OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 24, 1898, Image 16

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-12-24/ed-1/seq-16/

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ti e growth ln lhe ti.o of olectrlclty i. on* of j
th* r na| Icuoua featuree of thr ac*?. Not a day j
ras?,s wlthout the record of eome extenelve |
pt*oji ? for the iranemJeeloii ef power or the j
i.-,..,; , , -. oi eome IttaUllatlon In whlch thej
earrenl i? wft't ln place of eteam Bleetrlclty ta
CA-dai e i- ten! factor In ni!!'*. mlnee, factorlee
ai . ? .. ' gii klnde throughou! the country.
II roducti nte etrael ralftraya has practl
eail; revolul mlaed tbe modee of trauielt.
?iectric companlee of New-York maau
fgctun "" devl ?? requlred for the appltca
t| . - |hu powei Thle dty ls. ln fact. the
haadquartere fo:- all of the great clecirlcal enter- ?
prleea of the < mntrjr Indeed, 11 may be said |
lhal ' ? terprlee of Importance is undertaken
n ,, (hri ugh New-T rrh flnanelere, and whlta ;
BOm i ' the gn ai electrlcul companiea may have ,
. |g .,-,,... theli promlnenl exeeutlvee j
_ | the greal t ehare of t1-.:- tlme in this j
dty. I
a larga ameuni *i Bngllah eapltal has of ata
j,,-. heen Inveated ln electrlenl enterprlsee. of .
oa? ' '?: I ::.A aiv>ii'.er in Ibe L?nlted Ptatefl, and- |
th* ' >re znere 4'- ho rcn:,- ovi r uaually make thelr |
hg>?dc,uartcia .-.-. Naw-Toi_ seldoin g.dng any
further While ihelr englneara may or sent to
Pth-: Itlcg i ? make lnve-tlrations nn.l reporta, j
t4,,, gpitnllsta And their ocjh Intereete sen-ed ,
w- .... , - ,. ?,.-. for the fransecflon <>f the ,
flnam i ?' end of theh- bueinoaa. Th.- nr-neral uae j
of electrlcliy for Ught Ing and hoiis'-hold pur
? . ia? i-gjird foi renewed aetlvlty on the
ngrl ' the n anufa. lurere ol electrlcel suppl'es. ,
r . . .?--.- may b* , inssed among the
m. m flourlel Ins and prosperoue In the country.
Y^. . r--. ? tlng, from the dynamo
to ... ? eni lamp, are lamp and motor,
., . thee. rompanlea. und mnnv novel
, ,,. have beea mtrodn.ed
to ; fi?:'? " ' ' ''?''"?
v , ,- r- of -h.- bualneaa ta the con
6tT., . .. v :? hboardg and meaaurlng In
Btruments. li .tera. volt-metere. etc
<5U . , .,.,i n-irlng euppltee are also mnru
<A , ... ? ,j v ; ig " ? and raWes for nerian.
?*j ? ? nean *-r.u aubmarlne use.
ln ihe mar.ufa i rect atatloaary motore .
n ] rf< 'tl ?-. has heen reached, J
an : (hi ? are to he found ln J
?Ul, ,] . ' nee, nnd, in faci, ap
. | ???? klnd of machlnery to j
wl ?-?-. ? Irlvei an i e adapted.
j , n to all cal'.s. no mat
lar ho4V 1 -1' gencratliig. trana
ml., rming ? nvertlag or ut'iiring
,..., :N-.-r- "? H fOR COKYWlTlXa THI
? ? | ROT ? '" tTEL into wor.K.
T... .-, tratlon of power in one or a few
,;iI . |, induetrial e8tabllBha?a?U haa i
, factor ln dr-ving the emftll shop
anri ?? ? mechanlc oul of th?ir lndeper.
6mi ? become only so many cogs in
the gear I modern mass productlon. The
as nearly reached the iimlt of
? ;- rte^'.'.in and -isefulness, and a
, . apable Of .avlng mor?
lnto smaller nnlta, ta
. . . . Ti ta eondltlon was predlcted
gj , by th ae who gave thought to
(be aubject, and fhe reaull hns been that some
hundn i flrma and coraoratlona are tty
p* . 120 TOUMBT PVST'.'.M EXmMPLl
T b ls the aee r.f travel. IiUtor>' is re.plete
?jc{th ; ta of i ar, terary epocba and rellg
loufl ..,-q*: bul um werld new enjoya its first
pre*- ngc of unlvertal traveL For rr.any cen
turiea In the early hlatory of man tlie ox and
the horae. th.-* donkey nnd the ram-1. by land;
I m loin. the bark and the
ahlp, by water, wer< ?'?? only meane of uar.s
I .. s_1111 ?i 8 llved and died 4vlth!n a
[.- , . ra of a f ? 8 [uare tnllen. Thus
lhe laland of Gre ? Bi laln. little larger than ihe
New-] ngland Btatea, produced and maintalned
f,,r ]-.- a number of dlfferent lan
y l man lllf renl dlalecta Rut when
-?.. rj tbe v. ?id wlth his self
, ,i new > rr. waa uehen i In; enter
p, m .,. , given ;i new Impetua and develop
?,., ,r ,.. li a of travel
bad thelr blrth whleh hav- reached theit- full
apld, > omf ? ind luxurlous
*. a-- irans] ortatlor ti - lay
i ita hlgheet form In
... ien1 Pe nally-Conducted Tourtal Sya
. whlch all the .are-. and per
; ina ?? elllng ;:re ellnolnated
r>y im - ? ?1 apecinl tralna on ni.ecial
t < ::.-: tl arlgt A^fclltS. f'hapO
roi : Ba| rage aJ latera, wh i aee ihat proper
_*r im I are eecured on t'uo tralns, ihat
... ciunfort le afforded, tbat all bnggagu
trai fera are promptly and propcrly aiada, and
i. are ? r-d of every care and
anxlet: aiona <-.:e made In advance
i - g, mmodatlona; carrlages are en
gae 1 : ? meel 'be tralna on p.rrival at the sta
? -,. .. ,!:i ee are erranged for; all ihe ob
leeta of li lei >8i nrf i olnted out, and ample time
* ,. ?? ? Inspe tlon. No
va:-; , ne la lost in I. ng the po nts of
jnt-i ? -t and vtall - them al Inopportune ho-.ire.
