The movement* of the chlef a<* tive Btocka and
bonds In the wre k are ahuwn ln the MUwIng
table s.
Hi_h l,>w. P...1T I*e..ll_,fh'_- -?
Aaa Baaar... **1_. 1___ i?. ?g* .* ;u
AtehleoM .... .'.?'. M\ \*S l'.'1- ?- *?
82*. 47*. M
412 1.1
*?-. .'.4.;
Bkln II Tr. T4?? n - .--.* .'v* <4,?
?''":- ;,t .5. ' ,?_! it
n. Hur a '.- l--<*? '-' ? ;'.* 7* ; ?* ,.,,,,.
?* m * ii )? ii7 . ii..? i ,4 . T* ',;,_:,
ll ItP.. ni', WBH l?J* ?"!? ,./ ..,'-, vs
""i ... w. ._S__!.?
at. -i
d > rrr' S| ?
-JV7*,., _? ,?... _g? if r.s S*!S
KTOI W laV, l". . 8T*__ ***
41 41 *_
r o _.- c; iios 1"*- | i*?_ I***
... B) pf tt*. 41 . ?J ,4
-- I ? ' 1 .'<'..'?? .'?* ' ?,
1 - ,: 55% v- KJJ
1* S 1. .1 71
n . ?-.?..'. I *l
k. "._.*-'-7 -8"*
lalei 22 irtire aiocit. . ?.. ,
nl, . __|| ih. r .-? .
Mei .
-Ka dlvldend.
;.._ I"-- n i"- II ?-''?'a*
Atek adt 4a 7:- 7.1 77'.
dn ren 4a ?V_ 88
ji ? .... i ??*?. .7 i'-'4
!?-?. )?1 , '.'*?*.
a ' _? pi ' ewj ??;
CHVAT -'4 H __ ???-? __
1.7. H4
;-, R)
T . .
,. ? 81
rv,- & m*m k*_ s-t
M K _? T M 88 8? ';?.
_*? Pl '?* ? ? *i,?
}. _'.. | I St !''? _ Bl . i'-1 ?
Read - - '? '?* ": J* 5i!
puml B .' -*' i 'J 4 *; i
*r. n a. r ii _ ? '*?'- *?' *: -
fStoa Pi *?? ???** >??_ ?_,.
Wabeal ,IH.. 88 S4H 31 .
,, waa a remarkabla week ln the atock roar
-#, -.. fact. II waa one ol the moal eheerful
, .ncouraitlnf perloda ma. Wall Btreet has
mjoyed ln many yeara. Deallnga In atoeka
broke ...l recorda. Tranaaetlona ln bonda ex
eeeded all paat weekly totala, nml never before
ln the hlatory ??' thi Btock Exchange were ao
manv aeparate laauea both In the ahare and
bond department, traded ln. lt waa a blg mar
ket wlth blg lluctuatlona an-l Irregularlty, bul
II wai fontrolled by underlylng Btrength that
could not _ I ?? ken, Ihal rould noi be aet aalde
hy r. ,.:, tradera The room tradera enjoyed
_? axpeiience that waa novel. yet to them de
I . _r Market mo,*ementa were gulded by a
power more Influentlal than that whlch profea
Blonal tradera ? ?uld ?? mmand or offael by n.a
... ,,),,? an-l th. llke. Room tradera aaa the
narket aufa - - t I 'l. P ?"' "f Publ,c
jnB. rather than to the Influenee ol prof? - na
iriiks whlch ln ordlnary tlmea often attracl
0tock market valuea In the dlrectlon mapped
cut by the "Ulent." the mai I] ula ora. th,- board
roomtraden ' - rought about ln the week
were natural ami healthful, the aafety valvea
of hull apeculatlon ami the natural nccompanl
m.-nt of a public dealre to turn paper proflta
Into caah Bul upon every reactlon a multltude
cf new i av. rs a aa n ady to abeorh all offerlnga.
Rnil ti ? only n ,; !t;" ;"t!',''"'t wtr* ,ht'
pold-oul bulla who were anxkroa to recovei
Otocka at - heaper prlei a
A blg market muat have blg flurtuatlon.. and
_or fi,. | ; rlth I n- marslna, bla bank ac
coums and "blg" courage the current apecula?
tlon i_ Bttractlve. People who ar. n ?
vlneed ol Ihe -frowlnf proaperlty ol the Unlted
Fiat<-s would better atay oul of th. atock mar
kat whlle th. aame may h<- aald to people whoae
e-nthuslasm rum beyond theh* bank aecounta
Ptork mark.t apeculatlon i** aeMem tt* ever aafe
fnr poor men. Tha amall trader mlghl better
buy twenty aharea outright thnn trade in one
hundred aharea on a amall margln: and hor. II
it pertlnent to remark thal much of thla has
Ve.n done, and thal more at cb hav. been taken
.,?, . ?-.,.. market on Indlvldual capltal than
.v,- .'? ihe annala of the Btock Exchange.
parao* - ol ??'.:-? have been heavy buyera
Btocka ai I bonda to hold Indeflnltely. The uae
rf borrowi d capltal haa n l reached the propor
tion thal ? ??? would <?xi'-' x ln auch enormoua
dally tranaaetlona, adequati --- lence of whlch
ls.-h._n ln Ihi ? moderate expan
__joa in bank i ai \ -? a l amount of money la
Maklng en ployment, and ao long as the Buppl;
of Mli ntlnuea heavy a marked de
cllne in ai ? ? ? in hardly be expected, pro
. ided, of ' ourae. thal rard evenl ? iri
tr. deatroy confldence. The condltlona govern
Inp the actual a irth of li eati enl aecurltlc.
favor bb advancina Btock market, and normal
rearttoni only i ked for Normal re
actlona In ke thi preaenl one ahould
be, howevei of gr ? extenl than the normal
...: | - for as cur?
rent t rad Ing la extraordlnary and as cond
ar. unaurpaaaed In lhe volume of bualneaa and
produ :. n the m rmal decllnea In atoeka ah u d
Increaae in the aame ratlo aa apeculatlon In
< n :i*-< 8.
When one looka for a reaaon for thla rensark
aj '?? i. .r.:: - ka and bt nda and the
growlng apeculatlve .plrll outalde of v.*all
Btreet, thi anawer ran readlly be found In a
number of factora bearlng upon the eountry'a
eommerclal and ftnanclal eonditlon. Induatrlal
actlvlty has been Btlmulated bj conl I
Tbere la no longer a lear In the bualneaa mlnd
that thc eountry la to paaa through the terrora
of unaound money Ifglalatlon, or Into the controi
ol Popullatl | guea and fanatlca. There
1s no longci uncertalnty over lhe Ananclal Bta
_.ili'\ ..f thc Unlted Btatea Treaaury, or unea
poaa leal the eurrenl trade revlval prove apaa
modic and baaed upon Inaecure foundatlona
The eountry haa enjoyed the bleaalng of bountt
ful cropa and good marketa for them, reault
lni_ ln axpandlng forelgn trade and tha a> i umu
lation "f enormoua cradlta abroad. Oeneral
baadneea i.- atead'.ly expaadlng. November "as
a lac-wrd-breaklng month In Induatrlal actlvlty,
but December prorolaea to ahow even better re
auiis. Paymenta through clearlng-houaea, rall?
road aaunlnga, tha output of plg-lron, Improve
ment m cotton and woollen Ind uat rlea, and
heavy forelgn exporta of breadatuffa, e ittoa and
manufa. tured artlclea. are growlng at a rat"
that Indl atea that tha las*. month In the year
-_iii _? the mi at aurprlalng of all tha montha of
the aurprlalng yeai ol ls'.'s The atock and n I
anarketa hardly need explanatlon. Advam Ing
values. and a demand for htgh-claaa aecurltlea
and f?.r ihow ol leaa merlt, bul where proapecta
are laipr ivlng as bualneaa Ithprovoa. are not
based upon flctltloua condltlona.
