OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 31, 1898, Image 14

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1898-12-31/ed-1/seq-14/

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At a meeting of the member? of the Tarrytown
Younjc Men? Lyceum on Tun-flay evening 1? BU
decided to give ? n.inisirH entertainment th.? win.
ter. ?nd the following committee was ?ppotnred
Dr V ? Russell, general BBBBBjII Jumo* M
Reiua ?eorettirv and tr?-asurer. John t>. Haz????,
jnueir.il dlmctor, ami ??.orge Vanderbllt. ?ibro
manager . .
???? Ornee R. Ely gave a progredire eucl?re
rartv at her homo, in Win.il- Park, on WMIIM?
?i.i\ evening. In honor of her guests, Mlaa Mont
?erfiTv. of Reading l'.-uti . and Miei Bmlth. ?f
New-Rochelle. Mlaa Julie ?.?*??.?\ end Dr. Tark
erav non he tiret pri7..-f and ih" booby ?as
awarded 1" lolonel Frr.|. n? k G Week?. Pancini?
and refreshment., followed tho *C.?ni' -
Irving Chapter. No ae* Royal Arch Maaona. has
*>.??.?,? ihe following officers Dr S'lchnlaj H.
Frerland hl?:h priest; W. II Ely, king; C. H
Curt???, - ?it... William M oaa, tr. iturer, and rred
ertek ? Weeks, secretary.
?"?wing r.? the surre?? of the serie? of ?ermni'i
on "Charnctei ih? Rev ?;eo?g.? Il Ferrie, pastor
of the Kir?! Baptlsi Church, hat decided io preach
_ second ?.oes on ??? tame topic. Th." eubje? ?? ol
the nr.-? sermon will he "The Value nf ? irli " Which
will he delivered io-naoiTon evening.
The (rood Templan? r>1 Weetcheeter rounty w.ii
held then annual convention In th'* village with
Irving l.o.!s?? on January 12.
Th?? mem hen of Rce<ue Hoee Company win ho.d
a "smoker' on T<?? -? ? ? \ evening
The tir?t annual hall ot lh? Aurora Social ?"lun
VHt- held on Thuradaj evening In the VnnaerblU
Building, .uv,?.
At rhe mee'lng nf 'he director! of the \\e?t
Che.?ter ?'oiniiv Sures llitik to he held on Tuee
<"..i\ ifternoon, ?? pteeldeni will be gelected to tm*>
,-p?d fie i,ne Benenn Ferrit
? loin? Installation of ihe newly elected offl.-er?
of ward ?< Rarnen ? -? tlrand Army of the
Ropubll ind the Woman - Relief Corpe will take
plac?? ..?? Tueeday evei Ing Pati Commander Jame?
?. Jenklne, of Farnswort h PoaL Mount Vernon.
will ne th?? mustering officer
Bleep?? Hoflou Lodge Se 08 Indepcnd?*??! Order
?ef od.i Eellewi ? ' the?? officer?; Alfred
gear?? nob'?? grand; John A Enatman, vice-grand:
Charlea Hover, recording secretary. R?uhen
jkdfm?. flnanriai aecretary; W. .1 Single, treaaurer,
?nd Irving 1?- Rever? li latee for ?:.:??? year?. .
Joseph Lrdwlth, pre? !? ? I ol In? village nf North
Tarrytown. will enteriali lh? village and Ipwn
officials o? th Waldemar Hotel on Monday after
The twelfth annual hdii nf tho Cnlon Hose torn
??any w II .??? beM - ? Monday evening.
e ?
MotTf-o ? Ode NO tU, ? Bild A M . I 8? elected
the ' .:?'?? I...;..... S- .'we'
jnxrter. J ? ph Height, Jr., aenlor warden; Will- j
lam .1 Marna, Iunior warden; William ?. Boyd,
treasurer: Jo -' Pro? l te rotary, ??nd th??
Iter ft y Xi ik< .
Arri? . gvi been made for a serle? of re?
viv?,! ??ri. es ?? - Mei ?i Episcopal
, . ? ervlces m
jiighr inue one w..k The |..?-r..i?. the
jtev w. ? l r.?. wl tainted bj Mr. and ??
?Wl ? Park evang? leti
At the annual meeting ??( A pa W? mil T oltre No .
BJ8, r ?r ? ? M Ibe following ofJI erg were
r "???. I ?'?? irge H iturcke maai.?
Tir ? k- - lot warden; William H Smith, Iunior
t , Palmer, treasure) William H
T?,,niele, -e retan . ihe >;? \ F. F Oerman, chap?
.ein. and Henry Fat lor _ eorge Burger and G irles
j wren?:? ? -? The Installation will i.ike
(place on January 12. :|
???? - nlTbl ten m m eld thl? evening In
?Ihe Hti ' ??'" ?? Methodlel Episcopal ?'hurch,
?fcegln-r:' | ?.?? 81 ling unti; th*
?new . , predir 1 e aervlce aril] be held in
the mon a .?.-a? "-room, v- Henry Rowe and
i> e rhoir * ? ng will
tokark ihe cu . ? wed by brlel
"II ? \\. ? ? l*k< ind Frank L Young .. Imi ttra
tion ol the Baers th? l/ord ? s ipper, .? h-iif
>-'.-? ronsecratlon service bj
the hour or ? iches.
' New Te ir'i be h.e;d
tl' t '.' ? g Ml ' :II ? ? 'IMI AS
r Mond from 1 until 10
? - X. I '? ? 4*?
Al a meeting High?
land ? lethodlst E| ? 'hurch laal ev? ?
Ire the qu? 81 ? ? r to '.ik> up the
v. '.rk at th? expirai ? t th? I ? ?? rice of
the Rev ? >r .1 ? i'r ;?(?? w .?
t it? ? on Ihi Rev. W F ? ? le ai pre?
eut at the VA ? rch, N'etv-S'ork
? ?
. Ml and Mrs R :.'?'?? gave ? dance gl
a. ?. ndon, their home m *vn- village
I fi i? underatond thai Will .rn Purcell, recently
r appointed foreman of th? ?? lion o? the croton
Ao ;ed'|..e SU e#d Frederick G.
M??.d. kt-;.er. on lanunn 1
7v | M Digne? ? e Me? leitend und Ralph
Ilickok. th* coto appointed to hear the .
1r *:tt..".... ,.? \'.e dit* . - nal the ]
village by reaaon of Hm changes of ?'-???\ made
tw>> mote ? ? ,?;?? ihi? e ? ? k One .mu.l of j.?. .1 :
wai G????? te Ann Relffenberger eri ? tiled for
ngjtt ar.r! ?h?> other ?rat to Klizi .1. Rlumer. who .
e'jed for *>.????> ?.nd r? elved s.v?? In nearly every
o??e ine c>st? have amounted m more than the ?
BtrttdB, Bud pei ??? rt eulte yei to he ?rie.i
have Baked to have them adjourned pending the
??oneideration ..f ,? proposition by :h? village to re
Tfcir the damagfl dop?? io ine property This pun
trag tdopteii by the ? re., ????
v-i? font, ? . ?? aatlgfacl *j ? h.r,? pre?
r? . gajt Brought 1 ?? ??:'??
?? ??- ' l officer? of Huguenot
?.M??. Fron find ? epted Masons etili ??ko place
on tha evening of Fi ??. <; w arren Mi?
ley, l'"i'ir> '.t??.? ?,??,G . . Pouri Maaonlc
I ?"' ' 0 -g. officer.
A fmTi] ?' rouni eople I eld a dan^e
Bt the New Ro (ielle R ?? | .. Dlgdt.
A pretti linnet wag given by Colonel and Mrs.
F'iger.e Kelly Atiei |ng B?
? ? new home, ??'?,. Sea Rochelle
? ? ??? e] a?, ? ?? \ iM'n have lusi
J-.cu?? end 'v< ? elehrate th?
