OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 19, 1898, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-12-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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prNT.** MB88A01 AMERICAN CO_t>
London, i >ect mtx r T.
When I~?r Wbaiton'a "Intornaiional Law" waa
mtbttabed in Amerlca a daawa years ,ik.i ,>r," of
irterty magaalnea publlabe_ aa
?-.\ if li and expreaaed thi hope
ll ? ? taktng publiclal would compfte a
h dlplomacy. Thi author
pf thal - ??'???-'? percelved ti,- value of that *_ >?_
as n ; ' f Arai rli an dlplomacy
nfldently thnt li would onaMo
rltera eapeclall* f the pn
cuaa Intellii nd ... the moat
I fori Ign |
Haregretted thal there waa i ?l a aln lai
sh dlp! *ma< y, becauae he underatood h'.-A
ua ' auch a pllation of ;
porl anl Btate papera
? ? | - rm and dlrectlon to public dl* uaaton
l aaa remlnded of this shr. w<\ Sent. h revlew
. nto when the Vei iui aat n ?as
fudde. rala i> fev yeara ago. Thi On
raa I a aerlea of ft
.1 -... irldwlde emplre. Th.- pre
wen nol undi ? -? ??: -. Eng
? aringa ot the Monroe Doe
trine upon It ntelllgently dlacusned. American
e. i- deflnlte nr.i! well Informed becauae
utoi . ? -:" ln
. ? ? ? iper offlce, Thi ? Eng
llent of twlatlng the
? ? ? rking op the Irtah ? I
Thei a aa no recognltlon
? ? ... r, tradltlon
had ailei
.ind I : ? rpetuate r< ?
-,,? ? ? '. ?' W cld. Then ? - -
l f thi ntlal fact tl : ? I
I ..... lela were th<
the a ? pi
the Weatern 1
*.--.'??? 'n during a. pei
??-.:.- - ? ? con
plylng r depei ea ln
Whlli I
I ..........
; ?. ng ai ? - "? " ? ; tlng evei
: thi ? fai ? ;?? Amert
. ....
the Monroe D trim
..... . . .. . ?
,. ? il manu f dlploi
wi t< ra for the Bngllah
. . .. nd pi al
?i ot forelgn afTalrs
ntalned a dla
? the com trucl i if tha
? ilin . ver !n
an p illi i ni";.' than
? Unlted -
itai f any i to the
? ??
... . . .
3 ? of thi m under
... ...
? | haptera
ln thi relatloi gland and Amer
I - ?:: the alr
The v. b ? terra Incogi
? . - and If "The I
. ? -.- a 1th aing i
I hav
? ? _ ? importan a to
of Kngland and
? ?
i ?
? - ita
of the aleeplng
r ?
? ?
.... tes wll
. aur
? This
? . ? ??
...... ?
propoaed the pi
? ? ? r ?? ?
aee ai
... . ihe new pan
ahlp oi tween the nal
... "Th_
... t aakfl. "l n Amei
? ?
... ... me tarll
nnot but 1
two Goven
i . poaalble to matoh
?* rhat the Af
... to enforce a hlgh i*r"
I ur
? ? ] '""?'
-. : . ta ai
? . . ....
? ?
b noi . . . ?. ? !
?: '. IBtV
,. turn from theae haat!
. . ... nal |
??-.. . nion of i ...:.- "The
Forelgn Ofl ? ' ?'
the i ' ? ot th? Buea
tl - - lh? 1>r"si '
tlon of the
throui ntra mer i indli
that Ai mpet ' " r ,n"
_M by the .-?-.
.. J .,,.,.. ;? BttlOl
...... .untry poaeei
rtghtawlth tbe Unlted Btatea under tha i .a>pn
Bulwer Treaty But If the freedora of tm
aaterway were gacured to ahlpa of all natlon-.
aair. the caae of rhe Buea Cana
what object we __bouM have in atandlng ati
uponejaim. ahlch ort_tnated when I
ataaeea wera all _ether dlfferent-' Tha*
atataamanltka aummary of thc- queatlon a
cf the great raputatloo of tbe leadlag ??????
.?nirna: it hae bad an Imiuedlata effe. - u.
ehaaging the oolor aa. toaaoftbe Bngllah
and i? brtngteg the mipport of pubMe oplnlon
ui h-ar upon the Porelgn Offlea erbata a almllar
rlaw of tbla gaaotloa of .anal dlplomacy to aaw
A gead manv thlng* have happen-l J** V"
Claytor-Bulwee traaty waa axgotlatad. tbb
Baaa Caaal, for exampie. haa baaa aonatru? ???
___ sMoed to tba -0_B_r?area and nn-.ies o
?ertf! and ln ptaee of - ^uai ayatam of flaancW
. ,r._. - , ,? T.:pvr. rraaea ha. fallea out. ana
the Brltiab Onven.m-nt Ia now In poaeeeel
tha X:> "ountr'.en The unme _*nvernme_-t WMCO
o-tii two-flftba "f th- _harea of the Buea an*'
virtua..)- .....,.:? at Calra the oatercamantoi
J||gM|HU-__-MMBIK M E8BM -
and ln war Th. dual proteetorate haa ceuaed,
nnd thf French enterprlae, whlch was peralat
ently oppooed by Knuliah eapltallata and en
pin.-r.- as Impractlcable, i? noa pra tlcally un?
der Krittsh control a? n neutral waterway, The
| praaanca of tha Engllah Knrris-.n In L ???
