to RBCEiva vtamma ?i,v v\ stw-iat. appomr
MF.NT si:n.\T.>H gAlXEC T.) KEI HiM YO
Oblonel Rooaevelt arrlvcd ln town early yee
terday mornlng from Boaton, where be lectured
on Saturday nlghl He wenl dlrectly to Long
i?:?nd Clty, whera ha tooh aa eariy traln for
Oyater Bay. The Qovernor-elect wlll remaln at
Oyoter U.iy untll nexl Saturday, and wlll devote
niost of hla tlme to the compoaltlon of his tn
augtuai addreaa. He has announced that he
win recetve no callera exceptlng aui h as go to
Oyater Bay by apeclal appolntment This meaa
ure was made neccaaary by the Immanae num
bcr of "? uld-he offlceholderi who have of late
praaaed thelr Imp rtunltiea upoa Colonel R
Nexl Baturday Colonel R oaevelt wlll retum
to thia clty and P" I ' th" home of hi? alater, at
No. 688 Madlaon-ave, Baturday evenlng he wlll
entertain al dlnner B nator Platt, Congreaaman
QuiKP. Benjamln B. Odell, jr., Wllllam Barnea,
Jr.. Joaeph H. Choata, Bllhu Bool and s. th Low.
It is underatood that at this dlnner thorough
dlecuealoa of appolntmenta and propoaed legla
latlon wlll be ha 1.
.. r, ? vaifa flrst caller al Oyater Bay
wlll be Benator Ralnea, who wlll go thlther this
mornlng by apeclal appolntment to taik to the
Oovernor-elt I about exclaa leglalatlon. it la
underatood that Benator Ralnea has ln mlnd
aome unportanl amendmenta to the exciae law
now in op< ratlon, an I i f whlch he was the au
thor, although it la not thoughl that the meaaure
wlll ba altered In any radlcal way. Benator
Ralnea wlll alao talk to Colonel Rooaevelt about
hls blpartlaan electlon board blll, whlch was
bung up In the !?? ;ielatur? al th< laal aeealon.
Benator Platt ha i a numl er i I ? alli ra at the
yifth Hotel 3 eat< rday im rnli g, and
there waa a conferen between th< Benator and
Benatoi i...- \ rth. who la alated to be Preal?
dent pro tem. of the Benate; Aaaemblyman
S x :.. who ln t au< " ? d Bpeaki r OfOradj . A*
aemblymen Adler and Maxet. ol Man:..- u i 1
Brennan ol Ktnga; and Francla Hendrlcka, I
n candidati
Bu, .... . . ; i \Vi rk?. lt wua aald
ftf,,.r the ? ? that the i.'.'k had b< ? n or
prop? ied legis'al malnl) of the ad laa
ng a Metrop dltan Poll
and a ;.???? ? ,
lt ,. an | o,; yeaten ij In this i ty that a di n
: ? nt of Su
i ? ?? ' ? ??? ?' ;' ha,(1J ;
hether C \< n< I K o aevelt I* I
I ?? Avery O. Andrewa Adjutant-Oeneral
aj , nal th ad\ l< ?? ol thi organlxatli n men.
t went to Waahington i y an after
Oyat( r Bay, N. V . l ?? e. 11. Colonel >:?
r, . '. 11:. mci Bi >' this i i ' - ab< ]lt H
k, ai d was Immedlately drlv. n to hla
H, fore he entered tl I ??' J ? rdi red a h< rse
Ba ; . \ nn I, nft r -?? ? tlng hla famlly, hi
for a rld Hi i turm \ In tlme for lun<
and after that meal conferred for an hour or
more wltl hla pi.. tc i iry. Wllll
YoungB Mr Y u iga tad ?Ith hlm a bia 1
of papera After th< nference wlth Mr.
Toungs <' i n-1 H ?oa >v( n to. k a walk. H
n,, other vlelti r who la Id ntjfled wlth polltl -
In the evi of 1 ra. how
ever, calb ! n hlm.
coicmtioxb impb vixg at HnLartft, jibara
Bantlago de Cuba, Dec. 11. Oeneral Leonard
e/o d, Milltai j G ? ? ? ? of the 1 >< p irtmenl ?t
Bantlago, has returned from his tour of inepec
tlon alonc the north eoaat well Batlafled wlth
the reault of the trip li> ronaldeni thal Colonel
Hood, of tl." -1 Immune Reglment, who la In
command of Holguln, hai don< ei ellent work
ln the ! ? ? it appeara that when the Span?
larda l"ft they fillcd the claterna with manure,
rendeiing II extremely dlfllcull to gel water.
Th">- kili d all the anlmala they could, leavlng
the d.-ad bodlea In the Btreeta, and burned all
th" furnlture they were unable to remove. In
fact. ;h<> devaatated the town. General Wood
approvea, too, all the appolntmenta made by
Colonel ir od, wh i apparentlj haa followed Gen?
eral W?x d'a nuggeatlona as to methoda i f aelec
Uon. He found amallpoa atlll prevalent, but
und< r control and gradually belng reduced by
I?r Woodaon and hla aaalatant. The health of
tbe tro ipa is i xcellent, there nol belng one caae
of aei loui al? kn< -
General Wo d alao found Olbara ir. good con
dit.c n. wlth the amallpox on the decllne, All
th< llghthouaea along Ihe north coaat of th"
provlnce are now In use. owlng to th" wreck of
a Bpanlah brlg loaded wlth i icoanut oll, whlch
I r \ ? i opportune ln this i aai
No uttle Intereal atta hea to Ihi appolntment
of a Mayor at Mayaii. General Wood found
thn?<? candldatea, aboul e?iually aupported, and
all wlth clvll liata eal al ng an average an
nual expenditure of ab ut $1,00u,000. Wh< n h ?
had dlacovered that the revenue was aomethlng
under MOO.OBO, Oeneral Wood ask"d if there
were nol aom< reputable cltlxen with patrlot
lsm iiiou^'h to prive hla aervicea f r notblng A
merchant pn mptly r< -i nd id, and the api
rr,< ni la a< i eptable to everyb< dy <-x. ept the three
other candldatea The mtnor ofhcea were nii"'1.
at a conalderable reductlon in aalarlea brlnging
down the expenaea of Mayarl, whlch la up the
Mayari Rlver, a few mil< s from Nlpe Bay, to a
poiiit where they wlll not exceed Ita revenue.
