Newspaper Page Text
V^-LVIII....^ 19,022. NEWYORK WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1808.-TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CEXTS. F1GHTING IN HAVANA. CVflA >'S A ND SPA NIA RDs 11A VE ? ANOTHER ENCOUNTER. fffO iTRAN DErUTIES, A OEXKRAL AND A OOLONEL WOUXDED-CAU8ED Bt BOTOLONOO'l FUXERAL. Ilavnrr.. J'cc. Kl.?Abov.t 0 o'elock thl? morn fnf. arhaa a funaral prccoM'.cn. whleb mi ea!.;.r ttta htftra* coatatnliig the body of Jeaua fjpteloafO, WhO waE '.tllled on Sunday nlKht. rra hed ar.d Pan Jos? eta., a vlo'.ent af fray '" ;: Plaoa bttwaan rr.emhers of the funeral inr;y ard .-.rr.c ?taploytl cf the Ml'.itary H> s The followlng wara ivounded: BJCTAXCOCRT, Dr., CuLan Deputy for Bar.tlaeo : h Pi hTt'KNDK, RAFAEL, Cuban de;uty. V::~'-*T., ? ?" Ct?1 u; .;,?:.>:.v. h:vas. aRMaN".':: tha ," xrioaal ?LaNCO, FRAXC1S LT'.^AS. u Bptnlurl Q.VftCIA, RAYMO.V, * BpanUrd. T.w.ree womtn ar.d iwo ihlldren were also trour.dsd. Oarcla, who via8 stabbed, may dle, and F >rtu cr.da *au badly hurt. Cn? VtntoB of the affray la that the Milltary Uo?p:tal tnplOjrM and a nuir.ber of Span'.sh prtvstcr WhO w?e standlnt; ln the hospltal pgfttOOi refueed to rernove thelr hats when re QUf?t?d to do io by persons ln the proOMltoil. Therev.pon the Cutans, II 1s alUg"d, trled to Jtnook off the hf.ts. end a fight ensued. Hm prtvates firad upoa the pro estlOB, the ajefetdowfl of tlM hearss belng broken and bu'lets ?trlkir.?r the ccSn. Kn'.vts and pietola were frec:y ua :. Tha procoaaion, v.-h!ch cor.tisted of one hundred ?gtd abjhty Cii-:!ni- .*. (. :.:*.r.u' d to the Cuban catrp. naai Marlanao, where mllttary honore vere rtr.i'f-fd. Tttara wara !::ore thau flfty vreatha ?f flowtn frcin the frltnda of Captaln Bototongo, ?ml tha pfocMaloa and raram mtM wtrt vlrtual* ly a dm *?tr?t!' ? ? "t the }-!.to! Ingluttrra gUNDAy niguvs ovtbreak. IHK IHOOTINCI Al . ?<??. V AT T1W HOTEL lM::,.\rn:::'!A, Tpt muraaira tn tiim rnmviia ! Havanw. via R*y " I 18 '*?'?<? f??llna lr. Bavai ' ???.-??? - ? . .' panlc. a;.i'. Buadty nlajbt - kfTray ln lha Hota! Inalatarra cstr.e naar brlng a mawacra of Innoovnt HUf"!"1. The tn ' '. rc Hlldntajht ln f: : ? ' ? . 'im- n Theatra ln '?? dlaputa bvtwttn - ? - - :: nvr- -".. t< d that a Cuban wai n?; obMrvlng Captatn-0*aara1 Caitf::?ni^'a ordar nvainat v.-r;4:!r.K lb? Inalffnla of tba lr.iiurK< :??*. ?-?::: ..... :-' ?-. .-.? Caban oflloan itarttd toward tha ' ?? '? U to li.guiro tho ca,.:?'> of tha troublo. A ihot wai thcr. Trod aj p s n ]? r ..-?.., whicb runa batwooa tba ffecoa Theatr- and thp H>itrl Inffiatarnk Thia it.~: aPMCUU ? irw>* C'^ ln ,}l? *!r' but Jt ?e?fr.? : n ? !nhed fhr.t !t <-fcrr.o from a group st C ':': ? C N ? ? -? ^'..-d whb Ipanlsb ?' ara, !:; tba Inclatarra Cuf# were . ana nnd Cub?!.a. A large ).--?.- ? :- . off eri ran -?. i f a the roaa t! park ft i tha Tacon. They tba oa wd wbtoh wai :.:e?ainic ? . Inslatarra, drtvini ? amall numbar c' Cabana bafara thesn throiiRh tba rf.fft and tba Dorrldoy o! tl ? botaL pp tn t'.-.'.a time the r"K.;'.ur mllKary I ;-*" forca aoomi to h?ve bern li nti but I wai oulckly auvmanl S ty a c m:mr.y of r*t i ra ? ' by fl ara who'. d ln. A llara !n tba imrk firod MYora] vollcyi ln i lli tlona, ar.d paopu Uoeki away b l tllng throucb th( c:.v TWO VOXAETB PIRED AT THE HOTEL Two ajtraigbl fual aa aaem to havo been at -v Inglatarra Ona t theaa woundad -' ? ? ' ? ' Pena f tba luyajant forcei ' " ? caf*a !:; :h- neig] quU y i ?; but wara - ali . - . la ? - raf? go thu bul ra 1 ylng mtaids. it la ajl . :? ? ? flrtr.g ln tba ; ark ????ut- I trt/opa loatng tbalr beada Xn tba Inglaterra Hf>:. howi r wblla thara wa? mucb a-lid abootlng, : - io an ev!dt:.t jl-i-!ki,. Captatr. Boi ia ahot l illdlng by a I ill 1 by 8ui f Genei Greene'a ataff, Othen '?? '?'? rara f rtunata !r. tbat t th- m waa hlt by a cl i ' c; :: ' tha -.. rbrcaa aacai Sad to the tblrd atory of ? ibou wara rired tb< ra Th?.y uid tl rch of Qanaral Oraena m. The hotel wal'a baar ,. ibota balng "?? I '"?'' Captaln \ Ueutanant Btavana aoo-i i panled. fllcara, * ant to arbara tba major M "t*""11^ tha troopa to itop tbalr - BPANI/ RDB" BITTER PEELING. It waa a i r befora order araa reatorad. f.. . . ? ? ? f Bpanlih r. lani bai bean r. ilntalned. Xo B] iy tha fetling waa tntenaa The Span ... .. . , . . ( at the Cubani, gav tbal ???' ' - l l!-''9t cn dl8" t.. . ]??:..' ?? itl 'rlty to Ukeai r ? tl Tl ??????'" I . . . : imaelf ? jual to tba altu at ? Troa ' ? ' : :i>' fpjr:i K"'::i and othei auburba. Tba New-Torl ' ' ' ' "n?u'lh taka tl nadiata ? f th? Ity If tba ai ' ?? " tadaaira that tl preaenl itata of faal prom e of akicl u Oen aral Arolaa. mllltai ' "' f"r . .; iat rra foi a part ol tb ' .. General Caal noi a< ?" 