Egypt nml of i, nd Cron* r In I : '
j power in ? ptedge that ln tim< of war the oaaal
j wlll be kfj.t "i>.-n to vaaaala of every natlon, that
, r.o beillgerent fleet wlll be allowed to tak- r-f
uc>- in thf termlnal porta, and thal tb- ?
aray wlll nol be ueed for n-.n:inp war hlra
carrylng on actlvi meaaurea of warl i
Theae eondltlona of neutn free tranall
: be Impoaalble if the Ntcaragua Canal
ponatructed under the Jotnl proteetorate
led for by the Clayton-Bu treaty.
Netther Bngland nor America would be ai
erty to garrtaon thi termlnal porta, n i
< ir-f anv authorlty aionir th. lln- of th- watei
way. Th.-ir fleeta could erulae aboul thf r*n
! tranffs nt a diatance of three leaguea, int ma
rines could not be s?fnt aahore ror a pun fired
, in tenitorlal watera. There won:.'. bi ? \- ' -
American offlclal on shore armed with the au
' thoiity exerclaed by Lord Cromer In Egypt orer
thf -latrlct traveraed by tha canal. Th<
of enfordng neutrallty, of prohlbltlng th.
Of a tfrmlnal porl ns a eoallng atatloi
of -uit | ? i place of refug. I a b. Illger
enl fleet, would be shar.-.l by th> Jealoua Bi
of Nlcaragua ond Cuma Rlca. Thera mai
n< ad. |uat< meana -if regulattng and enf i
the prlnclplea of neutralltj la tlme of war. In
this roFjif't th- Clayton-Bulwei treat:
?. ' ? '
tai llng tb. tereata of eltber Bngland or
America. lt requlrea both eountrl. keep
th.-ir hands ifl . I 1 ll I - the
ni-utrul law ' i I ' . ?. ?
nre incapal - - ? .Blng In ai
w nr n i . ? . ? . Arm Bup. rvlalon tranall prlvt
Blnce thla antl.uated eonventlon la no longer
available for the purpoaea for wl -
Blgned. enllghtened
. ? n tl '
? . ? ? ?? Bu. ?'. Tl reaaon l
thal both Governmenta hi alread
Hon. and thal " ' ' '?
ngncaa of the Foi i , '
I ..... entlon whlch
tem of Inop. ral
.... | by ef *'rr"; by tl
? . i. takea hold of the ? ? t<??; -
ney for It. an
u ii ? aa< i tia
tei a-ay wlll b to th.
. . | . . veaaela rj flag under
ronditl e now pi
Suea. Engl nd In thla wa: ' whai
is of no \a. ie to her?the pi
trol, whl :h haa
..;,... f'.r ha
. ? ..-?-.??? ?s ? Mfi guard of n< utr i
terway were now opei .mei
compromlae wlll con. ede tl Brltlah prli
adopted t Buei and ln r< turn a lll hai e the
prlvllege of garrlaonlng and fortlfylng thi
? - to r< member how angrll l
I - retarj Blaii . for the i
tlon of the Clayton-Bulwer treatj were re
elved In England ?.nteen yeara ago I
Impreaa. tha algnlflcance >f the ? ????
tory dlapoaltlon nou ahown by "The T
"Tbe Spectator," "The Dally Chi i "The
Bl Jamea'a Gaaette." and othei well-lnformed
-._ the aame aubje -t Bym
pathiea have taken tha pla
ausplrion* ln determlnlng the relatlonn
two rountrlep. lt oupht not to '.?? Impoaalble,
with the good feellng now axtsting, for L*ord
Ballabury and Beeretary Hay to BOttle th-. canal
? r American control i.5 ? to the
tructlon ?f thf canal aa a Oovernmenl
work, and no practlcal Engllahman wlll
to the princlple when he underatandi ll it tl
money requlred is to tx ralaed by Unlted -
I . ? aa the greal
........ : ?
? ? e aatlafled f tha Suea regulatl.-na ar.
? : | ? ; ?
| . i
1 s ?
Ifff.s?. 1 r PTOX'fi I ''>?- Ol Ml 1/"/.". .
rr a \> di e to du ai p st?. rr t -
r>r Carleton Blmon ot No. 114 3
. _ . ? aing
..-.?. Mi ?. Mary L
?. . \. ping on Batui her nn m
....... [Mra :.'..-? I.upl
. her cl
Df Btmon aald tbal %:- '? ??? ' ?? " '
He would
-.- fully reeovei
flned 1
R. Tannei
...... tarted for bon
Bften ? ?? Th. lovernoi m. I
reat but a " :' '
moat at
. ? . 1.111 ?. ?> ? * -'
From Tl Noa Orleana 1
He . ? ., : ? :
: ;?. .'....,.?.
1 'Ive.
l rorn Tba Atlai l ' ' ' ?'"?'
., , ,...s. i. ?? ? ? m iglatr ta
? ?
ple* no matter unaer w..j. n?g u,e>
v -,N r,K ii! ART.
Krorr. T. .,.-?' Btate
lMw . v ? . man of hrart and fl
?; ,K, ...... ? ?
<;i:.v '??
rtom Tba Ifew-Oi
v .i i, kli i ?? -::?.*? ?''"' :-??* ? ' ' '
No ?i, h ..
? s
VXam Tr.e .'hari.-stot, New - rtsW
1 . . Bpoke ln all *lr.rltr from
", VT _rt and ln lha aplrll of tru. fi
i&?' voii-i. dt-t?s a wnla u u.. c?uuirj.