?nnlvereary of ? . ...*.,.
arllstlrall? trimmed wirh Christmas . ?
) an'! -he tat?)? wai With Urne
> ? heg o' ;.;nk rosee Covert were i^? ? ?
?waive Mueie wn? furnished by ? tiring ?luariei
Those pregeit wer? Roswell D Hatcl M
?'r* H ? ? ? ! ? ?? nd Mrs YVillinni
I> .taffrtj Ml Mi ' ? .? et a R ope Mis?
Tt 11 et. Mi? <; Kelly ?? ,j p.?,. y
llaek??.: lJr'Kh=?m
Mr Bnd Mre Oeorge H Priraroee, of ??.?? t,1o
?"''"???i'. r"? ? : "ii. ' party I hit w-e?k In honor
Bf Mr. and Mr? 1 rot erg ?rare ?^.??? for
a - TWO ' ? ? people ani friend?
A Wh * .. will be held in th?? Ftmt
>5**?? . p. i) thle even ng
j:*? Bt 1? < ? k and cor.tlMilng until ^'r mid?
Or T.hi'?d?j? .\? -r -he goelety r-'orde of Tonk?
S?r? wer, ' .? . wie; ? ' ? ? . M ? v Rn il
took place ?t ?>-... ??..?? Hill ? ountrj ''inh house
>ho'ii the ] '<e adjeti ng thi rtubhouee electric
1:?'?'? wc. ? , gg adding lo the gttr>rilTiiiaag of
Hit ?rene Tia tatertor of the o:,ihhoii,?e wa? deco.
gated with e jerurect.?. ?rivlng ? holiday iippearence
V? Ih* eeerej There ?? . ?. ?t,,??..
j.ope preaenl lleaander Bi ? bran w..s
Tl*air-ian of <he Floor fommlttee ?a? midnight an
elahorale ?upper wn. ??G\??,1 Andrew Deyo ?\ 11
chairmen of the Comoiltt? ?.f Arraogem'-nt? and
1? I? exj.ected that when th? retumi ?re nl] in 8t
J'hr,'? Rlverelde Hospital grill rert.)V0 a nnhit^n.
'tlal ?'.m
At the ?pecial meeting); of ?he ? Orr,mo>n Couadl on
Thursday mehr U?.',?. ?? Lowerrt wrt? . onPrmed
a? Health < orr.mieeloner. In pince of William ?.
fJHorr.e. whoae t-rrn of -.ffle,. had ex, lr,.(|
Th? Children Of th? Kir?? I't.:t.??-:;?r. S';ndav-scv,,^]
were Mitertalned ..-\ Thuraday afternoon'hv the
B?v I?r James T. Bli ? of the .-hui?-h at
hi? .orne, iti Hui- ? There ??.is ,? '"hrisi
tni? pl??y In whl? h J', . - ? .k n, pi omi?
rent j>_??? ?r|th Mr?. ?. ? B ilesslnger
At a joinl meeting of ihe < ?n mltte? s of ?ne Lin
Min Ui > the 1 ?..?.. Men's Republl ?..-, '').jh
it wa? re?oiveii to hold m? annual Lincoln dinner
o'? Monday ?wening. February 12
A re ui . ? ' ? . ? amp Henkelt waa
held on Th ,?-.'?.' nlghl et th* Young Men - Chris
tien Aasoclar) ?
Kll.'ah WaabhUITB, a csrpenter ergas-ed 1" ????
conttriKtlon of ? building, fell yesterday 'mm a
high ?'?GG????,t; to the ground, hr<Hklrg a couple
of rl rs and illslocatlr.g one of hr? enoilder? h.?
was taken to big horr.r. where a dOCt >r ???-! 'ne dl.?
lcatlor.e. and no vrinu raeultg ar? enti il Bted
i?..? lee deakr? of Weetcheeter Count] nave al
reed?? houee?rl a ?arge quantity of l???? fr..rn 'heir
pond? and then i? no ?iri^pc? o' ?? ghort orop.
The loe a:r'an> housed ?? of goo,-'. Quality.
The officie 'em, of Juettce J 'i Dykman expires
nt midnight to-nlgh? He e?roe? t^ ?.. he rcappc
for ?je'lai term work, a? he hat heen for ?everai
year? p tired from his regular t?rm on th? age dis?
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Pure Urape Cream
of Tartar.
ALBKMARLE--H!ehnp W 'N McVlckar. of Prov?
idence. APTOR Frank M. Baker, of Owcro. Pta*e
Railroad ?'ornmlssloner. FIFTH \ VENTE <;?n
eml 1, 8 ?'asement. of Palnsvllle, Ohio. IM
RERIAI-- Professor E. Rlunts.hll. of Zurich.
MANHATTAN ??eorge ?, Darte. Inlted Btate?
??onaui to Martinique. MURRAY HILLr-General
Amasa J. Parker, of Alhany. SETHERLAND
l-rofe??or John R ?'astleman of Louisville. G???
A VENTE-Professor N. I,. Andrews, of ??igate
Inlverslty WALDORF?Ex-8enator ?'. F. Man
demon, of Nebraska.
Lectur? hv Profeesor William Hallock. Museum
of Natural History, S p m
? Cady Eaton's lecture. Metropolitan Museum of
Art. 11 a m.
Stnyvesant Height? Repnhllean Club c?l?bration.
Tre?? ?'?uh reception. 8 to 12 p. m.
The annual rti-rtlnf of the New Tork Historical
Society trill he held on Tuesday at I'M p. m. at
Pe.'on<l-ave and Eleven'h-st.
7*n!on ?ervlces of prayer, under the auspice? of
the Evangelical Alliance, win be held in the Cal?
legh,to R. formed Church, Plfth-ave. Hnil Twenty
ninth-?! , at 4 p. m each day from January 2 to
January ?
?*? pre?iden?. Joseph Howard, .ir., presents his
complimenti lo ih? member? of the New-Tork
i^,?s club, and niehlng them a Happy New Tear.
will be plea?ed lo greet them nnd their friends In
tne chit? parlor? to-night, from S to ?2 o'clock.
Th? Merchants and Manufacturer?' Hoard of
Trad? Intend? to make it? coming annual uinner a
Striking SUCCesa The affair will be held ot the
Hoffman Houee on February 22. prominent politi.
al speaker? have already been secured C. C.
? ? he y rte. the president of the Hoard ?;?>?, thnt he
ha? seldom fen Mich advance enthusiasm for an
! ?? caalon of the kind. R M Walters Is chairman
I of th?? Pinner Committee.
Pr Kiueell H Conwell WlB deliver his lecture on
"Acre? of Diamond?" a? the R.iptlst ?hurch of the
Epiphany, Madlson-are and Sixty-fourth-st.. on
Tuesdaj al I U p m. The lecture is under the
auspices of the young people of the church, and
the proceed? will go toward enlarg-mg the gym?
nasium Of the Roys' i'lub
The Department of the Interior has issued a fine
wall map of ihe i'nited States, prepared under I ie
direction of th?? Commissioner of the General Land
?Office. The map. amon* other thing?, shows? by
distinct boundaries ihe acquisii.on? of territory I ?.?
the Qovernmcnl as determined by the most re?
cent and tn?sr careful investiga 1 ions Seventy
mio been hild aside for th? public school?
of this citv twenty of them to go to the public
school? of Brooklyn.