'h(' Cuban Oenei gully and Lacret ol a ..... ? and aelae tba a 1 arrlv. ,???':??? the Ameri an offlo ra T> ? P'o t ? n. ? GENERAL LEE AT HAVANA ABJUVSa WITH HM BTAFF ON THB I 1! TltOOPI ON THE "iH R VI :-s,:I> it i r' The ITnlted 81 trai Havana I?? ?? >?? ' m ' ?' port Panama ona of the Brat priaea captured ln th. n arrlved thla ajvaatoi arltb Genaral Fltihugh !-??? and aUff. The Unltad BUtai l ? aport Mlchlgan. whlcb y & a BT1CK LICORICE. The tnerMatng aalaa ot thl ?rt h t-t.f>- to It. a^eiBplarlty. L>ui;ii.st8 anJ cwuf?.cUuuera.? Aavu lori MTMIMUl 011 Satunlay last a diy berore Um Panama haa arrtved wlth Iwo battallona ol the 2d Illln iia. The I'liir..,] Btatea tntnapoil Baratogm, wbleta 1< fl Charleaton at r.onn on Bunday ia?t, with the lst Hattnllon of the 10th Infantry, ha? also ar rlved, a.'ter a safe passajte. She brought ?!?> teeu alck mcn Bouth, but they are no w rM t t the voyage. The troops wlll march. to Marlanao to-morrow morninn. WARSHIPS GOjyQ TOBAVANA. BTBOXa NAVAL Kohci; T() PREVBXT fUBTQlH 0UTBRBAK8. f?S MIOOXLTK, THi: TKXAfl, TIIE CA8TINE AND TIIK RBSOLVT1 OKDERXD TO tnm cusam cafital, WaafcBigton, Dn, ih.-The Brooklyn, the Tbmi, the CUttBt and the Raaolttta have bttfl ordered to Havana, Whila there 19 not th* falntcct dealre to convey a threat ln the dls patoh of theae varahlpa to Havana, II may ba notod that when they l!e wltfcla the harhor they Wlll hold the tOWB ln perfect aubjectlon. It 1s aurmiaed that the auggeatloR came from Ad mlra! Bnmpaon, whu ls now ln one of the anburba of Havana. aa a reault of the onfortunata out break on Sunday r.lght at the Hotel InKlaterra. At any rate, the event brought the authorltlea here to a Budden reallzatlon of the exact state of nffalra ln H&vnna, and the Immlnent dar.^r of nnother such outbreak, wbleta perbapa mlght reach the proportions of a rlot and eoat inany Innooent llves. Wlth only a s:nall force of Anierlran BoldlPrn ln Havana Provlnca< and thoaa ratnovad to auch a from the dty aa to tmike It dlfflcult of arct-aa ln tlme to be of aervl.e to the Amrri can element lr. the clty, Bow awollen to InrK** proportloni by the Bdrtnt of many hundred commerclal rm>n and othoil eeeklng opportunl tie? for employment, the naeaaalty for aotne pro tactioa vii apparent, To Incraaaa the number of aoldlara matertally la not ^asy. ln viaw of tha ; dlfflculty of tra:. portlai them, as wtll aa pr<i vldlng fot tham v.hen they reach Cuba, but the ? Navy la alwaya ready, and It '.vua declded to baaten the ihlpe r.arr.ed to Havana to furm a formldabla bulwark aunlnst any outbreak? tha: '? mlarht occur bafora the completlun of the Amer Ican oeeupatlon of the ctty The TexnB la a full'fledged armor-olad, and mlght Btand a dcal of poundlng. ev<*n fmm tho heavlcal r rtlllcatlona; the Brooadjrn, wlth n r protactlva ^::r'.p^^r.. CBB ba rutt-d aa even battar thnn the NtW-Tork, of the narne ty;.e: the Citstlr.e :? an effldast punb^at. ard the rtesolute 1h a tranaformed rr.erchar.tman wlth a battcry liirije tnovBb to make bar formldabla. -? TSXAI TO SAIL THIP MuKNINO. Kawporl Nowt, Vav, Dtc, 18 (ipaclBD.?Tht battl 'ihlp Taxaa, Captala Blffibaa, wlth Com r? Pblllp aboard, la errected to en'\ 1 n Havana bafora Saybraak. ?he nnished taking ci al nr.d proTlaioM aboard to-nlgbt. -? GKXKRAL BROOKE OOVERXOR OF CUBA. APPOIMTBD Bt THi PIUMIDB?T TO fCPItSMB OOMMAXO IN" THB tKLAWX WaBBlaftoB, Dac. 1S ?MavJofOtaarBl Brooka arrlvcd ln WBSblBaTtOB from Fortres?i Moaroa to day, and wai fot n-.ore thun an hour ln con atton wlth gecretary Abj>ar. Jle tbati, ln enmpany wlth Adjutar.t-Oeneral Corbln, pro ceoded to the "U'hite Houae, ar.d whan he ra tumed to the XN'ar Dapartmant it was formally announred that the Prealdcnt had deaiamated hlm to be Mtlltary Governor of the Ia'.and of Cuba, a naw poat, whlch carrlea wlth lt all the control of mlllUry and civii affalra ln the lalan 1 formarly axarctaed by the Captaln-Oaneral un der the Spar.!?h MBlina. Each ' f the slx provinces cf Cuba wlll bava lta iwa Mllltarjr Governor. but a" of theee wlll re celva tbalr mptrurtions dlrectly fro? Oaneral Brooke. Thus In Havana Ge.-iera! Ludlow wlll ba govarnor of the clty, but anawarabla to Oan? eral Laa. the Goven - " ? !'- '': ! ;! ' vana, who ln turn wlll 1 - anawerable to 0< ? Rrooke. -4 PLAXS POB POLICING THE C1TT. -.;.;:? ;.?:? ,N MAY Bl P!..v ! :, IN CHAB !X AT HAVANA-MR JTCfLLAOH'i ARRIVAL Havana, Dac. 18.