A fOfBUB-l ccdcrucT with thr lba-VB <>r
?> iNriA'sn ?
jy... a thuslastk* mlllii ry ihletea r.6 rltls. n
ic.dicrs wb mglng for the eomlng mlH
is-r tournament arr.* confldent tbat tha ontcr
utnmei t thli ecllpsa any of its
predr. e * ?n T ' _mam* nt wlll be h* Id nt
the Madlson Square Garden from March 11 to
iv. inclusl' ?'' ? M stttHn* d sl | f -
moal Inter. stlng and bu* -
ceeaful entertalnm-nta arranged for tha Oai len
|g the wlnter and early aprlng.
The membera of ibe Mllltary Athletlc L-eagus
are not courtl i ible wltb other organtsa
t nna at.d they say thal If at li srlsea
... | ? | ing. The rela
tl_na llera ara llal wlth the
? Atblel L'nlon. and to
data they hm" been partlcularly frftndly wlth
, ., j. | ??;. ( \ \ ? Many of
1hf, --. ? the Mllltary I> aguc ar. en
thaalasi i ol the L. A \V., snd there
has never b* h 'T ' ? "?" aaao
Ii ;\->t learned yesterday, however. that the
eoidiera Inti raelng one of th
featurea of the i i * wss the ca?-r?
laat yesi T - tbe c mdltlona
ln the - ? en 1 laterlally
, hai ~-1 ? ? i" in ? hmii Ib mada
re-- i .---i tl -? R i Ins rd he L \ W. nn.l
Mllltary' ' '' *'' rTr^ln to
be a clash Th- ' A \V. han Bned and aaa
pended ' ' ' havi been
petl!*i_ Bt 1
I ? . aa wel
-. ? fare of i .'.ch organlza
v.on at bearl thlnk that an und* i _ wlll
? . - between i i rganlaatlons t*e
fnrp the 1 "- t Mott. the
chalrman of the Racii rd of the L A. W.,
I lt .. informed I e exari i dltlona nnd
*t ?-> probatle thai 'he t.. a, W wlll do every
thinc poaalble to svold any further rompllca
tions. Btlll, tht*-membera '? ? Mll!tarj L-eague
er-.v that they have nol had ai ythlng to do with
II ? troubles if the L A. W and the outlawa,
anci they rannol aee where thej ran be hrouc-ht
inro ihe matt iray.
The organlzni n la la exeellenl condltlon
Bnandally, and u wlll noi be hampered for lack
r - *?.-. |n, ai ' ?-* tlme last
year Th-*- touri ? ? ? ?eason waa i
wlth an expena. ac. n ! of $18,(100 < nfrontlng
the manager? of th. ? Tiient Bomt f
the -svealthiT m< ? ihe manaa i u e
to the front and practically puarai te* I Ihe ex
pen?cs ao that 1 a hie;
webjhl of ? . i ?>-*m
thelr I
Lbavtensnt C< oncl r 3 Selti i - n aaurer
of the organlxat rds; aaid
tha' *he ; ? ment lo .ked
jpartlculai The atfalra of
the 1-tague ?'?? condltlon. Th"
proflta of the ... wera
110,300, and aa Ihe * nd)tions wlll be different
for the eomlng entertainmenl It la expected
that the returna w II ? . h larger. The*rt waa start* I ? rla. nally wlth the Idea
of furnlsblng to the pu le an . I enter
talnment, to aecur* fu la to erect a monument
lo Adjutanl <; neral Joslah Porter, and Ind
dentai.y to give the 11 tarj mea a cbance to
ahow how* well tralned our cltlsen aoldlera were
ln an ath'etir eenee. The id. a haa done much to
TIO.N AMTWAl v Bl 'THKH rn;- havf* FAIT1I IN*
__?_ OB BOT
Mere falth Wll! ta'. dlgest your food for you,
wlll OOt glve :? _ i a-.-retlte, wlll nol increaae
your Been snd atrengthen your nervea and
heart. but Btuarl'a Dyapepala Tableta wlll do
theei* thlnga ba auae they are corr.poaed of
the etementa of dlgeatlOB, they co-i,jn the
Julc*r. a. !dn and pept. nes ne teaaaty to the
dige.iir n and aaelmllatlon of all wholeeoms
Kt'Ti.rt'a Dyspep. la J'a.rlet- arlll dlgest food
If piu.-d ln .r inr or bottle ln water h<ute>l to
08 dearees. tbey wUl do lt rnucii more
sflaetlvely va...!i taken Into tha Btomacb after
meah*. Whetber you have falth thu! they wlll
or not.
Tliey lavlgorata tha Btotnach, make pure
bioor] ai^j atrong aervea la tba only way that
nature .-an do it. ?-,d thnt :s. from plenty of
wholesome food nrell dlgeeted, It ir not what
ae e?t. bul Ahat we dlgaal that .io..-. ua good.
?tuarfa Dyapepala Tableta ure r,\/\ \,y nearly
all diugBlats at _0 < e;il? f,?r full alzed package.
or by mall from iba i-'. a. a.uart co, Marsball,
! enoouruge athletlcfl ainoiig tha cltlzen and the
1 Regular poldiere.
lt baa bean deelded that $7,600 of tha proflta
from th.* tournamenl Inat aemaon 61 *ll ku to the
F-rtcT fund, but at* a worulng balnnc* la oeeded
f,).- tn.** tournament, only 15.000 arlll he
turn..) over tor thal purpoae at preaent The
s.>ld!<*r who so severely Injured nt tlie last
tournamenl la still conflned ln the hoapltal at
Port Hamllton \ r mmlttee haa been arr*olnte*d
to '?.- th.- aol ii. r an 1 t" find om lf he ia receiv
Ing proper rare and attentlon. The onmmlttea
wlll hand over to th-* man the aum of $1,000.