1 Cff | \ GE8 / V THI l\ 1X Kl\0 L\ \T8.
1. 1 - Vewa waa r
? m his
ireil. H
f the Wi I Cable
? - morning al
So. lf. Weal l '? '
? - forty
.'tii Edward Q. M
(Ifl Ine | The
af death graveted
whli h Mr. Mu.oi
i ?. ., :'?11 - ?
To the Kdltor of The Trihttr.e.
sir: Th" Tribune of thla morning annouBcaa
efeat, ln the Houai f Repreeentatlvaa, of
the blll to lneorpornte the Intrrnational Ameri?
can Baak.
Wlthout havlns. heen In any way ponnected
with thal project. I followed the debate on 'he
' blll -_iih Int-re.t. nnd was at first Inclll
f ar th;;t Its defekl would, for aome tlme at
? nt the merchanta and manufacturera
-??ite,, from aetslng th- opportunl
?r.i i- whlch ar.- opening befora
thei as the re-ults of the r- -ent r nr wlth
B| r ?
it ?!'?' ur* to me on aecond thought, thnt ln the
.I e all tbe eltlaena of all
? the .'tatec, on llke terma, thls menne of oon
Ing the commeree, ! ea fh" golden opportunl
t> of tbe peopli of New-Tork, which ran he
.. | ; f ?ui next Leglalature aill promptly en
; aci a few simple but radlca! am. n.tr.-nt* tO
. r.c lawa of the Btate.
Among them would neceeaarily ba 'he grant
inp tu the New-Torb eorporatlona expreaa
r ? eatabltoh and malntaln branchea in thc
other Btatea of tba Unl m aad tn forelgn ooun
triea. Wlth a prant of guch powera. and doubt?
leaa pome ctli.-r necenary mln->r ani<ndmonts
the ezlating lawa under whlch our prea:
trust companlea and Btate banka are go ateedlly
drivlng the amaller Nal ona banka within the
Btate oui of bualneaa, ? bo can doubt that *x
cbange, from Cuba ami Poi Rlco at leaat,
not to sp<ak of tbe Phlllpplnea, aill very
Uy be drawn on New-Tork, Inatead of, as al
. .. Lond r.
L-st li 8_ i. ihe sald ihal a charter from tho
Bi ,-? f \. -York would nol be :if avallabla* as
from the Unlti Btatei pei l me t-> re
i thal " Aprll
7. IMP '? ? \ ? ? v rh rporated
flrst tranacontlnenl rld:
lf i rt- itake n l, thla Btate .? inently
rporated tne Pa < "om
Thi - lature at Albany
nnd thi ne actioi luce me
: will 1.. klnd enough to puhllah
! this l< ?? ST' i'VEBANT FIBH.
N< ? - fork, I iec, 17. 1S0_
Edn ' " '
....'_ ? ? He wai l
Maftoi englneei wl a l ? tlmi
! from
... ? ? i m of Mai
ited wlth nli
' : I "
Mr M laon lf a nm ml_ r of ?? ? ' poratloi
He !- the .
? ?
' l bi - ?
-.. . .??
er, a well-known I '
pn. un
. ?
Mr. Pb
He wa ? ? ? ? r of 8
- KS
? ? ? ?
- . .
? _ ?
.-o ? -
THE I>."v W1LLIAM il Pl
i ? iri Va Di ? Bl
n t promlm
.?????-? ; *
? ?
? ' NT
I \ I
nlght ?? ' : ' ' '
' ? " '
- frlei
. ,,
the patleni
aald ?'? ? I
.ppolnti I to 1
-, ?
II. ?ll-- -
twelve yeara ago.
VETH0DI8T < Bl t:< 8 LY.VI1 EBA IET.
,- _ . ?; - Btreel Mi thodiat
... - th-at.. a
i forty-l ry yeaterday. In th_
Rev. D, v v ?
... .... mei t wi
... ...
. - . rea of thi
?? P. i: Dot lu
m H. 1 ' ?' '
and ex-Pollca
... impojr.
' ? li . '
_..a, . I. It would not d
- w na gln
... . - ,. ?
_ -..?*/.?/ ..-.- BY ?' -i '?' fl B DAW80E
.... nng, lr whl * wera a aumbi -
ung people'a
ttan 1 - - . . . a- Mlapah
.,>.-. . ? ? ._? weal it Nlnth-ave . laat
? . - ? i ' ? ? '
, . ..,._?. -._-.! r- ror Jaaua." fa
the paator of thi hurch. thi Re* Trvin-c
D. Wlthtagton .Inni" I '? a - ?
.... wbo I .....
the ? -i : "How to Enjki.
.- . tne 1
? llaht
aee 1
- ?
r relig
? ' - nuraelt ??? I '
...... ? ? ? < '
Kft? -.;, Dawaoi - remark* < bariea L Pra"j
Inga at the (
m. from Aiban] l
f the Joy b.
- rtei
urged all th?*** preaenl to Uve trua ? briatlan mrea
COLD ?? ii / COMINO lo l>AY.
4 ipeclal -"?"? * ' ,h" **v'*?'h'*''
I in?t naghl aaaoom ?
