New York, !><*?_.*;_?. 30. 1*. ,
. - a-ROi ???_>?? _?!? _____.??*_. r_ge . 4.
S**"' --, baga--. ?*?*?*? ''?'K- bbl? . 7_.
l'"'* _-\ ? ? -leoa B**f. hhi. . ; ,,,s
K! _a-?? ? ??7_T,:> Vrf- cann**'- ?????? 8
>' '.. flour n__r*-.- |_S "anri*. t-ka*. 2l_
* ?.,; ..;? ... ****' bacoa, ;_K, . S7_7
??.:_.__:: -a**. ???? ???<?? <??*. *.*__
0*T- ,.._. _ 40..'??" 1 -?r.1. ca^ea . ??? ,
___?_?'?-___ . 1*15.02- Tl W. ;__? .,.
.-????? *__,? . BO?*r p__.. .?-,
"J"*- *_____ . I.O-48 *-._.... r_!,.a . - . ,.,
E!t_r*__t _?*** I-.-"' Blcf, pkga. ...?,;.,
-- L* buflb .-*?.__? ^r*??? aeed. bac*. i .-,
E^buah ? ??*? ?''"'-?? Phga . ? .?
?'..,.?' i ?*?* ?? ? *.00$ 1:-v"" c-*- *?*ae.. _:_...
r* - _?*?:? Hl T.410 -k.n. .ale*. ..,.
_*______! ?_a ??? 8.2TS Sunr. tbls
jajdfrSli t*8*? ... f'*'1 Jagar, ug.. ,a,,;..
_.r1f,'.:?, _ 1.-80 r< ??* -. hh_? .
H*> ",. _,' . 1_ Tol-i.-.o. te* . ,,.
Bu&-rteoa . ??* !**? . -"'
... *_e?. i?J V?hl*key, tt.;. . _??..,
.??. ..'T'...???*? ?????- cai.. pka..:::: . j
>*.-; _, . Boraa, _*_ga\T7._. ..."
____?___!? bbla _ ?"'' V;;:-*- -Ma . T.2__
__i balea . ; 1 ".ar ,-.. !__,_? . j, ,...
\. . ? '.tt . 0O__.n_.bb_l . 4_.
*.T_. w_:n . ._ |>anbflr_lefl, bbla .. l.jna
JL %. , . '.?-.'-,-nei, .ra'??_ 2.K8.
.-*__? . 21:4 i""'"1 poultry. pk?e. 12.810
-.4- hai* ???? ??*? I*^? Poultry. rratai 4(_i
> ? , >? . Mn ??_ *-! fruit eaaea T.J4I
a-Ib Itock. .***-? ?? *'"" '*"?'?*?-*? aalnton. ca?ea ..0__
,-.;-...? Ma*
, . Nor Ifa l f *?- g: - ? r.oaw, BBBaa pat*nt_?. 83 8.
!' . . \^ . *-fl 1? ::: - C tlon. r*i!di:ing ... 5 18 11
.... I".?*-*'. r.o : Itla..., r,r_
. . - warranu. .??_?, Bugar ?r_nj:at_d ... r-1.
.- '. r!er ingot.. 12 . 7*_ Mnlaaaee. OK. prlma H
;** ' .... !*? 224 l'-' famlly . 10 tn..
-"? *??? Beef, hama . iu so
____...__."..... I -"? ralloa pt-lnu .... s? 10
?.l.?. V 2 red.... " Porg. rrima . Pim
32_r_._ I miaed -4-1*- H a* di-aaed, |gg ib. *v
,?-. ---"<?? ?eJ "- - __??*!. p-inia. ttt_i
BEPORTI TO I*AT. b-*? ?????? 8-ff.?*1 ? -,rh bb!? . 1??
**?*?...? ... ..t-..- Reflned r*'-. ral'^na 1.190.8W.
i, _ . . 17.Sl" rottor.aeed otl. gala. 6.0OU
J".!.,"- *?*"'?' ? Kailon*. 42..-.^.
*-*h ? . :*:.
1.21! :'??' :? .. . -.-; ,
5 . ... 6.1*' tlercefl .
V . t, "K* ... S_8.2M IJacon. tb .1.ST0 ~ -?
F . _,,_. >*?* ... 2** - *? . 81
_.-.,. rkf*. 82! -- R .M1-...0
1 _ . f_ flOi-K. .--.? rb . 18.400
. , .*i bAtt . 31 w. lb . _?
_Tr __??? ?? -.OM >: ??***. rt- . 2_0.400
JT.,..- n '. (Iter. ~* .
il.-. ' .,.1 r.? - - ??-*. tr . 12.80
f'.r. I
N'?r? Tork. Deeember 2<\ l**9a
?-- ; v the Coflfaa Ei ..>?.? c? th* :.-..??> cheerful
..... 11 - to be fairly am
_?."-. ? ...... ,
? . ? ? '.. i Ra ie ? I
-. ? - . - | gant
-?-?.:?- ind a very
, . i ln i I t -
.... ,. ily there waa bu! ??-:??
; .. ? vle of th*
,. . - , B'Jl t_--r* wn i i
,'? . an. lea ;r.a th? bull
? . a the fu 1
... ...... ,_ a-__- ,.. -.?b- __-.
?' ..... -.._.. ....
.... ? ln :*.-????- ' ?
,-,.. ?? ?^u?. "I.e elruatlon .uatlfle*
. - - ?'.-??
... nta hu Bro t Bra
, . -.-.-.? rther cl ange la
f .. - - .' - ' ? . ' ?? .\' T ?:
? - ? ttoo 1 n ? teai
.. ' ? |? chre ? of the *t*an -
j ? . ? - - g.regatlni ._??-??.? : ?
?? ? .. . - . I ?r_
_ . ii Fi i hat thal
ri: ?? - - ied Baturday ?-1 M ? n*al
7-? - ?. ?- ? ? ?? | - >-.i in tha local markel tf. *ay
wn es ?
Op*nlng H'e--. !??? <*. ?4
j-. .-.-.. . 8 80 6 W -' *- ? ?* - ?" *?"? ?"? * '
. .'. * > B89 B *-?? r- f. '? *"? ?" -'
I y ...
R_rrn . ._'?"i ? '... P r-i
a:-. ? 10 8 10 8 10 ? 10 ' ""
>! . 1.10 ? IS 810 - 15 0.05
; - . ? -- - - -
My . t*_0 620 0_O fi-,r.;._.. f. 10
A-.r-.4t . - ?-, -' ? -'
*-??-? .6 80 ?SO 6 2.". fl_r-'r.':'.. ?
O-.orer aS') 630 <*..-' '? ' ' '
ttmrnm m ... - :-.??.?
Fort'.frr. MffM Btflrkctl Bflnl ? ' "'* ? -??-' I
t . ?---4*? .*?-?-?. 7.4 ? -. -?? bagi
t.; i ?: 74.000 , . ? Han I .-rr ? ffee
' -r. i _ | '* I i ..-. at . SO p m - U ft
?'t ?-*??r-f ??-(,. r-''^'i . 41'- li r--- ffCfl -r
<:-ne: r:e?ay *: :? fran* adraiVOfl; al 12 rn. Barha
it f | (__ iti ?? '_ frar - nei
MBl a_Ha MJM :a_r*.
ItaaMif ... . . .';?> BB T ;v . | .
1 i..-__-r . --iP ^ l-jr:?- .-0.50
Xar^fi . - |>. :;,
Af*- ..._.-:- . -. 40.73
J-ar. 40.00 N .m-_r . _1._0
- -'* ? .40._6 I'.:rmb(r .
Kio?r.fTea market ?te4-v Ko 7 RW. ailTf.: ex-h^nr-.
" 2t~tlc reeelRta, i.i ono^ rtire daya'; d'-ared l
"- ?? ? .. _.?vi >._r* :?_?' - : .
*ry?. 2i 080 ta_r?
Tb* ?ta-:st:ral po?1t'on of r.rai:: r-,flro 1* as followa
To-dav Yeutr- '..-.? Ijes- w*eb
Kee-Terti ? 11.101 . 1A018 12 4*
Bi.'r.a--- I'.lverle*. . . W .- ? r.-..
S.w-0-.-i.r.ii deitverlea.. 1.530 814::;
Total del varlefl. 18 ??_.. -4
?pr-Yorl i _ _ 6:* 22. 6 *.!__ 851
?ana ?roek. ?- 87.48S .11..
pMcd 4t i : p-rta ... 708 84 ? C_a 436 7::* 71*
A-W,: . 44? "Cm 4.,.-..mi 148.001
Tft-Wfl fluaal/ . 1.18_.0I0 1.181.48. 1,081.7!.