Kv ? detail ?'' tbe irtp ta looked after. thus
i,.R. ... -,,, to enjoy tbemeelvee ta
_adj ?? i r--. wlthout eocorl are the eape*
ol th Chaper. n; bealdea be ni ready
ti em m many iraye, she xtanda to them
;,. ? ? i whleh i ? entl inal ly requlrea
r. . ? > m ita advantagea to tae pleaaure
tr.iv- i tbla flnal evolutlon of a per- I
f ,-< ? louriai aygtem The Jo; of travelling. of
Biga leelng, of vlaltlni farnou or remote re
gloi inalloyed Theri are r.<> dlatractlng
fear of mlsslng traln fonnectlons; no long and
ttrernme lay-overa; no ,-hang?". ,.f cars at un
tlmely boura; no huetle and buetl. after meala;
one'i ti ? :' hlm, and atopa ar.d walta
f.jr h',:n wblle be vlalta nolnta ,.f Intereat; !,.'.a
bai -?? r a1 hl. hand, and whnthcr croee- ]
II .... na>]:.. fai awa ? from any i
) ? tatloi ? !-.? ..-??' ?? ;:,. may be, Irav
ell ? hc i: ay eai h.is im-a'.8
n; ; ?; ar >un .-.? '. riee un-i r'--.ire as r*gu
:. ? n hom.
r travelling haa undoubtedly
t- ? ? ? l and :s begl ,-x
(::,'1 ' '.> : ? \ i. ? I'. ..., ....;,.., Conducted Toure of
the l'cnnsylvanln i:. Iroad to Cullfomla.
H'?'- on ? roaeed the areciican contl
B ? ? -.-..? '-?.-.
whai . ful land w< have; what a varlety
of val na and mo inta ...s whai dlffer
? hai dlv. mllleg ol llfe A
t'-'., ? ? ral educatlon,
e Itl all home i im
foi ? ? ' Pulln an Iroln -4 hich
11,? i ? ....;.. ruail ?'?-.::.;:... Wlll UB6 OH
Ita Ci . . ? N??*? Voi h Pebruary
'.'<?' the Pullman I'alace
Cai ? n at the World'a
Falr Ch n . ai Atianta and i n ial
From iu Ita dinlng cai tg
lUXUI -' ro - -.- ? m and Its
'. > ? ? >lda, aa from bta
, the i , . thi
ra ? r? rxi nndli i - ? ,,: the tuwerlng
moui ti na .. ,.,:<? n a before him.
Ti. . ? -i raln that haa ever croaaed thi
. travel in It o er tbe
entlre rou i nd i etui i-ini*. and through
< n t ? nly at a fev of rhe
m. s; ti ? i ? lhe flral tour *>er
table fi ature; l?. pro
m. . i mi '.s regardleea nf ,uc
cr ?? . Iltloi f the tela
ir ta aeri aa New-Ji ?
Fhilnd Iphla; th.ougl the rlch farm la
Y.i ' i ? Ihi pictureaque
jui , over thi llog hei leg and an ind th.
, ?? ? Hon Bho, ?' r- ? and oi I hrough
the ? ? . . r rielde to Plttaburg. From
Pll rjcro.a Oblo to Clnclnnatl, and oi
K>---' ?? k r, d tbe Blue Oraaa Hec, n Thi I al
atop i? made al Mammoth Cave, where an op
port mtty la glven to explore thla nrr-ai sub'e,
nn'..! rg em, Ith its girwaom.- rh.iuher? and
pa ..:??./ gnd sileiit r:\-er Soiithtvatd thence
thr. .ri "?: i-.-*-? - and Alabama where tbe coi
ing to aupply lha dernand, nnd are aetlvely cn
gaged in bulldlng gns nn.l oll enginea
l^llowlng the partlal ?ueceaa of tenolr in
Pafls in 1880, ?nu the further advance tn 1807
of Otto and Langen ln Cologne. came the ln
rention of th* Otto "Bllent" englne In 1876,
wnoai ' icthod of actlon haa been
ea , ..... ti, a;:. o> all eubaequenl t ia an l oll
eng.ne bulld ra. Bluee th- explratlon of th.*
Otto maater patenti, thr- developmenl ha- been
rapl.i In England ? ? ' '? ?lir' Contln* i l I
Europe. Vll th* ?? ''?'?'?' ',:'A pom"
buatl*;. motor*. Tbe fu< I ls 1 um. d ln the cyl
Inder, thui eavlng oll loaaea from radlatlon In
fumace, I r and plpe ?? ??>?? and ul lltln .