_ araa dua
... ........ , -?r-' h
^apparatufa wiu fall U u?gr_e* PJ Uouda. uij^a (_
cKrnc vn\ Buixrw aktj mas*
Sorp?thintr m-ir'i thnn the volatflt commenta
whi.h ..me | f. w hour* after th<- full of thf rur
taln OUgbl to he written when MotMII'l "NoOB '11
r;c.-i-- ?? ts imi foi med In New-Torti I ? b
formaa - tle occurranee of more th.m
orr-'lr.arv BtfnlficaffM Tlme WBB when. thmi^h
? tlona Bf tl i .-I'^'i wera not numei
w-ns jrei cloae to thf -vmpnthies ,-?n<i nn lerstand
ina of thr- publle Bul thnt was long ag i Blnee
thf Metropolltan Lfpera House was bullt ihe repre
tlona havi beei extreim | fi ra nfleei reara
have paaaed. and ia potri of edu.
ti. .*? Dfteei yean havi been the equal of aay
prevloiifl generatkM) Thejr have carrled tha o ?
publle very fnr from a ataadard of taata and ap?
preciatlon wh.eh . ? ? ? irj to the complete en
{oymcni of tha opera Tha cbange ha-* alao
affected the performera, and ir is indtaputabla tbal
lt la more dlffleuli for our beal operatk atngera to
alnt- Mouart'i opera In the atyle whlch It i
than any otber worh ln th.- eurrenl Hat "Don
Olovannl" not exeepted Thera was mom ravlah
Ingly beautlful alnging in the p> nea laat
flaturday afternoon, nn.l ??> cannot belleve thal tha
Canaonetta sui arla aver fell morf tranaportlngly
from human Hns than from tboaa of Mmea Bem
brl ? ind E iraea on thal occaslon; bul for .11 tha*
tnd all through ther. were mom.-nts when the
m -1 rnthuslaatla d. lee ol Mr Oi u'a aongblrda
waa compelled to admll ao be wa* informed by
? : k- wledgi that thi op< ra a i i
efferveecent ai ll oughl to be Bome of this im
ion waa eauaed bj aa unaympathetlc d
f aome I the parts; more by the heavy
? . . i recltatlvo r- -
ntraai ln thls reai ecl
? |. rbei lioaar 1
"Plaaro" a rlklng, and can oi
tbe ground I tt thi Bj i Inlan work
..' ? ??
? fall aotnnolent, so tbat each i- i
? ? ? ffe. ? ? ? d Incompl. I
:-..,' "Thi Barb. r"
Mr ' ir iu'b people ho ? . ni iti
Impei ? ? :?? t- wi re
wlth tha worda. i
rkled lik. I ? ln
fdozai . . ; wlth leadi
i ecea wera r< hed rythlng
lot of Mn ?
Bei rt i i .':?-??
- ?
the opera than If
. :. mbei ' '?
>mpan) from IMS
that "Le Noa pai
t was v ent froi
... of the
??. than a <;? rman
tion Q n whlch
? ?.
.... .... - ? . ? opera
li. French and It n ? i nd op ra In i lei i lan
mlxed, wi
r, |,r, ? ? N- a -I orh i ?? 3 u
M.-'i.n... Eamea, Nordtca and t am Mea
Ed ird ..? Beeaka and C n
.t ln ih. laat houra ' I ? neai iea
i ? n rd. Eai Maurel. <
gnd Bdouard de Beask. i It to u but pr. trlou*
to ua In man) ? ? rr.
il whlch celebrated thi l< dlcatlon
.... Hall In May, IM when Mea
Mlelke, I>- Vera and Bltter-Ooets. and M
[?Ipp, i;.: htm i ? Ha ther and Bi hrena i
. . .'. ... the aecond aet li con
undi rtaklng ln Lon?
don. when - rtngera apend thelr tlme whei
?. ?-,. ??? re, and ? woi -
_-r thal it is no n.nr. amltlar to them
What a lovely thlng it would be if thla maater
lat" or "Loheni
eller thlng If It i ould I ?
H11 . \ ? ? wlth B Barb.
tion ol ? ? '
. . .-. mi rrim. I f Be iu
q ;??? mu rewrltlng, wltl a
tr ?.., .
m m rple. ? - of R. nlus
whlch a flt l '
- ?? Ing would I
? ?-.?? Mi ? i
. ? ? I '
ng pul We ahou i I
mpoaer ao plal
;., wlal
revert 1 ? ; arformanca urday
' v ? Bembi I
- . Ti.ir.. and li
- degree b.
? M 1 .?
Ri *sk. : Mme,
? known wh
tm lt fdoai rta page
. . - .......
lull of a'rdor, and f< I * ...
..... i r Mme Baa
. ? ? t gra ? ? ' ? ,:'
in_ ilgnlty. Bb.
e gnllery of I I maal
I not parall. Mlaa Di '
. acted, aad woi
. ? n I
bone would havi -??? I w tbelr parta In R
.... tlon of the
.. . pul ln; i th.- prop. - i| -,
nga. Of couraa
.. iet a **d
tpr poa of tl ' ' Fb\
? ? '? ' '-," by The
a Oeorge F
.. p. bei all f thi .mei
: Danag
t. :
.- ?; iging Edltor of
Tha Tribune bj Hor i Maajr of theae
I them li le.
rhy dlai i ?
.......... o 1
I had been lefl oul of tba pap<.
? - at a
,! ttme ln |
breaklng out if the Wai ? ??
