Newspaper Page Text
tftam* > x t V01" LVIH "X?-19.031. NEW YORK. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1898.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. CONTROL OF THE PACIFIC yEASCRES FOR MAIXTAIXIXG AMERICAN INTERE8T8, jjIPORTAXT ORDERS ISSri'n BY TnE .NAVY PKPARTMF.XT IX EXECT TIOX OF CARBFTJLLT MATURBD ri.ANs. [FT nUDOaAPB Tn tiik TBlaUBB.] ?Crflr.Mti4Tt ti. IVc. 22?The lmportance of Amer.ran Intereata ln the Paclflc Ooean, whirh ha* been BO notabljr Inereaaed i.y Dawey*a vic tr,rv at Manila and tho R.ssumptlnn hy the TJnltad Btatea of ui-in^nted reaponslhlliile* in gooaequence, reeelved PicniiioAnt reeognltloa from the Navy Depaitmeat to-day in the issue cf faTdan l ? carry out plana whirh have bon attttbBf B Itured ln the last few weeks wlth _ yifff ta aialatalBlng abeolutely tho polltleal mamtbpby '? t;--?! vast octBa ai lt oxi?ts to-day ar.d (.> prevenl any furtbcr aeceaatona of t.-rri torv ky F.'.'.r y> BB Pnwers in tha tracka nf Amer? ican "BBnmi n ? or alnng- the llnes nf rommunl catlon between thi? Unlted States and Its most rjistant poaaeaalona. Perh?;s tv.e oflldal nction nf rreatest lmpor ta-ce whirh became kn.iwn to-day related to the diS'raJrh ?' ,hP a,1-1!1ar>' cruiser Yopemlte abcut January 1 froni Norfolk to tha Ladrone ? ..... hi ".'iv of tha Su.-- Canal. O.immarvW JS*u.. ta* _ _. g ld? of tho Ynscmlte wlll satl under -M ,.i j hla eeeeel at Qcatn aa atatlon ?Y-. and ??] ?? there to B8 eoratantly prepered to nrotect the laland nf Oaam agalnal any un frlend'.y Incuralon. The Belaura of thi? island d'ri-ff tha war and Ita acqulrdtton under the Treaty Bf P?rl8 ? >' tho ?7a,t*d Btatea n.ay prove ba tha reaull of remarkable far-alghtednesfl the pari - ' *h? r.aval advleera nf tha Preal* iWt, M M practlSilly commai.ds tha Caroltne a-ehtpeUa bi nf wlthln a faw hundred milea _,'Vvtl ,T- Mstl n* rha. rrrnup. Tfca Btrateg - ealue nf the Toaamlta'a station Qftm ^ rel ra manlfeet, and la i * ...'. . ? ? any ehr.nge of Boverelgnty ovar the C">'''- ' ",|s w,,h011t ,h? rnri1inl ^nsent cf the Unlted Btatea, aarpaelally as Dawey'a ____4roi at Maaila wlll be rather aucmented oZ rtAbtti ln atrer.cth ln the COUrM of a faw waaka XS ARMEP COLUBH OOINQ TO BAMOA. Anc-trer lap rtanl W**-" w^lrh w?B '*sued to ky pf'?*.':. I for 1 -adlng thr eolllar Abarenda. at Horfblk wlth tha boat rjuallty of Pocahontas *, ,.' . | ? ? .. departure of thal vaaaal about Jaauary I -' ' * " l ?** way of the stralt of MageBaa B voyage of i ror ton thouaand nauti cal totato Tho Abarenda wlll Ue ln tho harbor *t Tmwa-P*t whieh la ovme_ by tho Unlted ?ftftte* doll g duty a? fi Btatlon shlp. untll the ar? rlval there next Bprln* nf the rontrartora and patraial fof the eoallaf estabii?hn-.ent to ba erecte* i: thla OoTaramaal nt a cost ot D00.000 The Abarenda wlll be armed and fully abie tn Ufaa r- d a o anl of beraelf H tha aarenlty of th* laaaoaa group is too rayt-craly atralnad by GenruiTi Interferenoe. Phe wlll be only two thouwr. ; Ilea from Honolulu, where the Ora pBBBd the lowa nre to randexvoUB, and these BBtlBlBhlr" fan J-in h.rr at any tlme wlth tha BBftatty ' pectirir.K eogl 'r-r a return voyage frcia h?'r bunkara. Tho lack of '-nai at Bamoa hai U_M -' ? ', '?ti the h af objactlon to sondinsr fel^awared war raaaalfl thora to protect Amer tcar L-U-r-.^iF. IIAWAII AB A NAVAb BAFE. Ancth.r order bearlnjr. on the attnatlon ln tho fodflc was i-ropared to-day. to be sont tn the ?paelal aaaadron whon II arrlvaa at Callao, idtraettisg tbe dlatllllng Bhlp Irta to proceed dlrectly tn Manila Befora Btartlng ob thls voy ^a?e rhe arlll take a full complement of fuel from the other ci lllara of the aquadron, enabllng them to burry oa to Ban Pranclaco with the lowa, brhlla th.o Oregon and tho Celtlc conttnue yoyoffe to Honolulu. Before the aad <?'. January the Rawallan lalanda wlll bec< tne a Btrong baee of naval atrergth, and. ln conjunctlon wlth the effectlve torces at Ifanlla ai d Ban Pranclaco, wlll effei tu ally command the ? ?' ' C ??cean. ? ?COURT TO BAVE DREYFU8 D088IER. ItWrU- ALtO Bl OOllMUinCATED Tr> MMK DRBT POI AJCB THB PBIBOMBBI CODNBBL. \ Lond ia, Dec. 29. The Paris cnrrespondent of *Tho Dally M'.i!" savs: Tha Oorernmanl has declded to har.d the Utayfufl Becrel doaaler tn the Court of Caaaa* llen. II wlll alao ba eoinmunlcated to Mme. IkeyfuB and to ll :,t rnard, the counael for Barayfui" -? 1 DISORDEHfl IN A FRENCH CITY. )M>-!>RBYrt*? AND ANTI DBETTUl VKKTINIP IB TOCIeOl'SB CteASTfl VBBlouae, France. Dec. 22 SeriOtia stroot dls -w.ers occurred here thla evenlng betwaen the PMBOteri of pro-Dreyfua and aatl-DreyfuB Baatlni Beveral peraona v-oro aeverely in? jured ,-.? l tha wlndowa of a number of Jewlah ?c>p5 wen imaahed iti. r FREXCB AOGRESSIOR IR CBIRA. J-S. 0 BOKB TNlTKi. BTATBI IIIKIBTBB at } glKO - I AOAIKBT IT. P*-!::/ j.,.- 22. The ' nlti I Btatea Minlater _er*. j- -. ..,. H C ng> ???!',", -1 bTOtoat gf___u t..-j proi w extei lon of French Jurls.irti n at Bhangbai. Th - a I '?? I to the 8?aj us DiitlBh proi aama aubject, ?*i:i und ibtedly Btllten Chi ? "? reelatanee tn li l*rei ?. demand. Bul unleaa th.- Chlneaa Bf* lusta'.n.d they wlll e\ entually^be compelled lo yieii ' 10RD IVEAGWB afl S1F1CERT BIFTB. Un.or,. Dee H J.ord Iveagh (Edurard Ci II sk_aa?ei - ?? . . totheJenner Inatttutethe IBB of c_ -.. n. ?