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CHRISTMAS JOY ABOUNDS. OEN'ERAL CEI.EBRATION OF THE HOLI? DAY. LABOE COSfcRE'-ATIOXB IV THE Cin'RCHES. WHERE ggJKXAL OHPERVANCES OP THE PAT ARE HF.I.1V niNNKRB FOR THE rOOH-ENTlTRTAlNMr-NTS TO-DAY. lt waa nt the churchea that the chlef colebra tiona of Chrlatmaa took place yeaterday. From the hour of 4::?>. when a eongvcgation had como through the atlll dark atreeta tO St. Patricks RomM Catholic Cathedral to hcar polemn high maaa. until the laat of the voapor Bcrvloaa tha chn?-hea were fllled w-ith worahlp pera all day l*ng. In every church ln the elty aome ape. lal otfervaaoee wero carried out. and In many the flohnl deoorntlofis and the mualeal ?arvteea wero axtremely elaborate. Almoat with? out excoptlon CTOWtla liatenod te the Chrlatmaa Bermons ar.d the Christmas muato. Th-re was the tisual holiday atmoaphere ahout town. -TaagltB the aalaanthrapec and the eynlea tho larger part of manklnd stlil holde the *>l'tn |C_ that Chrlatmaa la a da> tO bo giad ur'?, a day on whlch to Hat.-n wlth eap'clal roadlneas to the klndly pr-mptlngs of the heart, a day n*.ore for a than any r ther of tho .*><;... Hun tlreda of windows ln all P?rts ot the town. from the manalon of the milllonaire to tho bundred* h.V.dlng t-iiim.iit -house ln Orchard-at.. dls plaved wreatha of laurel or sprigs of holly, WhllC i:'.-ny padeatrlana wore the re.l t-orry and ita green leaf in thelr buttonholea. The weather klndiv allowed the publlc by the authorltlea ?who hnve theae thlnga in charge, waa aa nearly peafert as it ever gets to be on Chrlatmaa ln the ritv The air was froaty enough WtthOUt being Mtter, and the fega and roins of laat week wero pood enough to r-memr-er the day and re? maln at a reapectful dlatance. The day was relebrated at the nlrr.shousee and Jails by better diimers than uaual. and at St Mark'-* Hospltal the usual Christmas eelebratlon took place In the afternoon, hut most of the f*st;va)s and Chrtatmaa dinners will be held to day. Mra. Howard flould will glve a Chrtstm.-i* tree to 180 poor children at 2 o'clock this afternoon Bt Porkeley YVilliam hf. nieaa wtll give his annual Christmas dinner to newaboya and bootblaeha at the Hraee Memorlal Lodgtng Houa.' at 7 o'clock. At 4 o'clock wlll take place the festival ?.f the Auxlllary Committee of tho German Hoapltal and DtefM-nsary. The Woman's Republlcan Club of the viith Aaaembly Dlatrlct Wlll glve a children's Christmas party at No. 888 Ninth-a* ??. at .'i o'clock. T>. Wlllia Jamea, for the Children's Ald Bo Clety Wlll glve .1 Chrlatmaa dinner for tht- ln matea of th.- Tompklna Square Lodglng Houae. The Fogg L dg na li- uae for >::rla wlll hnve Ita unnual Chrlatmaa tree and dinner at 1 0 dock At the Ellaabetb Home for "-rla Mrs. W. E. Dodge, .ir. wlll furnteh a Chrlatmaa dinner in the evenlng for the Chlldren'a Ald Soclety. There wDl be a aeaman'fl Chrlatmaa cel bra tion ir. the evenlng ar the Marlnere' Temple, No, 1 Henry-at. Tho Eaal End Chrlatmaa Tree A Boeiatlon wlll diatrlbute its glfta at U o'clock thla mornlng at the Amphton Theatre, Brooklyn. Balvation Army wlll diatrlbute to th- poor under Ita care the food purchaeed by meana of -:??- raiaed at the street eornera In the iaat f.-rt!iight. To-day will be generally obaervod by a sua penalon of business All the ezebangea will bc eloaed. as will also the banks. and moat lmslness houaea wlll nrj. open for bualneaa. The th-atres, however, wlll hope to attra-'t at their matlneea and tho evonmg perfortnanaea enough people t" r-empentur-te them for the . uot?in* <1 laat areek by the cuatomary Chrlatmaa weeb busi? ness -?- ? WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK. __I3A-tTHhpPIST 1 n:TV has a I-INNKR AND OIYXfl IT? vir.'.V OP CHKISTMAI TVhl!*- good .-h.-r.- and gOOdWtfi pervaded Ihe elty yeaterday, a* lt always doea on rhristmas p.v and ihe arorahlpper* wended th?ir waj to church ta tli morataa '?" gayly-droaeed and eheer fui throngo. ar.A while the '-merry chlmoa rang out." and 1:' lhat, there were quartera te whlch th- KO'.d ?. 1 :,-r dld nol prnetraU. if the aound of the merry thimes d:d. Laylng BBlde the quartera wh--* mi- iv and poverty are rver la bc found, ther<- is r..i>B i:. New-York al thla aeaaon of the year. a lar-?? number of peraona w-ho do not share at all In the te.. ttal good h.imor of the aeaaon. l-i-,,-,. peraon* are f??f the mont part th..-. wl - ar. far fr.->m ff an N BtlVOl ar.d froni oldtlme frien_a, hi.d the n-'-rrlr.ess of whoae <'!ir:?tmas is cornr.ed to the dellghti "f edntiibutlng Chrlstmaa ttp? galora t-i hallboya aad walt* ri a::d ch-mber ma:is and thlngi Theae perapns never loou ao eour ar.d doui ai when eomebody aaya "Merry Chrlatn-.-ir-" to them. Mon a cenaii. body of ml anthroplata of this de Bertptton have ln a lf-protectlon banded tbemaelvea tonrjr.r-r la whal they ae* call the "DevH Take the Merr* Tuletld. Aaa clatlon ' Thla aaao .lation held a.- annual banquel laat evenlng at a ;? rnt hotel. t.'.^t .-..> ; raoni preaenl who 1 -.?',.. ?- nalters. T.v... tai.le talk wa- d?-\.-1. * to .!!> uaalng ;.v.r- _r.;.t prlnclplea upon .'. is founded. lt waa unani bm wl] - t< . that ..J Bcrooge, mentkmed In ? 'hriatmaa Carola," *.*...?. the fineai ai.J keeneat phlloaopher ta hiatory, After the good tlil t.-ic table aad beea caten wlth mueh bltter talk, the o:' lhe aaaociation aroea ai i called ttie ilnera t. order This *.n*k ? impliBhed. he dellv? ered bla _i.n_a. addreaa, 111 the course of which he ,.f. . "Devil take tbe Merry Tuletlde." When the BBplaUM inal greeted the end of the prealdent'a addreaa had died away, that dlanitary Introduced Athanaalui Hallroom, wno, after taking a long diinh of aoui a dellvered a >haracteria tically pungent addreaa He aald ln part: "Devil tak.- the M< rry Vuletide " Mr. Hallr -om s remarka were franttchlly api-iaud . if-..r whl '.. tbe prealdenl Introduced .'ourni--;!-.