riir OTafJEM TBBIKB TO U BtTU.T Of ?????
Oy ??GG1?1??? '!?
ruT laianaira ?a ana rararxa !
?Waaalsjfateav ?Re? M Tfce Wavy I>aper.aeeni ?m
issue advertisements to-morrow calling for bWa for
the taaeiruulon of a iranlte and ?t<>n?> drydock el
the Bost ?? Navy Y ml Congrtas nt It? las( -
?Ion made ? ? appropriation of $I.O25.<W0 for thl?
structure, at the saaae liase authorizing thiet ?
<lo-k? to be made of e/ood. at a cost not eaceedlnf
MK.8N tmttx ta Im located at Parteaaauth, S. H.,
l*riir.i?- [?aland. Phlladalplila, nn.i M ir. laland, Cali?
fornia The new B?aetea dock, for ?which th? Civil
Eafln??er Corps <?f tha Navy has been bually pre?
parine i'.sij;:i> for the laat four ?aonths ?? I ? ha
trt* large?i . nd flneal puMIe work ??? ,t? ? baracter
In the United Bl Itea, if ? ? m the worl : a Ivan
tata ha a hiran tahrn ?at rmly rf th" t-?-t?*" ? srith
naval docks in this country, bin the BOOS) BUC?ree?
fu; ano roovtit Btrvotaree of the kind in Europe
have been thoroughly studied uatll the plan? for
the P(?ton ?look repreeeat tin? eaahodlaaeat of :?'i
th.it 1? be?t in mod??? eaglneeitug practice. II
?Will be the largest drydock of any kind In Atter
lea, Living nfiiplf enric'.iy to take in any ship
afloat or likely to be butti for nanny years to
I?- ? -rth ? \? r all will i?? >? fi et, and along the
bc;toin to the outer gatesill url?i be T?? feet the
la*ter ligure reprearottna th?- maximum keel length
cf a ?hi,, that can in? <i,? ked In the structure its
gateway will bt ?if. Inverted atoa? arch, with thirty
fe??? af wafer over the keyatOOC, ami its wster-?rie
width wi:i be exactly M fee:, which le stout
twenty feet In exc?s? of the l?eam of the largest
ocear. s:*am?*r? The site of the excavation for
thl* dork rolacMee with the old timber basin at
tre Po?*rn Tard, and Is about three hundred feet
ee?l of ar.d paraKol with the preuenl granite dry
?Jok th>re. in irhlch the fn?ra'e Constitution was
?rit docked oa June :?\ IBM. TL" latter structure,
which :? only 3d feet loaf, too* more than nix
years ?? bal?a, ??l eoel about IMBjOOB In Its sixty- J
five yeara of eaaataat use this dock has cos; about |
J - ?>? 'or rep.iirs. The new dock will be built of ?
concrete lined with s'.or.e. or altogether of ?tone. |
the alternative being extended to bidders In the j
edtort to Becure a contract for its construction
wtthta the Congreoa appropriation, which it is
fear?? t is Ineufletcnt for the purp Be eepMlally
as the rmtifrtT granita dock, built for'y years uro
a: Brooklyn, coat nearly $2.f":?0.000. and the Mare
iF.ar.t .Jock. M fpet lorg. built fifteen years ag??,
cos?, nf.xrly <JMM ."?'
The ppeclfloatlom for the new Boeton dork In?
clude the Installation of three enormous 11 ntrifugal
p-mps. te b? p:n--ed between the new and old
atructures. with the rapacity to empty th? water
fron ell simultan? usi? The?? pumps,
ae w? :; ia all the ipsi ns. wlnche? and other aux?
iliary docking .?!?,:, hlnery, are to b. operated by
aiectrl " - llttted fr,.m the centrai power s'i?
ti ? of the navy yard, which is now ir. con-.? , *
ereetton Th? bids for this dock will be opened <>;i
January 81, and muet be accotnpanl<8d by certified
eh?9cka for J-.' ??). On account of motlvea ol ?
any. the advertisements wll .;;? u In only two
papf-?. one ;? Boeton .ir.i one In New-York, al?
though It has hitherto been thu custom In con?
tracts of this magnitude to provide for the ?rWeei
pnsi'.Mo publicity, with the view of securing ?-: -
er . mpetltloi
Closely following Cuse advertisements soliciting
proposals for the splendid Boston structure, th?.?
Na\ai Hurej?'j of Yarda and Do Ks will compi? ?
the plan? i>>r the three docka of similar sire and
s'.perflc.?,i featurea, tu ne liecated a? League laland, ?
Mare Island ar.d Portsmouth, which are to be bull! '
af th? :. ? ' perishable, material known In eagln
li.g construction, ai ' us ? Ij sen only Or lem?
porary works The limitation ttxn?; wo?,?] as ?
materia'. f,,r these ?!,,? ks wa? no: ? ;.;> forced by
the meagre ppropriatlona, but especially atlpu?
la'ed In the ad of Congress, notwithstanding the
uafortunat? experience of the Navy with similar
ch?ap Bt met urn which hav.? been built at the
r.avv yards In the last t*n years, and are already
r >tting away ..r collapsing on account of their In?
herent weak) ? ss
.firm ?G??????,.
The absurdity of wooden ?lo k building has re.
?ently struck the naval authorities most ??p.;:.;\
?>n account of th^? Congre?? provision which com
pels them to build a public work of thi? shorf
?lved material at the Portsmouth Navi yard, where
th? baaln to contain It nu,-? b# hollowed out or
eolici r>.ck T> si b ?rings ??????- by t.??,? <??????>..^ nt
that naval station have failed io develop ?nv site
?her? ???? New-England granite will noi have m
be exoavated for ?-. ? |]j the ??ntire atructur?
?-.'.'??? the whole d k Is built In midstream. L'r.
der the??? ?Ircumatancea. tie officiala win be c.rr.
peiie<i by the l?*gla itlve requirements to lln an
everlasting basin, laboriously cut out of absolutely
Indeatrurtlb.'?? material, with ? vene ? of luflamnia
b.e gad rapi try deterioratine materia:
A ?ave crowd turn? l out ?as? evening ? witness <
tve ; gaaae on ? ?Ilei skatn between teams rep
reaeatlag the New-York Polo Club and the Phlla- !
delphia Ptdo Club Bt tha Orand ? ? Pataca. '
The NeW'Yotka won by a score of I goala to 2. It '
?was a. hind Bt raggia throughout lhe %nm>-. The
game w.?s one of ??? best tt*n In this ein this
aeaaoi la tha rat period Tarraat, of the home ;
team got the rueh, ind aftei tha ball h?.l been
rolllna up and lowi the fink for about fourteen !
'? ? ? a ? ? ? : m ,'amiiK li for a goal, in j
the a ?? . : ? I < impbell, tVhtpple and Tarrant
? I * ? rue t th? Philadelphia player? were ,
n?or.? ?uccaeeful thHti ihe home team, as Campbell !
s red two ? - for Philadelphia, while Tarranl '
made <.n?? f.,r New-York. At ihe finish of the aec
< ?? * period the , ?.??? waa ? tie. each team having :
2 goals to it? credit. I;i the last period Campbell '
got two rush?? for Phbadeiphiu. but they were un?
able ' > ' Ute the ball, and after 4 minute? and 50
? lai bofleld icor? ? .? goal winning the game ;
ii.r New-York bj a More of I to I The lin?? ,
?-? ? ?*. i' ?u. ? lit.uii, ,i aia.
Turrar?.?'it i,i?Wi . Campbell
I - p : ? ? .?A'hlppl*
) ? ?.' ? ? tf ? . Mi Kay
y ?? . Ma'ftiM'k .Mertaugh
B?r?y - OJoal . .........Altea
The atuaaaarlea:
?? ? ???. - . sed by Ball ruaaed b] Tim?
G? am r?:n?' 18:80
Tarrant ....
Ph'ladatphla.... ."nt? ? t. i; ???;.?,|.????? . 8:18 I
>?* t, rv Tnrran?.Tarranl .? ?K? ,
? ?delphia Car.tpt??,!... Whlppl? . .irto ?
- - -.. Campbell Time
>.??? v r? . Sr-h'fl?id...Campbell . 4 .'?o ?
-.... ?.. ??c-.pt.ell Tin,?
?'???.?????.????? '? BA8T Vl<"V<)HY
The Brooklyn Polo ? ?'. ?,?? defeated i>> the i
Philad?!;.hla Polo C.ub by a scr.re of S goals to S. ;
yesterdiv at tn.? Maltby Academy, Hr.?okiyn Th?;
Brooklya team was <>u?. laaa? I at every point ?nd
the vi?it'..-s SW 88 they pleased. In the tlr?t period
the Hr.xiklyp? ?tari.'l off Ilk? winners. Coyle ?cor- I
trx a ?'? ?i lri leaa l?haa two minutes? play, but (he !
