OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 25, 1898, Image 12

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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b-oT F.xrK(-*r*vf:n ?bw that OONWAT W IaMI
v;uj. ?:: a cam'IIvvti: iu-oaiuunc* thk
vn!> oobbm?arra.
While 08?f th. moal enthuslastlc wheelman
bas heen ahi - to do mmh ridlng lntely on ac?
count ot thr- dteagreeable weather, the weather
ptopheU yr..li t hett.r atmospheric condltlons.
for a tlme at leaat, and th.- rtdera ?t the wheel
win take op the bealthful roareatloB arlth eon*
ai.icrai.io enthuataam where the weather forced
them 10 leava Oft Jiven in the a??OW, raln or
Blueh ?.f thr early i art of tha weeh many
tyciir-t* aaiaaaiaB abroad Wcii-por-ted eyclleta
aro of the opftH*-B that there wlll be more gen
erai ridlng done thi-* wlnter, unleee tho weather
ahould bO partioularly a*-v.-re. than ba* heen the
eaaa in any prevlpua wlnter. Tha rairi and fog
of the early part Of the W . k played havnc wilh
what aaow i malnedj and the gioar weather of
Fiiday and yeaterday put moat <?f the maeadam
roada-ln exceUenl coudttlc***- Wlth elear weather
to-da) the chancea B>re that the popular Wheel
wsi- wlll be well patronlaed. ah of the .lui>s
havo dlacontlnucd thelr runs for the Beeeon, bul
lf the weather la flne to-day Improraptb. runa
wlll be numeroua. The raelng mea are looklng
forward t.. the annual run lo Tonkera and
Tarrytown vlth coqjaMerable Intereat Laat
Baaa* n the run waa made under the moat di**
eouraglng . Ircumatancea ami better weather is
bop.d for th.s aeaaon. The raoe wlll ataul al
Flftv-ninth-st and Ibe Roulevard a few mlnutea
after mldnlght pn New Tear'a, and the conteat
arlll be under the aupervlafpn "f the Aaaoclated
Cycllng Club* of New-Tork, Ofllclala of the as
Bodatlon wlll provlde each competltor with a
ticket. so that the disput.s of last year are not
likeiv to be repeated
lt ia beftnafc- to look afl if the annual eon?
ventlon of tho League of American Wheelmen
thia wlnter would Le almoal ? r.iireiy barmonloua
To 'tatr Ihe II k.'I headed bj _. J Keenan. Jr..
Of I'r-ni.sylv.-u.ia, |8 the only on*B in the fleld. The
offlcials of .he L A. W. real;---. that tt Is time for
harmonloua actlon all alonB iho llne. The year
"v?m proved tO he a ha.l year for the L. A. W.,
BB it did fiT many sports nnd reoreations, and
Ihe offlcials are <!? tei niim .1 10 make up h'St
ground The agltatloa already atarted la thla
State by Chlef Conaul Beldlng an.l hls frlend* ls
tha Uvelleal eeen hercabouta in many yeara.
One week ago there was a small doud on the
horiaon whlch port nded the uaual hght and
cl *??:> drawo llnea of prevloua yeara, That was
when rt waa expected thal another candldat*
would appear ln the Held agalnal Mr. Keenan
for the prealdency. Had Conway W. Bama, of
Maryland, made hla appearanee, it would have
meant th.it the uaual polltical movea would be
le whlch a-ould reaull In two complete and
entire tlcketa belng up. Thia would hav.. ar
rayed th.' old factiona, . nd the aaeembly would
hav.- adjourned with lh< same feellnga of bltter
neaa thar bai marked Ita pi deceetaora Now It
appeara tbat ihere wlll be no rival eandidate,
but, Inatead, that th.- party leadera of the or
! tlon a i? ? B nher and agreeably d* -
elde upon whom ahall fali tlu- obilgatlona of
"it ae* ma to me,*' aaya a member high ln the
counclla of thr L< ague of Amerlean Wheelmen,
-that tli-- mea who are agttatlng tbe dlvorce of
rr. || ? from thi orgaaliatlon at the eomlng aa
eembl* ii mlatahe. it recalla to my
min.l tl ? iM BdagC thal 'a house dlvlded nealnst
RseM wlll Burely fali,' for that is Just th- altua
tion as it occura to me. The League aa al prea
eal organlaed la compoaed of good roada advo
: ae ln favor of favorable leglalatl* n and
. g. of the latter
then la a large number, aa we aoon dlacover if
we atudy the aubjed. Firet. there ar" the ciui.s |
promoting meeta eaoh year which number among
thelr membera thousanda who ire hlao mem
? tha League. Theae club* have a direct
Interest In the aport, e.n.l for ihat reaaon theae
tlM dlr. i tly Intereated. Th. n.
there ar.- thouaanda of League membera who
attend racemeeti and who do ao for the lo**e of
Ihe aport. Theae want to see good, honest rae?
lng, evm if they are not membera of the eluba
otlng them. A thlrd daaa is compoaed of
il ?? ra. nc men, the emateura wh... af mem
>. r. ,.- tb i.. igue, and there are hundreda nf
them. They are dlr. rtly Inti i ite I, ns they want
lo be aure tha* they an c mteatlng on a aporta
manllhe principle with every other man. and
the. knoa lhat a corapetenl governmenl must
l.-'at the h^ad. A fourth and amaller rlass
la ? mpoard of the membera of the Natloaal and
State raelng boardB. the handlcappem, track <>ffl
.ia'.s a*.l otbera dli ctlj eonneded with the j
governmenl of the Bport."
while lt la loglcal io exped tbat Albert Motl
rhcui.l a---iin be cboaen for the chalrmaaahip of
*.ne Raelng Board, th> rr- ls reason for thinkin*
ho may r.ot I.e. Mr. Motl has made a good offl?
ca:. The placa he has held calta for supervlslon
over an army aa large as that of the l'nlted
States ln tlraea Of peace, for there are nearly
Iweaty-flve thouaand rtdera In the country, and
ih.y nre acatter* i over nearly tiaN> thousand
tracka That he has made mlatakea .'an be
pardoned when ihla ia conaldered. Th.-re is a
large amount of w"ik <?? nnected wlth his offlce,
and h<- ma) ?! iire to retlre Should he nol want
lt again, oi if o*h r * ona r-nsue. it ap?
peara that tlu- mhntle wlll fali upon Charlea W.