________ llfe. . 1,0.7._2_ !.(*_._._ 1,04.8
fi-- - 189*1 ;::.::: :-;-?. f_
OOTT '? *-r_---,:at!"*r. ln rolton to dav na: mod
7r.. n.d.-,'t .pene.l qqlet ud Iteady, Wlth rr: (I
'??-? I ? ar. ai\:ir.-. * ' | ni The
aaa gait* ?"*-* ?? wn .-. * r.a ? ? ingi I vartai n?
'-? rarni belng g
'?---- * : ? : rden. *
hr tbt o ? ??? ilacl ->.*_.-? f the *e*i
*ir*? nei - ? peelng call At the i^_.+ - polnt 1
iit?. _ a loaa er 2 ti 8 naiiiti .ir. le.
* ??? r.-nall
t-etr.- '.;-..-? t the g ruthem -- t mark?i
?.r. een auiialned i ?' ? ? ' '
*.: ? ? orieei !:.,-?-'? ? I ?
t-:r-! ?
a't?-n :. . r.-w irn.rlm.nt r.-^-rs were ea*CUtad
?a- in-? ? prlcee aopre^ifi>:v Tl.e Imt weather *-.-. ?
.... .? . .... md en thla ac nl bel
ir_: m m ihewed beattatloa It waa eli 11 i aftei
Mca that th* ahort Intereat hai ? - I late an
that a rr.- *_*eni Ifl oorot ertll be 11* ? I make IU *;?
j-_.-?- ? ? am - ? -? . ' ? ' ? ? leaa ?
BH-lh. ?nr tarr-*r turn* up ln the rnaail I
from :r.-.4 . ?*1Mllty r we\*r nol much I* exr
?.-.. _?...-/?? in th* w.v ot Baeluai _? 1111 after 'he nm
Tetr .1 i-MCbad. One of the f ? all ? faet -? ' ataturc
tacr -_a. r-e th* l_.'j!-*?,.-n of .tnr,unr>' lntere*ta
an bt - ?' ? v? itin qult* *xt*t>?iv* Th* markflt her.
__8e4 q. tt and *te?dT. unchanaed t ?- poti ti net I aeei
-?. ... ..,.-. ... _a la Ihfl i^oal n.arket to-dai
?*? *i I . _ ?
|g] 001 :_"-4". 104 BC
_?BR ce;t_a rioee. galflt, with qaoUtloaa uai-hflaaed
g* U-. .? B18 l?e for mlddllna uplanda, and fl 1 -K.
? - - ? <-, ? a* -,-?-? ' . ??? ' (''*c- ?*
____" - * rar Balea of IU balea wer*-all.1 *?
tflflfll .._?,, .4; l4if, 4_7 ta.ea.
J* tt] ? r-.e.:?nt tbflfl 108 'ht* *ea?-in haa be*n a
? Great Britain Tran-* Ccntlrerr
--'* :* ... ?* ? 1_ ,?*.
7ct>l ai_-e Re.t.rr.t.-r 1 1 ,7<l.--.4 411.' '11 1 _?4 -
**?-.:;,!, ,, Kew-Oneaaa to-morrow wer. offlctally **tl
??-k* ' be 15.000 ? laono balea. agalnat 18.5
ryf* ??? ?. *r: I--.: balea la-i >?'? T "-"r.r. *
rf'.U*. n .. , .... aattmaud al IS.-"? to 14.1X8
JJ^'r? ??_.-?? 13 ;n aalea :a*t week aad ? W l'-1*? ?'"
44 ,-,
*?'<-, an c?i m. ?< ' .., -t t . . I ticii at; ?
?t* ?'- or .^o ;-._ _._?:.: ?,.-. cut off a ltr_
J.- A _ V ? J a
e,lce of tha lata ectton, whlch would und"uhtedlv have
mar.ircj and heen har.estr! und*r rondltlr-ne like !nst
reai ? P-rnr 1,bf b?en wa*l.ed rnjt arn: loal, blll taik f
at. ,i,,| nej nelrta la ;>_re tv.t Everv holl wlll be plrked.
11 'ftni reaaonabla to expe-t ?, etot of n.ioo.nno balea '
CottoQ Exchanfe ?p*ria; Llrerpool ablee Br t rott m.
a ralr bualneaa doing; aalee. lO.casi balea; ap?rui*tlen and
export. i.nmi. Amen nn, B.ono; reoelpte 41,080: Amerl an,
?, midli'TTK uplanda, 8 8-824. nitui ? . ? ? ateady.
partisJ liHd deeltne; eloeed o :i?t. bal eleady, tm<-hanged
to >_ polnt net lower. Ilecemher Jan i-irv. 8.01 Se; Jano
ary-F>ibruary, 8.02B: Pebruary-Merch ::??*'?. Mei
Aprtl, 8:,ia; Apr.t*-_Uy. I.OIHb: Bay-June. B.Qft'.b:
Jaae-July, LOBHa; .Tul\ Au*'i*i. a.oTh. Auguet-aeiuem
her. :i ,r,QZoH. <?*pt*mb*r-iVtober. gnfti Ortober-N"
van.'*-. rtOKa. December, leiHa. Menebeatei Xt\ 1
in?v? alowly; cir-ih, more inou'.ry bui anj advance ai pa
b lalneaa,
KlaU'R AND MEAle Th* market ??< Ir.fl-.enr*.'.
aiderablr by weakneea in whrat. and while n-.t e?neraiiv
Tl '*1 lowar waa n*v?rt1-*l?a fai rall* to Luyrrs -h
? lern** quamltl** of th* rholoa gradea. wi ,
Bprlnfl patenta, 83 TOffta ?*?; wlnter itralahta, to 43f>M W
wtiuei patenta, 18 a,*i4'?8 S5; rleare. 12 *~f*l-*> *x
?-.. Bo 1 wlnter. I2N30I3M extra No 2 wlntei 12 856
12 i'i no grade. II BB to arrive: buekwheai flour, 18... .
RYE rUSUR- Qulel and quoted: Oood l ? falr ?:..*'. 18
cholce to fane) in .?> ,*..i r, CORNMEAL SteaJ
ant quoted; Ktln-dn*d. |8 100IS 20. aa to i.rnnd ...
'. \. IHE VI-- Firm and quoted; Kin* wi,;!.- BOc fin* yel
low, 8*K-||8l; coaraa, 7."~7v- ..FEED Bteady; aprlna
bran, bulk. te arrive aad ipot, $i;i'i$i.'t 2.V rarfea to ar
rlva I13 80CIH 4 ?_.??? wlnter bran. |18 2M*81?, the
latter whlte; fine, |lSOfl825; mlddlinta, ni.r.7. cttj
feed, 8;4.iau .vi; homlnj chop, 118; ollmeal, 138.
ORAIN?WHEai ..? ,1 :, noa 'f wheat prlcea waa
'' - lownward to Bar under ? eeniblnatlon <-f h?ir
'v newa and bol liy dulaeea tha: prom ted llqu lai
au. al ri aalH bj ecalperi in all poeUlona excepi
whl h optloa, favored by local ar.d Eul ; ?
1. held relat'.vely atead) and ri, (ed oall le "
491c decllM la other dellrerlea ipa
wai lighter than 11 baa baen la aome tlme, ?nh a amaller
?' " ??' "?' outeide trad- that waa rather diac uraglnB
??-?- ' .: elemcnt, comlas as it Bld aa t 1 t otbi
??? influencea la lha aewi llne Of tha latter, weak
,: '. wera moal Important, indlcatlne a diere
?'?<' ? tor th. late ateadtneaa Ui doir.eetle marketi
prevloui afternoon Uverpool erea ofl '?.-?. foi
day o:, futuret an4 reporta*. alx ,1-re arrtvali of 80*
C 800,000 buah Amerlean ? ntlnenta 1
ke" w? . ?? better, ibowing 8 | tnti advance <n
? ?'? , and Bour and '? franc rise at Antwerp. Th*
rket wlll be from FrMay nlghl
mornlng ?> wlll elao the I rneatlc arn-n marketi
" increa ,f 8 380 ta-9 buah in world"a at, ka fot
v.*rk. accordlnfl io "Bradatreet'a," wai anoi
laa aftern . I r, aitl ugh balla p.,int*.i out tbat l 1
8O0.000 buah of thla waa hi Btarope, iha biiance repr*
1 b aalni In d meetlc ?t.^ks At \ark.uf * mei durlne
tha afternoon aes.-il .n a'.lght r?ll|?? w-r^ r.b'a'nrd on *?
- ? ra runi | ip I ?'?"? I ada >-it all p ??. bal
- > ?? - u : untll afti-r
regular rloeiny, ?hen >1h>- advai ?' ?ne niri.
fl n Tl'tr 1, 71 'NfJTl \<\ a'tendf-l bv m lr-.-* !
' ?.'! a- 1-. x . ? ? ;h? .iraeirir.gT marketa,
n. feature nf Chrtatmai week, tbe b*nr? lay atr.;s n ?:,?