Although in t..'< aenee reap maible for the
Oent. iii.. commlttei reela thal II can afford to
l.-* _ nerous in thla
Another feature which pr ?? laca to lend addl
tioi al real l i the tourr.ameni wlll be ihr.t many
of the - llera e id all ra -? h i to >h a promlnent
y-xr\ ln ihe rccent war wlth Bpaln wlll glve
drllla and exhlbltl ma al the Bhi -.-. Ther.. ls nl
moat certaln lo be 8 let u m. nt of United Btatea
troopi ri battery and om or mor.mpanlei of
I .. - ught that the n mumenl lo Oeneral
p0] | - n-||| , ,,.i . ghborho. -1 of $15,000,
a )r] || ;. ..x;. c1 I lhal the remalnder of the
aun wlll be cleared ai the tournament.
g, |t. ?, iu dl6 'uaalng the I 'urnametit,
aaya: "The !. 8gue haa done much to enrouraga
athletlca among - Here, and the beneflta
j... m Tiua reeull is thai tha Na?
tlonal Guard to-day is in better phyaleal uon
ditif.r, than it haa . en before. We do nol
exp< ' any trouble from klndred athletb organl
aatl. na. We are an allied body wlth tha League
of American vVl.Imen, an.'. hav.- alwaye
arork. i In perfeet harmony. The Naval Reaerva
wlll ai.l us agaln, as it dld laat year."
The annual electlon of offlcera of ihe Mllltary
i .?.--.* .4 iu be hei l early In January. VVhlla
nothing deflnlte hns been announeed as yet. it
la thought that Colonel C. H. Luacomb wlll ba
,. , I, eti d pr< al lenl of the organlaatli n, ln aplta
oi the fact that he la on the retired Hai of the
1.1th Reglment of Brooklyn. Mr. Luacomb was
prealdeni of tha League of American Wheelmen
ln l.Qfifj lt || eynfote.] that Colonelg Belter ani
Thuraton wlll contlnue to take an active part
In the management of tbe League. Major Davld
Wlla n, of the 2 i Battery, lhe aecretsuy, 18 popu
lar, and hi may i.e Induced to arr-opt th.* offlce
It is aaid that several changea tiiay b<*
n ? l< am. ng other offlclala
Chleago Dec. ?i a queatton n* 16 the rlghl of
the Fleld Coi '-; iseuni to aell artlclea glven
tr. it for purpoeee of exhlbltlon la lha legal laaue
Involved :-> a irlng befora Judge Chet
lnln nr.! Superior Court. The defend
ani thi Fleld ilumbtan Mueeum, malntalna tbat
lt hae the i to a. or oti erwl e dlapoae ol any
gifis whl. .i haa recelved for exhlbltlon purpoeee,
?iti out i return to tho glvi r
T:,. ? ii thai of .*?;??? d ? of London, who
ln 1WM sent mon - ralued ai si".,<W0,
to ihe mueeum aa . glft for exhlbltlon Tha greater
pari of the exhlbit, whlch could nol ba utlllaed on
? ol wanl ? f apace, waa atorad, and tbe Eng
;. :-m Informed thal tha gooda wera aubjecl to
their order belng aafe bul without inaurance.
I..... . broke out in the warehouae and the
exhiM--. were eomewhal eolled, Ftnally the gooda
of ? 4-. _ . ??., t...-.-*:.? r wlth aome other property
?,f the Fleld Muai um, a*ere aold al auction for .-ihout
ayvi. i- |g rlalmed price waa rldlculoualy
The plaintlffs, Mim <fc Co., aver that thev R?ve
the exnlbll for educational purpoeee, and that ihe
mueeum had no rlehl to aell the gooda. They aak
tin- Jury lo em *i"
mueeum peop
ln defen
malntain that li ls th.-lj ruiit :.>
.i ?- |ea aiven for thai purpoae, or io aell
them. ae ? i. v h< ?? flt.
Clevejand, Dac. 84 Accord ng to Attorney Toiiea.
one of the Btandard <'ii legal repreaentatlvea, none
of the book* of the company. whlch are wanted fcr
examlnatton under th.* ordera ..f the Buprema
?'oiirt have been deatroyed H.- aaya thal only use
.? -- or 1 toka h:i\<? been bui ? I
"Bo far as I know." aaid Ml Tollea to-day, "ihe
hook- ln queatlon arlll ba produced when *he jir<-.|,*,r
tlme p( m. -
< ..4 ? ,-. ? ihe non-appearanca of hlgh Btandard
Oil ',:' ? Wl ' ? .-. tntl !.:..,.'.. ;.? ||
tlons were taken befon Sotar; Maaon to-day, and
II is proh ihle lhal the ? ? wlll nol be n - im. l
before tl ? mldd ? ol i i \' w. .-k
Provldence, R. i Dac 24 Roberl Adama for?
merly I. manufacturer i Connectlcui and New*
jers. r. .1 reaident of thla clty, haa flled .-. volun?
tary petltlon ln bankruptcy ln tha L'nlted Btataa
Dlatrlci Court, hla llabllltlea ln mt,- pla.l al over
t_ao.U8i. Over two yeara hl-.. Mr Adama made an
aaalcnment lo Charlea C Blade .-f New-York, and
the * .in of |"VJ.._4 iri wai- dlvlded among thi
Mr. Adama a tnti to * Ind up hla
lora N..v
Buffalo, Dee. ji -Danlel \v. Allen, a iau\er of
thla eiry has i,?-fn adjadged bankrupl on his own
appllcatlon The lla blll tlea amount to over >?-*.?> -
(y.<o. Of tbla amount fim.uoo in eecured. Tha only
ue?e'? Kivfii ar.- ;i.;.*, eharea of etoek In tt,.- Hum
l.urp Railway Compai thej have been
nledaed for their full valui they can hava no value
Tn tne bankruptcy proceedlnga
Marlfa ii i, Maai . De< -i it i- the (aneral opln?
lon that an attempi ???! ba mada to etart tba ahoa
fnotoiie- here on the free-abop baale .-ri Mo la]
January 2 s li Howe praatdant ?.f the ? H
IIo*e Hl.oe Company. whirh owna four factorlea,
eaye thnt he arlll nol Inslst upon his employee
ulgiili.K tha lndlvidui.1 agreemi ,1 thai haa bean
puhiiehed, but wiii aceept a verbal agreament, Um
rate of wages r.amed t.. etninl fo? on>. <.r
inore. If r,|{reeahle.
M',iwat.kee. Der. 24-Wolcott F'osf the InrRest
Orend Army po?t lr, the Btate, ha-> a.Jot.t. il raaolu*
tlone !r-1<,ii.lnir tne senilmente axpreaeed by I'j.r:
dent McKinley on hle rccent trip SouUi.
