THE DANGER OF N.GLECT. ?*._ ia i.rnrti l.nll ?> 1'iitninl Ont hy Tlie \c44 Ynrk Hrrnld. T'nder tho headlnf i-. "Negleeted Cold nn t'ntfm. 'y Depth" Thr N.-w-Y. rk H. ral.l i ___aturday aaya "The r. arrf Cn vin B Brica ls another of rh.- mfmy melanchol ?apauit* of n.^plf-rttns nn ordlnary eold Tha dli MBltlon t oY*_-come di.i'n.r. atrong us th.-- wi r.-.a*. oc to <\n nn. '_ nrvat a ?nfo miarant**** fi , - nt, protectlon ai_aln' miT" thnn ordtaary >-.-ir. Th. lamenti ?|tce_f_ I placed toc much r.llan.e in hln pow. t reaart thr odda \* hl. h arera aaalii.t hlm lt _4t_ t ad h< done dlflferently a valuab ?if. mlght hav. beea Bpaured There an txicb it every eommunlty lt f- thc atltch l tln--. Ihej an mlaalng In Ihe end, "hen the fri. r. la aaaemblt al the funeral, they llaten I ? v. ral mourn the aacr I nd yet ro j?,-t-.v. iy voti .?...., ptlona to thi g eral ? ? .xn.tiy The "atltch ln tlme." wh? lt n \ atrona read l- 1*1 once, and -,hl?> inn only l . h. an able atltnulanl There la no atlmi l_.i uai t' whlakey, and hut one medlolm -' ' ' that ia Dulfy'a Pui Mn;- Th- Q rernment Itaelf arknowledgea thi a* it " I laki ? thal - ?? qulred to ui tn. Q vernmenl atamp as a medlrlnc lfoii i ai ?not afford to trltl.' with your h-alth nt thi f" Duffy'a Pur .?_'? n hai a a precautlon in tbe tlme i CBB.r_f< - WESTCHESTER COUNTY. Yn\Kl.ns ? - '? _ "Thi R inawi. Boj" ? . ? - ? lophoinorc claaa e < It arlll be produeed undi , ? f n ? ...? ... ? j r ? ' - ?_???? ,.n ,.|..n ), > .? ? ?'..-?...,..r ,,, * ? ?? * ; noa ita ahlch U '? -f H V ? atoi ? n-al rnpan. lt la I i ? -' ' ? ? ? ? - - . ? ? . Ne fln lt i ? ? ???.... ;:. **.-?'?? - - . get aagon. bul tha otl ? ? ? ? ear - . '? ? -*r half ? MOUNT VKRNON The *-?'- wl Varnoii Mualcal Boclety != am |^r tha productlon of Hl - "' a Mei , .--.?_ _r)vt*n In i r . . ? || ? ? . . -. M;_c Vi na Taylor J i ... .-. ' ? - | ? ? ? .* ... . -. .. ? i Mnr r * B!NG ? ? ? ? - - ? ? . ... . ? r ??-?-.*? v? r*. A - . ... r Inti mperate ? ? ? , i. t g - I HOME Y/ir\ IKRIVAL ? - , f-Ll.AND-H. H. 1 rd ?' ' ' Rl ltr?roH-N ? ? : . ' i ? eo PAR . ney, of St. 1 ? ING ON TO-DAT py, . 7 ? ' .? ? ? __r- - * . m -,.,,__. .... inqulry. Navy fard K?tr-Torh AeaAemy f 1 encea, N 12 Weal ?.. . . = - .-? _>v*_ln* gona of Bt Patr -. lli ner, I - I_bo" f ? -,-. t . ,. sri k>I l"nl n, Teiaple lai ? 1 A C Dlaon 1 ' ?? ?'-'?? lan Templi I I - ? NEW-TORK CITT n _?'?-"? avenlni , .. Chrlntlan ? ' ng li F. Cl t; for .Vi Dr W H.P.9 ? ' ? 1 Dr. J. H ??---'?'??" ': ? ? ?*-. . | lhe B ?;?? - - Mh '- '? n ' . ? Bl - -.8 matory." .- lirGlff.rt f 1*1 ? Bemli ? ,'..??? ? ? yeara old,, who ae .... room at N ? I ' . . . ? mo :?_ havlng ... i turrii " ? . ... n ? . ? .... ' ? ? aai r , < n . ? ' ro. Tli! ? '?? OH \I- SEMINART. .|, .. iltjr of th. nlon Thi _ al _h mlnar. I ? ? . a Bui ? . ? . tm . theme of thi ? ?