OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 21, 1898, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-12-21/ed-1/seq-4/

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ROLt-Ef- POLO Jer.ey CHy ae.in.t
Newark, leraej Clty. _
PH.-OTINQ. NVw-Tor* <.?rm*n nnn
r nv Dexter Park: Aluaduci <.itn Club.
A-i leduct, Long laland; Kewanea Oun Pluo,
Rerwanee Pl
BA8KET-BALU?Rubbar Fiva ol Oreen
tv-dnt Toung Men'a Chriflttan .rijioclatlon
af,_-.n.- Ba Bldga Athletic Club. Ig-teTfl
fTATf DI-WOI- I-!:mvnpp a MOBB iUwT Dtf
TBIBUTTO*. OP ftnip POB A w**_r_-Bt-'
WAj _v thB t-_-W BWBB-t-BOTtgg
TV...* pramlaad to hr an lmrnrtant ineetlnar Of
t_. Xattonal Board of Trad. of C*yclfl Mamifa.t
urara yeaterdaj hmught aavaral ol thr larg. bl
eyfUmakera Ity Tha meetlng waBached
Uled to take p-ie. at the room-. ol lh. BOOl-*, >>o
?? ., Br?fl iwat Th^ -nanufhrtarerfl were m aeaaion
;;. WZ _.?_* tlm. lt wa. flhow. thal -crtaln
.rranaWnii mne, b. mad. befora^th. W?toa
, ??,-. M |, .oggeeted Thejmat
. r actlon at a apaeW ma_.li_i ol
' Va^y^t^fl^Thii
44 -. nothlng waa doni > ,"7. ?.,rf| wo?|. ln nli
-, ^ne^otSaof thatartar
neaa of the
make; ? a? other. who
'??M":;'v ?." ,'r, - * aoon a* tho present
nrgai 1 - , "ta, not dUcSaaed In
?' . ? ? errwh-n.r.i regard.
t 2 />___.? _.l -II ;* almpj 1 matter of Indl
; ? ' ?:;,::?.'. -!.v ... Kberr. of ,h_ trade
-.:-.. ? ? -. .-.,.;??:?. -LVvfi.T T,X ?
... ; . i ;-,V^^r^
? b Pullarton and aoane ol the other ???bara
rt . -Board of OtBeeia of tha Btata .livision of
... 1 8 v.- are of l ie oplntofi that th. actlon
? . ... Rochaatar wlll hava aoaae
h., 'J .... tea from other dlvl.lon. I ?
,^.a:^ , ;:%.rr.;..,rr.;;;
riV?? ' - Harlerr, fl :-. ??
'?'' K _ .'?, , . ib* In lh. organlaatlon. Iln
. .. ,',VA,..,,?.:v wlll noih.ln.
. . | ,1 . raclng matter. and each
. , ,.. ,. 1 , , eoaea The delegatea
?& _Vr. .u te. to irotefor n more equal dla
Inde. th- preaer. ..r.-t-- -
.. ... ,.. r.oelved from new membera ar. di
m followr Forty j r canl to thn rwlor.a!
26 r- r c. nt t.? Th. feulletln* and 85 per cent
...... dlvM-lon in whlch tbe inrmber ??"*> >>?
... , . -., .. entlili ! to .1 larger percentage, and
I thlnk we wl iet It."
A 'tveh- BBOetinB of the Asaoe'.ated rycllr.*. Cluba
ot 1 ong laland waa h<-M at th" houa. of the Drook
. ci ib on M nday nlght. O. H. Nlchola
.y.. aulatant englneer ol th. Mew Eant niver
R.t.R. .,.?? preaent Mr SlChOlfl .pent rome tlm. :
ln r.:_, l,--i-c plan* lor the contamplated cyela pa'h {
-v*r the naw brldga. Aft.r th. aneatlng it w.s lha
_ ? . . .. mat there would he a bicycle path ,
? ? new fltruetur. Btlll th. hrldge wlll nor ).? |
I9n2, ind until thai time cycllatfl ,
. . ? -i thelr llvei dodglng trucka and
.. v ri ?,. the preaent Brldg. Thepdore Klendl |
..... . rman of rhe Somlnatlng Commlttee '<r
Thi ???.'?'? ctlon will tnk.
. ? t month'B m?etiri(r.
i Im naw member* added to the T_eag-e of Amer
kan \VT__el_nen lot th. waah were exart'.y flfty in
number. compared to r_7i lor tha corrwirondln|
.-..;, |aat , .,? 1 ,f this number *.pw-_ork had
_ichte< ' taj ' 17_o.. and P_n__*y!van_B
, I of Ii "W.