\\ of Bdentlfk reaeareh in kMerlo] I other form* of btology The -u*?r j-. of the leadera m BMJcli - I acle icea li Or. "**:-;;? . f th. . - inltary Bull Allej area, an h. rl f Dul r ? MOREl FOR FRERCB ARTILLFRY. fcrh, De. B Tha Chamber of Deputlaa to f. vi ted a credlt I I.rranca ;'---' . ni at artll ery. THF ,-Hll' BERLIX ABBOME, ?don. i,. h Tha ahlp BarBn, captaln Oaffry, leh aalled from New-Tork luly H f?r Amor, ?-r*. li .-.. rted to be aahore al ''Hooetou**' *?r r.tar ?? ? . port, fTOBI whlch a.sslstance ?8 b*e:. . ^Tht Bf.::. re^iH'erh 1 U.1 tons and botoMB to ?**___? Bhl was ,-!ear,-d from thls porl by Jam Ifl w. bWbI] I ***8 WARBBIPB FOR THF BRITIBB RAYY. J**** B ? Brltlah AdaUralty, ll i? f aul'*- htr J""' Placed ordera for feur warahlpa tha Clyda THK HOT BPRIN'OI OF AftKANBAI t*Y K-? **u:t fbat MAXILA AXD PORTO RICO Ql'IET ORATIFYi.Nr, RKPORT9 FROM GENERAL! OTI8 ANO HKNRY. WashlnKton. 22. -F".nco_ra_.lne. report Of the eoadltlOfia of affairs li. Mnnlla nnd Porti Kiro raached the War DapartflMR. to-dajr fron 1 the rifflcers conimandln.. th4 troopa ln thoae de : inrtmer.ts. The dlspatcbcs from both Oenera i <?tl... at Manlla, and Oeneral Henry. at Hai ; Juan. u-ere ln laaposiae to the telegraphlc tn j qulrles bjp the Secretary Of War based on re | ports of a dlaquletlng nnttire whlch have reachec th. ofTlclHls here. from Oeneral Otis wa I parttculfirly gratlfjrlng tO the Presldent an< Bacretary Alger. n is n_ followa: Manlla, Deeember 22. 1S9S. Adjutant-General, Waahlngton: Belleve r\\\ never more qulet Order prevalls Natlv. populatlon greatly augmented ln thre, niiinthe Volume of business inereaslng Con dttd Of ?? ? ? ? gOOd. IfOOt favoralrly <. -mmentei on h>- cltia s. Dladpllna Improvlng. Disorder jromptl. i-iitiiKhed. aa bualneas of courta Btaowi Newapaper ajrtlolea published ln Unlted Btatea Hong Kong and Blngapore wlthout eletnent o truth. Mllltary rule llnn. a8 d.mandtd by clr cuinstani-.-s. OTIH. Tho dlspatch from Oeneral Henry ls as foi | lo*.vs: San Juan de I'orto Rlco. December 22. 1888, ? ComplalntB of disorderly condur-t unknowi bere. If speelfle cbajrges can be aent. laveatlga tlon. and, lf neceseary, punlshment, wlll foi low. Subordlnate commanders have been ap prlsod of your telcgrum. 1IKNRY, Commanding. IfULEB FOR MANII.A Ban Franclsco, Dee. 13.?Tbe ehlp Tneoma <=nl]r" to-day for Honolulu wlth 111 Army mulea on board At Honolulu the mulea wlll be tumed OUt for u fi ?? weeka1 axaretae, ur.d wiu then ba reablpped, aloni with two hundred mulre at,d hor*,. already '.' Honolulu, and the wbols lot wlll be tuken to Manll. for the use of the Unlted Btatea tro-ipa BtaUona. thara ln addltlon to the live atock tba Tucomi carrleii ln hir hold a large aaaortnianl of wagoni duntpcarta, t_Tnilin_.-pliiii._li_ an.l other thlnga necea a< ? for thi work of Improvlng th?; toada ln th )' pplnei Ueutenant J. OTlhea, *th Lnltei Cavalry, ir. In charge of the live eto.-k oi the Tacoma A i*eterlnary aurgei n and r.fty-tw m?n will ald In caiing for the anirnale. Of then men twenty-elghl are membera ..f tha Mb Cavalry SAGASTA'S COXDITIOX WORSE. THK I'RI.MIKR'S ILLNESS CAT'FES A FAT.l IN BPANISH BECURITIE8. Madrld. Dee. 22.?Tht Premier, Seftor Pa gasta, |s to-day. He is very feverish, aiu his eonditlon caueed Spanish Interl'.r securitlei to fall from M__8 to 56.80. CARLI8T AOITATION CONTINUES. ARRRgTS IR THE RORTHERR PRO**-R*_*__i 01 SPAIR?A LOAR fiTOIlT PENIED. Madrld, Dec. 22--The Oarltst asrltatlon con tlnues In several of the northern pr-.vlnees, an n number Of apltators have tr.een arr<*st-il a MorelLa, Provlnce of Castellon de la I'lana. ow Ing to Carllat demonstratlona A Car'lst has betfl arrested at Placencla Provlnea of Cacerea, for dlstrlbutlng arms. The report that Don Carloa has C0n*_t-f--tad I loan in Knpiand is denled. it is sxplalncd tha he trled to do so, but falled. POLITICAL BITUATIOM IH SPATN. Ixrndon. Dae, 28. The Madrld c-rre*pondem of The Btandard" say:-: "Moat of the l.iberal leadera whom Seftor Sa gaata has consulttd, etronsly oppose a dlas >lu tlon of the Cortea, on the ground that It a tul. b* irnprudent to plunge the eountry Into at electorsl agitaticn under eslstlne; . .ndlti'.n_. "Seftor Montero Rloa and others urge thai every effort be made to reunltc the I.ibera party Apparently Beflor Qamaso'i party o i dissentlents Is relentlng, and there are btttOl hopes of a full reo,,n<*lliation." paRI.IST RIMOR AFFECTfl PRICBS. }'nri*. Dae. tt?Prices wera f.rm al tba opealni on thr- ftour..- to-day. OWlng to the liS41 ln th- prlc. ?- Bpaniah foure. Later, rentea, Itallana, Braall lans and Rlo Tintos reacted, Influenced, generally t ward ihe eloae by a heavy decllne In Bpanlal ' --.iri conaequence of reallsatlom promptei : v a report ln the "Matln" lhat Don Carlo. had aucceeded In placlng a loan I" l.ondon. al ?rh operators were i aa to the truth o: ? .- rumoi Bagaata'a poor health alao afl ' ': "" _. _ r.EPATRIATED BOLDIBRB RKAr-R CADIZ. Ca-iiz. De_. ?