Call money leal as hlgh ?** 8 per ceni tn tha
week and a_ low ar- - per cent, with the i-ulk of
the bualneaa ai -V''-"-. ilf,r <*?nt l,anks -"'!
trust companlea quoted 2_i par eent lha
?ara Time monej waa In good aupply, bul tha
damand waa nol urgent, whlle commerclal paper
was wall taken, although the offerlnga wera
noderati Then la more money ln tha eountry
than ever before, whlle tha tendency of -;
]r,: | io buy al - ka outright leaaena the dani
ol ... . i; ,- ? rai i ln l< Bl to the Janu?
ary Intereat diBburaementa Deaplte th- heavy
(1. , . . . -, atoeka laal week, bank loaaa ln
ctaaaed only f6.-_W.800, a pari of whlch wa
dut- to buatoeaa dom la . ?-? rllng ? achange invest?
ment .,_.? and ta the accomnaodatlon ar
f_rded rn.-reantii.' eoBcama and B_n*___cata trana
ort.'.m. Actual eauah hoMlaga increaaed nearly
_M.OtK.000, whtie aurplua raaarea aained 1880.
Foreign ln Anierii an Bt-eurltlea had
no effeot upon the a'erllnf* exchang* market. I
whirh remalned fairly Bteady throuirhnut the
woek. The fluctuatlons never exreeded one
thlrty-second of 1 per .ent. The demand for ln- .
veotmont ateillnpr waa n?t heavy. an.l the a. - I
eumulatloa of matui-tng fteriinn heM hara waa
thO-ght auniclr-ntly lattff to m.-.-t all the ra
quirements In.ldent tO January remlttances and
tn.. K.-ttiemeiu of arWtra*-** cWfaraneaa. arlth
OUI OOarddarlng the heavy aupply Of f*raln an.l j
cotion bllla eonstantly COOrilng <n the market.
Thera appeara little proapael of hlfhar rates
Anv advance In m.mey ratos must cause a ile
cline ln Btarltag, and as slljthtly hlBher mOOBy
la probabla naai the flrst of the Now Taa* ex
Cbanga rates are not unlikely to fall below the
gotd-importlng polnt
Thr following Ifl tha uaoal tabla Riving- the num
hrr of aharaa of all atocka Oaalt lo laat wr.-k. the
hlgheat, lowaal an.l Onal prlcaa of the wack. to
?etner artth lha Ilnal prtcaB a waek ago, praflx* I
b\ tba average prtca of Deoamber 18, 1897:_
p. ?. Actual aale* Dae. Dae. J ?
ls Hian i>-? 17' ?-? ? ..
. 1V..7 .- -? i nai Itarfl * >\ Hxrr.-**.. 10B4 IW . l**Jj IW I
].. v 2'?'? !>-?>
47 41- i-i
1-.0'- 1.430
11 7 . ?' ?
'.. :7
. . BBO
S4U T.845
,:.. prtt. tto* Bt*% M , *
Am*r List Tel..| to to 88* '
Amer Eapreaa .. l-*'>1*. !"? U7 '** ? .-TT,
Amer Bp It. 1% 18* 121* 12% 124 *?}?.
du ml. IB. ?<"". * to tt% bto
?AroaiiK Ref.... I* |?4 |8.'S ; ?-1-1* .
do ix ilvidend. ? 121 1---4 !--? .(44.-10
?do i.r*:. ll.i . 113 IH', U4*
... . fx dlvldend IM IH 11- ? '-r'
Amer .ot?a 88% 148% 1804 U>H UfW ????"
, I ?*? .... US. Iii" 127% l;i" '-"
Ai i. Arbor pref..
.\t T. p I I Ka..
?I" pref.
?Am M?:nn? ?-o. 81% -"?' : ?l" !" "?
?do Mi ..... aS% *--' ? *"-': *
i< li a .. all pd. 18% 88% :.-?. 884 W4I U.fus
?Hall A.- ?> iv I. ????' ???'? ? ??> j-;. -;.'..??.'
I ?( ? ( ;.; 74 - i.< - .4': I-'?-??':
Ball a O 8 Wpl B% '? - ,v ? .',.?::".
?I , State .;as.. 4. f^i. ? .'. ?4 OJl -.'_?'
?Hklyn I'-hp Tr . SL'-4 74., _724] .72% .72
likl) -i t'nii r. Oaa
.,- jnaa ich
llifT Ro _ i'ltts
1I0 bref.
Iltir C H fl N. '
*.\tii 81 .v W ?'
?d. pref 82% W 81% !'
I A Va 1.1'. 1 17. 1.13 ? ?<0
- ith ;.';?. 88 .'.? ...i'i! ..4't tm ??
, .. . j j,. j . ,,?:-, .?. v .,,-., ir. ;.i 3.j-2n
-,.., BM, 84 88. B4Vi J8.JH5
. , | Ohlo -?. '-'?'. -?"- to -'? 43.M?
. v ? .- |A1 |70 l>;7. 1''.V. 168 0.543
| Qy Wl*. J27IS l-'l s 121*. 1-T. r0,3?u
L'hl ? * 1-." lll l^\ '"'- ?'""- , ?"?'?"* , 1(M
cx , . . nd 7.7 . ... 4 ..-;-. | 1.4.0
rel . .... top. 112 in Hl1*
..?.!. 11- ui4 1114
I ci 1.1 . 134 144 \*% \*\ '?;';-?
4 I S, , 814 s4 , s.; . I.,],,
pref A..... M ?'?- !??'. r-- I ? '
ref h . . ;;'.', an w, ao 1 too
I rai 82 83 82 n Ul
\ ,-. ?| r '...-?? 117S 1134 U8% ii" iOfl," H
131*. 1004 11W4 1. ?..?,-. ir?4 i.6ja
\ ?? .v 120% I4S4 ! ;^ U14 IM 18._52
:??? IB44 ia<>4 it>7:, i^k . lan tto
R 1 \- Fur. !*.-, IU4 K"'S 1"1'\ UOS S0.J.6
Ch 81 P M .*. " 7- IH -'? I'I'-. <?'?; 4-J.!'.'.
pref.. 1324 IW lr,'-,r' 17? W " "
1 ? ? ".--iti ? Tr 84 74 s"s ?"' -,'-'V
? '. M4 -':'' 84 71.1 4.1...'.
,- 1 _ _ Bl I... .'l'?, 44", 434 434 48'i 1B.124
824 '?'?'? 83 Bt BB .7
<->v 1, \ Whei 154 15 ,'v? ,w. *'"'*
! . ; r.. 4?4 ?<:.', 44 . 2 NlO
ItlCo 2^\ 24 2?4 ^4 9.802
I | # H C fl I.. - 84 ?'', iv, ? 1.38JI
foi H al < Toi 4', ;i 84 .i B.ion
ls i ... 1.1 134 l.JOj
1814 l''';. '?" ,:'' 11" ' ?_ '
I |Ce 814 ?"'' 4'-' '"'l '"'"" '"'
>7 B2 BO W 81 --?'
... 7\ 74 7N B 8.200
.... :?. 74 7, Jt, 1200
tt w I BO 41- *''-.? 4:' ? -???-"
? . - ?? ; 104 1*4 1" 4 ':??. I :'"
11714 l"7"s 10H i?a IOfl 4.01 ;
. v 11 1.''*. 17 ". 1404 I'-.-. 117
II . q, j,-, |6V |54 18% 1'.'. 8485
prel . 4:.-. B84 aa 68% B24 ?""-?
pe* M &? Pl D lsu? U U i1- . s-"'
?I>ul Ho B _? At 24 24 2% 2% jno
..... _ 7 , i 300
\ v. 182 188 182 1*414 r.,.-1
Bri i: . road , 15 144 13% 144 ':; j ?'? -j''.'
,|,, i.t pref ... ''-'. ' '??'??. '?''? ?'?''? 12.711
.,_.:-.' 904 104 1* >?*a l?S S]
E . ..-.. u 88 814 ;;* 814 f.'::-''
70 .4 7fl aa i i -.'
I . ? k, >t, J14 :.s:. 314 218 >:??
