The name of COLGATE & CO. on Toilet and;Soeps. Perfumes, Sachet*. Toilet Waters and Dental Powder corresponds to the STERLING MARK ON SILVER. DINNERS FOR THE POOR. MANY HOLIDAY FEA9TP FOR UNFORTU NATK ONES. arci lar oBsrnvAVCF or Christmas twter PAT-HOSTf. ?G CYCLISTS ???G??G? OlTT RY THF FINF WFATHER Holiday weather marked not only Christmas Day proper but ye?terday ns well, when the Christmas celebrations of a secular character for the most part took place. Business was suspended very gen? erally throughout the city. All the exchanges, the bank? and all Urge business houses were closed for lhe day. and the streets of the downtown business section and Lie shopping district took on an aspect of Sabbath serenity. The fine weather brought out crowds of people In the uptown avenues. Bicyclists especially were quick to recognise the worth of the ?lay for their particular purposes, and the Boulevard and. In Brooklyn the Coney island Cycle Path were thronged with more wheelmen than have been eeen nt.road since the cold weather set in. On the Si>eed wjy ,-.nadtedS of horsemen spent the day in holding the ribbon? over their pet flyers. The theatres did a brisker business than on any two days of last ?cek the worst theatrical week of all the year. The principal features of the day were the numer? ous dinners given by the charitably inclined to t.'ioee who are seldom able to dine well except at B.'mebojy else? expense. Communier Booth-Tucker thought that the Sal? vati? u Army of the I'nited 8tates supplied, as the agen; of charitable people, Christ ma? dinner? to about one hundred thousand persons. In this city the Army entertained about two thousand guests at the National Headquarters, In West Fourteenth Bt., while "basket dinners" were supplied to about ten thousand families In various parta of the city. At the West Kourteentii-st headquarters the ofil cers uf the Army donned white apron? and acted as waiters the better part of the day, and there were turkey, roaat beef, vegetables, fruit, tea and coffee for all who applied In the assembly hall there were musle and speeches by Commander , Booth-Tucker and his wife l'art of the day ?'as ?pent by the Commander and Ms staff In an inspection of the city posts of the Army. The party travelled In a tally-ho. and r ?sited the headquarters of the flowery Corps, the ? Woman's Shelter, at No. 243 Bowery, and the post j at No, ? Chali y St., In this city, and the post at Concord and Fulton sts , Brooklyn, where two tiicu?and five hundred children had dinner. ATTACKED IN DIVVER'S WARD. When the tally-ho waa passing through Madison- ! ?t . e.t Oliver-st?. a crowd of ruffian? was met and the Salvation Army party was bombarded with \olleys of old shoes, tin cans, potatoes, an-lent bananas and antique cabbages. All the old-time heelers In "Paddy" DIvv?'r's ward seemed to loin in the assault, which continued briskly without lateiTUpttoa from the police until the Cherry-st. post of the Army was reached. Several of the peo? ple on the tally-ho were struck by the missiles, but nobody was hurt. Commander Baillngton Booth has been suffering from the grip since last Friday, and his illness grestly interferii with the Christmas plans of the Vol lint efts of Aineri? ? Christmas Dc.y was celebrated yesterday at the Young Men's Institute, at No. 2J2 Bowery, by a Carnival of Nation?? und au exhibition of relics of the Ppanleh-Ani"r?can War. The building was hbndsomely decorated with flags of all nat?o::.-. Christmas greens and lanterns. The exhibition of ?BRU relics was the feature of the day Seventy two members of the Institute went to the war in one capacity or another, and nil of them brought back a number of relitta, which were placed on exhibition yesterday in the basement of the In- : etltute Two hundred poor perseas were supplied with a bountiful Christmas dinner by the women of the Manhattan East Side ABBQCtallnn. at No. 41?J East Twr ntk ;h-st , ??nr* was a line of men watting their turn In Lafayette Place and : Fo?ir;h-st as far as the Bowery. Three hun? dred dined at a time, and there was plenty for everybody. The four hundred boys of the Institu? tion went to Stateri Island In the morning, march? ing to the Battery, where they took a boat for the lalnnd They got their dinners at Mount I.oretto. rather PllllUgOOlo'a Staten Iel.nd Mission, and returned at night. About four hundred newsboy? had dinner at Adelphl Hull at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, nt Fifty-second-??., and Seventh-ave. The dinner was the gjft of Frank Tilford. of the Arm of Park & Tllford. Mr. Tilford being sick at home from the grip, he was unable to be present, and Alderman Mc ?'all superintended the affair The boys began to gather long before 1 o'clock. Most of them looked suspiciously on the checking arrangement?, aid stuffed their hats In their pockets. The tables were supplied with bOWkl of lump Btagar, nuts, rilslns and oranges. Two minutes after the boys ?at down every ?urn;, of sugar and all the nuts and raisins had been transferred to their pockets. "Curley the Coon" came near precipitating a Hot by hi? chase after an elusive orange that allpped from his pocket It took a