OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 22, 1898, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-12-22/ed-1/seq-6/

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A<_ADE_1Y OF Ml'BIC 8:13 at*"*-*1"-.-: 1-"*- __
AMKKK AK ART flAl____RI__B We-k _?>*. B t? e?
Fiin-U.*. 1 lo ?'? Tlattrt'l <;>? <* rictwr*..
AMKHP aK THKATIIF --I. ? n>ri. mlnn l.lrl.
BI.IOC THEATItK- S :*_-- K?i? Klp.
CASl.NO -__ A l_ana**rtM_- M-M.
_*.\l.Y S TMKATKK ?.1_ Mnrlmnt "f *>|,',;'_ ?
EI>FN Ml'SKi: WiiK W-rks, Grand Concert and <-._
mi.t .rspli.
KMPIRB tHKATR**" I ? The I.Ur*.
yif-TH avi-v k TIIBATRB i i" a Buajway ??"?
Poat maeter.
QARDEX THRATRt" 1:11 Th. (-hrlmlan
ORANO OPERA H-M'BK *? Pou*** rafe.
HMtllM npRRA HOfSE 8:1B In V_g_b_ii.au,
HERALD B'.MARK Ui' V Kl" v 1'? It-.iel Mw H".
IRVINO i'I.'a. r. THEATRE- A Im Wel_gen.we__e__
KKITIt- - ? 11 y. m ?'? i.tln??'?"*?' ,,r1Vr.n,"'... ..,.
KiKTKIvABMI.S - -Vaudevllle.
LVI'BI'M TBATHR 4 TVel.way Ot th* W.J.
MADieoN 4R'AR_ THEATRI B:IO- On ar.d Off.
*g8Tt_oi*o__fTiN 181*8811* M.n'H1: *? Ue.engri"
MURRAY 'lllI.L THEATRE - 8:11 Thr T.._*t-o
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InDci io .XOrcrtncmcnts.
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IVnv'l)orki)?ili3 idtanu.
.ryyi. eewb this mornino.
FORKI'.N. -MaJ'ir-tlcr.. rnl I.oo reprlmanded
Maj.T Ruaeell H.rrlaon for ralalng th. Ameri?
can Bag with.mt ordera over Port Atarea Ha?
vana he waa ordered lo lower tho flag. ? "
Tho conditli n of Prarnler Bagaata was reported
worae; European marketa wera affOcted by the
Pramler'a Indlapogltloa Tbe Carllat agl
tati-'ti rontliiuea In several northern provlnce.
of s-.nn* and many arraata havo been made.
__ , Mr. Conger, Cnlted Btatea Mlnlater at
Peking. has proteeted agalnal Krencb demanda
fnr an extenalon of Jurladlctlon at Bhairghal.
_ Btreel dlaordera oecutrrad in Toulouae,
PTance between pro-Prayfu. and antl-Dreyfua
er..-.-..!*-: wlndowa of Jewlah Bhopa were amaabed.
Th* Atlaa Une ateamer Andea, bound
from Klngaton, Jamalca, t.. New-y.uk, wenl
aahore 01 Plumh Polnl Reef, Jamalca
John W. H kwalt r, of Ohlo. tella of tb. won
derful developmeni if the va.1 A.l.n powea
Blona of Ruaala - Th. Bhlp Berlln, from
N.w-Torb fur Atooy, China, la aahore near the
latter place.
DOME8TIC. Colonel l; ><>*?>?%. lf. reporta on
the j art taken bi th. Rough Rldera ln tho :i?tiit
,lnc before" Santlago wera made public by th.
war Departm nt Importanl ordera for
ir ? tlng American Interaata ln the Paclflc
Oc'ttan were Isaued by the Navy Department
a delegatlon ofpromln.nl New-Tork bu.l
ncaa m. n aj ;- ar- I t_ f ne th. Rivec nnd liar r
iltl.I the House Iti Waahlngton and
urged thal the channela In N?w-Tork Bay near
Bandy Hook be deepened and wldened
Adjutant-Oencral Corbin teatlfled r.-t-ardinp; tho
conduct ot th.- war before the Inveatlgatlng
Commlealon ln W_ahlngton. : Al tho dlnner
of th.- Charleaton New-Engl.nd Boclety Benator
Hoar, of Maasachuaetta made the prlnclpal
!-; ? . h. It is not thought In Chlcago that
? j. Rev I?r. Howard Agnew Johnaton wlll ae?
cept thi call > :' the Madleon Avenue P_*4_abyte
rinn Church. In New-Tork. Mrs. Botkln
was one of the wltneaaea for the defence In her
trlal for murder by aendlng polaoned candy
from .an Pranclsco to Dover, Del. It waa
. thal tht Burllngton and Kook laland
roada were contemplatlng Paclflc Coaai exten
alona In vlew "f Increaoed trad, wlth the Orient
Jaffray, th.- Harvard football player, d^od.
probably from an Injury ro. ,-ived ln tho Tale
game. Wnrdtn. won- aclected foe the
prlsnr;s al Blng Blng and Dannemora
CITT, Btocka were atrong and actlve.
Tho annual ddnaar of lh. New-England Boclety
v.as- hold at tho Waldorf-Aatorta. = -- Tli.
R?llroad eommltiee. of tho Muntdpal Aaawmbly
r.>.'-i- m heau-laa ' n appllcatton. <-t th-- Metropoll?
tan *\'-'' Rallwa; Company and th? Third Av?
enue Rallroad Company f<>r extenalona In tho
upper pari ( the clty. Aceordlng to preal?
deni Murphy of tht Health Board, the ejiidemic
<f gr.j. haa re.ched Ita height. *-_= Th.- fog
bung ovei the hay all day. and flhlpplng waa
i'.r- atly d< l.yed.
THK WEATHER?Indlcatloni for to-day:
Raln, f llowed by cleaiing and colder weather.
The tempcrature yeaterday: Hlgheat, 41 de
gto*-s; loweat, '?'?'.. average, AVA
('o:i*_res.. aii.iourns orer tbe boHdara, and l?*s_
thnn >i.\;>- day. of the aborl acalon remaln iu
whfrli t.? finisii nli its work. It la mnv plain,
bal do. ptftlnrr than li was when Tho Tribune
st.'ittil tbe facl before tbe aeaalon began, tbat
tbere <-.in bc no leg ilatlon ibla wlnter on tlio
ei rency or the tarlff, Barneal nnd well-mean
ln- people wbo are pleading for tiiis or that
cbange in monctarj ..r revenue lawa are only
waatlng thelr tlme and tiu-ir Influence. I'or
practlcal men eannol fall to Infer tbal ona baa
a acrew looae aomewbera and <-ai!ii<.t be B _afe
t'lilile wbo Bhowa entire Ignoranee of tbe con?
dltlona whlch ii?.??'s_,ir!ly fovern Congreenional
actlon, a-.id they are api to anapeci tha! be may
ban Ign r.-l praetlcal and eaaentlal fa<-t._ ns
-omplctH*' in tlio meaaure be urgca ai In tba
iln.i- and manner of i aahlng lt,
Tbe Btatement of Repreaentatlve Walker tbat
tbere la no poaaiblllt.' of actlon al thi- aeae on
i*r: tbe currencj* qneatlon conveyed ii'- newa to
the mindfl <.f people falrlj Informed, bat did
call attentlon to tbe fact tbat aundr_r of ih'1
awaloua adrocatea of cmrencj meaaurea appear
aot to be falrlv Informed, and may tberefore
have bei n as niocb mlstaken ln thelr plana foe
maoTlng ezistlng erlla aa thej obrlonaly gre
ln Drging mnltltude. t.> effort wlth tbe ezpecta
ilmi of some actlon :;i thla aession. Tbe Bea*
ato forma an inaapcrabb* barrler to any wlae
actlon on tl ? money qneatlon, it La aald, but
that waa just ns well known a year ago as it
1. now.