,!;,. hi at dlrectlj aa produced in the woi
cyllnder by expan i Th* ei ilne dlffera*
f,..:, the gaa ei ? n I ? i ' ? " hange Ita
,,,,.. : .;. | atate *?? lhal of gai oi
vapor befor* combuatlon, Bul the gaa engine
hns to do thla In a produc. r or r tort ol aome
mn.i I- f.eed al ? ?'?" JlatJtncc from the engine
lUelf .,;? i la th. :.'.'i- bu j- i i" th-**'1 !-" **?
nn.! both the ?? tj P* ? of englne have n ai :
iratin.s W ;,:? tl pr - I I difflo 11 ? '"? ' >?*?""
lems to the mechanieal ei Notwlth
ttandlna ?? ; the> are galnlng ground In
tbe fl. I ? n ? im upied 1>> iteam.
?-,; ; |, e lucated ln thcrmodynan
1>V ]>;. ... ... ii ahlp -.. Ith men I ke
Kcuner ami Bchroeter, mad. tb thern
nnmi. qu ?tl in the Btudy i f hla llfi. ai
llfteen yeara devoted all hla apare tlme and the
aavlni - reaultlng from a frugal llfe to the
practl .?; aolutlon of the problem of the trani
fer of heat Into work. Commenclng ?*lth a full
knowledge of thermodynaml* requlrementa, hla
experimenta a * guld**d by a clear knowledge
and a atrong consclencc, whlch would not al
|o*e hlm i ? be carrl ?! a** .?..- by pnrt lal au
Hla dlscuaalon of the probleins puhlisbed ui
d-r the title of the "Thcory and eonatructlon
nf a Ratlonal Heal Motor." and tranalated by
Bryan Donkin li I ? Ene i h In IMKI. is famlllar
to '::.. : . tuden - nf th* i modynatnlca lt waa
br .ii-. hl t ? the atten ' Bua, ? i
the Augsburg Machlne Worka, and ol '?'??
Krupp of 1 ng engli
-nnl these men ivere wllllna to ipend near*
ly 5.*,i i. 11.1, i levelop thla ratlonal h< al
ii otor of Di. practl
ral worklng machlne. The) plaeed Mr Dle-?i
at the head of a well-a* le. ted forc* ...
glneera uave hlm a ae ti ?> ol one of i>,
ebopa . I \ h to bulld, ? ???? l and
expei meni thla m. tor. The flrel 12
horae-power motor waa graduall) brought to a
high itai.tri. lenc>. and th* experl*
?j;.-,;. | , I .: ln fl 20-horae-powei
lor, a; ' ?? haa i Incc b< com* the Kaaha I
of O... falthl ? R th* mechanl...' eni i
,.' Europe. \\ Itli thli i lor : i llluatratc an*l
prnve ea, Mr, I Mi a. !. In A; ri; IM>"
read a al t pnp* ? >r a eelecl i Ir* le of
Ruropean ? ? . nn ra !t M inli h ai I
them 1 ? Aui iurg ;" aho* and tpat the motor
Iti th. Ir pre ? ? ce. s ? i ceaeful waa thia flrel
publlc esposltlon thal a large Bngliah flrm at
once ioughl the rlghta foi Greal Biitaln.
1. . . - a pr* ccaa for < on- 1
? . the heat enerjj of fucl Into worl
enribod i ? - of l he eteam-.
metii :-. Tl ?? ; ' nd ameil of gas
or oll. the ?-? ? r ??; the drl| plng ol oll from l:
ezbaui I i ; l etroleum i nglnca, do
not exlat ln th* Dlesi
In exlatlng ? i- irlc railwa: pini ta 'ho ablllty
?o aat e a lararo li atmeni in 'o; p< r for llghtl '
travell* I, long-dlatanc* aul rbai i I ?? I
to run ? t uslna the maln englne
wlll alro op< n a fl* Id f. r the i >.?-? I motor In deep
inhi.'s. frequently al fi ' ??? ? oal
aupply, !n ] : un] ai I ? '??> i age ;
an.i ln '.?.?:? ? pla ?? -' ' ?' ? ' where
water la ecarce, the Dleuel motor wlll be valu
European experta aay that the Dleael englne
wll] li the iree of tlme gra lually atipplanl
?be eteam ntrlne. Ita bull lera wlll, of ro
mak. ? vaat ami unt of va
perien* . ? .* ni . ntlflc
tlon r* pr. I li i I rm bj tho beat
atean ei i ? ? r l Jaj.
Xhe orli r l >le?i 1 patenta, !