Whlle In that locallty Oeneral Wood was ln
form"d of th< wh reabouta of a aunken Bpanlah
gunboat '?'?" feel '?? nu and of aeventy toni reg
lst< r. nearly new Lleutenant Lurlen Young in
apected the veaael, and found that it could be
rals.d at an expenee of about |7(KO0U General
\V.i. therefore, wlll ha\" the gunboal ra - I
Immedlately, aa *maii veaaela of thnt alxe ar"
badly need< d.
At Baracoa Oeneral Wood found the health
of the Unlted Btatea troopa excellent and th<
Cubana generaliy aatlafled. Simiiar condltlona
pre\'alled at Bagua di Tanamo.
Owlng to the dlfflculty In cornmuniratlnK bo
tween Jlbara and Holguln Oeneral Wood In
tenda to eatabllah a mounted i stai aervlce
tw'ice a week, from the dlatrlbutlon i nt al
the end of th<- rallway to Ban Lula. This de
clalon waa reached durlng hls Northern trip.
Bo fai as tti" L'd Immune Ji"glni"nt is con
cerned General Wood thlnka the m.-n "ijual to
any foluntaera he has yel P""n. Thelr dlsei
pllne, be s.i>s. is perfeet, and reflecta the high credlt u\ ? ti <* ilonel Hood
For the Holidays
Useful articlcs alwaya make acccpt
able gifts. We offer choice Hngllah
Luncheon and tea baskets, for tourlsts
and cxturslnni>t > ; Coffee Machinea ;
Chafinjr Dlshes ; Afternoon Tea Ket
tlea; Table Hjcg Bollera ; The Trlple
flame Warming Lampa for Tea, and a
thouaand other artlclea of comfort and
Only Motlrrn and Artimif l.oodn and Hrtt
(ioii'i. Bollveaew t*aa ??? ??> i??r* ,,f ,hp
??<;reiit?-r ^-?v lork," ?r <?? r?-f ull> |.n<'U"?l mimJ
ilell\cr<il nt ?lullon nithlit 100 inllcit nt
h?-%v V??rk.
130 <fe 132 West 420 St.,
Ilrlnrcn llro?il?n? ?"'l ?<??!? Atrnue.
hk. HSatDRICKB for pij-khintknpknt or Pl'B
UC WORXa tiik ctVIL skhvui: hoahd
ftiT rruMBArn to rna twbi an.]
Albany, Dec. II Oovernor-eleet Rooaevelt'a ae
leetlona of men for BUte offlcea aro becomlng well
known. OWlng t,? his frank statements In eon
veraatlon w:th toadtng Republlcana wbo have re
<?? n;lv vMt.d hlm. elther at Oyater Bay or ln New
Y..:k. Many of th, so ntn. nffer th-lr rhats wlth
Colonel Rooaevelt, have come dlrectly to Albany
and hen retated whal Ihey have heard from hlm
about hla plana The laat week thelr reporta hava
been of eapeelal Intereat.
Three men of promlneace bave been auggeated to
,-..: nel Booaevell for the great offlca of Buperln
? of Publlc w..rks. namely, Jamea A. Rob
crts. the Btate Controller; Px-Benator Francla Hen?
dricka or Byracuae, and Edward P. North. the
eensuititnr pnglneer of the Canal Commlaalon. Mr.
,: ...? however, haa made auch bualneaa ragage
menta, whlch he mual fulfll when hi* lerm of oftVo
cxplrea on January 1, that lt would be Impoeatble
for hlm to aocept any publlc offlce. He waa Inter
I ln the afl ilra of a large numtx r of Imi or:: nt
. v,!-. n ek .-t. d Btate < !ontr< ller In 18
and realgned offlce In all of them and aeparated
hlmaclf from thelr buaineaa affalra on aaaumlng
the offlce of pontroller. if anythlng would tempt
hlm to renialn In publlc llf- II would be aome n
ofiioo as tha: ..f Buperintendent of Publlc Worka,
with its fino opportunlty In Ibat poaltkm to redeem
the great laah of Improvlng the Btate'a canal* from
the condltlon of popular lll-favor into whlch lt haa
fallen, but, aa already Btated, Mr. Roberta'a bual?
neaa arfangementa wlll make lt for hlm
to tura a*lde to the aervtce <>f the Btate.
Mr. Hendricka la preferred to Mr. North, elnca
Colonel Rooaevell has long known hlm peraonally,
Is acqualnted wlth his capabllltlei and bellevea
that his appolntment would be hlghly aatlafactory
1 to the people ?.f the Btate. lt appeara to be tha
dealgn ef the Oovernor-eleet, ns far aa poaelble, to
; appoint noted Republlcana to offlce -men of well
known honeaty nn.l ablltty. One or hla alma In
thts pollcy, of courae, la i. aecun the conflrmatlon
[ of the m.n he appolnta by the Btate Benate It Is
: a body In whieh the Republlcan party has only
two majorlty, and Iherefore lt is eaaentln] that
[ there ahould ho Republlcan harmony over the Gov
ornor's nomlnatlona. No doubt is frit thal Mr.
Hendricka would recelve t m?. rote of every Repub?
llcan Benator. Cndoubtedly, alao, Colonel Rooae
, velt feela that wlth auch a peraonal frlend ..f hl*
ai ex-Benator Hendricka In poaaeaalon of the P
. partment of Publlc Worka ho could eaally enforce
? ?? pollcy of economy In the management of that
Departmenl whlch he mlght ndopt. lt wlll he
aary under the Incomlna Btate admlnlatratlon
that there ahould be a cordtal agreement of pollcy
of th< Qovernor and the Buperintendent of Publlc
Worka In regard to the completlon of 14,000,000
worl i of canal
Another atatement mndi by Republlcana who
' ? . latelj had ? mvereatlon* wlth Qovernoi
-.. '? is thal he ln ik ly to r. orgai lae the
Roard of Clrll Servl Commlaalonera by a|
!:: pla ??: Wlllard A. Col
rt, and ex-fi ? tor O. irge P. Lord, of Dun
? :?? Th. thlrd Clvll Bervlce Commiaatoner, Bllna
IV Rurt, lt If reported, is llkely to be retalned.
