM regulation* e It. s ' ' " "; of O* Hieaiaana?*! ? gle English con rwaj ,1'unr control in? Nicaragua i l".av? a hearing upon th?* :.?? || al Bu? * i if th? expression of? ? ? ? English Journals en thi* ? tha ? 'the Pe,.oe Commlaaion and -? itlon of pollclea and? tlon? of empire Th?* . ri | -* eredtnd with ? in carrying tvary er-wntlal ting negotiations nrlt-n ?????? tionsl I TVl" purr-hase of tho Germany Is a'sumed n.? a '.? irt and Americans are upon bringing the war. to a ? - rblng tht ?-? ater pan of th* ?v .? es ting the enrnf't? of ? er. Eggland haa ard<>nf I States to r.-rr.aln in the P ppinei and 11 pi s liberal ?ramewlal ? rlthes have r.een gratified ia , r., r. ind pf t ?' will be li the othag. }?. r potltloi ? greatly sti^ngtlMnad bv Ar>?rlo-Ameri?*an good feeling; her only source of s tbe failure of food ??.?? i XT : ? ' Imei g ti sd?] fl Is rlak ka nta are etsei tlal to tha tdoptl t; of the oper 1 sr pi Porto ??? ? tr ? mpariaoi '?'?'h ?hese . That I has "Mat ?? British U's' Indies ?r^m economie ru:n wrought bj I fleet I ptwl 't th*> and,?. The re ? . ? ? th" ?tata , ' the Itlai ? ? tins convln that I th-;?? sur.?, I - mast md them ?? d avoid thi ? ? ?, f Britll ? \m.>r!-ane tpected te a ? : ttaSir < ?? nyiteni ' rial federation ani to condemn . ,. , West Indian | -' ras to econo.nie ruin m ordtr to Juatlfy i. - -.. ??? rita ?? hich Amei eant aeed aot be --nsitive to ..?, criticism in maittr?-? of detail BufUa**? .re nothing If not critical ab?u? thiir o-.a affa.r.s. and I thtf are Intereat.d 'n new American r ?> niait?- fre*? ue?? of th?. 'acuity In di?cueelnt? them The t n- of thlt erttlelSBa ia \e-\ different fern that tn which Kren-h relaUOOl ar- con ? ? a? haa been Illustrated this w?^k >? Sir Edmund kJConson'S app?-a-ance m Paris tn if a candid ' ? I me a taika tive Ambataadoi of the n?tw sohool The opinion generali) hel. ss here i? ?hat Lord ."a Isburj si - ? ' ordinar} usage for the ? ??ring th-? PARK ant? TILPORDg INCREASED BALE! of rhe celebrai d ? a-.d Sprint water teatifv t0 ite m?rlt. i'ure. siiarkUr.g and dc;i:lous.-Advt.