The name of COLQATE & CO. on Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Pcrfumes, Sachets Toilet Watera and Dental Powdcr corr?sponds to the STERLINQ MARK ON S1LVER. rould not he ?o constn:e.l ae to Justfy the vlolntlon of the prtadpte in\,.:vetn ????? made I . .,..,; ordi: '.v ' ie Unlted Bl I w ... malnt '. I*lan' depend*n, lee, nithoui l rn ol anythlng likl offl ?: thla polnt. Archblahop Chapi llc, v -? ;.._.!.. Cuba, Blao ? all< I i...... : ? ? aed Ihe of th talk. eacept aa to Ita _> uerally aatla* , . ? hurch authorltlea h< re .... - j know, nothlntj likc offlclal . y- d to Rome. Th< t ... ? ? r I.-.- the V tttc .'i !a ad* \i4. d thal - v- ?. rr, ? ? wlll proteci all Inter* ? crd.r aa to all filla, -? ...11 st..rt for Born* ahortly , fi nd probablj in Chrlalma; week. riae to many rumora, al* II t there la nothing unuauol In . . ... . ....-, ,, ?? en ? mtemplatlng at two yeara. and now fln la ,- -.. nli nl io carry i ul hli on_ def rr, -i pun - . - -. porta ih ii he ha I r-en eummon*d io Bon M ?? ni ful.y I - t thla 1? nol ti -- . nor do< - th< Ar h ... 1,,-w in r< aponi ? to i j rtqueau After , .rch : h P went to N.-w York ..i.i thence io si Paul. hi< plana belng to return thls way ;,f er Chrlatnraa, an.l then take a r?eam*r before Sew Veafi Dajr. Althoui - **y 'he irip la ? nnci 11 is n .' di ubt< i thal . . i ? .? - i ii,. n Ri me n thli ilmi a II .,._....,.,. ? ..-- h affairi m ? i- orti th n Ihe P, pe \X ii *n yrlii al to thi Ami , . \ la knoa n of ihli ]?,.,:,.-? . i f auch a l? ?' nl |t ? ? ? : ? v irch nffali I th, ' 'lon. Sf PRl i/.' ' "' Rl TAKE8 I RECE8S. Wtlll Or i ?' QRANTED IN THE OOVBnN Ml.v-: 4 Bl I" -Q IINBT THK RE tl 1X0 RECEIVER. Waal ngloi D ? rhe Unlted Blatee Bupreme Court to-da) look a r< r - holl ?,, v ?-. January 1 Tbe Couri motlon of the Unlted Btntei I ?' ? wrll ' rertlorarl li the cnae of thi Uniti I Btatea h l. Harrla, n ? ? Iver ol the Read ?-?-?? rlnglng the ,-iv Into ;..'? bupreme Court. lt la a teai Involvins ihi valldltj ol lln faa r> lulrlni rallroad rom| ni tlie to nlva th, m real and food and vv ,~ onci every twenty* elghl hour* een realated bj rallroad ndi f recelven me n .. ? named In the Inw, and t a of i ? ??- ? pted by ? he lowei urti RETALlATIOy 0\ QERNAX\ PROPOBED. BKSl IX8E TO LEQIBLATIOX AQAIX8T AMERICAN MBAT PRODUCn NOW PBXP1NQ IN THK RE1CH8TAO u ahington Do :? Mr. Maaon, of Illlnola, lo-day Introduced In tha B< nate a r.-solutlon dlrect |ng ihe Commlttee on Anrlculture to Inquin Into etrtaln leglalatlon pendlng befon tha Oeri Relcbatag calculated to prohlbll the Importation Into Oermany of American aauaagea and other im al prodti -? thi , ommlttei al tbe leglsl ?? law, - - report Immediately u i I lo requlre ihe inapectlon of augara, neata, v- .--..? food producta Ohlch o r. Imported Into thli eountry from Oermany. The reaolutlon wi-t.i ovi r untll to-morrow. Tt,e Agrlcultural Approprlatlon hill reported lo day containa a r ta latory clauae authorlalna the B retary of Agrlculture to Inapect Imported ar tlclea dangeroua i ? health, and authoriaing the Beeretary ,f the Treaaurj lo eaclude auch artl The reatrlctlon li dealgned to unply ti a I rge number of artlclea Imported from rorelgn countrlea, NR0OTIATIOX8 WITB PERO FALL. THK BXIgTlNQ COMMEHCIAl, TRKATY WILL TKBMINATg KEXT OCTOBBB Waahlngton De 19 The negottatlona fot a new toaamarrlal treatj between ihe Unlted Btatea ?nd I'fru t.jv. f.iil..!. for th? Um" _"-n,K .-, t least. The Peruvlan Oovernmeai havlng denounced the exiatiriK tr* Iy, It arlll teraalnau neni October, and the tw.i inn.-.f.iH wlll be left wlthout sper'.Hl ar rangement for tba ragulattoa ol theli eommi ? Intereouree The eonaeouence win t>e tha; untll another treaty ia eaTei ted merehaata wlll be eub Jaetad to aoane reetrtetloi s and chargea thal are not now laaposed. lt is auppoead here thal Peru waa Induced io abrogata the treaty becauae I talned the mott-Iavored natlon rlauae, tne object belng lo aecure freedom t<.er Into aome apeeial arrangemem with o thlrd natlon, to ?h!<-h i; was n>''. dealred thal the Cnlted 8:ntea Qovarnment : be admltted It :s aurmiaed, too, that the peruvlan 0 rernmem may reeenl the declslon of the arbitrator ir ih. MacCord raap. If it's in the blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla will take it out. Other kinds may, bq( probably will not. srBSIDTES FOR SHIPPING. PREBERYATIOX OF GAME BIRDS. THE HOt'SE PASSEfl A BILL ENL -Ri I1NQ THB Fisil COXMIMION'B POWERB Waablnglon, Dec. 18 (Bpeclal Tha Houae paaaed under auapenalon of the rulea to-day a lu.l of con alderable Importance lo a large rmn:1 .r of per Bona, in ihe Btatea of New-York ind New-Jeraey aomethlng of the aon haa long been dealred, ln fact, th.