1 Kn new rrark 10 be laM down at Mad'.soii Square
rjarden lor tha Cycla rarea on Monday night will
?r nntehed te-BBonaar, tt 1* aald. The trr>ck wlQ
. l ,nk. d much NtBh-r thar. It wa* durtni the . ix
da. ra.--_
. >_?? Of tha arall-knflown yaehtsmen of Poughkeep.
Bl. Norman W'rlght, the former owner of th.
Dragon, whlch .ntla In the rares of tha aeeor.d
r:_F*. ha* writtea a lattat to Thfl Trtbuna, giving
Interaattng Itemi ahont the Bport on the Hud
*en Rlver Ona l? that bb Prag'.n hnr. been r-old
10 J r Tower, a fact not heretofore ar.nounoed,
?nd tha- the racer Oreal Bcott, lonne*.y owned hy
rjuy C Bayley, waa aoM ("m? tlma ago to A ?
Tower R-feirlng to the M???r.. T^w.r. Mr
T\'riirh* BB. 1
The?e men wlll t:.!_ wlnter have ftve lea-jraohta,
-_n_ are dl.] Bylna au h ? keen Intereat m tha
rar:i-<r outlook thal ther. !*? *orr..> talk of reorgan'z
Ing the Poughkeepale le. Taehl Club, in order to
?:ir ... iom< matrhe* with thi powerful Hudaon
j_!v_r Ice 1 ? Club, tTO-B whlcn .ome ^o'lr:,.
haapfllanfl may b. drawn
Th<" Dragon and th. r"!rea.t P^ott both etand
rocKi chanci to wli n?ain?.t all comar. in the
laat raca lor thi loi pennanl of Amrn<-a
?h? rOmpetin*" -. ht* -rjirted wh-n the I
44-.? Bbout I ' 1 : ? from the im". After reach
Ing tl wa* Btoppad lo trim In ^ht-^;t-.
Tfe;., . .-? 10 aea whxt ^1 forlorn
hope mlKht aecomphah- she overhauled arvl paaaed
?ie Shadow and th. Northern Llght. ln the raoa
cf Fahruar) .. foi club olora. the r'rag^n
hort rac< ov.r tho
jaek Prost. 1 I 1 and ih. Northern T.igh'
t '. p.nnant-44 nnera of ranown
Thls remarkable pertormanc. w-a? largrly at
table to ??? .qualli vv.iid. yet it proved sorr-.e
jr.fr!' 1- her anrl In ,vre man a* th. tiu.r' <\ um
?e^'ir.a mv "v- n hon 1
Al New-Hamburg th. r'. ih l* almo.t dead. bw
: * ? *:? .;? enc. for Mvaral .< taona
Q'jlt. a number ol good craft are there. hut hardly
more than .1 dOMn. fourhk. epsle. net New-Ham
hurg. is th* ,reat haadQuarta**. ar.d orlglr.al home
r ? ic< ? The Sa . Claua ii owaad by J
A Roosevelt From preaent appearaneca our riv^r
wlll *-?->n eloaa, bul arlth a rougk ?>,:rfaee. eause<|
b- lh. <? f,<?;d*. belnt? broken up hy ferry and
ether hea-- .nd our brif1ge jlers \\'.. are. h"-.'
a\-er. - - good .ei flon
.M' INO.
v?. or'' ? '? I "JTeather cloudj aid *r*^V
he_v> B iTTirrBliffl
\ ui. 4 half furU_n__r>?Tlnamal-Bt 110
H Ban S. wo8 11 101 iHntbaraoll), 6 to 1
. , H l...- .? , 8__? ,-? |_ 1 1. thtrd
f -' 1 .-'
-. - . ? ? ,r . x ?r.* * half furl.nrni? Hit
,...'. ?.?. Tei Br< 'V. !'?: ,???,1,' ? k_
hmi, 4 10 1 anl 6 1 en of Bong, 1"7 Olo
lf, to :. rl ir. Tlnn 1 -O".
fl lr. ? ? ?? - eai 8ntl# an_ *. h*\T)?Dr Marka,
je.] ,r.,- - - ? ? ? !. ',. 9. I'jfl 'Maaoo), ? ?_>
t- aad I "? - ?.?-,-. 1; ai < 1-0 ' ? ?; ? ? 1 la _o 1.
iMrd Tlm* _?_**.
. *Ii furi^na*. G*th. 102 i<*?-__i>aryv
4 iv :.. ? r.. '.-.., ?? '" '.?.'. ]-?? ? ? *? t, 1 _ri_ 2 t'. 1.