- Thr- Bpaniah tranaporl Or;,n An tllla, Captaln Bayona, whlch .aiied from Havani n Da ember X tor Barcelona arlth repatrtate Bi inlah troopa on board, has arrlved at this port 8TEAM8HIP AXDE8 8TRAXDED. QOEfl AAHORE ON A JAMAK'A REEF-WIL1 PROBABLY BE A TOTAL LOBfl Klngaton, Jamalca. Dec. 22 The Atlaa Lin. iteamer Andaa Captaln Cole, bound from thii port to New-Tork, went aahore on riumb Poini Reef al 2 o'clock thla morning. Tugs and iifiht era ar. endeavorlng ' ti at her The hlgh wlnd? nnd heavy aeaa prevalllng wll probably cauae the Andea t< be a total loea II the tugs fall to pull h.-r off. A cable <l!_patch was recelved at the offlce of thi Atlaa Une yeaterday, announelng tbat th. Andrs left thla port on December T, for Haytl anl Jamalca, h_d Kont- aahora i^ar Klngaton Noth Ing waa known at tha ofllca of th.- llne as to th. veaael'a cargo or paaaengera. aa aha was on hei return trlp to thla port Sh. wns ln command o ,a n l. Cole nn.l f^t/nn^r J. i^rw... Thi w,? ar, Iron.. ??ngto-acrew reaael. bullt li r hs v Beot and. n ivr-- Bne reaiBterea i.w [?:':k ?"? -?'- ?-, feet; breadth. _2 feet; depth 19.: Bhe^^wia owned by the Atlaa BteamshTp *5o? ? - ? THK OABPESIA ABHORB. BHE Ifl tiii: PIORRRR VUBBWL OF a RRW cxsk man TK.^^*;?5''l?"'*^"^I'? URE. Hallfaa, N. B., Dec. 22 (Bpeclal).?The steamei Oaapeila of tba naw Canadlan staamahlp Un* fron. Mllford Haven to Paapeblac, Quebec, rar Mhore on an laland len mllaa from rhariotte. t..wn. P, E. I., thla rr.ornlng, and Uaa In con ?Iderable danger. _ V. CAMBON FOR THE BERLIN PORT. I'arts r>i-c 22.? M. Julf-. Cambon, French Am basaador to the Unlted Btatea, wiu probably Im transferred to B. i Iln PRJ80N WARDENB 8ELECTED. ADDISOR JOHRflOI- FOR sin-; BIRQ ARO JCDOl DO01I l"lt DARRKMORA Alban) Dee tt The long-mooted matter ?f tbt appolntment of wardena of Ihe Btati PHaona at Dannemora and Blng Blng haa flnally been aetl ? by Bupeilntei lenl Colllna He wlll on January i mca ihe appolntmeni of Addtaon -.obnaon ot v.,._.,.-, .r.-r County. to be Warder of Blag B\nf Prtaon ln pla_4 of O. V Bage. and Judge Dobl dinton County. to aucceed Walter N Taoyer ai Warden of Cltaton Prla n Mr Johnaon la ar, ei-Bherifl of Weatcheatai County and a promlnent Republlcnn. Thr- othei c.ndldatei for tha place wera Benator Bnrna. ot Weitcheater, and Mr Ja - ot Oraen. County :.-,,. tha appomtment at Dannemora tbera were ... ,,.. fX ., -.., ndldatea Tba offlce la m trth B.O0. ,, ,r. wlth houaa and malntenai ? ,,, ,-ovkh ATnWABHWOTON. PENNBTLVA .... t. .,._? ivar'u Company ann l\nHiS toiUu* >*--? "? l"ttab'.rg. r-adltiK vl.i ^btngwnrwlll ?? "?'?d bi ^ aaaaa rate- aa ?'?'rtllo'-l w'^'win permlt of a MMOvei at .Va.:, inl-or! :".ot _?eae&_l t.n daya.-AdvU HARRI80N REPRIMANDED. ORDERED HY OENERAL LEE TO LOWEn THE FLAO AT FORT ATARES. EVA-TATION C OM MISSIONBHS TO MEKT POB THK l.AST TIME TO PAY -I'F". TITl'TI1 ?-* IN HAVANA - gPARtgfl BOU-IRBI SAII. FOIl PI'AIN. Havana. Dec. 22.?Major Russell Harrlaon. the rrovost Marshal. Who on Tticsday ralsed the Stars and Strlpes over Fort Atares wlthout orders. and In contraventlon of the promlse of the Unlted stat.-s Bvacuation C-omtnlwioni tn that no American fbif-s ahould be ralsed in Ha? vana or Its suburba until January 1, was to-day 1 formally repiimanded by Ilajor-Claneral Lee and Inatructed to lower the flag*. Lleur.nant Lee re ported a few hours later to headquarters that thc flaK had been lowered. Nevertheleaa. at the hour of Ollng thls dlspatch '4 80 p. m.) It Is stlll flying >.n a tail staff over the famous fort, plaln !y vlslble frotn the harbor and city. The last -rmal Jolnt meetlng of the T'nited States and Spanish Bvacuation Oomrnlssioners Wlll be held to-morrow. If. after that, any new : Quoettona arlse, they Wlll be .ettled by lndl ', vlduul Intervlews or correspondence. Tbe Cnlted State. Ootnmissl.n wlll adopt a wrltten resolutlon of thanks for the courtesles <*x tendeil by the Spanish authnrltiea at Havana and ei-ewhere In Cuba under trylng condltlons. and bear testlmony "to the excellent disdpline and soidterilke eonduet of th" olhcers and men of the Spanish Army." RrlKadior-Oen.-ral Clous to-day dellvered th. meinorandum aKTeein'-nt rei.ardlr.R- the places where Spanish troopa are to he stationed after January 1. It wlll be dls cussed at tO-mOITOW's mc.-tini.. Surgeon-Major Anhlnard has Vtatted the Spanish hospltal outalde Havana, aad to-nior row. o? hehalf of Sunreon-Oeneral Sternt.erg. wlll lnspect the h-spltals wlthln the clty llmlts. EI. VEDADO TO RE KVAf'l'ATF.n TO-DAT. Kl Vedado, the guburb of Havana where ls i sltuated tbe Hotel Trocha. whlch has been th. i headquarters of the rnited state. Mllltary com I mlsslon. wlll be .vaeuated to-morrow. when tbe ! aeacoaat forts Wlll be OCCUpIed by the T'nited States troopa. Ouar.abacoa wlll be formally OC? CUpIed on Monday r.ext. It ls the eurtotn of Havana folk tr> relebrate Christmas Eve by street dar.clng and flrtag crackers. To-morrow Oaptaln-Oeneral Caatel lanos wlll Issue a bando forblddlng the g-ather Ing of crowds. In order to avold any poaalble dls on'.er. General Lee, ha-lng recelved a cable from Oeneral Alercr, saylns: that the Se. retary of War undcrstood there uere thousands of pers.