-re is hardly any locallty where K-ini" blrda abound In whlch then- ls Indlfference on the aub jt-ct of their preaervatlon Th.- meaauri alluded to waa Introduced by Mr Lacey, of lowa, on July L, 18-87, an.l wns favorahly reported bj Ihe Commlttee on Merchant Marlne and Flaherlea on February _'f It provldea, ln lha flral place, ihal ihe Cnlled Btatea Commlaalon <-t Plah anl Plahertea shall hereafter be known and dealgnated aa the Unlted Btatea Commlaalon ol FUh, Flahertea and Blrda. The dutlea and powera of the Commlaalon are so ?-ii larged as to Includa the propagation, dlatributlon, Iranaportatlon, Introduetlon and reatoratlon --f gama blrda aad other wlld blrda uaeful lo man. su"h may _??? purcbaaed or eaptured for iha Commlaalon, aubjecl to Ihe lawa of the Btatea and Terrltortea iu whlch such operatlona ar> conducted. lt la provlded tbal forelgn birds ma. be In? troduced where they have i."t heTetofore exlated The Informatlon eoUeeted ri.ali from tlme t" tlma ba oaUatad and pubtlahed, Bnd lha Commlealon la cmpowered lo asake and publlah tt." needful rulea nnd regulattona for esecutlng the purpoaea ot tbe aci, In vlew of lha deetructlon of gama and other uae? ful blrda and thc neceaalty for reatocklng flelda and loreeia, thla atep |a r.ot taken any too aoon. The report of lha .ommlttee cala epeclal attentlon to lha poaalblllty of tranaferrlng from one pari of the (?ouritrj to another of .arietlea of blrda, and aya with areal probaUllty lhat the Natlonal Uovern ra.nt would be able 10 extend a protactlon whlch otherwlaa would ba wantlna to the blrda intro? duced, Th<- intereat ia no longer conflned to aport lug cluba, The farmera ol lh< eountry ar. awaken lnK to ihe valua of a movement under law tt i protectlon >f game and other uaeful blrdi Thi preaent meaaure recommenda Itaelf i.iua? n ere ..-.??? no in w offtcea and makea provlalon for no .art,'" exprndlturea. An exlatlna Commlaalon la almply to p*rform addltlonal dutlea, and Congrena la to retaln dlreel control ol Ihe matter. Even II I - i ?..., -. .xpcndlturea were to i"- iargei l expi tea. it would be worth whlle. In vlew of ihe ?r> nt importance ut the enda ln vlew, to in<-ur them. bui with th<-- plan aa eutllned ther. la no irobabllltj that tha expenae will i.e very lari*.- nt any tlme. lh" Benate ought to and probably will concur ln th< actlon of ihe Houae. ? ?. JOINT IIl<,II C0MBI88ION IDJ0UBN8. PLAN TO REVIVF THE AMERICAN MER? CHANT MARINE. A niLL iVTRonrrEn in THB BBBtATB Bf MR. HAXXA aVMO IN THF. BOUBB " BXT Mft PAYNK W8_t8__ngt_a_. Dae. id a MI1 to arant aubeldtoa for American ahlpplna was introduced ln the Benata to-day by Mr. Haana aad ln the Houae hy Mr. Paync The measure la entltled "A hlll to proaeot. eommeree ?nd laereaae tba for.ien trad< of the Cnlted Btatea aad te provide auafHary crulaera. trnnaports and aeimen feff government 080 When neceaanry." The flrst aectlon provldea a graduatcd plan 01 compensallcn lo lha owners of reaaela carrylnc the American flag and engaged in forelgn eommeree. Tha amount lependa on the tmnare of the reaael and the Bpeed. (tradiiated all the w.-.y from the BlOW ael aalllnK veaael to e-.o-mahlpe of ten thouaand tons burden, eapabM of makm* twenty-three knnts an hour and upward. ?ectlon 2 proaidea thut no such eompanaatlon shaii ba paM to the oarnera of aay Bueh reaael un laaa at leaal oae-fourth of th- n.ivi_atins crew ara cltiiena of the I'nlterl States. BeCtlOH _ provldea for testa of epeed slmilar ln eharacter to thoae requlred tiy the Havy Depart ni.-nt. Bectletl 4 pfOYtdtB for a hounty of V a ton for all reaaela engagod in ,hP **9+** flaherlea. raqulrtn*. tbat al leaa! one-thlrd of the crew shall he cltlxens ot the Unlted Btati a ?actlon 5 provldea for a bounty of tl a month lo oaeh -aih.r actually engagod m tha deep aaa neh rriea. Scction fi proNldes safeguards for pnyment un ler Sectiori l nn_i provldea caraful llmltatlona of lha elaaaea of veeeela entitied to auch paymenta, ete. _k tlona t. \ I and 10 make a general provlalon Blmllar lo Ihe Ael of 1881, under which the New Tork and tba Parla wera admltted to reglatry and th" Bi Loula and th" Bt. Paul wera bullt. extended to aii Blmllar veaaela owned by American cltlaena. Soction 10 requlrea thai a eertaln numbei ?? American boj apprentlcea ????? ?? ";,V ' '?" '.j".1 .merlcan veaael, and laughl Ihe art of navlxation Scction 11 provldea thai In tlma nf war all v.aaeli under thls aci may tx taken by the Oovernment and u_ed ns crulaera, tranaporta, etc. sciio.