and Intelllgent ai i <; ible i f Pro?f"'- , _,_ __
Mr Proctor Iniernipted Mi Teller "? read ai ea
tra.t from a lettet from Adn Dewe.
2 th ? eharacter of the PlUpinoa. " '?"?*J
Thei,, people . ;.n he governed wlthout the allght
e*t dlflt-ulty They r adtly g .< ln to r* i
Thave norha.i ih< rilghteat dlfttculty ln dealing
*'lr. Proctor alao read an eatiacl from the let?
ter of an Army ottl er speaking ln terma of pralae
of the nilplnoa and it.dlcating thal Ihere *_eed ba
no dlfBcalty with thetn. _,_*____. __?_i__
CoaUnulng. Mr Teller aald lhat th* natlv ea co uld
ne garern. I from W.shlngton. .hey were auacep
tihie to uat and libei il treatment. and there waa
no r*a_M.n why. If thej were capabe ol appre
cil.I ? ??: the beneftcentlnstituUons of thla
eountry ahould noi b. exi nded/?___?_?__?? "' w ?'. \
glve them all the iiberty In thla reapect that tney
were . ,-l ?? of enjoy ng, and If I" time tne) man
ho would noi ba among thoae who wouia "'^
them Ihal hoon
crrMVODORfl runtr VtSTt iv commanp OF THTi
l___*1l_CA_l NWAT. K-RCI*- AT MAV4NA.
tfVa_Bhtagton, Dec * The Navy Departgaaat i*
adv aed of the eaUtng of Admlral Bampaoa on :us
?agahip, the Kew-York. for New-Tork. Commo
dore Phlllp, on rhe Tex aa wlll he the commandlng
ott-.-rr of Ihe Amer. rn naval forcea a? Havana by
lority, hut Admh I m] aon re
? ? - - mraai f the entlra N rth Atiantlc: 8ta
. ., .. ht* i-ur;? on arrtvlng ln the 1
Btatea l reat foi two weeka, the Brai tlm?iha wlll
b.ivr- hi<: the opportunity for a year and a hai.. it
ta not exp. lhat th. .dmlral wlll return to
Havana a* the Evacuatlon ConrirlBalon vrlll ha\e
completed Ita a rk befora Ihe Brai of the jrear.
t-s-rr.R his ot.NT.RAi. i___r__lVCTIO-tg
Waahlngton, Her. . Btate Department
kflMBWfl nothlng of the reported overturea through
Mf Vit-rm. ;he American .'..are. d'Aff.lres at Bt
Peteraburg. for th* piaclng of n conalderable aum ,
nf araney In Rueatan bon*?a through the Itrtna ayn
dleate lr is pre. umed that if sny BUCh tender has
I ? avad. Mr Pierce la almply acting under his
general inatructlona lo lose no opportunity to
? . ,. . m Ananclal and mercantile opera
iq ner of lh. a .rld Beyond thal
oolnt ll ?- nal I thla Gtovernmei l cannot
tui ?? ?? pro..I. no matter how well dlapoaed lt
mlaht he t.> return the magn l \*r made by
r";c.,. _. v i vears ago of ^.-OfcOt-O ln g?>Id
bulllon to a ti Btatea Ti aury m a aup
r.n?_<1 r.#. d.
__ witl.lAM. JtMPi AT THT: ..rpoUTT-XTTY TO
Waabiagti n. Di -. M iBpeclal). The genaral dehate
on rhe Agrl Itural Approprlatlon Mll in the Houae
,.- Bti reaentatlvea to-day gava Mr Willlama, of
Mlaalai ;; . who la a member of the Commlttee on
Agrl uli ire, ty. whleh he eagerly
-.,-_.. i. t .. 8ltl. n to 'he Ad
atlnlatrai ?n'a p Itci M regard ??? Ihe terrltory ac
ajutrad from Bpain a a reault i I the late war. In
, .. e 0f his apeech Mr, Willlama Bald n n
thing- m i h loubtleae regarded aa "smart." and
m.-ie aoflB. Bllofllona to the PreaMent of the Unlted
Bt nea whlch he niny llve lnnc enough to r^gret. lf
wtadom coaaea arlth ?.?? Il waa probably thi moal
; t| ??. ?? ? . world fi r Mr. Willlam- Ol
Mlaalaelppi, to refer |o 'he American fl..: a. "a
naere pf- ?- of bunting." and to d? lai" that ' ?' man
who irouV- appi ? 'he people wlth
">? ah it llng doWn the *.._.' - ? ? tbing
unarorthy of hlm tter how high hla eta
tlon mip.-v be " Mr \vuii_m_ ap'.k- to an almoat
empty house and nol .. doaen membera heard, and
fewer pald any attentlon t.. what ha aald.
After he had exhauBt. \ h mseif and n ide heavy
drafts on hla vocabulary, the was ronetdered
hv paragrapha and uaBaed wltho n material amend
rrient. lt earrl. 1 $'? ?'?? ' i J ??, -' mor. I i I
current '.aw. The prpxtalon -o bt lis. ! aa i m<
n' retallating agalnal Oermany aad other ??
waa adopted wlth a all. i m? Imeni whlc
the Secretary of ihi Tn n ? sretion In r- I
t>te dellvery ol . I* Bdi terated or d<
health. Ina- - ?? i) to dellvi r i i
goois mandatory
gtveral r. tloni from the Ki\er and H
Commltte. ralling on the ^e retary ot War for eatl
aaatea aa to th.
hari'or work wert ad pted Th. i ? report
on the Arms ni Savj frgent Deflclenej .
al*o adnp.ed.
Washington, Iie M (Bpeclalx Tha Houaa Com?
mlttee on Mtlltarj Affalra :.;.;^;.e i conalderatlon
of the Army I.. -v.-.z tlon bUI thls afternoon,
and hy a majorlt) vota declded to report it favor
ahiy to tha H' uae to-morrow with a number of
aasendmem - membera f the commlttee,
who fir< oppoa. i ; ? \ai oua provtalona of tne n..
ur.-. wlll unit. g tha vtewa of the ml
norit\ One of the ___ost important amend
adopted bj r ... ommlttee to-.i_\ waa te itrlke
-".- Bactlon II of the orlglnal bUi, whlch prea irlbed
ih* Bgi Hn ? rf appolnteea lo the jrrade of aecond
Ueutenantand haplaln, reapectlvely.and to Inaert
In Its -,: i ? a ?ecl g th. hlef of the Record
aad Penalon Ofllce of ihe \\'ar Department to the
rank of brli luthorlslng I he ap
po:rr-m< nt Of II ? wlth
ihe rank ofli. iloneL .'his waa done on the
urgent and unsollclted r. ommendatlon of tht B. re
taryofWar, who had ttecom. ropi.I wll
Importance of tl..- offli t In qu. si ?.. aa well aa wll .
tha ability exhiblted by Colonel F C*. Ainaworth, the
lacumbent, whr. created li and haa brought it to a
t-'Bte of perfectloi ind ? '*: encj rarely, lt ever,
fo'.nd i-i any iirai.'-h of the public servlce Elefi r.
he Jid thi<4 u was aometlmea a work of several
days to irace the mllltary hietory and aacertaln
ihe hoapltal record of an appll. int for a pei
a task wfa -h is now accompllshed in as many mln?
utea II any ofllcUl >,*" the Army e\>r earned pr...
motlor. or, tha ground of admlnlstratlv. abllltv.
eklll ar-d effioiency. Colonel Ainaworth has aurely
dore so He r,a4 ais. earned Ihe gratltude ot hon
es: apj.iicants for penslona whoae caaea are now
di.?pos"d '-t. fo far ai thi ascerl i i of the hla
torv and Incldenta of their mllltary aervlce ia con
? er'ned. withou: the harasslng ar;d vezatloua delaya
4vh: h marke. the admlnlBtratlon of th. formei eya
etem or lack "f -
Ftve ,av? wi-re _i\.:i i ir t.v preparatlon of rn
majontv ard mlnority reporta, Chalrman Hull ma?