This week, a In former yeara aboul Christmas
Ume, bekmga to tba tudents, ( jb ??? mora the eham
plena of Columbla, Harvard, rale and Prlnceton
will meel ov. r the ? he* ken I board snd onea
more iho destlny of ihe handaoma ailver tro|rhy
..- ? .. . fn mi la . bees ?? >:'??
wlll he made tho ot '?? t Of 00018 hard-fOUghl hnttles.
Ever Blnca Hymaa lha champlon ot Columbla, be?
eame Ineliglble to play, Harvard has malnt '
iperloiity ">-?? ih* .ther unlversltlea. prtnei
pally owing '." ?he sterllng play of Bouthard, who
seemed sltogether I w """ ' f"r lha otaei competi
i.irs. snd, .i:> thi- man whl agaln be -> conteatant,
it is generally belleved thal Harvard "hl agaln
win i!.-- trophy, !' ?? i- hla mate, Arens
l,,.,,- ,. i di] i . . ? ., play* r ot no m< -in ord. r,
However, Tha rr:. r..* was told Ly a Columbla
man thal Hm latter i * r.; -- - rsliy'i i tatlvaa
wlll put in all the/ know. Mn-r made ;i tin.* Im
,,,,.?.,. | m bla deb H last y. er, and Ihose "In the
know" say thal he baa greatl* Improved In str. ngth
ln the . l-'.iik. on th* nd, also a
newcomer ln college cheas, haa galned a aoi of
rv,? ri, n, h in ihe Int* racholnstlc to irnamenta Last
y..n be won the frst prise for havlng made tha
beat Indlvidual score In tha I ' Playe ' I ??
tw< ihe pi In Ip il . this i Ity.
Marshall the Brooklyn champlon, who had been
angaged sa coacb for tlie Vni?- team, reports that
tbat be haa f und < ook and Webb to ha blghly
promlelns players. Whether they wlll aucceed in
ppm ttlng th* mea ln
boiii" pa. ti.iilar .t BOI aay.
Tbey wlll he "riiT'it ir. th.e iwim " hOWeVCT, tti: \ 1!
would he a greal mlstake lo lak ? them llghtly,
The Prln "?'"?? m< n, 11 ? snd W* ilon, are alao new.
They have a good ollege r.-j-itti* ? .n, and ls
aboul '.:! thal la known of them. t'onslderlng fiat
all the students I ? - town Improved form ever
sln'-e tl ' ts began, seven yeara sgo, ll la
f.iir to suppoee that Prli haa marched along
hi llne wlth 'he others, and, slthough they may
atlll be Infertor ta th* Ir i oll. igues from other unl
vsraltlea they are, al any rate, expect* i ?.. jjiit up
a good Iight.
To-morrow tha players arlll ??? lesl el rsl round
ln the order: Falk (Columbla) vs Arens.
ber* -.Um i?: ./. .'..ok (Yale) rs. Ely (Prlnceton),
Meyer (i . | vs. Weston (Prlnceton) and IVebb
(Ya'.ej vs. Bouthard (Harvard).
Laat aeek Bhowalter telegraphed from Oeorga
town. Ky.. 1 ..'..: that be ould i * posslbly
reaume plaj ln the match on the day flrst agreed
upon. Decembei Iho Parislan to grant
hlm to Wednesday, Januarj 4 Janowskl at onc-o
d.T.'iat. i his wl Inenesa to comply wlth tiie adabea
of the Ki nt nd so tha match wll' ba re
Bumcd . n the la. Ier d i
oti v.. ln. ? ..'?;* t1,.- Metropolltan Cheaa
Club formally an ? hesa sectlon
of the N. w-Yorhi r T irn V* reln In After
llatening t-. spee hes . ?> i a veteran, li. Benecke,
0. l >n r, tl ealdcnt of I now*t
... the t secr* -iry, nn : both old
?ui t new memben ?? i is 1 .'n Vereln, i l I iwn to
?imi. r-" ln Oerman fa hlon, Both Llpschtlta
nnd Bt* rith the Metr >pol?
i nod tl ?? m ??
.\i i ? mpion of ?'?.?? n t'heaa
Club, I - . mlnd io l<ondon ln
lernatloi til If not admltted I
? to irnai ? ln tl mlnor eonteat
As pra 'i . ? iga In >i Httle ft.. n lly
mal ii wlth Major Hanbam, of ihe Manhattan
Cbe. *. Club.
The London ? trnanent Is alri oked for
warl to by chei ;. tyeri over world *.*>!th
conslderalde Interest ? ? has been stated ln i
papera tl ' Laaker wlll aurely be a r, and
wlth the champlon In ti. rlng additloi exclta
mr-'.t may be espc ted. By the way, tl
? ? ? ... , book
conta'.nlna nll the gamea played In the tournament.
chess champlon of Hsrvard,
and ttiey announce thal every subecrtber to the ex?
tent of IM win be entltled t.. ;i copy of tl ?? boob
l.n-kr r his contlnued hla tour tti I"t..i ,:id nnd
Bcotland wlth sreal succeaa, Ha Is, however, ?*;
}i,icted to go to Moscow, Ruasla, neat i
Tl. two we -known London cluba, the Britlsh
and the Bl Q rg* - ei laged In a Ui a I* im ii r< tentl) The match was won by the "Hrit
laher. ? th* ? I board Amoa Burn, the wlnner
of the C logne Internatlonal tournamcnl ind E
M .i, kaon, . member of laal yeafa Brtll I bla
teaaa, eonteated tha followlng game, whl h la
copled, wi'ii notes, fr..m "The Pall Mall Qaaette":
A Burn
F. M '
11' ..(. r v i
1 p g Bl Pi V
H K Ki M 8 K K* H S
a tf)um
.-. H K lt.
.- ? ? k - B
... i
11 li
I l.X.-K
! V i?. l tr r>
-? U? .- a).
1' Kl3
1' x !'
1. Kl 3
p ua
K i 'v.;
1 K i K 7 l' . ?. :,
' r ? tn K ii i
[ K t i k | 1 11 7
k i U n il)
.??7 it i. .-?? I.i i. u i
88 J* .. K ' !.. II ] i.
. H Kl l P ll Ki T
??"? Kt rj 4 |t Hl!-,
41 P u:. i K 7
. ?? I I Pl ?)
i.; K li l ii?|
t* it* ii Ka
ta h h .. ? . i i
?*"? .! R 8 K ll 2
47 Ki <j s.rh, h Kt 3
18 Kl ll il |i K|
*'.' M 1\ 7, II I P 10)
'?" R - P .. tt) 1. I: J
iai it k ii it k?