The Roard of Director?? of the Commercial Trav?
ellers' National l.engue will meet at 3 e'cloek thl?
afternoon In tu?? Imperial Hotel. Men? important
measures are to be .? ?ed upon.
lohn Kavanagh, thirty-on? year? old a eon'
passer. of No. 61 Hlgti-st.. Brooklyn, who .av? he
Wai on ihe hatt!c-?hlp Maine when ?he w.i? blown
up In Havana Harbor, was removed to Bellevue
Hospl ui yeeterday. He t?as been sick shire Thura
?I i\ ?ifternoon *n?i lie went IO the hospital at the
tuggi ?Mon of (tienda
?1?G G????01 1 WILL OO OUT OF ?G8???88 BX
11 ?-.?? learned yeeterday that the Parragut Fire
Insurance Pompany, of this city, which ha? offices
on the ground floor of th? New-Tork T.lfe Insur?
ance Building, No. 346 Broadway will as Boon as
possible wir"i up p.- affair? and go out of existence
Tt I? was decided upon at ? r?'eni m?>>ilp? of lh
stockholders 11 era? also decided thai g]| risk?
would he rems .r?"i In the Lancashire Eire Insur?
ance Company, of Manchester, England. The com?
pany will noi act?a ? tee to exist for two or
ihree years, ?? some of ?he poli.-jes grill noi ??? :;.
i.''..r? ? ..? r me '!"""?" >re fon timo rivlt?. |?o??
aver, which i t reason thai such a speedy liqui?
dation i? possible. The lIsMMll?. -' ??.?-uisnr
a?.? full) overed by It? saeet?, Tne capital. 1200,000,
will be all tali off. and ir I? expected tliit there
will be a eont denble percentage <n surplus. Samuel
Dalbee. B?creiary or the company, was ntike.i by a
Tribune reporter yeeteiday what was th? ,'???? of
the liquidation
..?.?>.-., - r, , particular cause." he BaM "Wt
think that In general ih? outlook in the business of
tire nsurance Is unfavorably Th? recent outline;
of ra?"? nod Other r'i'nc? h.iv. produced an a?pect
thai It not promir-??? so the Mock holder? decided ]
io utop buslnese
The Parragut Witt Insurance Company waa start- |
ed m I8FT2 ?? thli cltj '''lie pre??ni officer? are
rtesine??? John ? i.efflticwei: gecretary, Samuel
Wll '.nm F. Shir'.ev l? E. Eamcs
I ????? ? lapo, Georg? L. l'ex. Thoma? .1 Alkli -
nry Tnck, Robert McTafferty, Martin ?'. Wood,
.? ?.irks Ronen \v Morgn Edward ?.
Lovell John E I.emn?weli Theodore R Cooke,
Charles ? Brook?, John S Oliver, Sidney Ward,
Walter I. Tvler Samuel Paib??. Alonfic, Lewi?,
John Cashew snd Rallard McCall
rrovidepcp R T Dec TA Af'er negotiation? es?
tendine: over ??verni months. Robert Knijrhr has
practically obtained rent rol of r r ?? R Knieht.
th?? lnreest c.-ut.m-manufacturlne: firm 1n 'he world
The transaction Will be finlehed thle week, arni will
Involve the trnt'^fer of fifteen ml'ls. tltuated In
eleven rtllege? m this Stare and four ir. Massa?
rhuaett?, fifteen mill rillagee, with about seventeen
hundred t,.np?)ent-bO'i?e?, occupied by operetlvet
company ?tore? ami farming property ard a'.^n the
mercantile interests of uh? firm which dispose? cf
Its et tire product to the trade without the medium
of commission bouree, bavins; ,? principal ?-tore in
New-Tork with che? in Rnstop Philadelphia.
Raitimor? and other c|tie?, and headquarters in
Providence. The mills employ about five thousand
op.?! atii ee
TtepUty-Bheriff <">'D<?nneii yeeterday reeei-ed ex
ecu tinn? against tb? American Casualty Ins irnne?
(.???i s?? .tu? Company, of Baltimora, for ii.onn \m
'si'.r o? ihe R.ir?r.er Reclaiming. Company, and
? g nei S. R Scarpe a? receder o' th? American
Casualty Im irnnc. ar.i Security Companv Or
if. :.."? ir, favor of the Fidelity Title end *-??.? ? ??
Pompany and for $2.4L', in favor of Prank \
Cotmlh Th? executions ere f,?.?)rst atta? Te.;
Judgment for ffi.tll wa? ?n?er?d yeeterday arair.st
tb? L, Bnckl * Sor Lumber ?"ompany. of No ?
Broadway, In favor of \v r Austin >n an ?esi(rn?d
calm fmm H.":.'|c. Ri.tiee for service? rendered.
Oliver ? |toK..r who Mr? he Uve? ? r No AO We?t
Twent?-fl'tb-s? and ** No ft u'ost Twer;? fourth?
?? Seca ivo ho Is moving from one place to th?
other, wi) nrr<-?t?<1 ye?terda> for stealing silver
and tarile linen from th? Wnllorf-Astoria Hotel
and from the restaurant of R m Haan a? Beven?
ty-fifth-at. and ColUMbue-av? Boger wa? | check,
er of f,,od in Haai ? re?t;iurar.t S?vot n.,ci tuoi.
linen were help* mls?.-i1. and he was ira?????! aid
? ' Detective W? ?t who was on the case
al?'. ?ijcceefi?-d In connecting him with th? \\ ,i
dnrf-Astoria thefts snd Boger said he bad stolen
arricie? from the hot..; He was he;d m ??, ?.? ;
f<r trial by Magistrate Cran? '
r>Offi BOA SD WIEIjD? THF ar.
Tha com m u?s ?oners of Docks ???? Perries held
their last regular weekly meeting fur the v?,r in
the room? of the Roard. at 1??G A yeeterday
BoUtlne bUalaeM occupied the time of th?- m?etlnB;
for 'he uriater part of the afternoon In executive
?Melon the R..ard wielded the official ???<, ??G\ )t
Wat tal I ?.?' ?.? ? reeiiit one hundred nn.? gff.
, to/ ?uhordir.ate? and emplove? were .hopped
off Se? re-ar? Burke ?aid that th'oee affec?,.) ??,
men who tied been '-arrred on the payroll? f..r some
time and who. It wee discovered were not dolr.e
tn) work
' I11RI.ES p???\?? ASSAULTED
?"hariee Whitney, a son of Chnr>? s Whitney
the weil-known broker, le confined ro hla home In
Rroikl? ? with a ?evcre injur?.? to the eye Earl* on
Thuraday m.orr'.ng as Mr Whitney was returnlnic
hum?? to Br?>ok!yn he wa? the victim of an une?.
pelted and unprovoked a??ault In front of (he
.Metropole Hotel He wa? ?trucie in the eye with
the roueh end of a csne The wound I? not eon
M-Jered der.serous. and I? mendlns; raptiiv \?r
^'hltne\ ie well known both !r. Hrooklyn and M,,? .
hattan. and I? an officer of t ?? 7?1? Regiment I"?
fortuna'cly his aesallani ojuce nie ee?.uBe in t__?
excitemtnt. " \
ous gano IM ___TODT.
KNOWN PEOPLE IN '"H!' 'A*"?0 ?"'1*
Frank A. Parker, th?? ???? ?t wealthy and In
fliienlial resident? of ?'hirago. vas arn?))*n'""
In the Ccntre-ai polire .ourt ftutarnkt by
Det?*-rttve -PorRoante Price on.) Klornan ?an R
ohatpe <?f forgery. r?o?pite th<? prisoner .? COB?
nertlons. tho polir? ?ay ho Is at lhe head of on?
of th<> most daagemufl Kanes ot forger? that
th?y hat?? encountered in years, captain M?"
('liisky aajrs that Parker and Walter I'ix'ii.
arbo araa aiT?BBte?_ two anr-eka tap, aro th/? dav?
eremi two f rgers he his ever mot.
