thk *.?. v.kn srri.i.NTs at mv.ii.i. i?'' UtTCMATI
Dl havi.w, thi: rSTiKi: -TMPATHT Of
Every ont- lnrrr.-st. d ln thi ? loeatlon of
weeaea In Canada ind I - noi m< an only
the s.-x femlulne by any meana?le rejoiclng over
t.-.* ao-owaaent of the Royal Vietoria C
Tha building for :his biatltutlon was presented
to MeOUl L'-lverelty by the Cbaacellor, Lord
?crat-eona and Mount Royal, but how ll waa to
be aaaiatalned wbea fl-tahad haa hltherto been i
questi - whl 8 ao ani wus able tc anewer, al
tho;;Kv Lord Strathcona'a well-known genei
provide.'. a ?.ib??:_i:!l.-.i foundatUu, for .-ar.Kuln.j
hope* n ? - -?? ? '-??'.! eolutkn ol th.* problem
Bu; ev.-n theae eape tattoaa did aot prepara the
frlend* of thi eollegi for the aurprlae whlch Hla
Lardanlp gav< tbem on Tueaday. December II,
whar. ne praaeated RW.6M te thi McOl Board of
QgaBiii ?-- '??-. Ibe eadowaaent f 1 rla < ollege.
Thi* sum, wltb th- ChaneeUoi**! ;:?? ? bene
facrior.s brtng* tb* endowmeot fund up to a mund
B-UUon, ar. i placee rh.- colleg - dld .1 flnan?
clal baale aa could wi eelred
T)e college wlll - ? upancy next fali.
oj'er.iiiK of tbe ecl* letlc year. II > 6
'?il balldlng of graj ai * -. Ii lhe ? ?< B
baronial atyle, aad wai deelgni I ?? y .. New-Tork
archltect. Hru'-e Price. subje.-t ro V.tt- ai BCtural
tast" c-f th* <1:>ror Ix.rd Btratheona dlsllk*? e_
c*a?i\c- decoratloai, and la aoeordaace wlth hla
d**!re.. Mr. Price baa uaed aa littli ornamen; aa
pnaande Th* bulldlm baa u lommodatlona for
betweei .-ix-.y and aeventj atudenta, and is
provlded W;-.h - beautiful borary, gyaanealum.
d|ateg-room ar d public hall.
t:ic iora-torte* ar* ananged bi eultee of 'hre*
roorr.s. n Blttlng-room and two bedrooma for each
ttn Btudcnta Thr aaaltar) arraaigeaaenta are aaid
la ba perfect The waMa i n bnm ni ly tbick, with
agacea betweea ;.?! rentllatl ? :.. aad tbe heatbag ap
pa.-atu* Ik ?<> e'">r that lhe carataker s:.id last
wir.-.er tbat bt oould noi k?-.-;. bt* coal oa wh?-n
workin* ta the bul'd *?? . tbla eoaaldering
tr,-- aeverit) ?'. tbe Montrei wlntei - ao amall
thlnt. ln frnrit of t' _u nal ?*
of I o. i Kratbaona. tki work of Hei Royal Hlgh.
B nesr. ?: ? I - :?
\ Lan ai -??: of the
F wawiaw .- > ?:,-,. . ? ,i in ?o
far as ,t ?4-^* i q tai >l monej tl e women >we
thei- -j?;,,. f*t_*
??..?? ? ...... ;., im .....
etgl tg woaai n wl
iron. :;.? : . ? . n wltb thelr
at .,.!? ? Boar. of Ooveinon '? li thal the
T"r. ?' - * .
ll tr' ? '? w ..-ii.-n Bl lidl nl B. 1
ihi* lunctur*. Lord Btrath ? n. cami forward wlth
an offei of 112 too 1 at-bll h bi ? ara ? li turea ir.
art* f< r womei Thi | epte I
eraii] nd the new department waa
lhe foundi bi narw
noiwltl - . ? ? e. la Juat plain
? - aei ? ti turea an *!-. ea
? ?- f : i ;. !- - .-? gri ? ll.
the hf.n'.r i iraea ".< men and women have thelr
li ? a togi ther
Pr* loua to the oponlng of thi Donalde depart
roer.t lectare* wer ? glrea t. B'omea ai tbe L'nlver
elty under tbe aufpu-ea of lhe Ladlee' Educational
Aaaoclatlon. and much good work waa aeooanpilahcd
n ii>im way, r.ut the atudenta dld m t matrlculate
d dld not take nVgTnes
I1....0HS " N
Since. 1884 tnorf tha.-i B buii.lr.-d women have baaa
gTlifluateO from tbe I'lilv.-rulty, and many have
Mbea brllllant ? our?*-s Ug-t**a have ?on gold
inedBi*. and oaa, Miss Canti .\i Derrtck, took tke
bigbesr pefewntage lg rier jr..r ar the gaial ex
aatdnatioa. Mlaa Deailck i>. now deeaOBWtratar la
bataay at tne rniver*ity. and i? the Iral noaaaa
in Caaala io hwid *j.-n k j.<.*itio:i tbitaen ?>! tbe
??r?djutet ha-.c iruirrled. aad B-BBJ BMT*, lt la
?t-.l4.4. are trijiaRed Korty-flve air u-acbrrs. two
I'octora. two lUlaBHaiarlaa two tr.4ined nureea, and
on* a JouraallBl One baa taken a I'h. i' in Oer?
many, iw.j o.rt M A'? and tbe twe doctore have
,aken poet graduate couraee ai Vlenna M Olll
j-raduau-s ..ie prominunt ui th* Montreal Woman'a
Club bi.j ir. :h* councll ol Women, anil havi laken
ar. active r t ln al! :1k- publlc work undertaken
by th* w.inen of me clty. ln facl tbs openlng of
th* rnlvers:iy to women ia eald to hava bad a
waoderful arff* t upon femlnlae llfe generallj la
_I-jt ? i ? a .