?4 l Rl
? 81 K. >. 1- p|
Pllr * I, * ....
WllHB lefl lll r. ! [1 m | .,, ,, c , '? ;, i
' ..
0_ght r.,.>- artta 1?11 i, U?_:n_ ujr tlie ?.r.nlre. Wa
I* !>r. Hinii|ilir?*>?' 886*6*8?0 f?r
ioiikIis, c.i.i., laaffaaeaaaaa ?????
Aivaaataaffca ?>r ii?<?- *?*8eve8ity-ae*re*a.M
*]-i.ui-. ua< of "77" previ nta the iIrlp.
ir you have the Orlp and tako ? 77" yoti pron'l
hava Pneumonla. _ou aronM bave lo atay In
hed, You won'l havo to etay Indoora.
ir you take "77" and eaerclee proper .-are,
[ k-.|. your feet dry, don't etand In ih-* atreet,
; !<.-,(. movlng, wear warm clothlng and don'l
' K,.t ovei ni. .i. \. ii 44in be ghle to attend to your
dutlea, keep abOUl vmr business and not have
to lav Up.
Alwaya k.-op a b..ttle of "77" In ynur pooket
and take frequently.
At druggleta or eent prepald; _."'?.. Mc, & rl.oa.
ll.iiiii.'ni.-.-..' m d. .'
Pts , New Tork Be su
Cor, willlam A John
to gi t
thlnk >'. 1 K 1 mlfhl ln. beetl played, bot V Kl
10 ,i ll' . -? I -?'
(bi N'.ii ha i ?? iyed It hefore he eui | I i I I *
h?va pia ' t ll n ?:? '? i: 'j i erae uaefnl Perhape
ll'hlt. ? xl io ?? Fi KE, l .'I.'-. ambamaalna
,.. u | ... i played to K Kt 6 la
Ihla ? , Ina muatl r. \ ? 61
,, , i,. ? l; on K M .'. and wli.nlng a
I'a 44 ii II
,,i, v the beet ? ae ef the oppor
tunlt) io
,,., x levl.-e. If Wl
arlah ? ? ? ? ? . .-- (Jueene,
(D We l'i i; It- P f 1 '.' Kl 1
tn,, ri . ? ; . ? g .ii ? a mo. - <hnt v.ny.
.n l ? ? ? 1 ;.iv
X ? . H . -? ???-.-: -va.
? .? il make
. . , , more pn aaur* oa t'.a
Klni . .
il, wi ,i ran you do wlth en opponenl erho w.,1 not ne
f'lari,.--.??!. wti thli - ? * ih? beet defenee?
n ..,?.. ,- , h rangla, haa g> t ble tw *
i. . , , rn tha K - P, arhen i- .Id Bl .- k
takei n > notl ?.
,k) Whlte ? al li lt 7 inla-i.t hava iie?n bet
tar. The poaltl.,n 1? Inlere.ling Sut-poalna 88 lt B7,
R K. s ,,-,,,, ;..; K Kl % H Kt T, 31 H '-? '? wlnnln..
111 Vei ' - -. i I i 11 I
im> Blaek [.whlch far a.-tna
tlme ai I-?-.. t prevente fn
m> Then i leaperate ??'.'. .rte made i ? 4.-tr\
?:. . . ? ' ,i ? , ? appear al Brei
.igi.t. ,
io) It la choice,.--? ind le a I irther i
CUKlW.r.9. r. C. AREK8BERO,
of the B r-. i-l cheaa team.
of tha cr>..lna.i fir.l c??Mel -a n. n-ell as r>* hold. eoll
lendIng aunt :r-. whl .. I ? ? played t.,? k"""
.j). Tlme 4\na call then, and the playara a*r**c
to draw.
f?OBIaB_l N ?. 970 hv PI08 N0I8.
: ur i le. ea
k i- ',' B '.,. Ba n K B >'. aa I k ii :. p *n q n r>.
i. -.-. Q R '.'. y < n K Kt 8 i
rv k .', and K Kt I
.1 8 K .".. Kfe
3. n? ..-. Q Kt ?'? end K Ri Pe un K 2
ur. i k r. E
Whlta Ten i la -i
"WMt? to -, Ite tn tw> mw.t.
(???.?? 1 ...... y K 6.
? , . -?:'. Surat^s*,
fi v . . i.i an I. Oi - ' Ifer,
Wapplnaera Pa'le n. t , I?i *< It, Norwelk,
. nn W I>. la rtoblne, New Vork; 0, i' Keller, Sea
; Btalan teland Wwln M Baldwln, Jeraey Clty,
8, j.. li .; Park..'.,.-.'. \ "? . U . ...??? Cell,
buit.v' Polnt, N. V , J-. , L?wla Peet, Dtine dle
Yonkere. s. v.
T. II. Q ??. ile, S. V.: Cyrua A. Peeke,
jron ? | r. II. Tard, Kea ferki M 11. A'.llng,
N,_. |, a ri Frey, N*?? fort eU m a eee
f.n.i Mutloi na "f '?' y H :. a-.: Denlei domery,
h"?- -, ? A. -M.l* n. Xi .v V rk, an : Mr?. h.
K Haakell 1:r ? -.k".-. n. ? nt ' U ?) H 8,
,r ,;. r, - ? reri Palle, N \ . T. U.
QUl ll -.-?:..?? :i.,
rerwarded addltlon? eorreci eolutl na lo N 166
an Arri-.w. IN BEIMLP OP tiik tiovr. AT
bl'Mmi r, x. .;.
Tho followlng api -.1 '.-i behalf of tha PVeah Alr
nr. i coi i nl ti ima l Bummtt, N. J.. wrtttan
l.y Kamllton W. M. explalne Itaclf;
The Preeh A'.r and C .nvale* ent Home at iummlt,
H j., ; ,in ? i lei Ite chli f aer?
rlce to tl of New i irk, ai d n hlch
fore, .. elalm n l hi ai nero ?
?li ?,,-.- ? ? i-t. and tha
fr;.-:i i- of the Home, ??? ? an rrylng i iur i.-n
,,' | ? active m.ii.... ii.. .-. , contltlently appeal to it
ln i ,?? pn m nl ? ... ? -- ncy.
