"CHAIRS TO SIT ON" ARE IDEAL HOLIDAY GIFTS. A Sootrish tonnnt. .hown ovor hla lalrrl'a nowlv api.ointiil booie, -?Tl_d tbt bmcUI n rort to hla iiiqulslTtv. Wlfo that h. 'Vould elt op . v. rv .-hair." Our niialcf old ttjum pli-ase every MM who Ilkos to "Vkk up" 0.1.1 blta-ocoaalonnlly. gplndle backa, -hongh (piaint In abnpe, and wonderf-iliy artlatlc ln lin.-. aro aa atont anu .rrons aa the Bettlea ol jrour _t-?Bd__rO*_nerB. Dutch chalra Wiko those ae*-* i? k:..r.. i tne'*uf**\* a reatei lay ,n. ..n^. o- thai ?empte_ fromi ,..._ . aas_st,.?i ? yONKERfl a reoeptlon waa glven on Monday eventnc at the . Ye cf\r *? i M- - ' * Bohlmann. at Ho. ?T..;.,_\."._.i,, .-??:? ^-'y-Hri .. of danelna Alderman John H. Sout . Nugenta tanda-^drea.. , ... <- MaJltnaoo. Frank M Fraater. ChrtotlaB Oaul. _ rank rowther and Mr BolUinann. -v, MolWwood Inn Clui. arlll flve ? weption enj^eaofthi U. Kmlth * H ? . . . ;;;!;.-. ? . ? the remalnder fo-mor r,An'."? ' - ? - ,/_^tSi.t___J_* .- v-r 1 ha* ? ,,:.,.. . evenlng. December ... h> a f'.''.'rv t) v-??: *' ' * ' '' ^" 'vT!rf.o_T December 29 li - ' ' ' . !__!_ pltal at the Park Hlll - try Club houa. Vnaren Deyo .a chalrman of t mmlttee of An B< r.e'_t? jfOT'NT VERNON. The men ben ol thei i County Polltlcal EqualUT ib l '?'' " ' n Kathhun. rres:de*.t; Mr*. F 1 ? ? Mt* lf. b. II al rel d wriii itr.-; Club for the dls-.rlt.utlon of prlzes for the t>c*t eatch< ' - the year waa held on Monday rver.ir.g l' frank Klpp recelved the flrst t-riz.-. "Cdfar Btorrrs ?' P i Acker kj?\n\. Ollberi )1 Tompkl - ' ? . Betta R. Aller. flfth anrl Oaorm w ,?.. | . . ? .. fl ] i. ? 'Hool ? ? ? ? ; ' fn_\< d< : Th* Tan ' " ' II, -i r,r ". H ?? al war Re:i_-f ... ? . ? ?'? Flral Baptlat Ii e li ir nan Iu th. John D. H kefeller tai , . t were reatm ? ?? hefore W Hoyeradt, or Pou.) k< ? PORI CHK-TKK Cafitatn John Mari ... wh. waa auppoaed to t* *___a o1da.t nt I B of .Ve-tche-'.-r Coumy, dtc canai it. , Near ChRnibera. yesterday at his homo. tn this vlllnfre. Captaln Martln waa born !n the town of Rjre ln 1106, and noarlv all his llfe was fontveeted wlth tho tlslilng f>n* oyater bualneaa in the Bound. Up to a f??_ days ago he was aetlve f ir a man of hla yeare, and had all hla faei tlea unlmpalred, includlng i n markahle memorj n< raroe from a Itovolutionary famlly. and hla grandf ith. r araa k'lled tr. tho Battle of Whlte Plalna Martln'a grandfather araa a erman of New-London, Conn.. whei Commodore Decatui broughl the Brltlah frlgate MacedonlB tn New London and dlamantled hov there Captaln Martln for a ?real many yeara con dueted Martln a Inn, a arell-known reaort Ut nan rrmen ln Porl Cheater. n>- leavea three aona and two ciaug-hters. HOME XFWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALB AT THK HOTELB. m.bkmaki.i: -The Rev, Dr 1. Ightoa Parka, of Boeton. BI'CKINGHAM Henry Phlppa, Jr., ol I'lltaburg, CAMBBIDOE Lord Sudeley, of Lon ?i.r.. PIPTH AVEXl'K Chrlstopher L. Magee, ol Plttaburg. HOFFMAN C lonel .1 P Oaynor, of I gvlll N. Y.: Ch irli ? Nell* n. of Maryl in 1 , x [. -. -, ..,.:.. ? Bradl. y 1 I !" lln. nl 11. ind J. B L l. \NI' u Caryl ElJ, ??? N' Wllllam <', !:. Btea Clvll 8. 