OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 22, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-12-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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no-te tho nplrlt of the o<* caslon and have a ?*.?_?_? {IK
f.ellng of foibearanee whll. w_ exchange "?ft"*}
congratulatlon* ln the la_j._B.-e of the COl0|[_,_
hrlde. Who wai overheard l:i a railway car on BOT
wddlng trlp. laylng to her lord .ind maiterv.no
recllned upon hrr ahoulder ln all the **?''fl<'e',f';^ i
emotloh <tf tiewlv w.dded bliss: "Ala't you aahamed
to'be ao handsom. *''
The Boclery glvos evldence of tho wave of n?s
perltT Wblcb I* .weeplng over the land. lt ls one
of the In-tltutlon* whlch has not b.-en oompollod
to aubmit to Norgaalaattam. II haa alwaya pe4*_
lti uiual dlvhi. _d. IU B?emb.rBhlp haa incr. aaea.
?nd numbered on December 10, MfE. "?*"?;
Inveated fund In tlret-claai aecurltlw fcmountlng to
11.7.000. and tt* contrlbtitlona tu eh.ill i .... ?urpoeea
tire cuotmucU upon a llberal acale. Portj m. m
ber. have dled durlng the yeur.
Among thaaa ll la no eaaggeratlon o aay waa
work bo did and me reeulta Im ""(,nii"!!",cu
Colonel i_eorK' E- **-arltii_. Jr.__, ...,.
In thi face of ,>*vc,d,i?t, dOU,t. pr.. Udl<e a.. 1 af
tih intereata nnd what appeucd to i>?? > ? ''?!''.
oUn.ultles hc eolvod lh. proMeari comm Ittedto '"?
of making one of tho dlrileat th.> eleani***t rity n i
world. and *nade himaelf a b-pefacto. t- ns peopie.
old and young, rlch and popr, ________ .,,.. ,? ?>___
la aay other eountry and ln any othei c itr i* ? t >;
ofllec .-i4 h neceTSUy: but. elthough he could . ?*??'
the atreel, l.o could not cleanaa tha Augean ataoi
of iu pollU s. and ona ol tbe >*>?< l '??-;.?'" :,,,,;"
Change of munlclpal admlnlatratlon wa* ??e di*mi"
?al o! this vtUuahla public aervant from the l>o?
ho had adoraed He dled irr the Bervlca of hla coun
tiy. ?? true a eotdler _s if ha h__ falle- -n t..e rieu
?WboU0- ua doea not pay tribute to tho aeaaory of
i_-ia< ll firomlei who for ao many yeari nae *ei
,V,;V a"i.i;!a.o.:.-wl.h?,^wit..n..vr.i:;d.h.; vvorld
with hta eontrlbutlona to nterature an 1 ..irm
his large rircle o| frlend- wlth a mo*jt .????;;;> UI ?
attrai ifvt c-rapanl. nahlp. 1 be worM beW no
rrlghtW or cheerler aplrtt than hl*. ai a Inrge
?here of th. lunshlm of life iraa elouded ?.'"' <->(
lurf was la..l over hlm.
The *iam_s of Chariea i.u:!er, Henry M. Taber,
Oeotie r Detta, AnMa R Baa, Praaklla Wood
ruir, Jaeob tr.ad.ll, .io?oph tackerman and -lohn
P. TawnMal ere Includtd ln the Ilst all men of
tnark nnd dUitlnctlon in this community an.l lead
ere ln th. lr rariOUa calllngs. as were ull the others
whom we nre cnlltd upoui to mourn.
It is almost ihree centurlea athee the landlng of
the Pllgrtm Fathera, whose faro. haa been giow
Ing brlghter a::-i brlgbter wlth theJapee o? >?*?'??
It may b. ooubted if ever ln the hlatory of man
klr.d was dl*p.ayed a QUallty of piibllc ?>??ge of
puro Indomltabli pluck aurpaaa-na ihat of thi II u?
Lund whlch, wanderlng ovei vtormj ae... bmenra
wlth povertx. wreetllna wiin natureifcwr ??"*?"?
__id wlth danger evei al Uw aooe, bullj here the
fabrk- of i-epubllcan government upon ths corn*?.
?tone of the compact sigmd tn the cabiti ot tne
Itwaa thelr hlgh caiiing to atand by the dlvln.
cause of human progres.- at a ninmontoiis crtaia OI
lt* d-v.l.i.n.-iit. si-ra. grlm-vleaged, unyieiaing
ami undlamayed, ln den.nce of the crown and
agalnst immeaaurabla odde; .nd they ninuitaliied
tluir rlghti through ? ilrm t-ust ln Opd, nnd be?
cause lt wasn't la the power of m.>rtal man to in
ttmll.te tlicaR. They won- a fighting. rath.-r than
an as-etic ra.-e. and they held ih.tr ground.
A g.ntloman returnlnf from Eurppi aald to nu
aoaebman i made a Hylna trlp through Ireland
whlle l was abroad, Patrlck and it aeeined lo me
the. people looked contented enough Ita leiaom
they look that way, alr; you muat have been thote
While the Aghtlng was going on."
Certain II is tbat our heritage ls due to tbOM
bruvt forefathen ot tbe aeventeenth century, nnd
the vattanl llgbt they mada on tho ihorea of Maa
aachuMtta Bay for lit'orty of conaclence and actlon
again.-t tbe Btroag.*! p.w<-i-s of aartb nnd tha
unyieldlng foroea of nature.
Patklwg la tha llgbl of thelr gtory, ?re g.ther
here te celebrate them and ouraelvea As producta
cf theli '?- - ??: n we have lea_bed, aa the develop
in? i.t .f this eountry ?_* we, to lay hold, s_ lar aa
la ua Hei ..;?? ihe tieaaure* "f earth, ana to
lllustrate thi hara ler of thi
.?. ..l... !.., v. ,ii k.:..w a:\thini, of
who was aakeu: "Do you know anythlni
t<*UI l *?? nv? ??? i.. .i - i\* ? . . ? - ? .- * " , . ____!_.
tha robbery of thla lt<_uoi atoro?' ro whlch ha re
i Well, Judge, do you lUppoae Id ba Booe: ir
The eventa of tha laal few moatha have ahown
tiai lha oualUlei 1 havi deaerlbed are ati I ??
taat, nm aloni tn Ihe hearta of N.-w-Lng;an.h-i-s
hut ,,f ,,ii ih ite who may have drawn Inaplratlon
from ;.. r hl-t r_ The llti worh of aueh a i.pie ia
, ,. growing to loee, and the race H nol yei
ri-aJ'- lo I- muitere_ oul ol aervlce. __.___,
VY ili ln tha presence of thos. who hav. made
hisr.'rv nt un onpre edented rate and condeaaed
it into uaezpeeted_ind tanglbb reouite.
W. areet here the repreientatlvei of the one n
,- ? .-. n 1 thli eountr) of whlch we an- "nreserv
cd.y proud, whlch In Blxtj daya "vJ?~11i112!
iTi.'n ot tl o world ? His. : ua to revlew our atudles
n l- m 'i:.4 ao tha thi dlrectlon to the future
Unlted Btate- ,-*"*lons wlll b? to go n. Amer
,;' ;.,'?.. contlneni and laki the aecon< t..r ?
ng to the right; changed the law. of f^tua"?
when li br_ug:u the Colon li -1 /';' rl '-. i V,,r
onnWnbl.^ navv of "n old "itf??.^?.
?Tirtaht when he wrote, 'Thfloa la he armed
who hath hli quarr.l Just. .and four tlmea ho who
tjots his blow ln flrst.
_..,,_ _?? r-h-or f.r IM aaa boSttrtot -_ ihe _*wa of tb.
wJ-^S.1-,:;' ?? '?* ?-?-' ?^*? h?r-e,i .__, ___.
Craaae- th- ' :* **' "" >? ?????? w"rd ?" ,he falr
Mnnlla Pay.
mfo. greei t>->. tha repreaeaUtlvea of tho finost
bod>- of aoldlera on thU broad aarth. barrlng none
the Unlted BUtei Begularo, who, oa .hundred b*t
t_ofle-_a h.ve lll latrated theli ral ?r and devotion to
Ibe iln*-- danger-Mlnd, uaiwiaplalBlng, though :in
req :itod an.l Mthful unto d atfa TB.y ha>?- stood
agalnst aavaga foea on a wild fr'.riti.r. hei.i ?ull.-n
mn09 8- cbecB. faced veteran loldleri ln battle. and
hava Dlanti I lha American fla? In loken 0<|iO4_aea
atoi or. ihe laland . o...i.i. * ??: **, ?''?? nn 1. wh.-n they
4Ai_.t<- El Caney and Ban Juan upon thelr colora, a
mtmento ol mngnirtceni valor, ihey ln*.rl_..l upon
Ihe ro:is of fam< the record ol _ deed unaurpaased
by the Old Ouard at Waterloo oi tbe L-ght Brig.de
at Balaklav_ .... _.
