g*Tjly the best i".uy??r. May closed at M!s?W4c. July at Ifc. The in?pect!on for three ?eys wns 856 ceri; the ?stlir.ate for Wednesday. ?0. The visible de creaaed a\W bushels : th? locrl stork 1,*f?Ki,000 bush? el?. Increased 3l?..<*\? bnshr's. Direct export Mies were ISmMoa bushr: The West d!d not reglest th? prnvl?!on market Pork advanretl Wat, lard 17'??.? laTSI Nu ml-er ef B.llea .... ?_??;? ?t? ?,-, Third weck ?n Dec- 113.718 8:iSii7 814 47a Jan. Ito P??? 14. OggJCS ?1.7Se Ui.tXt ai.ahama OMtAT ????t???? ?fSSB?W ef Ballea ... mo 310 ?tin Third week ?, Per- W, vr j^S ?/.?,, ja?, ? ?a nee. an ... ?.4?a,&7? i.?asi.a*ii i.SSlsss aw aitami Niin-.her of naliea . . .>., . ??., Third ?c-K .:, Le... . ,iv?,w g, m ,. ?? il?. 1 ta DM 21 ... |.?*?.?? l.tMLTBa 1.50.881 ?ITTAU) V.??!. ? !?..-!'' ", \\|. l'I ,'lSii;'R?J Nanber of ?. ? 340 ' hi?. 84.? Thi?.??vf-ek in De, ?IMI ??,?? 867 1?? jan ? t'i"?.. .;.. 8.r?0.4*J? rt 3,v.?,;.7e ?t?os, ssi ???,???.??!?; AVO OHIO *?' >L TH WRHTV.HN. STajaaber f milA . ... am v.'? CHICAOO QlllCAt WKst??.?,?. N'itr.V? ,f ? ll?? . . af? BJg M Third arae Dee ??msu im ;?,. ?if>7 oli? J?n I M Da SI ... 4.8a**3.?rse 4.S7I.8SB 8.40?. 82? CHtCAOO. INDIANAPOLIS AM' I* nisvii.i.y: Nairn???? ??.* in ir? ;,: 7 ;.;i7 3,t7 Third -??. ? Dl $.">7 47. ?.\"..?.??'? $??> 77s Jan. 1 te 1 >??. 81 . 8.MB>.SSB S 2'.'r3.?i74 ??.::\ :?.?.m?. UORaIN ??p wpkki.inu .?tumi??? of mur? .... in?,? 1rij 19'j Third we-K la Da $???.?.7?.? 800,0?? 83?).'???? ?Jan. 1 to Pec. 21 1 3t*XBU8 I :?4J ?-'.4 1.4rt7. C ?XA1 ; \n PACtnc N-inrber -?? rr.:.'?. . |?agg I.ISS ?.G??? Third week ??? l'e?.. I134.0UO ?11?? .??? ?|?.7.?!??> Jan. 1 to De,?. 21 7 043 '.'?? T.0S0.8S8 ? 434 425 PORT ? WORTH AM? DENVRR CITY. Number of tr .!? ? . - 4??? 4?* ???t? ?reek In Da? ... - ?Se.t.'l 080.14? Jan. 1 to De^. 31 ... 1.27ti.5ti7 1.413 i*.'? l*ORTIt WORTH A!CD mn GR?.NPF Number Of rniles . 140 IBS 14? Third week in Da? BS.S3S ltl.031 811.IBS Ian. 1 to Pec 21 . 821 ?VI3 406,411 .W..1SIS GEORGIA RA1I.ROAI? Number cf mili? . OH Btol 807 Third wee* U De- ... SJsVSe*] BBS.SOU 8?4.?>8? Jan. 1 to Dec. 21. 1 fais.;.??*. l.aHS.000 1,040,011 INTERNATI? ?V A I. AND ORIAT NORTH KKN. Nunrher Of m.ies .... 77? 775 77? Third \??e.v in I'?:. . B00.S07 IPJkOOO %W.*<*> Jan. 1 to I'*c. 21. 3.401.(?14 2.G?;**? 104 8 7?1...7?) IOWA G????.??* Number of tr.!l*s . 4'.'7 SOS IK? ThirS we.,t IB ! ? ... 830.8*0 t?7.MS |40.??24 Jan 1 to P*c. 31 1 880 7?,? 1 'OS 130 l.?.53.s>? KANAWl.'.V AM' MIOHliAN Nunrher "f mi.e?. 17S 1 Til ITS Third week la Dae.... fMOS I11.M? ??;'?? Jan. 1 to Pec 21. 441.175 B13.2.V. r*W.iV4. KANSAS C1TT AND f'HVRBAS HK1.T ??A^w:;.: oaa5 im5 ?4 Jan. l to Dee - 827.sx. ???,??? M2.710 U -flSVIIJ.E AM' NA3HVII.I.K Jan. 1 to DM, 2'. .... IO.7eS.8ie 8?.374>.?0? tB.Ua.T0gJ l.lhK BR?I AM' Wr.STl.liS ?^ZX'lo"- ,??.? mg ?**g Jar I te Deo. 31. g.teOkeOi 8 322...?.'. 3 ?4?.?'.> HiyVtUIJOM". ST. TAI I. AND kUtJLT gTl MARIK Number nt rilievi . I.I0J ^?.? ?i'?S T-ntrd w*ek ,n Dae.. . 86T.7-41 ?to.Tt* *?"? gasa, 1 ?? DS? li... 3*?6,:*? bb?to.j 4,aoa,5?w taOaaaOtmi PACfanC. f ni e? 41 re atrae atsao ?am <*J*aVo??v::. ?*.*? ww ,???" IcBNTRAl. Hlt\\?H ^^.el ^':V.e, ' ii?.S ????55 i?j,22 VISNViAI'CI.Ir? AM? Vt UOT'IS. - 174? H"'* 87K ??A?*::::. JSB ?-^ :?17^?^ Bl tararti mti Kansas and TKXA8. ^?uIn^er of rn'le? . ...aToT,', 823*? 4?'i 8?7?.445 ??-??*!?.la D ? ,,?if?.M? 11 "fsM. ?1??3?.0?1 Number ?f n.l e?. ?. ,7. ,V.'i BaBt'.S?l? ?????? ??. ..?.?. < - . * ">.'sar ltJ\ l? ,... -o. ...31 3S1.3.J0 .??nuil I I 1 l'\\lH ^^^^^ 3?.s ?*tovn. 1 ' _ ,. 11.4!?.?".4*J^_ PF;?Hi;.1,r,*ATrHAM'EVANS^.!.K. Nua-.berefn.llee. aiaSi IU.430 81? 122 ?^??'?-?G 2i"'".: WBH Ate w.? sorrHKi'.N it-ii.WAV ,<,??7 G? 25.'. ?*59 Number of mile?. aaata's?s |4%4.?*? 84414.?W? TBtrO week :n De?' ... .?J^ ?aa.oai.a?>3 22.34.1 ?71 Jan 1 to l'e '? -'. RT. DPVIS Sul'iHWBUTKRS ? ?>?7 1 224 i.**?> Number of n.llea. BiatS04 |108.?3? ?H5*S! Third w?*-K lei.1? "? Pruat? 4 750.117 0.000.001 Jan. 1 to D??. Il. ?. ? . .- ,,,?.?? AM? ?RAND li-M.ASP. aetasaSar it aeatlea . ?????? |SB.?4S ,*;*1 ?!".? ?G*? week IB ?'??..?? *-.;.,.,.. 1.078,11*3 1.130.4? *"""?;;:,?.m:s.^s.?,.?. Number rit "".*?,"?.? ' a?i5.771 IHSv?? ?*5???? Saa^iTTtU'?^ :::: ?*? ???,? 6?'*1?4"0 -lOtVaVO AND OHM CBNTRAl. ^ vuraber of ri?