* Mr. Fourfli-'iTs rnolstened his llpa Wlth rlnegar, and pi _ede_ to address hla hearers. __BBOag other thlnga, he aald: "Pevll take th>- Merry Tuletlde." Mr Fourfllgh'.s was followed by Chrysostor-. El enrejreet. who .ald ln 'DevH take ihe Merry Yulotlde." ?"?n motlon of Pe Montmorency Montgomery, whoso motlon ?in aeeonded hy Kltzsimmons Fltz fCtrald. the a8soc!atlon unanlmously adopted tbe ollowlng leaoiui.on: "Reoolved, l''-vil take the Merry Yulotlde." Vhereupon the entlrr- asa. latlon drank to the hea.:?i am Bcrooge ln brimmlng glaases of worm %oo6. -4 PRE8IDEXT PATTOM PRMACHSg HKHE. Tho itev. Dc. Francls L. Patton. presldent of Frln'-eion t'nlvrslty, BUpnUed the pulplt of the l'ifth Avenue l-Tenhyterlan Church yc-at?-r_ay at the 11 o'clock BBTVlca, nt whleh there waa a largo congregatlon. Thcie win 110 apeclal aervlce and there waa no decora'loo _f tha church. Thlp w-.m |a accorUai.c-) wlth the pollcy of the lat. I-r. John Hali. Followlng the aervlce ?. mtettng of tne e'.dera and a apeclal ecmulttaa *> tt\e>.* a paator was held It wus said that th'.? Mt*. o( ar.e. tlng wu_ held weekly followlng ihe ?./?.*:.., ln or't- to h.ur nn: reports the commltt.. .tilKTit a-lsh to make lt waa announced that ther* *ai r.orhli.g of Importance pr. sented. DR. CItOWK'3 gSJUfOM. The Rev. Dr. W. f1- ClWWC preachej ye?terda> morntng at the Church of the llope, lr West Elghty-flrat-st.. on "The ('hrlst ln lllstory ' He rald that there was lnnplrutlon ln the though' that gieat muititudca of pt-opl. were thlnklng 01 the aame thlr.g at tho aame tlme. and thut to-d.i four hundred millions were turnlng to th. cblld hood home of the common r? UgloB. To recall wha wss hr-ai ln tha paat n.ade men better to-d;iy, nnl Dr. Cronre added, what all other natlonal hlrthday are to the polltical life of a natlon, Chrlatmaa Is t. aii the world. Chrlatmaa i? i rabra valaaMe, h aaid. when it falls on Sund:i\ U--ause th.-n lt doe not degenerate ao niucn into a day of aMBC mi-rry making BBpCdaOy is that the case this yeai when. among (_M gr.;t 1'owers at leaat, Ihere 1 peace fr.r the mom*nt. Dr. Crowe er?ntini|--d: To-.iay theee ?<r<' oe heata of arm-d nen hurrytn, to hattlc To-d.iy tna chdrohee, if ever, ar. Cnrti tlan and not sectarlan. Dogmatli dlfferenoea, thec logital Bubtletlee. attract no attention Al othe tlm'a w.- may Indulae - taate for theologlcal dlttj u tation, but for to-day we aave sworn a truei bon-.e call Chrlst a man and aome call Him n Hu Bv you will obaervc to tlie latter elaaa hi O?dhood la entirelv human, while lo lhe toivr.t. His jnaahaoi* i? divine. I --? DR. I'AKKIU'RST OM A MAfERIAL HBAVBD Dr. Parkhurst'B ?'hrl-t' aeraaoa, whlch 1. prearherl yesterday mornlng la thi- MadlOM Srjuar Preabyterlan Church. was on the toplc, "The Nee of Materialliihg Heaven." Dr. I _rkhurst aald 1 port; Heaven ls undoubtedly a lo&allty. The flrat Par dlae Whlch was certainly an excsedlngly commtn.; able Paradlsa. waa a locallty. and there has bet Dainty Gifts Colgate&Co's Perfumes ln the mean tlme no anch ehange ta th. wnatHn !li- '^^l^^'lv; ual t^^P^'enu-nt on the ".Wilxod fact -^.ilPJftW 1WU^Uu\r?09M , i.nTe of thVreal -he enly wlth the si eaayi n\v rv. tnr rrai as op t?*?_^^^ THK PRBUDi-tfT-fl CHK1KTMAP. ATT-KDB ."Hrmii in THB MOBITOW ant. TA-Bfl A DMVfl T\ THK AFTF.KNOON-DINN-K AT Tlir. wiiiti-: BOUBE. Waahlngtcn. "?" n.MrWmoA was obaenrad qu1.ll, m Waahlngton. The weather wa* cool and bractng. , , -..,_ In the Presidentlal drela the day wa* qulet. ine l*r, .!,].-..? and Stra. McKlnley hav, Boveral rlci*.!* from ohlo ataylna B1 the Whlte Ho,.*.-. *"**?? tben and half 8 doaen othera, formerly ttttng ln their natlve flute, tha Cbrtatmas ttnDtrwaa en leyed. Ib the evenlng, ft -retary and htrs. oage __d Poatmaater-Oeneral and Mrs. Smith called nnd apent fome tlme a1 the **?**" """"'^a The Prealdeni and Mrs McKlnley took ????"'??? Jftbi flne weather and went out for a drlve In tha afternoon. , __-*_ ?i. Prealdeni sccompanled by JaBjea Barber, vrs McKlnley'* nepbew. attended aanrica at iM __*--?--;?-V-Si-TtSTm a sermon by tbe '<'"> *'r ~" course nf his talk, Batd: -This Natlon haa preiented to an W*~*f P*J ,,, tl)(. uniPe.h.bUi glfi of fr*.donr, an to? ?h world ll haa sti ??' ' ???' '?" ''? i I.,g_\o"fraKloni baa rome to tba euffertng and ; Mhro?b tha agency of a natlon thal tnxa .. w-.t to the heavenly call. snd bad canghl 'he 5ST1* h',PfUr'en"nt iTSJtS ..;?rc.i or lll-wlll toward any natlon tha. .aur 1 M... . ,,, unaheath the rword ot wor. i- waa 2.1 toward the aunVrli snd tl.VA*aoao* .? oj- h?? frnrnTorin to souih and from eaa lo ?-<?., ' JKto"oVo r-wounur^nT-ca'-Tofwar ???? ""';;"._'? ?? oid nagof 1 ?? ?_!? : :"?,.'..' lustr* while every atrlfe Lrpedorin0cleh-n*ed fromevery ataln NoVth arrl \ ? ??-? ^ ^ ^iT-^^-AonbUae not i - ' pea e ar.d f> i.!wi:i THK BEHVICBfl AT OLD TR1KITT. Tn. ehlmea of old Trtnlty, ln lower Broadway, r-nj mcrrlly yeaterday morning whii, the worahlp imbllng for Chrlstm.s aervlce. Intb. .J,. ,,nir?;.. ?;?!?. church. whk-h ws. _eautt ',",.-v ?,..,.,-.,,..,. wa. crowded to the doora. Thera ne.,.lally elaborat. mu.ical wmomast M.:..!;r-:ri:,:,.r.^^.''t..'-aover : , . . 9?nday Fund, -phv I...I.I-AH- _u__ivAM'fl oue_t_. Hore Ihan dve tbouaand men, repres. ntlng all natlona claaaea and ereeda. got a christmas dln 'r yeaterday afternoon ln the rooma of tbe .ta _ora Club, at So. 807 Bowery. whi.h is tbe head. ^.mraoftbeTamman, Ha 11 Oeneral CoromU e. of tle Vlth Assembl) Watrlct. known a. Benatoi Timlthy "Dry Dollar" Bulllvan'a balllwlck. rha B>nator hlmaelf. st whose Instance th. dinner waa .-iv,,: wai not preaent, bo! a telegram was re eelved from hlm at Sew-Orl. ina iMt'uctlng Ber. -??.:-k;-,1;-s:n;:lTh;S!w:r,^s^ actlng dlatnct """?? ,,,,,..,. nun_r*. ln hi* dla [SS 'pJuYtry^re'aTtt^Wi?r? freely to *?<! who appltsd. INDU8TRT CHILDREN MADE HAPPY. Tba chlldren of tbe Housa of Industry wera the prtaclpsl psrtlclpants In a Chrlatmaa wrvlce whlch WM hrtd ln the chapel of tbe bulldlng to whlch ,hey llve, at No. IM worth-s... yeaterday Bftemoou. There w?re four hur.dred of them ln all, boya snO .,ri, Tbey had learned a number of Chrtatmaa -5S^_tt-?w^*?QS?r ?