Th?? police first heard of the can-; irheii th?**/
attempted to paaa a check for ?T".'1 Ira??? ? on
the ?"ici-man-American Hank, and I.oat ing th??
signature of Bchoeneal Broa., tobacco deal**ra, at
N'n. T_ Broad??! s.? cleverly had the slbTBature
been fnrgori that th-> had no dlffltrultj Irl hnv
ing the rho.-u certified hy the bank's raahlcr,
and when it v. a?- firs! .?'en by lhe lirn? the Big
nature was pronoun?*-?**] *p.nulne P?x"t? pre?
sento,) tho chech at the Jewelry etor? ol Mra
Lynch, at Pourteenth-at. ar.d Broadway, pur
chaalflg ?""!* worth 94HO, Mrs Lynch waa BUS
plt-ioua, and Bent Mi" -hock to the bank. where
It wo? said to be Rood.
The two detective? happened to call at the
?tore at this ?Juncture, and wore coiieulted. They
queetioned I'ixon. and g| last took liitn Into cus?
tody. Later tho forgery ??as diacovered. An
Investigation ahowed thai aeveral wr-eka ago
Parker wont t" Bchoeneal Bros, ami mail" s? me
sma.ll put'has??s. tendering fl .**'-'" bill in pay?
ment. Ho aaked if 'hoy would ???? him In
chanco a che? k for |5. Baying be wanted to
send aome money away in a Iettar. Thinking
ho was as represented, a ?-rtati dealer in tho city,
ho (oi Hip check. After he had tho signature
of the firm in bla possession, by means ? ?f a
clever photographic procree a new chech f"r
*7_1 lins produced, The ?.???- een! th? check
io th? ban), to sr?.? if it ?a.- clever enough t?
?paaa them before they allowed the small rheck
I i?> leave thon hands, ?When they found that I
they ha?l )>.??? successful and lhe bank r? ?
! the paper, they cashed the email check G?? -S??
I and it nas through the Indorsements on this
j check that the detcctlvee **en s ?1? to find
j Parker. They say he is wanted In Chicago,
| wher? he laid down" a aerlea of bad ch
I for lar;;? ??unis.
While a .lover man himself, th? poli?*?? say
! thai Hixon is only a "mechanic" of Parker.-?
? gang, being one ,,f th? men s?m' oui i? paaa the
I Bpurious paper. '
In th?? Centre-el police epuri yeaterday Parker
de,.?luci to talk, end a! the request of the offi?
cers waa remanded until thla morning
Detective P. ? Buckmlnater, of the Chicago
????ntral Office, teho wa? preeenl In court yes?
terday, said that Parker a*as the son pf ? ,\
Parker, ??ne of the bieal known broker. In Chi?
cago, and that hi?, parente lived at th?? Hoi ?
Lexington, al Twenty-aecond-at. and Madleon?
avo., C'hii'ago. in addition. Buckmlnater sal I
that Parker waa tbe nephaa of Mrs 11 0.
Parker is wanted m Chicago for uttering a
number of worthleaa checks, which were inssed
by Mabel Rapp upon Mandel Broa., drygoods
dealt re,
API*BAISBB hi? PBOBABL.E s'".'''Esp.->P. ?
Fnenfi^ of Oeneral Oeor-je H. Bharpe hove ii,..-,-..
for --verni months thai he wl?hed |o re.?!i*n hi?
;iaicp :n Ih? Boari of Cenerai Appra??rr? nh.,a .1 ,,.
uary I. He h-i? d? tared thai h? did noi wash to
remain in office after reaching the as? of savent)
and thai he wanted to travel in Europe again be
for? h? bet-am? too old to enjoj life sbroa ! ?(? ?
????.I'?.! t?> I,tie city f ? ?-.in '.'.....| ? ?.
-?--., -..r. |.ifl*. at-,.???a a? I*??? h/.m? r.f >? > - a. -a. ...
la?, [rs Davenporl el Sa "I Gael Thlrty-ninth-el .
h? ?..,:! he had been In consultation with President
McKinley as to tb.? time tor presenting hi? --?_i-itii ?
lion, He did not irla)* lo embarrase the Prcc l< ? ?
he ?.?. ?nd bad eoneented te hold Ih? offlo? ur.til
the President w?s ready to n,im?? h Ifl ? iceeeeef.
The appointment nf a Oeneral Appraiser I? for life,
subject to good behavior, an! the ?alary f,f ta??
oil e is 17,000 ? veai There are nine ????? ?' V
In th? ? ? ? and noi moi e than '
them ran helonft t ? ih? ?am? political peri; I ? ?
dude? are partly edmlnliiratlv? snd peril) ludi ? ?
a? ?? an so ?sa, ?' n a? t?, requ r? elmosi : illy ..?
in?*? ?? Board meetliig?, it I? r??llever| the?
President McKinley ? ill n.itn?? a- Genere I Sharp? -
? ? nor Walter 8, Chance, of <"?hio. at npr?*?nt
?? - lporvislnfj Tresflurj agent Ther? hev?. ???
report? lhai ? ongreseman 1. E Qulas " ? be ?
, mdldate fr th? office, ,, ,t Mr Qulga ?ai ? v??iar?
daj "1 shall not he s candidat? for insi offlc-? ind
? would to?' ? ?????? any appointive off)??? ! hav?
formed plana ?,,? ? . nesi 11 ? ? my term In
. v..'r,.. on Mai h ? snd ? im goii ? to adtvT* ,
i*e plan?
?""??riera: Shi,'"?? ?re? prominent in Republican poll- ,
lie? in New-York year? p?,?? ?? ? ? - ?
ih? Por! wl??? ' ;.Chester .a Arthur eras Col?
lector, and th? aw, men were ? ?'??-? personal an d
politi,-al friend? (?eneral Sharp? had served rh
staff of Qeneral Gram In ,he war. He ?ras Bpeaker
or the A??emhly ? hen Benator Conkll ?? ?nd Bei
n'or Piati resten? . It fflces snd fried to ?
from the Legislatur? approval of ih?1r action .
election H? is a well-known memi or ni ?he l'nlon
lacagu? Club and spends muori of hi? time there
THF LA W 1 S TO V IIS 1 \ f G S
AN ?-fTF.HKPTlvc, T.r.ristr.N ?? ??? APteWXATB !
Dn*T8IOM ?? a BtTT a?-;a!N"-T a ?a? (???????
Th?? appellate WtdBlon of th? Bupr?*me foori
ye^ter^.tx lianrlerl rjr.wn I decision relating ?? a ?
peenhar riamnire (ull l.onisa Roeenhelmet ;
?Judgmenl aE^inst the Stan'!??rrl ?La.? lalghl '???- ?
pan; for maintaining a n?ii?anc? on ).
?, On? hundred ?ir.d llsteenth-et, near Avenue A.
The company ha? works directly opposit< v
niaik?? en? f.-r.m naphtha The nleKe<l null
its In offensive fume?, ?moke ? r,.*,. ar.d
vibrations produced by 'tie ira?worK.?? The ?Wen?i- :
? ? . ontended thai It h?d ?. contraer With ?I t fi
to eell sas at ??rue!? redu, ed rales. ;,:;.! , ,? ,s
M-tol thai Its ?Ar.rk? ?re BO '"arefully conatructed
that they cannot he a nuisance.
Ti,e Appellate Divielon ? sn opinion written bj
.' . " ? Pat terso ? considers the 't*? ..n th?
|ect al length, and dr. ides that th?? si rae '. ' p pi?
applies us ir, the action against tr- < ? ?.?,,?. d rail
for ?!.?p??????? to i?:.ti? ,-alue? The dam
sr? temporary, continuing ?hile ih
and can on t bt measured t>\ diminution In renisi
?lue. The judf-metii 1? the.refi.re affirme.! ?
pruno Pran*?aeco, of Ne ?p.' ts/ater s! th? hu?
hand of Maria Barberi, who w?? ??',.??? and ac?
quitted f?.r the murder of ? ?hoelila.-H with whom
rhA in.d. ?rae arrested yeeterdaj in a ? ,
?nop at No :<<?;< Madtaon-sl . where be iri?-d Ii
a poiio?m?n and h i.?rl.er ?ith rhr.e rasors h?
held r.pen in his hard The man became. Hv
a dispute over the razor??, ?rhl? ii he said ?.?.. ?