* .... ?g aM? UT487 third week rn Dm ??? *?Jaj 1.SS0.IT4 I.M.171 Jan. 1 tv? D?? ?". TBXA" FACI PIO. ? ?no ? v*? * ??? Itaesars? of ""'"'?,^ ?? glsl'lTS B?ieiW J^HJ Th.ir? week m ?'-c ? ? ??????e?, 7.2W.1? T.eraOte f??! 1 IO I tRfa m ' ? Satrutsv???? s?a ??s ?* 7an 1 t?? D?* *'. Nutt.t*r ot mr.ea . . ? ';';.* $??11.401 8271.2?? Third week ' %* ? ??,? ,?? ,,'sW.e5J ????,??? Ban 1 ? D*c. 21 . " ?? WHKKI.IN??* AND !???? ?HH-_ 047 24. *ai ? ?a?t. ber of raliea -, $5?.???? aao.SiO S^oi??T : tS?:? -"M?" t?a *n" J ALJaaiAJIA ?KKAT eot'Tnnit.*.'. Mrmrn of ttoaotaaaw ?|? 8io Majtsber of ?!1?? ? $177.215 $lf?142 Croia ean.es.. ... ?^'J^ ' ?0.4.07 <**,0? Oparattag ?^- ???**? ??._f;0.*0-? . I70 ?,'?? 8S1.'*S a?3 m Net M-u.nn ? ? ?? * ' ?ret?s t soo 8? - r,7 H51 $7??.?2? 8?? eara'.B?? . V^'r-?) 40O.O1S 4?2.*??*4 pn-atlr.ir. tapan??? ... _*"??'_ - ? a mM 82?7 471 1100,800 8257.0.1 Net *?? aa? ft mo" ?*?????? ATCHISON. TOVKKA AND SANTA VE Month of N'M-rrlHT ? g, A t?*4r. Kumber et ??????..... ?,???? $1.800,340 84?*^? Oree? ?arni-a?. 5 ?a'2"Vi 2 5?5.C? 2.674,.54 Op?rettes ex.?"'.?-.? ... 2.151.-^ .'_.!.. ?10310? ?1.873*3 ?1.434)49 Rei earn'-rita t1?"1* jnle 1 tejtev so-? ?.??????? $,e-j,e,e5i 817.2?? ?,? Cr,? e,rr.?.nr. 'loOMS? 11 7??.?43 13,303.737 ?* ?7?? ?? 85 113.<"''0 84.90S.1.11 Net ?tarn-nes 1- ?a'"?? ?***72*? 7.i!*>7 711.828 ?Tnaee ar ! ??!*)*?. _"_ _ $4 4?1.1?1 ??,-???.??! ????/!'-?? ? ? ? . G.?I/TIMORE AND OHIO. ajMCTB eg OeteOjir ,., $;:<-4 2?? ?2 4M? 7K ??G?? ?,?G??'??? '" TiaaiM 11*4 124 1.110,004 O^mtms axpe^ree ... 1.*.???..??? '?"?' ?-.'3 042 eSKO.001 ??41.121 Ne? earn'r???. ??' ?? w"* '., ItiO.I 3!- eaatBBLSai OS 4SS.3ST $H *e>8.4..4 Orea? earalnsa *?-.^ .:,V. ? v7s ?ts ".837.8?? C*!iei-"'rg npreisa? . ? ??.?"*?-'?? , ???a at36ei20 82.007.014 (W.475,<'?'J Net eemlnr? 4 n.o? e?,????.????? ?T.NTRa:. Of OaetnOaMS. Bt?aaih af Jiuiaaalaif . r;?<, , r,^3 ' ^? ?.?? 475 MO?'.ITO ??121.352 G,? ,. .?,?',,? '?4 033 827.l.?VV4 Xet ,arn;-f? . ?-' ' ,'" ** July 1 ' ? Set M ,,,.,,-, $2.V!3.5*? 82.8?6 12>4?l 1JW "-? ? ea-rin?., ??.???,??? *1.47?i.4l.'. ?IJeSUaS ,. 7'-y ' ' ' '" ' '?" aia irti 4.? aaaV0Jta.lSe 8ie.S2B.ti70 Oro-je ei?-nl Bg? ?? *l *?}.?..' H- * uMi ?V7 ?fllo.1.35 .. ? ."?, ?rf? a,? ?G? 571 8?.SU t*34 Net eerr.iiMC? 5 ?**?? ? G?? *^? ae.2.".?"' ST UOB I? AND ???? l*RAN'ri:-'0 alont.'i si H? -mtaer . . -?yu Groae aarBtaag? IW1 ??' 'S'? Vit 377 I? Oper?iire- ?*a?en???. 2M.1."? .4...3.T an?,e US ?2?1?? Vil ?3*3.617 ?Net earn'.nf* . $23..? 2 **?? .loir l ?e Noa 80- f(f^ ,,.... fcl -,, ?? ?-,?? eam'nc? . ?????'-'? ? ?? ??! I o.rt r?'?? Operalaas ??^- **?... 1.013^7? I4W>.??J '?'?*? Net eeraiag? - ir.o? . 11.311 to? ?? ?**/ ??.; uta Montr. " V'--iter , , 03.?, hutrr',.r of m..es ? ??"?* , _.. ?.. .. 3?; aJM Crme. not ??. elud gland Be>a ?27 wi BS 224 I?7 |B4 707 (?7 Net Income - Ma m ?y?tern.11. &80. S?Jf, 2? |1, B85. Hi 1 Wl ?7>. 4?\ B4 P'Oprletary line?.. .14.74? U ? 14,179 SB ?$577 ?2 T?,aI* . 81.?IS.11? 1?. $1 ?:v,(K>4 21 t4.M?40a fave months ending November ::?> Orosa esmtng? ...$11,??.?084" 112.777.487 58 II 172.4* 11 Oper??ing expens?e .'. Ote.Tae .?.". ?.??4,????? 3BB.BlSSa Net cat-nia*?.... $r, r,.i4 arj 82 B7.E2.aidW ?IMS?SI Taxe?, i-enial? and Improvement? W.IMI 2rt 1.16B.S11 II 612 870 85 ? e t operating ? irconi? ia.aaa.SMaa ??:.??.!???) isos.nsta M!?c?!l?n?ou? In .'?one, nur In .in.vg laataaiee ILSBIOB t?2wi ?e 6i.rio?2 Nel Incom? Mu'n ?y?(?m . |rt.(?2l ?Of, BB |?.370.00?54 BBB7.4BB ?? Proprietary ?inn . ???,?? 84 ???,??? ts ??,??? B4 T"t?1? . IC..224 IHkd'i |i"..i'.lT.784 82 SES.SE SB *Dsee?rasB .financial. TO THK HOI DEH?; OK THK tf% 1st Mortgage Bonds OK THK Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. Tha. conversion of the above Boade lia? re? duced the ariiount outstanding at IBI? ?late to about |1.000.8, have been over I'-'.iXKi.OOO. or more than three times the Interest upon the entire bonded Indebtedness. Th.; Company 1? paying dividends both" on Its | Prt. ferrod and Common stock. Holder?? ot the ('. per cent. Bonds desiring to convert should deposit their bonds with the Now York Security A Trust Co. f?r exchanR? Info the 4 per cent. Bonds. KUHN, LOEB & CO., 87 AXD 20 PIJtE STREET. New York, November IBIh, ISDN. Notice is hereby given that the above ofier will cease on DECEMBER 31st next. TAXES. We offer bonds which are TAX EXEMPT. Farson, Leach & Co., ??? is ass U STEBET. $1,000,000 Greater New York 4", &4'/2"?, Gold Bonds. ko It SALS H? J. & W. Seligman & Co., MILLS Hill.DIM.. AMERICAN SURETY CO. STATE TRUST CO., SITA I ALTI ES. CHAS. R. SICKELS CO., Ini ?'