-Colonal Moulton, of tha ? ... .; , it li undaratoi 2. be ln 1 omma ? tbe ] ?? ? ? Oeneral Greene, It la re ? & win racommend to BecreUry Alger to .... rder, col :-??: Moult, n ?r , rlved h< r? yeaterday. and Mr. McCullagh. for merChlei of Pollce of New-Tork Clty. to-day. Thla afternoon Geii ' ' ' !"n'' MouI' ? ? Mr McCullMh. Farnandea Caati Bj in ? Govern( r ? f Havana. and tha Bpanlah c, ... tPoll eJuatlanl had a lons c? 1 ver over the rta and rltj prlaoi nd had the 1 rea . .:.,.' ., . K| :....-.? I tO 1 Mr McCullaBh. wh.^cM poall n . . u),,,?.i! . ,, Bayi ?,.. rannot yel form a plan ??' l ? ' :i "'? HS h" musl ?? ? accumulate data regardlna condltlona and tha nature of local matarlal Colonal Moul ?,? Bnd Mr. MbCullaRh wlll opan thelr r^BHy attended maatlnf of Cubana beld ? t at the injo. Ti t. .;;^;:-; . ? the death of General ' allxto Gar ad corle. of thern w?? ba ? toMr..aa> - T. .??? here for Intermenl U ln?c^?" ... monumenl wlll be are. ?; ,?, : ',; ?;;,,.-".:.i thi. Havana bar Aaaocia ? e\ t-n li.K BPANIBH BOLDIERB VIOLENT REPORT OF OCTBAG ? AT IASTO D0M1V0O AXD BATABAI.O-IXat.XTi TO AMrBICAXa. HBvana,Dar.9(vlaKey Waat.Pla Df 18V , t ; .11'. .???'? Bvac?atlon Corn, I. ? to , totha ? ip?w '?-?>?> r":',vrlr'": _ Pntatano '?'? aa it d< rum? r.t Sanio Domln* ? .< ? algned I Banto Do. . a : promla ... Inhab , ,, . , ti ?? d 1 umant In qne tlon Itanta > t the t _ . . . ? | . lenta c? Novembj i .. by ..? tbenortl ? '? "n*' '?;':'1"'1 mttn l of ? ? ? "?;" h:"""" u:" .? ?'?'"? t! ' ago havlni 1 , , .. r- ihire belna ? tnheld ? . and lettcn ..!'?? I v the Havana : : ''?? " The \ l Era that the Col n Batl .: rtremllla ? mmandlnfi partlallj - the . t( ?' ' ' of c. ,,,.. ,.. . of i)..- battall 1 l ? -:' vatea looted th. 1 : M*rh" ' Brothera and dlvlded ?:-<" " *i:'' .. .- They tben wenl tbrouam ' I clpai atreata, ahouUng ou?: "Daath t. \ '. .Death toCuba.Viva Ba] of prlvata houaea, and beatlng . ? aromen whom tbej could cat? h A ( ontlnui-il un ^r???.ll.l Pa?r. Ul" ! ','. u'i t-'u,[r been ' ? Dealera, or LIBERAL LEADER RESIGNS. BTR WHI.IAM BARCOURT8 LETTEH TO MR. MORLEY. PARTT BEVERELT CEN8WRED - ROSJBBBRf Hli PR< IBABLE BU< CEBSOR, London, Dec. 18.?Tha Kluht Hon. BIrWtlllan ' Vernon Harcourt, Member of Parllament for Wt at Monmouthahire, and. aincc the reatgnatlon <.f the late Ifr. Gladatone. the ofllctal laadar of the Llberal party ln the Houae of Commona, h.-ip addr< aa l a letter t'> John Morley, Llberal Mem bar for llontroae Burgba, announclng hhi realg ?i ..f the Icadershlp. He *a\ ?: "The Llberal party, rent by aecttonal dtapatea | nnri pcraonal Intaraata ih ona whlch no man ean Ci ns.'in to laa I, aithar with rrvdit to blmnelf ,,r advantage to 'h<? country." Mr. Morley ln Ms reply axpraaaaa aywpathy wlth Blr Wllllam Vernon Harcourt. and aays he is nnt aurprlsed at the latu-r's declaion. sir Wllllam Vernon Harcourt, referrlng ln the ] ? ui e of his P'tt.-r to the publlc dlacuaalon now golng on as to the futura leaderahlp of the Llb i eral party, aaya: "Tt acema to ba Buppoaad that thl!" questl^n j oupht t.> concarn me, but i feal no anxlety in the niatter. My reoord Is clear, and my raaolu- i tlon If flxad tn nndertake no reaponaibillty and i to oecupy no p-.j>lM"n the dutlca of whieh lt , Is madr- Impoaalbla f< r me to fulfll." DUTIES OP LEADER8HIP. H^ then proc.;s to potnt out th>> "labora ' , an<l aacriflcea leadenhlp entalla," reroarklng , that t!i. :?? ar" "aucb aa no man of a aenae of bonor wlll undergo, except from hlgh aentlment and publlc duty." He cxplalna that he retalned i the lemderahlp afu-r Mr. Gladatone'a retlrement "lroni a eenae (t duty t.> faco th" heary budgat ; deflclt cauaed by naval expendtture.'' After j aketcblng the hlatory ..f the Llberal party alnee ; that tlme, he aaya: "Tou md m> other colleaguea nr* arell aware of tha efforti I have made for unlty, it baa rhlapered thal i bava allowed peraonnl conaideratloni Io Influence my publlc actlona i No min kt:..-.\<i better than youraelf the falaa* hood of theae unworthy Inalnuatlona "I ehall never conaent to be a candldati ' t nti> conteated poaRlon. I ehall he no party to u. h degradatlon of the tone of publlc Itfa. ff I have arrlved at the conclualon that i can ? y auty f iward the party In an ? .? ? ? ndent p< altlon ln Parllaiw nt, y. u wlll, I am aui that a dlaputed leaderahlp beaet by dlatracted aectlona and confllctlng Intaraata is an Impoaalble altuatlon, and that t from valn and or.eroua obllgatlona wlll eoma to me aa a wel ? i ? laf." MR. MORLETB REPLT. Mr. Morley'i reply i* a long and aympathetlo justlfli Blr Wllllam'a actlon, and a eulogj ' '.ti ? lal wi rk. publlc splrit and zeal f.