Meara, bow chlef i maul ..f ohio and for two
years handicapper for that Btate. He is thor
oughly Informed In th. requlrementa of cycle
raelng, In ao fai aa a maa n aj be whq has not
had actual experience on the Ractng Board, and
ls poaeeaaed of aound Judgment. He is ner
? rrgetli nd 11 geta the aame aealat
an..- aa Mr Mi tt has re elvad h?- should makea
?-? ?! offlclaL
Thr<-<- cycle sh'.v.s wlll be held ln Belglum this
wlnter. The r.rst wlll he opened nt Antwerp, In
the hali of the covered wlnter tra.k. by the
Syndicate of the Cycle Pr. st ; ihe Becond at
Bruaaela und. r the dlrectloa <.f the Unlon <-t
Veioce Club Driixeiiuis, at th.- Pole Nord, and
the thlrd by ihe Lttge Centre de la Llgue V*_
jocip.'li.i'i" Belge, al the Induatrial Hali. The
Mlniater of War has Juat laaued a decree pro
vldlng f..r the formatlon of four companlea i f
mllltary cycllste from the reglment of cara
blnlera Each company wlll '..e provided wlth
138 foldlng Weyde*
Next yaar la Franceall cyclea and automobiies
will i?- obllged to t-.-r-r a tar?, or plaQue, dtaplay*
ln?e tha II r-ns.- number In elear figurea. This
Birangement ls Intended to make It obllgatory
that aii cydleta and automoblllata shali show
rontlnually thal they hav.* paid the yearly tax
of six fraa ?
Says a phyaldan who ls a cyclurl hlmself:
'"With care and proper attention, cyclinK ahould
be a most b'-neflclal ex-rcis.- for the Httle 08888),
and durlns* the crlsp, frosty weather a spln In
the park or over a good country road wlll brina
the ehlldren home with beelthy appetltee and
r.ray cbeeke, feellng lit for any amount of
\v.,rk .r play. Upblll and all faat ridlng shoul.l
be forbldden, as they put too great a straln upon
the heart and lungs. '
Nej-t year the Int.-rc-lle-*late Aaaociation, a
hraach <>f the Amateur Athletlc Ualoa, arlll de
v te <>ne day to bleycle racea and thi-se races
wlll be glven under the rules and regulations of
th-.- League of American Wheelmen and on
tracks in good standriig wlth tha; organizatloii.
ao it Ib aald.
An Baaea .England) cy.list has pateated the
,ldea of formlng the BPOkea of gear or chaln
wh.eis in the shape of ihe leMera oompodng tha
name at the ii-ak.-ra.
Cycllsts dedrtng tO JOla tbe iaOagUa of Am.-rl
can Wheelmen may obtaln full prlnted Informa
tlon and memlershlp l>!ai:ks by Bending rhelr
namea and addrebs.-g t-.. the Cycllng BdltOT Of
The Trlbune.
Philadelphla, Peo. 21.? Jnd-res Sulxber-r.r nnd
Pennypacker to-day dlamlBBOd the hlll In equlty
brought hy Harr _ Yocum IO reatraln the lasue
of ihe new loan of *11 V4t>,oon, to he devoted to clty
Improvement-.. Including nearly 83.000 000 f*ir d t.<'
ter water aupply and H.000.000'for the Pobllc
I?br.iry. Thla declalon e-?tabllahee the legallty of
the loan, and tt will be negetlated at onre.
AH. ivaI.s >T "Hl- BOTB?B
Lakewoed, N. J , Da* 2*?- Tllf> w'f,*'k iw>??dlag
the C-lretmaa bdldaya ls generally a most try
InK one to the own. rs aa 1 B?e*pri*_08*a of hotel-- at
wlnter raaorta The paat week nt Lqkewood has
lre.-n no exeeptlon to the rule. The .lepiirture*
bava been numeroue an.l the arriva aooiTeapond
Ingly Hght. Many peraon**. make lt a t**p to speti.l
Chrlatmaa al home. and this cauaed an ex.-rius
from many af the ptne region bodelrtea, wMIe
many otbera -io not leave thdr beaaee anttl after
the Bdldaya
>lr. BlUe* k. of the I.ak. wood Hotel, la one of
the bueleet rr.-n la town. r.-iitrary to hls own ex
peeutloaa he haa a larger taumber of gueota than
uaual on -hls banda, .?"?! Ihe demand for rooma was
never greater aham now.
The LakeVfOOd Hotrl Is rur-tor than any of Its
competltora. I* atanda alone In a am*ml??eat aroye
of plnea oa th-* hlgl eai polnl of the uaduu-lM ?ad
ln the famous "New Jeraey beU o' plnea." The
accomodations In this lmmense hoetlery wlll be
taxed to thelr utniost neal week.
There ara Beveral reaeona why the Lakewoed win
Bnlah tha oll year and eate* upon is?9 with a
erowde- houaa. The New tyefa hali. which la
cne of tba moat popular annaal aoolal oocurreaeea
of this wlnter reiort, wlll ns uaual take place on
January 2. It baa ti.ver failed to attract sociai
l#ra from al. parta of the coutury, .md th.- ac
ceptancea whlch have heen receiv.d Indleate that
;lil< yr.irs ball wlll Le the most brilllant In the
his.ory of I..-tk. wood
The flrst of a sr-rles of entertalnments wlll be
riv.'ii tti ihe Lakewoed Hotel Theatre on December
?.". "The Runaway Boy" is the tltle of the piece
aeli ; td. lt k* deacribed aa .?> mualcal eomedy. an.l
wai wrltten -s.lally for the Columbla Cnlvemlty
omore Claaa. The piece wlll be preaented bj
Columbla atudenta A company of thlrty Bopho
moren wlll Invade the hotel on thal cccaBlotn Tna
mualc will be fUrnlshed by Ihe _ bewoon Hotel
orcheatra, under the dlrectfon of Carl wenael.
An occurrence thal is attractlng horaemen from
all parti of the country to Lakewood la the open
ing of thr huntlng aeaaon. Thla waa formally ae
rompltahed yesterday, when Mr. .1 J. Dwyer*B pacfc
of foxhoundi mei In publlc for the tirst ilmi thla
aeaaon, The med waa i bucc aa f. om rvery polnl of
vlew. L'pward of aeventi croaa-counirj rtdera of
both s.\. - turned out. The alghl waa a pretty one,
The acarl l coata oi th* men md the mor. Bombre
r. .1 rl 1 ng hab ta of ih* Ir frlenda fomie.l a pkae
iBtraat. The chaae araa cloa. and exrltlng
enough to pleas. the veteran whlp ind Mr. Dwyer.