-i 13 preventa all veaaela bullt under thla aci from partlclpation In tlie roasl trnde or lishltu. Section n provid, s thal all veaaele regl.tered under the act shall carry malla, If requlred, wlth? out other compcnaatlon ihan that provlded ln the a,.t j, alao provldea for lh< eancellatlon ol the preaent contracta wirh American Ilnea, The iiill, It is . aplalned, provid". thi aamt a-encral gyat.m that la adopted In bulldlng up the Oerman, Brltlah and other fi>re|Kn Ilnea. All the forelgri rountriea ongaacd In eommeree, th. propoaera ol the blll aay stlll malntaln Ilnea bj i ayatem , f ompenaatlon to a greater or i. -?- .xicnl ?ornc of them extendlng the ayatem, as doea thla blll. to .ill the merchant martne reglatered under thtir Bag -4) BAILEY 11,1 ES INTO A PABSION. RK8SNT8 IK8IHVAT10_-B THAT RBPVBL1* CAN1 ARE PBII-O H'M AS A CAT8PAW. v, tahingti n. Dee. 18 (Bpe lai) Repreaentatlv* Ralley, of Texaa, worked himaelf Into a atata of lurloua Indlgnatlon to-day agalnal an; and all persona who had sald or Intlmatrd Ihal he had been ,., waa beln| uaed aa a catapaw by Bpeaker Ri d an.l ihi other Reoubllcan leadera In the Houai lo pull thelr party or polltlcal cheatnuta from tha nre, nnd he uaed aome eevere language. In thla -.__ ll muai be said ihal Mr. Ballay'a wrath waa rlghteo ia aa well aa nery, for the auggeatlon or charge agalnal hlm grew oul cf his expreaalon of oplnlon thai Oeneral Wheeler, of Alabama, by aecept Ing and actlng under a commlaalon In Ihe Volunteer Army had racated his aeal aa a Repr aentatl**a !;, Congreaa ll la well known rhai Mr Balley haa held thla oplnlon ever Blnce Oeneral Wheeler ae cepted an appolntmenl In tha mllltary ? rvkse, !n whlch be has won dlatlnctlon, and n la late In ih dny to accuaa hlm ot b*lng a Rapubllcan catapaw when he relteratea thai oplnlon nnd expreaaea a da termlnatlon to aci on It, whether II be a aound one or nol Bealdea, lt oughl nol lo be forgotten lhat Mr. Balley regarda hlmai \f nol onlj aa a greal con ?tltutlonal lawyer. bui as a choaen guardlan "f the Conatltutlon of lha t'nited Btatea a worthy i ......,r of Jodge Reagan, of hla Btati and ll I in juat, loaay lha leaat, lo Imputc unw irthj or puerlle motlvea to hlm ir- tha raae of Oeneral W'hi ?' _rho i- a member of hla own party. At the close of his remarks to-day Mr. Balley, aa a matter of hich prlvlteee, oftered lha following reaolutlon. whlch waa approprtatel) referred i.. iived, Thn; ihe Commlttee bn Judtelary he ind it li hereby Inatructed lo aacertala ind reporl to rhl^ Houae: Flral whether any membera of the h >-r hnv . ted any "i!;"" under thi Unlted Btttea .. . -,. ... ?:.. r the accepfance ?-' auch ' the Cnlted Btatea haa vacated the aeal of the meml ? r a rceptlm lt. Th.- propoaed Inqulry will cover the c.i-.s of Rep n . itlvea Campbell, of llllnola, and Colaon, of Kentucky, both <>f whom accepted and are actlng under commla.lona ai colonela of volunteers, bj nm:; aa ihal of Major-General Wheelei t > MEBT A'iAlN IN' VrABHIKOTOB ON JXM'ahy o, Waahlngton, Dec. IB, -Tha Anglo-Amerlean Joint Htgh Commlaalon adjourned to-day until January :,. when lt la axpe< ted t" reaaaembk In Waahlngton for a aaaalon of not more than two w""k-- Al thla ??h?lon th.-'draft of ui.> tr.aty betWOCn the Unlted .'.latea .-md Canada whleh may ba agreed upon arlll he alguad. 0VTRA0E8 ON AMERICAN8 IX PEKINO. A RKP'I.i ?'!!'.N OP INgllllV ADOPTED IY TMi: BB-MAT-. Waahlngton. Dec. 18. Mr I.. i_. . rrom ihe Por elgn ReJettoaa Commlttee, favorabl) reported lo tha Benata to-day tha Mlotaiag krtm reaoluUon nnd aaked for its laaa_ediata conaldaratlon: Thnt the i.e Hnd he ie h. reh\- requeatad to commurilctite t<. Congreaa, ?o foi a^ t/:.- ? .I,. ma] r... done wlthout detrtmont to puhiic intereat nli thu Informatlon ln his po.a*aalon eoncrnlnfi rert.ln .Uaw.d oommllted upon th. ;.r noi.r of Blahop r.arl ^rnnaton an.l other Am.rioan rltl_eiis ln ihe cltv of I'eKlnc. China, b) Bubjecti . ' Kmperor nf China, and nrhat atep^. if any, hH. ?? bean r?ken by th.