Ing lhat for the majorfty and Mr May drawlng up
a Buhst'.rut,- Mll an.i r-port for the Democrata ".'
prtnoipai featur* of the ?uhetltute Mll wlll be a
?tar.dlng Army limlted to that exi.tir.K hrfore rh'.
recri.t war, and> io the Prealdeni to et.
11st b large ten.p-.rnry fore. probably _..___ mei
fnr ?ervl^e ln ov-tlvlng; territnr\
A FLBA8AN1 i\< iniXT IX tiie HarsE.
VVashlngton. Dee. ;_ CSpe-it',).?An unexpeetrr* aad
unusual, lf not unpre^t-dent >d. Incldent o.-curred tn
th. Itouse of Repre-entntlvea to-day, 4\hen Chalr?
man ("annon of the Ap.iroprlatrcn? I'otnmlttee,
after nioving to reeunaidet 'he \n<n r,n nr. HLueno
ment to an approprla'.lon tl ;. took advantaaa of
th* opportunity to dellver an eloquent tribute to
th? leadirig I)?'.nooratl'- memher of the eommltt ?.
who Is about to rerlre ln or.-ler to a?fum. the Uutps
of Governor of Texa*. Thi: the trlhute'wa? well
deaerved every member of the House Irrrspeotlve
of party. heartiiy recognlaed and appteclatad
was repeatedly ahown bj tha vp ntaneoui a] ;
whl'!. punctuaied Mr i inn i'a Bpeech applauae
whlch was perhapa a i idi warmei aad nvre en
thusia*'!'- o:i the Re publlcan ilda 'han among tl.
part\ frlendi of tht man to whom fil.ute was pald.
He was Oovernor-eleci Bayeaa of Texaa who haa
been a rr.cmher of thc Appropriatlot.a Commlttee
ln *ix auecoaalve Congreaaea and i halrnian of it
ln one ot th?-ni. A n.ur- falthful Ind uat rl >ua ti
ful- .n a word, a mora uaeful- tntmier the com?
mlttee haa never had. and lf w..s hardly extrava
*;nnt pralae ihal waa beatowed on hlm by tba
unanlm. is i a of hl* coll aguea In a meetlng I
rhia mornir.?. when thej adopted a mlnute. recltln>t
hla ?erv|ecs and pla<!'i- ' ngalde thoae Krea:
? ?hairmen of the eommltt-_j In the paal Thai I.
fttevens. James A. OarAeld and Bamuel J. Randail.
When thls wa? k.. ln the House to-day.
.- motVon of Str. l.-'krr-.-. ot Mlaaourl, ona f
Mr Bayara'a Democrati ? ? .llanguea. who had ndd-.i
hta "ihute to thai of Chalrman Cannon, tha deef
? r m_r round of appl. . I'l: Whi< '??> '?: wns tree'. .1
boie eloquent teatlmony to th* hlgh reapeet ar-.d
ff-Ctlonite reg-;'.-! Whtctl Ml H.irt-r-' :
iy aveo rr er-. - ihal bad. remtrdleai of h I
party ahlliations li may be added t/tat he has
earned anri will earry wlth hlm lo ? new ti- i
of duty the eeteem and beal wlahei ' Prealdeni
McKlnley and evet-. ro< ml r of his Adminlati
The Commlttee on Approprlatl .na -iiso adoi
reaolutinr. euloglatlc of Repraaentatlva \V a. Ston-.
?hq hne been ele?t_d Qovert_or ot Pen8_*rlvan|a,
Wushlngton. I....'. 20.?BoverrJ Weatern Sena
t.m. taelodlag Mr. .voi.-of. of Colorodo; -Mr.
BpaoOOT, of WTaaawatn, and Mr. Wurren. of
Wyoinlng, to-day urged Sccretary P.llss to re
maln In tbe .'ablnet. but the Beeretary replled
that hr- would not reconalder hla determlnation
and hoped the Prerddent would s.-lert hla suc
reenor soon. aa ho wlabca tu be nWa lo retlra <m
Jnnunry 1
ICr. Hll.-s was positlve In decllttlng to nvon
alder his actlon, but said that lf thf I'resldent
should b.' ur.nblr to se!e,'t his au'-oef-sor in the
mean tlme ho might r.-nmin a week or so longei
though he was anxlous tbat the new year ahould
mark hla return t>. private llfe. He eald tbat
his business earos. as well as his henlth. com
pelled rf llf f from the strr-in to whlch h,- ls sub
1,.,-ted in ndmlnlateiing hla Depnrtment Ha
Intlmnted tnat no one had yet been cfcoeen <"
?iK-eoe,l blm. He bad Intended to keep tbe
reatgnntkm a aecret, am. that th- nnnooncement
nf bis retlrement an l the aptotntmenl of n aue
Ct*80r ahould be mnde slmultaneoiisly.
Waahlngton, Dee. y (Bpeclal), "Are you ecquaint
e,i witn Beeretary Blbw'a .-u.-r-essor'1" osked Repre
sentative Bennett, of Hrooklyn. of a Trlbun' rom
spondent to-day.
"I do net know," was tlie reply
"Wetl. tiure be c|.s." -wid Mr. Bennett, Indtent
trr Congreaaman John Murray MUchell. who oceu
oled an adlaeent seat. New-York l? aolld for blm.
added Mr TBennett and Mr. Mltchell ild not appeer
to regard :he statement as iess than fertous
ett- \cks that Tiir HAWAIIAM CIIOWN LANTM
Waahlngton, Dec. 10 - Bn-Qoeen LlMuokalanl to
day sen: to tbe Benate the following protest agalnst
tbe approprlatlon of the erown landa of Hawall by
tho Unlted Btatea:
To the li nate of th> Cnlted Itati ?
1 Ltlluokalairi of Hawall. named heir-apparent on
the 10th day of Aprll, 1877, and proclalmed Queen
of tha Hawallan lalanda on the JOth daj of Jan?
uan \**\ do hereby earneatly and reepectfully
jirotes: agalnst the asaertlon of ownerahlp hy the
rnlted Bl itea of Amerlca of Ihe ao-called Ha?
wallan i rowr landa. ammmtlna to about one miilion
acree and whlch are my property, and l eapeclally
prot, ?t agalnal rach aasertlon of ownerahlp ?? ?<
taking of property wlthout dui procer* of law and
withour just or other compenaatlon
.for.-. snpplementlng mv protCBt r.f Jtme 17.