roundsman and three po]lc*m?n to get the orange and order. An orchet-tra played popular air?. In which the boys . Joined "Peter the Guinea" sang "I'd Like to Be ar. Iceman" and "That Ain't No Lie." The chorus could be heard a block away. The convalescent patients In the German Hos? pital. Lexington-ave. and Seventy-eeventh-st., en? joyed a Christmas festival yesterday. In the form of an entertainment, concert and tree. In the lect? ure-room of thu hospital. Addressee ?er? made by Theodore Klllan. president of the; Mrs. Muhling and Dr. August Caill?. WEST 81DE CHILDREN MADE HAPPY. Four hundred boys and girls, who Ilvo in the ' XYllth Assembly Di-trl-t, on tho upper West Sl?ie, ! were mude happy yesterday by thu distribution of gifts from a huge Christmas tree by the Wom? en's Auxiliary of the XVIJtb Assembly District Republican club, at No. 83S Ninth-ave. Although UcKctb were distribu?? d to the children, the crush became so great after the doors were opened that tl... ticket* were discarded, and after thai ' I'm Oubbln's Mike" or "I'm Flanagan's Mary** araa good enough for the easy-going doorkeeper. Hooks, game?, pictures and candy ?rere distributed in pro? fusion Christmas wee celebrated In the Tombs with a bountiful dinner, which Warden Hagan provided for his unwilling guests. More than five hundred pounds of turkey, chicken and "flxtn'e" were eaten. The Warden received from charitable persons enough money to buy plenty of cake and two big tubs of brick lee cieam. and each of the boys and the women prisoners received a good-alaed portion. ? The most common gift the men received wus cigars, ? and tho*e who wer? so unfortunate as not to have ; a friend outside, found one lnalde. The Warden ? allowed the men four h?.nrs' exercise, Instead of the regular dally walk ol two houre. Payne Moore ?nd Mr?. Ventatila dined at the ?ame table, but they kept Strictly to themselves Mrs. Moore and Mrs Vermeule received Christmas boxe? from friends. A ?rood dinner awaited each caller at the City Be Sure To Demand, aod See That You Get a BENSON'S, a be ail STAMP) t It the boat POROUS PLASTER Doa't r.*?1?*ft your "?"h?>?t Cold?." Applr Benenn'? Flaatera to che??; they wrrd off c-rmpllratlen? and promp-ly ?rut? th? cold. Price 25 cte. All l.nirii? Of m'f'r?. Seabury a Johmon, ?. ? , If unobtainable. Lodging House. There waa a line of dinner ?*sndl dates for a time at Twenty-thlrd-at. and F!ret-a\e., but they all got In In time. ?...i.. For those who were compelled to eat their cnnet? mas dinner In hotels yesterday, a tempting repast was offered bv the various big houee?. The menu? were attractive and appropriate, and the food served was the besi the market could afford. The hotels were t.istefullv decorated and there wa? an air of warmth and cheer In the hotel? that did much to stifle anv homesick feeling that the observance of the dai mav have brought forth Many hotels had exceptional lunches In the barroom, and the regu? lar bill of fare was so changed that It had a cheerv Christmas appearance. There were many out-or town gnests at the hotels In this city yesterday, a larger number than Is the rule ?round Christmas, and Ihey all fared well. AT TJ1E MARINERS' TEMPLE. Stinta Onus visited the Marinera' Temple nt Oliver and Henry sts. Inst evening, and was received with shouts of delight by the twelve hundred or more children gathered there. Previous to the appear? ance of "the Children's ffnlnt" an Interesting pro? gramme waa gone through. In which the children connected with the various Institutions of the ,hureh took part. The church was decked with Sags and wreaths of evergreen, and over the platform was a big star fifteen feet across, made of tri-col ored bunting, (?n Ihn platform were two Christmas tree?, twenty feet high, burdened with boxes of candy, toys and lhe usual d?'cor..|tlon?. When the crowd of youngster? was admitted to the church, some of whom had been waiting for more than an hour for th?? door? to be opened, the exercises began, with prayer. Then the chur.-h choir sang ? Christmas carol, the children <>f the Sunday-school gave recitations and dialogues, and the boys of the uniformed brigade went through the flag drill and drill from the manual of arms. The Hew Dr. M. G. Ct>ker, pastor of the church, after? ward made a short adores? and prizes were distri? buted to a number of the children of the Sunday school and other Institutions connected with the church. Among those present were Miss Emily Vanderbllt Sloan?, who Is one of the most liberal patrons of the Mariners' Temple, and Hugh Porter. At the close of the regular exercises, the candles on the two Christmas trees were lighted, ahile a murmur of admiring applause ran through the juvenile audience, which broke Into shouts of delight when Santa Claus bounded on to the platform. Every child pr?s? nt, and there? were more than twelve hundred of them, received a box of candy and a present of some kind. The regular Christmas dinner was given last evening at the N> wsboys' Lodging House, tn Du one-st. More than eight hundred guests partook of the bountiful fare apread for them through the gen? erosity of William M. Pieles. The boys wet e of all elzes, from the youth eighteen years old do?? to j th?? lad whose chin reached barely to the level of the table ?it which he sat. There was no cere aaeay. la sq?ia?is of two hundred at a nmo the boira marched down from the schoolroom ?in the ? third floor to the dining-room on the floor below, | where plates heaix-d up with turkey, ham, mashed turnips and potatoes, bread nnd butter, pie and ' celery awaited every guest. The attack with knlv.