- l^epartnr. nt ln lh. matter cf '' l'-'iiP'tTirnt for over n qnarter of H WTitUiy. BAWAIIAN BILL DI8CU88ED. RAIBSD TO A PROPKRTI QUALI* Pl 'ATi"\ Pi B VOTER1 Waahlngton, D* IS (Bp -Ial) Th? fr,"n!'' ,n ,ne Ho lae of R< i reri ntatlvea of th, to provlde b governmeni for ihe Terrltory of Hawall feel ?>u -i le al I] ? ii o iraged thnt ,i favora ? ?? P ?" from the Commlttei on Terrltorlea may r i onably be . ij ted The chlef erltlclami an I ol i- tlona made to the meaaure relate lo the provtslons made r.. ii-. thal ea , genator, Representattve and v,,t*r ?hall poaseaa a property rjuallficatlon In order lo be i to hold ofBcc "r \"ti-. lt la augge ?? d arli i some foi ? i ial to requlre the elector who rote for Benator I ? , ? - ?-- ;,: ?:'? r,>' QuaWH ??i,-"n- howi rer ?mall, is ? vlolatlon ol the doctrlne of manhood anffragi ahlch prevalli m all the other terrltory within ihe lurladlctlon of ihe L'nlted ^??><- i aad to whlch all polltleal partiM have au t - ? ln ala ronferenoa with th.mmlttee to*day Chalrman HllI of tha Committe ? on Porelgn Affnlra, nie. waa a member of the Hawallan Coma whoai i' nmmendatlona are embodled tn ihe pend* ;ng blll, .iii nol algnlfy atrenuoui oppoaltlon to aa amendmenl s'rikh,* oul Ihe propertj quallflcatlon, although he gave aubatantlal reaaona whj the pro v;....!, araa inaerted and why, lu hla oplnlon, lt mlghl wlael) be retained. He alao i illed attention to -ti., pertln mi blatorl -.,i pre edent*. Amoi ? other thlngi he nolnti l oul thal the ordlnan.'. --.; for il ?? governmeni of the N'orthweat rerrltory, vi-.-. n araa i ? hai lla-orh of Tho.naa .l>" r-w>n. al? though thi latter foi polltleal reaaona wna wllllng and glad *" h m ?' ? r atateaman aaaume tne re -, oni I lllty for and credll of lt. contalned pro*, Ial ma requlrlng a property quallflratlon noi only for the offlce-holder but alao for Ihe voiei For ezample, thi Oovernor had to poiaess a freehold of al leaal l,ooo ai rea, thi .-'? rretary one of n ? -' ?- icrea. each Repreaentatlve one of at Last foo ncrea and every voter one ,.f al lenal 50 n >rea ... lai t In order . Ilglble '" :. ild offlee or vote ln t!...->- daya, however, a property quallflcatlon aa a pierequlalte 0f ,.... righi ? ? i iffr ige was noi an uncommon ihlng. In Hawal thal and other rlghta or prlv llegei hav- been dependenl on the |ro?sea-lon <> in the [>??_. icnc) bill araa for .xpendltures among the t'uhana. a inlst-i-.,, . - ?? -. ,, tiftv thoirwrOd troopi in C ,,,.,i ... a tbe qUi atlpi there Further more there wn* ., rommlaalon now al Havana To ?end ii Benate commlttee then non would he a ? ,,,,i, , .,4 ., m, ldl, ome act, and lt araa one ahlch the Commisalon on ihe ground arould dou res, nt. ? TO RAIBE TBE RAIXL I.V/I THI. COLOX. BECRETART LONO WILL BOOK ADVERT1BE 1", >Tl PRi ipi *AI_B Waal Ington, Dec. II (8p< clal) B< n ir. Long wlll aooi laau< advertlaementa calllng for propoeala for ralalng thi Malne ind the i "hrlatol nl ("ol in ln accordance wlth the declalon to-day i I thi Board of ?' .ti- tru tlon, t" v-, hlch the matti r I ferred. The Board haa had under conalderatlon aev? eral propoaltlona from englneera nnd wre ? - - companlea preaentlng foaalble achemea f,,r rala? lng thoae reaaela and dellverlng ihem al the Hew Tork or the Norfolh navy j ird, wlthout In g thi Oovernroent ln any expenai unlesi thelr . :f. ?? were i iceaaful. It waa. however, Im* ? ? ? m ike anj a< lectlon from i e propoaal i, vi. w .,f Ihe fa, t thal ao m iny eontn toi; of- apparenl truatworthlneaa iver, wllllng to put t!i.-'r confldenee lo the tem ln ittemp ing to ralae the veaaela and runnlng the rlag of fall ure, the memh : - of the Board agreed thal It would be ad ? ? - . - p, '. - irnpt tltl -i and aw nrd the work to the bldder who would be wllllna to accept ? . nrioal reaaonable compenantion, olher ihlmt* belng euual. ln the advertlaeneni auggeated bj the Hoai lera wlll be Inf ?rmed t? al Ihey mual furnl li to thi Navy Departmenl aatlafactorv bond* ln auch am unl thal the fiovernmenl wlll be fully protected i guli t l< aa through Incompeti ncj, or , an li aaneai ? BILLB PAB8ED Bl THI. //"> 8E. Alli TO 'MiK PI11LADELPHIA EXPOglTION VOTED ?RECERfl RBgOLt'TlON ADOPTED Waahlngton, Dec, i'1 Thla w.-,s auapenalon day In Ihe Houae and aeveral bllla were paaaed, the moal Importanl belng lb< Mll appropriatlng 1-50.000 for the Phltadelphla Exposltlon >>f laaa The vote waa exceedlngly cloae, ll had two vutea mon ilmn th< neceaaar) two-thlrda. Bllla were alao paaaed under lha auapenali n of thi rulea to authorlse lha dlatiibutlon of thi el I the Preedmen'a Hank. tu enlarge the acop, <.f lh? Flah ComniSealon t" lu clude game hirda, for the ntilef of ihe 4-h Mounted .