_tf_rtt^"JWrff?? t noon. and In rh. aftarnoon a aupper was aerved, whlch included many flelicattes. MAMBfl At Tlll* CATHBDRAL. ?ervi ea ar Bt. Patrlck'a Cathedral yeaterday beg i. wlth a hlgh mas-: a, 4:3a o'clock. follow. 1 b, to, maMM durtni the intervenlni hours untll ? ? . aotemn pontlflcsl maaa aad Bermon st U 9'clock. Bolemn pontlflcal vcpera w?r.lebratad at 4 o'.-ioek bi th. afti rnoon, and al all aervlcea ar; i ite musical programme waa glven. The tall \ m were draped wlth Chrlatmaa greencry. M v't. ,0.0,,,,:, lot. and thealtar* Uiiea were the ,,.. nowera used In ti... d. oi ."? n* and tbej onlj , "?A^the^olemn pontlflcal m... ?. Areh^btahOB , ted by Futher M Mahon arehprl at, and Farh-.s Potrlc_ Daly and Thomaa M irphy ,..?.> of honor. The aermon waa preachi llby'tha Rev Willlam O'Brlen Pardow, of Bt. it.iikis Xavler'a Church, In Bixteenth^t ? CHRISTMAS IN THK BAVAXNAH CAMP. Bavannah, Dk 2.*-. christmas ta the eamp of tne Beventh Army Corps came aa near ta belng a clvllian celebratlon aa i- poaalble m mllltary life. Practlcally all Army restralnta were auspended, ex? cept morning and afternoon call". and the_ men wer. ?ft lo enloy themaelve* ta Ibelr own faahtan. The ad Sebraaka, Colone u. .1. Bryan'a old regl? ment? had a "Gnd of n.000 ..nt 'o?lo^?%^__ Chrlstmaa dinner. Thla was apporttoncdI among ompanlfB. The dl I..,u:s!ana BlBO had ?..'" for a ?*,/" .im... r. but thi. reglmeni Bpen i hrtat. maa at sea. having satled yesterday si ih. same tm ?? aa th..- iBt Texaa ?? DR BAVAOE ON "THE RKHIRTH OF CHRIBT." Tho r.v Mlool J Bavaga preached at the Church of the Meastah. In Kast Tblrty-fourth-al , yeaterday morning on "Tha Reblrth of Chrlst." aad aaid tunotiK other thltiKs: L.t us agaln rejolce thta morning and, glya thanka to ?ur Father thal H< baa given u. Uie Nasar*-no back agaln, and thal along wlth Hlm, no matter lf they should nol be *o hlah up lr. *tature, ao falr ln face and so magniflcent ln feature, He ha* glven ua o-h<-r numberleB. *ons of Ood, Ufhta and Iradera ot tie-ir time, ihe greal teachera and propheta and InBplrera ot the race And h.r. apeak* the Irue Father-care, not ih.- partlal love thal devotM Itaell to a fea aelect i.ut tbat fatherhood that aeeka and aave. lhe lo?t, thal ?? atowa Iti pe ul'.ar care upon ?:,..-- thal ar. moat degraded and that need most tbs louch of His sym? pathy and love AT THK NAVY TARD. The faot tbat Rear-Admlrol Bunee went on the r.tir.-.i 11*1 yaaterdai mad. ae dttfeeenea at tho Navy Yar.i, and lh? usual Chrlstmaa obaervancea wero earrled out in the manner dear to the h.-art ..f u..- Baltor. Th. nu n oa all tb.?blpa ha.l tur key and all the trlmmlnifs In plenty, tbat 1?, thoso who were on board, shore leave having beea irrant'd to a lurK>- nuriil'.-r who had frlntidsi or ralatlves wlthln saay maebtng diatanoe, Barvtova wer. heid by tha varloua chaplatna, bul th. day w:,s a'lv.-n up io havtaB aa g.i a tm..- as a l> nlenl readlng of the regulatlona would permtt. There wiu r>. gamea and athietlc ezerciaea to-day la whlch the *a!lors wlll take part. Tla r<- will h. no "beli rtafr' to-day. and wlth lha eaceptlon of a few m, n who ara on Bpecial work th.- ahopa wiu li*- deaerted. BX-MBMATOR llli.K AT LAKSWQOD. Lakewood, n. .i., i>ec 2.1?Ba-Unlted state* Banatoa Davld B. Hiii aad WUUbbb W. Sh.-ehnn aad wlfe iro *i.endlng th" Cbrtstmaa holiday* at tba Kaurel In-th.-I'iiies, at thls plact COLONKt. RO___rV__VX AT HJfl HOMB. Oyeter Bay, ft, T., Dec. 2.',.?'"olon.-l ftoooevell apent Christmas wlth his famlly Mis amounce* ment that he wish--d to have tho duy to 1dm ^. !f kept erery an. eaeepi thoso he had tavtted fr.,m tbe houaa and polltlca and affalra of Btate wer. l.-.rr.-.l. (>n Tueaday tbe Qovernor-eleci arlll t.-, t into tn. narnaas agaln, and wlil ruah wurk upon his Brat meaaaga A/.v; IHIBBBBT QRAVT8 ABVEBTY, Lundon, l>ec. tt Aeoordlng to the Rome rorre *pond*nt of "Th? D*li>' New*," King Humlirrt ha* ?lgned a decree grantlng amneaty to mlnor ot faiidera ln th. rec.nt Mllan riou. CHRISTMAS IN HAVANA. TURKSTi AT ff EACH, BT'MMER HEAT AXD HRILI.IANT FLOWERS. AMRRICAN BOUDtatti BBOW a RMtTLAR PATBOf. OP Ita city HOM su'-iiti**.'''. AND AN INKNOWN MAN K-hUEO Havnna. Dec. LT.. -Tlie Unlted States troops have hogun this evenlng a regular pntrol of th" clty of Havana. In order to guard agalnat pos? sible dleordora The day, how.-ver. peaac*) Ih oomparatlvc .-uiot. The bando laBued an Frlday i?>- Captaln-General JUnlnea Caatellanoa pm hlbltlng orow.le fn-m aBB-fnbling ln the streets has l.een generally obeerved. Laat nlght there wns some, paid to have been Cauaed bf Uquor, ln Montserrat Placa. A sh.-t was flro.l ab.-ut mldnlght from a roof al a group <-f people below, and many shots were retuni.d at th- flgures vaguely seen on tlie roof. An unidontlfled man was kllled and three were WOUnded in other affrays. Christmas at Canip QUeinadoa wns as llvely as the ti.ioi,. i-otilil make lt wlth slendcr mate rials. Turkeya, at $7 ea.h, were, and BVerybody said that with tho heat at summer temperaturc and the hodgerows lirllllnnt wlth flowera the day dld not seem mu.h like Christ? mas. All tho company messo- of tbe 4l?th lowa. the Ist Notth Carolina. the -4th Virglnia, th- "-'d 1111 'nols nnd tho ltilst Indiana reglin.nts had extra "aprcnda" oul <*f company funda, with girts fr.-in well-U>-d0 Utembera The Army ratlon was Sllpplelllel' by flUlt, canne.l gOOdO, sweet pO tat'.es and Bomettmea chicken Th.- .'.th mim sourl Heglmeut, the laal to arrive, had noehanoe to prepare an extra dinner, so tba nien dlnad <>n frosh beet tlc- and heans. Ono batfalion reached camp yeaterday, the otber two march Ing to-day a dlstance of elght mlles ov.