Philadelphia playera ?ooa r.ra?i ahead, Campbell
B'OrinK iw<, goals and .\lien. one In the ???-^or.d
peri?,.! h th teams scored ., goal \\'?.i[.?,:? ? orina
for Chiudermi., :mi Corle for Bivoklyu The last '
,.. rl . w.???- tue b'st of the game. ??-ikliis s? orrd a
go.ii for Brooklyn and ?? it waa the laat goal tuad.?
b> c.e-n Philadelphia scored I Whlppl. making
8 and Campbell, -' bringing ;?.? final ? or.? up ??. <i
to 3 The II... ?
Brookljra ? ? ? >?? ?.? ? I llatWIi I la ?
p*r..:? ? . . ' I?! ??.- .'hii.pt.* :
f" ? I- .S'? '.nd ru?h ...... Wl.;;??
Ti^rrieT . ?v?tr? . VK
T? Mn. Hal'feaek .w.r.m
t? .f; ? ? .????? Altea
Refer?? Martin
t??.? aummai U ?
? ??. . ?s?d by Ball ?.??.? fia?
1 ? f \l?. . . . V,hlppl? . 1 4.1
? . ? impbel. ? ' ?? ? . ? "o
I" ..? .?;?'. ? .... A.U? W hlppl?. . 1 '"?
P> ?;* '*lDhli,.<'Mmpb*ll. ' I "?
. U'klppl? - Tin.?
y '.Itoelphla ?? > .???p??1*11 . 'J G?
Ib?. U'.vr,.Coyl? .?-.?le .II.-M
. ?;??.. . Tim?
l'Mla4?lph.a.Uhlppl*.Tl.-rn. v .... . ,8:38
Phlla4elptila, ....Whlpp!?. Prrkln? . ... '??*?
I? ...PVrSlf!? ..?amplili . dis
G? - .? Iphta. . . WIiih t? ... T- Ma .... 1:08
I" )' ? .? ..<??p????;;.?*?????;|, . il'.
FI lad'lphta . .?Vmpler ... I-rk?.?.- . 8:38
.... Carni pel) Ttia?
The Jersey City Pol?? i'luh .?efeeted ti * N'ew-Votk
???? team by a .core ?,* 6 j?oals to 3 yes-enlay afler
aoon at the Oakland ? Ink, J?m??y City. Th? Jersey
I team played all ?round the New-York until ?bout
' five minutes before the second perlo.i was over,
when Tarranl came Into the game and atsased to
wake tb- New-Yorkers tip The play was rough at
: times, in the flr?t period the .ler?ey CRT team
scored In less than IWO minutes' play, HSUghtoS
making both the rush and goal, and before time wsa
called, purcell scored for Mew-Tsrk. in th?? second
period the Jersey cttj teem ?tarted off sad ?cored
five goals in ?urreealnn, iiadi.v ?corina three snd
Hough ton and ????.? bush on.? each Is lb? Is?]
nerlod Tsrrnni gol every rush Iha1 we? me??, und
odi.?field scored a goal for Nes fork, aeaklna: Ihe
M lia I score ti io ?.
The line up.
Bee v..ik ?? ?? '?,?????.?!? Jetee? nt? ?' ?'
Mtireell. Hist Mail.Boui
S, h iSeld . --. .nd ru-!i ..? ' ?
;/*?,',''"' I .'entre.?????*
Hldri.lge I
^i^? ne . Mairi*'!. .Kurbueti
Beri ? .ilosl.0 Ball)
Ft? r.?;??* ? tjti;
'i'he sumti'.-iri. -
\". . ?. I . Ha ? ?? ? I ? Ball ??.??. by
.i. ?-? \ ' ii] .. .Houf-titon .teotissieti ' *"
? \V? l'Olii.I'm ?II .Iloiigliten ... ? 1"
. .... . ?-ht -?; T me
! Jersey ?It?.!1???!>\ . II., ?.:).? ? .7.1."'
? .leraev ?'Iti .......Huughtun .1!??iielil.ni. ?? I'
Jersey City . Furtsjeh .Hougliton.o ?'!??
.-? ntj .???.??? ..fi.t,?? : ... ? SS
Jersey City.ltu.iiev .Parrei.I:8u
. . . . .TSrrant. Tin*?
New ?.ti. Sehoneld .Terreni . ... R:20
. -? .Terrent. ... Time
Infinit? pain? bav? been leken ??:?? the officer?
representing Ihe v.i, lit Racing Association of Long
Island Sound to enable the'average yachtsmen lo
race ins bout without fear of being continually
? iten, a? In form??!? years, by craft whh h win
solely by reason of th.netruction. ?>p ?.-?>
ber II Tire Tribune printed the Stephen? table of
Bcsntltags, aad a synopsis of the committee'? re?
port foui days before I be general meeting, it sow
givi s ih? restriction* thai have been mede law In
regard ??? ihe racing knockaboui classes ot the
:: end 2." f? il water-line length. Thes? will con
tro! ail ihe building i?? he Immediately started in
these classes, end hsva been awaited bj locsl
yachtsmen for mi
G at? of thla type ar? Intended ? ? be ?oawonhy
craft, w!?h caoln-hous? nnd farr accommoda! in?
w!?h water-tlghi atandlng-room or air tanks of
Bufflclent capacity io float the boal when full ??!'
water, rlcsed Blmply, with only mainsail, fore? ij
?all or Jib, and aphinaker There ar. le be two
entases one of ?-fool wster-llne ai d or.I . I
water-iin.?. the Biessuremenl lo be mude with full
equipment and eresi <>n board. The beam el ihe
water-line must not be lea? than ?u specified In
th? a?, oui pun > Ing table, and Ihe freebosrd musi noi
be leas than thu; mentioned, except that a re
ductlon of one Inch will be allow..! for every In?
crease of one fool In beam. A centreboard, when
iiv.-d. muai i^e of wood and must nit be weighted
astra beavli) than is neceaasry lo sink ?: readily
The cabin musi hsva a floor between frame? amld
shlps in width p ?1 lesa than one-quarter Ihe great?
est beam, snd In length no! lee? then ipeetned. The
minimum headroom over the required floor ?pece
and the draught of the bOSI are shown In rb.? ?
There nuil be ? partition of th? thickness spec!?
fled at the after end of the cabin, wl.l h th
fitted with two permanent locker? Tke total
pldc fixed bailas! mut-t not DO less than Is specified
for th<? required beam. A proportional red on
of bailas? has to be allowed for each inch Increase
in beam Certificate of weight of ballast mus! be
furnished to the measurer by the deeigner and
builder. The keel. Btem, frame, house ?md deck
beams muai ?..??! osk or its equlvslenl ? Irength.
Deck clamp? musi run from ?tern la stern, with
ti..? minimum eros? section ss specified for si ? ?-?
one-hair, and bilge ?tringer? muet ?m t?.r ?? least
on?half of the ?stremo lengl ? "f the boal amid?
ships. The damps end attinger? ar? to be of yel
low pine or Ite equ ralew In ?irength
Tn? sail urea. U l? provided, ahslj noi be more
thdti thai ????-? iti.-i. end noi over eighty per ceni of
the urea ghsl] be In tb,? malnssll The measurer
shall b?? provided with-the corre t ssll iiiau <?( any
boat ?.? b? mesaured, ? r.i prevlou? ??> measuremens
t/ie owner ?ball causa dieting utahlng mark-, aa tie
factory to the measurer, to Ih- ?.', ed o? trie s;,.us
as follower On the masi at t'(? ?. k al the foot of
the n.ilnsail on the boom at the ?dew of the muin
s.?ii on the ?.iff at the peak of the mainsail. N<>
part of tfie mainsail ?hall extend beyond
marke The murk-? aba!) be black band? palnled
around the spar? In s manner ?attsfsctor) to the
measurer; iba inner edge? of ti.?? band? shall bel
limits of the ?ail. The area of ihe Jib >hull be con?
sljered to ba 'he at. a of the fot ward triangle, vii. :
The product ot on?-hai' :he distance from ;ne at
taehmeni <>f the tack to the eleni or bowsprit to
the forward side of rt.?? maal it th? tack mark of
the mainsail, multiplied by the diatene? from tbi
;?;-! e,ig.? of the said tack mark to thi - ?;
mark Tiie extreme distance from mast to ?nd of
?plnnaker boom when In position ?s used ?hell not j
be m"??? than 4o<? divided b) distance from deck 10
tr.r'.a?, of ?plnnaker halyard block, iigured in feel
and ledmani
Kai . bos! m ist carry th?? an? ho? snd cebi? ?peel
fled, with bucket, pump compass, foghorn, bout
book, kadllne, lantern and life preserver?