Ii m ts tr.'- very Inaplratlon of .-ourage that took
B0.BII'tTtn of general, fleld and llne, :_nk and tile,
Zn that hlatoric day when ever) man was a hero
and foughi to ih< admlratl n ol ih. wurid.
It wai a BOldier*! Oght, and when the helght wns
won -n thai n_ ichleei charge thi altuatlon was
aummed up '> the author ot ;tie "hed Badge of
Coarug ?". th? Regular Army wai duaty, dlahevelled
and :overed rfllh iweat; Iti halr mutted on its fore
!'' and Ita al 11 i ? ted to Uai ach li dea i
dirty thlraty, hungn and aweary fnun Its bundlea
Ita marchea and Iti nghti It --; wwn on the con
oue-ed ??-: and w.i aotlafled .nd exclalmed:
"Well hell! Hi re wi arel"
It wai a coitly prlai that demanded the llvea of
Wlkoff, Hamllton, Forci Drumm, Wltherlll, Dlok
... ? _nd r rnanee, nnd sih-m gallant young a I
ill.-r* ii Mlchb Ord C pron, IVansboro, Bater.
Churchman Benchley, Augustln nr..! Qulney, and
the thouaand* of unnamed heroea on those bloody
:? .-. y.ut it uft.-.i *:??? i-...-?.r? of ihe American peo?
ple to a higher comprehen* i :' patriotlc duty
? - a warmer glow nf Natlonal pride than lt
had imown for a generatlon. It waa worth ill lt
coal, for lt madi and lefi ua a unlted j.pie. lt
hiott..! out - ol the compaaa and burned
aut thi -? ? ira ' ?? I feellng?the Blue and
the Qi \ -. -. d iptu ons '" >r, and th.- wearera
?houlder lo ihoulder al Manila ami Bantlago,
and Nonh .md Bouth ran join i:i ihe chorua:
T(.i? on* ii-.ai- :.-.'. _ ?:. Jack-Oli aro (af. I lb* f.gr.t wlth
1.-. .
That i ? : :. .-??. Bbermaa a- he galloved to the *?a:
liut lh*) re marchlai n t -g-tii<-r jj.t a* frl^ndly a*
(?r. be,
An,\ !l.-: l| ar - >?? r ? - lh* rellraU ln tbe m-mlng.
ci-:n;kntf.i> tiik tii:p.
It c,-tr.or.l?d \.<o t!?-H that msdo the Anglo-Snxon
race, ---n-i after . hundred yeara ot aeparatlon from
tne oM home. ??* <? Bnd o?r klndred over the scjis
warm wllh mutual ayapathy and oiu-ourMgeiriont.
Bn that in th. tlme to cotne, when one hn* to atand
?wlth hl- back to the wall the oth.r WtU be bosido
hlm. and oa our pari lha gnetlng wlll run:
"1 <*.-. rtju. t." a* ? P< ..?*!-.. "1 m plaguy api to Waa,
Yo.l N r . ") rio-^k. >. .is". ri -.
\\ h?n other* tauct r.?s,
l*ut n> -.% wa'M aettl4 : : - i. i . work,
\i u'il flnrt ??,.? i -.i**r | ? : ?.
V*'H :. ?'. :.s_r ..^ ?!..- lurnlT. aald .'iiiattinti to Jr>hr
As lo the dlapoaltlon ut rosnlts, lt is not for n* to
usurp th. fUlK-tloni if the l-?.:<?.1 .Siates S.-niit.-,
who aro li-.-p thlnkeis, for, Upon oocailons, th->!r
thoughti tc-i.i t.. run pretti .? down, iru: wa
niu?-t wkh a aolemn aenae of duty .>n.k the s:tua
ti.-ri ii. the faci and ac epi i ie reapouaibllltlei
tmus. upon us
We belong to a (amllv of annexatlomatg. If, orig
laally, w. dvdn't annea terril >rj to our own poaaea
Uons' lt wi i i" iuii ari hid i.-.r.i to attach it to.
iiut wr hav. an lexed ouiaalvei ta tba iuii. and th.
unlon waa ona and oudlvtrible Ue learned our
1. s; on .n Hol'.aua, .'hen i... :? mad* their eountry
from tlie ocean hefore anne.lng it We saiini on
a p_:. .-<il mluaion of annexatlon ln t!i* MayHower.
an-t whll* oui DUI h ?' ? i_ - boughl the laland
cf MantiattAi! for |_C, wlth more frugal mlnda n
oecvpled < aise '.'o>i wHboul expeaae and appro
prlrt d lh* soll
Thn little aettle. enti ali i i :..- Atiantlc coaat
a:.:.. \< i tbe lern ory eyond lh* Alleghanle., ihe
?w odlanda of Krntueky ar.d Tennesseo and the
pralrle* of llllnola puiehaaied Florlda from Bpaln,
Lot'U.nnii and the mugnineent domain of the
Korthweit from I- ranc. . nn J again.1 the protoal of
tha w.-st atatesmen of-thai day opened up tli>*
Pa.lf. toa.l b_ ronaoeal extended it toward the
res'on* of Ihe froaen Morth by further purehaae,
ann peopled II wllh tl? descendant* of the PH
griiii1 \*-'io. In the arreal bmimi ol *u wequenl Imml
granti for whna Ihey opened Ihe ar.y, aet liko
v- not In tiie loaf
' *JVe ?r>- of acqttlaltlon, nol glven to c..mpronils_.
,-- if 4.- ,!<, we f? II . ihe . gami ?? i : a gentlem.tn
.,, i "My w'f< .?'-'?? ? *' ? la, and I nre
fer co::.n" "Well ????"? i1.- you aettle it"" "Oh,
wa ompromlee." "Well, howT*" "Oh, we con:
p.omlse on cotton "
HITHBRTO a S'.i."i.i: p;;<)]?!,;:
We hav,- hHbprtt) olalmed to hc- n *.!m;ile people
and faj nrnnnii f|?Bi In perlallam: but, as a simpio
?packaga of dynamlta '-? enflowad wlth an Indeflnlte
eapacltf of Buddrn ispanalcn, and _a Iron expanda
unJer ht-..: -. . B*< I Ultdei ::? -.i" Im
fortfe- of natare _ ?'. ?' thelr work uii->n natlona
unUl they fuit'l iheir manlfold leaUny.
We i.r?j-t go f-jw-.-.l or I.. -I...mi md w* cannot
gi }_?r< l-wat ' wlth aalf-reaperi. The dl'ilng'ilsl'.'.'d
6ena* i frum Mii ?.?'?'*:-Ij.. a nu-mL..r cf -bo Peac.
. f .... ...
\:,,t o, va f>.k pf Knaibti apeeca.
Whea aurl, la lha arood >?'rt borna.
Whal fav,.r n?<-.i ) ?"> ?"?? <t ***?????
rrea a fn-a ?i rlpe for *c,rn7
Bund f.ni.. '??? roure by riehl "f rb'rth
Aad laaa re aetlieta af th.. ,>artii.
ju.ige Howland eloeed by propoelng the health
of the Presldent, whlch was .lrunk by aii atand
Ing The ladlea ln tbe boxes also rose to pay
honor to tha Executlve head of the Unlted
states and Jotaed m singing "The Btar Bpangled
Banner." with whlch the toaat was eeeoclated.
Altbough many letters of regret had b.-en re?
celved for varlous reasons by the commlttee ln
eharge Of the dlnner, cx-JudRe Howland would
permlt blmaelf tlme only to read one. This coro
munlcatlon, whlch was from Blr Thomaa Llpton,
was of pecullar Interest In vle.v of the fact that
he wlll endeavor neat year to wrest the Inter
natlonal yaehtlng trophy from the poaaeaalon
ot this counfy. Sir Thoma*. Llpton cabled to
ex-Jndge Howland:
"Pleasa eonvey to your society my hlch ap?
preciatlon of klnd lnvltatlon to banquet; also
my warmest thanks. Mueh regret imposslble to
Bttend. Upon the friendship of our race depend
the pemianent peace and prosperity of the
whole world. May the frlemlshlp grow and ln*
cr-ase; may no shadow ever fall upon lt; may
the Ptars and Strlpes and the l'nlon Jack ev.-r
float together."
The same frlendllness to EnRland whlch has
be*>n manlfest.-d so freijiiently of late at repre
sentatlve gatherinjrs was reflected by the New
FnglanderK. The suggestlon by JudRT Howland
that the health of yueen Vlctorla should be
drunk was recelved wlth the frr'-atest eordlallty,
and wlth the atldltional honor of the slnglng of
the English natlonal anthem.