1 R. R Httt, of lln r Ml RRA. nn.l. Dr J. Bayard Clarki of \ .. NETHERL.AND ?:. P. ;: * th. Atehlaoi 'i ?>! ha and Bani I' ? ? rcus Dal* ?' An 1 ond 1 M ?? r>ORF L. C Hanna, of Cleveland. WEST MIXS1 ll: Mra M ' ary Thon I'. nnsyhania. WINDSORr-R. B. Ta tte of Ei B'ai I -a?? WHAT I?5 GOTNG ON TO*DAT. Board of Bducatton, 1 p. m. Inatlti ? ?-, for tho Bllnd electlon, Thlny-fonnh ?1 end N!t th-ave., 4 p. m Medlc 1 . Bo '??'? ' ?'" Aatorta, I n m. Father Br e/n'a bo In a ite, Bt Mary tha Vlr* Rln's Chur. h 1. ture hy A R Conkllng, rtiur-h of Dlvlne Patcrnlty, I p rr Brooklyn New-England Boclety dlnnar, Fourh Mai r: . n|| t. New-Torh Cnlveralty departmenl of nrt? an,i srlencea llnnei Bherry*B, " p. tn. Kew-Tork Unlverelty Indoor gjrmnafrttc athletlo tournai 1 NEW-TORK CITT. M A. Golden ls lnformod th.it Eastrr wlll rome m Apri; ?:, UM, Thr fi?' Moravian Church, Lexlnglon*a**i ?n' Thlrtleth-Bi. wlll celebrate its uoth analvarsary 01 Deceml fr 2", M and n John Van S^halck. Jr.. wlll tttttXtt the thlrd leet? ure m his coura. on "Old Dutch New-AmBterdam" on Pe-f-mt-er tt at *? p. rr., In the lcture-room cf burch of the Dlvlne Paternlty. Thp eubject wlll he "ln th* Days nf the Klrst Thr^o Hov ernors." Th* Monterey fMexIco) branch of tha M*x!?an Internatlonal Rallroad ls about flnlshed. nnd wlll he op^tipci for regular train* 01 Cbrtatmaa Day The paaaenger trair.s arlll ron?i*t of first, serorvi and thlrd claaa rnr<- between Reata and Monterey ai i Pullman cara between Monterey and Cludad Torfirlo r ni.V.T, *\ ?; Mlddletowfl. N T., Dec 20.?Theodore Qodfrey. who has already Bpent a year In thf Albany Penl tentlary, la i harged with fortrlnK two checks In J ';,?' Prlday r.lRht. \Vh?n S<-rpean? .Tohn ittempted to erresl Godfrey thla mominic in thlB dty, Godfrey drew n revolver and flr^d ., h-r. the bullel r''-:-11 tt through his oiotius and a-oundlng him in the ehoulder. V'all arappled wlth Godfrey and took tn^ revolver and a alungahot from ,':i. iiodfrev la now f-iKn:t,K Inaanlty. He t? hH.t for th" Grand Jury. \'n\\ waa not hadtv woundfd THF BECORD BATTERV REVIEWRD. Th, rep-ilar annua'. revlew of thf 2d Naw-Torlc Battery wr held at thf nrrnory of thla rommard laat evenlng -ind wae attended hy a i.irtfa number of th" frlenda aad a.-1m1r?rs of tha hattary. I'.ri.n dler-General Howard Carroll, Chlef of Arilllfry nn thf staff of Governor Hla'-k waa tha ravlewinp ofTI car Hf waa acconpanled by Burgeon-General M. o Terry, Oeneral W. M. !!? iley, Paymaater-Oen .??!: ''o'.oi.r! i' b Moore, Jr., Colonel Henry lt Backett and Colonel John r. Doyl. \->.r th. I nd paaaed ln revlew the mm k:i\t .1 drlll . nd executed .1 number of dtfflcull movi-mfnt.- -!: intli - ind dlstni unting thi bla cuns. in an affi^l" ? 7- nnei Captaln Davld Wlleon, the com , , w,,4 ipectam ^omplimfi'fd by Gen^rel ?ll on thr- w,.rk of hla men. .-g rt,r RT CALERDAR8 for TO-DAY. Appellat? Dlvhrion Bpprama Potrrt?Kaeaaa antll fvi 8a- . I ?.? -n.l.-. 2\ a- 1 , -upremc ?' .-? -, Pari 1 ?P?fnr? Bmrtb J. . m ? ? it 10:80 a --'i ma ? ,uri Rp. ? Tarm?Pan II?Befora i,?iv. .1 .- ? ? ;.. ? 10:8 . ni Vx tari* mn--. ?ai.r.'r.? i'-,?'i- Bbi Ial T'Tir. far- III?Bafora Ru.i. : j Dlvorrei S ? 