Prai isco was held IndBOObatl for examination on
? a? h charge
I r rtrali of Henrj D McCord ?? pr?e?std*>ni of
ti e Prod , ? Baci ? g? ?r ?? pr? s. n?. a ?., the ??
el ma? vesterdey afternoon Th.? ? \? -
hr-ld on th? floor of lhe Es change th? preaeniallon
address h*lng made ,.v *A*llbur Hui lin-ttoi nd th?
?pee.ii or Bcrepuunc? by Elliot ? Barrow? the ?
rlce-prealdent of tiie Bxchanare The portrait
?Able), ?? rt ihree-qvjiartar Heure, and ?rhl? h la ??
: ?? ? : .?s at, excellent like;,???.. ?.,? t,.?,,, ?. ,
Augii? ? - Pap? ,,. a ? omtn ?- on from I ?
M ' ?? ' ,,ri in?! I to I e co?! ti '"">
? h?? Produce Exchang? win r- the onl? ?? - ,,' ? ??
downlowi ? \ . ? ? to t? .,,,. ,;, r] to-da) f,,r
? ?? and then only inn! ?.:
Saturday? Prom I to ? ? m th? m?m!,.r- .
their -? .??-' - ?? 111 ? : ? a??? ? . :.
G?'""' of ihe Bi hai .?? ? e mm ?vin ??. ?,,,
by the 'id ?^??p?? at Rand, and ther? wi I !,?? .
levllle entertainment In the course of the ,t?. r
The Board ol Bettmat? ?nd Apporttonnem ?? ?
u? flr.al m-H-ttnir for th.- year yesterday In t? ?
of?), e of the M,.\,,r Th? !<?..? , , ? , .? '. ,
Education bond? amounth a to BU ??? iti .rlsed
the tranefer of unexpended balan?ai m ? Ing ??. :
!? BB from the ? -? ? . ,,n, r,f t?,:
sold .md unexpended balance? mounitna ? s
m ti,, ?, tal aroountlni ? t.,. . ,. t? ?- ir?
lhai the Board ?! Education aaked t r
Contro ? ? rem irked that , . ?|U. ?
IOJ a n-onpa in , .. ;i .. ... .
I ? year ha? ? ?en bon? red The | . .,?,.!
f. ??* tor path? m lhe ne? Botai
re?c|nded the resolutKn passed . ??
ta? spproprlatlni ??.??? >.? ? u :..:. , ,,
ticip-tun cf _ aaowaiarsa that _id_aot ceeaa.
It isn't every year that you get a
chance at our best overcoats for $i.S
?this is our first fire in 24 years of
Rough.sh cloths are getting
scarce; but there's still every size in
the smooth, long-wearing kerseys:
blue black gray and brown.
Men's $18.
Young men's $15.
Rogers, Pr?t & Co.
fyeon?r-1 nnd rtrondwsy.
Pi ? e er 1 i'.r? n?1wav.
T II ? ?e .if end ? '
Por the lest time for lb? preaenl yeaf fhe
School Hoar] of Manhattan and The Hmnx eon
rened yraterday afternoon, but 1? wa? no' 8 meet
Inif in which goodwill w.ts plain, with handshake?
1 .1 good wishes between the departing and incorn?
ine member? On lh< contrari II n is the liveliest
? of the Roard thel ha? '??' p held for some
time 1 id ?? ? ?- plaint) evident thai the Incoming
members ?have s wldelj different rien of hnn to
run th? edu? it!? nal affairs ?f \.w-Y?.rk than their
brethren. Mule business waa transacted.
An Interi en with commissioner Mack published
by a morning paper ? meed the tnaible When the
f the m etlng was ?( an end, Commi??
Idem Morlarty, one of the appointees,
bul who rrved on th" School Board before the
reform admlnlatratlon erose an?) requested the
chairman. <.'ommli?inner Taft, to have the Inter
riew read. Th? Commissioner said he asked this
. 1 privilege du? to a Itlsen Commi 1er Bur
lingham, trigo lefeated Mr Merlarti ?? ? delegate
th? Central Board. Immediately objected, bui 'he
.?'? rman consented 10 read the artici? in ll Corn
loner Mack was repotted ?- saying: "If they
(the n s Commit loners) are such men as Mr.
O'Brien r. p?? Mr. Morlarty, ? would noi car? to
make a prediction bi to the future. Those Iwe nun
?vere pui in f.>r- political purpos.? and end? only,
1 ? ?? ,?. doine that for which they were ap?
After th? ?rfl'-Ie had ber-n read Commissioner
Morlarty ancniy protested again?) the utterance?
ontalned In Ii appealing to his record from 1878
? th? time when he left the Board ?"me year?
?go, a?.I ? Iting 1 number of resolution? pre?
? ; to him by varioua committee? and teacher?
roi iii? retirement.
"If rhe man who gave out that Interview wore
present 1 would not May here." ?.nd th? Commie?
"It wouM call from rn? ?uch contempt
thai 1 would not alt on the same Board with him.
\~'? ina reicher? what they think of me."
? ? .?,. ? O'Brien, the other new member,
?poke in the same manner He was t ?llowed by
? uniti?,' I? r \_it". who defended Mr Mack, In
the latter'? absen -
. On ml?.r M ?? ?. Khi seen ' ? ter li
\ .,?.;.-. ? -th-sl
lg 111 ? '.? ;.p ? '
'Util '
,?????. ??;?.?"?) tnrt I teierrc.l more to ?p? -.
?.. O Bri?
?hoir la?i membership on lh? School Board rathei
?. r m 1 .li?1 t ?.. snd I rep? a< ll that I
I? .( blasphemy on education ? appolnl such mem
? the Board ? " >rde thai were spoken
..? ... ... two a ?> . 'ommiMlonera thl
re 1 h ai ? luid emanate from two such m?n.
? , innoi u.i anythtog el?? than pork from a
Mack ?aid he waa nr?? preaenl s I tl 1 meet?
? h< ?? '? detained hj I
Whai '." you 'hink would happen if von were
?k? I
I have *.? on? given by
n , ?? ,? .,? iwo < mmls ? ??,. r? fur?
where Inkwell? played a ? eri
Important j nt of the argument,
e Commi* loner'i replj
poi.ici \l 1 '< SHOT BY nr pai.ars.
Bu prised In their ?*ork of blowing up the taf?
In ? .0 office of T.onnard .Brother?, ''''al TTI'>r
n -s. having a yard at One hundred-and-thlr
ihth-si and Madison ave., late laat nicht.
ned ?1? ?? ?? f ur harbor policemen,
and ?nor Patrolman Anth >nj .1 Helfrich, thirty
?..y veari? old, of No. M Prngpect-ave., In the
? leg,
The harbor policemen were patrolling th?
Harlem River In their launch, and when near
tii? Madlaoi gve ..r'.ii:?"' heard criea of "Help"'
Help'" coming from the nfti.-e In th? eoalyaxd
ruttine in ?? qulekJp as p..s<iible. the policemen
I geh?re bnd ran in thp direction whence
tha '
H .''rich, vas In the lead Tu o men lumped
from the office ?\ind"u? as he approached, ar.d
?-.v.?. other:* who were outside on guard opened
ili??? on the polloemen Their Tire ua* returned,
and many shots were exchanged. Helfrich feii
?? bullet ihr? igh in? 1er. One of th- rob
? eerd t? n > My ? ?"d. I'm hit !"
h ia certain th-n he h;? some of them
I owe? ? r gathered .?bout th?'
p :?.. and managed t?? get inni away in th.? |
? .
? wounded p.di.-etnan was taken t<? th? Her?