Thla pack, known na the l-akew.l foxhounde,
wlll meet, ?-eather permttting, eemi-weekly during
Ihe reat of thr' a*
The golf dxturea for the h lldayi are extenalve.
Th. Lakea od .;?.?'!' Club wlll have b "plck-up
ti am" ir: iti '. on i 'hrli tm ia Dai and an open
tournament wlll take place on New Teara oa?
The "p.:. hai dleap t. 'ir. amenl la stlil the prlnclpal
Incldenl on ihe programme of the Ocean County
Huni and Country Club, The holiday nature ib a
rnixe,! rouraome tournament for a ciip preaented Dj
. j Gould ..ii i other prla * glven by the
club. The play wlll begin for theae trophlea on |
\\*. ineaday, and wlll ba i mtlnued on rburaOay ana |
The play at the Ocean County Hunl anl Country
Club wlll begin earlier in the open handicap tourna
ment. .*nd the number of holea have b*eii r.-.i.i.-.--i
from thiny-six to rlgbi n, in order lo flve tne
playera a chance to corrtpete on the Lakewooa
Llnka. Nearly all the membera of th.- Lakewood ?
.;..,' Club ara membera of the Ocean County Hunt \
mntry Club. Tha new llnka o* the former
organlaation are much more eonvenlent to reacn.
?. h a ; ra. tlcall) pari and parcel of Lakewood
proper while the Ocean Club'e iinks are nearly
Ihrc* mllea away. On thli account there has heen
a .l,spositloii io allght Ihe Ocean Club. All catiae
for frlctlon hai been removed, and the cluoa :,r" I
expected to work In harra >ny from now on.
A deUghtful Httle dinner wai glven al the i/ike
wocki c.olf t'lub by Oeorge VV Btockly on Tueeday
laat The followlng enthUBlaBttC K'.ifers pat down:
Praada P. Freeiaan, Oeneral Frank M. Fre.-man,
j. Rusael Muy. the Rev. D. L. Bwarta, Robert
Has-.- Kerr, Jasper Lynch, Frank A. vValthew, J.
\v Morey, John Miley, A. .1 McClure, r. M. I.
Mllla and Dr. Q W -chauffer. Bja nnaular eo
Incidence the dinner took place on the iifi>-nnh
annlvi r- -.rv of Mi Btockly'i blrth, and therepprt
wai peralatently elrculuted tlut lt was a blrthday
?Jlnner This. however, Mr. Btockly aa perauteatiy
aMlBB Rockwell entertalned her frl-mls al tea In
the nrtvdte dlnlng-room at the Laurel Houae on
StaSnafl'- .naMriraofBhakeapeaittn
readlngi al rhe Laurel Houae ?'" Frlday. ma
aelectlon waa from "The Tempeat.
The New Vear'a ball a. Ibe Laurel House wll.,
as usu'il i.e held on th. aame nit-ht as the annual
;,aii of the Lakewood Hotel. Monday, January 1
That al th. La trel In Th. Plnea wlll take place on
Baturdaj nexl , , ,, _. ... ,,
.mi ..' ih* aueata al the Laurel Houae ara w. h.
Hali. J. J. Flood. W. i'. Arnold, 8. Burton H?rt.Jr..
Mlaa Dudley Hart. II. E. Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs
Roberl \i. ThompBon, Dr and Mra Orant, Mr. a nd
Mra, Davld Barnett, A. D Ch ndler. Ml end Mra.
Kenyon Mlsi Kenyon, 0. H. Bucklngham and .Mr.
and Mra Paret. pl N.-w-Y.-r.-. J Hutler
Wrlght, Prlnceton, N. J : Dr. and Mrs. Mobb. Chest
nut nui. ivr.n., and Btuart ll. Patteraon. of Platn
Amo'ne the reeenl arrivala al tbe Lakewood Hotel
an- Oeneral and Me-. Jamea Jourdan. Brooklyn:
W. Clark Noble, John B. Carr, Mr. and Mra W. H.
BuBteed, Nelabn Hlrach, Sylveete. Bcovel, O. B. M.
Harv. j Mr. and Mra. B. H. Btewarl and family Mr.
,,,! si,? u Melliaa, Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan,
Bradford Merrlll, W. Travera Oray, Mr. and Mra.
i i u. mv Oeorge w Flord, J. W. Clarke, pf
New-Tork jamc* W Bpelr, Ooahen N. T.. and Mr.
and Mrs u. C. Johnt i Albany.
Rx-Benator I.a\i! B. Hlll and Mr. and Mrs \\ . I.
Bheehan are -.pendlna the Chrlatmaa bolldayfl al
the Laurel-ln-the-PlneB, Lakewood.
The Chrtatmaa dinner under the auepleee of the
Rlmball Mlaalon, whlch haa h.-en one of tha feat?
ur. s of ChrlBtmaa Eva al the Clty Hali, was glven
yeaterday afternoon In the baaemenl of th.- munl?
clpal bulldlng. Thera waa tba uaual aupply of
turkey and cranberry twuce, the turkey belng ?up
pil.-d hy Colonel Wllllam L Brown, ol "Th< Dally
Newa.'' After th. turli ) I td been eateU the din
ers were lupplied wlth pleuty ..f mlnce pi>
Mr* Klmba !. who haa charge of th- mlaalon.
aald that arrangementa had been ma.ie to feed
three hundred peraoni After they had been bud
pii.ri the realdue wenl t.. ihe newaboya of tne
Clty Hali Park. The old kltchen ln the besement
of th*- Clty Hali wai used for the oooklng.
_. .. .._ r*i(-t_*fl
Sole Agents,
its B_B* cru-rtf-F: at fil.RN OOYS ASD ttmXS OT
LOBUBJITB dlllBIIOI'gg T>> Mi rnn
; The old adaga that warne airnlnst eountln?? ehtck
en.i before they are hntrhed hne not gone aaheeded
hv the memi>er? of the new rfaeaau Ceantry Club, j
! nnd lt le only wlthln the lnet few daya thnt ihey
hav* b**a wUliaig IO .l<*tall ibe plans la regard to .