Th? number of th? crew Is limited, .i-? ?how? Ini.**
table The helmsman musi be su ?meteor, und noi
mor?? ?han one paid band will be carried
All buais launched previous 10 the adoption of
these rules, und which h.iv?? been accept? ? by Ihe
Knockabout Association under previous rules, will
be admitted to the classe?
The table of restrictions referred to is as follows;
? law ?
Length on I ??. ? . maximum. Sl' RV
Been? ?? i. * .. minimum . V jr
t'reei?.iird, minimum . '.:"" -I"
Length of eabtn flour, minimum. T W
Partition at after -nJ of > abin. n h
muni . . .... '-" V
Headroom, rnlnlniuni . *'!f" V
Hallasr. riilTilin'i.) .... .3 ;.??? Iba 0.000 Iba
He4?(-tion ot ballaat for ?ach lo h In
treeee .f i.eam . ?r? u.a. sf? li?e
Area of frain?s mlnlmurn ...... 1" ?%"
Ar?i ? t ?!.?? k he.iri..- mill '? II 1*4" - ?."
Aie? t Bouea bean.? mil tn in V -"
spacing ..f frame, ?lee? and ti .-e
???(???*, minimum ??' IX"
TiiKkr.efs el planking, deeh and aldea
of 1 .n???. mli.lnniiii *? " "?"
T!i|r-kn..?s of top ..f bou?*, in ? Hi :ti. '. '.
Pi? >.?. ?e nog pfdeck elampa, minimum i" ?
' ?.? m aectlon of bilge stringere, min!
?'???? ,...,, ,...... * ' 8 '
Sail aren maximum. .... <l??i ? i ft. BUSeq. ft,
Lrsught, maximum . ?'. ?'
? Yee maximum. .'! ??
Well ? of anchoi minimum . '-'?'? Ibe 4o u.a.
length Of cable, mirili, p.? . 1"" i;io'
?!?,? ,.' chi'1?, mo ImUM . 1 4" 1 ?"
??"HI '"riiiN LAWS
?'lib??go. Dec, 2f. (Special) Members or tn,? ir;.
rage Taehi Club ??>? formulating plans for bring?
lag out Lours t. ? ontest in the trini races for Ihe
honor Of belli? ?elected to race for ?.',.? Canade -
???;? next eu m mer, In the International rH'.'?-s to be
sailed ?? the Royal Canadian ??.-.?? Club rourse ? ?
Toronto. ? meetlns ?." the Esecutive Committee
a.,- ?,.?? ? y eat erde j In th? Monadno ? Houae lo
consider Ih? detali? of ?av?rai yacbta ihat will soon
be it, . uif? of const ruction While nothing .?.is
Anally aeree?! on nt mis meeting, \v ? Crawford
announced that an Important decision wi;i be
r? '.? ? i-fon? th" ,.t,.i 0: p,?? ireek ?lher ritte?
r it ?re member? of th? Inicrlsk? Yachting Aaso?
?lutlon are ulready making Iheii plan?
Mr Crawford, who is best known in N'ew-Yorh
us the own.-r of the v.H tit Vanenna, show???! thai
thu plena of the Toledo yachtsmen .'u; thi ?
s truci Ion of a (issa bos! anno! be carried out
The Toledo met. bav? aldel) etated thur they a-.?
oonteini.iatlr'K building n boal that Will
smoother aides and i??ss reslatsue? iban ;n.v vt^f?
now ufiont. Qlsse ?? ?., be used In th? coneiiuctloi
M ' rawford -?..?s thai inch ? bout could not be :
enter? ? either In the irreii:niiiHr> tri.ils or In the ?
rnni'i ra<??-. for th? res son thai th? plan? ?a ? ??
conform to the met hod a of building laid down bj
th? Y.i.-ht Racing Cnlon of North tmerlc? wiib-h
ru:.?? are in for..? in ih? Interlake Aseoclatlon
??.?.?'.?!? aaeuranee? havi already been mad? to I
rr.Hhe p certain ihn?. ??? com. m- for the aelection !
of a boat to conteai agalnal tke Canadian yacht '
?? ? be almost ??- determined ?? th? bla race Itself
I hese contesti alllb? b? ween Amerlcsi It lei and
th?? \ae|n-build.rs are nos In competition r. ?
' It) along the On ai :*ik???- ' 1
860 Broadway, Union Sq. & ^th St.
If rOUgni |N brass & iron,
MetSl R)R Interiors. 0p?!N
Work Fireplaces. Etc.
Our Own Fonnilrle? r-?il ?hop?,_
CYCMK?? AT thi: harden.
TWENTY-MILE ??'! '? ?.
I HKi.. BROKI IS ??? ??/?????? Ul TIIK
\n ??! HBP UOMO ????????>;? M MOTO?
CI CT.B am? t t BAB TO '?" ?? I
OP lu anteas
? %r ?.? ra? inn ha? certainly boi lost bbj of its
? harm Or Ih? general public If the ?ttendance
m Madison Bquare cir.ieu inst night Ii .my eri?
terlon. The programase ?as an ordinary one. ex?
cept that ? novelty rn,??? of twenty miles was Intro?
,;.. ? ,?, in which .? p.??'?,!.-uni pariai machine was
?,?.?.; ??.??\?.?.-?? six th.insanii alni seven thousand
* people were pre?.nt, und th. onlooker? most of th??
time were on tt..ir feel yelling iik?? mad Partteo?
iii-ly was this the caae during the progre?* of the
ht.al heut?, when ils ?.t????????..???- batt'.ed for
meagi caah prlar?, and the imatrur* for lee?
j bulini' ...i? ' r:nj>. la
The wood?? ti traci had loot Its eaucei Ilk? appeal
ance for last night, i-ing tanked ah? ui ten feet
at the tutus The ixlrelni? angles looked ii.niK--r.iiis
to Ihe Inexperienced eye, but the change wae |u?l
what bad been ?.led for .? track which required
len circuita of the building to make one mt1?
There were Several falls In II,.? course of the e\eti
|ng( ihn of the riders taking flying header? off
tl?..? track .?t tiie hlghesl polnl snd landing in a
heap on the tio.,r ten feet below Ueorg? Carnerea
was picked up uneonfjcloua, and a physician ??s
- .. ? mon? ,? foi him, ? ul II ??? announ? e i latef
that no bones bad been brokei Th? other men.
singular!) enough, were not Injured
There waa a big delegation of members present
from a bicycle organisation composed of colorad
men. called the fa. mie? Club When M T Pave.
,, dueky member of the elub won ? beai lu the mile
handicap the delegation made enough noi?? to start
a ri,.?. Hats and ranee ?rere thrown Into ihe Mir
and fl will rush was made to gol al the ? olor??I
.- hero His friend? vice.?,?.?,? to ?rell that
th-v managed to knock him oft bla wheel Then
? ? titled hitn in triumph off the track on their
shoulder? There was no demonstration ??*t?? ? the
linai h?-at Henry flltaon, called "Michael the Se??
,.n.J." waa sui 1 lo have ridden hall a mile I" 18 4-.?
seconds. ;i nfth of a second better lhan th? beet
previous tra h record, made by Thomas Cooper.
The much-heralded twenty-mil?? paced net petro?
leum inoior Sgelasi human paceBtakera, turn?.I out
to be one of the most gigantic flukes of the -
Kikes waa lo have been pacej by tandems manned
by profeeelonal ri ?, -r?, while Baton and fl ? siman.
each ?"'':?-' ten mues, were to be paced by Ponrnler
on a Prench petroleum bicycle. Kikes, with bla t,,?.
rji me lalned ne irlj s hall ! ip In tin firsl lap
and i??. !?'? ? mile. >?' k- - was .? sp snd .? hslf
Then ihe pe ? .? lui ti." ' ? luck" of the Preach
ma !,:??? stoppini and th? frenchman dismounted
A |e ith( .' h? M t? lhe '" tchln? had ? n led Tl ??
Kr. it, hn.rin sard lha( h? did noi ?' ? ??; belt,
and the ra?.u ,?-,? In .? Basle, n vs..- .? freak
feature I ps( snd loo mu? h should n? I be e?
ueeted from sud m ?, Inn? s on su, h a small tntcb
????? ?lirong ??'?iieii its w.iy homeward sorrowful
?,?,,? ? hough tf ill, wond??rtns ?Imi would h* ihe next
Haw cy, ling drama
g| MMXR12B
???:' mil? ?mat? ? '.? il ? ? . W ?