?tiiieiir Slocks, ?? BR04DW4?, New Vork. Telephone. 2?.??. t orllmnli. Gold Property. C. H. POPE, Room 403, No. "?10 Pine 5t., ST. I.OUIS, MO. 4?* TRUST CO *? 2.14 ???G?? ?VS.. ?Uli ?.".TU SI lltlAN'Ctl ?JKFICK. ?? bl'.dAUWAl. C4PIT 41.Sl,0?lO,OOO.4?O LB4BAB. ?? ? POS ito IO por Siale, flty. ???1 Caerel Moaeys. Interrai ?1???.????? ???> TBBB? Deposits. t L..U? ???? lhl-0U2ll .VI. ? len.-lnu-lioe.r. U\j,li"i ".! ??????> a ??'????"). 1er wWf? IIKA1.-V.S1MI. MOftTUAUBS are uh? ?? ? Beai ?a ii?u?i t?epar?;.? I.? par??,?.??? ?rltk Special Facilitici? for Ludica. CH.UU.K3 I. BASNSY. VI? l'i??? a Adlig Pr??. J.*KPH T. BHtlWN 2,1 Vl.vIT??!,!?.;! risKli'K I- 1 ClaliBlliUl see ?mi ?'???. ) 1I1ARV !',W\.?KM> Arati tt r.'tar.r ALFBBD ? ??'??? Aaa'f ?>????????? t \IO> fACiriC IHILR04I? CO. Sorcini M? ?lliiu ?\ PACIFIC RUI.? KOAI' COMPANY . ' I "VOTlt'e is hereby firm th.it ? >f'? ..f | Januar? 18??. ?? 12 ? ??!". k ???? f'.r Ih? BSVpOM of cnn ?|?1?????? ?ni a-tine "?" ? ? ?' > "???' (unendBieB? ..r in? ; a ? Irle? or Aasecl? * ' ?'?- CotaBan?, in,-r????int n? ,?.... n.i impilai r,f ti'.*??.???. ?r.i ,,f autboriclag th? i??u? uni) u?e ?f ?u.h ?ddltlnr. il BlaMfe. I alni >?G l^laa y;? ?? :,,,':?' ?' '' B ,n ,!:l'' '?',)h" Tn? bo?*? f ' "" far??? ' ?: ?'? ?? Ibota ''???p?<..n ?r,,1 ft* loffi) Wltl 1? ? lo??? 1 1er ih? i.viipi?- ef ir.? m??rf:ng a? ?he ctOSB Bl tint?n??? , n TkaneOS] Infmibrr 1?. I?W? ' ?ni w:? be ?eeaeaaa oa ike ?lay fallaarlag ?aid aaeettaa er ??.? ud!'>urnni??!ir thu-'f BT OhDKR OF THK BUABO OF DIBB? TOR?. Al.F.X Mil. .Al? ??? r??r? New Tf?rl< l???r 2 lite. NOTICE T^HE i'lKST NATIONAL BANK ot ?ouiiicy. ?G??,,?? io.??'.??..' ?? ????? ?til of (,'u.r. s in 'h? ?I?:? t,f IBtseia, '? ?! ??"?? "G ?nllon tinder Ibe Plea of lleorgan trnllon tn tin.? respect nlisliorrir la de? pendent apon tii?* ilrpiw.lt ol aecnrltle* ?eltb ?b? Depositary on ?tr before the twrnileili dar uf Jaaaarv, IMBW. THK MBRCANTIl.tS TRUST COMPANY, a? D*po?lt?ry tind?r UM Plan, la no* prepared I? reeatse d-,xa?It? of *e cur-Hie?. ?Ither ?t It? office. ?... 120 II ?,? l-nav. In the city uf New Y.,rk. or ?t 1'* a?*n. \ lb? laONDON AMD WBJsTMISSTk)? HANK, UEITHD, 41 Lahhiny. I? n.lin, El if'11-..l Cap!?? of tii? Tien ?nd ????<* V ,|V Speyor Brothers, 7 Ixithi'iiry, tannd ,r.. Reorannlantlnn Mn ?Hirer?. BEWARE, OtTHBIB & BTSEUa, ?VAETB, CHOATB & hi; \ man. N*w V'.rk, FBF.HIIFIWI.!??. * WILLI IMS l?"iJon. CMS??! to Reorjar. l.-?t1on Manager? To the Security Holders of the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railway Compsny: Referrn?? ?> tb? above ??.?p. y?air II ,ard I? of ?he opinion tbat th? ?ime 1? Just ?nd eo,u!tihl? to th? Cim ? ptMft Bacarti? holder?, and. therefor?. uf-??.n?1y re.-om m?rd? it? pr.npt Bcesptaaes, I???-!. New Yak. I??,?nil,?- 18. 1888 S R BACON. P???l,1?n:: WILLI 4M I. BtltJ? kdoar t REU.EB, JOHN ? r. win. s-? reib; rnan?;is ??a\ v. ?.,??,????, ? ,,?t,p.? 'o- ,.f ll.,?rd. The holders of securities of ? ar? h?r?liy notifie 1 ?hat the l",?n of Re<,riran!7a'!on <,f NOTaEIBRR ISTE, ????, ha? b??n ???. !ir?d nperat'v? V"urth?r opportun.ty 1? h*-?by liven for the tf?po?lt of aseeaittaa ?ind?r Ih? J'lan w.?h th? t'nlt.d S'a??? Martfa?? A Trott ?'...nipany, U> ?'?J?r Str?*t. New Y'ni? City, on ar before the SejTE II * V til?' BIECEEEBE, 1?V8. aft?* ?l.f rk I.'.? f.. ?ecurltle? ?111 be ? ?, el. eJ under the PlSB ex? ??; M -, ? '?? BBS BSd ?ill')' I ta su,h (,?n.:rie? a? if,, R?orgasla?iloa C?is??altt?? may :ini?,??. n?w r?rk. Baa 2. ??*?. (?KOKI.K W. VOIM?. ) WA1.TKK U. ?llhlll), J4MKS TIMPSOX, KDWiat) c. jONKs. CLAHK WILLIAM?. S-, relary. t? Odar ?tti-et. .N y < ..Hi ml I (e? 81". ? 41 I. AM) 1)1 I.I TII It ? 11. HO A I) CO. ?,? S3 Nassa.? .?'!!-- Ne? loft N, V. |.?,? '.?.? I-??? PURSUANT to th?? Plan ??f Reotrgaalzatlon ? it ?hi? Corapaar. pfop.sai? ?:- beret?) a,.n*d r?,r 'he sale lo It of ?hen* ot It? Preferred S"?-k. U' u pi e I?,I exi-e.l,nif ?lie pal val,?? (Bf ?Of. Ih? Cuir.?? ? hai ?.? ????? ???? Imriil Ioidi. 77?'. 