. .... f ,; meetlc rropi Intlmai ne lhat wh?at haa been
? ?: ? mated and * produce a :? leld In the
? - . ' 700 ioo.OOO buah The ther 1 ' i? al II
1 nfld*nl thal European demandi a . ? ?:.. taka eara '
cur aurpiua and prevant any Bepreaalna aocumulatl B '
atocka en thli r. 1* of tha Atlaatle Th* Sorthweaterr
tl were T?.\ cara, a.alr.4; 7K, rara a week .ie M
2>i cata ia*t y*ar. Scaboard rteanaeae arera ab r 7S0.OO0
f r thr dav. bul ahow -1 modcrate ri?rrra?* lh-:s fnr
- week ?a eoatpe'ed wltb la?t. Qu tatloai
Wheai f 8 v nl! a- baela, were aa f llowa: W 2 ra!
'" N ? 1 N rthern !>uluth T8*r.c *; I . V 8 N rth*m
Duluth, TSr noi So 1 Northarn Kew Tork, T4**i -,
NO 1 bartl Ma- ? ?: 1 77 ? II IRS Tl "
sttenethenlne of a hoav] exporl demand a'
1 ilcaga and aeabeard pemte wa? felt In lha ?? - 1
? ' wlth tha eaeeptioa of laal 11 aacl na when
tt, .ri*rat* Beveleped ln ivmpatl ? wltb wbeet,
leavtna flnal prlcee un^hanifed to M
rr-.r.g the ?t*a*v deriine ln wbeal however, bi ? '
that eoaree aralni held thelf own remarkably well an.l
wera Inellaed l add 10 thelr hotdlngi arair. on ev*r>
ra'hark. Bot onlv waa tha espori tra^r- a larg* eae
ae?--eirat!r.F iro loeda all porta, but the Lleerpool markei
ahowed SOSd net advance and boaaa ef ; newa wei
? ' . rai ? wtng t ratna ail over th* bell An ir.-rea'.
rf AM ,?vi b-j?h waa reponed by "Bradfltmt'B" In d->
4- .rk? fer tbe n-aek Beab ai I li iraneea ar* aaa ln
? : Intlne and for two dava praetlcally N"'11"'.. bua*i
I -.he previoua week. Bo 2 1 rn eloeed al 42s?:r
42H- for old and 4l'*.c for new . OATB Deallnaa Ir
thla mark?t wera rery QOlel and - II ' featura Bt i
?? loaed at 82Vc; No 3 neti 31-. Bo 2 whIU 84<
Na * whlte. B8e; tra^-k mlxed. 82fl98He; Iraek whlte
s*><?S7r Nol wblle rll-pa. 84*-ic RTB Market ateadj
N 2 TV?atern ao-?f*<llo f 0 b afl. a! Btate ryt *>f,Iii7
I7e c 1 f New-Torh carlota ... BUCKWHBAT Markei
QUlet: Quotad, Ma * 1 r trark New Tork
Wheetl Op?rtne Hlah. I*->w. noa* *av
DMer-b* . W* n% ns 7S]i n%
Mav . hl 72 1 -18 71S 71 . 72-.
Deeembae . *ftHi a^H 40H toM *ov.
Kay . 4rnsj 4f>4% 881 4^*4 401,
I>cember . - - - ?? **
rHi^AOO riii'Ts
?n-heat; Opeatng. Hirh. Urw <"*??. Bey
December. 0? Kjj gjl 2?** *
May . 071 B71 881 87 BTJI
j_;>. ...::... ni tei ? ?i **
Deeembae. f*v; Ml 84S J4S 844
Mav . BB1 Wfl-Jfl WH B8J4 IBB
tMy . 881 BB1 BB* 8B1
Pe-ember . 25?- to% ?-* ?1 g
y.v . lll Pl HH Ml 2..\
ja-.uary . |?10 18 1" MW1 |3 07'-i MUM
M?y . . *.R2'_ 1*21 IM IM IM
01 ba:
january . 4<B.l ???! IMI IMI * "'21*.
>I y ........ ?M I Ml * 77 W 4 ao 4 M
: rh
iary .... IMI ?3T!*i ?M1 pr!:1* p4..
;,: . . ...oii7. ?e7'3 B8S1 0 874 BBTM
i;- elpta of brea:*- iffa al laterlor polnta ln thouaanda,
three rlphera MBJO) omltted. Ploar bbla BTatn buch,
Flour Wheat. Tiit Oata Ry* Barley
Ch'eaa-J . 50 !'??? 46fi *? 4? 32-'
M:i?vaVkea . 1 IW Ml M I ?
VI nneapolla . - tto 81 M 2 1
i-iiutr.- i7-i i a a 4.
?:. I^oula. 8 1"" Bl 4' ?
Khnsaa nty. - ? 17 B ?
... . ? * '<! * 1
I ? I . ? 1} * ? ?
)??? rta . ? ' as 16
Toula . M iJU* *-f' *? 40 toi
? tnta fr?m the.-.* polnta:
Chlcago.42 BO 141 223 I 1:
V waukee . ? & \ J *
M t neap Ua . t>~ ij 18 ? ?
.? ? l' ? - ?
-? i, ruta._ 13 40 '-1 4 ?
Kanaaa Clty. ? 41 I 4 ?
lo ... ?. ? 7 V< 4 ?
I ?- t . 1 ? 8 ? ?
Peorla . ? ? ?* J
Trtala. "0 8*5 884 tto 12 2
Recelpta at Atiar.tic \ r
New Trk. 31 4-7 IN V 17 S
.-.; 10 H ?
J-hllndelph ? .. . 28 IB BB
24 M 24' 2? 12
ana 2 M Bl 2,
. ? 02 IS 1 ?
Xotala '': 7": I*8 IP4 8T *
p,\: >.-ti from Atiar.f- perti
New-Tork H M? M ? 18 1
. . 14 28 2 ?
elphla ... ? ri _M 8
- . l M Ml ? 17
rl*ana .1 77 ?
Ualveaton . ? 4.' - ? ?
Tta . BS .WO Ml 8 H 1
HEMP AND JLTE?Hema waa flrm ?n' JfJte **)t*
it,.. s h Mara i ? ? : I t
. Texi . 12- Clty - .
itve >?'? ' itl bra la, h'j-t; aide I - ?
, - . . - . -... ? intry il luahter: Nrf
.. . .-, D ' ?'. ? '.'':. ' ? ? '
LEATHER narhtl ?-: about ???
, .... nineea at 1 pnended pi - H
? . ~ ? n IB9S1C, a con :-. II i (20
s. |, tlon, H iffSmc; a- t
.... : . -, laAtc. rejeeta, 14*?fl ?
.- . ? Idla .
i , kJ ;.: .-s ..? rj_ -? hl ???? >? -' ?- '
.? ?.->.-. s* 'I' 2. 27 ?, ?" .
w -? hacki 8tCS2e, er n la 2"-.
- 2( , . :-. :?. belilne butla, ?
o_k . , 22021
ui ... -?? ?-.- and lead ahowed leai al
day '? ii laka ;: r a:.. Un **hlblte* pi . ?'
itrenath on furtler llberal demand and llghl ?
.> ind wa ?..m?what eoBfl etin?, al'h -j?
mall f a fa I I " Al ij ?ei a flet
chanai call. : P>a ? " warranti qulet, l il
. ,, ted 17 *-' nomlnal ?"; pei
... and : i enbei liiBO I I and 112? aake,
- . ... .. -.k 4 Amer, ;.? i and Da nber. !:?? I
,' j n< ?.. aaked. i^a-l rl eeo barely eti
' ecember 13 77', bld. MMH aak*d ?teelter rl aed un
, .:., foTai d and lewer n* ?**, l ? : .- ?- ?.
j.-, : n .naai Jai -., y and i abniary, |fi i
- '
,,,\ ? .. ..... iSt Bd futurea IM Tln ?
... .. ... (88 Ta 8d Bof Bpanlf* lead waa .. u
,. (ia ?? .^i .ri'. anelter a' 12.\ 18a ,<e
2? ???
d Wn 'VTt'^-.V ; ?r.,eOri".r:'0. ??' S ' ? -' ??
0-l.ena c?tr1fu|.l~ramon. J^^t*^g\\
rr. -., .'.-?!.:'? tal .,* " ,;, ? ?t.l-, (m
; .. .. -ir: a^.XicTBSi -
f','' :, fL"?-";-1.K.,-,HT=-Th. m.rk*. for bertl fl -
.:',v-a tl*U"*'tAr...;eVp. ?? H'.l ?
_. '., T ?.ls. ,',-f? '?(, ..."??'' II.
? ?' ,' ,r.." m -,'? I aai loi nace ' i l
" ' ' -; ' . :,. de. Ra -
? . offerlnei of veeeeii rben
-' . ? .. nage b
i , , ateam. wera
? Xt?*7Sl
. ? .