I, \;r -'. k. ji*) iHot'-r-'1.'. 10 lo 1, thlrri Tlm*
rifth r*r? ".n? mlle) Mary. lio <t p>._rn_i. 1 ta 4,
Clkia I0B B.uih.i t 1 ?? . ,-. ?. -. ^. nd:
.;.- r '?;??,, li; ii- f .''.'.> 1 ll 'I >, Tlm* 1'.''.
???. proD -. Dee jfi Th. waathar w?? eloudy
e.--d ha Iraeh aloppy Bl Ingli ald. to-day Bunv
rtrat rara <*. -- ilx fnr nti f ir? i- ???* lf*. m Mai
... -"4 iN Tumeri 1 t<> 3 *nn
\- ? W . "1 1. ihtitt.
T*rr. -1 10
B*C-a. ' ? ' ' 84>ltl8?a. P*t Murj.hj. 114 <H
tb'.oiatt i to 1. woi 114 iBpencri, 1 to 2 ?~_
o-jt ?*.ori-, Al'iniin-rm. l<4i U Wi,r.)i e, 1.. 1 thir..
- - - ' IT'..
in ?? '- *J 1" 104 <H Mnr
llnj 8 1 .'.. won Hardly, 101 rW, H Miartln), H> ??> l
, 4 to I. *< nd; lrnp-rle.ua, BB (J Woodal 2 lo I,
- ... 1 na*.
^- ith ra** _8*lll__N "n* aHl. 8UH ? quirter?__R?a
10; fH. Martln), ? to l won; ___r4ont_, ??!
,]>f r ?., - and ' ? i aaroad T-PmBflt, n*. iTTnrt.-i.
?r' -' l0'*- . . ? _ .iv,
r '? . ..-:'.:.?)?. .nm f jrlon?c*/ --Benflcian. 102
,-?_?'-, .r, ; 10 1 _ 1 M nt*joni-ry, 1< . IH. Martin;. h to
,', 4_. n '. 5. a-con- 1-uMi t, 10? rThorpe), 'ven .Urd.
? ? I :_*.*.
Blxtl r?-? (aalltac: flfteen ?!x'e_r.rh? .f a roll*^?S_-**t
?a-Cllam 110 iThorp.), " to 1" wobj Ur. Rharp, 101
rUtimp-oni 10 U) 1 and 4 to 1. ??cor.d. r?rr1? 110 m.
-fartini ?- i" I. thlrd. Tlrrto?l-JB-l
A G Spaldlny arrlved ln New-Vork Irtst evenlng
y> npend the holiday*. Hfl rald the pre.rnt Arai
BBgr Atitilatle Untoa dHBcillty la tb. W<st waa not aa
*erloua ur. 01.t \.<..ld \-o led to belleve from the
?torles ln ctreaiUttta-B, The leglctrntton frheme. h.
raid. owlnj. to lt. frer(u.n' ChangM, h?d cau*ed
84i_o trou*r>fe in Chlcago, bu/ h<- riim.'y belleved that
wh*n th- to* waa 'irmlv earabllali -1 1 nd known th.
. OllACl ? ? i II Ot II ::?.???? r Wltn
?ut ?n> dIAciilty
O/JtXal r/..!) BA8EE1 BALL.
A gam. of haskei-ball wa* playfld h.?w_en ftyl
teama a? S?bwnlba. h'? n BtrooklyTI '^sterdev.
Tbe oi.poiirig qulntetl ?Air. thfl ri r -1 and aecond
A rcduction of
%P_f_nf to %P*? p?<-h
(rorn former price* prior to Stock Takinp
a spccialty.
Astor Place. F?"rth Avenue
;tams of th- ?rirle' departmenl of Erasmus Hall
llgh School. The game araa w tilea .'. ,%'' "
essembUge of enthualastlc apectatore. Th* ai
tenm won by a BCOre Ol 8 tO 8
- ? ???
Ther* was a falr att-ndanee at the I.enm VI.