1707, 1719 -.?'".'. 2288 2287 Cl'T, _.M4 2840 -.14.- '.-.?'.:? 2004, 2208, 2300, 2801 2810 2UBB 2"." ?? .?.- 2101 < I ,r 4 ;.^... i- ip'rla', T?rm?Vart IV?Bafora Btirar j Laa ?-. ? ? N ? 114B, 1417. 1802, 1-.-.2, S41, BSt, M'Vi 14?4, 17',' 17-". IBBB, IBBB Clear Bunran ? .- Bp. Pan V?Before Matttea J ?fauu! ta be ?*r:' from rart IV f^r trial Oni? ,jn t-.. .' I ,; ?. ?'- ?? Bpa I Tem Pan VI Bafora Pryer, j ?? ?? ? 4 1 a*ni 1 ml aelal Term, Tan 1 1 .1 ... ir* . ;*ar 4-,.,n? , ..,.- Trlal T?rrr. Tart II- Hef ?...< 1 iri Tnal Tern Pan lll Bafora - ? J Se* T.4 SM*>, fV>. K.'.fi 1878. 8828 2158, 2f.it 2U-7 >,. .; .. :?;c. ].',;i 2?2J 2l<:<7. 2887 2B72. .-..44 ,?<..,-.' ;/??? :? 4. tv.ii 8O48 8090, 2181, 8119, 8184 8140 8188 8157 t'laar. Buprema Crurt? Trtal Tarm Tar' tX?ttttltt B"> (tavar, .1 - r-an-aa tr, t+ ?*rit Imm Tan III far ?-> Tiffany & Co., Union 5quare. Open Evenings. I nt il Christmas. W*..!i.i* Trtit y*? r.in HANDKERCHIEFS Clean and Fresh. We makr* it a point to furnish, up to thc last moment befcre Christm lf, gift handkerchiefs which have not been handied, rumpled or soiled, but are fresh and crisp and free from pencil marks. Every purchaser who wishes ir can rcceive the handker? chiefs in a neat box, which bears our name and trade-mark on the face of it. The giver and receiver are there by assnred of the best pos.ible value and of the essential fact ot absolutely pure linrn. Open cvenin^s (his week. James McCutctan & Co 14 West 23d Street, N. Y. I| L08BE8 RY THE TEEEE EAUTE FIRE. niR totat. AMOUNT ovki: ttOO.000- ONE UW BS i.ikv__Q i" havi: Bl BB U__T. T.-rre Raute. Ind Dec 80 The ?' laetroui Hre ln Tho bUatMM nt-r'ro <-f Ihla Clty laal nlghl . .-. rd los?ea aggregatlng over t-?.**-*J The Hai I low?: Haven _.- Oeddra, bulldlng, lUO-O-O; ito k. USO.onO: Drelnta A- Mlller, furnlture, I 00; bulld |i g, __.".."? PU1< | _.- Co . clothing HO i I ? ' . ? *__ Alhn ht * Ci .la. 5 0.000: bulld? lng, IX.000; Thorman A E ?? ? clothing. M0.000; g 120.000; !?'.?? I St O retret T. cl< hlera, i ?;,. || .. .,.-. .??--. L*i Ited Btatea Baklng i 'oi (Mlller Broi l H9.0M C'laud< V rbert, tvhi ?-?? urtlng ia Banta Claua ? : |fl fl. ' | . || -__| . -,- !" : h- d ::? thi ?'?-??? K ? : i Feri n, clerfc jumped fron ;.i v wl .?' _* nr -I v ' ' ln ,),.,- ' '. r. .- ? ,. m< lO ' ? IV ?'*? ai ! w II lam O'Connell ? the ci llar --f th. -.,. eratreet re and were i ? Iy In |ur "I. Thr.th< r flremen wen Loula .-???? ? ;..? flre lUrted. . .v . rttmnt ? ? . , -. . . ti' bookki' ,-?*?, v. ? ?? . I.i i ii- ?!. Inauram ?? In nli covn ? nt er ? -..-?: i ? ? e la l I the flre. ar,-ir *\ Thom * of L_ tli r*1< n Ky., I* lylt - H ? cn I ? ? ' ' ' the rulna of tl ' i hea.y mher ' head :.;?-.-? and plnnli hlm Th< : ?'..'? ?? "?' r a v _ - - traln. a made th< i ? 'an<*< ??.-..??? , ind 1 .-rr., ? . mlnui m ? ? i and Urafll! ., ? ? u ir.l\7 1/ URIAOl DEFINED. r'P.rsin-' r:r.v DEBIRE * riO*-A__ AMEKDMEXT TO PREVEXT POLTOAMT. Clnctnnatl, i>. ",frv hsg aenaldared i ? of re fr_1-,*. 'r. -?? ? -??,.- ? ? ! The Rev. Meaara J. av n Ri rnol ind W a Eulalj the n on Bllli and Overturei reported reaol ti n* upon I'nr.r. . I ttuck. Bromwi ind Bi io propoae and vote for ai amendmeni to t 1 -. -.. ? -?