their n.-w llnks, at <*.lrn OOTB L-BBg lslanl. The
club ie the oatgroirth'of the Quaeae Oouaty Ooir
ciiii.. aa organlaatlon with nn envtabfe poaitlon in
the golflng world. bul unfortunately one with only
a nlnr-hol* aourae. Tbla proved ao totally in
?dequatb to ite member*' needs thnt eome monthe
age n. ,.,'otlatlone were npened for the pUTChaae of
IM aotaa ot ground near the new Olen Cove M.ition,
an.i wlth thelr eucoeesful termlnatlon plane were at j
r.n.-e luld for the erection and bquipmeol of a enm
modloua olnbhrin**. arhOe a h?et ?.f profeaalonala j
wera reqoeated to eubcnll oplnlone with a view to
eetabllahlng .>ne <.f the beet Mnlte ln the Eeet The
new club wae th?-reup..n In.-orporate.l. and the mem
berahlp iimit pincei nt four hundred- e number thal
1h alr.-ady rnpldly belng reached. Thoae who ar.
netiveiy engaged in ihe undertnkinaT hav* aapraeaad
furprisi* at the eagernea* wlth whleh entrance to j
thr cluh has I.e. n BOUgbt, nnd ll t* evldent that ihe
organiaatlon aill beeoMM a promlneni aoclal fa.-tor |
ln aummer llfe on Long laland,
Th.- new ground Ih perfee?y edapted for ?oif.
aandy, but arlth ? rl.-h top eoll of l<>.im th.it offere
every opportunlty for vr'vety turf, and It le no
axaggeratlofl to aay thai the iinks ?-ni altimately
j,r..ve a gardOfl epot for jrolfers. While the liit.-n
tlon hns bem to rnake lt Inlerestlnp and Bporty, the
teneta of the game lm\.* not been tran greaaed, and
no dlfflculty ls ln alore for the player who
the '.-t- a' the ba." lt L* th.* preaent Intentlon t..
hold the formal openlng on Memorlal Day, nnd from
the progreea already made 11 is evldent that much
of the work will be completed before thal tiaae, it
Ir not the dealre t" ha4.- a pretentloue ciubhouee,
bnt one of okMaehloned eomfort, hoapltallty and
good cheer, and In this no effort or i gprnse will be
Qo,fera may not cara to read of tho course hole
by hole, i.ut eomethtng aboul tbe aallent featuree
may not be unlntereBtlng, The Oreene Commlttee
is eonaidering the matter of b-nkera. No artifl
<-l..| bankera wiu i..- placed untll th.- kln l and posi?
tion ar.- Bgr.i upon t.v a large majority of th<
experte, and untll the bunker has been st.-.k.-d oul
and the ground played over eo ba to determlne un?
der whai eondlllone a hall would be trapped.
Certaln potnte are. however, determlned In r.-la
llon to the bunkera The mtiiviai ones will he
elther sand nlts wlth no COpa, oi COp*, lf they exlflt,
wiii '?? broad and i..w. aii bunkera wlll be arranged
so that they may be played out of ln one skll
ful stn.ke.. Th<* commlttee wfll err on tbe
Blde Of tOO few bunker* at the start rather tii in
too many, untll I.y notua! experience ln pl iy lt
hns determlned th.- proper poaitlon of th? bunkera
?nd their klnd. when they wlll be added from tlme
to tlme. Nr, roek or eod-fenc- hnnk.rs Wlil be p. r
mltted, Th'-re v,\u be no fencee, rooks. treea or
btiahea on or ndjoinin* the falr green a nor ln the
baaa rda
Th'- rallroad track outelde of the llne of play for
three hi.i.-.s, ,-,n<] the trooda outelde of fhe line of
play for two ho>e wlll not be ln any senee n haz
a.-l. r\cej,t for a:) nnusi.allv erratb* hall. but th"
couree |a lald out to take advant.iare of some natn
ml haaarda, sneh as the pond, tlu- punehbowl and
th-- valley oontalnlni? Ihe old farm lane.
The seventh hole and green la at tlie ho-tom <.f n
de.-p, o\-al deprePMlon. sunken ln a Irvel plateau
which BUrrounda lt on nll aldea, and Whlcb makes a
hole very elmllar to the fnmoue "Puneh Bowl" hole
nt Prestwlck. Thls hole le a ehort one of Ml
yarda-, nnd may eeslly he driven by an Iron. The
entlre depression lr belng attlTOUnded by Irrearwiar
sand i-tts or dltchos, so th.it unless the hall i.
placed by the drfVB wlthln a renaonahle dlstance of
the hole inslde the hollr.w lt wlll elth.r be trapped
by the aand plte or tho npproa.'h on the aecond
etroke wlll have to be mnde over the same from any
The o:?i lane with ita aunhen graylab tr.nkn ha?
been Cleared of all buabee an.l atumps. and Is be
Ing broadened out in some piacee, made irr.-kruar
m other?. an.i deepened ao ae to reach aand for
aithouaTh there ls Kood top aoll ani mrf everywhere
over rhe -ours^, atlll aand may i?- had at anv polnt
by dlr-Kln*? dowa a foot or two Ther. is a pecullar
and deep depreeaion guardlng the approach to No
10 hole nt the head ..f th.- pond. wlil, .-, long a',,.,,.
leadlng down to ihe edge of th- same. so that II
1.eealtatea a rather long approach,
The cir..?it 0f th- courae .... rhe outalde llne of
hoies ia arranif,.,-] purpoael) wlth the track and
wood., and fielde not only .) , laM .,,.,,??,.? ,,.',.'
to th- left 0f tn.- playera aa they face th- bolea
?s th- vaal majority of playera are right-handed
and a half-doxen baila are ailced to one ihat la
hooked. There arlll be aa auch bad devii ea i
nraila, rertlcal banks or board fencea behind puttlng
trreena, nor wlll ther- be an unplayable pla-.. on the
courae, except tb- pond, within arell-deflned banka
and. of course. another hall may l?- played under
the uaual penalty, for one thal is loel then
Another exceUenl polnt l? thal th- haaarda be k
of puttlng r,re.ns will not I,. too s-v-re. ,,iid will
he ai a raaaonabie dtotanee from the holea. Unleaa
other haaarda are provlded, th>* Kroun,| immediate
ly in front of teea nnd Burroundlng the falr greene
or lan? of play wii; i- covered with roarae graaa
etubble, whlch, while atopping th.- bal!, arlll pennli
ih.? akllful player ro play oul tn .me strok
All puttiiiK Kr.-.-iis. wlth one ..r two except lona,
wiu he at least one hurnir.-d feet BQuare Nearly
all ..f tr,- puttlng k'r?n.s wlll have ihe natural im
dulatlona ..,' th- fround, enhaneed In a few eaaee
by i. -Iclal means. nnd a few of them Wlll h- .-n
parattve planea, but with reaaonaMe alopee in one
direction or nnoth.-r f.?r varl-ty. There nre no
terraced ?r.-?-ns.