>r the of hla party. it is undera.I that Blr Wllllam wlll retatn his aeat ln the Houae of Commona i. rd Roaabery wlll be InerltaMy lndleated n? the leader if the entlre Llberal party His brlll lant apeech on tha Faah da Ineldeut baa aat* t;,-i that. Aa for tbe Llberal leadenhlp In the i [oi i tC mmona. averythlng pointa to Herbert ' Henry Aaqultb, member for Eaat Mfa !*?d See i rcrary of Btate for tba Home Depailaieat in th* Qladatone-Roeebery Government, whlch began with Mr. Gladatone'a Pramlerahtp in 18B2 ana ended under Lord Roeeberjra In Is:1". Th* aff.'iir lendi unuaual inter??st to the ron '.-.. ? the Natlonal Llberal Federatlon at Birmlngham next Frlday. A final declal n aa 11 future leaden wlll ba taken at ? meetlng ! Llberal membera prlor to the reaanembllng of Parlla ment. RUSSIA'S SHREWD MOVE. JAPANS INABILITT TO PAT FOR WAR8HIP8 MAY TTRN THEM OVER TO THE CZAR. j..,.. i | Dec 11 Tha Paria con apondent of ? The i '-..?? Xewa" aaya: "Bj Influenctng Chlna to delay th^> paymenl of th.- wai ty to Japan, the Ruaaian Governmi ni wlll i.nabh I i tulre aeveral ,i ,j ..,..... v..,- . pi now bulldlna abroad, whl h ? . v.:n bi unable to pay for at the atl] i lated tlme " ALLEOED I'ld'l /\ FRASCE. DEROULEDE BU8PECTED OF AN ATTEMPT TO KEEP DREYFUB OUT OF PARIB !,, n<non, Dec 11 Th< Dally Newa" pul ? thla tnornlng a atartlli g atory of an alleged i l 0f th" Prench League of Patrl ti numberlng ind, under the notorloua ?. Paul D*roul?de, to prevent Dn yfua from reai h ? Parla ordina to tl n ? ' . rraai of ..-,-,. |..,-. v. vl ? the League approached . ?? .-rs of hirh rana. ar.d thi? ,,.,; f,, i',.- ?; - -. erj of t he plot. ^, ,,.. pvey, ..?, the Fi 'nch Mlnlater of War, : aaya tha h formaat <>f "Th< isurea to aupi r I ? nd, If ni eegaary. ? atati of alege Pat ai | :: ? lae I il Zurllnden, the Mllltar^ Oov? rn t. wlll not have th< i mn m?J. ? BELGIAS TR.WERS K1LLED ...\/? EATEN. ^ntwerp. "?? ;;: Tbe steamer LeopoMrtlle, whlch haa jual arrlred bere from Afrlcawlth Congo mlvl( em reporta that four Belgian tradera aaya ix-.-n killed and aaten by tba natirea of I ppcr LTbanghl. \ f, r..-. ii la al-.> aald, haa been dlapatcbed '<> that diatricl fOOR CROP* /.V N/^l' ?'?">'"/"// WM.E8. Sydney, S B W. Dec v* An ofBdal eatlmat* of tbe harveal ahowa a probabk decreaaa ..f I,4fl7,8(? bu belaof whaat. Tbere la do appreciabla export aurplua Thia i?tat? of affairi ladue to the unfortu- j u neeffectat I tbe drougbt / l/?',/; tSCREASI M FREXCR 1MPORTB. Paria, Dec. 18. The Importa Into Praaca In tba Uul eleren montba mcreaacd 07,898,990 Tba ax> porta .luriiu: tbe aame period decreaaed ?8,808,900. KILLED BY A BHi LL'B EXPL08I0R. gt Peteraburgv Dec. 18 By tbe exploaion <?( ?'? ihell at Forl Conatantlne, Kronatadt, to-daj nlne anldiera wi re killed and thrae ofOeera an I aei D i i *w..- Mroun . ? ? - CAGSET V'.y EXTRADITED. Trenton, N. J., Dec 13 Acting Go en >r Wat I, | | to-da ? n it to granl a ? i ? ... John J. O ney, ? Saw-Tork t1( kel brol er, ? ..???. I irgery made b> l .? *? iraaaa auth. ..I.--. Gov( rnor Wa thal he a-aa ? ?. . ika au< ;?? bad ? ? - it of the wrong macH -4-, DEPI TIEB FK1BT 1 II IRXLBR8 I" EL. j.nrt^ |,. ? 1-. Antl la Boyer, tba Ra - I nd M ; e. tha 1 ? i to-aay at Toui ... ii of /< ... ,1 Oau ? | .- , ,v .? v . :. ? _, ROTAL L1MITED. VI , r R B OF N J . 1' \-Ni' R . B ARD ". siw-Tork to \\ Inj lally. I ai p. m Whlta . , -r,, ii ??n-ti (Bouth )?'? i ?' and t i. m fool ??? . ,.f,,..nt . .1 s.rM.-e uneuualled No . x ? sk furci l :<?*-?? tralna .'i"J qulch*?t Uaaa batwaan NeW'Xatk and l \Vaahlaiitwft--AUvU TEXT OF THE TREATY. TROBABLE CONTEHT8 OF THE ARTICLES OF PEACE. TERMfl OF MUCH THE BAME TENOB AS POBECA8TED OOXCBSSIONi T<? BPAXI8H SHIPPINO. London, Dac. it Tba Parta coraapondant of ?The Tinio?" glvca the followlng a? the text of tha Rlepano-Amerlcan Traaty, omlttlB. dlplo natlc ctrcumloeutlona: "Bpaln r. linqutahea nii clalma of aoverelinty over and title to Cuba, and as the laland l?, upr>n Ita evacuation by Bpaln, to be occupled by tba rnited Btatea, the latter wlll, .??' long aa auch oeeupatlon lapts. assum* and dts'-har^e the obll gatlona tn raapaet to protactlon of Ufa and prop erty whleb may undar Internatlonal la'.v resuit from tha fart of its oeeupatlon. "Bpaln '"'l.s to the Unlted Btatea the isiand Of P?rtO RlCO and the Other Islnnds BOW BBdOT Bpanlah aoveralgnty in the Weat Indlee, wlth Guam, in tha afarlanne, or Ladrone, lelanda. Bpaln redes to tha Unlted Btataa the arehlp^lago known as the Phlllpplna lalanda. "The Tnlted States wlll for a term of ten years from the date and exebange Of ratlflea ii,.i.s of the praaenl traaty, admlt Bpantoh ahlpa and merehandtaa to the porta of tha Phlllpplna | lalanda on tha aama tarma aa the ahlpa and mar ehandlaa of the Unlted Btatea BETUBN OF TBOOPB IN THB BABT. ??The Unltad Btataa wlll, npon tba etgnature of the preaenl traaty. ?