,;..?? 814 "" . ::' ? '"'? U8.W
Mm II is IJ 18% IOO
?!-. W ,v I"--. ' 23 to 2T- 204 tn\
i ? w fl rio .;.. 174 ia i-i in rw
a?4 '..:. <?:.-, B2% *24, -- t1"
.;. N .rthern pf.. Ito M">. 1884 18? W <?
. s-. r..; ...I T.l'.l
IrtKi. T.T'. :? - I.4WI
11 i-. ilaflll ?' 8 . l'-1. 834 Bt?4 1"
?llawa laa ? fl fl B
!. - |4
7<> 1.
. iral.. K?4 1154 1124 113 112 i 33.03.
Iow_ Ci ntral . BV 104 BS '" . " -. 2.170
? pref ... 814 88 7 :: , 4 23.
.;. ? i.,;.. r ?-. 81 88 88 80 1-"?:*?
? 1. .,r. 824 80 !.". Blty i ?an
Kanawha A Mi-h ''.;-. ''?*? 84 2T-i
p ? Gulf 19 i'i 17 18% 12 188
K< K :'-. ^- t> M 4 4 4 100
;.,,= :.-. 814 B24 824 I 8*1
do prel .. '??'?? 83 '"? 84
Lak? !..-.- ? W I'I'. 174 Ui 174] 144 3.1.1'.
711, is 8S4 Bfl f.4 8.117
I. - a M ? Bo 174 .. 218 187 801 1 7"
87 Ifl 4:. Ifl 4S 30.
? Nri^h . 584 'V-. 83%, 84 844 72.802
-.- ? tun Rr... 1034 1"- 4 8?4 1""
|., c. l.s\ !.sS B?4 ?'''? *' 8
? %??? -? Rj 1224 1844 ''?" 1814 1834 -?
? ? , Central. 7'. .'> '\ 84
M-v N'al tr rtfa. l's 14 14 I
. ? -.t 1034 11s 112 -. ns ii..
\t ? ? ? 81 _,.... '-"i '?"'. 2*4 -"?''. 284 7"? ??
,. i^ ,,r?' 881, l.s |M |.s I.'.-. 2?8
. . .; ,...- . :,. 88 88 i.r 624 2.410
M . K... 8 T*x 13 1 IW 114 18 . 12 1 I B43
7lrt?s. .Is". r.?4 .-'.7i, 33*. '?
v. i ?. ? | .? 12 124 4..- . .
. .. ,, .. 28 -.- .11 I'i 711 7"-.
?V.' it . ilt.... 4s-. 41- 471. 444 I0.?.VI
v . ..??' 1"4\ 103' 103' 10.1
?. 1 ::v. 38 ' o. 37* 37 25
? r 104 114 ll"', IH4 1124
X it I. ? -. "' Oil. 10 s 8 ' B ' 2 3? I
Nai I 81 ?' -li ? 5 5 5 *'?. V"
i.i r.> r.i
? ? ?
?N v .lr Brak* l" ? f**1 1"' '?"!'?/ ' : "
X V r A llud R l?7's 1244 U?4 1284 118 84.1
v v '? a Bl 1. 134 144 184 134 18 8.030
li M pref... 11 S84 "''? 374 '?'?
v v S II ??? tt 1844 801 1884 -"" ''?- : '"
N v Oni k w l? Is. 184 174 184 "" :'.::
- . imerl ,n . ? 7H 84 '?"- 7 2 ' ' '
\ ' A Weai 134 174 184 I7?* 1" 2 ?"
1 81 . r> ? 804 '- . :.
N 1 ? ". 214 42H 4"\ 41 414 11'
. . ? ref **>'- 77-. 7'". 7.":,
? Vbv . :-.": M 51 "1
. >? ?? U l!' '?- W 88 874 72n
,-, 44 11 4-.- ? l.14n
?. - 83 814 824 "8 1 200
,1 , -jl ? r..' ... ?"? 801 Ki 1 -.-kii
". ? Mall . . 20\ 444 12 ?2' 4-r. 32 J"'
? ? .- 121 11'.'\ 122 U04 88 ?-'
1 ? Gwl 4'. 4 4-| 44 - ?
i-. . 11 . ? | Rv 24 1*4 "? I'si 2 -?
fl .i-t! !?',?. 1 1 ?? -. 10* . 1 r. I'I' , ? ' - 1
?fhrenlB ...... .12 12 12 .13 2.000
.-'..?? ;.f . 8' ?4 :" 8 I'i
? ,s B| '. ?\ " 1 , 4". .' I. 46 T.s- .
I . ( r.f Wli ki -1 N|.i 71". S 1 ???'
? ? ? W .'- c _t* 175 173 171
I n 11 '? : 'Nt l.*.L- lf I'-'. 1484 11 .
? <r ? ti aon
i" 74 i" '-' -
254 -.-.''. |B4i 1!. ' 1s\ 21 7
,i . is- pref_ 4if, 4- li 47", 4.:
. ._... .. .,., aj] 21' ?? "'"
T- .. .; \V pref 88 8*1 . B8 IW4 - B "
H Wai fl ? ' l? 128 l'> 1**V? 7
....,?, 1, r,. '.m 1'.-.. ia' ifl 1 aao
. - | r,.. 71' 7'. 7"-\ 7" fl ??
.. ? , ,v ., |ai 74 8 8 fl r..~ ::<>.
do ls- pref. . .'?'?, 534 82' 7 . IW JB7
ri . '.'' , -.f |8U 15 I4< 15 U4
B1 I. .4 Ban t'r.u. 7". B L'. k". 8*t
1*1 pref. r.,- .->. t 4>.?
? . ., ? _? .... 82 834 sa a,i -1
.. |. - ,utha 14 74 '?.'-. "4 "?- 13 I'S"
.... - 1'. 17 1.1 Ifl !.' ??-. 1 I T7
Bi Paul ft Dul 21 51 ": ':' -?'>'. * " '?
nt.., . -2 1-s B74 '"-:- "",. ;""
?t P Mlm V M IS4 I"' 7" : I"' 171 1 ????
s .? ? .- ... ;:'" :'.i, 31' 8* 18'
. ,? , . fHi -o\ IOV, |0i; )>?', 7". 42?1
r,.-.' 824 4f4. 4iv 4!'. 4' ao.rai
7'. -'. 1\ 11 " '
1 f*i 1 fn I Ml ;.-.
344 '"-"< "): ':- 78.01*
,.?, 1., 1-6
17'. I" 18 |B4 .'I1- l?1
104 04 l"', i"\ na
171 I'-. I-:. 1<-: B.B71
Ifti -il -.i ::u , ii 214
1.i7 I"" |07
:<i.v ? s ?.- ?? 1 7-. ? ? ?
nv, r.|
ir-. ll<
: ?'?
11 547
?M-. '. '.- ?
;.r B44 B84 21 7.
84 "?. 8 H%
804 ?4 27'.' 534 12.01
.,: . ,'.. | r lha waetl 4.810,31
Qarernmaal bon.i quotattona compara aa foi owa
with thr.** of .-4 waok uiro:
I- 18 ?Oi 11
B 1 Aek* I i; 1 A.r.'i
l*. B *it 2* raatartarafl.. . '.?'; 804
f v :<f r*-m*t.-r.-il.'.r-l 10..'i 1084 17
... .: ti . 1(*l \nr , 1084 in7
,'. ' amall .*SB4 I.--.', ir?-. 107
4. r.-.-.--T -. 1W.7.111** 112 1114 1124
?i eoui - IBB1 ????? 112;; 1184 11'-". n .
.. ..-?.-.: IMB 1874 -2--:, I-.--., l.s
1- - . ?-' 1874 '?-?- 4 ijs>4 1.- .,
? r. IB04 1114 llfl 112% r,.. .
; 10 1 '?'??? l";i 112% 11 .'.
, ....... l<>24 1024
.-,,... lt is-'. I4B4 I024
j,,,. ??., .. ????? 1 l's ni
THB KEDKRA1. TUi:.\sritv
Tha iMt.-.i htataa Treaaury raealvad i.i*' ?*'??
fr'.ni cuatoma P.714.TOI Internal ravenve J..