. ricapitai When Ihe polle? examined th? '
thej found that rh" side of the safe had
: ??? '.. .11 1 pre| made t? blow it i
open. Th?? burglars were ? .hj^ic ?n the act by
, .?..! ll wai iiis shouts for iieip
that attracted the attention of the ha :
.- oral detective? from the East One-hundred
ano twenty-sixth-el nation were put on the
- . bul al an earl) h? 111 thle ncrnirg n?? ar
h.-.d been n
? -
rofli MRBBAORB I ?. I? '.VaV 11*1 A SlNMt.F WIRK
Tn rk. 9T.SX AT "N'l: PROPCgaOlt
R? iWLAKD'B ?????t;?\?
? timore, T?cc vi (gpecUh -Professor Henry A
Rowland of Johns Hopkins Cnlverslty, is arrang?
ing to make a line test nf hla neu multiplex tele.
graph Inatrumem nexl week he? we. ? Philadelphia
and Jeraej 1 Ii '? ?? 1 wonderfu machine, and :
Di Rowland esperte li to revolution!?? th? ? ???
elei iphy
l'i th? ?ut? leal "i" sending and on? receiving
.1 In eaeh city and ?he
a? nipt will be uiad? to ?end four messages each
? . or elghi m? multai ously over
?ne wir? Pro.? Row lend I h Inka that ? much '
greater number of m? sages mai be? sent over one
v rati ? seme time by mean? of hi? Instrument,
ll i' leni ?.' ' ? dev? loped ll onl) to the :
: ? ? of .?clit Experiments .<r?- being condu r.-d
?wo rooms of the physical laboratory of the :
1 ? I vert
Two yeung worn? ? ?- are ?n one r..om. op?
iruments th,?r resemble th.? keyboards
of lypewni g ma Mnetj la the other room i? the
receiver, a most Ingenious device The number of
sending ma bin?? mu?) rorraepond with the num- !
1 ? r of messaee? to he -? elver take?
f? ur meaaage? 11 ? ? - im< tlm? Any on?
operate the simple keyboard of a typewritei in
???nd a message ind the ?? ? tion the re.
? ?lier ne.-?!? u ? keei |? luppHed w:ih paper
Tn?? letter? of th< ? ???? , .?. placed BDOUI a
?null wheel This wheel la whirled around hi Mi?
ell? .? .... ned
1 aaj the m? ?sage ?? ?p. . I
?Ui In plain ???.?- g -hont anv n. ed r>f n ?kl,'e,?
;.? r 1 tor
Pril pel f< ir? Of the Invention I? the .1.??
? I? ? for sep ? rat Ing 1 . . ha vins ?
wneei ah,?.,? whl ?. revolve? ? tUr.c. having
G*'rr*?' . ? - m pi" look?
Ing apparatu? doea the work but luai h.U |? of
?... aaecretwith Prof-1 Rowland M-ses
; " ,_?."?,?< ???ire ?
?"?rei ? iiolots increasing t.?,? com. ,
mereiai value ?f wie devlca ?
Happy New Year?
We give you the opportunity to
buy one of our $25, $24 & %22 Suits
(reduced to-day),
These are high class worsteds and
Some of our great bargains in
Overcoats remain for to-day's buyers.
Open Late This Oveninj*;.
& CO.,
_ Cor. 1.1th St..
Broadway, Cor c?nai s?..
Near Chambers.
James Me Walters, builder, of Mo tl West Ninety?
elghth-et., has filed ?? pe-ition in bankruptcy, with
liabilltlee M ?? snd no issets, (?f the liabilities
18.000 is secured hv e mot ? traire on two lions.??,
No?. ; io?.? ,,?.! i MM .Amsterdam-ave . held by Max
and Bernard Freund, There ar? ?lateen i'idzm-nts
sgelnst Mr McWaliera H? made an aeelgnment
on October :'.. lfM. to .lohn Alexander.
I/O'il? Bandberg, clerk Bl St tl ?'rand-st. hn?
Bled s petition in bankruptcy, wltn liabilities M.7M
?nd no ,??,...,.; Tiiere ts only "ne creditor, Leopold
Michel who obtained s deficiency Judgment egeinei
Mr Band ber? f..r ti.;?: on lhe foreeloeur? of no
i.-; cook-if . Brooklyn Mr Bandberg wa? formerly
? manufacturer of woni.n's underwear,
Qeorge ? VVray, r.f Vonkrr?. file.) n p?MMon In
1 bankruptcy her?? yeaterday, wr.h itahiipie? bt?.rt7??
atnl ts ' *'? of which 1150 Is claimed a? exempt.
The asset? conalel ..f wearing apparel. library,
- ntgtin W ' '? . deek. camera and stereoprlcon.
also two lot- at Lowerre, held bj him a.i tenant in
??ommon. valued si ?? MO .and mortgaged for $1.!?>?.
Of the liabilities B7.li? are unsecured, RS.2M se
i' ired. 1*32.332 In not?e, 1*1.416 In |udgm?nts end tCBOB
llabillt) on bond nnd mortgage sum??.) by him for
money ?,,???.?,) io his wife The bond? and mori?
i- .?;?? sr? held ti\ the renken Savings Bank,
? ????; John ? Ar,drew- ??',.?.?i. Bell Brother?. Id.onfl
?nd Prank B. Holder, B.S00 Th.? Citizens' Hank
of fonkers is a creditor for til.lit), secured by
?hares of ?tock of the Georgi ? Ur.av Drug Com?
pany, Palisade Boh ? Club ind the City Club. He
owes Tarranl A Co., of thl? city. lit.IBS, and the
First Nat .mal P.itik of Yonkers |7 !?T'? He was in
? h< drug bueineee.
Gustave c,o|,ini,itm, of No 10 Heekm-ni Place, ha?
Bled a petition In bankruptcy, with liabilltlee HA.?
? ?., Of the ?? ??? liti?? I?.""" i? secured by boi ?
..nd mortgage and n?"..*??.", aneecured, Hla asset?
rotisi?! o? ilie house Nn |0 pe,?kman Place, vallici
ai 18.????) and mortgaged for 18.000 leaving no equity
H? was former!) ? dealer In provision? mid
??usage? at. No 114 Bast Houston??!.
ihrmmi JacohluB, of No. ..<*??*> Seventh-eve., has
filed a petition In bankrupt.?)?, with liabilltlee li.:'??"
aid n, ,,???..-:? )!.? was formerly in the Stationery
bU'lneSS, hut ??.?? ?? up ?IS years ago,
Riihep Cohen, of No *fj Fa?r Mroadwny ha.?
nie?? ? petition in bankruptcy, with llaMlltle? MS.BBB.
due to 'iftv-eipiit creditore, md ne ?esete, He waa
formerly a deel*?r in tallera' rrlmmlngs a No. !>"i
D!vlslon*Bi . and gave up huelnee? several
A petition in in?.?ahmt!?ry bankruptcy has been filed
? Isaac Bdelstein, wholesale clothing ?leal.-r
Or f>o I? ..--a.. ,. _.;._ _? ?.,.._._. (
i,.'r .".. bj three creditors H. A Ceeear ft Co., BNBi '
Bossut PBr? et pila BBS, and Oreeley, Frost & ?
CUShman H.S7S. It W*a ,il'c?ed 'hat on September
1, while Insolvent, he paid ?,??? to the Qermen
Exchange Benk to prefer ?h? hank, ?uff??red other
creditor.- to obtain a preference by replevin?, an?'.
oa \imu?r 11 paid a Mrs. Prank, now Mrs. Bonn. .
A petition in Involuntary bankruptcy wa? field
here yeeterday sgs ibi ,\ irren Blanchard, dealer
In wagons and farm Im lement? il Spring Valley
i:,. kland County, ? ? . ny the Blnghamton Wagon
Company, of Blnghamton, ?. ? It was .liie-zcei
?fiat wl II? n?olvi nt, between September l and So
vemher '? he tl M ,?'???--,i nearly all r,f his ?toek ro
certain creditor? to prefer them jr-iv?? a chattel
mortgage foi ":?*?" to ? A Cooper, hi? brother-ln?