1897 l cal] upon the Prealdent and the Natlonal
leglalature and the people of the Cnlted Btatea to
do Juatlce In thls matter nnd io reetore to me iiiis
property, tbe enjoyment "f whlch la beln( wlth
nela from me i,y vour Governmeni undei whal
must be . mlanpprehenalon of my rlghl and tltl<
D**fPAT*rT-f*Cirf OM THK ORni KPIMfl
OF THF. rnriPi-R.
Waahlngton, Dec, to. a brief cabie dlapnteh wa.
recelved at tbe Navy Departmenl to*day from Cap?
taln Cheater, of tbe .-ruiser Ctndnnatl, at Bantl?
ago, statlng tbat tbe shlp bad gon.- aground In tha
r-oft mud at tbe entrance to tbe harbor tliere. bui
ttiat sb>- bad been pulled off and was found not to
be damaged, Whelher tbere wlll ba an offlclal ln
veatigatlon Into the accldenl by tbe JCavy Depart?
menl wlU depend on tbe nature of the detalled r. ?
porl whlch Captaln Cheater la requlred to make to
the ennimander-it -,-bi<f ??' tbe Btatlon, Admll ll
Fampaon. bul from the fan lhal then Is no ac
rurate rhnrr of Bantlago Harbor end vlclntty there
roa) be no Inqulry. Thla lacb of data reepeetlng
tbe harbora ls common to the entlr* aouth coa
,;;;.., Cnder the Bpanlah reglme rearly all the
commerce of this coast was carried in amall v, -
sele ilrawlng ?-o llttle water tbat careful aurveya
.- harbora were unneceaaary, and one of tbe flnn
dutlea impos.-d on the tiydrographl. Offlci wlll b.
to mak* a comp'rehenalve eurvey of the i
? -
vn CAffTBRt BFSAJU in OFfOMTlOH to Tiir.
WgahlhglOn, Per. 2f>. Tbe Nlcaragua ''anai i,iii
fa i- taken up tn the Benate thla afternoon. and Mr.
Caffery r-p'.ke ln oppoaltlon to it. He said that th_
proposiMnn to c'onnect the two oceans by meana of
a ranai was ae attractive to the imaglnatlon as io
cauae many people to accept i; aa a wlee enter
prise r.-?ard!.?s of appeala to reason on |ta mirit
He deprecat. I ,? ioi I ettacka on the membera of
the Marltlmi .'.mai Company, bui Indlcated hla be
llef that tbe mii was an attack on tbe Treaaury ol
the Cnlted Btatea, He d.-.-laro,i that tbe enterprfae
under ihe blll was in vlolatlon of the Clayton-Bul
wer Treaty, In rontraventlon ol tlie conceaalon from
thn Isthmlan eonntrles and in oppoaltlon to t'ne
Constltutlon. These propositi..n?i h. undeiiook to
malntaln an analyala of ibe blll by aectlona.
\Ybile Mr. Caffery waa speaklng a mesaage was
! from the Houae announdng that nn
ami ndment of th? Penate lo the Army nnl Naval
Deflclency blll had been .-iirreed to. T.'iis passes the
meaaure, and ns aoon ac .-ttmed lt will jro to the
Pre -i.ient.
Wlthout havlng finlahed bls remarks Mr. Caffery
ylelded to Mr. ualllnger, and on his motlon tln
Benate went into executtve aeaalon, ndiournlng at
5:10 p. ni.
The .'omnier-,- ''"mmi-;re r.f tlie Houc- ilerlded
to-day to take up ti.i Ni ir.-iL'ia Canal queatlon on
tlie s,-rond Tueaday 1n January. There will be no
heaiinga, us tbe commtH. ?? bellevea it has all neces
aary Informatlon The matter w-in be taken up
Wlthout reference to any sperial blll, sll ppndlng
mmsurre bi-lr.c eor.sidered.
Ifaablngton, Dee. II Senator Butler, of North
Carolina. to-day gave notlee of an amendment ha
wlll i.ntrodurre to the Penslon Approprlatlon blll
penalonlng ex-^onfederate 5>oidier*. The amend?
ment foi low s:
Tbat from and after the
every penalon law now on th<
apply to every Invalld aoidli r,
depei lenl reiatne. me Army
penalonera who may be abie
ur. ! r rhe r.resr-n' penalOU laa
whether said BOldler was enlis
Confederate aervtoa ol the .;.,',i thal .ae enllated ln
vlre shall not draw nnv ba,k
paaaage of thla blll. biit thelr
lawa 4T-.a!l begln ar.d t...nm,
t.n<-?n_r. r,f ihls blll
pr.ssa_e of thls blll
> atatute booka ehall
wld iw, mlnor chlld,
nurses, nnd all otber
to prove clalm
a, wlthout regard to
ted ln the Pederal or
'ivil Wsr of isr.l-',;-,,
tlie ' 'onfederate a. i -
penslons prior to tbe
eifllm under exlsnntr
? operatlve -Hl, ,}?,
Washlngton, Iier. 20 - The Benate tO-day adopted
-ml|HrnUrSu.rT;'1,,,lnn '" ad1o"rrl -TOm tO-mOITOW
- e? . .
Waahlngton, Dee. _o _iB tt,. senate reeterdny tha
Vlee-Preeldent announced tbe eommlttee on tbe
eentennial eelebratlen of the eaUbHshmeni of the
fl,iL.of WMWnron as tbe eapltal of the Natlon aa
Washtngton. Dee. to (Bpeelali Tbe Naval Board
son fonstruction has decldert to lengrhen the
Smokes,aek:,of,he,ru|,erN,w?rk--wblehn?. ,
tei.r] ntout Sixty fer" ?h.?, ,v,? ,
?? i,. ,h. .,.,:,.???";:;?.';; '':;;-"-?;? ;*??
?r.^^.,r***_- ::.:;h.- ?* ??
?moaestarks on the
li. ihe onjrin
Blue Label
i?te?t gnnboata ar*'ioo V.'et _?<r_',*,?rk" c"< ""
than half r,r rhla ah^l?a ho? C r ' .?' n,or"
iuperstrueture. wl"g, nowever, abova tha
are perfect soups?
r^Jdy fnr use. s.ive
for hcjtin^
c.'ins stcnhzeJ before
can supply you?
mnTirz BBOTUUtl CO .
Rl "IIKSTl R. N. V
flrot Boothea, and
tfcaa permanentlj*
rures itrhing or
blee-iiu* piles,
h.wcvcr bo
vr:a. It i? a
Tliulflll*--"?kin iMnum,tm\ pvoa
nui.-k relief in bcr-a ar-1 brriwa
testiaoniala froa e!l rh** Pro.vo
Itac-k_cy. We160eeats; trt-lsuo
25oantt. alltaff**** ****%&
?afl. Put u? only by NginiX
Ti: ICT I ')., 7r> Fif.h Av., ]S .1.?. BT.