Th. i lome, li u III .... r< m< mbei ?? nnd
attractivel) ho .. evatlon of ala pui li ed
f... -, -a [th * hli ? ? ? ree of foreet and larn I
?: oul It, Thi n *'. ?' large and ii..iii.-llke
.. . ' the Coi tl i ? ? ? emented bj an
Inflrmary, .i pavlllon oi plnyroom .i echoolhouaa
hi .i ,i stalili. It I ? ? I to glve alr, Ught,
?pace and a boautll the el -k chlldren
who are I ht to lt I n the h .epltals ol Xew
Y.rk and 11. Inltj II la thorouj ? , pped io
?upp:? menl in te the work of the greal city
h< -]..- la. I - ? ? ? -' ;-':i '--te
proi lelon for 1 I >nal ovei la '. the Intelll
geat cai t of con* hI. ? m .?hil
,ir.-n: , made for 1 belr dlv?i il m and
Inati efui waya a il ?? Intereat
? ?
T ii i .?:.. ? ? ? montha
? . ? . . . ii ? i] i . . ich
ln wlnter aa I in I tne man .?:? i ..... ? fell
, .,in; eiled i ? Kpei Im. nt of e Ita re
poui ..:...;' he - iffertna '
ii,.- . :,ilr.- \. u li urde to do i :
. ? ihe . talnlng and run
nlng lhe eeta mei .,-,,- llome needa an annual
11. : - .? ire for a ho ehol!
..r alxty-flvi Ite innual Income .,- nreaent
? ? * ??,. it i- i ? ? - ii ? her. fore, io
provide for ..??.?,?- ... ra
me end^avorlna to ?xtlntruiia| m Indehu-dnee of
1*1,700 Thej !??-?! ? the moal aeneroua loeal co
oprratlon .....l ?: port, tl - tmmli o ..i.t noi to i>?
ralli .1 ., ?. istali a lurae Inetltutl in a hl h ren
d.-rs Iti ? e to the group of .
.\- * i i, in ? ff.-. i. im .i |.,n, of ihe
: llea. Thi- app
pori . n .i ii. ide tu i eroalty of ihe people of
the alao to thi Ir eenea of
? ?
'i j e n inag. ra n ? -, - lally l!k>> to aecure ,'r-.m
elxtecn peraona ? ol aixieen beda ln tba
ii -. .el ..f 11-i ... they would
a ? .4 ? . Ul glfta and ln
?j ,iri-^ ui.. ? i ? \ii - Theodore
. Dunn. Biimmlt, N. J -. ? ? ,. .? mada
ovt-r the namea ->r the managera .-f the ll me, it la
'uat and proper to add thai lha namea of tbe women
com ted wll a aaeuranre of exceptl mai .-..m
in-tein >- and economy .?r :i inagemenl
r row i v.4 ?i/ts bob vi catax.
Tha ti m. i : bl I -..4%..:. i aalled yee
wlth ber owner, alllaon x Armour, and a
panv >.f gueata, for Tui itan on .-i botanlcal ..xpe
dltlon. Among the part) .re Dr. r p lfUUpauah
of lhe botank il departmenl ,<f the i'i.-m ('olumhran
Mueeum, and Uee re lechman, Allen and Moli
The i towana haa been lying ai w.-^t Thlrty. I
fourth-at Sl.?- paaaed u-u dandy lliok _t 10 .10 i
? Ua. I
There la now taik of "A Runaway ?"Mr!" o''-'irv
lnK th.* abola time for whieh Auguatin Daly orlgin
ally contracted al ?h<* Blfth Avenue Tbaatra though
ll is stlil poaalble tbal "Tha Thraa Llttla [*ambeH
wlll i." aeen ther- befora a very lon* llme. The
aama aetory. remaln !n th<* prlnclpal pnrt*. 8s wjien
thi". nuiel-nl play wai flrst prcfented nt PBI) s
Theatre ln thr. Bummer.
The mo-;t noted of (he predecessors cf "A Rnn
a ? i- oirl,.rhe Qelaha," mii ba In town sgsln
thla v.. e. bnd -.'.ii. I.a and h* u I al tba Har
4em Opara House. M wlll be presented .*< fai ??
poaeiptf, :>" n waa montha ago downtown.
MlBB .Juli.i Arthur has hut tWO week- to r?
maln nt Wallack'i Tbaatra. All thi.-. week she win
play "A' Lady ?.r Quallty." Mlss Arthur's "-JKage
menl nt W'allack'a will ba ' II ?wed oy thai <>r mir*
i .!?.-., Ml th* !.?"!?
To-morrow afternoon and e'eninir will aaa tha
lasl t*.. performaneea of Blumanthal and Ka
burg*s ' Im B/elaaan ROaaT1 nt the rrvlng Placa
-rtientre. nnd on Tueeday Catrl Coate's faree. with
songs, "Bruder Martln," wlll ba prodoead for tha
flral tlme m thla country. for the heneflt r.r the
Austro-Hungarlan Emlarants' House ?_",_!'
Martln" wlll hold the ataae untll Baturday after?
noon, snd on Baturdai nlghl (New Years Bve)
Prana ron Schlothan'a farce, "Wo i?t din Kat/..
wlll he produi ? I.
Beglnntng wlth the chrlatmaa matlnea to-BBorrow,
tha ataga of the Orand Opera Hon-e -111 he given
over to "The Whlte Heather," whlch mn nearly
all lasl season sl lh< Ket ' nt of Muslc. AU th**
orUinal srener: arl I be i ? i -tboul two hu
pi raona are employ -d th* oren ost of _?????" *
Mlaa Roae Hoahlan, aho " "' ,,,v ,M" n r , .
Tl .n e Ml- i '.'. e Ma . M Bara MaeLaren, J< nn
T. Sulilvan Wa Bl ' 'r '.'.
Mlaa Roae Hubbard. Krederlck Perry?etbatt
Ayllng, Thomaa Mc li ith and Harry LUIforo.
-;?;... popular melodran .-. ' Llghta o' London" arlll
b< pn ent ? bj the D mnellj atock eompanj n' 'he
Murraj Hlll Theatre thia week. The pUy aaa
tli, produced l.y Rhook.4 Co"'7 ** ,_l*
Bquare Theatre, snd had a run B ????<?