In Introdiiclng the iirst regular speaker of the
evenlng?*3overnor Ellaha Dyer of ithode island
?Judge Howland, wlth charaiterlstlc fellclty,
sald that thourfi the State which Covernor Dyer
represents was si.iall, yet In the I'nlted States
Benate ll had equal repreaentatton wlth the
great state of New-Tork "it 1? a small state."
remarked JikIk- Howland amld lauirhter. "and
lt searcoly needs a telephone or a t"leKraph ser
vloe, beeauae you can hoiler across .-my measaga
you want. (Laughter.) it has not th<- advan*
tBRe that the young lady Sttggested to the youni*
rr.an. ber edmlrer, when she sald, "Oh, I love
good beef!' and tbe young man replled. *Oh, I
wlsh I were beef!' she sald, 'Never mlnd, you
wlll crow.' "
"Forefathers* Day" was tb" theme aaalgned
to Governor Dyer, aad in speahlng t,> it h- sald:
Mr Presldent .md Oentlemen of ihe New-Eng?
land Boclety: I am deeply Krat,-ful r.,r your klnd
lnvltation to !,?? wlth you thls evenlng. and for lha
honor ,,f replrlng to the aentlment just offered
a aentlment whlch at your ttme-honored xatherlnps
has been reaponded to by Bp many eloquent m>-u.
Would that 1 to-ni-ht mltrht ont'h a llttle of tho
Insplratlon whtch on former ,,.-, ,,4!o;,s has llluml
nated their worda.
.;.> back wlth m" to the fnr-fathers dav, wh-n
that llttle band of Pllgrlma titst stoo.l on I'lymouth
Rock, hcartna In the alghlng of tbe fir tr-es the
pulsntlons of an empire yet iinborn. whll,- th"
bleak headlanda and the gloomy forests hld tha
outlines of th" mlghty Natlon whieh waa to come,
No su> n laiulinK was ever nuule before. ".N'?t sti. h
tln- eveni " siys Wlnthrop, "whlch has rendered
thls ahorteat day of all th" year s,, memorable for*
ever in tbe annals of human freedom. It was tho
landinK of a few weary and wave-WOrn men from
a slv.Klo shlp nay, from a slnKie Bhallop. oti a
lieak and deaolata shore, amld the atorma nnd
tempeats of a Wfllnltrh Arctle winier, wlth none.
to welcome, none ev.ti to witnesn it. I mlght, In?
deed. be almost pnr.loni-d for sayln* thnt the sun
Itseif stood sttl) In the heavens to hehold It."
Weii wai it aald of this little ahip's company
that "God ha.i slfted a whole nallon that he nilpht
Bend eboice ?raln over Into thla wlldernesa."
Is lt of the day or of the men lhat I am to speok"'
It is of both?of that New Bngland wlnter day
whieh broujrht theae riltfrims faea to fnco wlth a
destlny fearful to contemplnte. of the I'llirrims
themselves who stood ready to fnce thnt destlny.
Klants ln thelr falth and clotbed wlth the spirlt
of the llvin* CJod.
In the land of Egypt J-lt two colOBSal BtatueB
faelng the Hlver Nlle. They hava bei n slttlng thrr"
Whll, cntnrlas ke*p
Th* record ,.f asei k?BS fBllea aeleep,
ar.d whlle the fertlle plalna below them are wrapped
ln the twlll-ht ,,f oirly mornitiK. the sun comlng
up ln the F.as' klT",es th" browa of tho?e sllent
sentltiels hef,.re it wakei the sb-epintr worh'.
BtandlnK on I'ly.nouth Rock, wltb bared hea ls
and upturned eyea it was the lig-h*. of <".?,.I'a
countenance thal fell upon there Pllgrim stronsers.
unconecio-a of the fact that out of the wiidornes-;
hefure them they wi-re to ciirve a natlon whoaa
??;.i:l!<H r and m."?k"r ls God.*1
Of the wlnter aesson following the day we cele
brata and of 'he many wint"r aeaaona thereafter,
hi?tory anl atory have !? ft us nothing to learn,
Through all tt,. v,;,r^ ,,f sufferlng anl aorrow th.-,.
came and paaaed away this i:-.i!<. hand of Pll-frlm*,
was bulldlnc better than it knew, ratsln_ the
masslve structnre of a grand republlr thelr
snbiime falth. undaunted rourage snd Indomlta
hle wlll deacendlns from fa'!i>r t., aon and fro.-n
geni ratlon :?, generatlon.
,;if< eoanl t t n ihlng wlll i) ne i? gm\',
a;i 'hinp.s ri-? wai Before II aoon ,,r la',..
One hundred flt.,1 forty-nlne years had beea frath
ered ln. and on Forefath,.rs' Tiay. 1TC0. oe,Mirr,.,l the
Bral celebratlon of the annlveraary of ihe landlng
of th" l'llprlm Pather*. On that day the old ,-,.;
ony Club, compoaed of s'ime of ihe leadlng dtlsen^
of Maaaachuaetta, naet for th" purpoee of dlaciiaa
ttiK the ireatment to whirh the colonlata wera belpg
BUbJected by tho inothir eountry. and openly to
advocale meanires tu restst the lncreHsltiK tvr.u
nlea of the Crown. Thls celebratlon ,.f Porefath. re'
I,:, v waa noteworthy ln m?p? waya than one What
waa said on that occaslon has paaaed Into hlatorr,
but that those sturdy 1'urltans could have iald
anythlng aiter eat Int tlie viande thal history 4,,yS
wera | laCed before them at tha banquet i, indlspu
table evldence not only .,f their Inrlnclble courage,
bul i f th,-ir bu|m rb dlgestlon.
With more or Ieaa Interruptlon, thls annlveraary
was commemorateo ln the early daya of the i;.
puhilc. bul if wi note the sver-lncreaatne ezodua
from New-England, each Porefathera' Day. al
though not especlally honored, aaw tio- New-Eng
lsnder further iiw.-.y from home. Onward tbey
went wlth thelr Hlbles, th.lr meetlng-houses, thelr
sohoolbrxise* ttlll etr'ng ln th* lr slmplo falth and
thelr unbroken wlll.
"lt was the rellsion of tbe New-Englandar
to hava ble owr wr,\. They had th" Anglo-Saxon
love of land. nn.l. abova all. the Anjflo-Saxon love
of Indlvldual Independence ' and s,, we flnd Ihe
rhildren ar,,; i). grandcblMren wlth the same
OOntempt of hardahlp and safTerlna-. th" snme r,s
b-ss spirlt cuttlng looae from th" anclant InndmarK1;
atid penetratlng v.-.'- myaterlae of an unaaown t-o:-.
To thls pr.-nt S-at-> of New-York, to Qhlo, to the
lands of th" praliles, over an.l beyond the great
rlvers I arn uelns centurlea as mllestonea to mark
thelr advance- onward '.hey trav"lled untll to-dav
by the waves of the we*t"rn aea the daacendants ,,f
tba Pllirrlin Psthera ualte wlth tb<>ir t,ro.her? here
ln the Eaat ln Ui* qbecrvance of one of the fcrani
rst annlversat'.es of Anmrl^an history.
If. Mr Prealdent, v." honor t.to.v New-Eng
landera who wenl it..ss th,- .-ontinent suwinK right
and bft the prlnclplea upon which thla Natlon ls
tiutlt. I confeai that I must consratulftte ihe New
Englandera who eeaaed th-ir wanderln?s and took
up thelr abode tr. thia goodly dty, Oreater New
York ls a f.K-t. pr,r,',,r territotlally, I agmlt h it
her rreatnees, measured by her phllnntkropy, en
; terprlw, wealth and hoapltallty of h>-r people haa
alwaya been beyond th, Itmita of axpreaalon anl
win out.strip her wtdenlng boundaiiea, if they rea. a
frr>m pole io pole.
We "an almost henr tho chlmes of old Trln'.ty
rtnglng out tha old nnd rtnuing in tht- new year,
?lnce, tba laat rang o,it thete chaagea some ?.f ,, ;r
moat raoerated Natlonal doctrlnea and eaeluslve
Ideaa have been shattered hy "iha men beblnd the
guna" uti,i th- men wh i llmbed Sun Juan Illil
Wlll you pardon me. Mr Preeldenl and gentle?
men, if I aay ihat. wiih Klory enouah f.-r au, with
. honor t,. every nr,r, who anawered t,j the rolleall
in tba war with Bpaln, hlgh up ..n tbe plnnacla
of Amerlean sreatnee* standa a New-Rnglandei
.. man for whom no bonora are t?? Kr*-at, no plan
t.,-> arand. uml th.st man ls (ieorge Dewey, ut
I have hrouirht fr.un itii MN laland thla slmple
M.i.ut" to New-England and, through your ,-,,ur
teay, Mr Prealdent and tbat of tha society. I am
permltted to place lt befor you to-nlabt, recognig.