-r a duaty roml. All the regimental banda played, anri the men were granted leave within u mlle radius of the camp. Company F, ot the llttet Indiana Reglment, had a cnctus tree with a present for every body BtttCk on th-*- polnta?for Instance, bardtack, beane, aall pork and candlea The Offlcera "f the 161at Indiana Indulged after dln n.r in aonga, dancea and Bpeechmaklng. At Kl Vedado th.- 8th nnd lOtb Uogular in? fantry reglmenta dlned well nt tti- rzpenae of the company funda, M.-iJ .r-< leneral LeC ar.d hls staff partook of a modeat dinner. Oeneral Lee had ? number of llve turkeya nvailabl". but ;is th- 1-lrds aro very lean bc declded t.. keep them, on the ohanc- of improvement, f-.r the New Tear'a feaat after the .lag-raising. Oeneral Lea apeni most of the day on horaeback, Btudylng th.- beat route for th.- Nen Year's Hay parade The streets are too narrow to allow th- troopa to march paat th Palace, T-.. that th.- route will prohably b<> through th.- Prado ami Central Parh to Cerro, th.- Havana auhurb. General i.e.- axpectfl to have eleven thouaand men, Including tha Cu bana, in th, mllltary proeeeaion. Major-Qeneral Butler wlll go to Matanzas and Clenfuegoa to-morrow nlght on offlelal bual neaa, The Americai troopa are about to take poaaeeaion of Ban Ambroalua Hoapltal, c. s. Beaver, tb* Unlted gtatea poatal agent in Havana, haa complained t.. the Poatmaater General of the Irregularlty ln tho arrival <>f _ie malla from tho Unlted Btatea ? - NINE RAILROAD MEN INJURED. gEVERE COLLIBION BETWEEN ENGINEg AT LEXIlfGTOIf, KY Uealnaton, Ky., Dee. BV Thr- woral wrech ln this vt rlnlty In ten yeara eccurred la tbe s'ltmrhs of the -Ity. ne;ir Pepper's I >is* II i-ry, ir _ o'eloek this afternoon, A Louiavlllc and NaahvllJe yard cngit-e and Cheaapeahc and Ohio englne No. o, pulllng an extra freight traln. came In colllalon, and nlne men wero injured. two prohably fatally, and both engines were demollsbed. Th- yard cnaloc ba* klng down ln th. yard, and the freip'it traln was coming from Loutovllle. Tir- englneer of the former heard the latter, which was around a sharp eurve, whiatlc, and atarted for i? switeh aa th- only way ot avoldlng a colilaia*). He was nnabl. to make the awltch, nnd the two ennines struck eaeh Other. Th. LoulsvtlWl and NaahVille englne was r-ompletoly demoHahed, nnd th- wr.-ck wns -nrrlel three hundred feel down the track. Th.- Cbeeapeake and Ohio anglne -v.i* run hack through the tendor and the wln.lo of the front beaten In All ;hc Loutavl le th-.J Naahvtlle empl ?yee Jumped ?nd all w.-re Injured. two prohably fatally. Tho Cbeeapeake and Ohl: men remained ai thelr poata .-md were nol ?erion>:y burt. The yard clerk, Hort-.iir..ok.. and Kor. rn.-in Morrhwey. oii tli" Loula rlllc and Naahvlilc englne, win prohably o\>-. The Injurorl: .l.AltK Al. swttekmaa. rlfht arm t.r .krn an.l r'_! I -!, .u.lri ir.e t-i-i. I.' :- t '? ???:'?) ' ; ? cr.i.i.iNs. John, swltehawn, ui.y brulced. ,!..\s. Jamea. UmtSVllle nn.l N..-T ' . ? f-.r.-in.-n. . ..:;. w.,u-vi ln hech r.f l.r-a-. rlgtt _ btvkn.; bodj i.... i I rule. : HORN'BBOOKK, Ls***** N.. _*_**__? ?"*?,.N"!J'_,'l,t' .*J4 clerk, ...... bf *?? ?? akttll fractured; wlll V*.'""> *?>?? BTND -eorce. Loulevllle nn.l n.- ??:-. englneer, badl] _?_??_ an.l !*ft Bhu_4er -ruii.-l. Muiuusi'v. Wllllam. foremaa, tno-nni Injunc.. prob nlily fatai VAUQBN. H. O.. flrpmnn. 1'H t.r. ken. The eonductor, Meadowa, and lhe nrecaan. John Jonea. of th- cheaapeake s 0 1 th i ta-teA aerioua Injury, bul were badlj brul ??? .- ? - - BIKQLBBAKDED HAI!) l\ BROADWAJ. A POUCZ-CAM ARRWmi gVSRTBOD. in a IARD ani> PpOL ROO-I wii!:i'.r THBM HAD ni:i:N Tit'-tni.i-:. Pollceman Thoasaa Flynn. ..f th- Tenderlotn sta t|on, laal nlght, alone an.l unalded, eonducted an lmpromptu rald oa ? bllltard and i.I roona mdor Ue Flfth Avenue Theatre, ? h'o I ' '? Broadway. Flynn was aUndlng al Twent^elghth-at. when he waa dlaturbed by Bounda "f batrl. coming from th. baaemenl poolroom. He .-nt-re.i th- ph..--. and, cloalni tho door, dlaplayed hls revolver, and de ,.;;,,.,.,i tbat -iii in the plaee wer* under arreat wiiii.-ini Btnbba, the manager, eaplalned thal two playera bad dtaputed a decbdon end then started th.- dlaturbance Thos- ln tho place Inrluded Josrph Dowtney, a butler, ..f No h~ Waat Thlrty-etghth-at.; ESdward Pearl. a walter, <-f No. M Elghth-are.; WllUam Plggott, a real eatate derk, of No. B Eaat Twenty aeventh-at: J">*'. Malone, ;i drlver, of No. Ul Weat geventeentb-at.: rranb Caaaldy, a ^oidier, of the Regular Infantry, whi.h r. glm.-nt W on Ita w..y to Manlla; Chartee OrMfem, an otBoe boy. ot No. lor, geventh-ave.: Oeorga Wharton, colored, of No. UO Weat Beventeenth-at., nnd Roberl Morgan, one of tho .iiHinitip.g playera, who Itve-a at No lll Weal Houaton>a_i Morgan s.iii i*.o wi.s an appralser, a bookmakef. a proeaoter ->f Ideaa and alwaya look? lng for money. He waa sorry to h.iv he was mar? rled. 1'. .iri waa allowed to go, .1* h" aald be only dropped ! ln to buy B -Igar. Caartdy was Bllowed ta g.r, bb I.e v.:tt* ui,.;. r . rd-Ts to r-port t.. <'..-.-.-rnor's Island ] ... evenlng Tha otbera were locked up f"r vi<> lining the Suii.iiiy low, Thomns J, Cbnpmon, who wns ln the place when th<- pollceman made hls deacent, refuaed to go when i.e got a ehance. declarlna thal he r.-pre aented one "f the largeai Newiorh dalllea and ?everai London papers ll- threateneR to "roost" ?h- pollceman ln th- London papera, He w.., i.i ?> locked up. BAID To BE BVBOLAB, m T MAY Iti: AT 8BA Oloueester, Maaa., Dae, _r. After an almost poet ttvs ktentlfleattoa of ttie dead Qafacy bnrglar ^is Charlea Haaaon by three differeni peraona ln this clty last nighi, lt novcelhelcaa BoeOM more than pr.hatrie iiniiKr.n is enjoytng aacelleni bealth as on- of i.'i- ere* ..f iho Sablng achooner Oeorge i*. Lane, jr. nnd thal a* baa aoi been ..n ahora Blnce lurn re?el atarted on s tii| to Qeorges Hank on December I Detecttve Perguaon, ol the c__ii..-y pollce, las-. nlght wns Qrily sattefled tinrt i.e had eatabllshed the Identlty ft| the dead man fbund laat Thuraday mornlna I" the bo_so ol Jothi ,sii_w, 111 QtUncy, us li..i??? :. - a THE X10HT AFTER CBBI8TBA8. 