As |? \- ii known Oovi ? ? ? ?? Rooaevelt wfta
hlmrelf n Natlonal Clvll Bervlce Commlaaloner for
?!\ yeara at IV ahlngl >n, and iherefore he haa
mor< ? ? ry Intereat In tho compoaitlon of
? ? Stat. Clvll Bervlce Commlaalon. The Btate law
ly maki ; th< Clvll Servl ?? Commlaalon the
rlerku of thi (lovernor H< can remove them at
? ? nure All the rexulationa they frame for the
examlnatlon of peraont who doalre admlaalon to
th. Bi ??' t'h ' Bcrvlc* mual be approved by hlm
1 r. the; go ln to effect
Mr It'ir: ;s a well-known expert on th< lawa ln
bout a rcform itlon of the < "Ivll
Bervlce, Oovcrnor-rlect Rooaevelt undouhtedly
wlahe* to ppolni two aeeoclate* of hla almllarly
well i]uallflcd. There wlll come an attempl to "re
? ? Bervlce law, whl h bai b? n auch
a llmp artl I. sln e lt paaaed through Governor
; t'a mang ?
Patrick Egan, itccordlng to the pllgrlma to New.
York, is not lo tx appolnted Buperintendent ol lh<
Bureau of Labor BtatMttca, na - to John
T, MeDon ugh, but thla plnce aeema llkely to be
awarded \o Charlea J. Dumar, of Typographleal
I'nlon No. I. Republlcan Benatora aay that Qov
r-elect Rooaevelt thlnki the worklngmen'a
unlona of th- Btate would accept Mr Dumar aa
a repreaentatlve man of thelr organlxatlona, where
aa eertaln other men auggeated for Buperintendent
1 .f the Bureau of Labor Btatlatlca would not be ao
' acc< pted.
It la rather Intereatlng to obaerve that Colonel
Rooaevell is credlted wlth a dealgn of appolntlng
llarry ii. Bender, of Albany, aa Buperintendent
of Publlc Bulldlnge, when lt ao happena that the
Qovernor haa onl) one vote tn the Board of Trua
teea of Publlc Bulldlnga toward the maklng of this
ppointment. The other truateea are Lleutenant
Oovernor vVoodruff and the Bpeaker of the Ae
I B. Fred Nlxon wlll probably be the Bpeak?
er of the Aaaembly, and theri fore he, ln company
wlth Colonel Rooaevell and the Lleutenant-Qov
ernor, wlll make .his Importanl tppolntment.
It Is thouKht here that the place of Ad
Jutant-Oeneral reata between Avery D. Andrewa
and rVilllam Cary Banger. Aa for the memberi
i of the Qovernor'i ataff, the Inten tl emenl
? waa made to-day that Oovernor Rooaevell wlll ? l
confer the blg tltle of Brlgadler-Oeneral u| i
of tha membera nf hla ataff whom h< wlll appoint,
None of hi- appolnteea wiii bave a rank above that
of major. Cralg Wadnworth, >.f Qen. --??. * . ?
ln Colonel Rooaevelt'a Rough Rlder Reglment, .'. -
f been aeli ted as a m. mber of th. n< n
ataff. Moat of the memberi of the Qovernor'a
mtlltary ataff wlll be appolnted by Major-Oeneral
Roe, In obedieni ? to the new mllltar] law ol th.
Btat. It may be remarked that the Qovernor
, elect, on occaatona wh.n ihe Natlonal Guard
paradea wlth hlm at Ita head, wlll not rlde In a
mel RooB"i ell la n flne hoi
and therefore wlll rlde on horae) ick al Ih.
of New-York'i Natlonal Quard when lt paradea.
7:<m iBEVELT s i >pp< iRTUNITY.
From Tho vVa hlngton County Poat
IVe aro jlad Qovernor Rlack had al laai ordered
an Inveatlgatlon of th. canala The abl? antl ?
.1 lalve reporl of the Commlaalon ipp. Ii ted bj Qov?
ernor Black rendered thla Imperatlve Bu?
perintendent Aldrldge has been auei>end?.d II
clalmn he can clear hlm?oif from Ibi ha ae ul
mlamanagement. but thts wlll be an Imi
Nevei In ih. hlatory ...r the Btat. ? ? i.n
auch >:ru?s mltmanaKement ol the anala, aueh In
eftlelency and iiegllgenc .,.- undoi hla ad
mtnlatratl m, Qovernor Black noa promhtea to
Inltlate a thorough examlnatlon of all mattera ;.-r
talnlng to ennal management, and Oovernor-eleet
>' avell .? is promlaed fr .m th.- atump that nol
only Khall th. Inveatlgatlon be uuahed but that the
gullty onea ahall bc punlshed
Tha great waterwaya ..r ihe Rtato. unlting aa
th.-- do the ralleya of tha Bt. Lawrence and '?;
taw.i and Lakc Champlaln and tbe Great Lakea
of the Weat with the Hudaon Rlver and New-York
Ctty, nhouid i>e managed upon bualneaa prln Iplcx.
and t>y men of bualneaa nblllty, uprlghtneea an l
Intearlty. They ahould be abaolutely taken oul of
polu.eH and be managed on tha aama Ilne an the
great rallroad corpoi ttlona. It aeema t> have been
tha tbeorj of Bui>erlntendenl Aldrldge and Btate
Rnglneer Adama thnt the llrv: quallltcatton of .
candldate for an appolntment on the eanali ahould
he his abiii'.y to earry caucuaea and contrnj con
ventloaa. It la notortoua :hat all the Inapeetora
on the work .,." the canal Improvementa are nol
quallfled f..r the poaltloni they hold.
A thorough Inveatlgatlon of the management .f
t',. Jv.?a.mprovemeni fund v\i:: ?h a tl
report of the Commlaalon doea nol exnoae half <.f
thi Bteallnga and frauda perpetrated upon th.
payera of lh< Btate. It fs to be hoped thal Qov
>?::..r Rooaevelt may probe the Invextlgatlon to
the bottom and (Ind oul who an part
nera In :h..ntracta. I.o: hlm pay partleular it
? to >'.. L'himplaln Canal, eommenclng al
IVaterford, whl h tha report ihowa '.< !..-.. .???
ti.. aroral In the Btate. There i:^ no doubt what
ev<-: thal be wlll 'onnecl ihe lora wll
th- frauda, and if ht doe* he ahould brlng l
to |u?tlce and aeeountablllty, and bave tha money
laki n returned iu> ihe Bt I
If Oovernor Rooaevelt wlll do thla he wlll not
need to bave anj polltl il harkf to manln late
entlona; the thlnklna and .iii- III
genl taxpaylng cltixena of th Btj l. arlil arr> th-m
lm, and h- wlll have a unlt. d part He wlll bave tho bualneai men and
mercial bodlen wlth hlm. If ha wlll rea > thea.
greal Ihoroughfarea fr.,m the graap of the plua
.i-r>-r? that have heen In poaa. ?' -. ,.f th-m for
? i four >-ais he wlll eatabllah for himaelf
? reput ? wlth tbe people ln thli s:..i- and
thli ? jntrj -hu: wlll render blm Invlnclbla for any
lo whl h h- iwii ?- .
vVa a-r. In tha nama of thi ???? ple of thla Btate
for tha eppplntmenl "f ? man foi Buperintendent
of I'ul.lU- Woika that le a a n...n ?at>nhle of
flill__ thla moat Imaortant and reaoor.slbla noaltlon.