Tbe woi-tn atudenta al *tl.'Jill are- foriunate ln
havlng the entire eympathy of tho faculty and
.I.' -overnore; tor a long eatabllanea ann
tlm-.-hor.ored Inatltutlon of learnlna ls ?i't to. M
conaervatlve and aome such, while admltting
women I up don.- lt but grudglngly. The former
prlnclpal of McOIll, Slr Wllllam Dawaon, was deep
lv ii tereated In the educal on "f women ,ona oerore
?'. , femlnlnc appllcatlons r.<r admlaalon to tne
Fniverslty were made, and II waa largely due to
I , ftuence thai tbe Ladies' Educatlonal Assocla
. . ... ... organlaed l?r Petereon, the *,.n-set.t
,,,>'. .,., ii giao ii warm friend of Iba ai-o-man
stu.l. ; ti
All t':. Inmatea of charltable Inatitutiona, "f
hosi'ltiils md ..f prlaoaa are to bc well remembered
I .. ?.:: dlne sumptuously. ln tht- l?e
partments of Correctlpn the dinner will Le k;v.t, lo
morroa i ? - the dty priaona BS pounds of . hlcken
bnve been p md -N p* unds of turkey: for
> . , t.-ni ' ?? mds of chlcken and 180
....... -,. ftie a rkhouse, l?p???i
kei ....) 4on pounds of turkey. Minea r^*.
..'. v. ... furnlahed In abundance.
Mn Jeasle Van Zlla Belden, whoae portrait ap
,?,'.,'-.. ,':. this page to-day, ls a Byracuae woman
whoae literary work baa attracted coaaldcrabla at
tantloi Bhe I aa aetlve membei of the Daugbtera
ol ::.. American Revolutlon and of jayeral other
ciub* and an entertainlna speaker on the movine*
. ( [hi day ln all ot whlcb sh. ukea a wlde
itit. tr-R'.
Chrtataaai earvlca for tho parlahlonera of Bt
4. . ,_ Church. la Basl Fortr-thlrd-at., wblch waa
, , , .;,. yed by Bra. wlll be held ln tba Orand
Central Pali ?' ' ' '" ,!l? ?venln?
there wlll be veapere, sermon and benedlctlon In
,.,.. , v. .. ? Mi - .... said in the school on
weeks ?: ?? al 6. 7 and * s m. Th? roaary ls aald
.ch ol ball every nlght ?t I o'cWck Baptlam
: irriages an performed m ths rectory, .\" ifi
Kirst Kort> thlrd Bl
Th" flrat maas to-day In Ht Francli Xavler's
Churcb waa a aoletnn hixh osm and was sung at
l'-jiin rn lt was offered for tha falthful departed,
whoae names ware glven to b? prayed for on ' AU
Souls' Day, '
ln *.wo and perbapa naora, of tne churchea ln thla
city tifty maaaea aHIl ba K-'-id during the twenty
fr.ir hours of '.hlt? ?'hrlt-:mn-. Day To-day BBCh
pri*-at haa the pilvllege af aaylng maaa thrr? tlmea.
In Ht. Francia Xavler Bfty-two aaaaaes wlll be
?ald; la tba Panllat Fathera* ataty-nina, and other
churchea win have nearlr a? away a*. the 11
o'clock high maaa la t; ?? r'H>;ii-s-. church. th. mual.
w:i: be tna Qrwgorlan chaot. fci*..*i by tha Bl
?r'-c- -*-ll;-? cholr of ona hundred men, under the man
agemeal of the Rev. Jt-t.n 1, Rugbea
Daooratlons .-.! m..;> lanaceata' '\*'irr-h. Thlrty
aeventh-st., ri hi Broadway, wll b. aapeelally t,rau
tlful to-day. Thay ara prtnctpally the glft of Mi
Tbaodars Havemeyer one of the parlahlonera of
tbe church, a forty hours' devatton artll be begun,
aad al tba ealaliratlon of hiKh ?>.????* ihe proceaaton
..f altar boys arlll be augir.ented bv a numb.
.?hil_r.-n from the Bohools The celebrani wlll he
ti , Rev **,; c. O'Farrell, and Ibe Rav P A
Heech.r wlll dellver thr vrtiint.
Thr- bellef that .he dacoratlons pul up at Chrlst
in as tlma :.r>- iii aaaaa waj ballowed by the touch
of a woman or child Ik noi wlthout Its .-ff- t ev n
i, w though iln- Influenee works. perhapi
coasclousl) Noi h ehurch, however, tbal weara
lu wreeths of green to-day i ut han been trlmmed
purtly if not entlrely by wametfg banda
in thr r burcbae of i'_rt_-;iti and of BraaU, ami m
aome of tbe edlflcea ol werablp la Bpala aad Bpaa
_ih-Ainet:i;i gr-eaaa are iirv.-t uaed fnr d* tor lona,
Imi t r the great featlvals tb* rlch velvel baaglngs
i, . atrlpped af ibe paper Bowers with whlch they
?re uauafly adornad, aad freah flowera ara plaeed
ln th.'.r htead.
it it- reported tbat Mra. Pboaba a. Hearai haa
purchaaad Um BaarMa baat af Jeanae d'Arc, th.
work af Praaper d'Eplaay, and wlll i>rr-?-.n: it tr,
tbe Waahlngton Mveeuas.
At a meetlng held ln Marlhorou-(h llou-r-, Lon?
don, on Taaadapi Daoaaabar M when a aaiabei of
r i tlata aad pbyatclaaa apahe aa tba Bubjeoi ot
aattaj menr.a tr, prevenl the Bpeaad ot eoaaumptloa,
tht. I'rtnce of Walca aald that tha Qaaaa had or
dered thlrt.v-Blx of her rtal-y cowi that were 111
wlth tut*en ulnsla to b* kllled
Queen Vietoria haa been bSBBV buylna i'hr1*tnin*
KlftB wlilrli were ta?4*n to Wind*or Caatle r.ir her
Belectlon. ller Mnjesty !* aaid to make lt a r?>lnt
lr> rhooslnit present* ro are thnt her glfta "
pacuilarly BattaM* to oach on* remembered.