121.471, and frota mlacallatiaooa aourcca tr.w 7*?4 a
totnl of IB.4l8S.B77 Hftaln.-t 110 217 WS ln th<- |.r*c*illnii
gr**t Recelpta fOl tba month. ?24,2;.4.ll7.. .x
oendl'turea S28.856.000; exreaa of eipendlturaa, *tt,S70..
000 Reir-lrits for flaal year to dati, _r_t,,i:J,07?, ?Jt
prnrfltur.!. 8_l_.741.RO.. Exreei of ?P*nd,J"?"; *\\\
Jv-.V'S The Treaaur_B aetual eaah balnnee ln
rreaied ln the week BJH.-M. and now atanda at
_3_!__43- Recelpta of Nntlonal bank notea for
i. ,i. mpt ton ln ih- --eok. _-.M6._84. ,____-,. _.....
Baturday'a Treaaury Btateaaent BOBBparad **.tt**
that of a week ago followa
i'- i" Daa i7 Cb*JBf**"m.m
Nat ,t?|.l . .. |L'U'M7_I1 8245..jwn Inc. 81T2J1*
Net allver B _..?.__! I ___..12_ Inc -''?_-..
BSS-si _____? ?___? b. ___?
Ai-tnnl rush nwr
? ;:r,,,'n'r.r'r8:__.o,..,:. *-0__7._.::v*. iv. $_m;__
I- | i' ln Nn
ti oil banka . Be.___.6_3
... 1.41.1.-.*. !>-.. B41.4_a
Pro $!'2_ 161
Av.ii.hi. r_ih.8_-ti.aio.Toa *?:;'.?;?;?- jr .^ft ?_.
Klaor lUMIItl-r.. Tl ?-*?*??-_- ?__.____!_ *W
A-t'i _a__ *__l...**_*-*.'C-7? |28S._-X4S8 Inr ?l._l. 884
Tha bank exehangea or the New-Tork Clearlng
Houaa nnd tho Btocka aold al the New-Tork itoek
Exchange laal areeh and -'or the aama week of the
i recedlng twa ft ira ?mi ara aa followai
' |,n, 19 .li, I- - i-. "? Bt Jl _?
Rachaaf. .fawW-O ***.B?Mt ll.UB.a8S.gii
n , iharei a.-'.d... l.3Sd,2
I.1MCI _.-4
Ixmdon Dec Is ln Arn.rl.nn _e.*urltlr_ the up
movemen. laat week waa .ery aaarkad. Kaw-TorB
.,,,, me Contlneni dolng aeoet of the buylng. whlle
London waa Incllned to realtse, the reaull betn.
that the cloae wai lenerally lower. Amon_ thc de
ciinea were New-York Central nnd Hudaon Rlver
Rallroad iharea, whlch rell IU polnta; Atchlaon,
Topeka and ianta Ke adjuatmenu. 1 polnt: Atcnl
,on. Topeka and Banta ra preferred. %: Atchlaon.
Topeka and Banta Fe ordlnary. K: Readlng gold
<i v vi Vi.rk i i" and \\ <?> .rn. ',,
NoMheVn V.ii. ? Paclflc. ?.. Mtaourl.
k ._ -.nnd Texaa. *,. and Pennaylvanla , **.I nlon
S oniiUt. ro^lM'olr-.fnl-'n ' Mlc pn
[erred ?_ and Dcnverand RIo Orande preferred _.
irumiihe. ay 9r*o*r\ ? " ???**. Ko. M Bro-n-e atl
ii -.
nn A-_-'i
v lan a l.rj reti .
ii : ? . a s car....
Ur -K14 r Kt-TV .
? ,. 11 '.. ,i El. Ini'
ft O ';
I... kl r Jl : ? Jl ??*? :1 .
II ke. i ? ii).
ii > ken i. * I .:
Inti rn-iMnral Paper .
: ? ? iti mal Bllver bonda.
li :. Bti ami .?-<' ??? ?!
lli lleon Bquare Oai l i Sdi
Ueti j- Ilian Eerrj lat.?
. * * N .1 F. l-t.
niarnit bonda.I
it bonda.i
.v S .. W. C*o .
a n. j. t.
a Qam irt mti .I
-. i Rai Id Tranill lai ...
-? l lUplil i-..-*" -!.|
? ... ' '- ll ''1.,
iWlfl A '? . l-t.\
10th ft 23d Ht. F .,
;. \. .\ 1 ,. r ,,; !^ts.|
? n Eerrj IM.
r, g Enval [-? i- - .
-. V
S'. J.
N v
I :
a l>
8 s
.4 S
a n
tv *.
0 .1
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A *?'
ft N
... \
ft N
.4- J
8 ii
a ,i
a .i
_r .1
| (HVi 96 H
__B ! 111
? 1.4'.
II-'. 110%
( M% 1""
t'a-l I
i? <
v ker, Mi r-...: .\ I? nl t ?
\- lei
Alr r wer ot S. V....
.:: . r. ..-i i. rt Sote.
Imei an I ak?
in (. npl >phi ? ?
Imei Ui ipln i " ne 11.
Im. Oi try let pl ? ? ??
Am. l'i * *>??*"? latii :-.
Im. s : .
Im. 8 ii 1*" i-f.
Am. gud i Koun Zd pl ? ? ? ?
luti mai ' .
riarnej \ - eai t f.
: lat E ^^ com .
. *, i. IV prel .
? .rn- i r ime prel .
i ?? ??ii-1 ?"??.
I. B .
???i.. y-.v Morkt pi -f .
I - Am Tei..
- k Poi Tei .
-.i.._lr->:_.'i Mf_ .
fll B.) eom .
H. H , IH pl.
*,.,:lin ill I'-i 2d pf. -
'|-ar.r?| Pob i m.
? 1*1 T i prel.
? ??.. i .ir n> itlna .
-.ti Elreiorki com .
??* irki prel.
"I .ni|... B .-. E Bld*..
n K 1ik .
:i; re B h , ?? B rel.
Sn* B '?"> nl I'rnni..
..? \!.-;'
i. , ? .. ?? i eli pl
. . __ ? .-...
Hi. Man :?;
. I kei l/.ir;.l A Imp.
Blvi r Tei .
ternal ?
<llvi r eom....
Ir '. .-t.?*. ?!.:? ..1 .
I. B. *:? r? -i rom .
I B Rtelt pref.
I prel .
iar. itock
? ?
... pref
I . ? .
1' | ? ' ? : | ??'.. .
'.' ' 1 II...,
.naler Ra. prel .I
Mat ? "1 W ill Paper.I
S .1 / nc a ll r, .
H.l a. K H Perry.
M T. U .'
S' V .', N J. Tfl.
Hli I ?? ' .'
' ' .
i .| Di rn.-. !; H ???
? .-.n Hall Mfa
?.tta Ri tiemei & I. l'r;a
ll ?
I'ratt A Wl ? - ? ; '? .
i ???.-.?: imble .
r ?-_?.?? ? pf.I
I! 1 ".?: | ?11 - pf
ii ii .. l_iant.
Hai :? ire t-ft? l
M'e ''.
..,.,,.; i ......._ rabl* ...
, .- || _ ... -?.. lai.. ?
louthern '* t'. n Oil .'
Swlft ft Cn .\
!.'!'? a- KH Hi Perry .
:..,...!. inck. ..
, .. ? ,. Pnttar.l a ? ? tr. ...
' .
Pro* Mr- li ry, aew .'
< Envetope pref..- ? '
I'nion Perri .j
I r t .n S44 ? t? >i ,K- .-? vi il.
t ? ?i Hwltrl ' Blai al pf
I Di .ii Typewrlti -
(I'nion T-1" _nier lot pf. .1
: [*nl r. i : . ?? rltei 1'. pf J
r a. 01 ni t .ib .;
I* I Ola pf.,
Wn^nar !?..:., e Car..
.",.?? | \ rake. ...I
-.',? ?"?>?? ? y
: ?'...