Mii.'itt ?*? i>t,.. W i' B'abwnberger ??? I
.-.? ,-, : ?!? -??, ? ?. bea ?> ? b? !'. U g ,
???? iii?.ii?:,? 'lirTt,? IM". Third li*?! *l .? lo .' Il
?. ?? , Kl, i ? ?- u. ? T|m? ? I'-'?? Kourth rtaat * .?
b,? ? ?' ? ? ? ? Vort Time I 10 Plfth heal ? ?
bv O. C. Schreit? ??? ? ? 'ori Tlnw ? u?s sixti. beai
wuti bj H H ? .t N?? ^ ?'??? '?'???? IH'? geveatli
:,. : ? hi bl ? ????? ? ??, ? ? . ? f,. Tin* ? ita??
KIN ??. Ill \
? ?, (Cranter, Bart Oran g? . 1
c M Bita S??? Yak . 2
W K Wahrenbergei Bea v iw. ?:
T:?,..? 1 14*?
Krtr )???! for thr*? lapa. Then Kruiner ?hot to fh? fi t.t
an?l u ? f ?? ?.i? ovei Th? Orang? man ? si with ?,n,?
ihlne I? Sp? ?? I?. ?? ? IM ??M.? El ? ?n.? a* f?r Bhrad iA
M'a htm b?
ilalf ??,?.? prof aalonal ?? ralehl l'un t.?a? ?on by
o?, ur lleditr :.. bi , ????* ? li'. s?? mi b??!
won by "N'Ht ' Butler, H ?-? ?? Tln?e ? "7s Third h??t
?.?? ly ?: 1 Kraal cai ..-? Tim? ? "<\ Pourtti
;?,? won b) fi.. Uatori. ?*? ??.?? Tim? I on I'l.'tn
h?a1 ? :: ' Henry ??.?...??1. II??.? : .?-?. ? \ It Tim*
1 I??
i i ? ?j - ?.- ? : ?.. Rroofclva . i
lleno ?? Iwel Man .??? ? . S
O. I. Kreamar, I'bicagu . ?
"N'?t" Buttar. Boston. . .. 4
Tim? 1 ?*.*.-?
"Ksnaaru'j" TI ?Ostrom t?^.k lb? load on the thlr.l lap
inij i..? ? n ?? h? plcaaad by feui >f,tc't,. f'aldwell *??
a l?riKtii l.ef./r?- Kr*?in*r
?met?,!!* handicap tprof?a?lonalj Hrst h*a
?lurl?? lia,111*1,1. Newark ,?kl >?????. 11 V
Ktrw-Yorfe iS?i >ard?), ?cond Tim? 1:0? si
won by "Nat" Ssatler, Beaton <??:??.?.. ?>
'"' Bgu i7.il yardsi, ee-?.n?! Time ? ITS
m ? by ? ? mu?. ? ?? ?, ? .?? ,.??? i-arda
Rrooklyn i4?j yardc), st-.-oml Tim?? ;
h? ? ?
l\nr Lawi
jk\yn <??,, ?., d
SO ?ill I?.
Tin,- LI UH
?*.?. ?,? h?
! ? ? .?p??
Third h?
mmr ??
?? H Pour
?. Kreamor, Chi n,?? 99 rard?i
<m .1: H??,!.?? 1 ,11. H ? > Ijm i4o \Ht,.M
A Ni -ilei. Ne? ?oft ?tVU 1 irda)
I ? (ek, New V rk (80 ? ?.??->
Tlm?? .'m."?!.
w. n i.; ?,? , Icagtfca; a lni?tb i?-?w.
. <i, 1 tint.!
":??? Bill* 1 indi .,[? (atiiht.iii 1 pirst heal won by V I.
? ? .. '-' ' (?mng? (?< rut, hi: Tbun ss Adml . 1. I
?.?> yard? ?etond Tin.* :? mv Baeoad i.e. t ?run 1
J 1? 1-??? i'??. Itl? ?,???.,r.,| 140 )er,l?? h. ,? Schreiber
?N"' ?or? S'-ratch?, ?e, .,?.? Time ?.? 17H Third Irai
" '. N| >'' New-Torl? i?ciatcb); w ? Wahren
??*? rorh 118 yard?), m?. und Time " :i
! ? heal u.,11 b? ? lllall?'*. Kew fork ? ???> ?ar.l?,
'??" N?? Vor? IM r*rd?i oeoond. Time- ii 81'?'
rifiliit.?.? w.n b? ? ? Hei*. s-w Tofk m> >ard?i u
M MiKjnile, Ncw-Tork ?n?i yard?) Tim?
. is?, Sina lient w.,n bi .1 M Blanqul New ? ri ????
??lit., il?;,.-, ?.-!? ??? fork (ino >?!-!?) Monnd Tira?
2 .'?'. Seventh beai ?roa b) 1; Ungman. nv?? torti
_iy,i.,: ,;'.?. '" '"''"? ?"" ? x'w v":i? ,:" 'ht!" bb?
'"",-'-''? Blghth "..? ? t, bj ?iilmni Krank
Ne? I ih il?i yard?); lohn k;.,L- ?. ?,,. ,7,, ...??,, ?., .
fin M. Hi: ?
K. C. Bel ivibei N??? '? ork ,. ,? s? .
? \i. Rrt?, s*?., rort larratchi . .,
,-i. 8Yanh \??? v,.,K ,<?, %?.?, . ::
T: m* 2 1!?
\. jii l.v a f..?.? I.Hlf u length e?,.? .?..,.., .,, t
S,,?, rrancteco, I/e,? W Th.- ?>?i!i?r was clear
and the tra.k fast at Inglealde to -day T|,H sum
mai Ira follow
nr't p, .mng ??? hirloagai .?-j ?,,,.? ?,? ,.
Ward? i ??. 1 woa; 8nn l'<fc*. ???? .i i?.,?, ., >,, ,, .
?fi ? ?., ? ...,,,,?. (?acdale, lu?? ,11. Man ? ? ?.. a
Tlmif? ?.Ol'i ? ? ? -,
Beoind me? (handicap inir.ii??, 1J(,e ral?? ami a aaar?
, '? .-i 180 iKerlnl, ? I? 8. wun , ???
-.? ';.,s,r,'.H"'v.:: '?" ": r ' ?? '?"-'
?' I : - ? ???- n.u. gentlem? . : |?G?? ??.. ? ,., im
[Y *???.? ? to I. wog; 1.d 17?/ ?Ml
?' ?rt? I tu 2 ami ? ,- ?.?. ,? ? Hasard ITO iMr r'.'i
?'?nd ? third Tim. ? ,t'?
lus .1 Martin), . ... s ? ,, ?^ ?, Ifur?l loi
'" '? ? sud . t ? ?, -?? ,,?. ?. lora?*? &,
?i' iln? . lo ?. ihli ? T?a,? | 81?
Il ?? sii t,.?! ngsi n ri -ran a
??'*?,,?G? -.'' ' ? '? ? ' l?-ttlanl 11. trj M.Xl. k?'.,
:, ? ' ,1 '? ' - ' I ''? ? Urlar? ll& ??? Martial'
a ? ???, ? im? ? ?,
"??' '' 'handicap; ?m? ralle and a Blsteenthj Uala?
I '?"> '"? ?!'.?. 2 ? ? s .? li? .... Tlerrs II ? li
? Sea-as? b >s.<*e?gae???T. ?*J s ?s.?s>aae, ? e?^? ?c ^sa?a.?i-.sJ?a??? <??*?'?. ????.????????? s.??
Nature s Remedy for ;
Hunyadi J?nos
] Insist on Ravina lb* Genuine. j
?********'***** ?S*wsj)?flx?s ??a??.??v<ws>?a???.^?<'s?.?s?sae swavM.???vi?.<S)
72,000 Yds. of Printed
At l2?/2c. a Yard
WITH Christmas barely over our shoul?
ders, here's a fresh and delightful
whifi of Spring. We begin this morning a
sale of Organdies that is going to make a
The cloths came lruin Alsai.e,?the print?
ing was done by the best mill in America.
A combination of two bests, yet cheaper
than either atone. If 'he cloths were printed
where they were woven, the price would be
regularly 35c, and the goods no better.
We show sixty-one charming patterns, deli?
cate, dainty and novel, and ask you
Twelve and a Half Cents a Yard.
No woman who has ever experienced the
advantages of having her spring dresses
made up earl ? will consider this offer un?
seasonable. The time could scarcely be
more seasonable and never will be more
The very high character of the goods and
the extraordinary pri? <?? ?sill make this offer
memorable. We have given the fabric the
place of honor this morning, and expeci to
do some fast selling.
Women's Imported Capes
and Jackets
Reduced One-Third to One-Half
Attention ! This is an important matter.
More important to you than to us, for it's to
your benefit and our loss.
These are the finest ov?*,-garments that the
world produces lor ready-to-wear demand.