In Nonvny ttaty gateway aad barndea* la dec
orated thi* mornliia ?!tb a sheaf of COm or barley.
flxe.1 on a tab pole. Intended a* a dinner for Uv
8[,e,ial rhrlstmaa Brrvlcca are to bo held thls
mornliiK nr 10.10 o'elock. at Ika House ,,f Refag*
on Raadati'e iaiat.d. on Monday afterweoa al 2
o'clock tben- wlll be ? I hrlstmas eat.-rti.lnmeni at
ibe a-rla* bouae. whea e eaaute and gTmnaatlc
? Sfe KTSaSL Btf l^eryaSU!11"0
authokity (ou;:i;si*..Nr.iNo to that OT IM
PRIXCI Ot w.\:.i ? bTJ-OMbTBD ?nr.i.r
Soelety ln New-Tork ls ln a peeuHar state Just
i now. The Meeaait! for eome recoawlned and per
"nvinent head, ar. "arrl eretoganUarom. ea ta re,
for .1 eoetal contlngeni thal is aa large aa lt ia ai
portnnt and thut oeeupla* a proialnenl yoatuoa 1.1
tbe worid's rivUlaaUon la **o*t appareat. Here we
have a ateadUj laeraaalac, ? deddedly up-te**dat*.
and dlettectly faehlonakl* collectlon of people,
whlch i? ?acond to ao other simiu. organlaatlon in
Kuro,.e and whi.h ranka in the world'e .-stlmatloi
onu- Beoand te Baglaad'a eoetal reelm, and wblcn
seema lr. danger ol dRtotaaratlen oa aeeeont of
th* wanl of .1 Bta*** ?overaaaent whlch nuy be
racogntaed aa aa aothortty on the pari of Na ?ub
On* ha* only lo look back for Ik* b** ttrtuty.
Bv? years gnd conrtder what at dl_eren1 epocba
hu conetltuted tba **aarl a*.. ia riwla thai
tber. la abaolutely no Btandard of aoelal obaerv
aaoe tbat may be rebed upon When some mem?
ber Of OM Knickerbockcr stock arguer. tbat M M
"famlly" that abeuM be rhe crtter|..n, \anl.y FOit
laugb* derbrhrely. ...
?Ar. theae your propoaed leadera of *oH. >
^re. aali look. over tbe Hai -Wke ar* all baae
?,,r,;,. enyway"? Aad how abeurd it ia to irjr to
bring oM foaall* to tk? tor*. waa, even W thej
Her, .I th.-lr anelent be?t. .-uld not hold tblr 0w?
-Itl* aaonei tbat determtoee poattlen in AaaerJ.
can BOdety." aay* Brotbet VTIaaaere, bot any mt.-iii
>?nl and Impartlal obaenrer eaa readllj am tnwi
i rhls taaqually antrne. Of courae, onder tbe preaenl
1 regutrementa of ntoeel regal llvlng, wealth i* an
eeeentia! for prononnced toaderahlp. bnl many ?
tremaly *marl peopl* are comparatively poor, wm ?
n 1* moal certaln that mere money cannol buj an
?ntree lnto the chai ned elrcle of tne hour.
But if we havi no crlterlon of elther famlly or
money whai have w. leftl Our dlatlnctlone be
,,.?,,. purely arWtrary and hav* ne roundattoa. and
are .,i,.I,.f,',r. aeaentU-y .phemeral ln .?h.-ira.-t.-r.
chaaglng from year la ytar. la Engiand tb*
Prtnce of VYalea, who ta tbe true "arbitar elegan
itarum" of tt.e rdneteentb century. bolda hia court
together, ?nd govern* by anwrlttea lawa. wbteh
?.,,?,, 0f no appear-. It gea* wHtaoul aaytag w.
hl ve here n 1 ?uch trlbuna and a vltal Queatlon tor
I,'.. nea, future of A.n.*riean fMhkmabta *oetety
aeeme to ?-e. "Wbo *_all detenalne apoa tbe
ellalbliuy of the crowde of aew and apparent y
wually deairable appllcanu for admlaaloo nto
Wbal 16 talled the beal so.-lety whirh are BO rapldl-*
Increaatng, and wh.-.t aball be thr reeognlBad au?
Those wh* tr> to pul tbe baat foot forward, aa
thesaylna la and preaenl a i-.I appearanee before
tbe world, .1" not generally reaMae lhal thr ver>
people whoae crltlctsm their cblefly draw are the
laat to dlacover, or even notlce, Ihelr deflctenflee,
foi the reaaon lhal they hav.? never fell tha araal
whlcb would n-jake them obaervaal of tha ahctt*
comlnga of othen II la the ababbj geatael wbo
i ,, ..,,/,. the marka arlth phl h they themeelvoa
... "famuiar. the altered garmenl th*' Cbdflpw
rroods "r any of th.- makeahifti of poyerty.
,, ril|,.,:. ,.!.,. rou ng people whu valu* theonin
lon of thelr wealtbier eompanlon* mon than tbey
should .. B.i deal of unn-oe.aary ?ortlfleatton
lf thev recognlsed thla faci mor. fully, '.?<' *"*?' u
mu-raa an edueatlon In the ach.t uaprlvatlon
t , recognlae dlfl renre whl* h to ;:."?? who ara ln
the habit r.f practlaing sconomles an ao patent.
I. tba faehlonable American woman well brad ln
publlc. Thi* li ? queatlon that cannoi alwapa be
ai swered ln tbe afllrmaUve. Al the opera. for la
siancc doaa sbe show an educated ai i appraolatlwe
aena* af tba muslc whi.h b. suppoaed lo be the at
tractloa and remaln raapectfulli trileai arhlle tboae
around bar destr. to llaten, or doea Bh* Inaolentty
aaauma that Bhe and bei frteada, by vlrtue af thelr
wealtb and Importance, ean dtfy publlc opinion. bad
dlaturh lha muslc lovtng publlc by thelr chattarlng?
H -w aboul a church weddlng? Doei she r-moni
ber sha i? in a Banctuary, nol s drawtna room* that
? ..n,rii. qutet and aartonaneafl befli the plaea and
the occaalan, or does Bha conduci beraelf aa II for
the nonca thr- placa of worahl? ha. been coavartad
Into a flrawlni room, arhcra clothi t an I goealp arara
tha chlef atiracttonl
Buraly \h<- elergy .-iioui.i defend th*-ir lemples
_K-r!ti''t tba soda rlotlng tbat seetna tc be, nona
flaya, permit ted al a woddtng, and abould auggeat lo
thelr parlahl. nera thal n would be only seeasly to
walt untll they reaaaemble at the hou*." for the
^. ... part o th. entertalnment, and t.. remember
i :,:,i th* ceremon) In :h- church u ??' dtatlnetly rc
llgloua functlon Contlnulng to folloa mllady and
her frlendi on tha rarl n . oocaal. r.. when sne ahowa
bai : ln publlc, at tbe HorseSh w al thr- iheatrea,
bi thureh we ..re foroed t" acknowiedge that wlth
lh?- majorltv Ihere le somet.'iltiK irantins Iti COUr
... behavloi tbal ?>* a type e:.<? na) i" beautl?
ful, ahe certainly i? attraetlre, bnl ihe la aoi by
any munner ..f meana alwaya Well brad.