ln order to ,,rr-r atlraetloa for women'a matcbee,
a lartfe nine-hol- pru.-tl.-e puttlng green ls belng
lald -en north of th<- rtuhhouaa. iH-.-ir the rerandaa
Tn.- teea nr.- aii on aod .-.nd large enoiiKii t.i pennli
Of belng moved frequently to avuld tOO tllll.-h W-ar
Nearly aU of them nre on tbe natural surfa e ,,'
th.- greuad,
There are no erossea on fbe j|nei, of ,,.,.,>. any.
arbara. ar.d tha teea and ttre-nn are -o arranK-d
tbat the itreene eannot I- reaebed ly alleed balta
from Ihe ter.., except |n (l fow ptacea bv BXeeptlon
eily erratie plaj . Moreover, th- teea and greene
ara arranged ai such dlataneea from eaeh other
thal here wlll be no lon* w.-.'ks fr?m one to the
other, and yet they aill not be near ? r.,.u.sh t.?
Interfere wlth eaeh ..ther. ti..- average wi.it h ..f
th- cloaely cropped taaea ,.r play i- :?;.. r.-.-t.
Bxperimeate bave ahowa that .>..., .? a m.,w_
nlncent water supply at a raaeoaabta dletan. - below
the aurface, ao as to pcechade any daagor from sur
faee dralnaga, aad a tn 0f artealan wella la belng
drivi n. from whleh an unllmlte.l aupply f..r tbe
elubhouaa and ground. wlll I*. pump.-d Int,, ,m,|, ,.
tr .:.?! tanks. where It i*:ii i?,t |?. expoaed t,> the
deterioratlng laBuenee ,,r the aan la bot weather
and from wht-h. It wlll be conetnntly dlalributed by
Blr | r-ssure to ,.11 potaU Two miles of larxe plpaa
are belng imi. aupplytag n..t only tbe elubhouae,
Lu' -v. ry puttlng green and alao rhe falr gT,.,.u's
on the more elevated piaces. insuring a perfeet turf
at a)1 aeaaopa
Work haa tx-en u-ayn, and is pregroeefag rapidly
on th- central s.-.-tlun or main part of the eluh
hou.e. nnd It Ih expeeted thal work wlll 1,.- |,.-Kun
on r.ne nr both of the dormltory wlnne. na .rn,,, ,-,,
Wlnter breake up. The maln houae wlll be r.-e.iy
f'.r 6fl*IB_C r.t ihe aame tlme ae the llnka nn
Decoiatlon Day. and lt la hoped thnf rhe dorml
torles wlll be In eondltlon aoon ufter. in (he iflc_n
tlme arrangementa are beina made for the use of
a l.irRe old rolonl.il farmhous.- on ground Inrtmedl
Htriv adjotntng, whlch wn- formerly the heaaeetea
of one of tho farm* bought. bo that mrmbert. may
find temporary BCCOmmodatl* na.
The maln houae nnd BOth dormlt. ry WlBgB wlll
he he.-ited hv a powerful BtM m-heatlna plant M the
maln houae, arranged aith boHera, bo that th. heat
may be turre.l on In BeCtlOf-. Hoth dnrmltorlea
bave aeparatd reraadaa al the aad, where b^vnbert
mav reilre ln caae th. Y Hnd lh_fi.".'. I aO ei ,.*v.Ie.l.
?n.l all th. ont.1 i..r p.,rtlon wlll hc Inrio-p.l ln glnn-.
durlnc Ihe .'..Li weather. an it II IBteoded to make
n apednl feature of wlnt.r sporta.
The hlKh hlll* on the ground and m the netghbor
be .1 wili aaeourage tobogganlng ar.d bobeleddlng ln
th.. wlnter, nn.! tbe beaut) ..; the countr* siirroun.i
liu wlll make d'rivlng and ridlng one of the chlef at
tr.i.- i..."s th- year around A p. rtlon ofthe ground*
o thr I.. nt.."-: of the clubhi un wlll be graded ln
tha iprlng and arranged -? tti.it tennla courti mai
!,.. ,i,'?i out .. there li any demand for them Tbe
,-1 ,!, has taken under advliemeni the laylng outof
!in -.i.ii.i.m ii short nlne-hole courae tor women
an,i ;1 polo Held, bul tbe plana have not been com*
PTlm ireen7"f"he*club vury la elevattata fwai
_t-w.ui r1-. t.. 180 feel above t!i ? .** .un ;, and from ;i."
, ii i,!,. ,;.,? nn i hllla and grounda Hemi uead Harbor
and the entlra valley aouth to Whea iy Hllla may
l?.v.-iri in a hlrd'B-eye vlew. rhe houae is ao
i pTaced on the bron ... th- hlll thai lt li open t..
?t the aoUtherl) bi-eeaei In t!i" sutnm.'r and pro
, te.te.l from the cold wlndi of tbe wlnter b) .. large
\,u,.t ihlck woodi.n ? i. ? itlon tn the north.
Th. Krouiids eonatel "f rjM'acrea, tltle to whl ? , i
been eecured an.l ..f aboul two .. i Bd litlonal,
|e;,.,.,i from th* Long laland R ifn*. . C .mpany.
The land runs fr-.m the Olen Cov< atation park m
aeven acrea a- Olen Cove la the Locuel valley ata
ih n .ni i ouena "'n on two macadamlaed an.i leveral
other roada i<> whlch acceaa t" it ma) !.?? had from
nll polnis on the penlnaula
The archlteci of the cluhhoura i- Woodruff Leem
Inir of this clty, a member .>f the club He and
th.- Bulldlna Committee have rxamlned the club
houaea ond pla.ia ?<'? other el iba a- !',..?!!.? and abroad
to obtaln ai many pointi as pbMlble for comfori an.l
convenlence. , ,
The w.Tk?ho|i -in.I cflddlf hous. .?? wlll he In a
leparat* bulldlng a reaaonahle dlatance from the
clubhouae on the way t.. ih-- first tee, i.ut not near
enough to the tee to dlatracl the playera thereon.