'Twas tha nlght after Chrli-lmas, whr-n nll thro' th>- houae Even s'.ui nsi-ip and .1- stlil .1- a Baouee; Tti- oarlingi had dulj been tucked In tbelr beda, Wltb v.ry full s:o!i,,,< ha and palns ln tle-lr, When out ln the n.-rtstr.i rOM SUCh B .Istlr-r, 1 siirang from my sla-ep, < rylng "NYhat Is tha matter T' Kor. what tn the fond father'l eyea should appear, But thf f.ale lltile fac- of each cl -k lltt> dvar. ? ? ? ? I lurnert from the slght. to tny bedroorn slepped back, AtiU Pt.ught out a phlal msrked Pniv lpe _c ?.Unldsntined Exchange. OO0?-?00O0OO-*X>C*_*0OO La Grippe It's here ggaifl. The doctors say it mostly attacks tlie wcak, the thin, those with poor Mood and nerves all unstrung. Escape is e.isy. simply by taking Scott _ Emulsion The oil is the verv best food for making rich blood and producing force and cnergv. The hypophos phites give stabtltty nnd ttrength to the nerves. The germs of Ll (.rippc c.innot affect a body thus lortilied. l $t 00, all .!rii_gt-ti?. PILL8BURY PLACED FIRST. HF. WINI THK CH1BP MM/.I. TOB HH1I, I.IAM'Y AT THB VIKNNA CKSM TOURNAMBNT. European mall recelved yeaterday brought tha uward of tba 'udgea aa to whleh ef the gnasea played at the VTenaa toternatlonal tournomenl w. re to recelve tha prtaea, to the ralue of about ?00, $;.', an.l *?, r-s| for hrllll.-xncy. Ae eordlng to tha fudgea, H. N. Plliabury w-m net tha flrst priae, i". Upka Iba Bccond, aad Q. Karco the tlilrd prl*;.' f.r t|.e gamea, tbe BOOCei of wl.l.'h Bre !.? resrtth appended: QUBSN*- I'AWN OPBN1NO. win 11: it.. : ln I P "V 4 " K I K 1! .1 .". !' Kl 4 l' .. Kl :i :. p \ P .; p ? ? n 4 7 B '? ?' I. 'aatlea B P v P lu I'. Kt 2 11.' Kt '.-' 13 ' ? M I ia ,n n 11 ' * K I 13 I- K Kt Ti ia) |8 H <~l I 17 Kl Ki ." IV P Q -? r.i !? K i: 4 p.i.vk. (?llt-biiry. P -.'I k t K n n !? i... I! 4 P ? '? Ki n i i - K Kt 8 1- K | PS I' Q R H ii Kl . aatlea U B_ ti ? ?;. III. A'K. I'ul-I.iirj-. K' I Kl Kt- II ?ch U IIITK ll.ilpln. 30 Kt K 4 _1 Kl x Kt 33 K Kt I B Ki 2B K It K (bi P -M 4 _. K< B ??? I' 1< t ?-'.-, li K _ R K _.; Kt Kt 6 I' R3 .7 -? R 8 :i I' i' *i ... n . ki .''?> K ll _ ..i ii <? ;i 83 PiF ;,.; I) li ... R 4 Q II 4 p k i K t ?> :. r K H 8 3. R?112 '?' 8.1 R q * :?, <?? Kt 2 ?17 IJ X Kl i* ;;s ... K. _ ..-.. R- ilsn*. r K <? ' Kt K 4 (c) 1' ? I! II -'i R x ll l: '.?-? rr Kt l: K li 4 R x Kl l. I . I< x K P B Bl r B: N.ill*.. <ni in order t.i prerenl B Bl .-I I're-ni-lna B K '.' ? leh ah uM have been answerM I ..? !?-, || in the Kt R '. *t. bnl owlna '? ,h" ?*""_*__? of Bla. ? ? ? ? ? ?' I ? snytninf. p ns h.rer, nahi lo haea been played ln order lo r,rt i.v meana -f -i.i-. aa-rlfle* g eounter attack. (c) P ... 7 ibr* at. ? i (dl tcalnst ibe '"??-?tc In f ur nsi I! iiii'.i. there la tv ? '. '? t\ _ f . v. hlM rit, l>**|-irr Ir t* -vlth KiV BLA' 'i< .t ... i- rtkl. K 4 V K 4 K Dl Kl Q 0 8 whiti: i.i l p 3 Kl l :? ii ki '? 4 caatli - r. n k 8 Kl x 1' 7 B ',' ?'* HKl ' ? M .1 li R x K; lu Kl Q I it ri k 13 li K 3 18 Kt ? n ? li 14 f ..' 4 15 B '.' ?'! II i: K 4 1/ 'i*F./.. v. IUTI". t. ? k ? 17 r K R ? p- r x r k. na Kt x I' Kl Q I B K '_' i_atli i Kt x Kl P K R 4 - | .. i' g i:t .1 i ? B 3 (a) Q x Kt )? B8 1(B) K. "?-> P K Kt 4 I! ft jr r 1: x 1' ' 21 Q lt K -?-?'j Kl 28 Q Ha ?? R x H P .:. R K -. tag r '. 27 H x II _s R Kt 4 3. 'i k i". h ::n i: K. B 31 R x '' ;i_ Q- I: * * BLACK. P K Rl P x P R '.' )? x H y R 8 (-? h .J Kt 4 P Q ? Kl ll .1 g i. t 2 H -ll 4 lt- K B Kt t II i It II 2 K B l: x R n<>-iKr.a. NOTEB. pj . . B Kl 2 me nld hava bt ild hav ?.-.. Of no B_' in! better. (bi Thla mode r ..tta. k endan??r.l hl* 14, . k. B '-'? '" be foUowed b) P '.' ?? I .... belter |am< ,, , R]ach h? no ieteoct, H tlir?*t?ra mit- In h H movea II 81. B Kl S '."-* R K 7. K R; 33 R iKf, n v I- 21 ,, RBch, g Kt; 38 Q R?ch; 'J "-: 3- ,, ,,.;,(. tn '.- foll wed '?* R Kl snd ii'f"" m "? rea mxnes lf 31... Kl Kt 5; 2'-' t: K8ch and wlna. ir ji. .. ki Q S; '-"-' R * BP, Q ? R; 3 <3 h Irh. ''???'? PRENCH I'K1'i:n. ;: v. IHTP BLACK M irc-i Burn l p Kl P K :t _ (? ?. i P -'? l 8 kt '.' B8 Ki K T: .1 ? B R Kl 8 R K 1 ? v k r. K. Q3 fi M x 11 'i x 1. 7 ki Kt % '? g bp .. h .* p g ri >. Kt ... it.". p Q n i ln P K I! I '.' Kt !? .1 II K1 B ?"? r '' Kl I 12 Kt H 2 P H "' (B) 1.1 R K 3 .... 1 ? UCaatlea Kl Ktl KOTKI (a. 12. , Q Kt "? ? al ' ' r. ul 1 ?:,. n. i ? llne tc P \ 'J P ? r P Bl -ti m re rautt-M, H? in. m c ntlnua either "i'.'.-i-K Intrnded sn attark on the . ... v. Mir _?, ni a T-liiillar poMttoO, iri'.l wl h au ? - acalml .-:..-? ift. ,t,, |. ;< im M uM hav* I-"n h.-tt.r. ot ?h* t'py I-. k kt ? wi uid t l -.;' i'nl valoe llla-k II . ha.1 lha holee ot rontlnulnB 18 P?P; iftKixi* n n B3 SOKl Kt 5. lt 114 31 B '.. P KRl; '_* K, it :i. g it :. m IB . P K Kl 1 li . . OR K B'_ ...??.. 1 .(,rii< n-i A P K H I wai stlil beuer, ,di ir 2o i. \ P. 31 K. Kt :.. p Kt.'!. 33Kl Kt ? ond artna, MR. CBIBBIX8 BAA XOTBIXQ TO s\Y. TALK ABOUT THK RL'MORED OAI CO-fPANIBf CONBOLIPATION ANI> Mit CROKER ATT-Tt'DE. john I>. Crlnunlna w-lll say n.thir.c at prcBent ? ihe mii.'ii-t.ilk. d-of pr poaltlon to consolldate tlie aas Intereats In thbi locality. It said yea? terday thal Mr. Crlmmlna aad rxi)r.*--<<rr) his vir*w? on the raatter, bul aa bbM .it hi*. homa inst nipht thal ho had made no statemenl and bad nothlng to taay, Thera was ne developmenl In the sttuatlon y--t. r-iiiy, althouch lt ls now generally belleved thal Mr. Crimmlns la worktna to efteci such a con aolldatlon, and that bls purchaae of Berrtap'a lal? and w;in f.T the purpoae of building large aaa works there, sc lhat Ihe land now occupled ln this -if. by lhe ?rarloua aas companlea can be aold, Bnd thua b bandBome sum netted for tbe aew oorpora tl'lll. Polltletans put two and two together yeaterday and made an Intereatlnf story, N-* sooner <l!d it aeetm Mr t'rlnimins waa enatoe-arlng Ihta plan of .onsolldation than Klrlmrd Croker iiim.' oul for '?'-irnt aaa. When Mr Orok-r forced the nomina tlon of Davld Leventrtti upon th.