Nor was the declaratlon of Chalrman Dlng
Mf neeeaaarj t . abow that n?> alteratlon t>f the
revenoe lawa could in- expected ol thla aeaalon.
__*rer_r a_*____a__re of tbat eharacter, once liroii-jiit
befora ettber bonae, ralaea tbe wbole qneatlon
of taxatlon, and an** one of n tii'.iii-nnd |in?
[io-:iis i.i ralae nr lo**rer nr abollab partlcnlar
diitics <r laternal tazea becomea ? legltlmatc
imrndmrnt la the Houaa apedal rnlea could
.linit raeb amendmenta, but In tne Benate notii
lag i an llmlt the number of amendmenta or
dn- length of debate oa any one of tbem, Tb'.a
ls aol a int?relj theoretlcal d'___**ulty. Ii ahould
he fenerall] known tbal there ari- mnltltudea
of ebangea whlch aro atrongly dealfed bj peo?
ple of Buffieleul lafluenee to eommand rlgoroua
pepreaentatloa In tbe Benate. if one cbange of
Ihe revenoe lawa eomea before tbe Benate reg
alarlj nothlng m prerent the offerlag of a*?
m.'i.y ameiMlmenta as caa Bad n alagle Bcn
itor tu propoai and dlacoaa them.
Pew realiae bow manj ehangei there ara
arhlefe ):'ri:o nnd Infloeatlal bodlea of eltlaena
d<s:.-<- Tba wbole leather aad t-?"?t and aboe
ln,;-.- rj I aa b ea advocatlag repeal of the dutj
nn hkle_. whl.li formed ao pan of the t.-n-itT
paaaed i.y tbe Houae norof the meaaore framed
tiy th. RepuWlcani of the Beaate Commlttee,
Hldea have Imht denr thla year, bul were alao
1.,-ir before tbe rarifT bad paaaed Htber houae,
awlng lo * ??' ?? decreaai In the aopplj of cat*
tje, and the manufacturln,j lotereata clalra that
tln- lajHrj r , tli- lr trade, rtapeelallj nl.r-.iad. |a
aacre.aed bj a dutj whk'h lluilta forelgn aup
pllaa of bldea The coatroreraj aboul the duty ;
<>f .*'j --ii Une ramber e. ? ?? - rrtrong feellng oa j
cLm- icirt of multltudi eountry, aa In
?inada. The form of duty ov aklrted wool is
*rlar**d bj wn. l grower.' nrnodatlonfl most in
irloos tn th.-m Men- enumeratloa of the
rbaagea "f tarlfl whleh gre nrniii by Impoc
.11 : n'.-r Bta wofjld take B 1 iBg tlaie. and ns
L tha latcraal roreaue. cbaugca ar? deairtd -u
the banklng taxrs, Um tnxrs of feavken aad
dealpra. the taxes on r__|BUBa, rallway nn.l t.de
?rraph hiialnesa, and wlll Ih- tirgcd wlth great
earneatneea. Tho brewlag intereet hna l>-en
riartlrularlv auxlima t<> BBCBIi ? vote ot? tbe re
?luetlon of tho tU ->" beer, ln onlor to show
tln. poaltlon of BcBBton and Itrpriwiitatlvi-s.
It -Mcdl not mueh experlence in lej.!slative ni.it
tcrs to reallzc that under aveb .?Ireutnat.-in.-.-s
nnv altoration of tho tarlff or reventio law al
a ahoft tataaldB, wlthout aay Metkaaal amer
mej t.? make ti.fr.?rt uuewaaty. may be
reckoaed amoai tbe tblap wbk* win aot oe
e?r. The tlme of Cengraaa ?< ,1,ls ***** AvlJ ,
ba eiwwded, m au eaee, **** ?*** *****
ahould be by approprlatlon MUa .-ind otber legto
lntion wbleb tbe war i.as made Beeeaaaff aad
wblcb caaaot be deferred wltb aafety.
btop fr.
lome ot the atateawata reeeatly pol tortb by
tbe Health BoanJ as a body and by ladhrfdual
Comralaaloaera bare aot teaded I.?"tirn. pub
1U- ronfldence ln Ite kaowledge aad dle-*wtlon,
nnd its betatcd cxpreaaloaa of regret tbat be
ucwapapera hav,. followed Ita lead ln icportlag
Bnd dlecuaelag tbeoatbreak of plpw ***** \
ai.sia-d But tbe Board acta more eredltaliij
thau lt talks. and it wlll eacape aertova reaaure
lf ii aacceeda ln camdng weU-oonaidered l-n-.-au
tloaa agalnal tbe epread of dlaeaae lo be rigidly
eaforeed. Tbe WKinlreroent, for exampta thal
trnnaportatroo conpaaiea pay more attaattoa to
the cleanlng and dlelnfectlng of pabll.?*/ey
aaeea la entlrely to tbe polnt, and we are glad
to obeerve thal the companlea hav.- promptly
Blgalned their dealra to wniperate to thla exteal
la pramottng tbe general comfort and aafety.
Thera to. howerer. one detall to whi.h partle- j
olar ationtion lins ii..t been ofBrtally ealled. lt |
ls well to laalat that aurface and elevated rnii
road ears ahall be reatored to a whoieaom.n
dltlon at fraqueut latervala, bnt lt woald be itffl
better to pwreat thal part of tbe defllemeat
wbleb to moat obrlona and obnoxloua, By order
of tbe Board i.f Health there la commoaly
pcated In publle conveyancea :i notke wblcb for
bida aplttlng. As we lately said. we ara lo
cllned to think thal the prohlbltlon has eur
talled that Mthy prartlce to aome exteni. but u
so tbe ImproreiaeBt has been Toluntary. Tbe
regolatlon is n.-t enforced, and we nerer beard
0f ;, caaa In wbleb Ita vlolatlon eroked eren a
rt^monatrance. from the eoaductor. lt ls tlme
that the Health Board and the trananortatlon
rorapanlea eomblned to mako dlaobedlence a
aerioua matter ta offeadere. lt has been rep
reaeated to us that the preTaleBce of laflu
enza has recently Inereaaed the <-vii. aad that
tbe facl la certaln to be forced on the attentlon
of the tranaportatlon companlea In conaequence
of their adoptlon <>f new meaaurea to keep thelr
property in ? deccnl atate of deanllneaa. Pe*
sii.lv their own Intereata wlU auggeet tho ad
vlaablltty of eompelllng thelr employea to en
foree the rule, and wehope tbat may be oae of
the flrat effecta of a concerted efforl to protect
the publle health. Erldently a aererer punlah
m.-nt than knowkdge of the dlagual they cauae
is n-.-d.-d to raatraln the flltby propenaltlea of
men to whom all apoee to ? euapldor.
We canaot have too many aucb apeecbei as
tha, of Colonel Rooaevelt at tbe New-England
.?;??..,. in Brooklyn. He gave expreaaloa to
Idraa whlch the praeenl etate of tbe eountry
n,?l |ta proaj.tlve problema make moal tlmely
aad val.ial.le, and he did it in a way to eom
meod thera to the maaa of dtlaeaa who make
publle oplnlon, Inatead of teadiag men to dla
mlaa his Ideaa, n<. matter how good, I.auae
tbey aeemed only a pbaae of Impractlcable and
Irreeoncllable oppoaltlon to the necessary tea
dendea of Natlonal lif*-.