Thrre isn't anythins " j-*-- 3* Kood'
Waahlngton, Dec. 20 fBpeclal).?Tbe "epeftlal
Bquudr. ti." ns it la ofll.-l.-ill> .b-slgnated at the
Nnvy "? tpnrtment, compoeed of tlm battle-ahlpa
Oregon ami \<>w>. the refrlgerator aupply ship
Celtlc. tbe dlatllllng ahlp Irla, nnd the eoUlera
Juatln, Bcandla and St.-rllng. wlll remaln at
Cnllno, Peru, where th, v are exp.-rted In a day
?r two, untll January fi or 1". awultlng an ennr
mous amount of mall, aggregntlng more tban
thlrty-flve thouaand plecee, wblcb has acctitna
lated In the threa mootha alnce the fleet started
from New-York for tlm Pndflc. Thls mall. the
remarkable proportlona of whlch Indlcate how
many frlends the oflieers and men of theae shlps
have left in the Unlted Btatea, went forward
through the offlee of the dlapatch agenl in New*
Vork yesterday to be serit by steamer for
?olon. whenca it wlll eroaa the isthmus and go
lown the west coast of South Amerlca, untll
tnally dellvered to the shlps. Mueh of thla mall
ronelsta of Chrlatmaa presents, whlch wlll b*
H.niv two weeka Inte, bul II has been Impoeal*
?le, under tbe ordera of theepectal squadron, to
wnd .-my communlcnttona i" theae ahlpa ezcept
iy rnble up to ti-..- preaenl tlme.
The ordera to Captaln Harkor. senior offleer of
he aqundron, wlll be fullv executed when his
ihips aaaemhle at the rendesvoua at Cnllno. Al
hough it haa been the genernl underatnndlng
thal the t\V" battle-ahlpa, al least, were dea
tlned for Hnnolulu, and eventunlly to retnfnre*.
Admlral Dewey al Manila. no ordera whatever
tor ib" voyagi beyond Cnllno have up to this
tlme been aenl to Captaln Barker, but it is
irartlrally declded tbat he wlll be ordered enrly
n January tocontlnue his voyage In the Oiygon,
i -. mpanli d by tne dlatllllng sinp his. to Hono*
UlU, and then," tO th>- Phllipptnes, whlle the
towa and the other shlps wlll make their way
ip tlm coast to San Pranciaco, rea,-blng tb
Vfare Tsland N'avv Yanl about the mlddle "f
february, when eaaentlal repalra to the lown'a
iciiers * iii be undertnken In order tbat tha
lattle-ahlp may be In condltlon to hurry acroaa
the Paclflc in case of nn emergeney.
Beattle, Waah., Dec. to Thr ateaaaer Alki, -whirh
irriv, ?! here to-daj from Alaaka, brings meagra
lartlculara of an avalancbe on tbe Chllkoot Paaa,
ti whlch at least ^lx porsons wrre k:ilrd Plve
K>dlea have been recovered as fnllows:
'ARI.INO, Mrs . ef I,,k* I/:n<1*m*,n, ir.; her hre tont.
I' INR8, Bert, if Jtn i m
JHAM. Harr) of .-; k|
Tbe ?:iri?? occurred st Craier Lake, about one
?nile beyond the summlt. on tbe i.ake Llndeman
!ide. Mr-, Darllnga huaband wa? at I.ake i.inde.
man, and ahe bad .-irranged tn Jotn him wlth her
iwo aona, -.\!.., bad almost reached m.->nhr.>ri. shaw
waa a Bkaguay man, wh.-> had business st the
Lake. Beri Jones. of .luneau. was only nlneteen
reara "id. and the reason for hla t.iklng the
langeroui trip doea not appear He was a frlend
if tlie Darllng boya. Tbe name nf tbe .ixth per
?on haa not been Bscertalned.
Contrary to tlie advlce of .-Nperlen,-e,i men. who
n ' ied fnai tlie trip wns a dangeroua one, In vlew
if the r- -.!.* atorms, the party r?t out wlth llght
.'?? 4 ii was atormlng hard wben tbey crossed
. - immlt, bul th.\ bui..|..i In resehlng Crater
Lake whera tba bllaaard for. ed them to camp, al
h it waa only Beven milea tn their deatlnstlon.
Whlle enenmp.-d tl.rrr, tona of lee and anow, mix,.l
n!,:i rocki and tlmber, awepl over them. evldently
wlthout warnlng, and wenl on down the valley,
leavtng tbem huried under aeveral feet of hard
inow. Their bodles were found three days; later
hy searthliig partles. Tbey were not bm!s*d In
t:,r- least
A !? illar colncldence ls that the news of tbe
inowelld. la broughl i>> ihe aame Bteamer
broughl word nf the terrlble illde ias: aprlng, In
whlch nea rl] sixty peopli perlahed Anothei coln
ni. n ,. i- ihal :br Iwo alldea occurred Jual about
ti.,- aam* dlatance from tlie summlt. but on op
;. slt. Idl
Jual before ihe Alkl Itft Pknguav. O. Bald Mllla,
f London. Bngland, and F. Smltn. of Melbourne.
Aaatra.i.i arrlved from Lake Allln wltb their fi ??
ind hnndis hadty fr,.7.en II la f^irerl that Mllla
wlll lose both f< el
rm-r. n^.T.uts RECOVERED PROM thf: r.ftvp er
thk ni'RNFtn RTABLE
.Wwport. H 1 . Dec. 2e -Four bodlcs were reeov
? red to-day from the rulns of the burned stable
,f Llghl Battery R, Ith rmted stet-s Artltlery, al
i'ort Aiiams The dead are.
31 TLER. W F prlVBta Hatterv H. TlV, ArtllleiT
<:].].. l'l'-v-rt i; W? rrL^t*, Balterj H 7th Artnt*r>.
rlARRIS, Henr, I private, HniT?i> h. TtB Artlllery.
t'r.known prlvat?
Tbe half-dosen men injured at the flre last nlght
ire doing weii. The bodlea of Butler and Kuii wera
found tbls forenoon Tb.- sCCOnd body found last
alght bas not yel been Identlfled A number ???
'urlongh. were Kranted yesterday, nnd tbe tn?n left
the fort before :he flre broke out Some of them
returned and were seen at work ahout the hurning
itablea it ls thoughl that the unldentlfled hoiiy
ll thnt of one >t these furloughed men, but there
l? no way of iearning untll all the men return
from their furlOOghs, so thnt ti can be d?t(-rmlned
who Is mls?!ng Nothing wai found on tha bodj
by wbieh if eould be reeognlzed It was badlv dis
Private Butler enllated in Boston on Mav 9,
UM, ind Private Harrl? In Chlcago on July U laat.
Private Kull anllsted In Loulsville on Aprll 23, l*M
The exploalon ln tbe sun-shed, near fbe atable,
whlch eauaed the death of the men. 1s belng tn
Accordtng te mall advicea r.- ? ived tirre yesterday
from N r. the stranded crulaer Marla
reresa haa broken In two jusi afl of tlie after funnei.
Thr forward p.irt r^matns :ri4t on the reef, bul the
after pari iia* moved into deep?r -ater, where u
Hei entlrely aubmereed, aven al low water The
weather bas been holateroiiB, and tbe wre-k ls rap?
ldly breaklng to pieees under ibe biows of the tr. -
mendoua ? irf that a! Mmes awallowa lt out ot pUnt.