_ - . ? , -? ? ot thn aemli **'..: - ? ....... ..., . d w lll end ? i ? v >. ? ... Tna -. ?..?;?? ? ... . ? -???? . i ? n llfe and ??? ? . ? ra noa | on areea B8|*B fron. | ? tr. 10 .' I BJ GENERAL TBEOhOGH U 8EMINARY. In th? ehapel of tba Oood Bhepherd an Wadni-* **?r arenlng Profaaaor Cbarlea W. Bblalda, ot I'Mnreion rnt\. rilty. wai ..nialn.d den.on by Bi?hoj. Llttlejobn ol Long laland. T' aome ttonthr nfo he *_-ai a mlnlet. r of lha J'r. . nv*. rl?:. O?nomir.ftt .n -: Btarke: ol N.vmrk. , McLaren I I - ].!: : i G ? ?- ?????" *w fBAJTICIAE DIES IX A LODOTNO-EOCBE. ?-___8a_ K Thorr.t'-r.. f.'y yenri oM. fllad^" ??y iftarcu -,- ?.? t>,a |__g-ng-ha_aa al :' > Bl Baar? ??> He had no rnrn.i. tt i? aald, aad bla body *i_ BrabaMy real in Patter'a Flald. feara h_ck Thornv,.. h__ a polltlaal f illowlM in tba tagBBaaa..* _?_*? Ugtrleta, Ha coatrollad "rotaa, nn afur *i?. tlon, Ttir.e _raa**a "a0 Tnmma.iy JWia t<, the polltlr/et. .._ found ? ' '" ???a"*.n_r-?,oua* J-uiif ??r Oilver, '.? r.-.w he.J by tha Rev. Dr ^ aaatnntk. BIBLE8 FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. r_ ' THE Work OF THF AMKRI'AN HIBI.F. BOCItTT AND ITS AFI'F.AI. The Amertoan Blbla Bodety haa published ,*, BOnn advtutr-e prbofbhactB Ol Ita annual repotl f ahowlng tne worM-wid. work of the organlaa ?* tlon, whirh contdln nroch intarattlng matter ?. Oreene, the flnnnr-iai agent of the t- Boclety, s.-ii.i ^ "Attbongh drmnnda for n mllllon nnd n half .(1 VOlUme. a yr?.r noW straln the iggourcBB Bf the W Afnerlcaa Blblc Bodety to the utmost, stlll we hav. promptly undertaktn the duty of oendlng _ our experi. need ap.-hts to port.. Rleo, Cuba and ? tbe Pbllipplnea ir "AltbOUgh all Amerl. ans nre naturally proud * of this greal Natlonal unaectarlaa Boclety, sti'i ,. few are aware thnt In rrlgtbg-two years lt has dlstributed over BtXty-four mllllon volunx-s of li Bcrlpture, ln one hundred languaaes. and maln talna about f'.ur hundred Colporteura ln f.?reicn ,. landa il "Tha iplrll f Blbit libertj brought our fore r.thera. whether Brltlah, Dutch or Huguanot, to theae ahorea and abaped our Governmeni and ,. Inatltutlona. The mtlllona n"w looklng for th" is flrst tlme to the Stars and rstnj.fs fW protcr-tlnn * can be clvlllexd moal thoroughly and most ln harmon*. wlth our own M.-ais by glvlng Ibem the aame Blble. Bchoola, churcbea, trada and aelf-goven menl follow ita load " thi R rk rannot be carrled nn *a-lthnut funde, and ftinds are now urgently needed People who ar?- In sympathy wlth the obejeta of tbe Boclet] ar- aaked to aend oontrlbuttona to Wllllam Poulke, treaaurer, iti'.i?- Houee, Ni w-T< rk r th'- head Cuba and Porto Bleo the re? port aaya "We hava glven our bulleta t.. fi*. them from Bpanlah tyranny. Lei us now Kive thoiu out- Blblea tbal they may be free Indeed. , 'i i ?? Blbl. Boclety now appeato for apeclal glfta i! | to ni?ni thla new aarred and patriotlc duty at o our doora, as \ tbedkitanl Phlllpi Mexl. is sji ken of bb the "nearaal n*lghbor,M ar.d recelved In 1W?7 ?.??''