\ ,. ! . iiti -.. and for the rellef of John W. Lewla, '?' Oreg ,n ?\ reaolutlon provldlng f.r a hol Inj receai fr,,ni Wedneadaj Decemh i :i. to Wedneaday, January i wa - ado] ?? ?!. Ptaaaaal lircans. it do- I BOt lic i:i tln painter'a bn > to i in - Bglne a pret i plctarc than thal of a young n-irl, with li;,s iua. cioua m 11 h the promiae of love. half parted in the siniles ? ?I h.ippy drearal ino Tbe tnind ,,f happy enuood i* a clcrtr and poliahed n-.irr,,r. which. when ih" wita co wandering into the gboatland ??< dreama reflecta th? impreaaion* of waktug houra, If thoae impreaaioni are pleaaanl and paialeaaand happy ahe will amile in bei alecp If the iinptca I na are tho*4 ofaauf* fering woman. tortnrCd witrl tht iipecial ailmenta t,> whicfa 'li< feminine drganiam ia liable, Ibc picturi ia apoiled bv the line* ,,f auffering and deapondency Maladiea "f thi^ nature unfil a woman fnr joyotta maidenhood and foi capable motberhood They incapadtatc h, r t>, hr.,r the burdena ,,f llfe in anv apherc of actlon Koneehold, marttal and aocial dutiea .il-...-- are a burden lo Ihearoiaan arno i-- con itantly anffrring from beadachea, baekacbei drag. gm;; aenaationi and weakenina ilt-ti- iir Pierce'a Pavorita Preacription po-itireiy completely, nnfail uikIv curca iroaMea oi tius nature lt Imparta health, atreogth, vigoi t<> Hk- diatractly woman le ot|r,ati4 lt fit> f.,r cii-fnc hcilthv maidcnhooc, happy wttehood and eapebte motberhood I linv* n litti* stcp dniitrhtcr wli-. Ii...| -.t Vttiw'a Iiaiirr. whlcll v IUI Mfsticloe ,UI*.1 WTItrs .Mr, J | 1! ,7* -' 1 : ? ? ?'? - ?? ' -. a i ?pi Bl ab -i turti:.. doii ,ti bl d xt a ? hllll an 1 ia*,li, in*s tnd il dld nol ilo thr , h|l \ one c-tit s w.,Tt!i .,t ? ' \\.- , ,n,!.ir,i,. ! -;]??:,?? \. . ,',r Pi-rce. tavont* Piaaailiitlea aad <;,,i.i*ti Medical inv ttrtfty and uaerl thr** tjr.ttl*. of fach whl, h cnat o-ilv .li dcilari Now ihe ehlld I. runnlng aiouoU averywiirra aad Ujuat tt __a!t_y aa cvar." THB NICARAODA CANAL. D-BBATC OM THB BILL CONTIHUa.D W THR BBNATB. ,;,'VI,knvi::-.t c-c.vtik.i. OBRBRAlXl PAVOBBB TH'-' PBBgll BXT TO BBKD IM * '":r l.lMIN.NltV lir.P'iRT. tjVaahtngton Dac lt. Th<* rftearaogau Canal httl Wna conaldere. in tha letter part ot the Benate'a (MOion to-day, and fcnatora Berry. Allen. Hoar, Cmtti r\ and Morftaa dlacuaeed II Mr Berrj rpoke on hla amendmenta. Ha an nouced that oa gen< '..i prindpie, ha waa favorabla ,,, th" eenatro ''. B of a canal acrnss ihe latlirniis. m Bueh an anterprlaa irould proarota tt- inter-eva of the ? nthern Bta'.es, bul I 8 hi 1 alwaya coatai ','"1 f,,r if. conatructlon by t^- Oovernmenl of the v- itrd Btatea. it aeemed dlffleult lo fei away from eorporatlon inten-sts. hu; he hoped lhat befora tha ,,?., rota all theae Intereata e-ould ba ellmlnated Bnd ln rlew of thi* fael he htd eonaldered II deeir al I- .f no- mr imbeni upon the flenate. to m.ko ine d|n- ,.,, ? ,,,.. . M poaathle. and II #?8 to . ,; ,?, .,.,? ;i;, amendmenta had been Introdu i I .... dld nol i-ommlt himaelf to No:e for the blll even if his amendmenta were adopted, bul would deter min.- ihat queatlon when a rota ?? ia reaehad Mr Berry then explalned thn hla amendmenta m ., | e'.lraln.te the provlalotu ln the ortglnal blll ror the laaue of bonda and would cloao tha Marl tlme Company oul entlrely aa a atockholder in the canal enterprtae, leavtng the Cnlted Btati i, S.I i ,,_.., ? i , ,.,, R| ;, th- only Bto-kholdere, and ...... , ? the majortty of lha itocl ln tha narae of ,,,. ,;, ,.,::,?.:, Thej .11 o prohlblted the appoint .,. any one mtereated ln tha preaenl Maritlma . , ;)..- fr, m a, tlng aa i dh lor under lha Oov? erntnent'a maragemeni of lha enterprtae. Mr Allen waa nol oppoaed i" the eanal acheme, h" _ald, becauae he antagi nlaed certaln featurea of lh. blll One of Ita most pernlcloua featurea would b? ellmlnated by the ad ptlon of the Berry amend? menta, namely, Ihe bond reatun Mr Caffery, at Ihe requeal of Mr. Turpie, who w ia unavoldably abnent, rentwed the latter*. mo tlon to i oetp< ii-- iii.n - di ratl in of 11_.- blll until January 10. Mr. Hoar aald hi thoughl tbe canal ahould be bullt, and al on?