<. J
.' .\ J
li i*
1 I I
i_ I
... M
r _ \
i k K
'-.' J
M a i
I ft O
. 113
21 '*
?i;>.-ru. fWhei Iteui _ tKx dlvldend
DIVIDEND DECLARED The Exploratlon iyn
..i a quarterly dlvldend of 1360 j.< r
?han payabla December Sl, The tranafer iK_jk<
: . December _i and reopen January -'; next.
OFFER T'> 1N'\ kstok-' Qoldman, Bacba <4 cn.
?tttr to Inveatora a aeleci on ol blgh-grade rallroad
? | in anothi r column
Ing Company haa declared its regular nonthly dlvl?
dend <.f -?"? centa pei ahare, and baaldaa nn extra
I of l ? ime amounl per ahare. both pay
? i 1... .hn iii. i. at the olflce ??' lhe tranafer
Thli m< ? na a total of l7._gl.2B0 p ild n
llvl l.Ii'l- to i. ?-??
The Tribune hr.** prlnted the groaa earnlnsa of
Blxty-elghi rallro li ?? itema for ttn- flrat v.--r.
Id -1, .riii-r OI theae, forty-nlna return falna ol
or 7". ;.r cent, and nlneteen r.-turn loeaei
,,; u7o,i . I.I per cent. Tha whoU ahoara .i .
of |336.i I ii'r cent For thi aecond w..k
;;,,. , n_p nlea reporl g..in_ of H-9,7-8, or ir, . -,.r
. . compan) ? loai ol lU.tM, or lll pir
cent The total abowi n fata of BM.-H or 11 I
.'. M > "
1.1_ ?'.
??! .V.'4
i rnlnsa not already i i ti d foih-w .
ATUaNTlC and I'A.nvm.i.i:
Numl er ? IW
i :??... . ,-. I ? ?'?-.-?
Jan I '?? Dec, 7 BO! . '?
1 188
Ph?t aeek ln l ?- ? iaa.."HW
Jtn. 1 to Dae. 1 ? 1'7 n.l 4
Dl I.i 1 il. BOUTH BHOfUS AM ef mi. 884
Klrat waK ln I ??-. 822.882 I2S.2I2
Jaa. 1 lo I" " 1.8-8.081 i i>7.;h!i
? ;i - maiA BMIUROAD
PTl nWl f n.i.?t . .11(7 3<47
I- ii Bt ??ii In fiec. . 8:-7UI4 814 -?-'>
:.. I to Dec 7. 1.447,1-0 1,4.4. M
i: r Mll; v
1.1 I'.
111 ,.7's
?-. 8T0 ? r* ?_?;
138 -?. >
1 '_.. 7.1
132 ..i.|
1.472. raa
Numb*r of mli?. ** ? $48,087
nr*t *roH in Dec. ? -*,".?;:,- -.Tni'i-.n 1B84.I?
J'',;;n^,.;,:;T7V.NSv-i.:i,-:AN.'S'r_i./,.-.s. ___
Nnnil-- ..f trtll'S .... SJjj ^ $38,880
Kl. .,?.,.-. tn !>*<- . ... S-W..I1JIJ |J5*_4a) 1,438.807
?",n ;;;;:;?:.,: iH^^sAM^T^ns ^
Rambei l aillaa ,- '.'??'. Biasuu IB.iaa
ni-l areel ln Da. *.{*? *:, ,,,, MB.123 _
iixM-:.;,':;,,;. st;w???*?*??? ????;"....
i l_M 11* ' ?
Run*. t rol ''"J .,,?_? r.-.,-...s
',--', VI ': '-"" sSmMI n.*7..7U 4.0*818
ui. wa i
Number of asllea . iiiioiu $6,840
!-;,-? areeh la l. ???,-, 350.364
jaa i i ? Dae. 7 . - '??
I,,,.,;,,,,. i-i.oitlA AND WE8TERV ,
Hamber ol milea.. 248 -? $20.42'_
Flrat w*.''s ii. I." .'? hs;'.V|Ti ni;:.I 814.404
tfamber of mlle* ... '?"?' __, Kl 148,137
Klrat areli In I* , ??.*_; ? ? ; .' ..;,.. _;i
jaa 1 ' ? Dei 7. 2.*tt3,|6B -m- ,
ANN ARBOR. . , .
is..- 180*
IflBO. I**?; ._.,_,
Rmrter o. rallaa .... ..,.,.... 124647 $34,071 ,
Jan. 1 t ? De. 14...... I.WI.I1BB ' --1 -
?11,, :(4" ?''"
Numbei if mlle*. ..-',?., 184 7'-t S4B.5I*
v jaa jaSS ?.---. ;
Karabw of bUm *j $) ;.; ,?,,>;;
B? nd week n 1'- ? ? .,**.,,, ?., ., Iin., ;._,77;.
Jaa. iti- i?.;- ?'?'?' .,,..
.NuiiiN-r ol .11 '- I 4" .... ,,., $7.l|i,4
Number of mlle. . U? ??? ^'.Jg
1,1.-arningi . iiwh.uiii **."?*. ....
Up? railu? ? ap. nae*? i:i.."*>. __:
K-tearnlnaa. IKW.S1B " $118,448 1110.188
.::,'?'.: V.i-.7a8.87i *.*?.** ?a,"?-*'"
Operallns aapenaea.... 2.^.?x, 2.4a-.B43 -. "Tl
Ket earalaca to moa. SOBB.aBfl Sl.oio.iraa S1.181.78B
Month ot . ...|"i >' . , ...
vun,i?r ' ir ... - . 818 B4fl 648
?_?*??*?! ?iii!!..
i iperutli.: vi ? naea,...
_.i..:w 213..I58
N.- eamlBgi. 1817.714 $**01.**W
'u? ' ' ""'? 4 ti BflBsaa si 111 -.71
r.r -- rarntngi . si.?.???.?>?'?? *.,,.-!!.,,
Opera ln* aapenaea.... ili8.32B ???_- --'
Xei earnlnga 4 mo*.. 1800.011 tan ?
\1 n'li ?' "?? ' ' r
r.r ? rarnlnia. S177 277 8130. 131
>r . ,;. we* .. . 133 1 ls 1 Ifl "-??
Rei rnr.ilTiirs. 848 IM 1*0 34 I
Julj 1 ? ? ' "t 81
Oroaa earnlnfli. - SH.V..1R4 *?'?'?.''?
Operatltifl expenaea.... M6,40B i>?.;..--'
Kei aarnlaai 4 moa.. |t00.778 $li:.ill
M n:h of 11 ;tol er
Run ber of n lei . (68 , MB 488
liroai earnlnfli. fl23,0O2 II51.H04 Siaa.bSKi
. 'i :..'??. eapei ... 87.801 ll.NOfl 124 7tl
N*. *,,T-n-nes. 188,801 188,708 $42,252
.I.i.. I lo O.I .11 -
Groa* aarnlna*. S77.;n.',s $ris4 s7'. fl.148.720
Operatlng rapenaaa.... *>;i.t. ,'ss, $680,188 .<7s4 s,-,i
N-t aarnlnca l? mii. $146,581 $285,718 $363,866
M ntB of ? ? ' .t"r -
Number ?' m lei .... 728 725 7-.'.'.
ra . $2*tO.?42 $_r-..l?3 $314,543
? ? s ... 104,676 '.-.'. "7" 165 120
Nei aarnlnca ..... $126,166'. ?!i:>.i_t
? ? . i. - .ii
(troea rarnlna. ._ $2,814,601 $2.B48.883 $2,880,030
? .? -na. s . 1.6111,200 l 884,163 I I?? ...
Rel aarnlnca )o m... $i ios.311 $1.1S4 7-'.. $: . ? r?!
C ... . >*?" .'.-.? .. i ? ??.