' K^'^r. ^?'tr.^.rn
,. .- aepB v arg ?? v ... .
? . , ,:,Ur lummer yell - I
'?n^ .." , u eiar yell, w. 27:,n>
^BTONfs^At the ?artS! . wai
? I ; - - ' -'?
'?'?.::;"?: ' '.' ', ?
81 '*'?;" ' "' Sr ,' P MEAT8
"' '? oimtrf' fimokine t-'-' " '" n - *
;;? -;;",/;: V nSSZ -abeaMen IMI; aeotad .
8*._i- !?.._?.-! haa-eeaai oMotoi al ?*???. W**t?rn
green, ;?'--?. B. P-. T ,.,,..
i"lty, ;. 8 10 . unirj 8*1 _"8%c. ?*_ '?'.
i . .? ? :i_-. Cltj lard eaay: <jvj te. ?
'-. ? . - : quiei yi.ted Bouth Amerlra. ? ?
n-3111 kega a ?? n.:.--j'i*.j;?",,,7,.'_.'"'
rttj ir'. fltearlTM ?' i
RICE- i..,p; :,;.,. ?- of lo Ui Indlcated _ l'?1"" lo rur-u" -??:_'rhtnr of _ t.and lo rrvuth h_?l? on
the part of bu-er. until afrer the 1, llday*. Th* I
.... . - W]er tirm featurea to I ? W- ln tbelr w*-I: . mnrk't
l--r-r )>_n T_m?t< > r-??:.? Company .-_:? "? r.i. t.u.i
!??., i, ..... oom _ erop Japan K-rwarfl ?ei ?
but nol a_er1 ?? u.ual 1 ? ??__**_ '.
.. . ... _?_ ,. ;_??;.... r laat year art aa a i
? aek tl ? wln.. ? ? ?' ? -.????
t r- .-v gr..,-!_: \r -.. | ..-.-.?. A.liMr.
In all anarter*, rr.. r- wpecli Iy ln rh- - _e_p.r .
- : ?? - : prea* nt :.> new fe_i ii ?
: r: Ii me?tl . i n mon t ? low f.iir 4.4,
K '?: - ? ?.-.'.' ...
?..-?. 1 -' ? - -
?? learapl l. ilrti , - . ?
.i. iflh.S__._-U - ' '
,lve of i *ri 80. '-???' ? kt
o( laat | ? ' ' " or'.inary ti f_r
. Recelpta.
I _i :.".i i .-?
rn*nl- ...? - _,,w..<
FtcOAR ..-??? ???.'di i miraei
.... m*nd f >r th* harri
' ' - ?? ' '",
ra*** wer- - :?'-? ra '
. i it i ;
f rhe lower * **>lng The rt< -
nr ?.-,-?? -
lit.d * re_ grai i -' ' -,'. ..
n li
. N?a I. 2 a ? - N I " ' ' NJ. '
Xo ?. 4.5l N ? 1 I r. 4.44c; No 0. 4
No |0, i .: No 11. 4** N ? '- '-'?' :-; ! .*? V
N - 1.1 and 10 4.18e ~ fertlna abroad ?ni
? ed dep_rtmi nt here f itlmulai
r?w eus.i- tt-y.ti. li "* ?"''",
tnd far between nnt ai ui _*ngi I : - i on th* ?_*?
4 ? r 00 l '--.;. _*_- ror 89 re?- mui
I ? i ii .t.slv for ran* w lh irerlnn I _" ?' ?' ?
al 12- and falr r-flnlng at 10* rl 11**1 -
and Improving alowl) preaent m-n-h quotad al
nt r. ntb it Ba Bd, tha : nnet I ?
TORACCO Ther* w4? rooi n ement la - |
. *re 1.000 bal**. I.
_??.. . i- . ?-??- ;? 11 ?.,...*
:.' !*'?? W li -'? " L
iu'-.- ii ! 800 eaiea I8B5 i nm inli aeed at i.
lalea of 150
al iv.nvw sn bond. and .'?" be1*a Botaatra ?? **?'
_*.-. ea in boi i _
r r week ?? Hng Taiadey, December 2". MM
_g IND 8'i' IB >?'?' Pti ?' r week, 6 838
.... i. 1.282 pkaa; peaa. .
? ? . ?
... - ?
t the n
?.??..???? 8
t Rt 2 i I ? ? " " . . .
? -
. ?
! rnar.i for y( r eye la a ?* ' , ? ' ', " ,
I - -.. ar* weaker
f tui ? ? ? ?
- ?
... ?... -
gi _?_. >,.?:.: ?:.:, ,\
:-- <: :
188T8* | II -- ' . . .,
.... IflO. <! '?? M - . J"
..-?...... . ? dog
? -1 n
? thal ? ? '?
l .
; ? *? ? "? ?Sfl,! I
ind - i ?re begtnnlng to i
; ; '
? ?*
t Britain or 1
' - '
. attei non 1 ? ? ? . '
lo 14 :??
.i h?ht. and | 8 ai
? '
rather dull aale 1
... ?
... ??. -A- ?
- i. per lb. :
...... ? . .
fall made. I ? '?? ?
... . ....-.- ...
aecond* to "? ? ??
?..-'- ? I, 14 1*4*.
? ?
? ? ? ? . '
* | f'HI
1 4 TT*. i- t- -. Market for I
. <?
... ...
( auch Io<
there i I n fra --
, - v- .'.. | | . . - ...
~ - iirr'.-r lalei
- '? _i ?' ? e of the old year,
ai 1 Ittll :r* : r -?????? i Iftl
? ? . are moi
knom-n. 81 ' A lot of 1,800 or
. ? ],ooo t.ox". t had 1
i , ?? ... ? r. ? ring th*
... ??? -
_ 44.. :
, .... ....... . .. red nr
i " ed and whli
Nc-vember ? ?,??-?,?
. falr. 798 ? t*mh< r ?n! ?
4 . ? . 1 , N
ember. i i ?'. ' ' ....
8 . " , irt < ' l_ tar*
. - : ' ? ?'
falr, i 5
..-; T10 caae* AtrrWali hi" -
a the laal
... .- . ? .,.?..
..... ... .
Ihe tone I*
? . rre.h *nd held.
jeraey at
- ,. ; . 827c: 6 ?
I Im* i i
24Q2-V -<k - '
-,,--.. rnaerai ' ?
? :: .. ? I
.- 17
. ' - w.-K 21 278
Orapei 111 _r? 1_ prtc*
,-*r_r,: - ? ? . ? ? ? ? rard
- - ? -
... ?
..... X -rth.
... ? _ - ...-.
Northei .
. | . - ? ?
rd, 11 ? ' '
falr_ i
, . . . %?rletl'?,
>- M ??? .. *:
.-..??? .*
1 ^: S_4}$1 .... . ? ? i ?*'?_
fr-. ? . i >: ? - .-erine*.
" ? ? ' - ...
Ui.,-. for w< ' ..' ...... i
rd demand
? .
I lo any ilighi
..... nythtng but
?' - ? a i '
.. *re not
prea* i ' Breweri I
.... the yeai
, anl t-x- rten ir. n torwirdina th? it
...... ? _. , ?
the <
- . rdera * |
?-.-?? - - .,.'?*..-?? :'!_-*'.
1 ? *'
. !*:?: ? ? :*.- ? -'? -" : ?
,: ? .? l .
. ? ?
' " . - 4 . ?
. ?
; . : pkga r : ..
? -??...-, ??:.
I for all grad - .?;.;?;. !
441 ?
? . ? ?
... ,
..... .....
* I ? l - *. I 1 * ??
e * * ? ?
1 ..- i
? : . -
. ? - ?
. *
.;.,.- ? I . '? . r . ? _ ?? ?
larse. iteaiiv fanrv dr\ plcked rhirknia hav* eeeeekra
ally e\.. | I t thal fla-nr* I* ,,h ,ut all that ran :??
Ihe beal ..- baa ? ? aeii ted dry pl. ked I
.- loti ' both fowle Mn>l cblckena hava be* i
_!ai.,rs at 7t?7'-c Dwckl and geea*
? r* Inrjulry. an.1 itl ;""i ?'
nha.le fl ? the trurk-' eveiWtoeked Wltl
? ? :a!lv of ,!-T.ka, ht,.| N h urale* ,|raic
_tc ?? rrregular prlcee. Cholre iira* whlte e.ju.ii.s ln
fair ?lf-mr.T, I :.? I fln bal amall nn.l .lark aell elowly at
brt ettote: Turk*-?. Jereey anl ur
? ? ??. 18914c; Bo Maryland atii Delawara,
lo Ptaie and Pennaylvanla fancy, Hc.
;. 910 bc; do Oi 1 Mlchlgan.