-,.. foi 8. i monofrnmovi ..r ? fortv.r foi ti nnir wful nnd pun hai le .i- i crlme II p< ' moua, nlutal celeatlal f#" any other ao-called mar. rlage except monojramoui nea somilT WATER 4. W FOUND <;oi.f). rr,i.or,..rn .rillN.'. BXPBCT8 TO PRnriT LAROEt-T BT PIKE*- PEAK TUXJ-EU Colore-lo Pprlnps. '',>!. De*. ' A -?'!!'_ Of gOld ln th.- Tiiekler tunnel, belng iirtven th.ou_-h Ptk"'* rv ak i'i!-'T. I..- thi water aupi l of thla rity, his rauaed the mo?- ? >..-.. ,. !'-n,_nt in Colorado ra a iplendld veln, i- irir*? largt quantlt. *> of allvanlte, ha* been encountered bj the con traMor. I'.nnrrr \\. JackflOn, an'l -mi;'-- of the flnd ns-nv ln ihe tl >u ai To-day piecea --1 the orr* wen n lai d ind of k<*.'' w?r? ap parenr ;n the ro~k Th- flnd i. nf Importai thla Clty, af the predOUl m.*tnl? found will helone: to it Experta wha :,.i\.- examlned Ihe property i;iv thar n:.':??' - ol dollar*' worth ?f gold ,.r.-. tair^il In th'- veln encountered ? THF CBABGES \nil\'*T \IATOR FI8EE. rrT.it-i.4TlN'. Pr.TITK>V AMrt.r, frtv:mm V MEMBEBB OE THE BOARD OE TRADI riTT CLEBX HOTT ACC1 BED The arili?n of ?h? Board <.f Trad^ of Mmmi Vrr nr.n ir, derHinir upon Impeachmenl proceedlnga iicnir.-t Mayor Flake and an Inveatlgatlon of the ?' nf <*iry Clerk Hoyt, on .-< eount <-' Ihe n';. c 'i IHegal part they took ln grantlng a fr.n, r-hNe to rj.. N'.*w-York, Weatchcater and Connectl ont Tractlon Company, haa ereated much 'xrii^. m_nr rn Mount V.rnftn Tha Mayor bagaii \_?r.-r day tn a ayatematlc manner l i ward ott thn pro o^e'MnK* h4- hnvinir a atatemenl drawn and i i many merniiers of the Board of Tr-uie who ^m frlendly ro him. In whlch they aay thej .)o nor ap prove of the pr'. lir .- Thi Mayor'- f.-ith'.r. Bamuel w Plski who li preci,i_nt of rhe Board, la th. flrst s!r:iT of thli ? ument Mr F'-.ke Mn.? been lll and :.^- nol beet able to attend th* meet. ini-- held 'i. onalder '? atreet-rallway franchla* ]. ?? r:._-hi ;i commlttee of the Board of Tr:i- al tended th< nif.rir.t- -.f th? Aldermen and pr. s - ? ea .i_;tin-i i'A:\ Clerk H ?' - -r-ic hlm In .-, ? n ph itlc manner of au| i n lalng the applleatlon i'. .ir i;. llroad Company ror t:ii frai glven ;?< the New-Tork, Wei heater and Connectl. cut Tractlon i >mi inj Mayoi F k< after -? 'iiK thr rhnT. ndtrderlna l em read, aaked to p'aced or. re. or.i that hi ? tut not reeognlxe th< chargei aa legall] mad< bfl iua< .? ? _? j..r?.r*i of the Board of Trad ???? ii I >l t?' ? the m.-.-iln8.' w:*? n rn^ oh-ir_:.-? wc-re formn After r - readti a of the chargea the Mayor elain ed thi righl to I ? ? - ite them under tni ch .... ?? prl und< - the I. idi n hlp of _li m.n Oranl and Howe, ited to have rhf-m ref rred to the Commlttee of the Whole Tlie i.? tn--.it of the Board f Trad a to tn gin legal to innul the franchtae of thi tractlon ic-mpany MURE ET1DENCE iQAINST MRS /?'?7/\/V. :-_n Franelfl-O, Dae M ^<.'?.??. John I DunnlnB wa* eai'.,i to the wltneea atand In lha Botkln murder trlal to-day, he refui d to nn--n-er th> . tlon put to htm yeaterda) b. Attorney Knlght, for th_ defence who artahed to knoa l mei ' wom.n wlth whom Dunnlng had heen Intlniat*. orh<*r than Mn Botl wltl a I >m he ? i tted ! ipi ? thfl nlg ll ln prlson for refufl Ing to teatlfi u ? < ien laked to glve the Inf tlon, _.