Buipltu .... $383 061 $684,163
Month "t Oetobar
Number of r.i-l^?. I.K.s l |80 l.i^r>
Ol l -arntnga . $448,061 $470,072 $510,768
Operatlna aipaneaa ... 216.448 -'..7.4I..1 837.644
Rel -amine* . $237,501 $271 7,7r. $288,124
Jan. 1 ? " t, .11
'.? - ? i--. ? .-. .*1 .'...-, k>7 $3.12*4 802 $3,478,738
fij*r--ir.< ripenaaa . 1.812.073 1.818.702 1.030.730
Ket aamlnga 10 moa $1,283,388 $1,810,010 $1,043,000
OHK . nr. ER
ktm th of 0 I '?*"
Number f n ln. 313 834 224
.;-.?^ .-^ nlne* ... SB0.OM $108.3.-1 *n?.i...-.
Operatlna *\i^r*** ... 62,720 81.063 86.127
N?t *-rnln?* . $36,324 $4.1 7.7. $41,878
Jan. i ? id ? 81
.:? - rarnlnga ... $818,728 $801,011 $801,646
I .; ... 888.868 806,033 523,317
Net aamlaaa 10 aaoa S27,..77o $306,878 $370,328
riTlsmi;.; \n:> WTSRTERN.
M^n'h r>f .. ? .!..r ?
Number of milea . 227 227 227
? ?? nv* . ... . $348,104 $207,175 $303,013
? ..? n.*i ... 150.767 100 ?02 ' ? U3
N*t earnlnfli. $08,337 $07,283 $!(*..j'..
July i t . i > ?? .11
$1 1.11 167 $1 137 728
.;.-.- . . . s,,;, ,,74 MM 633
N... tan ngi i mo*., $.->?_?? |08 $333,073
Month of Oel ? ?
r.r pa . irnlna* ... -$.lir. <?_ ?|str'2r;
. 'j -i al ra. 280 '.?'.'.'' 301.316
Rel eemlntre.. $30,007 $02 7"7
Por ? ?.. - endtna tuna 80
r,r ..s **m!n_? .-$t.5n0.658 $1,616,146
Operatlng *xi--n.*s ... 1.180.207 1.223.118
Nei earntnga . . .. $431.3*11 $303..'2S
i it... r r. ime . In7.s,?. .'.-.'.7..'s
lotal Ineom* . $530,161 $435,536
. ?'?'?.II 6 " ? ???.
Defl lt . -*4.. 838 $144 4i?
F??: m ai ? llng 8, ptaml ar 10
Oroaa eamlngi .... $1,423,111 $1,484,231
. .; ? atl ^- .4; ??...... .18.526 833,700
Jtel .s ? nga . %''?"'? '?-: $628 Hli
.. 720 6 060
me. $613 3tO $634 321
rix..! rhara 415 015 l_o.n54
i ilar * . V-^ -"?'" $204,467
j.. s ..... ? ... .0.472 l"l 2-s"
Ban. . . $88,823 $103,187
23 Wall Street.
S ??? v -v i '-?? ti ber 14. IBBB
To lh? llolilera of tlie
First Mortgage Four Per Cent.
Gold Bonds
or TH_D
IOATSBO .11 I.Y l. I*ss7.i
ln V..--.4 .? tha probabl* r*rorganlBBtlon of tn* rittsburit>i
rn.1 Weatern Rallway Company, lha tlm* hai rorn* when,
ln our iplnlon, th* leieraati of tha Kii-t M. rtg.-iK* Bond
h-ldara ahould l* proti led bj . depoalt of thelr bondi us. ih* lepoall r. b] au ti dapjalt, gl? r.n us full
: .,. - to r3is|..,.* of tha t..T..iK or t. dellver thrm under
.? plaa of reorganlaatloa, proeidad In ? Solng ara
- rea lei -.4t." .l?i>.n,:? hli bonda >vith us
; and Intereal in r-u?ii Ihertfor, or, ..t i la (.tlon. th*
? , ? ? ib lud* la boada .ii aueh plan <?'. raorganlaatlon,
i*..'I.* ii llen of ? ? caaa prlea abova itatad tt..
r?\i *? urll -s ffered uoder tba plan, uc'i (.;.tinn ti mn
fi r .it heaal thlrty daya nft-r th* p;?n is Ifleuad,
I ..... an ' ? ri ' ra !nvlt*.1 t' ,l?r?,slt th?lr 1 ? Js
,s ti ooe, tor tba porpoea aad arttb tba poarara abova
,. ,-. ... ..?? ng ..iitnt.:- eartlfieataa of dapoaH
indertak* to ? t toi any boada n t *g* ittad
I ,ui I ?. r |bt to dectlne it any tlm*
? . ?. .'. . r.i-- ? i .!?; atti
Iti '.ur oplnl r. a t.r. .tu t>t depoflll ? .' bondl al. MM I.
le tba i ' ?? - r*fl l"fl i"ri- - "?
t ? m J..t i iry i i""-'' bmj '? ? detacbed
tlon Ibej arn depi ilt. . a .t.i u?.
0FF1. I tt COI NTI .?<>>. ROLLCR
or .\..i.i..;iu.nv . "iw i v
n . mi ? ? llth laos 1'ittab ira i ?'
x'.i'n.'i: TO HOI.DEKS OP BONUD of tbe
? ,-. i.i.t. f Mlagbaay, Pennaylvanla
-iiiKii * I ... i ? '? :i ?? > il .'"is f tha Counl
... ? i . . | - .
I in ii ? ?!? t.j a i ' -? , -. \i ,i -..., i
a i. 186.1, : i iii r. ? ' r ai.i.i:
liHKN'Y '..'. vi v "i.MI'K'.MIt-K HONDH, thal t. ?. :
ited ,s ' :. . ,. t w ,; . ' >: i'i iN i . iM
:ii.iM:-i: in.-.: - N'.s -...\i M3, SiM, Bili 571 57. ?
:\ ?.'\ '?;; :; 570, can,, flgj .-...-; .-,,, ,-,v. .?>.,,
ts; ,vss aoo 102 104, B00 .11 twarlna date of J
-..-. :-... . . r.K .14 : ni Ist. im ;?::;,
? ? ? laa .^i v I... l>*r.., ijp, :, |i
'???-. I ,.-.?.,
; . tt wbl :i '.i.'4 ail lnt*r.*t . t, ?,i,i i nda ?tl| ceaai
Kl M.:N MII.I.|.i:
?1AH .1 |.i .s\i i.u
W 17 i HOMP ON
a I ....,
K; lf sM v, HlTNEl a CO.,
i'.-' ..:? I Brok i
No. 17 lln i i Mr**t.
\<? Torh s . :? ? i??.
rPlir. following stock a.fps li.iv.- 1m-i-ii loat
Tranafae Hopped aa i notl * *.\.r, :. tb, s ? \ -
bi. r . i .:.- -.
r**rgo * .-.. Ni. 8 857.ioo *iiar**
. i| Mll?au-.? - H\ lani luiiunv- . 0. pfd..
I'' -"?'?'. . lo ih*
__w* Rrt* * W**t*__ K li co Puferrod N
i taa in,. . .
AM ii*-* Bfl ln n?tm. ot WM. M. RVRR, ^a_*
N Y.
Baltimore and Ohio
Southwestern Railway Company
ro the Holders of the following
Bonds and Stocks:
Ohlo nn.l Ml_al__lppl Hnllwny Flral < on
oll.luled MorlKmi' II?n??l_. K_tcn.ini I-onr
?er li-nli
Ohlo nn.l Ml__l .?lppl Ilnlltvny I'lrat 4 on
Bl.4a.ed Berlgaaa st.riiim Homi-. r.?
emled l'"<?nr I'rr 4'ciit..
Ohio nnd *-ll__l__lpi?l Itnllitny Hrcntlil <on
oiidnted MaeUraga 7 Pae <>ni, laada <?'???*
aaei ii
Oalo aad Mlaalaalppl Ballwaf TtFtA Mon
rnao SDrlUKlleld lH\l_l??n 7 IVr 4>nt. llon.U
I iirri'ii.') ||
Olilo A) Mlaalaalppl HnlMvny .;?? nernl Mort
:iil_?. B I'fr < Vnt. Honda I iirri-nri u
II. nn.l <). S?Mi?h*-?*_l<Tii ItHllr.i.i.l
lartaraate 4 1-2 r?*r tv nt. h?hi?i_s
II. nn.l *l. _.?ntli? ?* alirn lttill-.iiy l-'irai
olldiil.d .lortmiK- 4 I-i* r?*r 4 V nl.