-s and forks began at once, and even the tnklng of a flashlight photograph of the scene of demolition ? did not Interrupt most of the diners, though som?? I Waved their pies In the air as the picture was taken. As one detachment went away satisfied the | tables were refilled and another squad of hungry , boys marched In. On Sunday night boxes of candy I were distributed to the regular Inmates of the house. A bountiful dinner was supplied to the boys mak? ing their home at the Totnpklns Square Lodging house, at No. i'lT.'. East Eighth-?t. In the evening the superintendent allowed the boys to have a Jit ? tie entertainment of their own. One of their num? ber named Bernard, who Is a .lever performer on the piano, furnished the musi, I G?-tOtdaU songs were sung, and one or two of the ladt contributed ? "back and wine" dance. They were allowed to keep up their celebration until late In the evening, Each received a useful present from the Children'? Aid Society, under ?hose auspices the house Is operated. CHILDREN'! FRIENDS ACTIVA Fiftv-odd girls were made happy yesterday even? ing at the Elisabeth Home, where Matron Hurley had provided a bountiful dinner for her charges. The ? venlng hours wer.? ?pent In games and danc? ing. A number Of friends Of the institution, whl ii is conduct?*] by the Children's Aid Society, as? siste,1 in entertaining the girl? and fri.nils. Each of the girls in addition received a useful present. The twenty-two Inmates of the Fogg Industrial School, a branch of the Children'? Mi Society, at No tU We?t Eifty-thlrd-st.. ate their Christmas dlnnei yeaterday In the refectory of the building. A substantial sepasi ?,?- prepared and enjoyed by all. Th? matron, Mrs. L. E Bishop, assisted by .Mr?, m. Derry, saw to th?? comfort of the boys. Miss Rachel Lincoln gav?? a gramophone concert during the dlnn? r Eighty hom?lies min ?in? frequent th? Cremorne Mission, at Blxth-avc and Thlrty-second-et? had a ? hrlatmaa dinner yeaterday al No. ?ik, East Twenty slzth-st., through the kindness of the Bupeiintend ??nt of th,? mission, Charlea ?. Ballou. Chicken soup, turkey, vegetable?, mince pie and plum pud? ding w?r.? provide?! In plenty, an 1 ,1 jrlng the dinner the diner? wer? regaled with songa and recitation?, The mission has bad ? prosperous year, snd Super? intendent Ballou has m contemplation in?? establish? ment a woman's home -e HAILHOAD MEN ENJOY THE DAY. ENTERTAINED BT ?'< Ut.NKI.ll ? VANDERBILT AT THE RAILR'.AI. BRAK? ? Of THE I'ni'N'l Mesti Christian association Several bundled railroad men partook of Cor nellus Vanderbllt'8 hoapttatlty at a ?'.' dinner at the Railroad Mus Building, No, M Madison-avo > yesterday. The dinner was Served in the larg.? ?llnlng-huli. It did not differ from those of previous rears, From ii:30 o'clock la the morning until t o'clock ? In the evening th?? mea from the various depart- , ments at the Grand Central Station and along the j line of the Vanderbllt s\stem kept coming and going. On entering the building the railroad men ! signed their names In a large ledger. Afterward ! they took peats at one or other of the tables. : which were placed on thre?? side? of the room. ' The menu consisted of roast turkey with cran- ? berry sauce and several kinds of vegetables, ? ' variety of pie?, tea Hti.l eolTe??. and an (ibundiinco | of fruit, nuts, etc In the centre of the room was a large counter, literally covered with a variety of fruits, and the men helped tbemselv?M as they pa??ed out on the way to the social room. They were a Jolly crowd. Every one was there I to have ? good lime, and It Was his own fault If each did not have it. From 2 o'clock in the after nc?>n until .' o'clock E. I. Boyle, "the Blind Enter? latti? r." provided entertainment for the nun in the social room He play???! several selections on the piano and inch number araa greeted with a round of applause. After the entertainment the m? ? Indulged In gamea of dominoes, checker? and carroma The last game seemed to be the favorite. The exercise? of the evening consisted of old faahioned Chriatmaa gHtnes. auch as ducking for apples and popping corn, thus ending another Christmas Day full of enjoyment for railroad men. - - ? ? - ? CHRISTMAS MAILS EXTP.EMELY HEAVY. ????????a?? BELIEVED TO BE Tin. REAVIEgT YKT FOR A BIKOLE DAT HANDLED WITHOUT DULAT Sunday was not a day of rest for the employes of the Postoffice Department, in fact, it brought mor?? work for thrni than they huve had for many a day. The full force of clerks, carriera and col? lectors at the General Post office and at all of the branch stations was at work ;.ll day, and the r?? sult was that the beaV?Bal day's mall ever handled. In the history of the Department was sorted, ready for distribution, by Hi? first d? livery yesterday morning. The pneumatic mall tubes were k>|.t busy, nnd the full fore, of vagone was engaged In forwarding this mall to the uptown stations, while every carrier In those setitllMIB started out yester? day morning with a sack on his back Which would have made Santa ?laus stagger, and with a surplus Btowttd in his pockets snd ander his arm. Tl.?? figure? of the amount of mail handled have not yet been tabulated. Postmaater Van Coti ?? plalried lest evening that every on?? was t<>?