Colonel BooaeveM to na expaaeloalat He be
11. red in the war, he worked for war, ho foaght
in the war and he la ready to have the Nuilon
meet erery duty .and make the most of erery
opportunlty rendtlng from the war and aaaume
tbe full reaponaibUlty of thal eouree. When
aucb a man the ?Hre-eater/' tbe "JtafB." the
*_mporlallatH of the Llttle American atopa In
all his enthualaam to warn his couatrymen of
the daager eaofrontlng them in tha conrae he
baueelf woaM have them ptantaa, and tella
them how they may avoid lhat daager and bow
humlllatlag and wlcked an.l coatemptlbla wlll
1k^ thelr f.iilnre lf they do DOl avoid lt, bhl
worda count f'.r raatly mon- than any warnlnga
of the aame klnd i.y men who an- aaarllng
aboul the war. nrging us to throw away whal
we bare galaed, aad predlctlng ruln for the
aew poaaeaalona and f..r tbe Natlon itseif from
tbe polley <>f expanalon, n<> mattor how well wa
may u-overn our depeadeaclea, When they aay
there to daager In bad goTerament of Porto
Rleo people ahrug their abouldera and refuae to
bced th?- ery of "Wolf! wolf?' from Upa that
are ever dlnnlng Into thelr eara falae alarma.
Tbe .lii'otiie ealamlty liowler has llttle lullu
n.<-.' eren when he to right. it ls bf wbo to a
man among his fellowa, aympatblsea wlth thelr
aaplratlona, is flrad by thelr enthualaama and
encouragea them In th.-ir ambltlooa, who can
beal lead them ao thal tboae ambltlona and en?
thualaama will benefli themaelTea and the
world. ii.? can eay thal be to auxtoue, aud
people win know thal bla aaxlety is reaaooable
ntid beed his advire, The man wh-. foughl to
glTe us new terrltorlea ran wlth proprlety :isk
ua to think of the problema of new terrltorlea
after thls faahloa:
An.l r.ow i have toM you wby i am itia-i about
what w? have don--. Let me add n>> Hna! word
as to why I am anxloua aboul lt we have
(Iriven out the Bpanlarda lhal haa nol proved ;i
aerioua ta?k for thla Natlon. But wa are ap
proachlng a really aerioua taak. Noar it be
hoovea us to ahow thal we are capable ol flolng
Inflnltely better the w -rk whlch we blama the
Bpanlarda for dolng badly. And woe to us un
Ieaa wa do abon noi merely a allght, i.ut a
marked, ay, wellnigh an bnmeaaurable, Im
provement. We have aaaumed heavy burdena,
bcav) reoponBlblllt.es, l have n<> aympathy
wlth men who cry oul agalnal our aaaumlng
them, The taaka are dlfflcult, and all the more
f,,r that roa.?,.n let us glrd up our lolna and go
OUt and meet tln-m.
Woe to t:s, Indeed, lf we do n,,t make Im
meaaurnbk Improvement, and woe to us, too, If
we do nol aronae ouraelvca .;> a people to the
reaponaibUlty and glrc every aid to the Govern
men*. in aettlng np In the lalanda admlnlatra
tlona whlch ahall have nol merely tbe excel
k'li -. s aad defecta of our bome polltlca, bul
tbe exeeUeacea wlthout tbe defecta Tbe linai
cbaracter <>f our eolonlal rule dopeada on tbe
people, not on tbe Praaldeat No Adrolalatra
tion makea Ihe apolla ayatem, but tbe popular
preaaure agalnal which Preeldenta w'.ii. rarylng
force '-oiit.-iid. and ti.,- publle op ulon whlch en
couragea or dtoeouragea tiiem In reatotlngapolla
men. rhe Praaldeni may devlrw the beal Clvll
Borvlee ayatem Imaglnable 'or th<- n?-w poaaoa
ali ns. luit lt will nol aolve tbe problem naleaa
Amerlean publle opmlou makea it dtocredltaMe
aad daageroaa f<>r polltldaaa to iry to mnk.- :he
eolonlal aervlce a perqulalte. The people them
aelvea muat nol let lha thoughl t?' nonrlabed
lhal ti place In tl" eoloalea la ? poaalblllt) aa ?
refuge for polltleal workera In need of reward.
Ouee lt-t the apollamea have the foothold and lt
wlll take a balf-ceatary todlalodge tbem. Lei
popular aentlmenl aupport and encourage an
abaolute merll ayatem, and we may stm-t ri>*ht
and f.'.- 00 right, and. Iii--- England, Lam f,.r
home us<- th.- leaaon <>t our own eolonlal rlrtue.
Thla la tbe k"-.-at.->t opportunlty the (Mvll Ber
\ I,. reformer has ever had. He can eatahliah
tbe merll ayatem beyond attack ..r Hrcumven
ti,-!!. or be onn by captloua crltlctom dtacredll
I hiniK.-if and his ?-;ius... in our dapeadenctea ba
! haa a i ir^'in ii.1,1 Tbe fJovoranieat \* fraakly
foellng its wiij- and looklag tu aecura tba b< it
J. V/XIAY _.'i-.X_J *?
and w-lseat ndmlnlstrator. aad th. mv_t porf. .'t
? svsti'in. Onr bljrli ot.i-i_.1_ nn- BBasd to hom.. uf
; fiiira. kao.r rhmnralTi-i aogBpetaM to iwiuag.
I them. nnd It Ib perbapi not iitinntnrnl thnt thov
' BbouM md alwaya qolcklj regpoad to aoaae rtvii
: S.rvbe reform. rs .huiand fof th** linprov. nmnt
I ?f Botnethlng wblcb may be ladeed ?***&***
[ as uot pertect. bat wlth arhlch w<> get along
rcaaonahly well Bat arhen a*.">" to colonlal
qneatlooa tbeae aame ofBclata ar.? aaxloua an.l
feel tbetr r.-i_.nsibiiity. They ba*ra aot a_erelj
to prea. rvc, but tO bulld atmw. Tlu-y wlsli per*
facl foiindations an.l are glad of betp lo battd
tbem. An Adininl .iration ? blch aaaa Its future
ripntntion beauH ni> wnh the luecoaa af tii<- co
lonial eaparUaaai and aaxlooa to maka n rir_iit
?tart <*nnnot bui i.pea t.. Itlendlj aM ?ad
coaaaeL it is oalj rhen Ihe profwaloaal CItII
aervlce rv-Onaera coarerl themadTea mto Wl
tor enemiea, ladulge In !!.?? pollcj of pln prl ka
..ver .-very pgttj ilefecl in thc bome Clrll Ber
rtee worftlafi aad eompel the Admtalatratloa
I,. n-ly on others for all belp, botb lr. Internal
nnd coloaJal mattera, thal the profeanlonal poll
tlclana aro llkelj to be Inflneatbil la planalng
gorerntnenta fnr ..nr depeodenelea Men who
nn* alwaya erltlca and never frlendly r__vopeia
tora c.-.n hardly corapbila if othat methoda than
iiirirs are fdlowed oa leaa dlnlnteraeted adrlce.
It must be .vidot.t that IMb colonlal proWera la
.. ith na There la n-> ns.- in Irylng t.. prove tbal
we i-ann.d govern onr depeodenelea arlaaly. The
thlng for reformera to do la to belp gorera Ibem
wlaely, an.l by bulldlag ap a perfecl merll aya
t.in from tli.* begtoalng iiioy caa aceompllah
niorc to oumlaea doubtera of Ita ralae nnd com
pei Iti eomplete laatallatloa beta ihan t!?*?> ran
evor ichleve bj pla-prlcka and raarllag orer the
defccta of our bome aenrlea, when. wltb all Ita
defecta, tha areragc rittzca rlgbtly bellevea lhat
wa now bare, all thlriKH co__Mdc_red. tha bra.
government a natlon ever enjoyed.