Tlm! i Dl. the A rg M ichli W
nnd Fi le li Krujt] , dct*i Ing tl
beal cont-tructlve talent. the beat workman
?hlp and tbe beal manufaeturlng facllltlea to
b aV "ti "1- rapld and complete development or
th1- new ni"t' r
-?- -
Electrlc lighl ani power companlea ar* dee*
tined .11 ih. futur* ln play ? moel nflu* ntlal |
:. tht cltlea ofthe wh le world In New
1 y..rk f*lty th. i. Ii ? ne company al the pre* nl !
! time "ni. -'< eapltal r*8.000.ll00 ami bond laauea ;
i ,,f $tS.r-00.000, making an Inveatmem >?!' $14,500.
ihmi Thla concern has witneaaed greal proa
i ,., rlty. and In aomi of thi late y* ai - bai earned
1 ?> ,.. - . , ni over th* fl perceni or the Inveatment.
Bdlaon'a greal dlacovery was nol only ?' boon
! , , .,,? ),,;,,?;;, race, bul ll opened up an Induatry
I whlch haa developed Into one of the moet fnr
reachlng and Importanl In Ihe Unlted Btatea.
Th* r- : - hardly a ? Itj or town of any alae In the ,
I ii haa an electrlc Itghtlng plant. j
The ,|:m im - , "Jumboa" wlll noi aoon ba ror- j
;,.I;. ?. and the P arl et. atation, whleh waa ,
. i( ln .-, .,.,.,:.-.. ,. i-j waa the beglnnlng i
,,, a ?. -., epoch .ii the hlatorj of modern elec- |
... ith --x ateam dy- j
,.,i, 0f 12Tj I on power. In the flral
month eig it) llve bou i were lllumlnated. hav- ,
|ni ,, . ? hed wlth wlrea for more than
three thouaand lampa. "' -v ,;' " "as
i . ,?: , a.det.l ol tba flral lllumlnatlng com.
,, |, ,:,s aald -. the old r*ear -?t. ata- ,
wai n unlveralty from jhW>*?
? , b nto all landa the gradui.I -*-*MM_?J
,?.,, .., ; .... Theflr t ayatem fniployedIwM
th. tt.re." and ll covered four mllea ,
,,. r. ?! ?- antl nlne i illci ol maln**. The
.,,.,, :; aervcl eatended from
\Vall to Sprut*. and Ferry ata.. and front ,
r-Ht. '" the Ka.l Ulvcr. II took a peiiod
?, ai,oU- ns- j ara lo den.onatrate that the .
naa lomincr* lally a auc eae, and then J. ,
,,, m,.,--.?. Inm inv Intereated ln the
Ll,mpany. The planta al Tn ?? l " ?nd Thlr
iv-nlntl " ? ??'',1 an underground
,*vst, m wa? und* rtak* n Bla atatlona nou eup
;:, . . um nl, ih< man. Btatlon belng al
i.;,;,.,. -. . : pi mpany haa 8 re* ord of noi
? ih.rei . *' - '" ? :! **?? B^?,
. , . tl_ ?; ,|... -.xp-.ptlon -i" three houra
during the dlsaatrou* flre al the Pearl at ata
;,,,?. v.i ;. h made ntceawiry the reconatructlon
,.) ?).,. i>u Irilnp, . 'ui renl are i- <l I ? ihe poin- ,
,,;,:,-, ii,:.. niorc than two hundred mllea of aub- l
i., i quli i ?? in ihe operation about
I and flftj mll* - of i ondu* tora for ,
? , , . , , ma i a. The Kdlaon Company ab
- ? , | ii, ..? other poinpanlee, whlch had alto
g.-ther 27.KMM Inpandeecenl llghti and 20.000 are
. Theae brlng the grand total far above anl
? :,;...mm ||| , andle-power lam] a,
... p-iiritrliiga bilna the aggregate Income ;
io api>i iximately 8_.fBHl.tUki groaa
it haa taken aeventeen yeara to develop ibe
ayatem foi Itghtlng New I'ork by electrlclty
fro.ii ti. ? Battery far above One-hundred-and
? . flfth-al
> a ned only at fur
?. Inc-andeveenl llghtlng, motor aupply waa
hegtin ln lvv*'> and are llghtlng In IHhB. The
.;,,,: matlon fi >n i I Ich New -York r
Itx eleetrl. Illumlnal lon haa a total en
pa< Ity of '_?*;.*-'??? hoi i power. New-York
. i ... , i in ihe Introductlon of vertlcal
ihe marlne i ? i- foi drh ing electrlc
an. Ilrat < nglne of thla kiml ..f
the preaenl alzes ever bulll ln the l'nlted Btatea
. ,nati ii. ted lu re Tho central Btatlon ir-i
.1 wlth large multlp ilar gcneratoi ? i -
re.tly p. upk-.l to the vertlcal r ?? ipound enginea.
rl i ii y ?as the fln ' clty In the L'nlted
Btatea to adopt tl t>*| ma. hln<
The undergrouml lyatcm In uae In New Tork
tur the acpomm . f ol. trl. * onductora
... || :?-..; M i '..iii ln fronl of
: n eaeh blook J In* tl al th* Btre* I
rornera Into a rrlb or network, while the cur
ipplied bj feedera runnlng from tha
nrea of aupply waa eecured. The thi
ayatem was .-arrici through all tbe uptnwn
. atreeta m.d ala,, lnto houeea Motera f< r aaeanur
Inc on the coneumer'a premtoen the rurrenl tup
plled for hle us.* 4vcre invented by Edlaon. Pre
vlouely then- had heen n" commerclal method
avallable for the p'urpoee.