The pumplng and powi r atation will bo ln n t.ri.-K
1-iiilditiK iu Bn Inconaplcuoue place near the rallroad
ir ick, an l nmi l< rlag. ah< de and el ihle neur
the eame, whlch will be far enough away from the
clubhouae bo aa noi to attracl nlea or caune nolae
to be heard al the clubhouae, b H convi nlenl enough
fot Hl purpoai - . ...
ln aplte of th. dlatan ? of 0|en Cove from thie
clty the membera hope to oven mi (hle by better
rnllroad facllltlea, The aervli.t the Long laland
Railroad w i - much Improi ?. laal year. Addltlona
tralna were pul on, quleker tlme wa* made on all
of them, *nd toi.' thi tralna were run In two
.., "tlona, t,. Inaure pron | I ? md prevenl ov< r
crowdlng Thla year atlll further Improvementa
wlll be made, the runnlng tlme atlll Curthei redu.I,
and aome atvclnl tralna Intendcd fo partlcularly
favor the rr.-.v-l to the cluh wtll be added Bpeclnl
cut rate tlcketa will be leaued during tbe eomlng
aeaaon by thi ralln ad compnny f..r the uae of club
rn- mbera only. . , ,,
Tbe total plnylng length of the co-ir-..- le 6.1?
yarda. the meneurementa of the dlfferenl holea
Lv Ing a* followai
...- bOS, M0, 111 Mt, US, HO, IM, MC, '?'?'?" Total,
'ln- ;::::.. IW. 360, .".?'?. 190, 510, IM, IM M6 Total,
The ofleere of th* new eluh are: Prealdent,
M rvey Murdock; vlce-preaWent, Charlea M. Pratt;
tn irer, Le nard J. Bueby: Becretary. Willll.m
Crittenden Adama: i-tiptain. J..:>n B. C Pappan
Th. ncorporatora are \v. Crittenden Adama, Percy
chiibb ll.irol.l Oodwln Parker D. Handy, Bdward
R Ladew J. Harvey Ladew, 11. M Adama. L. J.
Buahy Charlea O Oat?e .1 Rogere Maxwell, How?
ard W M ixwcll. Henry I". Nqye*. Charlea M. Pratt,
Prederick B. Pratt, Harvey Murdock and J. B. '.
Tap] an.
MaJoMSeneral Charlea I*. Roe Lt eollectlnf Btete
and figure* for bl* annual r-port and Im w.-ll sat
lafled wlth ihe preaenl eondltlon of the Ouard.
Oeneral Roe predleted montha ago that th.* re
?eiabliahmenl ol the Neir-York aoldlery woul.l t.e
eflected without troubli ur frtctton, and hli pre
di.-non.-4 bave beea fully rerided, The recorda
ahow that the Natlonal Ouard I* ai preaent eoM>
poaed of the followlng available men:
f nal Bi (Imei ? i' '?? Berb >r . {.J_
Berond Beglment, C lont i Uoyd . 5
ime handred and lentb Bat tall n. fm
Thr-.- battallona m the Pourtb llrlgade . I _"*'
sniv firti- Reglmeni, elghi mpanlea.J
s.-vni-. fourth Begimeni inlee . ?*'"?
Mnth ll-.tlni---,. lan ? mpanlea . 25
Twentj -???? nd Realme-t, ten eompaalea . """"
One hundred aad twelfth Begimeni . OM
Seventii Reglment, ler romi inli . '.V'0
Rtghth lt.-aim.-nt. ten rompanlea . JM
Bevent) Brei Reglment, ten rompanlea . >0O
indred and ilatj nli lb Reglment, elghi eom
paalea . Jjg
Kourie.-nib Reglment, t^n ompanlea . -v"o
Twentj thlrd IWlment, ten eompanlea . BO
Tl :???? ? nlh Reglmeni . ?*-."
one hundred ai I f. rtj eventh It-Ktm.-nt. one hat
ulion . 40">
Bq< idron A. mt
:? ; .' . IM
Four betterlei . JM
.-.'-.-? ' " . ?BJ
Bevrntecnth Beparata C mi inj . '.'.)
Total . i ?'?-?
The i.'th Reglmeni L* ln Porto Hleo, th.* lith H"?i
m-nt Im under ordere to proceed to Cuba and the
r.ntli Reglment i* In a eouthern .-amp. When theae
regimenta return to duty the Natlonal Ouard will
bave aboul 16,000 men, whlch wlll be nearly 2.000
more than II had when the war wlth Bpaln be?
gan. and wlthln '-'.':n|1 of lhe maxlmum etrength ai
loa ed by Ihe new co le
"Tbe guard la better to-dey" said Oeneral Roe.
"than lt haa ever been, and th- experlen e of the
last year haa made a ehange ln ii for the better
all alo-B the llne, The rarloua organlaatlona could
he brought Into lhe fleld more readlly than al any
time i,. fore the war, and the n >-n ar.- better quall
t;,,i aa to thelr dutlea as ufflecn and aoldlera."
The formatlon ..- the aeparate companiea Into
battallona end regimenta h.-.^ bad a kuo.i effeel on
lhe rarloua organlxatlona and the six battallona of
tbe Thlrd Brlgailc whlch were formed wlth thii
lal nnd 2-1 Regimenta, w111 contlnue ln that form,
ahUe the Fourth Brlgade companiea wlll be formed
lnto three batl illone.
,\t th* In.iuguratlon ..f Colonel Rooaevell r**. Oov
,,-[,, r of tho Btate the Natlonal Ouard aill l>?
reprceented by the Oovernor*a Mu(t. Oeneral
Charlea P it '? and hla ataff, Bquadron A and tho
IMth Battallon, of aii.any. Bquadron A wlll leave
New-Tork >>ti ??. epeelal traln on December il and
;.r: re it. Aibanj aboul 7 o'clocg. lt wlll be mel al
, . tatlon by a detachment .-f the 110th Battallon
.md aill be eacorted to the 10th Battallon Armory.
whi.h wiii I.. ihe beadquartera .f the Bquadron.
There wiii be .i receptlon al the armory thal
evenlng, at whi.h Oeneral Ollver and hi-* ataff
and other proanlnent Ouardamen wlll be preaent
There erlll be danelng from I to II .'.look, and
Rnlckerbocker loclety wlll be largel* repreaented.
On gunda) thi iquadron and other vlaltlng
Ouardamen wlll attend aervlce ai aii Bainta' l'a
th.dr.-.l. by Invitatlon of Blahop Donne, and on
Bunday - vt nlng dlnnera wlll bi gl *en al th- Albnny
and Plrai iir.u.i-.- cluba and al many prlvate houa ?
for membei b of thi - quadron
.\t il.-. Inauguratlon exrrcleea the aquadron wlll
?erva bi eec. rt In conjunctlon wl h thi 110th Bat*
>,,;. n. to lhe Oovi ?? r, and erlll attend blm on hla
trip to the Capitol and lo the Executive Man
alon after he ha*. baen iworn Into <>*n. re.