: ? | ther XttAtrr dn plcki : fancy,
11 .!.?!,;? ; Ifl j . do Weat, n
? ... i !. ?. |nf r|, . .. ra : irke ? ? v. eati ?
r-.pi i fai ) 18 . ia I Irkena.
I ? io ch l *. n?l4. ; do i - ? falr.
... | | p .. ,. ; . falr to
g ... Btate an. Pennej - fa
rl Weatern - - ?
. 4 . i ? ; rtme, TC l ?
falr ? i- ? ??'?' . rnlckena an I I aad, \\-stern.
? ? i. ,-. ,7 fowla, tfraey,
do Btate anl Penne; Ivai s- :
???>?? Iry plrked. aond 1
Doutha ? tlme, 7-i 7' 3^
- ? lo falr to good. 8<H I
. i'. Weatem *?? <t , ka, nearby, prlme to ch ,lce, -RlOr;
1 ' ? ' r ' '.?; r?"
.. ? ?
lo falr to 1 ?' labi lanre - hlte,
. ? ? ??-.-:
DAMI ? ? ? ' larae mubiI ,n Bood d*manl anrl flrm
at generall\ |1 ,10 pei 1 bul a Itberal aupply of In
birdi whlch k ' al wly at Irregular rrlr*?.
I ,-. ? : r1 ? a ; -. I] an I flrn rrlm*
?iar'r 4 wanled, and 1 -a*l nally
r ? . | ? grnuar have aold a llttle better
........ boul
,. ? . ? ? ,v*r very aearaa R ihblti li
. fatrly, hava l '
... - - We qu .t* Q'.all. irlto*.
? ? , md Infi rtoi ?'
' ti ? -?-.... prlme undrawn, .iry, per r?ir. ?i^
1,2* -- ,.t| _: uae prlme undrawn. n .^
_<- :.. *i 1 . in 13 Engif, snlr*. mrUne to
?' lk 12 -'-"??*- ?"? '; '
g, ... <? 11 -,. . cenvaa, .1 th an.l over ?
- t: l ?-????? Ihead. ?? ".. and
II V, III 7.',. rl ? llght, f-"-'i*l d" ' " '
? -- . ng teal 8-040. 1 gre. 1* li r ti?l 2-.
S rabl ti, per pali ' -
- -. ni, VEOETABLE ' :'= " P" a''1**'
. ,... ... rta, I 72* bbli Irlah r-^'~**
nd at at. ,
. " "a*,"r,
. t. but |
? ? ; . flrm Bquai tun -
... r* tn falr len and nd rt, <
. . ? value.
Iti 1 ell. but 1
.... . .,: : fatrly ontll Ihli '? -ek. ?h?i? i
f eondltlon and |
...... have been In 1 out de
? ? "
t full 1 lefecllve lola. a
iv, Iragg. I al I ' an.l inaatii
I. . ? ? ? si 7- /?-' ri . Ma ne
:: :? lo Btate and ' ern. per
, . I12SCI! 4. fariav,
, . - ... Je-??y. p-r bM. $1 2.; iti ???? !>
ern. UtHV - whll pei - ' 8- - ..
. , .. 12.- ? ..? 1 n
<: .- II 7
red. per bag. 81 .*??????-'
' "' . ? . ;
I '- '? :
II Wi - ten " era, per n
. t. |t . 1 r.ti 1 .12
.-.-...? fftc9ll_?; lettuce
. . ? -,, per carriei I1S82 V'}V[\
????_- .??-_ bears. p?r erete. al -,,|
?;?... ? ? . er eairtei IIOM lornlpe. Ruaeta, r*r
St'N' ??::<?< Rr*s-,ax_Piire wai !n falr aurr.y anl
>*t?r27e per **> fllnaei rt ' ?
. ? ?; .. . - ?? - ? i ? .- r?r r.
t? - per aa 1 '?'? '
? ? . ata prl. ? Wa q :_??? s-.-:1"
, buekwl ?-? >?>? * < ?
.,-.->-: ern. t-r
i :.- ??. Pi ta I
- kurv nuti
. ,- .. ? .. , ?? eatnuta dull aa . ?p,i? fi
We quot* Pea ita Vlr_tr.!a
t ,-',.? ? - N : ?
-. | . . ? ?? 1 Ppanlah 1
v - 2 2192sie c\ wtnuta otr t ial I ,*?
Ii. -. buah. 127! *f|8 ?'? llll uta, p?l
Bl. p ta. r*r ' "' '*' ' -"'"r'-':'*. r?r
I 12 ' in nuta. per B 4 ???",??
HAI \.'- RAW BAT The week baa been att*r.Jeo
.... tput of haj v lerata r<- alt ta hava
f .... nd better 1 1 for upper gradee, anl
,.? . ? ahlpplng aaa.? hava not h?*n
inre f 1 ng tln ' ? 1 ia lefi iha mark, t
r | ahapa fnr the poaalble 1I1 anlng ur f trada ini *
the 1 week. River I va ara not ex
? ? ? ? ' - ' ? ndinga, ai witn
il ;? " nippllei wlll 1 -
... . . Benalble ntl lealara 1
. th. - dlra l -v: awera
. . ? pen an ke< ?
l ... untll the reappearance ' ' - - ?*
era ara not ai praaaed for th, read 1
^ ,, ...?. lenandence ui n I
... . - ' ...i pon that
.- .. bear ln mlnd lhal paylna ratea -ar. e
....... p( .. . | No 2
per 100 tl r".- N - - ??-; No 2,
lf ... ra . .. :; -. ? ? - mlxed,
4 - lOc BTRAW?I'holce tii
nd tha new d ilon of pr
? te 1 ' ? ? The mai t waa aetlve al
1..-, 1314* frr c I an.l ibove, n^
for old remnanta 11 ? re
pti nf hl ' .-:?.'????
B>- Hudann River Ra
1, g Shore, 2"".
' atraw,
tonl ...
rvr* recelpta of h.-.y and itraw for Ihe ????>< endlllB
r 30 were aa foi wi
- P.lvrr Rallroad . - t
'''> .
- ? ? I ala .
1 . * I.a-kaTvanna anl vt'?.t?rn
l/ahie-h Valley.-,?
-' . and Weatern.
? - f Nea ' ? *v .
Bta .
. 7 0.'-} ?4<
Expora of hay fot th* w**k, II 7^ u>i
Hr,:v . f eplrlta 1 * took advaataga ef -v
.... led nf late l . - ? ?
? ? ..
: . . ? iha a
..- Th* mark",
loaln and tar had bui ttti
? ? na fHow
? - *'? '"
n,-,. itralned, II ic-ffll 42H: ?
,;,--,?? 11 :?- 13 ll an 11 11 '4-. 1. llT0" k. r.fe. m
$; ;.-. \ H 18 '.'?' 0 1-50 '.'?' W, J2 "f
t?T '.-K
.10.011 barre'.
: ? ? . 2,'vw barreji
.... 1.:
, 80 ta turpeatlae fli ?
receii ta an . ? ? -. .- - ,? ? pu, 14'
8rm. II SO. 12 30 at 1 12 80; r*
,. r-s -?? ? ;? r flrn 11 10 reeeli ta, 2.V. v' -
1 . rpenttne markei Brm a- Mc
1 ? - 't '?
Bavannah I ?? - B| rlta turr?nt:r.e flrm a' 40 bld
v.. . 1,188 bbla R^am flrm
4 ? 17 bbla
New Tork, 1 '- UM
ref.ves Recelpta w*r? 14 mra hi all con
1 - ? ._..,.,
i ? 1 11 . ........
, ' lay' 1
itile al Lot ? ind i ?
.. ...-.'
? . ittle eq'ihlly dlvtderi bei
1 iraa ' 8 rger, en,
tafce 12" ?- betweei
? the ? -? ? wlll rarr;
, s;.- . markei
t A
, ? .. ???? ? prlme veali a".
f.. J, ( N'o Weaurna or
ealvee . ti ?ai" iii flrm al I'ff: 1:-.-. ?
laed a:-a iy at 151
, ? - 1.14 A erereta, at $
- ? isa tt ai it v. 2 i" 2'?i rr |i M
.- ?-. 1 yrar'lTig, 62
J H . ".rr. . 2 veala. tflfi Ih. at |<i 2 do |0
250 Ib, a- to HO
201 lt *? <s .1 fed ealvea
807 It at 84 BO . . .' H
. ?? 14 rara. or 2tll haa .
ire were i ira on aale v*r
11 ng
gradea Late
.... u weti
? B Pr 1"- I* -,'?* fet
wa ?? ai 14 u'-t f r falr aheep m
j-.-.- State I - rhrea ira nf atoob wer
' . - per Ih: dreeeed lam! s
.- Btate lamba 88 Tt a ??t*.p? a
? - |04 Ib. at M18H
I Chrlst
ilal I -urk>- lamha
80 ?- - ? 101 ft ?? lt
. ii r 4.243 head. lr slud
.inc ' ' llva h-gi
. . ? c -..-..- i.s-i -t
'""??.ha lay
? . -- <? n hoga. 17BI
187 II at ffl <??'. 2
I ?? ?<.... ?.???> rt. a
t ' I
.-? - iti ga 1",s "*>
VV ? ? , ie yeaterdi IH Btate he-je. IB
Ib. at I i Ib. at 82 83 ?