-..i thal wh< ll e ii ihown rhni Any woman oth_r thar* thi ? euaed COUld I- ln unv W8) 1 ?nh th'- r-!k'-*j,'-rifr ol Mra Dun Ing ind hei Bieter, hi would glvi thi namea of other i Mr.- Loula. Baela. .? nutual fiiend of Mn Bot V" ind Diinnlrij:. lol ? - t ? thtm, Bha lenied i i bavlng Un Dunnlng ? ? i- to have wrlttei ?? . moualj ?-? '-1 ng Mr r- ? I. ngi m father of thi woman teailflc*d - i ? had n --i- ed ?ir i rea ' ? ? lonyn letten aenl i ? 'ii- daughter D?nte1 T Ame* th_ --?i!- . ? v; ? ol s.-? ? - ? ? ? itll ? id ? x , mlned ? II th< ? ? li the ? iot and u.i- on*. li ced th.it the anonymo n lattera th* addreai on thi indy t.oi and tne ? ??? to Mi* Dunnlng*! Ilttl* girl ??*?.-> ;>ll wrli'.n bj the .nm. peraon ai.-d thai Mr- Botkli \4-,r, r ? ICEMEN AND LUMRERMEy DI8APPOINTBD Baratoga. N Y. Dec i-i ..-,,.- lai) -Th_ rain *r. . ti n-r.i n.i.d weather whlch ael ln throughoul Kortbern New-York to-day and tbraaten ti:, i. eau_fl much woirlmeni .in.n:i_ thfl | .m.-n T_M l<*e hrt'l .1 tail ad r> I hl kn- m or nlne In.-hes and wa? developlna rapldly Th. _r.nuai i._r\.?i waa' to _-?__ . :.-.u Uie Ice .caciuii a it.ldu_.aa ot iwelva .-.v. BROADWAT "t ? N75W KOVbtOg, t? THK ADDRKHB ,?' THFBL'ltXID-OtTT WARREW BT. MUr ixo **orc*e Nothing is too good to put on your skin, says the maker ol Harder iold underwear- the lightest, warm est, most comfortable all round under? wear made. Your money back it you don't like it. Every good suspendcr idea is here except the kind of suspenders Mr. Doolcy received from a lady?"an' the decorationt moved back into me. an' I had to take thim out with pum ice stone?" 50 eents to $2. The things tuspended?the trou sers are also 1 ere, ^4 to $10. And so is every ^ood sort of suit and overcoat. Every right ^ort of hat. llvery stvlbh sort oi shoe. And everything in neckwear and jlovcs that everybody else and no* body else has. Rogers, Peet & Co. Leenard anl Br ade *' _**"?* ,., ...,.r, t?.v-n :, ?..?; E-sH-j* " "K . . m .,-. rn ? -K a Co.. irho owned Plumm*- , *; , proxiea for about 110 aharea of he atoeK ana narm i ^p yre "-??' mon arer. ? ^ . ?? ie, ?,,. tot*l nut- -r of ato K-.y.. ? ? ? -tochholdera M.mwt.ni SSi emadabo" two thouaand of i ?;'" -' ... -.,[, ;.,..?. v..,. dlvlded. _f? '"''3 r, thO.II M?;.?nTv mar eei-end. the n t on th. vote onlj i ? , ,, . n waa acrordlng ? de. , ired ..'-.. , ? uiy Bomr b_dy IT IV ' ' ' ' :'"'r'- ' i: m0t,0_ W i"'"mr''> ! .', ' ',.'.?.' , ,??, M-ard Mr Price and Mr Plutnmer anue t'to - "cr^\,rr, .,k-,,i.:-r, -ould noi aaaent to thla, hawever deoUrina tl il new notleea would have IW Ta ih m mi rnmeni ato id ta Hna,. . . ... , , ? >- n?: ll wna 1 of the . ,!,,) i-eaterday'a meettng - . .- \ti Prioe and Mr Plummer -that rhnrgoa ot rnUmanagen.' i f there ar- any. ahoald ho brou-ht UP ?' Ul ll Un" tXTEFXATlORAl SEEDLE COMPARY. The In ..itiHt-. i.i! tt?i ? i ': pany yeetard*y Bled ., ,,f ineorporatioa al Newarli \. J. ll win marlufaetura r--u- >. plna. "rtre and arlre roda oi all atlona. Thatrapltal stocl I - ? Th< ln? .'