1-tic Club i?st nlghl to wltneaa the flghl between
-n-,1" Hawklna an' "KI*T McPartland. Hawkhn
won mthar eaally, _noea.lt"_ M-rPartland oul wltb i
vf. awfma on the 1-iw in ihe thlrd round Tl
rttWi* declded l) conlesl hetw. i Bi
NVedhnm it, favoi of Bradlej B Ih m<
badli marked up nl thf flnlr-h
A meetlng of tbe Trach Athletlc Assocla
tlon ot tb- Polytechnlc Inatltute araa held
yesterday ln Brooklyn. lt waa declded to hold i
Ml of dual same- i.i th.. aprlng to awak.
iat'ent athletlc aplrli among the stud-nta. A fu
programme -.f "??'?? lT1d trach conl ?ts wlll '?
dded. _
Tbe 'ndflea of the Westmlnster Kenne. flub'a
twenty-thlrd annual l?a >h<>** are ai fot:..n= Mi-^
A. H. Wbltney. Laneacter Mnea Bt Bernarda and
Newfoundlnnds; Jobr Davidson, Monroe, Mlch.,
hb.odhour.ds. deerhound*, greyheunds. foxhounds.
rhessr-ake Bay dogs, pointer* and Betters: R F.
Mavhew New-York, mas'lff-. cotli.rs. old Rngllsh
?heepdogs, bull terri-rs. Alredal- t-rrl-rs and foi
tsrrlsrsi J. Hlackhurn Mlller, .Vewtmrg. V Y .
grenl dsnes: Bdward I_ Kraus. Watlngton Penn.,
Ruasian wotfbottnda; H K Blood-*o-*d. N',"hn !" *
.. ro Mssi . ...i BpnnleU (ea ept v). ?' h" ''
Matthews, Kee 1 oK bulldogs: John R. Burhan,
New-Tork French bulldoga Frederlck O.Davts.
Boston Maas.. Boaton terrler ??? ?; _.'? ' ___ J"'.
. ? vi.rk beagles: G Mtis; ArnoltTuct-nhoe.N
Y dachshund snd hsssei hounds: O. ?. Donn r.
Milton. Mass . Irlsh terrl-Ti Dr. M H j ryer.
lelphla lMlmatiMiit-. poodles, ?n lerriera cx
cepi buil terrlers, Alredsle Ferrlers. foa terrterai and
Irl?h ferrlers). pUfB, t-.v ipanlelS. &JVW***i
Pomersnians. itaiian greybounda, whippeta ani
1110 shoot OB *?PRB_ H
Tbe gdjourned annual meetlng of ihe Interstats
\ latlon took pla ? reeWday al So. IW Broad
* ,v i a H Dreasel wai n rte ted prealdent;
Bennetl wai re*elected vl a-prealdent, and Bd
ssrd Banka wa* elected secretary-treasnrer, in
place of john i. l.ecin.n. for the ensulng year. The
iilvs Commlttee appotnti I la aa folkrara: J. i..
.\ w Hlgglna and w F Parber; Tourna
m-nt Commlttee. i A. H Dreasel w. f. Patker.
A W. Hlggln* and K 8. Lentllbon.
Blmer ;: Bbanar, "f Plttaburg, was appolnted
mnn.iK-r for th- seventh eonaeeutlve year, and the
araortaUon preaented lo blm a t'"M wntcb nnd ehain
reclatlon ? f hla aervleea, he havlng eondneted
-?. Orand American Handlcnp* and forty-fotir tar
? toun elnce thi asaoclatton was ineor
poi.- ?? d \ | ear ? ;,>.?..
ArrangementS were perfpefed for the nnn-.ial Ihe.
blrd shoot. wblch Includr-s the Orand American
Handleap for WH Pbe iboot wlll take, p'.a ??
Blkwood l'.ark, near Long Branch, N J . on Tnes
day, Aprii i . anl it is probnMa thal the tourna
m< nt wlll .1"! he rtntsbed untll tbe following Sa'
Last year there r.-er>' Wl sntries for tba tug shoot.
K-hlch IfJ faced tne traps, Tbe Tournament
Commltl.ipe :? lhal ther.. will t?. :'.'Ai shootera to
i k pari ln t he comlng contesl
The assnclatlon $1,500 to tbe three nlgh
and al - ys wlll be added t,. tne
? tlonal mone; s (hlgh
. foi ? n-ti t ti entr.es over thr guarantee of
st-jt) entriea ''"'f.~ li ihe same arrangemenl aa
i -? \, ir. wlth thi cxceptlon tbat thera
;. .? ti.;.. ? of ;?" money* f? >r eu.-ii ten en?
triea over th guarante. li dditlon to tbe mom-y j
i >r'x.?. the wlnner wlll receive u allver cup donated
!? ihe Intei i te '? iclatlon. The other condltiona
i-eni flv, Irds, *--"? entran ?-. Mrda ? atra.
han llcnps ... to to yarda rlse, W yarda boundary and
-.:: I, irds d. i llln.
Th* ti ? II close wltb Edward Panks. No.