-n. starvlni* ln Havana. ar.d dlrcctlnK hlm to feed them "wlthout delay," lmmedlately ordered Lleutenant Wood to dlatrlbuta rat!, ns and to make systematlc efTorts to feed the help>ss. carefully avoldln* waata There are hundreds In Havana to-day who, though not actually starving, ar." In a deplorable state of weakm-ss and dlsease, the effects of the cruel reonncer. tratlon pollcy. They naed hospltal treatment. whlch ls not always avallable. Much of the wrctchednesa la due to the neglected eonditlon of the tencments. Every day or so the rellef dlstributers come upon d-'ftd b'*dles, terrlblv emadated. Two were found ln the auburb of '?? rro ye/Bterday. It ls dlfflcult to dlatlngulsh between the professlonal vaprant and th_ really deservlni. case.. hut the eommltt. ea wlth local knowlcdKe are able to renier excellent aervlce. The Cuban colonel Raoul Aran_;o, wlth slx hundred Cuban horscrrrcn, paraded In Ji-eui de'. Monte to-day, and then marched out agaln to camp. TOWA'S REOIMENT ARRIVES. The T'nlt.d States transport Mlnnewaska, whlch left Savannah for Cuba on December 1!). with the 40th lowa Replment. arrlved here thls aftei noon To-'lay the Spanish transports Cludad de ("adiz and the Neustrla salled for Spaln, tba f..rtti.-r wlth 1,286 men and offlcers, botind for Bantander, and the latter, with 1,068 men, f.>r Cadlz. The mllltary telegraph from Tuerto Prln<-!p? Boutbward t-> Banta cru_. the eabie polnt, is neaiing completlon. Thus wlre connectlon wlth Oeneral Carpenter wiu .?'>->n i.e made. Colonel Dunwoodle, Of the Slpnal Corpa, says the tele graph Wll! be bullt as lf f'.r mllltary purposes and will re.julre no lar.d llnes to Santlaf.o, us projected. The War Departm.nt has dlrecfed th.-* trans porl Cheater to take '.eneral C.reene and h!s btaff to Savannah. She wili sail tO-moiTOW, Marshal Hlanro thOUgh DOt rei-uested to do ?.. h\ the Ameriean Commlaaionera, Isaued di rcctions before leavlnt; Cuba that the rlch sil? ver table servlce of the jalace be left f<>r the Amerlcans. and that the maKnlfleent furnlture of the receptlon-rooma be also left for the Amer? ican occupanta The ofiiciai coachaa with the arms of Spaln and the furnlture of the Treae ury Departmenl artll be soid. A propoaltlon has l>>-en made in the Munlelpal Councll to change the name of Ohlspo-st., to Lee-st. Thls thorou_;hfare for B tlme waa called Weyler-Bt, Actlon ln the matter has been de ferrr-d. The steam UghtCT Laura arrlved at Cardenas yeaterday wlth T'nited States troopa. -. - CUBAN8 CUT TBUEORAPH WIRES. de Cuba. Tiec. 2'J. Oeneral De metrlua Castlllo returned to-day from his trip mto the interior of Santin_.n Provlnce, where, und'-r th.- directlons of Oeneral Wood, he ha. been establlshlng Ibe mlnor clvll ..nv. rnments. He reports that ttr-re been eonalderabla cattle-ateallng ln the nelghborh od of San Lula To-morrow Colonel Frandsco Vaiiente, Cbiaf of Oendarmerie, wlll leave Bantlago for that dis trii t uith a subatantlal force to endeavor to ? apture the thlevi a Accordlng to o.n.-ral Castllb >, theCubans hava agaln be. n tamp. rinp with the telegraph llnes. Th'- llne to Quantanamo has been malldoualy cul twlce. In both caaea the cuttinp wae abso lutely wanton, because the wire waa not u.s.-d n* ln tne caas of the cuttlng of the iin-- to Alto .-?? r.,-.-, t-<r blndlng hay. Th- r.ffenders merely cul it and left it. Colonel Vallente has sj <-r!.il Inatructlona ln this matter. ? WII.I. TAKE WHAT AMERK'A OIVES THEM London, Dec 23 Th?- Havana eorreapondent ?f "The T'.in.s," ln th.- ,.,ur.--e of a letter pub Hahi d this morning, saj> "Prealdeni McKlnley wlll have an unfettered !..i: 1 here. A majoiity of thi- Cubans are pre pjtred to a.-i-ept unreeervedly any rdglme treat Ing them Justly ami Insurlni. the tranqullllty of the lsland "The Spanish resldents also are contented to ,,,.,.;.t t!,.- Inevltable, bellevlng that thelr Inter ,-?ts will I-.- protocted and lhamaelvaa fairly treated. Therefore. th.- way ls clear t-> estab liah any system of pov. rnmmt the ftTaahlngl ?n tuthorltles may see ilt to Impoae." CHRISTMAB HdLlDATf RATEfl POH BTTJ DENTB T&EBLAV'SMARCHEABTWARD AMAZIN'G DFVELOPMENT OF A.SIATIC RUMIA. OBBBBTATTOBI <">F John w. BOOKWALTBB IN THR VAST ItKiIinNS HEYOND THE ITtAL MOI'NTAINR OBBWUtQ A DOOR Tn CHINA. London, Dec. 18.?John W, Bookwaltfcr, of nhio, who has just returned from n throe montha' Jnurney through Ruaala, (old tho cnrre BDOndent of The Aaaoclatcd I'r.-ss in an intor rtew to-day that he anjoyed unusnal facllltlea for ohservlnp what Is polnff on In that rountry. He travelled 17,"nu mllos to the terminus <>f tho Trins-Slhorian Rallway, t,, tho end of tho ||na reachlni? tho ftontler of AfKhanlstan, and to tho end of tho one j.enotratlnsr China throufch Man churia. All tho*o nre now practlcally completed. Mr. Itookwaltor was allowad to ro every whero. to son everythlnp. and to take hundreds of photopraphs. thnnks to special permlts issuod to him by tho Mlnlstor of the lnterlor on tho ap* pll. itlon of the Cnlted States Atnbassa.lor at Ft. PetershurR. Durlnft his Journey he r?n versorl wlth tho Coyernors of provlncos and wlth milltary and clvll offiolals of all ranks. fRIKNDLT TO AMKHICA. "Everywhero I found," aald Mr. Bookwalter, "the kindest and most friendly feellns toward Am-iica and Amerlean:-!, nnd heard many ex praaalona of aatlafactlon over Amerlea'B Bueeeaa j ln our war wlth Ppaln Tn thls thera was not a [ sinpie axeepttoa. Wherever I went averythlng ; was thrown ,.i.on to me almply becauae i was an Ai... ;>an. "Amerloa's best open door to Central Asla and | China ls through Ruaala. Already au the loco | motlves and rolllng stork on the railways are of ! Amerlean mauufai ture Central Asla wlll ln the near future be the greateat market In the world for . tanufacturea of all klnda, and our obtalnlng | the vlrtual monopoly nf thia market only de* ; penda on our retainlng th? frlendahlp Ruaala j now has fr.r us. A greal Burprlae to tha world : is la preparatlon ln th:it part of tho earth. and ; it will come. i belteve, very Boon. Not many years will elapae before tho world wlll se" Rua* ' ala. Knislan.! and China comblnlng f.,r tho par* j titlon nf Aala The very force ..f clrcumataneea ' win i.ritiK thla ai.out. Bngland and Ruaala wlU ri'-v.