..,:. ,r- .,. K Story, of Vew-Tork; Buiiene lln of Detr. II ai d \ T -,.?? -?? ?' N.?'nrk WORK 0F TBE IXTI1RPERIAL18T8. Bobi n. T1',- M 'At p meetlni "f th<- Anti-im ptrlBllai tatagna beld laj gratulatlona wera txtended thr nrh Samuel Qompara, one of thfl vi-? ?rerldenta, to tha Anarictn Peder?tlon of l*abor : ?or lu ra " ?? i- ? -.- ? uthre oflleera ; t0 i;s, rable tn. ini ? i ure tha defeat of the legtal itto tei ?:, .? t. arard am exa ? nd ini Berlallan II waa i ported thal Benator Hoar haa Vi ,,> m I la iai i- "? tltlon nl itnlna ?vei natnee mJ tbai ??? ?-? ? >rnlng In dall< wlth 'n . ! . rorn ery State In th. l'nlon; alao lng[ Corn, Iveraltj hai eoma into lln,-- w'.ih othei rol egi i a rgi llal of namaa High Class Etchings, kare Print*. Scarce Porlraits. Americana, Old N'cw York Vieus, Spnriinj* Subpcls, Colored Priots, ete. APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, J. H. JORDAN, 39(1 Fiftb cAvenue, Corntr of itth Strett. Open tn tht tXAttAtQ. Coftttpoxtdtttet tnvited. *_.__, J.Oi-'O. Christmas Gifts! Christmas Gifts! O'Neill's OPEN EVENINGS. Jackets. Another Bpectll lot <>f Woneo'l Ja-kets, moRtly th_4***Hl_Brt_r effccta. from tbe work rooms of on** of ttio b.. t makeri of N, w York. XWUsBal Price 85.00 to 3.5. oo, 15.00 Each. Krimmer Collarettes. T.iriios' gnj Kriinm. r CoU-UfBttet. ton inohos (U'op. full rlr.ul.ir BWetJp. hL'h >turm r-ollar. lin.il tlirouffliouf with f.in<*-j' f-llk, 12.98 Each. A choicp: UNE OF FUR TRIMMINGS AT LOWEST PRICES. Wrappers. r.adl.s' Fl_nn4?l<-tt(> Wrappera, In ?I.irk ?rr.tn_u wifh polka rlof .ff''.t .. \V.itt._ti l>.<*k, bo_? llned. l-Wp h. m, .voko coll.ir atrl . l<*. v_* fln. JsliM with fnnry br..BBDOW_- wrapperji ln nr>.nt p_.tt8-.n_. _klrt cut full, coll.ir h._and wlth sntJn, fln!. ho _?C New-York. ir.* r*ourt?Trlal Te m?Pai V?Bet re pu**n, * ? i. i.m >m i rt Ul for trla i eai Bupr:-ma Court?Trtal Tertn Part VI?AgJourned fr .. r. i ? ? ? 11 '?-'?'-? '??*? _, ,-?."... .? .. j ?? io :.r...<. :;;;,:; ;... ?..,_. i,..... &oo. mo. nt*. ibb. rnw, iboj, ^HuprVme coart?Trtai Term Part nil?Ba/ore Beeta i .,-? t ? . i to I -'*'"' ' ??'?' ;' t'll for trlal. < leai ,..,... to ba aent fr ni Part .11 f1^ trtal* ...... ,... .Triai Term Pan X-Before tUeXmrn. ? ba aetti fn n Pari VII for trla , i iaa utk ';:'?.. , cowrt?Trtal Term Part XI- Before M-Artuni, .1 .i'-ui-ea f be -rn- fr-ni I'a.t VII fof trlnl. .'aae un '?'.'.''pTime rourt- Trtal -erm - Pan XII- -**^??ljt .a f? h* aenl tr-.v preferred ealendaa we triai. ' ',,rr aate'a Cr-art-ara***!*-** Bef ra Affl Id, fL- Ogrt rmani ,t 10'SO a m v. ir? f..r probete: Harrlet, L. Me ???'.? ViwiB m !? Oraenel ?? "v M n?!t' "?__ , . M,'rr*rar flarlnar L. Cott fl Bl 10* 8. m. Brtdiet rv^T^ri..r^?Trrnlv^r. m***r_R ?*. *;,.;?? ... ?:,:.", ?-? g t'ttbTf-M ,.,,,., ,,, MnllAM at lOtJO am 2123 ;i.t. 2128, 812*1, 2121 -?-* - -?'? -'-l" -'??'? ?? "' ?|?.r itTT-t^toti^^^"^^^^ ? :,?'{% 'i..:.-. -,'?:?? i-.. ???'. I--- i?? s"__ ijiT. ri;'-.,^ iV,s r?a? imi i? i?a?. W n-"* -,:;0 ?** rW Mtfi ?4K) Swl -m r":o ,,"7,' "43v EquUy auM! Koa. BM. n>4. tto tto, tob Cleai. REFTRff APP^tvrrn. Buprema Courl p,y Baaytfe. J nrR^i?T _, Cttrrter fonpany i?t Janklna?Acfj-i W'.anar. Hirarri aai Caln ""harlaa l*a**ie*aiie. RM<1an aat. l,ra"n?