The Oovernor'a Brei receptlon wlll take place at
the 15xecutlvi Manelon ...i Monday afternoon, and
after ttending th? the aquadron aill leave Albany
f,,r New-Tork on a apeclal traln If lt la true, ta
.;i.i, rumored, lhal Major Andrewa h .*> been
relected bj Colonel Rooaevclt ..:> adiutant-generul,
ti.. quadron wl noi make the trip under hla com.
Fniinie Preedman. tarenty-three yeara oi.i, ..f No,
,*, Manhattan-at., ?aa taken lo Bellevue Hoapltal
Mai week and yeeterday waa declared Inaane, Bhe
wen c.-iii to ibe Manhattu Itate :- gpltal The
w-.-rnan 4v.nl to a fortunt -i. ll.-r ln Brooklyn n w.-k
tga laal Pltday Bhe aaM the woman told ber that
utie could expe ? ? greal ehange ln h. r nt.-. and lha)
u wealthy man would mariv h. r Ta- young w.u.i.in
wnuiil no; k" W aleep after thai tlll ihe *.*. ia taken
to tr.e hoepltal Rh.. ,.--'i to burry to ber I ??? ? n
tlm** ?h<* hrnrd a nolne, hoplng thal aer [over waa
B .perlntenlent (.'Rr^irke yeaterday recelved 6 let?
ter ir^ui * i.un who a'.aneJ liknsclf Hi-ad?r " ika
(fnropcrtn ^*-otr"6cn)55^
LERS will fmct the London olfice of The
Tribune, 141) Fleet Street, a convenient
place to leave their ad\.rtisements and
stihscriptions for The Tribune.
I'naaeaaea tlie *oIlo-***-!n_
nintliietlve Merltai
MTRITIVr. Ul ALITir.** I MtlVA1.I.KI>.
In lliilf-l'oiin.l Tlna only.
|>repnr-.l l.y JAMBI KIM'S A Ct_ Ltd.,
i(<ini.)<-?|intiii<* Cbuaalate, l.omion.
Offcn tiiiofiti.'illc'l ii.<*oinm.><lnti..ii for real
comfort ,-in.l lnxtir.v ln every .l.-t.ill. I'iti"
culstne nn?l wlnes. ModcMtC chargca.
The Gordon Hotels, L'td.
Ilotel de I.nir of the World.
Of Gastronomlr- Fninf. under thr? dlrectlon of
tfce famous Mnitre d'hnt?l "Joscph" of tha
Beataurant Mnrivmu, Paris. Tba Orrbrstra
playa during Dinnnr und tlie Opera Supper.
Brook Street, Grosvenor Square.
TheCentre of Faahionable London.
Tlie "Last Word" of M<> lern Hotel Luxnry.
Charming suits with prlvata entranca, batti
room, etc. Ovr :ioo rooma. Ne.irly 100
bath rooma a magnlflcent Royal Sulte,
Restaurant, Piccadilly.
This Hotel occupics the most tiniquc position in
London, overlookin? Ihe Green Park. Each Eui'e of
rooms is provided with ,1 Private Bath Rcom. Te!e
prams "_o!_ne," London.
G. GELARDI, Manager.
!_? largest and moat magnlflcent ln Europe.
Perftct ln every detail. Loeatlon unrlvalled,
faclng and overl*x>_lng the Enibanliinent
Gardena and rlv*?r Thamea. t'nsiirpasaed
cujslnft .ind the best Belectlon of wlnea
ever offerod. 700 bodrooras and 800 salona,
prlvate dlnlng rooms, and pnbllc receptloa
latter lacloaad rt placa of Mue rlt.bon with th* pd?.**
cut in a eurloui eray. One corner bad a black lnk
Ptaln. The arrlter aald t>iot Mi>? rreedman was to
wear the rlbbon ** thal h?' tarould know h->r. an.l
ho taoul I go to the hoapltal, take her away and glve
her .i piano and a ko.mI home.
Prlvate W. N Croxton, of tho 7th Company,
:??. Ri ilment, aron the flrat prlia in tbe proae <*tn*-?'-?
match. whlch araa declded al tha annory rangee
l.-iat iv. ? 1
Prlvate M. Ubl, of the Sd Company, wo:i the non
eupert priz- on thr- aame evenlng. Theae acorea
arere made:
Prom Ibm match: r> at Bt'd'g. TM.
PHvate W N Crot-ton. Company - .3*1 at 88
Bet_-r--.nl R M Katl .J8 j1'-' {}\
Prlvate Al t 1.1. fuiit.it,\ ?' .::; 81 88
Prtvatt 0. Kemble, .Vmpanj lt".16 SO 85
C-rprM-al I_ t. Clarke, Company 9.n* BB ,;.
Nr.ll -.Xl'.-l't 1 _._.__
rtlvate M. rm. Company C.Bl -* 88
** rr rul W S '? ?'.'.; - irtha ilt, i.' mpanj i 31 34 88
Prtrate J. W Thlea, jr.. Companj i:. 83 88 80
Corpornl .',. It Jtnklna. Companj U . 38 SU, 8B
forp-iral A, V. Btout, Companj K.81 '?'?- at
Tba buH'e-eye Btandlng and bull'a-eye prone
tbatche-a will be declded next Baturday.
Bergeant B. B. McAlpIn and Corporal Buchaaaa
Houaton, of tin- !?ih Company, erere the chlef
u.'tors in -iti intereetlng caremony arhlch t...>k placa
ln the rth Reglmeni Annory on Thurada) evei ng,
Theae two popular men a*ere aworn In bb honor
,'uv memberfl of tbe San Juan garrlaon of the
Rej-ular Army end Naw L'nlon, an.l Inveated wlth
u. badge of the order. Thla garrlaon ol th. or?
ganlaatlon waa formvd by membera of the ISth
Reglment, l'nlted Statea Infantry, and Its tirst
meetlng took place on Ban Juan Hlll. The decoru
tlon a*ai conferred under the pereonal dlrectlon of
aeven membera of thr- 13th Reglment, In the prea
,.[,.,. ,,f the IKh Company, whlch, under tbe com?
mand of Captaln Landon, waa <irnwn up rm tbrae
?Idea ..r the drlll ahed to witneaa tba Intereating
The '.'th Company men are thr. tirst Natlonal
Ouardsmen to be admltted to the order, and tiw.tr
aele. tlon haa been looked on aa a compllment t.<
th-- reglment. Tha Regular Army and Navy l'nlon
ls compoaed of non-commlaaloned offlcera und
prtvatee, bul all men havlng an honorabla dis
charge from the Regular Army are eligtble to
AnionK the honorary membera ?r? Oenerala
Mllea, Merrltt an.l Shaft. r.