II Bi iads ?-. n Aprll I, and the handlcapa wlll
be fljiiste.i ..n all entriea two daj - tei
? -
Davenport, losra, Dee. "ft?Harry N. Pillsbnry.
..,,,, eheas-player of the Cnlted S'tiitc,
plaj .] ; ?.,.-. four gamea almultaneously last
. ,,? ,.:,, ? .t playera from Davenport, lowa Clty
: \| ? ?':?-.. liiwn. and ROCk I.-iand MotlnC and
\t. ...;.r.?'>*?-. III Tht play lasted flve houra and a
ry won twenty-two games J I> Metz
ger, of Mollne, beal him, and .1 B Btreet, ? '. Cam
p] \-'d a dr iw,
Renowned Throughout the World
Pure Sympathetic Tone
Great Power and Durability.
Cor. Fifth Ave. and Slxteenth St
BOfTOR at t ktrt FtNTifs OCT THAT THF. LRAOCfl
, IRCTIT wii.i. not ?***, iv.'ki \si:r> or. nr.
A dlspstcb recelved from Boaton hrlngs the Infor
natlon thnt the clreulf of the Natlonal Basehall
League arlll remain a twelve-elub affair, and that
.... rhan aa an that tbe propoaed Brooklyn-Baltl
more denl may not he ,-,-irried through. Rendera "f
Tlm Trihuiie were Informed Of these, fact. iast
week. and tbe matter ls referred to here slmplv to
sh.'tv tbat Hoston Is ?t last ratrhlng up wltb the
ttu,e? The rilsp.it n rjuotes Prealdent -loden. of the
Pto.ron Club, as saylng that there wos ti" .-han-e
of the present twehe-cl.ib clrcult h.-ltig dlsturbed.
and the wlly pre.-ldent of the champlons ls quoted
further as anylng tbat ln hls oplnlon the rontem
plated deal between tba Hrooklyn ?nd Baltlmore
riubs wtn not bo eonatunmnted,
One of the ,]??;? ..ites tO tbe rec.nt I.eague meet
fniK. when aoen yeaterday, Inughed hearttly when
askfd abOQl n reportad d"al to ppy 1100.006 V'V th"
League for tb- retlrement of ihe Wiwhington and
Loulavllla clu.is "Wby, the "ther cluba would not
paj tfiOD for those two eluba ta retlre, let alone li ?'.
-aid be. ' Nn. it was slmply another of tboae
craay yarna atarted al tlie Leagua meetlng by some
veteran newapaper men wbo oughl to hava known
bettei -ou don'l auppose tbat anybody la _>-It, j
to pay 1100,000 for fi i thlsea wher. the dubs them.
.i, ? not be. n ahle to n &ke r dollar for many
years? Tha proposi i Brooklyi Baltlmore d-ai mav
po through. ol courae, but l lon'i heiieve it. It is
.-;tf--. , .... i.-i, to ? iggest b deal of that >ort, bul it la
i ry tt out. If lt wenl through.
it looka na i:' Brooklyn woul l have all the best of lt.
ii a.. ild aboui klll I taeball ln Baltlmbre."
Basehall men wben Been iy, soeme.l io
think thal thi atrike of the Baltlmore playera, wbo
mighi '?? trai -ferred ro Brooklyn, waa only a biutf
on it.. pari of playera. Beveral of them t,> Intimate
frlenda hive said thart they s iuld I.nly too g:ad
to be tranaferred to Brooklyr A profe..|onsl bas..
ball player doea nol rellsh play Ing to empty benches
anv more ilian does nn actor.
Links that actually conncct this modern dav
with thc time
_*<t2_ fl_h
of thc Colonial Fathers are not
numerous, and such as
do cxist have a peculiarly
fascinating interest. To
hold in one's hand a copy
of a paper whose founder
was Benjamin Franklin
seems almost to make
the old patriot and phi
losopher live again at
your -side. A weekly
Saturday afternoon paper
was one of Franklin's
first ventures after he
reached Philadelphia, and
from the week that he
started the enterprise, in
1728, the paper has not
ceased to issue regularly.
For most of its history
it has been known as
The Saturday Evening
Post, and published in
Philadelphia for 170 years. It is handsomely lllus?
trated and printed, and has the best the world affords.
A Chicago man writes: "I am perfectly surprised,
and yet I ought not to be. at the hold that The Satcrday
Evening Post has upon the reader who reads.it. Men like
it. Many tell me 'they look for it regularly.' Others say
' it fills quite a distinctive place in their readinc*;: there is
nothing like it.' The mnke-up of the paper. or its artistic
little quips and qnirks, h.is made it attractive, distinctive,
ii.div.dua] and appropria.e. and has done more for the Post
than thr mere editing alone could have done."