IntA however, thal In Ihe latesi marvelloiu n thleve
mrnta of our cQMBtry rlctolj for one !ms h?en
; ?.:. ',,r-. fyi *\]
i Our raaponalbtlttlea aa a Natlon, ut tbla tlme, call
for the tnoit exnlted alateemanBhlp ^T}?1^'," twu
Epuk. *rsrs. p?Er r;~?:i
the evenlng greeta the mornlne. nnd our n>i
atlll there.
thk oovbbhob.il*m hkmaiiks.
Colonel Theodore Rooaevelt. Oovernor-elect of
New-York State. ***** next. Hefore ca llng
upon him. Judge Howland spoke of l oirniei
Hoosevelt 'fl nierltorlous servbes In th- I*-gia
Int.tre. ns a Clvll Servb-e (Mmmlssloner. as a
Police Commlaaloner. as Aaalstant Beeretary of
the Navy, and. flnally. of his achlevements a
the head Of th- Rough Rldera. When I'nlonel
Rooaevelt rose to respon-1. h- was met wlth an
enthnalaatle outbural that kUted for n.arly ?
mlnute. The men on the faOOT ,-h"--.^. WWM
the woman abova tbem fravod thelr handker?
chiefs. Colonel Hoo.evelts a.Llreaa upon the
aubject of "The Stat- Of N.w-York." was
Itatened to with the deepeat attentlon, whi.h, ln
view .,f the Bomewhat Berloua trend of his re
marka waa mueh more flatterlng than totar
raptlnf applause. He spoke hs followai
Mr. Prealdent and Oentlemen. i .rP.m,;m'Tnr ***
belng Bitroduced. becauae of my Dutch 1?"jl5bJ
tvolcal New-Torker, and thm heoHng lt e*pi..in'rt
_7? aubaeouent spialer that I *aa not a > ?-...??.
?beBtr!?eo. v'v It o?-beoXTfaet of aoU lf tha
^w.Y-ft^SS'l.iieh ... Ita Doteh founders- lt
ciea mueh to .he men of other ftceajrho hava
barter for tbe beauty-ioymm. ? u\ ,,?.,,?,
;j,:-^me'ntr,?n^ TO^b."lKbUe-1 of r
Tho Purltan came from a stock who carrled ln
onehaedthe Blble and to tb. other thesword. I
think tbat w of tho preeent genermtlon have
awakened to a llveller BeUSB of What WO OWf those
men whose career typWea the ?*?*?** ***-o?ern
Ufe; Of What ara owe to tho repres-n.ntlves ,-f the
Regular Army and the Regular Navy. Wa owe
mueh to others In the past: we owe mueh to our
"ateemen. to ..ur Commonwealth huOders; we owe
most ,o the men who riaked thelr llves thnt the
honor of tbe flag rday ba BPbeld, nn.l WO get
win do wei to recolb-et tbat no one ael of r,rtuei
SSSS com,".V.ir"?!;.reiy of merchantS. merely of
^"effl-of'ff-Sago l recelved a letter from .
fr'i-n.i ui Engllshman in the dlplotnat c. s-rvi.
abroad written from Turkee an.l durelltog upon
',! ,-\ Vio, s and melancholy facl that in tbe Btate
Of Turk-v v?u could flnd all the vlrt-.i-s ""'""?'?>
t_ makaupa great Btate. but each vlrtue too ated
l? one race ao that no one raca araa rapable ot
rlsinit to BTeatneaa. That you see In thi connuer
Ra . .st-. rn tbe ruler caata. -he quallttoa ot man
Iin%? of eourage. of milltary rapaclty of acorn.
of subliigatlon; thnt you se.- in the euO'ert eaate
,,?. ,,;, ,:..?..- of intelllai t-<-i. ,,f mercantlle and bual?
neaa capaclty of eleverneaa but lhal the caate
thal niles had nol the vlrtua. of peace. and th"
raate thal so ruled lacked tha trlrtuea ,?f war. If
,v,.r thla rountry losea elther ael of rlrtuea, this
eonntrv wlll aaattredly tto doarn And another
thlng. .-? thlng that we do well to remember n
thi.ntests ,-f peace thal rome lo you year by
rear where the conteata of war come to y,,u but
once in ?. generatlon thal the Purltan owea hla
Buecess lo thi facl that he was both moral and
practlcal. lt OUghl nol f,i be necessary to say that
you ti, ????I thoae qualltlea in eomblnatlon lt
?ometlmei )?? omea :.???-- ary lo aoj IH however.
ir we ever aucceed ln this eountry in srrangtng
a dlvorce between tbe two eleraenta of 'he body
polltlc, bo lhat on one atds wa aball Bee the nlce,
cultlvated, well*meanlng llttle men with good
morali and recedlng china tbe llttle men who
mean well and cannol fi?rhu and on the other alde
the thoroughly eflldent men who <io not mean weii
at all; if w, ever aucceed In developtng Into
those two dlatinci castea Iba day of the end*
Ing of fr. <? governmeni on thls eountry ls not far
dlatant, and i wanl you t>, remember thal to the
loat reaori one elemenl ls prett) nearly ns danger
,,iis as th- otie-r to the eommunlty. Tha good man
wh.. doea nol amount to anythlng, Ihe go.xi nmn
v.ho cannot make hli- vlrtue beeome practlcal, and
lf necessary aggresslve, counta for rety llttle in the
communlty. ln the preaent age we do not need tha
rlototered vlrtue >.f the anchorlte: we need tbe vlr?
tue that can atand th" war an.l tear of rough eon
tacl wlth the world. We need the vlrtue thnt can
go out snd <b> ihlngs. not do thlrrgs qult" a? well
ai It thlnks It could In advance, hut do them uotne
But, gentlemen, when i pralse Bflteteney 1 Bo nol
want to be underqpood, even by ImpUcatlon, as
siighting moraltty. The man who is alllcienl snd
vlctoua is simpiy an unusually dangeroUa speclee of
wlld hc.at. and the meanest of all forrns of ad
mlratlon Is the admlrntlon for bruto _tr-HKth or
for mere cunnlnK. whlt-h are devoted To evil imr
frbaea Nothing, I ttiink, should make an American
more Bshsmed than what I trust Is only the oc
castonal American hablt of deifylng mere ?;mart
ness?the mere capaclty to %?'?. ,,n wholly wlthout
regard te the meana by whb-h the man ifets on or
io the reault to whlch hc trenda.
Your aneestora and m> sneestora too, f,,r, ni
Ihough your aneeatora wer. English and mlnn
malnly Luteh uiul lrlsn. sun fundamentally we
fought for the same thlnjr- your anceaton, the
purltana, won th.-ir place In th,- world, became one
Of the Kreat formuliitlv e faCtOTl of n.tions becauae
they warrad for wl ,; waa rlghteoua ,.n.l becauae
they warred wlth t.-iinc stroke*. They had among
the.n men wbo were vlcloua and man who wera
foollah, bul they luceeeded becauae those who wera
wi?.. and efii, lenl were n,.,t.- numoroui and gave
the determlnlng mark to thelr cbaracter.
The Pui tani ha I traltora amonn them; the purl
tana foughl to put down tyranny, t. eetabllah tha
flrat commonwealth In Bngland; they made thel"
inark becauae they warred for freedom, becauae
th^i warred agalnal what was ,.\ii. bul they had
ln thelr mldat tba Plfth Monarchy men, and if
one ti,e Flfth Monarchy m> u had ralned the
power lo dlrect tbe Puritana. the daj ol lha Piifl
tana* uaefulneaa would ba*e heen over
You remember tha Flfth Monarcby men Bome of
you ,io. Thej w.-re thoroughly boaesl people, nnd
tbey wlahed petffecthm. Th.y declltled lo work f,.r
wh.it they could K"t becauae it w- not perfect.
They wlahed the monarchy i am apcaklng aerloua?
ly, gentlemen; 1 .<m speaklng by ualng th-ir own
phraaeology. The reaaon they were ealled the Flfth
Monarchy men was becaus ? they demandedtbe mon?
archy of Ki.,K Jeaua; thal tbey decltoed te aubmlt
to earthl) powera; tbat thev decHned tode tha beet
po.sible becauae lt waa not the beat.
There '- alwaya a t^mpintlon to a mnn of 1 url
tnn c'haracter becauae of the rery fact that ha haa
;,;?? good Qualltlea to let these good qualltleii lead
him aatray He naturally has Iheidefecl of hla
vlrtuea becauae be atrivei for rlghl eouaneea he
is now an.l then apt to tuke a atand ao extreme
tha he defeats tl.i'i'' for whlch ba worka.
Then ii- prldea hlms-lf upon ih. facl that he is ln
advance of his fellowa Sometim-s hejaan-l al
other t:mes he la merelr off lo one side. The .x
tremlst l" no-. neceeearily more rlrtuous than his
r, I ,,ws n^ ls merely n.>eaarlly more erratlo th.-m
his fellows lle cannot be alwaya rlghl becauae thera
are always varletlea of him. each one ol whlch
tnslsta thal the other nlneteen nr,- wrong.