.;_ . 81 ?=?-,?* h r. 2
bt. at 8386; ? ? j
? Btate I 117 R
145 fh. at |8 88; 2 - vghe 4." - i
, . - ? |2 ..'. ' . M n Bl 12
s . . f eattle lo-day wera ama:
and '"
... ? Weeterni m
13 7.*?"Jf?' fe? ? ? - I l ,
. . < , - - t is r
r. e eeedtna ' - - M
i .. - rt for I
... ...
? ?? Patea w*t
1 ? '?*:;.?
lt fX 2
< | . 0 1
' ' '' '
t irgely at 84 ..?*?*? -?
\ I ? I - , . * '
.1 il ?-, i|4 .'? '-? ?' ? 1 - '?.
,.... ;-. .>???-, 1888 head; hor*
?'>. Hosa atrema ffaBMSM CattJ
>, gheei ateadi ,--?'??'? i-amh,
Tlj r i ? mariciit
-" ' '
aold i
na of leadlng d-i
? -" . ?
--.. : : x. 30e. >
ah r rough traina ,,,,p at Albany, tftlca, lyraeaae.
R ? beiter ind B n ... >
Trnlnn ,eaie r.rand Central FU'.ton ** t ;: wi:
N.MO A _ -\ -i-t >:nii.*. The rarn .*
F*?te?. Trrun m "ie World. I?n? Buffalo, 4:4* P. M .
Nlai-ara ralla, ?' 82 1*. B.; Toronto, 8*00 F M.. De |]:14| P M l.irnited te r4 Matlng nt-icltv
S.4.*i I M "AgT MAIL Dal I I tt ? .", M?_sra
Falla and - ? -tand.
lO.'tO ? U. DAT EXPREBB. M-MI S-mday. Fot
Huffe rt* ? Ven 1 rk Btate polat*
1*00 ?' *?' BUI [*HW_8TBRN UMITED ind CHl
CAOO BPECIAU i h ii. Clnctn
nati. Indlan at. L
8*80 P B" rROt AND Al.t.vNV Bf-ECIAL, *-Tt
BUI tOPI ;???-? l ? ?
B OO r U. LAKB HHORE UMITED Pat'.y?24-ho_r
tr,,:. to Chlcago, rta _.__<- Bt .re I _. Qeeeland
7:1.*. .1 XI. dui L-Jicag. 4i-i I' M. Sleeplng aci
par or car* Bl I]
fl.OO P M " _?T-SRN exprem Dally- roe Ntaaa___
ralla, roron ? i .--. ? ind Pl leage
O *__*> P r\ NORTHERN BX1 BEBB I lllr?Tot Troy.
Kontr .? eacept sai ' ? - for < rttawa
7 ;?o r M il [RONPA K '.: ? XTAINfl AND MON
S 415 ;? \i iirFV.M. . ANP BOITHWEBTERJ
si-i:--i v i- i i . - t-tagere F_:t*.
i ..... inclnnai u ? ? ? -? !.? ata,
"*" in- ear fnr _ rall Broob Ry . i l
I.v :? and for Ro heater and I
O.lf. r *? PAfWC BJtPR__M Dally?F?r Ogdena
btrrg Nlagara ra ?. Clerelaad. <'_icag.. *nd. ex?
cept ?atarJay, foi *ape I'lneeni -md the Auburn mad
19.lO algbl MIDNIOHT EXPREM For ChtaaftB.
orory algbi oi ?? aigbt* gaaaay
algktfl, '''.: igo ? **pen lew - at 8 i_.
0:1.1 a M aad SiSS P. M Dally, iaoeg_ Bnnday. to
... ii 08241 \ M
Wagner Palaee Cara on al l i tralaa
?*'_ _ . ._
Tlrke; and Wagner ofll ? ar .;-a_* Central Sta.len.
11 . 28 413 Bi - " l?h St, 042 Broadway,
lg and t_8 t dtoa Bl .
and 1* - ?' ? ,__ .. _ ._.
Btreet" I r Rew 1 -k
? ? ? | ' **f*m- ??<*?? or r'*"
gancfl i.v weitc <! Bl . ._
UBORGE H DANIEL8 General Paeeengar Agaat
WJl_5TSHOR.E -O-*.
Tralaa leaei rranklli Bt Btatlon. N T. aa follewa,
1B.4R I J-.'' t-OOTl'-f-SMTAI.* UMITED. Dattr.toa
8-B.aa > I. ..-. _gara ralla
??-- ?? '???? * Ii?,?i__r^__-M
< vaoandl - *?? ;;"? ?-'-.; .'^.^r.f
? ____? i- M <3" r. iter I : v ?**? ? *_. Ll
Ilagara 1 ? ? ?*?? * "? ?
_.-?:.. rtc'uV fteefcatfa.. M
s.4r,' ? - - _, ?yracu.., Reeh..
lar. ?? ? ago and Bt. Loull
_1r_? Uble* _r ; i Ipal 1*1* 4**11 Aff! '??? Baggflgfl
ehMkH fr m Hotel or tl **>^-" E?f/*?
C E UAMBBBT. Oeneral f_*-eng?r __-r, N i
Leave ... a ?-. rk. Whiuhall Termlnal 8 atb rerry ?ad
t ? ' '? .. _ ._, _
tExeept 9-nday. S~ W la *
CWICAGO 1*4.-0 a rr. , fr.m Ubett] ? Btj., "1 ?
. 'm.. from I_h?r!y ?tr**t onlyl.
-ft.'.-. p. m., ?12 1-' nlghl ____?___.
ilNi'INNATI -T UOUIB, tJNJ a rr . ?-'? 15 p ra
WASHINOTON. I'Al.Tl M'M'._*. t7M **?--3 D'>.
?li _.'. -_ ?:-. (Dtner), tW.8_ p. r_ m 23 l ner), *.*..'
f'ti ,val I,:n-,-e! " E\ . ? 80
,I._-r. *g_?_ m aad ?:- S :? U__ tl2 _3
P'aTi traln* are Ul_l__nat_d Wlth I",r-. h I/?--.
Ofll m 118 172. Wl, 4_4. 1284 B lway Sl E KOj-et..
127 Ro? ri N V __. 844 I l tlyn; Whtte
ha:i Termlnal Baggaga ehecked fi -? '? ? - riUdfliiw
? ? len ? ? _
go ??? I k Mtchiaap. aneeonaln, *t? X Mlchigan 13
So | ui hlgan e mblng, 30 No : : nota comb
. . N 2 1 ? ._-.-? *. N-?
: 22 N
v, M impi * and Vermont. 28
27 Ui ? . tei -
21 ,-:e| madtum, etc.i Kentu . ?. and I
I .?...-? ? ? 11
- -
I r.r iifta, 1'' - "
- iri 12 ' 404.42
. ;? ? ?.:- .. ur? :, _3_l-' Tei
and fln*. 14316c. a ir* I -
.? .. t: i-- ! ? .' M'votnlng ?????
icoured 4:: ? atai i 1781 Wc ,. I ?
8c: g ?-;-.-- ???? ragc 63
nah??r n, Dee 211 Cotton qulet; mlddllng, BT-18
... 4 :'? Ifl i I ' klnary, 4 B 16 ri
rltali .- .
? -? .... i, 44: at-jck, _fl4.7W
. | " 4
nrni: Ing SB-ll I * 11 IB -
:.? .
' .ttor. flrm, mlddlinfl, 5;.-: lot*
111-10 ? ? - - Odl ' lei ??, ?
- .. - 3.887; ? ite?, 01 ?to k, 135,104
, \ sr -: n iry 4 7 ISo; : ?
,4*-l. iihlpmenti. B.151 ea'.-.. 4.000: ll
N- ... -::? ir.s, Dec 2<". ? ilet; mililing, r\*t
low mlddllng, 4 1.1 18 good llnar. 4 7 Ide; net r
31.22. balea; groaa 82,011 eai ru I Oreat Hrtta'.r.
4 -... ntli ? - - ? " ' ' li* 272 aal< *, 4.000
?tock, 10 : 224
Boaton. Di 20 F\ .- , il*l r< Ipt*. 7.320 I i: epriai
; . - . ? *
? .' 'if.: 7.>. i*omm*
. - (I do per ? Con lulfll - I 18 bu*h,
4' -.?!??? ? -. 'J 4
? 2 and No 3. 84
? ?? ?- ipring, J:4.'j.. wlnter I1B25;
. - I2f t*IT Red D t fl ir I1T7B Butter flrm;
. .: ? "A'eaten
^ flrm; N rthern, 101*011 . *A'*?t*rn.