Hubert & Riquer, Sara Maver & Morhange,
Briamont Fr?res, of Paris; Pach and Gerson,
of Berlin, and people of that class designed
them. The workmanship is as close to per?
fection as highly-trained French and German
needle-workers can carry it. You know
how close that is. The styles are exclusively
ours. Kverything is lovely except that ro?
harr too many of the garments. So we
telescope the prices into themselves until
thev are shut up from a full third to a ful!
Choose from about 400 garments, in
Velour du Nord, Kersey. Matelasse, Otto?
man Silk. Black, navy blue, rovai blue, tan
and stee!.
A? $27 SO or bla * Kersey loth; 27 is. deep; full
iweep; pointed ?i at ani
???tb, open work, handsomely jetted ind embroidered
: -c-rolling < oliai : front and back also embroidered ;
lined ait h black m a. Pria s a $?0.
Ai $35 U' DU I MatcUSSC; 34 in. deep; full sweep;
rafle around bottom ; i'- lam ir ; line
bla? k aat?a Pri ? araa $5o
At $40 O? bisca Ottoman silk; 36 in. deep; gradu?
ated ru!!'? li'iwi tri.rr and around ..'i:.;::.; black
embroidery wbei ? rnttf?? ad oini. tleo a trimming of
Persian lamb; high-rolling collar ol Persian I ..
lined with quilted bla ~ tailor?' .-.ere;??. Price was
A'$25 O: Velour du Nord ; 27 in ; full
Iront and bottom trimme ? With bui k aoutai be t'? ? .
in Urn y dea ci. : !
aal ? : s idde : in ' q ? Ite ? $34
?? $55 ?t Velovi da I ?'; 34 in. long;
ti 11 i ? fi catearse; entire garment ed?i?d w.ih Peraiaa
lan.?i; iront, lurk atid alea Eully brimmed
with jet and narrow braid; lined ?rith bla k walr
satin. Price was $S2
A! $75 --Ot green Kerv ?. ,'rv..?,?; aride revers
and high-rolling s?orm .'.lar ?! Persian lamia-, hand
BOSaely tppliesed with reive) nnd chenil!", and em?
broidered with narrow black raid; I ned with oU k
broi a le Beala Pri a ss? (123
Mussed ? ^,rev '?301101.*11
, ? ? a ? lose to hall a million
und Rumpled . ,. .... . . ..
.. ,. G. - naiiakercmets m lortv
Mandkercmets davs w?thout havnlg
some tumbled and handled goods. That is
our position. You know the richness of
these chances. You never knew anything
richer than these :
25c baadkarchieti rot 12'?c.
35c handkerchiets tor ?Sc.
5Hi. handkerchiefs lor 3>c,
7."c. handkerchiefs (jt ^0^.
$1 handkerchiefs fol 75c.
$1.25 handkerchief! I a $1.
Women's 1/the pair vou hoped
n ?? lor or expected tailed
Romeo Slippers U) ^^ con.
oT ' **'' sole yourself with a ?
pair lrom this offering. These are ot" the
well-known Dolge felt with flexible leather
soles; red, brown, drab and black; bound
with black fur. This grade has always been
$1.50 a pair. Choose here at $1.
l'i,Tiri a? SB ?- ?"..1 ? r.ti. II ? I
Formerly ?. G, Stewart & Co., Broadway, I .t h
Aver, ir, Ninth and Truth Streets.
Renowned 1 hroiighout the World
Pure Sympathetic lone
Great Power and Durability.
Cor. Fifth Ave. and Sixtefnth St.
??.G'??? .1 t" ' ?? ! o II M ?. I ? '.'.. ' W II
Henil ? ? ? ' l IhlrU run- ? ?; ,
G???? c\\"i:iit.- ?in ? urn G? ONS HHirT
Ne? Orlean? i>??? M Al the ? ?
?1 r. .- maettni "G ? ???? ' ?? - ? key Club
il,.? sreether wee deal and I
?an Bell? of Mentphla and ?:?.- . Heils ??
-n . ? k- favorite? The ?iirnm
' ? - ' ' ?? *? I , ? '? I' ? lean
sa io l won: Mop. iu I to ? ai a ? io a
? ihSeldi 11] ulutlerresi, it t i. ti rd Time
: ree? ???? fartoneel Klm-i ? ili? il
U I? ? ?. ?. . ???> ri) ti .. ;. ? | u . .... ,
I,..Iff. 4" t. I SIkI U t.. I. ?- ...1 H'd -. 1?<. .1.111.-.?
la ??? ?. third ? ? ? us*
rt.ir.t rsee .???:!.?-. lk-i ? mil
- BraSemen ??t iMverai ?; -,, ?. ? .,, ,a,u, ,,, ,, ?,,,,,, ?,
.?? r i.- ??1>. anali?, IO ?.? I
I lure Ms .- ? Ifl ? . ? ? ; ,,?.,
' ?.?'.? ? ? ? ?? ?..?.?
I' 11? ? ?? p ?I ??; il ? - ,i m |u ? ,,, hiKll, ?.,
.- iti ?? li 11 ? ? .in ? e ?? ? i.l
(Bisanti), li m '., ??? Tim.? ? ??
? fe. rsrs ?Ulitis, one mil? hn.1 tw?rry ?,^?.|?? IOii?Ii'
Bells ??.". iTroHeri, .1 t. ?t ?on Muahadln? n?. iijMI
IS le 1 ?ne ? lo 1, seenn? 1?????????. ??4 ... i^.r,? 4 u, ?
Uilrd 1 USM 1 4.'.
* sor laine* sporte, ?Me i ?e? ?.
fletti ?etatf.
'l'iie Lawyers' Title
Insurance Co.
The Lawyers' Mortgage
Insurance Co.
AT L'UmfMT RATRB IN Sl?Mft TO stflT.
08* THK
lawyers' Title Insurance Company.
87 and .".?) LIBERTY STREET.
Borrowers on Mortgage
?1 olili] apply t?. tl??? largest kndaf on
mortgage In Nett fork or Brooklyn,
LOW kkks for examination and g.iar
11ti Uroadwa?,, G??? Retneen St.,
Nate York. Brooklyn.
CAPITAI. $2.50().?MM).
SURPLUS. $2,(KK),(H)0.
(Toiintrn |3ropertn Sex Salf.
? ?J ?Irabl? mtrj ? *.?. house with ? ity convenleneee,
>.,:>, furniture ri i?h?asa riti lee.
p ,,; ?? ? ?? ? . ;. ? holi ?? lo? all ti
.- ?. Si IHKKPKI.IN ??'?? Msdlaon av*.. ? X
?ni1.? ;. res ??.? m :.??. tj lot? ? I.????? loratloB, high
I ?wl? ip? ? ?; 18 ? Inu'i ? by ti ill?) ? a? ' ?
81 ,,. rg? -c. p tes tn Ne? Vorh; lot? pri?e; term?
- u - 1111. f i'Ki.iV 8U Madison ?? . ? >
FOB KALE la? [? Ma rn of lots with I ilkhrad wat??
G :,? on XeWl m ?. ?? ?? b) seagoing rea?el?,
??- . rrun? ? ?- ?. ??? ? lai ?I Ka ??. I ' ??? ; ri? e?; ???
?.?.?-. ri '? S' IliKll? Kl.l\, WS Miil.ii Ave ? ?
NU OKII', |????*????? OR MALARIA AT
oui ?tra? ? ? ? '????. ? ????-?. pln?ppl??, kusv..?
k , ! ? . -. ?,-?: ? ?, Il ami ? ??,??-, bring ?.:??????.? price
m,,, w. ?? ?? , ? .. ?..- ? ' , il?a ? h :??- li
?. D. Pli SET, it on ay. ??,
. ? ?.,? ? ?: u Km . . on Ana B?_
Unfnruulif? ^parimente ?u Cet.
\! ? XT M? .KHI?' PARK.
Tl.ls el ?gen? iss a pari ? ? sise li no??? r?.el>
' .? ? consist ot ?ii<t.f ?Il ? ut?ti|?
lieht ?, m? si ? ? ?? ni ?; parquet floor?: ??
1 ? ' ? - ?le? (ri. .?>?. Ht .r?
? irli t. f- 'i ?tiendan?*? ????- in-?? , ,
(? ?_?<?? t ??. gtlUTWKLI. ?1 ?.? ? ? ? , near 128th -t
?? 11 ? AIJ'IXE '??'? W MU - ?
1 HA'llKLOHt?' U'U!TMK.\T>
, ' inn larg? ?U.?? ??-. With m riatti l.ath. Ron?
Jsoo ? MOU
.1 KOVAIN BROWN ?v ?'?). 88 ??'??| 3Sd ?t.
(To Cet for Unsutcee purpose?
It !.. I? H.-eUiiiiiii St.. '
1 111 l.i 138 ViiMHU S(.
aiti,? ??
?Ki'iil? on I* r ?* ni t ?? ?? ?.
.foi re?osme 5ulre.