.. ....,, nlahts Roberl Drouet. Wllll-m Redmund
Walter AllSn. Bmmeti C. Klna ??' ' ?*???? '. ,
May ingh im will assume tha prlnclpal chai
The mournful announcement comaa trom the
B'Jou Theatra thal Mlsa May [rwln arlll remaln
tbere, and wlll eontlnua ?" play her farce, "Kata
Klp." f?r o.iiy ihlr''. n weeka more. Theatrtcal
people generallv thlnk thal an unlucky number.
After leavlng New-York Mlss Irwln wlll w '"
B, iton, '? il ..? ? md the large cltles of the \\ea
No more Wed es.i.-iy matlneea wlll be given at the
Bliou while Mlsa lrv.:>t atays. hut there win i.e
matlneea to-morrow and a week from to-morrow,
ln honor of Chrlatmaa and New rears Day.
Thla weeb's blll at Kelth'a wlll pre-ent the usual
variety of ? n erl ilnment. Mllton nnd Dollie Nobles
win play "Whj Walker Raformad." and tha Marco
Twlna wlll perform thelr acrobatlc groteaquerie;
Larry Dooley snd Jnmes Tenbrooke ;nr.l thelr
Mnslcal ehatter wlll be offsel bv 'he sltent and
muscula. Aral of Haaaan Ben All: Jamea fhorn
., ??! nU| ... : -julbblea will be contrasted witu
the hand I il nclng of Zrenyl nnd Mlle. Chereau,
whoae aa-IIlty is entlrely phystcal. There wlll he a
Hvely h:!i. and nothlng aertoua in it.
'*Bportlng Mfe" heKinH th* fOUItaantb week of Its
engagament at tha Academy of Mu?ic with a
special holiday matlnea to-morrow. Another
np.-.-iil matlnee li announced for Monday. Jan
uary '_'
Ttie rhrtstmea antertalnment at the Kden
Mueee : ttractlng many vtoll rs. Bpeelal efforts
havo been made to have artr.ietlons that Wlll
plen-e ihe ehlldren. The rn.irlonr.tte- Bive a whole
play it ;: o'< look In the afternoon nnd at r? o elo-**
in the evenlng, entltled "Bluebeard." A large
number of Chrlatmaa vl.-ws have been secured ror
the clnematograpb.
"On an.i Off" proceeda bo evenly al the Madlson
Si. ?? Theatra that even tha man who Ib em
ployi : ? tha theatra to think of thinK* for the
(i;.; -rt to ab* ul 11 i thal ha cannoi
thlnk of anything f"r thla week. Poaalbly he la
dlscoursged by the fact that so few of the papera
ever aaj the thiiu-i thal h< thlnka of for them
to en. ' i..-t it remaln on record that thli farce
Ik stlil play. .1 at this theatre.
Tho Chrlatmaa entertalnment at TOny Paator s
Theatre tO-moiTOW Wlll hegln at U*JO B. rr; . 8
will eontlnua wlthout Interruptlon all day anl all
tha evenlng. The programme for the week Includea
Charlea R Bweet, muslcal entertalner; Ous Wlll
lama In hla origlnal songs and recltatlons: .Jamea
K Onrdlner nnl Kittle Oilmore, In thelr aketch en?
tltled "A iiovr's wuarrel": the Wlllett .ind I
farceura, Dlaon, Bowers and Dtaon, Mlsa Beaa.a
Tsylor contralto vneallst: Rryant ar, 1 Bavllle.
FUke and McD nough, ln thelr eketch. "Wlllle and
the Baby": Arnlm nnd IVagner In "Tha Captatn s
n ier"; the il Id-worth cimMnatl-n, Charlea
?? . md. Juancler: Oeorge C. DavlB, tha Bavoya and
Tony Pasto hlmaelf.
??A Dangerous MaM" wlll be contlnued at the
Cas'.no for two weeka longer, and the managera ea
-.,- ? to entertaln a number of holiday theatre |.:ir
tiee. The placa wlll maka a ron.l tour nfter I* avli r
the l aslno.
An attractlva bll la offered for 'he eomlng week
ei Koster ff. Blal'fl Muiic Hali Ona of the rno-t
Interesting featun i of II la iald to h- the rerial ar-t
of the Hegelmanna and tha Matwaofa, Ruaalan
dancera. tt*." Istesl Importatton for this houae, wlll
? place .... the blll. Maraella. wltb
her collection of trnlned blrda: th.*- Alllaon troupe.
wlth th-ir _vn*nn.'.:.? feata; [da Heath. the Bng?
liah tranaforinatlon dancer; Ihe Pantaer Brothers.
to-head ilancers: the parte troupe of
dancera; Virglnia ai igon. on the high wire. and
Monroe snd Mn k ? .mplete thla blll. Mlss i Iss)
. waa to m ike her appearanee t->morrow
nlahi but, she hsvlna succumbed to the rlBors of
"he New-Tork cllmate, her openlng has been poat
pon. i untll January -.
Tlie speeial matlnee performance to-morrow wlll
begin the laat weeb of the mn of -The vniace
Poatmaster," at the P< urtgenth Btreet Theatre. Tha
on -hundredth performance will ba reachad on
T^esday Svenlni whei i
,.. i ,a ? ,, ,.? tn of the " aa n. A
"ormanc? nTtTat evenlna Mr, Rosenqueat will_g^va
en old-faahloned New-Bngland aupper on the etage
? , :. , mvited guests, At b special matlnea on
MoSday! J-n'a-y :. the wlll produca at
-ourteenth Btreet Theatre s new rerslon of
thdr pantomlmlo spactacular extravaganaa, riic
New Bup rba."
Tie holiday weeb nf the Plen-ure ralnre beglna
nt |0 o'clock to-morrow mornlng, and there wlll be
thlrteen hour- of contlnuoua vaudevllle, The pro
,- .. ?? , tor the week ls headed| by Heleaa Mora
Mclntyre and Heath share wlth Mlss More (he
. 0f the hlll. whlch further enllsts the serylcea
of llaves and Lytton, Canfleld snd l arleton. Mont
,-,:;,i gtone. l-lsale B. Raympnd, w H.
iN'Indom snd hls quartet. Jerome and Alexlsand
?everal othera Tl.oncerl to-day, headed by
MI's Grace Huntlngton and her company, h.Kiusat
ij . ,,-, i [e contlnuoua to 11.