..338 volumea t- m tbB reporl aaya: fa ? of i . ', ? ultlea we ear. double than .. if the fr: thla Bgency, wrltsa; "'Theaa p - people,' for whom no man. .?a-'?;h," after they have humbly Uatantd to a chapter from the Blble, wlll mak? to it. Tluv offer, ln dffault of money, a roaary, a cruclfix, picturea of Balnta, the aan da'.s off thelr f ??' egga, firewood, anything in ? - . t ? obtaln b >|:-' of th* ia they call it. " Tl . . ' movement in Mexl.'. toward l - - n i I. r an I deeper rettglon of thi v tment. The are not au Irrcllgloui : ? ) le; aheei athelam is not known; they have only heen eruBbed by eccleai* .-:.'" ntalne picturea of curioua oh i- ?- ? been glven to th" society ln " ? itanl landa The** -? arvlng, tapestriea '-utlerv and ia klnda. In tl rcular which has been laaued in con ? :? rl .it, earneal appeal ls i ? ? ae. retary aayi .- -..'?? Ti atam. ntl i - ? . ri ..-- in the nanda .: eager readera, many ? ., . | never heard 1 he -' apel c l i >. , - large or amall, wlll be thankfuiiy md uaed for thla aol. y thla ai ' ? ? I ? r/Tl VIBSIOX WORE DiscrssED. ITs =? ? ?n- aXD THORQUGHJtEM pr-? nTPKD AT v y - riNfj iv IT AltDRgWI CHURCH ,\ aervlca I l Intereal of nr.l tak?n part ln hy aeveral of th< elergTmen and isvmfti en_air*d tn ite work of tha Cltj M!?Bion. waa held at Bt Andrew'a Church, On*-hundred-and-tarenty I Ih-at and Plfth-.v... h-st evenlng After evenlng arayar Biahop Fntter brtefly outllMd the Worh the atrns. the purpoMa ""d *'rr~ of the ae- J . Whl -h is eot.'" ? ? . ! ; - hureh. He that H ' ' '"'ll of th?. ? .. io mli lat. r to th. negl. . the aick, lh< . I ? end. VOf tO n-.nke thelr .atai ng tl tn fort ? . ? . hav. riea H Bnedekei of 11 i Bl B ? ' the work of that tn atitutlo - ? f the good d larg? I rough the mai .rganlaed ai I. ui wlth l - . ? .. i alao th. | glrla, t ? ? ? . ? -. | ol I ? . Ri Ri kholat Morgar work ai ' :" ' .... Brora Ihe more I ? W urr.; i I hl w.,,rk>1 ... ... ?? nd to work harder There ... bank. r wh. h id not the re r the t ??!" ? f rnlaelon work, and h? ?. ?) . i M -*. worh me4*-tln_r? *~>t t nn \ ??.). would be to get the publle to , ..-???' I thi work f'.r themeelvea. -,..? Mnl le aftera ird apoka on the .- man ln mlaeloa work, ? JAXOWBEI I'I IT* BIMUL1 IXEOUS GAME8. talla of ? Blmulta leoui axhl bitlnn aa glven bj thi P rlatan axperi Jat ? ... nees-playara who conteati : er on twi ' rd*: pi_v*t. "i"' Beeutta I. IMr*. li. Worrall Ktng'a d. lln* I... l t H A. ??''"'; ' " .I' ? s. . .-.Iti " '4 j' . Oueen'i M Saeltoed.. 0 .'??.'.?'? I - Bleillai .1 ,1 , i; rai . l_ne?n * <.Hinli|l rlrr,,n.. I) 7 1! ~ ?.- . 2 s - ? | \: Khnrp*. !'?">' I't"' >???< ... h ? r - oambli . " Ifl ? i ;,;... . ? . .1 '.' .. ? r . Uarnbli decllaad . t? - ?. . i: ?? '; ? . " Klm ... ? ? ? ? ? ? ..