[BteBlgant dtlsena <?f Sew-Tort will regard
wlth alacere regret the ?pproochlng .n.l <>f Mr.
Cbarlea Bulkley Hubbell'a long and Intimate re
latlonablp with the pahUc edocatle__al ayatem.
.Mr. Hnbbell has beea a member of what In now
tbe Sriiooi Board f"- the Boroogha ?>f Manhat
tan and Tlie Ilionx for nino y.-ars three full
terma ot thwe yearn each; for the btat two
years h. has b.'.n its prosldi-nt; an.l ba Uhcwlie
bad tha beaor <>f belag elected tbe first preal
dent of the lioar.l of Edacatlon of the greater
clty on its organlaatlou, In Febrnary brat Al
the last regular meetlng of tbe Bchool Board
for the cwrenl year, beld on Wedneadaj after
110..11. Prealdeni Hubbell dellvered bla raledlc
tury address. albelt his connecrJon arlth th.> Ed
ucatlonal Departmenl arlll aot eeaae until tbe
,",lsi laat
Iii thus formallj closlng Ms long Bervlce Mr.
Hubbell revlewod in an latereatlag manner the
uotable advaacea in tbe public acbool system
durlng tiils perlod. Poremoat among theae in*
rigbtlj uai.1 'li" large number <>f aci.Ibouaea
erected oa Manbattan lalaad and in th.- pari of
tbe clty t.> th.- Dortbward, prorldlng actjommo
datlon for almost one bnndred tbonnond chll?
dren; and th.- eharacter <>f ibeae balldlaga aa
archltectural oraaiaeBta of thc .-ity was also
ii,.t anwortbj of mentloa. Coaplcd wltb this
waa .an expreaalon of regret tba! tln* poUcj of
th. preaenl manidpal ?dmlnlatratlon had prc
vented the eotopletloB of aereral bulkllnga al
readjr nnder way an.l tbe erectlon <?f othera
greatlj needed. in addltlon, PiwhJenl Hnbbell
dwelt arlth p__rdonable prlde on the eatabllah
in.-nt of high aeboola and klndergartene, the ln
ti-iiiin.'tion of manual tralalag an.l pbyalcal
tralnlag Into th.' public Bcboole, ih.- phcnoroenal
developmenl <>f tba free leeture ayatem. and
other mattera of llke aatare familhu t.. all bar*
ln.: knowledge ??f tho elty *.eb?ol__ Nor did be
faii t-i toacb on th.- v.-.x.-i aubjed of teaebere'
Balartes. boldlng out a bope thai ln tn. near
future adequate compenaatloa would bo gtren
to many BOW poorlj pald.
It is plain that progreaa has beea tho rduca
timinl watebword throagboal the perlod of Mr.
Hubbetl'a aervlce ln th.- pnblle acbool ayatem,
nml eapeciallj so iu tbe three years prlor t<>
tho prot-cnt one. it la aafortoaate la tbe '?*
treme thtt tli.- brakea wen- aeedleaalj applled
to (.iu(_jf-biial progreaa nnder th. ealatlng rd
v'lme, nnd the frlenda of thal pngrvta cannot
look fagward wlthout wrloai towbodlag to
Tnmmaay aa'cendancy la the Departtnent of
Kiiiicntioii. lf thla does not come at once, it is
bound to eome In at b*aal oae more year. Noth
Ing is aarer ihan tbat In ? tralj cirttixed com*
munltj men bavlng aucb an eaperlence aa that
of Mr. Hubbell an.l bavlng Inconteatablj proved
thelr ralae in the pubMc acbool Bervlce, would
be retalned In ofBce, even agalnat thelr will.
As it is. ha is to be eammarilj enl off wh.-n bla
term explrea, aad his only public reward durlng
the last year baa been laanlta and deauaclatloBa
from the Mayor'a olHce.
Tho oatlook is by n<> meana encouraglug, if
we may Judge i-y the lateai appolniment to tho
Brooklyn Bchool Board mad.- bj Mayor Van
Wjck. Tb'- man eelected Im a collector f"r a
hrewery. wblch wouhl _eem lo 01 blm ln a v.-ry
llmlted degree fortaking ? ahare In tbe manage
inont of the paWlc acboola. Mr. Van Wyck has
iialf a doaen placea in tbe Manbattan Broni
Board t<> HU al tbe beglanlng of aexl year.
Whal claaa of men la be llkelj to aeleet for
ihom. or to be more cxacl what clan of mea
wlll be told off for blm to appolnt? <?m- has
onlv to read Prealdeni HnbbeB'a remarka oa
Wedneadaj to apprectate wlml ? mlafortone lt
will be when men of a whoBj .liiT.i-.-nt atamp
are placed In twOtrol of onr cocninoo s.-hoois.
lt is announ.-.-d. and ii la poaalblj truo. lhat
tbe Pope has writt.-n i<> Doo Carloa aoklng blm
to atop lll*-. agltatlon agalnal the Alfonaia. dy
naatj In Bpaln. Thal the Pratendar wttleomplj
a-lth tbe raqaea. i** poaalble, bal ao bnproboldi*
as to be outsid.- the llmHa of praetlca] coaald
eratloa. A peremptorj command be nii>.'!ii
obov. for lu- is one of the Romaa Cbarch'a m.>-.t
falthfal and duiifui s.ms. Bncfa a command
was Rivon to blm a fear y?-ar. nt:-i ln respeci i"
tbe French crown, and '"? obeyed It Hut it
doea nol appear lo hav.- been glven In tbe pr.-*
i-nt caae. aad there la si-.-mt Ukelihood tha! it
wlll ln Ita abs.-ii.?<? we ma* expect Doa <ai-l"s
ti, geep ni? bla campalga, to do wblcb be la ln
dead eoaatralned, Bat only by ambltlon and
gread. bal als.< bj ? deroat aeaae of duty. For
be is one of the few remainlna bellevera ln tbe
Dl-ine Rlghl of Klnga, and. conaequentlj, In th
lHviiic I'uiy of Klnga i<> mainiam thelr rlghtfl
ib- doabtleaa deema it his a rlemn and aacred
datj to fuliil the aill of <b.?i bj plarlag him?
aelf apoa the tbroae of Bpaln aa tralj bla dutj
a*. ii is to aiton.i maaa or i" say ni. pater
Erldentlj tho preaent Bpaniah irovernroent la
convlacod of bhi earneatBeaB aad .>i Ihe arrioua
ii.-*.. of the perll wblcb menacea tbe Alfonalai
dyaaaty. Itrparatloaa ar.- dallj belag made
i.i im.-r ? atorm <>f the ilrsi magaltade. TIm
anny is belng Mrengtbened and made more
trttatwortbj bj tbe ellrolaation <>f offleera nnd
men aue].led "f Carlbtl tendeaclea. Paiilal
cluba ire belng eloaed bj Ibe pollce ind Carllin
i.nnts rappreeaed Thoae ar.- the aaaal lactlea
..I Enropean governmenta la deallng wltb
tbreateaed rerolatlooa Bometlmea thej ara
BueceaafaL la the preaenl caae H la to i?- .in
ii-rcly boped thej aill be, for tbe Alfonaba
dyaaatj i? aarelj better for Bpaln, for ih<
?.i.i... ..f Earope an.) f..r tbe welfare <>f the <-ii
IHaad world than B Carllst WOOld be I'.ut
doabta of th.-ir effectlveaeaa caaaol i><- dM
mlaaed Too Mttap BMa af o?anadlag runL
nre aflUtated with tbe Carllal nwretoent; aad
there nre too many men like Weyler and Heflor
Hotnero Uiililodo. whoeannof l.e auppreeoed Hke
ordlnary cooaplratora, and who are yet <-apnM.<
ut aay NMNneal or ptaylag the part of Oeaeral
Molik. And then It ls to be |-eiiiemlnr.d that.
by ono of ihe stran_.st of peradosea, l< I" the
prn.-ti.iil. progroaalve, Indualrlal part "f Bpaln
lhat ls in favor af Don I'arlos. nnd tbe lndol.-nt.
raedlmral pari ihat is the bulwart <?f the ai
foealat dynaaty.