II. nn.l <?. Soiith*-. at. rn Rfillr.ii>- Flral In
omr HartSasa ti l*.*r < - nt. It.MulK. S. rlea \|
ii. nn.l ti. Baatfceeeetera Rallaray Kirat in
.4*111. Miirmiiiii' .**? IVr I ent. Honda, s. rl?*a Ri
II. nn?l O. Soutli4v.-_trrn Rallwag Pr. f- rre.l
il.i.'k i
li. a o. Baatkareatera Teraalaal <ompnn>
. Ter (rnl, (.old Honda;
4'ln. Intntll nn.l lliiltlmnre II :tll r.iml l'lrat
'InrtKiiK** 7 Ter 4 rnt. Honda:
Mnrletfn lliill-.iiy Flral Mnrlana** 4 IVr
enl. Honda.
- !>tM_ri'-l h-\e ur. .. rtak-n t . n-t na M_n__-r? fo
nrry oul a for tho reorganliatl n of the Baltlmore
nl Ohlo Bouthweateru Ballway Compan} ?n ?ubrtantlally
.. ? ? ' ., . s
It la [>r rpo4*d lhat tha tindaratrnad ehntl recommend W
h. BaltL-nora nnl ohlo Rallroad Compaay (aa Beoe
. il ecqulr. thi propertlei ???-??
?m< i Corapi .. m * the ?* urltlei ab ?-- i imed
.X ihe hall _?u? in ne\ anca ll r-rel -
? . - ; i nea capltal for rha mlargement, better
aenl r ecteneion af md propertlei Ita n.?- *r rurttlei at
,. | ohl Ballr ? 1 Oompsny (aa Bi
. ... rn I '14 llli :- Ptrel M Wt>
, ? ivr Cent. ..!':.- M0.000,00e
, ? . on ; II ? H lt"
. : | \. . Pn fem i Bl ek (truil i ? r
lai tlm iri and Ohlo Ba li ? I npeny
?? I) S i ? ? ?? ' '.
. , . 10.000.000
Tha aea ie urltlea and enti ire to I ** li ??
.... ire-name-l bonda and itock u foi wi:
i : -
X /. ?? /. i s
?~\ -. l i i : : N t>
I 5
?. ft 3 s
" ?! N
?_ _ _ - -;.. . r . . = --
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|""_o"__i _B'""aB* o?aa r\
?ir,,rn,, n( Ka rate provlded in the old Bondi fmm th*
' the i_"t matured coupon n _t pre allna January
I*;.:. up r.' the>* when the n?-w Bondl >-?n to bra,r
? ,,,r. I. IBBB. eaceptlna In ra.part of
?- repreaented by Cerllfl ilea ' !"? rli -'ampe,i "Kx
il.ii. Januan t 1-88." ai itated below
[>er_**ited Bondl muit earry lll eoupoai and <*lalma foe
itereal on realitered i- i la ?< aturlna on or aftar J rn
Hry l. l-:.;. lei eptlns ;' 8 O Bouthweatem Railway
ir-r in.-.-na M.rt_n?.* 7. Per Cent Bondi, Berlea A and
. which muii carrj all matured and anpald eoupona)
The Bjmdlcate arlll purchaea for ^a.-h .it Ihelr faea
ilui nn. h eoupoaa arni elalma for Interaal "n r.K'.4tarf-i
mda maturtas Jaauary i. 188B, from h Idera aaw d*
.-ir th.-ir bondi under lha pltu_ ?; i tl ? CertlBcataa
? [...; ..;. f ir itich t)-'n-l4 holna stampa 1 'Kx lnt<T*?t
oo tanuary I, IBBB," ?nd th" aald eoupoaa or .-lainia
...... _ reclatered bondi belng reepectlvely de
? ? ' r ni.-iifri^.l t.' thr S> inll ate OT upon Ita nrdar.
poa thi ci mpletlon --f th* rei rganltatlon then wiu be
__j m _a . '. ? . -. . - ' :, ,t includlng, how
i-er, B. B O Bouthweitern Railway i'lrat Ineomi Mori
ige B Per Cent. Bondi, Berlei A hm.1 B), intrr-nt at the
; ,-.. | vided In ti-" old bondi up to ianuarj
I8W, frotn the coupon date laii pi.Ilng, eacepi -
i tho can of bondi repreaented by Certlflcatea ot De
? :. ;..,i M aforeiald. "Kx int?.r.--t due J.inu.irj l.
a vyndlcate haa b_ar. formed to provlde lha aum nf
1,600,000 requlred for Improvement* eutttng 4own
r.i'..-.. equlpment, etc, and allO th.- rath rr..ulrea to
ike up oxlatlnif .*ar truat-. f!.mtlnir debt ?nd othar oul
tanding obUgatlou "f the Company, la purchaae n.-w
tcurltlea noi tak-n by holden f irtaln of rha exititina
..nda, and aluo t-i mak.- u-l'un.-.-a nnd parfotBI utl.rr
bllgatl -na paaar.tiai f.r Him purpoaei of tha Plan.
Th. coniummatlon of tbe Plan li rondltlonal upon tha
laltlmore and Ohlo Rallroad Compani ia. Ra rganliad),
pprovlng thr mbm n i - mentlng ?- li aa Iti Bouth
. u ra i 'i- lelon Flrii Morti ? .. i n
ad Preferred aad Comm -. ti k m ah ? - - ued, wlthln
:.- >.ur from the ?!_;? here r a thln mi h further
,- tl ? K- rganii il on M nagi - ihall allow. In
um lhe Ball mon ind Ohlo Ki , ini '..a Ba
?_. ,,.... |) ?:. uld ' . . ' tu ' ?_?.?? Ci ndUii.tia.
ili Plin wlll bi ahand n< I, md lei led m urltlea wlll
.? returned to depoaltori ol
r depoill therefor, wltli it r?_ni i, ? ??-- lomi modl
catloa ot the Plaa m ? i ' ' > ? - ?? '? ' ?
ron nd, In wh'ch eai. n I ? .' * ? '?? modlltad I'.an
ill br _u.-n and depoelt ri wlll be iKorded aa ppoi
rlthdriw 1 ted mcurltlea ln oa?e the
ludlllcatloa .-r tha Plan la not accepuble to tbem,
ORK wlll .i-t as i)<-po_itur> undet tba Plan, an l
i. LONUO.N \M' wk.-IMIN. 11 I. BANK, UMITED.
? M iti _OBKT for tr..- purpoea --t recelvlng da
?IU in i- nd ..i. Englan i a '?? .4 r bondi and -
~. o? i t % tl i Plaa n_ay li; -?' U* ' m '* "??, ' '
: - ifarraatlle Trual Cbmpani al Iti ? 8 i >?. ISO
IROADWAVi IB UM Clt_ . Hom V rk. .r at ira
.- lha Uuidon and Unttnu. tar llai.k. I.iniM^!. 41
(1111111111. l,i)Miu>. Englai I. and will n
rganlaatlon certlflcatea ot >t-\ ?*-.? therefor \-.-, il
? be a idi in -i'i> eourei to Uai '
dl up ii tha Nea v..ik an-l n Bl ek Ili I u ??? ?
Partlcipatloa under tha Plaa f Ra rganlaatlon, la aa]
p, .?- .-i.r, ia dependenl upon Ihe d.-i--lt .<f
-a nt aic>\e attbln auch tlma u mai be flxari by
... Manager* and Ihe Pttui aUI embrace - ni> ae.uririae
nf rhe Agra.ment nnd I'lin if RoofgantgBtloa
. ni w ready 8 r dlitributloo, .ini ali leearlty I
,. invlted la ? btatn them from ihe uaaeratgaed. "r fr m
ia Depoeltary ot itt Loodon agen y, aa ?;i depoelton
ii i tbereby, with ut rauard to thi? ctrcalar.