Dedham M.i?? Dee. 20 -As prlmarlly reyponsl
b!e for tiie death of Frankiin XV. Waters In the
rallroad accldenl al Bharon last Auguat, ln whi,-ti
tn. peraona wera K.ii.,1 nnd many othrrs Injured,
Danlel W. Oetchell. an eaglneer, convlcted of man
alaufhier, wa? senteneed bj Judg. Bherman tn the
Bupertor Courl thla afternoon to two \-ears nt hard
labor in th.. House of .'orr> .
iT.,stc.;.. iJr. .- Mi Uscomb, ir.-Ti.rai mansgtr
of the Portl nd nd Boston Bt. imshlp ''..mpany.
I i gona to Rew*Tork for ee n with Inter
eated peraona ^^:?h regard to Inatttutlng .i aanreh
f..r thf hull of ihe ateamer Portland, whlch waa
leal off .'apf COd on November C? wltb all on
board. Thla b 'tlon on the part of the company is !.. have been prompted by ibe f?rt thal prl
vate peraona ..-.- the matter bf under'aking tbe
w..rk under i inslderatlon if th.mpany does not
'? r< taki il i|
-? ?
Al tbe Flfth Avenua Auctlon Rooaaa, No tot
Flftb*ave., laal e\*enlng, the Bral portlon of the ii
brary of H'.nrl Pene Du B. la waa m :i Tbe anc
tloneer waa Wllllam n N -rn. ,i- In splt-. of the
bad weather there was a >rr. I attendance, and fair
pri.-*-. wi re tt .1,7' : f'.r tha ni-i.i rlii ol tba lota. Tha
irnt ,.< the eollei noi, wlll - aold th'a evenlng. The
v it.r iar; ol M-. Du Bota'a booka eonslati I of
?tandard seti of weii-i.n.,wn modern auttiors. ln
good bind!:-,gs, hut tt,er.- w-re .,ij,r, a number Of
riit" edttlona snd s>'\. r.-,l l,.?i<. ... ,,,.| A , , ;, .
brated blndera Indudtng Petll Matthewa nnd
Btlkeman Among ti,-- eatra Illustrated booka were
Hamerton'i "Etehing nnd Fi.i..r.- ,,t,.] H h!?t ,r\
of Ei.giand. A .'in- *d:t:.,n ol Auduhon'a "Blrda
i.r.1. another of tha aama author'. "Quadrupedr.'
?.r? al.-o lr.f-1'ided in th? coilectlon -ll'i .i numhei
of faretl* nnd roAored er,gra\li,ga
(_i:n. bhafteb testipies.
nmil WiM Bh_lt_8_M Of .n-POMF.KT. HE AO
K*8JOWI_KlXn_B, ht t "Hindsioht is ri-ttk*
than i-f.iti:si.;iiT" <;i:ni:r.m.
R__8_t*__-Tf-0 TO ArrFlAR
Washinpton. Pec. 21'.-The War Department
[nveettgatlng Coiiiinlgalon thig aftetiiooa an
nouneed thal <'.eneral Miles to-.lay communl
cated to the i_tomm_-_*on his unwllllngne-- to
rolunteer teatlmony. A meaaage wns aecord
Ingly .sent to the adjutant-general directing him
to re^oeet thc appearanefl of i*.enorai Mflea No
reply had been r.Ived to thls communlcatl-.n
up |o 2 o'clock, when Oeneral Shafter rather
unexpectedly appeared, accompaiiled by nn ald
.ith n large portmanteau. ns though he had
ju.-t come from th.- traln.
After n brlef prefnce, Oeneral Bhafler pave a
detalled accounl of his preparatlons for the San
tlago expedltlon. Ri sald his plana were
chanlred three time.. l.y the War Department.
and onee he actually Btarted but arag called
tmck l?y the report of Bpaniah warshlps off the
coaet Re aald the tranaporl Beal *-m?s not sufll
ciently larga t.. accommodata 17.600 men for any
length Of tlme nt sea, hut all were po anxhus 10
ro that he rlsked conalderable crowdlng to take
all the men poaalble. Ha admltted that he took
ehances ln dotng thls, hut sald the weather was
Kood and there was no tnlshap to regret. The
men were RegUlarfl Elmogt entlrely, and fully
equlpped. nnd he gaw that thev ?***?? made as
comfortable as permltted.
As to inedical guppliee, Oeneral shafter B.iid:
"You know medhal BUppllea are the nn? thlnj.
that a conimandln'* offl. or or B llne offlcer never
know. anythlng about. The rargeon Ifl sup
posed to know what he wanta My ofn_
rer sald he thought he had enough medl.-al sup
pllea for the temporary Benrtce to whleh we
thought we were destine.l. l.vonts proved, how
ever, that tho BUrgeon was nilstaken. The am
munltlon BUpply was ample."
A? to supplles. (Jeneral Shafter sald there waa
nothlng eaaential left behtnd.
"HOW abOUt the amluilanoes?" aaked gX-Oov
ernor Beaver
"As to the ambulancef," .ald Oeneral Shafter,
"I take the uhole responslhlllty myself. I or?
dered and BUperviaed thelr loadlng. After
events proved that It would have heen hetter to
have tnken ten or flfteen additlonal ambulanoe-.,
and lefi that many wagong hehlnd. But wagons
,an be uaed for two purposes. and amhulances
,-an le used for but one. I too'.. the waprons,
nnd the wounded had to he transported ln them
after th>- llrst days flprhtinB. I must say that
on n rocky, rnuddy road. such as we had there.
them |p little difYerenee In enmfort between an
ambutance and an es.-ort wa_;on. The men were
pul n Btraw in the bottom of the wagona and
w. dld the beat we could for them. Ambulances
would ha-,.- been b.ttor. hut hlndslRht ls always
better than forealght."
Concernlng th" landlng raeHltleg wlth the ex
pedltlon, Oeneral Bhafter gald they had two
largi barges, one of whirh was loat on the way.
Md ?? amall tug. the ."aptaln Bam, whoae cap?
taln desert.-d iii the nlght The l.oat capadty
..f th.- tranaporl Beet war. aufRHent for landlng.
aa th.' eventa proved.
An Intereatlng Ineldenl of the landlng was
brought ..ui i.y Oeneral Bhafter, who sald he
hai grranged with the Cuban i.oncral Caatillo
th. day before tho landlng to have une thousand
men back of btaiquirl to catch the Ppaniards
when they were ahelled oul by the Navy. f'us
tiilo waa thr.- houra late, however, and all tne
Spaniards gol awny.
"HOW about K.ttinK the supplle. to the front
'or the rnenT aaked .-x-i'.overnor Beaver
?lr was the one problem of the campalgn. and
lt taxed us t" the utmost." sald the Oeneral. "If
lt had nol 1' "fi f'.r the paeh traln we could not
have ,1..:,,. it. and ihe expedlMon would have
been a failure."
<;. .... .al Bhafter snid he recarded the landlne:
of the expedltlon bj emlnently su. ceaafuL They
loal only two men and thlrty anlmals out of a
total of twenty thouaand men. II ?as aromark
b ? record. ,
"There haa been conBlderabie critlclam from
the medlcal offlclalfl about KottinK thelr medlcal
Buppllea aahore." aald ex-Oovernor Beaver.