Tbe ehange to electrlc motor power from the
table nn the etr#*el railway llnea of N' ??? fork
Clty has been of apeclal elgnlflcance durlng the
laat year, \ thorough teat of all tnotoi ayetema
having .n made, ll wae found thn' e'eetrlclty
ylelded the moal aatlafactory aervlce, Thi ??'.-?
tti.- llghtlns rompanlea hav, glreadi entered
lnto competltlon 44.111 the ga* rompanlea I
general bualneaa, Ratea have been made low to
H,-e what aupporl tne publlc would glve electrli
llghtlng. The fleld la conatantl) wldenlng and
developlng, and the end is nol yet.
? --
1X81 I ITED WIBE M I V( I \< Tl Itl
The inaulated wlre Induetry in? i.een almoal
parl and parcel of the electrtcal developmeni ol
tbe age it -,?,?!* Introduced Into Amerlca aboul
thlrty years ago, the prlnclpal Inaulating ma
terinia uaed belng Indla-rubber compi und up 111
conductora for hlgh-claas work, auch aa tele
graph, telephnne, electrlc Ught nnd :?.!
ihe trenemlaalon of power. lt ii Impoaa
1., pi'.e an accurate Idea of th.* annual
pn dui ? , l the factorlea 01 the Inci ea ?
in th>- , ar.ita: and labor employed I' la
only neceaaary to polni lo the tremendoue atrldea
made by Ihe general electrlc Induatry In lhe laal
twent) yegrn. Durlng th;* tlme the numbci oi
planta engaged in th< manufacture of Inaulal d
wire has gr-,\4n ln numhers from two 10 abotll
twenty-flve Theae are moatly ln the Bi
a large portion of the bualneaa tranaacted
done in New-York, although the factorlea ai ?
lo, ati d at t ther polnta it |g nol know n that
ibere are any planta of Importance beyond th?
M1- ataalppl Itlvi r
The matertala us- .1 ln lhe proi ? ;-- of Inau.1
vary wlth ihe purpoae for ivhlcli the wln is to
l?- used Thla appllea to aerlal wlrea, cablea f??r
telepl. and telegraph, electrlc Ught, p.
and aignal companiea, underground 4-. iif-t. and
aubmaiine cablea li is underatood thai the
manufactun ..f aubmarlne cabli In the great
lengtha requlred bj the telegraph hav noi y**i
.,..,.., perfected ln ihla country, and the auppl;
. mea from lhe workehopa of Europe, where ai,
experience of forty yeara enablea them to r-'-n
| oul 8 aatlafactory article. lt is aaid. further
more, thai lhe Amertcana lack experience ln the
ua ? of guttu-percna compound, and alao faclli*
tlea f.-r conatructlng cablea In quantltlea whl n
would anewer the purpoae. in vleu of thi* fan
that in all the big cltlea "f the IXnlted Btatea
there la a lendencj t.qulre all overhe*ad wlrea
t<, be pla.,*.! under ground thi manufactun of
underground Insulated wlre and cable hae been
1 atly Btlmulated,
Th,- opportunlty whlch is afforded in thta clty
1 f,,r the aelectlon of gaa an,'. electrlc flxturea ta
j Indtcated by the faci thal eomethlng like one
| hundred flrma are engaged In eupplylng thi de
| mand. While many of ihe concerne do ;i amall
buetneae 01 devote themaelvee to apeclal llnea,
there are ,.th-ia u hlch aupply a >: ncrai :ine from
which everythlng hi ihe way of flxturea may be
aelected, fn llne flxturea, dealgned eapeclally
for handeome realdencee, h tela and I lalneaa
houeea, New-York eaally takes the lead. Per
nons 44 ho formerly found ll neceaaary to go
; abroad for thelr flxturea now fln-l it poaalble
j to buy Jual aa artiatl. gooda ln thla 1 Ity, and
1 buyera frcm all over the country ...me t<> "ew
? Vork for eatlmatea .>n the flxturea they requlre.
Heveral of the loeal flrma make a apecialty of
reproduclng ihe cbandeliera and candeKbra
whlch are found in forelgn palacea, and ex
tremely One reproductkmi of Uula XV. Loug
wi. hoc. ann otber celebrated canoi "
them to offei many Indu. i.il
oblalnabl. elaewhei '"? '' "';' : ' ' .?' ,r'.
empl v- aboul four hundred men ln ta.?^ry
and an addltlonal f* r "?????_?
dratigbtamen and dealgnera ?' .- , , ? ? " h
..? iv?.i contracta amountlnn to >-- " ?....', -
nttlnga f. ? -? ngle hou***-. nnd th bh -
amounl of the bua r-i SS Taa at
Vn aasoclatlon of th* argei b-al* * ????_?
temptcd Bome \ i ara ago
th. projecl wi
' ', ,d ar.d < ..?,...?. ?,....,.,. nowo, at
rndeperd*ntl>- The reaull I. ? IW ? omp*l
.,, 1; 0| . loualy advantag. oua to Ih. ron u ??- ?