#nd bach to Bpaln at its own eoat the Bpanlah aoldlara taken as priaoneri of war on Ihe eapture of Manlla by the Amerl mn forcea. Tha arma of the aoldlara ln queatlon ahail be . ?tored to tham. Bpaln wlll, upon the lignature of the preaent traaty. releaaa all prle onera of war and all paraona deUlned or lm prlaonad for polltlcal offeneaa In eonnectlon wlth the Ineurreetl'on In cuba and the Pblllpplneaand tba war wlth the Unlted States. -on thelr part the Dnlted Btatea wlll releaaa aii p. raona made prlaonera of war by tho Amerl ran foreea, and wlll nndertake to obtaln the re leaaa of all Bpanlah priaoneri In tba bande of the Ineurgenta In Cuba and the Phlllpplnea ?The fnlted Btal ? II ?'" thelr own eoat rB tnrn to Bpaln, and the Government of Bpaln win at its own eoal retnrn to tha Unlted Btataa, Cuba, Porto Rlco or the Phlllpplnea, accordlng ,? the altuatlon of thelr reapectlva homee, tha prlaoneta releaaed or eauaad to ba releaaed by tham raapaettvaly undar thla provlalon. ?The Unlted Statee and Bpaln mutually re Unqulah all elalni for Indemnlty. natlonal and .-.,.,' , f avery klnd. of elther GoverBment, nr of Hs cltlsene or BUbJecta, againut the other Government. that may have aris-n Blnca the baginnlng of the late iBaurreettou In Cuba and prl r to the exehanga of ratlfleatlona of the preaent traaty, Ineludlng all clalma for lndem nlty for tba O al Of the war. The fnlted States wlll adjudleate and aettle the clalma of Ita ettl ,em agalnat Bpaln, rellnqulahed under thU BTATU8 OF BPANI8H BUBJECTB, "Bpanlah aubjecta, natlvea of the Penlnauta, reetdtng ln the terrltory over whlch ?rain by the preaenl treaty rellnqulahea or ceded her loverelgnty. may remaln ln auch terrltory or may remove therefrom. retalnlng in either eveni all thei.- rieh'? of property, Ineludlng the rlght ,,, ,,.n or diapoac of auch property or its pro ,..|g; ;ini they ahall alao hava th* rlght to carry on thelr Induatry, commerce and profea ilon, beim aubject ln reapect thereof to auch lawi n* ai ' ' ' other forelgnera. ln ,hP eveni of thelr remalntng ln the terrltory, they may preaerve thelr allegiance to the Crown of Bpaln by makin*. bef re a court of record, wlthln a year from the date of tha ?u hangi i ' atlona ? f the treaty, a declar itl n ? t th< Ir declalon to preeerve luch alleglai ?. ln default of whlch declaratlon they ahall be held to have mcedll ?'- I ' have adopted the natlonallty i r the terrll ?ry In whl h they may n "The elvll rlghti and polltlcal itatua of the natlve Inhabltanta of the terrltory hereby ceded to the Unltod BUtea ahall be determlned by Congreaa The Inhabltanti i ' the terrltory "v"f whlch Bpaln rellnqulahea or eedea her aover .... ; . M tured ln the free ex< n ' thelr rellglon. RIGHTB BEFORE ClVtt COURTS "gpinlarda realdlng In the terrltoriea >ver v blch B| iln bj thla treaty cec'ea or relli lehei her aoverelgnty ahall be aubject In mattera cli I aa well as erlmlnal to the Jurladlctlon of the ,., uru , t the country ln whlch t?>ey realda, pur ?uanl to the ordlnary lawa governlng the aame, ,n(] they ahall have the rlght to appear before ,uch eourta nd to puraue the aam.>rse aa . . ....,..? 0f the country w bI * the eourta ba ' "The rlght of property aecured by eopyrlgbta ai I patenu u iulred j I ?'?>* 1[1 *? laland ofCubaand ln I R ' "<"! ?-? l'hl!" ? , .... !ir.,, ?,, other ceded tetrltorlei at the l of the exebange of the ratlfleatlona of the treaty ,. ?t,nue iU1,i be reapected. Bpanlah tlflc, llterary and artlatlc worke, not aubv. of publlc order ln tba territoriea In qu< ?hall conUnua to be admlttad free of dutj Inl ? aueh terrltoriea for a perlod of tea yeara, to ba reekonad from the daU of tba exebange of ?; mi Of the <i- ktj ORANTB TO afBRCHANT VES8EL8. ??Bpaln ahall have the rlght to eaUbllab eon ?,,,.,r, ff|? ra m the porta and other place? of thr ,.'.' . ir:.,, ? rerelgnty over whlch haa been relinqulehed or i ? >?' bv "'- preaenl T?... ,; trernm< nt of eai h country wlll j , ,,.,.,, , r ten yeara from the exebange of ; : .' .. mBi a.,.,rl to tha merchant reaaela f ... try the sanip treatment ln reapect II port ebmrgea. Includli ? entimnce and clearon ?' lea, H?bl duaa and tonnage dutlea. M ? ? .,,..