-.-'? II . " ,..;" .2 ." 17',.'/ Queen'i ,: i '?'? flaellned 1 . . ? ? ? ... ? 14. || Sl 1 . ., - ?!>.:. . 1 I '? . " .... .. ? Di?. PAREBURBT WILL V7' DIBCI'BB IT. Rev i"- Charlea H Parkhurai dellvered hla morning a?n iha Ma iison ; . ?..- ? hurch, jresterdaj Ii ? i w.,, , ? ij or bj l-Bplicatlon. d:d l?r ? mak. leferetci to the run n i to ri tlra from ihe pulptl of the M idlaon ? ii if hla congreg itl ?'? - ? ? ? "ln I. in : ? . . raatlon lat. r I ... ? ? f the M.i.i rth Avenue churcbea "acuaa. <, . . nt membera ot tne rhuT .nriud . . ? ...| ki g*ley, and Prai k I. igar, ol II a : . yere aeei fter the ei thal there had I ? ?a'k amonx the ? gregatlon of h Ci ? ? urth Avenue Church, or I thera a*aa tt .' Dr. I'arkh..- r< | i * In order . . . ..... -44 chur. ? ec ? - - IXCORPOBATED 18 WE8T VIROIRIA. Charleaton, vv v* . Dtt 'c :p* and .lonn H. BoovllM Brltlah Columbla and Airk*. Mlnlna and Trad ina Companv of N-w Tork Clty; -arlta. *ub*crlhed. ?32.'.. wlth the privi.ege of Inereaalng II: to ll.--; ? 7he *Vare* ar- held hf J hn I Fr-.l.lpa U J Partridge Benjatnln W Hltchcoek, M T M* w.nder nr-.d Joha II Parllna'on. C.i HeaUng Compony, of New-Tork '""?-. f-r tne r,f manufaoturing ard e?U!ng | heatara for .-nr*. earrlagea and other vehlcl-?: .. ?tal aubaerlbed rii.flor,. wlth th* rr'vliec- ..f m ? a lt to M*0,.?'i>i The ?nar~* are >,e.d hy J'hn A I-"na B. E. ..?trr-ti:, N. Jl Balar, Prederick Vi'lefman, l*aw II Ulnier and C W, F"ng. New*York Aut-eTrurrk Company, ot New-Tork Clti for 'ha purj.o*e of p-.jn hnalng Inventlen*. let. lera aatent, *t'\. relatlva to marhinrry and ao* tmtafu* for j.rraltietng power; repltal luba rtVad, t-.i wiih iha f'lviieg' of inaraaalu lt to UM ? . e???.' ? (, iu nr.. hold Pf Cteotft 17 iHtiehln. Jo-rTi', u ;.,,, Anna M P**.aalla BTarrf k" Knlabt , ,. -. Valtm B. Jtaiant SATURDAY! EVE N ING. P O S T j _____? i ?_? __r_vii*^Ji*_uv____fcr'*jT" r * *'?* ?* YOUNG MEN THE STRENGTH OF THE NATION A stirring edito in this week _ Saturday Evening Post, and it is somo thing that will do all men good to read, young and old. Bes.de_.this one, by Maurice Thompson, thc current issue presents The Confessions of a Vocabulary Bv WILLIAM CEORCE JORDAN A Millenium for thc Animals Bv NYM CRINKLE Side-Show Phases of Advcrtising Dv EDCAR S. NASH Every ireek brings new writers and new idefti fo the pagei of the Post. The Major's Dog The Prornis. of a Man of Honof B> B. M. CROKER The Protection of the Sparrowhawk Th. Secret of Cajrtam M'Cr?.k?n'* Dislikc for Du.k* Bv JOHN A. BARRY are two of rhose short stories for which Thf Saturday Evining Post i. now so well known and so well liked. HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATEI) BEAUTIFL'LLY PRINTED All Nctcsmen, *_y Cents thc Copy THE SATURDAY EVENING POST (27^,000 copics of tliis ucck's ffftlt) The Curtis Publishing Company Philadelphia J_)i_iic<- flitb iTHgnns. BI*E* IAI, ll'H.IM .