L^? G?? Ml ? ? il ?IT ? olN?V OF \K\V
Void lene I ? Plaintiff, ?suiti?' J,.hn
I Id? ??? ? II ?? ??". I (s:i ?? rial;
'? -I .-it'? II? o Hun, ?/^.?? .?,?
? if ??? ? ml. r, 1888 l th? iu<i?r
" ' : tgtn ?nt ?amad, arm s?n h,
1 n II K- -..:--:,,. n??, N? 111
r ?.. B?.r>,i!gii ..f Manhattan, in the t'iti ?f
?. ? ? '?nuan ISth l?w.? al twel r
? ? da ? t. i'? ?-i f M-.??. Aneti ?. ????.
? . Iddgmeni nutntluned and therein d?
III ' ..? ? 'ita.ii ? 1, pi* ?. or pat- -i
? the ? |1 '? Mai ? ? ran In th? ? "li ?
?jf New Viri ??. follow? AB
' ,:, I. ? It Ii the I Hiding
? ? ? le. Ivini -ina; In t!ie Borough
,r Mai lhe ( ??..,. ? State , r x?w
Y ih ? in?! d Ibed BS follov HKOINNIKU
. ? . ? ?. : ib?i r. sld? ? ' ' ?ne nindred snd
' ll ml '::??? hi ?? It ' II 1 ? ?.????.' ? : HrO
r thi ? i..?. formed th? ntei -- ? ?
: f Seventh Avenu? with th? Noitli -
eri) ?'i?? toni Ir? : ?nd hlri ?th Strttet. tutmir.g
? ?. >? wardl) parallel with Seventh \ enu? ?? ?
? ? ? d -?..?. ? through th? .?-titr* ..f u party wall
nine! ? In? feel and ?leven inches t, tha . ^ -, t r.- . ??.- ,r
?, between ?? . ?nd ihlrtj ?nth end On?
hundred and Street?, then??? BBBtwartlly
...,1.?? .??' ind ?Is lache?, ti,*iu*
South? ?? with Seventh Avena? ?n.l puit
..: ti ? ... tan ? thr? igh ih? centre ot another p?n? wall
nil? ? ? ?n Inch?? I ? iite Norther!) aide
hundred ?? ? H ly ?l?th Btreet: thenre ?Vest?
?.? ... ? X rtharl) a'..1?? ol On? hundred mil
?1x1 - .. f't ano su lache? ?.., tl?.? point
? ? ir, uf beg
Being a pa - ? ?? ?? premie?? conveyed lo ' hn ?
!.. -in ?. William V. ?'al|?!i<J*? In dead
da? ! Ma: ?,. i"1"? ; ? n the ?am? day ?n th*
? - .? ? ? ? Kn r th? Oit) and Coaaty ,.f \.?
I ? >.? Hon 7. ?.'.?.-? 38 ,: (Onvayaa ??, p..*? les,
t to the reel ?? ?? ?? ? a
un *d In <*?? la? t meni ? ? I > ? ? .1
Ui .,i .\. a s. ;.. r> ? ml ?r 16th, IM<?.
EI.BKRT 'H \M>AI.T,. It??,?,**
LEB 1 I.KK Ml rn? ? ? ?or Piainttfr.
??? ? ?? ?u 81 -'. M?w Y h ? Y
Tli* folliiwli ? ,! ??-? ?? p? .' Ih? property t.i b? solJ
: ? ? .?. -? . 8tre?l
T'?- spnroslBiat? an. ?.-.t of tb? Ileo ?? ?liare* tu ????.??G\
a ? .? ih . del ?.??>? I ?:. l>er ' |? lo be Sold. Is
nd nias hundred end litrv uti.i is its? dollar?,
eliti tei -t from Lj.mber 13. laSS, bartdee .-oet? snd
? ? irsn ? ????? hundred and forty aeren
,.n ? ::, |is) ? ; - ? Uh int.-r?Kt fro? December 14, ????.
and ??? - ' ihi ?ale, Ntliuaied 4i dm ium.ir?ii
,nj ??. lodar? ? ???? spproslm?!? smouni or tm?? a?
eee?men's and I ?? - ui ? Ine ;r-.,petty. with lnt?r
r?t In .Imiilirv 1.1 IHVS th* date fix?! for tlif ?h1? ih.ri
-.- I r. > Ih r irlhei Interval thereon t,. ?h.? dut? or etc
?a .? ? t ? .? ! pi pvrtv, arc la Be allowed to tti?> purcha?..
eut of 11 ?iui ' . ? ? '.???. 'i which ?ire t.. l? peu t.\
tir ??'. .? I and ??????G\ trir.e and ri to?
RLBKRT '?? Ivn.U.I,, Defer.?
USB ? i.iK Plaintif! ? At? irnej -
1??? Nu.imii Btl?el New 1 Ik ? V
Count) . ' See Y rs vuelta !' r*letch*i u reels
rruetel of ' ?rad M Orakel under ih? lait
' nrsd Braser Ji , ri? . ,-, ?
?. ?.-? William ? Portel .: h? Defendants
li. ? reuatice ' . '>. Ismenl ? ??? ? j?.? a? ? Sal?
: . ? ?nd entered in the ibov? entitled at'ilm i>*.,r
y i .t. t ,? ?" .... r [le .-luire IM?-, ?. p,, under
? .? ? ? Ih* Kefere* In *.i 1 ludgnK'nt limn*!, will ?r|| at
? . A the I ana? ?ales Kim na now lo
.?. S'., ill BroailwS)?, In Ina BoMUCh of Manlmltun
f ? ? ? a, on . it ?. da) ? I (?miau? mi*.
ml-' ? that da) b) ?Irons tt Ireland
dir* : ? I??. ?aid i Linn,eut ? ,
be ? ? ' ereln leeoi lb? l ?? f ... s ?
All thai ? or pai sl .,f least with ih.?
? led -it i.i'??. IvIiik and L^ing i? tii*
Twei .. ? w ? ? : tin ? if ?? ? ? in b inde ?
? - ' owe li?(innlna ?? a potai un tie
? ?.??!?. f Tl tl ?' SI.t t'Hr.n.? Tu., ?inn,Ir.?.I
snd ? ?em ??'?? feel w??lerl) from Ine northweaterty ??<
liei uf ? ?. 4||**| ,???.? S*?*nih Atenu?, tannins
para ?I ?Uh Sevi ?.ili Avenue ?ti.? ? ?u
? f ihe diel ?.'??? ? . vali Minet) . ?,-?.? ??*.
? ?* lnch*a ? ?. .?? the bl irk, them .? w^?t
I .? il ? ? Twrniy Ave fe*t, th*nce South
. parell*l w|ih Seventh vvenue sod pan of t:,.? dis
?? isht f.-i>t |U?h ,,
?.. Ih* ? .'???:,? side uf Fortieth Street , ? then ?? .nt
erlj al ni ih* >?.'... Iweni) Uve f????! lo ih? point ..r
piare of 1 nini seid pren ?-? being known by ine
eireel - 111 m.?? i itleth Btree! Dated Ne?
'??k. ? ..? mi..-? ??. isse
?I.III"II1> W 1???? Itm.iri. R.f.re.
WII.M4M ? a ??.???? Alt ,rn?) f.. plaintiff
y .t?l?th Sir??!
Th? acft-Ktniat. amount of ?he liara or chara* to ?at
ktfy which, m, ?aove described srop? '
property is to be and.
?fomloencf Salee.
I? IBBLSOO wi?!' Inter??? ?here, ? fr-.m th* 5'h d?T nf
i'? ember, lees, toaoilsVf with eeet? and aiinwanr?a
amounting lo IIIIS.I?. with Inier??? f?..m ?>?c?mher IB.
I?.??? t .g*fli*r WltB Ih? ??penne? ..f ?!.. ?nie The ap?
petirne?* amotmi ol lax??. ???*?*?t???'?. or r??h?r ll?n?.
Whh ? ?r* ?, be ?Hewed (O ?he purchaser nut of th* P'ir
? ?..-.? money, or paid Bf th* H'-f? r. ? ia ?Tira ?o ani In?
tel e??.
Dated Bea fora December 27h I'!?*
' I. IPSO ?? I) . BARTRIDOE ??fere?
H?PREMK COl'RT, ? <>l MY t)F NEW
l*OBB M?rv ? ? I.Holm, riulntirf, ??Miri.t Jam?a
???!,? und ?kere, Defend iui?
In (iirMiian. ? ,,f ? Judgwiant of Foierloaur? and Bal?,
dui) nude and entered in me abov? .n'itl?d action, o?ar
Ina flat? th? 21 sl day of Oel <???t, lass, ?. ?h? tmd.neigried.
... Referas m asid judgment named, ?rill sell ..? i-uMie
Auction, ?t it? Ksentng? s?:*? Booses now ???????? ??