Thera is. however, one moal poteal factor ln
th.- probtora whlch is commoaly overtooked, bul
which is altogether llkely. ln ii.aae <?r an act?
ual Carllal nprlalng, to play Ihe dedalve part.
Thal is th.- Ci-.n.-h llepnblle. We mual not for
gi>l tital iis lotereal in Ihe matter la dlrecl and
viiui. Thal i> noi .rely becauae Bpaln l?
Pranee'a nexi nelghlior, and Iberefore all ber
dolnga ac- of general Intercel i i Krnnee. Xo;
hut Don rnrloa baa been ? Pretender Io the
Ibroi.f I'nin.o as well as of Spain. and If he
is not that now, lhal !?? merely becauae of Iho
Papal Interdlct. He la a couapleuoua repre
aentatlve of lhal Clertcallem whlch Gamlietta
denounciil as ihe chlef enemy of Krance, and of
tii.it famlly whlch la most atrenuoualj worklng
nnd Intrlgulng for ibe overthrow of th<- repul>
li,-. Tbere ran be nn doubl lhal blaancceaa and
Ihe eatubllahment of :i Carllal dynaMy nt Mn
drkl would make Bpaln tbe prlme plottlng
ground oi Krencii iroiiiiiiii>. .-ind would cnuae
ti,,' ii.-ii.ii Itopubllc ii.ore aoxlety and actual
niennee lhan n liaa known aluce the day when
i hnmhord aacrlllred a Ihroae for ? ti-i^r
Whal iii.-n'' ii i no iinheanl of thlng foroBC
i;iii.,|,. ? ji ii natlon io Interfcre In Ihe affalra of
another and lo eome to tbe aid of another
agalnal a ri'volutlonary movement. Kranclai J*>
Hi-ph ..r Attatrla ealled In tbe Ituaalaoa to aave
his klogdom for blm. More than ooce, from
,i?. tlme of Pcdro and Heory of Traatamara
down, bavc other natlooa loterfered ln tbe >\y
nasti.- affalra of Bpala. Frai. has doae ao.
An.l it la by no meaaa Impoealble thal ahe wlll
,h. so agaln lodeed, In eaae of ? Carilat ln
garrectlon II to by no meana Improbable. The
Alfoonlata, If hard praaaed, mlghl aek ber to
,1,, so; in whlch caac ahe would ncareely refuae.
K tbey did not, and yel wore evldently gettlng
worated, ahe mlghl In aelf-defence, and unln
vii...i. march over the Pyreneee. Or, if tlie war
wera prolonged, Indetemilnote and marked wlth
barbaiitlea, ahe mlghl do ao on the ground of
humanity. In nny caac, II la al Paria, al leaal
.,s mueh as al Madrld, and perbapa more, that
Intcreal wlll centra In caae of a Carllal war In
Caaada baa reeeatly apenl aomoglfl,..OOOon
lier cnnala, and has thua oeeured iranaportatlon
fncllltlea between Ihe Greal Lakea and tide
water lacomparably aupcrlor to oura. Now ahe
i. golng on wlth the programme. Bhe la eatab
Itoblng a neu atcamablp llne fi.i Paapeblac,
on ntialeure Bay. to Mllford Haven, Eagland.
paapeblac Li a fine port. free from i?'.- al all
tiotea. The extenalon of the Athintlc and Lake
Sup.-rior Itallroad from Metnpcdla ploees lt ln
Immedlate communlcatlon wlth all the Itotnln*
li n. Thal rallroad baa runnlng prlvllegea over
the Intereolonlal road, and Ihua baa .-ntry Into
Quebee and ronnectlon wlth the Orand Trunk,
Canadlan Padfle and other llnea. The Interco
loniai. moraover, is n Btate road, and thal facl
indi.-at.-s thal Ihe Domlnion Governmeni has a
dir..<-t lutereal ln ihe nea enterprlae. Al the
other end of the Une tbe Greal Weatern Ball
road of Bngland ia beblnd ihe aeln me.
Tlie p-ut.- from Paapeblac to Mllford Haven
hnv nume declded advantagea over all othera.
It is I.y far Ibe ahorteat. Thal menna it ean be
traveraed more njnlckly tlian any other. The
expectatton is that wlth ordlnary ateamera Ihe
trip wlll be made In Ieaa than alx days. Wlth
oqiial ah'.pa ii can eertalnly be ni ide In a day
and a half Ieaa tlme than tbe trip rrom New
Vork to Mveri.L And In theae daya every
hour counta. Tlie aervlce on the new llne has
nrtualt) begun. Tbe flral ahlp aalled from Mll?
ford Haven on Deeemlier 7, and the aecond n
week later. Trlpa wlll I"- made rortnlgbtly dur?
ing ii,,. wl.r. In the aprlng n number of new
and faater boata wlll be pul on the llne, and
there u-lll be a trip every week to and from
Milford Haven, an.l oae every two weeka from
That la whal is belng done for Canadlan trana
rttlantlc trade. Tbere is n<. doubl tbat :his Une
wlll dlvert mueh traffle thal now goea and
comea bj wnj ol New-York. Gooila wlll eome
fi-i.in the Weai by Amerlean llnea to Buffalo, n
I'nlted Btatea and New-Tork port And then,
Inatead of com Ing on to New-York for export.
tbey wlll be dlverted through tbe Welland and
Bt. Lawrence canala, and flnally take ahlp at
I'baleurn Bay. Thua wlll tlie commerce of thls
pori atlll more deellne. And what is belng done
t,, prcvent it:- We cannol quarrel wlth Caaada,
bul muat, on the contrary, admlre and com
rueud ber enterprlee. What we can do is to
gbow almilar enterprlae here. lt is well to Im
prove the Enat Chanuel and to keep it open, if
we can, ln aplte <>f tbe Atlantlc Oeean. But
whal laalao Imperatlvely needed is an Improve
menl of caoal routea acroaa the Btate from Buf?
falo to tldcwater comparable wlth thal <vf
tv.v.i by our Northern nelghbora, wlth proper
termlnal facllltlea for dlrecl conneetlon wlth
oeean ablppiag bere, nnd then the openlng of
the ahorteal poaalble route fr. the docka of
ti ... i-ity to Bngland. Tlie anawer lo this move
,,t Canada'a ahould be the rompletlon of a deep
waterway from Buffalo to the head of Long
lalaml Soun.i. aml tbence a dally llne of awlfl
ateamera to the weatern cooal of Bngland.
The Trlbuae holda no brief for the atnaatlonal
preM, nol we feel Impelled to aay thal the
Health Board'a deounclatlon of newapapera for
gtvlng mueh apaca to reporta about the preva
i. ,?,. 0f grlp la badly mtoplaced. it was tha
Health Board Itaelf whlch. through an axtraor*
dlnary aUtement glven oul for publlcatton by
Commlaaloner Coaby, Bral arouaed tbe general
nnxi. ty u hi.ii n no* dei larea to be needleaa and
Mayor Carter Harrtaon favora the theory of
do aeat, no fare, In Chlcago Wa hava nol heen
abie to make it work bere. if ha to aucceaaful,
than, perbapa, he mlght be Induced to eoma on
f..r .i short engagetnent and ahow us how to
do n._
"is it t"txny enoagb for you?" haa aupplaated
-is it h t enough tox your' And one woald bet?
ter gel hla compaaa-bearingi for a clear courae
bet re ba accoata bla netghbor nith auch a ball.