"Tlere are it numher of thlnga whlch Btrlka rue a*>
stin pmrlnnlal tn our evaateg eatertalnatenta In
America," reaiarked a aaaa w:i., wa* famlllaf utt'i
tha baai aaelet) on bath aiiitK af tha Atlantlc
"tracaa of a form.-r condltkn ..f soclety whlch
mlgbl be abollabed srttb ?re.>. gdvaataga t.. our -k>
cini rlvtUaatloD 'mi.-. in parttealar, whlcb woald ba
la gbabla If it wara not ao looooventeni aad i>aia
I)z:ik- '" aanvtvtatlty, Ib tha abaurd iependenee that
?rome. i rei tere stlil place upon maacullne atten-J
an.'r' a: avanlng functlona, Baaklna ll Imposalble foi
them " it iVl fT.-'-i> BbOUt, 01 IO gei any Hii'r|rer
wlth au an ea ort, arhlle danctng i? of oourae oui
of tbe queatlon
"lf they rea Uaed trat In Bngland'a smartesl sei
all that BOrl of th'.i.j- haa .cci. aholliihed. peri.apfc
they mlght moeter ap Ibe oouraga at-their ajatrta
tiona an.l enjoy themae ves raUonall) At tne
Uteai flanco I attended ln Lo nd ?n. glven oy
Lady H.. who la tha Bmartevi ofthe smart, t waa
gre.'itiv struck l.y. and much admired tbe abao
Pi.e nd.*,"*nd.nc. of the woi en hrion-rtnato tha
?el ir men Jolned them well and good. IT nol
lt dld not Interfere wlth thelr evldcni V,"Ji , .
th_? moved r'....it perf.-'tly ii.itr.iiiiini-lle.l. j-"i 'K
u/eJS?i! ?hi ri-'-'l l notleed Lady fietty
M. foi Instsnce, who la moat popular. golng dowa
t., Buoper when it wai announced wlthout walting
for any escorl a:M l-_>th she and tnothei raehlona
ble-looklna woman who wna wlth ber helped them
aelvea with perfenl aplomb and. taking pojeea n cf
a amall table. estat-llsl. ihemaelvea en tate-a-tite
to th* Ir < bvtoua and < ntlre -atlafactlon By end by
a man Bauntered BlonB and drew a chair up tc their
table and then another, untll flnally Ihej had tha
l.riiieal and moal attractlve-looklng uroup In ine
room And ?<? lt waa aboul everythlng ktadame
?n |n ber carrlag* al !i o loeb llonaleur arrtved
ln i. hanaom an houi Uiter, and when they w-rra
tlred thej arenl home, each Indcpcndently ?f tne
other, arhlle, aa i aay, al the entertalnmenl Itacir
'?ih- i r x aet ma qulte a- led aa the other
??over her.- lt la altogether dlfferenl I heard my
: i.,-,, arho came nul I -? wlnter, descantlna the
othei da) upon tbe ml erles of gettlng '. tui k II
mnl(..? golng oul i perfect trlnf.' ah* aald; Jnrat.
the neceaalty ol havlng i irtners beforeham i r
auppcr and the cotlll in, and aecond, the uncomfort- |
able feellna von havi when I R ncral danolng la
ccni: .'ii thal everj man lhal remalni with you
.iv, mlnutea wlthoui belna relleved may '.? "aiuck,
whi.h. wlth tn.-. Invarlably bringa on tnental pa?
ra yala An.l l ..ni never thlnk ol a word to aay
Thi- w.rr.l 'atuck.1 whl h wemi to in..in aa much
over here nnd b. ho full of dreadful poaalbllltl -. la
purely Amcrli in Ko man la ever "atuck' ln Bng?
land, anri ,-i girl eapects to be !<'ft aftar .1 danca
la ovi r, aa a matter .-f courBe
??The only remed) for Ih. eongested condltlon of
affalra thal Interterea so much wlth Ihi etijoymenl I
of imth aex. s nl Am* rlcan 1 ? n to
r.(cnlse thal they are frei agenta, and thai It
Is inrt only permiaalble, bu. much more faablonable,
to glve up the rldl ulous helplessnesa thal cuatom
haa Impoa. ?! upon them 1 0 long
At??! it i? eurioua how aome women arr' Iroun.l
by conventlonnllty i" such an extenl thal the un
written Uiwi whl h govem thelr llvea are Ilke thoae i
of the Medea and Peral ? ? . Imp Ible to ? ? broken |
anri whlcb muBl nol be trnnagreaa* I evei Ihi
smallesl detal Ai- they hav* slways done bo much I
thr > alwaya do, otberwb thej. are mada thorough
ly uncomfort able
"I..-; hh m ilk i" the a. itlon." t ild 1 vV'eat* rn girl,
who wi* vlalttng ber aunl ln New-York and was |
aboul to rei trn home "_ ? I* n ' ea lalm* d her
relative, In pain. I aurprlae, "of cours* you mual
iirv.' ;. '?.?.. You tnu.-i! alwaya .'.? In s cab to the
siation "
Th,- faci Inal tbe traln ws *a I In 1 few blocka
of thi house, ihai the day a ta pan ularl) Une and
lhal th. boya and othei Impedlmenti had been
aeni on wlth tbe trunka mad. n i dlflerence; the
good woman had ala ? 1-????; .. ? ib to tok." her
t., tha atation. her family had alwaya been accua
lomed ? do 1 and ll had b rome Ilk. the lir-t and
necesaary stages "f the Journey, not to ??? omltted
Tl ?? cab to the statln of many n small ln
alatenci Ih* 1 iri ..f old fashloned people, ln- '
conveulenl Httle obeen ne< whl h mual on no ac- j
ouni be ovVrlooked, which are nbaoluicl) of no
apparenl ua. and whleh hamper and annoy a
more Independeni g* nera tion.