. ii
. : . , . , DIPOR1 KSV BPKKI* '-1;
INCIDRK1 W tl a rH '.'!' of mon
i ii i di: ua
-,-;...,. .. n i : itura f Oi ater Nen .?rk
?? hli 11 ' iu : gn. i ??' -*" Mi ,,Jr"
,,,.,. than the av Ifl m< Ing elevatora ln all
high l.ulldlnra -i,.i ih -? ir* i < '?'?'?">r
of elevatora uaed in the ? lea of tha
., ,i World il ? ai i oi ... to . ompara
v .-, the perfect ? are, m hlnei - and Byatema
uPh M are In mmon ua. In thla and - arj
Import ml ctv . f th ? I nlon ln I ila regard It
mu? i. ...,?,. ,i thal even the i >unti * u na
wh.e to mal i lalt to the metr i Ila
. . n aelvea taken up Ith an ?????-? ' ??
. and acnsatlon of on* ? f th v* per
(,. nd ? ular ? ? ? * *
r ,. -:. ip r haa hi '?"<?' '**
.... ., : an ong th* m the ?? ?' *?
-upl. . ' rh* ;" :?':","M of
... ftrlclty I - * 'I*" ' ' ?*!' ' u'*n''
haa ...i.i- i tpld ttld* ln the laat
? ... and t i< maj >rlt- ol illden and
.. ?* k th Ind rf pow* r. Il haa reached
a poinl of p- rfe* tlon on i works Ilke a charm.
I_ ,, .. | er part of tl I Ihi ?' f Manhattan
there an rea of'mai tructurea
Th* y are th. h I .-? ' - i'1" ' '
end huil l-r's g< ni'i- an - tlll N ? i Itj
world i wi ? ? i.ii ate ? tli New-Y* rl In thi p li ?
. , ular. B !... ana of th. ? ?? the
.,,. the toti rl. i an m ide to lirlng .i
n th : i flooi it
n , i ti . ? blg etruct
doaen dlffereni
\i :. --. -. .ii i make ii"
twelfth floor, while
high* r !? i i (ban thoae
i- ni t ni. ommon to nnd
urea Ith n
tor? Som. ? are
?top ... I-. ?? the lenl
thera are the accomm* lal u hlch
run up :? ' elghl or nlne al rl* -. A
N'ew-iork coneern has had the contract for put
i,t.;. iii om. of th* largeat and nosi p tant
planta In eei vlce. In . n? ? f Itfl * ? ntra* i ll
l,ul t ten pa n ? ? '? tora for the l
i.uii llng In the ? orld ? re io run uj.
i .,"... ighi N i i m Ith an average rl -? of
_0 i ?' et. Healdctt theae th* i ?? ' ratora
.hi. h ran to the tower.
for ?al ? two ald* - alh rid two
dumbwaitei -. i ine ? ? N Y* rk h u 11, the
larx ?? an. mt>al coatl* evei pi |ecl . hai
nlneteen elevatora li foui bulldlnga thla New
York houae ii.i- bupi ? ? than aeventy
plghl maehlnea, comprlalns seven different
| Kl '
The lateai atyle nf electi f - I itor is so
ictetl i hai th* a Is pro\ Id* I \<. ith
an autnmatlc puah bul ton I. th* door
belng aul tnntlca , ex*
< ;,: ?.. ',? i. a car I Mn? A pu ili-luitton
i flo. r w lll, vhen th I i ire all . Bed,
automatlcally rall tl." car to a particular floor,
hut when movlng to any other flooi the call la
Inoperatlve. Bhculd n door I.pen ? car can
atarted. Ad lltlonal i rol ; provlded
wlthin the < av. bul an operator ia nol neceaaai
The Nen -York repi ? ? ? fleld of
induatry lead all comj i l ;tnd th. hualneas
haa grown to Im
\ i I \l
HE HAN bS( >MJ- 1
i.NM Mr.r.ABi.v ni ??" r.XTi RfRiae i OWIOXW) to
aiTl'I.V r"': BfAXY brtkt.wi r.EQL'ineo
:?? Tiii- sr.w f' ' ?'?
The ?? idi ? < I whlch hae been created ?j ?!*.?
gen< ral uee i r ? " ' .' '?r* r**"
l-ro,igh? Inti exi.rer.ce inrumerahie pe- ent?r
I ? ea deatgned to luppl: thi manj artlclea re
qulred ln etaetrl. work and <? rauaed th* d*
reiopmenl oflnduetrlea atreadj extatlng t<- -
othei fleld ha* a greater amounl of i apltal beei
Inveeted. and ln no othr?i have fhe returna baei
m<..* gratlfylng 01 eerte n The aide raage of
indiisri-.. into -? r tlu ventoi
pnd tlu englneer i-.a- Introdueed elef-ftrlcal ap
p lancea ,' 4* ould Im i l ra'*
\,.- oi |y doea ???.*: ? feed Ihe mechaa
lam for the manufai i p*
ment* ,-f trade, |>ul ll hai entercd Into th*
i,,.ii ehold, ?s well D f irntahea Ught
hui heai a? well, ar, rterei appllcatlon
to cooklrg and houeeh. i-l -..-?'
not to be far dtatani \, ? m ls on"
of the poaalbllltleg lhe futur*.