-r ba abie to nffreo on e. partltlofl of .'hina ; hetweon thotnsolvos. S'lil l^ss wlll they allOW j the other Powerfl tn oharo wlth therri in the I spoils of that Bmplre. They wlll be forcod tn I defoiid China, whlch alnn* ls helpleaa, njtnlnst ' the roat of tho world, and to sharo wlth lu-r the | domlnlon "f Asla. "Th" alllance of En-land, Ruaala and China of two-thlrds of the human ra<ta wlll be such ? an allianre aa hlatory has never yet Beea, and !t will ba ono whirh wli! i.lvo ponro to tho worll for etnturlea au its Intereata "i',' make fnr i peace, and lt wlll bo abie to dletate terms to the; i r?st --r the world. America baa rery H'tie tn ' galn b) an open <i. to China. Thnt eountry ls j an Induatrtal one, ai I whatever wa may now ba to Ball to then, the chlneaa wlll s,mn ba abie to mak,- for themaelvea, One day, an.! that dav ls near at hand, whatever China buya fr,,m th.- real of th,. worll wlll reach her thn.ujrh Ruaala and Central Aala. RUHRA'f OPBN DOOR TO CHINA "Ruaala in tha last threa yeari has dor." more to open the doora of China than Bngland and all the rest of tho world hn.-< done ln tifty years. No om who has not Been ll arlth his own eyes can have the falnteat coBoeptloo of what Ruaala Btovt and la rtffl dolng In Central Asta. i have travelled over twelve hundred milea of rallway whlch Bhi ha? bullt from tho Caaptaa Baa to Taahk*ud, In Turkeetan; over a branch of tiiifl llne whi.h runa to tha northern frontler of Indla. and over another branch whlch goes from Merv to the border of Afghanlatan. rhlfl laat branch waa not completedi when I waa there but It wlll bi open to trafflc next week Th*re ar.- also Ruaalan llnea all al.?nc tho i ,-. ilan frontler and penetratlng Into that eountry alther completed or rapldly approachlng com pletloa. All th- work on theae llnea hai been done bv BoldlerJ, who in thla way ar-- not In Ruaala. aa elaewhere, non-producera. ??All thls tremendmia Aslatlc rallway system ls ownod and operated by the Oovernment All th.- llnea are admlrably bullt and aplendldly eaulpped. Why, l aaw a brldge acrona the ?rou Parla In Central Aala nt a polnt where tho river ls three milea wlde, that coat 20,..".?> rublee, nnd ls the greateat plece of engtneeting work ever accompllBhed. There ls nothing like lt anywhere elae in the world. tho celebrated Porth brldge, near Bdlnburgh, not ezcepted. CITIEI AND TOWN8 IPRINQINCl UP. "Wherever I went I aaw cltlea and townfl apringlng up iu< h bb Aakobad, In Turkomanta, for example, whlch already haa 21,000 Inhabl tants. Neai Merv the Caar ls bulldlng a mag* nlflcent palace New Bokhara, twelve milea from Old Bokhara, haa 12.000 Inhabltanta. The Rua.sian pollcy In Central Asla is n<>t to brlng tho new and the old Into too cloae a eontraat, and ao ?h- bulldB hl r railway Btatlona a rew milea away from the old- centrea of populatlon, thua formlng new and entlrely modern centrea. Where do th- people come from to Inhablt theae towna? whv. from European Ruaala TheOov rrnment is turnlng her aurplua European popu latlon Into Central Aala b'ct ** rtl" Cnlted Btatea turned tln- eurplua populatlon of her At lantlc st.-,..- Into her greal Weatern territorlea What i have |uat aeen ln Central Aala ls ? an .x-i -t reproductlon - f what 1 wltneaaed yeara aif.. in Illlnola, Indlana and Mlaaourl, when the emlgranta from the Baal were pouring Into the West So human power can Btay the onward rnarih of the Blav through Ruaala which wlll be the feature of tho twentleth contury. just as the march of the Anglo-Baxon through America haa I ."'ti the feature of th.- nlneteenth "Already, thanka to h.-r rallwaya, Ruaala oan at an' tln ?? i ? ur h< r armlea acn bb the frontlen ? of India by the same routea that Aleaander, Tamerlane and Kubla Khan marched to the 1 conqueet of Eaatern Aala Ruaala to-day has ?_:, ih'iiiihui p-S'r^'"i all of whom have Benred ln the army from three tn tu-o yoars. ono-fifth of her populatlon haa been dritted and dlsclpllned to milltary work. "Tho Cnlted Btatea wlll be commlttlng a worul mlatake lf Bhe falla tn n tain th.- friendBhlp i f thla greal world-power of tha future." PR0SPECT8 OF AOREEMERT HRKUIT. joint HtOH CO_Illl"*BIO****l BEXT MKFTtNn BOT TO I.aPT MOBS THAN' TWO WBBKB Waahlngton. i,f><- 22. The naai aaaatofl of tiie Anglo-American Joint Hi*h Commlaalon win be llmlted pretty cloeely to a fortnlght. Lord Her* Bchell, tho Brltlah member of the Commlaalon, li ked to saii for Burope on January '_.