?\nil remember, it la not the oxtremlat, lt is not
tha man who refUBes b> llght for what ls tittalna
bi. who really wins the battle. Bometlmes he doas
_o.'?l and he hi ol courae always better than the
Baaer man who refuaea to llght for rlrtue at all:
bui he Bianda below the mnn who flghts for what
can be got who alwaya atrlvea to g" forward. hut
who strlvea to bo forward bo far as hc can iret hla
fellows tapplauae)- wall a mlnute. I thank you f,,r
your applauae, but 1 want to make my polnt Tho
inn who h..s made tba sucees* of our Republlc
ln contraat lo lha fallure of so many ..ther repub
Hei 1? th" man wl,.. ls alde to eumhlne belng pra.-tl
cal and belng vlrtu- us la the man of the stamp
who irli-,1 to BPproximate to the atandard ,,f (Vaah
Inaton and ,.f l.'.n-oln IP-memhi r thal n-lth.-r ..r,"
of thoae men could have seeompllahed anrthlne for
the Natlon lf Ihey had nol poaaeased hlgh laeala
and had not Birtven manfully ti> realute them.
\nd remember alao, that thev could have done
nothing lf. wlth the capaclty for atrlvlng after a
hlgh 1'len'i to that tbey had not tinltei the capaclty
lo .!., it wltb practlcal methoda
I trust It Is not neceaaary for me to aay lhal
when l mean practlcal methoda i <io not mean
foui methoda i never hava regarded practlcal poll
tlca for toatance, as belng tbe polltiea ,.f foulneaa.
i think tbey ai" anpractleal In th.- long r,m. And,
gentlemen, tbere nre other audlenees It, addreeatng
whlch J ahe i <i feel dlspoaed rather t,, dwell upon
the need of being go.?l than UpOB the nei ,1 uf 1?
Ing praetleal b it ll l?. b^.-.m--- I hold you ln such
hlgh BBieam, becaasa I think lhal you nnd your
klnd, becauae i ihlnh tiiu* Ihe ,1.?. .-n.ianta of tim
.i p,.,
wenl in nnd dld hln duty dld 1: roughl
gullty of faulta and of ahortcomlnai soma'timei
m< l? fallurea, bul he ^truggi.-d manfully toward
the llght aa lt v. i - before hTm and aa he aaa ,
slrusgled Sevsred *a.U, .wt-at und blv-od, (^f;ij
A reduction of
$2 * $7 each
from former prices prlor to Stock Takln_r.
a speclalty.
Astor Place. F?">*th Avenue.
hich wlll axlat ao long
t cultlvatea tba rirtuea
r ahone -. republl
aa ,'n.l no longer tlian. n cuiim-tt_* ui* ;??????'
not only of moralltjr. bul of manilnr ss and of prac
llcal capadty K>r affalrs.
OENERAL mkiuutt CALLED on.
Although Oonoral M-rrltt was not lnoltided In
tho llst of spoakors. lt was Inovltahle that some
spe-lal trlhuto should be pald to hlm. As aoon
as ('.ilnnoi Rooaevelt had reeumed hla s.at _x
.Ttidgo Howland guggeeted that there waa a dls
tlngulahed gu-st among them whose presence
should be recognlaed. R. then referred to Oen?
eral ICerrltt, and In dolng BO drew attentlon to
the tmlnent acivh'cg whlch tho (Jeneral had ren
derer] ln the Phlllpplnoa, nnd rlosed by propoelng
his health. Wlth loud and prolonged oheera
Oeneral Morrltt waa bonored, nnd ln a.knowl
edgment ho saio.
Qentlemen, i healtate to addreaa an nudlenoe of
this kind. becauae of the audlenc. and becauae
of tho Bpeechea tiiat you havo heard. 1 know that
anythlng i can say will alnk Into Inalgnlflcance, but
i am more convlneod than <vi-r of the force of the
remark a ataff offlcer uaed to make to me. aft?-r
hearing the remarka "f the Oovernor-elect, that
good men nr.- becomlng acarce and that we will
have to take good care of ourealvee.
Mr Prealdeni and Oentlemen: I havo been a long
way. fr m rtomi and hav< not heard much nf what
\< i _i>>tiit_ ..n ln the Unlted Btatea, bul I havo heard
a greal deal from the colontata tn the Far F.a.t,
and arhlla nol a Wlae Man from the Baat I am
wllllng to bring you teatlmony as to th>i Bngllah
feellng in thr colonlea and ttn-ir gratltude that we
are .-. ?.-t-..lirig our dnmlntons to lncltide the tropl.i.
We have a xr-m work before us. What we have
di.ru- and whal the Admlnistrnllon has done hava
been ln th- Intereata of the eountry. That wa could
do leaa goea wlthout aaylng There ls a grom deal
that approachM ns fri-m every alde In the troplea.
W ? can eatend our eommeree there, and we can
extend the trade of Amerlca whlch ls now- three
fourthi of lt llmii.il to th<- troplea, to an pnormo'M
egtenl Wa have tho Rngllih lentlmenl wlth us
wh.-n we aro in the colonlea of Kngland. As 1 dls
covered ln r turnlng from the troplea, they wera
grateful tlm we were golng to eatend our colonnlal
-.y.t-m. urid ihey anaun l us thal wa could aot let
go of an* thli g tbal wa had.
A greal many people have tnelated thnt the r*on
atltutton forbade IL To thoae l have sald, "We
have eutgrown tbe Conatltutlon. lt ls not worth
whlle to dlecuaa lt." Wa ar... b-re, and we are
here to atay.
It Is not worth whlle for mo to oxtend my ro
marka for tba purpoae of convlnclng you that
averythlng la In our favor la th. Far East. (mr
lr.de wlth China. our trade wlth tho PWIlpplnea,
our trade with Japan, and all thos.) things. polnt
to B r--ult thnt W. h.Ta tO oontomplate, that w
have to BCCI i>t Wa COUld not dO loss. Admlral
Dewey could nol h.ve wlth.ira wn his flo-t from
M.inila li.iv aft.-r he had captured It on May l.
Tho Armv "that was s.nt ilu-re COUld not wlthdraw
and hav.'- the npanlarda ln command. What may
be th* reault l do not eare to propheay, but l am
satlsfled thal Amerlcana wlll n id _ aalutloa for
the matter, howerer dtJOcult it may be.
An e_.-?-dlngly rioQttent addross was h<*ar_
from James M. Back, Unlted Stat?s Distrlct-At
torney, of Phlladelpbia, who apoke on the aentl
ment "Th- Democracjr ..f the Mayflower." Hla
well-turned perloda produeed frequent appiause.
He apoke ln part __* follow.:
tJp.it und h*rolc aa aro the flgnros of our eplc
a_re de mr. ra. -y la too projreaalve to permlt the
nalt to fetier tho present. The Keptlhlh* cannot
?tand still lt must move onward. From clvlllaa
tlon li derivi-i Ineatlmable rlKhts. t.> h-r It owei
Immeasurable dutiai, to shirk which would he
cowardlce and mora! death. .No natlon oan llve to
tr-olf even lf lt would. Tho economlc develop
ments of the nineteenth century hav- produeed a
lolldarlty of humanltv whlch no raclal prajudlce
,,r internatlonal hatred can deetroy, Each natlon
is its brother*! keeper, and tha greater tho power
th- xr-.it-r the responalbioty. lf thls be so, no
natlon owei a greater duty to ctvlllaatlon to be
Dotentlal In th.unclla of tha world than the
Unlted Statea For lt to skulk and shlrk behlnd
,(,,'.ii.st. pollcj >.f laolatlcm and to abdlcate a
deatined world aupremaey would be tho coloaaal
ertme of hlatory. The atern but Just law whl. ti
- '. roverned the natlona ln all hlatory ls that ne
,, me -hall have who ueee. I if every rotten tr-e
the eternal Inouiry of the ilreat WouJninn ls heard.
?? .<. hy eumbereth it the gr lundT"
i irould not b- underetood, howevar, ,-s aaylng
ihal tl- tradltlonal pollcy of our eountry ls op
? ?,.. ,i ;,, .olonliatlon. < mi tlie controry, we have
{,.,.,. w|th the ilngle exeeptlon of England, the
areateat colonlalng Power of the world We ire
snning fn.ni n race ol coloniata, the greateai of the
world ' an.il !h"lr blood flow* In our velna Tho
moglc of a name ims aometlmea obacured thls alg
nirt<-ant phna< ..f our hlatory. We have called our
colonlea terrltortea. hul colonlea they remaln, ln
the trueal lenee of tl"- word, until elevated t-. the
ill_nlt\ of aoviTrign Btatea, Al all tlmea th--lr le
gltlmat ? ? lalma upon our eonalderatlon hava vltally
iffocted our polli y.
i ,., ??. noi I-. fearful -i-1 to our manlfeai deatlny.