> busy ? handling the mail to stop to do iifiv figuring, but ! the rush was met. and the whole of the business era? c impletely cleaned up. Th.? Etrurla brought In eighteen hundred sacks of mall, nnd the domestic malla from nearby points, n? well as from all ? part? of the country, was greater than aver Ix'fore I THE HOWARD GOULDS' CHRISTMAS TREE Poor CHILDREN ntOH TBS bums enteh TA1NXD?BAD a true with BUBCTRIG LIGHTS AND MANY G??????? Mr. nnd Mr?. Howard Gould yesterday afternoon rave an entertainment and provided a Chriatmaa 'ree for about sixty children In the Tuxedo, at Flfty-nlnth-st. and Madison OVO. They were as- ; elsted in lhe entertaining bv Mr. and Mra Q G Klrkpatrlck. The Re?. Wilton Merle Smith, of the Central Presbyterian ?'hureh, made a short address to the children, who were entertain? ,1 by "I*rofea?or" Yarlck wl'h ? performance or "Punch and Judy " Later he did sleight-of-hand tricks, and finally act?-d as Santa '"?aus when the pr?-s ent? were distributed. Fifty-two of the children were brought up In omnibuses from the sweat-shop region at? .? Chatham Square. Miss Mary Beiabcldge, ?uperln. undent of th, woman's branch of the New-York City Mission and Tract Society, gathered th.? chil? dren together. Due of them, a girl, thirteen years old, named Bosalie Puccio, it was said, supported six children Almost all Of the little guests w? re, neatly dressed Mr and Mr?. QouM and Mr. nnd Mrs. Klrkpatrlck were ut the Tuxedo when th? 'buses arr1v?d with the children In one of the rooms a big Christines tree hud been arranged It wa? lighted with electric bulbs of ail ?olor? strung ntnotig the branches, und had been deco mted with a profusion of tinsel, strlnes of pop? corn, colored buiis, cones and ornaments, by Mr. and Mrs. Gould and Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpatrlck. I Underneath It, In a circle, were bundle? and boxea, ? surrounded with a complete circle of little toy ? banks The bundles contained drei??? for the Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEBINT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. Slrls. and shoes and sweaters for the b< > ?. Fach bank had in It a bright ether averter, Intended ns a "neet egg," on Which the children might begin savins pennies. The room In which tho tree BtOOd was carefully cloned when the clilldren arrived, und they were inken Into an adjoining one. There Mr. Smith talked to them, after Iftae Balnbfldge bud pot them seated. He first got them to give a hearty "Merrv Christmas:" and then a loud "Happy New Year!" for Mr. and Mr?. Goul.l. Then he told them Ihe ?lory of "The Pled Piper of Hsmelln," with a mornl: told them the story of Christina?, and then Illustrated the growth of I "1 babtta by Winding ?? little thin thread around the strongest boy's wrist, letting him break it nt first, but get? ting so much on nt Inst thnt the boy tupir.-? SWS y In vain. Then came the "Punch und Judy," Which elicited yillH of delight from the youngsters. Later they were awestruck when the "Professor" cam? from behind the stag??, picked playing cards nnd money from beneath coats and collars, broughj monev down In showers out of the ,-iir. and finally drew? box full of sarment? Of nil sorts, a bushel of pnp??r shavings nnd a greai American Hag out of an ordinary hat. Sandwiches, bouillon, cakes and other dainties were served afb-r the entertainment, und then out came lenta Ciana with a red coat and profile? Whit? whiskers. While the entertainment was In progress a policeman brought up ciitht boy? who hnd been Inquiring for the entertainment at the Lenox Lyceum, aerosa the street Mrs. Gould in? viteli them In. nnd they enjoyed the slmw with the rest. A Woman also came later with two chil? dren. They were also called In. When It ?'.?me time to go Into the room where the tree was Wait? ing there was some embarrassment, because pres? ents had been provide?! only for the fifty-two chil? dren, by nani??, nnd then were none for Ihe late? comers, but they were Invile?! Into the room by Santa Clans, seated by themselve?. nnd received a share of randy and oranges, Mrs. Gould snd Mrs Klrkpatrlck. nfter the pres? ent? had all been distributed, dismantled the tree and distributed the glittering ornamenta sround. Even thr. Clement Cleveland, the Gould family physician. Colonel Blocum, Mr. and Mrs Leroy Baldwin, and Miss Balnbrldge'a mother and brother were pr?vi? ent nt the entertainment A number of other per? sons who had remi about the tree In the papera also entered unbidden and looked on. CHRIBTMA1 DAY AT MANILA. RafMOIOl'fl IKRV1ec. 2?1 I 'hrlslmiM uns generally ob? served among the Americana here with special re? ligious servir? s by Protestant? und Catholica The ?enrice? for the Colorado and Peni ?y Iva nia regi? ments were conducted by Chaplain Harria, of the former Father M.