*, IMH < l.ill N I ? HARDjAjj PIANO . f I 7! ??ll'.N pa '. ). ri l*ai ? ??..':? I.0DERATE P_.IC._S. Baa_r .Iiintlil* I'liimi-ni. If II. -Ir.?l. "Hi : ? ? ? -.-.?? _ri HARDMAN, Pl.CK & CO., lll TM %VB, .Mi IBTH BT. Wr'ta ef *? r ' for V ? lllttllrali I l"8ll '? THE WEMHIll REPORI TE-TKBt ?- . - r i ? ? Wa>.| ? .- ? .hr \\n.- i, rt _ui I ?' <-at Oull Blat< \ * . ... \ . I- . ' ? - . . ? , . , ' . . ,!,.?,. , _ _i._ raiit. ? -I ..... ! jiu nn ? - ...... . ? l n r | u a- - ?? an.. N--> I ? M | . ? .. . . . . . . . . . ? ? . . - . M ? . . V ? ? ? \ottt rn ?'' ...??? m ,.f; a||, ? . ...... ? . ? ? ? ?l... lll 141* Ewrtai ? r>.; riiv.r _.? PET ' ? .'- D 8* '1:1' ?? - " i . ? ..... | ..... i , . M ' ? Wlnila J. t ? ? ' ? tf ' ? n_i. ? -iti r- i? i.i m , . ? ..,,.. \. . \ _? ? ? ? wttk i h.fl! wln j- ,r .- ? -a, |i ani? pr''*. Ij ' ' ' " *?' ' i ?- ? ' . | . . . ? HOt'P.-: Kon :.? _-t****t j Tn.-k iti44,*8. i amuif itai I - i ' " -??-? - ?- -J B1 3 ?. _. . _4-_a " _0 ???.-?.,-?-? . ? . ? ? . ?a i f _*-anf?a lr praamra... ln*. ilort '. \ - '-'.- . ?- f r? (.rllr-.i t>ir??i?t?r T'i? il - llni Ihowi [y.rt t* T*0*n*i al I'rm'a I '?-inafy Trlb'ili Olt a I'.a. 18, I a m -Tr.? w??t .-? ?? i-aa fall ool n*ll<1 Thi tam|_*ritnir? r?n?a-l l-(??'n 88 lll. 48 4<4 <.r|.r?Oii 1 ? n| *". ,-?.?. ? tm i il -' i-t f" ?? ? . ' "S ? -? ??? . i ,ai of l8l ' 'i a*f ' . ay ' !..- i ?_*h? auihir io iar ?!!'. M '? ' an1 fn., n _?.!_??. CruncIIrro' tictri pctKft 0B.6*. ] . .. s \- ? ,. V ^-needa v* and Bat1 HOTEL I TfHIE WORLD. Fnr Baaerlptira boeklet ef am- Tall Basorta cr li tal h?.| w, , _., .n a ' i.. s. (sead *!am[.i) DDofaO TTno-lHW Baotraiuo Gto.p ^ i "i Are., Nea Tori_ ) :>.. R. rrt ? Si , Ll nrturi i .'li I. .. il.- lt ' o'\. Far.t. ( r.'i QUBl st >ai Unptisf* vtr*. KflTE;-. j IDOOSEIi BQDOQDEa ana ria ia I' m?srs Am*r1^no Plan 1. I'., Eunpeaa. Op_ Opei I ai.Iia.v-, . N. V _/...Hotel Kearaore, a P. 13 la $? I . ? h ?? .... ? ? A ; LAN i. ? ? i i N J : ? i- > ? ?- 'p- ;>: rr.. a r. *7t up. BOSTl?> .\ Hol \ l . *"' ?!) _o , - , 11 ?? l. 1' . *l tv ii( \ F . t rl :.\ .\ N 1 llol-l 81. Ol K K P tl \ '' . trt ( in.-4 . m a. J- ia *-. .; i: i I! i i/ 'i.n A. I il Tampa Ba] ?; ?? a V I mim \yt : M !? A K !'? ri Mgr . A. P f i ??? , .; V XI ? I- P.. SS 1 V Arll-n n I'- 1*1 A P tf , ..,,..,,.? . ->,.. n,t*!->i r r- |i B II vr.; ' Pall ? roa wlll tllintcr Rrgortf ' . Tatl m ... ? (BAIIEES HIALL, \ h ??I \ llctni ? . ? ? i*i .. ? ? ? f r. r ? * HADDON HALL, ATt-AN'TIC CITY. N J. R*m::rn> (?;>?!. IhfOWgbool th* y**r. li..i:.:'u. tall anl wlDtfr _:?. ?r*. r.a. QOUr' Li.NKS ?OLjr l.TVKB. L.E_[.S . LIPP1 HAM1LTON HOTBL, MAM.I.T'i.v. HKKM' DA OPCN ir.i.MH_R t**TIL HAT gleetrla Ur1-. aa i *n kngeaeeneata MfCAl *.- nn .. 'KB. Btaaeaaia ? . I Part r.eca. ^ ciiAr.L-d. ON TTTTT TtT.Ar*H Atl.r.