- B-nJarr, n HrTma-.. Bainnetater a?t cain rhartee Doaotma. Hv r,ily. T. Mattar ftf Phlf*--Rnh*rt Sturrta. _ _ . Kl a* art Kew-Tork Maerinererier?Ollrar P Buel r-arr aaennc a*! llajrar Bl rh*r. H. Olln. Rndd aat. Rti.ll? Avxu-tna C Rroa-n. Hv Pryer, J. Ttan*?raAn Tfnll r ? Fr*<1*H>*- O. Wat laran. _ RFT'-nivKK APPOIKTWO. P,ipr?m? ."ou-t. Hv ?myth. J. nanlani'n rrvhran eg' A B Raaar * Co.?Jamea J NoaHa. _ Ann/5_n M.nr Balaara Htndarcorna, tha beal eura for eecw% is *'a. MARIXE TNTELLTGENCB, MiMATi-r.P. AUCAKAC. 4,,_.,? 7 22 e,:Tir*t 4 .tr, M n s,t* _ m i ZtlMaod'a aya !> HIGH WATER l'"1 TAY. a M sffcuady Ho S c '. ? laland 2 *2 Rell r,ate 4 Si |- M Panilj .?'-1' - 8" ,;,v laland 'J SB Hall -.a-* 4 ?s IRCOMIRQ 8TEAMER8. TO- PAY y ..... I'r i, I.1na. K-i- aaCltr ..Baraaaea. Dee s.Rrtat ?; Clty Ka?-Orleana..'..... Sem ?? ? U...... nrornwall ..-.. ...Hambure Dae 8 ltaml.-Amar i ? - .......Uven ? - '1.Whlte Ptar - PaM . . .Nea Dee Ifl Moraan ;, . ?; Dee H , Whlte Btar , r?n>n. Dae ll ...Paaama THURBDAT DEffcMBBR 22 grirtg . tntwari Dae ". u h Xelar Bremer IiacIO... \',;t.;-v?. -? lr I' -n. Dec ti.An. tior nill'M i.r.J.MlI'R :.i _i___?Clti Bwanaea B .Brtatol Clty ,,'.,* ac9 . Wll?_aj . , . - ptoa. Dae 17.Am.rican OUTOOtRO 8TEAMER8. v DA*J \ aaa?i f t l*tae Malla eloee.Veeeel aalla a- ra.'. Beothampton Amer . T:0?a m 10:00? ra .armanj I.:. ???? I Wl ia Biar B:Q0am 1'.' m Prlaaland Ant?Ti-. lt.-.l Btar .I" '?> a m 1: ... m y 1 Uy.iV Atlaa .... ? l'"'"'> ? 1-""'" t]\n. U 1,,V. I*. Ua?? Dutch.... 10Sf>.n, ton,,-, .,,.. ,, . ma Ward 1 00 p ra .< BB p m -, Rl K>n v>. DECEMBER 13 ?_._. imatcrdaai h : I l_? a m 10 no ? a s-.nt __? Naaaau anl Cuba, H t a c. 1 OOga a BB p m rillDAT, I"-: imhku :;i Ai.jr^uin. .t arleetoot n;** . .I'.-.pm (;i . .i.aiil*. Brinaartelr; Ifallory ? !l ,h, p m BBIPFIR0 \'EW8. (.,nT of BEW Y'MiK TVESOA1 DBC ?.??. IBBB AKI'.IV I D st*arn?r Haacooeino (Br), Janklna, 1. nJon Deeeaaber B, la 1- ;..i t.> tha New goaB Bhtpplng Lo. Arnvaii _i t>i. ll.li al .1 ln ? m tteiiucr Jljrti.jJene (lir), Vule. Newcuatle N^vtintier IT. C?f_V 161 BROADWAY 638 EROADV/Ar*. 723 SIXTH AVCNUC in bellaal le J H **YlBeh_?t?- A Oe Arriv#_ ?r th. Bup ? . i ii. _ . ____, __a ->r - ? ? . ? -.-ii, Bnf*na*t| llr^m.n Ijwrm! ? 0*trl h .-. C. Irrlvi I a. th* Bar It 1 j> m ar. 1 nn 1 Bt*__T)?8 Boutl ?? -4 Bi Antwtrp :?. -i'-r 10. v |(| md_*_, i'> -I'-'i Ml - . ? B* ? 'J lr r-i-4 - na: N*4\ |8tl II L' Al: s M at lh* Bar It ? .i A ni it-im*r Fu_.'*: Rtamarea Qi ? ? '---r.-r 10 rv-i lilbrftltn: 12, wlrl, r bbA 4(n pn?seti|er* lo Hn:. .i-_ , i' l.-r--- An I o - Bu ut 8 a m. Bteemer CabnU (Brl, K?t!*_ P tni Kov?rn ??? :. Maita 24 ar.d Dtftlo .T. wlth I . r rived ?t the Har II 1 80 p I Bteemer rttv of K i ' M,-_,r-.'* hav. H H_8 B?r drr-l Antl I M f Bl An'r.-* Be__r and Port Antoi i ib. on* ._? ?.n_->r 10 J____-i_a_ 1": . ? l U Ihi l'-ar lt 2 am. -???:_-r Alfvd I'ur*-, ln '**-'?- ? ? _?tv*i P_8 r*t?!>. r 7. r*t Marc I Aui Oi*., 8 P<_ri '?- * Hj'.-: 18 a_id Inaeua II _*_ae 1 Da Ba _. Arrlv.M .-t rh. H4- ll 1 .'