I .ti. to Wai i meelf l
? troveray. in wbtel ' Lew" Campb
was mvolv. I. M ? ? r-rnt a late d
ild n il |ue
Were ami ' ? ? ? Utorlal room of
Then ??? "*' dowi and wrota aomethtai
? mv Dear Danai What wlll it i ?-? I
burned down? iv i i
? '
t flnd a u I of mj matter ln
? .. thi* morning. I Ind flve col
i knoi
hou?. ln a ? ? a-ill be i
to burn down the Acad
\ . ? ? Mi
. 'II 1 llll ';;?? ?half
rlbum wlth an argumani tr i
m favor of perforn
el graa pera ln tba varna Ital*
? ? . ? . -. ?
a ravtea ?-' thi La Orange aaaaon, whlch had
coaae lo an end Bem. reare befora bla opera,
t ui been produced at tba x
Bnd H.. had -Mr Brlatoa - Bi| l*aa Wlaka al
NIMe'a Oai '
? in lhal tarlf J-V Mr Krv <_rr!ed on B
i.. agatael t-ie larg.- aum* demai led b]
.... tbe A ?>Bemj of Muaie wm
u - ???
. B ?, - - .? ao nor
e wli ? ? m al nol rnori ibai
feurtb *i4u; lt trtx\_g___lba aa^aftayaata bwtight
from Fliirop*. Amerlr.itr vo.;.:ic>a WOUld bn content
wlth ? ':.. feW inonaanfl dollara .1 yr.ir nnd if
thev w*re ^..iic1.- for and educated
lodreri '?"'_' '*"* meenwhlle, theli lervlcei
could ''-? -? cured roi -? 1 1 ? .......
tpi - ?. -i . . .. ln that way aione
.-nn thi ei irhltam tinmmiAr nt f-.r?lan -ir'lita 1."
dlminlahed; nnd the fojiv rm. estravaganci nf pay
Ing them 'rnm Jl.iee- fn .m/*__ n nleht. aa haa been
? .-. ii, thla ? ity. wlll be ron led. In eon
neetloti wlth thls It mny ba mentloned lhat thera
sme Amerlcana -iow atudylng foi tha o
ind oni lady of Poston h.in ap?
peared i-i N.iiiies wlth aucceaa,
'i m incenuiti". .ir:l unauapectlng thnt inst stnte
mentl Bome Amerlcana nre atudylng fer the op.
. rat g< ? ? Doatei ladj I tually
.'?-.I in Naplea! What a Boek <>f aueeeaeoea
one la'iv of Boaton" aaa had! Hen la i pora
tlon nf the li.= t. pul ilowi at liin.'.uni I-.mri. . A
hanl I'lira I,". -? A:-.::. e l.ouise | ;i -?
Mlnnlc Hauk, AdelaMa Phtltppa Kmrna Thui
Baama Abbott, Maria Lttta, Antoiner* s-Tiira.
i. lan Nordlca, Man. Van Zandt, Emaaa Nevada,
Knimn Baaaa Bibyl s.Hnd**rson. Kitn Ruaaall, Balla
de Luaaaa, .*..-.. >, a i Lilllan Blauvelt,
Here i? nn anecdote aboul Voo BBlow ar.<-i Maa
caghl whlch is t?icnifie..tit. in vlew of the falhtra nt
all tlie !.\trer's operaa alnee "Cavallerla Raattcana**
A frie'ul \!s:t:n_r VOB BQlow wai m>-t arlth B hurst
of enthuaiaam, tne aabjecl ol whlch waa VardTa
"Palataa*." then new "i nm just wrtttag to Maa*
raKiii." siii.l Vou 11; w ! thowerl hla frlenil
tni* paaaage frnm a letter on hla leah "Engroaaad
i lr. the maaterl] I Verdl'a 'Patetaff,' I am
happy to b< form you l I ro_ h_ve
found ... ,r in jni.r jir-'iler-i ?<->r I n- Who
; wlll long- outllve yo-.i "
\o concert a more enjoyable, it w< ?nfe to an- tn
hoth th" rr- the performere nre jriven tn
New-Tork than thi aertea of chamber muale re
?? b: Mr. Arthur tVhltlng, a
.-1 s -.i - ? ' Knelael Quartel They an
to l le- audli ? e flneat
n from moat aerloui tlai
ighly compi.lana, .--.n'! In aurround
Ing* n ? ?? . Iti proper effect; and I
.-.? thej ara aure of tw
tboroi n knowledgi and Bjrn i
for tha ni !: '?'- whal
li -.rt red Mi " thla ? ? aeli
- new bulldli
.... . . - t doea nol
- ? , ?
ount of ;i auperflult.
in ;i rooon ao amall tl
.... | t|'.
............ v , ?. np|| ;t
? ...
: _ ... : ?
... ? ?
... llat, one of the i
mpo . ? ?
..... . .
and Dvorah |ulntet li A i ! me are verj
famll ? ? tl and .Mr Whlt
? ? . ted foi
I .
feellng of thi i igmenta ol
a- ?? ? -k -," Mr
?? The Dvorah rpi I I I
..; the moal dellghtful 11- lu li of thi - inti aei
Ita Inventloi
ind t\ ?? entrai I l
... felt in
iplrai ?: ' ?? II la not rau en ed wlth thi
? i ???? '
? . reat of tl
? .- Mi '-'
great in I growlng akll
?? ili branch of enaeml l "> whlch hi
. ?. ..?,.:.| :;. .- . ha eaaaj foi
,.- ? ? ? Thi
. -r of 'tii*< *t rli b wl taka place "ti .! u
uary 2: when Brabma'a thlrd vlolla mm
? - ontralt 1 and > and
k 1 i l-.'ir-. nonata wlll be hi ird
Dull featun ?? 1 baent In 1
1 i-.-n by Mr Paur - 1 leBtra
nr Carnegia Hall The orehaatra played
-.' ti aomethlng apprnachlng t'r;:...tr.,v. and th?