So III Breeders) in th. Borotafh of Manhattan. 'Tv nf
New York, on Ihe SM day "f Ko einher. IM?*, at 12 ? <
noon ?.-? thai de? i>> Peur T. ?t"?*'. Aecthstsee, t?.*
premie*? .ti .il by ?nid l?'l??r.i?tit lo he ??)'.?!. and there!?
de? ni.-I .- follow*:
ap 'hai certain l?.t. pi*.??. r.r perei ??! leni ?;tu??e.
?vins ?'?? ?.?? ?? ? 'r... City, i'ouniy and H??'? f.f .\'?w
v..tk. sad a. ih? Blork leetsnated by the r.uri.i.er Fifty
?or"? luti "ti the ????? Map of the ?'UV '?f BOW York ?rid
? and dwrlbed h? follow?, eia: BBOISBIBO si a
? ini ..ti the weeterti >!,> >t rjreeewleh Street, dt??ant
nt.s t?.. ? -. j ? r^<?? ?igi,? ??? in? ???? Maiheely fmm tke
? orner formed by the interaction of ?n* w*???-l>? ?Id* ol
lireenwl h Btreel wiiii ihe southerly ?id* of ''arli?:?
r-treet turlning then... weeberh al i'sht an?!?? 01 Beert)
?o with lire. iiWl'ti Street elgl.M flv? fKii f.-? f ,??? ?,
? hre then??* emilh*rl) imU parallel 0C nearly ?o with
.;?.., v.l. h Sri.?.?, "ire* It) Indie?. IhenCS wesW.v ?ni
SZSln Sl r*Sbl :?n?l-? or nearly M With lir?*nwi. h Btre*t,
?even ??? feet .igir .?? Inehe?, 'her. ? souther!) >esla
? ira ?? ? ?r nesrty ?<> with Oreeswlch Street, twenty five
,?-,1 f*i ?,.?.,.,, ,;, inch??. Ihene? MStefty and a? ?, at
? Kill anni?? Of tearlv ?o with lireenwnh Ktr..t. bet
slamine ?lightly ? the south ?e\-n <7i f??r ten an! <.-*
half 't"'ji Inch??, ? henee southerly and ?rain parallel >.t
negri) ?e with Oreenwler Street tare? (8) lechea ?her,?*
?a at eri y an.I .t rieht erial*? o, nearly so vrl'h ??reenwt.???
Btreel .-lutin Be* '?-?? feel on? and one Im'f ?I Si ln?-h?e
?,, |he ireaterty ?'?I? of Ore? nwleh Street an?! ti*n<-e
northerly Blone 'he same twenti eis ?'.'?'.? feel three ?*,?
Ire he. ", the point or place of beginning Held premie??
l.i'ine now known a? number On? hundr??) end ?tent lMSj
Greenwich street, in tli? < It) of Bow York.
Dated: .V.w Vori?. (?'tot.'t Slot, IS;?*.
tCHKttCX ? GG?????.
attorneya for Plaintiff, ?? I .inert ? S're.t, BMreea*, of
Manhattan, ? 'i?v of Ben- V rk
,-,,,iiaite Street,
I'renii?*? knee ? a?
No ion Qreeawli ?? St.
Si 1 S
? ?
Tl.? ?ppri limate amount of ?b* P?n or rh?.?e to ??'??fy
which in* above dea rtbed propert) ?? ? be ?.?. ig
I."''.'.?.'.?? ??, witll Intere?! ther*on fr .m 'he lMh ?lev of
'? ber, l?QN together with catta atei allowance? ?n-.-.mt.
ine to $4'j" ???i with intere?? from October '.'I??. i*i\
< .?.Mi-r with ihe espeneee of the ?al. The aprirrmma?e
auioiti? ?.' t .??? aea??amaste, or other ll?r?. salsa are
? ? be allow?? r t U... purehaeer imi! of Ih* purcheaa money,
..? paid b) 'tie. Referee, la 11,300, and interest.
? .'??:. New Voik. Octobei 3lei IhM
JAMBS KBARNET, rteferea.
The SSt? of ?' " sbovi deeeiibed pr?m!??a Is h?r?he
adjourned -o V7edn*e4ey the T'h .lav .f I?e.?Tth?r. 1*94
at 'tie sain? tin ?? und pia' e.
La?..! ?'?? v.,.k November ;.t?.!. lass
Attorneys f ? Pistailff, is Liberty Street, Barasall of
Banhattan, Sew Vti< City
Tue tele .?' ih? above .!???. rii?-i rr*mi?e? ?? heetay
further adjourned to Wednesdar. ?h? 14th Jav < ( Der.ro.
ber l?*ta .'? ?.. same tlase end pia'*
Dated \^w ),.-a. l?. ?mbei 7th !?!??
! v MES BBARN'BT. G?'???
?G???G? ?- PfNNBTT,
Auornevs for Plaintiff, ?t? MDerty Street, Boesegl ?tf
Mint sttsn, ?'l'i of New Vori
Th* eete ..'. the ntai\? described premi??? la h?r?hy
edj .?;??:?? Wedneede) December Slat, IMS at
the ??tin
Dated V? Vu-k. December Hih, ??:??
iMlKra KEARNBT, Refers?,
Ittorneys r r Plelntlff, IS t.iterry .s-r*??. BSranga of
_ Manhatl .?.. 1 ??. of New ? orh
The ^a!e of tie above d-ecrlbed premise? 1? h?r?hy
fitther adjourned to Wedneeday, December IStb, US?, at
?ti^ ^hiii" lime an ! ? '.m ?
Datedi Nee \ tK. December flat, ISM
Attorney? for Piali "f IS Ubert) Btreet, ? - ?en of
tttan. l'In ' Ne? Y rk
ut'PREME COL'RT, County of Nesj Ynrk.
.1 -?;'?? ?? Whlln? ? " a? ?T'-it -a.
A- Piali If? ..a.cnst U-id?.t Kell) ?:.; other?, I.'?f?n1
In pursuance of a {udement of forecJoeure ?r.d ??1?.
b n .. I* mi ', ent*r? I In th? ? - titled ? ? a,
I? irlne dale lie IStl day of I" ernt .r ??<? j lr:. ?r.
deiidgned, Ihe Itef^rr* In k,i!J JudSISent r.atn^d. will ??a
?i pub ? ?.? ? -. ai ine New G? ?? Reel i:??-?'? Mise?
room, ?? III BroaUwaj In the ? rough of Manhattan.
' t? r \'ew v.rt u 1? ivi da; ?' Jaauarr. Ms), ?I
ia k noon ? p?? .?*?. i\ \\ .'um Kenselty, ?s<"
tloneer the pren les llr*cted hy est?] ludymeot ti te
sold, and ? r ? - ? : follo wa
AI !. th ' certain lot. pieci r parrel of land with ?he
? .-^ ? her* .u en led situala ylne and h?ins in ^e
Ninth \\:inl of the 'i' of N*w V. 'k a' reeaij. h rtir?.1
and ?!??" ri : ia I l?iw? that ?? ? ?..?. ?????????
?? .1 j. iliit m the .-?,.?? line nf I ?:r -?? Street ,li?t?r.t
un* hundred and thlrtj ? ? ?|?) feel nine .t?. ind?.??
Wfe*f*rly ft .m 'he ...irn?. f..rme.| tv 'he ln?er?e,-t|,.n nf
.-.,!'?:.. eld* of Ban ? -?-?? snd Westerly ?He
nil ifotmerl? Asylumi Btreet, ninnine th?ne?
Southerly ?'. ma lot ?umbei ?? ur ?4> ? ? the map h?re -.
afv- u,. tloned -le!', ran? Ibi I feel ora it) inch ?- i?-i
n<<w or 1..'- 1?? '.?;.: * ? ". estate I '??<"? Orden, these?
Weelerl 1 ? r.r?. ? - ilSl feet ?h*ne?
Noriherl] ? it . I number Iwc (2i on ?aid map eifhtv
>ne ?hl? f??t .<ne III 1,. . 1 th? of BSITOW Street
at? ????...! thence Kamerl) ai. t.?s said Ils? of Har* w
?tn ? iw?ni) rii? 18S1 feet to "1* potai or p'.a??* of bl
llnnlns, be ?lie aal! dta.enskms m ,r. or I???, which aa'1
premise? are laid .' ?n on a rettala Map number Mie
ili I property la the Mtti M'erd of the City of Bew Tork
bFluog.n? io nie Eatute f tt lllem tt' Ollbeti d...??.d
:.. ? S'ite \ ik 1?? ember, IfcSJt, ?ui-ieyed by Themas
1: .... sn, c.r ?un?)xir." and flled In the ?'fti.?* of ?he
1!^?.??^: in and for Hie 1'011'v r,f New TSfft ?nd die
ttaejulehed on ?a'..i ? .,?. as . 1 Bambee three d . ?nd
whlih ?aid pieiui?.? ar* row knows 1?' tie ?'r*?t r.um
bei Seventeen ? ? t ? n..rr w Street, and ie;ne the um'.
t'r?ii,??H? w!?:. h wvr. . r,. ???> 1 > t'.e ?hove named Jfc.
f* leni Unii--? Belly I?. rYederl k .! Hmwn and wife
by .bed of ?' rtveyenee .!..t.-1 March IS IBS) en<! re
.. reed in the orne* ..f ibe ?,-????p? t the ?'ity ani ?v.iir.ty
of N-? ? -,? in ??,-? IS?? of ?'. nieyar.ee?. pae? 8. ??