4 Stb, IIXX. ?t n??r,n. B\ order ,f lbs P..?rd ut Dir?. Or? R SUllBR? HAYBS Rr-^ldei.t. iittatitnil (Sflfiiione. THB LI.K'Tlto iiis COMPANT, 47. bHOAUWAT. BOOM 88 New Yutk. I.nernber 14 ISE rpll ANNUAL MKKTINii of tbe Sto? kli..i?l ?r? of ?In? ?'.??.|.??>' ?rill be ?????.1 ?? II' ,,',?,,. k rioon on Tii-*.la> lbs .lid ?la? ,r J?n,...i>. ??nu, ut ihe ?.m.? ?f the ("..nil.ativ fO? ?II* pPIPUSB ol HSCtlag ?..??? nu? , u I for the tran??, ti.m of an, other bulli,-?? autbOTtse?! la b? don? ?r un iinnuul ??>?ec?nib*r 24.1, 18V8. to Januar? 4th. ??'.??? A Ii PHOAL. H?, retarr TUB I'NliKI. STATBaB BA)I'1TABLB C IS CO 48 BHOAUWAY. BOOM ? New Vork. l>e, e.ni,er 14, !8?W. ^HK ANNUAL MSKTlNti of ili?? Ki,i?kh.?i,l ??? of thi? Oaaajaai ?ill ba heia at it e'deel tmm o? Thumdav in? 2Uth 1n?t?nt. al ?h? (iffice of ih? ?".ti ' Baas*. f.ir ibe purpes? ot -.-.?,?? i.ir?. .,-? ?ut r ,? ih? trans?. Con of ?:?? ola?? t.u?ln??? B?ltbe?l??d '? '.? .Ione ?r ?u annuii Batatlag Tb? l'oli? ?in reasaia opea ..r.?? ?. . Th? Trasefer rk?oha .?ili ??? ? ?,??.) fron Oeember iBtb laaa to faaaan? Bea ???? ?. ? PRO v.. Se? ?. ?ity 'pHK ANNUAL ?????.?! of th?? si.i.ttold ?r? ot Tii? BIBatlty aad Caaualtj ? tabeas? tt Htm York for th^ e ?. tlon of ?: r?? t..r?. rlectfoa ..7 ln?p, , ol ?> itoa ?fid for th? irawaaetroa of ?u ?, othei l. is.u???? ?? abati ionie before tl? tamWag ??l.l be I,?|J ?? the or fire? of (he ?.'onipaiiv. 1?7 ? , l??.'i ,'??:,, Street, In 'he ri y of N?w Y. rk ..n T.|e?,1.iv tb? :l r?! ,l;.i .f Januai. itU\t , at |] ,.?,-|?- ? ??.??, I.* p.:,? '. remain . ?,?:i until ,?,? v'cloeK ? m. H?)HT J ???.?.?.?! S-r ? THE MKI'.^'HANTS' NATIONAL BANK OF THK CITY OP NEW YOKK I.mi. 7,. I8BB ?T?I1K ANNUAL BLECTION far l)ii.--i?jrs of th!? bank ?III he lieij at th* bar.k.ria r>. m. N.,. 4J Wall Sttret. jn iueioai. laaiMrj? 1"'h I ?in* from IB || ?.? I o'ctoeB t M I U IIABBIMAN, <"a?l,,?? LlN?uLN MTI'lNAl. Hl',,< 3? ?? ? ist fmrtf ?. ?ad s real New York. r>*cemb?r 2?. m?? T?HK ANNUAL MEETING ??f atiaiTboM?srs ..f thl? ?xi?, f > rie election of dire!1 I ,l-?.1u? , In uary lOt', I?**)?. i?it??-eti ft,e ?,? ,ri ' ?J M ?nJ 1 4? V V\ ? CORNbU? ('??Mei Pnblic IKoticr. ^?? NEW V.ihK TBAtMINO -???'??.1. !",.R TE\i-|IUTRs Tim (.ec.nd term of lb? Kew-YorB Tr?lnln?? Si-hool for Tea'lier? will iMtgta K^t.-aa?? Bife !H?n |?r ih?,*? d?^?!iins to enter fne ? hool ?t that time ?n examltii'lon Will be heil January 18ih. ???Oth ?nd ?1" IBBB, In Pol Boh.xl 1 Bt Henry, ?"siharlne ?n.t ?i|iv?r Street?, In Ibe G?-????? now temporarily oih upi?d BX fa.? BtbQol. T? be eligible for a.lm:??,??!! lo Ih ? ?samlBBtlon p?r??-,ns aiut: heve graduate^ frota ?xa?? high ?, i.-sji or academy Whose coi?'?e if siii.iv las been ??|.?, -? ?,, ? ? Sf?'* ??ufar'ntendetit of l'ubile iBStrSCtlM Bl 'hoata la tn!? ?it? h?Mr.r mi h approved eoui??? ..f ?tu4y "?? ?? foil? ?? ? bOHoraiis ?'? mamiattav a??, thb mt?.N.\ lilSh ?". IiikjI?. ?oil?*? of ?he ?Ity of New TorB Teamen ?'? Itaaia. Barnar.l ?oll??e Btsabartan .',.ii?i;e, Crsulln,? AcSr" BHOOKLYN. Adelpnl Aadeni?. Hr, oU) n Manual Trslmnf S,-tool, Oil l?' Hi?li r-'? 'f" I. Paeber ? iiejiaie inatitut?, s? ^sr<. Pernal? Aradcaar, h.j' tli?h f* : ??' Kr??mu? Hal! I!!?h B h ??:. NariUty Af??le:i I'oivierhi:If In??'? : ? Rt Them?? A?4 lini? A ad?n,y noh"i .in oi? ocaarra HlSh Schei? BOROUGH OF lll'"HMOND High Bab Bla For fart be? mfonnatfcM apt?:?? in ??t?*? ..? v ;?tt?r I? n,r.ush Hup?rlMl?n4?nt fobs .!??r?e,, 148 <;??.-> | s? ?-? er t., ?>-? Pili,,? p..! Aup )( ? ?.. In?'rm?l|,.n an re . h'afned f-,,m Isaac AEEOLO Ii L4ew ?., ON ????? ceasati ??p??? 5alr?. GEEAT BOOE AUCTION ?G ? ? '??.?.??)'. f d*m?s*l ?toc? will be ? -M f 28? ? 126-h tu.. 7 (? B???. S'B Bro?dw?y, Dec U. st M V> t H Banker? ano Broker?. VERMILYE & CO., BANKERS, NASSAU ft PINE ITI?, NEW YORK CITY. 27 STATE STREET, BOSTON. Dealers in U. 5. Government Bonds and other Investment Securities. De? posits received and interest allowed on Balan?as. HKA'Kl P. H VITTI. ASTH1 R M. MATCH. ESTABLISHED 1803. W. T. HATCH & SONS, BANKER? AND BltOaCBM, im; Broadiray, New-Tork. nK4l.l--.HH IH I WK ST H ISN'T SKt.'I'RITIBS. Periunii attention given it ili? New Yolk Stock Ert liijiig?? for the pares??? and *al* un . cmml??loii ot atcrtkt anil bond* for rath ,.r nn mart/In John H. Davis & Co.. H \ IK KRS, I? Well Street. ?tettr Vork, Wll.I. BUT AND SKI,I, .Tinneapolis Brewing Co. 7"? Bonds; also John B. Stetson Co. Pfd. snd Common Stock, Richmond K'wbv ft Electric Co. 5"? Bonds. UNITED STATES 3?o BONDS Bought and Sold. R. L DAY & CO., 1 lilt ? ?? 