*> anl cannot remaln longer In th.. t'nlted Btatea, aa ho ln obllged to attend tho ..penlnir >,f the Ven'-z ueian boundary erbttratlon In Parla belng one of the arbltratora. There are Indlcatlona that tha Coramlaalonera regard th" proopecta of roarhlns; nn agreement as mueh hrlphter than :hf-y -lid ju^t before tbe adj .umment ,,f th,- aea Bion. and the oplnlon ls now expreaaed ln well* Informed drclea that Lord H. racbell de* j arts a treaty will ha\-e been completed set tllnp nll tho j-nints ln dtapute between the Cnlted StAtes ar.d Caaada, and evon maklnjc s,,mo slijrht prouross toward an aRTeement on laclprodty. UPE-BAVERB REPORT 1 VE88BL ABBORB. | lv Hook, N I ? f,rr - -Tha Mnntoloklna 1,1 f.. S;,\irR fstatl^H, reports that a rhlp Is aahore ,,, ir ., ,,f polnl N'o pnrtlcul,irs hnve been re eelvi d I'AKK AND TILPORD*! INCRBABBD BALEfl of |h< celebrated Poland Sprinir water teatlfy to Ita merlt Pur*. ?parkllna ont\ rl'hr.ous -Advt. A "BABO ""K" PIRI BXTTNOUIBHBR or a portahle tire-*sc*p* 1* a unlque and valuabie Xma* 8lft. ^T Canal-et.-Advt. EriDEMIC AT ITS IIETGIIT. FURTHER SPREAD OF THE GRIP NOT LOOKBD FOR. r.i.KVATKi. AND BVRFAO CARI Bk-RQ CLRARgED AM) DISIRPRCTBD RAOIgTRATB CORRRLL ll.b When the wrefched weather of yesterday Is taken into conatderatton, it is far from strange that reporta ShOWOd no dlmlnutlon In the extent of the grlp epldemlc tbat has been upon thc rity f'.r some tlme. In Bellevue Hoapltal, where Btatlstlcs can b-'st be secured, the number of caaea of grlp had in <?rea.---.-d yeaterday m.irnlng from thlrty-two to forty-fonr, and among the new caaea was that of Mrs. Wlllard, Buperintendent .>f tbe Trainimr Bchool f..r Ifale Mureea Her caae is a sllgbt one. Ifaglatrate Cornefl was yeaterday added to the lonp iist of sufferers from the epldemlc. Mrs. Cornetl telepboned to the Harlem Court that h.-r huaband would be unable to slt there yeaterday, Ifaglatrate Deuel took his place in the Harlem Court, ln addltlon tO sittinj. ln M-.r rlaanla. In the Pollce Department. where the prlp has been partlcularly ln evldence, Its work wns ap parcnt yeaterday In tho Increaaed number of men reported unflf for duty. The number so re? ported yesterday was 381, ns agalnst 888 the day before. it is belleved that the majorlty of th>* ni-w cases of Illness wer,- due to the Kflp. Willlam M. Ivlns. the well-known lawyer and flnancler, ls among the sufferers from the trrip. He has not been at his offlce, in tha Lord'a Court Bulldlng, Blnce Monday, and tf was sald ther- yesterday that h- mlght not be able to leave his h'-me for aeveral days to come. Presldent Murphy of th.* Health Board said yeaterday that there was some reason to think that the epideml-* had reached Its heipht He added that h" was well pleaaed with the anxlety dlaplayed by th* rallroad companlea to aaalBt the fi- abh Board in tl-.,* steps taken to preserve th" he.iith of the eonimttnltv and to prevepl the epldi mle from spreadlng further, He r-'ai'l that th.- offlclals of the Manhattan Blevated Railway Company had said tha* as fast n_ the cars i ame ln they were h.*ln_r thorousrhly cleansed an'l dls Infected Manager Pranaioll of th-* elevated r.-ad raid thnt this practl e had been followed by his company for some tlme The woodwork of the cars anil the Boora, after the mattlnga have heen removed, nre thoroughly waahed with n dislnfpotant. The cars i.f the Metropolltan Btreet Railway Company and th-* Third Avenue Rallroad Company have been put through the same pmccSB. Prealdent Murphv was n. ked yeaterday about bi.. suaplclona, volced a day or so ago, that the k'rlp was cauaed by Bome remarkable chemtcal reactlon thnt went - ,-i ln aaphalt He dld nol appear Incllned t-i taik abi ut the matter, tv*r .bd he _eem overjoyed at belng asked aboul it By an error there was prlnted ln The Tribune yesterdny a atatemenl that Willlam Rutherford of No. i.fMll sixth-ave. ha.i i.n found dead at his home, a Buicldal vlctlm of the grlp. Thla Bl il >meni was Incorrect. Mr. Rutherford's name waa confounded wlth that of a aulcide whose body he dlscovered, ? ? THB QRIFi DEATH HATF. The denth r_te ln th - boroughs of Manhattan flnd , The Mronx has Increaaed ln thi laat live daya from IM deatha from all cauaea on December II to IM deatha from all caueei on December 22. The follow? ing table irh-es (he denth Uat in the borOUghB of Manbattan and Tha Bronx for flve days: tw is ri-e. w, Dae. p\ r>... 21 n.c. 22. Pn-imonla . :n 1*1 21 -.'I V) 1 ln .?!??-? ?. T B . II Ifl Ho 1 1 _!?!? . 1 I 8 2 2 Vlhrr OaUMS .lll lll 1.1'. |g] 147 Vir tha week endlng December 17 ther,- were 7!i_ deathi tn tt>e?e two borougha, md of this number I . were from Inrlu-nz.i, 33 fiom bronchltla and l-."> fr.-m pneumonla. I',,r the correaponding week one year n.o there wen KO deatha fr,.in all eauaea, and of thal number ?.-. ? r??? from pneumonla, 21 from bronchltla and -i from influenaa. -. MANY CABB8 IX PHILADELPHIA. A NfMHl-'l. OF DEATHS ATTRIBL'TED TO THK rpiDEMir. Philadelphia, D-c. ___, 1, |. Mtlmated that .e tween twenty-flva thouaand bi i ?' rty thousand persons iri th'.4 clty nre lulferlng '? im l-*'.p. and doctora report the epi lemh. on the Incn tse, At the Board cf Health to-day ?!*< deatha were re? ported to have occurred wlthln the laal twentj four hour.s dlrectly duo t'i Krlp. and twelve other deathi were traeed Indlrectlv to the - All the hospltals hava an unuiually !.ir_.* numher of er;;. pattent., ar-.-l ln s.-v.