? ?? 1.11I1 da) . f Mar. li 1MB
l>u'e,l New Y,.rk. I?ei ember 'JT lr>?.?'?
JollN I DEIaANT, r.eferee?
MH.i.r:n ??G???? A DIXON, Attorney? f r Plain?
tiff?, M? Broadway, H-rougli of M.inha'?an N?w ???
?|'he following ia a diagram of the ab>? e de?-r:beat
prt-ni ?et? known hy tir? ?tr.-.-f number 17 P.arr? w S'reet
Harrow Sii ?-et
Tlie epyri'ximat* eruount Of t!.. ||ee ?- I harge M ?al
laf wich fi* abov? d??cnbed propert) t? a bt asM a?
IV.IITSS. with Intereel there..? From the Tth <!ay of Tie
ceintwr, l?fas (OSether with CO?!? and al|.,w?ine*? ?mount?
ing t., $:t?tt? \f?, with lutrre.t fi. in th? lD'h dav of l'*
cember, ??>???. f *?tiier with the espenee? ^.f the sal? The
approx'tintie am. unt of tax??, water r'nt?. ai??e??ment? or
"tiler Mea? Shtch are tM be alivWH.l t Me pur iiaeer set
Of th* p'iri'have nioiiei 11 putd by ?lit. H^f.rte 1? i'H
and taten el
!?..t^.i New Yoik. Dacembei j: laSS
JOHN I 1 > IC I. ? ? \ Refer**
y. .itiv <;*i,rs? Mao alttwh Miller, ?? trj-r** a?..
plain?,IT ?gala?! William ?'?Ih.,tin and other?, Jefefidant?.
In punitane? ,f a Judfcii.etit <?( fore. I ?a,ir? BBS ??'?.
diiiv mi,!,? un,I *nt?-i?-1 l'i th? ?bov? ?rnilt.vd action, (Ver
Ina .lai* the Willi da? of KovamtMr, imo?. I, Ha? ?eist
Signed, ?Ii* refef*?? In ?ill jU'lgm*nt nani*.), will ??'1 ??
public auction, ?t th? Mew lark H*?i K?tH?? Salesr? *?
No 111 Broadway, m the R rtnigh of Manhattan itty el
N*w York. n th? 1-"li -la? of dir. iar? l?"V *? '??
0 loi k ?.-on on that da? by li l'h?*-iilx Inurahain * ?'??.
?, ttoneer? ih? pr?s?!??? directed t \ ??:d |u4gsMel t?
be ?..hl and therein d-??. Ib?d a? foil? ?'?t
\, that ? * r ? ? f : ? lot, pt?e r parrei ,if !..?. 1 with IhB
1 ildtna ?tut Improvement? therenn er?, ted, ?Beat? i>'?"?
klld hein?; ?n th ?'.?? .f N??? Y nk. Bt prerent kn?<v?? Ott
distinguish??! a? Number 74 Oreara wich ?t!..?t t undel
?ftn-ilv. :i front b\- ' ?r?-*n?v1. h ?tr**t ?for-.?!?! ? ?'
SBnlIy, h? a hou?* efv. loi IcnoWB a? Numi - Il ?ir? ?ri?
vi r h ?treei formerly ?vi ngmg t.? Isaac Bell: we?t? ? ? ?
b) land formerly coaapeiMng n raniagewaj hehssgtag t?
Willi?!? ??'.Iget. ,l*.?as?>.1. lemlinit ml? Wa?hl"if ' f"?"'.
(.1.1 northwardly, ??> ih? hou?? ?? I lot ?.?*' kn..wti 8S8
distinguish*?! ss Number 7? Oreeawich ?tra?! s ? *
formerl) iielotiglag to the ?.tat? -f ?aid William Eatgs?.
d?>r?a*ii. and ,?n'Hlt,!rig In br*a,lth. In fr ,nt ani r*?r.
?? i, ???t.:?. tht.,? ,?'ti f??t ?ad ti?* 18) inehas ?nl '"
length, n lh? scutherly ?id?, ninety nln* (OSl feet *?<?'???
?11? In?I.??, and n t.ie noith.riv ?id* r.ln??? r.f? ISSI
fee', ?en ilo) In, h*?, b.? tl:?? ?am?? mor? or ?-?? '?* ?-''''
?rly and ?outr.erl? wail? ,r th? building ? ti the ??'<?
premi?** ilvldlag the ?am* frvm th* .nOolnlns h< ?.!*?? ?J
th* north snd ?ontli being part? vail? ?.??.?(1?t ?Ith ?It
th* ritir.t tifi and Ii t?i*?t of ?h* defendant? WHlieai
I'alhoiin and Otrrle I II ?'al!,?m .f. ,n and ?<> a ",r;?
v.! land Iv lug in Ih* r*ar of und ,. ntlgUOU? t ? th? ???4 ; '?
b?lmc (.-ti (Ml) f?*t in width ?.n ih^ northerly ani ?luth
?rl?. *nd? thereof and l*i:ig houiKled ? " Ih? ? rth ???
south l>* tn? northerl) snd ?mitherli I ?indari im*? "J
ih? ..ni el Knmber It ?;r*?-f,??i h ??. ???; ?? traete?
?.'??? ih* ?aid alley or carriageway ?ni boeaaed ?ta th?
????t ?,? ? ??* ruanlng through t'? said) a!'*v or ??'"
? ag*w?) si Ih? d ??nu .? it lea ,|io f,,?t from (l* r? '
kr th* afore??Id lot N?uml.er 74 Oreenwlch street; the ??!<
Strip al latid being [,art of tri* curn?g"W;iv sfertMld, ?ft
1*?:>* subject t. tl? ?H?eni?ni or r'*l.? .f ?a\ ," ??"' "?
?un.' of ?i,h "f Ihe proprietor? ,?. lot? t? un ling on the
..id carrlsBfttray ,.? a:? ,,r may l? entitled Hnr?to A"?
being fh? ?arre premi???? which w?r? convoyed f mttot
?lunt William I'aihoun, ??> Mm? I.' Th? nulla* and ? ??her?
?. ?? utrta, *.?. hv ?ie*.i .:?(..? Aagaat aun. I88t ?n*
r.??- .rd?.l In ?r.? ? ftt.?* ,,f th* Hvgljter if ?h? I (> S?8
Cviurily .1 Hot V.iU In ?ber ."17. ??.lion I of ('.in??r?
ar.-e?, page 111. ? t> .? ?Ighth da? of -'<r?n.b?r ???*'
lut?.? Nee rofB l?e.-emb*r um?. I8M
Kt'UKNK II I'tlMKIMY Kef?*??.
Miller. Pe.-kham A bla ?.
Attorney? fer I'iuintif!
h? Broadway. Biaeagh of Manhattan. ?*?.? Te** '""f
The fallowing I? a diagram of th? ??,,?? niftiii ,?
premise?, lenona h> the ?treet Number 74 OJrseswaa
h? I
i?>? in
?.?* n
74 lll.etiwl.'h ?(left A
Iti? appriilmat? amount nf tt.? n?n or rh?rg? to ???.?*?
? ni. ti ti,* ?bov? d ?arribad property ?? to b? ?old. hi
881.78841 with in(*i*a( th?rr,>n from (h? lOih der <"
Noemi?! I-i??? t,.gather ?Uh roete ?nd ?l!,'W?r-??
amounting t? <??'?" 18 alth int?re?t from the .??th d?> "f
Noe?,,lei. IM??*. t,g?tli*r ?,th th? *???????? of th? ??'??
Th* ippi iBlmate aun,uni ,,f las??, water r*nta. ???*??
BMatB, oi othei li*n?. ?hirh are t> he all >w*4 8? '**
purehaWr oui f ttie purchaae aaoaey, or paid t>? '??
r.r.?.... ?. B8UI ".?? and lai?reai
Pated N*w Volk. H*.*tnh*r 19(h. IS4X.
171 OKNi: H POMICROT, R*?*r*?
_dubttrbfln Heat Jt_??a?*:, **+nm