1" ,fll-**_e.
Buffilo Dec 2<-> - c"r g _r.e.... ;. ? ^-.- n
ht,r.'. I8'ie No 1 Northern. TSc N i N rth?xa. 70
Wlnter l 2 red. 72872*4 on track: No I
?i > te 7-' ln (I r* '' rr: ?? ? rr _ ..r. 1 ??- - -? - Vo 2 }?*! ?
i a :;?? N - No 4 yellow, 86**c; No 3
n 4 corn, a.'-c. Oata 1 S I whl!
? .. - Ita, 81 . No 4 whlt* "
.:. : fh Rje dul >'?: :rr ?? re, 81c l u
i*o De'- _m t**-? laadlng foturae raaged ia '
RThaal Ke 2 Opaalng Hiirhe.t. lyiweit Oi'.na
r i . .'? ??-. . ?-.*.*- .^i_ -. 4
. . . <*7-_ff.:7S ot'. ?-.?'.-. ?7 ?7fr^7-a
lol] 8B**1 86*- 88 W, *:?*< .
-n. No. 2:
Pe-emh-r . S?*_ U% .14*. 14*_5..4H
-?, . _i935S _**'-,'?"*- ?-"??.flT't
_ .. , BB% ', .1.1S
oata No 2
December .... M 2*"A 25*. _?J8
. .. B% Bi 2i-i_f2_s -M
M'.'i j. rk rer bbl
January .. J'1"'- !?__ 89S2'-1 **_J}_
M4v . BetH :"*'7*4 ?-"??: n ???? I
L_ird. per 1<X> tb:
Jarnary . ? 10 _ 124 ??*:??? 8 07*4
? ._-. 8_.% 8 80
rt rt*?, per 100 11
..,._,_,, 4?2'-i ?? 4e-2:. J?H
4-1 4 -J l 4 .. | 4 -.
...... , Ifl fOllOWl - ; S1* J
? ? ? ? ? i\ . N> .
... 2 -N >
No 2 oati -? . 2. -. Ni
. - . 4 .- _: ? -- 128S N- 2 r -
7; ;-. . ' ? ?- . No 1 81axi
ii on li i - timotl > *?( 82 30
. ioo - y ?
- ,vi'-,-. al rl iflar Hdea ? ? ??*?- ti
$i --. v ... li*i flnie ? ?? la. I BJ ? -
f, ui ? ? ? -
' .
188.118 8-fl* - ?? aW
,. ? free ,21 . - -
. inetnnatt. 1-e ,20 riour iteady Wh_al j
? - ? ' .
No 2 mlied. 29 N .,- .
, ? rai i ._. ateadj _'
20 ?_:.- i- . -? No 2.
N. o , .,-, j.-_ eai - \ . . -t i
at-al5 . .-? - _- - - -*'
ipollfl. D< 20 " ? ?. ? '?
x . ? ?.-.'?
,i'. 2 ' 88 .
- ? '????'???- r," ,"?
??-"-?'"--' ?'" " - '-." ,,_-.
fo 2 whlt. ? ? - i. '
miaed :
' ? - - ?
rrn. 2 - ' -
r. ?
" Brm -n
_.' .
_:2JL-7,. -,,.... ?i -? ??? ?
r;:' ?-..
, .-:_-' Uh-at Bi
. i ?'?? -? ?
- N . - '
.-- .
? . - -
; . -
lower. So 2 ea
: ..-.-- ?*? ?
? | . *nw*d
I ?? i7li ne- . ? I _X -lab-r, 84._ ? ?
1. iv| Di . _D. ? 1
.- -
i . . . ..?-?.
I i ... . - ? A
?.!_? and Jiin
and fieplen h.-r ? l ll - ? ?
and October. 3 t 0*4
icmber, 3 6 vii lelien.
B n.____iiL.xio__kr>.
BTAT* m? fool f v> a_TI 1 R EN1 V tiuk: ' *****
an. _iE_URO___? and COKTLANDI BTBB*CTfc___.
C ? tima from l>eabroeeee and
Btrc-tl laaa lhal tbtm below **?
T' '????" ? -.? r_?
T..-.11 \. M, i 181 MAIL Pullman Huffet **['"'?**
New York l Hleepin* Car PIliaBawa "? ?MB
*UR? 1. M. ' 18T UNE. Putabura anl QtAttUBi._
t?-'..? \. M. lENN_y_.VA.MA UMITEI. - I'ui.rnan
., nf, Dlning. -m kin* ansf OMerva*.
iioa can For r .;..'.. Claaaaaaife
?-:?" ????...n ... uoi i? gxFMtm-r
I r Ni , . ?.. .... ' afBBBR
?l l
.'..'.<> I". M. WBBTERN OfXr.MBfl l*tT 1*?***?- rot
7.l-? P. M. ?TERN EXPREBI Foe Fmr
? _"_. ? ni, Indlaoapolie, Bt, l/mia.
??I<> IV N. PACII iErW . ? i tta 1*8 ana
?*?.?..?: I'. M. IdAIL AND 1 \I-KK.-.- 1'ullman H-iffel
s- ..r N. ? ^ , |. ? .sl Ul -r?>-. . llle
burg. _? l ? lay No .aehee.
*.,i _? W *?""*?'.TO*4 AM) rUE aot TII.
. BO _s .,,, .. .... -j vq (uin|BI , .,. ,. j,, .-?, ,. Ining ' en a. nv,
'?-' ??? l 5<i .;; 30 | Lim." aU Parlor anl
Hnlrig 4 2'. 4.50 iDlnlaf Car). * ??
1.20. 10 fa. iDtnina
, m. ,n .',>?. . Pan, r ari.t
.... ?- , ,.ri, 4 >? iDlnlng ( -n. a ?*>
; i 12.03 ..
ERN RA1L.WAT.?Kapreea 4 20 p. m. 12 03 nlght
\ '? ttC COABT UNI -Kjpreaa. 0 20 a. m and l-M
CHESAPKAKE * OHIO RAII.W.W st.80 B m. dally?
I !: ,-!.;. pi U\T .-oMI'DRT AN'I> NOBfOIaa. "J."***,
... - a-.i 7.40 p. aa _ ,___.
ATI_\N |,30 ; ra weeh-daya (^h**?eeef
?? ' indt 81 ??? 2 >') p m i. Veetlriuiea
??; I'arl r i .rs, Pass-ni'r v.c_cri. an. _om
CAPE mav i. i r m. a-erk daya , - -.
Long Branch, Aabury I'ark itnter'.aken. S-.ndayi). 0"ij
Or.. .. -; ,?' m Weai Twen'y-thlr*
1_ .?,.. 8.80 -r.d 4 .80 * nv
??". -'20 a m 180 B rn. (fr -i Ii?abrr>?aaa arvl
. |j ... 1 10, ar.l 5 10 p m.^
run i-iiii \iiKi.riii*.. ?_
r ". T '?? s?> s :... (9.50 l'*ona Limited). ?w
.? Car) II 5?. a. Bl 12 *A UM
.Un 4.1 ir I.DlnlnB < ?"?
gC 7. 880 D m.. 13.08 night. Bundaya.
-. > .-_?? :>.., (Llraltedl, 1.50, I0.B0 ,0.n;nf
....... , bo .; m ng i ir) !."*?. 42" (DlnlnB Can.
4 -?, g Cai Dlnlna Car). 1 *"? ? M ?? m ?
12.05 nlghl _ _.,
7 Mog, 461. P44 t',?a. 132.1. Hl. and 2ai
il 1 Aator M-:- Weet Twenty-thlrd ?**"****
Btal ? < atatl aa r t of Daabroaaea arl fortlanil
, ,.- E :?>*? s.., ;- ? - ???.-t 88 Rr^al-aay
an.l I???? , t Annea Btal i t;- >kl>a; B*?mB;
'eraej ntj Tha N-? Y.rk Trai r:-, any wlll ea.i
f .- . ,r;?? fr m h -els anl r?al4anoaa
;'.'in - . _i_
7 Elghteeeth Street' for Pennaylvaau*
? Bervtee. _
j ii. ii --. HiNKON 9. R woon.
?; ? al Manaeor. ?eaarel Nea r Agant.
. ? *
CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY. Ceal *t*t excluilvely.
Four ir_.h?. Electro-Pneumattc" Signaia ,
Statl-.s |n Kew Yirk f "t of I.'berty 8t. t
ari Bouth Ferry, tVhltehall St.
Leaving Um. ft i s th Perry .fo t WhlteheO _***_?
la flve tt.. ^r tl in th*t glven below tor !_.?
eriy .t , ex ; | .\r.'"-. n". 1.