\-.-. '. irthn informatlon eonnected with tha reorgaalaa
d whleh ni?>- b^ dielred bj *? irltj '-. I_era ?iii i
imllhed OB ipplleatloa at the .)(!*??.? of any ot the ur.dar
r at the oOlCI af tha \,r.. >;i?iv r lt? I. :
^ rh !>.?
iber 18, 1888
Bpeyer A Co.,
I ? i.i oa i Btreet, Wen Ti rtt,
Kiilm, Loeb iV ('(>.,
l*7 1'in- Street, Men V..rl<,
SpcjiT Brothera*
7 I. thi an [_oe l ?
Kriiruniiloill.iii 4. u 11 h i_ ?? r a.
).\\ v l: i ? OtTTHRIE a. BTBBLJC,
Ntw Vork.
^S'S'^-s-s-s^'SS.'-S'S.+t^s.r 'y/'/'/A^/iAA/.
**"ft*MHT"-BI_M ti WII.UAMT*.
I, ?ntion.
C.uns?l to It>'. ?-.inl**tlon Managen,
oi ? nn:
ii w.TiMoitK * on. * iimm_**r*****i
it tir.w il i ii.
Th* it.-iit ni..!* and '>? Ra >. tha R-ianmror nt
-?rta.n nf > ? il r s*< ir Hei Im ng beeome r ? / 1 -. ?> rt t an4
ft* [ir p?-r!y t,*.i.r r, ? ?,.. p .?...;.,., f RaeeHrara, ?n* |>,
raorganlBBtloa havlng 1 ired peratlee, it baeaaa
:.? ? tory f r v.ii: Board, ir. .-.'..r to r.r perly prot**t
th* a*earltlea of poor Company.r _ tutim,
with th* Raorgaalaatloa M^naa-r- pf th" t-- ?? ?? an1
(>w i-. Rallroad Company - irra a tha ?.-.?? "?!<itio-,i
'f v ur .- t:.|,-i.iv w-'i tl '? I* :?rty.
Fo. *ervral n- n'h? tha Board im- beea Ib n*r',<!.,t.r*,
-Ith th*m .in.l In l -MUltatiofl Wlth I ???? ?.-,
for tha purpoaa of aaeui ? Onm
P*nvs Btcwltlea I ;??
Ball n "r? .-.- ?. Rallroad . . -.- ,
? baila, a-: i ? i at ura i ??! t*,
plar, .-,.?. . ? ,..y r.
iti i.i|s'n?s? ind plae* ll ? i >
Btnca tl ? - rg u / ?? i l ? r . ? rrm.
petll b, then bi ? ?;?<? ted - - - ? ?r
lt oeenpl ? gri - 4- |
re, ? r i i -.- -. ur Compa -
Tt * ilfeet of raeh i lurtlon ln ratea haa t??i ?*">?*
**rt' us an.l ahowa Ihe of a ? ?
if t'l* Company*i ? i i ? v- i ? ? .- | >ha
f*riir:ng of addtl - ??
menti ir- n ihe t ? ; ? Hi ?' ? - ? ? i ?*
laat year bb exlated ' tatioa af
?'. if d i*fl
hargee of $3,273,621
\\ h*n -.-:??.???; ttai
ample prw ial t->
? '..
powi r < , ? irty "i
? .. ? | ? i ? ? ? ? - . -,
M| | f I ?
t I Rai
f, -,.] t >, .. .,,.,. Immedlal '
Ihe <- --? ?? ? ?? ? ' BBtaral
n ? >.?-.??. | ba .* ? ??>?*?
? > ? r- ? -. buI *tai ? "? tafl
' ?.
.... -?
' - iireatafl
.. . - ? ??....
lmi r .-. ? ? ? I ? ' ? ?
i* flela ? '
vi .> ,? ' I i ?-'.** ifl
...-.,?? foi i aa|
$.-, .'is-. ?
' U
Tha R. ,-? mi Mi - ?
itlon of the | Itt-fl
whl. b provldea for th* ' OUa
... it
eschanga for : - ? ? "?
-. ur
...... a poaltloi Itabfl aaBft
Tba ?-?? i*<a afl
>!. ?- fac* vi . ? . - , ? >
s ? ? . ' ? ? 41
....,,: .?
:?-.,-,,.. rlth Ita Im - ? ; .-?m
nnd tba de| ? ? ? ' . ?aa
?-?'. tv r, prompt a ' i
Y ... Board, ? -? : ",'riW
i ?; int*
Dati l N ra Tort Da atal w 13
. . ..
? >nt
u <:.:.<. IR I, Bl :.'
New I 4.
.' IME8 BL. 'AS
. ' a,
' i :
S ' : i.
llllnoti ed at tha ? tba stata
a;: n I .????? ^!a
iton are iherefoi aaflU
and other t-laiir.*
l'.. *d >'.'.??? I
(.imli reliable b okera 4\.uii>->l to undertafea
?s tii* pla i ? ? ?. -'??-...)?
? v ,.. . ? aetarj
. ., BR 'KER, I 242 I
Cnnl<frs anO Brolura.
Dealers in U. 5. (iovernment Bonds and
other Invstment Securities De
posits received ?ind interest
allowed on lialancev
Bought and Sold.
R. L DAY & CO.,
1 HKOAD ST.BaVH *.oith_
4H W.tTKB ST.HO??TO*4.
wi: nihii a artcciALTi or
P. J. Good hart & Co.,
MKMIUMts V V MO. K i:\ill\N..1".
.eiiiUrr* of _eie Ti ork < onaollilni4-,l BsahaBf***
Wuuia'i'in Racord a?ail*d .: .nea.
Tt.L_l'lH'M l.'.l CORTLAXOT.
WKIIK KOlt IIM ??? HttiU-AitobOm
tm t itirti>
lli;>KV p. HATCH. *HllliH H. H.rcH.
'.i.; nroadway, New-Yorfc
DBALBRB in IWVI.aTHK.vr BB4 t itrriF.a.
i- - nai atti * %
? ***
_.; ; tionda for < aah w on n
Bankcru nnd Broken*.
Investment Sscu Ritt, Stocks and Bonds
iimiuiit nn.i >4>i4i ni PoaaaalMloa
No. J NASSAU c< 18 WALL Sl.. > Y.
?aUBRaBil ?BT. Haaafcara N I BteaO Baahaaaa_
Gtniino i iti
BS8TNA -'? -'---': '-^3
VIA BOl RU l...-._.
KAl.L RIVRH UNK. ??- N-?i-' and i ... B \r*r.
Laava Met IB. R. R-. toot Uati.:. . , aeea U>.
BTONINUION U ? -? ? ? ' ? ff ^
S U : ? ' Kl., ?ri-* d?>* i '?.>. ?? ? i** ?
s.T*-aii!"i ? Mall..- ? I Se? ' '? . ? 94,
NORWll il UNtt .1* Sea Ui 'f J
S* n ( ? t spi n_ v' ?. *a ? al ?? ??'-' '?
eiramri* ? .') ?' U? I ?"?? CH| "' ?_
VEWHAVEN I.INK. Ptef 25, I ? sTR*
MCHARD rm <!-iiy taaawft f"n,|-?)- *'V___T_
, . --^? t? naa
* I>> ERT1BRMRNTB ai 1 -?' - 1 pti < ' ? ., -. , ....
A iecelv*4 ai thelr L'piown Ottlr* Sj 1-?- ' ,.
.. ?.. r north 1 tl ? -??*? 8 _>' -.-k p m ..?<1>4"...
11,-nti r4M4ri-4?d ai ' ^ ' vtna braach offlc** ai^i a. f
:-t"_i.i'^ "iM a.h m, w!"i?tli'-at '?';^.^' 'JS
anl .4t' .1 . 141 <'? .vr . near Waa* ""^^.'^r.i
*AV?t 424 *t . near 8th .ni- Bl H4si i?i ?' 5 . yj
4_J at b?twe?ii 7W> and 8th avra . 188 M 4,m ? . ??