Ti"' zenera! UM f < H 6lU?
a? a rnea*,- - f li ? ? . ?ing dallY d*
monstrated. and lla ap| I etavatora ??
provlng popular,
Th.e manufactui hlner*. :n
Xe?-.Tork ls a raet Indui ai mai
ftrme whlch make i, .
an annu.il bualne
The , ontta. t? foi lighlli
nk-ne repreeeni e ?-)-' bui ill for tre>
m*ndoue ectlvlty on tl ? peri l i eup
pjy rh" rnachiner k. In th*
mol ir Une. t;-.?? .*.???, ? - irnle
anythtng from a ??- .<:.'??
to ihat nf T'*> horee.pov ft ?.
dope in the llne of m< ' l prlntlng pi
and th*r* la ln OperaI
n hl. h permlta th- ? . ety-aig
th' uaand **-pa?'c pai i
Tork flrma do bueli - -, ????'. and
ha\ e agenia ln I. i '. Pa Bl ? ' irg
Tokohama and man .->?,
1 afaff \l I in\ \ ', n '.'.'/<'. i \'f I
ln the prx dui f ir-n ' rd*
nance, tne . :
bii'ineaa m thla cltj i . -r
atrated durlng the ? . , i - -
ernmeni i ? ntra< ta l
jectilea, powder ai ' R ?? h sd
and fulfllkd ln a mani -ir<*
rially In can - Ing t ? i-ard t! - - '
ful termlnatlon * * tn i
Th? ordnam e indual aa
ncii\-e one |n Iteelf, but !i has i
buay many other :.'.?, , 11 ?
upon to aupply :?' ?
atrui tlon of the m< dei n n ii
where four hundn
ployed night are: ?:., hun*
dred range-flnder." foi Oovernm* ae has
ne. eaeltated the cloxing of ta
chlne ahopa foi ' at an
aggi egate eoat to the I I >-?*? " ' ' I
aame fa, t< .--. oi ? ilred
th-* purchaae ? ' Itti "?"> poui d kcleea
powder from a locai ronrern engaged .
manufacture, Tbla partlcular flrm has on hand
Government contracta for S2,5?Bi,W8i ?? .-?.. t
gui - and ammitnU n, and, aa l num
1. .,f otil.-l-J ?'. ia, .: .,: : . . ?-.'?
the Oovernment, aome Idea of the extent ' the
Induatry may i?- gathered ????
For tii.*dere now .,n hand for (iovernment
work the flrm refei red to abovi 8 i
toial of aomethlng like ten mllllon poundg '
powder, ai a coal of 8] ., pound The -
.-..ntra.-t wlll requic- ii--- thounand tena ot ate**
to he use,' in proje, tili ?- an I gui -
Ahout thlrty of thi prlnclpal flrms of ? -
nnxntrv ar>- rcpreaented in New-Vork, and fur
ntah everythlng ln the ime of ahol and she;:
powU-r. projectllee, dynai l - and car
tridgC of every des. rlptl. n.
ton growe, etopplng for e few houra at Iferat
goinery, at one llnv capita the Bouthern
lera md Mobil -, ? h >n D< ey . araed
. f Fari agut tlu art? of n are. New -
Orleana i-t th-- next gr.-.n goal en louti lu ihts
.: si, it; . ln the lai cl 01 IB ai. 1
mol ? -.--.-. three daya affoi -? ...
opportunlty to ivttneea the I ia M ? II Oraa
t_arni\ al.
Weatward from New-Orleana, acroaa thi ;-. i
ure lanul of Texa , - Sai t
? nlo, th routi .-,:- ; ? Kl Paa . th< U
Indlan-Am. i Ican cii> un f the llio
Urunde, h'rom El t*a- ? to i. m .\:.u- ?
the moat Inten i-tlng sectlona of ..,
paat I through. Arrong tho flral i na
\a'i-,i by uv- cealous mlaa -, a.n, n
la .-.till .1 u lld and d, solate reg ? I th
old chapel rulna and tl i a and
lowera antedatlng hlatory .. I ei'en ;-?> I
lhe . oyoti a Ktlll hr. I .-:.- Itei t thi
lii'iian atlll pltchea hia t?*nt. Prom th
. :?? uhalra >,i lhe obaerva lon i-ai tnli a-:,J i.
giou, ?-. Ith Ita cactl an I lis alkaif, I -
.md Its mlrage, appt-ara full ol lntt*r, i But,
>,\- r i..,- . au. t, t the great t ....
through the foothllla oi the flerraa, thi i i
iegi atlun and the balni) I B tthern
Californla coma liki a w I, -ti*e dream. N
i almer helghta, no 11< t.- r \ alli i
:-..i^ [tal: ? r Andalut l - thai fhe- >
whlch bleaa thla land of aun m d ??in-. wher?