"Were an) such complainta brought to y-.u.
A majorlty of th" reglmental aurceona ifft
thoir medlcal cheeta on thelr vsseis. When I
found this ..ut. I pul Dr. _8_*odfeHow aboard th
Mantee and had hlm collect th.-s.. cheata Aa
aoon as th. ?? rerelanded thej were pul on four
wagona and dlatributed at "nce t.. the men."
\m an additlonal explanatlon of the dlfllculty
ln furniahlng Buppllea aahore, Oeneral Bhafter
.ald at tlme Wlth an army of twenty.>ne
thousand men I.e had to issue rntlons to fo/ty
thouaand people, th.- exoess l.elnpr the refuicoes
from Bantlago, women and chlldren for the most
part. wh< m h.uld not allow t" stnrve.
A- t.< the care of the wounded, Oeneral shafter
gald that they were cared for a.- carefully nn
th-' clrcumatancefl would permlt. "The doctora
worked llke Trojana. They deaerved and recelved
commendation from every one. Thry worked
tlll thev were fllcll ar.d WOTH out. The doctorfl
were moatly young men. You can't get very old
anl experien. 'i aurgeonfl to go on a rammer
campalgn for --* 1 *?? ? .. month. Hut they were
Bplendid fellowa. Compared with the Clvll War,
tho wounded were better cared for ln Cuba than
thev wer>- then." _. _,
In regard to the Sipnal Corpa Oeneral Shafter
sai.i h'- waa Bervi _ admlrably.
Ask.l if h ? thought hla own slokness had any
effeel "i. th" aucceaa of th" Cuban campalgn,
Oeneral Bhafter eald* "No, moal deeidedly The
can palgn ? ? is carrled out as pianned from the
statt. anl my health ot- si.-kness dld not alter a ;
plan. I knew ! was golng t" have a Bick army
.ni my handa in the eountry pretty r?oon, and i
almply ruahed nifl/tera to an issue as Boon aa
posslble. For myaelf, I waa not aerloualy si.-k
It is tiue I bal ih-- goul s" I had to wrap my
foot tip ln a runny aack and '-..uld nol get it
in a stirruiv and BO I had t" bulld a platform
from whlch tu c"t on n.y horse. ..ut i certalnty
had nol expected to be aubjected to personal
critlclam for thla. lt was g mllltary nncer
Ex-Governor Wnodbury aaked how the siaff
offlcera appointed from civii life turned out. Oen?
eral Bhafter aaid
"Thej were men, afl a rule, who had no pre
vi'His mllltary experience, and mlghl not have
been im.' h uae ln executlng a mllltary ma
nosuvre. Hut I had three of them on my Btaff,
and for carrylng ordera, diatributing ratlona t<>
the refugeea ard i thouaand neceaaary things,
they were Invaluable.1 Eleginnlng wlth Colonel Jacob Asror, who was perhapa the mojt
Inexperienced, they a*ere Bplendid fellowa and
did whal they had to do. \<i"r f"ll In with tho
work, ate hli beai i ai i dl?l his duty as cheer
fully and expedltiouflly as though he had nol a
dollar, Captaln Brlce, th" aon .f Benator Brlce,
waa an >\'- ll.'tit offlcer an.l did tln.. work In
feed Ing those hungry people at <'an.-> Af tlmea
h" had t ? take an axeheive and atand off
?_t.ttif?ir?4? +o**$***yiV
ft 2
il a law which works in the m
held of mvention. In the X
nutter cf gas appliancei, tor f
rxamplci tLe deaaaad u al
njost jntrr.itel- var.ous an l so
tJthe npply. The pj.rrrten
anton the East Si iem'.i4t have
h:. tiny gis stove, and the
bi(* hjte.s mu.t have their
tanges iirge enough tfl
If you want to iaapect th. end- >_>
* !e? var.ety of stovea, raaget, ?
_, fi'liato.-s, grate-.burnen.nov. J
ii/ gas tor f u<-l ind light, 41/
# viflit 1131 Broadwar, near *
i 26th St. j4 _4 _*l jt jt |
f z
Headache ??_*
The Ideal TretttM Imtk
Blnce B_63, En-oraed by Madlcal Paculty
lasting efficacious agreeabfe
l Waltham Watches *
Riversides a Specialty,
In All Sizes.
Also a Choice Selection of Dlamonds, Fine
Jewelry, Opera Olasses, Silverware,
and Masonic Goods.
m m w-4v ? a Formerly with the lata
MacDonald, wm. Moir,
of 6th Ave., and 23d St.,
now at
26 West 23d Street, mhM....
Open Eveninjfs.
of tbe men. who wera keeplng back the ?fe?l-?r,
women and rhildren. And he dld it effectlvely.
- sV
Robert B. Hoosevelt haa made the following state
"1 ?<e by the report ln tha papera thal
Brooka threatened to court-martlal a wltneaa who
gave testlmony before the Pn ildentlal Comm
whlch was unpalatabli to him, and thal the Com
mlsslon tamely eubmltted to the Inault. Before
calllng an> wltnessen before the Commlsslon oui
Commlttee for the Protcctlon of Soldlers. of whlch
1 have tb- h?n?r to be aecretary, demanded pro
p I m f"r them, and recelved a pli Ige, from ???
1 oui'te aa followe: 'They (the rommlBHlonere) ln
?trucl n... to Inform you that under th. In tructlon
of the Preeldent of tbe Cnlted Btatea no offleer oi
noldier I itlfylng ror us arlll be ptinlahed. bu a ii
be protected agalnal any retallatlon punlahment
or arnoyance In tii- matter, Th--. t ommiaslon aiwi
deslres me to requeal of you, If you know of any
latlon or punlahment Inflleted upon any soldtet
for making a truthful complalnt, they wlll l na
you to Inform us tn the n atti i
' Ti.mmlttef dlrecta me to announce that if
Oen, :..: Bi oke or any oth. ? offlc. r etti mp
carry out his threat. thla commlttee wlll, on betns
Informed nf lt. lav the matter before the Presldenl
nnd hold him to hla promlse. i he I resldent .1 ?? -
mlsslon may - ibmll to ; ullyli ... H thla comml ?
tr- wlll not be drlven from an honorable obllgati n
,,f orotectlon to the men whn have teatllled at ua
requeal nnd wlll aee that falth la kept wlth them
Waahlngton. Dee. ?.?The follonrlng Army and
Kavy orderB have iieen laaued:
Plisl Ueatenaal BDW1N T. COLE 8th tafanlry, wlll
? ? ... ' to Port Th m is. Kentucky. and ai
? .... ol quartermi ler an 1 ? i mn laaarj at thal poal
ptrai Ueutenaul FREDERICK V. KRKO, ?tb Infaatry,
vttt . -ri bla reglment.
s,. . , .. ..... MORTON f BMITH Wtb Infantry.
w.ii ioln I - reglaaenl
TV f0|| m ? . ? .. ,. li, ? ed rn -ii I iti
,,?.,, on thf staff f Drlgadler ?;??-.??: U ) I W
.,,1 win join thelr ragimenu Hr?i Ueutensni
i'IuM; [i WKHMTER 20th Infanl * nd Ueu
r.nVnl t'HAB ,K8 R HOWLAND, 3 th tnfantr)
v,. ? RgxJAMIN ALVORD, ehlel rdhsn
honorably dlseharsed from ihe V lunteer Army. to
take tttt ? Jai ."??? 1". "'-1 *>"' Hn ""' -",h ,r
,?,..,':. lieOROB II PAYTEN 14th It arlllpm
..1 ! . i i- I. i h, Kai ' r dut trtth tha
-rh Infstitrv untll it" arrlval In the Phllippin. lai
ati.N irheit he wlll Joln '
... .;. ., JOHN F. WESTON will retura to
New York Clty.
ler-Oeneral HENRY V BOYNTON wlll praeeed to
Chl kamaug i Pari Ch l
l-ir-T i.i- ii.!...- ii-'iiA'",: M i-n : v- ?