Tiffany & Co,
Holiday Suggestions
-(IV) ?
Gold Watches:
For Ladies?Small opcn-facc Tiffany
& Co. watches richly cased in 18
karat gold.
In plain cases $25 upward.
With enamel $40 upward.
" enamel and diamonds
$60 upward.
For Men- Plain open face 18 karat go'd* watches
$60 upward.
Egfra ?? 13 L-.-.i* gofd'wgknca
$90, $110, upu-ard.
Aft. r enforced Inactlvlty for aeveral daya, the
horaemen rould atand lt no lonirer, and yeaterday
they lurned oul In large numbera The Bpeedway
tlll hard and Icy In apota, so that faat work
was almoal out of the queatlon. There wera few
!: Bhea, and the horaemen contented then
wlth logglng <>vi r thf popular roadway In eaay
faahlon. The dry. cold wlnter alr, howevi r, n i ??
hoih the drlveri and tha horaea enjoy thelr out
Ing, .md there waa much buatle about th" road
houaea. Many pedeatrlana alao vlalted tha Bpeed?
way, and apparently found much pieaeui i ln walk
Ing over lt from onc end to tha otber, a dlataaca
Of al out four and a half mlle*
Araong tiii- well-known horaemen who were out
ln the mornlng or th" afternoon waa Oeorga A.
Hedden, wlth hla flne anlmal. Dalaj Dean. Tbla
mare haa a mark of IMM, and la oi.f the faat
e?t and pleaaanteat drlvera on the road. Colonel
Blaughter waa alao drirlng a retnarkably ahowy
anlmal, and Colonel Rupperl had out a flne atep
per. Oeorga Carl hcld the relna over Caahler,
whoBe record of 2:07 apeaka for Itaelf Charlea Bud
dlngton waa drlvlna the old truatworth] Thomp
lon, and Oeorga Connelly drove all Ihe way from
llackenaack to ahow hla frienda ln thla clty what
? really good trotter h- i.d. Charlea Bml'h
had Eyeglaaaea oul for an exerclaa Bpln, nnd J. P
'hllda tooh b breather hehliid hla nea flyer, a
h< haa named Bpi i dw ay.
The honor or the Bpei Iwny yeaterday, however,
were i ptured by 11. M B ? th hls
food gray horai Bronze Thla anlmal \ much ad
the i for 1 ipeed, bul for
1 ? ? ood drlvlng lle hai
:. ? ? ? m< n lerm thi mlddli . I i i
flcatlnn for a | I ?>;...
!???? r W.l.i S ii,
moi lhal mark of 2:12,.s. and J, ii irrlaon
Ketchem Amona. th-- arrn in tl nftcr
noon waa Wll lam llyan, ol Tarrytown, who drove
lown to eee whethet then a m anythlna In Gotham
I. ? ?. 11 i;. oi l-??
W irner wn - drlvli . IIli m and ll<
flrew a taul llne over Brown Juc Miha-i Reod
|ogg< il hla new pu Orai . .,,, , , i, m
inlmal who wlll no d< ibi glve n good ac
?n aa the went her geta a
llttl( more aenaonahle for thal aorl of I Ing Mr
Reed waa alao drlving hla horae to a blki waaon
for thi flr*l tlme.
)?> Aldrrman NI holaa T. Rrown looked hnppy
hehlnd hla bay geldlna liarbrr'a Tread, and A.
. ? ? ? |r h ul oul i 'i i iw n Joe. Peter Kadlga i
?! mate, and T. K- irm? < ?ld Rlll.
m Platl gave hla frienda an opportunlty to
nea pureha ?? t hat has n m irh of 2:1$.
Mr Platl p ild ll.aoo for the nnlmal an i he la
II i wllh hla hariraln. l>r Pl ijrn a i -
Irlvlng a pacer In thi afternoon, and Willlam Par
?on* |i . ai-m Bay Jaek thrnugh his iiarea. Mr.
Doe di .Ir Motlon and Notlon, nnd
lohn MH II Ihe I n lt< -..r. ? hand
?ome chcKtnui gcldlna, thal haj trott< I Ii . ?
Frederlck (Jerken wenl up tii" road wlth Luxon,
?in I i.'aptaln McDonnld, who ki wa more ibout the
Uulldlna ? ? the Bpeedwn) than nny man ullve, had
?ul n llvelj ; Ited irotter. laaai Btllllnaa, wlth
>ld i larni aa, nnd m i'er<
Ihi keen Ir. among them tliram Holl . wlth
: i "hnrh Backeti ?? Ith Bl >w Jlm; John
Ii. iry, wlth Rubber Boj . Jamea Mlller und John
A-. the afternoon hea*an lo wane a number of tl ?
m ? entnualnatb horaemen gathered In thi Btand
ird llotel, at Maromb'a Dam Rrldge, foi a warm
up Among thla genlal galherlng were I'olonel A
lt. Phj fe, who, hla frien I* a III be glnd * ?
nn the top rung of thi ladder agaln, and l' Ler
Manee. The t'olonel waa In n atory-telllng mood,
:,nl he related m In ident In the eareer of Mr,
Miikc whlch the latter waa eompellcd to acknowl
i?dge waa truthful ln every partlcular. lt hap
pened at Myatlc Park, Boaton, a number of yeara
:,? . Mr. Manee had gone there to drive one of hls
trottera ln :. race, an.l. as hi a ? i att tnger there
and llttle or nothlng waa known of the aneed of
hla horae, the other hoi emen were nol Incllned to
r-onalder hlm ln Ihe race nl all Before ihe race
? im.' ofr Mr M;. went to a number of the other
drlvera and propoaed thal thej ilivlde th< pun
?as a large one wlth hlm, no muttei
won the rnec Thej all Inughed nt hlm. however,
.. ! told hlm lo go away and nol hother them
w , || after thi horae had ?ca rt i few tlmea they
llnally a a the word to ro ??? , ofr they wenl r
nlp and tu"k oetween the bun"h untll tli"
iree-quni ir-inlle poli waa reached. Al thla jmint
Ir. M > had tl \ ipeleaalj benten,
n 1 turnlns arouml In lA" aulky. he ahoutt I:
"You wouldn'l dlvldi with me eh? \^~i wouldn'l
!!. iilc ? ?? i : i- .?!-? itlns loi ki y drlv< ra!"