Tle- Demoerata ns a party do not Rad it eaaj
t,, ti ll when ? ataad In regard to tha aubject
of expanatoa There la ao unlty >,f aentlment
am.-t.i-' them. Tbe rank and Rle are rlp roaring
expanalonlata everj tlme; the leadera are merely
clawlng round for a club wlth whlch to deal
thelr aucceaaful opponenta a bloa Bomc of
them do nol nnd tbe deolred bludgeon In the
war and it- territortal acqulalttoaa othera think
thej do, aad all clalm to be equally ?.i Dem?
oerata. When the party romea to tormulate Ita
Ideaa on the queatton and brtng them Into the
liH.nn,,nv requtolU ln a declaratlon of prlnrlplea
there wlll no doubl be a loi of preltmlnar] mualc
of the Kllkenn) ral rariety, lacklnB melody,
i,ut ,,f greal rarrylng power Al the laal It n ay
ba it wlll aaauroe all the honora of v>,ir. vlctorj
,.?,?! inereaaed boundartea, and Inatol thal they
ai. tbe reaull of Democratlc Initlatlve ai.d pol
lry Thal ih Ita cbeerful way whenevei it tblnka
tbat anj thlng to to be galned by it.
Tbe fact, juat madi pabllc, thal it waa Ad
niirni Dewav who i.im humrested tht- probablllty
XOOU. ______________
that ordera for a naval demonstraMon agalnst
th- coaat of Hpaln would call bome Camara a
MUadroB eaiaaaa no a_t'>nl_hment. It meroly
HdilH one more a_.r^eat*le but unneoe_.a.y lt>m
to the long 11st of proofs that Dewey la a
Tbo nss ln a Ifon'a ?hln la B famlllar fl_;iiro In
faMe. Il is I I'ity that Hobaon should CttMR* a
vetitabl. Ilon to be taken for an aaa,
??out in lodlaaa," aaya John C Now, who i_ vi*f
Ing in Waahlngton, "tba buralag o-aatlOB inst aaw
la Who ab.ll be etemed to th. Unlted Btatea Baa
.it.--- th re are aeveral cndldetea, bul my oplnlon
li ih.it the M-ht wlll narrow <ii wn to n itrugKl)'
between Judge Roberl B. Taylor, of E-ft Vlayne.
,,. ,| , ,,,,,-,. .,.,.,, cieorgi W Bteele. I thlnk lt ran
be -.'f.-'.v iald thal one of theae _? nth men ?i!l au<
,., i Mr Turnl. after March I. _M Tha othi
aiipli anta are nardly In tba race.'
lt ls aald thal a prlvate eoldfer found In a atiael
al Omdurman the lett. r ahli h Oordon wrote to tb.
.M.ih.ii in anawer t.? tbe demand for retreal er aur
render Th< letter haa b_en .?-..imii.-d by all the
,,:,, _ experta, and la pronoun. nl to b In Qonlon i
handwritlng. A* mlahl be expected, all loaa of
?urrender I. teouted, tbe Ifnhdl I. remlnded of hl**
evll-dolng*. and hli de?tru< tlon -?t the handa pf
Ei ellih loidlen ia prophe.le i.
The appolntmenl of Lord Curaon to b. V"t*?eroy of
India recalla a atory of him told wh.-n ha .?>?'
B. ,- -.1 . for the Colonlea Ho wa. one.
maklng a long and rlaborata apeeeb In ParUaaaenl
agalnst a mo.miiro urged regardlng India. lt waa
c rt.iin to r> suit ln .. loaa to tbe Oovernmenl of
ni.m. lae* ..f rupeea He repeat-d wlth emphaala.
? ... ider; nol pound. or gulneoe, bul lae. of
mi.. ? .;?? A qulel volce on the OpptHiltlon bencho*.
n.ki-d: "I.xactly ln?? much la a lae of rupee*.
Mr Curaon ? ?_..- ri?.i hla moutb, atammer-xL grew
red and then aald: "1 really don't know!" rn.
Hou.e laugbed, und in tbat laugb b. MM ma
i m .
Lord and Lady Aberdcn Btgn.lleed thelr depart
ure from Canada by elrcul.tlng a farewirll Uterary
aouvenlr among tli- frlend. rh.-v had mad.. durlng
ih.-ir reaidence .1 Ottawa. u conalated of a beau?
tiful reprlnl of the Introduetlon thal Lady Aberdeen
rontrlbuted to the Canadlan lummer annual, en
tltled "Our Lady of the Bunahlne." the retorl to
Rudyard KIpMng'a "Our Lady of tbe Bnowi " Then
,,,, ., |oom .heei were the worda "Ooodby, the
autoaraph ilgnaturea of Lord and Lady Aberdeen
and tha date, November 12. w#.
"The Newark Advertlae." aay.: "Thc Rev, i>r
Donald Baga Mackay, o< thc North Reformed
Church, la one of tln- beal called preachera In the
Cnlted Btatea, no le.1 than eleven calla havtna been
oxtended to hlm from varloui Importanl cburche*.
Di M K". ,- .i itrong man, and thal la the ? rel
..f thi* general dealre to .ecure hlm ui a paator.
Newark wlll regret to loae a preacher of li. ln
? . ectual and ra ? I fore., although Itfl pulpltfl coi
taln many able men."
Waahlngton, Dec. '.'-'. Becretary Long baa recov
<-r.d .uffl lently from his eold to recuma hla dutlea
al ti . Navy Department. Becretary Hay l- atlll
conflned to bl. home by order of hli phyalclan.
"There la a aort of audaclty." aaya a wnmnti ln
"The Chlcago Inter Oc Bn." "whlch i- almoat ad
fell provoki d when the con luctor
on , North Bld.r peraletent'y carrled me ta i
block. !?:.i my de.tlnatlon. eapeclally .a I had
been energetlcally algnalllng hlm for aeveral min
Wh dld ?? iu nol i ?;> when you aaw m
.- mj hand*? i demanded. The conductor (ha
waa youi i , l-looklng and Irlah) bowed low
.-: 'But, upon me honor, ma'am, 1
thoughi ye waa throwlng ma a Ui *-.' ha sail."
? ik Let me p<"; dldn't they aend a
N, u _*ork mni down to ?<? about cleanlng the
? ?. - - of Ha va i i''
_'?., ? v. -. I . ? li- i ?? Ihe) ?
?? w- || || _ i| ln ? be a I- ..I Idea lf they aenl ;i
mai up fr-mi Havana, Jual now, to ? >? about clean
???? atreeta of New-Tork."?tYonkera Btatoa
in one of the back countlee of Bouth Teaaa la a
. doctor, wl.njoya a more or leaa extenalve
practlce among the eolored populatlon, wblcb eom
? - ,i majorlty of the clttaenahlp. A whlta phy
ilclan accoeted hlm on tha road thi othi r day, eay
:? i Well, Dr Sam, whera have you beenT
"Been to aee Blll John.lng, iah He waa wraa-ln'
wld Al- ie Joi ' ta' a bloodweaael."
ierlou.1 What dld you ;.r. sorir.e?"
"Ah! i done flx hlm all rlghl wld alum and gum
arablc. Alum lo draw dee pabta togeddab and <ie
gum to Btlok .in."
lt may b. Intereatlng to add that th. vtctta. re
covi i .? I.