Our Republlc llki young Blegfried In Ihe old Teu
tonlc lor- .1 tu>* fnahloned -it the fiamlng force of
war the magk aword of the world'a aupremaey,
?i ,. irent; of Parla ended one emplre ami rum
menced another. whlch ln areaa, numbera. power
., j infiuenee wlll exceed thal of Ales.nder <?r
i;._.ir Charlemagne or Kap-_**on. To-day the Re?
publlc ls the true centre of 'hB world. wlth the
,', idenl on our rl_ht and rhe Orient on our left.
i ... . have falth that the Ruler of Kattona, who
haa led us thua fa-( wlll nivi- us no problem t>*o
areat for our solutlon. and no work too great for
our achlevement. To fatntly graap th- future of
thla eountry ls to bewllder and axhauat th*- Imagl
nntion Tha paal i^ bul thi "happy prohigu. to
t(,- swelllng i " <>f nn Imperlal th-me." To-da jr as
never before we f.ea th. world aa a unlted eountry
if w-.uii.1m Ihere hiiv- been they are healedj lf
riiis,- for ijuorrel, It has gone. Kast and tVost
from tho Father of W.tera, North and Soi-.th of
Mison and Dtxon'a llne, wa are on- to-dav. my
_V||ow-countr>*men one, ln the proud poaneanon of
-i giortoua i ?'*' oi a, ln n reaoluta purpoae lo m-?t
the dutlea of Ihe hour. nnd one. ln an abldlni falth
tn tho future of our beloved eountry. For ono land,
.,,... people ore tiag and <>no deetlny, let us raver
entlv lhank the Ood of our f.rth-rs. Mav the glnrv
,,f Ihe Itopuhllo h- as lastlng aa th* dav whlch
dMni * up.in her flser nnd her benefloorit lnfluen<*?
iiuon futtire roneratlona as ceaaeleaa as tba mn
j. stl- flow of the MlaMaalpp. to tho *-a
Oenaral Shaft-r was rordtatl*. recelved. and
iti the eourta of his apeech said:
So ona ran recall tha devotton to duty and the
glorlous deeda of our Arm>- from the date of It*
org.nia.tlon until tho preaenl tlme wlthout a senso
..f pride In race and eountry. fn all tho wars in
'? whleh the Unlted Stat.* ha* baen enaaged, the
: Army of th- Unlted Btatea has malntalned Itsolf,
I nnd although occaalonally meetlng with reveraea
vletorv has ultlmately p"rohod upon lt* hann.r*
Then hai alw.ya been i fe.r tbal a large army
i would be dangeroua to our Inatltutlona No greater
I mist.iko ihan thi- could posBlbly he mado. for a
i more iTrmaervatlva nnd loyal body of m-n than
' thoae compoalng tho Army ..f tha t'nited Stat-*
1ms never eglated ln thls land of oura
After lb. applaua. Whlch gmeteil Oen?ral
Bhaft-fa apeech had aubalded, the preaM.nl
gpok. of Hu* Bouth, nnd, ufter a vlvld daactrtp
th.II of th. v.-U-ktinV. n eplaod. Of the H.nt.-h
plpor, who, wltb both lega simt ofr, atlli pii>e(.l
tho oordon Hlgblandera to vtctory ln India t>>
the tun** of "Tho Cock of th- North," he Intro
I duced Major-Qeneral Joaeph Wbeeltn* as ".loe
Wheeler, tho Plgbtlng C< k f the Bouth." Oen*
cral Wheeler was Cbeered agaln and agaln. Il
4-. iih ln mllltar) unlform. He Brat spoko ln
pralaa of ibe dlffer.nl beroea of tho war, and
referred to Admlral Dewey( wlth partlcular an
Ibualaa n Then ba ptea4ed eorneatl_r th- oause
of Natlonal egpaaaion. on the ground of neres
'it\- and Matlonal duty. Ha was agaln chaarad
ulth w Ild -nthuslasm arhen h- sat down.
Major Oeoeral Kandol_.li. _ii.n-.i-al llawklns,
AuguatuB Thomaa *n_ Comtti-^or. Hlgflnaon
wefe the other apeakera.
Among the membera and gu.ata aeated at the
flfteen long tibles wer.: _____________
RI<HD P I..INXBIRY. WM. T. ^K.1, r*i*-r
if.it BTtS D. RIlt-PARD. w?*'JB.,B-A^liV5iIjn
Th* Rev. Pr. 8. H. vm-^^RUi^
Th. ?*v. Dr. C ,'. "'-^..Id^HjAmk
wi-jSam b. dodoe. .miAi. HlTCHCOCK.
OOLLU ?* lll NTINOTON. R')?KRJ_^ t'lSaMAti.
JAMEH TALCOTT. .,,^'^NT^Vl/i_t
JOHN ft WALUB. EDWARD ?. ?**?- ?
1IKAYTIIN IVKrf. Tha RBV. I'r. O. >. i^
JAMFS W. ALI-XANDf-R. TBI-09T. ?._-.. PT
FRANK I.. IIAI.l.. MA"' E.I*,V'._.1 _ ^7_1 '
THOMAI iTLhOW. 0. W.B\ (-K _'V'A.M
Ur. JAME.I 11. PAItKBR. E1HIAR l/M K?t?l?- -
Dr. JOHN P. MI'NS. _l^V__i_L..5^__.B ___W*n_
nr. Rurira p. uncout. osoroh h. iiour.
I,'. Ji ..' IWUOIN, SSoMM h U. "AUVEY.
F I, STET.t'N ARTIU'K **? . **"??,"
TEMI't.l-: H..WI...IS'. J B HOTT.
WAI.NI.J. .Mtl.I.EH. Hr. CAIA'IN 3 MA*i
Th_ R-V. Dr. ft DE I_ Dr. ''HAH. I. PARDEE.
T".VN-tFND. Th, R-v. C A MAItK.
A. J ((.NNK'K. Dr tn__-V\ Or INTARD
Ornp.iii: COPPEI.t* r*HA. T DIMJWOHAM.
Tho R-v Dr. OEOROE P.
The oommlttee havlng charge of the nrrange
mentii for the dlnnf r wns made up nf Wllliam E.
Dodgo, rhalrmtin; Bdmund C. Stedman. John K.
nilov. Oeorgr- H. Rotiln.on, Thomftfl H. Hub
liard nnd tho presldent. The commlttee had the
valuabl. n?<*tl. tanre of Oeorge Wllnon, aerretary
Of the Chaml>er of Oommeroe.
rharleieton, 8 ('.. D_e, 22 -The seventy-nlnth nn
nual ti.inqtiet of the New-I.nglnnd Soeloty of thls
ettyawaa eaten at the ciiari.-ston Hotel to-nlght.
The leadlng apeahera of the avenlag wore Sonator
f.'.oorire V. Hour. of Mn*<?:irhiisott?, who renponded
te '?For.fnili.-ri- r>;iy"; Sonator John L. McLaurta,
of Hour . Cnroilnn. who reepoaded to "Our t'onn
try.'' and Jo.-?|.h B. ('umrnlng. of Oeorgla, who
reei-ooded to "The Mayflower."
The ban^uet wa_ an elahorate and l.riillant func
tlon, and there arera .teate.i _it tho tabtea one hun
dred peraona Sonator Hoar*a addreaa wa_ largeiy
of an rilMorleal nature, and he toiwlied only llghtly
UpOO tho iH*ties of the proHent day.
I need not ax.ure thl_ hrilllatit company how
deeply l am imtfreaaed by tho Blgnlflcauc of thls
occaa.on. 1 nm n >t raln enough to Bad In lt anr
thlng of peraohal eompllment. I llke bott.-r to l.o
llov.- that Lha tle. Of mmmon hl.tory, of common
falth, of common eltbaanahlp and itinoparahie dea
tiny are drawlng our tWO sDt. r BtatM to.reth.-r
agaln. lf cordlal friendahlp, ir warm altectlon ito
u*o no Btronger term), c?n ever oxi?t between two
conimunlti..*, thny should oxlut between Staaaa
Chuietta and Bouth Carollna. They were both nf
the "'>id Thlrteen." They arere allke in tlie clrcum
Btaneea of th<-lr ..rl_:ln. Both were Mttled t>y thoso
noble fugttlvea who brought tha tor.*h of Iiberty
acroaa tba aea, when Iiberty arak wlthout other
rafuga on tho faee of the earth.
If thore be a alngla leaeon whleh the people df thla
eountry have le.fned from thelr aronderful and
erowded hlatory, tt 1? that the North ar.d South are
Indlapenaable to each other. They ure tho bladea
nf mlghty ahear*. aorthleaa apart. hut, irhen bound
by an Indlaioluble I'nion ppwarful, trre*i*tll>io and
ti-rrliilo :i . thn iheavra of Fate: IIK* tho ehear* of
Atropos. aeverlng every thraad .ad taafled w.b of
evll otittlng out f'.r humanlty Hb beautiful garmeut
of fUberty and l.lght from the oloth her Hlitora ?pln
and weat*..