8T.81.W YORK. 4(1 WATKR ST.BOSTON. HATCH & FOOTE, Banken ??uKU YORK. 11 St. Hairiiiiii'iat St.. Mnotrtal. .j,.t,.; .?, ned M tti* .V. V. ?Hock l.toliftage, K, V. I iillmi I aihaiiH-. M-iii in-iil Sl.ii'k l-lii-liaair, ? M.nu.i Hour.I of Trade. l'Ha Hie \\ Irre._ G. I. Hudson ? Co.. Bd a :u? \\ ?ll ai'RKRT, Member? Ni * ? king? StoeS BwaaBgMb IHUIK 11 Wagner Palate Car to. Stock Lor?llard Tobacco Co. Stocks Worthington Preferred Stock Continente! Tobacco Stocks Knickerb?ocker Ire Stocks C.H.VAN BUREN & CO., 60 BROADWAY, ?NEW YORK. .et?,atei?? ot Near York t eneollilated Eichen*? guLta'lon Record mailed on applicatala. IKLKPrR'Na. !-? ? ??.11 ?- , .-.lirre ?1? .,? ? ?..,: ihe ? ?. rai,Birii and r.? u??? ?tntv-r Bl. liais ?m I aim? en ?! " ? ? lei I .* t>> '**? ?..? ?a? ee.li:!? . ., .: . ??.u. l?ollar*. ?.,?, * ia mede ? <-??? b?f.?r Saaatatj IO '?*?? win Jraw Mere* fi ai Januar) ?. is*?? PHILIP BiasiMOER. p.?*ideni. tl y am I ll? ??. ? rea? irei GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK. g, ?. tor. Ulli ?ate. and ietta St. INTEREfT Al' THK KATt Ur THREE and ON? half pea nc.vi yy.ii an'mm arm ?? cr?-.iit*d na ? altura tot ib? ?IX atOXTHB end THFiKH MOKTJtl BNIHNO l'i?:?' .'il 1*1'.???. en ? i nur,?? fr?.m rive dollari t.? ihre? ih iiaend Bollai ? aal lieg theeate un.w ?n* b> law?. lia? ?I la - AN ?? IV.itf JuHN HARSEN RUOADCS Pretljeot. I ?.MUS Qi'INl.AV ?t????? . It OU DO ? lll?a ?/? .*?'?? reten DeptMrila m?.?* * ??? h?-fure !A\ l?. I?*!? ?,'? ,lr?,w leteraet rre? ? JAN i im?? |II1?*T ?KMI-AWt %l. nivuiou. INSTITUTION FOR THE SAVINGS OK ? ?: ? I'll ?M?.? ? I.KHK?. \" ??? :s;?j\ .??il ???? ti?? -r. ' ?? ? ? ?t IM ri".? a : I Tr? m? n'n? ?nrtinj | II.??-<-mlier ?liai. ih!?.?*, baa bee? de? ?iir-d to??? ?????????? era entitled thereto wfer in?? ? aera ?? the r,e ??f Tlirr?? finit ?????-?????( I'er I rial. Per tniiiim . , ., ? ft -,. ?.'. 88.IMII u? *?.;.? oa aad after Januar? ? !?1 1v... Mon.? ????|????????? ?it or lieforr Jituoary loth talli ?trm? Inl.-r? ?< fruita .Immura ?. ??.-|>.??11 ? tare r??????!'???? frinii nil peramin a n.l nut ea ??lualatT? from men-hit ule* iTvrl??. Biali op?? lailj hulUiay? ?y,?;,;^! rroai i?? a m t.? 1 y M Betanlari fr m 10 A M lo l? n..on. K'tANh .\J Hl'RLBL'T, ?i???. .l-h i\.\|i->!.\! I-QN8TABL.K ? n . r...il.?i. iiiDif.K ? v II.MAMS. Treasurer METROPOLITAN SAVINOS DANK ? ?n? :: imi:, ? AVg lea? m *: ' ? 9? ???) INTKR BOI PATABI.I I ' II tRI IStB ,si?>? MONKT l'HP' ? s ? Eli ' laeferi f^iniary in will draw ."...n Ian ..u? lai tv?t? IONATHAN ? ??'??'?, Pi?*i1?nt v.i ?? ait:? SH ERBR ?*? retar, NORTH RIVER SAVINOS DANK. .?*? W ..? 1??? ?i? ree? I .??? KUIith Vven'iei ?^th SBIIhANNUAL DIVIDEND. r ??..? ,| at rrtaetee* be?? direeied ?h?' in??re?t be rt?'tii-,j .??????:' ?? ? ?'? etnbei :?!?? tSSS, al ?!?? ia:? ..f TH K IR AM' OST. lit!.? PEI G??G? |?r ennuni .,n . ira? ' ?? ??" ' ? 88 ?>" Deaeelte n.? 1 ? r? ? befen ' ,t??? Peti ?ni dra* in ,-.?,, fr,.,n lar.iar. 1 S t VII HI. :? STY LKS. Pr??lil?r,f II.UXlSI'KH ? Ull.Vli TeeeaWSI i'i'iN? M i-;iA\s Sa reiari Union Die Swngs Institution un??ai.?.? tv L'i' Il I MXTH aysjNCR rtREUBIJ ? M)1 ' III ? ER * "RK In-'r??? Ihre? ?ni ?>? hell pee rea? f>r>m |A le 1? ? T-iI'teil Jan ter) I?' pa?*!?'?? *n iar, rri'h. ir ??>- lime ilia.MI.KS E SPRAll'E. freeldent. OEdROE N BIRDSA1.1. Treasurer ERANCIB U. UBA KB. ???G?**t??. Qaainge Bank?. bs| Ut VERE hmW?, ?Il 4M) 84.1 BOWKRV. KKW YORK. The Tru?'*e? haie declared a dividend for Ih? ?I? muniti? endlns Dec. Bl, l?W". on all depoalt? entitle,! tberei under th< Bf law?, it th* rat? of THKRF. ANI) ??NE HALF PER CENT per annum on al! ?um? not ?? millsg Tbie? Tassasses! i.oiiar?, pajabl? un ?ni after Jan. 18. IMC. i??ini?it? aaaBa befm? laa i? win be -min-.i (o later ??( from Jan I IBE 8NDRIW M ID .8. Mreeltteht. OEARLSE MiFHi.iNO. Baaraiar/ WM F t'ATTF.H?ON. A??' ?r?t?l v. IRVING SAVIN6S INSTITUTION, 11.1 Chamber? St.. New Yarlc lit?/. Th? Tin??*?? of thl? HMtlteltOa Ba?? drc,a(?.l lr,i?re?f on all sum? remaining oa ,lep,..it ,1a. in? th? ?, ?e and ??? tuonili? ?lidia?? |iec-niuer ||, 1?????. al th? rat? Bl POl'B I'KR ? BNT. pei aiinarn on amounl? fiom |l t?. IS????, p? abl? m and alter M Bede* iiiii'iatv loin, ? ate? l??p.,?lt? rna.U on or bsfon IBBuary 10'li will diaw lata? .