Mr Manee nol only tooh ihnt heal bul the two
rollowlna ind the i ? ? koI i he whnle i iii ???
? ? ] ,.f havlng to "dewldi " II a Ith thi lnh<
ble Boatoi ? e ten
i T. M. frofl . apnolnted
.... . .? .. rtrlahl ? n \
i.. ? i .?)?.? il n clr< ular i i Ing thi ? >n litlona
,: the foll ia ? ? Mnki . f r1. ? .?--? : .-,
wlll eloae on Janu u l. it
I'or two-yenr-o la The Flral Attempt, fl\" fur
longa; the t'ndergraduate, ti ?? and one-half fur
I ? ? ' I ? rloni
[he Rle tr!: Ilnnd!?ap. for flll <
for 1 rlonaa the
? ? for fllllea ala fm lonaa Ihe i:i Ina i lenera
la furlongi th< Vtlantle, alj
'hol ? (aelltna), ali : irlonga and I1*' Montauk of
. .
. to n II I
'or two ? .' ? - ei pp( thi Montauk la $30, wll i
?? lt, ih. i tl" latter lieli
rialf f< ? '? it. oi oi I) '" II d< idare 1 bj June l Tha
ium ol 11.253 is added to the \ti intl md 1.000 U
iwo-j ear-old i onteatH, with
? ? . i ?; Uon of l ?!? Monta ik, to wlil Ii a aum tu ?
to inak.- tln ?H-; vnlue I ?? I Ied by
l oi lhr< ? -? r-o Pl N la, ona ind one
ilxteenth mllea; the Baruaoaaa, foi fllllea, one mlle;
the Baa Oull Handlcap, one mlle; the Olen Cove
ilutidlcap, on< ii.d oni ? xteenth mile?; the Ba
telliiiK), aeven furlonga; ihe P? 'onlo, one and one
Ighl ?. .ni" ?-. and the Sea i; ite, om and < n< | tarti r
tnilea. ln each ol ih< rarea excepl the II ibj m and
\U- s-u Gute th- entr.inca :?? la W>, hhh j;., i,,,-.
f.-lt. An mrn unl n? ? ? n ? lo maK-- the groaa i-alue
,: the Bea Oate tf.OW wi.l be added by the aaaoda
tlon, ol whlch aum Ihe Becond horaa ?lii raeclra
|3>n and ihe thlrd i. ?
Kor three-year-olda and upward Thr liiia-hioii
Handlcap, of $200 each; half f.".'.!t oi onlj $ir, \(
.;? dared ;> M ? h 1; wlth $i,00u add< d; to a< i .nd
| ?? ta thli I, :"" wetahta lo he publlrhei) on
. ? Innei ol i h< Krookl) n oi i:.- I .
Handlcap ol ISW to carri Bvi pounda extra
i: i.oth. aeven pounda extra. One and one-quarter
n i aa
The Brlghton ''wk <>f H'?j each, or only tli ir de
lo paj $???> ad ? tlon il
wlth i "" ai ....
oi "??? In dlffi ?? ?.,
oi :... ;,i' e. i v.o ind one-qu rti r mll i
. Bea Cllfl, for all a^.-s. wlth I!. added Bla
'? ?
The lallp, t r three v- ti o'.da and upward wlth
$1,6(4 added, ol whb h $100 lo bi ui I and $. t,,
thlrd. i m? n Ul
The Jamalca, foi thr.-year-olda and iii.w.-tr.J
wlth $1,000 added. Beven furl
i he Ti al )(??: !!?? ip. for la and m.
w?. i. a iti J... Idi I om mlle
Thi Pllghl H.m II ap, for all agea, wlth V. 200 , 11.
? 1 BlJ '
The Puncheatown, a handl i;. ateepli naaa for
four-yeai nd upward ir $SS ?.i h ..t oal\ $n
; j 2 i m oi, n rore the'da
appolnted '. -i thi r. . >\itn $;'?? addi I ol whi. a
'. -i to the ? ? ? ti thlrd; welxhti t ,
n^for.- t ne ra ?
.i handlcap hurdle raea f..r thr>-".
yeai ld? ind upward, of $SS eaeh, -.r oril\ ||n |f
? --i by : p m ? before the ra '??
wlth $730 added, of ahlch $2nti to th. ae.-ond and
$'", to ti..- thlrd; welchta lo be publlahed on th?
before I ? race < ine mlle ind a h iif
r hurdlea
lUn ??! ty.i: ln makln< u;> the procr;,rnme
,'ui tha mr. iihk oi |ej$ 'h* *iHWe. ?f.,i handl .;.?
wlll be ao ar.-jnjfd a* to jive ownera nn ot-oor
lunlty to run wlthout aacrlfica of Intercat.
DfgtrLAn POLtTtCI am> POUnCfANl OLI_f_a_
OF r.tii: at pan JUAN THI ROIIAII
rATBOLtr CHT'BCtt. .
Ban .lunn do I'orto Rleo. Dee. r. -The pnat week
la San Juan has ahowfl eertoln developmenta !n
the general altuatlon ->f the laland. and driftlng
atrawa bava been aeen whlch Indkrata the eur
renl of ? >cr .*.?.* dlacontent Th. r- baa.been
mu< h trouble all over the i*i ind alnce the Ami i
Qovernment aaaumed a mllltary protectorata con
rerning the appoLitmenta of Mayora nnd Councll
men to tha dlff renl munlclpalltlea, of whl h there
aro in all aeventy-two Men ao appolnted and
thoae in ofl. tmvn been realgnlng and
aquabbllng among themaelvea and eapn Ing thelr
dlapleaaure al the ippolnttw nt of aome coll
Tha fact th il Oem ral Brooke decllned to grant to
the Councllof Ponce the prlvllegea ?' the Auton
oaalat Coa tltutlon, whlch they were arrogntlng
to themaelvea, la one thal ranklea and la ever
preaenl ln th nlnda of the defeati d Autoi aa
The accordance of thla prlvllege would have I.n
for th. m b greal vlctory. The beal Judgmcnt h re
Buatalna General Brooke In thla actlon. If tha
prlvllege wa ranfed to one Ci un ll It
nave lo ?.. granted lo all, and each one of Porto
Rleo'a aeventy-two munlclpalltlea, actlng wlth the
power and latltude eontemplated by the Auto
nomlal platform. would bava brought mucb con
fualon to the laland.