- Tammany or _ iniz ition in lhe fali and turned down Justtce Dnh Mr Crlmmlna proteated openly, and l.ltt?-rly attarked Mr Croker'fc pollcy. Many polltlclana now thlnk thal Croker, while makina whal he li-lir-vi-s to be a shrewd polltical move, is also. by a.lvo ritinK cheap aaa, trying to retalllate upon Mr. Crlmmlna and 3o oa muen aa poaalble t.> dr'fr-nt hla undertaklna. FIBB W88E8 AT VABJOUB PLACKB. garanpaeett, Maaa., Dec. __. Tha mrge elub BtablB situntp.i on Oalh)upa*a Point, und owned by <? W. OallOttpe, nf lt.irrt.rn. xx-a>" hiirnoil to-nl-fht wlth part of th..' contenta 'rii<- total loaa was ahout M.W I'.-riin. N. H. Dee "r. A larae imlp mlll nn.l adjolntng rheda, latety purchased by Bllaa Thoaaaa of portland, Me., from the Berlla Plbre Coaapaap, w.i-. completely deatroyed by ftr>- this afternoon, and 1" tbe flr- aeven men wera oaushl und?>r th roof >if one of tbe sh This property bas t yean. Th. ? ii.rriT-i.uri-, penn., Dae. M. st Patrtoh'a Pro-Ca thadral, tha cboreb of the Biahop of the Roman Catboll. dloceae of Harrlabo _, wae rulnod by fir-? thi-* afternoon ghortly after i o'eloek a Maaa waa d-scovered in tha rear af tho churcb near th.< altar, Bnd the Christmas .t.ratlona were ?? < ?- > r ? ablaae, 'l"iir- fianir-r. ran up the rear wall and gol between the roof and the celllnf, puahlng their way t.r th. front r.f th- .?hurcrt Th- t-ntlr- Int. rlor whh flooded before the Br. waa pul out Tha nit?r ornamenta and snered t/eatments wero aaved. The orcan was fulned l? beal and water, Loaa IW.iO', fully Insured. Electrlc llghl wir^s croaaing cauaed tba Bre. Ltncoln, tt. II , Dee. te.?Tba Hl-nm aawmllla of J. K. Henry & gona, probabl) tha largeal plant of the klnd la New-England, wera i.11r:*..?? i laal tiixht, and a ilrn?- lhe sitfet) <if the entire rlnage waa threataned. The :.?? tiro is approalmateiy 180,000, wlth tha inaurance MLOOO, BO BOBTB OR BOVTB FRKSRYTKRl.W. NaahvlUe, Tenn., Dec. ? Tha Rev, l>r .i. i. Vaaee, of tbe Plral Preabyterljui Chureh, in hla ?p.-riiioi) To-day ur;; d tha wliilni; out of th*? t-rrn-t "North" and "gouth," an applied t.. the Preaby t-rl.iii Church, and BBld ds an.l w .Irii. I and Inaurai. rely burned, !'..i b number of nol known. I wonder lf th ed . . menl cf tlme la nol al land for tli?? Taoemeni of Keograpblcal marka fr.nn tha name f .mr beloved Presiiyterlan I burcn ln Am?r)ra. Hi.?- shoula be the flrst la put Into preetica tho Qospel ^'... proclalms An.l yat, lt must hr _>1 mitted ti...t whlla "Maaon und IMKons" lln- han dleappeared from the geographj or cltlaenahip, tt aurvlvei ln lhe leogmpnt 6f lhe Church l siu-Hk ta~day for b Presbvterlanlam that r.ha.1 no m..r,. be marked "North or "South," hut whoae terri tortal boundarlea aimll b*- .-<)..rmlnr>u*i wlth the uttermoet llmlta of iha Ks^uollc and American Presbyterlan Church. A NORTH CAROLINA DEAL COLONEL MTSK LIKELY TO BUCCBBD BVNAfOlt PRITCHARD. MB. BWABT- -BFB4T ap cnitkd statkh COVWt ""t'DOB COSMWShSV s*m>BAb~-B. RalelRh N <".. Daa ? Hpeclail-The Of Hamlltoa O. Bwart for conflmatlOB as Judge of the Unlted BUtea court for th.* flreetern Diatn-t w North CaroHna, tha nomlnatloo and Inatani eon nr.nation of Henator J.t.f C. PrttChBW tO BUCOaad Bwart an.l tbe appotntment of Colonel Vlrgll s. i.usk ofAsbevUle, by O-vernor RusseH as tae auc eessat of PrRchard, la the new deal tbat Is now-an foot m thla Btate, an.i the faets ln eorr-boration thereof nre bl the followlng story: n is weii known that lenator J. C. Mtchard St sired t>. i.e appolnted Unlted states Judge f"r *'"? Waatatn Dlstrtct of thi* Btate to flll tba v?c*nc' cauaed by tha rettraaasnl of Judge rtotxri P, Dlt* ai tb. time Judge Dlck retlred fro.n th.* beneh ? wa* thought by Prealdent McKlnley snd the B-pun ii,.,in Benatora thal il would ba Inespedlent for mt. Prltehard to leave rh.- Benate at that tlasa, as the -egtsiature tobeeloetsd Ib IBB mlght eontaln s ma? jorliy of Demoorata an.i tba auecessor of Mr. Prtteh ard would In tbat -veiit be a D-mocrat. Thi* pre eautlon was well taken, ?* the raeent electlon proved. N.iw that the electlon* ln tha Btataa have greatly Increased the RopubUCBB majorlty in the after March a m-xt. the reason agalnat the retlremenl of Mr. Prttcbard from tbe Benate does tn.1 exlst, and the control of rhat bOdy would not t>e b-pertlled by tbe electlon of a Democrat to sue eaad -Mr. Prttcbard. fa view of theaa faeta ll ?> now aaid that when tba name ot eg-Congressinan Hamlltoa <;. Bwart was aenl to the Banata some montha ago as tba successor of Jodge Dlch it bad a string tl"d to lt. It is belleved tbat it wa* underatood by Oovernor Russeii and Banatof rrlteh ard thal Bwart'a nomlnation would not be scted upon at the oession when ha was nomtaated, and that It shoull go over untll aff-r the electlon of thi- y ir Thls d-lay was fOT th. purpose of taklng in the whole attuatton after tba reeult of tha *??? - tlon was known. CHANCB OPBNBO FOB PBITCHARD. The plan thus far ha* been falthfully rarrted out. Ewart has not heen eonfirmed, and the result of the electlon opena l ia way for Benator Prttcbard to re tlrs from tb. Benate and aceept a Ufs poaitlon on the Unlted Btatea bench. Oovernor Buassll is rery anxiou. to h ive Prttcbard mada Judge. When in Rfashlngton a few aaya ago Oovernor Rassell na.\ a long conference with Benstor Bpooner, who in a member of the aub-commlttee which has heen ln ve.-ilgutlng the chargea preferred agalnat Mr Kwari ir la glven out that the Oovernor unroi-ed th. plan in full and that ha ur?ed the Benator to prevenl th. conflrmatlon of Bwart, lt is well known that Ewart was noi rhe the choice of Pattchard foi Judge. bui that he was the peraonal i holce ot Preal? deni McKlnley. becauae Bwart was a itrong* porter ..; the prealdeni when he waa a candldate for Bpeakei agsinsi Mr, Reed. Russeii wants to *<?'. Pritrnard oul of the Benate, bo thai hc can appolni his aue. eBBor an l thui have a frlend In rh.' Benate 44i... v\iii control and dlrect the Federal patronags for the BOXt t?J year.