Plenty of entertalnment ot tho vaudevllle order
-n. be offered at Proctor'a Tarenty-third Btreel
Theatre thla week. Comparatlvely naw comera to
the downtown Proctor house are -*ohn C, Rife and
Bally Cohen. who ar.- to appear ln a new eomedl
etta entltled "Our Honeymoon. The nunn- and
imper: nator Lafayette la alao bllled, as are
,.', ,. | ,.,., jane Whltbeck, the Amcela Blsters.
Frtts Vouna and Emlly Bella the Parent-Brodaldl
troiipeof acrobata, A. D Rohblns. John D Oll
M '\ ittera snd Tyson and many others. The early
holiday openlngB wlll begin to-day, arlth ;i 12:38
o e|o k start at the concert snd to-morrow the
nrrfcrmance wlll begin sl l:? a, m Al to-dsy'a
eim.-erf lleiene Mora, I-llllan Unrkhart. Canfleld
and Carleton. Hayea nnd Lytton, John D. Ollbert
uTi.i other- wlll appear,
To-morrow wlll begin the thtrd i>U week of r.-P.
ti.ln and Mra SarchO- ei-.j-.-ii-ement at Hntier's
Museum. Their dlving exhlbitlon ha<? made a hit.
nn.l the new features they ronstantly Introduco
ore recelved wlth every evldence .rf Intereat.
.letTerson de Angella and bla company wlll return
to town nexl week, snd wll preaenl "Tha .'
Musketeer" sl the Harlem Opera House Thelr re
cenl engsgem* nl .rt l ie Broadway Theatre was i il
rhorter than the management of either :he com
pai ) or the thi itre d? ilred.
Mra. F!?ke wlll :i!>r''nr at 'he Aeademy of Muslc,
1 Brooklyn, sll thla week, openina wlth a chri-itmi-.
| mntinee. under thr- dlrectti n ..f Mr. Knowlee, of the
1 Flfth Avenue Theatre,
Maraball P. WUder, who haa lusl gone into con
! tlnuous vaudevllle, I for i lour af nearly
nixty eonsecutlve weeka ffolng ss fai ti Callfornla
and the Bouthwest, ind ift-rr hla enaaaement over
tha Proctor clrcult he win Tt..r: for Chlcago,
_. - ?
San Fran - Dae. -J Isldore Lordaf, who waa
pler d ln ci l ' t I own n auest on Thurad t-.
ln ronnectlon wlth tt..- fnii.-!.ie of hi.- wlfi In New
\.,rk. bss t. ? ii released lha Kastern suthorltles
hai .- lelearaphed to lha pollce that he ti not
wanied, ihere belng no charga agalnat hlm.
Columbua, Ohio. Dec. -? A special teieKrnm to
"Ths Dispati h" Akron, Ohio, aaya tho tlood
rlch Hui.... ir ? 'omp iny a lll nol he i- the mr-.-hfinicai
comblnr, whlch l*. h-lna engineered by
Charles K Fllni The Akron company refueed t>
ent.-r ihe eemblne Th.. plant Is the largeat of iti
kind in tba country, employlng two thouaand men
Oalllpolls, Ohio, Dec M Bdward Panrood, n
farmer Tellowtown, <*nme to Oaili[>Mi?, und
While on hla ?.iv li.*m* he dlsturbed \ literary
meetlng ln s country scholhouae After niMkin-;
ttirentT. to ".leHn oul the pla e nnd UBlng had Inn
. iagi he WM- hli Jusl above th? lef; ,.nr witn ,
r ln tr. .md dled of a fni.'turcd skull ln an liour. Who i
Biruck hlm U not knowi
The Financial World.
It |a rare indoer) ihat f"hri?1m.i? in Will Streat
has baen more of a ".Merry ('hnstmaa' than
thia year. aii pervadlns ?nd nnlverael ie the
feoiins: of aatlafactlofl with the immediate paat,
and of i-onfidont hope for the fiiture Every.
body aeema tO have made money, and to he ?i.r?
of ni.ikiiiK more The good tlmea have foiiowe.*
ao qulckly on tir- "on* period of bualnaaa d?
preaaion, thai the cb?ng* |fl eTotibly iratefut;
ar.d the promlae Of .be fUture ls eo hnjrht it.
removea the apprabanalon ol a poaalble rinps
to former deapoadtncy. The ,-,,untrv seems
fairly *.> hava antared one of thoae periode of
proaporlty Whlch are just as mark^d frat-ires of
Ita rronomlr hlatory, ae tlie pr-r:o<Js o> <\
preoalon; bot a1** th.* latter uaually last longer
than the former. tho prwlent man wlll hr. c?re
' ful to jay up atore ki tbeao tlmea aarainst the ln
evltaMe day when h" will agaln have pre.ept
neeri m draw on past accumulatlone,
a* the rloae of laal week, it looked ?? if the
market would take a reetlns apell af lea?t tn
after Chrlatmaa, and in aeveral caaea leadlng
operatora piivately advlaed intendin- purchaaere
to wall tlll then Bul a rouple ofdaya K*-erred
1 all that the Impatlent puMIe wae willin* t. .- t
i and th<- buying ordera oamo in au ih vol tme that
these same opetatora -\ere spurre-"
dlate actlon. The market jrot to i-o.iinc ntrat'*.
an<i eo contlnued tin nearly fhe r\o?* on FrMay,
. when extenatve proflt taklng made a allg tl
Irregular clOM
The Plower party were the leadera, *<? laual;
ami the Plower atocka were to tha fronl a.i th?
tlme. 5"o much money has heen madi ' II ?*.
Injr the lead of this houae the |oke haa h"'nm?
current that all you have to do is to throw a
thousand dollara lnto fhe wlndow there Mondav
morning and <!raw out fiv.* thouaand Baturdai
nicrhr. Bome of the potnta romlng from that
quarter bave been unueually ao urate For en
ample, when Federal fttoei common openo.1 at
45 on Thuraday morning', the polnt wag aiven
that it would koii cbwe to BO bef ra 8 '
n.xt day. lt ro!d at 40*.