Th.. Autoi omlal party aet up a prolong -<l howl
,,r dlacontent, iti whlch, tmong other thinga, they
declared thal Munoa Rlvera lender >.f Oeneral
Brooke'a Cablnet, had betrayed th-m. h ?mt
he had uaed hla Influance to brlng about the de
clelon agalnat thelr demand*.
Munoa i* an element of pollttcal dli ord. Blx
montha a*.. he th. ati y de. lared th il he would
,h- wrapped In Ihe Dag <.f Bpaln, and he waa the
drst Porto Rlcan t.> awear alleglance to the Cnlte.1
Btalea II" la tha preeent Becretarj ',r Btate, and
?ln ?.. October 17. the head if General Brooke'a
Advlaory Cablnet ln Inauli r affalra, He la a capa
ble man. determlned, energetlc, forceful and a
?chemer. He la ambltlous, and ha probabli long
.-ii.--. determlned to become the polltlcal ruler of
Porto Blco The other membera of the Cablnet
are H rnandei Lopea, Balvadoi Carbonel and l?r.
.?,,11 y Toatl. Th-? m-n. wlth the exceptlon of
I>r. Coll y Toatl, who was recently appolnted bpon
the realgnatlon of Jullai Blanco, former Becretarv
of tha Treaaury, have t.n Oeneral Brooke'a ad
rleera alnca October II They are all Llberala, of
th.- aame party as Munoa, and they owe mu. h
Munoa In the paat. <:? ni ral Brooke m
Blty .!? pendi nl upon th< - men h foi i
lona "ii local affalra. cone. qm ntly It *
for them In n m. taiire :?> Inflit. i ce hla Ju ? ??
Then is a mlld-mnnnered man named Iglei I
porl Rlc ? who Is called Bo? i illal and Ai
[.,. ;.,iv , ? -. ; ., , laht-hour lal ? ? tl ??? the
Btate ih -;1.: malntaln a nmi n foi a perlod ; r<
d followli .: chlld I Ii th and almll
j[(. wnrka ln the Int. real i of laboi . he bi
about atrlk. among th< work ng cl
he haa lw n Imi rlaoned undei B| Ii
he \a In prl I Tl r. I -?? '
the t\ i ? - lt< rs ln Bai
angea waa t?l Tj i* tt?i re pald
al oul '?'? ;?? >a a m. ith The i i Ider I tl
.. nU|d l. ?? - m..r. . ai l th. ??? .?'. -. k for I Th> >
. itely ..i I. rly and have ln i -
.,..,, ,i- ? \- r -: tui ' th. ; a ?? There ai
ehai ???? agalnat 1 mad.
. . h It I -i thnt h. m il ?
Mr M-n oi nn I the 0 of S
ifter the t) - '?' ? ' :
? ;,,,..... i rtefore Munoa and ordered bj hlm
to leavi th. thwlth. Thla lgl<
. rly de. Ilne 1 to d >. Boon afti r he nnd Ihe ?
of a paper who aupporti I hlm wer
. n for ftve d .;. - wlth. il trlal or
: Buch m. a ui
... i rto Rl na of th. ol 1 daya of Spnnlsh
rule, and the raai - m< i nol the onl) i
of arbltrary Imprlaonmenl wlthdul lh< preferment
nf chargi s.
.; eral Brooke la about to leave Porto Rleo, He
ha- had mucb lo contend wlth here, and, whlla hla
healtb Ii good, ; - la wi iried by tbe hard wo
haa done. T ? beat element in Porto Rl n ????
aiive to hla - fl >rta In theli ehall nd ?r. truly
aorry lo a< - I Im go, The laal Ihlng he dld ? ia
to repeal the royal duea on tranafer* ol property,
whlch h lvi : n h moi t unfalr m
contributlon upon thi people. Oeneral Ouy V.
Henry. formerly .of Ponce. wlll aui.l hlm n*
Qovernor of the Mllltary Department ol r > Rleo
Men wlll wat'h Qovernor Henry'a actlona wlth
mucb Intereat for algna of a radlcal chang. In the
? ,. , , | poll > ol idn Inl itratlon. The men who
v ml this radlcal rhange are dally growlng In
numbera, and Ihe newa that romea from tha Btati i
that Prealdenl Mi Klnley had declded to pul Amer
Ican mllltarj ofllcera In all hlgh euii poata la gen
erally well a ^epted.
Bach da) aeema t.? aee mora Ameri. ina on the
atreeta of Ban Juan The men came firat, then
tarne the moai ventureaomi >>f tha women; now aro
comlng llmld wlvea and even children, who plck
up Bpanlah wlth a rapldlty that thelr elden i m
,,,,t attnln The women who thua come down h?>re
mual be prepared to und^rgo mucn In the way of
rofori in llvlng. Hot. i accommodatloi - an al
liesi poor Indi ? .1, and houa. ? ire acaree, dlrtj ai d
? tble. Of courae. there are ex< ep
tiona, aome falrly eomfortable houaea have
obtnlned, bul .>nlv a few, nnd eaeh ilaj Ihej nre
...... to ftnil and thtlr renl tend'.l)
wlth the demand Ban Juan n.--l- much Improv. -
m,?. ti r of Ib Ing aeron i
, n Am rti an N at nl or Ai
i-i i i Inglng hi re hla t in
|,, thotiannd >f H ith Am< rl in and W. I ;
tl,.,. iKiaat a pl ixa and u mllltarj ban 1
lc ? i; the plaxa al lo'd n Bu
Ban Juan i- ?ne of the fi v.
mualc i- Am. rlcan. Thi- mual ? n 8
daj evenlngx la an old and popular Bpanlxh cua
;,',?;. Bnd gull^l. - . , -? h?me ara told th tt
,??,? ?.- aalona tn.lutlful, dark
i giria ? oi.t to walk and be admln d.