< ,,, ita own merchanl veaaela not ?ed ln coaatwlaa trada Thla provlalon may 'at any tlme ba determlned on ala montha* notlca slven i v i Itber Oovernmanl to tba othar ?it l? onderatood that any rtlgatl m assumed ln thiB traaty by the Unlted Btatea wltta reapect unlted totbetln.' th.rcupntlon i.y tha Unlt< l BUtea of that laland; but the Unttad Stat* Governmeni artll. upon the tar mlnatlon of euch oeeupatlon. advlae any Oov ernment eaUbllabed ln the laland to aaauma the same <>\ '.i^atl.n.'- " - ? ?aakwaoara Artlatla CaMnet Pbotagrapha. HM iJi-ii, z.,;. oround aaar. ktM Braadwaf (*tth ?u. i ?AUVU ? .-' MVBDEBBY RED CR088NUR8E BHOOTfl DOWN HI8 BROTHER, HE BAT8 IN BELF-DEFENCE. Edward B, Hayea, forty-alx yeara old, tbe pro prtetor of the Ratnea law h.<t>l ..n tba ni.rth weat corner of Bleecker and Macdougal sts., waa sh..t thmuph tha head and kllled Inatantly last nipht on the aldewalk bealde hla placa by hla brotber, John D, Hayea ? veteran of th-1 San tlago campalgn. The murderer a aa caught, an.l la locked up In the Mercer-at. atation. M'hen war waa declared J.?hn Hayea offered h's aervlcea to the Red Croaa as a nurae, and waa s.T.t uith the 2d (Jnlted Btatea Infantcy to Bantlago. He dld g.l aerrlca in front of the enemy, an.: waa wounded whlle beaiing Injured men from the Reld. Two montba ago ba re turned h.mie, and wltb aeveral hundn d oth -r ni.-n was relleved frorn ecrvlce at Montauk Point. Hla brotber gare him a placa as nisht barten i tr in hla aaloon. P< r a month all went well, and then the re latlona of th* brotheri grew ?tralned. Edward cbarged John wltb Hbeatlng the caah regtater." and th^r.: wara fraquent quarrela All day yeaterday the two men quibbled ovar llttla thlnga, and Hnally John waa dlacharged. Ha was Ordered out of the placa, but fell asleep ln a ehalr. and was chaaad out by hls brotber wlth a elub Ha returned to the aaloon later. and found Edward at his sldf door, anparently walt li r for hlm. Me ?ays that Edward attacked hlm with a clnh and an Iceplck. At any rate, hls cheeh was laid op.n fmrn hls ear to hla m.?uth. He ?aya that Edward was about to Klve hlm a Mcond hlow when he ptilled his re volver and ahot hlm throueh the head. Edward fell dead Inatantly upon the man ha had been beatlng. Blood poured from a hoie in his left temple and drenched the murderer. The latter had to rrawl from beneath the body, Ha trot up, looked Ht 'he i rp?.-. and, walking into tbe saioon. placed the amoklng ravolver on the bar. "I'm BOiry, but It'a done," he rernarked to the bartender. "He would have killed me if I hadn't shot." He walted calmly untii Pollceman O'Brlen, of M< rcer-aL, placed hlm under arreat A mob fol lowad hlm to the atation, yelllng "Lynch hlm!" hut he aafely reaohed a cell, Byatandera cor roborate hts atory of the .-ause of tha ahootlng. BATTLESBIP BADLY DAUAGED. at THE N.wv VAl'l' IT 18 BAID THAT THE KEEL OF THE MABBACHUBETTfl BUF FERED IN BEVENTEEN PLACE8 Accordlng to Informatlon obtalned at the Wary Tard yeaterday, the damage to the battli Maaaachuaetta, whlch ran i nto an obetructlon near Governor'a laland on Baturday last. la aerloua, and the Indlcatlona are that a larga part of the keal of the ahlp wlll have to be re newed befora ahe is ln flrat-claaa condltlon a','ain. The dlvera aent down to examlne the bull under Xavai Conatructor Bowlea'a Inatructlon reported to Mr. Bowlea yeaterday that the keel had been dantaged by gratlng along on the roek in aeventeen dlfferent placea. and that theae placea were dlatributed over 240 feet of tha keel, beginnlng back about tblrty faet from th-> bow. Tha "bUCkllng" lndlrates that the ship's keel i de over the top of a rook >r uneven eonfor matlon for half the length of the ihlp, and then siid off into deeper wat.>r. All the platea for thts dlatance <-t" fe.-t> are more or leaa aerloualy Injured. and at the Tard yeaterday it waa aald that It was a the ship dld not go down aa a ion aa ahe left the pock. it la probabte that the Maaaachuaetta wlll ba in drydock for weeka, ; If not montha, and that handllng h?r durlng ra palra wlll be tedloua and dlfflcult. Another ra port was that the veaael w luld have to be ahorvd i up in drydock. ao thal practl. ally n i welgnt wiii ! r, . , n the keel, whlch at preaent would be I ? I weak to sustain much atraln. POLICEUAR 8ATE8 THREE LITE8. TIIIRD PRR80S HB PARRIBD OUT AT A FIRB BADL.T INJURED Pollceman Buckrldge, of the Eaat One-hun ?.nd-twenty-aixth-at atation, aaved threa Hvea at a Bre In Harlem laat nlght. ralllng down a Blght of stairs wlth hla last human burden. i it ! rlnglm hlm out allve. The tlre waa In th-s ihree-al >ry frame buildtng Rt t(0 ,:\< \v. -r Ore-hundr^d-and-twenty-flfth- [ i( |, |a , ccupled on ihe flrat fl or by a r-ftiur , ? i ? ? Fay A Co., on the aecond Boor by the Balkwlll