-Kitinon preached a sermon lo the California regiment, though ih. usual midnight maaa waa not held, aa Ihe Arehbiahop of Manila refused his sanction. The ciiy wa? crowded with Filipinos, hoi Ida y-ma king. -? QUIET I>AY AT THE WHITE HOUSE ??????? DAY1I A.\l> Fit ? ? AMONO THB CALLER* I'UltiKTM.vs 01?TI TOR TU!; PRESIDENT Washington, Dee. M All the executive depart? ment? wen? closed to-day, and .ii"*t "f Ihe pr?vete business houses also. Al Ihe White House th? day rather ?m many purrs of the country. ??ne of Ihe las! to arrivi wa? ? beautiful mochil iiird from s South mi admirer of the [?resident. The ? ir . ? -is in p pretty rage, aecornted wli bons, and began to si.?? immedlatel) on being taken Into the house lie was pronom?.?? d ? per f? ' ? specimen Although lluslni sa ara? generally suspended in office?. Secretary \::: sing ?? mu h ?* they wsnted to in the afternoon, and the big main hall resounded with sometime? a dosen men eing? ing a? many different pieces Although to the hearer II mad?? a great discord, the neu seemed to enjoy ??, and eecn kepi hammerli ? al his own s?lection. e CHRISTMAS TREE AT LEWIS C LEOTARD'S. Mr. and Mrs Lewis Cam Ledyard, assist.?.? i.y Mrs Romulea R, ?'?igate, entertained IM ]>onr children from the Forty-fourth Street School of the Children'? Aid Society vest? r.i.iy afternoon, al Iheir home. No. m Lexington-ave. The children as? sembled at T, o'clock, and nfter receiving toy? and various gift? from th?? Sarge Christine? tre.. in? cluding warm clothing, mitt? nu, caps, ?tc . also en loyed cske Icecream, fruii snd candy The Forty? fourth Slre.-t S'b".l and Lodging House, at No. HI Basi Forty-fourth-?! . w?? th? gifi of Mor? ris ?. Jeeup to th? aociety, and is r.ow performing i? large work among the pour. Some ..lght hun? dred boys have been l??lgeii there In the yeer, and nearly four hundred children ar?? now registered ami attend th. dnlh session? of Ih? Bchool, con? ducted by ih<- principal, Miss Bertha M Schlegel. Port y*ali thousand three hundred ano ?eventy-two mesi? bave been furnlal ? ? In the yeer and 9,151 lodgings. According t?' Ine reper? of the ? iciety J /^Be.? | V r- The mvstr iy of life and &^%??t?\? death bai puzzled many r*?Ai^'?j}|~ IT*?] a w's(' ",a" ' '"' ?*CBe . /\i,\/'Jysy?~~^Z_^. mist? of old searched in L? ? Jiff vfl vain ^or *"U1'' ('"'>i'>iiia k* tl lbs WN ti(,n <>f t,r"8s I"?*1 ?'oul'l ? ? afilli! ^^ prolong life indefinitely. Common aense, chemts. try and medical science havr combined in this age to show man the way to a long and healthy life Common sense teaches that a man should not orer work or over-worry; that he should take am? ple time for his meals, for resting and for recteatioti ami Bleep : that he should not neglect the little ills ?if life, because they gif the precursors Of serious and fatal maladies.>? has enabled nun to make combination?? of drugs thai were hnpoeeiblc m the day? "f the alche? mist?; Medical fceience ha? laugh! when, how and why these combination? of drug? aboutd 1*? used. I)? l'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery ia the most valuable of all health ? restoring medicines, and the niovt effective. Ils first work is upon the fountain head of life the stomach. A man who has a weak and impaired stomach and win? doe?, not properly digeat hi? food will soon find that his blood has 1m: come weak and iiiipovciish? ?], BS)d that his whole bod via improperly and in? ufTicicntlv noiitishril. This meiiii ine makes tin? stomach atfong, facilitate? the flow of digestive juices. re?tores ?lie lost app.-tit??. makes assimilation perfect, mucura!? s the liver anil pin ifirs and enriches the blood It I? ihr trrrat blood maker, flesh beildet and nerve tonic it makes men BtroBf in body, active in mind and cool in judgment. it does not make labby fu. but ?olid. BBuacutat flesh, nerve force and vital energy. All rmdicine dealer?. ??< 11 it J W. Jordan. , of, U intiry Co. ??.. write?.: "Ahem two nnd ? half vrars ag., ? ?a? inWrn ??th .r\,: pain? in the rhest. legati to ?pit up blood WS? troubled wtli nighlsv?Bts and wa? ?o ?hf.rt mm ini that I could hnrtlly w?lk half ? mile Tried Dr l'icrrr ? Cnlifes Medic?! In? covery and h*ve improved both in strength nnd weight The medicine dealer who urge? aome auhetitute U thinking of the larger pro?t be 11 make and not of your beat food. recently Issued, the savings of the hoys have amounted to (314 St. Mrs. William E. Dodge ho? for a long time taken an active Interest in thl? lodnlnB-houee, ?nd through her generosity a readltig-r ?>m has been provided, ?hleh tins been found most useful tO the younger unemployed boys. -? - THE FLAGSHIP NEW-YoKK DE?'ORATED. Th- crew of the New-York, wbl-h Is lying off Tninpkinsvllli?, decor.?t-d the vess.d yesterday. There were (Orlatimi? tree* ?nsp? tided from her mnsthends, on the fliigaiafTs and Hie signal yards. A handsome MS silk American flag flew from the atom, and the new Admirar? pennant, the gift of the crew to Admiral Sampson, was also shown. The crew bad n turkey dinner und a good tlm?? In ????"G.? BXPRK88 BAS IRTO ,t ???10?? TRA?R. Vhacennes, Ind., Dee -'?'