of th r. turned 6 ith An rl
ih wanderer. - i it la thal m< n ;. >m th?- North
are all kei n to get to how
. heai I ?!-- rlbi d G it the be-il
of Bpanlah and Botith Amerlean women are
llmld and eaay of al ?? t that tho
laat few dlaturblng yeara in Cuba and Porto Rlcu
? ,ne mu h to k- p them Indoorn
,lf theae Bouthi rn women Ihe Bundaj ?
promenade waa the onl> outdoor bn >k i >i a
B) a tlme, In tha pltlful monotony of theli
Thi plaxa at Ban Juan is ab .lutelj bare ai l
?ton. u .'. ? -I It i-' k>o? "ni1
,,, ' ,,, nblo ! i tli- Tow n Hall wlih i'- two ?
ai .... - id la Ihe thi
? -|. | | ? | .: , loi I i ? other bulld
, ? .,-.. ,i ire two atorlea ind whlle, ....1111
I'.rrow h inglng bal. ? ? ? ? Th ? hand of the lhh
Infnntry playa ln the centre, and thej i-arrj wlih
ti,-'n from th.-lr barra ka kero ?? ne torchi - :
ih-lr mualc. Th. alectrlc llghta of the town are
or |. 1 and the row of feeble gaa lampa thal
Liirround the pla_i do nothlng m 1 tl n make
;,. lecta -iimiv vlaible. The aouthern alde of the
. th.- only proper alde upon whl. h lo |
,.,','.''- 1 ?h 111> Jlatlnctlona cone rnlng ihe prourt.
nre Irawn herel <>n!> the "common people' of the
'. ,wn uromenade upon the plaxa'* norihern alde.
. ,, . ,tl,. Kouthern aldi aome enterprUlng man
ii-eri nlriit put? a lon? r..? ..f rocklng chalra ahd
rrnti them out at hi centa each for the evenlng
.... .,?! ..;,,, , |n ?!: . ? !.-?- and up nn 1 doa n the
1,1, walk the ??!-t ' Tt la an ei
:,, ihe KhufBtng "f mani feei and the atratna
of tn- Ain-ri n m ' Bpni lah word pr. itomln it .
of courai '?' th< n Is eoi Id. 1 ibli Knallah upoken,
and aome nrlght Amerlean glrl, Ihe wlfe of nn of.
. ... r ..f ??-in. hlgh offlel il, | ij an 1
?rlin" || . ? ? dri-aa flndu llm Ai m
? .',',?- and whlte-elad naval men to 1 Ik ?l'li to r
through ih< - hlftli ^ prom n id. ra. 1
,.,r, eaeh ? ter hour a Ith el , und
menl lr thi
, . 1. -I befop
1 , . ;? ? I aafe
Do Not Swallow
them likr mfdkinc, but
; f ro TME BLOCEl*
like a rnnfrctioni thry havt a rhocolote
fUvor. srr vtry palAtahle, and do not affert
tht teeth. Thty fall the blood with Iron,
which aeafalhtl tht entire ?y?Um, rr?.itiuj{
strennth, flr?h. wcight and ?i>od healtb.
50 Ublcti in a box. Sold by all dru^iitt.
m. $ J. $loanc
Special Christmas Offering.
500 Karabagfis, Guendjics and Daghestans, at $5.00 to $7.00.
1000 Shirvans and Daghestans at speciatly low prtces.
250 India, Turkish and Pcrsian Carpcts below cost of importation.
5000 of Impevial quality
c/lt under manufadurer's prtces.
Broadvay ? wtu $tr<
o i ? , . nd ?' ??'? '?.'?' ?'
oVIock I' i-< nll > ? ?? ?'-' ''?
ned nlgbtly nnd ? !? " i ?? l appcarance.
Lli uti nanl-t el Allen C. Baki wi il arrlvi d
rei ? ? -!\ in s in : . ng Amerl n 1!aga |,,r
thi I ool Porto Rlco. Colow I <? -
well . omi - here la tl
Lafayi tti Po I No H . and thi dag* In q
? . post ln aci ordan -? a
cuatom and uaage lh promotlng patrlotlc edu
. and loyalty amo ! Colonel Uake
well a III ipplj ?lx hundi -i tlaga to th< Lal ind, a
nut.ii.--r s Bli Ii nl 10 glve >i i.'."? P -
, rivata achool In Porto Rl ' '< I '
,-.. re made thi mornlng. al '?' ??
prinelpal plasa There wi ? ' ???' ?"
the teai hera, piln pala aml puplln ol he ?? ? ?
... ?!? ? ??.. in ludli two . ? ?
- oya from the Brnelli ' ' :
lum i in h tnd i -
otn ?:'.-. di lte.1 ; . un Y,
i towd d , an wlth biilliai t bl d ?
n re rh h ln n .. d i ?? ?? . ' ano ? ? hbu k as th.) ??- il ? ?? Al
the beud ol ? ??? ; - ? i I I
. ,.,,. ;. to II i n w foll iwera much thal the
nag whlch haa i fatliera .n thi
,,U'fh'o poaltli ? Roman Catholle Church on
tl i .-, nd to-duj ? I . ? . :. i ? n
f, ? . , ? s a. I thoae who nus) ihemselvea wlth stn. -
open to all who would ? omplnln o i or who
HKeai Imprn : '?? ?
tlon of the Ciiun-h thi n T ?? Chur di nl.
t., have he< " " "'"'
? , ? . . ...?????
fa.-t lhal the <;????
f ehurch or ree I, an I lhal l
. ??
Ita own :????' an I ' ' ??? :i ri -
? |
i,|, | ...
.. ! :? ? '????'?
... frei ?
? he weak, 1
ilem r.d Brook- i ntly I
. ahoul t hi e il ? d. Now I
. .
? ? . ? >. bul
-. ? ? . - i ?
a .'? :it. .?? ...
i I ? ? ?'
? ?
Ihe i
tn< ? ? v to
Porto Rlco I '
Ron ? - ' Proteatanl
nf wnrahii on I ind the t
m '
? ?. ry. I
worda of a Pi rvlee Thi ;.
Wllllam II. Sloan, of Mi kIco L'ltj aterday n
n fl h nnd it1 Ki el -' Dr C ir
kfrtdly put I - ?' I Mr. 8
... ind at l
aervl " in Engll ? ???
illi ra I elng ? n - nt.
lsi..\N!'i:i:.- O Ml I.ain.