It is underatood that the Qovernor his elven
the v.'.rd f-.r n< xt week that the prar.frer stocks
wlll I.e lea.i'-re. and Roek laland 1n pai ?
ti. ular wlll aoon be aelllng cl nm to \20 Thli
was the r-urre-it goaalp r,n Friday afternivwi
Alao ii? eald aomethlng about Brooklyn Ripid
Recently, when tbe word w,(? j.;t4,?o^ roimd
tbat Louiaville ar- l Naahvllle n,^ golng to piv
a dlvldend, ar.d that lh? etock ? ild a above
7", it waa reported that thia carne from the
Plower offlce. The roport waa erroneoua. i* ri I
not rome frrm there, bul from the R. Imont
offlce. Loulavllla has not acted well lately lt
has etuch between 0*3 r.nd IM, and stuck th - - .
lonp; that M is tlme for the Belmonl offlce to
htsfir Itse'.t and do simethlntr !f thie etock, ln
a bolllng bull market, arl wlth a dlvldend eom?
lng. does not i-ell up In the 70a.. polnta fr.r.ii the
Belmont ntiarter wlll h-** no h.->tfer r.-msldered
ihan tho?>e from th?* SeM-man ep*;i>,].;phment
One of th*. Ltriklng featuiea of th? markc
was the pxtraordlnar: movemenl in the R & 0
laauea. Tba naw preferred la <er.!nsr about 7*
the ne? common r;*n up to ."..*? "L.. bttl clnsed oi
Frlday at BO, Xow in reapect to these ?sto<-ks 11
; may be said that the ft. ?. n. proferre.l of the
reorpanlz-'d company ls u-orth what any reae i
ably pfc;iro 4 por c-mt stock le worth. What It
ls worth on that baala, Any one ran Judg I
hlmaelf. H ? ls saf.* ln buying the stock f >r 1
4 per eent dlvldend lt wlll pay. As to the ,-,-...
nu>n atock, the present prloo |s certalnly nll tha*
any ono oufflit to pay. It may, in fact. he con*
etdered that a price of .">?". roprosenta enfh?:?
rathrr than Judpment. The nianlpulafion of the
atock in the markot is comparatively eaey, be?
cauae there is a very large amount of it pern 1
nently withdrawn from eale, an.l whlcb moal
be hel.l oul.e irr-spectlve Of its market prlc
lt is. however, Just as well n<>t to Indulge ln
lllualona. Tho people wno are tha lenst '
to Indulge in theae aro the largeat holdera of tl *
company'e aecurltlee (Including lhe common
al x?. They eonaider th** B. .<? 0 '*n? of th?
great propertlea of the futur.-; but they do BOt
couns.'l the buying nf it** lecurli 1 al n rava
arant j.rl e? The aboorptlon of the f-; ?*?- 11
gouthweatern neeessttates nn increaae in tha
honds and sto-k of the n & 0 proper, <s theaa
wiu be axchaxged for thoae of the Bouthweetern
eystrm. The sucecss of the operatlon le a niui I
a eyndlcate having tak.-n all tho new aecurltlee
What the membera of thla eyndlcate offer to the
public may be taken with gbaolute eoufidenee
They never offer anythlnff nf prleea wblcb are
not lower than tho lnvestln,? publlc is nor -.4
Ing to pay after the eecurifles hava been dls
The Atchlson dlreetors wleeiy r^fralr.ed fre-m
maktnar any statement as to tha period for whlch
the 1 p*>r cent dlvldend W66 declared Tl I
chanceg are thls aimply. AtchUon prefi l I
will first become a .1 p?r cent etock, but may
eventually become a ."> por cent etock, whlch -1"
the nmit. it is underatood that the Ittereal og
the Adjuatment 4s wlll re mai* a m' annual,
instead of nnnual aa now; but there ls much
work involved In the chtnse. ar. 1 eome 6_|
Half yearly interest would not become payable
before May noxt. Tho bondboldera may _et it
ln resrect to I'r.lon Paclflc, It ma*- le well to
remember that tho nexi dlvldend on tbe pre.
ferred is not <iu.* tlll April nexi t ? sr ,"r"
tainly In tba next fiecal y. ,ir the dlvldend arlll
bo Increaaed to 4 per c.*nt; and Juat as certalnly
ln this flacal yenr It will not all n.mors, t-*
ports, and suro points to the eontrary BOtwIth"
There was no Increase ln tl.e Mew-Tork
Central dlvldend, n_t the advance In tho etock
was aufflclently explalned by tho lare-* eurplue
reported over fho divldend ra'd All fhe ||nea
bstween Chlcaa*o and tbe eeaboard omrh- l 1 ?'
well next year. Th<* Panhandle atocka (Penn
aylvanla ayatem), are acting well, and Ibew
back >rs aay they wiu so'.i much hlgber
Th.* preaent 11 ?>d of business waa erlgtnalty
glarted by blp wheat crops. for whlch there r.*se
a world-wlde Aa bcarlna on the
general attuatlon now. lt may be noted th.v 'he
export demand for wheat at this tlme ts fhe
largest ever known: that this ts OOtncldent wl'h
the amalleat visibia eupply In Europa aver rt?
ported. and the smallest vlslble here, wll
slnjrle excoption of last year. The t.nom In lhe
mariot for eocurltles me.ely reflects the general
trade conditions of the ootintry.
Waii Btreei aaya It'a a poor stock which wtll
r.ot ?ei! at par ne\t year
re.tcr.on. N". J . De*-. 81 (S;.e? Inl) It ls under.I ^od
here from truatwOTthy aourc.-s that ex-Pnetm later
Heneral Wanamnker Is ln an anreenient wlth the
Bamford Rrothers. <>f thla dty, wlth a view to *
romblnatlon for daallns !? raw acl throwa eHb
The Bamford Brotkare aro probably the larKei"
>.iik rlbbon manufacturera In the world, nr. 1 their
nnnouncement to the trarte Juet rnaile. thnt they
are about to deal In raw nnd thrnwn fllk haa
caused |.<|lieldaa*B?la epeculntlon.
Tl .* BamfOI- Brotbei- havo two planta ln thie
cltv. the Alhlon mllls and the Cllff-et. mllls. Itrgt
planta nt H.-lvldere, N. J.. and Charlerol, Pern.
and they have Just cmpleted what ts probably
lhe btKKcet thr.-ir.-1ng plnnt ln the world at Wllkee
barea, Pana . eomprletBej fe\d88 eq.iere feet ?f floor
Tha Hainfords bave reeently made large pur
Cheeee of ellk, Aa to thelr ciiiblnatlou wlth M"
Wauamakar. the aaembefi of the rtrm refueed to
t.ilk ,!-riiiltriy, nnd nierely euj' they are uiiwllllng
10 deny or afflrm the atory, They edmlt that they
hava been -wiuig ou a laiapo evule *?l_> Mr. Waaa
uuka-r or Uio.