I'. rhapa th. r* Is 1 othln) mon tr> Ini to | >una
people thnn to b* ohliged 10 conform t< a sociai
etlqui tt.- whlch th* Ir el I* 1 deem earentlal I il
whlch seemi I ! Ihern :.it..>r thi-i unnei -iry. .-?t?-l
we would undoul mon Influ. ni ? wlth
jf w, .... ? .;? ,' , .; our own pn |udi< ca
and only retalned whal la approved by common
?en at
If glrla go on Increaaing the avei ige stature of
u ,11.r -. :!., > ha re done f* 1 tbe lasi d< ?.. -.
wh?re wlll thej stop? Is mother queatlon ..ft.-n
asked of lat* al tb. varloua clasaei where a num?
ber of young glrli an gathercd togother bj thelr
llttk mamma who look atrangel) dwarfed and
Bhrunkon bj thi alde ol thelr tall young daugh
t.-rs a queatlon .-.--kr,.* half proudly and half
anxloualy, for, although ll graUflea ih.ir maternal
pride tbal thelr glrla ahould be !lk.' tbe daughtcra
of th.- goda, "dlvlnelj tall tbe) have no wlab to
?<r-,, them paa tb.leatlal limlta, aa thej ar.
doing, iiid become Brobdini ti . darasels, who
bld falr to frlghtea awa) all thalr partnera. For lt la
an Incontrovertlble faci thal the boyi ar.. nol de
veloplng In ratlo wi*h tbe glrla; thr-ir average
belghl haa In nowlae Increased of late years, while
lt la really BtartMng to aee how thal of theli ala
tars and Ihelr friends la asaumlng really Amaao
rii.'in proportlona
"A few yeara ago." said a soclety woman r anl
lv, "mv daughter was Invlt. I to Joln .1 dam Ing
claaa of glrla who were nol yel out. At home we
thought ber qulte tall, ai sh* waa an Inch tallcr
than I and I had alwaya conaldered mya-lf over
the average Bo 1 was conBlderably astonlshed to
tlTnl tbal ehe looked deeldedly underalaed In eom
l.arinr.n with the real of the glrla wn . lowered
abovi '."i Even then I woi .-,,i at th* Increased
hei--ht r.f th. eomlng wom m, bnl whal was my
amaxement ind almoai r-onsternai >n tlii* yoar
when 1 saw my aecond daughter wlth a younger
aet, who have taken the placea of thelr elder sls
ten and flnd that m) lalleal girl ls s mere pygmy
among the oti era, and thal th* tt eond 1 rop of
girli wlll t- mucb tallei even than the flrat Many
,.- them nr aaun r.d even more! 1 ahould
aay lha. Tt.ii- retnarka le .reaae tn the average
hetghl of women 1- n ilh ???? menal and that
e"lr-nti*=tr. ahould glve II ''"i- attention."
La aalnte creche thr- bolj cradle or the portlon
r.f lt whlcb i" preaerved, 1- In fact, only 1 pari of
the gi itlni tl .' wai plaeed acroai ;hr- -? 1
trough In Bethlebem 10 hold tba fodder for tbe
anlmata tbal fed than tl bei ime tba cradle of
tbe lr.f.itit Bavtoar when be was Iald within the
rougb trough by hls mother, and came ln tlme to
ba ragarded a* oae of the asoal sacred thlngi on
aarth This broken pV ? rf the gratlng was taken
from Bethlebem ? the tlm. "f tbe Muaeulman In
vaalon la tb* ? ? 1 BC and waa carried io Rome.
where Popi Theodoslus took charga of II as ona of
thr- mosl predous of rei
Wbether "** nol tbe gratl b now ahown la -tbe .
true 11 iic. ll ls trtalnly extremel) old, and I
tareottag for lhal raaaon aad beea. ?> "t asaocla
. ., ,.-., | thered ab ?a( ll ita ?? 1* ? ? am.
mm '.1 tba mern. atoa I ln ba Imp. rlal
,it) ii ia on. of tbi greatest treaaarea of the
ancienl .'hurch r.f Banta Marla Magglore.
a* shoarn ln the accompanylng lllt_ tratlon ll
rtl , ? t ?.. aroni I in . theae ara r.f woo I
worm-aaten and gray. tl l looka aa tho
mlgbl !? ".k powd* red with flour. The 1 11 ? iver
Hg? ..;,. 1 ln length nearly a ,
yard and ? '? BU,P* ?''' ' ''? ';
,'..,.? ? eai bi Ivi-r rlbboi -
f,.., md Its fuii length l? ? metre, Its belghl hajf
a metre It Is Burmountcd b) ? beautlful enamelled
atatu. of th* Infanl J*
' Durlni th* year tl ? .'-;,r-v is ln" I
,.|,...,? |n .? yo'.dei ' ll?l.' on one of ti- ?
. j ,h, , ? ir"h \< fhrlBtmae tlme it ta ex
., . | .,, view. ani itn fi-Btival of the natlvlty t*r
mh ite* wi.ii an imnm ng
? ..,.;:'.,. ih. - tii mi ? ing prealileu
,\,,- bl i . nrdinil
?> .. , Bgtantly growlng popularity ol nnd eor
,,.. reaae In tbe I m ind tor tbe P iai
:.., . ,i ?-.. i-. i.-. Piano Company l i
open new Bhowroonw at No 100 vTeei Porty-eecond j
at.. ju*' <fT B Bth ?? Twi handaomely fur- j
nle'hrd, wlth ample bi. tor th exhlbltlon . t the i
in. rltoriou* oua tltle* ol thi plai levoted 1
tht* iiiisii." bi aii :'.-' ? i i:"! gradi ol
the I't-riK. pianoa ar to I found bera The fael ;
iii?i 11. . )?. .,.. ti h tve been on tbe mar?
ket for half e centurj aad ihal durlng thut period
,,-,,r Btxt) nm tboui ind - n aold by thla
ho i-e apoaka 4 iluaa a tor theli
artlatlc eacellei e, lt i* an Inatrumeni tbat wlll j
atai ! the- Btven 1 and moal .-nti.,.; -, ? \
r**dlngly handaomi cata llu trating all tbe
dlfferenl atylea of tl . will be aent to
? t The ' n tu ibe ebow- ,
iuoiiib nt tu* nboi a iddreea J
" Tho man who letl ;i lady stand. where others push nnd crowd her,
Should have the best and strongest brand, some CLEYELAND'$btk\na, Powder,
?to raisc him."