-r.ii In.tancei ' .? iuf ferer* have '. it thelr reaaon nnd hav.- :o he itrapped to thelr bedi ? lf I4fl ??? nearly ten thouaand are si.-k al home, Clty Ooun rai.t 1 . irum to -i iy, 1 tn re were so many abaenteea from grlp. Reporta r frorn Peni and Bouth N--.v-i.r- . -, an epldemlc of the dlaeaae ln thoae re _ ORIP BPIDEMIC IN NEW-ENOLAMD TOWNfl. Brldgeport, Conn., Dec. H.?The _rrlp is prevalent ln thls clty, but the aaea ln general nre not n.-v.-r ? In all iit-s of buelneai employea are affeeted. and about a doien reportera for the newapapera are >u the 11-t lr la eatlmated that there ire two hun dre.1 caaea in the elty Sew-Haven, Dec. 2J. -Accordlng to the stafemen*. of ti-.i- Health Offlcer, tbe prlp epldemlc la li ir.K In thla clty, and wlll contlnue to do ao aa long as tha preaenl weather condltlona contli i There are. however, fee caaea of actual proatratlon. Hartford, Dec tt There are hundreda of caaea of the grlp ln thli H'.v Not many fatalltlei have t,. ..-i rep irted thn.-- fnr. Bprtngfleld, Maaa., Dec 22. The jrrip i* epldemlc ln thls city. It li more dlfflcult to niri> than be? fore, but no deatha fr. m li ar- reported, Woreeater, M:-s, Dec, H The recently laeued :? ? of tha Health r ?, irti thal a mii-i form ..r' grlp la prei ilei t In thla JAFFBAY, BARYARD'8 CENTRE, DEAD. BI_OOD.FOIgONIXa POl'ND Tn Bl Tin: CAUBB OP HIS DEATH <"nmi r.iiK'e, Mase., Dec B. Petry M. Jaffray, pentre of Harvard'a football eleven th!< m dled at hla rooma, No I Bow t. lata ;h:s iftar noon, fr.itn blood-polaoning Hl; <!>-.ith wai mdden, ns h,- _ 11 DOt taken Violt ntly lll unrll n-.on, and after tl il phyalclana _ork--i Inceaaantly to e.i-., hli luffertng When death came the phyalclana were Mmewhal In doubl as to the exact tr.itare of the dlaeaae iplnal menlngltli waa auggeated ta probable. T_ ? .ver, an autopay waa held by i number of promlnent phyalclana The following offlclai ? ? tni nl wa* Iraued. Th.- post-m .rt.iti ezamlnatlon on the body ?'. p M faffriy ahowa lhat i ' death waa , ', iti geneftl *eptl _?n la Tl rtie reault of an acote Inf* tlon ihe lung* whi.-h wai followed by a aeneral in f,...;..., ..? the blood Ther. wai no Injurj whl ., rould in sny **'v ^iv'' bui an Influen 1 ln pi >? duclng thi 11 WII.I.IAM l? BTRONO, M D W P. COUN. II.MAN. M I) it was at flrat belleved that rh. cauae of Jaffraya death waa .ni Injury he recelved In the Vii- game, bui th.- doctora* atatemenl ahowa thal rh:s wa* not the cas.e. Jaffray entered Han ir ' '- (from Weatmlnater iehool, al Dobba Perry, N v Hla bome wot at Irvtngton-on-the-Hudi .n. In his freahman year he played rlnht guard "ti rh<- DnlvereJty eleven In the Princeton gami irr uu aopbomom aad lunlor \eir- ba played lubatltute guard He was twenty ,,-.. vear- old, welghed IM pounda aad *??? t feet 51, in<"hes tail. Ha waa .1 member of the inatltuta of lTTo. I> K. K . nr-l /.-ta Pai tei I- '. and tha Porealllan and Haaty Puddtng cluba ? OOLDBN ROD B*_8TTLI.D at thp: BREWBRT 1! ?-. par chk.> r,f ;t bottlaa On aala r,t Hotel., Rea tauranta nn! Orocera Order by post or telephone :>'4 IVllllainaburgh. Otto Huber Brewery, Brooklyn.? Advt 3end your frlend a cn*e of India Pale Ale. He'll appreciiti it lf It's Ballantlne*a?Advt PRAISE OF THE PIL6RIMS ANNUAL DIXXER OF THE NEW EXGLAXD SOCIETY. SPI.I.CHI.S RY OOL09BL ROOSEVELT, QOTBRNOB DTBB. OENERAL MKR HITT. OENERAL BHAFTEB, iiEXER AI. WHEELER AM) OTHER* BomebOdy has sald that llberal samples of tha beal bratni and rmargy of tha rast of the eoun? try ko to make up whal la ealled New-Tork. if this Btatement ear.n,.t ba denled, nelther can the aaaartloa that a goodly portlon of that metro> poiitan miatura Bnda Ita way into the coaaptetad whole from New-England, and of tha N'ow-KnK land alenwat of New-York. tha Naw-EaglBBi Boclety In th- city <>r New-Tork ll tba repru aentatlva organlaatlon. Thls andant an.l honor ablo Bodety held its nlnety*thlrd annual f.-stival last nlghl at Delmonlco'a As usual. tho fes tlval t>>,,1, th" form of a dlnnor. and, at usual, it t...k pla.-,- at tho Waldorf-Aetorla. Th? aplendtd ballroom was n.m* too hi?r to hold tho four hundr.-d and BK t" BOBfl nf New Bngland and gueata nor woro the hoxea laruo enouKh to provtd.- m.,re than enmfortahly f,,r the moth.-rs and Wlvefl anl daiisrhfors of th,.se who dlned below. The elaborato deeora tions nf th" Bpadoua ball wera thoroughly 8Mb tlnctlve ,,f the oruanlzatlnn. Above tha preeidtng offleefa chair appeared the seal nf the Bodety, Sanked by Aaiertcan and English flaics. whlle .*i elther side the cats-of - ,.f fcfalne, New-Hampablra, Vermnnt, Maaaachuaetta, Rhode island and Connectl at, worked on large blua si;k bannera arere sua pended from th- balcontes and columna Abova wera cluatera of allk flaga atudded ?t'b >-- I 1< n eaglea whlla th" electrollera below ?cr.< folned i.y flaga Bweeplng In graceful folda from oi to another. The two balcontea at the end nf the room were hung with a val. nea of tii- Am. coi-irs, on whlch was pla .-.l a handeome Bllk* embroldered baaner with th.- eoat-of-arma <>f the Cnlted Btatea AT THK TABLB of RONOB. At th<^ eentre of the elevated table Bal ex .1 , - ?-? Henry E. Howland, prealdenl of tha Ho*** Bngland H clety, who has coma to ba regarded ar- of th" most deltghtfully refreehtng and rpiatntly amualng Qf tho men whom New rora> crs frequentl] hear at tho publle dlnnera ??