*e. Whlle Benatora dld not know whal the eanal would coat, they kneu enough to know thal Ita conatructlon waa neceeaar. f"r "" protectlon of th. commerclal relatlona betwoi two roaata of ihe Cnlted Btatea Thi canal, he In ?lated, ahould be bullt by tha Oovernment. Tha experlenci of thi Oovernmenl wlth the I nlon !?.,, iti, .md the ''? ntrnl P clflc Rallroad ahould not i?. ,-.:-.i. in order t> do Juatlce to the Marl time Canal Company, In hla oplnlon, the Prealdeni ahould be authi rlaed I i obtaln a reaaonabl* and Impartl ? '? of the canal eorapany'a pr' p erty, and thol compan. ahould then be pald. Thc Claytoi Bulwi: Treat) ahouW be got oul of the way. Repreaentatlvea of thla countrj had deel red it valld. Thi "i ?? -.t of Kngland should be ob talned. Vr. Morgan acouted tha Idea of poatponlng eon a'd tratlon of the I lll until England'a ? maenl waa obtalnad. lf Kngland had aald tha Cnlted Btatea could nol bulld thi canal wlthout her conaent, the canal would have been I ulll flve yeara aao. He malntalned thal the con ? - i m ol NI raraarua and Coal Rlea waa not forf ll ible n< tl 0 tobi r. rhe am?i .ln,- nt* foi tln in Ina the enterpnae ?. re more i:cceptable to him than thi pro* ,,. .,,.. commlttee li" pn llst-B that the l nlted gtatea would -?::??? it leaat 5 per cent dlvldenrfa on ii- Inveatment. and drew . gl ? plcture of the :,-.. t? whlch th< funda ohtained could be put. In anawer to a prcaeln., di/lre for offlclal facta nnd data rel ttive lo the NI nragua ( anal, th. Prealdeni wlll i.nd to Conar. - w tl n r day oi two - preiln inary reporl from the ( anal i orn mlaalon This wlll nol take the pl i - ol the f U ,,.,?..! of lh. Commlaalon. whlch R'lll dlacuaa . ,-. .- d.-.iii all tb phy.leal .hnracterlatlca of the canal r? ute ao far i t determlned by ihe numerniis borlnpa and Biirvi ? ? mad ? by .;? . l P i *? - Lf enalne.-,. nd wlll alao glve the foundatlon fi r evi rv Item of > -1 Imate , ,. Admlral IValker. the prealdeni of the i a-iai i om mlaalon. arr|v. i n Waa Ington to-day. n an*wrr tn , - immoi - :? iv ng thi I edalde ol h a alcH ron ln New-York to devote himaelf to ? ? preparatl >n of thi* prellmlnary report. TBE CES'81'8 OF 1000. i-.xri'T'.l. TO BltOU A l'l!CV"Ml'N'iI. IXC1 OP i'"i-i i.ATP'S >?'?:?..'f 4 i r THB PHIUPPIB E8 VYaahlngl m D- II Bpedal) The ,.?., ?-,]! -> .,?? - phenomi nal li i ? I I Cnlted Bt ttee." remarked a Repn i atatlve tr. aay. He contln -Of fouree, our ld? ia and eatlmatea of the popu latlon of the Pl lllpplnea t.?..- bt a Ide ol for Bpfll Imoerfect nn I nntruatworth) In I ? ."I . other ??" we are pretl Th. work of i .'-. ''k-r ln tl t pon ? terrli dlfn ili ???? and our tl i ?.' -- ?' '?' ? m u i o| oi ipl< '? nd i itlal ictorj ua we c'u'd deslre, but I have no iloubi Impi ,-. ?? ? ? ng ol tl.rt thai '",!,. thc. "?:? i.-fore. \ mere ? im? i itlon and tlon wlll be of thc greal - md Importam t ? - i/')i I. MI STH OF IT IR8BIP8. ,n. :i.\\- _T HAVANA BAIDOFUI TO BB BENT , ROJI m.nn N' >RK TO M'.N'll.N. u ton, l" ? 18 The Xavy Departmi nt fo ,],. recelved W"rd of the arrlval at Havana ol Texaa Bftei 8 three daya' n;n tr-.-.-A Norfolk Thla makea three Unlted Statea aarahlpa In the harbor of Havana, thi New-York tha Topeka and the Tl.j_a i ... raat'ne anl led yeaterday from Boaton t,, |oln Ihla force, and the Reaolute i- rzpected to ;,.,,,, i,. ,.-i. laland ? ? ? mld lle of the wi li for ime i"'it. I,. | , .' . of aallon on l - -foaemite to n li i ome of Dewey'e men at M inlla, the otit : d- oi the Navy Department dlaeovi-rcd, to [,ir nurprlae that Manlla ia nearer New-York hy n ? ? || Mai laland Ii a ia pr ipoaed to aend the n. i . n .;?- aro ind l apa .'hur, lo _l ire laland, ? ,:. j.. take u;> for M.ini.a a fea hundred anllora to Joln l'"W"\. tli" men belng aenl overland from \. -.\. york bs thi r u Iti rallwaj -. i in mi i irlng jj?. dlatai ? I ???? ver, lt waa found thai fr.'tn New Vork to Vfare laland was n."" mllea by waj of Cape ll,,.,, ?-.- le the llBt.ince from New-York tn Manlla W1S onl) 11,000 mllea Therefore tha men wlll go dlrecl ? /?ll OF IIIE PEACE COMillSHlONF.RR. N.iN'K OP THEM 1.1K1-1.V Tn RKTEIVK ANYTII1NO AlTlt"Ai'lIlN' i 1100.000 POR THEIR SERVIf___ (tiener.l preai Btapal r..i tYaahlngton, Dec. 18. Inqulry ara* made al the Btate Departmeni to-daj tn regard to th" report lhat Judga Day and rVhltelat* Reld ar.' each to re relve 1100,000 f.r theli . rvlcea aa membera of tha Parla Peace Commlaalon, and thal the offlcera of the Commlaalon are to recelvi eompenaatlon on the _nmi' llbei il ? ^ At the Blate Department It waa sald to-.liiy in ihe moal poaltlve >rn^ t'rat tln queatlon of the eomp?