-.v Cltr, N J Fln-?t Hot.l oa Ih* Coaat. Op?n all th* r**r Ge.f Llftlt* 22 BUaataa fr.m Hot?I Lry Ball, w*;, ?.?pi*,l f r W:nt?r Vs'ril* fur U o_.*t and p-rtic-l*r*. JAM_. B P.-ILXT. pi.vE mn fun-miT ?? I* P--;-.v. Car-lla*: 22 -nll** fr m ChaflBBtOB D*llg_t*-I wlr.t?r r**"** All ri>?*3?rn r-r.v?r.!?B?** Oolf ?? ' Btkar popvUr ?tr. .em*r.t* C".'-ia-? ur.*urpa***< For t K.*. ?tt1 r?r,idilrr* *ddr*** N W, Prl-it. Manag*r. (PrfrrBifna. WasHin?ton and Old Polnt Comforf. P|?i-,.|ui Trlpa fnr tinot Ho i.,*!",' nwae-stai trtg M Waablag l4in 11 it >s ii ?? Laaa kwludtog ?. u. ,? -1*. tr ;?. M Waatiln/ !...? r; old 1'nltil Inmrnrt, la Bi?"< Ial Trlpa fnr Xmaa Hoii.liira, l*avln? So'iV fkrae dai -*p M Waablag ,..,, ..t m... ..iu. ^0?*Km B1Q.OO No ?ladlMHauii al*' '", 01O.OO T i?H r'4 i ' -?"*e rrnm ?lliua, rii'-K A aoh, ?oi iaii !_?_. w-o-t.**-*. g. T. tlrttnrni-'f.-b ' __* Cel. SANS-SOUCI, 31 AM' M imi 12-TH BTflBICT OITOBITB MOI'NT MURRIfl I'MIK Thla .]"_.i;il. luah i-laaa iparl ? ? ' IMl la r.nn tOOi ' ? Ap-rim*ati comlM ?>'. ilthi ili ratiM l ? . ? .. ... ,x ?.., ? ? l _ht iimri haal ri full ittendaoce fi-"?. MUB t 11.308 T W HHOTWELU 281 I_-o__-_ve.. n*ai Iflfttl - 615 FIFTH AVENUE (BBTWMM '.TM AND t-Tn BI'BUBli I Thtt m-xlarn ?nd a'tra-tlv. riHKrH'M'F- a.._i'm-nt hmiaa, r. iitf ?>? tr,] ..n strt'-tly tinl'ary \>-t, plli, afTori! Inr IMIBdanl llaht, h-at anl ventltatioa, wltk . .- I ll prored plumblng ami prUatf Or. lh-. f t?r-;.|_r- l.n.linf t Biirk:nghiim Hotil, ran he ifon bj applftni i-n'* tn- t_ Konm 8. Nr*. fll Willlam, rrnir O'iar Strai.t. DEBIRABLE AFARTMENTfl TO I.KT IS THE BRINSWICK, r.TII AVI7.. Illll. I'dlll BT. IMl NADtBOS r-*7_ H. R. DREW 8c CO., 1 _ i:--t 2TTH BT . COR BTH _*/_ QTitn pvcpcrtp So Crt. nl" I.i A-K ' ItrtlM. 4 ' i '?' ??-' :... -r . **? ? '? ? tlra 1 4?Gtatc CPbiUc,. \ i - :???--:??. TT hujr ? - - ? 1 ; " lll. ? '.:_____________ (To tft for _._->>???_?_ J. nrpr. in. CHOICE OPFICES TO LET TEMPLE COURT, :: io ii ii.-.-umnn **,., I l!t lo I BB *4ii-..iui Bl. I 1 RULAND da WHITING Ak.-iiIh nn I'r.-iulaca. Real CC-tat. Xov Balr? Brook.nn. FACTORY AND LUMBER SITES HAIJ '. - ' alao fr I- ? '?? ? .'IIIEFI'BUN - " "-??? B I {.nbtirbaii Ik.i. ?:?._.!. >*ir __| k.nd lii.s | ... wn. . " -? VI \ OENCT.- Mnnli-lah raal p>'>'. ifl k.-da. aula and afi. r*_' ClaARBNCB B TI'HIIS (Cotiiunj properig fct Bale. FOR SALE. TARRYTOWN. A d?? ',-.: 'n f mntr w ? - - fi ' ' |-r.i,|\ (IM \l *- v FOR SILE STATLN ISLAND. , ?_?-?-. ...... rt: i . , ? ?. B. _< HIEFFELIN. '??'*? M S. Y. /orc.loenrc ai PREME ' ''' UT, COt'XTY OF XE\. * -. . ? ? -.-. i ? .-.-'-. Mll n ? n. ('II .. ? wm. ii ? ? ? : ? ' ' i ? ? ? S T i - - - wlrh tt'l I I fnl . ? - i Wlill ? ' ? ' _??-??"?? ??? '''.i .-?..,- ... an 1. .' [Wt aad I ar I ii l?n?th. (in thi a -.?? ....-? ?? ?'