* the Beaaon At i-'s rlghl utA Ooveraor Bllaha Dyer of Rhode laland. On eith^r Blile nf blm aat one . f the moal brt!.* arraya of men of tha tlma thit it hn* been the r.l fortune ..f Naw-Tork ,>n tn ?.>o togetbM '.n thls clty tn a long tlme. They Included Oovemor-elect Rooeevelt Oeneral PMahtlr.g J-.'' Wheeler, Oeneral Wealey -fer* ritt, Oeneral Wllllam R. ?bafter, Jnseph ir. Choate, Bllhu Root, J Plerpont Mor gan, caitain K. C Taylor, Oeneral Uton s H&wklna Oenerar- Wallaca iun dolph, Cnlted Btatea Dlatrtct-Attorncy Jamea M. Beck, nf Phlladelphla; Mllton I. Bouthard. Jns flro Iforgan J. O'Brlen, S. Frankiin :>t_ntnn. Wllllam B r-avenport, Howland Pell, t'nlonel Panb-i Appleton, Isaac H. Balley and Hnrace RuaaeH. Beeretary Algi r and Beeretary miss wore detalned by offidal dutlea Rea**-Admtral Bampaon would hava been prceeat ha.i his tias ship. the New-York, now on her way here from Havana. gH h-r*. in tlme The Rev. Dr. Oeorfre It. Van T>e Wator. chaplaln nf the 7ist Regt* ! rnenvarKl O. C. Ifcrar/an were piev.Ttteit.ftem boinff presont by reaOOfl "t sti-rht lllnesses, Mr. ii.-atnan l>"fn?T "no of the prrip's vlctims. Th.; prlp and the weather had done thelr WOTBt to eaat a damper ov-r tho festlvltlea, but what ar<? llttle thiiiKS llk" th" grlp and tho areather be tween New-Englanderat Not many of thoae i.aent who nnti^od th*? abs-'ti," ,/ Colonel Bdwln sh. pard Barrett k-ew th-- real reaaon for his absence. C iloael Bar* rett, who was Natlonal prealdent of tho sona of tho Amerl, Revolutlon, waa kllled Tuesday morning Ly falllng from a arladow at 1::.-- ii.,me in Concord, Mass BIBTBR BOCIBTIEB REPRE8ENTBD. Among tho repreaentativea <>t sistor so.-iftl^s who were preaent were: J< hn Reld prealdent nf Sv Andrew'fl Boclety: Juatlce "'organJ n'Rrien. presldent of the Boclety ??' tho Prlendly Sons of st. Patrl. k. Wllllam M. Maaaey, preald. at i ' st. George'B Boclety; B. Frankiin Btanton, presldent ,,f th" st. Nlcholafl Boclety: Charlea F. Juntt, prealdenl of Bt Davld'a Boclety; Wllllam B. Davenport, prealdent of tii- New*Englaad So clety of Brooklyn; Tunla << Bergen, vtce-prefrt of tl,.- Holland Boclety; Mllton I. Bouthard) , of the < ' Bocli ty, ar.d Howland Pell, */lce-f?r? err.-.r of r*..- Boclety Of Colonlal Wars. ?ri,,. f waa ornamented by thlnga characterlstlcally New-England. Tho icea came in receptai ea Burmounted by Bgurea >,( l.K-al i Purltan maldena, mtnlatifre Priadllaa Hu^e | .lack ,,? Lanterna, such aa many of the dti ari wera accuatomed to carve with tho pllant ja.-k k.,;.-,. .;, boyho d'adaya glared from th<-tr fiery .->??> from each table, whlla all th" vegetaMea that grow on a th u m i New*Eagland tarma ? thelr cholceat delegatea t.. adorn tn- t i Moreover, and cl ef. I u I greateat of all, thera appeared upon tii" menu card a legead whieh must h.-.v" recalled to hundreda visinns ,,f aro matlc Baturday ni^ht.s or Bunday mornlnga ln ; days lnmr paat Th'.:? maglc worda wera: Old-faahloned Boaton baked I .-an*. i; m ?)?.'. \ rowc i.r- ad. EX-JUDOE H0WLAXD*8 aDDREM. it was late when ex-Judge Howland t-.--.- .-md rapped for order. .vh- n n waa obtalaed ba ?et the oratorical ball to rolllng In a cbaracterls Hcaiiy wlttj addn i i{,.t Mr. Howland'a Bpeech had Ita -?:'? im tnomenta notablj" in his ?? ar* ,-n, .-s to th-- death of Colonel Oeorga K. Warlag, jr, and [aaa* H. Bromley, both of whom arera membera of tho New-England Bodety and to memory Mr. Howland pald trtbutaa that evoked th? heartleat applauae. Mr. Howland si .-k.- a.s followa: Fellow Pllgrtma, Fair Pllfi i The _7^th ' ? i ? -: - Up.Il Plvmouth lt .--k end t..- '?:. . the fouml ln_ ,,f ,,..; ^ tlna In thi >.. ni ? ,,;',! ? ,\ ._11.i il i- in> ple_?lna duty t., t...! you and our ?: Int ? irdlal ,? d hearty welc m< II -?i dean t? ? ? goor* mei \\ ' aaked ?-?> lay'ar ice that he Di - .- mi nu lt i ry repai the gra Lx ran, "l..,rd. we tl-.ank Thee, ' bul lf then .;. tti. lenced, "Bountlful Cr. ,:.,r '; and ?iMir. ??( your thanki ? ' aauced in iik- manner by the acceptal I .. -,.i.i tu vour r. ilati a. t New Rnaland devoted t.> h.-r tradttlona and tralnlna. who hav? braved the daa u, ra of her dlnnera and th.- arlndatorma >,f her ;.r. . offloera for arorea of yeara maj ? -: s^nij>a iinz.- wlth the elergytnan wl loyfully to a brother of the cloth "We h ive Juai termlnated the . ,t our church haa raperlenced for in iny yeara. ' "I rejol ??? r, r er "How rn nv dld >-?', add :> the foldT' "W. II, wa dldn'l add any. Lnt w. fOl r.,1 Of I There is danaer that. ln your loj .1 devotlon to rtmonl you i *h? i - . ..a ti,.. iirst paae t a prohlbltlon paper: - I'.-r tha evlla of Intei le." _till iltho ii lera may aaree wlth the aaaa M [ don't object ao m .- vi l a man blow* ? born, bul It'a the tune he i ,i- . n it whl'-h niak.s rn- tlred." ? nevlna from tho cbaracter and p-altlon ? f Ibe men i (,. ?.- r..i ? ice and tl . || as tha future noaalbllltli . ..f tha men y.'U f.r.. y. ii. '.Iiit t*:. . iiTsl.le may THE H. .T BPBINQI OF ARKANBAA The Natlonal baalth and pleaaura reeort: -,wned .md controlled by c I Qovernment Klegunt hotel., Arlin?i,?n. Eaatman and i'ark Oolf and other amunementa I-'or Informatlon and tnokl.ta apply to j W. K. lli.>t, 3&1 llr.adway, New-York.-Advt.