>naation of tho membera offlcera ol th< Peace i omml . i entli ely In ihe i ni, :- of the Prealdeni of the Cnlted Bl itea. and far a known ^ haa nol Indle.ted to nybody hla olana In the matter AlthouRh dlaclnlmlng it-.-.y ..- .' dgi cn the a iblect, ?! ? ..:.;..?. reaai I thui .my member of tli-- C mml -i -i arlll reeelve anythlng approa h Incr 8100,0110 for hla rvl * ? \<> BI8B0P 01 BARRI8BURQ CR08EN. Waahlngton, Dei IB Al tha Papal Delegatlon lt .. - | t>. ,i tha reporl tr..m Phlladelphla Ihal ri^ i......ratlon li 0H1-..1 ..f th. ehol.t F.uh.r ghan.hun, "f PhHade*lphla, aa Bl.hop of H.rrla burg is erroneoua, The Delegatlon, It la sald. has ii 11 b en Informed "f any 1 holi 1 for the liarr ? burg .ii. ? t/M/l 1 v/i \ 111 ORDERS. \\ Bhlngton, Dec, lt, The following Army and N . ? a .. ra t.av. i" en iaauedi AIIMV Ma ? 1- 1.1-J ? 1.1:!? i- \'"N rVIIII \M-.H | . ? lei 11 I . onel . 11.1.IA.M 1. vi.?:>: .NI >ER Bu l"i'- , I ? '.n ir. tlm? | paaaage m 1 ? hoapltil ahlp IU) Btate and ; - thai i 1r11.1i. .. W ? al 1 i--ir-i Ueiitenanl THOMAB .1 KIRKPATRICK .ir . aa rl ? ?: ? aurgi ? '. ?? 1; ? 1 aa a m ml ei ? r th<- K\ amlnlna Boai ? ? I. a inaaa. 1 n MABON BIA'XT, aralaUni qnartermaater, . ;ii pr - ? ? 1 r . '.-. Lleutenanl I'-lor)el .< : l.l.i \ Nt m i:\.\-\ ? t nn - I f. ni lurther dut) lr the oflli ?? f ide ? ? . ineera n 1 wlll prrx-eed - 11 f r Iu-) ?? .".1".. rr,-_r aienl ' M ., 1 lll-OROt* \N ll --| ii ? Hf* _"??: Infenir. ir 1 B.ilve ?? -.1. - m. 1 majo :? tni '.' . 18KER B DUI ..' nib-taten. , wlll prcei ? - ? .? dut) Uentei RUOAR H Dt'DIJEY, h*4g* adToeata will (,.-. ...1 >., |I_vi:,,. ki I r.-|.,.it t, Major Ueneral . Johrf I: li. *e foi dut) rilOMAB 1 FtATMONP, ?<..'???? --u .:.r_..t, , letal'.ed 1. il .uperlntendem ..f Araaj Irmi c*apt.ia nvh.i.ia.m b homkr, Bth artlil r, ehlel ataa larlna ?r ai rniumSia T.nn t? ipp Ini d ?i_?ci?] . : ? ? - ? ? . ? ,1 rn. rm.i r*i itorea -. aaay N 00b.1 m -. ??, ,t ihal pl BfAVt U?ntt? ? F LEiPBSa i. ,i_> ,. t,.,j 'r.,m tt,- .N,-w Of-Baara an.f orden 1 t.> ihe Ki?o_ D__?aab_r .1 tjauiar.ani T Q DgWIT la dei?ch?_ fr m ,nr Vtt.u -r._t.l:a ai-_ cr-trt. to tha Riibb D?.-?n._.r 21. ueuttnant R. u RU88EI_L> ta ordarad to tha Varmoat 860 Broadway. Union Sq. &, Itii St. ARTISTIC Wroughi Metal Wcrk In Brass & Ir^n. For Interiors. Op-sn FlREPLACES. ETC. Our Oa-n Fo-tnilrlr Edison Phonographs are perfectjon. The Standard, $20. They are made with accuracy and precision .0 uphold the fame of the name of the man who stands behind them. The "Standard" complete, $20. Playa a thouaand tunet it makea recorda of your own volce, .M,,r,. fun than any game. ALL MUBIC DEALER8 BBLL IT Th- latesl edltlon of our Catalogue tella the rll'f.renee between the aeveral modela and v. hy each la b at for its particular purpoae. PhonoKraph Company, St. ),im?- B'd(?.. Bro_dway ttA 2_?h St., N. Y. ftoatc o.-utne W'TMOUT rtoru When you tvrlt >, aleo aak for i ur entertalnlng llttle booh f Phonograph ihorl Btorlea "What Mi (ip.-iv r Heard." Open evenlnga during i?'- ember. iflasonS-Tjamlm ???-?-.??- ma - ? ' ' ? x ??'?'?. hai echlevcd t> reputa n f Organs A B THB STANDARD OF THE WORLD. ?? ? ? ? :: nnd ?" W <-m i -*t ii ?i - . ? 1 - ? \ . - , \R\\ VORK, PlfiN.S _Ocr=3t jVIttdlo. _A.i-tlstio in Hlgheat recomra?nd?tlona from miMleal pro t Critlcal examlnatlon aollclted. Planofrto Rent. Cash or ? a.-> p?) menta Attn.?? price. >I:iiii:fnetni-?'i- of l.rnml nml t |,rlu'it IMiiiioh. _7 I Mll\ M|l -KB, !?. V. ___Ci_?--i Gri-e-cie MUSICAL INSTRIMENTS At manufacturers' priens. Spccial sale of mandolins this week. Instru:nent3 flent to homes for inspection. Lar?est factoriea in tho worlrL Evcrything in tho tniisic line. O. G-. CONN. 23 14th St. Open EvrjnlnNrs. CHESTER BILLINOS & SON, Bl'CCfi-HORJ TO KanJel, Haremor. & [Jilings, IRPORI EltB "K DIAMONDS, AND MAJW-TACTURERI Ot DlAdOND JEWELRY. 58 Naitau Sl & 29Maiden Lane, '-''., Holbom Viaducl NhW YORK. London, E. C. BLACK. STARR & FROST, Ml CCRflORI TO BALL, BLACK & CO., Jewelers and Silversmiths* In their New Buildino;, 5TH AVE., COR. 3<>TH ST., Will Be Open Evenin_*i until Christmas J. A. LINHERR, 193 CTH AVENUE. M. _T. DETWEBN 1 ITH A HTH -1 '' . - . Mll.l- IIKll IS-W BOLIOAY Pe.EH_.KT_.. I. n -, ; Br - '? -. Eerrlnaa in I R ijl ,, ! , ?. -... ? .,- 1 :??'?'? '?'? Bterlli ? n I - ?|., ?'