?? - _ teemor Jaateatown, B n ' s'**" wll' nr i- ? and i *?? -.??--?? *? '' Beadr n -vi<, Dec 80 ??? 80 r ~ v-" ' - ' ****""? sui.t-i?. 3t*_m?r* T_ iri. .Hr.. fr UrorooM: H T MettlM-B mn. I'ira, .tr: Vunvirt fNnrl. U--e-n vla rr .I* ?_ * Tivlotdale 'Hn. 8**httad*._8hla; PliBCCH Ar.:.- S'.rf II BBd Nawpert Nev-e. THE MOVEMKNTS OK . TEaMKI.-: PORRION 1 Southamptot* _>.. 88 Arrt-. ??_. ??____** *?-.:? '*?*l. niank*. N?_ V-rk for BrefllCfl, pa-4.*! Hurit Oiltl* ?' 11:38 |- m _Un._..t*r. Dec ltV- Ar.l\... sr-am-r Btrathdoa to?Poooti. it?am*r? '?r"_*'r fO.r), Mullei R tt-T.em for t.< V rk; K_- iru ? 'w*-1 Bardelebtn Br m*n for Wie v rk i.ii.iri De. __? paaaed. rteei rra C_ lea Bi T-itt.-v Amit*rdam for BVw v r_ Pitrli l*r Hi* v..rK for N- _ 1 r_ I*unr.*t >'*a Buhle Ke*j Terfc f r *??? S*ll!y, n*.* SO, I'V-.n * ni?1 .*-.. ItllBWI 8*___BB_a (Oen, Len_au*_r. \.>? Tork t>-r FUntara . . Bcllljr, trte Bv?Paeeed, Bteemer Pint*chlini1 o*7* Srhl?rhint. Sow-Xotk f.*r F'.uihlnr if.^r 08*8*88 Il.-inii u'c Doo |??ArriveJ. at*?nr..r Mu . B A**i *. New-Tork. ___. Hr^mrn Dee 20-Arr'.v?>_. *t*am?r r~,.-a (.-_ rerk l >r Mei **?? aalt'xiv /M ^'..Hnltar. P*r _?*. l'a4?Jd. iti.arr.*r Arrt*ni*iri Cnn. Klnley .'al.-iitta. ?t.*. for N*w-Y-*rk IBol pr* -' ^ O^n .a. |8e? ID. '-' ii m- Arr.v*.', ,-.,-? ? | . .0*r). Haira**owttz. Bew-Tork via Naplta Pklenae, i1*-- i^ Arrlved bi, imer "'-n cnt, Mltrhell, M.-?lna fr N?? > ?. i rhii Dee ::? Irriied, --i-irn^r MonUuh (Br) T-wo Ifv Calcutta for Kew -. rv. Mor.t.\M*>. S04 8B AirK.d ?'-a- " '"". Veee, Ktw-Tork . _? BMioa I.-.; I*?-Arriv. d, ?r?arr.*|4 Cu- -- Brl QHB**Bi I_la__*4. Dea -". 2 -O * m Baaeei, ? ? '** *?'" kin*. KeB-Yerk for BouthampaeA -o-. BAN FRAXCJ8C0 If/.V/.VO sjorKt. Alta."7 Jui,;: f S Alpha Con."4 K.-.: . '_ '? ? An.** . "' M-?l it* . :,, Rr; h*r. I* ' ' __T" !?? . - ' IT .-ar-. . t> 21 irj Bl , m< ??? ' _, I an.l li tnti- *? i ar-. I ?? ? 18 . Y ?4 r-_d?"o_W|al? Thi i.-v -ii ?*? air^ .. ru.:? Th* - _If ri,rK ? ? .? ?._. lt I II i | ?,-n | ?? d?1 l* '? :? --4nt N# >f ? lq ? 13 BB wlth a f*_- *?'?* * mt* ifl ?* I - .?rr?. w.r. quol*M? at 88 t_4_ 4J? K? *___ ? J.1 ?_:. m?i_h i fiii 84T.-.18.. _h*?| 8 4 _?-. _i * 4 IAl.i_C.d1 ' ? - 8..*>.4 ._ H - ,.| ?aii n-i Dartlcularl. :.4'k-- 81 ! ? t- *r-l ' ,,,_, I'l'l falr:> .4.-' \n r-r k. a _. l_rht ??- | 4 _ a- |B - '??'? I" !'*?? v *_d m< , * 83 88 pi*4 *.;(?_*.-. -r?.. m . ?tn_i. $.1 ??*. I_ 8" ' .? . . la in. .ra?4 tjiwfir.:* i.t?ht p?. i ' ilo? and d_H; peekew bottgk m m -t ther" laaa At ih* rleea focfcera areei ? t_ v. :? i a f. ? iocki ov*r ? artlf* < * . * r j * *l BL'BOPBAN rit'?nfi K HABKBT8 Uverpeel. D**. _?>. 8:46 p m ,-\ hans ? '' . , . ".i i. No .' 84 : W.-t.ri. \Miii*r 'I- t | S ? r.-in.- Oa 11 Corn - ? tirm Imerl - ? futili - - i . a.U IH.*r .ti H'. I J. ' . ,-r nilUI. 4 | .4.11 I. n. .n |i |i, ,"? ? ??: __ I_d: Mereh, _? 8**d Pl ur -? ? ' ,>? 4, Hofw at I. _1. " (fl m ' * . ? 27. lh 11 -?l-ar M k- " . I* lh -?-_ ' ..--.'. d-'l li t - :n tb SB* mi .i ' ? ' , "._)'-? l.u Ptlroo Wiilirn d-all. JT* l_l- t*t_"** ?' ; 'im--_* nn n.i ah - iti >.i. <- --? JU |f eiti ? .i. . ii'.riiitn..-_,-i;,'.? *tr*,|4_ Ui?in Common ^..?.lu>?. 4? __.