. \ wreck occurred to? da] at Emis.??. on the Evansvllle and Terre Haute Railroad, In which three trnltimen Were seriously hurt and a score or more pasoongOfl were bruised and BCratChed, The Nashville limited express, go? ing north, crashed Into a fr?dght train, demolishing both engines and wrecking several curs. The freight, in taking the siding, failed to clear th? main track. SF.W THEATRE IB ROCHESTER. Rochester. Dec M. The aew Baher Theatre was opened this afternoon with a performance of "The Highwayman" by th?? Broadway Theatre opera company. The theatre, which G? under the man? agement of Schubert Brothera, is huge and beau? tiful. Hochester now has two flrst-CIa?? theatres. A notti Id?? event." Batteria) -r/>? oafleeh. American Art Galleries, MADISON SQ?ARB SODTR. IsAbbT ii:> ?? ? I'M. Wceh days ?$$$^ Sundays 9 to 6. ifS^?S! f t0 6* Admission .?0 cts. ^qjrWttly Admission 25 cts. TISSOT'S Great Pictures THE PACKARD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND CORRESPONDENCE ?m reopen, after the Chtiatmat holidays, on Tueaday, January .1, IV'!?. G> G Mil IS1IEI) IS8S. During ih?? ? two months th?? demand for Its young men graduate? us office assistants ; and st.-n?.graph?-rs from ttusl companies, banks. banners, Inaurance cotnpanlea, leading bualneaa Brina and corporations hua ?.?? unprecedented. At present there is noi "'t.? '.'..uni; man Btenogra? | jili??.' ? n ??~ i;-t -f appll '.tnts for positions, Centra] location, light, well ventilated rooms, eaperien.I tea? here, up-to-date m?thode, in- . ?li\ Idual Instruction. ' Brighi young men and women cut. ring Janu- : ary ?''. win have ample time befor? the eummar vacation to qualify themselves for business. mil.?.? op ? dally from 8:30 t.. ."? for registration ?.f students, Pond postal card for prospectus Addreaa Till; PACKARD SCHOOI?, 28d st. an.) Ith Avenue, New York City. Reed & Barton. SILVERSMITHS, Broadway and 17th Siree?, ?. Y. 8 Maiden Lane, ?. Y. THE RECENT Al Itr :, iv..,. ?n?l Wai:.?:. ttrecl I '?? ? ,'??, til?? n??.?*? ..t) of Iron Shutter? W'< er? raanutaciurer? of th???, and alao Standard W ?J ?? Fire D on Tir,, tir? timing ??roved th" ua lilt? ? t our ?rork. g M ALTHAt'SE * CO.. 1"! ..i, i 103 Th? rotiaon St. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Ila? been aaed r . o?rw I'll rv TEARS bj MILt*lOK8 of MOTI1KR8 t r their ? ????.?.??? wmu?: TRBTHINO. ? 118 KKRPKCT St'iKSS. It BOOTIIRS the CHILD. SOFTENS ti.? Ol'MS, '? I.I.AVS ?11 PAIN; Ct'RBB WIM? ???.?G, ?nd t? tt?.? !?**' t*:ii*.lv for DIARR1KEA. ???? t> IrrufBtai? In evmrjr part of the ?rorld i> ?a.?* imd o?u for "Mr- ?Via l ?t'? ? olhll " at i lake ? ? ..'tier ???!. Tweati -n? ?? ????ut? a bottle, The world-renowned Fren? h Tonic, QUINA LAROCHE, LA GRIPP? and INFLUENZA. IM r -. il the - ?diesi fscslty ??? ?her? tai Cen.-r.ii ?? Malaria el tiranti Sail il Pria ?1 Parla, ??,??? franca s . : by .?u drjgalati Paria: 9? Rue broaot. N-w ? rt ?: ??? ?- ? a Co film's ^sWE^BNITUBB ANTIQUE OAK SIDE TABLES $7.00. ?ir? Wt'si 'i'.Ui Street._ NEW CURE FOR NERVOUS PROSTRATION OPPENHEIMER TREATMENT, 131 WEST 45th ST., ?. Y. DEBPKRATR CONTEST IX ? 9?1?0?. ?.?????? AM" ? RQBBgR MOT, THI I.ATTKH PROD M :.Y F stai.?.? Taooma, Wash., Dee. M Policeman Brown was wounded and un?* ?>f ttsw robtiera probably fu r ?? 11 >? nini; lu a desperat? oonteel between three masked robbera ?? policeman snd a aaloonkeener. The tiir.'? robber? bursl open the door of Peter Pepe'? ?aloon, at South TVvelfth ami ? st- . rallini ?? him to throw ui' his bandi As he did n.>t comply the) began Brina ai him. Pi ? ?? Beised bla revolver from .? Bhelf end Bred back Patrolman Brown heard the shooting snd rushed to the ?cene, About i? dosen simis wen exchanged before f Man Fran? cisco ???? bus been In Tac?me fer about ihre?? ?reek? Patrolman Brown was wounded la ttie chin. Th?? other two men run out .-nul disappaerei, Pepe declared thai us one of thera lefl the dour ?,. Bred nt him, and ib" man cried oui ns If shot. The poll? e ?re scouring th? vl.-lnlty for thern It ? generally believed that 'he men are ? part of the Bans of bkjhwaymen ? h" have been partiel patini. In the frequent hOld-Upe whl.h have ",?? .iirr. .1 r>.nt'v The wounded highwayman la at ih? hospital lu a dying condition and unable to talk. MOVEMENTS (?F SAVAI. VESSELS. t???: CTNCTNNATl TO TAKI PART IN EVACUATION CSRSMOKIKS AT HAVANA "F t???: '?iii.i.iirit \ ? p?,??? ON mi ITaahlngton, Dec M it was announced at th? Navy Department to-day Ihal ihe cruiser Cincin? nati would remain Bl H ISSUS until after January I and fake pan m tb?? r. reni"til? < attending the Spanish svacuatlon of Cuben terrttory, after which tl??