Thi. Amerii'iin peoule have learned to Know. aa
novor befora tho nu.llty of the Bouthern *to.k, and
to value Ita n.ihle inntrlbutlon to tho Ame.tcan
eharacter: iti couraae m war, its attachment to
hotno and Ptate, Its love of rural llfe, Its capadty
for great affectlon and generous emotlon. Its apt
no.n for eummand; above all. Its oonstnttcy, that
vlrtue above all vlrtuen w.thout whlch no people
eun long be either great or free. After .11, the
frult of thl_ vlne haa a flavor no*. to be found ln
other gardena. In the great and magnlfloent future
whlch I. before our eountry you are te contrlbute a
large Bhare both of atrength and beauty.
But to-nlght t.olongH to the memory ot the Pll
grlm.. The pllgrtM of Plymouth haa a ''haracter
"n hlatory dlatlnrt frotn any other. He dlfferod
from the Purttan of Salem or Boaton In eyerrthlng
but the formule In Whleh hl* rellglou* falth waa
axDremed He was gentte, peaceful, tolerant,
araelou* There waa no intolerance or hatred or
blaotrv ln hl - little eommonwc-Hlth. He huiiged no
wltohe., he whlpped no Quakera, he banl.hed no
Th*C'Pnr1tan dlffera from rhe Ptlgrlm aa the
Hebrew prophel from St. John. Ahrabam.re.dy to
?arrlflce laaac al the command of Cod. Jeremlah.
uttorlng hl_ terrlble proph-cy of the downfall of
j-iie-i- Brutua pondemnlhg hi* aona to d?nth;
Brutua, alaylng hl* frlend for the Iiberty of Kom.;
Arlet-dea. golng Into. exlle, ure his apjrltuaj pro
Konitora aa"?Btonewall" J.ekaon was ol his aptritual
klndred Vou wlll flnd hlm aherever men ar.' HC
ritlclng llfe. or the dellgtlta of llfe. on the altar of
di'lut tho PUgrtm la of a gentler nnd a "oyellar*]
nature He tOO. lf BUty or honor r.ll, ls ready for
ihe auprern. aaerlBoe. Bul hla, areapon is toya and
not hate Hla aphrlt.la th.- aplrtt of John. tho be
iveil Dlaclple. lha aplrlt Of gracj, morcy and
?_.!, a Hla memory l_ as aweet and fragr.nl as tho
n.rfume of ihe little flower whlch gave Its ii.im*
to h- ahlp whl.-h brought him over.
Bo. m" Prealdent, reapondlng to your aontlment, i
1 J____hyC-rSliSa: and __a__.chue_ttft tho Preaby. '
t,.i, a. d t? 'urltiin. the Huguenot and the Pll
L.I however aeparated by dUtanee or by dlflter
_VV?' thev will -U Uat surelv bo drawn logether by
a common love of Iiberty .nd a comawn falth In
Benator M'-l.aurln and Mr. I umrnlng took oo
cii'lon to declare the_aaetV-a ln more or less pro
nounced t.rms agalnat tha k_ee of expanslon.
Philadelphia. l>ee. 2"J.--The annual dlnner of the
Kew-Engl*n_ Boet_ty Of IVnnsyivanta waa held
to-nlght al the Motol WaltOO. The Rev. Stephen
l>ana presldent of the aoclety, pnalded. Oovcra
were iafd f'.r three hundred. Ch.rkfa Kmory Bmlth.
Poatmaater-Oeneral, and the ex-Minlster to Spaln,
Btew.rt I. Woodford, trr.ra to have responJed to
the -ohhIs' -tnir Membera of tho I'ablnet" and
"Th.New-Bngl.nder ln Dtplomacy," but they wera
unable io be preeeat on eceouot of Ulneaa with
grlp Af.'-r Presldent D.ma Ilniahed hli addreaa the
foliowlna toaata were reappnded to; "Aneeatral
ldeals Vank.e, Dutch and Cavaller." the Rev, Dr.
Henry van Dyfce, of New-York; The Navy," Pay
maater-Oenera) Stewart. "An Optlmleta Vlew of
<.ur Republtc To-day," tho Rev. Dr. Kerr Boyce
Tupper, of Philadelphia; "The NeW-Bhglander in
th. Army.'' t-x-ilovornor U. A. Woodbury, of Ver
Whlle the dlnner was In progress Rear-Admlral
Bchley accompanled by Colonel A. K. M?-?'iur_.
H'-nator Penroee, Oovernor Haatlaga, Mayor M'ur
wlck and Qover_.or-el.Ct Stone, arrlved, and thera
wus an ImpromptU and anthualastlc receptlon.
-o- _ ?
.'Incinnatl, Dec, .11 -Forefatheri' Doy wai rele
l.ratod here to-day In all the public achoola wlth
blatortoal aterchwa At the New-Engiand baaqaat
at the Orand Hotel to-nlght over one hundred per
aona arere preaent Malor-tjeneml Nelaoii a. Mllea
and Inapeirtor-Uenerai J. C. Urocklnrldge, who ar
rlved to-.lay from Waahlngton. were the guesta
of henof _hd reapondod realM'Ctlvely to 'The
Splrit of New-Kngland" and "Santlagn'a Duty."
Among the others who reapotnled to toasta were
.lo.epn U'l.liy. Judge Willlam H. Tafl and Dr.
phlneaa S. Connor, wh? 1* a memb.-r of tho War
lave.tlg.tlng Commtaaton. 0.n_ral Mllea dld not
dlacuaa the Baaag.n_.at of the iae?nt war in hli
apeech or In Int. rvlews.
-o ?
From The l.ondon Btandard
The myatertea an.l irondera of the Kontaen rayi
arera eanlhlted last t.ight at a convetaaaiona of
houndleaa Intereet, glven ln Ht. Itajrtln'a Town Hall
by ihe prealdeni of th.- ROntcen Bodety and Mrs
Ifoonaefl-lioullln Ther. waa a larg,- number of
li.Kiitifully ogecuted radlographa on the walla,
?howIng the boni itructure of aome pana of the
human body and of aalmale, but intereatlng h_
the*.- Were tne* w.-r?- a* trlfl.-s In '-ompurlaon wltn
Ihe demonetratlona upon ii\ lnj. nubjecta, whlch were
golng nn ln all p.irts of the hall.
Worn-n bui an opportunity of aurveytna tbe
Btructure <.f thelr handa and arms, ..r ..f tha hand*
and armi of other., fnr aome shrunk from tho
laat belng made iranaparent, although none shrank
from witneaalng tbe iranaparenoy of iiieir neiKh
bor The operation leemed almnla .-tioUKh a
VlaltOr had only 10 preaa hla hand. gloved or un
gloveil. on the back Of -I antali glaas ai-reen. anl
f'.rthwlth. ln ibe lhadOW whlch was eaat nn tho
a^r.-en the fl, ah was a> . n to dis.ippei.r BltOgether
or to becnu.- ., falnt an.l almoit Invlatble Bhadow,
It wa* all the wnik nf a few momonta aometlme*.
apparently, of a alngle mometit only. Or a vlalt r
would atand u_i bet_lud a a.rrcn abvut tha alae of
ii - ? ? ?? " ' ? ? B?g |-4<M<^
Broadway 6t J*Hh Street
23 Milden Une
Japanese Art.
" Nt<o> Goods just Qtened."
Holidx-j Gifts in quAtnt And
tetistic things Jjiptnese?old And
True specitnens of Orlental
Cenmles, Prints, PAtnfngs.
Books, &c., &c.. At moo-rAtt
"Open Evenlngs."
Tozo Takayanagi,
1_ East HlXteenth Ptreet,
Between Hrondway and Fifth Avenue.
Reed & Barton,
Broadway and 17th Street, N. Y.
8 Maiden Lane, N. Y.
(Billiard cloth top),
_45 West 23rd Street._
At Prradway anl Wema Btreel Bam. BStratea UM r\'*t*,
?lty nf Ir,.n Rmtten, Wa ar* m?nufar"ir*r? ,,f ttmt)
ar.d ftlan S'anliirt Wooden Flre Door* Thia flr* h?ito<
provetl th* ri-inliTv ?f >.'ir ? rk
101 tl : 103 " ? .-l :? n Bt
tiik bbbt thiko ron
La Grippe
an.l Inlliitii/ii,
Anbrrglei''! **iyrup nml Puate of
Try tliom. lll ilniKul.t.
E rOUOKRA ?_ CO., -.'?!. 28 N. Willlam st
a eefaoolboy'a Blate, arlth :he s,-r>-.-T-, presT-.-d flat
upon his back, and the mysterlou* agent from tha
muchlne ln front of hln- paaaed thn.igh him and
one could see his heert beatlng. hi* lungs Inh.lir.g
and aahallng, hla dtapbragm rtstng and f.iiing a*
h>- lir.athed. and all th<- inn>-r org.uis .f hl* i h*M.