B n .1 .ni de Porto Rl< o, Nov 27 The V
gtm | ; . f Porto I: i
the tax thal eeaed durlng lln
; Th< Bpanlah I
I .ii four montha 1 iter
gpa ?-.,.? i ?
thn t'nlti d Btati
amounl f moi l it 8; aln ?'.- cl l< i the Inhabl
tanti ?' iould p ty Into tha Inaul ir
. is i,. i:,:. . lli cti d and < redlted on a
of the i . - ? lt la therefore Intereatlng to
deti i mli ?? api r< itimati ly ? hal theae -olli
amounl to and to ? ? h< ? Bpaln Inti nded to apen l
the monny thu* old In d. For this purpoae acru
tli ) la :.:.o' of the Ii ? dgel of lv-'.- '<'. Whli h.
although i ? old. la aald to have h"en the
baala or expendltun Hona durlng laffi>
-aa, and to have :?? ?? n ihe w rking baala of 18M M
lt ahowa:
f t me and i atlmated ex
i Iturea of th< und of Porto Rlco durl
!> , IM Vi: ? T IN iME
' "i ?. $sM?.onni n
- .??
. :"
; . '-'??. ?
. ....$1.71
.? ? ? '?-']
? ?
,;,,? | ?? . . , . .-.1 I'.J ...
... :?.>?.'.?"..'
. $t.44? 127 ;i
2 ''; i -?
?it of t!i ? '! ?? . . I 31a 73
. . 1 "!?'? '?'<
12 :\>: 11
T ' >i ? ?i anaea lo l- nsi ? .
T?i .
i, ?? . fiH r.vs i'j
Th ae nmi Ii ln Porto R
. Tl ' above la ai cli te ol
'?. nnd
thi ln n - ? ' ? ? w how Si
? . ? -? ? . !.. : ln -ome
aa foll iwi
! t| oct c( ??
t.n ?
I. > ? '
prepi-rilea. .
Mini ? ? .
Tax nn i .
. i
Tax . .
i 'uatoma;
Ii ,M. - ? - ,; ?"? ' ?'
.-. ... IUH.U 0
I, | ??? an I
Mt-rrant .
Kxtr;i ilu-\ uf 10 pi
? , . 11*2 K'-l
Toui. s.auo.oou
laternal revenue;
Ttda aecllon In idei I ?? ? I i i| i
for oflli : a reeelpla, .Irafti.
bank tl ? k, etc.
Btate pro|
i tlon in< luJea n turna fmm II
and M.e ? f ? 10.000
Incldental lt ? i mi
1 hu -. iion In u Ii ISn "-? i from
. I -? . !li
. hl.-ntal piiiui ? ? ' i
. i ?
The Porto Rlcana have been addlng jti Ihe yearly
? ? to the laland o( the Bpanlah .itm\ ul oc
i-ii|>atlun ind of tl
rorporati I the
art; expen ? ? Incl leni lo Ihi formfi .:
nd l tll?n o| hla nfl iti 'I
i;i3 iilO pea
Ii) the Btale lo jhe i Ii i -:\ nnd w Ith I le i Idltlon ol
2?; -ii : for exi ? ? ??> oi the ?
. $ for the mal
? rdia I'lvll. >i"i '?' I '? for tha polli a forci
? i ?
? - - : Porto Rlt>ni
I ? i< n ihej furthi ? ?
f wt ilmn In l . th'-v
i, iv.- Ini .;.?'??.I in
\- to ila) i thli ??
. , \>. ? ..! ??? i ?? ? i \- . ? ? ney to
i..; an ni m> an I h n i\ y wl ?
to S;,.-iin. lo tn i-i! iln ' minlaii i
iiv i- a thlng of i w ? know the I'mti d
Btati a la not payliig the cleri II \\ .
oi ? ; .. , - from ?' i ,.ii
laaue? rhi , ? ? " i i ? run i.\ the i nlti il ?
? . Ii ii I". I ? ?-. .ii I thi ' . a i r ' .
Clvll and tha Orden Publleo are no longai In tha
land M<-re ate a O.OiO |:ri?o? t:nt Bpaln Inciudad
ln her Porto KLo expciiae account befora ?iie knew
Cbe lardjeft nl
mcat cotnpktc cr*
QX biWt ?:f cbotcc ar?
MClCfl m
th? ItoccUun
*,,/w and
jftftb Hvenue anD 30tb St
10 bc tounO an\>
Steinway & 5ons solicit inspection
of a larjjc aitd sciea sto^k of their
re&u!ar atylea of (irand and l pri>;lu
Pianos, embracinjj some new desi^ni
recently introJiKcd.
Apccial BttetltlOn i-i dirccted to their
ART DEPARTflENT nnd llie maxnifi
ccnt digptsj of painlcd, carved anJ
decrrated cases in choicest uoods,
conforming; to tlie architectural re
cjuiremcnts of almoat every art-pcriod.
5pecial d?M..;n.s lurr.islicd upon ap
107-109 Batf 14th Street, New \ork.
, American Art Gaileries,
Week Davs ????''/>\:A Sundays
!? lo (i. feajS? -' to O.30
Great Pictures.
" ."lr. Tissot has certainly wrought won*
ders."---/>t ? i ; ?' Revients.
330 Fifth Avenue,
Between 32d and .Ud Streets.
I >esk Clocks in all sizes, just here fromj
Paris. Rhinestone borders and magnified
dials. Prices, lloto|30.
Rheumatic Pains!
N R ?1 - '..
"I bave be. n a - .f.' ??:'?? J ?"*
?!\ m :.? l i ' ' w ol
pul ti '??
: ? '
...,?? ?
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? \ M ????;! ? ? . P-^
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Radway's Ready Relief
;? .- ? ..,..,?. - . ? ? ?
j. ?
Lorgnctte Chains,
K,C' ___r_f
???&*&&? i'.TEKLING.ILVER
Nov:It:c.- of Unique Desigm
I tim: c_>y^T*xriiv_:x'.__iP>3:xr3rt
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IS1 WE8T l.VIII ?l\. M \\ rORK.
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Reli nl for r fl! ? . itherori
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I th. luh . ? ?' othi r ni. nl I. i ; ori - I
i arapea ..r?- pul Intc them All bunche* ?r^ thui
I covered wlth an liiipert.'?i<tlble of >eajt vi
(uod quallty.