. t-\r- -r .11. inchee; lad -n lha n rthet ? ilde nlnetj nlni fBB tr... ,.n (JO) ln-h<-a, bi the a-uii" m'?r" aold, li ( ? ? fi ? l day a ? . ? owinrei . , lnter.fl fi ... - : ' i tt . ?? pald by tln r V.'i ;. . K i;. i ?? ? ' ? ? - DiribenO Xoticra. iiihnno 'ir<-?t B'Mlrra Ralltrai ? <>. rpilK BiiAKI) t?F D1HECTUKM nf tbe Fhl * -o oreat f 82 | ut nf the Nei _ i ? ? -.. ,. i -.- . ? ? , ... ? ? ' ? ? n-lll ha '? ? : .?>, 1*|.'| ? ?." - I hli'llirn tir.-nt \\?-?l?-rn Hitiit.ii.i t .,. ra--lll. i:,tii Ht'llil unii Pliil ol .*-_' (81 [ht j - ? ? k ' f II.^ ? ? i- . - 4 ??"?'?' - -?? ? I-'* Tha : ? ' I ? '? ? ? ? ' ? n ' - Tlin CHICAOO. 1 - * - a I \ -i ii' RAILr W'AY C'?MI'AN*I ... ... mi - 18 iaga \ i.ii \i; I i.i:: *i DIVilit-ND I $1.2.* per ahare will bi ? . ? ? . . . F I 11.1 VI REAL EJ*TATE Tl M V , 3" N.. ? |. ,v "THE BOARD OP TRU8TEES hare l .'. day ' r il i? PEB . . . . |. . '?' ? . ? I.I K A 1' HEN RT " ! ' IHLET, *rr... ,-?? (Mll.-e HOMRBTAKR MlMM, riK, MXI_L8 Bt :: SO. 1 BRi iAn BTREET, NEW V 'RK. Dec 18, ISftS. rilC REGULAR Mi'S'TH. V DIVIDEND. ?*? i'WENTT ~T"t_ r_- "KVTS rKR BHAM haa h?an lieUred for N'r>?m.?r. r?)-'?-hl? ?* tr-* '?*!".--? of th* C'-m lar.y, Ban Trir.'rlacc. ?f et the trer.afrr ai-n-jr lr. Na? f -a * tha I4t>. ln?t. Alao EXTRA r*IVIPK.VD IN". B8 Bl IVltitl - * 25, Cenu P?r Bhort. ;avible it the arr-a f.tre *??*. place. Tranafa- > . Divxpnifn no. jai ?piir: BOARD Of DIRECTORS linra daclBtrad I auanirlr flf/ldinfl of OUI ANP ONK-Or'AHTER *|7R r.'is'T iinin lha capltal a'.nek of thla onmpany. pay ,\'.a it tht omi*? of the Tr*?aar-or nn and nfter lha l?th .__' ol JlK'iary n*?t to Ih.reh'llan nf rn*<*M ar tha o|4ee f tht trai tfer t_-*ai or the 8f>ih i-.ay of Decemher Inil, Tlie Innifer h"_hl ?!", M n-i.A at | p'rln-'k nn tha iftarn?^n of T\arami-rr '.'?>. inal.. . ??! rarfspaaa' An tho aarmlr.a el _a_-*r> ??? i.iu __. T, W'li". Txeej t \ _\u "cAn cArt Miracle." /american TISSOT'S >Iadi$on Art GREAT s??a-*c Callcries. PICTUR1S. Soutti. Week-daya, 9 to 6. .Sumla>a, 1 to 6. Admission, 50 Cent. AdtaatmOm, 25 Cent'. ACADam OF Ml ?l< . Mh *t * l.-vina Pl. fll'OKTIS'; BOIVRNIRB M?M.-.?*? . ,,..., IOO I- \rnn-. t". -rl. ''" *'? T.. m. rr..*. gre. i* Bai . '>'. B.lfl AMERICAN ,SMb^?S! fc_. CABTLfli aai %itf: niw.a* ro. BOHEMI.-IN GIKL. cKfc --"""' ""lk '-' I!'-IN' ?1 |- VT.O ?-_______ M ' ,*.*_. J mav mwin f ,'[r.h;... , KV,K I I . ... a* ?_> BROADWAY THEATRE. >. Kitra v ? a' 2. WID. CVO. DEC. 21, JThe Sorrows of Satan/^ A DANGEROUS MAID.!! , ? ?. ?> I i ii ? ; ? v . .... a ?' '"?'?wn X??a SaaveBlr.-,, ! . bhoai -.' u i -, th rr ? - I B Batar-lajr, ?k*ap ittedr. DALY'S MtKCHA.NT OP YI.N.CE. a i ? : Miss Reban as Portia. "A ? ? -. ? get." ? ? .1 pii-turas ? ? "Mlai Ki fort'a la tbe en _. v K*a v?.r'a * ,..,, . ? l Hl tVOBI ?i 11 \\ \\. mi -!?', ,,'rmi N ~ ?: " V ' ^ v,:?? Ml IRE, Cljfl M ., : ? ?!..-? EMPIRK | ni \ ntl . Mata 2 IB. JOHN DREW ln THE LIARS. - 5 OSA* Kx?