-? from lamia') l?t. W II ? TOTTBN President. II. HTRON LA TIM ? ? B* ? a? ? ?ipibcn? Noticie. THE SOUTHERN ^PACIFIC COMPANY, N?1. af.1 RKOAD BT ?Mill? r.'lildin??. G.,??|?)?? due !anu??\ 1st. ihui. f.,m ? ?? f.,!|awlnf bond? will la. pa:d on ?I'd ?tier Januar? Bid at ? li ? oIt!,? : Cenlrel l'a art,? 1?? nmrtgug* Western I'rti IU. ?M ??'.? l-fi???? ?"nllforu'a ?uni otegun 1?i moitgag? -it. OreBOn and canforata ??( mortgage. Northern Kallwa) Cunaaay I?? bm laaae. Bt? ktOfl ?nd ?O|.|?-t. i?.li? 1?' mortgag? Southern Pac?a? ol Ari?oS? i?f erortgaga Solllli?ll( Pai? Iti?: of N"? MeBko l?i Btortgss*? Tesas and N?w ?rlMBB ifonaiMs. laouMana VVoiefB Ul mortgage MOrgsb's l-'ii? ?'fJ Tea. It It and r< S Ot Iti m ?? t Sulltb l'a? Iti?: ? Ou.t lei nioits??e California Fu? in. 1?( mortgage ? slirornia PaetBc ?4 mortgag? ? al ' ???? ? Pa? IB :'? ? n.?n'a??? Ma-ket Sti?e( ?-?!?',? ??. ??. I?' ti?. ' titea?. (Jbupon? ,? - Jaauarj ??? um?, frum h? '.'?.? ?? bond? ?,ii he paid in *??? aV?r Januar) :?ri ?.. Um ? ?,. Ital TrtMl ??????:?> . San Antonio und Ann?.?? G\??? l?? ?? , '|?k-. lloasion aivi TeSS? ?'?(i'ial 1st in ? K??e. Aii?rni and North??????!? I?? mortgag?. ?. ? SMITH. "I rea?...-r THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK ok tuk ??? ? or m:w york 189th Consecutive Semi-Annual Dividend. lie, -llll,er Bil l?i,? fpHK DIBKGTOR9 ?.f Ibis Barak iiav.? lala day de.lared a Ii'sil-nl nf Ti.??* ani BM h?lf P?T (*??t (?V>'?? rreaofli.?. payable Jam?*?) :t IBM :'!*ti.ii?? fer book? wl'l be dialed oa ?nd ?I ?'?' '-"??"' -?f Two per ?eut. upon tlM ?ap It?] BtSCk of 'hi? Hank ha? b-en .!?' '.?reo fi?e of fa?, payabl? oa a-.d ?' * laaiM ) Bid, IBBB Tb? ? aa?f?r books ?111 lie , I ,s-d ft .11? "?- ".'4 ?? Inai arni p,?? da *. II. II. N4ZF.O ?usi er NATIONAL HANK <>K llOEERBOK IN SUtt IORK A REMIAXNFAL DIVIDEND ??f four (4? p?r c?n'. lu bien d*. ta ???! apon II,? espilai ?'.? k of thla Hank, pavab'e ,,? ai.d ?'?? TUSBdS) .lauuary ?, lesa l'iaiisf?r book? b?ed uniti lanuaiv 4 !M?'J W <" bi VALL Cashl??? \e*w lurk HrKina nnd l'acklng ?...?? i.u..., l.lmlied, ?r, Park !'..,? e Ne?? r?rt ??*,? Mtb, ISBS ? ?Ol'PONS due Jan. ?. ??*??. <>? Hit* ? l???'? D? Sill THKMN R." R. I " .Vd al 'fa- ,,ftt. ??? of Msltland. ? ?? uail * ?'.. , Fluanci... .ln-m?. N"?w YoU. .1 W .111.1.1 I.V. I'.ea?.ir?r l?einer, <"???.. De, ?miar auih, is??. IHK MKCO.M? NATIONAL HANK OP TES 'UV UF ? KW Y?JRK Ne? V ,rl; Dec M, !?'* rpHK BOARD OiV DIREl?TORH liav*? this dav de.lared a dhidend of SIX (d. l'KR ?"KN'I" fi?e of tux. our of 'he -aiiilni? of ?h? ? ??,-??( six in..oil.?, pay Bbl? on and afier .luu '?. ????. Traaefer levoka ?ill ?. , |,>?ed fro? dar? 1,, Jail. 'i. !>*?. in, lu?l\e. J M. CASK ? "a ?hier. THK rHAYHAM NATIONAL HINK ?ji \Mi'Khi.v DIV1DKKD. T^HK BOARD Of1 DIRKCTORS Un ve this dav Seeland a Marterls duldend of POUR PBR ''{.'NT. OUI of Hie ?arnlrie?? "f 'he pa?t linee month?, p..i ?DI? on and ?ft?? Jai.uai? '?A. ?Bill ?hl.li dale ? lie tail? f?r bo,,k? will Or , I, ?ed ? G DORSI!I'S, Cashier. New Yoik lie, ember 't?d !?n? NATIONAL RHOA|.V\ VY HANK BBTU t.lVl.iKNH N-w York. Ue,-?inb--r 2l??. ISD?. rpHE BOARD OF IURKi TORS have tlilrs dar declared a ??ml annual .liv,f?iil of ?lx per ,?nt.. fr?? of tax. lavadle on ? lie :f,t lav of J?nuarv. I8S8 The ?ran?fe. l,u>A? wl'l I?? 'I,,*-1 on It?,-rul.ei L'Ut lnnfl. ?( 8 o'. lo. k F?. Bt., and reopeind J*nuai? Id, I roe? at 1?) o'clock A M CHAS I. IM Y Part e 'IHK NATIONAL BANaC OK THF. RBPL'BUC. New Y..rk. Ue. en.l er JSd. !??l?? F?? BOARD t)F DIRECTORS have tliT?t ?lay declar-l a dU d?nd of F.air (?%\ per , *i,? . fie* ,.f tat. payable on ?ici af er Jan .??> :i,t IS4.S. unni wlii<:ii ?tat? fhe rratiifet Oook? ?,ll b- ? '??-.I (.. II. ???G?. Ca?hler ?? ? F?)l Rill NATIONAL HANK ^?F TII ?a Cl'l V ?r. HALF if.K CKNT. r?e? of tea, paume oa ?na ?tier Januaiy 8td. piutlin.. TO? ?-?ns/er l.iA.k? wtll l.?e si I ? II Ibi? dae ?. ?pefelSg .la n.i ?1 ? Brd, ? ?a??? (HARtaCe ? PATTRRSO> ? ???mer. ?*jTHK SK0OSD NATIONAL BANK ol?' THK , it> .r Near-Terl New York ??, ?t?. ????8 ih? ' Beard of Ole-.:,?? buie 1.1? dav ?!