275,000 Copies this Week
All Newsmen, 5 Cents the Copy
The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia
An Annex
To the Book Store
Bi" .is the Book Store is, it misst hc made bigger. The stock and the attendance
both _*y, " More Room." And so the Book Store Annex opens this morning on the
fifth floor, Ninth street side.
Plenty of room here, and plenty of light; abundanre of helpcrs and more books
than you can count. Included in these is a Wnnamaker book offer that ought to make
the new Annex a popular place to-day.
There are about fifteen hundred large, handsome, illustrated books that we used to
sell for a dollar each. They are octavos?9 3-4x7 inches, with 300 to 150 pages. A
dozen or more titles. and good titles,? GulHvcr's " Travels " and ?? The Vicar of Wake
field " and " The Adventurcs of Baron Munchausen," for example.
Dollar books, to be sold to-day at Twnity-five Cents each.
That's a headline j
to make you hunt j
thefactsinahurry, j
for you probably know something of the
Imported Capes
At Lowered Pricei1*
Dresden and dainb
ness have beeome
words almost inter
changeable. The chaste, rielicate, graceful,
Dresden China
in the Art Room
character of these Imported Capes of ours. j exquisitely executed decorations have a place
These offered this morning are among the j in art all by themselves.
very best we had. That is proved by the | Wc are very strong in Dresden pieces.
fact that there is only one of a kind left. ; and we have just oper.ed a beiated shipmwt
AU their counterparts have been sold, and : that is exceptionally good and cheap. You
you must choose among about seventy-five j would better look the pieces over to-day; ?
solitary survivors of seventy-five full lines. , you'll find them charming.
All art- Paris or Berlin ?_*; totoB in kersev or ! Vases, Piates, Bon-bon Boxes, Cups and
meltcn doth; some invelo.r; a ftmU ma'-Usse ? SaucerS.
and OttontB siik. Tnmmed with bflkt, ,et nd
embroidery, as rich in hr.ish and perfect in rkta I l ?
only the hifihest dass imported garrr.rn's ran he
$3 to $9.
Ba*? ivnt.
PricesS were $35 to $65
Prices are $20 to $40
p.reni Beor, Pr^dwsy
Silk WaistsS
In Pretty Boxes
A " Violet"
These are put up in
attractive shape, espc
cialiy for the holiday
selling. Of black and
colored taffetas, in late approved styles, and
priced very moderately, indeed. You may
have a black silk waist, with fine plaitcd
front and yoke back, for only $3.25. Some,
black or colored, at $4, and others, particu
larly handsome garments of checked and
striped taffetas, at $5. Unusually good val
ues, whatever you pay.
S'rrni door. . .urth *v*nu?.
Not the flowers themselves,
but the colors and the per
fume represented in a score
of articles for toilet use. A tfble on the main
floor is given up to this pretty fancy and you
will like the showing, whether or not you
care to buv.
For Him, Her
And the Little Ones
? 'Qoeen of Vi ~'r*s"
Violet Soap,
V-.olet Powder,
Vidct Water,
Violet Sachet.
Violet Bath Tahlet-.,
Violet Arr.monia
JVrr* Vtolet
Ven V. >?.
Violet AjtOtt,
Violet Soap.
Parr?a V-.olet Soap,
Vera Violet Soar,
Violet Water.
A most compre
hensive stock of j
all that is new i
and novel and j
good in umbrellas. Goods are right, prices
are right and the time is right. You may |
find that gift of which you were thinking in
one of these. Many, many others from
which to ohoose.
FOR WOMEN. A? $5?26-inch: of tvrilled silk:
in blark and changeable colors: steel rod; case and
tassel to match; handles all ?_****? trimmed, ivory
hooks, lor.g ivory, long flat Irory, long pea.l cyhn
ders and pearl hooks.
FOR MEN*. Af $5?28-in.h; all silk; close rolling
steel rod: case to match; handles of ivory with s'-r
l:ng fiiver sw-dg*- and hand : ahn tas'c-: ii!y trimmed
with silver.
FOR CHILDREN. At $2.50--24-;nch; all silk, in
black and navy hiue; bandlw of sil-.-er and |oM, ar.d
peerl and ivorv hooks.
i_ **_ n_._____l Imported work-boxes
OlftS in the cellent assortment. the
Notion Store forrner c o n t a i n i n g
needles, cotton, wax. tape-measure, in fact.
all the needfuls in sewing, at 50c. to $7.