Harneaa Company and on the : thlrd floor by Thomaa Lockley and hls wlle, Mary, who have aeveral <? ardera. A.t 10 o'clock Pollceman Buckrldge aaw smoke j ? ,ing from the wlndowa on the aecond door r the bulldlng. Knowlng It to b.icupled by ?everal pen n a, he ran upatalra and gava the alarm to th occupanta. Then he ran to tha . ,t box and rang an alarm. Runnlng ba tk to the bulldlng he heard acreama comlng from upatalra, He agaln ran lo the top Boor and found Lockley wlth his wlfe atlll there. Buckrldge led both through tha amoke to the ...,...,.t. n. >? were nearly overcome, but man aged to tell hlm that John McDonald, alxty yeara old, a boardi r. waa atlll In the houae. The pollo man ag iln an to the top rlo r, ai I found McDonald lylng face downward on tha .. ,.r unc0, .... He took hlm In his arms Knd made a laah t ir the atalra. The amoke waa blindlng, and ? n the i ip atap be alipped and rolled wlth McDonald ln his arma l length of the fllght. At the landlng he recov ,....,! hlmaelf and carrled hla burden to the ........ McDonald r< Ived a aevere i ? md and two broken rlba in hls fall, but the pollceman wai ui Ii lured. McDonald waa taken tu the Harlem H ipltal in an ambulance. Bev ral peraona In the reataurant left tneir ? . , , unflnlahed. The Bre waa extlnguUhed wlth a loaa of $1,01)0 on the bulldlng and fur . |Mt nlghl Mr- ;,.-<:?>? reported to l ? ,??? the Baat One-hun.lred-and-twenty-alxth [. . r hu; md, ;?. maa. had - he ielleved the ni . . ?.iry orl.i ? tlvea arere a] ?t to.the houae. iorfc ? rooma oi the - . ,,i' i.n aaturatt I alth ; ti im v ? , ... ? rpet a ra the .... ,, || a ira ntlnu n? tbelr hr... tloi a_^__ ajOE" BAILEY Ah'D "JOE" WBEBLER THB TKXAN VII!. OBJtXT TO THB QKNERAL1 TAKIN.i PABT IM PROCBR1 INOa . i THE H Waahlngton, Dec 18 RepreaenUtlra Balley, of Texaa, haa ?'? ?? : ' n " the queatlon .-f tba rlght of Major Oeneral Wheelai to take part ln the proccedlnga of tbe H i ?? ih< uld he at tempt to exarclae tbe prlrllegea of a member. He wlll als.. ralae the queatlon agatnat the threa other membara of the Houae \\i... entered the tervlce of the Unlted Btatea In the war wlth Bpaln, Meaara Robblna (Rap ?. of Pennaylvanla; Colaon (Rep.) of Kentucky, and Campbell (Dem.), of lUlhola None of tbeaa membara who entered lha mllltary aenrtce hare taken part In the proceedlnga alnce tha aeaalon began. etth^r , , [i troduce bllla or v te on rollcalla, but laat Baturday nlght General WTheeler attended the , au ,,- Ai none but Den n emltera of C mgraaa are memben f tba Dam ? cratlc caucua Mr. Ballej iaya thla ralaea the preaumptlon that Oeneral Wheelei contemplataa reaumlng hla aeat In the Houaa POLAHD BPRINO uaikh BOLD Recommended bj emlneni pbyalctana for IU par lt? and medlctnal qu?iiUv?. "Paland, i Wrk fiace, N. V.-AdvL I DEATH-DEAL1NG FLOOD. MAMMOTH OA8 TANK COL LAP8E8 IN AVENUE A. THRBI MKN KILLED AND MANT I'EB BON8 INJUBED IN THE IMS1I <>F THE IIIOHTX TOBBENT- TBEMEN< DOU8 DAMAOE DONE. Wlth a raaplng, cr.whinK roar that o mpjetely drowned the tumult of the rlty's streets and tha buzz of the aurroundlng factortea the Kreai ateel gaa tank of the ConaoUdated Oaa com pany at Avenue a and T\\enti.'th-.?t.. saiit to be tba largeat <?? tha aort ln the worid, col lapaed .u 5:30 o'clock last nlght Thrae paopaa were kllled, aeventeen otbara ware Injured, and thrca peraona known to be ln tha nelgbborbooi at the tlme are mtailng. IfaaoBry of Kianite bloeka and brtcka to tba helgbt i t haif a hun dred fe,-t fell aa a chlld'a toy h luae of block* and l-t looae atgbt nailllon gallooa of water, deluglng the buay ahopa, and, in a graal tilal wave. carrylng death and deatructlon and in Jury throuch the surroundlng neighborhood. The poUee bellava that all mlaaing are ln the wreckage, and that other bodlaa wlll be fuund v.h.'n a aearch of the ruins ts ti.a I ?. nii; DGAD. BAUM, PIOU4 enalnear .r. adjaeent taetory. QRAV, ." .?????? .... :>,! .... n .,f-.r ..? icclilaat. WENI/T, ANDKEW. v..r,:,a,. n 210 Eaal l??nty tbi.*d !?!. THE W"t S'DED. Ulchael, : , r .\.,. u f/oM ? ?-' . ??. Taken to Ne* v..r? h<>? ?'? ' '? ... . ... l7T |n,.,4_ ?l . . .luiioni and lubn r (, ... h i 11*1 Fri.: ,vi'':. ii. -?:? , : n. Taken rii.i'N'i:it. ,? Beary i-u:?in?r; coitinent : KA>. ' \ - - .. r- -..,..,,. |? .,ntw] ..-.-. f , l( .',l.-vue 11 ? plt.ll aEARN v n oM, at Ke m Aveaaa a .? :. cared f r by frtai - KELXK1 Hua - 14, f N XM Avmu. A; ? . .. MAI.I.,., l.trl.-k. tu.-rr. r ? ' ' N1, gfj K.aat !' ?'?.?. . ?:, t . K?? V. rk II aa piui. ^fl^. !.?!!.... ? . >,. At'ireT Ht'PTKI.nRCHT. ll-.lriv alx >? cr. . i. ' v ?, ? rath ??