- ? -
Tli.* CommUalonara af Accounts yeaterday recom
mended to tli ? Mayor thal more arater Inapectora be
amployed on tbe plera lo aee ihai tbe owaera ?.f tug
boata wbo tak.- water fr.m tbe clty are la poaara
ik n of permlti antltllai them to ibe nae of the
a '.r Wiit-r !?> tbe sblpi ln Ibe harbor is fur
ntahed, either by regular meter meaaureeaenl
tbe caae of Bteamshlp llnea or on penntte laaued by
the H'.rrr Reglatar in tbe latter caae tha water is
' rnlahed througk hydranta on ranala deelgnated
plera, whl rh ..r.- ln charga .if laape. tora, arboae lut)
it i? to aee thai any boal ettachlng a haae bi I ob
talnlng a luppl) of water la entltled to ll by a per?
mit. Ibe Inapectara ;<?-,? imployed by ibe day anri
work from - .< m untll I p m After that hour
th.-re is nothlntr to preveni a tugboal captaln from
rcplenlahlng hls tank;. lf h.- ls s,, dlapoaad Thr
Commtaaton*i a therefora recommend tha emDloy
rn.-nt "f addltlonal Inapectora, who win be on duty i
atall houn
The commlMlonera alao say that thera la a lot ot '
ronfualon In the accounta r>f th.^ ?A'at*-r Realeter
due r.r a faulty lyatem of tranaferrlna the meter
aoeounta irben a new ledger la opened The book
keepera are idvlaed to tranafer onlj the date ind
ladea upon whlch the laal blll was ;?-m ,?lt
i-rci under, tifiv y.:ir- oi.i. n cloaaaaaaaff, of
Md H R|.l--.>-at , araa found Ua4 in a bathhouaa
at \.> M Orehard-al , aboul nooa yeaterday it
b preaiimcd that bt dled from heari dlaeaae. The
foreign fiedorft.
The Intcrnational Palacc Hotcls.
(Il-rlcra i*?i_e?.?lw_i? Cavl**,
llie lUrlei- Fulaoa.
?U*>ulicbr<la' llotcl. a-tnd *_ A
li. Uliralreh I'alaoe, > K_ypC Jj
CAIHO.. ) ,
Tlie l.it I'lmr. _ ._ _
omti'.mj _.B?l-1?-Ba
tlllll.'UU It <>>_!, ____
AltDi'MU: .Bel-_ln_a_
failllou dr Dellavaa.
Iliai.KtlK irnr Vmrtu-Prin-t,
llol.-l -tieali-anle.
AliHA/.IA _.-.Anatrla*
The >.d. Ililcl Internatlonal. )
The l?-nll? l??l_ee. _
Tlie Su in in er 1'iilnce. .
TIIF.lt.*. IMA .Torker.
The l>r? Palaee. _ . _
t'OMTAXTlMIPLB."??_ ?*r.
Termlnoa lletel. ... ...?*_-*waaa-a. .
Tor 1r.fr.rrr n'l .n. tl-k-.-i to all po.n1? j-n* __l?***ll*|
er-co-nm ,l-.t|.,n .pply Inl.T.ltonal 8. C Ol.'8 <*?*_? M
Corkipur-at.. l?i ?_.*._. or 8 Pla-*a -? I Op?ra. - ana.
Hotel Chatham,
- Paris.
i- ava siiiijik.
Hotel de Lille et d'Albion,
__.*!. UI.ES BT. IIO.>OMK. I'AH.S.
nrr.vi-i.N ru_ ruiucR'M UAau-N*. i'i_OB ven.
SoilC ANI. NEW 0PBRA *.DV_NTAO_0_i -?>
TEUBORAMa *UU_1-HI<'.N*." PAR.'S. ____?
111. Ml*. AIIAIH1-.
r.eamifnl poaltlon, .1"" Booth. Large
number donWc and single bed rooma Plna
culalne and arlnea. Llft, large Kall an.l
PnbHe i:...itii>. Blectrk I.i-'it evety*
where. Perfect aanltatlon Hotel Private
Orounda, twenty-aeven bctpb.
The Gordon Hotels, L'td.
Monte ? Carlo
Patronized by the Elite of "American
European" Society.
Hon. A. Bourke, ) ^
C. Ritz, ( Direction.
L. Echenard, *
Manaying Uirectors.
Hotel Beau Site,
AllllHIl AS IltllKI
GENOA. Savoy Hotal,
Op*-n--d October, 1897. Oppoatta Rallwa*
Station. Tha only Modern Hotel ln Genc
LIPPERT & FIORONI, Proprietors.
Krafts' G'd Hotel Italie
Grand Hotel
Late Continental d, R'de la Paix. _
Florence, Hotel delaTille.
Eltclrlfll**, S.-amln-a., Wlnl-rgardM.
Rome Italy.
Grand Hotel.
Opened in I8M4.
The most complete of
Hodern tlotels. lllectrlc
Iight throughout. Americai
Under the same Direction as
- A O- _?*- ot *<;*1. Ilotcl -lutlon-U**
una, a. rfyfefr, imw._
Parker's Hotel,
Hotel de la Ville.
y Tlcketa.
-gage Reglit*red.
I.lft. Ulectrlc* L!tr_
__,,- Rallway Tlckcts.
lv! 1 I 9l T*l Luggage Regiit<*red.
-MllHllr t .,, B_.a-.l_ T.'l
Frankfurter Hof,
Frankfurt 8/ Main. ?
lll__J__*_J A1 ' MODrKN t.OMh-RTS
mUlllUn._KINi-sr Sm'ATlON. '
Gd Hotel de Rome,
ni.m left _la Boaas iraaterdaf inorninK. t.a>!Ti8 ht
waa lotna ta Orchard-et, '.r bathe, H"- paal ln
advanoe Ier his i?tw it araa aetlead i?t.>r that
i" aaa be* :i ln thr- room ?n unuaua.ll) !?*'?? tl__
uii.i ?ii< of thr atteadaata weal la. ii' found __
man lylnn .,n th fltor. An ambuUr..--? aunf-J""
wh.- araa .--ille.1 ln. s-ild that no waa <1.*a<1 Tn*r?
won- ao aiarln oa tha Body. Th-? r.wm h*? a-*JJI
wus wann, ana he had bathed ln lakeanaoB -***^

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