?a? ?nd a -? conveyed ro him som? real esmt?
? ? - ?? on of ti "00
A meeting of credll ?ra of Herman Finkeisretn. ,
formerl) a lealer In fancy gooda, toys, ?tc . at no.
23 Best Fourteenth ?? . ?as held yeeterday hefor?
1 ?odor Aih. refere? m bankrutcy. tl No. :?"?
.... \j ?',,.? ,?-.? ?-., ?reditor? ,??? the Us?.
, trge meeting-room was engaged for the oeca?Ion,
I :? onlv about forty were presen! Sin? cl? m?
hid he..? proved prior lo r'.e meeting, bui none of
the?? ? ?,.????.??. So ol h.?r? ? ? illfl? d * ?
no truBte* eres eleeted, and the refere? will ap
_- was deci <. ? ??? ' The
, ??,???];, . - ?,???? H?bil tl?es of B0S.000 and nominal
asset? : ??
A meeMof. of the creditors of Caroline ? C?rfer.
fetter known ,-i? Mr? Leslie carter, th" act re??
w?s held '.-:?'r!iv ar the offlc? "' N A l-.-eatise,
referee in bankruptcy, si ?'?"1 l'i0 Proa,?way Bev.
r-il rr?dltor? tppeared by attorney?, bui no claim?
nere proved, an.l n? the schedule? dlscloeed no
.,..,. ws? no! appointed Her liabilities
:,??* y. 771 Mr? Carier ? I* ' r' presen?
e --
Aihar.v. iv?,- "r*..?Th* following ?tock eonpantefl
wer?, incorpr,rated ?o-d?y:
Manhattan Hygci? Ice '**mr"i?? ot New-Teek
r m capital, $-?"?.""?? Director? Henry H?ncken.
j,.hn Aloen Biedilander and E J l?uhin.
Fuller Pure reed Company, ol Sew-York Pity;
.; twyfita Directors Rolph Worm?. John P.
\i rphy, ?. M Brooke, ? ?'. Ctlcktoil ami J. B.
Fkk n.ak'.np Powd?r ?'ompany. of New-York ."Ity:
I .,. ??,,,,?,? Director?-.! ? Butler 0 I" Town
send Bernard Saumberg, William Dougherty and
w un'?m M fit iry
\t'aa Minns a id Trading Company, of New-York
, ?? ?[.?,: *f*o,000 Directors !?: C Martlet?, A.
Bmlth, John Slcrder and ?"haries j Mc?
The t.-xl?le workers of
f ! River Mae? rie.? :*>
t| it ,-itv a.,, preparing m ask for a repeal of ?he
?]<? per cent reduction in wage? made in the early
I ? of me y.,.r The Teatlle Council has adopted
n reaoluiloi tl ? I ? ? m? haa rome to begin action
for a ? tee It wag?*? ea It think.- the igltat
... .,,., ?.. f ,r. ihr ?I-sire : r. ?
obtained Th?? ifeneral reduction ??f wageB
wiiicii was mad?- ..ur ? v,.;ir ..?o affected more
? , (Went) flV? thousand operative?. In the Fall
River cotton mills
Worcester Masa Dec M !" Bf Moen, ireae?
urer and general manager of th* W ishburn A M ?
Manufacturtna Company, states positi vet) that
II ii corporation I? nor connected in anv f..rm with
any trust or cumhlnatliiii of ?ui> kit ?'
TO si rry.pit j ***. KRABI '">
Formal ann..un.'.-ment wt? male yeeterday 'hat
Valentine ??. Bnyder, at prsBeni rtce-presldenl of
the Western National Rank, would assupie the
preBldency of thai Institution early In the coming
>ear succeeding .lohn ? Bearleo, whose resigna?
Hon a? prealdenl was announced a week or two
? '. Devery last night rlalted ?he precincts in
the BorouKh of Rlehmond ?m a tour of inspection.
Th? ?rief croeeed >,ver the ferry from the Battery
atioiit ? o'clock tn bis new coupe A policemen In
plain clothe? drove 4 ?patlkliiK team
.11 si It ,".?" SELF RE\ Elfs \{. I PHFI H.
The Appella?.- iHvisioti of -h?? Supreme Court
yesterday handed down a decision nrrirmlng ?n or?
der of Justice ?"ohen ?. ? sting ? previous order
made hy hltn?e|f In ,hp t|r,t .?rder .Is ??.,. .'.?hen
committed Mr? (?ill? I! Kean, sa alleged lunati.?,
to the ?,??? Island Rome, .?? the petm,,,, f,f t,?,l
?hand Jemae Egan 8iit.?e.|ii?n?iv habeas corpus
proceedings wer* Inetltuted, and rustl.?hen
reraied lit? -.wn order on Iba ground thai mat?*Hal
ppllcatlo ,
.? " ? ??? ?*-_??? ' li ? G G?> ? <* "
*.(.?? r..?ii.....|, auppr? sed ? th? firs- applies!
t?.? Appellala WrUloa hoMa that ihe -Tuatl?
for every purpOBe of Iacea ami gauzy nota,
of stripe? nn?1 ins-rtions. nf nifl1r*B ;ind rlailoe*
now kt ?????? ini nansa iu i?r?.??*?*.
Striped Bagdad Portieres
$5.00 a pr.
(reduced from $E.~>0.)
(three yards long; Oriental colors and
Your intrrest la to boy ertletk ind well made
furniture, it need not ?>?* expenilre; all snrta
roilu?????! before Block-taking. ?
"Long Credit" provide? for Imm-Miat?' <*?p??
104 106andl0?mstl4*St
BrooKWtr Stones: ?Tatbutfi Av. near Riftort SL
(_\m\\q \o \Vve _emaTvA far
tvpacc viv Wz SwrvA-^ *?TV_\xrve,
?*?d?6T\\.seT? xpvVV cowfar a
qrea\ fa-or Vr? sexv?vTvq vt\
Wveir ccrp^ a\ Wt earWes^
perfectly right in vacating the order. Such sum?
msry commitment? BhouM he gamut only when ?jb
stantlsl Injury may lo caused by delay. If essen?
tial rudi arc suppreseH. ? regular hearinc should
be held, aa reojilred hy law. The order appealed
from is affirm??.!
e. a w.
A Whipped Scam Cuff.
E. ? W.
far", tvnrrv and anxiety nh!t?n the hair too
euri?. R.n.? it. with rARKKR'S HAIR ll.U.r-'.MI.
HIXDERCORNB, the best r : ?? f - corn?. 18 et?.
5'inr'se 7 i?'? 5un?-t 4.43 Btooe r.??? p m s 3ft Mee?*? ??? ??
H T?". H W ? G?? ??-G AV.
A M Bandy Book B 33 Oer. l?larid t*:*? Hell ?',??. p 2*.
P.M.- I?? H Bi ?? ?'?'
I.'lir.d pi 13 ???'?1 Ost? 12 '"?
?" ???.
Ve?jel Krem. ??,
B,iten? - .... I.I?'? .?-?'?. ?Ve 21.w>i.? ???*
('???ar.Amsterdam, Peornh.r l?l.
Karltrutie.Hrem?n. G'??? 1?. NUL '
1.Isi nffCI'y.Swansea, ???- ie.Brl?t
.Hamburg Pe?? ??.Html ? ??
Cli ?!? ? . ImsleMem. I ??? 17 i?
Hekls.nirlstiensend, Dee If..
Paris..Southampton, Dee 24 .kmerleen
Hull. Dec 1??.'?
n ? re Dee 24.Fr-? h
A'imnla. Liverpool Pec 24
I* (lancign?