- I will go t" New-York Lai -i riporta in? ?bit ihe dnetnnstl ?ustslned no materiel .1 image by running aground in Ina harbor <'f San llago s verni day? ais.. ? telegram a ? received, aaylng that the collier Vlgllanl bad arri?., ? ?? m.m.?,? * ,\u her carg?os Sre, but alvina ?,,? detalla Other movement? ?ere reported as follpwa; 'in? tant Bteeaaei Arethuea he a arrived at Havana with a fui! suppl? of fresh water: th?? col? lier Sterlina arrived t? Montevideo veoteritay, and the Spuntali prize? Saiidoviil and Aharmlo have ar rlved ??? Norfolk. Word wna received at Ike War Department that the hoapltal ?hip bay fiat?, which arrive \?iur day at Bantlato d? cubs, had proceeded to KiOfB? ton. Jamaica. Tber? U a board of madiosl offloars La Grippe 9 ?y The Ideal Trench Tonic FOR BODY AND BRAIN Since 1503, Er.doraed by Medical Faculty immediate lasting efficacious agreeable Citrj ?oteie. Ym^imW?mA% ? ?. (?ni Kirrii avi-???: and ?.?p? BT.? RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. A hl*h dam fi.mlly Hotel ?aIUi an ??tal I is'c*?! reputa? tion. Apartments of parlor, i.n? or mor* l>?>!.??? ifM, nnd ?,nth. f?irnl?h*,| or ar.fiirnl?t'ecl. l'rl\?f* servi?*? If ?'.?? ?ir-d. I'. I? HATHAWAT, Proprietor. Jitotrncuon. Younir. Lillea?City. A FIREPROOF Fl'IlOOb BUILOIXO. THR VICI.TIN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. ?*) AND ??!! WEST ?4TH STREET. _collegi: ritRrARATiox.___ BOARDINO AND DAI flC'HOOL FOR Ull'.LS. 007 6TH AVE. Her. Dr. ?rd Mr?. CHAS It. GARDNER, Principela MU?. LESLIE MORGAN'S noarrltns and Day .Hehool for itlr!?. Thorough cur?*? and cor?. R*op*n? Sep? tember iifrih. 1.1 an,I If, Rfeet 8Uth-?t. THR MISSKS ELVB BOARDINO AND DAT SCHOOL POR OIR?A Rlvertln? Drlv? ?od Both and 86(l? Sta.. New Tora. Por Both Sexes?City. FRENCH. SPANISH, GERMAN. ITALIAN. ETC. In da??*? or privately. Day tt evening, THE HERLITZ SCHOOL OP LA.NO t.'A O ES. Rro??J?a>?, c<.r. W. 23th Bt.. N. Y.. a IS Coin dt., llkljra. Musical Inatructlon. \T III EA8T 1BTII ?T. .... The OXI*T \ ? ? i>NSi:i'C ?T? iRY, IIS E I I* ?' . Tt.? I'VMulS MISI.' BCHOOL."I??'!? Dull>' Por Yonne; Dadles?Country. THR OPSINrST, P<"HOOL FOR GIRLS. Fin:; BtRB ?? (??--?'?1???. MS? C. C FVLl.riR, Principal, nisi jeer ?ctn.? S*pt*mb*r 21?t. For Tinys and ?????? Men?Country. FAinrtT-I.D ICAPI-'MT.-? Hrm? Scheel for ? ???. At? iraetl??*. he?l?hfnl ana thorourh: individual af'entlon. FRANTI? M BREWER. A If., PH?. FalrfleM. G???. nL'D?ON RivFr. military ACADEMY, Nyaefe, ?. T.?Lire*, ateam h??t"d room fo? *ach boy. Haraea ?r.,1 ? ni?? for riding; drill and artillery practice. MAPI.EWOOD. OONCoPPVlLLE. r>n- Bueeewfnl Klrnot, on? ?? the beat lo htftt?? with ?r.*rgy. to waK? Un ber? to 1tit!*s of llf*: pr*pnr*d fir h.i?ln*?? or roll??;.', 1210; under 18 yeara. 82<>1 Ideation ?.?dutiful, elevated, healthy, no tohnccn. J. Shortllige (Tale?. A. If.. Prln. Grhonl IXrcntifO. VMERICAM AND FOREIGN TKACRBRr AGENCY ?uiipii?"? Prefasaers, Twetoer?, Tutore, enverne???*. ti... to Cllea?*, School? and Eatiull??. Apply to Mr? M. J TOUNO FULTON 21 Union Square. Dniirin?t Gctiooli. VLBXANDIill MACGRF.GOU. 818 Flilti Avenue, al.ove 42d Bt Privat* l.-??ti.? .i.l fiai??? in dan,in?: See etr-u CH RIYCRB, JR NRW ?.???G? HALL. . 74 W-?t I2(Vh Street. CIRCULAR. EnRagementa alao at ???*???. f GEORGE DODWORTII IL? AM? Il F.AsT ItlTH STREET. . ?,!--?? iir.d prlvit? lessons. Pea?cn nos- op*n. ?Tccicl}fr9. LI., prl?. ate tti ? t 117 E. H-J 8t. Two pupils received ,n fain!'. t \?: tv ?. NOWEI*L,_prlrate tutor at pupils' hom?? or Ifd?uig t?otfia and Restanroiue. This t s' appear? ev?ry Sunday. T?.e?day anil Thursday. WHERE TO DINE. For inrc-inatpn. clr-ular?, etc., of ?ny Hotel or R??t?U rant below call or addre?? (?end ?tamp) HOTEL TARIFF BUREAU, U.'t Fifth-ore.. .?lew-York. AH?. mean? A la Carte; Tdh.. ???? d'Hot? D!nn?r. flKLMOMCO'S.0'h Ave. ? 41th St. A la ear?? UDOS ??,????',? 3th ave A18th Alr.Tdh .11 2G,????????. HOKBt?l*0*fl.4 West 28th St. Tdh. CMusli.) HOTF.I. HURGAR?A.? Union Sq. E. Tdh. with win*, 11. TKItltAli: OABOB8.I eSth at . near Ale. ^ ,,..7.V';,MA>'*? ' ???**-?? ?". Uptown. Af CHAT Milli, lg* w. H St. Ato Til,. L'ch ???., din. AICHAT.MJIH. );?,, (Musici After Theatre Supper?. MIM. tit ?? UK ???. ? IH -:?.? ??nlarged and Im - On ?0 ,1V,?. ? 1 Meetings. pit ? ? ~ I ? ?( "1' ? ' ???G"?????1??~?. to-??i?y. Tib-TiLiy'. IrSO; FRENCH tCADBMY, BH Broedway, ? raer nth Bl sinn?.'!?: "Preach Learned Rapidly, Cfjrrectly.?' ?,?.lies' teacher? Invited. Book given complimentary. "Ainiiocmenis. AMERICAN casti,i?: sqi \hi: tW? URLINE In Preparation. AOADBW OF >H Sic. ??????? N'V;'a Mu' 1.1 IF. 42d-st. and ???-???:. OPtell 1 CO. ;?;? ?? - ?.?.?. J! Mat* ?? ' . Hoi . I.IOS ?Jesu ISc, . LUHKNORIN. Nth ?t. ? irvlnit l'I. Regular Mat?. Wed * Sit . 2 gve s IS TIIBATRK '?. .i; us'!? st. Kvge. ?I Mut /i Ht lista ?ar ?. Suiniit HOHN l'roil IH timi. L'ili G??.??|>? imi "til ?re The Sorrows of Satan." ' on the ship who ?p? to Inspect the method? adopted i,y the Brltleh Army for Ike care and subsistence of troop? in th?i tropics. -f-. ifi?CST'oP'THn 1ST SEW-YORK 1//.V \RR1VB. Buffalo, Dee M Two hundred and seventy-one men (if th?? 1st New York Volunteer Infantry, eom prislng Compsntea K, of Poughkeepate: M. ?f j Kingston, and ?, ?>? Blnghamtoo, resehed tiiii? dty i at 4:W o'clock tnla afternoon from the West, on the way to their hornea from Honolulu, They ? PUTTI?? from Chicago over the Lake Shore mid. and after a fi.irr-iiuiir real here stinted over tii?? New York Central ?" Il UHI. NAT eresi ??'.,? III.IOI . IHWIN ??????? KIP. BUOI . f _f_J_?? (MtMil.lK HALL. a?lh Seiiaon. IHUS-ft?, _ , A ?? ?? ?? ?? I Oratorio cfisiat???? q . . |? e r f o r m ? ? e e ? The Messiah Frank Damn ?''