For some of the damonatratlona darkneoa was in
dlspc-nsahle, and eccordtogly, th. ra w..-> rwo derk
rooma. ln one of whlch the above pher. im-rna
could be wltaeeeed. Hu: there waa an. tt,..r of stia
more overpowerlng Interest. lt, thla apartment Dr.
Walsh. Mr. Fenton nnd Mr Is-nthul gitve de
monstratlons upon patlents brought from SM ttt the
London hospital*.
une of thelr patlents wa-i a little i?iv, Who war,
earefully wrapped up tn shawls. a seeond wn a
woman, and a thlrd was a young man coaelderaMy
over twenty Th- boy w.? suffering fruni arnne
dlsease In the shoulde.r. snd wlthout r> movlng
the lad's shawls the ltff.-r.-i. ? 1- tw-i-n nll tw.>
shoulders was expluined hy the lemonBtrator Tn*
woman was Bttfferfng frorn a Blseaaed or Injured
arm, and tho arm was rendered qulte vl.ilbl'
through all Its baadagea. Th-n the young maa
waa put before tho Bcrcei. wlth hl.-* hack :o tha
spaetature. and lnsta.ntly all the contents of _,a
chest hoeame vlslble.
Next Dr. Waleh eahlblted hla ,,wn knee. en wn'.-n
he gave a few explannt ry werda, and -tfterwar*
his arm wlth his coat and shirt. and th* tM-ue of
his arm seemed t? p.iss Into lnvislble vapor. ,aav
Ing his sleeve llnlt and the hones ,.f hl? arm a*
the only ci.nsplcuous oblecta oo the aereen. b.
Payne, of l'rl_hton ahowed the resulta of an ea*
amination of rheumatoid arthrttU. in whieh the
bghe, Whlch otight to have he^i, l.,.-i<k wii.n in ?
hOAltny Btate. came ou; lr, the moMnmaph BB
whlte. Mr. flwtnton's radlographa v .-re taken
from a plnhole Rontgen ray ramera. and a aerlei
of radltigraphs of hrtnd* wae ahown by ..nffl h
Wllklns to lllustrato the appllcatlon of the X ra),
to the Identlflentlon of -rlmlt.als.
London corre-pondance of Tha Btrmlagham Post.
it muat have eoOM wlth a bbmm k upon the neeflB
bere of the Athene-u*. whl. h is Beneraly known
ln luhlnnd as "The riuh of l*??***^'"**,
f-om John Aahton'B Juat-publlahed III- -o or
Oambllna In Bingtond" Lhat one of the prlrate brt*
n^-h-?eS whlch in the early reara of thla om*
t rv despite the laWB. abound-d ln I.ond.r.. wn
c_l.ed he AtheSium Club The present toa?tutJos
ct rh it name rinIS 18 Stat< '>' head ln l Bll Ut ?'
&teeewM^eMtag Vfaterloo Place: and froma
ist ? London . luba compMed eaactly .v,.ny,?n
ago and now before me. ih.- Athenan****, tnea *m
loca'ted atN'o. U waterloo Place.
That list Is rurtous to he compared wlth ???
latlna .ne to-dav. Buih Mher famoua clubs Bj
L- in,?'i.:< Bmoka'a. the L'ooob Tree, and
Xl,' e-s'to tn.Jamea' -^ ! the Or.ental. lr, HanoWj
Bqu.re, and the ifnlt-nl_l'n ver-dty ln, Pal Mafl
Eaat: the .'. inlor L'nlted Benrlcaj. ln I !-. irlea s ?n?
the windhatn. in St Jamea'a Bauara. r.-t-ii-i th*
local haMUtlona and thelr pamea; whlle ^J1*!
i-r?wn Sraham's and t ,e fnlon havi gow pai
heT'arlton. named in this ll.l of 18M?*******
\ i K Pill Mall is not the great ? "".-"-r\.it.^ '"
treJf to-otty. tor that iraa not founded for ar.o rner
four reara an.l then in Carlton Terraee.
ls totereittog to note tha. there waa seeaJlhiJ
a rolonml Club ln Bt. Jamea'?--'??. l'f,: '"r," .n
rally looha In valn f:>r IMOTJWS,
ahire to taki one t-inse of cluhli.nd. OT IBO *J
tton' or he Bavaae. to tahewother, wWtoBwg
nu_e caravanserles ra the Natlonal I,'.l"-rai. "?
WhUehaYi Pla"- ol 'h. , Mnatl. Utl. .t.al. to SorthMBj
berhand-ave. each with same Ree he?iaand erin
thouaand membera arera undreamad ^ * im ^J'?
ot Oorge I\'.
From Leslles W.i-kly
*,i?i,.'e and r.-l>flling. the Al.ckan eoa*t rSBgf
rls. _ 'Jrlm barrler between the Prosgeeters ?i
thTgokfcn weaith that toouppoeedu rte to ihe
ramoua tTopper Rlw eountrj Tha arroa- ana i
coven-d summlta towtr t?wal*d n st<T ??';? '?
alwara gloomy When .1 K:>1" ?" '"' >w r,
??e_e mountaln .top. fleeci fetea are MHnr.ooWf
ot tht unows of cer.turi.'s >n these helgh ? tn,?
ls no peace. The etomenta alwaya area* war rna
barrler would not ba aurmountabla wer-? lt ! '.
he VBldes Paas. Bven th.n. wlth Ita mlghty t?
cler nnd treacheroua *^va8a#a. ls fearruUl ttmtox
ous But lt ls the only wav through^ ..,?,,!.??
The Val.les Paaa Itoa t,> t.te ert>ai of the Klonoiae
and SkaguavarallH. At Its hlghest l-.-lnt It lfJJ"
ttti above tldewater. To reach Its barr-n aummH
a rontlnuo.is upward rllmo ol .?entytotu ???
must he made. The de-.-ent W ahout tweUe n.lh?
lni..ve?yhmsn who star.s to BtOH tBW ftfaalarj
warnad by the gul.les to make hta pack aa -m?''
nnd oa llrht s. posslhie. ioarcely .??t *oai??g
starts who ls not loo haaellj loadad. .""eJ-uiow
cannot make newcomers underatand and appnfna*"
the dlfflcultles to be encountered There la moreg
the Journey than mere BBOUntaln-cllmbla**. "
the surnmit ls raacbed it ls a conatant up-nin ? ; '*
gle. ln hltlng wlnd or falllng anow. oyer *l PPJ2
W scaUng '??? "benchea" or rautlously ao inamB
for hldden crevaaaea, whlch vary to wWifi f[J
mere eracka to Bfty feel The shew emrers tMj
tops wlth thin and treacheroua brtdgea, whl rt ar"
llkely to glv- w.iv when stepj>ed upon, and lf mj
do ihe unTortunate goea to the bottorrf, he it f?j or
near I'nderne.ith th,- whlte c.verlng are otten
abyamal deptha, where Ue dead raan who.mto
un.lertaken to cropa the glacler Wlthout -fUkH*
One wrong st.-p eauaed them to plunge thrpugb tM
.now crust. nnd from vlslons of glltterlng gold tmg
p?a*?d int,. d***??Ieaa ah-ao ln graves neaaersisj
of ice and nx-k ris.- hundreda ..f f-et aheeB B"
uoor lacerated hodlea ?_*
Tlie nu>st needful an.l ir.ost dllheull th'ng t> nna
on the rUeler ia tlmtjer fot Brewood lt muttM
hnuled twentyfoui mlles In one dlrecttonor '?*'v'
ln the oth.r Its i.rlv on the glgcler la W cen??
pound. WHh such i nrl.-e. even .,n lha coia'"
nUhts. there is not mu.-h In the w.iy of tlny
Bul the deecent on the other alde la a pU^aura
Pamlahad alck al heart and lourne) ***ora. \"
downwurd eoursa oegina lt u ateep*"*, 1 ?> *^J
tnan lha aacenl But fot a aoodly portton er in.
wav men ean n le on aleda In every mlle eT tne
twelva iv welcome ehanae tn th.- temperature is n.
tlced Par away on tbe bottem*landa treea *n
grnss are vlaible Plowera come Int" v..w a
,he wiM tiow-r. thal we know in our at-ae. ?"?
m..nv that are strange-a te aa In thelr h_**aeaa
reda and yellowa gfre tha w-irv tmrellera_!***;
fumed weleome The contraat bewll.lera the aenwi
The ehai.ge fr,.m ilrearv Arctlc wlnt?r '"_ ?,m_'h(,
brtghtneaa ls mad, tn a few houra To {,L ice
have c.?ine over the hateful gta-ler ov.-r the i
nnH anow snd throueh lanaar ?".__? ?STftUSa.
rots nnd vlolets nnd the slm.dng of l.lrds, tbe V*tw
formatlon ls from pcrdltlon to parudlse,. .- --

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