CASfl IN C0W8. P1G8, HENS.
jAsy.r r. i< KSSS t-~_- a mi vioitors stohy or
if so bappeaad thal I uaaapacla*-f eam* into
conrrol of a large hoaaaboM llvlng ln the country.
Tbe houae was pleaenntty attuatad, th<- loeattty waa
_elig-htful, th* Bcauery Inaglrtng. i>ut no Booaer dld
i turn to tb* conalderatloa of *h.> raa* peetlona of
tbe place than my bo?1 waaaalaed wlth dtaaaay. la
all dlrecttona oaglecl was only too o-?loaa, Ovar
twn acrea .>*- land praaentad th? wii.lest, aaoai over
grown appaaranoe; tank gnaa. we,ds. brlers, an.l
rlnee Of every klnd Rourtabed at their own sw.. r
will, wblle a b:irn and des. rt.-d <h!< ktn-yard
formed the backgrowad of wii.i bta-khirrj and
raapberry bamhea vying wlth eaeh other ln ram
pant growth, and a beukoajaa araa the n-sort of all
iin* pigeono of the r-Hgbborbood.
Oddly enough, as I now think. my eoonomlc snui
.,- once addreaaed Itaelf to b-ueebold d'*:alis. and
from borrlned conaldoratlona of th.. wildernaaa b*.
;.... in. turned t.i praetical nuestlons of horn.- *x
p. !!? .?
"HOW inurh." I aaked tbe hous?-kc<ver. "dOOB
your n.llk eoat you a m .nth?"
I u ,. almoal atunned when sh<* named the sum.
"Why." i *ald, "wltb two nr tin-..- acrea of l.md
golng to waate, do you pay su.-h pn,.-** as tbat for
who'.. .-..!<? .?? naumptton?"
I s,.r : boul makinp Inqulrlea, and found that
farmera aii around were prepared to furnK:i milk
.it 4K centa a quart, making a reaaonable proflt, in
atantly i realiaed thal two or thr.-. cowa would
aoon pay r,ir in.>r.. thnn tb?-ir <-ost where the mar
k.-t waa s;;r>- I Inveetlgated tbe barn. whirh was
Bmall, but had rapabtlltlee of expanalon. s..on I
had eatlmatea upon atalta, an aniarged oowyard,
etc and, Bndlng tbe old henhnus.. atlll convertlble
int.. som.thiru rmpectable, i Btarted my carpenter
on tlu- work, and aoon bad tn.- aattafactlon ot r.*st
ing my eyea upon cooverted outbulldlnga,
This aeemed rery much as lf I had l?*s:un my
operattona at th.- wrong end. but auch was not tbe
caai Th. purebaae of the flral cow was a RreHt
event, an.l tbe arrlval of the animal threw the
houaebold int.. a atate of exdtement. The utillty
man knew aomethlng <>f tarming, and my rarp.-nter
wa* nn erratli- little Oerman, whi kn>-w "every
thing about everythlng;." I talked with them both.
and drove all OVer tin- country. gettlnn "polnts." I
gcd a praetical gardenar t" k.ok at the eatate, and
after much prellmlnary conversarion he tausbt me
a Kood deal, One pnrtlon of ih<* grounda, south by
north. be told me, would make an .-xcellcnt raaj*
table and Bower garden.
A vtaion ,.f peaa and roaea at nnrp aroae, nnd I
deelded upon atraIght walka lined with ro*e trecs,
and aquaree of cabbagea, aeparague and beeta I
revealcd my id.-a* to my proeelc advtaar, who put
the brakea upon my Imaginatlon by tbe calm
a-orde, "Plough and harraw.*" Tbi? brougkt me
back to tne coaaldaratlon of ex:>*nse. Plough!
Harraw! How wae ll poealbla?
"Well, y.u may have the tcim of m*. ma'am. an<i
my man can come for 8 day and turn up thi* 'ere
KOll lf you have the w^eds and brlers cut down
hr-- "
The aaid brlers wer* as tall ae I an*.
'?Have '.-rn rooted our and burned," cuntlnued my
adviaer. The. we*_ plough up. and you turn a
gOOd load of manure ov*-r tbis land. and let lt be
tu; eprlng. That'a th* whole of u "
To be brlef, at tbe cost of about $5. and an ad
ditiona! 83 for mnnure, thi* was done, and done
befor* the frosts of lat* November *et in, but.
urged on by the BB? <>f the amateur, and not
content wlth tbe s.-nslble. ?low-golng coun*el of
experience, I deelded to have the eowlng done at
onoa Of courae, lt was a failure, but, having sat
isiied my eeal .?> aprtnkrtog spinnch se.-ds ln fur
rowa, I b 11 th. qiieatlon of tbe gr.rden to the
?prlng and turned my attentlon to tbe cowa. The
Blae of th?- houaebold cl.nian.llng nearly thlrty
(.uaris of milk dally, a second mjl-h cow waa n*c
H. r,- came ln eome dettghtfutly funny
rraulta of ln<"xperien.-<* 1 travell.-d many mll-s
nnd Intervlewed man} fnrniers. and stlil more farm
ere' wlvea and made eequalntance wlth th* od.lest
Bamplea ol human nature. Bnd at ln*t be,-.ime the
huppj poeBeeeor of n teal leraey, whlch, from that
day to this h.is been a ioy. an.l whoie calvea have
been a aolid e-urce of aatlafactloa and revenue.