*. -U8K BELBCTEO FOB BENATOR Tho man aelected by Oovernor Russeii for Bena? tor is known f> be Colonel VirgH 8. Luak, of Aahe vflle. Luak ha* bltterly foughl Bwart'a conflrma llon, snd i- ksepina -P hla antagonlsm. A few weeka ago Oovernor Ruasell was In Aehevllle, an.i talked aii thi* matt.-r over wlth Lusk and Prttcbard. Th.; latter aaid, ..f courae, that he must ioyally aad falthfully Btand by Bwart, and while he may .!.. this th. Republlcan Benatora well know that Prttcbard deslrea the Judgeahtp to tbs svent of Ewart'a d.-feat. When in W lahington a few daya a*.. Oovernor Rueaell taw Prealdent McKlnley and talked thla matter over wlth hlm ln view ol tne failure of the Benate to ronflrm the nomlnation ?i Kwart. The prlnclpal* nereto dld nol dealra their plan* to reacn the publlc before they were ea ecuted, i.ut they say they ar.* wllllng ta tak. th. public Into confldence. rhe President ,an and wlll doubtleaa provide for Mr. kwarc "aomethlng equally as good as the Judgeahlp. _ rn. oplnlon ha* been expreejied ihat. the North aro Una Leglslature belng Democratlc, Prltehard wlll not leave th- Benate. It ls not Intended that the va ar. v ln th- Benate shall OCCUr unt.l after the o.ialature adiourna, whlch wlll b<? ai.our tho mi :? . .- March next. Then the Oovernor can appoint, and his appolntee wlll aerve a* nenator umli tba Leglalature elactad Ib UM alaota his auc Thia pari of lhe p!in may he ttpset hy the ad* lournmenl nr tha -eglal-ture, as has been auggeated i,v ihe Democratlc leadera, and whlch ?eema ... ;,ave been generally agreed upon ihis ihreatened deetruction of a portl m of ti>- deal betwoen ?"???? and Prltehard wlll not Interfere wlth the plan whicii ha.- been caref ;il!y OUtfined, flnl WhhJb U .n courso nf acrompllahmenC EWARTfl DEFBAT PBOBABLB. It Is de?lrahle that I.usk he permltted fo serve !n the Benate untll hi* Buceeetor la duly ei*,-ted by the LeglBlature, and th- probablilty thal thai part of tha plan may fali of suceeaa will not be allowed to N ur.nflrmatlon of Ewart. The best Wai mlnds of th<- Benate are ggalnst Ewart, a <!. arlth the understandlng that Prttcbard deslrea tha Judgeahlp. it i- eeev t<> predlct the defeat of Ewart by a vote r hv the fallun of tha Benate to aet umb tha nomlnation. Benator Butler la In favor of the deal. II*I*i lr ensely hostlle to Ewart, and la uelng every erTurt todefea! hla conflrmatlon. He prafera Lusk to Prltehard. nnd Itusaell, Butler and Luak would pull together in the effort to asve aomethng oul oi the polltlcal wre.k ..f Isst month. Prltehard ls ronvtaced thar he can have only one term ln the Benat* and h* la very wllllng to atep out, provlded he land* In a llfe altuatloi "ot coun* Benatorlal .ourtaai- would Inatani y compel his conflrmatlon it la not aiippo**ed that Mr? -McKlnley l? n P*rty lo tha eonaplracy to defeat ,*?? conllrmntlon of Mr. Ewarl on the other hand, N belleved thal the Prealdent earneBtly deelrea hia conflrmatlon. It l? aqually certaln that the Prealdent would be dellghted to nomlnate Prltehard for the Judgeahlp ahould Rwart fali of conflrmatlon. The re>Jn1 trip of Oovernor Ruagell loWashlt^on wa. given oul to he for the purpoae of looklng after the wnr clalma of the Btate. whlch an* hung up ln th.. Treaaury Department. hut it now appeara that l? waa for th< nurpoae ? ?'. puahlng along and glvlng ' impetus ... rh<* _ra. whlch ls here aet forth 8ELECTI0NS FBOM THE MAIL. HfiT LEHONADE FOH ORIP To rh- EdltO* Of The Trihune. Mr: II may intereat your readera snd 'he ptihlio in' general to hnow rhat ln '.*i".'. durlng the flral 1 great Influenaa spidemta, the Board of Health of ) the clty of London Bdvlsed the publlc affltcted i wlth the disease to make free use of h.?t lemonade. Tl" peraplratlon eaused thereby la ta moat casea ,..,?, ,, . , ?,, r, |i, v- tbe patienl from the attack, -x n iuch caaea where medlcal aid la abaolutely ? ne?eaa_rV ln"onchial troublea the acld o lemon iii-e rellevea th.- throat from Irrltntlon. ading at he snme tlme ns a dlalnfectant. As lemon talee, even when illuted to amall proportlona^wlth water. will kill ,'hoiera an.l other baclll theretn con tained, it l* nol ro he wondered at thei it wlll also ?#atrov the s.i-ealled iiitlu.-nza baclllua. . oeeiroj CHARLE8 T. HIRZBL. Brooklyn. l>i-c. 21, UM, ... ? - CABNBOIE AND BRTAN To the BdltOT 0f The Trlbune. sir: By his r.port,-.1 rcent interview wlth Bryan, th.. "paaaed" candldats for dhihoneat money and a banhrupt republle, Andrew Carnegle ha* already dono more harm to the prospects of this country than any t.-n years of pOSSlMe BO-called Imperlal lsni " The frlemls of COlC-lal expnnsk-n COuld Und no better nrgument. morally speaktog. for Ibelr cause than the antagonlsm of the mnn who SOUgbt t.i array the mssaes agalnat tba cteaaaa The de. reneratlon of this country wlll begin not wlth tha atretchlng forth ef our hands to aasure Anglo B.xon doralnatton und Anglo-Baxon civilisatlon In t|,e Paclflc I.ut ln that mom.-nt Wben Ibe man who counted New-Tork u located lu the "enemy'a country" can And aupporl from m< n who once, on the pretence ?f boneat princlple*. repudtated him. The unlon of such m.-n as Andrew Carnegle and Bryan agalnat rhe rl^ht and reaponalblllty i>f thi* Natlon lo becoma an pnlightenlm; factor ln the lln .1 arTBngement of th,* world** government cauae* th.- upsi.ringiug of th. Ki'av.-.-t que-tlona aa lo the moi Ive* <>f Buch a unlon. On th.- one Blde, nr Inaal we nn- assured thnt lr I* demagoglam. pure LVsiumle. _, ,__, - lf, HAl.bKMAN. New-Tork. Dee. tt, 1S9V ? BTAFF AND l.INR. To lhe EdltOT Of The Trihune. "*8lr; In your lssu- of the IMh 1n*t. you printed an adltortal r-iiitive io nuvai reorganlsBtton, of which one of ihe leading featurei is the amalga matlon of tba now dlstinci bodlss of iin.- or ea BCUtlV. snd englneer otll<-ers. Vou QUOtS the late Admlrals Blr Astley Cooper-Key an.i FsIIowm, cf th. Rngttsh Navy a? bctng favorabl. t.. tb. earry. Ing oul of this 1.1.-a In th- English s.