? IPRCIAL iTTBXTIOJI PAII1 TO RESBTTI*** 1)1 . .IDMI-s. 1 ^.?n Evenlnai untll ' '" ' TOZO 1AKAYANAGI JAPANESE AHI OHJLCIS, IS ?-:.._? sU|,,-?lli *?.. \. \ . X31AS JfOVELTlES. ,,,..,,-:- ...,..,... ;??..... lll lt. ??'. lAPANKrig i'ERAMK'K ? ? ? mod*rn; JAI a .N,.si. I- .INI iN'is ai ' ' '1.' ?K I'lllN : ?" '? ' ' irii.ii. and unlqua th i n ai >i I rlate t w 111:.\i, ? HiitniDW UIKT9 ..,.?,-,. Prl ??? iii-KN r*VKNi.vaa Mrs. Wiuilow'n Soothlng Byrup teen eaN for iver rtFTl rEARB bj Mtl-UONB f M ITHKRM foi L*HII__>R***4.\ wi'H.K TEETHING. .. ?'Ki T moc-KfM ,1 BOOTIIEU tha PHII.P. 'OFTKNH ih* Ul'MS Al.LATB .'.1 PAIN; f't'RBB WINO ?OI.K' ai 1 li the beal rem*d) for IMARRHnSA I Id t-j Lil-Bflltl in ??' - iv 1 art ..f id* * ? I .? Mir* ind aak f- r ?Mr.. M in-i ??> ?. -<.-"t.i' _ b>i 1 . 11 ' ta Ka -t, aher kla-i, Tr, ???nl j -II. ?? .-eiiln 11 Imiilf. THK C_>-_^-^_---iI^-lrX.SlITV_[l___-El. I ot ll.c iMire of X7V7?r?ri7XT U _T 13 .LCOHOLISM, mii1(I-iii\isii, sni ni other araa r,t.1 f r M.t It t.M III;M l b) the IM'I'KM IfKlMbiH TRKATMKXT. i::.:.?.| i,y i*ii.iin_ |,li>.i i-:h11-. Por iraiitt, >niai. .ind referencee,'.s ial or l.l.phi.n* ini wiit 4.1TH ??r.. m:\v vork. ..n ?? ni|.>tl..n ?>' hla _Ut| la ronna tlon wlth -h* ? ,i'- ..f ln.|Uir> I.. . ? mi ii H KOBLKY ,s l.ta^had fr na lha ttmbtth nrij ? ? Li 4.1 t . ia? Wrin. i - IJeatenam t norOHTER li deiaehed fi rr, the MafMa I nnd ordered l tha \ ? -uit Uevtenani v H DI TTON li data hi i : m lha Poaaaey nn.l ,it,'.?rp.i to th*- \ Imn Bnalga C i_. P'.x.ii i4 drti .-i from lha n*?- <>ri?,in. ani ..., lor.n to lha Teaanlti En.lfn J R T. ni_AKEI.t_V I. '.tach.d f, .oi th. U.iUe _?*- and orJ.r.- to tha Ua.a.r *3ot 'io-lia^ C_m.^. BARRIOS DIAMONDS. Cut from Real Crystal and Are the Nc2r:st Approach to a Genuinc Diamonci Evcr Discov:red. [mposalbk to deted from r.->ni dlamonda and warranfe. to retaln th*lr htttrt. They wlll r-ut ttoM In fa<~t, they ran he put to all the te.ta of a tren ulne dlamond ? ithout det-xtlon. JUST THE THINQ FOR CHRISTMAS! Sp.cial SI.03 Offcr for To-Day Only. .-r.i'''/ Qypsy Rinj. Bxtra hi a i ?? an I bi ? with egtia flne a< nea; i ?? ng aa gi od -md made "ii tl pr:::. Iplc of B R I fllled wati li eaat . to< day . $1.00 Heivy I !at llel.rnr lientle. man's Ring. We are th flrat ? ? Intro du< t 11 . ? Etelch* er Rlng: they were made In - M g< Id only; t 51.00 l-Ciiat liff.iny Ladtes* Rlaf, Aii eia< t repreeei tal I /fjSRn 4 n ?<""'MI eneagement rltiR - ali^Ws Btone and i? \ warranted t.. wear; _., AA ^*S??-2?f' to.dav . 5I.OU SoliJ (iold Cutf I'.u ton*.. '1 pici i f r lal"- - gentle men, aet ??%.t h brlgbt, t.rilliaat BtOI ?eem to l,e trorth $30; to-day..., $I?W 1*2 Carat Uarrinjrs. The wir.-s are aolld gold They have aii the iparkle and Lri'l uin v , :' Ri .il I '.a::. ,- |. ... ( worth ,lw$i.oo ?'.'Tl |0 I '\J to- lay ... ? . 1-2 Carat Ladics' Ring. \v!j/y The atone li brilllanl ?r, 1 *-_?*.**>?'_--? ,,!'' "ottlng made of aeamleaa "_>'*7'?>;. ^sT- i,,"'k. ?lthout J 'Inta oraolder, --^?I'.s.k'^-a a n .1 ivarranted to ''??ar; reguiar prlcea* i\r\ .*::, to-day. 9i?Wl (ienncmen's 2-Carat Hctvy Bc'cher Ring. Thla -? ne lo ka ta If II roat 812." nn and arlll re ? ? ??. ,.-. forever Tl ? mount ... ren ide of ; ..... ? ttt i k -h- Med g d ; 1 it ? ard C I flft . to-day. . ????"" __. ?r?*_.??_. l W&& _T_k___. ____/ l.aJIes" Wr.ath Broocfc. ?? ? wlth iii imall bui brllll ini -??-'? ilgn la co| ' and aa ? ? : ?. M?"ai. to-day. ??l-,'u '_. T&W ?s> Eiarrlags. Th.- ?? Ir i are i : I fold: 8*8 can : ' *n? -':-'-' ' want; actually worth ci nn .*',. ti 1-: ? ' ?' ???? ?~,|,v" z, Horseshoe Scarf cr k \ Stick Pln. J $ s.-t rlth nlne beautlful and s? brll lant stonea ful f lll v pr..; actually worth c l (afl 14.00; to-day.?leUU Ro'led Plate C>Har U'.'.ttOIS. Theae buttona an extra arell plated, will n >t dlacoior tbe ?hlrl and ?iii wear a llfetlme; set wlth l4 ?? aral hrlll lant atone; to-daj j | QO thr-e for.v \\. have j Id th ?? \ ? j. Mnda of Broocb** ''-*,_'./ bul never h*w "f' ^__^*_:??**&??'-; ~ it'iality f i aiiy.\here ?_ s_>^-^*r.^.*f- .< - /'*7?B?^p&^ ner.i thi I /''l' -I-' M"l' N piu e; t" $1.00 MAIL ORDERS. A beautlful, brilllanl Barrloa Dlamond. mountfd ;n a good. heavy. au atantlal mountln . "itl.ei Rtna, l'm ot Btud. wlll ? ,t i.i an) addn aa on e detected from a dlamond au other are Blmpl) manutoctwred trom heca* Icala __. THE BARRIOS DIAM0ND C0., 415 Broadway. All Broadway Cara Paaa tho I-oor. Open Svenlnga Untll Cbrtatmaa.