\i- Bn irt. -iv- her huaband la the woral man
? ? _-vei _ i. to go il ipplng. He*. almoet *ure to
. ? aindled every tlme. "Why.* .he .ay.. l
.. t_ ,.-, -. t'oth r il i) that lo- bought a Bute, an
wh. it ? ima home. If you'll belleve it. 'twaa full
| ? ? Transcrlpt
a Waahlngton merchant tella "Tha Btar" tbal on
arrtt ng al Havra he teh traphed to Parla engag
Ing hotel rooma and cal li d home to Waahlngton re
porting -..- irrlval When he rea ted Paria three
; later, he found a eablegram of congratula
tlona from the peopli at hoaae, bul the Parla late*
gram waa not aallvered until an hour later.
Th.- .tory ef tbe candldate f-ir an i>.\.'-.r,l echoi
irshlp who requeau-d the head of tbe houae to
li'inl him lodgtnga and meel hlm on hla arrlv.l by
r.-mlnd.-. > corre.pondenl of a tale tbal wa*
currenl -.me ten year. ago at Oxford. A l\'el*h
?i iduate of Ll rlal i 'hur. h . alled on the wife
? ? . dean, Mrs. Llddell. to Inqulre why hla aoclu
had not be. -i damed l London i 'hronlcle.
"Tha World" yeaterday announced n ratber
itartllng ptece of new. t-> Ita reader. Bpeaklng of
tho funeral of the Rev Thomaa IfcKe. Brown, lt
declared that the even! would "mark tho reunion
of tha Angllcan and Proteatanl Bptacopal
,. ur. ii. i" i. .t Ii fi ii. 'i i" glve any d.-taiis of Ihe
reunion, aa, fnr Inat.nce, whether the Archb
of Canterbury or th. Pr_*ldlng Blabop of the
i:, :-..;.' Church ls bereafter to ba tha eoelealaa
Uci i hi ni of the unlted Church.
As u.unl, hl. mother aaked hlm what he had
le iiii-.i .a k hool that day
"We learned _.bout the blndergarten colora," ho
an.weri d
? The -.> n :'-"" ahe deman li d.
"The klndergarten colora," he repeated,
"Whal in rii ? world are the klndergarten cnior..""
ahe ask. ?'..
?|i, ? Don't v rn know thatT ho returned acorn
fullv. Why, orange, green, blue"
"Oh, you mean the prlmary caaorar she ox
it'a the dllferencef" he Inqulred.?<Cblcago
???rh- Owlagsvllle (Ky.) Outlook" aaya: "Some
;...;.'. ,,i,j,--i tn buntera thal come frum tba cltlea
wlth two-seated carrtage., J'" doga and HO guna,
bul they .re qulta a help to the rur.1 dlatricl Ju.t
the aame. They general'.y waata all thelr ammu
nltiiiti and then buy thi lr | ime of aome little farm
or lad Wlth B 10-cenl dbg and .m old Zulu gun, and
bj ao dolng bring money In tba .-.mntry "
'Th.it youngeat boy of your. dotta nol seem to hc
a credll to rou," iald thi whlta man l > Cncl. Moae
?Xo -..>': iald i nele _lo_e. "Me is the wuate.t
,-),!,. 'i haa ll-- li mlghty bad H.'a da whlta
aheep of da famlly, _ah " <_k_Btoa Journal.
"Tbe Cleveland Plain Dealer" tell* of a small boy
who ft.it tir.i of aaylng hla prayera ragularly and
?-.Hi. tuit Wtll-B." bla mother ohjcctol, Myou must
?ay tbem or Ood wlll punlah you."
Th.. youngater thought d_.ply for a moment.
Then be looki <i up brightly,
"i tell you what, ninBU," ha anneuaead in his
aweeti el tom a "1 guwa i eaa atand a llektn*, bo
rn just K" ona nlght wlthout a.yla' 'en, an' than
ir tbera don'l anythlng happen, why in be all
right. It'.. Ju.1 . 'aperiment. s.-.-:"
"Whal do rou Uk>- beal of anythlng ln th. year?"
wa. i.ki I of a .mall Detrolt boy i aay or no aKc.
"Why! Don't you like Chrlatmaa txtter than anv
? Naw y.ii _. t io much .-. n a you waat
1 llke akatun neel o' unythln'!"
"And what do you wanl for ChrlatmaaT"
"Bul vi.ii already have o pair."
"I know it. i n i ..nl aome mora: you cn'l ?rtt
too in uch .ka te.
ft is u-.i.-i. argulng with th. amall boy; ba
know. whul he wanti Wlie chlld, he I. better ott
? - .,:.,. of i.;s ? dei - (Deii ??-' Pr* Preaa
?ii.. , upon a tlm..'' aaya "The ll lutadale (Penn.)
Journ.l" "a man goi iiin.i at thc adltor aad
.topped thi pejper In a feu weekt be aold bla
com ii foureenta leai than the market prloa Than
hl* property wai aold foi taxei becauae he dldn'l
i, ? | th. Bherllt'a aale Ha pald II. for -i i<>t ut
t .,_. | noti - iiiit had been advertl_ed ta i ? akfl
and th. public warned igalnal them He then
ruahed lo ihe prtntlng ofB. ? and pald aeveral reanr.
?ubacriptlon ln advance, and bad the edlt-H algn
an .i_t.? tn.nt thal he wai to kn _ _ hlm down lf ba
ordi re i bla paper ??> be atopped ... dn "
The tacetloua man aaabled glngerij over th. bry
pav< , ,, ,
"The.i ar.- the tlme. thal try men? * lea ha
rulled r, i [... Ing frlend lle threa -i bcavj rm
..n thc '-."!?.-." -iii-i the frlend .mlied
_t _hal momeni the punater'H i--.t Bew from
.-i 11ini and he rame down with a reaounding
'?l'.,,-" aald tbe paaatng friead with aaueh grav
ity "tbal tbe exaci ?eat of tbe aoul la _u:i a uut
tcr of doubt."?(Clavelaad 1'iaiu DMUar.
i.ondon. December 14.
Mr. I.^onard Courfni-y Ik p'-rhniiB th'- moat out*
apokeo of tba otd-achool OobdaadtaaL in the rouraa
of an addreaa deltvorad yeaterday beflaeu tha
Royal Btattotlcal bodety h<- reforred to Profaaeor
Jevona'a warnlag raapaetlag tha eaal BogpHea ti
Great Britaln and te the phonornenal growtb ot
tbe coal and Iron laduatilea of tbe Unlted Btatea.
To theaa portaata ef tba laduatrial dgcUaa nf th?
Unlted KiriKiiom aaotber bad beea added thla
y-.-ir. Th.- Ualted Btatea had outpaaeed Oreat
Britaln ln th<- maoafactare of cottoa, an Indaa*
try in v\hi?-h Bngltoh aaceadi aey hai prevfouety
been aachalleaged. Th?. lael atateaaeart <>f the
aggregate of raw eotton worfced up in tha two
countrtea aaatgaed a larger quaatlty to the
Weatero Republlc than to tba LTnited Khagdoao.