? _r of Mmi Meredlth ind Mlaa McOuckla wai
.?!'-. appiauded The featurea, whlch l_oke>
,.-! tha programme to thoae whoae lutj
? ert-rooma, were a planoforti
or ? ?
prodlglou ' iad Ther.
1- eomethlng gypi thr- name, and b_k
tn the . playim t lt a
thal e preaenl
f eai ry taleni early .irr:
. . , tlon. I mpllah a
? wei t al
... v
? ?. .. ?... - ? ? gmenl
? . ually sm.-t l audtence at the
neert glven in*1- ? enlng at
. . . .. n ...... ? . . perfon 1
the or heetre, to ; rovlda tha 1 - l
. . vi. Brugutere, Mme. Mantelll, Hen
pipp, ? 1 ra and M. Plancon I >ne an n
iromised, bul Mlaa _faud MaeCarthy, vlolln
aaa atlll auffertng from th?
. ? aan, and I
? ?? -? ??
. n, aa uaua tor 1
aai tr. 1 ?-??! M
? ., _? iven'a "Lei
.... v. thai a
? ....... _ehea heyond th.
wot-i. of ti' - '? atlll more ran I] loei
Itaelf I 1 ? rforma ''iS an
The Board of Trade of Mount Vernon wlll ho'd
? . .........
?ri.tn ??"? appolnti to Inveatti
,_ m .-,.,? Fiil ? and ? 'lt> Clerk Hoyl the awt
ti r of _r inttng B fr.ir, - -..;?.- thi Nea
v,,rk. W eitebeiti it Tractlon < lom
Th<- iltuat ? ?'
? . fact thal Mayi r Fl.k< - father, Bamuel ^,
Ki-k" la pra l " ?? Board.
... nd. Di * The Bxecutlve Commlttee of
. . ? of a,.- Rod Mill RTerkera I -
tton r. -1 here 1 lay and a epted tha re.i...
7 Prai _ P'.er."- aa 1 ? Edward
May, ?f this clt) wi 1 eli ted to the eaeancy, nnl
Prederlck 9 Frlderleha, of S'ev Penn., w>?
cb ?en nml ' auceeed Mi
war promote I. I: a led to 1 '?_. e? the
date of the ng from 1 Bal
da] of January to - tturday of June.
Wl p a r. d letter v-?t ir. t_e annala of __edlclna
lr marka I II ' ? ' -'" ' : ?' ?
Throat cura Dr D Ja/ne'i Bxpectorant ?*?
THK ..*il.lOI.I.TIIi:il" U__k
? >. !->-i..a Whleh II lt lll I ''' "* ?"
? , 1 . . f 1.'. 4'.'
R IRRH !>?
;? H BATH - ? ;?????*?-:- by tha
; \t 1 . : . ? ... ?
th* Ut? ' ? ii-:'" ? O I- > 11
Kr>tie?? of mai ' deatha must ba en
dorae - ? ?? Idraaa.
Balaelei I Pag* B 4 * r'
. -. -.' I - ? r
?.. . 1 ? ? Mi fi ffmai
I.. .k? . .laff.i W
iin ??
? ? .... 1 \ \> iriQ.
1 li
j . .- ? > ?
_i..,. Uorotot
BAIBKLCI It Ea- 8 ? t_oag lili I aa I l ?
lay. Itacambor 17 l*M Ri ---i ii Howo\ry. M Ii , in
rh- *?' ?
? funarai
|l rr. .-. ifterno r-. I.amh?r
:. ? to meet 1 '-? r-aln fn,m
BARXB8- At hla r<? a l-ri-*-. Ka 77.' ttartl? a\r . Sun
L>?ctWlkar l*. ,f pneuffl r.U. Tr? ??! .r- M H.irn?i.
\ ? ? ? ? ? -nl li?rra ttot.
UKai::- : i '. 4- bta boM* v?? *??!* Pllal a oitro., Naw
ar_ N. .! . "n .-.aturiU- ? -.7. ilrurg- Aii?'lri
I |ej :r th< >?': sr sl Mi tar
riir-rr\ ???? I>. ember 2e. frim 'l-n: a^ Aratm?
'.?? arl N J . *l 2 p. m.
.1 -l ? . "IPS af'ar a ott Ot
I r. |_.*r ll, I'..- al'li vaar nf !ila agr
? ?? -.ir.n I>_eanih?r 2t). ?( H
Hawlej " ? N KN CUatoa ?i., Utwhiju.
li'.t;_i.'._l ii- .,_ .'i. I. - --_^,
na. tiFR <?>..?*? r rn *-. ?' -* -?**--*. in sia
-.. ,. .. ...... . . . l' ? pr-*--nonta, ln Ihe
.,. ' . 11 ' rmerti ot Bevarmal Claaa.
\ ? . ? , ? -? tfter
mwTii? .t:\-i: BsuMeeh on t-aitmbar 11 IBBB ?'JJ'*
reaMeae. ' ..?...,,., .t N M. Ha?rt*j_**a#.
? - f th* iau Re*eri :i aad Mary Paal H*whf>rr??. ?
ih* Vith year of hi* ?*?
Fat wai petvate.
JEKKINB On Batardai eveotac. Deeemier IT, MBB *t
b. reaideac* S - Wil ?' Aur-i"* R WIBB
Bnua f ttantaa, ir, th* fath raaa "f h*r ?*?