.??1??? to Frl.iav Aft.. BOI'Mata . , I??.- :io. o? - Boor., Mine Snmii Aneereoa. . . cestr Mise EalfcerlBe fur, fetsesas Eva,, Tenor, Whitney >!?..!. ? l.l?e. I?. 81, ?? ?. ? Dsvtd Blepkaaa. Reeerrei] ?esta TS rent? ? |??% I tea, ?12 tng Slf?. \'"'.< on ?ele at BOS off ? A DANGEROUS MAID!! Uiei '- Wm! CASINO! Last Mat. Sal ? ? Bel 1 Jan li Ulltan Ruseell * ?mr seat, "l.a Belle Helena" DALY'S Ttteatre, Broadwa) A BOI Rvesinai ? '" vl it' ?ee ?' I ?3 1 ? , .-,??-r iti ??. st. k s--?r? ?? M Kill 11 %>T OF ? KM('P? miss ni:m\ %?< PORTIA. vYedneedey ?n.i ?etui luy Metis??? ?'?Sature*?] ? li perl rtnsaaa, ; i-'irri-rt) t ? ? .? ' f r ?G.. ?'?New \?ir? Matinee and ?\?niej, :n.-i t!mei Hfrchcnt ATueadsy men'. January .1?'. (Ire? appear? - -' MaJSJ RKHAN ii- MADAME ?ANS ???-.'.yi. lai ?'? c?*t pU ) ?'?Seat? no? ? I F e- t???- w oui.i? i\ w AX. ? nnnv ? chili rrn-s hrihtma?. pantomudj I lfY>SBB. CINRMATOORAPH Exhibit? Hourly. f-*? e- H u II - Hui i i Mufl? FflDIDP THKATRK Rroadway m.? MU 8c 1 - lI * cv l i:? enlna? ?:13 " EMPIRE THEATRE COMPANY in PHROSO. EVE?. - l'i MATS it a. A RUNAWAY GIRL By A? Mat?. Wi - | Ne? Year's S &4* THEATRE asth-at, n-nr li?*??? Ev'r?, ?;13 Mal? S t I A 8aL '?! - edn -?..??;-:? CARKICK ANNIE RUSSELL in CATHERINE. ?ADliCsJ t???????. nth-et. f ???? ?on-see? UMIsLfCil Events?* l:ll M.r?.. 2.15. VIOLA ALLEN in ??? CHRISTIAN, ORA.M) 23d at inn tu \- M its. Ri OPERA THB WlllTK HEATHER. HOI SB, (-..?? ? UCDAi n ?g ARE e?? S.??, F!LnMLU ??? Bat I See res"! DELLA FOX in the LITTLE HOST, ??ini?: ?.limi \.?' ex ? .?.?. ??ini?; i?kish \." ? ? m?u "ini: ukisha." . ??' iiMiM. placb theatre. TO DAY "llllllll'.lt Il MITIN." New fur? FIRST TIME. "BRI DBB MARTI*." ' ? BENEFIT M'STR Hl'NG EMIGRANT* HOUSE tVED., TUI"iti*.. SRI a? BAT MAT "Bruder Manin BAT. CTE'O. BYI?VESTER FEIBR, w ...... (a Um i Ut KEITH'S C0NTINU0IJS PERFORMANCE m'lton ? i 0ll1b noble? james thornton. mariyi twins. i.vkkv dooley * james ten rrookr ?Viti? A I^r-tt ?, Hh???- Ben Alfa Aral.?. 5*ir?r?y1 ft Ulle. i'hen?au. tho Bl erfaph, ? _S!'i.i:X|)l" ???1?? PROQRAMMR KOSTER & BIAL/sT" ?SB BTARTLINU Beneetten AN ATTAIR ?G ????? Kor-ian Vaudeville. Jan :.' ?.TWBIB ?????*?. ??1 Crane .? The Head of the Family ???FRIDAY AYTERXOON NEXT AT ? SHARP, COULDOCK BENEFIT. NEXT WEEK. BRAT BALE Till HMlll. V V. I.OODUI1 \Ml M WIM. lili IO IT. ini.? nt?;.'. Nee PUj "MIHt\ ????.?." LYCBI M |?| 4th .i>?-. * ?M ?t . . Beets? 140 ?r.arp. ?. ? ?in ;?? [?I Daniel rnoHMAN.Maeasea LYCBI M [-- Mallneea Thur??l:.>? ar.l SutjrJay at i. TRKLAWSt OK TUB WELLS, ? ??????? TRRLADYNY OK TIIK WELLS. Or?ei?ei '^?dy. EXTRA MAT1NBB MONDAY fXEW VKAR'Si METROPOLITAN OPERA ll?"'.-!:. <;li\Ni> OPERA BEASON l?B? W I'n'.r tee dlreetlon ?( Mr. rimiri???? ?imo. Ram*?, MelMllnaer .mj l,:;. Lehmann; '>'aa Dyek, Trum;.? and l'an !'. y, rn iva., ????- aa Tristan i'Nd Isolds .?,..',!..^. Meinlina r, lein and Ed J.? Reaak?, Pisphae. eUt. Mai . De .'!! I.? '!! KNCHIN Same?, SV-bemann ll?-ink. \:?n Dyrk, Hi?rhnm. M' mai nd Ed r?l .;?? it^n/.k.?? Sa? lOvj; li? :ti. ut pee price? LA TRAVIATA Beinbrich. Campanari liar?. I'rinal?? and r*?.ignno. Bun Evg., Jan. l Fifth Runda) Nlshl ? M? ?. ?.??. i.' M.-vrar?.'? .'i?? i.i. I?>N GIOVANNI. LIU! I.? h manti. ? ,r ? ? ?nd Sembri h; Il J* II**? Ssllgnac ? "uri. ine, Devile? ..., : Maui ? _ STBINWAT ? SUNS' I'lAN'il.-i rsi'P UIIDDAV HILL TURA. IMat. -v-ryd.iy.2Be. ??????? Lei AV. \ 42! Ft '?? nlii??. 2;, ASOC. Till? Wee? I.HUIT? ??' l.oMioN. aue. ; M\I)ISO> S?t. TIIIOATItK. 2 It h it * Ti ?? .\ ? I'.A MATINEE JAN'Y 2? lOOTIl TIMK JANUARY ???. SOUVENIRS ON AND OFF, Mrtt. .-'.'> SAM. T. .i.\( K's Theste*. lin ?. ??! i;i?tii at. Tel. SaTfl >? 2 BIO SHOWS EVERY DAT, '.? AND ?. A Bl Mil. :t dl I,TIMER A ?FINTER OARDKN ? ?F TROPICAL ENJOYMENT. ??S??? JULIA m.<., A LADY OF ARTHUR ' k'"1 QUALITY., Itili mi. Theatre, nr Sta Av. M * ?a' l>iit \\?.?? TU? VILLAGE POSTMASTER. liii'h Pert. ?? ? NIOIIT Han If m ?? s ?uva The !!?p; ?? . were met on the ?ray t.y a mob <, and other hanks in the riti "r?cr.?t asalatanoe. Th?? wai In which entran?*? ta ?1?? hunk wa?. effected bj the robbers Is a mystery, ss all thi window? wer? protected with heavy???* acreens. The from door wa? found ? 'Bed tag m.irnitiK. a? usual. There Is not th? sllgbteal o?*** r..r detectives to work upon "~~~ KILLED Fou ins \io\iY. New-l.on?!.ni. Conn. Dee. M 1"r? .1. ri.k A?tf thirty live year? old, 80 [fatten, ? ?n;'..??.->1 by I?1 i.rock, cu;.?!. Datj ? f.?. eontra?5tor* aha building th.? Norwich and Worcewter Railroad teii?l.m to tit..ton. w.iK found inurd. r, d Olla 8881 lag, [aveartagtuloa show??.! that a? had , robbad of more than Pe?, artdck bo eerr?sd eg m person. Aetro araa the night watehaaaa in l'""t. ?,? miles from thla city. The dlaeoveri w?ta niude ey n falloW'Worknaaa who went to relieve talea. '". victim received several WOUOda In lhe neck Hi aldea, any one of which, the medical examiner*?'?? would hase pi?.ved fatal When found the m? apparently had been dead Baverai hour? II '? ?J," Ueved that lomi Italian, In th? employ of (h? ?."". pany. who knew that ABtro hau the Boaar ?** ?" person, ?Mtaoittad tha aria?.