Borle .
?. ? torli
Ut\ ?-?? ol, Der sa. ...
.; ' ? iitsr Dee 1?> ?
11?.? re. pee 2.1
.rt"h1?e 5 ar
Buenaventura .Ne? Orleans, ?-? 28.M?r**n
T<"> PAT.
\>??e1 For Line.
? ... I mill-?). Quebee
?? Napll ? O Llrtjrd ..
? ? ? ? ; ? ? C ? ? ?
, ?, erp ? I, . vi-. ird
i.i Normandie Havre r"r?nch
Kaiti <???-?? Vessel ?? ?
10 ... , ;~ . ..
...,.)., ,,, ti ?,? ? m
10 "O im 12.'
6'?ijm 8 moa ai
7 ??<) a. m 1?) ??> a m
PMIadelpl ? - ' li'sn, etc. n?d P..u ????t? 1 on r rn
? u?? G. .tterd,- Holl v????'
t no ? m i?? ??? *
c nt Waahtnitoe Havane N TaYCufaa n? "><> \ m ? on i?
TUE8DA1 , ???1 \PT 3
K 'W't. der Or???? Bremen, N O Lloyd 15 Offn I '?) pe
Al??!!?'-., 'v.ip Panama .12:00m ?nope
All nquln Charleston, flrde .?- ?...-pm
???t op \fT-? fORK. FRIPAT DECEMBER Mli Is*?*
Bteemer KnlBhi Bachelor iBri Fr-ggan. Lente? n?
ncrrhe? 11. in hsllSSt t th? \e?S Y''irl< Bnlpping ? t
I ai ? ? 1 it 12 '..'? a ?
t ? Ini '?'?? le, Bourabeya November X
. mg ?. Tegel ? ? -il ? ???? ?r 1 '.'?I-re 1
?are Breakwater SB, ?rith ?ugar I
fr- ?G.-. \r-i?. ???: a? t.':? Bar a* 1 I
Steam? - avertili! ? Hr) W lgl< ? Bou ratta va Ori * 23
r.:*ir^e.,n .??, tegal ."". ?'< ?-???.?,;?.? November II. Pei ?? '?
.-. ..? du Perei -? '?> and ?<?'?????t? Breakwater 28
?. ? ?ugai ? Barber A- C* .t?rr??.^ ?? the Fil? ?t ?
?st^?mer faprl iO??r), Bamb'isch R1? JawHre Pecember
II nd Bl rith mdee ? Bd; ? * ,v
\. ir at T a m ?
Steamer Vlg ? I ? - v. r? mit December 27.
Prorresn 24, Havana -?'?, ? th ?4ee *r. ? IS ri..?r?e'?
t- Jam?i r ?\? d _ ?' Arrived n ih? Bar ??? ? *" ? -"
Ktesmer Jam? ? .wn Boa ? ? ?' ?nd Sewr ? Neera
* il h rri'l?. ar??! |W?n|rrs In < il i 1 ' II I Bl '
Bteamer Alamo, ?? ?. ?? ?? .? ? , ? ? v?t?
Ion A Co
r'.indi H k. ? J, Dee .lo. 0 M r G'. ttit I ? ' " *,
Ughi ? loudy.
?t??m?r? Paula lOer) for Flushing Kansai
Bristol; Mvrtledene ?Bri Asoree ete; ?.? ? ? ? .
?? r ???? ? Her .??'.. Semana; Karan H
.>... .1 ? l?r.iap' .'ier?. Hrem?n. Or?n.??
'. ? ? . lid ' v " '.k und ?'?? ?
? toman. ? ? ?r?e?ton mM .!?.-?- , ?
wi k. Kansas ? t) .-??.?.-? Bei ' ? r Phlla4el|
Loadoe. De BO Ball ?. steamer Hewfcee i???? (Brt WoU
g , ? ? ?.-. s \
.,,;?.? De- .irt. Arri? ed ?teein? r f?
.Tami.? ??. Ne? Tork
ir?. ? Head ? ??? ?? Pasead .'??.?.?r Oerri ' '?
m ? nstr? v- - *
.??'.??. ???. \? ?!, ???H'rier [AlCSnla ' !"?.
McKay S>? Tork fnr Liverpool isn.1 pn ?-?'?
Liverpool, Pee 80 Hailed ???,.???? " ?? ? ?_???
??'' ?, ? ? "1 h
Poyar, Pec :;'? Passed, ?teart.er I<nl*ar1a ??".?? Beh?? It,
Hambu g for > r-Torl
1,1. - ' 80 Passed ??earner P.?.'.??:'?te
iter im f ???? Ne? Y < .)<
. ?B c.i. ' ?teamer Bl ? let (Bri T rtaj
_-, \.r . steamer Ver r, ?n-? HuteBIMo?,
Ne? X . n.?
t... ?,,. Bailee, steamer l'r^-.ac ?t?-?
Ander? r. \.?\ Y .'Vi . _ _,
Uaard t'??- '?" Paased stesti n ?? ?- - ? ' '' v
? Ne? '? rw r r . stlanla ete; i"?ha ?a??,
,efk? Ne? Tnrk foi ?ntaen
30 Passed, ?'??mer Ht Um . ?
? H?, pugh New Yorh ' ? ?ntwerp
Pungenrs? D? 80 Passed, steamer Ratium ???
? Sen I rk fni ?. ? I ?? ? , .
??.? ? ll-.i.l. Dec 29 Passed, ??earner Pmnsylvenle
(?ieri dplledl Ne? Y^ik f.r llatnt.ute.
P - ,.. Rm Oec 80 Passed, ?'e?m?r K.n.rit'e tOert,
Tholra New York for H?i , , , ?__?
??s Balled, messi Isles fnaifl
?mSnde i" 21 Arrived, eteemer Delke Bleheseee
(Her) Ruh)? Ne? fork via lAtpenhegea.
M,... .... ?.. .??... irrlved prevlouely, steamer ? '"??
?Ur.. Raj N< ?? Vork
Hamburg I" -1' Belled steemer Bulger!? '?*?'?
? V.?? Y rl< -jfc
U?bon D?? 24 Belled, steeme? y .?? 'G-?p. ? en?
^''w Torti _. ?. . t. ,?\
Opart?? Dee 2? Balled, steeemr Don? Mart? ?-???.
New-Torti .,__
-]?, ^.., j .,.r ??: Arri-?1 ?'?attier Y'ienn? lAUall I *'
.. , > rk ria Marse Ile? ?te ttth. .ailed ???
? ia? ? Ht ' 'su M New Y lira
- Dee 27 \nu-1 m?.n'.??. f?ndhlll '" ?VII
Inn,?. Haltimore vi? *?.*??? v rk fat Boml>a> ?te 'for .?"??,
rt?no? P? 2: Balled ???,?.? AlMtla ,Rr. \V'?r1?.
??? T .W
Napias l'e ?? Bailed, ?teamer '.ms ?Oen Barra???
?ir. ifror ???? ??. ?fe? Y "k fei '*,lbr?li?r
^? M ? ?? . Pe.? '.?? Arri? I. ?teetner Asph ??? ?Br?.
K .iiiialtnr for Kew York ifr,r ? ? ?:", ???:??.
-? rvmatli iBri Ru)men. Ve? YVrk
? ?i>e ??.,? n,? Arrived ?tesmer Indranl Bi
Ne? Ynk vl? Slneap.'e. ??
siiin?h?i. Pec 2* ,n -i st*emer ?
Fili? V??-Ynrk il? Blnsapor? '"r Y'..keh?ir?a
?antis, Dec "' ?> ?i ''-.?ier iHn Quiaiee.
New s n,a arrlied ??-am.r )'..'. Bri Nerleee Me?
Harbed)?. P* 2* Bail??!, ?teamir Hlidelrand iRrl.
rt; myson. Nc**-?:rl_

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