ae iveda the orang an.i th. Ag and gr,-,j-"
m ? merry together. From 1. .- .\
tripg 4-i!i h madi to Ban Dleg and ?' ronndo
Reach, when people hathi thr ughout thi : ea
to rtlverald. ? K Handa to Paaad^na. \louni
Lowi and Manta EbirUaia k-:;is ln i!,:? rrown of
After apending nin* ln i I Eden
the party wlll proceed northward to that gi- I
apoi of thi earth Monten-y Locatlng <? ?I-*
grand ll":-1 P? . Moni -P- ni
a:r:i.i the tn pl al gard - . i. . . .......,)Ma
Proceedlng thence to Ban Frencieco, 4:a Ban
Joa*>, Mi Hamilton and M< lio t'ark. four daj i
4vlll b*> apem In th<
vtaltlng, among other nolnu tereet, 'he
famoue Chlneee quarter >r 'Thlnatown," wher*>
everythlng la a dupllcation of Cani i oi Hong
Ki ng
On Mar h 7 th. epe lal traln e taave Oai
!<i:*-l l'i. :? for N. 44 ^.'rI<. homeward bound ha ?
Ing anent ninete?n daye ?? th Paclfl C > ?
To Bacram nto the i m - .
men-o Valley am.d I rllllani p i| plea ;,?? nai
ia. iv rabblta Ar Bacramento the aaceni *' i
anow-crowned Bierraa ? ftna tne n iwera dtaai
pear and the ravag the "F
may etlll be aeen in th
Then the train phinev.- lnto th- greal -
aheda which for for; miie'a ?vrr the rallr a
track. On acroaa thi pla tea u :' iCevada ai
l.'tah, where Indlans, aand ai d .-.iu
all that la to be .*. -n. the train aweepa *
the northern end of Oreai **a : Lake with Ita
terraced hilla and bi i i.-.-e* , >*,!? ?:?>
and pauaea ai the M rn ? Cai ta ?ft
apectlng thla enterprielng clty of a t'' ns i
ligioti.. gect, the route nuea
t. i atlng gcologlcal c ctlon Preclpli ua
and i rumbling roek?. dry an I p ind of
man> hu< -. llm the i indre-la of i
Aa the caflon of the Orand R r la approa I
the ecenery gmwa mdV* impoatng nnt;i the 4v,-i':*
..:' roek leav? harelj, room for the rl*>-er ai
rallroad, At i; ?
remlnd one of the Infernal regl i whei
worm dteth n-- and the iir>- |? nol quen ' '
Beyond la eome of ih- grandcat acenery oa l
Ameri. in ? tntlni ni Tl ng rllffa and the
old lava beda, th.- rual ng ? n ta and ,?k4
piercing peaka and the Contlnental Dl' ' ,"
atantly ellcli the ? ? >? pping
a momenl at Leadvllle, :iic famoue Colorade
mlnin^ camp, tii leacenl mtlnuea Into th?
marvelloue caflon nf th. %rkai A rtd<
through thta clefi In ihe mountali - le i ".nlqti?
experience, The roar ?f the ir. plunges
down th- grade between - walle
of adamantlm roek curvlng '!'^- a aerpent, le
awful The cllmax - reached u the Royal
ilorge, Here the roek ? rularly foi
half a mile above the rh r '?- rt T. the li fl a
the mlghty flssure known aa th- "Royal .;.rge"
h.merglng from ihla gn it cai i rllmnee ia
soon cauarhl of Plkc'a i'-..:- fai off to i ie north?
ward. Thta fam. ua landm irk ? o tlnuea ln sight
untll th.- train h.ilfs at Colorado Bprlnge, over
whi.h ii .-t.i.,.lH like a rowled aentlnel Beven
milea from Colorado Hprlngs is thi "Oarden
th.* i;. da," m here N'ature I herai If
ln mans rurl >ua i?-? k fn ika
a geventy-flve-mlle run from Colorado Bpringa
brlnaja the van. to Denver th*> puehlng, hrlght
an.i cultured clty of tha plain. Bp i llng on*
day here the part) e/tll cnntlnue i rei tlu rolllna
prali g of Colorado an.i Kehraaka and through
th,- r.< h farm landa l lowa and Morthern ii"
t..,i?- i.. Chleago, where another da) *I11 he
apanl and a carrlage drlvi ? ik ??
Leavlng Chleago i i .--.?! run wlll be made
i - Indlaaa and Onlo Plttaburg where
thi golng route wlll i?? retrac*ed to \. a 4'-iU
Thta tour to Californla 44 ? Sat v rk
and Phlladelphla on Februarj fl 1600 an :
? -?? a period of thlrty-flyi daye nlneteen nf
whlch >-4 ill be anenl In Callfoi 1 Tourlata wlll
., . palatla apeclal Pullman traln, th*
.. n <;ai-- st?clal." ovei the entli
it la the onlj tour t ? Call ornla thal hae evei
1.ri lald oul on thta plan, and offera an excep
t-.-vnal opportunlty to acqualni one'a -elf ertl 1
the greal objecta of onr con cent an.i at the
*am. tlme lo a'itneea tbe marvelloue edldeni
of tha Peraonallj Conducted Tourtat System la
o* moal perfect foraa,

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