Infantry. is honorabl) dlarharged, l ? Uka effect .lan
miry I,
MaJ ,r .IAMBS A IRON, ernrin-er Offleer, ls honorebly
dlseharsed fr,m tlie Vi.lunteer Army. to take el
PSbmary Ig w I " II i la tha 80th Infantry.
Major pavid r. POWELIa Tih Voluotaer Isfantr
honorabl} ti* httgi ?!
Flrsl Ueutenant MEL.VIN W ROWELL, *>"'? Paral-y, ?? II
ai.iume the duties of rhtef inusterlng .ftv*: f-.r tha
?tata .?' Ohlo
Berond Ueutenant CYRENV8 0 BENNETT, Sd Naw
jeraey Infaatry, la honorabl) ,ii*> harcrd.
The following offlcera are relleved from duty at
the John Blalr GHbbs l{ospltal, Lexlngton, Kj . and
v% t:; joln thelr regtmenta:
Flral Uevlenanl FRANK P T I/XJAN. lt* y
seis Infantry.
Kirsi Uevtarani Al'OCaTb'8 0 itK.VNoi.p5. sm Maaaa*
? ?? . tnti ntrj
,?,?-.. BENJAMIN JOHNBON ae-latant quBrtermaater,
pi ..-i | Srw-Yoi nt) an I . "
Manli :... al thal p'.nee ten lo re .',: taln
Hcmer F. Asplnwi ai itant quartermaater. I'aptatn
v-i .? - .,:: arlll pi l to thla i lt)
The following rhgngca in the st.itlons and dutles
of offlcers of th. Adjutant-Oeneral'a Departm. nt .ir?
I.. ti i.Hi.f ,'ninnel WIUUAM P H.M.I.. asalsunt a*
Jutan -rnerat. will proceed te. .-,:. lU?S. POTta RKO,
' d ity.
Ueuieiar.t-Colonel wim.iam V BICHAROB wlll priree-i
t ? Havana fo? dut)
llsjer HENRY T. ai.i.kx. aaalaunt adlutant-genaral.
wlll proceed te Atlanta Oa., for lut] ai idhitant
(T'-t erat
Captaln PKBDEBIfK M PAOE. li ,??t*nei na a -
i ? ? ? ? g, ? ??, ,i . f the Plrat Brla i le, Flrai Dh
Boenth Army C. i - in l ai'.l report to 1 it brlga la
,,n ita arrlval ln i ut-.
Captaln FREDBR10E H B EBBTEIN, 2l?t Infantry.
wlll proceed to \:'-? n. s i for dui
Major DANIEI. V IPPBL nn b, wlll r*roceed la
-.,.?. fot ity pei ? ip< ? -: - I
the rot.atructtei ? ? ? il hospital st that plsee
Becond U*utenani JAMBg ?' S'l'TT v>" M?bm
h fantr). Ib h in. ral
r*apuin OEOROE P tHBRN ? ' la tranaferred
'-. mpany ^ to ?'. m| il M of l ?
Ber. -.1 Ueutenant JbBIAH W li"wk. 2d Yolunteer En
Ki..*.i., ii ir noral I) dla irgi i
K,r., u. itenanl CHARLE8 A fLARK. Volunl ?-? Blgi il
P r;.-, ll t...n i ? ? ? " ? l-l
r-i i: .- 18
Th.. r-ttim.-nt from aetlve aarvlee Deoember lf? of Ueu
,.?.,:? Colonel J0IIN80N \ P. MIDDI.BTON. deputy
i :4' : ?? ?" il, ncur.c.
I.'.iiterar.t ''..:>nel rllAIttJS K BARNETY leput)
rtarnraBtar-general la honoral > dla, ? I
hei tenant colonel . rterma t. - ?? ??
,.r.l>. f, take efr.',- I"- 'ember 18
r_pt_ln JAMB8 A CAMPBELI*, u ?'?? quartarmaatar,
wlll report to Ma] - Clenerel iohn f. I i -???,' r duty
on hla ?uff, nn.l wlll ai . i Has il i
Pir-t Ueutenant BDWARR t. BAKE?, 10th Voluntaer
,. .,,. .,, wlll proceed to Ma i ?? ? Iut)
C*aptatn FREDBRir*K ': Tl'RNER. 18th Nea Tett in
fantr.. la nor, i ibl) dl
Fltsl Ueutenant JOHN lt KAWKINB ttti lltlaote la
...... . |
Yfo ( || ?? ,r? ^f ii,* i-.iti \-..|..T-.-'rr [nfani
dlaoharged arlth ' 'n ?"
an.1 Klr?t Ueutanai l FREUERI K II ORl I
cai'taln r'KANK H M'KENNA, eaalaunl id itant-gen
*ral. will |iro,-er,1 :., L'olumbua Oa., f t dut)
."n|,,in PnSDERICK f KOPVTZ, aaalatani adjutant
general, is nonora '? ? tisrq I, isk* ??"?? ? '
ruary U.
Ueutenant ?' .1 BOL'gH'8 order of tbe llth, detachlng
him fr ni th-> Yankae and orderlng hinf t,> th* Ha.iK*!.
ki I
Ueutenant .1 L rt'in ki.i. I M-Ssrsd to th. \y?hist,
isrj 5.
Chlef Knitlneer I. S K RBEVE8 ll 1eTf?rh.,1 fr..m Ihs
ind ordered to tl Fi
."nl*f Kncineer <i B YOWER, rellr. I, la dbtaehed fi .n>
tha Frmi klln and ? ? '? ra I h ma
fhief Englneei B 1 KBID i- ia-4gn?*1 lo dut) In '-harse
ef th, f the Purltan
rtii.-r gagbwar w kl PARKB la relleved fran '.'it. ln
,._? of tne machlnet)
Pa?se.i \- taai Peyraaat. t < HEATHAM ia ?!?
, had fr in tha S*\ ? fard it Nea Yort ind ordi ? r
hem. la aw^it ordera
AfSlsl.r.t fnr.' ., ' 11 |,i:l.\\'-\ ll l.-'i ?.? i '.: ?! ? ?
i>ss...s v. :. put - 'nmissi n. ini ordered t.
tr.* Wabaah.