Needle-books. 10c. to $2.
T*ntn aireet.
And all the Violet productions of Pinaad,
Le Grand and other perfumers.
r , Count the styles we .how by
tlips and hundreds> Evcry desirable
oaUCerS j-ind certainly is here. Deco?
rations from the severely plain to the most
beautiful that practiced minds could devise.
Some at trifling cost?15c.?and as mueh
higher as you wish to go.
Tee C-ins and Saucers. 20c. to $J earh
Breikfast Coffees. $1 earh.
After Dir.ner Coftees, Cups and Srfl*****"f, IS' |o S2.2.
Chocolate Cups and Saucers, 15c. to $3 each.
MoustacLe Cups and Saucers, 25c. to $2 each.
Bouillcn Cups ind Saucers, 75c. to $6 eacb
r Whether accompanied bv
Tne Ureat the ch;lf'ren or alone, don't
Toy Store think 0f icaving the store
without visiting Toyland. No matter how
old or phlegmatic, you'll be interested.
There's a wonderful showing of mechanieal
toys and games and?dolls '
And then there are desks. too, for the
little ones. Genuine ro'.l-tops. Fitted up
like papa's. These are usuaily sold at $6
This lot, for a few days, will be sold at $4
Formerly A. T. Stewart & Co.. Broadway, Fourth Avenue, Ninth and Tenth Sts.. N. Y.
The openlnK "am* of r?lo on rollar-flkat.a waa
pi.ve. ar Maltby Aeademy. Brooklyn, laal even.
Ing between ienm_ repreaenttnf th? New-York l'"io
Club and the Brooklyn Polo Clu Ihi Mew-York
taam won by ? Bcore of 9 aoat. to t hard
f.ught same. Th. gam* Ifl generally played In
threa perlod*, bul It tooh four p rl ?>< ???
thla ganu tor it the ? nd of (
...... . - . . i ir- tl I '
New.. ? ? ? _oala whlli the home
taam waa al < to Booro onl. two Perklr,
Covle Beemad to do all tha plavlng f<
team whlle Purc 11 Ma ? ? i '?'? Schoflel 1 d I
btf-t work for ihe vl.ltor* ': he llneup wi
v ., fork. Poeltleoi
Tarram. Flrat nieti .
lll . '??* . ' 'J.f_.,n.v
Pure.ll -. C.ntr* . r.h._
Malon-. Halfba k
_._?;? . Ft ? ??.
The aummariefl fotlow
Won bv Kill rag..i b. Ball r-sh?. b?
__?? Ynrk .... Bclv fleld ' -
Kaw-T-rB , Pu : ?
_..??? v rk . Bchotleld.' ?'?
rlc....Tirvint -
....-?.'.vn - ?'.? ?
, ... ... " ? "
Fr i fclyn . ? Pari ni
Brooklyn .P*rl ? ? ' r'..',
v.. Vorli ? B flelrt . ? Tarram
New Tor. 7
I b . Coyl.. \oyw , ?
>._?? V-.r. ml .T.irr-nt .
Tl-r ley ...... ' ? ' '
KMr-fork I - ??? leM
? ?
_>_,C*_*TTftA_l8 IifiTiN.'; .RAI*- on PMntV
K.xr-i ? pw
Xho weather of yeaterday md that proml
to .1 iy bj the Wi Bthi !? Bun iu > not the k
mak'i either the buyer or the nfl-rc py. -1
. . ? ? pn aenl th. latt. i
i mplaln of tb.
roid weather thai brlni* the aatiBfa.tor.
whlch maket people llberal wlth thalr money.
Weather with an everlaatlng London f..e ati
meni l. nol eondueiva tr mueh hanoinaaa. and thoaa
at the itorea hope for bettei _? .- ? theaa
da>s befora Chi latm ifl.
Whlle thi weather yeaterday ?a? Mpectall-. dl?
.-..-? ablfl '<> thoie who ware on Ihe atreei
had IU dlfl-omfortfl for tho* at Baa Thal b I
hung ever the harboi Interferad wlth ahipi
a .rreat axtent, and delayed many ot thi
and oiitRornK ?t.amer? Th. Weath.r B
.romlsei lltt" rhanit*' foi to-day. Th* hur<
/oraea.t l?: Snow oi raln warmer rrei
ern?t trlnda "
The Tachl fuem*. Aflfloeiation of L.n_. laland
Ho-n.i held 'i meetlng al th. Wln'- n Hotel. Forty
atsth-at and Firti.-.v... laal ?vanlng and unanl
mousty adoptad the rapori BBadfl by Ita Executlve
tCommltta. al ? meetlng bald i week ago Tha
Bubfltanca of th* r___or_ haa alraady appeared ln T ie
Trlhune Charlei D. Plerce wn* actlng chalrman,
an.l ih- freataat unanlmlty prevalled There _ ia
a careful and roncw ? "'? ' rerpm
men.'.-tlon ot " ?? coramlttea, bul ?hen the flnai
.ot* waa talten ther.- . n no dl lentlng i
Wlthera 4 D kaon .t. of ll
rity Ptiaon whleh ia belng eracted "ii thi Toml??