-:..?.) ? ?? :??? f of I nit: .:.. ffm ?.? :i| |yjS und r? opened Jan IHlli 188W ' ? DAVIS Yt-.njr-r. i'ik pitiopijra b?,nk of IM URI of N'-w ?,,? l>e.?ti:b*r ttuS, IBM. NINRTi-V PIPTH ?MNSK??: Tl ? ? St:\ll ANN A,. DIVI I 'JM1K BOARD of DIRKtTORS bave Ibla Jar d? '.a?d a ??ml anr. i?! dlv!d"*nj of | .. iv? peni fie? ,,? :?>. i,.,>.ii.(? .,n Bnd sf(ei JsBUSr) ::..'. I??.?;. . .? I tr?n?rir ?,.,??.? a !l be il?a?e,i from lhe j-i , Imi uni ? 'hat date WILLIAM Mll.NK. t a??il*i N?. i'ION.M. \\ O.I. I'AI'KH niMI'lM ?Id 4^ 4*? ??-'?.' Hf??_r.,MK BTRRKT NKW roRK N. Y G??? BOARD oi DIKEC'IOKS asa ?le.iu!???! 'hat a quarlerlv duldend ?f two per c ??? .'- I a (he e*b*ntur? ?took ot tbl? ?',????.;,) ??? paid on Jaauarv Ui. )M?8 ?h?, ;??. wir tie mailed from ????? oft!.e Transfer t??.k? ?in ?.?- . ,,,-ej on Ueceraber ?ti-h. i?:?? ? n,l ???????? .lanuerv 4rh. ISS?? OBORUC W Will ?K .S*.;-:?rv ?? ? I) ? % \ KM ? R?7>T;H4\0K mTrT? t). rpiIK BOARD Oh DIRECTOR? lias tola day d?M,ue,i a jeun annu;\l diifdenJ or Tw\? iT\) per ???lit. out Of the ne? enr.ing? on tlia Prefei.ed Capital Bio k. payabl? Jannar) i?i. IBSB The ?ran.'-r boolu of lb? prxtfemd ????. k ?III . ,+r at 3 ?, M tn .Ian lu, l?t?-?, ?lid re?,p?n on tie men ? ??( Jan. 18. 1W?? ?JBaORQIC . uFl'KI !.. New Y?xb, Dea .'2. ??** Caainaaa of tb? Beard FRANKLIN TBITST COMPANT. l'l\ IDKND SO .'14 RROOKLTN, N, Y. !>?? Tth 1st??. ??? BOARD OF TRI STHKS baa tins? day deelared ? ouarler'.i Itildend of 'J', ?, upan tie r?pi t?i stork f.f 'hi? r?aipany, payabl? Faauan SB, iMn*. t? tb? ?lockholde-? Of r.?. .,id ?t the .?!.,?(?? .f 'ne tr*n?fer i?,ok?. Transfer ?. ?# wall I? . I, ?ed from 3 l' M II? .eml-r BBB, 1VJ?. unill 1?> A M .lam?an 'id 1>*8 IAS Tt ? OWIN.I s, a?t?-y THB ?FN'THAL NATIONAL HANK Of THK ? ITY OF NF.V. TORS ??IXTV RIIIHTH KKM1 ANNI AL HI V 11 .KN'I) rpilF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Im* tlii- .lay de, ia e.| a s.o : ?ansai dividend tt r"?"?? ?- -enr . fie? fi.ni lax pa? at,I* ?a and ?ftn Januar} 8 IBBB Tr? tr?r.?f?r t?. k? ?!!! 1* ?,.: from l'J M on Ne teint??? ?? i*?? to iti? ??.p???? of January .1 im?h ? ?4 v.ii NO ( a?h ?r. Ne? Y ori I" SI le*??? IMF NATIONAL BANJC OP ????? AMKKK'A IN ? BW Y? ?R ? E Naiisau StrMl ' | ?????-? 1181 N1NKTIRTH DIVIDEND TNKE BOARD OF DIREI TOR? of Ibis Bank haa declared (he u?u*l aemi annual dividend of thr?? p?r real . p?>?hle tj shareholder? ,"i and ?ft?? Tueadav, .lanuarx Brd ItW' Tranafer ?jooks will remain .-loaed uniti -hat dai*. IIFNHY ? HAPIN Ir '"a?h!?r UfUMH! 8M?F HANK N?w Y..m l?ee ?7??. ??*?* rpHB ANNUAL el??? t ion for Directors of tills Hank will be held al (lie Hanking K<- m Mtt, ?Wl and 4A7 Rlghih Avenue, on T\j??dav. th? Wih day M J?r.uar> 18BB. b?twe?n th? mmr? of in aad 11 a m THRO. W. BBRTINK. Caahl?? 'Amnsfment?. A^'Td??MV^V^MI Sii*. I4th-?r. a Irvlnf PL aPORTIvn ?N'*w Veer'? ? i;??ular Hata. 7IPBE Matin?? To day * *?? . S. ,,rK? Monday Kv?., 1:11 AMERICAN 42d-at and HTH-AVK. CASTI,!?: SUI AH ? OPF.RA CO. MPRt'IAI. MtT N'K.W VBAR'S, Mon, .Un 2 s,..... .-..?,- I UD? IIJC K??''V 11. Mata. Urand * 2*e. _ NKXT WEKE MARTHA_ I1I.IOI . Sway S ISth ?? ' Katra Ma? ?.??Year a BUOI. a, a, In h?r )* (|S r ST Sa?. A N?w Tear?. Naniptuou? Proda? linai. IMO People oa Sta*?. "The Sorrows of Satan." I AMNKOIK HAM.. ??"lit* "?neon. IMIN-IM). Oratorio c ? t ? ? ? ?? ?? ? SOCiety r-Tform-race. *"^;???*'? The lYIessian El idair Aft . ?i.r.oln?? l>?.i ?eai? TS raata I? B^.oa?. it..?- gl?? *?*? BtB. Ham m ?? * ?. tat? "five A DANGEROUS MAID ! ! laM 2 Una' t.ASINO I*?' Hsl N*' BMI. bal f. J?n '.? I ..Ulan Baiaseli J a'ar ra?' I .a Hell? ?II???. DALY'S Tli-alr- ???*4*??) * ?II*? M Eveeli a? B;l? M?'? ???? *t - t.l to .'.Ik' lira?. si.iik??i>??r*'? HUH? HAM OP NKNH K. Mil* ?????? ih porti*. ??, da' ?t .' . ? ? Bal ir?a? Ma' ll ae? a**SalttN?) n'a;?.?. Soin ??*???.?*?? Super? bau? ?. -or .'?.: a" ?W?*? ??ai * Mutin??? and e\?nlef. la?! t:m?a M???, liant of Venie? ,*.Tii*a4ay aiaht. .lumia?! :t.l Arai ?apearan??? of MISS I.KHW ;. MADAME savs (IENE In Sard.,il ? ?"??ai ? .'?"e.. ? sue rendi ? e TUP. UOHI.Il l\ WAV I IlIlKN I CHII.DKEVS G? KISTMAS ?????????? 1 MI SKK. CINRMATOORAPH EsMsO? Hciirly. 4 ? Hear ??? Il uaitian <>ip?v Mnalc! PTDIDP THEATRE e.?.!??- ?nd 4??th St lil lrll\Ci , ?alaga 8:18 Mata, I 15 EMPIRE THEATRE COMPANY in PHROSQ? ?\ ? t 8 ?? MATA at t. '?r A RUNAWAY GIRL. d m Tlioatre ?v A'?? ;"' " l',:? ? Ma????! f"? Mm:? Te 1er, >?t. * X?w ???G'?. ?ADflCfckl TIlEATMf! -Th ?t * Mad!?'