At.isit.nt Bvrgaoa I M BlUfTCWEU. la datiehed fr,.m
\ ii oi wbea pui ? ? :
to th* Frankiin.
p.s-.?.r ArniKt.ttit Baglsaer n M BARB I rd I
i ? . I. . ? ?, N; . v, V i 1
Knilcn i ii \ DAt la ord ad to iii* tietr ll ' i duty
aa ???'- ii and 4h toloa ? rae.,
"Tba ICornl Mlnlatrj ol tba Btage" was the nuh
jeri of the dlseusslon befora tb.- Mlneteenth Cew
(Imperlal c.n.n).
Tlest In the worl .. 't
rer Bkln, MO, $7.',, 1125, $200. ?2__. ?
Near ityte Rnas. from one to two varda 1ort*f_
.??-ii $1_0. fSJ-Kl, .*.'. 8i. .*..*_?, teJOO. ?7.*?0. fl.'Xw.
Hudaon Bay Bavble Skins, $10, $1S, .'_... $35, J.'A
It requlreg two to four sklns for a fashi .nahle
I s. arf er lol. Same f,,r a muff. aee.rdlng to al_e.
Capes. Vl.torines. Mantles and rollarettea la
Btock or to order without extra eharge.
NOTE - i .I.. r. ' r*coma_4m- bleaded *%M*e. Tha
pp ???>. ?f dnrkertlna; lnlure? tn_ fur. th*y fad*.
1 ? k Ball, nnd hn\r a rtvulel apr'aran.* aftar
leing wora ? -*iTt tlm?, *n1 are B p^r tnv??._
rrr-nt ar *ny pr.. ??
LTp-to-date atylee In de:?. rapes. Coilarottea.
\IitTs __ Ifl seal, Peraian Inmh. melr. baby
lamb, rnarten, mlnk. ehlnehllla. ermlne, fox. __c
Pur-llned t'ir^ulars. ,-overed with varloue
aha li ? of'i loth. $25, ...Tv 150 up.
Sealakln Capa and Glovea
Shlph men's fur-lln.<1 Overe.ata,
(loachmen'a outflte.
Tlger, leoparJ and other fashlonab!* Ruga.
Loweat prleea for rellable goods.
Impnrtrr and Manofnctorer, 73
121 A\n IM WEST 421. BTREET. ,
Ptore open evenlngs until after holldaya.
Write for fa?=hion book.
Reed & Barton,
Broadway and 17th Street, N. Y.
8 Maiden Lanc, N. Y.
Ilewnrr or I'henp Imltntlon*.
"BI_At*D" atanaped en ?-a-h nn
Bold bj __-_ggteta B. ror._F.RA * 00.. kmmm*
Dr Radway & ro.. N?w Vork.
It ctve* m - great pleaiur* to voluntarllv *tat* that your
I'lll* ar*. tnu-h rnperlor to others I hav- trted n*_nf
nr..411> trouble. wlth headarhe anl uwllltaaaa, I biA
tnat Ihey giv- me instan; rWief. whlch oiher _".:'.* .ould
r.ot do. PRTFR KIEFF.R.
2.V.. North <*->.-on . St.. Phtlade'.phla. Ta.
2.-.o _ bea. S 11 by ,lru.r_ist?. or ??nt by rr.atl by RAD
BVAT & CO., .V Elrp -t., New York.
mry ,'iuii last nipht at Its meetlng In Pelmonteofl.
There araa a large attendanee. The xpeakern _ere
the ... v Thomaa Ft. Bllcer and Hmnson H-..ard.
v < ROWBLL __ CO
Few publlahera in New-Tork present a mT* ex
ten?lv? ll?t o* hookr? for th* holiday ?? rhan
that wlilen T. V. t'rowoll _fc Co.. of N'.i 4o _____
Fourt. enth-et . are offering this month There i* a
beautiful new edition of Brownlng's complete
arorka, In twelve pocket volumes, whK-h it is r_>
llei-ed wlll receive s warm areleoaaa from Rrowning
atudentB. "ii has been the alm of both pub'.t.h
era and edltora to iea\e nothtag mdona te ?eka
thla the beat edition thus f.?r published." say tba
pubr.nhera In n little bulletln they have J_at la
aued announelng rhe new edltloa "The tex* la
abaolutely complete, an.l eontalna the fugfttve
poema negl. rted bj Bro-rains. aad us-.aily not
found In collected edition-. and lnoludes alao soma
I'eraea nol ln any other edition. Two rar* Btfl_-g
>.f prOM are also clven." Back volume cOOtatafl *
? i itifully enaraved photogTavur. fronttap_e_a BM
apecially deatgned ;itle-pa_e Tho paper gaai ia
opaque, .tt.? I tha cover desljrns by Gtoedhua are ea
; ? lally api roprlate
l\v<> blatorlcal rolumea are ? Dutuy's General Mla
tory of tiie World," ?> Vtctor Duruy. Mlnlater el
Public Inatruotlon and m.'tn'.er of the Acad-a_y.
and "Manual of the ni'tory of Preneh l-NU-rature,''
\ K. rdlnand BrunetMre. of the Preneh Aoadeniy.
: ii iy'fl work araa translated from th-- rreoch r^y
Rdwln .V. (Jroavenor profeaaor of European hls
lorj ln Amheral Oollegf, who added a ?nimm.iry or
mporaneoua hlatory from i***5 to September of
this in treatlng tne hlstory <?f Krcm-ti lltera
ture M llrunetlere h..s elaaaifled lt Into "llterarf
.?I.... hs " A runnlna roooy oeeuplea ni_>ut * h4lf of
each paa*>, aii'i the other h?if le deroted to ? **ri??
..f devtaed notea, arlth a btbUoajriapliy a. each :?u
j- v Crowell ..- .'o hava in pre*_ for aarty pub
llcation the . "rk? of Mr*. Bllaabeth Prentlaa, from
whl* h ihey expect good return. ."tn* ?f the other
booka on thelr eatalogue ate 'The _>m'i W'orrv
Herlea i?j Theodora K __8wai 1 The |_aad of th*
Plgmtea." bi Captaln Ouy Bairowa, arlth an mtr>
ductli ii by Henry M (. tanley nnd sn amoMograP-V
of i >r Newman Hall.
Alderman Ooadaaan eBared the folloaiim rafloie*
tioii .it the m?etlria; of the Iloard of A!d?>-men yee
terday, md lt was referred
Reeolved, Thal whlle the nropoaed Ka*t Rlv*r
Brldgea are ..f great need, *tlll these dealrable puo
Itc improvementa Bhoui.i not he aatbortaad or per
mltted at thla tlme if they wlll have. In any de
i_r.-.\ a tendenct toward Interferina with the pr^v?
! < or reiar.linn the work of rapld tranali farl.t
ties in the borougha of Manbattan and The Brona.
Reeolved That the I'omnuttee on Urlige* an_
Tunnela hava public hear.nK. with a vlew 10 aj>
tainin< a conaensua of puhlle oplnlon on th* i
4isit.ilitv of Inavgurattag any new work of magni
tu.l. that may delay rapld tranBlt In tht* elty
Mr Qoodaaaa'a reootatlea araa propo.e.i iMfoauaa
of the aetion of the Mayor in aak'.ng tha Munl
, i mI Aaaambly t.> tsaue bonda 10 the amount of
.100.000 for prelltnlnary work on mo n*w brlugea
n ro** lha Baat Rli er.