Ardent Cobdenlta as h>- la, Mr. Coartaey ia hke
Baal am< mc tba prophota, f,,r he a^. ?pta I'ro.
feeaor Jevona'a foracaata of Induatrtal deeMao
and s.-.-ks to Impreaa apoa his eoaatrymea the
rxpedlenry of adjuatlng themaelvea t.i an ln?v
ItaMe future. n.- admita, however, tbat tbey ar<?
no| troabled by hi? own apeculetloaa <>r by i'r<>
feeaor Jevona'a predletloaa Tha i ;rr.-nt K.iKiish
trlew of thi- lacreaatag coaapetltloa ef rh.ii* he
hu? eaptalned aecarately la the foUoarkag
if thf coursc of trade wera everywbera fre#i
and open, competitlon would i?- no more aerioua
to-day ti.an it waa half a eentury back Th*
si,rin>f of ita mlaebief Itea ln the raodarn a-,-<>nd
ancy of Protectloniat nl.-ax an.l tbe enargy ,.f
ather governmenta In ahuttlng ua ofT, n<.t only
from tbebrowa marketa bui from vaal sf-.-i^.-a <>f
the world for wblcb tbey ara all eagerly
acrambllng. This axclualveneaa >,f other nations
la our real peril lt explalna, in the vlew of th?
anthoritiea t<- whom i refer, th<- abatemenl of
our growtb, lf thera has i,. ,-n auch an ai.ate
meat; it polnta t<> a loaa whl. h muat beeome r?al
lf coUnteractlon i?- noi taken: and th.- only way
to meet it to to aelse for ouraelvea anythlng re
mainlng unapproprlated, <>r to take aome e ua*
teractlon In order to prevenl tba abatemeat
fr. .rn actually becomlng a loaa.
Whlle .Mr. Courtney dld r...t aupport thla vlew,
an-l even aoogbt to demonetrate from tbe cx
perience of tbe Congo Kr<" Btate tbat Afrlcan
colonlea would not be uaeful as outleta f,-r Hrit
lah trad*-, ha gave a aummary of currenl o| in
i"n whi.-h helped to explaln th,- atreaa laid upon
thi open-door priaclple in recenl dtocuaaion of
Chlneae and American queationa. Flfty j.-ars
ag ? the Col pred t, 1 that tbe clvlllaed
world would I- cooverted to free trade i.y the
fon >? of Engllah example. < mly a amall group of
im'- faddlata now ente:*taln thls h^pe. The
battle la fought not agalnal Protectloniat or
hlgh-revenue tariflfa. bul agalnal t:-,.- prlgclpla of
exclualveneaa in the managemenl of colonlea or
apherea of Influence. That is now conaldarad
i tnd'a real peril The practli tl Bngltoh
man, afti-r Bfty yeara1 experlence under free
trade, deapaira >,f Induclng the Unlted state_,
Oermany, France, Ruaala, Italy and otber great
Powera to lon -r tl.--r tarl*.*.. What he to atrug*
gllng to malatain . i equallty i f commerclal i r.v
lli ge ,n outlying col tii. a, depi ndenclea and pro
tectoratea; and he la wellnlgh r nvlnced that
the most feaalble method of enforcing tba prln
clple is thal of aeialng for 1 ay terrltory
remalnlng unappropiiated ln the acrambla for
domlnl. n.
Whea amphattc pi teata appeared in th.? Enc:
llah preaa agalnal thi appllcatl >n of tha Amerl*
mn navigatlon lawa aad tarlff ayatem t,. Hawall
and Porto Rleo, tbere waa a practlcal lllaatra*
tlon of Bngltoh aenaltlveneaa i n this polnt Kr,<
lish trade wltb thoae lalanda waa Inconalderabla,
and ti" materlal latereata were Involved; hut
tbere was a abarp < 1k<- ? t Irrltablllty in all cm
m-nts from the preaa. Th- following <-,.nver_a
Uon batwaan an American and h waU-lnfOvaMd
Bngllahmaa llluatratea tba polnta at toaui i
The American- Wby ahould you maka mueh
ad-. about nothing over Hawall aad Porto Wco,
when you ara carrylag yoar matn poiota in the
Th ? Bngllahmaa?We have no Importaat com
merclal latereata in Porto Rleo aad Hawall, it
is true, but we have a priaclple thera, as eise
? bere.
Th.- American if that principla be free trad*.
you have no caaea for compialnt The Ualted
Btatea aill open its own marketa to tboae lal?
anda, Tbey wlll have frte trade wltb the only
markei where they can aell thelr ?ugar and
other pr. ducta
Tbe Engllabmaa?That to a matter ?,f a<a
demlc intereat to faddlata of tbe Cobden Club.
Practlcal Bngltebmen cara nothing about froe
trade as an abetract priaclple.
The American Tou wlll aarely admlt that
Imperial Federatlon la a broader princlple than
tbe open door? Tbe Amertcana In annezing Ha?
wall and Porto Rleo are carrylng out Mr. Caam
l rlaln'a Idea of an empire wltb free trad- ln
.lde and a common tarilf outatde. That La a aya?
tem of Imperial Pederatloa whlch your most
proareaalve atateamen would like to aaa tnatl
,,,?.,? |n tha Brltlah Bmplre. Wby is lt
?antiquated" and 'Teactioaarir whea tha aJaata**
Icana Intn duce it?
The Engllahman- We eare nothing aboat im*
pertal Pederatloa. II to a dreara whlch to utterly
Impractlcable for the Brltlah Bmplre. Wa take
our atand on th- open-door prtactpk That u a
pollcy of paramount Importance to us. We oaa
not nght our way lato the marketa of Protea
tionist natlona, but wltb ear navy and ->ur eoaa
plete command of the aea wa can enforoa the
princlple of equallty of privllege In colonlea, de
pendenclea and aeml-clvlllged Btatea. Tou io
not aeem to uaderataad tbat ?.- ara now opea*
dooriata rather than free-tradera. Wa caanot
compromlae that priaclple.
This converaatlon eoaAnna ln detail Mr.
Courtney'a aummary of Baglbn. oplnlon riapact
Ing forelgn competitlon ln trade. The opea
door priaclple is alroed agalaat eaetaetva i-riv
Uegea, not ln btgh-tarlff oountrtee, but ln those
porUona of tbe world whlch are depeadeatupoa
them. That eaeluetveaeee ia regarded ae the
ehlef meaace to Bnglaad'a Eommerdal prerpeaa.
Heace it followa tbat every Bngtlab j-.urnal
proteata agalaat tbe cloatng of tbe door in Ha?
wall and Porto Rleo, altbough tha brealeot
prlnclptea ol trto trade and imperial fedarafdoa
with.n tbi Unlon are carried lato practlcalopar>
atlon Bngland baa ao Importanl trade later?
eata In thoea islands, but ahe ha? a pbraee whieh
la eonalderod the "opea aeaaar-y to eommereial
domtnlon In tbe areat world oatalda the ohiof
protectloniat natlona.
There are oomments In BBOtheT Key among
travellera and ofBctala famiiiar wltb the aaaattBg
condltlooa of tha Brittab augar tobtoda la the
Baal and Weat ladtea A ptaater aald to me re
centl) "Y..ut- lioveininetu Burat) arlll pr.-rtt ??r
tn,- lamentabta mlatakea made hy our own u<>v
?rnraent in deallag wltb Weet Indlaa peeaaaa
?loaa Th.- opea-door principla h..s aot aaaral
bulana, Jamalca, tbe Babamaa and tha wir.d
ward and Leeward islands from acoawmk ruitu
Th>- ehlef induatriea of thoa.- poaaeaatoaa have
i.? txpoeed to daatructlva aompetldoa aad
rendered BOiaToatable. The whltaa have beea
gradaally atarved out aad the ookmlaa ha\a
been taraed over to tba btacka, Praah laveet
menta >>f Brittob eapttal ba tbona colonlea .-.-a^.-d
l ,nir im-... One lummlaaaoa after another iiaa r.>
ported oo thelr declbilag fortuaee, aad the laal
eonclurdoa to that thelr retlamptloa is boprdeea
?o long lu* tbai mother eountry opeaa its marketa
?n equal tenaa to the eagare of tba Ceutlaaat
and its aufferlag aaleatai Barety, the Baaer
laaa Ooveranaeat arlll not maneffa ita au?ar
Islands OB the same ltne?. It wlll have aenaa
enough to dafatop thelr Induatrtal raaMfgaaB tu
attract AnaaHaaa cui-ital and attttu-ra, and not

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