.n-B?a ??????? E -Ini?. 8.IS Mat*.. 2:18. VIOL* ALLEN in THE CHBIST?AN. I.KAMI MATINEE TO li'V ftO? end OBe. OI'KHA 'IHK WHITK. HK4THKR. hoi si?:. ?:th rohe ??????? G????G?? G??-ATRB 35th ?t . ntir ? was. ???????>?? ? g, ? II Mann?*? 2 15. ??, -? ?????, m* - ?. day ?ni gstardar ANNIfi RUSSELL ?n CATHERINE. ? AHI.trivi ?????: UKISHA. ???*. a 2?. ???? ? IHK (.1.1*411 ?. , l-?at Mat. HOI SK. THK UKI?JA 'J 18 HERALD SQUARE THEA. ! Utili* Heel DELLA PUA? "? T. acer?ia ?.??-., ? is. Mata m A .N>w T?er'e. IH \ INI. I'I.UH IHK \ IHK. IHMM. PI. tal ? IHK A IHK. Thi? Kir. at 8:1?. "BRt'DKR MARTIN." Timi? <* Kn. Hi.. A Ssi Mal., Im H?queit. ??IM MKI'.MKN HOKSS'L.'? ??IH ?VtSISSK*. ROMS!**?.." S*t Kv? iSylveater Kein ? WHERE IS THE <"AT." KEITH'S continuous performance MILTON t? DOIJJB NOBLES lAMKS THORNTON KAROO TWIN'S. 1???.? I.IHII.K.V g JAMBS TEN HKAV A Sa? V Crane ? The Head of the Family THE COLLDOCK BENEFIT . . Friday, 2 SPLENDID ARRAY OK ATTRACTIONB, Seat? i*>lliaa?. ? ? XT \\ KKH. SKAT ?UK TO-MORROW, A. I. (.?MlllUI?. AMI M WINK K.I.I.Kill. Clyde Kit. I,?, Now I?,?? --N till AN Hll.K." KOSTfcR & BIALS. S STAl'.TI.IMi Benaailon AN* All MM OF HONOR Foreign V?u?levllle. J?? 'J rissi B bOTTut, Loan Collection of PORTRAITS EXHIBITBH 1p'?jK THR BBOtattTT "l- THB Orthopaedic Hospital, ACADEMY Or DSflON, rot/RTM AVBKI ? AMD Jill) ?T ?jp'ii J?il?, Sin.laN. in? lii.!?.l Adrnl???i..n M rent?. LYCBI M | ?? 'rh ?,?. ? 23.1 st.i?>m*a 8:sn ?harp. I.lt'Kt ? ? DANIEL? I'Kuil.MW.Manase! I.I l Kl M . I Miitin^ea Thiiinlav anj Saturday at 2. ???????? OK IHK WKI.I.S. ? PINEROS THKI.tWM OK IHK 1TKI.I.S. I Gr.,text ?'omedr KXTlA MATINEE MONDAt ?\K\V VEAR'fl. ????????? St?. THKATRK. Cfnit ? ? war ETRA MATINEE JAN't Jt> lm.lll TIME JANI'ART ?, SOt'VKSIRS. Erealage. BSO. Mi Hatuedar. ON AND OFF. MKTBOrHMJTAN OPERA HOfSE. ?irtAM? OPERA SEASON 1***? lit? ??..!*i tin ?!?., ? .>u 'f Mr. .Maurice Ora?. 'inaili a' M.V DIM Wtl.kCHK Eaaaee, Meleellager a.-.i Ulli '/lucinn, Van Itrek. ?'? ti|> mid Vaia lto>v. Ei Birg., Uee '???, a? ;:t.'? TRISTAN r\t> lSnf.DE. NoiilKa. Meieahnger, l.-.n ami Kl g? H.aza-, H'?r?iaia. Sai Mai !??. 31 ?i -? IXIHMNORIN Kataea, Bohumean Helen, ?^n ln.u. Il.?ph*tn, Muhl inann anJ Kdeuard d* lt??irk?>. s.i K*\< Pe S' mi a, ?, irelree !.A TRAVIATA ?eatbrieb, i'anapener?, i?. a, PHegte and seiignao : Ba.n i?:?s ??? ? m I IO l'imi Sunday ? am OMcert, Setolata aim* l.il.l.i I.kiim \W MM CAMPANARI and I'l.tVi'uN Entire Opera Or *?*???? ?ond'ictae. H. ?M?h ????,?*.?. ? vi. - ? ?, Ire?, 1N OtOVANNI. IjIIII l.elrii.iiiu. N.-.ii? j?;.| HembrUh; Ed d? Keazia?, Halisnac ?-.? bone. Devrlea and Mantel. Tue* Bag., inn fi. ,?? ? ,t Breeklys Va.l*m?. IL? BAR RI MRS ??| M\TOIJA ?a?? Llentlrel ? ? Cam \? ?d Bt-g., .Un 4. el ? ROMEO ET .11 l.IKTTB. h'iiuntit kitaSM ???.? ?p?G Bd, ile H??'.k^. a?????? and l'ien-.?n rvi K?e. Jan n ?? s. ?.? NOZZE !?? TtQKtaO ??? : ??? "f l'iarfi.,. E?eie? Eagle .??.?! g?BlSrle> ??am penali, fereoar ?>?.? Bd .??? tt^?/^ _ STKINOVAV 0 SON?' PIANOS G???? lilIDDIY MUX ????? ?Mat. every **7. 2Be. mUnilral ?.?* ?? * ?l'i Pt '???????|*. ? A .Wa ri.!? tv-ri. LltMITS ?a' i.oMiov. SAM. ?. .UCK'?) Theatre. H ?m and astil ?1 Tal .it?Ti'. 880 ?l Ilio SHOWS EVERY DAT. 'J AND 8. + i\ IN'TBR ? ntCAHu-rr .-n ?kmkh OARIMIN OP ?G!??"; ?.!. ENJOTMKN ? GG? IT. IHKATHK. C? ?.?? ? ? Mat? >v-l ? Sal? ue*, .? ?: cIr?'te im I ? , .'??? 1^.- *? .-. IHK l/IU,AOE POSTMASTCR ?-?? ite??.. The II.?!? m?' S?* S'-u^rtwi AU\rRTIsi:MF.NT8 and ?uberrtp'tona for The Tribune t*.-r\ed i>t th/ ? l'ptown Offr??. Ma 1,2*2 Broedwar. ",1 ? .>r Boath ?* Alar n . uniti m o'clock ? m , adierrl?? uirni? r??'?!? d at ti,? fullunln? b-an? h OSSeM at regular ?iffce r,?!;? tiiitll ? oV-Wlf p. m., vlr : 2?? Bth ai?., e. ?. ':?! ?? , ??? ?li-ave. eoe, I-tri ??. : Mary??. e?h ava. and HU. ?t. H2 ?' ''union* ai? . ii?*r VV??t SBtn at.; KM WeM t2d al near Blh a?.?.. !2 Ke.t It'll ?t. 25T Weat t?d li . bel ?en ?*1? and S?h a?e? . 159 Kaar ?Tth at., 1.8SB ni ir?., L?-?\?-rti rti??? ?nd T7t: ria: ?. Hieeokar-at.: fioreca ani) (Tarnagcs. VAN TAMMKI.I. di KICAHAKV rr-fr trail) Invite Itteaertle? oln'm?nl?; with.vul diiiiht th? ieiK?*? arid rln??? ? ?- ? ?ni ????? In tha \?.?? A ? ???? OK ?)???\ It ? ???,? ANO Alt 1.1*411 ?.?? ONU HOU HHOI t.ll % M?. n??ly de?? '?? ftl J |AM ?? ?>???1'?