* at fi IO Ma'i**, Bt 1 A Rl \AWAY UIKL. ? ? s. ... b at Da i ittir lay. THF., i - H wBf. (Bai s ? CARKICK ANMLi RUSSELL in CATHIRINE. GARDEN^ ;T rrr VIOLA ULEN in i'H? CHRISTIAN. <.IMM? - ? - ' ' ? Baf. ',,,,', i',>. j POUSSE CAFK. IIARLKM Mr. ? Mrs. \\I,.|?| - -. i. ol?l-:it \ hi "\ ti.llliiMilt." t. Met., IIOI -i:. lu ?-, \4. IMONni \ ?? t !.'? HER 11 i:-it s ij Mata. V ' - ?? 2 ia. HOT?l lOPVf TsJRaVy >ea _?????? .- i* 8 ;...??:, ? :.?..? IRVINO Pl ? i ' .,n-?B - IM VC F ITUI 'C ' on i im ni - ri:mi nnN *4>< n. r\ c_ l I n O 11 p m t.ori.-i: ! iii.t-.vr.vKi r ? \nr> KVI.R \ FA La ?. raa * CRANE THE KEAD OF THE FAMILY. KNICKERBOCKERr .7 . i n m ii KOSTLR & BIALS. ,:;.?"?? _ ! : and F r?l?n Vaudi _r>"' -,|t ' ? _*. Loan Collection of PORTRAITS BXHIBlTED **OR THE BENCTTT np -f!E ORTHOP>?DIC HOSPITAL ACADl MV >p DE8IGN, FOt'RTH AVRNl'R AND BD BT lallj * m IO A. al lo ll i- m - '. M I IU P. M M'.Mis-,'in bo ? i s ra llll I IWftl ot thi: Hl'l.l.s, ' N l:A m^ 11NI M ? 2 NAOIgO.*! ?i|. TIIR* iii-: ~*wam 'IIM IX'S i ii _ ON AND OFF. ?ii;m-i i?Mni\ ii > ii THE KNEISEL QilARTETOF BOSTOK _[1 ...... iilon Bg, OIIANU . T'l.l'.A ?. ... I Mr. M:,?,-|,.,. ,.r?n *i Bt T 15, I li. ?.' auki rt| ""r"e "ran. o. , \ ?n I> m r.l. il ....... ? Irtr.a.' U . i ; -, _ [.?. ^m r'AHMf-.v l. ini-?. IH Ui*i u _r?in_?__? Pri i:v?. :.. a u ** **** v a ? IfUl ' .,a_. NU UBI ! Mai I- .-. . At'ST ?-- ? ? i ?? _' - ? ? MURRAY rw5 un 11. iv. i..,i.,, x%, BttST" 1 '* ",,{ H- i*f-:i< i i.ioi incbi B \?l I I \i K?. IT.emr, - '" ? " r. B AND fl 1 ?' ? ? ? M.r-k Turtli BT. Mi HllI. \s, fla__-D-______z_a eot.i - ir . ..... ? i . !' ? a p m FT I'4 I.- , '? - fil.t'MNI. WALLv;r.,5? .hi.: M ? " ? mH _ "\ *?*.. I 'I i|l \I.IM-- WM* ?*TH BT, ^^ sis ? . v S Mli: l II I \i.i: l-OBTT-l \V||;n m Lrrtnrco and (Y*tti\n%8. \x ELECTIOS i *-..:?; Managera of'tbi rel af tl rea tn . no _' >' -' - : ' - ;n -\r t-i. i'\ -. ... .iry 13rop09ii3 pROimSALB FOK DKAWERR.-Phlla. Dapc . M ? : i.- v ? - i . DeeemBa ? ? i. - ., ' ' -'? f - HBfl i-.i I.raw .?? im ntitta ? at th * mi'l ..'?imMnt ra ? ? ' pj*al reol rr?'*i-?>r.i . r.f to ? ? - im I a u i tha Ba ? k, ti . ? 1 I ?. [ * ,;??.-,'... . ;,rtw ibS ...ll-.?"1 ? RBT, i.eput' ? ;*n*ral. 1' . \ rpREABCRT DEPARTMENT. 'irtW of thi -*- ^*rr?tary VTaahlnfl n D '' Daeamber 14 lia* - Ir * irdan * atltr ". raqalrenient* ? . ? .- ? ts, A--t nf Jun* 2i' 1*74 h tlee li r*-*^' gtrta that ???i*> - ; mIb ?:ll h* r*i-#'v?.! ?t th? Tr*.*.,.. r.*5arttn*nt li waahlnften uetll 2 ? i-locli p. nn ' ' ??. m *h* firet ii*\- of Narel iflPB a:. n*-?a ?an- ir.f'irma': M BBBaamlBfl th* B?? rk win h? t.v*n Bf tr. Cnlleetor ct f'unirn* at s.- ? ?^; . thi _ Th Hi, m.j*t o* aflfl*aaaa4 t- th* "Beema-v if -h. Tr*?*ur W?--.m'; n. D C r??:*-i ani ir. ' ri-.l .'- c>-.*al* fa Cartnr* at N?w-TorV " O I. ~t'?.fr.DINT AatMH 5*cr*tary. /tnanna1 (Plcrttana. THR MSRCMANTB' NATIONAL BANK Of TH2 OTi OT NKW YORK. Daeember TUv iflBB