FWnaral private
JOHXBON rfulliBli of h*>rt rallare, rr.ii-. ertuiat).
Ottemtter 14 \ lela '? I lll * ??' "? ** ?lf? nf BrWaBBBO
Whltt>??4 .Ki; ?? n .._
Fun-rsl *arrtc?a ? . he held al har int* r*ald*nea. Ni
417. i-lin'-.r. ...* ' M ler. I.*-*rrt
tat tb, al l
minvh ..- -...,-.. Daaaaata* ifc. I Baaaaaaanla, Dr.
p . ,i ,..:1*r. at hi* i?t? raatdanee. Th* B-evoert, Ma
IT n ? Hn aiya, ? ??' ?:-*r ?"?
at 4 |
Rflativea ji. r *? t? ini Ilea
, . .it*
PAOI ber i?. i*o?. Bei B lla OBeor J'*e*.
Punaral privat* *? th* eorventen.-e f.f fam'l-. rr m tne
- - - : H lattnga I. Pa*. 'vv s ,,y **???
'? _ljm
on-it ftowera
lii^ton (Maaa I p.-ip-r- plaaai
RANDOLPH -Ti thi 1*4 BSi bta riaUinca. Ma 13
i.,. Ba ? , ? . Bdwai F RaadotaB. in
TT-.h rfiHr:4.-? ar..! frlend*. nf tha famllj ar* r-*p***nilir
lnltfi.1 ti. tf'rnri ln* fiin?ml .*ri.-'? *l Ih* ' 4l-.*ry
* m
'.prl'..-' *' >?:?? ti a I
RETNOLDB on Bei ? ata*, Daeeaebar F". **\
??? iti iaa K^.-?n - - ? i ... aaal uaaa
Kiaaan I ia?
Funeral from th* i'!rs. i<*f..rii.-i - i ? hor-B,
Madla ' . :..-.. r. n, on araaer
li .,
RICH u:!..-. .\- at v ,? ? v- ? ? SL on
I .v I- .ml-- ls ??- , . ? . i *n
-i B H
Funeral **n lee* a; ? .%,'?;.-;-.
H . :. Tui -
Rt'BK - . ? 't..
Th r.:. i Ru*k. ll
. " *
BCHANCK At i.i* raaUteace. In Prli ttoa, N J ea Ert
.- ? k ln
i an
? -.: ? Praa
TTNO a- Parla Praaca Nj*--r, ? ? -.7 lt. aai u T*n*-.
: D
\- ., ? *? u. i u?*d?y
- - ;? ii at
. - af
? ? \>. ii im \\ w ard .-.- ?>? i
.- rl n
II). at I p. tr...
-. itherfnrd. J
. . v i : -
.? th
? ?. p.
? ?
The ateplien M.rrltt lliirlnl fo.. Ml 2171 Weat
C -.-.'?? r?.
Yt '....Iii.. n < emefery.
? - ? - *it.
Cipeci.il KottfCi.
Trllmnr Term- 14. Mall BW-WeHbef.
peiir. Bl i ??? .- f i ??? b ?th.
il - ? M .- n_,
? . ?-. tb
!? -.-,,?.????, . ii "".*a.
? MaBleo aad Can__a. ??? -..,'. M N?w
REMIT1 iXCEB, lf ?cnt tn raih, unr?i;:-t ? ?1. -.1:1 b* tt
v :..-r's ,nk.
JIAIN 'i)-V:T. ISI Na?-au-?t.
I I?-, iW.N ' IFKIOB 1.243 Lr' .. :?*y.
A.M. i.. VNr. a!::;?>a : wlll :'. . rh* Trtbaaa at:
1, ? offlca f Th* Trlbun. I4B i',?. I st
,. . ,\ ? n . ? l - :? ai ?? R C
llT'^r, O ... ,v Sl Nn ? ' I -'
Amerlean Fi:r??. i .mpany. Ko 3 Wat#rloo riaca.
Th ma* Cook * I Ircua.
! ?? T Ru*
Hottm-aiT ,v ? o ja :. taoa
M raan Hai ca .>. io ???: u ..- .rd Hn issn-.inn.
- ??? ? ? :.- ten
American ; tpreu Company. Ko 8 i:u* Halavy.
? ,.-,- ? . ? . atl i I :....n Hank.
1 IO
Th# I^n.V.n offioa n* Th* Trlh-:n? |s a BaavaOBBM plafle
to l*iv..- nll?r'is-?,:?nt? ?r.] lUbaerlptloaa.
The I'I' * I- ln s i! ns* nf li, '. .?.r> .|*si'?s W maha
a m*.ii. Chrlatma* toi ita r .- hundrad ;-.n.*--*. an. to
li.-i'.s alfti ot moaay for iha puri ??? Chacki mada paya
> r i: .'amp, Traaaarar, MDt I Nv 1^5
W ?? ?!
_.*li'i.'ifeM. MKMdKlAl, Wl.NDOWd
N.w T.rk_
I.iimIiiu. f i-iia ,-n nt. delloate? , llaaaat A
..... - . . . ? i . . . - i\.?*nt?.
Kew Yoi -. ?? _
Ilrnilnaton A Sh.-rm.in C o.,
BAraa anp va ui -
ARE THE i ?:--.' L'BI KO DTHER8.
2.1 PAP.K PLAi B K V
rosl.ifll)'.- Nollre.
read DAIL -?"* m*"*
. ? . .i l-:-v.