. >i-e f ' ef Uberty Bt
ror Eeaton Be >->,-?n- Allantown Maueh __u". Jj*T_
?4 OO. 7 18 :? 10 A M ,12 M. to Eaat B.J 1 *> '*'*?2*
Eaat^n.) ' r. ffM le Eaiton.t P M Pu-daya "4"?.
,7 00 ? - ? , v M. 1:00. *.:80. 8:08 F. M.
p, r caitka ? ?? ? n, and BereBtea. Ha** e m
A M 1:80 P M Bundayi ?4:8B A M.
F r Readlne and RarrlaburB at *4 M, ?*?*>.-L48-.2 _i'
noon, ii -:,. i Readlng) a M 1:80. 4^ J "o, ?549.
fap-oo t Readlng.) P M. 11:11 Blahl S:;n_,'['-?4^^,
111 an ? Readlng.) A. M.. i:uo. 1 3r ?s Bl e 00 P. ?.
12:1 f r, t-ht . .. ._?
I - - nbury. I>wiabura and wiiiar*.Mri at aa-o-.
|t4B ? 10 \ M 1:80 "i 00 P V. 12 f nlgh* ?>??
day*. ?4 M A V 1 00 1 Bfl r .,? >? m 12 II nlght.
\|.|, lltll. HOI'TI-'..
For Red R g p.ranrt iiburv Park- Oemn
fjrove. and ' Polnl Pleaaant, ?4.10 <?9 w
or.h- t-> <*?, inirtl e *.'> .10-18 only lo R?1 BanKl^liara
a M .1' ?? ta r.f Pinki. ,1 i-i mly M n*',.T,'nJ0*,
? 1 18. 4 10 r 18 P ^f Pur-laya (Itopa a" It.'^r aken l
A.- iry ' md O - Orove), 9.<?o ('10 15. only to Re*
Bank) A M . 4:00 P M , '?
n'e *4 80. 8:80. IItBO A M_. 1-4B,
4 r.o tr, W 8 ;- p M aun* 0 00 A M . 4 00 P. M I
KOa LAKBWOOD. . ? _, -.
?I I" ? -0 jr, j] 4 Ji j 4", 8 (0. 4 40 P. M. Bua
dav. eio |8 A II . . ?
Fnr 1 ?! 2,1 ? -o. in is A M. 1:48. 8:4B.
4 40 p M Bundayi ?1.i f. v M ._ ....
For Toma Rh - and P --?.->? MW ? M A. M.. 1:48.
IW T M Bundaya ?|fl II k. M
For atlantlc Clti Vlnaland. and Brldaeton, HM A. M.
1 .' r m
?r.r \t nmniUh R^i"h c-iv li1-* art It'r>-l?ndB of
Nevealnk *? so a tn. nto 4 M. 1 43. 440 P. M.
Pjnlavs r, nn \ v . 4 On p V
fof rini_A.Dri.PHiA. baltimoiu and washino
F- m t-~' '? ' t !.lh*riy ft.
Wr?k Baye, HM *> >** 10:00, (I1A0 Dtning Car). A.
JI 1 88 1 I?? R' "?' lt yal B! e L.lmlt*d). ,8 nn Dlnlna
Can r. . o p m. 1. 18 mdi -nndaya *4 3n, 10 no. 11130
? , ???> A M I.SO. (2:01) R, n' Itlna Umltad). '9:00
D(i ,g ? 8 0 P M . <2 18 mdl Addltloaal traln-a
f..r p> ???> dav.. 7 18, O ,S1 A. M. S T?o. 4 00,
4-1- ; -,, ....?, p || Bundayi B:00 A M. 4 <<t p M.
Tl k?-- and parlor '?r leata *' f ? nt Uberty ?? .
Wl ? -? 118 172 2>'l 414 044 1.284, 1.838
- - ? Av.. st r. 14-h st . irvi Eaat Ifflith Bl . 278
Weat i"'?' Bt., 2",1 '"oltimh-ia Av.. New V^rk. 4 Court
c. s,-., ,- ? nt Bro. klvn, oa Broadway williamaburg.
Ttie N v Tranafer Co. will call for anl cheok baggage.
trrrn hetele or resldenr?? to deatlr.atlon.
?Frorr Llta.1T Bt -!v
tFr m -; itl Fernr at ! J5 P M
... - ..,-?. y . .,.? .., .,. . -- riatepber a'a.
Stimi ? M BINGHAM1 N MAIL Bl r? Bl prl'-lnat.
Iiimii , m ? PFALO B. RANTON, BIN". -
? PREBB P " ? Parter Cara
< llng at Buffalo wlth tralna for Cbloago aad peMM
?' . ?
liOO i ^^ lallyl Phleaaw ar,1 Buffalo Veetlbuled Fa
BINOH .Ml v aed Kl.MIRA.
Pullman ? - -" *>*?''
-..-:-. t . ? ,.? . arrltrlne 81 4 !8 P.
: EXPRE88 I man l -? I n - Can
7.UII ? V. H- -Ain ,-* Rt'FFAI/) YFSTT.
an v . ? v pin<i
s'O CAR New v Chleeao Din'.ng r_a
4 ... ,\ m
0.:,??,. \; tr/i Br-RANTON. mya ?
08WEO?i E.VPRESS rullman P'lffeB
1 ??-? f; P Sa Ltd. 118 Broedwei 14 Farig
. . ? 1 - ? Btattoaa.
? 11 81 Weat One Hun
1 ave.. N*w )ork:
it , 1 11 ?-, Br a la iy, Brooalya.
.. - al ?:i itat'.ona
J BXI REP8 COMPANT will oa'.! for ana
? ? 1 .Wtratloa
Biatleai '. I f Weat 2S \ Bl (Penn. R. R ). Corlandt o?
; wbr eaee M
?: - atea .im* from Weel Bd II other flguree abo-a
ttau from C rtlai ll r Deel r aeea M
?ilil.l. 7KM) A M dally for Baatoe and In'ermedtata
?7;.-.?. B1I8 A M latl) for Wlf-KEBBARRM .SCRAV
SIAi'tARA KALLB ind ihe Weai and prl* pat l.-xel
parlor ear to B "
?ll:.*,n. I^.mi - - -y ?x-?pt P'inday
,,. M :? -, ;..-,.-, r V P,::tt.?t. V...TIT-j>Pay Coaehaa
ir ..-? : . Meela a la -ar-a.
, ..._ it Buffal wlth tnmugn s'.aepera tl I etnlt an?
?1.?-.-..? !:<*.? P M dally '- lABTOII toAtJOt
? ??.?-.11 i-i.i ' '?' ai ? ? - inday, for wilke**
BARRE . -N- N ' ' ? r'n,''_^._T?_"
1 ln eaal ragiong.
1 - - ? . :i -?? w-p.f.
?I:.-.i?. BilB ' ' atAOCB CUUMM
".,.-,,. - -i, . ? *x ?.-? F.-'ay. for EAST^JB
,r.V:-..'..'-i:-'" "- "" l*?aay. *? 'ABTOJT
ae- ' ' __ .
' ....-.? -??? PFALO. NIAOARAj
.. , weai m alaeper x*?tihuie
ind T roaea.
? Eaaton
? THI s;iM? 1' M ?' , al ^BOLTK
... ri rFAt-3
n ne but
_...,, ?.,,, . .,? for V '.. - IARRE ITH
1 "-;. ? . t. 1 - M^-^
PALLB. and ^:i potau u*?' Pallfaaa iieeper to l hi
"' ' r ^__??
4.!, rr .. ,k ? ata polnta
' - '
or.i at IM 2nl. 2JS.
- . . 'V?:.4
1 ? :..??ag? frera
' ?. .mi \ M Eapreaa d for B aahaaai -..
1 .?',.,,: ?. ..,:-. Ilimifad Paet mall dally. a l
- ' ',. ?' v-...... . .*-.*;_nd 7 4.. a. M CWeeao,
-'h',.?I and rm.tnnatt.
-.-.1 p M BuffaH aT 1 deeelaad Veei beMd Kxrtaie
. *1'-,? !.. i _ . . M ira'.tor 1 7 2,) A.
, I.OO A V. 1 r.jfe( wn 10:17 A M.
M. Bleepere to Buffalo and -'-?:and.
' '.-ii r M -be .\ ? 1 '? trala fot Blaghaoil a. Kimira,
/?'?'?' UM 1 hl.-aga
micKlJI ' '' ? M- ?'-? *' ?'?V.?N A?T
I riMMOlAnOVM ll lll. II - toi I'rval
\ ?'????' rlM&
ten ea S?? 1 rk S8?
-.. Rl *r .
,, ... New-Tork
,11a v ; ?.,i iha .va baggaje from. h-t?la anl real*a
Jr:. - r.