-rvlce. 1 may rentura to *.?> that th.>> advocated rery Btrongly thnt the englneer ofBosrs should havo well-Jeflned pow.ra; also, that thelr status should b. Im proved. ao f.r aa relatlva ranh and pai were concernrd Mr lioachen, tha preaenl Fir-.t Lord ef the Admlralty, was alao wlth them so far. But l am <iuiti. sure that tii* idea <>f amalgamat in_ th<- twu branch.a never sntsred the head nf .,|th.-r of Ihea* dlstingnlsh.-.l for th<* strnpl* r. aai n that al preaent lt la Imnractlcabla lt may !?? in th>- future, wh.-n the llne offlcer can under tak.* the duii.* uf the *nginei-r. and lhe englneer offlcer ts able to tak,- charge <>f lhe deck, I'.'W'N.M. a l*l.| N Late of the Roi al Navy. New-York. I'ec. H Uf* ? TOBACCO PLAXT XOT SOLD. Bl t.ouls, l>*c. 2T. tolonel M. C. Wetmore pres|. dent of the Mgg*tt S Meyer Tobecco rompany, and es-Oovernor Btone returned from New-York U_t nlght. Colonel Wetmore atated that Wedding Siiver QORHAM Silversmiths Broadw.-v _c 19th Street 23 Maiden Lane "A notiable event." K.lltnri &_?!_* """'* _ American Art Galleries, HADI-O- BQ-ARB BOI "il UABfW TBSI i?AY*. Week days d&r\}fak Sundays 9 to 6. llSi&il ! t0 6* Admi-sion 50 cts. wfltfP Admission 2.5 cU, TISSOT'S Great Pictures "0*k-ii ( liristniiis ami New YearV THE PACKARD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ANO CORRESPONDEHGE win ruopen, after tb. -hrlatm-u ???. oa Tueaday. January 8, IBBB BBTABLIBH__D 1838, L)urin-_ th.- paat two months md far its young men graduatea aa ?tanta and atenographera from tiual companl inka, bankera Inaurance compai - ''??"?? arma and eorporatlona haa I - n unpr* edented. l_t preaenl there la nol one youi n< ira** ,,,. ,- | ,?- llat of appllcanuj f? i A leadlng banker aaya: "Wa alwaya glve tha pr--.fer.-nf'- t" Packard bo a" Brlcht young mea an.l women enterlng Janu ar- 3 wlll have ampi-' 'Am "* vacatlon to qualify themaelvea foi ' - i-fflr--. oi en dally from 8_W to 5 for .*?? ? _tf_ ot studenta s.-nd poBtal eard for proapectua Addreaa THK PACKARD BCHOOL. 23d i-t. and Ith A nue Net. v rk Cttf. STEINWAY Stelnway *& Son*. soliclt Inspection of a large and sele-t stock of thelr regular styles of (irand and Ipright Pianos, embraclna: some new designs recently introduced. Special attention is directed to their ART DEPARTflENT and the magnifi cent display of palnted, carved and deccrated cases in choicest woods, conforming to the architectural ro qulrementa of almost every art-perlod. Special designs furnished upoa ap plication. STEINWAY & 50NS, 107-109 East 14th Street, New York. ?_J Rheumatic Pains! New Orie.ii'.-, A;'?? ? ? ' ??1 hav. be-n a -affer-r t?m rheamatUm 1 r n - ' ug ? lx m-nth? I eould not rai-e my beoAi ">-'\l' dui m. aaa-a 1 - ilad me. of avai tak ? _> ?V.t* iw.t- I had Bnlahed thre_-.__rtha ot i bottU t Jad vay'a Ready Rellef I <*oulJ uae my armi _. well "?)_*| v ;, ... ie\ aby I hava aaab graet ram u -,,?;.!;????? BnatMMMrt a. Monie'.on-'a Boot and B-08 F-c'.r.,' Hi Radway's Ready Relief Ih Not Neglect Your Cold. DUCRO'S ELIXIR Hi- leog t" en -H standard renssa. ? _?*_? tor INFLUENZA & LA GRIPPE. I id by all truag-t- ? FOOOBBa A CO.. A-renta NEIJRASTHENIA, MORPHINISM, AIXOHOUSM, an* nll T>_:_: addlcUeM <-ur?.l b\ tb. ? '; ; ? r -"r**t-* meni. ladoroed b] leadlng pbyaarlaaa 1.11 WKBT I.V1H ST., M.W \??I?K THE RECENT FIRE At Broadway nn.l Warrea Bteeat '?? !f__ rlty . f Iron srnitrert*. ?> are mai "? aad alao BUndurd Wooden Mra Doors 0 ? iiroveJ the -.uallty o* our -??? ik ... 1 | B ALTHAl-E * ' ' mi an : i - " ?' I * '? ? preaence tn Kear-Torti bad aetbtng to do wltb the tobaeco iiunine-r^. Ua aald: We have aot aoi I Ihe UpK--;t i U. | - '.' _ !_ ls noi for aale, and never haa I. We haveaa solately refueed t.. entertaln any propoeltlon rrom .-mv r-ompanv or corporatlon. w ? woul.l i ; *_:_ tor leaa than $-? .?. and I don't bellev* -bjra" any company wlth that sans at band to buy it ? FOR CANAL tUPBOVEEEXT. DRAFT OP A PROPOIBD HBAgl'RI wTIlCg JXi:-t> CHCAPm thi: con OF CARRYIKO whk\t. Buffalo, I*--.* te. A b BMattng .>f tha Caaal En ' largement Aaaociation last nlghl a rough .'"'ft or b i.iu wiii. h ll la peopeaad to ll * openlag al lha Leglalature araa prta* il '? '' ?*?* v Idea thal tha locka - h ill ba redu ?? d aa far as pa_? Btbla In tho itfts aad wi'-n. .1 to a wldth of tweaty* fIx tcot -iii.i a length of M feat, aad tha can * j* ba ettUaaB ta IM faet oa tha bottom from i* i*T.*^o> to Albany, aith a daptb of tan faat, a ? *J I mit iho paaaaga of a aaetloaal boal ? rrylai - ? buahela of arheat la aaeh aection lt slso pi '??'?"* tor Improvlng tii<- Chanplaln aad Oawego __**_ aad for lhe removal of ill obstructlw navlgatlon and to atratghten I wnrk w:ll .-.horteti th.- route There is t . vialon thal tha work ahall be doi I ' ce *nT? the ri-.ite.i Btatea The ;,.u-...-ti-.-- of tin m**,"5 i-inini thal Ita enactmeni would make tt poaaai" . carry whtat for ona cent u busbel BBOBO BWBWAYBKX FOI LED. Ilaeoa, Oa., i?e,v __. A dtapateh lo 'Tbs -*?"' from VaMoatB, Oa . Mjra that lhe -Viaa "? Vakteata and Weatern Railraad haa ??P ?"? Kaloar, lo Cltach County, about thlrt) ""f * '?'?''' bara. Teaterday waa pay day. The ehlef '**__"_[ .*. B. Oarrard, wani lata teara la got th'' m__\ io pay off ttie haada, im<i oi't'iiii-'i aaam jp.'.v Ar. ba r.-ri,. out of teara o-.\ bafta_a_ < Hght". ruahed out ..f a ihlck duaaf ? luiMh.'M. an.i eaeta i.-v. n-.i a platol at hUa. Tbat ??* hlH mirn.y. an.l -.lir.w.l thal thej Ini.'"''* ta blll him if aaaaaaary, Mr. Oarrard tayut*_ w.ii i..,>s, >,)u hav.. tha irog <>n mr*. l '-"'5>-',)3.. thera i? aa u**?- la aw raalatlng your dea*__aa_ lt- f.-it ln i.ih pocket, aa if t.> draw out a r-i*-" ??_.- iiiHteuii uf ih.i money h<- hmuKht '?r*,??.. lt platol. nnd l?e*n?n to ?l.oot' Th.? imal?-_.rl?*r ?'" tha tlrxl BhOt an.l the next -lu-t kaoelMM* ?'?? .? Other "f tti- blghwayaMia Two more aBatamm f)re.l hy Mr ilarrar.l an hls horse ?la*hert _*__. He waa _hot at aeveral tlmea by tha nagro** *??*? waa not kli.