The barn tlui* nusplclously occupied. the milk
queetlon belng eo far eettlad (l will *ome day glve
thi reault ln dollars nnd rents). my mlnd naturally
turned t., the other lleeatock At once 1 concen
trated II upon pbrs and chbken*. A long llfe Is
requlred t.> do jusiiee to pige and oMckenal 1 read
Bevi ral volumee about pigs. I conmilted every
faTner for mnes around. and worrled all my
frlenda One of the latter. a very long-sufferlng
peraon, flnally told me how to acquire posst-suion
of the rlgbl thiriK m plgs, by wrlting to B man in
V'ermoi I 'i he ? urn p. udi ci ??? ? - llvely. and re
Bulted ln tm aecurlna tour Ideal plge. ebout iw i
montha old, whlch travelled, doubtleaa wlth much
confualon ..r Ideaa, but aafely, te m> door,
They were beautiful III ? '?.??? I have nothing
againai them eacept thal they Anally graw up and
b.-iam. ..i4 mucn lararer and fat?*i than waa
conaiatent wlth poetlc Ideaa In regard to them.
However, aa porkera they wen aatlafactory, an.i
turned flnally Into aueculent hama and tender ri r>...
...; ... -, ti ind Dnlona i om tbe garden
But thta la antldpatlnr. Undoubtedly lt pald to
keep them; they w.-re fe.l, if aol upon the fal of
tbe land upon >kiii. imik. and dld juailce t.. thelr
di. i Th. v wen prontaWe whlch ta more than
allowa BM to say of th.- lirst lusta Im.-nr *
Nothing leaa than pure Whlte Leghoma
w,,u:,i ..iii.ii tm Mj r. i dlng in regard iu ehlck
iii- waa appaMIng l wanted them i i tay l waa
I ? ?>.,-? enough lo Rupnoae they alwaya dld lt. I
found ( .in fnrm |nurnaii thal aon?i ena lld md
s.-m.- dld not, but thal Whlte l.eRh.irna were thos4i
tt.it alwaya dld Indeed, one enthualaai declared
thal the) alwaya lald three egge ln two daya a
rapid .-..i ulatlon proved thal the poeaeeeron of
Whlte Leg-horna must bad to n fortunai lt was
dlrrtculi '?- .-...ii.. them In my pari ..r il.tuntry.
but, after much barrowlng experience, l heard ?.f
aomi iwent) llve al n everagi ? t ot ,?. eaeh,
which i Immedlately became eraa) lo aaeura.
m mv H nm. ih'.t i wiabed tbat my M bad R-nn<>
in another dtrectkan, and yet, after tbe lapaa ..f
iiiio-, i am by nn meana bo eure that I dld badly,
nui becauM i kapi pure VThlt* I egftorag. but
baaaaaa thay becanse prodtaMa aftar i eaaaai to
kecfi thrm apart. Mixd a/lth thr' otlir-r l.reeda,
their 88jga becaaaa maltltudinous, an.i aa lable pro
rtdera they were '-x.-. Ilenl m the aecoi .1 ?-? n* i itlon.
I sa-, thia wlth du* n peel for all chl i<.!i -[?? ial
lata thr- land over ano I aay li modestly, merely
aa a racord of experience. One fashlon my Whlte
Leghorna bad waa "t dylna wlthoui prelimlnary
ffT'.rT Thej would be runnlng aboul efuck ng anri
!' pecklng lik" reaaonable hens one momenl .r ?t tbe
nr.xt would drop over dead. At flral this agltated
nt" profoundly, bul later on l t.n.k it calmly, and
then they lefl off doing It. *_*hy, f have never llo
'?,,?....?..1 perhans because they beeame accllmatad '
will just pul I. on reebrd thal for thi n ?? n
{ fdtmrr l conalder common mlxed barayard fowls
I tbe beal Inveatment. Cnickcns ar- like itldren
1 th.y tir" robual in proportlon aa they belong to
common Btock. If they are t< o car* fully reared and
I aeparated they develop nervoui t rou Mea of th.ir
| own.
In tha tirst six months of my experlment the hen
] yard waa i eonatant aourca of expenae and no
| proflt, bul after l l< ft ..ff caring aboul thrm tbe
! bena plurked ip couragi and began to i.?y. and
: hai.ontlnued ln tli. puth of virtue ever alnee
j Bul I no longer hav. pun WThlte Leghorna A moat
I unfaahlonabla ael of feathered blpeda aupply the
t rieeris of the houaehoid My farm waa falrly
? started wlth three ? ?we, aia plga and aome flfry
I chlckcna. but, imbltloua Btllf, I was drawn to
j further inveatment In the hapa of an Im il tor
: whlch, it |s almoat ne* dlesa to say, dld nrrr |n
; . ub. ??
Ar, entire book mlght ' wrltten upon the - il
t of tbla experience. It atlll bring. i to my
| hearl to .-? cal th* many h ilf-d. ? - that
were the net reault of my raahly ui lertaklng to
Bupplani '.he good old hen ln her own domaln It
n -.ui!' ii ? * IM* V i owled ?? to do i it prop. ?
md I fli li'. tvi :? ? ont* n d mj aelf wlth
aet llng any hen who ahowed cona lentioua family
amhi'lons, Th* reaulta wltl them have been amaa
Ingly good, and my henyard furnlshea m.-i-y a
delicata brolle.1 chlcken or mon eidvi ?".'.< ??
I hava never had n iaoa to regrel my aomewhal
audden undertaklng. The houaehoid tccounta show
t largi margl l ??. fa or Eva-i the ?-.
ii ath of 8 favorlt. i ow dld not tl
ag linal m* . and the vegel gardei
sevent) -fli e bc shela of pota I
tha market price waa 1114 a i two hun?
dred and flfty head of ccl. ry hetwi T
and Chriatm no. hli i ol -
things aa caultflowers, beet I
aprouta it la well en. h foi i
aaaert thal I i h inie gard i Ing ev. r) i i
a dollar i.ut that la because there i - tnu h
'.?. ? -??? Lel the hous. hold onl* bi . _n to
provide a ready markel for everythli
table garden i nd a hon proflt
Able of all ent* rpi Ises, : i ald* i belng
h* althful and amuaii g.
Now is the beat time for preparatlon Work well
begun in the fali may be carried out to m ist iatU
factory conclualon. In th* spring and summer. Now
ls the time to plough and enrich the land. and
now, l mlght add, la also g good tlme to buy stock;
flrat, beeauae cows are .*heaper ln the fali than ln
th.- spring, an.l. second, beeauae thera ls nothlng
like experience, and taking ? i ?? if a Imala through
tha wlnter montha enrlcl - - me In thal dlrectlon
"My though.a of Christmas," aald Mrs. Ru**?l!