* of . -????? l.'VUO H >: II U m:i.i.i:i:. John t ' N B) Ooerea at.: ?ln ? iffi ? Takaa to I ?: ? ... H 0*C iN.VKUU ' ? aia ??'?'?? of B >. ?75 Aven t A: I leg an.i r..ntu?i oa Tafcaa to 1 . ? II. . ?. ' ? | Ba, 1W5 Avei Taken to Balleraa Bee ; ? i <>.\i:ii. ,v Patrlck tw??nt - M. ? ' M4 Bkat r- ? i; of naa* ? . ? OL'ina ? ?r" 'H. "' !??? '* 0)aaea>" .,-,1 areuaaa nn ! d? T? ? -'; WAONEB ?( raara oM, M Be. 144 Pranklln :. .;:??!., ? Int, Lona leUad; taatral eea? tui i aa H ?!'?' 'i WAUCER 1'-'. f<>rtjr-nltM ! * ?., ..Varvar: :ii t.< h tj Baaa>* \.i^ Hofpltal WBIOHT l h?rl??, thlrtj I ? ? ' i *? ' irrm. at \ . ioo Eau One hun?l ' ' ? I aatal ?>n t ,?>'.. : - !;.:?? Boapltal. M! huno. BREUER, Oaota*, a UOm ktepar; la.t a?*n ln a ahanty, otonnob J ???>??' flr?m?n in PuMavVa* ?atUBi.^BeaaB lo n.iw !??:. in tha bae?a??nt wltd EagUMar Haum. winkie ?;?? -? Bfteea :? in ?? tka aaa af aaa ot ? - :a- :? : iKt ??<-n u t h HrfltiT. Ifan) i ? ple were caught in the streets by th* ruahlng watera and hurled agalnat buildlngs. hydranta, etc., reeelvlng more or i<ss perioua in tury Two losen or more auch ealled at Heiie. vue Hoapltal and had thelr brulaea draaaai. Th' ir caaea arera ao trlvlal that bo raeord was made of them. CONTBACTOB AND BbTOINBEB ABRBBTSD W. J. Logan, Of the Logan I r< ti WorkS, CJreen polnt. Ilvlng at No. 888 Carroll-aL, Hmoklyn. I . ? tra t r wbo waa bulldlng the tan'.c, ar rlved on the aoene by aeeldant w.lthin a few mlnutea aftBr tba collapaa, and waa at once ... j an<i rarr ? by tha Bast Tan -nty-serond at. poll< e Wllllam H. Bradley, of No. zi west Btrnty eighth-at., the cblef englneer "f the Consoii dated Gaa Company, and satd t-> be Jolntly re ile wlth I."K'.in f>>r tba vs'Tk. also under arreal and taken to the Ka?t Twenty*a< lond-at itatlon. Botb were c-harjced wlth homlclde, and admltted tn baiL To add to the ehaoa and make the arene even more terrlble, tba ruahlng watera tore up preat ilna and deatroyad eiertrlrdlrrht condults. temporarlly eaualng Inky darkness. Thls was I .jiy remedled. bui tha Kas auppty beiow Orand-at waa almoat totally shut oS f<>r the nlght. The ph'rit of the ConaoUdated flas Company eeeuplea aeveral bloeka in the neiRhborhood of Avenue A and Twentleth-at. The tank whieh collapaed araa wlthln the dlatrtet houndad by Twentleth-at., Avenue A and Twenty-flrstst. Paclng <>n Avenue A and beginnlng at Twaa)> tleth t. la the Bva-atory brlck factory of Henry Puldner, manufacturar of extenakm tabfea, Thls factory occuplea N"y ?''>-". MB and 881, or about half the block between Twentleth and Twanty* Arat ata. The other haif of the bl ?k, Woa, S.*W, 333 and ?"'?"?T Avenue A, la occupled by Bva-atory . ? ? lueea, the property of the gaa <*om tenanted by Iti empl lyea, I- edlately back of the factory and tananaaanV I ? waa "ii" mreat tank in proeeaa of eon atructlon. The tank was \"^ feet in dlanaatar a: d 10H feet hlp-h. It Wdf bullt f>f steel [ilates 14 ineb< ? thlck, 1 n what ij known as the "teie plan." By tha: i^ meant that each preat rlne; |a fltted 1 I 1 th ?th r much like tlie parta ,,f a 1.1.1 'M'. If itandtng alone tha tank proper wouM r? 1 ? ? . .-v. ' \. Rtali g ? 'it >>f the nd to a ehl of Bfty feel waa bulll a gr>-at <?ircui.Tr wall of granlte and brlck, many feet ln thlcknei waa Rlled wlth elghl milllon ? . ? : The tank waa eupported t>y oi^dt great 'hta 212 feel hik-h At ?he ' ?'. . ? a'ere greal pulleya, and workhag over theae heavy cablea attachad to the tank h.-id it as |t waa 1 1 -r lowerad Intotba ptt -; ?.'. ater 'ri I ;.g agalnat tba tank istit.-ht." much like aa lnv< rted glaea is when placed In 'a baaln of w.v r and made ? a ggng of men er< re at work, UB4ar a ; ? wlth water to make tha flrat, or v> itei I ' The '?, ntraet for the conatruetlon of the tan ;u held by the Logan ir.m \\'.>rks. <>f Cree polnt. i.'in* laland The tank waa I 1 have a 1300,000, and to hava a gaa capaetty <? r ;t.? wm*, eublc feet Tke men ? n i I :? ? 1 .:i i"Ht| t taat were alrcady beginnlng to paek ap the ' ?? the nl?l:t. ns it was n. arly ?', O'ekMk. Th-. foraanain and repraaantatlvaa of the 00 pany a itulatlag each other upon t m of th.- work. in the bundred or mo }, mfs in the thrca greal tenement-koaak l uivs t.y th- acora wara prepartng the avenlng meal for the breadwlnnera wbo araadd rome wilh th.. btOWlng of tha great whlstle only a few mlnutea later. *".it In tii- atraat Kr.-upa , hlldren playad at rarli ua > ? Car aft'-r car, loaded to tl th h >m [N LIQUIDATIOH. Th.- lohnaton Jawelrj 1 ?. :7 Untoa aquara. I>i m mda dni Jewelr tlea, #i par eaM bal m avaraga prleea alaawhara. Opaa eveninga.? Advb i nt