?' ?
?t tnan
???>..? ?? '
FraPAT?Ai B a. m.l taa
? - ?.
? .. ? ? , :?'"?.?
- n.ii?t
? | ... || ? ? ? ? ? ? s
; *r
s, ;.: ? \ -. u T a. i ? ? ?'- ? Kwitaei It*i4.
' . par
? ? ?I... i par'?
:?m- >:
?PRIKTKD MATTER ETC Hmnaa -??...??-- aai ? i
Matter. ei for ' i I
. . ? .... ,^r, ,k
\v?.!' ? Phundayi and
? i r !. ?. a
. ? -,
? . . -?
Aft*i l - ' -.' .r.'lo
'? . ? ? IU| ? . - .1-*
? ? .- ll r~'?r "4
anl lerman a ?ltln?
1 ? r M.l. .-?
-.'. K.
MOKDAT?At 12 n .I -1
An,. |. _ lai .-??-? I-. ?*.
per i. *. la
n is- !.? jir?-"??? 1 pai . - ?? ' ' North
! -. ... i.-r i, s. K F Mall newa. vla Pai i
nt ?:?. j ti. r i i ? i . t
niautamala. par ?te?m?r fl n Kea ? >-i.-,n^ at ll | m.
f r .' ?t**mei fr r
TI'KSI' W At tl n ' ' -? i :. '- ? i
irkana. *; - BO ai. par
??. Son . leta
p^r sT^.i:r.-r lr t. I'hll.. !?i|.hl?
~ (?:: N'KHI'Al a- lo ? n. t ? .? --1
s-a? s Trann rt; at IO a. i 10 .?>
' -
? ' |. ..
uiu>- ' '? ?
via Hi - fueatan,
per i4 s . i ..ini a ll. ? - ' ? ther Mei .?:
. . it I j> m. for Braail and
:.i I - " ? ? ?
Hhi .a ind i:. .i i-.-.r ? -? Braail anu i*
- Hiiff n" i
.1 . V 4 A ? 1 ' I ? ? f -
? .
BATl'RDAY At '.>.'?'? a. i rtirj !.? . m i f?*
al... I.'ii er* -.:,)..
...... ? p.r
l'i:N i. ?.)
Ba ant
B arnat
?n f? r ' 'uha p*r
,....? . ? u*l t* Ur. ??? i
..--... i. at 12 7 -inila.1 an'l
...,? ? - . | , . \>w .
.-,-.. from v -?? >?:?*? ?t ?.?)
Rfroa Nor;t?
Bl'KDM 17 B a. ta. t badoa i.r*.' ?nri Virfh
a. a Q 4tnt'- *?.
y ? -?. f. un l.in!. i:i'...f^x ar.1 then.-a
thli - ? ??.-?.> p m.
\ M .. ? aea hy
th't of * lall' il - 30 p m M*tia
? - ,-'iia loa* at thit '*?-'?; it T a - far Car.
. ii. ro ?t**nier? -1'iima M imlays Thur?<t?y? anl
t ??: ? |. '? ?: ? ? - ? Y. . '? 7 - Mfllo
. - - Itapateti
,. ?? ? i|.,il> at 2 30 a ? ? \
2 io p .r. tBeftatered ? we at B | aj p-*vioua
TaAMBPACtnC M '--'
Malla f<? ."**-"*. J*t?n a.,i iu??ii prr ? ? ttaMat rtPam
. i .** hara dal bat i* ?t
? p m Mli* f r Auatratia .?x--Tt th ?? for waet
A istrali* ?hl.-h ?r* f rwar.l*'l Ma K'_r.p*i \*w
- T,i.)_n l.lai.ijs. r.?r ?. *.
\ ,. ?. -r rr <*?. i r?- ? ktt 'l.ly *ft^r
rieoamber ta at 7 < m il a m and rt ij p n: . flr.al
? ,? 'in ar-lvi! ' irtB lll* lo -r> ? ? Wl .?
|i , ni f, ... :.. .TTU^-r 2* Mall* ?? r lt.. S..-.????
la. i*r ahlp " - -t
h?r* ta''- ap r !?* ambai 2.". al a '?>.: ?? v , . ? >'-\i,
and .lapnn. p?r ? - Fmi ? -? ' [l '..,, >tr ru Van->uv*r>.
? : .? here da ntit?t '1T>; a' >! 30 i n Mall*
f,,r .'iina an! lapar. [.er s . V|etor*a .fr m T*?om4i
.. ner* dail> up u January '1. i^'J?? -i <a .v p m
M.is r.- Hawall pai ? - v iBtral . *- m Baa PVaw
? .-.'*? here .lall* up t" January S at ? .10 ? m
.-.'...i- f r V;---- ??-? \. raliai Waw
Zealar. I I. i ?> ?? i ratandi par s . .,,.?.._, ,
Ifl '. i. ?'. ? ' ? ? *r l-.n
iri'l ni t .!??
TiailBliai mn mat.s .- ' - . r ? ... ?,.; ^a ^ailr,
aad the ael --.-?. ? .. i -^. imr>.
ttea ' 'h?|- -?? . ????r tii! -.-Rn.tT ?K?c1?t.-r*4
mall ? m pre.l..... ..
. .KNF7L" s VAN "OTT 1' ?-m_jt4*.
a^i'aawO.-. *iew--?r_, .N. ??? *-'?-?Ulrt-_l__ttBL.

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