Suge. ?are all saddened by the traelc death of Mrs.
Chartea H. Kaymond. She was trtaaurer of the
rVutnan's War Rtllef As.icl.itlon and such an
eatbualaatlc and faitbful WOrfcer! Only the Thurs?
day before hfr terrible d.ath she was at a m.-fing
r.f th.- MMdatl m ut thr Windsor HoteL All laat
summer, whlte she waa atopptng *.t tbe Orieaial
Hotel, at Manhattan Booch, she used io come up
for th? meetlnga, no matter how trjrlng the w.ather
was The v.-ry afternoon of the day Mrs Raymond
met with h.-r dreadful d.ath I recelved a Httle
christmas r.'membrance from her accompantad by
the veraea wrltten hy Mrs Bllaabetb Aker.s. a iti-m
Iht of thr Kr.-derlck Vlsltatlon Alumn.-e, of whlch
Mrs. Raymond was preatdenL These are the
veraea. They seem so propbatlc," added Mrs. Sage
How sh.ii; we flnd a welcome. meet
Kor this. the day of days most sweet.
The day when tirst dre*,- mortal breath
The Holy C'hlld of Nazareth?
Wben first she smlled upon Hls face,
The Vlrgin Mother full of grace.
Tet doomed to all the pain and wo?
Which only mothers' hearta can know.
No lofty arches bnnnered wlde,
No grand dleplay of power and pridai
No march of battlea bravaat aona,
No clash of ateel or roar of guna
Would fltly uaher In this day,
Which marks wlth Its awakenlng ray
Hls blrth Whose sm.Uo ba.le tumult ?**fta.
The Soul of Love, the Prince of Peaoe,
Who. drlnklng deep of earthly 111.
And "tempted Ilke as we are." stlil
Walked alalcaa wlth untremhllng breath
The way that led to pain and death.
We h.'Hp not gems nor gold. to make
A COStly oflfering for Hls sake;
Nor iireclous gums. nor splccs sweet,
But bring Hlm as a gift more meet
Our BOITOWBi fallurrs. slns and fears.
Our faiating soula' deapalr and tears,
Our lonisltiKs for the pure and true,
The trlal.- we have struggled through,
The many errors we bave made.
Our prayera 'or pardon, strength and ald.
When Hfr- has aaemad too hard to llve,
0 plty, pltj, and forglvc!
O strengthen Tnou our feehle falth,
And make us kn.rw In llfe or death
Th. heart that bruised and humble llea
Is Thy most ivelcome sacrlflce.
Mra. Florence I'llnton Sutro ln epraklng of Mra.
Raymond to a Tribune reporter. said:
"Shr- must haviT Bpent Monday evenlng sendlng
out Christmas graatlflgB to h-r frlends. fai i? tirst
mall on Tu.sday brought a poem slgn. <l l.y her
own linnd. I_isi evenlng I ?icknnwledg.-d the re
cetpt of this '"hrlstmns gre.tlng from Mrs. Ray?
mond. and ln thts mornlns's ;>apers we read of the
fearful flre which cost her llfe and the llfe of her
falthful BBTVant AII any one can leave ln this
world is memoiy. To HVB ln the hearts we leave
behlnd Ik not b> <lle, and Mrs. Victoria Raymond
wlll llve ln my h.-art as long ns llfe remnln-? How
well we all who knew her n-meniher ber sweet nnd
cheerfttl smlb-. jml 'hc klnd tones of her volce. For
many years I have known her ln a sorlal way. but
lasl mur.m.'r wc were workers together for the re
ll.-f of the BOtdiers. In nll publlc as well ns prlvate
charttlea she waa a moat reaAy and efflcient work
er. I de.'ply deplore hor sid less. as will thousanda
of oth.-ra who can prohably better expr.-ss thelr
aentlmrnts. but I am gtad of the opportunlty to
rendrT her thia last trtbute that I can offer. and to
make it through the medlum of our valued and
lnatructtvc Woniun's rnge."
Tho dlffiTr-nt chUTChaa in Mount Vernon are pre
parlng elaborate mualcal nrograanaaaa for the
Chrlatmaa senrlces on Bunday. Some of the best of
thaaa aervlcea wlll ba h. i.i reapectlvaly in th.- rres
byterlan Church, the Churcb <>f the Aocenaion and
ln the Church of the Bacr-ad llcirt Al 'he t'hur<*h
rrf the ABcenalon the Mtaaca Id. M l*r-_u. K
Neandei ar.d Bldonli Kruger wlll be th.- aopraaos,
and the Mleaea Carrie M Ne v. 11 and Beaale W
H.ltr.T! the Bltoa Al th. Preobyterian Churcb Mlsa
Helen B. Prehn. aoprano, wlll alng a sopraoo solo
ni ihe m< mli a and the evenlng s.-rvi,... and al the
evenlng service Mra V v iv.-ml wlll sing n cr*n
tralto BOlo, "Nlght of Nlgbta," and Mrs C Bi,
Zerfoaa will iliu; the Boprano s.do from ?"The
Chl mea of Chrlatmaa."
At the annual election of oaabaea at tbe w.st
oheatar Couatj Polltical BiuatttyClub, Koaal Ver
ii.n. the followlng woman wera elected: Mrs Mll
t..n Rathbun as prealdent: Mtt- I-" s Cralgte, re
?:? i-.i .1. ?? preald nl. Mr- M u Bloat, ireaaurer;
Mrs .\ s ll un Becretary Tbe club h<>prs aoon to
bave in open meetlng at whlcb it is expected t':it
Mrs Harrlei Btanton Blatch daughter of Ellaabeth
Cady Btanton. arlll ap* il
Mr an.l Mrs Wil'lam .1 Lawr.-tic. of South
Fourth-ava . Mounl \'. raon, eatartalaod the Clovaa
i.r'iif vviiist Club al it.- last nvrtiiig oa Tharadaf
evenlng Mi-* Bate aad Mr PVeatberbv obtalned
th,- hlghesl scores an.i raceived tha prmea, Maa
iiotr- win tntertatn th>> elub al th. aaai meettng.