. , |,,i\,. aenl to lh. Board of tSatlmati and Ap
r.orrl_ntnei;( ,, |*rot-*l agalnal I propo*
pl.n. tn *tren?:lh.n iha Iron worh whlch will aup
pon th. ateel call* In thi prtaon The nrchltoct.
,l., lar. lha' no holat.rlnfl up - n ? di il i ihJ
| iron wotii dealgnated in thfl plana whl bt stronf
enouph to yarry the lead of Btee work They eay
alao that tVlr estlmatea have heen approved by
Ueorg B Poat, who tvitTii-.",! th- p.ana.
Th*. rompUim Bgatnat mak W Anthony. a
Prooklyn inauranee rnan for aelllng to _ Verwoat
man a pollcy ln a company that araa allaged not
to extet, waa dlamlBaed ? ??' Magtetrata Breaaer
yeaterday beeauaa o( i l il'-r- r" dlepro**e tha er
latenci of th compan: Ant *** turned tha ttbhre
on hla proeeeutora by aenrtng aotlaa el a. J'A.?
damaga Kiut afalaat Lyman ?? Kaye, ttmtt *?
spec-tor of lnsiirar.,'e of Vennont. "tl whos* afl
davit the prOC.llDCa ?.re f
Hnlf tlie 1.300 rnemher. of the 14th Reglment
have .ff-rect th-'ir realgaaOona, ei'ih-r :or Um t*
aon ,; ,. thej enllate. onlj ' " ' - W Of baeMW
they havi lerved thelr requl I tem ta tha **
tlonal r.'iard
Thi rain cnn-tA the earth to tttt tn yesterdav
roornlng ln Central-aaa it th.- place where the
water-maln burat. a trollay car araa -*o**tag oeer
? h-t part ot the atreet wh-'n the eatrlng hi begaa,
r-n* had ' ' '' Ttm ercape.
Poil ? afaglatrete Lawla Worth >e?.t*r,!ay *?ent
to 5.,'at va Bpringa aith hla *''.o to aee hn
mother Mra Jacob Worth, **/ho t*. aertooi
jacob Worth aalled on Monday oa the Keleer
?' '. n for H thr, to Madlterraaaan ports far hit
health, and H ia belleved that arorrUaeat over hla
mt*t.aa proatratad ? arlfi tfagl trata Waiti
i? expaeted home to-day
t . |ga lln ,m R Itaala and the or*r.rt*.?.tlc-n lead
rrs of Klnga Couaty hald ? confereaee '.j--. r.'.*!,t
ht mi- gta. ? houaa No Md CarroU-el Ther* ia
. frtctloa otrer tbe appotntaMBl of *^*
rhlef eltrk and tha flrr-t aeeiRtaut. Mr. ft*'''1
|| clear to his friende last nlghl that tn hat*
.,..,...?.. he intended ta make tha appolnttaaata
llng to hla o--:i ludgment, aa they are |arge*
?..- of ? pe'raonal character The alete ?"': h-d ^*
annouaced befora Frlday.
The pollCC laat nifiht reporled that * t'.OO? htd
?unk ofl the old Iron P**r a. Coney lalaad. hn?
irera uaabla 10 flve any detalls. The u-ctdent M
auppoaad to hava taken place at ii o'elock t****^
da) foreaoon U la r.**t knowa thai aay hv* *?*r*
(Mahogan*' (tairJi tn to *?-??' tntAtomB,
45 West 23rd Street.
A?t- *r**lTAr**La hoi.ipat present**
W. .f'.l s grear manv lor -jJ. ?n<l me*.
Mnrl? twrr-l l r.r. h |c**4ara to ,v> ?n4 up
tl.-iiMe r>*.ri?l *?*?'?? BU'i ?.P- . __
Marlin ai I ? n ?*?t i Rin-a Hn** ?n'1 *
i loben Bltee n ?"? aad ue
nu, - ii ,? >?;? '?' *?'" "o
koi>\k*.--iii< .? i.is->H\TK*-r.oi.r.

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